Cailor Suiu* -Sbou) Daps - Rockaway Township Free Public Library
Cailor Suiu* -Sbou) Daps - Rockaway Township Free Public Library
VOL. XXIX. JDOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1899. NO. 17 TOWNSHIP ASD BOROUGH ELECTIONS. iuch team to be used also for city work under he direction of the Street Commissioner, and that stalls be fitted up in the engine house for TO IIJU'VBZICITY COVNGIL WANTS MORE LIGHT the horses, and aluo comfortable quarters for MiSVLT J'ArOltAllLli CA NS OX HIE WHOLE. BEFORE I/ECIIJING. a driver, who would be required to Bleep in the engine house at night Iveu Randolph Townwhfp Elects a ReBoard of Eii($1u«uru Muko Weighty Third—That a dozen rubber coaiR be bought Note lirat name "AMOS" and ao, " 7 3 " before cnteringBtore. OetoffcaratPlttDeat. publican Township Commltteemau, Kuuommeiidatlous — Proposals For to be distributed by the Chief among the Clerk aiid A s s e s s o r - P o r t Oram UorGarbage Disposal Ueeelved-Coun- truck and engine companies. OUKII AIBU iSIeutu Republican Officllmon Kaynor, Carliart ana Stumpf Fourth—That the Uamewell fire alarm • hud fniurniture, carpcU, Wmit Pay For February, Despltt- lystom be adopted. cials, B a r r i n g Overseer—One Demo— beading1 and Btoves-cnvcrTo go back to the b^frmiug, the matter of c r a t and Two Republican FreeholdAKPuoment With Mayor—Finance . 4 j^rea. i» yours t o choose from—pricen the lowest known—easy terms of naythe proposed new fire houses on Morris Btreet . rut to suit yimraelf—imd u clean-up nule like tbimu MurcU 1 If we're not the nlute Committee Approves Their Hills, e r s Klcotcd, Leaving Hoard a T i e as Sryoa to know, 'tis strange I ' till and Prospect Btreet hill was referred to a t P r e s e n t — " Citizens' " T i c k e t s Too—Reports, e t c . , e t c . ,—A wonder t o thousands—tlie way we have been selling the country's the Fire, Lamp and Water Committee; the flocBt, loveliest weaves-prices are iiot merely low-tney're iiheuouicTbe intestinal troubles that have for some second recommendation, concerning the pur- E loo ted i n SeAeral lloraughu. time past been threatening Vigilant Eugine chase of a team of horses for the truck, took The result of the township and borough Company No. 2 with disruption received an the same course; tbe proposed purchase of a elections held in Morris county on Tuesday airlug before the " City Council" at the reg- dozen rubber coats was referred to the same , on the wholo, favorable to tbe Repubular monthly meeting of that body on Mon- oirmlttee with power; the matter of tbe lican party, even Randolph township, always day night, when the warring factions in that Game well fire alarm system was referred considered safely Democratic by a majority company locked horns over a recoiutnenda- back to the Board of Engineers with instruc- f from 80 to 120, returning a Republican tion contained in the report of the Board of Ions to report on the probable cost of install- 'ownship Coramltteeman, Assessor and Engineers of the Fire Department to the effect ing an automatic fire alarm system. Clerk, while Port Oram borough, which that action be deferred In the matter of the The report of the Board of Engineers also forsome years has been in the habit of electSpring Exhibits in Ladies' and Misses' Tailored Suits confirmation by the City Council of the re- told of tbe election of John Ho well as a mem- ing a quasi-populistic set of officials, like Ranthat have delighted hundreds of critical eyes. An assort- election to membership in Vigilant Engine ber of Engine Company No 1, and of thn lolph township, turned over a uew leaf and Company of Daniel Dehler, who some yearB resignation from Vigilant Engine Company elected a Btraight Republican ticket, with ment of the elite of the Spring modes never surpassed in ago was expelled from that company. o. 2 of John Davis, and Council confirmed tbe single exception of aReeBSor, wblcb office While it may not be flattering exactly, r till he election of the former and accepted the ill to George Fiartey, whoje political heresies rich variety of novel beauty. Here are some chosen valwere offset by bis personal popularity. fact needs be stated that the Dehler inci- resignation of the latter. ues of the highest excellence in make and style, ultra- the dent wnB provocative of more interest, as To promote the efficiency of the police de- Only three Freeholders were elected, nameBaby Carriages—new Spring lines nre Now $10.80—was $30. was evidenced by the large attendance— correct in every detail. artment it was decided to have Chief Hagan ly, one each in Rockaway township, where to in, and a gayer, prettier, newer patA 880 00 ParlorSult, now $19.60— terned lot you never law. standing room in the council chamber being go on duty a t noon and continue until mid- 'liomas H, Hoagland was accorded tbe honor very name suit ns cut—embroidered Lots oflate idean—prices $2.9$ up—80 iiinsfa mahogany finish frame, liandat a premium—than other matters of far when he will be relieved by Ofllcer fare-election without opposition; in Montdifferent kindB. •imelT corvcd-gllt nail decocted. Spring Tailored Suits—4 styles to choose from—Eton Jackets, greater importance that have engaged the night, ^Ve've Go-Carti, too. And we've 80 other«-$10.60 u p ^ McElroy, who will continue on duty from villa towuBhip, where John H. Mllledge overcame, with 22 votes to the good, the oppositight fitting coats, fly front coats, 6-bulton box coats, all made in attention of the " City Council" during the midnight till noon. two years. There was quite a game of The regular mouthly report of Chief of tion, which was made up of regular Demothe latest circular-shaped skirts, in black, navy, cheviots and ex- past talk, Chief James S. Meliclc defending the 'olice Uagan told of seven arrrats and $15.50 crats and a Btnall coterie of disgruntled Retremely handsome mixtures, tailored and finished to •eport of the Board of Engineers, while in fines and costs paid out of a total of (30.90 publicans, and In Morris township, where Charles Mohler, as spokesman for the Dehler Imposed. perfection, any size 32 to 44, value 17.50, at Charles R. Wbitebead was re-elected by a contingent, urged that the "reinstatement," The report of Recorder Gage was substan- lajorfty of 44. as he put it, of the redoubtable " D a n " be As a result the board remains a tie, but the Spring Tailored Suits—Ladies' All-Taffeta Lined Suits, two confirmed instanter. tially a repetition of Chief Hagan's report. Proposals for tbe collection and disposal of election of additional freeholders in May will styles to choose from, fly front jackets or tight fitting coats, made The Debler side led off with a letter, tebich arbage were received at these prices : Jamen in all likelihood disturb the political equilibwith latest circular skirts, but-on trimmed. These suits are the City Clerk Baker read, in which it was O. Cooper, «1,444.44 ; H. C. Newltirk, $l,r>00 ; rium of the board. gR--Solidoalc, brai Btated, in substance, that it was the desire of ynhapt An exceptionally good run was made by * 5 ^"fancyh perfection of style, fit and finish, and are easily . B. Palmer, $1,090; A. E. Force, $1,095. rail a t head and foot—"very j f i - —In —In Oak—really Oak—r« the signers that Debtor's " reinstatement" be On motion of Councilman Lyon the proposals 'homas O, Bassett, Republican candidate for worth 25.00 chaBte pattern*. 4yC. a 76c. table. confirmed, he being "equal to, if not the beat were referred to the Finance Committee. the office of assessor in Randolph township. fireman in Dover and of great help to the de The report of City Treasurer John K. Cook HIa majority was 89. For a novice in politics Spring Tailored Suits—An exceptionally good lot of All- partment." There were twenty-four names lollowB: th'B is a run to be proud of. wool Cheviot Suits, blaclfov blue, and All-wool Venetian Mix- Binned to this letter, all in one handwriting, The result in detail follows: CITY FUND. the list leading off with the name of Mayor RECEIPTS. tures, with new shape jackets, taffeta lined, skirts latest shapes, BOONTON TOWNSHIP. lerson and ending with Harry Case's, In Balance on hand as per lost report. .$5,841.08 and fine percaline lined, any size 32 to 44, well In Boonton the entire Republican ticket .he ensuing discussion Mohler had the first C. B GnRe, fines and COBU $ 7.15 r was elected with the exception of tbe justice Eureka Fire Hose Co 10.50 ord. worth 12.95 Charles DeHart .75 of t he peace, George C. Kyte being elected " I understand," he said, "that it is asked C. H. Bennett, Receiver of aver Augustus Kopp. Tbe tabulated result TaxeB 2,300.00 Spring T a i l o r e d Suits—Ladies' Cheviot Suits, made of an that the reinstatement of Dehler be not con'as as folio WB: GO 00 firmed on account of its being illegal. I t ie W. H. Baker, show license extra quality of All-wool cheviot serge, black, blue, nobby, fly not C. B. Gage, fines and COB Is 15.50 TOWNSHIP CLERK. neceftsary to go into the details of Dea- n H. Bennett, Receiver of Gilbert D. Crane, R 287 front jacket, all taffeta lined, skirt percaline lined, ler's expulsion, all we ask is that you decide Taxes 807.95 William C. Salmon, D 168 the matter according to our by-laws." $2,714.45 any size 32 to 44, worth 15.00 C1A l E - T h l i solid Oak Salt-fancy sliapa Crane's majority 129 With so much by way of preliminary, 3»1O.*>^ mirror, swell front top drawers— Total $8i055.53 new shape combination wash stand. 2 drawer! TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE. Modes of t h e Season.—An elegant assortment of the most Mohler proceeded to read article 27, section DISBURSEMENTS. ut top, Bplaaherback—a $28.00 Buit rightly. Jam's H. Bopler, R &93 as follows: Streets and highways $427.03 desirable styles and Fabrics, Suits, Gowns, CosI O C f\f\ n . i i n M i l Dam#voc> morethan fcold thelro-wn in o-ver 10,000 homes—unWilliam Goldsworthy, D 158 " S E C , 2. Any member or members who Fire department 492 00 F O r t l f l n a K c U l g c S e t c h e d for perfect baking qualities-sturdy buildhave incurred fines or penalties under the tumes, 25.00 to 1«CO.UU foregoing laws, or have forfeited his or their Police not an improvement lacking. Ask any judge of ranges and see. We've other Hopler's majority 184 Miscellaneous rangcB, too—all warranted. membership, and having reasonable excuse Poor CONSTABLE. «Tht Domestic" tewing Machine—light running, neveJ dliappoints—sold here, to offer, Bball have the privilege to appeal to Officers and salaries 876.00 Ellsworth E . Kanouse, R 200 cash or on credit. the clemency of the Company, when the $1,020.05 William Goldsworthy, D 160 majority of tbe members present, entitled to a vote, at a meeting, sball bave power to Bal. on hand $0,129.43 Kanouse'e majority 140 remit any fines or penalties, or pardon any FREE DELIVERIES. JUSTICE OF THE PEA OB. SCHOOL FUND. offence he or they shall have committed, ft George C. Kyte, D 211 being understood that no member or memRECEIPTS. MAIL ORDERS FILLED ON DAY OF RECEIPT. N e a r P l a e St>> bers interested be entitled to a vote," 182 LOW PRICES-EASY TEEMS. J fj " Balance as per last report $10,170.10 Augustus Kopp, R " Article 80, section 1," Mohler continued, H. S. Peters, Dist. Clerk Ky te's majority 79 Note first name "Amos." * Newark, K. J. (rent) $ 8.00 provides that where there may be any SURVEYORS OP HIGHWAYS. Telephone 580. Qoods delivered Free to any part o( State. disagreement as to the Intent of any by- C. H. Bennett, Receiver Richard H. Richards, R 298 ofTaxes 1,129.73 law, a majority shall decide, if two-thirds of C.H.Bennett, do. CARFARE PAID TO OUT-OF-TOWN BUYER& 2.3.10 Nathan L. Brigg, R 294 the members are present. Now, at the meet* $1,405.83 John Husk, D 148 JL Private Delivery Wagon Sent on R«qucrt. Daniel C. Burdge, D 153 ng at which Dehler was reinstated we had Total $11,575.03 27 members in go id standing present, and a t Richard's majority 145 DISBURSEMENTS. the final vote 15 voted for reinstatement and Brigg's majority 141 Teachers' salaries $1,410 00 8 voted not to reinstate." COMMISSIONERS OF APPEALS. Rent 10025 Mr. Mohler, why do you object to de- Water rent Theodore Rlnglelb, R 296 22.80 ferring action until the legality of Debtor's Incidentals 80.05 Daniel Phelan, D . . 151 1,240.00 reinstatement be ascertained ?" asked Choir* Bonds and Interest Ringleib's majority 145 Repairs 12888 Till MARCH I, when 1 will move into my NEW AND COMMODIOUS man Raynor, Furniture 150 66 STORE on the corner of Blackwell and Warren streets, I will have each day a Our objection Is this," rejoined Moller; Books and stationery 169.15 SPECIAL SALE AT BARGAIN PRICES. CHESTER TOWNSHIP, " a s our noble chief is with the minority, Coal 84575 In my new store I will carry the biggest line in ladies' and children s cloaks and we feel that be may not treat us justly in this Janitors' salaries 128.00 'in Chester township the total vote was 264. capes. The goods, being an entirely new stock, will be of the latest designs matter." The Democrats, as usual, carried the whole throughout and I will sell them at prices closely approach first cost. Bal. on hand $7,798 30 ticket. Tbe vote follows; The OPENING of my new store will take place on Saturday, March 4, and on Chief Mellck next had his innings. He took the ground that inasmuch as Dehler had TOWNSHIP CLERK. The monthly report of Charles H. Bennett, and from that day till Saturday, March 11, I will have special sales at prices George E . Conover, D 183 which should induce all my old patrons and the people of Dover generally to been expelled he was out of the company Receiver of Taxes, follows: altogether and could only got back In the Alvln C. Martinis, R 80 visit my new store. , , . , , , . CITS' FUND. manner prescribed for tbe admission of new RECEIPTS. My goods will be entirely new, especially in the line ol ladies cloaks and capes. Conover's majority 103 members. And even if it were merely a PolltaxeB $ 41.00 TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE. matter of restoring to membership one who County taxes 7^3.25 Elthelbert C. Blazure, D 183 had been disciplined by the company for an City taxes 1,218.84 Harry W. Cyphers, R 78 273.98 offense the by-laws required such offending Water t a x Electric light tax 822.08 Blazure's majority 104 member to ask for clemency, "and he never Total $3,014.55 asked for anything." Continuing;, Chief COMMISSIONER OF APPEALS. SCHOOL FUND. Melicksaid: John A. Fritte, D .177 RECEIPTS. N, n_ Until March I at my old stand on Sussex street, near the canal bridge. Charles E. Tippott, It 86 Two months ago an amendment was pro- Dogtax $ 2.00 After that date, corner Blackwell and Warren streets. posed to our by-laws, which ampndment, State school tax Fritte's majority 91 20353 97850 under our rules, had to lie over for one month. Jityschool tax JUSTICE OF THE PEACE:. That amendment, when it was put to a vote, Tuition fees, Rockaway tw'p 100 40 Philip C. Tawger, D 12B " Randolph * " 33.40 was defeated. I t was intended to meet this 126 81,402.83 George H. Howell, R cose and when it was voted down we supCONSTABLES. $4,017.38 John Cheepman, D posed tbe matter was settled. A t the next Paid City Treasurer Cook.. . 177 The following bills were ordered paid : meeting they came forward with this resolu Robert Van Over, R 85 CORPORATION P A T ROLL. tlon to reinstate Dehler and as no one was Cheepman's majority 03 $48 00 notified except those favorable to such action W. J. Jennings OVERSEER OF THE POOR. 80 00 It was adopted. Now I take tbe ground that Peter Freyberger Edward Braxton 27 00 Amos C. Woolverton, D 160 an expelled member can't be reinstated by a William Birmingham 17 00 "buries 8. Case, R 95 resolution of the kind passed at that meeting.' Gustin 163$ I have just received a nice line of Ladies' Button and Lace Chairman Raynor—*' Why can'tthis matter William Richard Cleave 14 88 Woolverton's majority 05 Fred.OHver , 074 Dongola Shoes, latest style, prices $i.oo, $1.30, $1.60 per pair. be referred to the City Attorney ? I don't Eugene Force 4120 see bow tbe man can be confirmed unless bis H. C.Newklrk HANOVER TOWNSHIP. 86 00 No better can be found for the money. 125 confirmation Is recommended by the Board David Snyder....." The total vote was 421. $238 45 of Engineers." TOWNSHIP CLERK, Our Children's and Misses' Fine Shoes 45c, 65c, 85c, 95c, Mr. Mohler—"I don't see myself how that W.W. Hill 1310 338 New York Nozzle Company 50 00 David A. Hopping. R can be done, but " M. J.Heinl 35 00 WIllardL. Mills,T> jji.oo, are surpassed by none. [..[.1S6 60 00 Councilman Carhart—" I would ask that O. W. Bowlby 0100 Hopping'a majority 42 Hagan Youths' and Boys' Fine Shoes $1.00, $1.10, $1.1.5, Si-5°. the section relating to the admteston of new James 50 90 George McElroy TOWNSHIP OOMMITTEE. members be read." 315 34 VV. H. Byram :xtra for the money. 244 800 Livingston Petry, R Tbe section in question was accordingly H. 8. Peters JJ49 800 ThomaaJ Davis, R Grimm m Our Men's Fine Shoes $1.30, $1.60, $2.00, $2.50 speak for road. Among other things it provides that J. H. 800 John Broderlck, D F. Hollander 173 candidates for membership shall be passed Eugene Buchanan 8 00 Francis Bloodgood, D themselves. upon by- an investigating committee and C. W. Blake 10 00 Petry's majority 73 63 00 when this clause was read Chief Melick said: C. B. Gage " 77 Hark 32 50 Davfs's We will save money for any who wish to buy shoes. Come And this wasn't done,1' an observation C.T. P. 8. Hann . . . 55 00 COMMISSIONER OF APPEALS. which brought Mohler to the fore again with John Donohue 0 00 Joseph Bastedo, R and see our stock before you purchase and we will satisfy you the 248 Jos. V. Baker 45 42 remark: 109 Treganown 3 00 Stephen H. Card, D with price, quality and style. I don't dispute that a t all. But that sec- Thomas N. R. Wllcox 5 20 Bastedo's majority 79 tion relates to new members; we claim that J.K.Conk 7500 SURVEYORS OF HIGHWAYS, Ladies' and Men's Winter Slippers will be closed out at cost. It has nothing to do with the reinstatement James Bell 10 07 349 Andrew Roderor, jr TO 80 George A. Romaine, R Mr. Dehler." 249 Great bargains can be found every day at our BARGAIN of The James H. Neighbour 05 10 George M. Tuttle, R discussion, of which only the salient GillBn&Son 170 20 00 William H. Ellis, b JohnE. Baird, D 170 parts are bore given, wan at this juncture cut C. H.Bennett 7010 COUNTER. F.F. Birch 25 50 phort by a motion by Councilman Carbart Romaine's majority 79 753 75 that the recommendation of tbe committee Dover Water Company Turtle's " 79 A bill of $49.10, being the amount of th be concurred In, which motion passed withSamuel J. Benjamin, William T. Webb and out dissent, whereupon the Dehler contingent costa In the Bowlby appoal cases, was on mo- Daniel L. Osborn were elected justices of the sallied forth looking glum, while the anti- tion referred to the city attorney. Three bills of $37.50 each, for salaries for peace. Dehler crowd Rallied forth In a state of great the month of February, alleged to be due elation. JEPPEK8ON TOWNSHIP. (INOORPORATSD UNDER THE LAWS OF THE BTATE OF NEW JERSEY) Councilraon Raynor, Carhart and Stumpf, To promote the efficiency of the Fire DepartTho total vote was 200. respectively, were approved by the Financo CAPITAL • • * * S>35»0O0 ment the Board of Engineers recommended TOWNSHIP CLERK. Committee, but were not ordered paid, being MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY that the fire engines bo placed iu suitable ....155 withhold In accordance with the agreement, A. J . Frete.Il quarters on Morris Btroet hill and on Pros ESTABLISHED 1830 Charles MoCormick, D ....100 as Interpreted by the Council men named, be^•xftmined. pect street hill, and that a jumper be housed Frotz's majority tween the City Council and the Mayor, in Loans negotiated on Mortgages on Real Estate. with each engine, the locating of the respectconsequence of which tho mandamus suit Mrs. Thomas Hicks baa now opened 11 rosTOWNSHIP COMMITTEE. Acts as agent in the purchase and sale ol Real hstate. ivo fire engine stations to bo loft to tho dii MORRISTOWN, N. J. Vacations appraised by Committees^Uhe Board of Directs- taurantattheBtoroformorly occupied by Mrs. was discontinued. Mosoa H . Spencor, R ....153 Charles Monks, It " " ....129 Hardware and Iron Merchant oration of the Fire, Lamp and Water comCbnmbro, at No. 0 Dlckersou street, opiiosito mittee John Tre- iney, D He* President and Counsel Dolawaro, Lncliawunnn and Western depot. ....187 "HLUK B. LiiDuoni, President WIHAUI Tf. Educate Yoar IIOWOIH With Cuscarats. Mosoa B. Fichter, D ["" Second—Tbnt a good team of horses be CnntJy Oatlinrtlc, euro cotmUpation forever. I,, AuonnTUB L. R n n u t . B«cretarj and Trowuror BurMintO- MEALS at all hours : also bonrd by day or purchased to be used for hauling the truck lOe, S9o, If a 0 . 0 . (all, druggists rotund money, SBBJIj ?."*• WUlard W. Outtor John H. OapsUok 4-tt Continue on fifth page. Wlllteni 8- Skldmore WOCK. SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS " " " • « . Hoblo AuKustus L. Rorare PaulRovore " ' :»W. SllolUo HonrylT. Truthful Advertising win Always Sell Honest goods. P BEE HIVE Cailor Suiu* -Sbou) Daps 19.95 9.90 No Agents or Branch Stores Anywhere. Amos H. Van Horn, Ltd. 17 Market St., 707 to 721 Broad Street and 8 Cedar Street, NEWARK, N. J. REMOVAL SALE E. COHEN. SKIES OT GflEflT NHjIS! KIUUGORE'S XX Cough Syrup Will cure all kinds of COUGHS and COLDS. The best thing made. TRY IT.. Killgore's Corner Drugstore Morris County Mortgage and Realty Company JOHN A. LYON OPPOSITE BANK. Restaurant. DOVER. N E W JERSEY GEORGE E. VOORHEES AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS WAS DEHLER LEGALLY REINSTATED ? THE IRON ERA. DOVER. N J MARCH 17. 1899 LLOI5L4TLF.£ ABOUT TO 'AL-iO-Jr..* ; . H / . . 1 / H/./A H.I i I t . l i l l V /- - I lit ROYAL '•*! t l '' BAKING POWDER * gr-4.: t."-Jt;r.*-xt t o Irr.- era. *g, * i ' ? MAf.h I- *• ?i*a! I trr.'>r. T'.i': : .!*.**;*'. V'v.V:. r*">..r. Ir. Tr.f r^rr.:r. •• rset tt*« 'hat the 'ifayth* jf tiTt-r-. million dollars each m i g h t have been built with ^ - M U = betn par: ::>' 1 HE P R U D E N T I A L in claims since its = 3 ior.. CUirr- p ^ d , over 534,CX>O.OCO. ^ Tropical V&Dkt-*-I'uturxt ^ - T b e Alumlnn - i l - l i B** on >trf-et Cars -J'o ne^* Plant M a •HUiUEU * :r. s ir-.'.-.r- r."**'*r7 ir. f.r.isr. tr.-.f .V.i-.v-"-c > : . / : ' --... "s* fu.Ij fl.WiVA. , I'r.T. P.. T~r.crr.kt ;.--• t r r r . ; t « i wr.c pr*l*.T*A ir.« <.T~.jr.r.z. j - a * a fcr th» lr.Mt.f2\.<,z i'.itt-^ tr.»: ftt no tiir.e had til* un- • ri*:f z.r.'t.r.g r**r. tliat t h t ccit of corcpltt.r-r t;-.« refcr^r-aitrj weald t-t I*ss f \ the BiltVLT. of I>eatii-Electrici Makes the food more delicious and wholesome HOT • W i - - • ' - :" .'••r.^'-k-;-^ -'. "_*-- j : Two Brooklyn Bridges IHL 5= Zir. Woodruff Disc si--*-- Itr. Lailmoo. u-iti- s iCi^.i by h DeC*. War 1 'jf Harvard L'nivfcrsirr. i«o be a o-aiLcr oa wtics: ftuu-^rWho. He !N»jfr 1- All KfKht. ili« •f" e^T-^jjt Tt^e i-c.i-f f»C- r» c( danger Tb* R*;, Dr. CtirLes .^ Wvsir-ii: -tose & are the cixnhiEAti</C of tea; wile h'j&i'j*-.' f*"' wcrdj oil lianda; r~-c:-g cr^-oirrn:cg' Eher ITitfrr^-Z tai*-H it; t i - . ^ t n^Art by IJTn>i the pre^aiecs dii*a*S- Much EUAJ ^* : .ij&e to mitigate th^sr e^lli by bygie^ic yi-rfi.1; ura>, cart ic liriok. th-e as* ot cvreals it*1".**-! of IQMU, a&i «cii r"-^tila^ii ei%rt*iw- 1 c& T* of >"e* York, H**jftfc7 in subssaiice, J heaithr diat/vi-te art high acd 4ry The ibrtt i'j L* f, f.-,r * « - h *T'>sor.~x. ) .^rr.avr ii-i:fti>« :t t r i i - ^ ^ i to aewer ! | inro ar.y .-tr-'-fcrr ar^v* th* r-o:r.t where ' r>t chi*3y • T b e Metbodiat hn&cbtn a**Uz.g u malaria tzd by the rain... tte =*COD-1 rtlal*. HIIAT Vt ttat held S/ \t~ rr.:ci*t*ra of tc*i (•• C'iiUjO^, aa-i t-e U6T llcliii? it Ler diifcoa.iaa.uooaI: ^ fc=-i not ia * sleyalija. T a opper limit ol ."I srcL or public halL isi: in *hAK I* r^.:^,l l ; ^ i Boot C'j(v*rn B a l i n g at No. Vis Fifth It a c r.f gonrl , Jharcb. ! WHITE £,!!".", The Prudential S | * Hr,iw i ' w - l l i ^ * :t unlawful t& take ' I fi*h t" i-riRt r.r i;-V-~ n^z in any waters ' of -I- -:*-* fc-tv -"'- Ju.-.- IV ' ar.--I Nov. .-A. ' g"«d« or» m ^ . « « l . b i « » su ;ily of t h e | j JOHN F DBVDEN, Preildenl. LESLIE D. WARD. Vice P r u l d i n t . \ S-=n2.*e 1-1— Criar.?*? th* r.arr.e of the ''• FORREST P . DRYDEN, S « ' y . i a k t w e t beyond coD^pUOQ. An <•!•! ] J ED(MR B. WARD. Jd V. P r e . i a n d Counseln! ' XSiT.z RTTLT.'.'r. y.\:"-. -=^r,L-^r>- a n d i.ii- )It La£ co law niAkicg j.C. E. BALL, Em., Superintendent. 7 Bank Building, Dover, N. J . cr.;? t:-,'.•?* •'•r.'- .**••f.ri-.'i it -a-ere for- !*r.: i-.'-rrr^.?=:x. tr.~ o^iri&I tit!* ) p&i^-a a n y rtsrAuti'iz= or does anything [I lake t*rl of t'toh U a ma™ of Itna^ \'.' •'•-.' r•>-*',?i. to t t * Lcnr Branch com-toward j fixing o r aafiiin^ tbe l>jctrine or ' •wi tfk r,:" T^r. V/;i.:srr. T. Hunt, ! rr.iji'cn. DLvriptiD* of this great otco ruination. E»ch \ rD^niber may e i p r e ^ h : s our,.-, f>piQioa, but be jh&s been edtimatei to contain i-V.'-OV." V/. Mahcr.<ry of Pa> "A:-:-. Percy Jackain OBITCARr. & id re*pCrtisiLle f«jr t t a t opioioD and it in it gold. The clay und*r Philadelphia of E*;;*v:ii* an-1 Ovlcnftl Charles TV. ay UndA the charch i thereby to be forty years ago calculated to bold mor* Ur of Es.j'or.r.T. Their grounds •w^re than bad! been obtained from California and j r.r.; pally that legislative action on considered iu the aectiment of the thii very I.rcpcrtar.t Question w t i IEQAny sp-aker who may hare made a good Australia, cl*y hardly richer being now iiatfely necessary and that delay* je-Twral c i a t a g e r of t t * Tajlor Iron tu><i effort maj be applauds!, but applause is not profitably worked in California •H (Jitjfr-ro-a. llay&r Hinchel!ff£, Steel C'.mj>iDj, who d k d &o T.V*t"Joeferfay of l considered as approbation of the Er.^Inetr Franklin Van Wlnfcl*, Aaiem- lant we*k after an operation Io Dr. Weir'i In tbe little furnace by which GoldUcbmidt V.v,',^ McKee and George B. Private Uospiul in >*e» York, werebrougU sentiment offered. So that anything tbat obtains a temperatare of over 'Jffff" C» from thia no tffect •:;rjcn of P&wraon opposed the blil on to High Bndge Iaat Friday. The fci*ral m the church, exc pc aa the utterance fael is aluminum mixed with iron rust, and h* gTcun.d that there was no necessity : place- on Saturday morning, eervic** if icdividuai opinion. Moreover, this is a this is ignited by a shellicked bead of tbe 'or he*dl«s i^gisl&tioc and contended being h*ld fttbu late tome on'l at tbe Reprivate meeting. It i« held in a private room, aluminum (which is pulverized, of eoursei hat it woui-l be we;! for the legislature to go •!o"w In t h t flatter. The bill es- foric«d Cfcorcfa. Inters eot was at Cliotnn, owned t-j a bosineee eoLcern : ita rules ex- ,nd peroxi ie of barium, into which a pie-, e ot magnesium wire ia inserted. There is tAbLahta a st&t* wwerag* commission N*. J. Sir. HMdlfcU/O I<rit Hizb Bridge on pressly forbid tbe entrance of any :/j pr*rver*t tr.^ p-ollution of the waters of Saturday, March 4, for treAtoifcDt ID Dr. not properly members, and reporters are scarcely a metal known that ca-not be re:h<s state &rA to create E^xerage dls- Weir's bwpi'al, and on Moodayan operation especially barred. Hence it will be readily duced in this furnace. The cootaining vessel :.-.'.*J and district E^-^erase h-oards. was performed. Tbe operati^a over, ttv fee n that any report of §ucb a meeting moatmay be of wood lined with sand, and the beat Thtre was an i n t e r s tine hearinir on pat jet, t rallie*] and bU condition "as regarried be garbled and distorted. Indeed it is not can be regulated by varying tbe quintitj of :he two building and loan association for & time &> farrjrabl^, but cr>a>plication get ajing too much to suggest that any person tbe mixture. jill" before the senate committee on tho thus would enter a private meeting, >ar.k.3 and Inaurarice Monday. One of in and he began to link rapidly till tbe end A German method of restoring the.ucninoethese bills was Introduced; by Mr. E*1I came on Thursday morning. His wife, wbo thenfcwwan excluded by i u rules, would ity of Welsbacb gas mantles, which becomes ar.d the other by Senator Ketcbam. Tbe accompanied bim to tbe beep tai, remain* A hardly be tbe man to be trusted to give a A superb gathering of clever fashionings from famous reduced after a time, consists in blowing a correct and truthful version of tbe meeting-. former gives the department of banking at bJstUe till LU death. BeaMea bis «ife, current of air through tbe mantle frotn the foreign masters, the best known artists of the country's style md Insurance control of these anoeift- tbrfe*eb)Idj-*n jarvive hirn. Mr. illd^letflo ** The reports of Dr. Cadraon'a address apbom in PbiJadelpbia ffeptemUr 17,1MB. peared first in a New York daily tbat belongs inside while tbe lamp U burning. tlOM. F.,pr«.«r.ti'.;v~, '.f «*T*«1 of t h t .UiT,s. vhlle the other allows them to centres, together with scores of magnificent creations fresh •err.ain under the supervision of the deHe began his car- er with tb« ftftnlx Iron to a chug commonly spoken of a* '* yellow r a r t M . i t i t * -!>:.a.-trr.5r.t« ar.