April 2016 - United Hebrew Congregation


April 2016 - United Hebrew Congregation
Congregation Achdut Yisroel
Established in St. Louis in 1837
First Jewish Congregation West of the Mississippi River
Volume XCV No. 8
Shabbat at UH
Friday, April 1 - 22 Adar II 5776
5:45 p.m. – Shabbat Nosh
6:30 p.m. – Family Shabbat Service
April Birthdays for Children
Saturday, April 2
9:00 a.m. – Torah Study
10:30 a.m. – Bar Mitzvah of
Russell Henry Liebman
Son of Scott and Nicole Liebman
Friday, April 8 – 29 Adar II 5776
5:45 p.m. – Shabbat Nosh
6:30 p.m. – Shabbat Service
Friday, April 22
Fast of the First Born Service, Study and Seudah
(Early) Shabbat Service
Saturday, April 23
8th Annual Shabbat St. Louis, Torah Study,
Shabbat/Passover Festival Service, Passover Kiddush
Second Night Passover Seder
Friday, April 29
Festival and Yizkor
Matzah Fry
See page 2 for more details.
Saturday, April 9
9:00 a.m. – Torah Study
10:30 a.m. – Bar Mitzvah of
Jacob Quinn Weinberg
Son of Larry and Nancy Weinberg
Friday, April 15 - 7 Nisan 5776
5:45 p.m. – Shabbat Nosh
6:30 p.m. – Shabbat Service
7:30 p.m. – “Baker’s Delight” Oneg
Birthday & Anniversary Blessings
for Adults
Saturday, April 16
9:00 a.m. – Torah Study
10:30 a.m. – B’nai Mitzvah of
Brian Charles Rubin &
Paige Rose Rubin
Children of Phillip and Sarah Rubin
Friday, April 29
Morning Shabbat Sing with SSECC.
Evening Shabbat Service.
Saturday, April 30
Young Family Shabbat Program with
Rabbi Rosenberg and Mama Doni
Lunch ‘n’ Learn
Sunday, May 1
Outdoor Concert (with food trucks)
See page 2 for more details.
Friday, April 22 - 14 Nisan 5776
4:30 p.m. – Shabbat Service
Saturday, April 23
8th Annual Shabbat St. Louis
9:00 a.m. – Torah Study
10:00 a.m. – Lay-led Shabbat Service
Friday, April 29 - 21 Nisan 5776
5:45 p.m. – Shabbat Nosh
6:30 p.m. – Shabbat Service
Saturday, April 30
9:00 a.m. – Torah Study
10:30 a.m. – Bar Mitzvah of
Benjamin Andrew Weiss
Son of Art and Lisa Weiss
Sheryl and Mike Bauer, Dave Cornfeld, Jill Crane
Cookie and Ed Epstein, Josh Essman, Ron Gieseke
Steven Toybes
Chai Society Dinner
See page 3 for more details.
April Activities
We are excited to announce that
Jewish Bluegrass Band
Join us for Passover!
Friday, April 22
 8:30 a.m. - Fast of the First Born Service,
Study and Seudah (festive meal) in the Spielberg Chapel
 4:30 p.m. - (Early) Shabbat Service
 First seder at your own homes
Saturday, April 23
8th Annual Shabbat St. Louis, Hosted this year by United
Hebrew Congregation
 9:00 a.m. – Torah Study led by clergy
 10:00 a.m. – Lay-led Shabbat/Passover Festival
Service, Passover Kiddush to follow
“With Outstretched Arms” is the theme of the 8th Annual
Shabbat St. Louis community worship service during Passover
Second Night Passover Seder
 6:00 p.m. - Designed for all ages. Led by Rabbi Rosenberg,
Rabbi Shapiro and Cantor Eichaker - in the Messing Auditorium
A delicious traditional seder meal, prepared here at UH, will
be served. It will include matzah ball soup, gefilte fish, brisket,
roasted veggies, honey glazed carrots, green salad and dessert.
Vegetarian option: seared Portobello mushroom layered with
quinoa and veggies.
Cost: $20 per adult (UH member)
$16 per child 3-12 (UH member)
$30 per adult (non-member)
$21 per child 3-12 (non-member)
Children under 3 – free of charge
RSVP to April at 314-434-3404 or ahickman@unitedhebrew.org or
you may register on our website at www.unitedhebrew.org.
Include with whom you would like to sit (if applicable) and if
you would like the vegetarian option.
Friday, April 29
 9:00 a.m. - Festival and Yizkor - in the Millstone Sanctuary
 10:30 a.m. - Matzah Fry - in the Messing Auditorium
April 2016
will be our Artists-in-Residence
right after Passover.
Friday, April 29
 11:30 a.m. - Shabbat Sing with Saul Spielberg Early
Childhood Center
 6:30 p.m. - Shabbat Service
Saturday, April 30
 9:00 a.m. - Young Family Shabbat Program with Rabbi
Rosenberg and Mama Doni
 12:30 p.m. – Lunch-n-Learn
Sunday, May 1
 11:30 a.m. – Outdoor Concert (with food trucks starting
at 10:30 a.m.)
Husband & Wife team Doni Zasloff and Eric Lindberg are two of the
most celebrated musicians in Jewish music today. Together, they make
up the two groups Nefesh Mountain, and The Mama Doni Band for kids
and families. For Doni and Eric, Nefesh Mountain is the place where
Jewish spirit and soul meet with Bluegrass and Old Time musical
traditions. Their music infuses American Bluegrass and Appalachian
sounds with Jewish spirituality and prayers. In The Mama Doni Band,
they bring their love for Jewish Tradition and Culture to a multitude of
musical genres, creating a rich, spirited, and fun experience for kids and
family audiences. In just the past few years their efforts have produced
3 Parents Choice Award winning CD's, a DVD, 2 Audiobooks, Cookbook, a
brand new picture book entitled "Sing-Along Aleph Bet" is coming in
2016 with Behrman House and Apples and Honey Press, and their debut
Nefesh Mountain CD is releasing in early 2016. Doni and Eric tour with
both bands throughout the US and UK performing over 100 dates each
United Hebrew Congregation
Chai Society
April 30, 2016
Sheryl and Mike Bauer, Dave Cornfeld,
Jill Crane, Cookie and Ed Epstein,
Josh Essman, Ron Gieseke, Steven Toybes
United Hebrew Chai Society Dinner
Please consider supporting UH by becoming a sponsor
or purchasing a tribute or business ad in the Chai Society Tribute Book.
8 dinner tickets & a full-page tribute or business ad in the Chai Society Tribute Book
2 dinner tickets & a full-page tribute or business ad in the Chai Society Tribute Book
2 dinner tickets & a half-page tribute or business ad in the Chai Society Tribute Book
2 dinner tickets & a quarter-page tribute or business ad in the Chai Society Tribute Book
(7.5” width x 4.75” height)
(3.5” width x 4.75” height)
(3.5” width x 2” height)
$36 Listed under a special banner congratulating Chai Society honorees.
In order to guarantee inclusion in the Chai Society Tribute Book,
all sponsor commitments, tributes and business ads must be received by Friday, April 15.
Please call Amy Stone with any questions at 314-469-0700 or astone@unitedhebrew.org
April 2016
Clergy Reflections
Our theme, for the year, at United
Hebrew, is “Proclaim Liberty Throughout
the Land”. Since the High Holy Days,
we have explored various aspects of
this theme through sermons, Lunch ‘n’
Learn topics, social action projects,
and in discussions. Coming this
month, we will explore this theme
deeper with Rabbi Jonathan K. Crane,
PhD. We are appreciative of the Fred and Ruzena Levy
Fund which is enabling this Scholar-in-Residence experience.
