June 2015 - United Hebrew Congregation


June 2015 - United Hebrew Congregation
Congregation Achdut Yisroel
Established in St. Louis in 1837
First Jewish Congregation West of the Mississippi River
June 5, 2015
19 Sivan 5775
Volume XCIV No. 10
Shabbat at UH
Join United Hebrew Congregation and
the St. Louis Jewish Community at
*Note: The Summer Shabbat Service Time
of 6:00 p.m. begins May 29.
St. Louis PrideFest
Friday, June 5 - 19 Sivan 5775
5:15 p.m. – Shabbat Nosh
6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Service
June & July Birthday Blessing for Children
June 27 & 28
Saturday, June 6
9:00 a.m. – Torah Study
9:00 a.m. – Bat Mitzvah of
Morgan Rose Shostak
Daughter of Stacey and Grant Shostak
11:00 a.m. – B’nai Mitzvah of
Max Joseph & Samuel Richard Wild
Sons of Marla and Jim Wild
Friday, June 12 - 26 Sivan 5775
5:15 p.m. – Shabbat Nosh
6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Service
Saturday, June 13
9:00 a.m. – Torah Study
10:30 a.m. – Bat Mitzvah of
Skyler Emily Smith
Daughter of Nicole and Brian Smith
Friday, June 19 - 3 Tammuz 5775
5:15 p.m. – Shabbat Nosh
6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Service
7:00 p.m. – “Baker’s Delight” Oneg
Birthday Blessing for Adults
Saturday, June 20
9:00 a.m. – Torah Study
10:30 a.m. – B’nai Mitzvah of
Garrett Mitchel & Spencer Pierce Kessler
Sons of Nancy and Marc Kessler
Friday, June 26 - 10 Tammuz 5775
5:15 p.m. – Shabbat Nosh
6:00 p.m. – Shabbat Service
Saturday, June 27
9:00 a.m. – Torah Study
10:30 a.m. – Bat Mitzvah of
Abigail Brooke Komen
of Marnie and Scott Komen
Soldier’s Memorial
Pride Parade
Sunday, June 28
begins at 12 noon
June is Pride Month for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
community. During the final weekend in June, the community comes together for
PrideFest, a festival in Soldier’s Memorial Park with a parade on Sunday.
United Hebrew Congregation will be joining with other St. Louis Jewish
organizations and congregations to participate in St. Louis PrideFest to
demonstrate Jewish support for diversity and inclusion!
Volunteers and Parade Marchers Needed!
Walk in the Parade: Join us in the St. Louis Pride Parade on Sunday, June 28. On
Sunday at noon, we’ll be walking together to demonstrate that our communities are
open to all who wish to join us. We’ll send you more details as the event nears as
to where and when to meet. The parade is about a mile long and is considered
“family friendly” - this is a fun activity to do with your kids. To sign up to walk with
UH and the St. Louis Jewish Community, please contact Cori Neidenberg at
314-434-3404 or cneidenberg@unitedhebrew.org.
Staff the Jewish Community Booth at PrideFest: We need people to staff the
booth on BOTH Saturday and Sunday. We’ll have information about Jewish
organizations where members of the LGBT community can find a welcoming
environment. We’d like for 2-3 people to work together for 2.5 hour shifts. If you
would like to volunteer to work at the “Jewish Community of St. Louis” booth at
some time during the weekend, please visit http://vols.pt/D5hhg1
Purchase the United Hebrew “LOVE, UNITY, DIVERSITY, PRIDE”
t-shirt at store.unitedhebrew.org
JUNE 2015
JUNE 2015
Rabbinic Reflections
"There are no problems, only opportunities
for growth." – Rebbetzin Dena Weinberg
Lori Palatnik says of this great quote, “It
gets me through almost everything. It
frames a situation not as something
overwhelming that is impossible to solve,
but as a puzzle that can be worked out,
and the process of working it out is where
real growth takes place. As soon as you
reframe from "problem" to "opportunity,"
you pull down the covers, get out of bed, pull up your boot
straps and rise to the occasion. No one wants problems, but
who doesn't want opportunities?”
In thinking about what to share for this month, this great quote
and explanation sums it up. There has been a lot going on at
UH over these past few months. We are in the midst of two
employee searches, one for Executive Director and the other
for our Director of Early Childhood Engagement. Both searches
are going well and I have high hopes that we will find two
terrific people to join our incredible UH family over the next
month or two. I would be remiss, however, if I did not stop
and take the time to thank our staff for being patient and for
stepping up and taking on extra duties during this period of
transition. Lexie Goldsmith, our president, has gone above and
beyond, helping to make sure we are moving forward, and she
does so with a smile on her face. Of course, I thank those of
you who have volunteered your time during this transition,
helping on a Friday night or Saturday morning, or a day of the
week when we have needed extra hands and eyes to help usher
people in and out of our building, and those who are serving
on our two search committees. This has been a great reminder
of what a wonderful community we have here at UH.
And yet, while we are in transition, we keep moving forward –
seeking new opportunities for growth and ways to strengthen
our community and celebrate together.
What are we doing? In addition to our monthly adult birthday
blessings on the 3rd Shabbat of each month, we have now added
anniversary blessings. If you are celebrating a wedding
anniversary during a particular month, we invite you to come
and be blessed. It doesn’t matter if you have been married for
1 year, 7 years, 21 years or even 65 years, all wedding
anniversaries are special and deserve acknowledgement and,
most certainly, a blessing! There is no need for a special call to
arrange it; just show up, fill out the slip of paper at the usher’s
table and we’ll bless you!
Mi Sheberach Shawls. We have had a wonderful group of
women who have been knitting beautiful shawls/lap blankets,
into which we have put the Mi Sheberach, prayer for healing.
These shawls are meant for anyone who might need some
warmth, some love, some strength wrapped around them
during a difficult time – surgery, treatment, etc. If you know of
anyone who would appreciate one of these shawls, please call
and let us know. If you knit and would like to join us in this
endeavor, helping to bring a little hope and light to someone
who needs it, you can call Cori Neidenberg for more information
or begin knitting – the shawls are approximately 20” x 56”.
They can be any color, any type of yarn. Just drop it off at UH
and we will put the blessing in it and give it to someone in
need of a healing touch.
Finances. As we talk about problems vs. opportunities, we
have been seeking out and applying for grants. We have been
blessed over these past few months to have been awarded
funds to help us improve accessibility in our building and also
build on the spirit of our congregation. (Take note of the box
below to see what we have been awarded)
Summer Challenge to Religious School Students. At the end
of the year siyyum (celebration) I challenged each of our
students to think about the teaching – Al Shlosha Devarim –
the world stands on three things – Torah (learning), Avodah
(doing) and Gemilut Chasadim (kindness). I asked them to do
three things this summer – 1. Learn something new, 2. Do
something Jewish, 3. Do something to make the world a better
place. Any student who takes on this challenge has been asked
to send me an email, a note, a picture – telling me what they
did, so that we can honor them for helping the world to stand!
There are so many opportunities that lay before us. There are
so many ways, that together, we can continue to build upon
the incredible history and legacy that we have here at United
Hebrew, and make it a more vibrant, stimulating congregation
for now and for the future.
My door is always open, my email and phone always available.
Please share with me your thoughts, your ideas, the ways in
which you think we can create new opportunities for making
UH the best it can be.
I wish each of you a summer of growth and incredibly, wonderful
The St. Louis Jewish Community Inclusion Initiative $5,000 awarded for new Assistive Listening Devices.
The Yom Ha’Atzmaut Micro Grant - $2,000 awarded for the
GaGa Tournament, funded by the Lubin-Green Foundation.
The Staenberg Anything Grant - $1,200 awarded to go
toward the purchase of Imagination Blocks for the
Saul Spielberg Early Childhood Center.
Hillman Scholarship Grant - $2,000 awarded to help
families with tuition, funded through C.A.J.E.
Young Jews in the Lou Micro Grant - $600 awarded from
The Jewish Federation of St. Louis. Administered by
The JCC Federation of Community Development.
JUNE 2015
From Learning to Living
The summer weather has come and children
are enjoying the long warm days on a
break from school. Isn’t that what summer
is about? Taking a break… a long “sabbath”
(so to speak) from all things structured?