-) In.tltaInstances ot sudden and fatal changes in tM!r ' U i r r ! li&Ttment of labor and statistics. J. W. CocDfAuy, of Pt'^oiiville, Pa , and was afUr- journalism," and for which at least a great from our own great workrooms. Every hour some new tl<vr.j !r? o r.-i to Ha!! of E l l z a ^ t h and Assemblyman wardi connect**! witb tbe Edge Moor Iron the condition of eick persons during a storm 1T.» r.rst «t«a>:tri w:.-* M n . H'.r-./in i':ll spoke In favor of the latter's bill, allowance needs to be made. If any reader and matchless gem is added to a magnificent cluster dis«u^ ll.-i. Yf.rA.\--j '.: t b t Orange«. r«pr«- while C. A. Swift of EUzabtth opposed Works, of Edge Moor, near Wilmington, of tbat paper was careful to note, he woild must have been noticed by many. Tbe sig. •«n!l'ir t r * r t i t t F ^ e r a t l o n of WornDel. Later he wa* .ntertst*d in the Penn see tbat the bead Unfs, which were purely the niflcance of this is pointed out by Dr. T. VV. played in a department radiant with prysmatic beauty, en> rVcr.s TT.«r urgtd that an appro- ft. Burwoo*J, who, on the unexpected de»th of In the house Monday night the bid Iron Cooipany, of Lancaster, Pa-, and wasintention of tbe editor, nn connection au aged patient after only a few hours of unpriation '.r t:..v// i« ™*~. I" " i v . i m e flowers, foliage and exquisite artificial effects. leqoently superintendent of the Penosyl- with tbe things which were said in the ad•j/<riilififf the Lrunn act relative to t h t Hb-i.f.'a. Tr.'.a p r ' . ; « t vrM along th« imlHBlon of Htudents to the examina- rania Bolt and Xot Company, of Lebanco, dress. Tbe leaded head lines *ere enough to favorable symptom*, bad bis attention called lln- o! tflv.ation. the travellns libraries b«in« rlwIiT.'i'I to provUe rea'ilr.s r.iat- tion for attorney's license, also known Pa., 6c4of tbe Alllaon Manufacturing Com- damage tbe reputation of any orthodox min- to the fact tbat a ttrooggale bod been raging MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY FILLED. t«r to th« r*M°.al* of the umaller ana an the five counselors' act, was defeated pany, of Pbiladelpbia. He hec&me general uter, while the sentiments of Dr. Cadmon daring tbe night, with a fall of barometric m'jre oat of the » « platen, where pub- <y a vote of £i to 25. Mr. Marks of manager of the Taylor Iron and Steel Com- were very B.mple indeed. Besides, tbe or- pressure of nearly two inches. Dr. Burwood GOODS DELIVERED FREE. iudson made an earnest plea for the iny June 15, lfc>3. l!c libraries were not available. dinary reporters of this kind do not under- reflecta that the baromet r** extreme range stand religious or theological terms. For of fully two inches must mark a change nf Dr. J. 11. BtKkley. president of the ,oor young men who were obliged to MARKET AND HALSEV STS., manaKTB of the Htate Village For Epl- study nights In order to prepare theminstance, tbe paper accuse* Dr. Cadmon of about 140 pounds per square foot in the bl'A>*XIOI'£. leptlr;«. »p<,ke In behalf of that recently elves for examination. He cited the NEWARK, N. J. attacking the 'inberancy' of the bible. Tbis weight of air resting on the earth's surface. Mtabllnhe'l Inatitutlon. He aBlced for :ase of Abraham Lincoln, who was Thifl is truly March weather, changing al- in simple nonsense. Tbe reporters bad evi-In the case of his patient, tbe neart hid beaten MS.00O for the village. J25.WJ of which obliged to struggle to perfect himself mr«t every day, dently beard the word 'inerrancy,'and havstrenuously for some weeks against the high sum Is to be u«ed for the erection of to become a lawyer. Mr. Jones of Es- The light of the fire of the burning buil«ltwo cottage*. JS.000 for the purchase of sex denounced the bill as being too flex- ingfi a t M L Arlington recently was visible ing no idea of ita meaning, thought it sounded pressure, and the sudden removal of pressure like * inherency' and &o tbe readers thought had caused tbe action of the heart to be an adjoining farm. 112.000 for salaries ible, making it possible for Incompetent here. Dr. Cadmon must be a bad man to attack the greatly increased, with the result tbat a clot and running expenses aril $2,000 for wa- rn'rn to become lawyers. A camber of deaths have happened among ' inherency' of tbe^ bible, whatever tbat in it* cavities was gradually formed. He baa ter and «ewer»ii<>. Senator W. M. Senator Braun of Passalc wanted to Johnson, chairman of the committee, amend the bill merging the Erie and UB of Late. There are generally three laoerala, should mean. Besides, the reporier failed to known many similar cases. He therefore as405^and 4«7 Broad>Street, expressed hlir doubt a j to whether the Northern railroads on Monday night by tbeo a ceeaatioo for a while. distinguish between the statement of opinions serts that a large part of the sudden deaths Ie?lilature had the powtr under the inserting a clause providing- that the John Grogan, a very peaceful and quiet held by others whom the speaker quoted and NEWARK, K. J . recorded in tbe morning papers will be found prevent law to grant the appropriation Erie company shall not Increase either trainHinan OD the Delaware, Lficltawanoa and those which were bis own. bo have followed a rapid fall of barometric dealrtd. freight or r^'^nger rateu after the Western Railroad, was killed at Morris Plains preBUre, and than this will explain amny UQ THE LARGEST SALE STABLES in NEW JERSEY In behalf of the board of education merging of the Northern and Eric rail' onTuesdaj- night of this week. He was pretty " Dr. Cadmon U a young man only a few looked for fatalities that have puzzled even Otto Croune presented the following roads under the penalty of the forfeit ell cut op, but tbe particulars we could not years past thirty. Tbat is not a fault. For medical men. Large Auction Sales ol ISO to 250 head of schedule of appropriations asked for: tire of their charter, Mr. McDermott of ascertain. one BO young be is well read, and has made a Manual training school at Bordentown Hudson strongly opposed the amend Horses every Tuesday and Friday, It Is currf-ntly reported that the newhigh place for himself. He U doing a work Electro-chemistry, now ia its Infancy, (colored), J5.WJ. Increase over last ment on the ground that It was unfair year's appropriation of J2.000; state and that If such an amendment was to mangement of the Delaware, Lackawanna of a missionary character in tbe down town offers possibilities for the future tbat are and Western Railroad hy Mr. Truesdale will portion of the city, unsurpassed by any other COMMENCING EACH DAT AT 10 O'CLOCK A. SI. deaf mute nrhool, J 13.000, Increase of be adopted It should be made general quite bewildering. A late suggestion by Mr. 11,000; state normal school, J45.OOO, In- and apply to all roads. The amendment bounce all the Italian employees in tbe em-minister. He is warm-hearted, generous, Thomas Ewan is that by compressiog&ulDhur Tkese aalai include Trotters, Pawre. Cobs. Family, Saddle. Matched Paire, BUKIUHB, Farm, E * prf». Jers-y Chunks «nd Heavy rimuuht llorw,. wttehlng from MOO to 1,800 p o u i i S i ^ crease of J3.000: for school libraries, »5,- was lost by a vote of S to 13. ploy of tbat road true, religious in bis experience and is doing dioxide and air Into separate carbon tubes » e »iil hold our largp spring Eale ot oi»r 5C« bead of horses on March 88.89. so and 81. Tbli wBI 800, same as last year; for the Farnum The Washington Dark license bill has Tbe town election passed off very quietly. much good and needs nodefense at my hands. be a ereai opportuuiry for furmt-ra and ciiy p^ple to K«t a horse of any da>cr!ptioc school. J22.WW, Increase of J1.000 for re- been recommitted «o that the amend- No officer- of importance were elected except His address, as I learn from those wbo heard dipping in sulphuric acid the two gases—tbe « c alwaj 8 luve for eacb Tuesday's and F r | d a y'8 sal,, from 40 to 51 head or second-hand cltj former tbe familiar gas of burning sulphurmat are a little narenient »*<•, suitable for f*rm use,^ which are sold very cJusapT pairs; for industrial schools, 112,000,, the ment providing that applications for liit, had none of the unorthodox sentiments may be made to unite, forming sulphuric borsfj This i» the ehmp-M place in the east to uuy (.onus of anr description, and wo invite all Intending usual amount; for manual training cense might he made at any time during Town Clerk and Town Commftteemnn P. that bare been attributed to it. Tbe subject purchasers to rail and look our siock over and *e "ill convince them that wo can »ell them SO per H, Gunderman got a large majority over acid and at the same time yielding an electric cent, cheaper schools, 133.000. no Increase; clerical the ReflHlon of the court may be wiped than any other place In tbe east We are not like a retail Btable. We have to close M h of discussion for some weeks at tbe meeting current Be believes the alluring prospect of t C e T . L o r * s ","' Jeremiah Thomas for tbe latter ofllce. Mrvlces In state superintendent's ofllce, out. f " " * to.,Pak,1> rmm "" 'resn consiCTmenta, which are constantly arriving from has been tbe various forms uf the so-called the largo western shippers. « e elveall iiurthaiwa tivo days' trial on all bora* Mdlf notaarepreH.GOO, Increase of SI,500, this claim beHeman A. Timbrell ia having a covering 4 obtaining electric energy as a by-product i n senwa purchase money Henator McDermott has offered an cheerfully refunded. Parties living a t a distance and cannot get horaes baclt ing made becnune of the abolition of the amendment to Senator Pltney's juvenile built over the upper piazza of his htore build- Higher Criticism.' It bas been, discussed a chemical factory will stimulate efforts to before th 8 warrantee eiplres we nUl accept telegram or^telfphonriieBsaKe tor «an» ° orara ™*° ofllce of superintendent of census, the actor hill, which Elves the mayor or ing. It will make a comfortable place to get by some of the ablest and most loyal men in overcome the difficulties In tbe way of makHOY & FOX, Proprietors. work being done In the school super- other municipal officer the privilege of the cburch, and while they must discuss tbe ing such a process a success. intendent's ortlce: expensei) of state granting a license or permit, but the the cool breeze of the evening. JOS. S. HQV and JACOB SHULTS, Auctioneers. J. B. MOREHOUS. Sakimin. ideas and make quotations from the works of Daniel L, P.est has purchased a fast pacer. board, $3,000, Increase from S2.000; whole matter was laid over so that the all these critics, there h u been no sentiment teachers' Inslltutes, 14,000. bill could be amended In order that It Daniel Letts bas also a gray flyer. A water-pipe that will not burst at any uttered by any Methodist preacher that, put Annie Comley, daughter of Henry J. General Edward A. Campbell of New- will not interfere with church festivals Comley, of Amity, died last week. Her age in it* proper relations as spoken, would under- degree of cold iB made by enclosing within I or entertainments. The bill makes It a mine tbe dear old book or cause anyone to the usual iron pipe a much smaller pipe of ark asked for an appropriation of %ZO,QW for the completion and equipment of the misdemeanor for any person having the was about 25 years. She bad been a sales- love it less. Tbe foundation standetb sure. thin tin or lei J filled witb an elastic material First regiment armory. Colonel E. C. care of a child under 15 years to permit lady for Lord & Taylor, in New York, for a 1 Heaven and earth may pass away but my like rubber. If the water freezes its expanBtahl of Trenton, representing the re the child to fling, dance or act in public number of years, but of late bad been em- word shall not pass away.'" sion compresses the elas'ic inner pipe without ployed in O'Neil's department store in tbat ctntly purchased home for disabled for gain. MORRIS COUNTY bursting tbe outer one. Invent soldiers and Bailors and their wives, The Benate has pasaed the following city. She was a bright, bivacious young asked for (25,000, which, he stated, was bills: T—~ M" "* * " I 6 1 1 "*«HJH or model of your lady and had many friends and acquaintThe new chemical element* announced In Tho Magazines. necessary for the completion of the ran iffi" O !l l D 1 P r o V'' m 0 n t a i l d "0 Will tell Senate 143—Provides for punishment ances. _ AMICUS, building. For the running expenaei of pernons who unlawfully obtain elecIt is a long time since The Forum bas had 1898 were krypton, neon, raetargon, polonium, t7.&00 would an»wer, and after that $10.. tric power, heat or light. sucb an interesting list of subjects as tbat etherion and nonlum—a remarkable list for Ilow'n This 1 000 a year would be necessary. Rejjre. a single year. Senate 164—Amends act regulating ruHASION & MAKION Renting the managers of the Morris ral cemetery aHHociatlons. "We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for offered in tbe March number. Here are some any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by of them: " Diplomatic Pay and Clothes," by Plains Hospital For the Insane, Senator P ^ T j n r r SOLICITORS & EXPJOtTS Senate 114—For the government of Ball bearings have been little used on Hall's Catarrh Cure. Mark Twain; " I s Our Army Degenerate I Pitney said that S1M.000 would be nec- cities of less than 12,000 Inhabitants. heavy vehicles because it is difficult to make P. J . CHENEY & CO., Props , Toledo. O. essary for the completion of the elabHouse 134—Amends the general borWe the undersigned, have known P. J. by Col. Alexander S. Bacon; "The Future them endure the great pressure. A form of orate addition in course of construction. Cheney for tbe last 15 years, and believe him of Our Navy," by Capt. H. C. Taylor, of the ball bearing devised by Scbuppiser has been AIR COMPRESSORS, of The original building, he said, was in- ough act of 1697. House 135—Appropriates $500 for a perfectly honorable in all business transac- United States Battleship Indiana; " Life on tried on street cars in Zurich, at first unsuctoufibd in accommodate £00 people, anrl tions and financially able to carry out any Other Worlds," by Prof. D. T. McDougal; highest efficiency. monument to be erected to the memory obligations made by their firm. cessfully, as in other experimen s, but more of the New Jersey sailors who were "What Shall We Do With tbe Philippine, WKST & TKUAX, Wholesale Druggists, satisfactorily since balls to take up side preskilled by the destruction of the Maine. Toledo, 0. by ex-Minister Charles Denby, and " A Los* HOISTING ENGINES, dusure have been employed in addition to those Senate 40— Requires ten days' notice ** Courage and Strength WAI.DISO, KTSSAN & MARVIN. Ed*>n—Cuba." by Dr. Fells. L. Oswald. to mortgageor by the mortgagee before plex and reversible. Wbolenale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Admiral Sampson baa written for tho April carrying the weight In their present forru n W. H. CAWLEY, Si.. TV. H. CAWLEY J proceedings shall begin In chattel mortHall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, Century n an illustrated article fully describ- the bearings have two rows of sixteen K"' eh in Times of'Danger." gage foreclosures. acting directly upon the blood anil mucous GEO. V. VAN DERVEER. balls each, and two rows of twenty-six ing the work of " The Atlantic Fleet in the PUMPING ENGINES, strong Senate 189—Granting the state's con- surfaces of the system. Price. 75c. per bottle. Spanish War," and drawing Its lessons. The K-lnch balls each. To distribute wear, the the 'warning between sent to the acquisition by the general Sold by all druggists Testimonials free. and economical. more important features nf this paper are bearings are arranged so tbat they can be government of a tract of land at New a plan Betting forth the character of the moved Into four different positions. Some of BOONTON. the lines. What is that warn- Brunswick for a post office or governblockade of Santiago Harbor; maps showing The marriage of William McNaily and building. the relative positions from day to day of tbe bearings have now beeu under teat more THE W. H. CAWLEY CO. CORNISH PUMPS, double ing? It is of the danger from ment Senate B5—Increases from |300 to 3730 Miss Kate Madden, both of Booutou, was per- Cervera, Schley and Sampson; and a series than two years, Podoski reportB, but much Successors to W. n . Cawlej & Co. or single. formed on Thursday of last week by thaRev. the annual appropriation to the State of bird's-eye plans nf tbe engagement of July trouble was a t flrst experienced with tbe the accumulation of badness Horticultural society. Conrad Scotthoefer. 3, nbowlng tne positions of tbe vessels at bearings for the balls. For a few months in the blood, caused by the Senate 142—Imposing a fine of $30 Tbe Young People's Society of Christian different htages of tbat fight. In a foot-note tbese have been made of Krupp's crucible SOLE AGENTS GEARING AND PULLEYS, whore factory owners and superintend- Endeavor of tbe Reformed Cburch hold a the Admiral tells this good story: "A»we steel, which Is thought to have quite overfor and bottlers of usual heavy living of the ents fall to make returns to the bureau special service last tiunday evening In mem- passed tbe Teresa and Oquendo, a Spanish come the difficulty. It is found tbat an large and small. within the prescribed time. ory of tbe late Rev. Dr. J. clement French, sailor was Men struggling In the water on Winter months. Spring is ofInstatistics tbe seaward bide of tbe Now York. In re average saving of 15 per cent of the total the house the following bills have of Newark. power has resulted on the four electric railsponso to his calls for help, one of the crew the clearing, cleansing time been passed: Heavy and Light Castings in Iron, Brass A barn belonging to Jeremiah H. Van seized tbe chaplain's reading desk, which was ways experimented on and as high as Hi per House 207—Provides for the removal Zile, and Phosphor Bronze, Forcings of every on tbe thoroughfare between Boon ton stoned on tbe main deck in the passage be- cent, on one line, with 35 per cent, under the of the year; the forerunner of of ashen, garbage, etc., In first class and description; BOILERS, horirontal, tubButler, near tbe Butler reservoir, was tween tbe two cabins, and which had a cross between the hours of 8 p. m. and rletttroyed by fire last Saturday morning, showing on it. As ho did BO, be cried out most favorable conditions. In every case a ular and upright. THE EQUIPMENT the brightness and beauty of 6cities a. m, each day. Four cows, a yolio of oxen and a number of grimly, ' Cling to the cross and you'll be Baving has been shown, even on eteep grades. OF IRON MFNES A SPECIALTY. House 179—Provides that In building young cattle were burned to death. Consid- saved 1' The Hnanlard followed instructions glorious summer. Sterilized breath is Bhown by Hubener, a loan associations the withdrawal value grain, bar and all the farming imple- and was saved." Follow the principle that Nature lays of a shareholder's accumulations shall erable German bacteriologist, to be necessary to the ments were burned. The origin of tbe flr» is OFFICE AND WORKS, down. Start in at once and purify your not be less than the sum of his Install- unknown. surgeon and nurse during operations on open wounds. In bla experimenta he arranged blood with that great specific, Hood's ments paid In. House 202—Authorizes thefishand SUSSEX STREET, DOVER. N. J. 11IUHIK8IDE. four dishes containing gelatine culture plates 8ar8apari]la. It never disappoints. gome commissioners to Issue certificates Georgo T)i:kerson. of Newark, spent Sunon an operating table. Then, at a little Crip—" Sixteen weeks of crip mnile mo to persons over 18 years of age Tor the distance, he spoke for ten minutes, baving weak, bat after all else failed Hood's Sarday with William H. Dlckereon. uparllla curfd mo. Later I overworked, collection of iiit-dH and their nests and first rinsed bis mouth witb a bacillus culture G. A. Hulhert, of Coleman'fl Business Coland dyapepBla and canker In mouth und eggs for sclent I Me purposes. and, In speaking, at different tlmeB he varied lege, is spending a week at bin home near House 252—Amends act relative In •tomacli bothered me. I took tho Suraupabis tone of voice. In every case, especially Beers, flies and Porters. BEBL ESTflTE BHD FIRE ItfSUBfliiCE. rllla again and It completely restored me." idiots and lunatics and gives chancellor this place when he bad spoken In a loud voice, cultures MBS. KUZABETH FOMAN, Exeter, N. M. "Steve" Gueria and George Scbenck cap. and manufacturers of tho best of the bacillus were obtained from the gelaBuilding lots «>ld on monthly tured a pair of fine coons the other day. R h e u m a t i s m — " Myself and a friend Bravo Mon F a l l tine plates, being most abundant on theSoda and Mineral Waters both euJTercd from sevcro attucks of rheuMoees Rtker Intends niovine on the Coombs' Victims to Btomach, liver and kidney trou0F nearest plates. In other experiments the payments. Houses to let. Thirty matism. Hood's SarHnparllia cured both. place near the Wnlfe HCIIOOI houw. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Wo would not bo without It." Wn. H. bles, OB well an women, and all foel the reE. Haugawout will move t/i A. Cochran'a mouth was covered with a layer of absorbent LESTER, 65 Leonard St., Fall River, Mnas. BultR In loss of appetite, poisonB In the blood. houto on corner of Paradine How. acre farmforsale, good buildings, cotton, when the plates remained sterile. H e a d a n d B a c k - " For one year pains backache, nervouBn<«w, headache and tirwl, large orchard. In my back and head prevented my house- liatlesa, run-down feeling. But there's no "SVorltliiK >'Iul>t uiifl l>ay In a remarkable collection of Japanese hold duties. I took Hood's Sarsaparllla nnd KVlqtv am a well woman. I t also cured the grip need to feel like that Lfaten to J . W. Garddwarfed plants lately exhibited by Mrs,A ° I K SOU0ITOBS WANTEn 11 Office In Baker Building, Tbe biiniefltand uilghtk>st little thing that AND In our family." MRS. MAITIE HT.svr.Hnos, ner, Idavlllo, Iud. Mo says: " Electric Bit- over was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Ernest Hart to the Royal Botanio Society of byMa'i^^dTc^SlnMeX'W '™" Cor. F i n l a n d Franklin Avo.,Columbus,Ind. ters are Jiwt the thing for a man when he fa Warren Street, London, each specimen was wild to bo mom Every pill Is a sugar-coated globule of health, all run down, and don't care whether lie lives than a century old, and the tallest treo was that changes weakness into Htrength, liHtlesrfDover, N. J. or dies. It did more to give mo new strength less than 18 Inches in height, although having new Into energy, brain fag into nii'iiUI jnnvor. and good appetite than anything I could take. It's so simple to get rid of a cough or 1 all the characteristics in mtolaturo of the They're wonderful In building up ttm health. ii now cat anything and have a new lemw throat trouble by Halc'o Honey of Horei SUBSCRIBE ; FOB Only 25c per box. Bold by It. Kfllgnrc, Dover, Imuml and Tar. Acts Ukemagfc Sold 1 full-grown forest giant. This curious art ot 011 life." Only GO cents, R. KJHgore's drug by druggists. 3 iree dwarfing is one or Japan's barrets. and A. P. Green, Cluster. itore, Dover, and A. P. Greon'a drugstore, l r 1 01 ttooi'm Pills cura llwr llli. tho non-lrrlUtlog and THE ERA, $1 PER Pikc'i Toothache Dropa *.ure Jo D M miauU.j Freljlhtpaij. Crodlil,™ ™;" ,," >I ' "". n UUIT c*lh»ruo to Uko with llood'l fl*r<»p*rlll*. Chester, Every boltle guaranteed. A pure malt extract—Seitz's Dock. tteoominended by puyBiciaUB-8eItz.'8 Pock. '^V'rr.i r^^r.-l & ihT ^7* MARKET & HALSEV STS. SEVENTH ANNUAL SPRING OPENING OF MILLINERY. L. BAMBERGER k CO., BULL'S HEAD COMMISSION STABLES PATENTS MiningMachinery [PROMPTLY SECURED] Machine and Iron Co. iillliiii Dover sieam Bouiing Works, BALLENTINB'S the. ghastly terror of consumption HALES stares a HONEY man in t^ Jas. T. Eckhart, HOREHOUND face who neglects a cold. TAR YEAR, I THE IKON ERA, DOVER, N. J., MARCH 17. 4899. HYDRO LITHIA CURES ALL 'HEADACHES TRIAL SIZE, 10 CTS. 3 ]ue of the polling placwt of Roxbury townCOMFORTIXG WORDS TO WOMEN. tbip, Joe McConnBll ran ahead of hia ticket because be ia a railroad uiuu, aud I bear be The Surgical Chair and i t s Tortures M a y be A v o i d e d b y W o m e n W h o was tue only Democrat elected in the townH e e d Mia. Pinkham'a Advice. ebip. Mind you, that may or may not be true. I don't know anythinR about the offiWoman's modesty is natural; it is charming. cial returns, as I write. I t will be a sort of To many women a full statement of their troubles to a male physician Is almiracle In politics if it in true most Impossible. The whole truth may be told to Mrs, P'mkh&m because sho Homebody thought he WOK going to put up is a woman, and her advice is Sr< a cheap job ou uur Port Morris people by offered to all women BufTererii. Laving printed ou the hottotn of the DemoMrs. O. K. LADD, of lUth an cratic baUo'a ; " Resolved, that uuxt election Hts., Galveston, Texas, whose be held a t Lake End HOT el. Landing," and letter is printed below, was keeping the tlcketa back uuti) election inoru- completely discouraged when iug- But i hey did not make it work. That sho first wrote to Mrs. Finkilution ooly had 22 votes, while Joe We- ham. Hero is what she says: mell gut. 07 on the name ticket. There are "DBAUMBB. PISKHAM:—I about 150 voters in Port Morris and only 17 wrote to you somo time ago, at Landing who vote in this polling placo. telling you of my ills, lmt The citizen- concluded that it was easier for now I write t o thank you tho 17 t o cottie here than it would be fur the tor the good your remedies j ir>U to go to Lake Bud. have done me. I have used [ Brakemau Joun Grogan, of JackBon's train, two bottles of Lydia E. an accidentally killed while in the discharge Pinkham's Vegetable Comof bis duty ou Tuesday night. D. J . pound, three packages of ! ! SOLD BY ALlTDRUGGISTS. Aft«r dinn-T thy mtk ran upon the CHILDREN'S COLUMN. DlaiiuH nmdu by tho new wmium for tiie bill lot and biy;her wii(,-is The. old doctor WOMEN ARE GETTING THE STOHEmUKEf'cHEHlTjAL CO. PRETTV "DUTCH TEARS.'1 Urit.em:d in eiltincu iiwliile and then Biiid: BALTIMORE, M D. SCARCE, SAYS A PAINTER. "I have nothing to say us to woman's rlghta, but I have an opinion us to tho A.u Old Ckrmltl Tt-llu Ahonl nn Interway lu which aho should urgo thcin. Let UIIH H e AnalsuH A r e Sanative Wash, and. one box "It is u great wumlur," wild un old AlhletlfH—Say* W o - mo riy^ill ouo or two facts: of Liver Pills, and to-day I "The straw workers near Florence, in chemlBD in his laboratory tho uthur day, POUT MORRIS. IUD«1 Millions Given Away, call xnyeelf a well woman. I Italy, (tamo littlu timo ago struck for high- "why moro boys do not muku chcinicul »i M-iii Not t o Cure F o r I t . experiments us un umiiKuiuuiit. Why, 1 Engineer Dickernian was on Monday re- It 1B certainly gratifying to tbe public to suffered with backache, coner pay. Tho soldiery wus called lu by leased from q uur an tine, whore he has been •"flit: I* in ted Stutt'.s, in t h e past 100 their employers. When thu truupts urrived sun tlo things with ttit) common material? compelled to stay for u whll» back because know of one concern in the land who are not stant headache, whites, sick in a railroad train, they found huiidrods of ovcryduy lifo whluh really seem to be afraid to be generous to tbe needy aud Buffer- stomach, no appetite, could i Tt i mB certiilnly produced a groutur of women, young ami old, seated ou the moro inagtciil to the uninitiated tlmn uny HUB of his children wan unfortunate enough number of hiimlsomo women than a n y track, -like nothing so much,' Biilclanoye- of thu wonders performed by mugiolant to catch tlio scarlet fever. ILu doctors have ing. Tlio proprietors of Dr. King's New Dis- sleep, and was very nervous. A t covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, time of menstruation was In ter VrclvllDscd country, but, unfortunate witness, 'as a flock of cackling hens.' of tliu public stage. been able to c >iiflue the disease to tlm two have given away over ten million trial bottles rihle pain. Your medicine If since feminine benuty defies statistics. '"Now. thero aro those curious Ifttk* "Tho crowd stood around laughing nnd soB where it originated, aud the Bcurlet of thin great medicine • and have tho Bat's worth Its weight In gold. I n ie have " " figures to compare on t h e Biib- joking with Itutiun delight in fun Tho bubbles of gloss known variously as fever Bcure is over. faction of knowing it has absolutely cured can say enough In praise of it, I have lect f«r nil that tho standard of beauty engluu drawing tho train stopped, then, 'Prlnco Rupert's drops' und as 'Dutch It Is said that Mr. Totleu'a bnarding bouse among *»'r women grows lower every threatening to run over then), moved for- tears.' Apparently they aro merely little at Mt. Arlington wan destroyed by fire on thousands of hnpclefu cases. Asthma, Bron- recommended It to many fric: If iiiidn New York portrait painter ward a foot or two. Tho women luughed globules of glass with elongated tails 8sturdily night. Doubtless your corrvBpnn- chitis, Hoarseness and all the diseases of the all suffering women would try it, there would be p year, 6nida and calmly sat still. Tho troopB wero then inadu by heating n- small ghiss rod In n Threat, Cfiost and Lungs aro surely cured by more happy homes and healthy women. I tliank ffllOf work is known from thoAtlautloto drawn up in linouud painted their ums- flitmcuiid allowing t-lio molten drops to dent in thai town will send you thu partcu- it Call on Robert Killgore, Dover, and A. you for the change your medicine has made in me. fall into water. After thuy have cooled hvs. tho l'acilio. kota at them I*. Green, Chester, N. JM Druggist*, and got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Corapound and Mrs. Pinkham's advice, have "Tluro itro ii number of reasons t o be "The wmnen eat immovable, good hu- you nmy pound thu thick part with a Fireman Morris Parka died about I o'clf'ck H trial buttle free. Regular irisse, 60c. and t) cited wrcBponsiblo for tho existence of mored, but rcBoluto. They knew tho ordor huiniuur or mallet, yet you cannot break p. m. ou Thursday. He wus ubuut U(i jean* saved thousands of women from hospital operations. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. tills condition," ho mid. "One ot t h e to fire would not bo given. In tho endthem. The lives ol women are hard; whether a t home with a ceaseless round of doold. Iutertueutut Huckettetown, incut pot*-'"1 masons, I think, ts t h e ubso- they won their point simply by calm, good "On the other hand, if you break a lit- I ueo by the Independent of lust week that mestic duties or working a t somo regular employment, their daily tasks make tute indlffeppucBof tho nineteenth century humored determination. Their strength, tle piece off their tails or touch any part constant war on health. If all women understood themselves fully and knew Jobu A. Quick, of Newtn, died un ttmt same and especially the Amerlcun m a n to as they wisely apprehended, I»y in cheer- of them with a quartz crystal they will GERMAN VAI..L.KY. how exactly and soothingly Lydia E. Piukham's Vegetable Compound acts physical perfection in womankind. ful persl&tonco in their demands. Tact, immediately disappear Into tho surround tidy. Mr. Quick used t o live in Stanhope MIFB Lizzie Hnnce, of tStepheneburg, IB vis- on the female organs, there would be less suffering. o years ago, but he fouud that whiJf one "Even fiO years ago they were vastly common KUIIKU and a gentle, courteous ing atmosphere. To thu person who does iting her aunt, Mrs Down, this week. more sensitive to its Influence and Interest- bearing aro wnumn's weapons—aud they not know tliu reason tho performance 1B tiuumitii might make a fair living in that Miss Dora Sbarp ppent Monday at Hack- LyClaC.PinKham'iVegetatleCompound;aV/oman'sKemeayforWoinan'sIlis ed In Its phnsuB. Voung follows half accn- havo worked marvels in human history." most astonishing. town two were likely to starve to death and tury back mid poetry, nourished romnutlo —Youth's Companion. "And yet it is all very Blmple. It is due he thought Stun hope was a garni town to etlstowu. Throngh the agency of Elmer E. Beams the dreams, worn their hair about their ears to what is known us surfuco cohesion. emigrate from, BO he moved to Newton,where anil Intlltcd verses, in imitation of Byron, THE MORRIS COUNTY Glass when heated to a moltmi Btuto has be succeeded in establiubiug a lmnlware and loss on A. P. Down's barn &nd contents was tilrU Slinuned by Men. to dark eyi'd luez nnd golden haired Ilel-attffactorily settled last we-k. Tbe policy naturally readied a vary high temperaThcro fire many girls who aro Bhunned eu Fairy forms, clustering ringlets, ozuro ture, and wlion the drops of melted gluea tiusuiithing busiuesa sccoud to none in the was held in the Standard Insurance Comby men, and for the most part the fault orbe, etc., flitted through their dreams, am allowed to fall into tho cold water the county of Sussex. l i e had a talent for hard pany, of New Jersey, and the woman whoso nppi*aranoe tallied lies witli thtiinstdves. AUTOMATIC ACETYLENE sudden clmugo produces a stress all over work, wns honest and iudustriouH, and John The girl who never exorcises herself to the In a measure with these standard* was Burfaco of tlio drop which is roally ter A. Quick'B wuid was asgood as bis boud. H» He ry Todd lat-ufferlng from rheuuiatisra. John Naurlgbt, of East Orange, is enjoying reverenced and adored a s the ideal sweet- be ugrecivblo UUICSH sho can have every- rlfio. ThifiBtnss, howovcr, must be con- leaves a widow and one »on to mourn his loss. MORRISTOWN, N. J. thing hor own way is one of them, for heart nnd wife. sidered (is a whole. He was not the only man whn owed a good a Bhort vacation with bis mother in town. "Ho did Dot caro a rap whether Inez thoro is not a man alive who will give way We extend our hearty congratulations to "It is vory strong when taken all to-deal of hia success in Ufo <o the intelllguut INCORPORATED MARCH 3d, 1874. in everything to a girl. could read Greek o r n o t o r understood a The girl who scolds is anothertypo. She gether, but it is esuobly OH though a plcco 0 w>poratioji of his wife. Many of > our Stan- Elmer E Beams, who has bad tbe degree of President—HENRY W. Mil,LEU. word of purliiimcntury law, b u t he did deof very thin rubber wns stretched over tho A. M. coufe'red upon him by tbe UoivtrVice President—Avnithiva B. HVLL. may be perfectly good tempered, but she light over her blushes, her swan throat surfitco of this glass. If you punctured tho hope readers will retnoml'er him. sity of Chicago. Secretary-Treasurer—H. T. HULL. and nlubuster shoulders, and t h e portrait hits oontracted the scolding habit, and so rubber, its hiisto to resume its normal I t is said by somebody who must have fig- The home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. —MANAGERS— painters of that day prove, beyond a sho is left aiono to scold at her pleasure. ured it out, I presume, that it coBte the p> oplo Stephens, about two miles from this place, Henry W. Miller Henry C. Pitney Then thoro is the girl with tho haughty condition would pull It off tho gloss. drnibt, that she possessed most of these "So when you bmik off tho tail of theof tbese United States annually *2£5,O0U 000 was burned to the ground on Sunday while AurellUH B. Hull Philip H. Hoffman charms in an abundance we d o n ' t see a n y manner and cold staro. No man dares to drop Cliaa Y . S w a n . M . D . Paul Ravers or cut through tho film of very hard to be born, $800.0Ufi,C.K! t o be man-In], $75,make love to her, becauso thcro Is nothing longer. they were spending the day with Mrs. John Thatcher Kugene B. Burke glneawlth a crystal its endeavors Buddculy *1,4:»,000,OOU StepliPUB father, Mr Hyde, of this place It "Nowadays the girl who soteout t o rule wbatevor to love in her. So tho girl ecowls to resunio its normal condition result In 000,000 for getting buried and Guy Minton. 1 at whnt she considers their bud taste, utfor g etting drunk I Land o Oosbeu 1 How In society by virtue of a lovely faee is a mystery how tbe fire orginated. When its own destruction, and It breaks up into and figure la npt to find herself queening terly ignorant of tho fact that her own partick'B which aro really finer than the is them fur statistics 1 first discovered it was under Buch headway Statement January 1, 1899. It over a very few masculine subjects. I foolish conduct is the sole cause of their finest sand. And now everybody ercopfc your railroad that nothing could be done. TUG neighbors dou't know whether tho men or t h e wom- nogleot. readers may skip tbe next paragraph. "It EconiB like a wonderful performworked with a will, but were able to save Anothor girl without a lover is the en are to blmuo for this change, b u t cerRESOURCES. I BOB American railroads are talking about only two or three articles of furniture. ance, but it Is a no moro wonderful portain it ts thut nomnttcrif sho be aa subtly painfully shy maiden. Sho lirfes to seo fornmnco thau ninny others which 'any Loans on Bnndsand Mortgage... t 879,290.00 graceful os Cleopatra, na fair as Helen of men at a distance, but the moment they youngster could perform If ho would study adopting tbo Euglisb syatotn of lights for Mrs. B. B. Park Is enjoying a Bhort visit Stocks and Bonds, par value nigbt signals The difference will be the subTroy, she will havo no ewulnsadoring her draw iiMir sho drives thorn back with em- oven the simplest forma of chemical ac»781.00O with her parents at Maple wood. 878,710 00 stitution of the green light for safety, iuBtead Loans on Collateral [or those gifts of nature alone. What t h e barrassment. They retire simply out of tion."—Boston Hernld. Charles Down, of Hackettstown, spent Real Estate, Banking House and of our white, and a yellow light for caution, modern man now admires ls a lively miss, pity, srcing hor distress and awkward Monday in town with bia son, A. P. Down. Lot, 75.000 00 whoso tongue- rattles aa brisk a measure bashfulncss. tbe red light signal of danger to remain as Ah Ideal Portrait. Christopher Hildebrant will on Thursday F rniture und Fixtures 5000 00 Last on the list comes the girl who alas castanets, who baa a spontaneous ready before. I t is a question whether the game is I ntorest Accrued A dainty mnld. dumure nnd shy. 19,748 84 move from the Hager farm to a place near laugh, who can ntuko golf balls sing ways has something smart to eay ubout worth the candle, in other words whether thu Rents, etc., due With sweet, wide eyea mid quiet mien Fuinnount. through the air, who ls full of grit and go every one sho sees, ridiculing people in or• 'ash in Bank 65.825 ^9 additional safety which American railr ads Who gently greets each passerby and jokes, who Is not afraid to put a ciga- dor to bo considered clever, little knowing Cash on Hand With smile serene, will get will pay for the changing of the rette between hcr lips, who Is, l n short, a how moil intensoly dislike to hoar hor Then slips away fast aa she canstvitchlights. We have had very few acci Graln-O Brings Relief jolly good fellow. If her feet a r e small, pulling everybody's character to pieces for Is that Nan? Makes gas only as you use it. No , , dents from mistaking a white light lor a to tbe coffee drinker. Coffee drinking Is a hcrwilst a snug circle, her eyes bright and their amusoment.—Philadelphia Times. LIABILITIES. green one, AB an offset to all tbls, however, h»bit tbat is universally indulged In andheat. No smoke. Safe, Cleanly, and A little nun with folded palms her clothes in the height of fashion, she Is And pale locks lying aureole wise, cheaper than kerosene. Duo Depositors $1,770,234.45 B bcllo aud easily passes muster a s a beau1 see by the papers that a committee of way almost as universally Injurious. Have you Woolug In Lapland. Whose Upn are stiller than her eyes interest to be Credited Depositors ty whose claim nobody dispute*. All t h e When tho young Laplander Is. In love up railroad meu are coming over from Eng- tried Grain-O? It is almost like coffee but the A line addressed to us will bring you January I, WW9 aught alarms, 29,804 35 poetry and the novels ot the day proclaim with a girl, ho and she run a tace. Ho ia It Whose effects are just the opposite. Coffee upsets any desired information regarding it, or robe iuwhite aB aaint'8 may tooland, to havo a look a t our automatic couplers, $1,80(103880 the supremacy of this little lady. T h e heavily handicapped, so that she may win ls that she? since parliament seems determined to compel the stomach, ruins the digestion, affects the a call from our representative if re-Surplus W4,f><i8.5S novelists no longer bother t o tell you if she ofaooRou, nnd if she outruns him he tbem to put automatic couplers on their care, heart and diBturba the whole nervous system. whether their heroines a r e fair o r n o t ; no- cannot propose again. Of course sho suf$1,1)90 C03.38 Graln-O tones up the stomach, aids diges- quested. So that what we lose iu glass we are likely to body cures. Heroines who have a n influ- fers herself to bo overtaken if sho cares for Interest Is declared and paid in January tion and strengthens the nerves. There is ence, like thechlo women who r u l e In so- him, but tho consent of her parents must gain in couplers. and July of Pech year from the profits of tbe ciety, don't rest on a n y suoh laurels a s be obtained beforo sho can be married. The British railroad people growl a good nothing but nourishment ta Grain-O. It can't previous sfx months' business. luxuriant tresses, snowy necks a n d pearly Tho luw of tha land is very strict on thii deal about tbo expense, bub thoy m i j h t a a be otherwise. 15 and 25c. per package. Deposits made on or before the 3d day of teeth. Those were tho weapons of women point, aud iuoldcu times tho man was subJanuary, April, July aud October, draw inwell do it with a good grace, for they will of another time, both i n books a n d i n real ject to capital punishment if be married terest fr«uL the 1st day of the said months have to como to it eventually. The DelaJlfe. respectively. CHESTER. without the consent of tho girl's parents. ware, Lacba wanna and Western was the first BANKING Mrs. Ruinbolt aud daughter are guests of ''Today if a woman m u s t have admira- After a Laplander has chosen a bride he American railroad that I know of to equip sends her a present of a girdle, a ring and From 9 a, m. to 4 p . m. daily, except Satur, 1 tion she either goes i n for athletics or a ! tbeir curs, engines aud cabooses with Alias Dawson. day. Saturdays from 9 a. m. t o 12 m. (noon)a quantity of brandy. He goes as far as DOVER. N. J. learning or sho dresses her darling, vlvftMr. Collie, of Morristown, was the guest of and from 7to Up, m. automatic couplers. It must have been an oioue, ilttlo self u p in Paris gowns, and the door of her hut, but remains outside D. N. Smith and family last week. expensive under inking, but they have suruntil Invited to outer, when a bumper of thus earns her uelleship. Whether she Mrs. J . D. Sudd ia spending a tew days vived it. Their employes dou't lie awake does this because she prefers t o be athletic brandy is offered to the girl's father. If he FOR A SIX MONTHS' TERM Any or All Department!. Morris Orphans9 Court. nights and worry about where tbeir pay is with Mrs. Anna Evans, of Brooklyn. and learned and what n o t else t o her old drinks It, it ls a sign he consents to the F. N. JenkinB, of Washington, Bpent Sunc lining from for the next, montli F a y power—beauty—or whether sho has grasp- marriage, and the young lover then promJANUAIiY TERM. 18W. ed at them as substitutes for her lost and ises to glvo the girl some clothes and pays muster Strong comes around withblB red car day with L. P. Green, ID tbe matter of Asa 8. Berry, Administrator of Irretrievable loveliness I d o n ' t vouch. I t a sum of money down on tho spot. This Emory Parka went to tbe hospital at Plainttfled with gold or its e([uiv(leuc as regularly the eatata of George B-rry, deceased Kulo to Ii enough to say that they are bound to of course ia a remnant of marriage by vhnw cause wliy there Bfaculd not be a tafe of field on Monday to have a tumor removed as before tbe cbange of couplers. lands. Bufflco and every ono is apparently happy, purchase, which In primitive times sucDr Ellis Hedges spent Sunday with his A«a 8. B»rry, Administrator of Qeoreo Berry, A tip U> our Kuglisb railroad friends, except tho artists and sculptors, w h o find ceeded marriage by capture. lat« or the County of Morri», dee«'as**d. having though. Let tbeir committee examine the mother. it harder and harder every year t o seoure Banna are published once In Lapland, made and exhibited to thi* Court, under oatb, a COLLEGE. N e w a r k . N . J . James Install Is tlie guestof his grandfather. just and true account of the personal estate und proper models. and the marriage ceremony ls very short. various kinds of autouiutiu couplers we make dt-bta of aaid dewamJ. BB far as lie has bet*n abte 6S8 BBOAD BTREBT, Fred Dickeraon fs tbe guest of his aunt, lu tbe United States and when they have de to Uiscov r the same, by which It appears that the "All these, however, a r e n o t t h e prime The bride wears her hair loose and has a lH-r»oual putate of paid dpcHnwri" IK inBufllctent to teasonu for tho decay of beauty. Men aro gold bund around her head. Her presents elded which is tbe simplest aud best, adopt Mrs. Frank Hughson. ALL BUSINESS STUDIES. ay all hl» just dfbtn and Btating that said ilece* wd A meek St. Agnes on her knees, Mrs P. M. hamberlin spent Sunday with philosophic and have learned to estimate and hcr dowry are generally reindeer, and that one, no matter whether i t creates another S led twizHd of tana's, ten*MnentH. bervdiiameniu nnd A shining Illy, fair and tu.11; SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. John Lanes an! and daughter, of Washington. mental over physical charm, chiefly be- she and her bridegroom remain with her real estate, Bituate In thu Couuty of Mnrrin. and monopoly or not, A monopoly iu automatic A pearl. Do thoughts of her recall parents tor a year after marriage.—-ZxENGLISH BHANCAES, ETO, nratlntt tlie aid of the Court In the premintB. cauEe the now woman baa n o t much beau* Mrs. Lottie fieudder, of Dover, spent SatSuch afmiles? couplers 1B a good thing, for tbe car repairer Tttfrerore. It iftordered by the Court, that all wrif to offer. There U a notion prevalent changti. PAAMKNT8 ON EASY TERMS. If some poor poet her picture drew, BouB Interested In the lunda, tetiemnnts. bt-tvditaas wull aa for. tbe wuker, a n d cotueu heap urday with her parents. «nong tha gentler sex that i t ts very foolmuDt8 and real estate or said deceased, do appear Would these do? IT IR WELL KNOWN that COLEMAN Freeholder Gllh-n, of Dover, was the guest Woman** Hand. bauuy for the ruihoad company—Ii He tbe before th" JuiKesof tWscourt, at th« Court House »n to waste time nourishing hep bodily COLLEGE is the largest and bcBt school, a"d of R. Carlile, nn Saturday. in Mornstown. on Friday, tbe fifth day of May. A. b ting house air brake, for instance. How It Is certainly not true that small hands Just here, my door flying open, charms, that there a r e more important by large odds the best equipped of its class In D. ifiOH, and show cause, If any thry havt>. v*hv m Sudcipnly sprang Ins'de F. M. Chamberlln spent Sunday with Chap. this section of tho country. iu the world could tvuget ttloug without i t ? callings in this world. Having decided t o aro bred by choice descent, for ]D ono fammuch of tliu said land", teneme«t«, bfreditainnnta Idy heroine, rosy and breathlefil. and real eatntu of HUM ileceaRed nbould not be gold Weber, of Hacketta'own. Write or call for College Journal, and read underestimate this great gift, she Is a s ily the hands of both women and men are Just keep your eye optm und see if the Dula* Kissing me as she cried: be sufficient 10 pay hit* debtu. found different In size and in every other bQsyafl possible destroying it. Miss Fannie Reward, of the Hackettstown what our graduates and others Bay of the aaAwill ware, Lackawauna ami Western won't be thy 1 ruti couy from tbe mi nut fa. school. quality. Tha individual woman of the "Sho Is doing i t by overetudy for one first railroad in America to have all its cars Institute, spent Sunday other home. n*viD Yuu.vo, Surrogate. Dated, February 16. 180U. "»ng. i D payment for her book learning people stretches and hardens hor hand and TIIB Rev. Mr. Hnughtelln will remain with us . V. HORTON, H . COLEHAlf. and engines equipped with a i r brakes. 14fl «• KLMF.R KtNO Vrortor. MorrlBtown. J c s contracting her chest, extinguishing batters her nails ou her own account, so another year and continue hi* studies at Drew. that monthB of care would not retrieve it, AU Manhattan Island, ou which tbe city of the limpid light in hor oyes and bleaching Tbe Young Peoples Society of Christian New York is built, was bought trmu tbe Jw cheeks. In payment for her tremon- but doubtless hor baby hand was much ARE VOU GDINQ SOJTH Indians by Boine speculative Dutcnmau for E deavor of tho Presb> terian Church expect «jU8 athletics sho is growing horny palmed tho saiuo as a rich woman's In hor own F. H. TIPPETT THOMAS BAKER FROM THE NORTH? with heavy muscles, r u i n i n g tho contours babyhood. English women and Ameriibu modest sum of *U4. To day i t is worth to hnld an entertainment in Music Hall about cans, with their blond hands, are admirrhoiiSthinst. NIXY. JT her limbs, her complexion is weather 64 000,00u,000. Pretty good speculation, Tlie Best Koute to Travel wat*n nnd her hair is rouKh. i n society ed deliriously for this one beauty by tho wasn't it. Do you see auytliiug wrou^ iu tho is ninst •neI overwhelms her Btrength with BO many darker races. But, at any rate, to Engtransaction 1 Would uny u£ your readers The descent ?i L # n n d pleasures and such extravagant lish eyes there is loveliness also in the fine NEW YORK TO NORFOLK, VA., •efuae a chance like that if it were thrown a t SUCCESSORS TO HORACE I*. DUN IIAll IB certain from ion food that she 1B tho victim of gout, hand that has cleat* brown color in place of whito—a rare beauty, for tho blond ihetut weak lungs, nerves, neuralgia a n d dyspepsia, a n d 111 lingering A SINGLE BAIL BAILH0AD. jHuth lias sapped her color, spoiled h e r woniun bas usually the finer form of hand, coughs, throat Insurance and Real Estate, but somewhat dark must have boon the a n d a g e d h o rb o f o r e h troubles or "tender inward of the hand" that played HSi 0 u « r time. An English inventor, named Behr, has Low Rates and First Class bronchial . , * »i up my argument, I would con- on tho virginals for Shukcspoare.—Colbuilt a railroad ou which trains rim a t a aficctlont TbemoBt elei-antly fltb-d boats, finest state clude that tlio whole course of o u r olvlll- lier's Weakly. peed of }00 miles an hour uwl iVfqueutJy uf Companies through bleed. rooms and best m^als The r»t**, iuclmlinjj jMtoo is against the growth of feminine ing lung^ to two or tur. e milts a minute. I t U a tdtiglemfilBand state room-, in Wen than you can ™l7Men no longer care for it, a n d consumption, travel by rail, aud j o u get rid uf the dust Wcicbt of Newborn Child. ratl railroad a t that, uuil t h e Inveutor has women no longer nourish it. Tho typical If the first Cor. BLACKWBLL anil WARREN STRDETJ and changing cat's. If tho cry ls loud and the breathing regjust formed a syndicate for constructing a American K lrl, if B h e is pretty, has every •tagesare negIr y<<u wunt to RO south beyond Tforf- in to Dover. New Jersey lected. Thougeneration a shorter period of bloom. J3y ular, then the child is well. For, be it reline on bis new system bdtweeu Liverpool Southern Pines and PInebluff, the winter sands of peomembered, the average weight of u newHwiltli Ko-orts, or to Vauchao, N. C . ttta and Manchester. Hoculldit "TheLightuiug ple wlio are now In their graves KV ,? 8 h ol s 3 0 t w h e n " a 1 1 * B h 0 should would be born child is only 7 pounds. And while Pennsylvania Colony headquarters, HcachExpress Hull way." Tliotraiua run on a Bingiw alive and well today if they had heeded Win all tho vital splendor of ripe loveliland, N. U., the New England Culnny, Statnesa. she la growing cither very thin or thore nro ninny splendidly developed perrail set ou a trestioW' rk several feet blgb uud the first warnings of those troubles which hntn, Ga., the Ohio Colony end headquarters lead to consumption and death. ™7 fat; her hair la getting dry, harsh fect human creatures who press down the electricity is thu niutivo power. of tho TJni"n Veterans Southern Pettletiients, jnd Beaut, J)or skin pale and wrinkled. In scale to 11 nnd even 13 pounds such exyou <*un connect with the Heuboard Air Line. Tbe hacking* cough, Bpitting of blood, iacoB],o |B fftriingi imd b y4 0allQ l a K&lgn, Jerry fcJIuip?on and KUHIO of hia Westero weak cess is exceedingly rare, und thoro are Fnr information a- to rates ot tmvel udttress lungs, and all similar troubles of the or any other ladies who wish to work many that aro exquisite in their dainticrauUs aru tryiug tlieii' bejit to couip 1 tho organs of breathing, will ourely lead to W. L. GUILLAUDEU, V. P . & T. M., Nuw « to appear like an old woman.' York, ra'lroada ruuuiug through tbeir States to haul consumption, if they are not already the "er daughters naturally will enjoy a ness, yet fall to weigh moro than 4 of it Then there are the other indiFor information as t o farming or mineral pa-seogers and freight ut a ruto fixed by thsir aiffna worter period of bloom and earlier sue- 1 pounds. But these, both alike, If healthy, cations of the approach of consumption, lands, water jwwers. inauufacturint; sites or ""no to tho blight that our elaborate shorp a sit in am oath and delicately mottled various legislatures, uud they cry ,'• cou- such as night-sweats, emaciation, or wastwinter resorts, rates of bonrd, rent of cot modem food, close, hot houses, sedentary when exposed to the air,fleshfirmand scioncelees mouoiioly," and "soulless corpora- ing' away of flesh from bad nutrition, which, tiiges, , addreBs JOHN PATRICK, Chief Inworking for us in spare time at home on dustrial& cAgeut, J ° life and mental exertions Invarl- elastic to tho touch, the bonea oven, and "Mamma, we'ro having, while you write, tions," until the people behove there muBt be if neglected, lead to certain death. S. A. L , i'luybluff, North The most exciting snowball fight! »ly bring Them may be some stern arms and legs moving easily In their sock14 10 w Ninety-eight per cent of all the case* of our cloths. We offeryou agood chance Carolina, somuthmg in it. Tho truth is, that puBat-n^er And Harry saya and Rob and Roy wuiswho aro quite- content to see our ets.—Dr. Julia H. Smith In Now York weak lungs, bleeding lungs, lingering and I play na well as any boy! rates are lower on tbe railroudaot tbo United Lodger. op3tinate coughs, and other bronchial and wouiBD11 take wings, but in tho a bwiuty My scurf Is gone—'twflH round my neck-^ States than In any otber country in the throat diseases, which have been treated n ot h l e h e r chmnni " . . ^"cation nor golf I've torn my dress the leastest speck II ox In ar a Drlde'a Ear. world. Tbe avuruge rate Is 2.14 cents a mile with Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discoywill repay the sweethearts And lost the ribbon off my hair, eryt have been cured by i t Do not wait In Lithuania, a province of Russia, it Is But, mother durllng, you'll not care, agttlDbt 2:20 in Englaud, 2.25 iu Belgium, 2.1)9 until your throat trouble becomes serious. W1NOOSKET CO. (150-c) Boston, Mass onstomnry that the bride's cara should bo For ever since this day bepfun In Germany, U 05 In Australia and 8.3U in All bronchial and throat troubles are eeriAtfiE. Dept. boxed before tbo murrlngo ceremony. No We've had the most splenfllfroua fun!" France, lu tlio freight UUD wedobetter y e t OUB. The time to take the " Golden Medi- 4-1 y -ElaUs Kill In St. Nicholas. matter how tender hearted tho mother cal Dincovery " la right at the Mart We haul a ton for 0D7 cents, Qurmnny may bo, sho always makes it a point of Notice of Settlement. Even if your throat trouble has been charges 1,32 ceuls; Belgium, 1.3U; Austria, neglected Friday. 14 Years' Experience administering a hearty smack to her until it has been pronounced Notice 1B hixeby given that the accounts of 1.5U; France, 1.6U; England, I U5. Hear, j e Extracting a Specialty ulmonary disease or consumption, do not Susan E Beach, lato Guardian of James I1 daughter in the presence of witnesses, and Washington was married ou Friday. esltate to use the "Golden Medical Disa noto is iiiodo of tho fact. The mother's Queen Victoria wns lnnrrled on Friday. loud-mouthed huwlertJ, uud keep still or build for thousands of letters from the Malcolm Boosall ami Jolm Halnoy Bonsai 1, intention is a kind ano, though tho custom Declaration of Indopumlonco was signed a little railroad of your own und get tlio Leg- covery," NBAR BERRY'8 HARD. sufferers themselves, who are now well, mfnom, wJlHiaaudited and stated by tbo Suritself is bad. Tho reason for ib Is to pro- on Friday. lnlatuio to fix your rules for you if you are bear evidence that the " Golden Medical rogate, aud reported for eoUlemtmt to the WARE STORE Court of tho County of Morris, on toot tho brido should her nmrrlngo prove Nupoleon Bouaparte was born on Krl-incompetent to tlo it youruo'vea. Discovery" will cure, even after good phy- Orphans' sicians have pronounced the disease pul- Friday, tho eovonth dnv of April next. nn unhappy ono. In that enso BIIO will auo day. DOVER. N. J . Dated March Iflt, 18W. Election is over and tbe country still lives. monary consumption. for a divorce, and her plea will bo that sho GUY MINTON Battle of Bunker Bill was fought on A. J. Drohe is Mayor-elect of Netcoog. The " I had been troubled with bronchitf* /briefwns forced into tho marriage ngnliifit her Republicans curried Hyram township, Sussex era! years," writes Mrs. orlln O'Harn, Box 114, I will, and on that score tho verdict of tho Friday. FREDERICK W, BEACH, R. T. SMITH THOS. FANNIHG Fergus Falls, Ottcrtatl Co., Mian. " In the first county, by majorities ranging from 1U to 81, place, Executors of Susan 13. Beach, deceased. ' judge will bo in hor favor. B a a I had BOtc throat, I doctored wilh differAniuricii wns discovered on Friday. rounded effect ucrosg Highest ior Jacob McCotiuell for township ent physicians and took various medicines, but lllltl t h r o w SMITH & FANNING, got no I raised from my throat n sticky ticky Mnyfluvrer limited on Friday. ,i i a the nbdoiiion up and no relief. relief. raised from myegg. throat n A S*orr ot SInry Lamb. clerk. Tho lowest, David J . Bedford, for got substance like Ithe white of not g l h o drefiB flklrt B l l o r b l n f r o n t substance white of an an egg.thatCould Could not Bllttlo of Waterloo was fought on Fri- Commissioner of Appeal. sleep, and like hadthe made up my mind I would lira. Cowdon Clarko, who recently died up my mind that IPierce'a would For Rent. Masons and Builders not live through the wluter. I took Dr. in England, WHS fond of telling how her day. Id took Brakemau Tuoma* J . lieagnu was clotted Golden Gld Medical M d i l Discovery Di luter and 'Favorite ' Dr F Pierce'a i PreDOVER. N . J Latin toucher, Mary Lamb, Kiln's staler, ' alternately, and In a few days began Eight room house on Dickerson St. Biifitlllo wns destroyed on Friday. Councilman und Conductor Philip Quiiin scription to nee that I was better. I took eight bottles. X Contxonta tor all kinds of work taken and entertained her with a fellow pupil at illnJulius Cicsur was assassinated on Fri-also, in tho borough uf Netcong. People linve not felt as well In yean as since using til materials furnished. Practical oxporlence nar When tiio little party wna senred at Apply to don't turn up their uotiwi at railroad men like these medicines." in every branch of mason woric. table tho tonchur said: "Now, remem- day. Un fail able—Dr. Pierce'* Pleaiant Pellet* Win I i \ a " a U l n i 1 position.