April 2015 - United Hebrew Congregation
April 2015 - United Hebrew Congregation
HaMakor המקֹור Congregation Achdut Yisroel Established in St. Louis in 1837 First Jewish Congregation West of the Mississippi River THE SOURCE BREAKING NEWS... April 3, 2015 15 Nisan 5775 Volume XCIV No. 8 Shabbat at UH Friday, April 3 - 15 Nisan 5775 4:30 p.m. – (Early) Shabbat Service Saturday, April 4 Join us at Shabbat St. Louis (at Temple Emanuel) United Hebrew announces the Retirement of Bob Gummers Bob Gummers, Executive Director, retired after 27 years. Please join us on NOTE: There will not be Torah Study or Shabbat Morning Service at United Hebrew. Friday, April 17 9:00 a.m. – Clery-led Torah Study 10:00 a.m. – Community Passover Shabbat Passover Kiddush to follow Friday, April 10 - 22 Nisan 5775 5:45 p.m. – Shabbat Nosh 6:30 p.m. – Shabbat Service 7:30 p.m. – Dessert Reception 8:00 p.m. – STL Symphony Chamber Concert Saturday, April 11 9:00 a.m. – Torah Study 9:00 a.m. – Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Ryan Greene Son of Joel and Jean Greene 11:00 a.m. – Bar Mitzvah of Devin Michael Tockman Son of Gary and Laura Tockman Friday, April 17 - 29 Nisan 5775 5:45 p.m. – Shabbat Nosh 6:00 p.m. – “Kid”dush Club 6:30 p.m. – Shabbat Service honoring Bob Gummers 7:30 p.m. – “Baker’s Delight” Oneg Birthday Blessing for Adults Saturday, April 18 9:00 a.m. – Torah Study 10:30 a.m. – Bar Mitzvah of Bradford Levy Siwak Son of Jeffrey Siwak and Hon. Ellen Levy Siwak Friday, April 24 - 6 Iyar 5775 5:45 p.m. – Shabbat Nosh 6:30 p.m. – Israel Shabbat Service Saturday, April 25 9:00 a.m. – Torah Study 10:30 a.m. – Bat Mitzvah of Danielle Pamela Essman www.unitedhebrew.org Daughter of Bruce Essman and Carla Siegfried for a Shabbat Service honoring Bob. 5:45 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Nosh Shabbat Service “Baker’s Delight” Oneg New Pictorial Membership Directory We need YOU to make UH’s new family album complete! Who: All members of United Hebrew Congregation What: Have your family photo taken by Lifetouch for our new Pictorial Membership Directory and receive a complimentary 8x10 photograph. Where: The Spielberg Chapel See page 13 for photo sitting dates in April and May and how to register. Books will be available at Rosh Hashanah. APRIL 2015 1 Come Join Us... COMMUNITY-WIDE YOM HASHOAH PROGRAM The St. Louis community will mark Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) on Sunday, April 19 at 4:00 p.m. at Kol Rinah, 829 N. Hanley Road, 63130. The theme for this year‟s program is “Liberation and Survival: Where do I go now?” The program will feature eyewitness accounts of the Shoah by survivors and witnesses. The commemoration will also include a traditional candle-lighting ceremony, Holocaust Torah procession, liturgical readings and prayers. Music will be performed by Andrew Ruben, Mischa and Tova Braitberg of Elegant Ensembles. Mischa and Tova are the son and granddaughter of survivors Szyfra and the late Gregor Braitberg. Additional music by Kolot, a community-wide Jewish women‟s choir. The program will be interpreted in sign language. Synagogue parking lot will be reserved for handicapped parking; ample street parking is available. For more information, contact the Holocaust Museum and Learning Center at 314-442-3714 or email Dan Reich at dreich@jfedstl.org. “And they that turn the many to righteousness shall be as the stars.” (Daniel 12:3) These are the teachers of young children. – Baba Batra 8b Please join us for our Shabbat Alive Family Service Join us in celebrating Israel’s Independence Day at United Hebrew’s Yom Ha’Atzmaut Shabbat Friday, April 24 5:45 p.m. Israeli Shabbat Nosh 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Service featuring Israeli music and commentary from congregants who have been to Israel or attended the AIPAC Policy Conference. Join us for a 15-minute documentary titled, “The Ayalon Institute, The Secret on the Hill” following the service. It is a fascinating documentary recalling the underground creation and manufacturing of Israel’s ammunition prior to her independence and the strict secrecy in which a group of courageous men and women performed the task. with UH artist-in-residence, Rick Recht We celebrate and honor your United Hebrew Congregation teachers. Children’s Birthday Blessings for April & May Friday, May 1, 2015 6:30 p.m. in the Millstone Sanctuary Preceded by a Shabbat Nosh beginning at 5:45 p.m. Inside this Issue Pictorial Membership Directory………………......cover, p. 13 Give STL Day………………………………...….….back cover Programs/Classes……………….…….....p. 2-4, 10-12, 16-17 Youth……………………………...….………………..…...p. 6-8 Purim Photos..…….……………………..………...……......p. 9 Contributions………..……..…….....….……….……....p. 14-15 Perpetual Memorials.............................……….........…..p. 16 Announcements………………………..……....…..……...p. 17 2 APRIL 2015 Passover Second Night Seder (Designed for all ages) Led by Rabbi Rosenberg, Rabbi Shapiro and Cantor Eichaker. A delicious traditional seder meal, prepared here at UH, will be served. It will include matzah ball soup, gefilte fish, brisket, quinoa, roasted veggies, honey glazed carrots, green salad and dessert. Vegetarian option: seared Portobello mushroom layered with quinoa and veggies Saturday, April 4, 6:00 p.m. in the Messing Auditorium Register online at www.unitedhebrew.org or call Patty Oswald at 314-434-3404. UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION Rabbinic Reflections RABBI BRIGITTE S. ROSENBERG Spring is arriving in St. Louis! The world around us seems to be awakening, coming alive, as the weather begins to warm. Soon, we will put the winter behind us and relax in the daily warmth of the sun. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “In nature, every moment is new, the past is always swallowed and forgotten; the coming only is sacred. Nothing is secure but life, transition, the energizing spirit.” A beautiful thought as we watch the transition of nature from winter to spring, but when we look at these words from a Jewish lens, we remind ourselves that while exactly every moment is new and the coming or future, sacred, the past isn‟t swallowed or forgotten, it is just as sacred as what is to come, as we realize that the new is built on the past. That what was, leads us to what will be – they inform one another. At United Hebrew, we too, enter into our own transition once again. Bob Gummers, our Executive Director of 27 years has retired. During his tenure at UH, he was an important and integral part of this congregational community. He was part of directing our historic move from Skinker to Conway and we have weathered many a potential crises because of his calm, thoughtful demeanor. Beyond his years at UH, Bob has worked in the Jewish community his entire career, not only in the capacity as an Executive Director, but he was a Camp Director, and every so often one saw this spirit. I will always remember when the youth group bus was late one Friday evening to take the kids ice skating and we worried about what to do with 20+ teens if the bus didn‟t come. Bob‟s response, grab the garbage can lids and some cardboard boxes and let them sled at UH – crisis solved! The bus did show up, but had it not, Bob‟s quick thinking and creative idea would have still meant a fun evening for the kids. This is a point of transition for Bob and for us. We recognize that what was – the years that Bob has given to UH, the love, the energy, the spirit with which he worked and the many sacred relationships that were created, will not be forgotten. The work he has done and his spirit, which is such a part of this community, will continue as we build on the foundation he laid and move forward toward the endless possibilities and opportunities that lie