Rabbi Crane serves as the Raymond F. Schinazi Scholar in
Bioethics and Jewish Thought in the Center for Ethics at
Emory University. The immediate past-president of the
Society of Jewish Ethics, he has presented at conferences
and taught around the world on such themes as Jewish
ethics, bioethics, social and political ethics, warfare ethics,
eating ethics, comparative religious ethics and interfaith
relations, and Gandhian philosophy. He is also an author
and the editor of several books and the Journal of Jewish
Rabbi Roxanne J.S. Shapiro
Friday, April 15 – Saturday, April 16, 2016
Rabbi Jonathan K. Crane, PhD
“Human Rights & Dignity:
Judaic perspectives and concerns”
Friday Night Shabbat Service
“Problems of Dignity in Creation”
6:30 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Torah Study:
9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Shabbat Lunch ‘n’ Learn:
“Rights and Reasons”
12:30 – 2:00 p.m.
*Please rsvp to Tara Mann tmann@unitedhebrew.org
to serve as our Scholar-in-Residence. The
overall theme for his visit will be:
“Human Dignity: Controversies and Judaic Perspectives”.
On Friday evening, during services, he will speak on
“Problems with Dignity in Creation”. On Saturday morning,
he will lead our Torah Study on our Torah portion
Metzora. For our Lunch ‘n’Learn, Rabbi Crane will be
leading a session on “Rights and Reasons”.
We hope you will plan to join us for this Shabbat of
learning and discussion. We know how important these
opportunities for civil discourse are within our community
and beyond. Particularly now, in the midst of an election
year, we know that there are more harsh words and less
time taken to understand someone else’s perspective. In
focusing on “Human Dignity: Controversies and Judaic
Perspectives”, we, as members of this congregation, will
have the opportunity to look at the challenges and the
imperatives. We will have the occasion to discuss what
this means for us as individuals and as members of a
April 2016
United Hebrew Congregation
President’s Message
Our future is bright...just take one look
at our amazing youth! I'll start with
just a little bragging; each and every
one of our eligible youth group board
members received honors at their last
convention. No other congregation
achieved this level of recognition!
How proud are we?
Hopefully everyone pulled out their
tiaras and crowns for Purim last week. Did you know that
the NFTY UHTYG senior youth group planned and ran the
entire Purim Carnival to raise funds for their scholarship
program? (Quick commercial break, I do have to give a
shout out to our great event coordinator and three
volunteers for baking over 1000 hamentashen!)
The Camp Rainbow dinner organized by our youth was
tremendous. With a simple request for voluntary
contributions after a presentation delivered by the group,
funds in excess of $3000 was donated to the camp.
These amazing teens are currently planning a fundraiser
with a lofty goal. Many of the youth groupers visited the
pre surgery residential center SACH (www.saveachildsheartus.org/)
in Israel last summer. The story resonated with them and
they wanted to host a fundraiser for this organization with
the goal of raising $10,000 to fund a surgery to literally
save a child’s heart. As many of the youth groupers are
active, they hit upon the idea of organizing a 5K race. The
race will be held on Sunday, May 1st so let's show our
support for this incredible act of tzedakah. We can also
walk or run in the event for our own heart health as well.
Just to add a little credibility to this story, their advisor,
Lee Rosenberg did tell me that this group also has a lot of
fun! As an additional disclaimer, I do not have any children
in the youth groups!
May 6
Leslie Yoffie
Thank you to the following generous donors.
Or Ha Torah
Martin & Patricia Altman
Bob & Fran Balk
Jack & Lillian Bolozky
Stan & Denise Bunsick
Irene Fox
Lois Guller
Lewis & Cheryl Levey
Daniel & Debra Raskas
Robert Rosenthal
Jerry & Suzanne Sincoff
Michael & Alicia Tessler
Stan Towerman
Alan & Eleanor Wolff
Barry & Barbara Wolkowitz
Rick & Marcy Cornfeld
Harriet Felman
Mark & Jeniffer Rubenstein
Barry & Leslie Yoffie
Louis & Leslye Laderman
Steven & Tamara Laiderman
Hannah & Larry Langsam
Maxine Levy
Gary & Diana Rich
Gloria Ruben
Skip & Elaine Spielberg
Michael & Nanette Suffian
David Bass & Megan Matheny
Michael & Sheryl Bauer
Gregory & Tracy Berg
Dr. Kevin & Carol Blinder
Daniel & Emily Cohen
Ted & Evelyn Cohen
Dave L. Cornfeld
Benjamin & Jill Crane
Charles & Sheryl Feldman
Michael & Barbara Ferman
Paul & Terry Flotken
Richard & Isabel Goldstein
Robert & Susan Goldstein
Steve & Lexie Goldsmith
Gary & Bethe Growe
Matthew & Rebecca Holt
Sanford Jaffe
John & Susan Keyes
Martin & Francine Kravitz
Sandford & Babette Miller
David & Stacy Rolfe
Bob & Ellyn Rubin
Robert & Linda Saltman
Lawrence & Carolyn Satz
Dale Schwartz
Nathan & Barbara Simon
David Smith
Herbert & Adrienne
Edward Spielberg
Frank Spielberg
Richard & Linda Stein
Deane & Fancine Thompson
Art & Lisa Weiss
Richard & Catherine Wieder
Lee & Laurie Wielansky
The United Hebrew Scroll of Honor was established to honor
and recognize individuals and families who voluntarily
increase their annual commitment above and beyond the
Basic Annual Commitment Level. This strengthens our ability
to meet the needs of our congregants while preserving the
financial health of the congregation. We invite you to consider
becoming a Scroll of Honor participant or renewing your
pledge at one of the four levels listed below. Thank you for
your generous support.
April 2016
What’s Happening
UH Book Club: The Middle Step
Wellness and Fitness Class
The next UH Book Club meeting is on Thursday, April 7 at
1:00 p.m. in the Spielberg Chapel. We will be discussing
the book The Middle Step by Denise Pattiz Bogard. In
Bogard’s debut novel, Lisa Harris, a white, suburban woman, finds herself in deep despair after a series of
miscarriages and a failed marriage. Eager to embrace
parenthood in any way possible, she accepts a job as foster
mother in an impoverished area of North Saint Louis to
four little girls. Overwhelmed by the challenges of
parenting four troubled girls with a vastly different
background, culture, religion, and race, Lisa learns that
healing herself and healing others requires more than just
good intentions. Note that we will be meeting at an earlier
time because the author, Denise Pattiz Bogard, will be
joining us.
Join us on Monday, April 4 at 2:00 p.m. for an exciting and
fun 45 minute to 1 hour workshop with Joyce Hochberg,
who will lead an EASY and safe chair exercise routine to
fun upbeat music. Joyce, an experienced, certified dance/
exercise instructor, believes in the total body conditioning
approach to exercise and fitness. Chair exercises will
include arm movements, marching in place and relaxing
stretching. Exercising in a chair is safe with less risk of
losing one’s balance. No experience is necessary, just
come in comfortable, easy moving clothes and closed toe
shoes. As always, please check with your physician before
exercising. There will be light snacks and refreshments
following the exercise. RSVP by Friday, April 1 to April
Hickman at 314-434-3404 or ahickman@unitedhebrew.org.
Additional dates are May 2 and June 6.