—Mary Kuth- tho they used to, you seo, lu this town, which In for constipation nu< 15-1 m THOMAS O'NEII, joSania PB0um>T AnnutoiD xo, lou "°wiuul in Woman's Homo Coinpun- ber, wu all pick our bone3. It isn't con- Shnkcapearo was born on Friday. sidered vulgar hero to pick bonoi" King Charles was huhended on Friday. Buttlo of Now OrleuUB was fought on Friday. Ltuooln WOB ofltaislnated on Friday. BEAUTY IS DECAYING The "Criterion'' SAVINGS BANK GAS G£N£RATOR THE ACETYLENE LIGHTING CO.... GOLEMAN Tippett & Baker OLD DOMINION STEAMERS. FARMERS' WIVES Can Earn Lots ol R. C. VREELAND Dentist E THE IRON ERA. DOVER. N J.. MARCH 17. -1899 NEW Jndtj-t editor i al i msl tbat tbe IUJ gist of tbe irEs •of t h * *••u n e opinion still, bm l FRIDAY, MARCH 17. i»k to bt tfa fiugbt unfair 1 we d" t o t ; Uh the it d T H E DOVER PRINTING COMPANY ,,. a r*.l .. UEHi. A S I J m/jMiiKT-'b^. '• We notice tdiit the Old Veti- don't get a ih^ih) and extra (*y such u> the gutting mid f^r*ov^Jeiit g. " i>. iwitbutberi*«^le'emoney.' VAKI- art-a(*-jui i>j give to tbe '" 8(jtuiish war in>ITKKMH OK feCKSCIUi''IlO>* dit-n-. ' whd wfcre never io auy worse battle ABI.V IN A J ' V A N f ' E . ttiiiii tUfcattiV.'k ufiou Alger'* Embalmed Beef.' Ilia *u&'. can tlie Old \"*t* •>! 'tlHi'i. doaU-ut .fl.OO it : Zbc Iron Era. t Jli the *fc hi Ijoi BICYCLES SPRING The Victor, Monarch and Featherstone Lines. GOODS Mrt Carrie fcmitu K a v e B birthday party V ber daughter Mivlalene «JU Saturday after. noon. The youog t*i ali look forward to • tbth anQUAleveiit with ule^AxitaiiticiiJcitKjufc. i •u*rut t/i I.'D'lfertaicer Jardiue wa* caJIM to Passaic ^•ti-.rj tijftt hah; ,, n T u e ^ a j - j ^ by the death of Mr* Jebiel of the j^fjp.*- of , DUUry, of Flanders. thi* fjwn ever tioce the Court ot Errors and, j>Le all important question In thi* village SPRING OVERCOATS $6.50 TO $12.00 ApfeaJs handwi down iu decision affirming n o w ^ . Will the new president of tbe Dela.tije judf^uieot of tbe Supreme, Court in tbe w a r t i Lackawanna and Western Kailroad MEH'S SPRING SDITS $5.00 TO $15.00 t^uo Warrants «u* Every l»ly i>. ot* the give Huccaiunna a depot and Hunday traina Our beautiful assortment of Boys' 7«i tiw for that e i p ^ t f l " Wf it of ouster, ( o r ^ j j , b'/ancb, the tame as the majo linef and Children's Clothing excels anytmd Uiere 6e*in* V> be a fcood deal of mjhtifiTtjfc annual town meeting paabed off in Roithing ever shown in the city. tatirm a* to how tbe deposition of tbe present j ^ u r y without any 8urpri«s when the vote "city " government in V> I* brought about, jw a e w u u t e d . Kaodrjlpb, howeTer, Beemed, ALL THE NEWEST STYLES Yet tbe mode of prwaflure i» quit*! plain |w take;the whole bakery in this line, and is The E « A , in ik *wrr last week on tbe fc'ib- launching out with a brand new record j«.t of the decUioa of the Court of Error* aac The large pile of atonts brought to tbe &ide Appeal*, Vihl liow the Hupreme Court La'.'i ing of tbe Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western Railroad led many to suppose that at adjudgwl u follow* : —ANDw '•That Mid defendant, 'the Mayor end t last the company was preparing to build a j new htation. But ct-^er invMrt.igation told City Counsel of lkiv*i bath and 'tofhjtj 1 "" that Foreman Kinney of the road re-* that name and title usurp me IIWJUJ. thfci f a a body body p pririiege and fran<-bi»e of I/'>itJC£«J pair force, was arranging to build a house. cortxjrate upon an'i agan » t th« Kuvt* of ^ e Who could get up tbe courage to ask tbe new president for a depot i •'Auii Uj«t Mild 'The Mayr.r «nd City C UDci of We congratulate tbe Editor of the EBA on Dover' J o n'/( In the Jtilurr, in oiiy wiannjr hw editorial on the trolley franchise quebtion or matter, nrrntr or ntlemi.t to wrciu I/.' liberty, privilege unit fmnchiu of me), body in the ERA of March 4. We know of one Cor. Blackwell and Sussex Sts., [•olitic and corjnrate a/oreKild, etc. man who on reading it, immediately sub7\ow, the clot-jog pftragraph in the opinion scribed for the paper, and of several in differ- DOVER, - NEW JERSEY. nt parts of the county, wbo have saved tbe of the Oiurt of Error» and Ap|<ml« read : >ue for reference to this able article. " Ijfet. tbe judgment ol tb« Hujireme Court be afflrmed *' BUBVE70KB OF HlOHWAVri. While this opinion wa» rendered on Mun- Ant of Letten* U n c a l l e d for a t t b eM. H. Sharp George I. Mitchell d a / , March li, it wan not Dl»l with the l*c Dover P o s t Office. A. D. Budd r t t a r y of State until Friday, Mirth 10. Ten 52 DOVER, N. J., Mar. 17,1899, 8,M.Rariclt daji from that date i t will, under the rules C. Beatty, Mrs. Elizabeth Evans, of tbe court, l*e handed down to the Bupreme James tjbarp'a majority A. W. Briant, Eugene A . Lawrence. Court. Thui will 1* on Marco 20, ami on Miss Maggie Murtba, Wm. Moore {2}, Mitcbell'B majority A. Oswin (3), March 21 loext Tuesday), a cop? of the judg- "osepb Mitchell, JUSTICE OF THE I'EACfE F. W. Miller ( ment of the Supreme Court, afflrmed by the D. R. Beeden, To obtain any of the above letters pleaw Charles H. Howell 11W Court of Error, and Appeals, will I * nerved Scattering 4 on the Major, each of the Uoancilmen and nay advertised, and give date of list. GKOKOE MCCBACKX.I. P. M. the City Clerk. We have told what tbat Howell'e majority 115 judgment adjudges, viz., " t h a t they do not, CONSTABLES, In no manner or matter exercise or attempt MAHItlED. W. F.Mooney 56 U. eierciie tbe liberty, privilege and fran- B E L L - F 0 R 8 B E R 0 . - A t tbe Presbyterian R.H.Salmon 11 manse, in Boonton, on February 25, 1HT9, chise," etc., etc. by the Rev. William H. Woolvtrton, Lewis Salmon's majority 15 After the Krviee of the above, if any of Kl»ard Bell, of Brooklyn, N. Y., to Alma OVEBflEEB OF TITE POOR. the official* should in any vray diKobey they A. Foraberg, of Boonton. Charles Gl«auer 74 would be fpiiltj of contempt of court and W. 8. Huff 52 dned or imprisoned, o r both, aa tbe court READY. BICYCLES AT $84.50, $25, $28, $32.50, $37, $40, AND $47.50. BICYCLE SUNDRIES. kl.& W. L a m p s roth Century Lamps Ham's Diamond L a m p . . . . . Bicycle Oil HATS, CAPS liurdick's Cyclometers Nickeled Bells "*>c each Si.45 each C each Pout Pumps Veder's Cyclometers 79 i /JO each Trouser Guards V. S. T r i p Cyclometers 75* e a d l 1.85 each Toe Clips Cement, per tube 3C each 7c bottle E V E R Y T H I N G I N S U N D R I E S A T EOL'AJ-LY LOW 1'RICES. Furnlshings. H. W. John's Mfg. TURNER & CO. mfgbt determine. TOWNSHIP AND BOROUGH ELECTIONS. Glaaoer'B majority Co's. Ready-mixed Paints, made of pure linseed oil and t h e highest grade of pigments. A complete assortment of colors a n d shades carried in stock. Although t h e prices of white lead arid linseed oil have advanced, w e sell these ready-mixed paints at t h e s a m e prices a s formerly. Garden Seeds. We buy the best quality of Garden seeds in bulk, fresh every season, and p u t them u p ourselves in large packets to sell at Five Cents Each. Corn, Beans, Peas, Onion Sets, &c, also all kinds of garden tools. 69c each 30c each 3C p a i r ;c pair Poultry Netting. Galvanized Wire Fencing. Woven Wire Field Fencing. South Bend Plows. Wheel Barrows. Garden Barrows, &c. SHOES Our lines of shoes for the spring season, for men, women and children, are now complete and ready for your inspection. particularly call your attention to our new shoe for ladies, a new line received this week, our We wish to QUEEN QUALITY $3.00 SHOE, T h e y a r e made on lasts and patterns that insure ease and comfort to the weaier, while giving the foot a stylish a n d well dressed appearance. T h e r e is grace in every curve, style in every line of these shoes. They fit where others fail; they give a slender, pretty look to t h e foot without sacrifice of comfort. T h e y are strictly " c o r r e c t " in style. They retain their shape while the shoe lasts. T h e y embody all 22 the fine points of a high grade shoe—style, fit, comfort an J durability—and all for Corntinv^d from fifth p«a*. A I'reclouB l*ot of QulbblerwBOROUGH OP KETCONO, When the Murrii Journal in a recent IsFREEBOLPER. KATOB. me made It known, aomewbat gleefully, i t Thomas H. Hoogland 282 A brem J. Drake 74 seemed to the ERA, that the agreement be- David C. Berry 102 Thomas J. Clttt 09 tween Mayor Plerson and tbe members of the Hoagland's majority 90 Drake's majority 6 City Council (de facto), which resulted in the COHHI88IO5EE Of APPEALS. COUNCILMEN. withdrawal of the "salary "mandamus tuit, Daniel Dickerson 240 was Invalid ID one particular because of Its James Onstead Miller N. Mowder 00 237 Pblllp QiiInQ 73 alleged faulty wording, tbe E B A remarked 72 DiclterBon'a majority 3 Tbomaa Reggan that, while we bad on divers occasions critiHenry Sberence 71 SUEVETOHS OP HIGHWAYS. cised t h e members of the City Council for Walter Freeman 344 various tins of omission and commission, we Qiilnn'B majority 2 8. Dickerson 244 were loath to believe that they would take John ReggaD'n •' 1 William Tutty ,y.... 242 advantage of the fact t h a t through Inadver- Iitaac O. Kitcl•hell COMMISSIONER OF APPEALS. 242 tence the wrong court was named In the writW. C. Huyler 72 Freeman's majority 2 George Boothney ten agreement. Wo wish to take it all back. 08 An important part of tbat agreement, as it Dickeraon'a majority Freeman Carter 1 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. was understood by Mayor I'ierson, a» well as Huyler'a majority 8 Boolca t o Read. 224 by tbe public generally, was tbat, in consider- Belah Hilor Nlbelius to tbo Landing Hotel Company by SURVEYOR OF IIIQHWATS. It would fiwmi absurd for any Individual 250 Henry Antwick deed dated September SB, 1889, and recorded ation of Mayor Pierson's signing the salary John Cox 08 or corporation to select one hundred books in Morris County Record of Deeds, Book IN CHAKCEKV op XEW JERSEY, Cox'a majority 26 Augustus M. Jonca warrants for the Councilmen up to February (15 as being necessary to every one who would U-12, pages 89, &c.; thence (4) south flfty-two CONSTABLES. 1, no more bills would be preseuted by them Astwlck'B majority 3 be well read. We learn that Stephen Leslie, Between Doraatus L. Bryant, complaiuant, degrees and thirty minutes west along third DOVER, N. J. 23U line of last mentioned lot one hundred and for services as Counoilnwn. At tbe meeting Daniel Morgan very cultivated English critic, has said: and tbe Westmoreland Hotel Company ninety-six CONH1ABI.KS. and three-tenths feet to third cor232 of the City Council (da facto) on Monday Aaron Matthews Tlieoiiore P. King, Willinni E. King ami ner of same, Jobn H. Britton 05 "Tho beet book for any man la that la and also the first comer, as in Charles Hopler 245 Caroline S. Bryant, defendants. Pi. fa, for Chl H H night Councilmen Raynor, Carbart and George which be takes most Interest; the suitabilfrom Nancy Rlggs to landing Hotel G Hull ll 225 Scattering sale of mortguced premises. Returnable to deed ity of a book depeuda upon the ldlosyn* Btumpf each had in a bill for $37.50 for salCompany, the first above mentioned; thence May term, A. I). 1S1W. crosy of the reader; whichever book IS) north twelve degrees fifteen minutes nest Britton's majority i Morgan's majority 14 ary for the month of February. These bills J. H. NBIOUDODR, Solicitor. Bevecty five feet along the first line of la»t arouses his mind mort and commands his OVBRSBEB OF THE I'OOIL Hopler'a majority 20 were approved by Councilmen Raynor and By virtue of the above stated writ of fieri mentioned tract to second corner of same; •ympathy most powerfully Is in all probaLambert Riker OB ici&s tu my hands, I shall expose for sale a t Carbart, who compose a majority of t h e thence (6) no'th elghty-eix degrees and thirty NEW YORK'S bility tbe best (or him. Take hold anyMADISON. public vendue on the premises a t Landing, minutes west one nundred and twenty-toree Finance Committee,but were withheld when where. Read what you really like and Morris County, N. J., uu and six-tenths feet, following the second line Tbe election in Madison was an UDusually the rest of the bills wore voted upon, and were cot what Bomo one telU you that you of the same to tbo place of beginning, conCHATHAM BOROUGH. afterwards passed over to City Clerk Baker. quiet one, the contest being betvrten the ought to Ilka" WEDNESDAY, tbe 19th duy of April taining ninety-six hundredtbs of an acre, And now It is explained that tbe three Coun- regular Democratic organization and a Chatham borough bad only one ticket in ra-'ro or less', but, after deducting sixteen However much Jefferson In the Decneit, A. D. 1BU8, batweon tho hours ot IS m. hundredtbs of an acre, part of the area of cilmen named understood tbe agreement to citizens' ticket. James P. Albright, who haa the field. Frederick H. Lum wag re-elected laration ol Independence and Lincoln in iud 5 o'clock p. m., that is to say at 2 o'clock raid proposed new road as along lines nummean that they were not to ask Mayor J'ier- been Mayor of tbe borough since jta incor- Mayor for two yeara and Edward H, Taylor fata address at Gettysburg declared for n the afternoon of said day, all those tracts be.B two and three, there remains eightyion to eiyn any more salary warrants for poration, headed the citizens' ticket, wbile and A. Fhlletus Konkle Councilmen for tbreo equality, thero la uo reason why we should >r parcels of laiin anu premises, Bltuate, lyine hundredtbs of an acre, more or less. und being in the Townshipor Rojbury. in the them, and not that they would waive all Edward A. Isaacs, a New York lawyer, was yeara each. William E. Genung VOB elected aim to bring all In to conformity to a given County of Morris and Stato of New Jersey Being the same premises conveyed to the standard at the expense of what vre call claim to salary after February 1. The tbxee the Democratic nominee. Of the 021 voters, Commissioner of Appeals for one year. bonnned and described as follows: Westmoreland Hotel Company by the Landindividuality. The elective system of Btndy bills approved by the Finance Committee on but 055 cast their ballots. The majorities for ing Hotel Company by deed March 29,1897, T H E FIRST TRACT—Beginning a t the third la growing In favor In educational lnetituVOCALISTS. PLOHHAM PARK BOROUGH. Monday night, It seems, are to be left «a a the citizens' candidates were: Mayor, J. P. corner of a tract of lanti conteyed by Axel and not yet recorded. tlona, and tho elective system of reeding Dated March IS, 1899. The election at Florbam Park borough re- must likewise be recognized aa best, at W. IMbeliustotbe Landing Hotel Company legacy to the "new-old " Council (which wil Albright, 108: Councilman, W. T. Brown, Sig. Salvatore Stabile - - Baritone by deed dated September 20, 1889, and reEDGAR L. DURLING, Bherlff. next week resume governmental functions ID 1^0; Harvey H. France, 114; Commissioner sulted as follows: Mayor, Jpsse S. Keys; least after persons have come to yean of corded in Morris County Cl-rk's offioe in Chronicle and Era p. f. I23..40 of Appeals, Francis Kluxea, 110. CouncllmeD, James White, George E. Pelcta, discretion.—Keystone. Dover) in the hope that tbat body, out of the Miss Leila Trimble - - - Soprano Book U, 12 of Dealj, pages 61), &c ; thence Aaron P. Condlt, Carnot B. Meeker, C. F. goodness of Its collective heart, may order north twelve degrees fifteen minutes west Miss Rabelle - - - - • Contralto being a continuation oC the second liuft of Hopping, Lymau Fish. There was no opposAfrican PyVmle*. warrants drawn ID payment of tbe same. MONTVILLE TOWNSHIP. said tract of land seventy livo feet to a corThe pygmies of Africa, says Captain AND OTHERS Iu Montville there was but one ticket, but ing ticket. ner marked by a stake and heap of stonesGuy Burrows in bis "Land of tho Pygthence (2| north elghty-Bk degrees thirty I t In perhaps not necessary to state tbat Jobn H. Milledge, candidate for re-election At Brown's Hotel. Ledgewood, ZDAQB," OTO inftBtera in the ark ol hunting. The largest organization of its kind in minutes west one hundred and twenty-three nothing In tbe foregoing applies to Council nB Freeholder, was opposed by Walter A. They can kilt even elephants with their feet eight inches to a corner marked by a ROXBURY TOWNSHIP. the world. A complete orchestra of stake roan Lyou, who neither put in a bill, nor, as Youog. Milledge was elected over Toung by and heap of atones; thence 13) south six little bows and arrows, blinding the aniTOWNSHIP CLERK. the third member ol t h e Finance Committee a majority of 23 votes, mal first by shooting at ita eyes. Onoo he ladies. A musical treat. Don't miss degrees forty-five minutes east one hunired T. Varney Rarick, B anS fourteen feet two inches to a corner approved tbe bills of his colleagues. With Is blinded, tboy never leave him till he this novelty. Henry C. Baldwin was elected clerk; John marked by a large stone with a drillhole; CharleB I King, D him, an agreement is a n agreement. falls. Husk, township oommitteeman; Henry Bott, thence (4) north suty-flve degrees east BlxtyThe harp used in this orchestra was A pygmy, I have no hesitation in s a y Rarick'a majority But, aren't the others a precious lotofquib commissioner of Appeals; William Busk and pne feet four inches to a corner marked bv a ing, eats, as a rule, twice a i much as will imported especially tor this organization large stone with a drill hole; thence |5) south TOWNSHIP oouurrrEE. Garret B. Jacobus, surveyors of highways, biers? tiiirty-clKbt degrees east one hundred and JohnTodd, R ..126 •uffice a full grown man. He will take ft from Milan, Italy, at a cost of 82,000. and Elmer Speer, constable. attj-two feet seven inches to a corner on the ..14' stalk containing about 00 bananas, seat H. K Bolman.R Another Instructive "Loaf." Becondlueofsaid tract marked by a stone himself, and eat them all at a meal—be..158 arUflciallT set in thogrouud; theuce (8) along at 1 o'clock p. m. «harp, SO head of hones will be Joseph McConuell, i> The EitA last week gave an instructive leaf MORRIS TOWNSHIP. sides othor food. Then ho will lie and ..18U d s>cond line north twelve degrees fifteen sold. All selected by mynlf-matched teams, Frank I. Davis, D concerning trolleys out of the lesson book of The total vote was 402, cast as follows : - - 3 5 a n d 50 cents sa groan throughout the night until morning PRICES minutes west one hundred and twenty-nine ormight and road horsos. If Tery stormy, sale McConnfcH'a majority ,. 10 comes, when he Is ready to repeat the opHontclalr. The New York Tribune on MonTOWNSHIP COUUITTEBUAN. feet four inches to the place of beginning will take place next day. .. 9 Solman'e " •ntion. day, in on editorial on street cars, gave an Charles T . Swan, R W. W. TBIMMEB. 219 Softta now on u l e at KlURore'a Drug Store, ana ^nlalnkjiohirty-shi one hundredtfis acirei. can be iecur«d by tefepuona. SURVIVORS OF HIOHWATS. other equally instructive leaf out of the lesson Charles R. Slater, D 179 t Vlrtaea of Pralt Jalee. SvlveetprG. Baker, R books of Paris and Budapest, respectively T H E SECOND TKACT—Beginning at a stake Pare grape juice, says an authority o n Swau'a majority 40 Eliaha E. Heger, R and stones one hundred and eighty elcht feet We quote from the editorial; foods, Is tnv&luable i n either Bickaesa or FREEHOLDER. AueustusK, Bryant, D on a course south thirty-seveu degrees flfteen health. In fevers it Is both food and medi"In Paris tberelsaBtreetcarcotnpany. It Charles R. Wbltebead, R - ESTABLISI minutes .vest from thesmitbwest c o n n % tho 22 Irving Gardner, D 1821cine and Is more and more used by phvtisouth abutment ot tbe road bridge'of the has three hundred cars In use. It pays tbe Joseph Van Dyke, 0 .177 Baker's majority iDB. Oranges and pineapples make a decanal and Delaware. Lackawanna and"V ™ city a royalty of »300 a year for each car, or Reger's " licious juice, but the small fruits are more H H at Landing, Ne,v Jersey h S Whitehead's majority 1110,000 for all. It provides a seat for each JUSTICE OF THE PEACK. valuable. Currants, used alone or mixed COMMISSIONER OF APFKALS. passenger. It provides inclosed station with a third of raspberries, are more so, Alfred Fancher, R Robert HIpson, R bouses and platforms for them at street ..182 and tho huckleberry and elderberry yield 170 Thomas Minion, R ..101 products not to be despised. Blackberries, corner). It gives free transfers from line to Charles H. Cole, D John W. Fancher, D ..142 field or garden, are valuable medicinal line. It pays expenses, paya eood dividends Hipson'a majority 0] Peter A. Hummer, D agents, and the poorest cherry, uneatable on its stock antl divides lta surplus profits HURVEYOOS OK HIUUWATB. John W, Fancber'a majority a s a fruit, becomes nectar when made into abovo the prescribed dividends with tbe cltv. James DlckBon.n 230 CO.V3TABLE8. a drink. 225 EURene Coleman, D What would the Metropolitan Traction Com- James Brant, R ..180 BUhop Evans, D 174 William H. Rarick, D pany say to that 1 The General Omnibus Chriiiopher ...142 Frank: Advice, Moody, D 171 Fred. Slaught, D ..143 Company of Paris dives a seat to every pas"I'm going to n fnnoy dress ball, and I ..145 David Tbomaa, R senger, pays a royalty of WOO a year on each DlcUaou's majority want to conceal m y age. What shall 1 ...143 Henry Lfoli, R NOTICE. same promises conveyed to He 7»'rty o f the of lta vehicles and makes good profits. In Brant's majority George Hilts, R ; . . . . .144 wear?" tl B M part by deed from Ajel W. Nibellus ESTATE OP MAROABET FRITZ, DECEASED. ..142 Vfmx a m&ak, madam."—Now Vork George Force, It the German cities the street car companies JUSTICES OV THE rBACfc, dj«cd September 20 1850, and recorded in O U R BOCKBEER.WHICH IS NOW REAOY Worl4 ^ pay in royalties from 5 to 15 per cout. of their Robert W. Williams, R 231 Morrl.i County Clerk's olilce iu Book U $ nn l'urauantto tho order of the Surrognta of the Thomas'majority TOR DELIVERY WASBREWED IN NOVEIINERAM) 235 § ° ™ r of Morris, made on tSe eighth day of gron receipts, and they are profitable con David Plerson, R paKo SO,fcc.The said party of the first DIED. " Warob, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and BniBted, D 172 Hilto' DECEMBER LAST.ITISAPURE.WHOIESOME cerns. In Budapest tbe underground trolley, Edward LAITY—At tbe home of his parents In LuxJlnflnE ty-nlno, notice Is hereby given to all persons Charles W. Mattox, D 170 EXTRACT o r MALT AND MOPS THE EQUAL t>?, i ? l a l l m "" BtaBt « » estate ot Margaret which New York Is now just introducing emburg, froui pneumonia, Heury Laity, fritz, late of ihn County ot Morris, deceased, to WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. Williams* majority. fit aged 10 yours. OF ANT HIGH PRICED MALT BEVERAGE ON with fear and trembling, has been in success present sthe c r t l l same, under oath or amroation, to In Washington towmibip tbere was but one DICKKItSON —At hlfl home in Newark, on Pierson's majority 63 n£. " u '' ep e<\ THE MARKET.FAMILIES SUPPLIED. (S ful u?o for ten years in a far more rigoroui J t t l Mon or Before tbe eighth flajot S,H Bm c r 5 °" 11 °e nlnemonUw from tho date of ticket. Tbe following trero elected : Clerk CONSTABLES. Thursday. Marchft,Charles F . Dlckerson climate than ours, too. The company gives _THE SEITZBREWINGOXH S ? t e "ii ""yoredltorneitleeUng to brlnK in aged !I7 years, formerly of Wt. Olive. 220 Bolloway W. OufTurd ; TownBhlp Commltter, and[exhibit his or ber claim, trader oathoraOlra seat to each passenger, In cars at least as Maltby G. Pleraon, R EASTON.PA. mutton, within the t i n BO limited, irlllbefore'or Moore, R 820 Matthias Fleming', Comnit&siotrcr of A p p , fine as those in this city. It payB large taxoi Jobn Michael McCarthy, D lfift to the city, maintains large insurance andPatrick Prendergust, D 165 Frederick A. Apgar ; Surreyorof Highways, Suin,»tratr1x S ' O f ' ' l 1 O r l " U l W o r "*"'"*''" Alfred C. Howell and John T. Nanghriglit Dated the eighth day ot March, A. D.. 1899. sick fun'ds for its employee, pays largo sums Pierson'fi majority , O S JESSIE A. WOODHULL, Justices of tbe Peace, Jobn R. Read and Al yearly to reserve and reserve tax funds, for 6(1 heUB IlitT ; Constables, William Voorbeeg Morrlstown, N. J . interest and for a sinking fund, and yet Moore's majority Ul acobWiBcktm andShnferSelglor; Overseer OVERSEER OV TUB POOR. la tbo largest investor in Heal state Horse about seven years old. sound, a tract of land as couvovpd hr"w ** " " " " 7 ipakea 8 per cent, yearly dividends on its Mortgages iu the County, havfDg approxi' 220 of tbo Poor, John J . Snayze. (took. Tho secret ot It Is that Its stock repre- Maltby G. Pierson, R. mater? (000,000 of its funds loanod at thekind, weight eleven hundred pounds. 100 sents nothing but honest capital actually in- Freeman Husk, D present tlmo on tbia clans of security, cover' A Flno Cllinato. ALONZO B. SEARING, Ing property of moro than double tbat value. Pierson'B majority 0C A handsome muff. Owner may vested and employed in the enterprise. Tbe In that newly foundod Yankee town of water is left In the Danube." recover same a t J u s t i c e of the 17-I w Dover, N. J It Invites Applications for this Class Southern Pine?, N. C , thero is a now elegant MT. OLIVE. Peace Brown's Office, o n Sussex of Loans In Large or Small Sums. hotel, tho Plnoy Woods Inn. A Heir Yorker TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE. street, Dover, on paying cost of Is managing tbe hotel and It is crowded every Expenses (or Searches, etc., Moderate John B. Smith 01 winter. Tbo climate at Southern Fines is tins notice. J O H N F. WOOD. Wo Wont to l»o Fair. INTEREST, FIVE PER CENT. Ira B. Stephens 02 just grand. Not too cold; not too warm but The Index last week, commenting on the just right. Toko a run down thero and see Thin Institution will aim make loans oil Stephens' majority artle.'o in t h e B n i o f the week before in denow you like the climate. It costs Imt little, accr/jferf collateral security, payable on de- Four rooms, garden, good well water, TO I FT COUUISSIONtCR OF APPEALS. su excursion tickets can be tmtl and 1'lnoy viand or an specified time, al current raf- Five dollars per month. fence of tho volunteers wbo enlisted in the 0 / interest. Nelson Salmou 72 Woods Inn will make you moderate rates. thetimo'Sth' JJrt Y '™ri'" B ^ " ' " o " ' ^ A »'tage containing M v Bn rooms, nlcoly Spanish-American war, charged that the EBA Theodore N. Sbarpe 6(1 ALONZO B. SEARING,. utao mlnutoa cn»t ouo Uund™!^ S i n ? l l f o n J'- i i n l 8 l l B l ) . water in kitohon. Also (a lat, or HENRY W. MILLER, President. unfairly quoted from tho Index, "loavlDg U U S M t to i l a lnt.ra»SoJ w S f ?!' a f o r ""•• * » other hoMc, all on Bichards A pure malt extract— Seltz'g Book. cut the gist of tbo article." Ittotruo that [Salmon's majority U. T. BULL, Secntary and Treasurer. 17-1 w. Randolph Avenue. ?w?rt'n ' / tuird iluo or a tract w con»«»~i >._ *? W.° aTeoun. Inquiro V. V. BIROH. $3.OO per pair. THE GEO. RICHARDS CO. Dover, New Jersey. SHERIFF'S SALE. BAKER OPERA MONDAY, MARCH 20. 24 SUPERB ARTISTES 2 4 Public Sale of western Boises TUESDAY, MARCH 21st, THOS. O'N£IU SHOEMAKER Removed from Sussex Street to his* new store on Blackwell Street. Custom Made Shoes a specialty. Repairing neatly done. mm wm ffKBsgS ffiSSKB THe morris GoDQlg Savings BaQK J WANTED. FOR RENT. Found. THE IRON"ERA, DOVER, N. J., MARCH 47, 4899. Ilron J£ra. S t e p h e n C . B e r r y , who has been very il w i t h pneumonia, is o u t a g a i n . Tuesday ^ 2*., x . at in** A'jc, THREATENED STRIKE A VERTED, TOWNSHIP AND BOROUGH ELECTIONS HAT SEASON./. Sunday T r u l n s t o ha Ruu Over That A r b i t r a t i o n ItOHulte In S e t t l e m e n t oi Continued from fiTSt pageFRIDAY, MARCH 17. 