ahead. The same is true for Bob, as he transitions into retirement, the many opportunities and blessings of family and time lie ahead. It is with this in mind that we bestow upon him a blessing, one which comes from the Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Berachot 17a: May you see your world fulfilled in your lifetime And may your end be the life of the world to come And may your hope be for all generations. May your heart meditate with understanding And your mouth speak wisdom And your tongue be moved to song. May your eyelids look straight before you And your eyes shine with the radiance of Torah And your face be radiant as the brightness of the heavens. May your lips utter knowledge And your whole self rejoice in righteousness And your steps hurry to hear the words of the Ancient of Days. I hope that you will join us on Friday, April 17, when we celebrate and honor Bob at our Shabbat evening service! I wish you and your families a joyous and blessing filled Pesach!! Join us for Symphony Shabbat d Free an Friday, April 10 No ticket s or reservat ions necess a Join us for the entire evening or just for the concert 5:45 p.m. Shabbat Nosh 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Service 7:30 p.m. Dessert Reception 8:00 p.m. St. Louis Symphony Chamber Concert . public e h t o t n ope ry. Andrea Kaplan (flute), Phil Ross (oboe), Jessica Cheng (violin), Morris Jacob (viola), Anne Fagerburg (cello) & Megan Stout (harp) will perform music of Mozart and Debussy. A Symphony where you worship event. Concert made possible with support from: www.unitedhebrew.org APRIL 2015 3 From Learning to Living This month, on April 23rd, Israel will celebrate her 67th birthday as a modern state. On May 14, 1948, David Ben Gurion issued a declaration of the State of Israel. This date corresponded to the 5th of the Hebrew month of Iyar on the Jewish calendar and, thus forward, is the date upon which we celebrate Yom Ha‟Atzmaut (the Day of Independence). In her 67 years, the modern State of Israel has grown and prospered. While there are many wonderful aspects of Israel that touch us as Jews, there are also many incredible features that touch the world. While this list is quite extensive, I want to share a few of the many inventions that have come out of Israel that have changed our world. The “PillCam”: This was the first pill that could be swallowed and used to record images of the digestive tract. The USB flash drive: That piece you use to store your electronic files and transfer them to another computer. EpiLady: Originally manufactured at a kibbutz in Israel, this device was an answer to hair removal in the late 80‟s. BabySense: A device that helps to prevent crib deaths by monitoring a baby‟s breathing and movements through the mattress while they sleep. An alarm is activated if any irregularities occur during their sleep. Viber: An app you can download on your smartphone, which allows the user to make free phone calls around the world through the use of Wi-Fi. The cherry tomato: Yes, the actual tomato you may love to eat. Two Hebrew University professors worked with a genetics ADULT EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES Ongoing Daytime Classes Shabbat Morning Torah Study Cantor and Rabbis Saturday mornings (Spielberg Chapel) 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Sustenance for the mind and body are ever-present at our Shabbat morning Torah study sessions. No prior knowledge of the Torah portion or ability to read Hebrew is necessary. Each week we will explore the portion for that Shabbat and discover intricacies of the text, discuss lessons for our lives today, and wrestle with questions. Breakfast is served at 8:45 a.m. Date Torah Portion Triennial Cycle Verses April 4 Pesach - 1st Day Shabbat St. Louis (@ Temple Emanuel) April 11 Shemini Leviticus 9:1 - 10:11 April 18 Tazria-Metzora Leviticus 12:1 - 13:39 April 25 Acharei Mot-Kedoshim Leviticus 16:1 - 17:7 Amateurs of the Great Assembly Cantor Eichaker (formerly known as “Biblical Analysis”) Thursdays (Library) 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Intermediate Hebrew Allison Collins Thursdays (in Room 18) 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Now that we can read Hebrew, what does it all mean? How do we decode the words we recite and how do we understand the language of our prayers. Join us each week as we continue to work on building upon our Hebrew skills. 4 APRIL 2015 RABBI ROXANNE J.S. SHAPIRO, R.J.E. company to develop a tomato that slowly ripens on the vine and stays fresh through transport to the stores and your table. Now these are just a few. You can google “Israeli inventions” and see the multitudes of lists. Our Jewish homeland has truly made an impact on the rest of the world. And it is through the month of April that we have a chance to make an impact on Israel. World Zionist Congress (WZC) elections are open through April 30th. As you may know, every four to five years the World Zionist Organization holds an election to seat people in the WZC. The Congress meets to discuss issues of vital importance to the global Jewish community. These meetings also include discussions and decisions on how to allocate the financial resources, collected outside of Israel and designated for Israel, in the State of Israel. The Congress is not making decisions for Israel, but they are making an impact on Israel through their decisions and their allocation of funds in Israel. We believe it is important for each Jewish person to cast their vote for the slate which represents their values and views. If you go to www.myvoteourisrael.com you will find all of the party platforms and slates represented. Some groups represent organizational branches of Judaism and some are based on particular issues. Personally, I voted for the ARZA slate because its focus is the one which I find most aligned with my values as a Reform Jew. Others may find different slates to be more aligned with their views. This is why we have the chance to vote and share our thoughts and opinions. Please do note the $10 fee for voting ($5 if you are between the ages of 18-30) is to cover the cost of the company used to manage the voting systems and to independently calculate the results. I hope you will join the Jewish community in celebrating Israel as she enters her 67th year as the State of Israel. Together, we can celebrate all of the innovation coming out of Israel, the history and beauty of the land, and the fellowship of the people of Israel. Let us not only be inspired by Israel, but help to inspire Israel through our voice in the World Zionist Congress. Louis & Mary Millstone Religious School , Rabbi Jerome W. Grollman Hebrew School & Chai School April Calendar 05 NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL NO HEBREW SCHOOL 19 Religious School Hebrew School 07 NO HEBREW SCHOOL 21 Hebrew School 12 Religious School Hebrew School 14 Hebrew School 26 Religious School Hebrew School 28 Hebrew School Last Tuesday Class UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION President’s Message First Things First. Please make plans to join us at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, April 17, for our Shabbat Service to recognize Bob Gummers on his retirement and for his long service to United Hebrew as Executive Director. Bob has been a part of our congregational family for more than 27 years. He was an integral contributor in the transition from our Skinker Boulevard location to our current home and has dedicated himself to the goals and vision of United Hebrew over these many years. Our Shabbat evening will begin with a Shabbat Nosh at 5:45 p.m. and the service will be followed with a “Baker‟s Delight” Oneg Shabbat. Please contact Debra Grund at 