The next book we will be discussing on May 5 at 1:30 p.m.
will be The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto by Mitch
Dinner and a Movie: Visions of Israel
You can join us for just one session if you like a particular
book or come to all of the sessions. There is no long-term
commitment necessary. So that we know how many people
to expect, RSVP to April at ahickman@unitedhebrew.org.
Matinee Film Series: Something the Lord Made
Join us on Wednesday, April 13 at 12 noon in the
Messing Auditorium for the next program in our
Wednesday Matinee Film Series for Something the Lord
Made. It tells the emotional true story of two men who
defied the rules of their time to launch a medical revolution,
set against the backdrop of the Jim Crow South. Alfred
Blalock (Alan Rickman), a cardiologist, leaves Vanderbilt
for Johns Hopkins taking with him his lab technician,
Vivien Thomas (Mos Def). Thomas, an African-American
without a college degree, is a gifted mechanic and tool-maker
with hands splendidly adept at surgery. In 1941, Blalock
and Thomas take on the challenge of blue babies and invent
bypass surgery. As Bialock and Thomas invent a new field
of medicine, saving thousands of lives in the process, social
pressures threaten to undermine their collaboration and
tear their friendship apart.
Lunch, preceding the film, will include oven crispy chicken,
lemon pepper fish, roasted broccoli, green salad, dessert
and popcorn. Cost is $7 for UH members and $8 for nonmembers.
Co-hosted by Focus Israel UH
Join us on Saturday, April 2 at 6:30 p.m. for a delicious
Israeli meal and a movie. Following diner, enjoy the PBS
documentary Visions of Israel. Make an aerial pilgrimage
to Israel, the world’s only Jewish state and Holy Land to
three major religions: Judaism, Christianity and
Islam. Witness the magnificence of the country’s many
holy sites, including the Western Wall, the Temple Mount,
and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, alongside exotic
seaside resorts and the austere beauty of the Judean
desesrt. With informative narration by Israeli American
violinist Itzhak Perlman and ethnic music, Visions of Israel
presents the natural and historical wonders of this sacred
The cost for dinner is $15 per person. Register by Friday,
April 1 online or by calling 314-434-3404.
Backpack Buddies
Thank you so much to everyone who made food and
monetary donations to Backpack Buddies during the
month of March. We appreciate your continued support
for this wonderful program. During the month of April, we
are especially in need of canned vegetables. Please bring
your donations to UH and put in one of the large red bins
in the chapel lobby or in the school wing. For more information,
please contact Cori at cneidenberg@unitedhebrew.org or
To RSVP, send a check payable to United Hebrew Congregation,
Attn: April, 13788 Conway Road, St. Louis, MO 63141, by
Monday, April 11. For more information, call April at 314434-3404.
April 2016
United Hebrew Congregation
What’s Happening
Adult Education Opportunities
Ongoing Daytime Classes
Shabbat Morning Torah Study
Saturday mornings (Spielberg Chapel)
Cantor and Rabbis
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Sustenance for the mind and body are ever-present at our Shabbat morning
Torah study sessions. No prior knowledge of the Torah portion or ability to
read Hebrew is necessary. Each week we will explore the portion for that
Shabbat and discover intricacies of the text, discuss lessons for our lives
today, and wrestle with questions. Breakfast is served at 8:45 a.m.
April 2
April 9
April 16
April 23
April 30
Torah Portion
Pesach—1st day
Acharei Mot
Triennial Cycle Verses
Leviticus 10:12 - 11:32
Leviticus 13:29 - 13:59
Leviticus 14:1 - 14:32
Leviticus 17:1 - 18:30
Amateurs of the Great Assembly
Cantor Eichaker
(formerly known as “Biblical Analysis”)
Thursdays (Library)
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Intermediate Hebrew
Thursdays (in Room 18)
Rabbi Shapiro
1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Now that we can read Hebrew, what does it all mean? How do we decode the
words we recite and how do we understand the language of our prayers? Join
us each week as we continue to work on building upon our Hebrew skills.
Lunch ‘n’ Learn Series
Saturday, April 16
12:00 p.m.
The topic for this Lunch ‘n’ Learn session will be “Rights and Reasons” led by
Scholar-in-residence, Rabbi Jonathan K. Crane, PhD.
Women of UH Chocolate Seder
and Interfaith dialogue
Thursday, April 7
6:30 p.m.
Spielberg Chapel
Please bring your girlfriends of all faiths and join us for
our popular Annual Women’s Passover Seder. In addition
to amazing chocolate and food, we look forward to
having a dialogue with women of different faiths. The
Women of UH will provide the main dish. Please bring a
favorite Passover side dish or dessert to share, or a
Passover food donation for the Harvey Kornblum Jewish
Food Pantry.
RSVP by April 4 to April at ahickman@unitedhebrew.org
or 314-434-3404.
Lunch ‘n’ Learn Series for 2015-2016
“Proclaim Liberty throughout the Land.”
- Leviticus 25:10
Saturdays, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
Spielberg Chapel
April 16: “Rights and Reasons”
Led by Dr./Rabbi Jonathan Crane
Come for lunch, learning and discussion!
RSVP to Tara at tmann@unitedhebrew.org
Bring your own lunch. We will provide refreshments and dessert.
Lunch begins at noon and the speaker will begin at 12:30 p.m.
Upcoming events:
May 14
Sponsor a Shabbat Nosh!
Sponsoring a Shabbat Nosh on Friday evenings is not just for
b’nai mitzvah Families! It is a lovely way to celebrate an
upcoming simcha such as an anniversary, birthday, wedding or
just to say “thank you” to someone. It is also a wonderful way
to honor or remember a loved one. When you sponsor a nosh
you help us welcome shabbat with the warmth and community
that are characteristic of our congregation. For more details
please contact Marsha Kunin at 314-469-0700 or
Need a ride to United Hebrew?
Unable to drive for any reason…
Injured? Don’t drive? Don’t drive at night?
We are here to help - at no cost to you!
Thanks to the Betty & Eugene Wolff Transportation Fund we
are able to offer all of our members taxi rides to and from
United Hebrew’s programs and worship services. This fund
was created to provide transportation for those members
who, without the assistance provided by the fund, would be
unable to get to UH.
If you would like to reserve a taxi using the Wolff Transportation Fund,
please contact Marsha at 314-469-0700.
If you would like to make a tribute to this or any fund, please do so at
Support our
Advertiser of the Month:
Adler Video
Please patronize our advertisers and tell them where you
saw their ads. Their support makes it possible to publish this
Bulletin at a significant savings to our congregation.
Our thanks to Adler Video and all of our advertisers.
Additional advertisers are always welcome.
April 2016
Early Childhood Education
One of my all-time favorite songs is the
Beatles’ “With A Little Help From My
Friends.” This phrase rings so true to me
as Director of Early Childhood Engagement.
And just like John, Paul, George and
Ringo couldn’t get by without the support
of their friends, in my role, I certainly
can’t get by without the support of the
parent board and all of our volunteers.
I’d like to take this time to thank them
for all of their hard work:
Jamie Goldstein, Parent Board Chair – Thank you Jamie for
your unconditional love and support of the preschool. Your
dedication to ensuring the parent board is run successfully
has been unwavering. You’ve stepped up and filled in many
positions. All of us are so appreciative.
Stacy Kress, Caring Committee – Thank you for welcoming
all of our new families this year and working hard on a new
marketing brochure.
Marci Lourie, Yearbook Committee and Family Fundraising
Events Committee – We can’t wait to see the yearbook at the
end of this year. I know it will be fabulous. Thank you for
planning a great night at Bright Idea Toys, and we’re excited
for a night out at Menchies.