1899. on t b e M o r r i s a n d E M O X Division. Eotul Hereafter. DltUcultlee. Spencer's majority Clark & Son will e r e c t a new blacksmith Commencing neit Sunday, the nineteenth Through conciliatory mftliodi there was Mouk'j '• Entered ftt the Post Office a t Dover, N. J, shop on E a s t Blackwell . t r e e t opp-site t h e i r instant, Sunday trains will be run for the settled on Monday ufteruixm, in one of the COMMISSIONER oF APVEAXB. - 3 matter. p r e i e n t location. accommodation of tbe public over tbe Morria most important busineua concerns of this city, A. J . Cook, R 15il Curpeutere a r e a t wo. k remodeling t o e in- and Essex Division of tiio Lockawanna. Via certain diiTerencefl between employers and Daniel Callaghan, I) 08 IAJCAL J O T T I N G S . t e r i o r of Charles H . Bwmottfa Ktauouery Morristown trains will leave New York as employees, which, had they been allowed to Cook's majority 6] store on Sussex street. follows: 7:30 a. in. for Washington, making run their usual course, would almost [ntr There are a t present a n uuusually large SURVEYORS OK HIGHWAYS. H e n r y J . M M a n d George VV. Stickle, of all stopti, arriving at t\iat station 10:115 a. in. tably have resulted in a prolonged labor number of cases of typhoid (ever i n Newark. Manning PJatt, R 150 10:15 a, tn. for Dover, arriving a t 12:20 p. m. struggle, with no end of serious consequences, Edward Laugblin, of Port Omm, entered K o c k a w a y , h a v e gone to Old Point Comfort 12:00 m, for South Orange, arriving ut 13:54 W, W. IVaaMmrii, R 101 for a week's pleasure t r i p . Ou February 7 there waa organized In i)7 All BOUIH1 Hospital a t Morrlatown on Wedp. in. 2:00 p. m. for Dover, arriving at 4:04 Dover among tbe unskilled laborers employed J&mBB List, D he r e a t e < 1 f o ra t l i m o r > Major O L . Prudon, executive clerk a t t h e «8 iioulay to t p. m. 4:45 p. in. for Morristiwn, arriving at iu tue Richardson & Boynton Stove Works a Joseph P . Dunn, D W h i t e House, Washington, D . C , l» v W t i n g Flatt'a majority 6. Watsoii Little, late proprietor of the p. m. 0:45 p. m. for South Orange, branch ot' the National Federation of Labor, K L . Dickersou a n d family. WnBliburn'B majority (IS Central House, in Kockaway, has taken arriving at 7:38 p. m. 8:30 p. in. for Summit, uuder the name of Federal Ijiborern' Union, CONST A.BLBB, T h e F a m i l y Circle Social Clui, will hold arriving at 9:40 p. in. 10:15 p. m. for Dover, No. 7,211, William A. Perrlne, delegate of charge at a faotel in Franklin Furuace. 1 Cliarlea Hopper. R. Hij arriving at 12:20 a. m. the National Iron Moulders' Union, being t'. JohnF. Wood, R There will be a " Birthdav" entertainment their second a n n u a l masquerade ball in DuU 171 Hotel a t Mt. A r l i n g t o n to-night, To New York, trains will leave Boutti organizer. Within a week or two after the Frank Huron, R 102 at tbo First Bapti«t Church on Tuesday even85 T h e p r i v a t e c o r of t h e president of tin, Orange, 7:48 a, m., arriving on New York local organization waa effected seven laborers Morris Utter, D ing, March 21. Doors wide open t o all. Whittle, I) Ill who had joined it were dtsctiurged. Among George Goorgo Martinis, D S3 The Essex County Park Commission has N o r t h e r n Faciflo B a i l r o a d Is a t t h e Dover eide a t 8;40, 8 a. in, from Dover, arriving at 10:10 a. m. 1J:O5 a. tn. from Morriatown the seven were the officers of tbe new organipurchased the Waverly Fair Grounds from c a r ehops undergoing repairs. I t is named Hopper's majority 32 arriving a t 12:40 p. m. 1 ;0S p. m. from South zation, and, as tUe men eunmzed that the tho " Yellowstone " a u d cost a b o u t t!So,(l(X). Wmd't '• 60 the Kew Jersey State Agricultural Society U bad bean discharged beeauso of their Orange, arriving at 2 p. m. 1:45 p. in. from Hasan's " H . H e i m a a is m a k i n g extensive a l t e r a t i o n for $75,000. to his s t o r e on Sussex street. M r . Heiman Dover, arriving a t 8:50 p. in. 0:45 p in. from activity in behalf of their union, the matter Tlie members of the Dover Lyceum ha' also i n t e n d s t o build a n addition t o liU house auuiroit,arrivhigat7:55p. m. t):45p. m.from was brought to tbe attention of the National MT. ARLINGTON. challenged tbe Port Oraui Social aud Lit- on Gold Btreet, which h e will occupy this Dover, arriving a t 8:40 p. m. 7:33 p, in. from Federation of Labor. There was but one ticket In Mt Arlington erary Clubs to a series of debates t o take ipring. Washington, arriving at 10:40tf.m. On Saturday last, Samuel Gompere, presi- borough. C. E. Cook was elected Assessor; place iu a month. Ou the Boontoa branch train No. 05, leav dent of the National Federation of Labor, James T. Lowe, Collector; Richard J. ChapT h e Rev. W . H. B u a w g e r will give hlB secitevival meetings have lieen held each niirut ing New York a ttt:15a. m., and arriving at John G. Bogert, labor editor of the New York lin and David J . Trundy, Councllmen, and ond talk o n " T e n Nighte In a Barroom," tlif« week at tho First M. E. Church. Deaconfblllipsbiirg 12:10, and returning leaving Evening Journal, and Ernest Crosby, Francis G. Himpler, Commiwioner of w i t h storoopticon illustratlonu, a t t h e F i r s t ess Corbint of Jersey City, bos been conduct- U a p t b t C h u r c h n e x t S u n d a y evening. Every- PuiJHpBburg a t 5:15 p. m., and arriving in member of tbe Social Reform Club, of NeNew York at 8 p. in., will be run daily. These York City, to which both Gompers and ing the mooting**body welcome. PEQUAHNOC TOWNSHIP. Bogert also belong, came to Dover an 1, after trains will make all stop*. Mrs. Scott Ficbter. of Upper A bill h a s been introduced In t b e LegisTOWASUIP CLERK. hearing the story of tbe mon, held a conferwhile doing some work near her houao on lature p r o v i d i n g ( o r t h e Incorporation of tho 805 ence with F . D. Richardson and Superin- AlhM-tW. VanSann Friday of last week, stepped on some ice and towniihip of E a s t O r a n g e a s a city of tho Slioot i o r a I/ivlna: Cup. 181 tendent Lynd, which resulted In an appoint- ArtemuB V. Zdiff, j r . (ell, breaking her leg. Frank Claaa bud a handicap Bboot yester- ment for another conference for Monday. second chws. E a s t O r a n g e h a s a population Van Blum's majority 214 The Literary and Alumni Association will of u p w a r d s of 20,000. day a t bis Lake Deumark Hotel, the prize On Monday President Gompers and Mr. COLLECTOR. contested for being the handsome BiWer lov- Bogert, accompanied by Samuel Fr'nce, of hold its regular mooting in the north side " His Detter Hnlf " played t o a s m a l l house 287 school building thiH (Friday) evening. "An n t h e B a k e r O p o r a House o n Wednesday. ing cup won by him recently at tbe shoot the National Cigar Makers' Union, after a William L. MoCue Irving Titus, evening with Whlttler* 1B to be the literary To s a y t h a t all who a t t e n d e d were noil satis- held a t Den villa. Any one who la desirous of protracted conference with Mr. Richardson placing this piece of silverware iu bis collec- and Superintendent Lynd, succeeded in reachWcCuo'a majority 2 attraction. Bed w i t h t h e play doesn't halt tell i t . I t w a s tion must neeos now apply to Jacob Drake, Ing' an amicable settlement of tbe troubles TOWNSHIP COHUITTE] Sheriff Henry M. Doremus bas been chosen uat one c h u n k of solid eujoyraont. of Mt, Freedom. "Jake" brought his eye and Horace Francisco 344 that had arisen. Mr. RichardBon, Mr. to take charge of the spring election, in place T h e Rev. D r . Halloway will give a lecture nerve with htm yesterday and as a result car- Gom{>ers state! to a representative of the lease Ward 845 of Carl Lentz, chairman of the Republican o n bis t r i p t o B e r m u d a a t t h e r e g u l a r meetr ried home the mug with a score of thirteen Ward'B majority 81 County Committee of Essex county, who re- Ing of Morris Council, No. 541, Royal A r - out of fifteen. Tbe conditions of the Bhoot EUA, averred that he was not opposed to tbe union and would not oppose it, but that reGOHHISSIONKll OF APPEALS. signed temporarily. No better man could m u m , on Monday evening, M a r c h 20. I t is were fifteen live birds per man at handicap cruiting for mombers inuat be done outside Eugene Bailey 177 bate been selected. e a r n e s t l y desired t h a t e v e r y m e m b e r be pres rises, thB entrance beiug the price of the of working hours. He also agreed to Rive Richard T. Budd. Charles McCormick, of Central avenue/was int. birds. Robert T, Smith acted as referee, to orders to tbe foreman tbat they must not use arrested on Friday of last week on a charge Budd's majority 222 tbe entire satisfaction of the twelve contest- their influence either for or against the Q u a r t e r l y meeting services will be held a t ot assault and battery preferred by his wife. SURVEYORS OP HIGHWAYS. ants. The score follows: union; that the discharged men would be the F r e a Methodist Church on F r i d a y , S a t u r Tbo warrant was served by Constable Blake, Silas W. Matthews 173 yda. reinstated as soon as vacancies occurred, and day and Sunday evenings and on Sunday 171 bail was given in the amount of (100 by Mc- morning and afternoon. The Rev. J. W. Hntbaway, 29 2 0 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 0 1 1 0 0—11 that no one Bliould be discharged because he if. R. Casteriin GarrettD. Smith 424 80 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 0 0 8 3 2 1—IS was a member of tha union. President C. H. Van Ness Cormiek for bis appearance before tbe Grand Tamulyn, District Elder, will have churge of Drake, 400 C. Orr, 29 2 2 2 2 1 0 O 2 O W Jury. Gompers, for the union, agreed that no ;he Bervicos. Hiler, 29 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 I w Smith's majority 811 The new horough of Florham Park, which Baker, 28 00 1 1 1 2 0 0 2 0 2 10 3 2 — 0 efforts to obtain increased wages should be Miss Josephine Corbln, the Deaconess, will J. Orr, Van Ness's majority 227 28 0 2 1 2 1 2 1 0 1 2 0 2 2 0 0—10 made for a t least a year and that it should was formed last week out; of the northern O'Brien, ipeak in the First M. E. Church on Bunday 29 001010010 w JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. portion of Clatnain township, contains eight 27 1 1 1 2 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1—10 rest entirely with the individual laborers James R. Evans morning on her experiences in the deaconess Decker,, .370 square miles. I t has fourteen miles of H ih Hinchman. 27 2 0 ^ 2 0 2 0 2 2811202—11 whether they join the union or not. work in which she has been engaged for Cook, John Blaunctt 197 28 3 1 1 1 0 0 2 2 3 0 3 1 2 1 3-12 road, three of which are macadamized. Its many years. Tho Rov. Dr. Woodruff will Holloran, 25 3 0 1 2 l 0 0 0 3 0 w President Fox, of the National Iron Bran's majority 173 total population is 800, and number of voters ireach in the evening. Munsoa, 29 S l l O a l O O O O w Moulders' Union, was in Dover on Fridfty of 1T0. w—withdrew last week. Heconferred with thecompany on PORT ORAM. We would direct tbe attention of our Miss E. E. Batcheller, of Somervillo. who that day and on Friday evening there was a In the borough of Fort Oram there was a was elected State Regent of tho Daughters readers to the new advertisement of Straws' A Unique A t t r a c t i o n , meeting of the local Iron Holder's Union in Citizens' ticket and a Republican ticket. The itore, in Newark, which will be found on of tbe American Revolution, has sent in her the Baker Opera House, which. President On Monday, March 20, Dover's citizens will latter won. The total vote was US*. The jage 0 iu this issua. Typographically It is e resignation as regent of 1 he General Frelingibulated result follows: irery taking advertisement, while tho Btory be the recipients of a novel musical feast. On Fox attended, and at which the impending huysen Chapter. Mrs. Henry Hardwicke, a it tells will doubtlets interest readers of the that day New York's Famous Ladies Orches- labor troubles were discussed. All's well ASSKHBOn. granddaughter of General Freltnghuysen, E M . tra, an organization composed of celebrated that end's well, and the ERA congratulates George H. Flartey, 0 143 was elected President, to succeed Miss Batchsoloists and renowned lady musicians, will both the company and Its employeed upon the Thomas B. Tone, It. 190 TELEPHONE CALL 8 B, DOVER, N. J . A meeting of citizens of Chester will be give a most unique concert Those who have peaceful conclusion of what might bave realter. Flartey's majority 7 ld on Saturday to appoint a committee to beard these famous instrumentalists In New sulted In a Berlous industrial disturbance. Jobamia Kelly was arrested on Saturday COLLEOTOB. :onfer with President Truesdale, of tbe DelaYork will certainly not WIBS this opportunity of last week by Constable Blake on a chares Patrick O'Leary. 0 130 of larceny made by S. R. Bennett. Mrs. ware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, of listening to these charming girls once more, Henry Collins, R 153 PERSONAL. MKNTION. Kelly bas been iu Mr. Bennett's employ as with a view to getting Mr. Trupsdale to make and those who have not beun BO fortunate the terminus of tbe Chester branch in the COIIIDS'majority 23 ought not m(sa thft chance of seeing and hearhousekeeper and for Borne time articles of ing the greatest female musical artistes of COTJNCILHSN. Mrs. James B. Mel irk Bpent Sunday in value have been disappearing. Recorder town itself, instead of where it now is. Uichael Mulligan, C 128 Brooklyn. An announcement of a sain of horses by both continents. Gage fixed ber bail at $200, awaiting the James H. Flartey, C 128 W. W. Trimmer will be found in another Miss Louise Williams spent Thursday in Andrew M. Rjan, R The organization is most complete. Every action of tho Grand Jury, ..154 wlumn in this Issue. Mr. Trimmer is a wellInstrument Is in the hunds of a genius. Tbe Morristown. EdwardS. Banoe, R 100 The total amount of money in circulation Emmott Hopkins, of Boonton, was in Dover on March 1, 1890, as glvon by BradstreeVe, :nown borse dealer and bas held many a Bale cello player is an Italian; the harpist, a Ryan's mu,. The bottom to be knocked right out of prices. We must close out our winter mis $1,038,843,612, being 1202 000,000 more torpughout tne county. - Prospective.buyers native of Athens, Greece ; the trombonist an on Tuesday. HaQce'a ma; wili do well to attend tbis Bale, which will Austrian ; the first violin in the hands of an itock of clothing before taking inventory. Now is the time to buy. Don't wait COMMISSIONER 09 APPBAUI. than on the corresponding date last year. On Charles Moller is home from Williamsport, American; the drum, a Roumanian; the ike place a t Brown's Hotel, Lfldgowood, Charles Pfelffur, C 140 but come at once. This sale is going to be the biggest special sale of clothing the basis of a population of 75,eO0,OOO, the cirviola, an English girl; thB flute, an Ameri- Long Island. 143 ever offered in Dover. We quote a few prices. Car. you beat them ? culation per capita iff (25.57, an increase of next Tuesday. Miss Ella Fellio, of Dundee, N. Y., is visit- George Farr, R can ; the clarionets, Hungarians *, cornet, a 13.18 per capita aa compared with tho per Considerable Interest is manifested in the Farr's majority 3 French Miss, and two violins in the bands of ing friendB in Dover. capita circulation for tbe corresponding date evlval services in tbe First K. B. Church $18.00 Suits now $,5.00,$18 Overcoats now $15.00 Miss Mary Wright," of Now York, Is visit.nd tha meetings are well attended. The a Russian and a German girt, respectively, of lost year. RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP. nearly all nations, excepting Spain, heing ing Miss Mary RIcbardB. 15.00 Suits now 12.50 15 Overcoats now 12.50 Tbe Colonial Life Insurance Company meeting tonight (Friday) will bo especially represented. The orchestra In under the ex In this township the normal Democratic Dr. Fred Decker ia recovering from A majority is about 125. Notwithstanding this mideotly doesn't intend t h a t ita light Bhall i>r young people. MiBsCorbln,tbedeaconeAs, perleneed direction of Marc Gelger, whose severe attack of tbe grip. rill assist Mrs. Woodruff In holding meetings 13.00 Suits now 10.00 12 Overcoats now 10.00 e Republicans succeeded in electing their be bid under a buBhel BO far as Dover 1B confame'as a conductor has been heralded by tho i o Overcoats now 8.00 Barry Smith, of Avondale, visited Joaepti tndidateB for t h e Township Couiuiltteet cerned. A handsome new sign, 25 feet long Tor women only on Tuesday, Wednesday and entire New York press. 10.00 Suits now 8.00 All Silk Lined Overcoats Duckworth on Saturday. Township Clerk and Assessor. Thomas O. end tno and a half feet wide, was laat week Thursdays at 3 p. m. The repetrolre ia not entirely elaMlcal.popuTho young people of the First Baptist Charles Lockwood, of Peterson, visited Bassett led his ticket with the unparalleled placed along the front of No. 10 Blackwell lar music receiving a fair snare of tbe pro8.00 Suits now 6.00 former price $16 now $12. Republican majority of £1) votes. street, where the Colonial's main branch for Church on Tuesday evening called at tbe gramme. Tbe vocalists are all well known friends }u town on Sunday. The tabulated result follows: the Dover district is located, with Oscar lome of their preBident, Mrs. John Andrews, in the world of Bong. Miss Ravellanang with Miss MarUia Baker, of Hudson street, An All Wool Overcoat for TOWNSHIP CLERK. in Union street, giving her a vory agreeable great success with the Italian Opera Com- spent Sunday a t Arlington. Peer in charge. Children's Clothing, all $7. Special Tine Chinchilla amesP. Cannata, R 208 TUB American Bch'ol Furniture Company surprise. To show their appreciation of her pany last season. Sig- Stabile, a baritone of Mra. P. M. White, ot Blackwell street, Joseph E. Meeker, D 177 marked down, they must go, waaou Monday incorporated in Trenton with sorvlces they presented her with a beautiful high order, is an artist of extraordinary spent Sunday at Morrlstown. Ulster $18 now $15. A Cannata's majority 31 a capital stock of #10,000,000, to manufacture parlor lamp. Recitations, games, etc., made power and always carries his audiences by Wade Dui'liag, of Jersey City, spent Sunregardless of price. rare bargain. the evening pass pleasantly. ASSESSOR. Gil kinds of school and church furniture. The storm. Leila Trimble, a Rweet and Byma- day a t the home of Harry S. Peters. Thomas O. Bassett, R . 240 In our GENTS' FURNISHINGS DEPARTMENT goods have all been cut in in corporators are Samuel B, Lawrence, RobTho Senate on Wednesday took up the tbetic siprano, wafts ber auditors into Mies Charlotte Sedgetnan, of Falvvicw CbariM Coe, D 151 ert P. Barry, jr., John B. Summerfield, G. E. Assembly amendments to Senator Ketcbam's dreamlands of fancy and delight. Verily, a price, with the same knife that cut our prices in clothing. avenue, la visiting friends in Sparta. Spencer, Henry M. HaWIand, Henry C Volunteers' Compensation bill. Mr. Ketcham musical treat 1B in store. majority 80 Miss Greco Clark, of New York city, spent Eveidell, Arraltage MatthuwB and Leavltt J. said tu*t the amendments were of euch a COLLECTOR. Sunday with her mother in this city. Hunt, all of New York, and Jamea C. Young character that a consultation with tbe State's Isaac N. Oumback, R 178 F i r e u t Alt. ArltnKtou. rf Jersey City. Mrs. J. L. Seely, of Brooklyn, is the guest DorastuB L. Cory, D financial officers would be necessary before 215 E. F. Totten'n bouse and the adjoining of Mrs. Albert Meafoy, of Randolph avenue. "ReBOlved, that the United States has ;he Senate could dispose of them intelligently. blacksmith shop a t Mt< Arlington were deCory's majority 37 Dennis Van Ll&w, of New York, visited more to fear from internal than from ex- The bill was laid over temporarily. TOWNSHIP COHUIT-TEK. stroyed by fire on last Saturday night. Tbe A meeting of McDavIt Post, B. A. R., wasfire, which occurred at about 8:40 o'clock, Dover, where he formerly lived, on Monday. George H. Wolfe, R ternal foes," was tbe subject of an interesting 200 debate at a meeting of tho Dover Lyceum on hold on Monday night, at which plans wero was caused by a defective flue, Air. Totten Deputy Revenue Collector Douglas, of Daniel B. Crater, D ]S4 Monday night. W. O. Brown, Charles Cum- made for a big affair on Harch S7,' which had been a t the house during tbe afternoon Morristown, was a visitor in Dover WednesWolfe's majority 10 11 EAST BLACKWELL STREET, mins and NIchoIos Praed argued the affirm- '111 be opeu to the public. Chaplain Mc- anil, as be found the chimney bad filled up day. DOVER. N. J . COMMIB3JQNKII QV APPEALS. ative, and Frank Brown, Oscar Boyd and h Cormick made an interesting address. There with snow and the grate was frozen, be Mrs. Thomas Bolltbo has removed from Calvin McPeak, B 109 X Smith, tbe negative. The decision was were recitations by Obadiah Parker, and started a fire in the stove aud then weut out Horace Batrd, U 228 tendered in favor of tbe affirmative side. Comrade Bryant, of Walnut Grove, was to attend to Borne business In Mt. Arlington, the brick block on Blaokwell Btreet t o South Sussex street. Baird's majority 54 Theodore Cummina, W. Updykeaod Augustus present aud addressed the meeting. Upon his return, well on towards evening) Miss Florence Loaaw, of Port Morris, bas BUBvsYons o r aiQHvrATa." Truacott acted as judges. We would call tbo attention of our readers the flre in the stove appeared to be about been the guest of Miss Lizzie Hedden during Isaac McPeak, ft 171 To inspect our fine stock of CarThe Supreme Court on Tuesday denied the to the new advertisement of tha Dover out, BO, after closing the draught, no left it as the past week. John C. Dalryrople, B 178 Jesse Clark, Jr., D 231 application for a writ of certiorarl to review Boiler Works, showing the construction of it was. I t is surmiwd that the chimney beJohn Sandabl has secured a position in Charles O. Fanona, D 210 the contract made by Jersey City with Pat- ilielr Bteam or hot water heater, one-balf tbe came overheated and this caused tbe fire. petings for the Spring Season. rick H. Flyua for a municipal water supply. casing being out away to ahow tubes, etc. The blacksmith shop, which adjoiDB the Cold Springs, N. Y,, and left Dover for that Clark's majority 49 The Court held that the reasons given why Thcso hoatoro havo stood tho test of tho late dwelling house, also caught flro and was place on Tuesday. Parson's majority 44 Our lines are very extensive and The property and furniture Mr. and Mrs. William Wnltford, of Patertbe contract should be Bet aside are without were weather to the entire satisfaction ot destroyed. JOBTIOES OF TBS PEAOE. son, visited Mrs. Wbitford's mother, Mrs. Matthias M. VanEtten, K merit. The requirements and epeci0cations those having them in use. C. Gt. Honking was insured for $3,100. 166 John Glbons, on Sunday. with reference to the bids were all reasonable 'epresents this department of tho Dover Samuel D. Youngs, R 170 we are prepared to show you 102 and for the benefit of the city. The demand Boiler Works. Mr. and Mrs. William Richards, of Nor- Jacob Rldner, R F i r e a t X.ako D e n m a r k . D. Hudwd Dalrymple, D 225 upon the bidders for a deposit of 1100,000 aa wich, Conn., visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert JohttB. Blackwell, D Theodore S, Hart, of New York city, died 224 goods that will compare with the E. P. Merritt, of Lake Denmark, haB sus- Richards on Wednesday. "guarantee of good faith was not oppressive, Theodore C. Pierson, D 223 at tho home of his brother, Fred Hart, of ilned serious losses through two flrcs which »the city'a Intended expenditure Is *8,OUO,000. The Rev. and Mrs. Decker, of Decltertown, Essex street, this city, on Thursday morning, uftve occurred in tbe past fortnight. On Dalrymple'a majority 55 best in the country for beaiityj Blackwell's majority &4 Under the act making a city of Summit, March 10. Mr. Hart was in the 28th year of March 5, a t mid-night, his barn caught flre bave been visiting tbeir son, Dr. Fred. H. Pierson's majority 52 the first election for city officiate will be held his age. He had been ill for some time and and waa totally destroyed. I t waa insured Decker, during the post week. CONSTABLES. Mrs. Rodney Howell, of Da mon t, is visitquality, and, above all, price. , • > on the second Tuesday in April. The town- had been living In Dover with bis brother for $1,000, which, however, does not cover Joseph Anwra, R 10B ship officials will hold office until tbe Mon- Juring the winter. His wife and one child the loss, as Ibe bam contained a quantity of ing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Powell, R. 170 John A. Lampson, R 171 day following the election Tbe particular jurvlve him. Tho funeral services will be mchinery and farming implements of value. A. Judson Coe, on Bergen street. Elijah C. Burnett, D 222 features of the new form of government are held from his late residence in Morrislana On March 8 tho Merritt homestead was also William P. McPher&on is now ticket agent John F . C. Briant, D 22a The best that money can « forth in Qn a c t recently passed b y the ibis evening. Interment will be made at totally destroyed by flre. This flre is sup- at Brick Cnurcb, Orange, on tbe Delaware, James E. Chambers, D 214 ^ginlature. The law, it fs expected, will be Amityvllle, Long Island. poBed to have been caused by a defective Hue. Lackawanna and Western Railroad. buy we have right here, with BtirnetL'B majority 61 Wined by the voters a t t h e forthcoming Helen Johnson, alias Glover, who lias been The house wua lusur<jd for )3,tiO0, which was Horace Kraft has left the employ of the Brlant's majority 53 election. If this a c t should be rejected tbe ;ho guest of the Sheriff of Morris during the far below its cost. Only a year ngo Mr. MerChamber's majority 43 he different grades on hand. '"corporation will be under the law of 1897, ivlnter, returned to her home among the old ritt had gone to great eiUbnse in remodelling Richardson & Boynton stove works and has OVERSEER OF THB POORff tiieb applira to cities having a population canal boats below the guard lock tbis week. the house. About seven years ago Mr. Mer- accepted a position In New York city. Joseph Aneun, It 174 From the cheapest to the best "'less than 12,000. M.1&3 Maude Downbam, who has been mak- Elijah C. Burnett, D On Tuesday Helen managed to get drunk and ritt'a hotel waa destroyed by flre. 218 ing an extended visit with Miss Bessie Simpwns arrested by Officer McElroy. On WedBurnett's majority 44 we feel confident that the wants The Board of ExciBe Commissioners a t a nesday Recorder Oago fixed tbe penalty at sou, will return to her homo In Alexandria, Killed on t h e Unit. 1 PMlal meeting ou Monday night transferred of all can be satisfied. We are John Grogan, thirty years of ORB, a brake- Va., to morrow. ROCK AWAY BOROUOH. "•moon license heldbyGeorgo W. Craue' ton days and cost, and Helen returned to Morristown. As the costs are not in sight, man In the employ of the Delaware, Lacka: In Rockaway borough the following ticket anxious to show you our stock °r a saloon Baloonnn fhatwu. ~# "Warren -iv -..j ira. Edward L. Dickerson and son Harry on the corner of and DiokiPerson Btreete, to Edward Jones, hereto- and the prisoner will have to remain at Mor- wanna and Western Railroad, was fatally were last week ths guests of Major O. L. ,/as elected, the opposition ticket bdag with•Istown uutll they are paid, it is probable injured while drilling freight cars at Morris 7? manager of the Dover branch of the A,at this visit will last longer than tho previ- Plains late ou Tuesday night. Grogan had Prudon, assistant secretary to President Mc- drawn ia the morning; Mayor, Simon J. before you purchase elsewhere. Lowenthal: councilmen, Mahlon H. Hoag°e«z Brewing Company; and the saloon ous one, which was ninety days. just mado up oiio train and was getting out. Klnley, in Washington. land and A. J . Helling; JUBMCO ot tbe Peace, "«jMe hold by Thomas J . Carr, for a Baloon of the way of the locomotive, which was Mrs. Myron H. Cook, ot Piccathmy, has Edward 8. Arnold; commissioner of appeate, backing clown to couple the other train. He taw" 8 t r M t t to W i I f o r d A - Surnburger, The postofnee at Waldwlck, near Paterson, arrived borne after a week's sojourn Iu Mount Wly manager of the Morris and EBser Ho- vas entered early last Friday morning by stepped on ttio other track and did not. notion Vornon, H. Y. While there Bhe attended a Edward H Todd. Thomas H. HoaRland WOB •i comer Warren and Dickerson streets. ;hleves, who blew open tile Bafo and got that a train was approaching. Before he musicals given by her niece, Mrs, Harry re-elected as Freeholder. get off the track ha was bit by tbo « Air. Jones's intention to remodel tho Jtamps and cosh to the amount of S250. Geo. could No. A Fast Rlackwelf Street. Dover. N. J. locomotive aud knocked down, Tho wheels DeForest Hunt. ^an e 9 a l o Q Q a u a m^Q i t ^ flret-clasa care, Oughton, tho postmaster, lives over his gro- of the engine cutoff botli his foet undone ROCKAWAY TOWNHH1P. WltllB "perl ur appointments. TOWNSHIP CLKIIK. cery store. Ho was awakened about 4 o'clock arm was severed at ttie elbow. Grogau wiis Special Sale. by tho explosion. Tho postmaster nroUBed taken to All Sou la' Hospital where he died John Thomas, R 273 BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK 177 Z*fL B;W8 't Dr ' Alborfc Erdm"n. P° a t°r of his neighbors and they began a hunt for tbB Wednesday morning. His borne was in Stan- Desirable building lots, 50x100, on tbe south John Finnegan, D EGOS, from CHOICE FOWLS. reet Proab to Itt burglars. At HoUokus, two miles from side of Maple avenue, will be sold for the low Blackwell Street, Dover, N. J. rlsto y r n Church, MorThomas' majority 101 hope. _ — ^ $ • p e r s e t t i n g of 13. $1.75 for 2 6 . Wn l a s t price of $200. For terms Inquire of A. P. ' Sunday morning preached a Waldwiclt, thoy found tho stool vault taken K COLLECTOn. DEALERS IN Leave orders nt Lyon's Store or address Prealdent TrueBdalo and other oflioialH of McDavit. on commemorative of his thirtieth annl- from tho sofo. It had boon prlod open and -corse W. Earl 2tt) T. P . SMITH, Dover. • » i a 8 p a s t o r - T b 6 following atatisticB emptied of about *M. Ho further trace ot the Delaware, Lacltawuuna aud Western D. M. Rlghter 20(1 Railroad Company stopped lu Dover on SatBUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS. A Wheelman's Ct! 1!?T th0 thlrt r y « » o ( *»h p»- tho burglars was discovered. urday ou their way to HoboUtsn and ma<!