314-469-0700, if you would like to bake for that evening. Mazel Tov to Rabbi Rosenberg! Please join us in congratulating Rabbi Rosenberg on her recent election to the board of the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR), the principal organization of Reform rabbis in the United States and Canada. Her installation took place at last month‟s CCAR convention, where she also served as chair of the annual event. New Security Doors in the Saul Spielberg Early Childhood Center (SSECC). We now have new glass security doors in use, just past the library, when the Early Childhood Center is in session, thanks to the Brasch Building Maintenance Fund. These doors were installed as an additional safety measure for our children and teachers, ensuring that all visitors are screened prior to entering the school wing on weekdays. SSECC parents and teachers have their own personal security codes, while congregants visiting the school office, attending a class or a meeting should press the buzzer (as we do with the exterior doors) and someone from the school office will assist you. In Appreciation. Many thanks to all who helped out with our Purim celebrations this year. Despite the snow day delay of the Purim Shpiel and Carnival on Sunday, everyone of all ages had a wonderful celebration the following Wednesday night. Many thanks to the NFTY-UHTYG teens who ran the carnival and to the adult volunteers who built new games and staffed activities, and to all Megillah and Late Night Purim participants. SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISER OF THE MONTH: Reliance Automotive Please patronize our advertisers and tell them where you saw their ads. Their support makes it possible to publish this Bulletin at a significant savings to our congregation. Our thanks to Reliance Automotive and all of our advertisers. Additional advertisers are always welcome. www.unitedhebrew.org LEXIE GOLDSMITH Also, special thanks to the SSECC Parent Board for a wonderful “Wine & Spirits Tasting” fundraising event in early March. Everyone enjoyed socializing and learning about the different wines and spirits, complemented by the delicious appetizers and desserts! Many thanks to all of you who continue to respond to the 2015 Membership Commitment Initiative by returning your commitment forms and supporting United Hebrew in the upcoming year. We appreciate your continued patience as we work through this new process. This month we continue to answer your questions raised in the conversations we‟ve had with you over these past several weeks: Q: Are there some easy ways to help raise money for the congregation? A: Yes! One of the easiest ways to raise funds, at NO additional cost to you, is by purchasing Dierbergs and Shop „N‟ Save gift cards from UH or by using a Schnucks eScrip card each time you purchase your regular groceries. United Hebrew receives a percentage of every dollar spent and thanks to those who participated, last year we raised $11,000. For more information about participating in these programs, please contact the main office at 314-469-0700. Q: We love attending the Shabbat Nosh each week prior to the Friday evening service, but isn’t it expensive compared to the Oneg Shabbat receptions we used to have? A: In the past couple of years our Shabbat Noshes have become increasingly more creative and upscale. We have been fortunate enough to be able to provide this service while keeping the costs down by purchasing in bulk and preparing the delicious array of food “in house” assisted by our wonderful adult and teen volunteers each week. This is saving us money compared to years ago, when all food was purchased from outside bakeries and caterers and delivered to UH. It also allows volunteers to have fun and be more creative in what we offer each Friday. As always, many of our weekly Shabbat Noshes are sponsored by the families and friends of our B‟nai Mitzvah teens, and those celebrating weddings, anniversaries and birthdays, welcoming all who attend Shabbat services each week. We also accept additional donations directly intended for the Shabbat Nosh as long as it is noted on your contribution. We plan to devote more space to answer your questions in the months to come, so please send them along! I always welcome the opportunity to hear your thoughts about United Hebrew. I enjoy meeting for coffee or hearing from you via phone or email. If you have something to share, please feel free contact me directly at president@unitedhebrew.org or give me a call. I look forward to seeing many of you at our Second Night Passover Seder on Saturday, April 4. Best wishes to you and your families for a wonderful Pesach! APRIL 2015 5 Early Childhood Education All pr the oceed sb Sa Ear ly C ul Sp enefi ie t hild hoo lberg dC ent er Messing Auditorium at United Hebrew Congregation Come enjoy lunch, children’s activities, entertainment, raffle prizes and silent auction! Designed for kids up to 2nd grade and their families. (siblings welcome) Adults - $20 Kids - $12 Free for ages 1 and under Visit the UH website, www.unitedhebrew.org for sponsorship information and to register or call Patty at 314-434-3404. 6 APRIL 2015 UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION Youth Engagement The Duck Pond The JYG Convention last month was spectacular! The folks from Emanuel in Denver planned a great event, helped us through the lack of oxygen and energized the soon to be high school youth group. I am excited for the future of the youth group here at United Hebrew with a great group of intrepid 7th and 8th graders coming up the ranks. Before the 8th graders have too much post-convention sadness, setting their countdown clocks for the next convention (LTI!), the NFTY:UHTYG has the great pleasure of welcoming our 8th grade friends at our lounge nights and events for the remainder of the year! Come by and check out the food, friends and fun every Wednesday from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., you are always welcome here. The Spring Chavurah is May 1-3 in Omaha. We are taking a bus! Sign up at nfty.org/mv. If you are a Senior, you can go up a day early. Talk to H. Lee to discuss travel options. Elections are coming up May 6 for the next group of leaders of the United Hebrew youth. Interested in being on board? Contact Matt Frischer, current UHTYG president to learn more. Calendars: Check the calendars at unitedhebrew.org/tyg for updated dates and times for all the youth group activities. 23Ducks (2nd and 3rd Grades) Sun., Apr. 12 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Post Passover Pizza Palooza Club45 (4th and 5th Grades) Tues., Apr. 14 6:00 - 6:45 p.m. Sun., Apr. 26 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Club45 Lounge GaGa Tourney UHJYG (6th and 7th Grades) Sun., Apr. 26 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. GaGa Tourney U8 (8th Grade) & NFTY:UHTYG (High School) Wed., Apr. 1 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Lounge Night Wed., Apr. 8 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Lounge Night Wed., Apr. 15 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Lounge Night Sat., Apr. 18 Time TBD TYG Time Wed., Apr. 22 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. HBD Israel (@JCC East) Wed., Apr. 29 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Lounge Night May 1 - 3 NFTY-MV Spring Chavurah in Omaha! Graduating? Let Us Know In our June Bulletin we will be listing graduations from high school and above so please let us know where you are graduating from and what your future plans are. Please send the information to jnelson@unitedhebrew.org. www.unitedhebrew.org Once again, Purim was even better than we thought given the rescheduling due to snow, we raised over $4,500 for youth