The idea of the sabbath – a complete rest –
is a powerful and necessary one. God
instituted this mandatory day of rest in
order that each life (humans, animals and
even the land) has a chance to refresh and
renew each week (or each 7th year for the land). God knew
that we could not be expected to work continuously, without a
break, and that we needed a time to step back and rest and
reflect. Of course, this sounds not only reasonable, but a pure
delight. Unfortunately, finding and taking that time can be a
bit more of a challenge. How can we slow down, take some
moments for ourselves, and permit ourselves the opportunity
to refresh?
Instead of stepping outside of structure, I am going to suggest
that you try stepping in to structure… the structure of Shabbat.
Imagine a Friday afternoon, finishing up with work or picking
the kids up from camp. You drive, dressed as you are for the
day, to United Hebrew and enter the building. You are greeted
as you enter and the smell of delicious food entices you toward
the auditorium. You fill your plate and your glass. You sit
down at a table and introduce yourself to people seated with
you. You engage in conversation while your body is nourished
by the food you eat. A few minutes before the service begins,
you rise to join in the blessing over the candles and wine as we
begin to usher in Shabbat. You move with your community to
Ongoing Daytime Classes
Shabbat Morning Torah Study
Cantor and Rabbis
Saturday mornings (Spielberg Chapel) 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Sustenance for the mind and body are ever-present at our Shabbat
morning Torah study sessions. No prior knowledge of the Torah
portion or ability to read Hebrew is necessary. Each week we will
explore the portion for that Shabbat and discover intricacies of the text,
discuss lessons for our lives today, and wrestle with questions.
Breakfast is served at 8:40 a.m.
June 6
June 13
June 20
June 27
Torah Portion
Shelach Lecha
Triennial Cycle Verses
Numbers 8:1 - 9:14
Numbers 13:1 - 14:7
Numbers 16:1 - 17:5
Numbers 19:1 - 20:21
Amateurs of the Great Assembly
Cantor Eichaker
(formerly known as “Biblical Analysis”)
Thursdays (Library)
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
JUNE 2015
our worship space. Through song and words, you immerse
yourself in the opportunity to relax and refresh. You hear
words of Torah uttered in context of our modern lives and you
reflect upon their meaning for you. You observe a baby being
welcomed into the covenant by receiving her Hebrew name or
a couple being blessed on sixty years of marriage. You clap
and sing along or close your eyes and allow the music to reach
your soul. You stand to utter the name of a friend for whom
you offer prayers of comfort, strength and healing. You join
with your community in remembering the loved ones whom
death has taken. You breathe in deeply and can exhale with
prayers for peace. You wish “Shabbat Shalom” to your neighbor.
It is still light outside as you head out the door. There may still
be more to do on your schedule, but in the short time you have
entered into the sacred space of nourishment for body and
soul, you are different. You have made the time and permitted
yourself a moment to rest and to reflect. You have begun your
May this summer be filled with opportunity for rest and
relaxation and may you give yourself the gift of “Shabbat”.
*And you have the chance for more nourishment of body and
soul on Shabbat morning! Join us on Saturday mornings at
8:40 a.m. for breakfast nosh, followed by Torah Study from
9:00 – 10:00 a.m. and our Shabbat Service at 10:30 a.m.
It’s not too late!
Religious, Hebrew and Chai
School Registration
Early bird registration may be over, but there’s
still time to register. Check your email for a
link to the registration form or find it on the
UH website, www.unitedhebrew.org.
Late fees will be added after July 1!
Inside this Issue
St. Louis PrideFest…………...…………………..……......cover
Welcome Home Shabbarbeque.…………….….….back cover
Coming Soon: We Want Your Feedback………..…..….....p. 2
Programs/Classes……………....….…………...…...p. 4, 10-11
Youth..…….………………………………..…...…….........p. 6-9
Mishkan HaNefesh Dedication…………….….…………..p. 12
New! Wish List/Gift Registry……………………………….p. 13
Contributions………..……..…….....….……….……....p. 14-15
Perpetual Memorials.............................……….........…..p. 16
Announcements…………………………....….…...p. 3, 15, 17
President’s Message
Preparations for High Holy Days in
Progress. While many of us are looking
forward to the more carefree days of
summer, camp and family vacations,
preparations for the upcoming High
Holy Days are keeping everyone busy at
UH this season. We are anticipating the
arrival of the new Rosh Hashanah and
Yom Kippur prayer books next month
and want to make sure that you are
aware that two learning sessions are scheduled to introduce us
to the new prayer books. Please mark your calendars for a
Lunch ‘n’ Learn on Saturday, August 22 at 12:30 p.m., and/or
a dinner program on Saturday, September 5 at 7:00 p.m. (prior
to the Selichot Havdalah and service).
Prayer Book Dedication Opportunities Still Available.
Many thanks to all who have already dedicated sets of the new
High Holy Day machzor, Mishkan HaNefesh, in honor or
memory of a loved one, or as a gift to mark a special occasion.
Your dedication of $54 per set will receive a commemorative
nameplate in one set of books. As you recall, UH will now
keep the prayer books in house. Please see details on page 12
of this issue or contact the main office at 314-469-0700 for
more information.
Executive Director Search Continues. The search committee,
chaired by UH Vice President, Steve Guller, has held several
“Skype” interviews with candidates from around the U.S. over
the past several weeks. We expect to invite the most qualified
candidates for on-site visits to United Hebrew in early June.
The process will continue as long as necessary to find the right
candidate to serve as our new Executive Director. Please do
not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Early Childhood Engagement Director Search Underway.
A 13-member search committee, chaired by Matt Holt, UH
Board Secretary, has been conducting “Skype” interviews to
evaluate qualified candidates for a new director. The position
is posted on several job sites. All applicants, whether local or
from outside our community, will follow the same process. If
you or anyone you know is interested in learning more about
the position, please encourage them to visit the Jewish Federation
of St. Louis website for the job description, qualifications and
application instructions. Here is the link:
In Appreciation. As the school year ended last month, we
offer a special note of appreciation to those who served in
voluntary leadership roles. Thanks to Leah Weingartner,
who served as chair of the SSECC Parent Board over the past
two years, while her twin daughters attended preschool; and to
the entire UHTYG Board, who served as leaders for our high
school youth group! Special thanks to Focus Israel UH for
sponsoring the Israel Shabbat service and film for Israel
Independence Day. We also wish to thank the UH Brotherhood
for sponsoring the Casino Night and Chili Cook-Off in late
April. What a great evening of casino games, delicious food
and spending time with old and new friends, all to raise funds
for UH youth programs!
More Dates to Remember. Be sure to make plans to join us
as UH marches with the St. Louis Jewish Community in the
Pride Parade on Sunday, June 28; our Senior Recognition
Shabbat service and luncheon on Saturday, July 25 and our
Welcome Home Shabbarbeque on Friday, August 14. The first
Shabbat Alive! with Rick Recht for the next school year will
take place on Friday, September 11. Want to keep on top of all
the events at UH scheduled throughout the year? Check out
our online calendar at:
Do you have questions about UH? Several people commented
that they enjoyed the Q & A section provided in a couple of
recent columns. If you have a question about the congregation
you’d like to see answered in this space, please send it to me
at president@unitedhebrew.org or give me a call. We are
always here to listen to your thoughts.
Wishing you and your families a wonderful summer!
Adler Video
Please patronize our advertisers and tell them where you
saw their ads. Their support makes it possible to publish
this Bulletin at a significant savings to our congregation.
Our thanks to Adler Video and all of our advertisers.
Additional advertisers are always welcome.
JUNE 2015
Early Childhood Education
Saul Spielberg Early Childhood Center End of the Year Picnic
Congratulaons to the Shalom Class of 2015
Jackson Alter
Leah Brodsky
Eli Esses
Lily Gellman
Ellie Glaser
Charlie Goldstein
Kai Green
Miles Heller
Olivia Lauter
Rona Packman
Rachel Shyres
JUNE 2015
Molly Wallis
Abigail Weingartner
Jenna Weingartner
Youth Engagement
NFTY:UHTYG is excited to announce the 2015 Board:
Zoë Rosenberg
Programming Vice President
Megan Rubenstein
Social Action Vice President
Alex Dubinsky
Membership Vice President
Ethan Guller
Communication & Visuals Vice President Noah Prelutsky
Fundraising Projects Coordinator
Josh Hylan
The year is wrapping up swimmingly. A huge set of
congratulations are in order for members of the UHTYG for
winning the best chavurah of the year with the Winter
Convention here this past January. We appreciate all the
volunteer help and hard work of our members in helping to
win this prize!