Stephanie Bataglia-Esses, Library Committee and
Community Relations Committee – Thank you so very
much for organizing library volunteers and ensuring our
library program had a successful year. We also can’t wait for
the Sunday Cycle on May 15th. I know it will be a great
Lisa Podolsky, Teacher Appreciation Committee – Wow!
Could we feel anymore loved. Thank you for organizing the
monthly treats and appreciation of the SSECC teachers.
We’re super lucky to have such amazing parents.
Meredith Daniels and Rebecca Light-Pearlman, Party
Committee – The Chanukah Party was such a hit! Everyone
left with full bellies and had a great time. The same goes for
the wonderful Purim party. The kids had so much fun traveling
from station to station playing games in their costumes!
Emily Pummill, Winter Fundraiser Committee – Last
month’s wine tasting was a wonderful event! Everyone had a
great time tasting the wine, taking photos in the photo booth,
and chatting with one another. Kuddos to you.
Rachel Pereles, Facebook and Spring Fundraiser Committee
– Our Facebook page is reaching more people than ever.
Thank you so much for maintaining it and keeping in close
touch with the teachers. Also, thank you for all of your hard
work on the Rodeo. April 10th will be here before we know it
– and I can’t wait to rodeo!
Allison Galanti, Spring Fundraiser Committee – Your
University of Texas roots are coming out in planning the
Rodeo. I know it will be a wonderful event. Thank you for all
of your hard work!
To the countless other parents who have volunteered their
time in the library, at our parties, and in planning the fundraisers
Jamie Danieli, Community Relations Committee – Thank
you for getting all of us moms together for a fun night out. It’s
always a fun time and a great way for us to build community.
April 2016
United Hebrew Congregation
April 2016
Youth Engagement
The JYG Convention last month was superb! The great
event energized the soon to be high school youth group. I
am excited for the future of the NFTY:UHTYG with a great
group of intrepid 7th and 8th graders coming up the ranks.
The 8th graders may be having NFTY withdrawal and have
set their countdown clocks for the next convention (LTI!),
but here in NFTY:UHTYG, we have the great pleasure of
welcoming our 8th grade friends at our lounge nights and
events for the remainder of the year! Come by and check
out the food, friends and fun every Wednesday from
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., you are always welcome here.
Elections are coming up May 4 for the next group of leaders
of the United Hebrew youth. Interested in being on board?
Contact Zoe Rosenberg, current UHTYG president to learn
K1 & 23 Ducks (K-3rd Grades)
Sunday May 1
1 Mile Save A Child’s Heart Fun Run
Club45 (4th and 5th Grades)
Tuesday April 5 6:00 - 6:45 p.m.
Club45 Lounge
Sunday May 1
5k Save A Child’s Heart Run
UHJYG (6th and 7th Grades)
April 26 1:45 – 4:30 p.m.
May 1
5k Save A Child’s Heart Run
U8 (8th Grade) & NFTY:UHTYG (High School)
April 6 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Lounge Night
April 13 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Lounge Night
April 20 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Lounge Night
April 27 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Lounge Night
Fri-Sun April 8-10 NFTY-MV Spring Chavrah, hosted by SE!
Sunday May 1
5k Save A Child’s Heart Run
A huge thank you to our Purim volunteers running booths
and making lots of smiles for the youth of UH! Thanks to
all for bidding and winning all of the great prizes.
And a huge thanks go to the following businesses. We
encourage you to patronize the stores or stop in and
say thanks to the manager for supporting United
Check out the website – www.unitedhebrew.org/tyg - or contact
the Director of Youth Engagement and
Youth Groups Advisor, H. Lee Rosenberg
by phone, e-mail, Facebook, Instagram or tweet:
314.469.0700 x265 h.leerosenberg@unitedhebrew.org
Facebook Nfty Uhtyg
Instagram @uhtyg
Twitter @uhtyg & @hleero
April 2016
The Duck Pond
As of March 3, our donations to date are from:
Bounce U
Camp Sabra
Chesterfield Athletic Club
Chesterfield Service
Heating & Cooling
CJ Muggs
Clayton Plaza Hotel
Doubletree Hotel
Drury Hotel
Jet’s Pizza
Kennelwood Pet Resorts
Kreis’ Steahouse and Bar
The Magic House
Massage Envy
Missouri Botanical Gardens
Noodles and Company
Pasta House
Paul Manno’s Restaurant
St. Louis Symphony Orchestra
Sam’s Club
Sports Fusion
St. Louis Carousel
The Melting Pot
The New Jewish Theatre
Upper Limits
Waterway Gas & Wash
Wehrenberg Theatres
West County Phillips 66
Woodard Cleaning and
Yellowstone Café
The high school youth group, NFTY:UHTYG is proud to
announce a 5k run & 1 mile fun run benefiting Save A
Child’s Heart. This charity gives life-saving heart surgeries
to children in developing countries. With donations of
time from surgeons, nurses and medical teams, the cost of
supplies for the surgery is approximately $10,000. Our
goal on Sunday May 1 is to literally save a child’s heart, so
sign up and come run for a great goal.
When: May 1 9:30am
What: Save A Child’s Heart
5k & 1 mile fun run.
Where: United Hebrew &
Old Woods Mill
Who: Everyone! Invite your friends!
Sign up: www.unitedhebrew.org/run
Sponsorships: There is still time to
get your name on the publicity for this
event. Contact H. Lee Rosenberg for details.
*Religious school will still be in session for those not
participating in the event.
Louis & Mary Millstone Religious School ,
Rabbi Jerome W. Grollman Hebrew School & Chai School
April Calendar
03 Religious School
Hebrew School
17 Religious School
Hebrew School
05 Hebrew School
19 Hebrew School
Last day of Tuesday Hebrew
10 Religious School
Hebrew School
12 Hebrew School
United Hebrew Congregation
Mazel Tov to our B’nai Mitzvah
Russell Henry Liebman Jacob Quinn Weinberg
April 2, 2016
April 9, 2016
10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Brian Charles Rubin
April 16, 2016
10:30 a.m.
Russell Liebman
For Russell's bar mitzvah project, he donated his old soccer
cleats to his soccer club. The shoes will be distributed in
South America. He is also collecting new and gently used
books to donate to an elementary school in the city of
St. Louis. Russell is a seventh-grade at Parkway Central
middle school. He plays soccer and basketball.
Paige Rose Rubin
April 16, 2016
10:30 a.m.
Benjamin Andrew Weiss
April 30, 2016
10:30 a.m.
difference for something that touches both of them, animal
rescue. They had a lemonade stand and donated 100% of
the money collected. Not only did they have the lemonade
stand together, they included their younger brother. They
wanted him to be encouraged to make a difference in
additional ways besides Rockin’ 4 Relief, even at his young
age. Together the three of them were able to take the money
in to the Humane Society and donate it. They each chose
ways to make a difference individually as well.
Brian has been given the gift of a beautiful singing voice
and the confidence to use it. He sings in retirement
communities. His goal is to please the residents and
bring them some happiness. He even learned some
Christmas songs knowing the residents wanted that. As
his voice pours out of his mouth the emotions fill the
room. Some shed tears of joy, some clap with excitement,
and more. It is such a talent to move people like that!
Jacob Weinberg
For his mitzvah project, Jacob has been volunteering at the
Jewish Food Pantry. He will be using proceeds he receives
from his Bar Mitzvah to purchase items the organization is
in need of.