programs scholarships and provide for youth activities that could not happen without this event! A huge thank you to the volunteers running booths and making lots of smiles for the youth of UH! Our biggest fund raising contribution came from the silent auction and from sponsors of the bounce house and photo booth – Thanks Alro Heating and Cooling and Brentmoor! Thanks to all for bidding and winning all of the great prizes. And a huge thanks go to the businesses below. We encourage you to patronize the stores or stop in and say thanks to the manager for supporting United Hebrew. Activities: 6Points Camp Balls-n-Strikes Butterfly House Camp Sabra Camp Saul Spielberg Chesterfield Athletic Club COCA Demolition Ball Gift GUCI Hi NRG Gymnatix Hidden Valley Magic House Myseum Sheldon Concert Hall SkyZone St. Louis Carousel St. Louis Symphony Team Central Gymnastics Food: Balaban's Chick Fil A CJ Mugg's Dewey's Pizza Kreis's Restaurant Lazy River Grill Maggiano's Pasta House Co. Paul Manno's Pickelman's Straub's The Melting Pot Fun & Goodies: Crowne Plaza Cutter and Buck Weekender from Delmar Gardens Drury Hotels Landmark Theatres Laurie's Shoes Melanie's Jewelry Sam's Club Sports Fusion St. Louis Jewish Light The Hairy Elephant Schlafly Brewery Wehrenberg Theatres Wild Birds Unlimited American Cleaners American Image Blown Away Blow Dry Bar Clarisonic Facial Creve Coeur Veterinary Hospital Jean M Anderson Landscape Design Kennelwood Pet Resort Massage Envy Mitchell James Salon Shana Watkins Photography Town & Country Veterinary Hospital Waterway Car Wash West County Car Wash Woodard Cleaning Check out the website – www.unitedhebrew.org/tyg - or contact the Director of Youth Engagement and Youth Groups Advisor, H. Lee Rosenberg by phone, e-mail, Facebook, Instagram or tweet: 314.469.0700 x265 h.leerosenberg@unitedhebrew.org Facebook – Nfty Uhtyg; Instagram and Twitter @uhtyg APRIL 2015 7 Mazel Tov to our B’nai Mitzvah JACOB RYAN GREENE April 11, 2015 9:00 a.m. DEVIN MICHAEL TOCKMAN BRADFORD LEVY SIWAK DANIELLE PAMELA ESSMAN April 11, 2015 11:00 a.m. April 18, 2015 10:30 a.m. April 25, 2015 10:30 a.m. Mitzvah Menschen Devin Tockman: When I thought about doing a “mitzvah project” a few different ideas came to mind. I knew I wanted to do something for other kids who are less fortunate then I am. One of the things I chose to do was help my grandmother and Jewish Women International gift wrap at Chesterfield Mall during the holidays. They have offered this service to people for many years. Instead of charging people, we asked them to make a donation for having their gifts wrapped. Some people donate $1, but most give a lot more. All the money collected gets donated to Camp Rainbow, a camp that provides free camping experiences to children undergoing treatment for, and survivors of, cancer and other blood-related diseases. I look forward to summer camp each year, as do most kids, and I feel bad for kids who are sick and have never gotten to experience camp. The money we raised helps them to be able to go to a special camp for free. The second project I am doing is in honor of my grandfather, “Pops,” who passed away this past December. He volunteered his time in “The Family Room” of the Ronald McDonald House in St. Johns Mercy Hospital. I remember him going to Sam‟s to buy snack foods, plastic silver ware and cleaning products to restock the family room. The Ronald McDonald Family Room gives families a break from the hospital setting while their child is receiving treatment on the pediatric floor. They can do laundry, get something to eat or take a nap without having to leave the hospital. I wanted to continue to do what my Pops did. But, being too young to volunteer, I decided I would take my own money and buy things on “The Family Room Wish List.” I asked my mom if she would take me to do this every few months. Not only will I be honoring my grandfather, but I will be helping the families of sick children. Bradford Siwak: I decided to focus my mitzvah project on helping children through volunteer efforts. I have volunteered more than 300 hours as a camp counselor (including staffing before and after care) where I was the youngest volunteer, provided free weekly baritone lessons to a younger student and donated enough money to Ms. Davis‟ 4th grade class at Eagle College Prep Charter School in St. Louis to allow her to purchase many classroom books for the students to read. Danielle Essman: For my bat mitzvah project, I completed the derech mitzvah program. I performed 13 mitzvot in the categories of study (Torah), worship and Jewish practice (avodah) and acts of loving kindness (gemilut chasadim). Some of the mitzvot I accomplished were attending Torah Study and donating clothes from my closet. In addition, I look forward to dedicating time to volunteering at an animal shelter, as they require assistants to be at least 13. Also, one of my father‟s cousins founded an organization called Building Futures, where underprivileged kids from the city of St. Louis have the opportunity to design and build architectural models, learning lessons about what it takes to make them, as well as teamwork. These are important skills which the kids enjoy learning, and I am going to donate time and a portion of my bat mitzvah gifts to this organization. Having participated in this activity, I have seen the stark contrasts and similarities between us, and know how important it is to reach out and help others. Finally, working with Mrs. Lagoy‟s 2nd grade class every Sunday as a madricha continues to be a fun and rewarding part of my week. 8 APRIL 2015 UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION Donate your time and expertise to the Membership Committee. Volunteer to be a committee member or to help during events throughout the year (Shabbarbeque, Shavuot, etc.) Please contact Katie Ferry at kferry@unitedhebrew.org or 314-469-0700 to sign up today! www.unitedhebrew.org The snow didn‟t bother us. Purim Carnival festivities were amazing! The UH community came out in droves for a fun-filled evening. A silly shpiel, new games and lots of volunteers made this a ton of fun! APRIL 2015 9 Join the UH Brotherhood for a Night Out! or register online at www.unitedhebrew.org 10 APRIL 2015 UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION What’s Happening FILM SERIES: CAST A GIANT SHADOW Please join us on Wednesday, April 8 at 12 noon in the Messing Auditorium for the next film in our Wednesday Matinee Film Series, Cast a Giant Shadow. It is a 1966 bigbudget action movie based on the life of Colonel Mickey Marcus starring Kirk Douglas and Senta Berger. Yul Brynner, John Wayne, Frank Sinatra and Angie Dickinson also appear in supporting roles. The movie is a fictionalized account of the experiences of a real-life Jewish-American military officer, Colonel David "Mickey" Marcus, who commanded units of the fledgling Israel Defense Forces during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Lunch will be served prior to the film, consisting of roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts, the UH house salad and, of course, dessert and popcorn. Cost is $7 for UH members and $8 for non-members. To reserve a spot for this great afternoon, send a check payable to United Hebrew Congregation, Attn: Patty, 13788 Conway Road, St. Louis, MO 63141, by Monday, April 6. For more information, call Patty at 314-4343404. SOFTBALL LEAGUE SIGN-UPS The St. Louis inter-congregational softball league is back again this summer. This co-ed, competitively recreational and fun league plays on Sundays from late April thru August. There are a dozen or so teams from almost every congregation in St. Louis. United Hebrew has 4 teams. In the last few years, a UH team has taken home half the trophies. From