Even more exciting (yes, even more), United Hebrew has two
new members of the 2015-2016 NFTY Missouri Valley
Regional Board. Jake Flom will be serving as the Membership
Vice President, while Jennifer Heiman takes over as second
in command of the region as the Programming Vice President.
Now that June is here, we wish our Israel travelers and Jewish
Summer Camp campers an amazing summer experience. United
Hebrew is sending almost 20 folks to Israel and 85 to Jewish
Summer Camps including GUCI, 6 Points Sports Academy,
Camp Sabra, Ben Frankel and more! United Hebrew clergy
and staff will be heading to a few of the camps this summer.
Keep an eye out, say hi and enjoy the swag. If you have not
The Duck Pond
told Jessy which Jewish overnight camp you will be attending,
give her a call or send an email, so you can be on the swag list.
At the city wide teen Israel Independence Day - Yom Ha’Atzmaut
celebration, over 100 high schoolers from NFTY, BBYO, USY
and more joined together for a great evening (11 youth groups,
12 congregations and 23 members of United Hebrew). During
part of the program, we made boo-boo bunnies for our sister
city of Yokneam. We look forward to bringing those items
personally to Israel this June on the…
Fifth St. Louis Israel Bound Trip! H. Lee will be heading to
Israel for three weeks, leading 20 high schoolers from UH, SE,
TI, B’nai Amoona and Kol Rinah along with four other staff
members. We will be traveling from North to South and East
to West, hitting the whole of Israel. Our trip goals include
developing personal connections to the idea of Jewish people,
understanding the Jew who chooses Judaism in a secular
Jewish environment, learning independence, exploring what it
means to be a Jewish American, connecting with young Israelis
and having personal growth from the physical, intellectual and
spiritual challenges of the trip. Rising sophomores, mark your
calendar, next summer – Israel! Follow along with our travels
on social media sites.
Check out the website – www.unitedhebrew.org/tyg - or contact
the Director of Youth Engagement and
Youth Groups Advisor, H. Lee Rosenberg
by phone, e-mail, Facebook, Instagram or tweet:
314.469.0700 x265 h.leerosenberg@unitedhebrew.org
Facebook – Nfty Uhtyg; Instagram and Twitter @uhtyg
Pictured below, is the 2015 NFTY:UHTYG Board members.
Alex Dubinsky, Ethan Guller, Noah Prelutsky, Josh Hylan, Megan Rubenstein, Zoë Rosenberg
JUNE 2015
Mazel Tov to our B’nai Mitzvah
June 6, 2015
9:00 a.m.
June 6, 2015
11:00 a.m.
June 6, 2015
11:00 a.m.
June 13, 2015
10:30 a.m.
June 20, 2015
10:30 a.m.
June 20, 2015
10:30 a.m.
June 27, 2015
10:30 a.m.
Morgan Shostak: For my mitzvah project, I had a lemonade and cookie stand to raise money for the ALS Association, which is a nonprofit organization that helps fund research and patient services for ALS. ALS stands for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou
Gehrig’s Disease. It is a neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. This project has special meaning
for me because a family friend passed away from ALS in his early thirties. I take pride in knowing that my mitzvah could make a
difference in the lives of those suffering from this terrible disease.
Max Wild: For my mitzvah project, I organized our team, Sammy’s Wild Ones, for the Walk Now for Autism Speaks Annual Walk. This
year I organized a virtual team which allowed me to volunteer at the walk. Our team had 20 participants and raised over $3,200 for Autism
Speaks. As a volunteer I worked at the Kids’ Corner applying temporary tattoos and helping make crafts.
Today, 1 in 68 children (1 in 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls) are diagnosed as having an autism spectrum disorder. Autism Speaks’ goal is to
change the future for all who struggle with an autism spectrum disorder. They are dedicated to funding research into the causes, prevention,
treatments and a possible cure for autism. Autism Speaks strives to raise public awareness about autism and its effects on individuals,
families and society.
Skyler Smith: For my mitzvah project, I organized a leotard donation through my training center, FlipSide Gymnastics. 38 leotards were
denoted to Leftover Leo's, a non-profit organization based out of Texas. They will sell the leotards to kids that are not as fortunate to be
able to afford new ones.
Garrett Kessler: I am collecting items for AFA Academy (Action For Autism Academy). These items include art supplies, sensory items,
gift cards and books. My friends and family will be helping me create bimah baskets with these items for my Bar Mitzvah.
Spencer Kessler: For my mitzvah project, I completed the Derech Mitzvah program along with volunteering and fundraising for Action
For Autism. For the Derech Mitzvah program, I completed “13 mitzvot,” some of which included reading the book, The Boy In The
Striped Pajamas, as well as watching the movie, attending Jewish Weddings, as well as two brits, and I volunteered to help elderly
neighbors with shoveling snow last winter.
I have also been very involved with the organization Action For Autism for many years. I am involved with the Parkway Central Middle
School Student Council program and was able to orchestrate a “hat day” which collected money for Action For Autism. I have also
planned a volunteer day for the student council members to visit AFA Academy and help with special projects around the school.
Abigail Komen: I decided to participate in the Derech Mitzvah program for my Bat Mitzvah. So far, the most meaningful mitzvah has
been donating clothes that don’t fit me anymore to the AKS, American Kidney Society. A couple other things I’ve enjoyed doing include
mezuzah and affixing it to my bedroom door and making a painting representing my Torah portion.
Mazel Tov to our Graduates!
Stephen Alter, son of Michael and Tracy
Alter, graduated from Marquette High School
and will be attending the University of
Arkansas in the fall.
James Fox, son of Rick and Karen Fox,
graduated from Lafayette High School and
will be attending New York University in
the fall.
Rebekah Poscover, daughter of Michael
and Randi Poscover, graduated from
Parkway Central High School and will be
attending Indiana University in the fall.
Aliyah Becker, daughter of Ed Becker
and Cindy Becker, graduated from Whitfield
School and will be attending St. Louis
University - School of Nursing in the fall.
Matt Frischer, son of Phil and Helene
Frischer, graduated from Parkway Central
High School and will be attending Indiana
University in the fall.
Samuel Schellenberg, son of Joe and
Laura Schellenberg, graduated from
Parkway Central High School and will be
attending Southeast Missouri State University
in the fall.
Joel Broddon, son of James Broddon and
Lisa Broddon, graduated from Parkway
Central High School and will be attending
the Missouri University of Science and
Technology in the fall.
Matthew Gibbs, son of Ron and Julie
Gibbs, graduated from Parkway Central
High School and will be attending the
University of Missouri - Columbia in the fall.
Michael S. Cohen, son of Allan and Susan
Cohen, graduated from the University of
California - Los Angeles with a Ph.D. in
Cognitive Neuroscience.
Jacob Hunter Collins, son of Jim and
Allison Collins, graduated from Eureka
High School and will be enlisting in the
United States Marine Corps - Linguistics/
Intel Division in the fall.
Molly Allison Dicker, daughter of Ricky
and Dani Dicker and Sheri Schneider
Dicker, graduated from Parkway Central
High School and will be attending the
University of Missouri - Columbia, intending
on majoring in computer science and
marketing in the fall.
Natalie Michelle Dicker, daughter of Ricky
and Dani Dicker and Sheri Schneider
Dicker, graduated from Parkway Central
High School and will be attending the
University of Missouri - Columbia, intending
on majoring in political science in the fall.
Seth A. Edwards, son of Jeffrey Edwards
and Shelley Edwards, graduated from
Parkway North High School and will be
attending St. Louis University in the fall.
Mia Feldman, daughter of Buddy and
Beth Feldman, graduated from Parkway
Central High School and will be attending
the University of Missouri - Columbia in
the fall.
Corey Fox, son of Allen Fox and Robin Fox,
graduated from Parkway Central High School
and will be attending the University of
Missouri - Columbia in the fall.
Sarah Gieseke, daughter of Ron and
Jeanne Gieseke, graduated from Visitation
Academy and will be attending the University
of Colorado - Leeds School of Business in
the fall.