Brian Rubin & Paige Rubin
Brian Charles Rubin & Paige Rose Rubin strive to make a
difference in the lives of others on an ongoing basis. They
could have chosen to count volunteering at their big
sisters organization as their Mitzvah project but they
wanted to do more. They volunteered their services both
together and individually. They each helped with their
sisters organization, Rockin’ 4 Relief, but they also put
their heads together and picked another way to make a
Paige has such an old sweet soul. From a very early age
she had a natural ability to hold and comfort an infant and
children are so drawn to her. She has also always been
drawn to those with special needs. She is so comfortable
with them and in return they are drawn to her. Paige has
donated her sweet soul by spending time with seniors
who are in different stages of memory loss. She has a way
of communicating with them that brings such comfort and
Brian and Paige look forward to volunteering more at
Rockin’ 4 Relief and in senior communities. While Brian’s
plan is to become a Chief Meteorologist, he plans to always
use his voice to bring joy to others. Paige has her eye on
becoming a surgeon and continuing to use her skills to
make a difference in the lives children and those with
special needs.
April 2016
Golf Tournament
August 22, 2016
Persimmon Woods Golf Club
6401 Weldon Spring Road, 63304
United Hebrew
Golf Tournament
August 22, 2016
Shotgun Start 9:30 a.m.
Proceeds to benefit
UH Technology Upgrades
Contact Amy Stone with questions.
Please join us for a day
of golf, food and spirits at one of St. Louis’
premier golf courses. The day will begin
with a light breakfast followed by an
18-hole shotgun start. A boxed lunch will
be served. Following your round, you can
unwind at the open bar with some hors
d’oeuvres while we present prizes and silent
auction winners.
Early registration is recommended.
SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE: $125 - $5,000 (By August 1)
$225 per golfer or
$800 per foursome
City, State, Zip
Golfer 1
Golfer 2
Golfer 3
Golfer 4
Please make checks payable to:
United Hebrew Congregation
Mail payments to:
13788 Conway Road, St. Louis, MO 63141
Online registration/payments can be made at: www.unitedhebrew.org/golftournament
Final Registration Deadline: August 1, 2016
April 2016
United Hebrew Congregation
April 1
Haskell Aronson
Lillian Batavia
Harry Bearman
Ben Berger
Fannie Berger
Ida S. Bierman
Jennie Binder
Abraham Block
Sherman Blustein
Bettie A. Boxerman
Kathryn E. Cohen
Sarah R. Cohen
Harry J. Coplan
Reuben Milton Crystal
Jack Dubinsky
Dana Ezell
Charlotte Farrell
Joseph D. Feigenbaum
Nathan Frensdorf
Ben Friedman
Fay G. Friedman
Frank Gardner
Israel Garfinkel
Ruth Gaylor
Isadore Gers
Harry Giddan
Milford G. Giddan
Edith Glaser
Robert Gliner
William A. Goldberg
Louis Goldblum
Albert Golde
Anna Goldenberg
Ida Goldstein
Marvin Grossman
Abbie Herrmann
Inglish Horckitz
Rose Jourman
Dorothy Z. "Dottie" Kean
Leah Cecil Kleban
Theodore Kraizer
Philip Krout
Jules Lasky
Paul Mandel
Max Mayerson
Jennie Midman
Betty Ann Moulton
Eli Michael Noveson
Minnie Noveson
Bertha Pizer
Leah Rodenberg
Emil S. Roodman
Harvey Clinton Rosen
Jerome D. Rosen
Sam Rosen
Esther Sacarowitz
Rose M. Schenberg
Sue A. Schulman
Alvin Segelbohm
Dorothy S. Smith
Harold C. Solar
Shirley Ann Sosnoff
J. Lewis Spiegel
Paul Steinman
Cindy F. Thuner
Hazel R. Wallerstein
Irma Lang Weil
Effie Werner
Mildred Wiley
Milton Winter
Nathan Wolff
Rheta Yanow
Lillie Zimmerman
April 8
Lena Katz Alter
Birdie C. Bialick
Irma Blank
Warren Brodsky
Julia Schwartz Brown
Alfred Louis Chotin
Milton S. Cohen
David L. Cohn
Ethel G. Dubinsky
Sol Eckert
Esther Engel
Joseph A. Epstein
Clara L. Esler
Anna Finkelstein
Anna Kantor Fishman
Lester Gallant
Morris Goldberg
Clare Goldstein
David Goldstein
Lillian Goldstein
Stella Rosen Goldstein
Rose Grosberg
Morris Huber
Dorothy Jasper
Goldie Kessler
Robert Ketcher
Lottie Rader Kippel
Joe Klearman
Samuel W. Kopman
Bryan Jay Koslow
Minnette Levin Kretchmar
Martin L. Lanznar
Herbert F. Lewis
Yetta Loomstein
Katherine (Kitty) Morris
Joseph Niederberg
Edward Poscover
Meyer Roudman
Louis Rovin
Jack J. Sanders
Nathan Sarasohn
Frieda S. Schramm
Katherine Serkes
Jenny Siegel
Lillian D. Sigel
Dr. Henry Sills
Hannah Solomon
Herman L. Sparber
Bessie Susman
Mildred M. Tulper
Lottie J. Walcher
Emma Schur Wides
Sidney P. Wolff
Annie S. Yatter
April 15
Edith Ida Asckenasy
Cecelia Chuver
Rachel Crown
Eva Muchnick Feldman
Abraham D. Friedman
Blime Fuhrer
Sam Ginsberg
Louis Goldberg
Stephen Edward Gray
Samuel Guckenheim
Meyer Jaffe
Rosella A. Jourman
Stanley Julian Katcher
Lillie M. Kopman
Jacob E. Lasky
Harry Levi
William Levi
Jonathan Michael Levy
Jerome J. Lewin
Ann Lichtenstein
Joseph M. Malpe
Leon N. (Jiggs) Maniloff
Nathan Mayer
Rose T. Mendelson
Leo Joseph Noveson
Lenora Claris Pollack
Etta Rachofsky
Edward Robbins
Jacob Rosenkranz
Frances Rosenstroch
Bertha Rovin
Fay Rudner
Leah Mandle Salinger
Jacob Schwartz
Sarah Seltzer
Reuben (Rudy) Serot
Maurice Sincoff
Alice Spector
Marvin Spector
Harry Stahl
Martin B. Toybes
Samuel Werner
Isadore Wise
Joe W. Wyman
Janet Yampolsky
Jacob B. Yatter
Nat Zetcher
April 22
Pearl Amernick
Rebecca Bloom Astrin
Gertrude Plaut Balk
Jessie K. Barnholtz
David Barter
Florence Beldner
Estelle Birnbaum
Max Birnbaum
Eva Kory Bornstein
Sidney J. Bronfin
Nathan A. Buffen
David Charak
Louis Cohen
Harry Dunie
E. Ted Fadem
Aaron A. Feigenbaum
Barbara A. Feldman
Stanley E. Feldman
Annie M. Fischlowitz
Edward J. Gallant
Jacques Gleitman
Joseph G. Goldberg
Albert H. Kaplansky
Nathan Keiner
Morris Kirschman
Joseph W. Kopman
Aaron (Sonny) Kram
Morris Kranzberg
Howard Frank Lachman
Marcia Halpern Lerner
Sidney David Lite
Jennie Luks
William Malpe
Muriel K. Mayer
Sarah Moss
Lena Frank Oakley
Millard Pearlstone
Joyce Hope Portnoy
Etta Oglander Reichman
Jack Rodenberg
Ben Roman, Jr.