the Kosher Krushers, Hebrewsers, Ball-a-Bustas and Camaraderie & Sports, we enjoy the silliness. There may be spots left on some of the teams; if you want to play and you're at least 18 years old, please contact Lee at h.leerosenberg@unitedhebrew.org or 314-434-3404. www.unitedhebrew.org SENIOR PROGRAM: LIVE LONG & PROSPER, LIFE & TIMES OF LEONARD NIMOY AS A JEW Join the United Hebrew Senior Group on Monday, April 27, at 12 noon in the Messing Auditorium. We will welcome Rabbi Roxanne Shapiro as our special guest. She will speak about the life of Leonard Nimoy, known by many for his portrayal of Mr. Spock in Star Trek franchise. Not only was he an actor, but a film director, photographer, author, poet, singer and songwriter. Prior to the program, enjoy a lunch of apricot chicken, roasted potatoes, salad and dessert. The cost to attend is $8 per person. Reservations requested by Tuesday, April 21. RSVP to Patty Oswald at 314-434-3404 or by mailing a check payable to United Hebrew, ATTN: Patty, to United Hebrew, 13788 Conway Road, St. Louis, MO 63141. BACKPACK BUDDIES: VOLUNTEERS AND FOOD NEEDED Thank you to everyone who has brought in food, helped pack, deliver backpacks and made monetary donations for Backpack Buddies. We appreciate your continued support for this wonderful program. We are always in need of food donations. This month, we are especially in need of hearty canned lunches, such as canned pasta or chili and individual macaroni and cheese that you just add water to. All items should be non-perishable. If you would like to donate fresh fruit one week, please let us know and we will plan to send it home that week with the kids. Please bring donations to UH and put in one of the large red bins in the chapel lobby or in front of the school office. We also have several slots open to help pack the backpacks including over the summer. For more info or to volunteer to help stuff the backpacks, please contact Patty Oswald at 314-434-3404 or poswald@unitedhebrew.org. APRIL 2015 11 We Want You! - Missouri Veterans History Project A FEW FAST FACTS… The U.S. Library of Congress requires interviews to be at least 30 minutes in length. Beyond the 30 minute time requirement, the length of the interview is guided by the veterans as they tell their stories. The volunteer driven project is funded 100% by private donations. Donations may be made by visiting our website, www.mvhp.net or by mailing a check to the address below. More information is available by calling, emailing or on our website. Any veteran who is a current Missouri resident, from any branch of service, and from any era is welcome to participate. If you are interested in volunteering or a veteran who would like to share your story, please fill out and return the form below. YES, I’d like to participate… Name: Address: Phone: Email: Please check all that apply: I am a veteran and want to tell my story. Our nation‟s veterans each have a unique perspective to share about our history. Personal recollections of their service provide a richer and more personal context to historical accounts. Missouri Veterans History Project (MVHP) volunteers record the contributions of the rank and file Soldier, Sailor, Marine and Airman. The unedited recording is provided to the veteran free of charge. In partnership with the State Historical Society of Missouri, the Library of Congress and other organizations; the interviews are archived and made available to scholars, students, veterans and the public. The MVHP has captured the histories of more than 700 former service members. But more volunteers are sought to contact, interview and videotape veterans. Interviews typically take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4-5 hours per day at various locations around the St. Louis area. 12 APRIL 2015 I want to be trained to interview veterans about their stories. I want to provide financial support. I am willing to assist with efforts in my community. Please return this form to: Missouri Veterans History Project 1400 Forum Blvd., Ste. 1C, Box 461 Columbia, MO 65203 PHONE: (573) 522-4220 EMAIL: info@mvhp.net WEBSITE: www.mvhp.net UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION Membership Pictorial Directory WE NEED YOU TO MAKE UH’S NEW FAMILY ALBUM COMPLETE! We are once again partnering with Lifetouch Photography to create a pictorial membership directory. For your convenience, Lifetouch will set up portable studios in the Spielberg Chapel at United Hebrew on several dates in April and May. There are many great reasons to participate: Make connections with our UH community by placing names with faces! You will receive a free 8x10 photo of your family just by having your photo taken. Absolutely no purchase is necessary, though you will be offered the opportunity to buy additional photos to share with family and friends. You will receive a complimentary copy of our new Pictorial Membership Directory. If you choose not to have your photo taken, the directory will be available on a first-come, first-served basis until supplies run out. In the spirit of our caring community, Lifetouch will donate $1 per family to UH‟s Backpack Buddies so that we may continue to feed the kids we help through the program . It will be so much easier for our members to connect names and faces! With respect to the privacy of our members, published information will be restricted to names, addresses and phone numbers, accessible to UH members only. You may opt out if you don‟t wish to have your address or phone number published. Registration is now open to schedule your family photo session. With hundreds of members, time slots will fill quickly, so sign up soon! It is easy to schedule your portrait sitting. You may register on the UH website at www.unitedhebrew.org or call the main office at 314-469-0700 and we will be happy to assist you in scheduling an appointment. Below are the times that are available for registration: Tuesday, April 14: Wednesday, April 15: Thursday, April 16: 2:00 - 9:00 p.m. 2:00 - 9:00 p.m. 2:00 - 9:00 p.m. Sunday, April 19: Monday, April 20: Tuesday, April 21: Wednesday, April 22: 1:00 - 7:00 p.m. 2:00 - 9:00 p.m. 2:00 - 9:00 p.m. 2:00 - 9:00 p.m. Sunday, May 3: Monday, May 4: Tuesday, May 5: Wednesday, May 6: 1:00 - 7:00 p.m. 2:00 - 9:00 p.m. 2:00 - 9:00 p.m. 2:00 - 9:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 18: Wednesday, May 19: 2:00 - 9:00 p.m. 2:00 - 9:00 p.m. If you prefer, you may submit your own photo for the book. If it is a professional photograph, please let us know and we will send you a photo release form that the photography company needs to approve before it is published. If we have your e-mail address, you should have received a copy of your member profile that we have on file. Please take a look at this carefully and let us know if there needs to be any changes. We look forward to creating a living history of United Hebrew! REGISTER NOW - OPEN ENROLLMENT SAUL SPIELBERG EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Offering full-day and half-day flexible options. Serving children 6 weeks to pre-kindergarten. Registration materials on Register NOW for Fall 2015. our website: www.unitedhebrew.org This is the place to be! Call 314-434-3404 for info or to schedule a tour. www.unitedhebrew.org APRIL 2015 13 Contributions Brasch Building Maintenance Fund IN HONOR OF: *Birth of Grandson of Barry & Martha Ginsburg *Special Birthday of Norman Wolff Jerry & Rosalie Brasch IN MEMORY OF: *Marian Goldstein Merle & Marty Oberman Building Fund IN MEMORY OF: *Charles Ginsberg Gloria & Phil Ellis Clergy Discretionary Funds IN HONOR OF: *Their 50th Wedding Anniversary Marvin & Sandra Ginsberg IN MEMORY OF: *Father, Harold Rosenberg Stephen & Beverly Rosenberg *Russell Deskin Jan & Shelly Baron Ada & Frank Friedman Youth Group Fund IN MEMORY OF: *Joyce Sova Felicia & Steve Malter Iris & Alan DeWoskin *H. Kenneth Gordon Iris & Alan DeWoskin *David Taylor The Kraizer Family General Fund IN HONOR OF: *Speedy Recovery of Harold Yalem Ellie Kaiser IN MEMORY OF: *Brother, Leonard Sova Selma Gold *George Levin Danny & Jill Fox Suzie & David Shoub *Simon Rosenbaum Danny & Jill Fox Jablon Youth Fund IN HONOR OF: *Birth of Emily Gabriella Babitz Steve & Felicia Malter IN MEMORY OF: *Parents, Victoria & Irving Jablon Arthur & Mady Jablon Stanley Laiderman Fund IN HONOR OF: *Special Birthday of Ethel Shanker *Special Birthday of Myra Ozersky Shirley Gordon *Birth of Alexia M. Krathen Wilma & George (z”l) Levin IN MEMORY OF: *Arnold Schrier Wilma & George (z”l) Levin Shirley Gordon *George Levin Marsha Kunin Lorraine Laiderman & Family 14 APRIL 2015 Honor & Celebrate Your Family, Your Friends, Your Temple *George Levin Andrea & Les Richman Shirley Seigel & Family Marlene & Sandy Palans Marvin & Muriel Beckerman Shirley & Nancy Gordon *Shirley R. Lucas Jules Lucas *Grandmother, Ida Gomberg Sammy Sanders Lorraine Laiderman & Family Lew & Cheryl Levey Volunteer Recognition Fund IN HONOR OF: *Speedy Recovery of Shirley Alberstat Dorothy Maer *Speedy Recovery of Stan Boraz Bev Golder *Julie Stern Valerie, Julie, Allison & Katie Lenahan IN MEMORY OF: *Miriam Greenberg Bev Golder *Mother of Howard Rosen Lew & Cheryl Levey Library Fund IN HONOR OF: *50th Wedding Anniversary of Marvin & Sandy Ginsberg Barbara & Norman Wolff IN MEMORY OF: *Gordon Ney *George Levin *Parents, Paul & Esther Satz Phil & Gail Kramer Perry & Shirleen Mehlman Camp Scholarship Fund IN HONOR OF: *Bob Gummers’ Retirement Jim & Abby Susman IN MEMORY OF: *Estelle Levin *Marian Goldstein Betsy Mehlman *Donald Bauer Jim & Abby Susman *George Levin Sidney & Ruth Levin Memorial Fund IN MEMORY OF: *Lionel Kaiser *Mother, Sadie Rickensohl Eleanor Kaiser & Family *Charlotte Mayer *Annette Miller *Jill Lustberg Elliot & Mitzi Leon *Morris Polleck Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Rudman *Father, N. Joseph Price Cindy & Scott Harper *Father, Sidney Rubin Linda Rubin *Frances Feldman The Feldman Family *Gene Pattiz Denise Pattiz Bogard *Mother, Gertrude Sherman *Granddaughter, Allison Gall Sue & Jerry Tessler *Wife Florine Weiss Walter Weiss *Scott Phillip Goldstein Irving Goldstein *Abe Bikshorn Sarita Bikshorn *Esther G. Rosen Jules Lucas *Betty Kaufman *Hyman Kaufman Alan & Jeannine Kaufman *Bernadine Winter Robyn & Rick Morris & Family Terry & Ron Seigel & Family *Blanche Steinberg Helane & Craig Maer *Father, Bernhard Susskind *Father, Kurt Aschner Fred & Eva Ashner *Mother, Mollie Cohen Sanford & Jo Linda Cohen *Mother, Dena Berger *Father, Jack H. Brimer *Father, Nathan Berger Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Brimer *Mother, Goldie Goldberg Leslie & Judy Berger *Mother, Louise Glickman Sharon & Richard Edwards *Frances Feldman John & Barbara Becker *Sam Finbloom The Dinman Family *Dr. Elmer Wagman Helene & Carl Sherman *Lori Newmark *Raye Bankendorf *Henry Bankendorf Barry Newmark *Philip Fredman Lynn Wolgamot Alan & Renee Fredman & Family *Sara Segal Dr. & Mrs. Albert Small *Mother, Alla Boubnoff Lexie & Steve Goldsmith *Mother, Jennie Baron Sheldon & Jeanine Baron *Sophie Lending Ronald Lending & Family *Harold Oglander Marilyn Oglander *Evelyn Rabinowitz Marilyn Oglander Gail & Brian Levine *Father, Abe Feldman Alice & Al Redler *Mother & Grandmother, Sylvia Loomstein Susan Nathanson *Mother, Jennie Diamond Sharon & Dave Silverman *Robert “Bob” Levin Melissa, David, Emma & Katie Wallace *Mildred Feldman Suzanne Lasky *Celia H. Cohen David H. Cohen *Rose Hess Linda & Charles Hilton *Dr. Jack Mallen Linda & Mark Mallen *Father, Jerome Garber Elliot & Mitzi Leon *Mary K. Turken Mark Turken *Morris Hershenhorn Dorothy Hershenhorn *Mother, Bernadine E. Nieman Mr. & Mrs. M. Myron Hochman *Philip Kootman Michael & Debbie Kootman & Family *Meyer “Mike” Goodman *Glenn Steven Goodman Patti Moulton *Joyce Yalem Lori & Richard Yalem Harold Yalem *Mother, Betty Gaylor Shirley & Marvin Prywitch *Father, Nappy Friedman Gloria Ruben & Family *Husband, Dennis Alter *Father-in-law, Nelson Tobias Alter Alyce Alter *Father, Ben Emert *Mother, Olga Emert *Husband, Philip Kootman Florence Emert Kootman *Father, Morris B. Avirom Babette & Sandford Miller *Stanley Laiderman Caryn Babich *Henry L. Fishman Jeanette Fishman *George Levin Rose Fiman *Bernard Frank Lois Frank *Mollie Stein Leona Stein *Father, Louis Lite Joyce Davis *Albert Schenberg Adele & Ivan Schenberg *Dinah Ashinoff Ruth Lewin *Jacob Weintraub Rose Mayer *Irven Bierman June Bierman *Rebecca Schenberg Adele & Ivan Schenberg *Mother, Miriam Zaslow Charney & Charles Goldman *David S. Millstone Millstone Foundation *Mary Mamroth Florine & Perry Mamroth *Gertrude M. Sincoff Julian Mathes *Father, Sam Siegel Beverly Friedman *David Steven Finbloom The Dinman & Finbloom Family UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION Contributions *Harry Block Dolores Grollman *Wife, Melva J. LeBeau Harry LeBeau *Henry Lerner Merle & Marty Oberman *Albert Friedman Renie & Steve Lauter *Father, Larry Newfeld Dani & Ricky Dicker *Wilma Engel Messing Russ Messing *William I. Gordon Shirley Gordon & Family *William Melnick Michelle & Marc Stone *Sam Grosman The Gavril Family Helen C. Millstone Music Fund IN MEMORY OF: *Janet C. Amitin Larry & Elaine Amitin & Family *Henry L. Fishman Francine Pappageorge Prayer Book Fund IN MEMORY OF: *David Thompson Steve & Sharon Rothmel *Joyce Sova Joyce Davis Raskas Technology Fund IN MEMORY OF: *Justin Greenberg Jan & Stan Boraz Henrietta & Eli Spielberg Israel Scholarship Foundation Fund IN MEMORY OF: *Charlotte Mayer Rick & Marcy Cornfeld *Philip Briggins Anita & Lenny Korman Saul Spielberg Early Childhood Center Fund IN HONOR OF: *Birth of Owen Michael Daniels Sherry Lipshitz & Family Shirley & Alan Gorman *Birth of Granddaughters of Bob & Susan Hoffman Alison & Michael Seidler IN MEMORY OF: *Ruth Newstead Roy Wagman & Barbara Singer Wagman *George Levin Alison & Michael Seidler United Hebrew Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund IN MEMORY OF: *Sarah Steinberg Dorothy Maer *Brother, Arnold Weintrub Susan & Al Kutner www.unitedhebrew.org Honor & Celebrate Your Family, Your Friends, Your Temple *Daniel Berk Howard Berk *Betty Buffen Larry Buffen *Mother, Sylvia Raymond Alan Raymond *Selma Gidlow Jerome Gidlow *Mother, Regina Valfer Fred & Kathleen Valfer *Lena Rosenblum Poger *Jack Rosenblum Charlotte Rosenblum *Mother, Bonnie Shainman Michael & Nancy McCamley & Family *Emily Grafman Allan & Beth Grafman *Dr. Stanford Waldman Rose Waldman *Stanley Wielansky Craig & Maureen Wielansky *Mother, Ethel Ladinsky Renee Goodman *Husband, Claude Abrams Joan Abrams *Lillian Wolkowitz Jerry Wolkowitz *Marjorie Goldenberg Joanie & Howard Goldenberg *Father, Marvin Rothberg Diane Ezell & Sons *Wilma Messing Noel Hefty *Louis Lehrer Devy Goldenberg Wolff Transportation Fund IN HONOR OF: *Speedy Recovery of Shirley Alberstat Barbara & Norman Wolff IN MEMORY OF: *Gary Kunin *Diane Fine Marsha Kunin *Sissy Alton Alan & Eleanor Wolff *Father, Morris Rudman Gloria Goldblatt *Mother, Ruth Cohen-Katz *Father, Jack Cohen Allan, Susan & Michael Cohen *Clara Citerman Arlene & Stanley Citerman *Estelle Levin Rita Goldberg *Brother, Marvin Meyer Feldman Jean Dubman *Father, Adolph Mandelker *Mother, Marie Mandelker Daniel Mandelker *George Levin Jordan & Elaine Rudolph Eileen Hurwitz Judy & Jeff Ziedman *Beryle Faier *Husband, Allan Hurwitz *Father, Jack Schultz *Mother, Estelle Schultz Eileen Hurwitz Remember Unique Treasures For Your Bridal Registry, Bar/Bat Mitzvah Registry, Unique