& G Earl's majority , (13 to tho Lumber, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldtour of inspection of tbe depot, the yaril and tool bag Isn't com pie to without a bottlo of oUnitl church on coufessloii NOTICE. TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE, Ago, purity, strength—Seitz's Bock. ings, etc.. Bracket and Scroll Sawing 10 car HliopH, Groat improvements aro ex- Dr.Thomrtfl'EcloctrloOil, Healscuta, bruises, or « V i ! b y l 0 t t e r ' °12, a yearly average Tbo annual meeting of tho Stockholders of done to order. Best Lehigh and ScranTuoniaa Healin 21S e n Q V O l e n t oontrIl ltio oeteri from tlit> now preHldtmt and it would HtlngH, strains. Monarch over paiu. Mitio Rnilrnmi Company will bo ^*S°7H« » > ' 3 "KKroAnthony Z . Vauderbilt 1U4 tho Hiliernia ot be a bad Idea for the Board of Trade to ! con Sprluir Mlliinopy opojiinir. Monday, April 3rd, l«0I»,atl2 o'clock ton Coal. Split and Block Wood. Blue held on Mon cunt. trlbutIonB for church ami Aaron Matthews. $7 noon a t tho coiunanyV Stone, BricK. Lime, Plaster, Cement, Dover N. K J. J .-..., « ottlcp onice, Dover, Mto K. V. Weir, with Barton & Scott, will Lmfur with 111m. Tuo eui-ly bird catches tho ^ t l o nB oat w| M p e D ^ $270,701, n total ol To Cure Constipation Farevor* Healin's majority 4 1 1 J. WKSLEY PULLMAN, Tile Drain Pipe, etc. b- e n l ) "' e o n ' i 0 0 a n d 600 children have iavo her opening display of spring milllnTaUeCiiEJcaiots Candy Cuthortio. 10a er£3o. , . _ .._ &anratnvu onp.ized, and Dr. Erdman bos officiated ,ry Saturday,**"--'' ' *•-' March 85. No. 2a East Blacklay, Marci Rooommoniod bv .„ <*i marrtacea ami <Tfin #.. n »«.iwolUtroot,;, Dover. w a 8 p a y a t t h <M r The time to purchase Hats is at the beginning of the season. This is the beginning of the Spring Season and you are confronted with the latest styles—-Dunlap, Youman, Spellman, Howard, Melville Special and all the newest things in Alpine and Crush Hats. Have you seen the new Square Grown Derbys. It's the coming hat at popular prices, $2.00. Pierson & Co. Opp. the Bank, DOVef'S Ml^ ClOll]le.S DOVER, N. J . ARE YOU LOOKING AROUND? Then come and see Our stock of Bicycles. Remington, Eagle, Crescent and Imperial. We can suit you both as to price and quality. See our $60.00 Chainless, Guaranteed equal to any make. S. H. BERRY HARDWARE CO., SLAUGHT SALE C. N. POLASKY, The Cash Clothier and Gents' Furnisher PREPARE HENRY J. MISEL, Dover Lumber Co. THE IRON ERA DOVER. N J t.f a:.T ii, rlimMsg the hill and was MADAME CAKDELiRIA VILLAJiOEYA. A fter Madame CandeJaris bad b*^D a bowie was taken out of the AUtuo ami i v.-':iikentd by the defection of some hurned on a rude fun«raj p y e . f*be * a t rirtr'it of vclontfetre, had been n;a.-Aaered. A squad of Mexican s rirr(::-j.'tu*:-ti*:fi early in the day by the LAST si'RriroB ot-rni: J'AT were placet! over her, and hittr one of the Though San Juan Fort Had Fallnty-firtr iufantrj from Pearson's Tilhl ALAMO UVAIt. Mexican generals came in e.n-1 wii I e» .trl brigade. This regiment had been en, the Battle Went On. them. Her life had beta cpare-1 U-ca -A 1 dttarLt-rl by General Kent to u: Woman her nationality. Hawk int. bat owing to tbe crowded She \V h thf- Mo Jn Tc-XRWhen the Mexican army rtturoed after rr,;t<l had not got into positioain time to "HEEE WE i.E£ J HEEE WE STA7T cn;irpe with the Sixth and Sixteenth. to In- il.'j Vfiin- Ottl-PIje V a M i c E y e tfje faU of tbe Alaauj many Meaitao n However, it last nnder tbe file at tbe Witni-Hs of thr* Mns-ncre Ortieit-d by who bad assioted tlie Texans were [ t a i [ :k and alf-o in ascending the bill Kama Atintt—lutf•('«•<•[!ai; Skelcli oT bard la*»or by the Mexican snllifrs iahm«nt and Madame Candelaria w&-* B •crre»-Short H-aDfce For ibe Cav-clf:?fc upon the betla of the other regiIILT Career. them. men EB. alry on Ban Jojtn Crest—Pearsoa'a Tbe ERA. io its ifsuet f Ftlm&ry IT, iiriefly She did great service to th* city in i r Meanwhile what of tbe crest BonthInfantry Carried the Line Forward cst of tbe blockhouse, tbe region noted IM death of Ma'j&ine Candelari^ Vil tbe p/ior during the smallpox etidemi Beyond All Other*. wkicb seems to have been moEt eijsy for lanueva. Hit la^-t survivor of tbe ,-.lamo. ing the administrations of Mayor Fivnrh and [Copyright. 1*98. by the Author.) attack by the Spaniards; Kent's Second From & Sim Ant^ paj.+r we ifp'-iMUh the Mayor Lyons, going out among the patients XL joioe-I **ren l'"I s'oryot the Ji/i-and death an'! curbing them day and night An Excellent Combination brigade, under Pearson, aB before Elated, IAN J a A K bad orders to rcFt its left upon a green of thi" mint intf noting wmtan. Madame CandeJaria, was pn.t-at>!y in her The pH-asant im-tlxxl and Weffects of the well Uiiuwn rt-nn-fly. !>alray days tbe best cook of Mexican dishes SVRl*!1 OF 1 blockhouse bad knoll on th« same ridge with a blockI'li.H. iiiaiiufiicturi-il \>y the house 600 yards eoutb. With that PearI fallen, bet tbe Madame Cand<-lfirid Villanuefa, tbe tiioet in Ttxas. Hfae bad cooked Mexi'-an sup|*r» CAUFOKNIA 1 "io Syi.ui' <'<'.. illustrate I killing of Amer- eon's orders stopped. When this bri- interesting womau in Texas from a bistorir for uiaiiv prominent men, auioug them Gen the value of obtaining the liquid laxagade, consisting of tbe Second and standpoint, the last surviror of tbe t>att!e of Stanley, John Twonig, H. B. Adams and tive principle's cif plant* known to be 1 DH did not I stop. Lew than Tenth, crowed the creek, thefirehadthe Alanii, perhaps the oldest woman in the others. In this way 6he mademu^b money. medicimtUv laxative and prof-outing in th«'- form most ri-fnsliiuir t- »tlii? f 600 yards beyond eotnewhat abated. Still the battle wa§ world, oiifl the ppon-^r and foster mother nf Imti-he was of a charitable nature and ehcthem taste ami acceptable to the sv^Um- It it, upon high roaring on tbe right and men were drop- twenty-two orphan children, dltwi a t 2:20distributed it ainong the p- or. is the om- jx-rfect strvntfUR-ninir laxac-le7atioo5, to tbe ping nil around. Wikoff was lying dead o'clock yesterday afternoon (February 10;. During her life nhe rait*d and carfd for tive-. i-ii-:msiny tin- svstt-m offi^-iuatly. bt aud to tbe in the bed of the stream. In order to After many weeks of impatient waiting and after a considhe deceased had l*en ill abr.ut teu days twent*-two orphan children. A nunrtVr of (lUpolliiifr euliK hc:t(larhts ami fi-vers left, tbe Span- advance it was necessary to break the Death was rtue to oMege. Sbe died at thf years ago a chilil was taken l*fnre the win)- peutly vt-t promptIv and t-iwil-lintr itnv ur.'ib'.u outlay fur carpenters, painters and decorators—with pt-riards still held line into columns of foure. The water j jtr of her daughter, Mrs. Francisco Fiore* Tiiissionerri court in this city. It was rejiorted to ovl-r'wmw habitual coiistipntinn ne'w';irra'i'i"eil and enlarged de|)iirtments—with shelves, counIts perfect frit (l"in from on. At this time was two to three feet deep and tbe Pacheo, at -ili* South Concbo street. tbat tbe child bail been ill treated and thrown luanently. ters and tables loaded to overflowing with all that is most evory objectionable qiKility and suhi part of tbe Third, banks lined witb thick bragb. Entering Tbe residence is a wooden cottage and pre- out into the street Tbe comnii-M' ners crurt stanoc, and its iictiiif.' t'» thf ki<hn vs. beautiful, newest and most desirable of the productions of Ninth and Tenth the field, the column was struck by a summoned Madame Canrieiarm and asked liver an.l bowels, without weukeniiif.' fordi'ii aiid domestic looms anil fashions. The most needed cavalry a n d heavy tiro, bnt it swept on, passing San There are two Larg« trwa in the front yard. her what EJJJJ would chargt' v> care for tbe or irritatinff them, make it the i«Ual things for men, women and children's wear and use are here rough ridtra Joan blockhouse on the left of Wikoff'B There are five r c i u s in the bouse. ftiild. Sbe answered; "Nothing; I will laxative. for the Newark shoppers. were on tbe ridge and Hawkins' troops, driving tbe SpanIn the process of iiuiniifacniriji^ iiis* Madame Candelaria lost conciousness twen- take heron my own responfiib'lity. All I a*k We will find ourselves on Monday, March the 20th, and tine nortb of tbe blockhouse, where iards from bill to hill to their trenches ty-fnur hours before she passed away. Just is papers of ndoption." Tbe paper* were are used, ;is they are pleasant to thf there was a house with ootbnildingi over tbe erent. Taking position on the t>efrjre bhe became iinonficious ate B&'<1made out and she was given all the care of e taste, but thiMiiLMlu'iiiitl <jualitii*>nf tin; dnrinj; the ensuing week, ready to jjreet all of our many old remedy aiv obtained from senna and crest at a distance varying form 400 to and trencbee, all o«d by the Spaniardi and nt-u- customers. Come and bring your friends. "Why is it that God puDisbea me and dmt- mother by the charitable woman. Tbat clii til "aromatic plants, by a method1 for cover. The cavalrymen pay- that 1,000 yurds from the advanced Spanish oot take me away wneo I suffer m i I have IB DOW a grown notnan and mourns the loe>^ other We take advantage- of this occasion to call the attention of knotra to the CAMFOKMA Yin SYJM-J •ome time after they reached this point, trenches aud batteries, tbe brigade held •ever doof* any one any harm and bav> of Madame Caudelaria as though she liad Co. only. In order to (ret its bfjienrial the shopping public to our better facilities for doing business which was known to them as Sao Joan ont against a terrible fire. The men lay ilwayB tried to do good. I wish God would been ber owu mother. effects and to, avoid imitations, please and our improved liberal and up-to-date methods—to make Honsc, they heard heavy firing at tbedown under tbe shelter of tbe crest and ake me." When the "forty-niners 11 came through remembi'r \ho full mime of 1 lie Company new promises to be fulfilled during the coming season namely printed on the front of every paekape. MoclihoQBC. This led them to suppose fired steadily, not having time to in- These were her last words San Antuuio on their way to tbe California —to refund your money willingly for any unsatisfactory purthat the blockhouse bad not yet fallen trench. When phe died yesterdav afternoon she vtBf gold fields i be deceased gave money to a CALIFORNIA HG SYRUP CO. chase, to see that you are quickly served by courteous and when tbey reached tbe ere ft of tbe The experience of Pearson is an ex- utrouaded by ber immediate family and •umber who were stranded. £*K FBANCISCO. CAL. pleasant salespeople, to deliver your purchase promptly and LOOISVILLE. XY. NEW YORK. N. Y. ridge. However, tbe infantry said tbat ample of tbe complications tbat may datives. Until three years ago ohe retaine<l all ber For sale t>y all Um/pists. —ITicc 5>K. per "bottlethey fired from tbe captured blockhouse impel a subordinate to anticipate bis that every dollar spent in our storn will be well spent, that Ha/lame Candelaria WB6 the mother o' faculties. Then she loot ber eye-sight. Hbe and vioinity upon tbe retreating Span- chief. After the brigade had eetabliehed our we will sell only reliable goods to all classes of people a n d had bteu visited by thousands of people Candelaria Villanueva, Ban iards and at their second lint. Many itself on tbe front line, to tbe left of iagochildren: Villanueva, Amado Villanueva a n r native Tex ana as well as tourists. Sbe would for less money than any other store in Newark. gallant fell owe of Wikoff's and Haw- tbe captnred blockhouse, one of Kent's Mrs. Franc ; sca Pach«>o, Mrs. Pacbeo and have from one to tw»nty-five visitors a day. kins' brigade fell after tbe block boa Be aide came op with ap order to Pearson Santiago Villanueva To properly celebrate and introduce this policy we have There are Many people received valuable information wajs ID the possession of tbe Americans. to make tbe very icdVe ho bad already 'our grandchildren: survive. ROCKAWAY. N. J. inaugurated a wonderful Bargain Feast which we have deVjJJanueva, from ber regarding tbe title of lands in Bexar Among tbuse was Lientenant Ord of carried ont. Daring the day Kent bad Waria Villanueva, Mrs. James cided would be rightly named Melchora Calderon. county. Hawkins' mad, who broke away from modified bis original orders to Pearson. who lives a t Chihuahua, Mexico, and Amado Madame Oandeiaria received a pension of his leader in order to go in with tbe If is of conrea impossible to depict Villanueva, twelve dollars per mouth from the Htate of men of bis own regiment, the Sixteenth. tbe condition of the troope in the line Texaa as a recognition of her services to tbe Ord'a conduct that day was heroic, hie wben night closed in. Words fail to ex- AH soon as announcement of ber death was commonwealth A sale in which our own and other people's previous efforts • I death mote tragic. Wben the brigade press it. The heat was awful; tbe men made a perfect stream of callers passed into will be cast in the shade. You will find this a sale differing the little home. was at tbe creek, deploying for the at- were soaked through and throngb; tbey greatly from other sales—when you consider this i s n o t a ( tack, be had said by way of encourage- had had no food since morning and DO The body was exposed tu view in tbe front INDIAN FIRE WALKERS. clearing sale of odds and ends, broken lots or unseasonable . > ment, "Yon can take it fn 80 initiates." prepared meaJ then and had none tbat room of tbe five-room cottage. It reposed on merchandise. But a great offering a t special p r i c e s of all Major Forse of tbe First cavalry, who nigbt, excepting in a few cases where atretcher draped In white, us was erery- Tlte Practice 8(111 Exlutm In Vartm of new, bright, choice and fashionable goods. We will introduce < ' the Knul. went forward with bis battalion after packs were brought up from the bed of thtug else iu the room. The remains were gowned in a St. Fruncln scapular shroud, the sale at the opening" of a season when other houses are , y It may lotcrcet students of folklore to the capture of "Kettle" hill, was also the creek ou the shoulders of already brown In color, witb white lace about tbe learn that thero was a flre walking CITCfiguring on making profits. We are counting on making killed. worn ont soldiers. The grougd wan very at Benares tho other day which hue many new friends. (' The infantry reformed lines at thehard, being composed in some places of neck and sleeves, and. sj.tin ribbons at tbe mony given rise to a good deal of discussion in waibt. Every wise woman will undoubtedly take advantage of this , I blocknouhe and took position to resist a calcareous rock. There was no gramTho Indian Press. There scums to bo no Mr. Santiago Villanueva, who lives a t 915 counter attack, which a little later was great opportunity when she reads of our many great offerings. doubt ns to tho honesty and success of the Matamoraa street, was ber son and her main performance, but, as a correspondent riuiu threatened from the Spaniards in front. support in extreme old age. La«t evening he points out, fire walking Is much more Tbe blockhouse was a brick building, spoke In high terma of his deceased mother, commonly practiced than is supposed. He FREE! FREE! loopboled, witb trenches on each Bank himself witnessed three ceremonies of the of her charities and traltfl. B e paid.' and in front. West of it, toward Santi5 On Jlonday, March the 20th, we will present free to : kind between 1883 and 18SQ in Mauritius, In 1892 I was offered a fabulous sum to ago, tbe ground falle into adoepdeprea j every purchaser a large and beautiful Hand Painted Forcetake my mother to tbe Atlanta Exposition to where bo believes they ure of annual occur•ion. Six hundred yards westward, on rence. Tho performers wero natives from show lit-r a** tb^ only remaining survivor of Madras. The method was exactly as deboth sides of the main road to Santiago, j lain Nove'ty as a souvenir of the occasion. tbe battle of the Alamo. I t was not the first scribed by Mr. Lang. the SpaniBb had strong worka On the offer of tbe ki-d I had. to refuse." American right and left of this depresAccording to this eyewitness, a priest sion the heights are abrnpt, and poa Ten years ago a committee of old citizens led off, working himself Into a state of •cation of (beea vpas essential to tbe called on Madame Candelaria and promised frenzy and then walking a distance of holding of the blockhouse as well as of wben she died to at* tbat a monument was about 40 feet over live embers, but " i n foot was long Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware J^ARTIN SCHIMMEL, "Kettle" hill, because the heights on erected ovtjr her grave. Most of tbem are such a manner that neither . HUMMER. In oontact with them,1/ Several others— Hardware Cutlery tbe American rlgbt of the blockhouse now dead. MASON C0NT11ACT0R. Real Estate and Insurance Ageiit. on one occasion two-lifctte boys—followed Glassware Woodenware itself are higher than "Kettle" bill. Deputy County Clerk Juan Bnrrera said the priest's example and were afterward -JV ' - . . . . All kinds of Mason Work and JobbiDg Paints Oils l&zteveaiagi As Eoon as tbe cavalry took posseEBion flogged to drivo away Bins that had not promptly atteuilixt to. Ofllce over The Goo. Riohsrd'a Co.'s Store Lamps Kerosene Oil of "Kettle" bill, ae already described, " Madame Candelaria was with our family Buooumbed to the fire walking—which BAN JOAN BATTLKFIELD. OQlce aud residence many of tho soldiers bad rnsbed for bling, no depression of spiritB, only di from 1830 to 1830. I was a baby then and seems hard. No amount offloggingdid Oilcloths Carpets H2-1 y. 32 OUY BTKEET, DOVEK H. J . ward to the west crest and opened with termination to hold on, and a wish for sbe was my nurse. Sbe told my parents tbat the priest any good. He bad to be dipped Matting Feathers their carbines npoa tbe Spaniards support, although, while they did notshe was l a the Alamo battle and that Bowie In the sea to bring him to his senses. Tho correspondent holds by tho natural •ronnd tbe heighte in front. Majors know it, there was none to give them. died in her arm-, obe that she ht-lped -AXJBO DEAI^BB IN T)R. R. A. BENNETT, QLIVER S. FREEMAN, and captains got their battalions and All tbe infantry aud cavalry weie on wash and prepare tbe dead for burial and explanation of the "phenomenon." He COB. OOI.D AHD CHIBINUT «T8. examined tho men's feat' and says troops together and witb a cheer charged the front line and the only help to be that Santa Anna burned them afterward. carefully DOVER, N. i . that thoy were not burned, but were ''as CAIiFENTEH A»D BUILDER. forward. Two troops of tbe Third cav looked for was tbe coming of Lawton When I was a lad I frequently saw a wooden hard aa iron owing to a lifelong exposure ,, IStoOA. M. •lry, led by Major Weasels, Oaptaina down the £1 Caney road to threaten tbe monument upon which wa» inscribed- ' Here without boots." That la all very well, OFTICC HODBS 11 to 3 p If Plans ord specifications mado aud contract* Moiton, Banter and Morgan, dashed Spaniards on the unprotected side of lie the heroes of the Alamo.' This m ^ u m e n t but tho hardest feet would surely bo affectTin Roofing, Plumbing and alltaken. Jubbiug always ptirticularly ult^-uileil t 7 t o 8 p . M. straight for the bonding known as tbe Santiago. stood about wlieru tha St. Joseph's CathvMc ed at the end of some 15 steps over a floor kinds of job work promptly attend to. Orders tett a t tlie Brick Drug Sture ol SPECIAL attention given to DISEASES oj Air. Win. 11. Goodalo or a t tbe poaty'liice will WOMEN and CHILDREN, of fire. And tbe fire walkers don't hurry. edto. San Joan Honee. The Ninth and Tenth Lawton moved up, U'a truo, bnt not Church now mtnndi." t« promptly acumded Ut. Uurnvr Uuicm and cavalry, witb part of tbe rough riders, until after midnight and then unseen by Madame Candelaria will be burled today. Hiver btreete, Dover, N. J . teemed to strike for the house, bat tbe Spaniards, until he reached their Tbe funeral will be held from tbe residence, Hannah More'* Wedding: Dmy. gUGENE J. COOPER, owiog to obstructions the line became pickets, about 000 yards from the right 419 South Concho street, a t 0 a. in. and a t The celibacy of Hannah More, the EngJOHN O'CONNELL mixed. OQ this cburge there weie some of tbe cavalry line on tbe oreat, as be- 0:30 high mass will be said a t San Fernanda lish writer, which gave her so much time ATTORNEY A T L A W A m 'J'HE NEW JERSEY IRON MINING CO. casualties. Captain Bigelow and Lien- fore stated. There be halted, and sent Cathedral. Tbe remains will then bo taken to baud tho powers of her mind to the interests of humanity, bos always been ?- Practical Plumber, Tin anf M»BTHH AMD SOLICITOR I N CSANOXDT tenant Roberts of the Tenth were wound- back to Shatter for renewal of orders. to Ban Fernando cemetery. Offers tor sale desirable /arming and Llui of surprise and discussion. S*. ed in charging down from "Kettle" hill Cnlls lor support for the troops in- The honorary pall beareri will be Gen. W, subject ber lands in Morris Couutt iu luts ui 5 ucra Office in the Tone Building, writer relates this circumstance: "Sho Shett Iron Worker. and upwards and several good building lot* into the swale, and Captain McCoy trenched on tbe San Juan ridge had, of H. Young, Capt. Sam C. Bennett, Capt. Wil- was early engaged to be married to a genOVEB J . A. LYON'B STORK, D O V I R , N . J, was wounded in necending the ridge. course, reached Shatter at various timei liam McMaster, Capt. J. A. McCormlck, Capt. tleman of family and fortune. The wed- Steam and Hot Water Heat* uiPortOriun, H. J . Address 1* C. BrmwiUTH, Soc'y. Captain O'NeiJ, of the rongb ridere, was daring tbe afternoon and evening of tbe Juan Qarzti aud James CaUtmore. ding day was fixed. The bride and her ing. party moved off gayly to the church whore DOFKB. N. J killed. Soon after rencbiug the house 1st, and he told Lawton that BB thini_ Tbe active pall bearers will be Jnan Subira, Major Weasels and Captain Hnnter of stood the quickest way to get in position Martlano Garcia, Lino Sanchez, Antnnii tho corenioDy was to be performed, only 1 JRED. H. DECKER, M. D Dover, N. J. the Third were hit. The fall of Major in aid of Wheeler'e linewaB to counter- Kivaa, Cape. Morril Poor, (!apt. Andrea* to find that tho lover was not there. 'The PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON laggard coincs late,' thought tbe attendVessels left tbe command of tbe regi- march to the crossroads EOntbwest of El Ooy. GheerfoUj Given. ants. They miscalculated; he came not Offlco on BlaokweU street, opposite I.ROSS. ment in the hands of Captain Morton. Caney and come back to £1 JPOBO, thence Guamnteed. at all. A horseman rode up to the church Methodist Episcopal Cburcn TroopH 1 and B, under Boagbton and to San Jaau ridge. It has been a long time since tbe announce- door and handed a letter to Miss More. ATTOKHBT AT LAW I 8:30 to 10:30 A. u. Dngan, coming np from San Jnan blockNothing definite haa yet been made ment of a death in (San Antonio has recalled With melancholy apologies the faithless Office boura-j 1:00 to 8.00 P. M. aouorroB AND MASTEK m CUAJTOKKT honse, joined, and Morton pushed for- known as to the strength of the Span- so many historic facts. Witb the death of swain told her that ho could not 'take- the ( 6:30 to 8:00 p . 11. DOVER, . . . ward 265 ynrda to the crest of the ridge. iards on San Juan ridge. The garrison Madame Candelaria tbe last voice la silenced responsibility' of making her his bride. AND HOTAHY PUBLIC. FOR SALE. At tho same tlmo ho offered any pecuniary The Ninth and part of tho rough riders of Santiago is placed at 10,000 before of those who experieuc^a thatawful massacre, Tf*e New Jorney Iron Mining Comwany nfferg New Jersey. were off to the right of tbat point, and the much talked of Pan do'e column the fall of the Alamo, on March 0,183(1, when remuneration In his power. for Bale the propertj knnwn aa " T H E ALFRED Btanhopa "Whether tho lady fainted or only ROW." situated OQ the direct road Trom Dover to Captain Galbraitb, with Lieutenant reached there. It would have been pos- San Antonio was besieged by the Mexicans Port Oram, and convenient or access from factorQEO. 0. CUMMINS. M, D., Berkeley and two troopa of the First sible to have sent half the garrison or under Gen, Santa Anna, and 183 brave souls, pouted is oot mentioned, but her relatives ies and mills ID both places. Tlie property consists followed the business np with such, neven blocfcB or double dwellings, with out* cavalry, was also there. tnoro from tho main trenches to San a part of them flick and wounded, were killed promptness and spirit that the 'dastard of kitchens, well supplied vciili cistern water collected MRS. SARAH B. DSHART TERNALD, B . D, 8TESBT, S B roofn,and lar^eRardru lotBatUtiied. Tbe Sixth cavalry bad kept in touch Juau ridge after it was apparent tbat by a force of several thousand. In love' made a settlement upon the fromBlate Property ofTertsd at a price which will yield a reDOVER, N. J. DeHart Homestead near Mt Freewitb tbe infantry all tbe way up the tbe Americans were to attuck therein Fourteen years ago, there being a dispute slighted lady for £400 a year for life."— turn of elRbt per cent, after paying repairs, taxes dom, N. J. and inBunwce. AddresH, hill to San Jnan blockhouse, and, reach- force. Why it was not done only the orer tbo ago of Madame Candelaria, hor rela- Exchange. I 8:S0 to 9:30 A. U. L. C. WERWIRTH, ing tbe crest, wns on the Jeft of the Spanish generals caa explain. A French tives sent for the certificates of her birtb. 