Hilda K. Schiffer
Dorothy Schnurman
Roy Schnurman
Henry H. Schwartz
Aaron Sessel
Lizzie Sessel
Frances Covitz Shanker
Philip Sherman
Yetta Slumpsky
Jack L. Smith
Rose H. Ganz Solar
Alfred Stoler
Fred H. Suffian
Orrin Dan Susman
Bea Dobrin Tulper
Clara Zeid
Irvin J. Zeid
Anna Zucker
April 29
Perpetual Memorials
Robert Alper
George S. Beckman
Jerome (Jerry) Brody
Cele Brooks
Bess Thelma Cohen
Eva W. Cohen
Isadore Doischman
Ruth H. Elkins
Benjamin M. Frank
Leo Frank
Clarice W. Friedman
Sarah Friedman
Melvin B. Gad
Sarah Rae Gallop
Julia Gleitman
Harry Glickman
Frances Lewis Goldberg
Joseph S. Goldman
Max Gralnick
Louis Greenberg
Blanch Hilton
Aaron Hoffman
Isaac Jacob
Irwin Jaffe
Lillian Kaplansky
Esther C. Kessler
Max Kleban
Gertrude Klein
Henrietta Kling
David H. Koslow
Sam Kram
G. Paralee Levin
Harold Samuel Levy
Mark I. Levy
Rose E. Margulis
Albert Markenson
Louis G. Olian
Ethel Pian
Jakob Plax
Theodore Rader
Milton Rosenthal
Samuel J. Russack
Louis M. Salomon
Lila L. Schlesinger
Fred Shaftal
Bertha Silverman
James (Buster) Singer
Sophie Berman Starr
Teri Lynne Stern
Rose Deutsch Stone
Bernice Tash
Abraham Torgove
Belle M. Vittert
Ben Wallerstein
Yetta Werner
Did You Know?
The annual, official ceremony marking the start of Independence Day in Israel ( Yom Ha'atzmaut) is held on Mount
Herzl in Jerusalem. The celebration includes a speech by the speaker of the Knesset, artistic performances, and the
ceremonial lighting of twelve torches, one for each of the Tribes of Israel.
Source: unitedwithisrael.org
April 2016
Brasch Building Maintenance
*Robert F. Eichaker
Leslie & Barry Yoffie
Barry & Martha Ginsburg
Eric, Michelle & Lauren Goldstein
Clergy Discretionary Funds
*Robert F. Eichaker
Charles & Sheryl Feldman
Merle & Marty Oberman
Larry & Elaine Amitin & Family
Art & Candy Zemon
The Malter Family
Fran & Paul Kravitz
Thelma Peskind
Ed & Marla Wasserman
Linda Wallace
Charlotte Rosenblum
Myra Rosenthal & Alan Raymond
Marilyn Oglander & Family
Susan Allison
Helene & Phil Frischer
Jane Abrams, Jesse & Shaina
Brian, Gail, Jamie & Molly Levine
Roz Gad
Dale Schwartz
*Mother, Sylvia Raymond
Alan Raymond
Ada and Frank Friedman
Youth Group Fund
*Speedy Recovery of
Iris DeWoskin
Barbara & Norman Wolff
Susan & Sandy Becker
Thursday Mah Jongg Ladies
*Robert F. Eichaker
*Kay Bialock
Iris & Alan DeWoskin
General Fund
*70th Birthday of
Marty Oberman
Henry & Marlene Diamant
*Henry DeWoskin’s
Appointment as Administrative
Law Judge
Roz Gad
*Speedy Recovery of
Iris DeWoskin
Jackie & Sheldon Fleschman
April 2016
Honor & Celebrate Your Family, Your Friends, Your Synagogue
*Earl “Orlando” Anderson Rivers
Jeff & Barb Bloomrosen & Family
*Greg Varchetti
Rita Goldberg
*Virginia Spewak
Charles & Elizabeth Jongeward
Jerome & Genevieve O’Neil
*Irl Baris
Jeffrey Sirkin & Sandra Goldberg
William Brown
*Robert F. Eichaker
Lexie & Steve Goldsmith
Harvey & Diane Stone
Bridget & David Spewak
*Martin Feit
Sharon & Richard Edwards
*Anita Cohen
Estelle Kent
Suzie & David Shoub
*Frieda Goldberg
Lexie & Steve Goldsmith
Jablon Youth Fund
*Frieda Goldberg
Steve & Felicia Malter
Stanley Laiderman Fund
*Speedy Recovery of
Debbie Poslosky
Jan & Larry Singer
*Robert F. Eichaker
Steve & Tammi Laiderman
Lorraine Laiderman & Family
*Anita Hearsh
Lorraine Laiderman
*Sister, Anita Cohen
*Charlotte Grossman
Wilma Levin
Lew and Cheryl Levey
Volunteer Appreciation Fund
*Speedy Recovery of
Iris DeWoskin
*Lexie Goldsmith’s Term as
President of United Hebrew
Dorothy Maer
*Robert F. Eichaker
Bev Golder
Library Fund
*Special Birthday of
Joan Sherman
Seymour & Janet Krout
*Frank Fierman
Bobbi Brimer
*Janet C. Amitin
Larry & Elaine Amitin & Family
*Brother, Charles Ginsberg
Sandra & Marvin Ginsberg
Perry and Shirleen Mehlman
Camp Scholarship Fund
*Charlotte Nadlman
*Anita Hirsch
Betsy Mehlman
Memorial Fund
*Gertrude Sherman
*Allison Gall
Sue & Jerry Tessler
*Lori Newmark
*Raye Bankendorf
The Newmark Family
*Father, Meyer Block
Marlene & Sanford Palans
*Virginia Spewak
Fay Marker
Patti & Bart Holtzman
Paul & Barbara Melnik & Family
Jeanne Wikete
Jan & Arnold Miller
*Blanche Steinberg
Craig & Helane Maer
*Dr. Elmer Wagman
Helene & Carl Sherman
*Mother, Sophie Harris Lending
Elaine & Ronald Lending
*Sadie Jackoway
Marcy & Rick Cornfeld
*Mother, Jennie Baron
Sheldon & Jan Baron
*Scott Goldstein
Irving Goldstein
*Mother, Pearl Schindler
Ivy & Michael Klein
*Dr. Jack Mallen
Linda & Mark Mallen
*Robert F. Eichaker
Lori & Gary Leidner & Family
Robert & Martha Senior
Sue & Jerry Tessler
*Celia H. Cohen
David H. Cohen
*Father, Jack Harris Brimer
*Father, Nathan Berger
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Brimer
*Phil Fredman
Alan & Renee Fredman & Family
*Harold Oglander
Marilyn Oglander
*Father, Jerome Garber
Elliot & Mitzi Leon
*Jennie Diamond
Sharon & David Silverman
*Zelda Bidnick
Myron & Eleanor Holtzman
*Rose Hess
Linda Hilton
*Mother & Grandmother,
Sylvia Loomstein
Susan Nathanson
*George Levin
Wilma Levin & Family
*Brother, David Thompson
Deane Thompson
*Mother, Bernadine E. Nieman
Mr. & Mrs. M. Myron Hochman
*Paul & Esther Satz
Phil & Gail Kramer
*Sarah R. Miller
Ilion Miller
*Philip Kootman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kootman &
*Dr. David Steven Finbloom
Mark, Michele, Jonathan &
Bryan Dinman
*Bob Levin
Melissa Wallace
*Husband, Dennis Alter
*Father-in-law, Nelson Alter
Alyce Alter
*Nappy Friedman
Gloria Ruben & Family
Morris Hershenhorn
Dorothy Hershenhorn
*Mother, Betty Gaylor
Shirley & Marvin Prywitch
*Father, Louis Lite
Joyce Davis
*Brother, Meyer
Herman Loomstein
Ethel Greenberg
Helen C. Millstone Music Fund
*Speedy Recovery of
Iris DeWoskin
Larry & Elaine Amitin & Family
*Speedy Recovery of