Lauren Goldstein, daughter of Eric and
Michelle Goldstein, graduated with distinction
from the University of Kansas - William Allen
White School of Journalism and Mass
Communications with an emphasis in
Strategic Communication and a minor in
Global and International Studies with a
focus on the Middle East.
Jaime Arin Gottlieb, daughter of Ted and
Caryn Gottlieb, graduated from Parkway
Central High School and will be attending
the University of Missouri - Columbia in
the fall.
Andrew Kaiser, son of David and Sharon
Kaiser, graduated from Parkway Central
High School and will be attending the
University of Missouri - Columbia (Honors
College) in the fall.
Shira LeDeaux, daughter of John and Amy
LeDeaux, graduated from Wharton School
of the University of Pennsylvania with a
BS in Economics with concentrations in
Finance and Real Estate. She will begin
work at Blackstone in New York this summer.
Ben LeDeaux, son of John and Amy
LeDeaux, completed a year-long US State
Department program in Shanghai, China,
and will be attending the University of
Chicago in the fall.
Elliott Shevitz, son of Mark and Kelly
Shevitz, graduated from Ladue Horton
Watkins High School and will be attending
Ursinus College in Collegeville, PA, to play
lacrosse and study sports management in
the fall.
Evan Sundermeyer, son of Susan
Sundermeyer, graduated from Parkway
Central High School and will be attending
Drake University in the fall.
Justin Wallis, son of Barry and Amy Wallis,
graduated from Parkway Central High
School and will be attending Indiana
University - Kelley School of Business in
the fall.
Melanie Wasserman, daughter of Ed and
Marla Wasserman, graduated from Parkway
Central High School and will be attending
Miami University - Ohio in the fall.
Lauren Weinstein, daughter of Bob and
Susan Weinstein, graduated from the
University of Wisconsin - Madison with a
BS in Education.
Daniel Wieder, son of Rich and Cathy
Wieder, graduated from Marquette High
School and will be attending the University
of Missouri - Columbia in the fall.
Lexie Winter, daughter of Jeff and Julie
Winter, graduated from Parkway Central
High School and will be attending the
University of Missouri - Columbia (School
of Journalism) in the fall.
Stephen Yoffie, son of Barry and Leslie
Yoffie, graduated from Parkway Central High
School and will be attending Washington
University in St. Louis in the fall.
Jack Lieberman, son of Scott and Andrea
Lieberman and Pamela Super and Tim
Kramer, graduated from Parkway Central
High School and will be attending the
University of Missouri - Columbia in the fall.
* The graduations listed here are ones that were reported to us after requesting the information in earlier editions of HaMakor.
JUNE 2015
What’s Happening
If you are 70 years or older,
please join us for a
Join United Hebrew Congregation
Israel Adventure with
Rabbi Brigitte Rosenberg
Senior Recognition Shabbat
December 25, 2015 - January 5, 2016
honoring YOU!
A few tour highlights: This family Israel tour will
cover Israel’s many wonders – Jerusalem, Lake
Kinneret and the Galilee, Golan Heights, Masada,
the Dead Sea, Tel Aviv and the Mediterranean
Coast. Your senses will be filled with the life,
smells, tastes, sounds and textures of modern
Israel, along with an apprecia.on of the
connec.ons of our Jewish roots and biblical
Saturday, July 25 at 10:30 a.m.
Millstone Sanctuary
Shabbat Morning Service with a
special blessing for our seniors.
Kiddush lunch immediately
following the service in
the Messing Auditorium.
Be our guest - no charge!
To RSVP, please contact the education office
at 314-434-3404 by Tuesday, July 22.
Please contact Rabbi Rosenberg with any
ques.ons or for trip costs and a more
detailed i.nerary at 314-469-0700 or
The Chili Cook-Off and Casino Night was a big hit! Winners of the Chili Cook-Off
were: Ted Gottlieb (1st place) and Mike Bauer and Barbara Halpern (tied for 2nd
place). They each received “golden hot mitts” and bragging rights for the next year.
Thanks to the evening’s dealers: David Bass, Phil Frischer, Ken Ring, Gary Stein,
Steve Goldsmith, Ben Shapiro, Rabbi Roxanne Shapiro, Alan Raymond. Sponsors
for the event included: Ted Gottlieb, Steve Laiderman, Albarre Jeweler,
Steve Guller, Steve Goldsmith, Larry Weinberg (Accounting Career Consultants),
Barry Yoffie, Rindskoff-Roth Funeral Homes, Berger Memorial, Ram Roofing,
Jerry Rosen and Alpine Investments. Organizers of the event were: Mike Bauer,
Jim Susman, David Halpern, David Bass, Alan Raymond, H. Lee Rosenberg,
Harry Liebman and Jerry Rosen. The event raised money for camp scholarships.
JUNE 2015
What’s Happening
Join us on Wednesday, June 10 at 12 noon in the Messing
Auditorium for the next movie in our Wednesday Matinee
Film Series, Loving Leah. A quirky love story revolving
around the unexpected wedding and unconventional married
life of a 26-year-old widow and her late husband's brother, a
handsome 30-year-old cardiologist. Leah Lever (Lauren
Ambrose) is married to an orthodox rabbi whose brother Jake
(Adam Kaufman) is a non-practicing Jew. Jake is stunned
when Benjamin dies suddenly, but not as stunned as when he
is told that, under an ancient Jewish law, he is expected to
marry the childless Leah to carry on Benjamin’s name. The
only alternative is to go through a ceremony where Jake must
deny his brother’s existence. For Jake, that is unthinkable, so
impulsively he suggests to Leah that they get married and
maintain a secretly platonic relationship. Loving Leah is a
heartwarming story with moments of gentle humor.
Lunch preceding the film will include hot dogs and hamburgers,
potato chips, the UH house salad, fresh fruit, dessert and
popcorn. Cost is $7 for United Hebrew members and $8 for
For reservations send a check payable to United Hebrew
Congregation, Attn: Patty, 13788 Conway Road, St. Louis,
MO, 63141. For more information, call Patty at 314-434-3404.
School is out for summer, but we are still collecting
for Backpack Buddies. The teachers of Hanna
Woods Elementary School have volunteered to deliver the
backpacks filled with food to the homes of the students. What
an amazing group of teachers! The backpacks are appreciated
so much by the families that are involved. Thank you to
everyone who has donated food and their time to this special
We are always in need of the following items. All items
should be non-perishable, easy to open (cans with pull-tops)
that are ready to eat so there is no “cooking” involved.
- 100% juice and non-refrigerated milk/chocolate milk boxes
- Oatmeal (box with individual packages)
- Single serve boxes of cereal - Canned soups and chili
- Canned vegetables
- Apple sauce and fruit cups
- Pasta with meat
- Individual snacks
- Chicken and tuna kits or pouches
Please bring donations to UH and put in one of the large red
bins by the sanctuary entrance or in front of the school office.
The next program for the Monday Seniors group will be held
on Monday, June 22 at 12 noon in the Messing Auditorium.
We will be welcoming the MUNY Kids back to United
Hebrew for an afternoon of song and dance.
Prior to their performance, enjoy a lunch consisting of
everything salad including tuna and egg salad, pasta salad,
four bean salad, fruit salad, the UH house salad and
more! The cost to participate is $8.00 per person. To RSVP,
send a check payable to United Hebrew Congregation,
Attn: Patty, 13788 Conway Road, St. Louis, MO 63141, by
Wednesday, June 16. For more information, call Patty at
June is National Safety Month
Each year, between May and August, there are
more than 500 unintentional-injury deaths due to
heat exposure. Approximately 1.3 million new
cases of skin cancer are diagnosed annually. An
estimated 25% of car accidents involve cell
phone use while driving. Car accidents are the
#1 killer of teens. More than 30% of all car accident fatalities
involved a driver under the influence of alcohol. Healthy
eating can reduce your risk of the 3 leading causes of adult
death: heart disease, cancer and strokes.
Focus Israel UH again sponsored the Yom Ha'Atzmaut Shabbat
evening which was a wonderful success with approximately
275 attending. The nosh, prepared by Debra Grund and her
volunteers, was a delight, as was the delicious dessert oneg
after the service. Thank you, all!