Tallit And For Gifts of All Occasions Hours Monday - Friday 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Tuesday 9:30 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. (during Hebrew School) Friday after Services Sunday 9:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. (during religious school) And by Special Appointment, - Call Iris at 314-469-1556 or 314-469-0700 CONCLUDING SERVICE FOR PASSOVER PESACH YIZKOR MEMORIAL SERVICE FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 9:00 A.M. Members of our congregational family who have passed away since last Passover. George Alberstat Sandra Applebaum Steven Bassman Donald Bauer Richard Beldner Yetta Berk Michael "Mickey" J. Bly Bernard Bornstein Muriel Constance "Sissy" Brody Ben Bronson David Mark Colegrove Celeste "Chana" Cranis Kathleen McAuliffe Desloge Rolla S. Eisman Nathan Ettlinger Dorislee Feinstein Dr. Arthur Feldman Manuel "Manny" Finkelstein Melinda Ann Friedman Rowena Friedman Marvin B. Ganek Cynthia L. "Cindy" Gilberg Charles Ginsberg Ben Goldman Marian Kanter Goldstein Seldon "Sonny" Goldstein H. Kenneth Gordon Joyce "Toodles" Green Leonard Robert Growe Dr. Karin Joy Gubin Arthur Z. Guller Maxine J. Jackoway Douglas A. "Doug" King Belkis Klau Howard Klein Marvin Koslow Ida Kramer Irene Krell Jack Kunitz Miriam Lebedun Leatrice "Letty" Lefkowitz Jerry Legow George Levin Jerome Jules Lewin Barbara Zetcher Lowry Jill Lustberg Anita Mallen Sidney Maltzman Barry Gordon Mandel William L. Mantinband Irma D. Mathes Charlotte Mayer Annette Miller Paula Myers Abe Persky Robert (Bob) Irl Recht Sidney A. Rennard Simon Rosenbaum Elma Bloch Rosenfeld Betty Roth Anita Rothberg Mahlon Rubin Dorothy Bierman Sandow Dorothy Schenberg Julius Shapiro Joyce Jane Sova Leonard Sova Daniel Spielberg Annita Suffian Eugene J. Thal David Thompson Sam Wood Stacy F. Yedlin APRIL 2015 15 April 3 Haskell Aronson Lillian Batavia Fannie Berger Ida S. Bierman Jennie Binder Irma Blank Abraham Block Bettie A. Boxerman Kathryn E. Cohen Milton S. Cohen David L. Cohn Harry J. Coplan Reuben Milton Crystal Jack Dubinsky April 10 Lena Katz Alter Birdie C. Bialick Warren Brodsky Julia Schwartz Brown Alfred Louis Chotin Ethel G. Dubinsky Clara L. Esler Anna Finkelstein Anna Kantor Fishman Morris Goldberg April 17 Pearl Amernick Edith Ida Asckenasy Rebecca Bloom Astrin Florence Beldner Estelle Birnbaum Cecelia Chuver Rachel Crown Eva Muchnick Feldman Stanley E. Feldman Annie M. Fischlowitz Abraham D. Friedman Blime Fuhrer Sam Ginsberg Louis Goldberg Stephen Edward Gray Samuel Guckenheim Rosella A. Jourman Stanley Julian Katcher Lillie M. Kopman Howard Frank Lachman Jacob E. Lasky Harry Levi William Levi Ann Lichtenstein Joseph M. Malpe Leon N. (Jiggs) Maniloff Sarah Moss Leo Joseph Noveson Millard Pearlstone Lenora Claris Pollack Joyce Hope Portnoy Etta Rachofsky Edward Robbins Bertha Rovin Fay Rudner Leah Mandle Salinger Jacob Schwartz Sarah Seltzer Frances Covitz Shanker Maurice Sincoff Alice Spector Marvin Spector Harry Stahl Martin B. Toybes Joe W. Wyman Janet Yampolsky Jacob B. Yatter Clara Zeid Nat Zetcher Anna Zucker April 24 Perpetual Memorials Sol Eckert Esther Engel Joseph A. Epstein Dana Ezell Joseph D. Feigenbaum Nathan Frensdorf Ben Friedman Lester Gallant Frank Gardner Israel Garfinkel Ruth Gaylor Harry Giddan Milford G. Giddan Edith Glaser Robert Gliner William A. Goldberg Louis Goldblum Albert Golde Anna Goldenberg Ida Goldstein Stella Rosen Goldstein Marvin Grossman Abbie Herrmann Rose Jourman Goldie Kessler Lottie Rader Kippel Theodore Kraizer Philip Krout Martin L. Lanznar Paul Mandel Max Mayerson Jennie Midman Betty Ann Moulton Joseph Niederberg Bertha Pizer Emil S. Roodman Jerome D. Rosen Sam Rosen Esther Sacarowitz Jack J. Sanders Nathan Sarasohn Alvin Segelbohm Dorothy S. Smith Harold C. Solar Shirley Ann Sosnoff Herman L. Sparber J. Lewis Spiegel Paul Steinman Hazel R. Wallerstein Effie Werner Mildred Wiley Milton Winter Nathan Wolff Rheta Yanow Lillie Zimmerman Clare Goldstein David Goldstein Lillian Goldstein Rose Grosberg Morris Huber Meyer Jaffe Dorothy Jasper Robert Ketcher Joe Klearman Samuel W. Kopman Bryan Jay Koslow Minnette Levin Kretchmar Jonathan Michael Levy Jerome J. Lewin Herbert F. Lewis Yetta Loomstein Nathan Mayer Rose T. Mendelson Katherine (Kitty) Morris Edward Poscover Jacob Rosenkranz Frances Rosenstroch Meyer Roudman Louis Rovin Frieda S. Schramm Katherine Serkes Reuben (Rudy) Serot Jenny Siegel Lillian D. Sigel Dr. Henry Sills Hannah Solomon Bessie Susman Mildred M. Tulper Lottie J. Walcher Samuel Werner Emma Schur Wides Isadore Wise Sidney P. Wolff Annie S. Yatter Gertrude Plaut Balk Jessie K. Barnholtz David Barter Max Birnbaum Eva Kory Bornstein Sidney J. Bronfin Nathan A. Buffen David Charak Louis Cohen Harry Dunie E. Ted Fadem Aaron A. Feigenbaum Barbara A. Feldman Clarice W. Friedman Edward J. Gallant Jacques Gleitman Julia Gleitman Joseph G. Goldberg Isaac Jacob Albert H. Kaplansky Nathan Keiner Morris Kirschman Joseph W. Kopman Aaron (Sonny) Kram Sam Kram Morris Kranzberg Marcia Halpern Lerner Sidney David Lite Jennie Luks William Malpe Albert Markenson Muriel K. Mayer Lena Frank Oakley Etta Oglander Reichman Jack Rodenberg Ben Roman, Jr. Louis M. Salomon Hilda K. Schiffer Dorothy Schnurman Ray Schnurman Henry H. Schwartz Aaron Sessel Lizzie Sessel Fred Shaftal Philip Sherman Bertha Silverman Yetta Slumpsky Jack L. Smith Rose H. Ganz Solar Alfred Stoler Rose Deutsch Stone Fred H. Suffian Orrin Dan Susman Bernice Tash Abraham Torgove Bea Dobrin Tulper Belle M. Vittert Irvin J. Zeid CALLING ALL SINGERS! If you are interested in singing during the High Holy Day Services, please join Cantor Eichaker on: Thursday, April 23 at 7:00 p.m. in the Spielberg Chapel In addition to singing, you will be introduced to the new machzor (prayer book) that will be used during the High Holidays this year. 16 APRIL 2015 The Jewish Food Pantry Needs Your Help! In April, the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry is looking for these specific items in order to provide well-balanced nourishment for the community in need: canned tuna fish and canned salmon, peanut butter, canned chili/beef/pasta with meat, kosher food, any type of canned vegetables, toothpaste, toothbrushes and baby diapers. Currently, the Jewish Food Pantry is feeding over 8,000 individuals per month. The need is great, so please help in any way you can. Checks payable to the Jewish Food Pantry and gift cards are also appreciated and can be mailed to Patty Oswald at United Hebrew Congregation. Items should be brought to the collection bins at UH. Thank you! UNITED HEBREW CONGREGATION Announcements CONDOLENCES The congregation extends its sincere condolences to the families of DONALD BAUER Father of Michael (Sheryl) Bauer RICHARD S. BELDNER Husband of Karen Beldner Brother of Diane (Ken) Deutsch KATHLEEN MCAULIFFE DESLOGE Mother of the late Richard (Nancy) Desloge, Jr. CHARLES GINSBERG Brother of Marvin (Sandra) Ginsberg MARIAN KANTER GOLDSTEIN Mother of Mark (Joanie) Goldstein HOWARD KLEIN Father of Michael (Ivy) Klein MIRIAM LEBEDUN Mother of Mark (Kathy) Lebedun GEORGE LEVIN Husband of Wilma Levin Father of Susan (Sheldon) Beck and Harlan (the late Lynne) Levin SIMON ROSENBAUM Husband of the late Barbara Rosenbaum ELMA BLOCH ROSENFELD Mother of Isabel (Richard) Goldstein WELCOME TO UNITED HEBREW! Andrew and Shanda Skolnick (Zoe & Zachary) MAZEL TOV! Engaged: Lauren Leigh Singman and Andrew Farrell Moss. Lauren is the daughter of Rosaline and Sidney Stein and James Singman. She is the granddaughter of Ethel and the late Jack Gentle, and the late Charlotte and the late Louis Singman. Andrew is the son of Jodi and Terry Moss. He is the grandson of the late Florence and Sheldon Silberstein and LaRee