Gary Grammer
Larry & Elaine Amitin & Family
Susan & Sandy Becker
United Hebrew Congregation
*Robert F. Eichaker
Marlene & Sandy Palans
Diane & Craig Bleyer & Family
Mitch & Lynda Baris & Family
Gay, Steve, Jennifer, Alyssa &
Ethan Guller
The Esses Family
Alyce Alter
Sherilyn & Barry Krell
Fancine & Deane Thompson
Barbara & Norman Wolff
Susan & Sandy Becker
Linda & Sanford Kusmer
Eva & Fred Ashner
Stan & Denise Bunsick & Family
Stan Towerman
Bobbi Brimer
Regina Frederick
Merle & Bob Tegman & Family
Alicia, Michael, Jack &
Zack Tessler
Irene Fox & Floyd Emert & Family
Robert & Deborah Becker
Barry Newmark
Youth Engagement Professional
*Harold Rosenberg
Stephen & Beverly Rosenberg
Honor & Celebrate Your Family, Your Friends, Your Synagogue
Morris and Birdie Potashnick
Educational Fund
*Gregory A. Fox
Ted & Adele Jagust
Henrietta and Eli Spielberg
Israel Scholarship Foundation
*Speedy Recovery of
Iris DeWoskin
Marcy & Rick Cornfeld
*Frieda Goldberg
Marcy & Rick Cornfeld
Saul Spielberg
Early Childhood Center Fund
Michael & Sheryl Bauer
*Speedy Recovery of Keith Grosz
Karen & Todd Siegel
*Speedy Recovery of
Iris DeWoskin
Bob & Nancy Jo Sterneck
*Robert F. Eichaker
*Frieda Goldberg
Bob & Nancy Jo Sterneck
*Irl Steiner
Linda & Mark Mallen
*Dorothy Levison
Bob & Nancy Jo Sterneck
Stacy, David, Adam & Rylie Kress
Bob & Nancy Jo Sterneck
*Herbert Sheingold
Bob & Nancy Jo Sterneck
Stacy, David, Adam & Rylie Kress
United Hebrew Cemetery
Perpetual Care Fund
*Selma Gidlow
Jerome Gidlow
*Sara Segal
Albert & Martha Small
*Abe Bikshorn
Jeff Bikshorn
*Sophie Lending
*Max Lending
Joy Lending
*Pearl Comensky
Shirley Eder
*Mother, Bonnie Shainman
Michael & Nancy McCamley &
*Mother, Ethel Ladinsky
Renee Goodman
*Shirley Wallerstein
Sheldon Wallerstein
*Arthur & Julia Mathes
Donald Mathes
Wolff Transportation Fund
*Dr. George Bohigian
Elaine Cohn
*Birth of Ilana Goldfeder
Shirley Alberstat
*Anita Cohen
Jordan & Elaine Rudolph
Marsha Kunin
*Clara Citerman
Arlene & Stanley Citerman
*Marvin Feldman
*Ira Feldman
Lee Feldman
*Father, Adolph Mandelker
*Mother, Marie Mandelker
Daniel Mandelker
*Husband, Allan R. Hurwitz
*Mother, Estelle Schultz
*Father, Jack M. Schultz
*Gregory Fox
Eileen Hurwitz
*Father, Morris J. Rudman
Gloria Goldblatt
*Gordon Eder
Alan & Eleanor Wolff
*Charlotte Grossman
Shirley Seigel & Family
*Jack Cohen
*Ruth Cohen Katz
Allan, Susan & Michael Cohen
Concluding Service For Passover
Pesach Yizkor Memorial Service
Friday, April 29, 9:00 a.m.
Members of our congregational family who have
passed away since last Passover.
Leona Kravitz Altman
Irl B. Baris
Kay Bialock
Zelda Bidnick
Allan Lee Bierman
Dorothy Block
Anita Cohen
Shirley S. Covitz
Rosalie Beatrice Dertke
Edward Deutch
Gordon Eder
Stanley R. Fagin
Leonard Farer
Bernice Feld
Leon A. Felman
Stuart Fiddleman
Rudolph Freedman
Frank Friedman
Sandra Gold
Frieda Goldberg
Eugene Goldstein
Ruth Goodman
Ronald L. Hodge
Jack A. Jablonow
Janet Jaffa
Jeffrey Jampel
Janice Kessler
Harold M. Klamen
Gilbert Kulbersh
Mitchell A. Lending
Robert L. Levinson
Max Lobel
Martin March
Kathryn Alexis (Katie) Margolis
Dorothy Mariam
Rose Celeste Mayer
Harriet Mintz
Henry Pasch
Philip Muzik
Barbara Platzer
Robert Platzer
Robert Potashnick, M.D.
Gordon H. Price
Paul Prodaneshtsky
Neil Randall
Sylvia Resnick
Harry Bernard Richman
Dr. Norman Lewis Robertson III
Arnold Roman
Alice B. Rosch
Evelyn Rosenberg
Eunice Jean Salniker
Roslyn "Roddy" Samuels
Goldie Satz
Marion Schamest
Roberta Shinsky
Cordell Siegel
Virginia Spewak
Alvin R. Ukman
Sidney S. Weinhaus
Rachel Weiss
Bettie Wohl
Donald Lee Wolff
Suzanne Wolff
April 2016
The congregation extends its sincere
condolences to the families of
Long time caretaker at United Hebrew Cemetery
Sister of Wilma (the late George) Levin
Son of Bernard and Shirley Eder
Sister of Marilyn Lipman
Wife of the late Irvin Goldberg
Mother of Elaine (Edmund) Banashek and
Sheryl (Charles) Feldman
Daughter of Roberta and the late Morris Kessler
Husband of the late Shirley Pasch
Father of Tammi (Steven) Laiderman
Mother of Linda (Peter) Mule
Mother of Barbara (David) Rosenbaum
Husband of the late Maxine Ukman
Because of space limitations, condolences are listed for members and their
immediate relatives. In addition, only immediate relatives of the deceased
who are members are listed.
Notification of Illness, Surgery
& Hospital Visits
Due to HIPAA laws, United Hebrew is unable to gain access to
patient information for local hospitals. We rely solely on
word-of-mouth from family members and other congregants
to make clergy visits. If you know someone in the hospital or
desiring a visit from a clergy member, please contact Tara at
tmann@unitedhebrew.org or 314-469-0700. Once received,
the information will be entered into our system and shared
with the clergy.
Tzedakah Boxes
For some time visitors and
congregants alike have asked
if we have a place to make
donations or to offer donations
during times when the office
is not open. We have solved
this problem by adding two
new tzedakah boxes in our
lobbies. With the convenience
and ease of being “open” at
all times the tzedakah boxes
are serving a valuable
Next time you are in one of our lobbies you can take a
minute to notice one of the tzedakah boxes… and maybe
even leave a little (or a lot) of tzedakah to benefit UH!
Many Thanks To...
Marilyn and Allan Kaufman for sponsoring food baskets in
honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Joshua
Nancy Welcher and Gayle Welcher for sponsoring food
baskets in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their nephew and
great-nephew, Adam Spizman.
The food baskets are donated to the Jewish Food Pantry
and are greatly appreciated!