During the service we heard from several members of our
congregation. Rabbi Rosenberg read a letter from Fanchon
and Harry Auman, in which they expressed their warm
thoughts about their recent trip to Israel. We also heard from
Corey Fox and Matt Frischer, two of our youth group
members who attended the AIPAC Policy Conference this
past March in Washington D.C. They came away from the
conference with their strong feelings for Israel and the Jewish
people bolstered, as they made clear through their thoughtful
answers during a Q & A session with Rabbi Rosenberg. Our
sincere thanks to the Aumans, Corey and Matt for participating
in this special Shabbat.
The service concluded with the singing of Hatikvah. We then
moved into the chapel for a viewing of a short documentary
about the Ayalon Institute where, in its Kibbutz days, a secret
bullet factory operated to help win Israel's War of Independence
67 years ago. Thanks to Eva and Fred Ashner for the film and
to Fred for his introduction in which he explained his familial
ties to this dramatic history. The documentary is available
from the Millstone Library (at United Hebrew).
JUNE 2015
Introducing Our New High Holiday Prayer Books
United Hebrew will introduce our new High Holiday prayer book this year. Mishkan HaNefesh (Sanctuary of the Soul), the Reform
movement’s new machzor for the Days of Awe, features inclusive, gender-neutral language and blessings to meet the contemporary
needs of today. This is the first comprehensive update to the Reform machzor in 40 years.
Mishkan HaNefesh will be published as a two-volume set, with a gold cover for Rosh Hashanah and a silver cover for Yom Kippur.
We are proud to be the first St. Louis congregation to adopt this new prayer book.
United Hebrew Congregation has purchased and will store the High Holiday prayer books. Each year, we will put the machzorim
out for the High Holy Days, and then store them afterwards. If you wish, you may purchase your own set of the new High Holiday
machzor in the UH gift shop, Unique Treasures. However, to help defray the cost of the new prayer books, we are offering a
unique gift-giving opportunity to dedicate a set of the new machzor for only $54. A bookplate will be placed in the dedicated
books and a tribute acknowledgement will be sent.
A dedication makes a lasting and meaningful gift. The dedication of prayer books may commemorate events such as births, b’nai
mitvah, weddings, anniversaries, graduations, confirmations, birthdays, etc. Loved ones may also be memorialized. It is our hope
that each United Hebrew family will sponsor the cost of at least one set of High Holy Days prayer books.
For more information, or to make a contribution, please contact Marsha Kunin at 314-469-0700.
New High Holiday Prayer Book Dedication
Dedicated by: _______________________________________________
Phone: _______________________
(as you would like it to appear on the bookplate)
Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________
This Gift Is:
In Memory of
In Honor of
(one bookplate per set)
Number of Sets Dedicated:
1 ($54)
2 ($108)
3 ($162)
4 ($216)
5 ($270)
Other Amount __________________
Payment Method:
Check (returned with form)
Credit Card
payment in full must be received at time of dedication
Circle One:
Account Number: ____________________________________________________________________________
Expiration Date: ______________________________
Security Code: ________________________
Name as it appears: __________________________________________________________________________
Billing Address: _____________________________________ City, State & Zip: ________________________
Please increase my/our payment by 3% to cover credit/debit card processing fees.
Thank you for your contribution to United Hebrew!
to United Hebrew Congregation, 13788 Conway Rd.,
St. Louis,
JUNE 2015
United Hebrew Wish List/Gift Registry
Below you will see opportunities to fulfill a “wish” of United Hebrew. The wishes are anything from Shabbat Nosh sponsorship to
scholarships for Religious School students to anything else that our congregation needs. Please remember that while annual
membership dues cover a portion of our expenses, they don’t cover all of our needs. Your philanthropic support is critical to us!
With your support, if you’d like, we will include your sponsorship in the “Many Thanks” section on the “Announcement” page of
our monthly HaMakor Bulletin. All contributions are placed directly toward the selected area(s).
***The full “wish” amount is NOT required to make a contribution towards the Wish List/Gift Registry.***
Shabbat Nosh: $200 (full sponsor) or $150 (co-sponsor)
Contributions received will go toward the sponsorship of
Friday evening Shabbat Nosh so United Hebrew may continue to provide the excellent array of food everyone has come to enjoy.
To be a named sponsor of a Friday evening Shabbat Nosh is $150-$200. Any donation level is appreciated to help defray the costs
to put on this weekly feast.
Torah Study Breakfast for One Saturday: $20
Contributions received will go toward the purchase of breakfast
for our Torah Study each Saturday morning. Any donation level is appreciated to help defray the costs.
Youth Group Dinner: $50 - $100
Contributions received will go toward the purchase of dinner for
our weekly Youth Group Lounge Nights. Depending on the attendance and food purchased, it costs between $50 - $100 per week.
Temple Tots Program for One Month: $280
Contributions received will go toward the costs of hosting the
Tuesday Temple Tots program each week. Any level of donation is appreciated.
Scholarship for One Religious School Student: $250
Contributions will go toward one scholarship to a Religious
School student. Any level of donation is appreciated to help defray the cost for a congregant family who is not be able to afford the
entire cost of religious school.
Supplies for One SSECC Classroom: $150
Contributions will go toward the cost of supplies for the Saul
Spielberg Early Childhood Center. Any donation is appreciated to help defray the costs of SSECC supplies.
Food for Backpack Buddies Program for One Week: $150 Contributions will go toward the cost of food for the Backpack
Buddies Program, currently serving 30 under-privileged children in the Hanna Woods Elementary School.
Coffee/Tea for One Week: $90
Contributions received will go toward the purchase of coffee/
tea for our Coffee Bar in the Rabbi Howard G. Kaplansky Center. Any level of donation is appreciated.
Electricity for One Week: $2,000
Contributions received will go toward the electric bill for United
Hebrew Congregation. One week of electricity at United Hebrew costs $2,000. Any level of donation is appreciated.
Landscaping and Beautification for One Month: $1,750
Contributions received will go toward the landscaping and
beautification of the UH grounds. This includes lawn maintenance, snow removal, tree/bush trimming, etc.
New Website for United Hebrew: $7,000
Contributions received will go toward the purchase of a new
website for United Hebrew Congregation. Any level of donation is appreciated.
Internet/Phone Service for One Month: $600
for United Hebrew. Any level of donation is appreciated.
Contributions received will go toward the internet/phone bill
Building Maintenance for One Week: $2,100
Contributions received will go toward the maintenance costs.
This includes janitorial, set-up of programs, etc. Any level of donation is appreciated.
Bus for Youth Group Event: $300
Contributions received will go toward the travel cost for our
Youth Group events/conventions. Any level of donation is appreciated.
Bus for Youth Group to Mizzou and Camp Sabra: $900
Contributions received will go toward the travel cost for the
Youth Group to go to Mizzou and Camp Sabra each year. Any donation level is appreciated to help defray the cost.
One Set of Miskan HaNefesh: $54
Contributions received will help fund the cost of the new machzor
(High Holy Day prayer book), Mishkan HaNefesh. Please see opposite page for details.
To fulfill one or more the wish list items, please visit our website at www.unitedhebrew.org or bit.ly/uhpay or mail your payment
along with the details of your contribution to United Hebrew Congregation, Attn: Gift Registry, 13788 Conway Road, St. Louis,
MO 63141. For more information or to make your contribution by phone, please contact Katie in the main office at 314-469-0700.
Thank you for your contribution to United Hebrew!