101 HOURS \ 1 t o 2 : so p. M. Office hours, i to 5 p. m. 12" Dower, N. X HARD TO COMBAT. I 7 to 8:30 P. U. Tenth. Tbua the cavalry had a Btrong officer in tbe Spanish Bervfce told one of Thfa article bos since been lost, b u t it estabP. O. address, Mt. Freedom, N. 1. Malarial Diseases and Rheumatism receive line upon tbe highest part of the ridge bis countrymen in tbo Third cavalry lished her age in the handwriting of a Catho50-tf. extending from the Santiago road north- tbat tbe Spaniards were amazed at the lic priest. She WBB born a t Pre*idio de Rio THE EVIDENCES OF OUR BEHSK8—WHAT HOspecial attention. WANTED. ward toward tbe £1 Caney road, ready persistency of tbe Americans in push Grande, Mexico, in 17«5, and died in Han VER PEOPLE SAV IB PRETTY GOOD Y women, each with an infant or young PItOOC FOR DOVER CITIZENS. to form connection witb Law ton'a left, iiiR forward againet San Jnan ridge in Antonio, Tox., a t the remarkable age of 113 child, situations in the country (general according to plan. These troops imme- tbo faco of tbe pitiless fire which was years and JJ montha. housework, plain cooking, etc). Small wages When we seo i t ourselves. JOHN DRUMMER'S Mtuected. Apply State Charities Ai i At-Bneidiately began intrenching, some using poured a t tbem at tbe crossing and When our own ears bear It. It Is probable that sbe was the oldest ation, 105 East Twenty-second Street, New tin plates and fingers, and others, es- while ascending the slopes. He also said woman f n tbe United States, If not in tho Wben our neighbors tell it. HHAVINO and HAIR OUTTINO SALOON York City. ' pecially tbe Tenth cavalry, tools brought that when tbo Spanish troops were entire world. Our friends endorse it. if you wish to reduce the cost ol you! MANSION HOUSE, •long on their backs. The right of tbe driven over tbe orest of tbe ridge the Her father's name was Antonio Castanon, No hetter evidence can be bad. Life Insurance or desire to carry a COR. BLAOKWBLI, AND SUSBKX STBXBTS, Postal information. line was tinder fire from a blockhouse men in their second line had to hold and ber mother's Francisca Ramirez, the It's not what people say in Maine. policy for the A. U. ARRIVAL OP UAILS. off toward tbe £1 Oaney road. Parker their fire for fear of killing friends, and father being Spanish, the mother Mexican. Or distant nrattrlogs from California. DOVER, N. J. 6-M-Hcvr Yorlc direct, took hie gnns np the hill, and, under tbat that resulted in demoralizing them Her maiden name was Andrea Castanon, Tho place has been entirely refitted In a neat No deceiving echoes here. 7:28—Eaaton, Philllpabtirff, Hackattstown, SUnmanner. Ladies' and Children Hair the direction of cavalry officers, need quite as much as those driven out of the At the age of three years sho removed witb Dover talk about Dover people. hope, M t Arlington, Port Orain a n d all PROTECTION Cutting a specialty. them with good effect. It was believed front trenches were demoralized by be her paroDts to Laredo, Tex., and a t the age Public opinion published for the public good. points on the Bussex Railroad. at the time that tbe Spaniards wore ing compelled to beat a retreat; hence of 8:15—Chester, Succaauuna, Ironla and Lake DenThere is no proof like home proof. about 25 years came t o Sau Antonio, ol your lamily or estate. ready for a counter attack. The Ninth them could be no attempt at n conn where mark. Home testimony «t tbe back of every box of from an historic standpoint ber career 9:10—New York and way. cavalry on tbo right of tbo line, being tor charge, j'urt at the time when it has been J , J. VREELAND,. fa some respecto uuparalleled, in tbe Doao'd Kidney Pllla, 0:2J—New York, Paterson, Boonton, Eastern TflE only one- battalion strong, oekod for help would be more effective—that ie, at the entire world, Can you believe your neighbore? uoimidering that sbe was a and WtHteru Stales, COHTIUCTOR. OAnPKNTCB A1*T> B L from tbe infantry, and finally Kent Bent very moment of American euccess. It ii woman. Read this Statement made by a citizen: g:a5—Pennsylvania and all points on t h i Hlph " ' W or bullfup. stair rails o of ill dlroenS . " • ""J'W to its assistance some of the blockhouse well known to fighting men tbat the u ttup. ManteU. Mant issues policies on the Term, Whole Life alonB workedd ready to top u OOBce Mr. George H . Alpaugh, of Succfltmnna, Bridge Branch R. R. Wben Madamo Candelaria first camo to victora— namely, the Thirteenth JD/OU very moment of success and high exulfarmer, abuutone mile west of town, says; p. u . B or Limited Policy plan f rom $ 3 0 0 10 fim i }'l«iisaiid«piicldc«tlo«i l try. tation is tho moBt dangerous for the as- San Antonio there n-oro but a few scattered " I suffered HO much from kiduey trouble 1:87—All points from BInghamton east, con nee £3i MtreoC nraco and aiop, BUusk£3i abode bouses. Sbo lived to see it grow to a $10,000 that are in immediate benefli DOVEll tlon with Sussex R. R. Ae San Juan blockhouse was situated saulting column. Strength is exhausted city of 05,000 souls, and t o note many im- lost harvest that I thought several times I DOVEll,N NEW JEHSEV. for their full tace value, at rales thai must give up. I said t o my wife this lost 1^6-New York, Newark and Morristown. OD the crest of the bridge no advanoo in the effort to take a position, but once portant modes in the manner of living. will interest you, spring that I dreaded the time of year t o •J:44—Same points as 7:28 A, u . was made by Wikoff's and Hawkins' the victors have time to get breath and The deceased claimed that only a short time troops. They intrenched tbo lino from como to a full realization that tbe posi- beforo the battle of the Alamo sho saw Sunta come when I muat again go into tlia harvest a:2T— Hibernla, Marcella Mount Hope and LUTHER COX, but I wfiH fortunate enough to find a Rockaway. For information write the San Juan road, the Sixth cnvolry tion is th'jirs they will dio in their Anna, tbe Mexican general, come Into the city Hold, romedy like Doau's Kidney Pills, which not 5:0S-New York and way; Cheater, SuccasunDa COUNT? SUPBRINTBHDBNa 1 position, southward, using for this work tracks before giving it up. Evory mo- In disguise. She said that be drove a mule only THP , __, and Ironla. relieved tho baekacho but strengthened OF PUBLIC BCHOOLS tho Krag Jorgemcn bayonet, which is ment that tbe Spaniards delayed ooun- and was apparently soiling hay, while gettiiiR my buck. I was troubled with kidney com•imply a very heavy kuife with a blade ter attack on San Juan ridge made tbe his plans of tins battle mapped out. I t was plaint for tho last ted years and Buffered so A. II. U. 8. UA1L9 CLOEE. OIt—BtAOKWKLL BT., DOVER, A. •' about an inch nnd a half wide. Haw Amerioanafio much stronger. her idea that he did tbe work bimaolf, not eoverely at times with pain across my loins 7:15— Now York and way; also Eastern States, GEORGE L, K :.Hoona: 0 A. K. to l a H. every Saturday. kins' brigade, which bad lost theheavlSouthern jersey, Mew York State and forwishing to entrust so important a duty to any tbat it was impossible to set about and attend BULLETSSANG"DEATH" t STRAUSS, ' * www Groan street—Si West ParK Street, NEWARK, N. J . An Important Double Event A ORANDJPRINCOPEHIHC ..CREAT iHTRODUCTORY SALE.. J. WRIGHT BRUEN Stoves, Ranaes w Beaters Our Oreat Introductory Sale. ana scranton coal B mis c o n s YOU BUILDING LOAN MUTUAL of his aidea. to my work. I often roiled und tested in bed elgn. BUILDING LOAN MUTUAL all uigbt aud during tbo day, If Isat for any Oeantr Is Dlood Deep, —HockettBtown, Waflhinffton and all poIntR Clean blood means a clean skin. No LOB Angeles nnd tlinPnulflo Const nnd Sbo always contended tbat James Bowie, length of time, It was only wltlitbo greatest on main line. the famous BCOU*, died of pnaumonia the day offort that I could got up. Tho kidnoy 8:55—Port Omm, Mt Arlincton and all poirts to DOVER INSTITUTE OF beauty without it. discards, Candy CatharReturn. tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by Special excursion from point* In Pennsyl- bflforo the, battle of tho Alamo. She had BOcretlons contained sediment and ofu*n Easton. •tirring up the lazy liver and driving all imnursed him and after tbe muMmcro with the tracts of blood. I about marie up my mind 0:1B--Chosler. Bucuusunna and Ironlti. Life Insurance Co. vania, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virpurities from the body. Begin to-day to Klnia, West Virginia, Ohio, New York and dead and dying all around bur sho fell upon tbat i bud Brig ii I'B dlseaBe when lost spring I 0;16«Morrlatovrn, Nowark and Now York direct banfsf Hill direct. HOHE OFFICE, CAMDEN, N. J. New Jernoy, on tbo occasion of the National hfB body and entered heartrending pious to read In our Dover paper about [Joan's Kill- J0;0O—Mlno CONDUCTED B Y nuy rllla. The first box I took relieved me g:l5—Rockaway, ML Hope, Marcilla and HiR- KlTHIAN, Educational Association mooting at Los An- tho Mexican soldiers not to take his body, ex- Muuiclontly bernla, gists* satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 26c, 50c. geloa, toglvo mB ureat encouragement plaining that he had not died in battle, but n Cftl., In July, 11*00, at roducoH rales, GLEPIEKS GOSERRDCH. ' H. GASKILI,, 1st v-ico President. P. M. Mid before 1 had finished tho second box t b e For particulars, address William Kelly, jr., had died a natural death and was thereforo pain had lei t ma altogether and tho kidney 1:1B--New York and all points via Boonton. AHBLEH AI1M8TIIOKO, COOSBEU ERNST NEDEHDOBFF. Heat of AH General Eastern Passenger Agent, G, M. & entitled to a regular burial, iJSO— New York and way. secretions were normal. I recommond tbfs H A RBr REEVES, Secretary. Plill* she was entreating and plodding ono vnluablo remedy to anyone suffering from 8:10— All pointu on the. Central Railroad of New to cleans© the system In a gentlo and truly St. P. R'y. 881 Broadway, New York. GERMAN TAUGHT ACCORDING TO of tho Mexican soldiors drew MB huyouet, kidney tumble." beneficial mnnnor, when the Springtime Tomey (High Bridge Branch), and points in BGSr M B r H O 0 3 OB1 THE DAY ItohlnaBS striking her ou tbo chin and tho right wrist, Pennsylvania, Branch Offica. Plerson Building, Dover, N. J. THE comes, UBO the truo and perfect: romedy, Lessons Given Doth Afternoon and Evening. <:55— Port Oram, Mt. Arlington, Land In?. Stanif tho skin, horrible plague. Most everybody Tho scars of tho wounds tnado at that ttniu Doun's Kidnoy Pills for wile by all dealers. Bymp ol Fig*. Buy tbo ffenufim Manufac hope, (Branch and Waterloo connections) CHARGES MODERATE W cenia. Aiuih-d by Fo»ter-M')buru Co., WM. M. Fiauiti,, District t>u,,fc, turad by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, •iilcted In oneway or another. Only one sbo will cirry with her to the gravo. I t la Pr/ro Hnckettstown, PhlllipaburK and Knsion Buiru!<», N, Y. t BOIO uffuntH for tho U. 9. He-7:16— Yorli-direct A P P L Y TO anH f«>r vale by all dtugglute, at 50 cents jwr iafe, never fa-Hug euro— Doan'a Ointment. tjaid tbat tho BUUIU bayonet went through uH-iiiber tho name i)oan'» aad take uo subatl- 7^0 P.New Correspondence will, Duil,li Loan M.—Hooka way ana High Bridge, leave C>1&DB ng GermanLanguage £iEi">e.«lyaolici ted ERNST NEUENDORFF, No. 18 Bergen Street, City THE IRON ERA, DOVER, N. J., MARCH 17, 1899. The chances are nine in ten that the office boy will bring a cake of Ivory Soap if sent for "a cake of good soap." But be sure of it. Each cake of Ivory Soap is stamped " Ivory." IT FLOATS. t'g|ijri*til, IWB, lij Thel'rorlcr 4 Climblt Co.,Cla(lo«*U. FLANUKRS. ROCKAWAY. A very pleasant and umiBually largely atGreat improvements aro being made at the tended meeting of the Woman'B Missionary Whartou Mine at Upper Hlbernia, where the Society connected with the Presbyterian largest air compressor ever used in any New Church was belli at the home of Mre. Wil- Jersey mine is being put In position. A liam Bartley last Thursday. series of water towers will also bB built to Mrs. Ira Sanderson, of German Valley, supply water for a large number of boilers. was a visitor with her mother, Mra, William Mr. Wbarton intends to pump out the water I. Morgan, the latter part of the week. Ou and Btart up the Glendon mine* at Hi hernia. Saturday she was joined by Mr. Sanderson, He will remove the concentrating plant to who rpmnincd until Sunday evening, when Upper Hibernla. . both returned home. Wallace Dobbins, of Foundry Btreet, is all The house occupied by Mrs. Caroline White Btnilea. He can now say " papa's baby girl." is betuK repaired. A new roof la one of the Mrs. A L. Denman visited relatives in Patneeded improvements that is being made. erson on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Mouro Marvin, of New- The body of Mn. Edward Holden, formerly ark, are visitors at the home of Mr. Marvin'B of Mt. Hope, was brought from Yonkers ou pareuts, Mr. and Mrs James L Marvin, at Saturday last and interred In the Catholio tbe Homestead. cemetery In this place. Mia Bertha Apgar, of Dover, bos been the Mr. and Mrs. Amos Pruden, of MorriBtown, guest of lior cousins, the Misses Annie and visited frienda in Rockaway on Tuesday of Emma Wack, for a short visit. this week, Charles F. Dickereon, of Newark, who Mrs. U. Egbert, of Denville, visited friends formerly was a resident of Mt, Olive, near in this borough on Friday and Saturday of this village, passed away on Thursday last. last week Funeral services were held In Newark at the Mrs. Jacobus, of Main street, 19 visiting home of his brother, Joseph £1. Dlckerson, on relatives in Pine Brook for a few days. Sunday nfternoon, and also a t the PresbyArthur Miller, of Rookaway, who is emI'riaii Ctiurcb at Mt. Olive on Monday morn- ployed in Brooklyn, was in our Borough on ing. Interment was made in the Union ceme- Wednesday packing his household goods for tery at the latter place. Mr. Dtckerson was Bhlpment to Brooklyn, where he will make thirty-seven years of age and resided f n this bis home henceforth. vicinity until a few years ago, when he went William Morgan, of Flanders, on Sunday to Nan-ark. He bad been ill about one year viBited relatives and friends here and at Midwith pulmonary disease* dletown. The weather on Sunday afternoon was The Citizens' ticket, as it was nominated at phenomenal. There waa lightning and heavy the caucus held last Friday night, was elected thunder and a heavy shower was near but no on Tuesday. Tbe successful candidates were: rain fell in tbia place. Between five and six Mayor (for three years), Simon J. Lownthal; o'clock a rainbow appeared in the eastern Councilman (for two year*}, Mahlon L. HoagBky, and for some time after the lightning land and A. J Hellinge ; Justice of the Peace, and thunder continued. Edward L. Arnold; Commissioner of Appeal?, An offering < t five dollars was made on (for three years), Edward H. Todd. The BUOI Sunday by tbe Presbyterian Sunday school of $3,400 was voted for borough purposes. to the Board of Home Missions. Thomas H. Boagland was elected Chosen John J. Drake, of Newark, was a visiror Freeholder by 23) majority. with his brother, G. A. Drake, over Sunday. William Tuttle, of Hanover, was in HockMra, T. E. Tfcarp Is visiting friends In away on Friday of lasb week visiting friends Newark. and relatives. Mrs. Jebiel Oil ley, daughter of Mr. and Peter Cook, of Denville, was in Rockaway Mrs. Marshal Love, who went to Paterson borough on Friday of last wefk. last week to undergo a surgical operation, William Chamberlain, who was formerly a passed through the ordeal successfully, but clerk in tbe employ of H. D. & J. F. Tuttlu, was taken ill the first of the week and passed of Rockaway, spent Sunday in our borough away, The remains were brought to her late The brick work on the Ficnter block has horns on Tuesday and tbe funeral services been completed and the carpenters are rushwere held on Thursday afternoon. Inter- ing their work as fast as possible so as to get ment was made at Pleasant Hill cemetery. the inside work done on the first floor to give Mrs. Dilley is survived by her husband and the concern a chance to Btart work. five children, John and William, of Newnrk; Hamford Miller, of Rockaway, on Friday the Mtssea Sadie and Laura, and Eddie, a and Saturday of last we<k visited Peapack, young sou of about six years of age, all of where he is preparing to estaolJsh himself In whom are at home. Much sympathy is felt the milling business. He will remove his 'for the bereaved family. family there on April 1. Mrs. Vf. J. Auchterlonie, who Is a t the A. L. Denman, of Rockaway, made a busiHomestead for some weeks, has been viBitlng ness trip to the city on Saturday of last week. with friends at Newark for several days. Mrs. Lodi Smith, of Middle town, visited The "resolution" on the Union ticket of Dover on Thursday of last week. Mt. Olive towuuhip has created considerable Mrs. Frank Stickle, of Main street, visited comment and as a study in phraseology de- Dover on Thursday of last week. serves a p'ace here. It read: The Liondale Bleach, Print and Dye Works Resolved, That the Township Committee shipped three car loads of goods on Friday or pay the enowbilla out of surplus money now laBt week. Tbia is tbelargestsingleshlpment ou band, with tbe prlvelege of borrowing tbe that has been sent out siuce tbe erection of this plant at Rockaway, It is hoped tbat money until the surplus la available. will still further increase their business As tbe writer is ignorant of the franw of they at this place, so that they will find it neces the resolution, no personal criticism Is eary to Increase the capacity of tboir plant, intended. and, perhaps, put up a plant to manufacture MM N. M. Rarick, who has been" viBiUng their own goods, which would be a great with frieuds in New York, Hoboken and benefit to this borough. F rank Tuttle visited friends atMiddletown Dover for several weeks, returned to her Sunday. norae at this place the early part of tho week. onAn independent ticket was put in the fleln W. L. Morgan was given a surprise by a agaiDBtthe "cltizena" ticket that was nominumber of hit frienda last Friday evening. nated Friday night. It was withdrawn, A moat delightful time was passed in the en- however, before the polls opened on Tuesday morning on account of a BcurrJloua circular joyment of games and mualo, the latter con- that was circulated on Monday night. toHng of selections on the organ, violin and mandolin. Those present, beside the host lioinir " I t . " •jw hostess, were the Misses Annie and Emma He was a small redheaded boy j k , lime fceaiB( G r a c e Walton," Minute wu, Alice ilird. Jennie Barret, Mrs. With freckles round hiB eyes; .£d Muster Arthur Bird and Messrs. The oyes were brimming o'er with joy, r l n l ' 1 P r o d Howell, Jobn and Fred The freckles every BIZO. .? a r "er Seals, C. E. A. Walton, Vack Cha rl» M L h H Will •JIB Apgar,pf RefreRbments , -"•»»» «i»Ki*r» 01 Dover. uov •eam and confectionw lemonade, cake, ice-crei BI 7 wore served. airs, Lance, of Bartley, • haB been ill at Though oft tbe teacher's rule ho felt, And beard himself called "clown," No better natured boy e'er dwelt Witbln hia native town. And so his schoolmates UBed to fog This boy of little wit; At games of "hide and seek," and "tag," They always made him " It." WHOOPING COUGH tol°f tah e ™l d08fc stressing sights, Is Um f J ° 1^ 1 almoat choking with lm W d5D r> whooping-cough. Give wLt ' , B«U's OoSgh Syrup, the R s f Pulmonary remedy, oncf reBDal» wU1 f n m 8 a t o n c e i * h e coughing uS i f e wre-ooour less ftequSntly, da 2 ' ?e l "c u y"j f>o sufferer wlU be Z ? »a l/o other remedy can oureo DfiBuUs yp Cough Syrup *£E?. Although he oft rebelled at heart, And felt inclined to quit, He nover did, but learned the art Of always being " I t . " ThrouRboufc bis youth ho bore it all, Wor e'er complained u bit; Although, for either great or small, 'Tia grievous being " I t . " Yet when he'd grown to be a man, Ho sometimes used to flit And think about when he began MOXIKISTOWN. An ent«rtatutnL'ut for tbe benefit of th«* XKWS OF THE WEEK. orgou fund was held in the Baptitrt; Church on Monday evening. The Kov. Dr. Normau i-Vliltty, March JO. gave a reading. All IK ijulet ul Iloiln -,,i,6 Manila, In the Richard Green ami Charles Ijetcher buve I'hliippine Islands. American troops been appointed to clerkshipa in the Morris- .•'-!•(• landed at Nt-grot* «n March A and HV well reef'ived—It was reported in town poatoIUco. Letcher was a member of the Second Regiment New Jersey Volunteers .i.miun that HusBla mid Great Britain ul reached an understanding over the during theftpunish-AtnericunWur. liincsc niiluJiy loan contract. It is deA number of Morrintown women, wives of well-known members of I. O. O, F., are i'jfl that Italy has seized Sun-Moon bay —Mr. GoHehrn, first lord of the adabout to apply for a charter to organize a miralty, discussed the annual navy estilodge of Daughters of Rebecca, with forty mates in the houac of commons, An offlcharter members. Ktatemont was likewise made conMary O'Conuell, the middle-aged woman ning Brills)) pmmlB&B of support to who, while walking on the Morris and Essex China against the aggressions The Railroad track, was struck by a passenger American soldiers on the transport train recently, died in All Souls' Hospital on Rheridan landed at Malta and paraded Monday, ' fore the island officials Rough •ather on tho English channel caused There are thirty entries in the billiard and (? postponement of the trip of Queen pool tournament now In progress in the rooms The of Resolute Hook and Ladder Company No. victoria to the south of France pc's wound is making satisfactory 1. The tournament will continue for three "grcsB, but freah alarmist reports weeks longer. were circulated In Rome The Liberal Dr. Barknr's library and surgical instru- candidate for parliament in the Weat ments have been purchased by friends of Hiding of Yorkshire, Charles P. TrevelMemorial Hospital and presented to that yan, was elected by an Increased majorinstitution. Dr. Barker has retired from ity The steamer Paris reached San active practice. Juan de Porto Rico The peace conAn attempt waa made at an early hour on ference will meet at The Hague on May General Castellanos, last Spanish Sunday morning to burglarize the grocery 18 store of Karn & Eicblein, in Wellington ;overnor general of Cuba, has been apA street, Morristown. Lewis Meeker, a private pointed captain general of Madrid night watchman, while on bis way home, hurricane in Australia gives rise to fears for a thousand men employed in passed the grocery store, and, glancing the pearl shelling fleet The United through the window, saw a man inside States government was recently soundbus-ly engaged sorting out articles and tieing ed hy Italy in regard to the demand for them into bundles. Meeker's Drat impression a port on San-Moon bay, China, and it was tbat it was one of the employes, BO he was replied that the United Stateawould tapped on the window and wild, "Good morn- adhere to Its policy of disinterested neufug." The fellow inside, instead of replying, trality The army beef court of Indropped his bundles and dashed out of a rear quiry assembled In Chicago and spent doorway. Meeker pursued him, but failed the day Inspecting the processes In -use Sevto overtake him. The thief ran within fifty at one of the big packing houses feet of the police station and disappeared in eral Important appointments of census officials were made by ex-Oovsroor the darkness. He bad gained entrance into the grocery store by bursting open a rear Merriam, the director. Suturday, March 11, door. The Grant, with 42 officers and 1,716 The members of the McEwan Brothers' men, under command of General LawCompany, of Whippuny, last night gave a ton, reached Manila Reports of Herr dinner at tbe Mansion House, in Morristown, Rose, the German consul at Samoa, to a number of guests to celebrate the decision were made public Preparations are of the Circuit Court of tho United States being made at Havana to make payDistrict of New Jersey recently made, sus- ments to Cuban troops Dissensions, taining the company's patents for the manu- owing to the refusal of the premier to facturing of pasteboard from old newspapers recall to the cabinet Mr. Morine, have taken place in Newfoundland's ministry Reports of an agreement regarding Itrestf with you whether jou continue the Cerruttl case were confirmed The ncrto-kJlllngtol'OOcoJittblt. NO-TO-1IAC romoTesitliodt'Biru for tobacco, w i t h ^ f pope's health continues to improve, but tine, puriUea tbo tiiu his weakness still causes uneasln^BB^— •torca last i Many Americans attended the selomllk in he In Constantinople Mr. Cannon, chair" 6"ii'A*<Trroiii man of the house appropriation!! comdrupglst.wlio mittee In the Fifty-fifth congress, made iticntly, pcnt'lntcntly. one^K^uui,»i. usually cured; 3 boxes,S2.60, another statement reviewing the appro^^ RU»rnnieoa to cure, or wo refund money priations and the legislation of congress SUrlUi M.-.djto., Chltuo, Honlnal, Haw lorfe. The army beef court of inquiry spent another day in the Chicago stockyards, PRINTERS' ODD TOOLS. witnessing the processes of canning The senate a t Albany refused Some Appliance* Which Our Great meat to advance the unamended Amsterdam Graiidfathcm Used. avenue railroad bill paSBed by the asOnce in awhile one hears n roforonco to the sbeopskin inking balls with which our sembly, and it was referred to a hostile committee Sentence <vas suspended great-grandfathers in tho printing trade used to ink their forms. TIIIB 1B about ths on Mrs, Margaret E. Cody, convicted of attempting: to blackmail George J. and only old tool of tho trado now in disuse With which the printers of today aro fa- Helen M. Gould, and she was set free The hospital ship Missouri brought miliar. There aro others which were more or loss used at various times that have over 200 Blck soldiers from Cuba to SaA scheme for the re-election dropped out and boon forgotten. A couple vannah of theso have coino to light through an old of M. S. Quay as senator was proposed oataloguo that has fallen into the writer's by securing the passage of a law by hands. One waa a Bhort wooden galley, congress providing for the choice of open at one side and having clam pa below, senators by a plurality vote, Instead ot by means of which it might be attached to a majority, and holding a special sesthe boxes of tho upper cose. Thus sup- sion of the Pennsylvania legislature— ported it was threo or four inches above The session of the Utah legislature endthe surface of the boxes, leaving room for ed without the election of a United the compositor to reach tho typo without States senator* It was learned that disturbing tha galley. This form of galley the Rev. Dr. Henry Van Dyke would was probably brought into use about the probably accept a chair of English littime that printers discovered it to bo a erature offered him by Princeton uninuisance to carry the galley on the cap versity Mr. Kipling continues to imcase. Tho old plan waa to lay tho caps and prove. He was told yesterday of the email caps in tho four upper rows of tho death of his daughter Josephine. cap case and then to rest the galley across Monday. March 13. tho three lower rows, into whioh there was Filipinos at Manila planned an attack seldom necessity for the compositor's hand on the American lines, but did not have to travel. While the propped up galley was undoubtedly bettor than the gnlley laid the courage to carry out the plan. Preparations for an aggressive movement across tho cap case, tho plan of placing tho General galley on a disused case or on a bank ren- against the rebels continue Maximo Gomez Issued a statement to dered It useless. the Cuban people and army regarding A universal storeotypo block was at ono his impeachment and deposition by the time in use, being madu with grooves tbat Cuban assembly The people of Sanran slantondlcularly, or an anglo of about tiago de Cuba want the United States 45 degreett to the base and side of the to purchase San Juan hill and convert block. The block was clamped in the the famous battleground Into a park grooves and was readily brought to any The Allan line steamer Castlllan, position. Such a block answered very well from Portland. Me., to Liverpool by on hand presses, but when steam oyllndor way of Halifax, is ashore a t Gannet presses came into use it proved too unre- rock, near Yarmouth, N. S. Services liable, allowing tho pages to slip, and BO it were held In Rome to commemorate the was discarded. pope's recovery and his coronation Tho Bheepsfoot is a *tool unknown in The British steamer Oswestry was many modern pressrooms, and in another wrecked in Dunlough bay, on the coast generation we muy expect tbat tho shoot- of Ireland. The crew escaped Mrs. ing stick will also have disappeared. Oth- Robert Keeley, the actress, died in Loner tools, though altered uud improved in don in her ninety-third year The advarious ways, Room mostly to hold thoir ministration will not change Its plans own in spite of tho many additions being in Cuba because of the assembly's acmado totholist.—Printer and Bookmaker. tion In regard to Gomez The naval attache of the French embassy at Homer a n a j e w i s n HITC*. Apassnge in Pope's "Iliad" ("Chuntloa Washington paid a high tribute to the Classics") has stirred my Intellectual curi- efficiency of the navy of the United osity and proves that ono touch of ritual States, which now ranks second among makes tho antique world kin. Tho an- the great powers of the world in naval Senator Prye took excient Jews were great upon "washing of constructionhands," with tho ceremonial laws of ception to the views of, Representative Cannon in regard to the Nicaragua cawhich one tracrnto of tho Talmud largely busies itsolf. This "laving of hands" Is nal project and defended the course of Preparations have been regarded with such veneration by the the senate rabblna that they crystallized its Impera- made to prevent trouble at the final tiveness by stamping it with u seal aa of session o£ the Delaware legislature toMosaic sanctity. Living in such an day for the election of a United States David T. Watson, a Demontmosuhero and trained from childhood to senator cherish thlB specific rlto as indigenous in crat, ot counsel to Senator Quay, deJudaism, I felt somo amazement when I clined an appointment by Governor Stone as supreme court Judge Govrend page 105 of above: ernor Roosevelt expressed his confiNow pruy lo Jovo what Greece demands; I»rny in duop silence and with purest hands. dence in the passage of the Amsterdam • Buckley udus a noto which dlsplayB a avenue bill in Us unamended form wido outlook: "This is ono of tho most Pastors of many churches in New York referred In their sermons to the attempt ancient superstitions respecting prayer, Tht and one founded as much in nuturo as in to usurp Amsterdam avenue Rev. Dr. Henry Van Dyke made a statetradition."