Wish List - Many Thanks
Dale Schwartz for contributing towards a Shabbat Nosh in
memory of Frieda Goldberg.
Mazel Tov!
To Nikki and Andrew Goldfeder on a daughter, Ilana
Danielle Goldfeder. Grandparents are Debbie and Dale
Poslosky, and Joy and Mark Goldfeder. Great-grandparents
are Toddy Goldman and Evelyn Poslosky.
Welcome New Members!
Shawn and Rachel McKillop
Save the Date
Celebrate Israel Independence Day
(Yom Ha’Atzmaut)
Friday evening, May 13
Graduating? Let Us Know
In our June Bulletin we will be listing graduations from
high school and above so please let us know where
you are graduating from and what your future plans are.
Please send the information to jnelson@unitedhebrew.org.
April 2016
5:45 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Shabbat Nosh with delicious Israeli Treats
Israel Shabbat
United Hebrew Congregation
Remember Unique Treasures
For Gifts of All Occasions!
Hours (open year-round)
Mon. - Fri. 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Tues. 9:30 a.m.- 6:00 p.m.*
Friday after Shabbat Service
Sun. 9:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.*
*When religious/Hebrew school
is in session
And by Special Appointment
- Call Iris at 314-469-1556 or
From the Archives
It was providential that the two of us recently happened to
find this letter in the correspondence file of the late Rabbi
Grollman. It is a copy of a letter of condolence written by
Isadore Millstone (z’l) in 1983 to Rita Castulik, daughter of
John Castulik, the resident caretaker of United Hebrew
Cemetery, when her father died in 1983. Rita, one of nine
children born to John and Josephine, lived nearly her entire
life in the home on Canton, moving to a senior residential
facility only a few years ago. Rita passed away on February
19, 2016, at the age of 96 and we send sincere sympathies to
her extended family with our congregation’s thanks for nearly
100 years of service and care for our sacred space.
Susan Allison and Sherilyn Krell
The Jewish Food Pantry Needs Your Help!
For the month of April, the Harvey Kornblum
Jewish Food Pantry is looking for these
specific items in order to provide wellbalanced nourishment for the community in
need: canned tuna fish, healthy soups, Kosher
food, peanut butter, canned beef stew, chili,
pasta with meat, canned fruit, canned vegetables, toilet
paper, deodorant and detergent.
Currently, the Jewish Food Pantry is feeding over 8,000
individuals per month. The need is great, so please help in
any way you can.
Items should be brought to the collection bins at UH. Thank you!
April 2016
April 2016
at United Hebrew Congregation
5:45 PM
Shabbat Nosh
9:00 AM
Torah Study
6:30 PM
Shabbat Service
10:30 AM
Bar Mitzvah of
Russell Liebman
7:30 PM
Nar-Anon Meeting
10:30 AM
Senior Committee
10:00 AM
Temple Tots
12:00 PM
Film Series
7:00 PM
UHTYG Lounge Night
Religious School
Hebrew School
Hebrew School
B’nai Mitzvah Session
7:30 PM
Nar-Anon Meeting
10:00 AM
Temple Tots
3:00 PM
SSECC Fundraiser
7:00 PM
UHTYG Lounge Night
Hebrew School
B’nai Mitzvah Session
7:30 PM
Nar-Anon Meeting
10:00 AM
Temple Tots
11:30 AM
Amateurs of the
Great Assembly
1:30 PM
Intermediate Hebrew
7:00 PM
UH Music Circle
11:30 AM
Amateurs of the
Great Assembly
1:30 PM
Intermediate Hebrew
7:00 PM
UH Music Circle
B’nai Mitzvah Session
7:00 PM
UHTYG Lounge Night
11:30 AM
Amateurs of the
Great Assembly
7:00 PM
UH Music Circle
Religious School
Hebrew School
7:30 PM
Nar-Anon Meeting
10:00 AM
Temple Tots
B’nai Mitzvah Session
April 2016
9:00 AM
Torah Study
6:30 PM
Shabbat Service
10:30 AM
Bar Mitzvah of
Jacob Weinberg
5:45 PM
Shabbat Nosh
6:00 PM
“Kid”dush Club & Dinner
6:30 PM
Shabbat Service
Birthday and
anniversary blessings for
7:30 PM
“Baker’s Delight”
8:30 AM
Fast of the Firstborn
B’nai Mitzvah Session
7:00 PM
UHTYG Lounge Night
11:30 AM
Amateurs of the
Great Assembly
1:30 PM
Intermediate Hebrew
7:00 PM
UH Music Circle
B’nai Mitzvah Session
5:45 PM
Shabbat Nosh
4:30 PM
Shabbat Service
Hebrew School
B’nai Mitzvah Session
B’nai Mitzvah Session
7:00 PM
Board of Trustees
Religious School
Hebrew School
9:00 AM
Festival and
Yizkor Service
10:00 AM
Matzah Fry
5:45 PM
Shabbat Nosh
6:30 PM
Shabbat Service w/Nefesh
9:00 AM
Torah Study
10:30 AM
B’nai Mitzvah of
Brian and Paige Rubin
8th Annual
Shabbat St. Louis
9:00 AM
Torah Study
10:00 AM
Lay-led Shabbat
6:00 PM
Passover 2nd Night
9:00 AM
Torah Study
9:00 AM
Young Family Shabbat w/
Nefesh Mountain
10:30 AM
Bar Mitzvah of
Benjamin Weiss
6:00 PM
Chai Society Dinner
Acharei Mot
United Hebrew Congregation
Administrative Offices - Clergy: (314) 469-0700
Fax: (314) 434-7821
Education & Program Offices: (314) 434-3404
Email: temple@unitedhebrew.org
Rabbi & Director of Life Long Learning
Rabbi Emeritus
Cantor Emeritus
Brigitte S. Rosenberg
Roxanne J.S. Shapiro
Ronald D. Eichaker
Howard G. Kaplansky
Murray W. Hochberg
Executive Director
Director of Early Childhood Engagement
Director of Programming & Communication
Director of Youth Engagement
Director of Development
Assistant Musical Director
Gift Shop Manager
Events/Kitchen Manager
Bryan Pearlman
Lauren Lourie
Cori Neidenberg
H. Lee Rosenberg
Amy Stone
David Cohen
Iris DeWoskin
Debra Grund
Rick Recht
One Gudder Campus
13788 Conway Road, St. Louis, Missouri 63141
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Assistant Treasurer
Leslie Yoffie
Julie Gibbs
Phil Frischer
Matthew Holt
Bob Sterneck
Michael Klein
David Rosenstock
Our thanks to the Laiderman Family for their generous donation
to the United Hebrew Endowment Fund to help support our
Synagogue Bulletin.
United Hebrew Congregation serves the Jewish community
of St. Louis as a place of worship and learning with a
welcoming community united in the common Judaic
spirit of Reform Judaism.
Join us as we welcome
Rabbi Jonathan K. Crane, PhD
for a series
“Human Rights & Dignity:
Judaic perspectives and concerns.”
Friday, April 15 - Saturday, April 16
Friday Nigh Shabbat Service
“Problems of Dignity in Creation”
6:30 p.m.
Shabbat Morning Torah Study:
9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Shabbat Lunch ‘n’ Learn:
“Rights and Reasons”
12:30 - 2:00 p.m.
Rabbi Crane serves as the Raymond F. Schinazi
Scholar in Bioethics and Jewish Thought in the Center
for Ethics at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. He
is also the author and the editor of several books on
the Journal of Jewish Ethics.
See page 4 for more information about Rabbi Crane and
his events at United Hebrew.
April 2016

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