JUNE 2015
Brasch Building
Maintenance Fund
*Bob Gummers’ Retirement
Sue Feldman & Family
Jo Ellen & Len Rubenstein
Jerry & Rosalie Brasch
*Stanley Fagin
Irv & Ileane Fagin
Jerry & Rosalie Brasch
*Morton D. Silverstein
Evelyn Silverstein
Building Fund
*Bob Gummers’ Retirement
Merle & Marty Oberman
*Birth of Grandson,
Pierce Dean Klein
*Speedy Recovery of Elliot Leon
Ivy & Michael Klein
*Stanley Fagin
Gloria Ruben
Clergy Discretionary Funds
*Naming of Grandson,
Dylan Joseph Virgin
Fran & Jeff Pollock
*Stanley Fagin
Roz Gad
*Rick Beldner
Karen Beldner
Ada & Frank Friedman
Youth Group Fund
*Bob Gummers’ Retirement
Alan & Iris DeWoskin
*Stanley Fagin
*Janet Jaffa
Alan & Iris DeWoskin
General Fund
*40th Wedding Anniversary of
Susan & Sandy Becker
Ellen Taylor
Susan & Steve Miller
Elaine & Barry Silver
Karen Beldner
*Bob Gummers’ Retirement
Madeleine Kreysar
*60th Wedding Anniversary of
Henry & Shirley Kraus
Herbert & Adrienne Sobelman
*Speedy Recovery of
Cookie Epstein
Evelyn & Frank Ginsberg
*Steve & Lexie Goldsmith
Guenter Goldsmith
*The Flotken Family
Being Honored by AJC
Lexie & Steve Goldsmith
*Speedy Recovery of Irl Baris
Karen & Todd Siegel
JUNE 2015
Honor & Celebrate Your Family, Your Friends, Your Temple
*Speedy Recovery of Roz Gad
Lillian & Jack Bolozky
*Special Birthday of Ellie Kassoff
Norma Koslow
*Harriet Mintz
Ellyn Rosenblum & Tom Self
*Stanley Fagin
Nan & Mike Suffian
Barbara & Barry Wolkowitz
*Donald Bauer
Amy & John LeDeaux
Jablon Youth Fund
*Stanley Fagin
Paul Steinberg
Stanley Laiderman Fund
*Bat Mitzvah of Danielle Essman
*Engagement of Sara Rush &
Jeremy Wirth
Lorraine Laiderman & Family
*Stanley Fagin
Steve & Tammi Laiderman
Lorraine Laiderman & Family
Sammy Sanders
*Adelaide Katz
Wilma Levin
Lew & Cheryl Levey
Volunteer Recognition Fund
*Naming of Dorothy Maer’s
Sue Feldman
*Stanley Fagin
Sue Feldman
Dorothy Maer
Library Fund
*Bob Gummers’ Retirement
Dorothy Maer
*Stanley Fagin
Marilen & Jordan Pitler
Sandra & Marvin Ginsberg
*Esther Sacarowitz
*Rick Beldner
*Dr. Ted Krupin
Dorothy Maer
*Louise Rascovar
Sandra & Marvin Ginsberg
Perry & Shirleen Mehlman
Camp Scholarship Fund
*Bob Gummers’ Retirement
Marilen & Jordan Pitler
*Engagement of Kevin Bauer &
Dina Layzis
Jim & Abby Susman
*Jeanne Becker
*Stanley Fagin
*Niece of Nancy Novack
Betsy Mehlman
*Janet Jaffa
Jim & Abby Susman
United Hebrew Brotherhood
*Donald Bauer
United Hebrew Brotherhood
Memorial Fund
*Bessie Ukman
Michael Ukman
*Frida Weiss
Martin Weiss
*Bea Tulper
Bev Golder
*Clarice W. Friedman
Don Friedman
*Donald Bauer
Laura & Steve Olson
*Stanley Fagin
Karen & Gene Willner
Roz & Sid Stein
*Mother, Sarah Rae Gallop
*Max Gallop
Nancy Novack
*Father, Zusman Bensky
Sylvia Zveitel
*Barbara Liberman
*Fannie Bernhardt
Irv Bernhardt
*Mother, Ruth Elkins
Suzy Elkins
Roberta Goran & Family
*Husband, Father, & Grandfather,
Howard Frank Lachman
Rita Lachman
Maxine, Shawn &
Shaun Hayden Berens
*Shirley Alter
Alyce Alter
*Brother, Harold Berger
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Brimer
*Husband, Irvin J. Zeid
*Mother-in-law, Clara Zeid
Marian Zeid
*Daughter, Teri Lynne Stern
Norman Steinback
*Sophie Berman Starr
Gloria Starr
*Cynthia Gladstein Perrone
Cheryl Banashek
*Mother, Nancy Bolozky
Lillian & Jack Bolozky
*Anna Kantor Fishman
Joyce Berger & Family
*Florence Beldner
Karen Beldner
*Father & Grandfather,
Robert Loomstein
Susan Nathanson & Family
Don & Gwynn Loomstein & Family
*Husband, Father & Grandfather,
Sanford Nathanson
Susan Nathanson & Family
*Joseph Kodner
Fred & Antonia Kodner
*Wife, Lenore S. Rosen
Isadore B. Rosen
*Husband, Arthur Feldman
*Mother-in-law, Sadie H. Feldman
Lee Feldman
*Gerald L. Satz
Martin Satz
*Barbara Lieberman
Mitch & Lynda Baris
*Mollie Davis
Joyce Davis
*Melvin Gad
Roz Gad
Lori Levine
*Brother, Maury Wolkowitz
Chester Wolkowitz
*C. Lloyd Spell
Leona Spell
*Teri Stern
Ronna & Brad Steinback
*Aaron Bernstein
*Ida Dubman Bernstein
Stephen Bernstein
*Rick Desloge
Ruth & Don Solomon
*Samuel S. DeWoskin
Alan & Iris DeWoskin
*Laura Friedman
Marshall Friedman
*Lila Schlesinger
Steven Schlesinger
*Jerome Brody
Jo Ellen & Len Rubenstein
*Father, Herman Super
Richard & Sandi Super
*Alan Kray
Goldie Kray
Joel Kray
*Patricia Routman Eder
Goldie Eder
*Jan Pollack
Ellen & Roger Sarver
*Lynne Levin
Wilma Levin
*Adele Oglander
Marilyn Oglander
*Rose Hyman
*Burt Holtzman
Eleanor & Myron Holtzman
*Janet Jaffa
*Donald Bauer
Susan & Craig Silver & Family
*Husband, Harold Comess
Ione Comess
*Annette Barnett
Barbara Platzer (z”l)
*Mother, Carol Flotken
Judy & Bryan Babitz
*Jack Spewak
Virginia Spewak
*Eleanor Mathes Steinbach
Julian Mathes
*Ruth H. Melnik
Marc & Michelle Stone & Family
Helen C. Millstone
Music Fund
*Bob Gummers’ Retirement
Eleanor & Myron Holtzman
*Stanley Fagin
Kathy & Mark Lebedun
Barbara & Norman Wolff
Eleanor & Myron Holtzman
*Stanley Fagin
Merle & Marty Oberman
Marlene & Bob Gummers
Stephanie, Andrew & Alexa Verga
Larry & Elaine Amitin & Family
Jerry & Fran Goldberg
Susan & Sheldon Beck
Don & Susan Siegel
*Father & Grandfather,
Irvin Meer Baum
*Mother & Grandmother,
Frances Frieda Bly
Rita Lachman
Maxine, Shawn &
Shaun Hayden Berens
Morris & Birdie Potashnick
Educational Fund
*Rabbi Roxanne Shapiro &
Torah Study
Ruth Engman
*Stanley Fagin
Ted & Adele Jagust
Prayer Book Fund
*Stanley Fagin
Michael & Sheryl Bauer
Phyllis & Stanley Cohen
*Janet Jaffa
Paul & Fran Kravitz
Raskas Technology Fund
*Bob Gummers’ Retirement
Dan & Debbie Raskas
Saul Spielberg
Early Childhood Center Fund
*Bob Gummers’ Retirement
Linda Wallace
*Speedy Recovery of
Elaine Spielberg
Susan & Alan Flom
*Speedy Recovery of
Delores Ettlinger
Robin & Larry Pevnick
*Jake Flom’s Election to
NFTY Regional Board
Ted, Julie & Joey Flom
*Stanley Fagin
Nancy & Denny Motchan
Bob & Nancy Jo Sterneck
Robin & Larry Pevnick
*Rick Beldner
Mandy Rubenstein
Barbara Benkof-Bianco
*Janet Jaffa
David & Nancy Graviett
*Father & Grandfather,
Sanford Nathanson
*Grandmother, Sylvia Loomstein
*Grandfather, Robert Loomstein
David & Karyn Klein & Family
*Linda Rosen
Christopher & Stefanie Virgin
Fran & Jeff Pollock
Honor & Celebrate Your Family, Your Friends, Your Temple
United Hebrew Cemetery
Perpetual Care Fund
*Stanley Fagin
Sherilyn & Barry Krell
Susan Allison
*Nathan A. Buffen
Larry & Iris Buffen
*Mother, Jeanette Zetcher
*Father, Nat Zetcher
*Sister, Barbara Lowry
Ron Zetcher
*Max Gralnick
*Nat Zetcher
*Father, Charles Kraizer
Joy Millner
*Stan Feldman
Sue Feldman
*Sophie Berman Starr
Joan & Les Sherman
*Lila Schlesinger
Vicki & Steven Schlesinger
*Mother, Eleanor Rubin Kean
*Grandmother, Henrietta Kling
Sherilyn & Barry Krell
*Robert Alper
*Ben & Janet Alper
Ellen & Bruce Horwitz
*Carol Sue Friedman
Joyce Boonshaft
*Irving I. Lending
Family of Irving I. Lending
*Harold Greenberg
Linda Greenberg Howard
*Robert Kligman
Renee Goodman
*Husband, Nathan Ettlinger
Delores Ettlinger
*Morris David Goldstein
Robin Harris
Wolff Transportation Fund
*Speedy Recovery of
Harvey Cotlar
*Special Birthday of Norman Wolff
Betty Lehrman
Sylvia Zveitel
*Anniversary of
Shirley & Henry Kraus
Bonnie & Aaron Bernstein
*Stanley Fagin
Marsha Kunin
Alan & Eleanor Wolff
Betty Lehrman
Arlene & Stanley Citerman
*Jeanette Dobrowski
Shirley Seigel & Family
*Evelyn Rosenberg
Alan & Eleanor Wolff
*Mother, Sadie H. Feldman
Jean Dubman
*Father, Joseph S. Weinberg
*George Levin
*Buddy Diamond
Betty Lehrman
Remember Unique Treasures
For your Bridal Registry, Bar/Bat
Mitzvah Registry, Unique Tallit
And for Gifts of All Occasions
Monday - Friday 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Friday after Services
And by Special Appointment,
- Call Iris at 314-469-1556 or
Thanks to the St. Louis Jewish
Community Inclusion Initiative,
United Hebrew Congregation
has purchased six brand new
listening devices for any and
all of our congregants and
guests. These amplifiers are
available to be used in the
Millstone Sanctuary, Messing Auditorium and Spielberg
Chapel. The assistive listening devices can be used alone or
with any hearing aid. Please ask an usher, staff or clergy
member if you would like to borrow one of the devices during
a service or program at United Hebrew. We hope this makes
your time here more meaningful and enjoyable. For more
information, please contact the main office at 314-469-0700.