and the late Manne Green, and the late Geraldine and the late Robert Moss. IN OUR CONGREGATION... Congratulations to... Andy Babitz, Jennifer Newmark, and Julie Stern for being selected as 2015-2017 Wexner Heritage Fellows. They will begin their program with a Summer Institute this August and continue with bi-monthly seminars throughout the year. The mission of the Wexner Heritage Program is to expand the vision of Jewish volunteer leaders, deepen their Jewish knowledge and confidence and inspire them to exercise transformative leadership in the Jewish community. Julie Stern was selected to be part of the 2015 class of Millstone Fellows, the Millstone Institute‟s premier program for emerging and established leaders in the St. Louis Jewish community. This select 8-month leadership program creates the space to effectively tackle challenging conversations and community situations. Facilitated by local and national trainers and educators, participants will explore values based leadership, create shared visions, examine trends in Jewish life and strengthen skills for community building. The program kicks off with an opening retreat on Sunday, March 8. MANY THANKS TO... DAVID THOMPSON Brother of Deane (Fancine) Thompson The Gilmore and Golde Families for sponsoring food baskets in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Henry Freedman. Because of space limitations, condolences are listed for members and their immediate relatives. In addition, only immediate relatives of the deceased who are members are listed. Rich and Jenny Wolkowitz and Daniel and Julie Rosenbluth for sponsoring food baskets in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their cousin, Leslie Cytron. DID YOU KNOW? In 1953, Ben Gurion said of those who had been involved in the secret bullet making factory, "...I do not know what was greater: The modesty of those involved or their valor." Learn more more about their bravery following our Israel Independence Day Shabbat on April 24. Barbara and Barry Wolkowitz for sponsoring a Shabbat Nosh in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their great-niece, Leslie Cytron. Barbara and Norman Wolff for sponsoring a Shabbat Nosh in honor of Norman‟s 90th birthday. Eugenia and Kris Lazarov for sponsoring food baskets and a Shabbat Nosh in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Michael Lazarov. The food baskets are donated to the Jewish Food Pantry and are very much appreciated! www.unitedhebrew.org APRIL 2015 17 APRIL 2015 at United Hebrew Congregation Sun Tue Mon March 29 1:30 PM UHJYG Event 1:30 PM “ME” Time with Gerard Edery 7:30 PM Nar-Anon Meeting 30 Religious School Hebrew School Wed 31 Thu April 1 10:00 AM Temple Tots 7:00 PM UHTYG Lounge Night 6:00 PM Matzah Baking 7:00 PM Matzah Baking Hebrew School B’nai Mitzvah Session 6 5 7:30 PM Nar-Anon Meeting 8 12:00 PM Matinee Film Series 7:00 PM UHTYG Lounge Night NO HEBREW SCHOOL NO B’NAI MITZVAH SESSION NO SCHOOL 12 13 2:00 PM 23Ducks Event 6:00 PM Club45 Lounge Night 7:30 PM Nar-Anon Meeting 6:30 PM Witnessing Whiteness Group Religious School Hebrew School 19 14 10:00 AM Temple Tots Hebrew School B’nai Mitzvah Session 20 11:00 AM SSECC Super Heroes & Super Stars Fundraiser 4:00 PM Yom HaShoah Community Program (at Kol Rinah) 7:30 PM Nar-Anon Meeting 21 10:00 AM Temple Tots 15 3:00 PM Book Club 7:00 PM Board of Trustees Meeting 7:00 PM UHTYG Lounge Night 22 7:00 PM UHTYG Lounge Night Hebrew School B’nai Mitzvah Session 26 11:30 AM Yom Ha’Atzmaut Gaga Tournament with Club45 and UHJYG 7:30 PM Nar-Anon Meeting Religious School PRIL 2015 Hebrew School 18 A 11:30 AM Amateurs of the Great Assembly 9 27 12:00 PM Senior Program 28 10:00 AM Temple Tots 6:30 PM Witnessing Whiteness Group Hebrew School B’nai Mitzvah Session 3 Main Office & SSECC Closes at 12 noon 8:30 AM Fast of the First Born Observance 4:30 PM Shabbat Service Main Office & SSECC Closed 10 Adult Choir Rehearsal NO B’NAI MITZVAH SESSION 9:00 AM Passover Yizkor Service 5:45 PM Shabbat Nosh 6:30 PM STL Symphony Shabbat Service 7:30 PM Dessert Reception 8:00 PM STL Symphony Concert 16 17 1:30 PM Intermediate Hebrew Yom HaShoah 11:30 AM Amateurs of the Great Assembly 1:30 PM Intermediate Hebrew B’nai Mitzvah Session Adult Choir Rehearsal 23 Yom Ha’Atzmaut 11:30 AM Amateurs of the Great Assembly 1:30 PM Intermediate Hebrew Religious School Hebrew School Sat 2 11:30 AM Amateurs of the Great Assembly 12:00 PM Matzah Baking 1:30 PM Intermediate Hebrew B’nai Mitzvah Session Adult Choir Rehearsal 7 10:00 AM Temple Tots Fri 5:45 PM Shabbat Nosh 7:00 PM UHTYG Lounge Night 30 11:30 AM Amateurs of the Great Assembly 1:30 PM Intermediate Hebrew B’nai Mitzvah Session Adult Choir Rehearsal 9:00 AM Torah Study & Shabbat St. Louis (at Temple Emanuel) 6:00 PM Passover Seder Pesach - 1st Day 11 9:00 AM Torah Study 9:00 AM Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Greene 11:00 AM Bar Mitzvah of Devin Tockman 7:00 PM Confirmation Overnight Shemini 18 9:00 AM Torah Study 6:00 PM “Kid”dush Club 10:30 AM Bar Mitzvah of Bradford Siwak 6:30 PM Shabbat Service 5:00 PM UHTYG Event Tazria-Metzora 24 5:45 PM Shabbat Nosh 6:30 PM Israel Shabbat Service B’nai Mitzvah Session Adult Choir Rehearsal 29 4 Passover 25 9:00 AM Torah Study 10:30 AM Bat Mitzvah of Danielle Essman 6:30 PM Casino Night & Chili Cook-Off Acharei Mot-Kedoshim May 1 11:30 AM SSECC All Family Shabbat 5:45 PM Shabbat Nosh 6:30 PM Shabbat Alive! UTeacher NITEDAppreciation HEBREW 9:00 AM Torah Study 2 10:30 AM B’nai Mitzvah of Benjamin and Dani Gottlieb CONGREGATION Emor Administrative Offices - Clergy: (314) 469-0700 Fax: (314) 434-7821 Education & Program Offices: (314) 434-3404 Email: temple@unitedhebrew.org Rabbi .................................. Brigitte S. Rosenberg Rabbi & Director of Life Long Learning………... …………………….……….Roxanne J.S. Shapiro Cantor .................................... Ronald D. Eichaker Rabbi Emeritus .................. Howard G. Kaplansky Cantor Emeritus .................. Murray W. Hochberg NON-PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID ST. LOUIS, MO PERMIT NO. 3319 One Gudder Campus 13788 Conway Road, St. Louis, Missouri 63141 Director of Early Childhood Engagement…….... ………………………….…...…...Corinne Lagoy Director of Programming & Communication…… …………………………………Cori Neidenberg Director of Youth Engagement...H. Lee Rosenberg Director of Development & Membership………. …………………...…………………..Amy Stone Events/Kitchen Manager……...……Debra Grund Assistant Musical Director .............. David Cohen Artist-in-Residence…………………...Rick Recht Officers President ...................................... Lexie Goldsmith Vice President ..................................... Julie Gibbs Vice President ................................... Steve Guller Vice President .................................. Leslie Yoffie Treasurer .......................................... Alisa Gordon Assistant Treasurer ..................... Michael Ferman Secretary ......................................... Matthew Holt Our thanks to the Laiderman Family for their generous donation to the United Hebrew Endowment Fund to help support our Temple Bulletin. United Hebrew Congregation serves the Jewish community of St. Louis as a place of worship and learning with a welcoming community united in the common Judaic spirit of Reform Judaism. Please consider a gift to United Hebrew Congregation on Tuesday, May 5 - Give STL Day! Simply visit www.givestlday.org and make your tax-deductible contribution to UH and your favorite non-profits. Did you know that many companies will double the gift by matching your contribution to United Hebrew? Please submit your matching gift request to your employer. www.unitedhebrew.org APRIL 2015 19
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