In June, the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food
Pantry is looking for these specific items in order
to provide well-balanced nourishment for the
community in need: any type of canned
vegetables, canned beef, chili, pasta with meat,
canned tuna fish and salmon, kosher food, peanut butter, toilet
paper, detergent and baby diapers.
Currently, the Jewish Food Pantry is feeding over 8,000
individuals per month. The need is great, so please help in any
way you can. Checks payable to the Jewish Food Pantry and
gift cards are also appreciated and can be mailed to Patty
Oswald at United Hebrew Congregation.
Items should be brought to the collection bins at UH. Thank you!
JUNE 2015
George Ezell
Celia Feldman
Gertrude Feldman
Harry Friedman
Flora Goldberg
Sam L. Goldenberg
Rose Goldstein
Arthur Z. Guller
Isaac Hiken
Beatrice Wallace Jacoby
Dora Sincoff Kaisel
Gertrude G. Kanter
Henrietta Katz
Clara Kraizer
Rose Madden
Edna Malen
Manne H. Mandel
Dr. Sydney B. Mathes
Jake O. Mathes
Samuel Mathes
Sigmund Merschen
Gerald I. Miller
Mary E. Millstone
Leah Moss
Dora Podolsky
Samuel Prelutsky
Lena Priwer
Ethel Quicksilver
Mariam Reznik
Gail Shanfeld Roodman
Marjorie Ann Rosen
Toba Sanders
David Julius Schwartz
Joseph Seigal
Max I. Shaer
James Sherman
Arlen J. Silber
Mollie Sobelman
Irving G. Soll
Sidney Stone
Ida Towerman
Rose Karpf Yaker
Samuel Zemliak
Ivan "Sonny" Altman
Shepard Arbetter
Norman Bailin
Helen G. Bearman
Rae Berger
Dora Berk
Ben Bierman
Fryda Bierman
Marvin Bierman
Howard Bennett Bodker
Stanley L. Boxerman
Gertrude E. Brown
Nathan Cohen
Chana Cranis
Max R. Davidson
Louis Diener
Jim Eder
Doris Ann Ellis
Rose F. Engel
Sally Sachs Enoch
Annie Frank
Frances Fredman
Isadore H. Friedman
Hannah Gimpelson
Fannie Satz Ginsberg
Nathan Golde
Sara Nancy Grollman
Ann Carleen Gudder
Albert A. Hoffman
Sam Hoffman
Flora Hurwitz
Dr. Marlin K. Jackoway
Esther Jacoby
Mary Lasky
Ben Lehrman
Alvin R. Lewin
Ida Mae Ludwig
Ben Merrims
Anita Meyers
Eva G. Moldafsky
Meyer Novack
Celeste Recht
Milton C. Ritzlin
Lottie Rodenberg
Martha Rosenberg
Goldie Seltzer Scallet
Albert Schneiderman
Berta N. Schwartz
Harry A. Seltzer
Elaine Enoch Siporen
Caroline Slupsky
Saedee Solomon
Harry Sorin
Dr. Phil Sosnoff
Jeanette Stein
Adelaide Stoler
Louis Towerman
Bertha Unger
Gabriel Wagner
Sam Weber
Lena Weinberg
Salome S. Zerman
June 19
Harry M. Abraham
Harry Appelman
Robert L. Aronson
Stanley Jerome Barasch
Beckie Baskin
Fern Bender
Julius Berger
Henrietta (Yetta) Birenbaum
Rose Blatt
Salomon Bornstein
Ben Bronson
Paxton Catlin
John Edelstein
Edna Feldman
Rae Friedman
Lillian Goldstein
Burnetta Roman Goorman
Joe Gordon
Elmer L. Hammerman
Israel Heifetz
Sophie Horckitz
Arline F. Iskiwitch
Anna Jackman
Michael S. Jackoway
Lillian Jacks
Lillian Jacob
Harriet Ruth Joffe
Sadye Engel Johnson
Goldie Kaiser
Mollie Kauffman
Evelyn Kraizer
Samuel M. Kramer
Abraham L. Levi
Fannie Lewis
Sherwin Malt
Al (Babe) Mariam
Lillian S. Messing
Charles Meyers
Geraldine S. Moss
Philip Munies
Harold H. Palkes
Max Pepper
Beatrice Tureen Preston
Leon Priwer
Ben Recht
Naomi L. Sachs
Eve Scheff
Samuel Schukar
Mayne H. Siegel
Bertha Silverstein
Julia Frank Thorpe
Henry Wagman
Samuel F. Abrams
Robert F. Allison
Walter Arnowitz
Samuel H. Berger
Jack Birenbaum
Martha L. Brasch
Sam Bronstein
Annie Morris Cohen
Phyllis Cohen
Joseph M. Davis
Fred Dubinsky
Bessie C. Feldman
Stanley O. Feldman
Sidney Bernard Fisher
Leo Frankel
Joel L. Gersmann
Paul Goldblum
Marshall J. Goldstein
Rose Sincoff Graber
Anna Gralnick
Ann D. Grossman
Leonard R. Growe
Irving Halle
Lester Harburger
Robert Hutkin
Hortense Jacobson
Sam Kanter
Myles F. Kessler
Margaret Kopf
Sylvia Krawll
Mary Laventhal
Dorothy Lee Lewis
Barbara Rubin Margulis
Marie Mayer
Paul P. Meyer
Augusta Morris
Jacob Niederberg
Leo Niederberg
Charles Portney
Bernadine Rotenberg
Rose Rothbarth
Harry H. Rubin
Mollie G. Russack
Joseph W. Shapiro
Minnie Shriber
Sade R. Silverstein
Charlotte S. Spielberg
Mary Ann Stein
Herman M. Stern
Donna Rothman Stone
Johanna R. Strauss
Morrie Tash
Davis Warshaw
Wilbur A. Winer
Alan M. Yedlin
Roberta Mae Zigler
June 12
June 5
Fern Weinstein Bergson
Sadye E. Bleich
Harry F. Blumenthal
Leo P. Brasch
Rose C. Brasch
Al Brimer
Marvin J. Brimer
Anna Quicksilver Cohn
Joseph O. Cremer
Lillie Ellman
Paul J. Ellman
June 26
Perpetual Memorials
Don Siegel Photography
On Friday, April 17, United
Hebrew Congregation proudly
honored Bob Gummers as he
retired as Executive Director
after 27 years of loyal service
and commitment to UH. The
clergy, along with 10 past
presidents and a full sanctuary
of congregants and friends,
blessed Bob during the Shabbat
Service. We all wish him well
as he enjoys more time with
his family, and especially, his
JUNE 2015
The congregation extends its sincere
condolences to the families of
Mother of Sheryl (Mike) Bauer
Newborn: To Scott and Shoshy Susman, a son, Adam Orson
Susman. Grandparents are Abby and Jim Susman and Dani
and Leon Shrago.
Father of Kelly (Suzanne) Klamen
Wife of Robert Platzer
Mother of Cynthia Becker
Mother-in-law of Ed Becker
Brother of Amy (John) LeDeaux
Sister of Jeanette Fishman
Because of space limitations, condolences are listed for
members and their immediate relatives. In addition, only
immediate relatives of the deceased who are members are listed.
Harriet Moore for sponsoring food baskets in honor of the
B’nai Mitzvah of her grandchildren, Dani and Benjamin
Harry and Lillian Gottlieb for sponsoring a Shabbat Nosh in
honor of the B’nai Mitzvah of their grandchildren, Dani and
Benjamin Gottlieb.
Charlene Schneider for sponsoring food baskets in honor of
the Bat Mitzvah of her granddaughter, Carsyn Schneider.
Nancy and Jerry Baum for sponsoring a Shabbat Nosh in honor
of the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Carsyn Schneider.
Jason and Kelly Hylan for sponsoring food baskets in honor
of the Bat Mitzvah of their niece, Lindsay Hylan.
Michele and Jon Wagner for sponsoring food baskets in honor
of the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Kylie Wagner.
Bob Groer for sponsoring a Shabbat Nosh in honor of the Bat
Mitzvah of his granddaughter, Kylie Wagner.
The food baskets are donated to the Jewish Food Pantry and
are very much appreciated!
The American Jewish Committee (AJC) honored the Flotken
family on Monday, May 4, at the agency’s 24th Annual
Netzach Award Presentation. The Netzach Award recognizes
families who exemplify the Jewish values of study, justice and
benevolence. The Flotken family - including Paul and Terry
Flotken and their children J.J. and Jill - have a long record of
commitment and service to the St. Louis community. Paul
Flotken has been president of United Hebrew Congregation,
the Federation of Reform Temples and Central Agency for
Jewish Education, and has served on the boards at Jewish
Federation of St. Louis, Jewish Center for the Aged, Faust
Park, Hebrew Union College and the Saul Mirowitz Jewish
Community School. Terry excelled at creating a nurturing and
loving home and volunteered at her children’s schools and
United Hebrew. Jill and her husband, Dr. Ben Crane, have
devoted their time to Camp for All Kids, United Hebrew, the
Deutsch Early Childhood Center, National Council of Jewish
Women, Spoede School and J Shalom Sesame. J.J. and Angela
Flotken have served in leadership roles with the Jewish
Federation, Clayton Century Foundation, Birthday Joy, Girls
on the Run, Big Brothers/Big Sisters and the Make-A-Wish
Foundation. AJC is proud to honor the Flotken family for
their leadership and values which continue to be passed on
l’dor v’dor, from generation to generation.
Twice a year, before Passover and Rosh Hashanah, employees
at the Western Wall in Jerusalem carefully remove hundreds
of thousands of handwritten notes placed between the ancient
stones by worshippers from all over the world and bury them
at the Mount of Olives.
JUNE 2015
JUNE 2015
at United Hebrew Congregaon
May 31
June 1
7:30 PM
Nar-Anon Meeting
6:30 PM
Whiteness Group
7:30 PM
Nar-Anon Meeting
12:00 PM
Matinee Film Series
7:30 PM
Circle of Jewish
Music Annual
7:30 PM
Nar-Anon Meeting
7:30 PM
Nar-Anon Meeting
12:00 PM
Senior Program
7:00 PM
Board of Trustees
B’nai Mitzvah Session
UH Music Circle
(formerly Adult Choir
11:30 AM
Amateurs of the
Great Assembly
6:30 PM
Whiteness Group
B’nai Mitzvah Session
UH Music Circle
(formerly Adult Choir
B’nai Mitzvah Session
11:30 AM
Amateurs of the
Great Assembly
11:30 AM
Amateurs of the
Great Assembly
3:00 PM
Book Club
B’nai Mitzvah Session
6:00 PM
Shabbat Service
July 1
9:00 AM
Torah Study
9:00 AM
Bat Mitzvah of
Morgan Shostak
11:00 AM
B’nai Mitzvah of
Max & Samuel Wild
5:15 PM
Shabbat Nosh
9:00 AM
Torah Study
6:00 PM
Shabbat Service
10:30 AM
Bat Mitzvah of
Skyler Smith
B’nai Mitzvah Session
UH Music Circle
(formerly Adult Choir
B’nai Mitzvah Session
5:15 PM
Shabbat Nosh
B’nai Mitzvah Session
UH Music Circle
(formerly Adult Choir
B’nai Mitzvah Session
11:30 AM
Amateurs of the
Great Assembly
7:00 PM
Israel Bound Meeting
Shelach Lecha
5:15 PM
Shabbat Nosh
9:00 AM
Torah Study
6:00 PM
Shabbat Service
10:30 AM
B’nai Mitzvah of
Garrett & Spencer
7:00 PM
“Baker’s Delight”
5:15 PM
Shabbat Nosh
9:00 AM
Torah Study
6:00 PM
Shabbat Service
10:30 AM
Bat Mitzvah of
Abigail Komen
Independence Day
11:30 AM
Amateurs of the
Great Assembly
12:00 PM
St. Louis Pride
Parade (downtown)
7:30 PM
Nar-Anon Meeting
JUNE 2015
B’nai Mitzvah Session
UH Music Circle
(formerly Adult Choir
5:15 PM
Shabbat Nosh
6:00 PM
Shabbat Service
9:00 AM
Torah Study
10:30 AM
Shabbat Morning
Administrative Offices - Clergy: (314) 469-0700
Fax: (314) 434-7821
Education & Program Offices: (314) 434-3404
Email: temple@unitedhebrew.org
Rabbi .................................. Brigitte S. Rosenberg
Rabbi & Director of Life Long Learning………...
…………………….……….Roxanne J.S. Shapiro
Cantor .................................... Ronald D. Eichaker
Rabbi Emeritus .................. Howard G. Kaplansky
Cantor Emeritus .................. Murray W. Hochberg
One Gudder Campus
13788 Conway Road, St. Louis, Missouri 63141
Director of Programming & Communication……
…………………………………Cori Neidenberg
Director of Youth Engagement...H. Lee Rosenberg
Director of Development & Membership……….
…………………...…………………..Amy Stone
Events/Kitchen Manager……...……Debra Grund
Assistant Musical Director .............. David Cohen
Gift Shop Manager……………..…Iris DeWoskin
Artist-in-Residence…………………...Rick Recht
President ...................................... Lexie Goldsmith
Vice President..................................... Julie Gibbs
Vice President................................... Steve Guller
Vice President.................................. Leslie Yoffie
Treasurer .......................................... Alisa Gordon
Assistant Treasurer ..................... Michael Ferman
Secretary ......................................... Matthew Holt
Our thanks to the Laiderman Family for their
generous donation to the United Hebrew
Endowment Fund to help support our Temple
United Hebrew Congregation serves the Jewish community of St. Louis as a
place of worship and learning with a welcoming community united in the
common Judaic spirit of Reform Judaism.
Friday, August 14
5:00 p.m. Welcome Home Shabbarbeque in the Messing Auditorium
6:30 p.m. Shabbat Service in the Millstone Sanctuary
Dessert Oneg following the service NO COST!
RSVP to Kae at kferry@unitedhebrew.org.
Last year, we had a
full house with more
than 450 people!
We look forward to
seeing everyone!
JUNE 2015

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