—Xutesand Queries. ment to his congregation at the Brick Presbyterian church, In New York city, lClllol 1*)' a Poem. about his acceptance of the new chair An author, linving waited In vain for a of English literature a t Princeton oheok for an accepted poem, wxoto the edi- Miss Henrietta Wechsler of Brooklyn, tor mildly Inquiring about it. Tho editor who disappeared on Wednesday last, replied: has been found in a private hospital in DBAn Snt-Tlio raagazino is donrt. It ranld Manhattan Rudyurd Kipling's connot eland ovorythins. It P n s s c d Peacefully dition continued to improve The away, with your poom on tho front page. The sheriff, who in a man of nomo literary ability, news that the kaiser will see the yacht rai:en at cowes next July Is Interpreted la now wrilins ita obituary. The blow is a sad one, but wo hope to net tlamBgefl cut of yon. to mean that Germany and Britain are econclled. —Atlanta Constitution. Tneadny. March 14. General Wheaton's division attacked and captured the city of Faalg Acccrdlng to a Rome newspaper, the Italian minister to China has been recalled -The faction supporting General Go... z in Cuba Is said to be growing It is believed that the vote on the report of the committee In the relchstag on Biliousness Dryliur P r e p a r a t i o n s simply develop dry catarrh; they dry up the secretions which adhere to the membrane and decompose, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all drying inhalants and use that which cleanses, soothes and lioals Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in tha head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo mailed for 10 cents, large for 50 cents. All druggists keep it. E'y Brothers, 5(3 Warren Btreet, Now York. To practice being " It." And for the lesson he wns glad, For it bad taught htm grit; And fortune, friends and oil ho hod, Ho traced to being '• It."—Field. Every Family should have lbi household inodioino chest, nnd tho lint bottle in it should be Dr. Wooers Norway Pino Syrup, nature's remudy for roughs and colds. -Cough quickly. a n Whooplng-Cough quickly. Age, purity, strength—BulU'a Bock. t to Ukc. Dodtort AtUdtoJ NO-TO-BAC »aa n the military \r\cri-t\t* inn will t e unfa•alilt- in lIn- government Colonel juiirt wan handed over to the civil hnrltieH fa) trial Four hundred «nU eleven pi-rauiis were drowned and «3 vi'nnelB lout In tlic- rec-ent hurricane In Qu<?enHl&n<I The hospital Ehip Relief arrived at Gibraltar It was announced in "Washington t h a t a satisfactory undeiKtandlne an to affaire* In Sarnou bad bttii reached by the three treaty powers—Germany, Great Britain and the United Stales President McKinley, with a party of friends, started for Thomasville, Ga., to remain about two weeks President McKinley appointed Herbert Putnam of Boston librarian of pnngrpss The army beef court of inquiry continued the taking of testimony in Chicago The final session of the Pel aware legislature ended without the selection of a successor to Senator Gray. Although J . Edward Addicks gained three Democratic votes, he fell five ehort of election The Amsterdam avenue railroad bill m a y be amended by its friends in order to secure UH passage at Albany The president of the Louisiana health hoard and the head of the health department of New Orleans were Indicted for manslaughter in connection with yellow fever cases of laBt year The cruiser Chicago sailed from Newport Newa with the transport Meade to convey her to Cuba "with her cargo of cash Hamilton a. "White, president of the Syracuse hoard of fire commissioners, died from his exertions at a fire, where he was partially overcome hy smoke—— The president has appointed 201 second lieutenants In the regular army Crown Prince GuBtaf, regent of Norway and Sweden, WCIB hooted, biased and pelted with snowballs on the Btreets of Chrlstlania Mall advices from the east reported more victories for the Chinese rebels Profeflsor JameB Hoppins resigned the chair of history of a r t In Yale School of Pine A r t H - — Eleven masked and armed men bound three employees of the Say re and Athens Traction company a t Athens, N. T., blew open the safes and stole S176. WeQnewilay, March 15* General Wheaton'u division had a sharp encounter with the rebels between Pateroa and Taguig. The town of Pasig was burned by the insurgents -It Is reported t h a t Spain's cabinet has advised the queen regent to ratify the peace treaty without waiting for action by the cortes The Cuban military assembly adopted resolutions thanking the United States for aid, refusing to accept the f 3,000,000 and appointing a committee to state the conclusions to President McKinley I t was announced in the house of commons t h a t no stepB had been taken for the appointment of a successor to Baron Herschell on the Joint high commission The Italian minister of foreign affairs outlined I t a ly's policy in China The reichstag, hy a vote of 209 to 141, rejected the army Increase asked for by the German government Emile Erckmann, who, with M. Chatrian, wrote "Le ConBcrit," la dead The condition of the pope's health was reported to be satisfactory -President McKtnley arrived at Thomasville, In the plnelands of southern Georgia, where he will spend his brief vacation Negotiations for reciprocity treaties with Germany and Prance have been resumed by officials In Washington, with good prospects, it Is reported' Considerable important testimony was taken by the army beef court of Inquiry in Chicago. It WEB developed t h a t all the canned roast beer was bought on direct orders from General Eagan The senate Republican caucus a t Albany made the civil service bill a party measure. Senator Ambler bolted, and four other senators were absent——There was no opposition to the rapid transit bill a t a hearing on It given In Albany The deadlock in the selection of a senator In Pennsylvania continued, and Quay's friends are counting on Buccess In county contests -The German etnbassador, Baron von Holleben, was the guest of President Eliot of Harvard at Cambridge George W. Greene, mayor of Woonsocket, was nominated by the Democrats for governor of Rhode Island I t Is announced by shipping men that ten freight steamships which left American and English ports upward of a month ago and have not been heard from since are probably lost Ex-Congresaman James J . Belden gave a dinner for Speaker Heed a t the Hotel Manhattan, New York. T h u n d a y , March 10. The Spanish cabinet decided to ratify the treaty of peace as soon as the cortes was dissolved Joseph H. Choate, United States embassador to Great Britain, made a speech at the dinner of the united chambers of commerce In London Further demonstrations indicating General Gomez's popularity were held at Havana General "Wheaton's division had another encounter with the rebels near Paslg, inflicting heavy loss on the insurgents and capturing many prisoners John Sherman Is seriously Ul from pneumonia on board the Paris a t St. Pierre, Martinique A boiler explosion on the British cruiser Terrible killed one man and injured several others A bill to lalse the llashpolnt of American oils was defeated in the house of commons Much strong testimony against the beef furnished to the army was given before the court of Inquiry In Chicago. The court adjourned to meet In Omaha today Governor Roosevelt refused to commute the sentence of Mrs. Place -The Lauterbach amendment to the Fallows Amsterdam avenue bill was reported favorably to the New York senate. The assembly passed the Aatorla Light, Heat and Power company bill -The Investigation of the alleged bribery charges at Harriaburg- waa continued by a legislative committee. The voting for senator was unchanged Governor El! ah a Dyer was renomlnated by the Republicans of Rhode Island, with the remainder of the state ticket -There was considerable damage done by a tornado near Birmingham, Ala. The British steamship Brator itrandcd off Cape Henry life savins station John Hoffer of Buffalo fell Into a pan of boiling sap In the sugar bush of Dana Green in Bcnnlngton, N. r., and was so uadly scalded that he died F r a n k A. Vanderllp. assistant secretary of the treasury, after several weeks' serious illness at his home In Chicago, has returned to Washington Orders were issued for the muster out of the First Texas at Galveston and the second Louisiana at Savannah. Both regiments are now a t Havana, but 111 be brought to this country as soon as transports are available. The Sixth company, volunteer signal corpa, now a t Augusta, Ga.. hag been ordered muBtered out . . . . ... . Red H o t From t h o Gun Was tho ball tbat hit G. B. Steadman, of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped for 20 yean. Then Bucklen's Arnica Palve cured him. Cures Cute, BruUes, Burns Boils, Felons, Coma, Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by R. Killgore, Dover, and A, P Green, Chester, druggists. NEW YORK TRIBUNE. Recognized as a Leader of Republican Opinion. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY. Aaturocil* oosi used exclusively, i&surlDg i and comfort. Tn« New York Tribune uller* to the public a newspaper which is absolutely iv]ir«ienUitive of TIME TJiJLK IN EFFECT NOV. 20, 1898 the beat opinion of tbe Republican party on all national Isduea. Kin dignilied, strong, complete and patriotic. The Daily Tribune is $10 a >car. The Weekly, TRAINH LEAVE DOVER A8 FOLLOWS 91, but can be obtained, lu conjunction with variFor N e w York, Newark and ous local papers, on more advantagecm tormti. Elizabeth, at 6:31, a. m.; 2:59 p. m Tbe in $2 a year. A Newspaper and Haguzine Both. The Semi-Weekly Tribune, printed Tueatiaj-H and Fridays, 1M out) of the best general newnpajMTH in tbe country for a widu-a* uku farmer, professional man, merchant, manufacturer or uiuelianic. It saves the necessity ot uuyiDg other newspapere. It supplements admirably a local dally; many people talto it in plauo of one. Tue agricultural page will contain ttiiH year, in addition to regular featurm, a. weather reviuw, many descriptions of the actual reaulLa obtained on Hoiall fannn atidollier matters of particular iuw to gardeners, fruit-growers, farmera, dairymen and live-Htock raiser*. Stories of the War with Spain. During each week Urn reader will nod a column of " Questions ami Aouwers," letters from correspondents In London and Paris; a page devoted to science and myolianlee; home interests and other things which interest women, including the " Tribune Sunshine Society;11 Bome good games of checkers; aucrlesof thrilling utorlos of actual experiences in tho war with Spain, written by Boldle's and sailors; and Advance Information of new enturprluuti of importance to manufacturers, mechanics and biwinena men. Harket Reports the Standard. For Philadelphia at 6:31, a. m.; 2:59, p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, Asbury Park and points on N e w York and Long Branch Railroad, 2:59 p. m. For all stations to High Bridge at 6:31, a. m . ; 2-,z)q) p, m. For Lake Hopatcong at 8:35, ft. m.; 2:59, 7:08, p. m. For all stations to Edison at 8:35 a. m.; 2:59 p . m . For Rockaway at 6:55 9:25, a. m.; 6:30, 739: p, m . For Easton, Allentown and Mauch Chunk at 6:31, a. in.; (2:59 to Easton); p. m. EETUHHIHG. The market reporta will be kept up to their presLeave New York, foot Liberty ent high standard. It is tbe Intention oF The Street, at 6:00, a. m.; 4:40, p. m. Tribune at ail times to add to them whatever quotaiious will render them of greater value. The Leave New York, South Ferry BntMt compliment paid to The Semi-W«tkly Whitehall St., at 4:35, p. m . Tribune is the fact that It enjoys the subscriptions of a large number of merchants, dairymen Leave Rockaway at 6:22, 8:24, and farmers who disagree with its politloal sentiits. but who (Ind ita accurate market reports a. m.; 2:50, 6:35, P- m> esoentlal to the propur conduct or their business. Leave Port Oram at 6:50, 9:20, It is always Hafeto look at The Tribune befoie one b ys or sells country produce. Once a week a. m.; 6:22, 7:34, p. m. the is a special market article on one particular Leave Lake Hopatcong at 6:20, top . Pictorial Supplement. a. m.; 5:28, p. m. With Friday's number there la an Uitwtrated Leave High Bridge at8:i7, a - m -; uppleraent, 20 to S4 pages, printed on Bpedally 6:29 p. m, fine pajwr, full of delightful reading, enlivened with from thirty to fifty half-tone or other pictures. J. H. OLHAUSEN, Every reader admits that this Supplement is equal Oen'l Hupt. to a magazine In its contents, and butter than a H. P. BALDWIN, magazine in being quicker to lay before its readers Gen. Faaa. Agt. perfectly /resb discussions of matters which are attracting attention. Satnp'e copies of Friday's issue will be Beut free on application. The SupD., L. & W. RAILROAD. plement contains two pages of Lumor; a fascinating letter front ex-attache, a gentleman who has (M0R1UB A IBBIX DIVISION.) served at many of the great courts of tbe world, and whotpealmof kings, emperors and noblemen Depot In Neir York, foot of Barclaj Bt. and from actual knowledge; book reviews; short foot of Chriitopher St. stories; dramatic aud musical criticisms; the fine work of groat architects and artists; letters from DOVER TIME TABLE. abroad; talk on Bcientlllc subjects, new warshlpa, etc.,; goBgip by pungent writers; and, la fact, tbe TBA1HB ABBTO AND DKPABT FBOM. TUIB whole range of higher topics in which Intelligent STATION AS FOLLOWS : men and women are deeply Interested, and a proBOUND A. H. WEST BOUND fusion of beautiful illustrations. The Supplement BAST express* 5:15 Milkexpreaa 5:13 is the cream of the whole week's work in the Buffalo Oswego express* 6:10 Milk express 6:34 Tribune office. Dover express 6:46 Dover accom. 8:12 Haok't'n exp.» 7:10 Easton mail Clubs. Hack't'n mall 7:28 Blng'ton mail* 0:10 0:20 Any reader who may find It convenient to ratae Washington npl» 8:03 Dover express 10:48 express* 8:23 Fhillipsburgex* 10:48 a club of Bubscribcrs for Th« Semi-Weekly Buffalo Easton express 8:41 Tribune IB Invited to do BO, and to Bend to this Dover accom. P.M. 9:40 office for sample coplea, et£. Bcranton exp.* 11:02 Dover accom. 12:20 Dover aooom. 11:30 Eaxton express 1:58 THB TRIBUNE. Eunira express* 2:19 p. M. Dover accom. 8:52 Dovor accom. 12:45 iu;«o Easton express SKIS Buffalo eipress* 1:87 Scranton exp.* 0:24 Saston mail 2:44 Dover express 6:25 Cut this out and return to us with 01.OU and Oswego express* 8:47 Washington spl* 6:40 we'll send the following, postage prepaid: Duver aooom. 8:55 Hack't'n mail 7:18 Dover accom. 6:55 PhiUipsburgacc. 8:02 Vermont Farm Journal I Year. Buffalo express* 6:22 Buffalo express* New York Weekly Tribune I Year. Dover aooom. 6:32 U. B. express* U:55 PhilUpsburg ex.» 6:87 Dover accom. 10:88 American Poultry Advocate I Year. Uilk express* 8:17 Buffalo express* 10:59 The (Jentlewoman I Year. Soston accom. 8:44 Theotn tndn. 8:25 Marion Harland's Cook Hook. Milk express* 8:67 A BIGCLUB. Ten Nights In a Bar Room. till lor $1. Regular Cost $4-00 "Via. Boonton Branch. DOVER AND MORRISTOWN. Tbia combination fills a family neefl. Two farm Arrive Leave Arrive paiwrs for the men—TIIH "Gentlewoman," an Leave Ideal paper for Urn ladiea-N. Y. Weekly Tribune Dover. Korrlstown Horriatown Dover for all-Marlon Harland's Cook Book wim 800 6:03 A. K. 0 : 3 4A.M. 4 : 3 0 A . M . 5:14 P . M . pages ana 1,000 practical recipes for the wife, and 7:41 " 8:12 " 7;1G tbe book " Ten Nlgbts ID a Bar Room," tbe great 6;40 " 8:88 " 9:10 " est temperance oovel of tho age. A. two cent 7:28 " 7:57 stamp brlDgB eamplea of papers and our great 8:41 » 10:15 " 10:43 » 9:13 clubbing list" 11:53 " 12:30 p. u. 9:40 " 10:10 1:28 P. H. 1:58 11:20 « 11:47 8:25 " 3:53 12:45 P . M . 1:15 P, 4:41 •' 6:08 3:44 « 3:16 63j Main 51. WILniNOTON, VT. 3:55 " 5:53 " 6:25 4:23 6:60 " 7 18 5:65 " 6:36 7:82 " 8KB 6:82 » 7:01 NOTICE. 10:08 •• 10:88 8:44 " 0:10 " 2:00 A . M . 2:20 A. H ESTATE OF SUSAN E BEACH, DECEASED. feimont Farm Journal, ""-Ai Pursuant to ttB order of tbe Surrogate of tbe LEAVE NEW YORK FOR DOVER. County of Morris, made on tbe twenty-seventh day At 3:15*, 4:30,6:00, 7:10, 8.-00*, 8:50, »:20»f of February A. • one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, notice la hereby giveu to all persons 10:10, a. m . ; 13:00 m. 1H)6*, 300, 8:30, 4:00*; having? claims egalnat the estate of Susan B. ':30, 5:10*, 6:30, 6:00, 7:00*,B:30*, 8:80, fl^O*, Beach, late of tho County of Morris, deceased, to present the same, under oath or affirmation, to the *Vta. Boonton Branch. subscribers, on or before the twenty-seventh day or November next, being nine raontlis from the date of said order; and any creditor neglecting to brine in and exhibit his or her claim, under oath CHESTER BRANCH. or affirmation, within tbe time so limited, will be forever barred of his or her action therefor against oonramABT. Uifl executors. Dated the twenty-seventh day of February A. D. Chester,6:15,7:43a.m.; 1S.-00, 4:16 p. m Horton, 6:21, 7:49 a. m.; 12:08, 4:23 p . m. GUY MINTON, Ironla, 6SS, 7:5a «.m.; 12:18, 438 pTm. FREDERICK H. BEACH, Bucossunna, 6:30,7:56a. m.; 12:18.4:33 a.m. Kenvil, 6:93. 7:59 a. m.; 13:22, 4:37 p. m. Junction, 8:88. 8:04 a. m.j 12:27, 4:46 p. m. Fort Oram, 6:40, 8:07 a. m. j 13:80, 4 68 p m. Ar. Dover, 8:46, 8.-S3 a. m.; 12:85, BKW p. m. OOJMQ WX8T. Dover, 9:35 a, m.; 2^4,5:28, 6:43 p. m. Port Oram, 0:40 a. m.;3:29, 5:84,6:48 p. m. Junction, 9:43 a. m.: 2:33,5:37, 6:50 p. m. Kenvll, fi;49 a. m.; 2:37. S:<3.8:54 p. m. ttaccanunna, 9:%6 a.m.; 2:41 5:47,6:57 p m Ironla, 10KI2 a. m.; 2:46, 6:53, 7KM p. m. Horton, 10:08 a. m j 3:61. 5:65, 7:05 p. m. Ap. Chester, 10:15a. m.;2:59,6:00,7:10 p.n>. The Hackettatown Express stops at Port Oram going east at 7:28 a. m.; going wast a t 7:21 p. m. In cuancerg of (few Jersey. To Samuel Rogers, Eliza Rogers, Jessie Aker (AyroB) and William A. AUer (Ayrea). Y virtue of an order of the Court of Chancery of Now Jersey, made on the day of tbe date bereof, in a came wberpln Mary Ann Drltiknater is complainant, and you and others are defendnntA, you are required to appear and plead, demur or answer to complainant's bill on or before tho nineteenth day of April next or the said bill will be taken as confessed against you The sold bill Is Sled to foreclose a certain mortgage, dated February eleventh, l>t>U, upon certain premises in tbo Township of Curator, Morril County, Nnw Jersey, made by James Thomas and Mary E Thomas his wifo to Mary Ann Drlnkwater, tho said complainant. Aud you, Eliza Rogers, are made a party defendant, booiuso you are one of the heirs at-law of Jane Lewis (nee Thomas), deceased, and own or claim to own an undivided interest in the said mortgaorod premises; and you, Samuel Rogers, are made a party defondont, becauso you arB the husband of tho Baid Eliza Rogers and may becomo entltlod to an estate by courttBj in eatd mortgaged tgage premises; premise; and you you, Jessie Akcr (Ayres) (Ayres), are made a party defendant became you are one of thu uolmat-law of a a o Jand Lewis ((nee Thomas), ), deceased, l i to t own wn an undivided undividd interit audd own or claim est In the said mortgaged premiBea; and you, William A Aki>r (Ayres), are made a party defendant becauso you aro thohusbandof tbe tuiid Jcssio Akor (Ayroa) and may become entitled to an ostnte by courtesy in said mortgaged premises. Uated February 18th, 1601), B Don't Totiicco Spit mil)fimukoVour Ufe Annj* To quit tobacco oiislly mid foiovor. Ito "ing DAVID R. SNOVKII, liotlo, full of Ufo, nurvo and vltfor, tulie Na-ToSolicitor for Complainant. Duc.tlio wnnilor-worlcer, Hint mtiltos wculc man strong. A \\ drug^ieta, COc or 41. Cure K"uniD> Pewt office nddrens: NO-TII-BBO for Dirty Cants. No. 252 Main RtrP s t, Orange, Now Jersoy. Guaranteed tobuuuo habit euro, tnakea weak teed Hooltlot unU Bamplo Tree. Address Sterling Remedy Oa, Ohlokga or Nen York. U-iw men BtronB, blood pure. 5Oo,01. All druggist* UNINTERRUPTED PASSENGER SERVICE FORT MONROE (OLD POINT COMFORT) AND WASHINGTON which are most attractive points at this time. EXPRESS STEAMSHIPS OF THE OLD DOMINION LINE PEIIFORM^>AILY 8EEVICB. Through tickets returning from Washington by rail or water. For full information apply to OLD DOIDINION STEBPI8HIP GO Pier 36, North River, New York. W. L. GDILLADDEU, THE IRON ERA, DOVER. N. J.. MARCH \ 7. 1899. TONIC PURIFIES ™E BLOOD.; Cj/i THE MAS C P. Wt*:' f^f-.u.:. • <.--. ;..•::• !•w . . . - r — : -..-.r- I '. r -:..•>• '• I : ::.•*' :> 1 ^ r. • * •;.--. - - 1 Of « . s r-j i - i i ; ».-.•: : . . v -«t GRIEVE NOT, DEAREST HEART. it u s r« 1 w . . . : .-• ' . - s * £ * : - - s i c % fij-i :.- - ~: - • \*:.'.'..•-: :',,--•--.... i ..'l^>t.-t .;- ••- r..:..••:' and (/nzliig d •• r. .r^i-. '• hi- v. ;<!•- ; ..-..:. ^' :A= f-_-» t. ijomft Ii--:.-'iij.-*; :,. :..:..< :..:.. hi* companions Ui" ->--»;*^i.g. • r. :: li.-iT rv;ic wiii-.h an, <-v..Tr-ri f^r a tdM : ,• >,T.K t a d oT»;rtarnwl ti.^ coSft.trjrfjt, ar.a ;* ri.'trk oozy streaxc j . was stiowly rnunlT;^ (IO'AT: the lirte. One [ of the men mt^rti a little in hia sleep, i • IlaJiiing etariiril liinl lu-Atd nn-.\nid &t | Fcr *t*n i wha-k it ILJ ft*:. ! Liiij. Tr.t-n ii.s th-; n.'^*n ro^; siowlv above ! the p«ak= J^-h.ind him h& turr.e«L fcntyjkwi • the ashf-« hi-* pip**. wn»f.jj«i him~elf • np in hU Liar,kct-- aLd withoct more ado : • wa- hl^-^Auv Wjiindly. • Nearly a w«*lw passed and t h e fw-ling of ; rf^Tl.-.-nesa whi'.h for a time had jxj^-e=eed j ! Ju.i.'iii.. had n*rfiri" t**:n foraorr^n when at-'ain Harding rtxlt: int'* San Cariuo. Poor Who pra :n a; AU her attemi-ta to forgfct ; UuU; .IiixvaStA! £11 hiiii bad bf^n in vain then, for as eho saw him come ititn tbo plaza her h<^rt gave a •r i ' . " i t grtjit bound for joy, and she fln-hrjl unI>,WIJ h ttiri Vi't.r.n I ra r<,ua tfcisgi | der her olive skin to t h e tips of her dainty WLtrr.fc> j? i fingers. The flush RU1U-<1 her dark face hn K ^ n d n c k in Wi,ij.aii'a I land heightened Ir.^ beauty, thought Hard! ing, an, diau.ounring, he asked if Don Jose ! were in. As luck would have it, he bad : gone over to «*; f> friend, and the two fell Into f^»nvtrsiit!on. Hhe was fchy nt first, but the erid.jnt ease of her companion Thft little towrn of San Carlos is Borauoh finally wjt her 1/i.^t fear a t rest, and when like most other littif; Mciican town* that tho old don did return they parted the best It hardly nw-fls any cartful tffr.-rrijitiori. of friends and wirh nn undfrfetanding that I-yln« 6s it d o * in ili»: nc-.n of th;it vast they were to hunt again down by the olil w-ild»>rner.-( of oM Mexico, a tiny juitcb of well hidden away in the little ravine outg r w o on t\m iiVf. of the run scorch f.-d side tie: town. After a n hour's tflik with earth, it seems in [ -i;rnii>;int to a dsfrrMs, her father Ifimiing again left the house, and natursilly It In not down on thn m a p and, fjwinpint?himself intothesaddle, rode —Hurh towns n.rcjv arc ItH f<*w fields, S tan;U--r-ly (HIT u ^ a x d t h e hlllR. bravely air\itriiYiua »(«•".: nst the heat arid ( A niil'i or *n from the town he made a drought, are l»tit fcpar-*-ly water**! by a lit- eliKht chanp'.- in the direction he waa taktle creek which flows from a ravinecloee ing, and so little by little headed for t h e by and which soerus to (.{••appear into the ravine. thirsty earth a few hundrwl yard" fanher J u s t afi the s u n went down Harding on. San Ci.rSfw iiM-11 is coinj/ merely of a few gray adobe hciif^ clustered to- reached t h e well, and after turning hia gether around a fifjuare little plaza and pony to nibble tho juicy blades of grass the remnants of what ha/l om.'e l**:n a tiny which grew around it threw himself down wait He linii bc-fln there perhaps two chapel, built hnndr^la of years before hy the old Spanish fathers, and htill stand- ir three hours v. Iwn t h e bushes were partIng, a crumbling, time worn monument ed gently and J u a n i t a came toward him. ihc had elipjii-fl away, she said, while her to their memory. Tather a n d I'cdro tzit smoking and bad All through tho burning daytime the come shn had promised, but ehe must place Bcemn almost dew-ru-d, and the Gerce hurry,aefor p the time was shnrt a n d her abB on Us way overhead In p y tropical BUD nence would he noticed. Little by little l i l plaza l i undisputed ia d i d supremacy The little between questionsand promptings she told ftlwayi empty a n d the interne heat rising him all her brief life history, of Pedro, of In wavy lint's from tho (ground makug the jer father's wishes, a n d lastly of her own objects round al»*">tit dnnc« in one's eyf-s. lew love for him, a n d vrhen a t last she E-ven t h e host of dogs has vanished anil xmld say no more she stood looking n p to the place bears the appearance of a veritalin, bur eyes full of t h e love 6he had just ble village of the dead, BOfitill and quiet confessed, until he took her i n hi« oxmfl A.-.d I--. ir.* *.:..-.T .- :•• -.- w r W t r ITT. ; : , ; . , . - • J • . . , - SO KG. A POSITIVE CURE FOR DYSPEPSJA, HJ1LJ1RIJ1. CHILLS / FEVER. GRIPPE. BILIOUSNESS, SICK-HEADACHE CONSTIPATION *^ GENERAL DEBILITY. Muflic by El|)UAED HO^JT. Words uy JULIAN JOEDON. riUCE 50 Cts. AT ALL > * • • DRUQUISTS ; . - < • « - • ( , , ; , JUANITA. lilt Bnt in the evening, when at last tho the &ame Inrtant they Were startled •un haa gone and only the brilliant color byIna sound behind them. Don Jose, hifl in the &y remain*, and when the breezes face pale with stood scowling at begin to come down from the distant them. Chokinglyfury, ordered the girl away, mo an tains, then it presents quite a differ- nd when she washe gone turned to Hardent aspect. Around tho open doors of the ing. "Curse you I" hehe said. "You shall adobe houses lounge the male inhabitants pay for this—Santo Maria, do Ameriof San Carlos, for tho most part lazily cano!" and disappeared as quickly as he puffing their long, fragrant cigaretoa or had come. gathered in little knots discussing the latThere waa no mistaking that, and the est bit of news, though bow news ever reaches San Carlos is a mystery Indeed. young fellow knew that If he stayed where Above an open fire in front of each hut he was his life vronJd not be worth the swings a substantial Iron kettle In which 'siting. His first fear was for Juanita. the evening meal of etcwed tunas has al- Loosening hia revolvers In his belt, he ready begfun to einimcr, and around these mounted his pony and rode Slowlytoward fire* hover the -women, looking for the San Carlos. Homo moments had passed matt part as 111 kept as the men. Dirty in this way, and he had almost reached little naked children sprawl around on the the mouth of the ravine, when he saw a beaten clay of which tho floor of tho plaza figure coming swiftly toward him. An U composed and dirtier dogs romp and Instant later ho recognized Juanita. The poor child waa almost exhausted tram tumble over tht-m. running. Yet primitive as wag tho little town "Gol Go P'Bho Bobbed. "They are going here Juanlta had lived all the happy 18 yean of her llfo, and right hero she woa to follow you, Don Jose and Pedro. They you If you stay. Ah, no. not contented to stay until she should bo laid will kill 1 iiwcy bcsldu her sleeping grandfathers awl now/ she cried, as Harding held out his great-grandfathers in tho little graveyard arms to her, "they will find mo here with befllde the chapel, for she loved tho dear you, and then"—and then as the impulse old place, and—possibly because sho knew seized her she Hang herself Into his armi nothing of the great world beyond—sbo and sobbed as if her heart would break. She had not been a moment too soon, never even thought ol leaving it. Then, too, there was another andfitill stronger for oven aa he spoke the sound of galloping hoofs reached them, as riding furiously reason—her father, old Don Jose, bad promised her to the BOD of his oldest and their two pursuers dashed into the ravine. With ono arm supporting the trembling dearest friend, who had fought with him years before In tho wax with the hated girl Harding coolly unslipped hia revolver and waited. Tho Mexicans were within Americanos and who had been wounded In the battle of Cerro Gordo before tho fa- BO yards beforo they saw him, and then as mous old City of Mexico itself. Now, se- they opened firo with their uncertain aim cretly, this wns just what tho young peo- he slowly raised his own weapon and ple had desired, Pedro and Juanita bad pressed tho trigger. With a bitter curse grown up together from childhood. Thoy on his lips ono of the men pitched forward had been constant companions, and wero from tho eaddlo and fell to the ground. they not tho handsomest couplo In the One more shot came from the remaining whole broad valleyf Had not Juanlta all man beforo tho revolver spoke again, and her father's lands as her dowry, which, Harding heard a smothered cry at his side united to those which Pedro owned, would as tho riderless horse plunged past him make them the largest landowners in the and vanished up tho ravine. Thon he put Tillage? It was certainly s most, desirable up his revolver and turned again to match, and the two old men congratulated Jnanitaeach other as old men will who have seen She was strangely quiet as she gazed np tbelr fondest hopes fulfilled, and emptied into his faco and smiled. A quickly many a sparkling cup to the health of Pe- spreading stain over her fair young breast dro and his fair young bridetold him the reason at a glance. That last bullet of Don Jose's hod found a mark, But now Juanlta was sorely troubled. and aa tho shouts of alarm reached them Everything had gone along smoothly as the village, whither tho horse bad ever until one day something had hap- from gone, tho light faded slowly from Joanlta's pened which bid fair to upset all their eyes and they closed forever. plans for the future. On a certain bright For some momenta Harding did not morning thoro had ridden up to tho door move; tbon ho laid her gently down beof her father's hut one of a band of Amorleans who were prospecting in the gray neath a lonely little willow, kissed once tho fair, bloodless lips and, mounting his mountains that lay away over to the west. He was a fine looking young fellow, and pony, rode out of tho ravine past the dead bodies of the two Mexican a, and with his for a man who had been prospecting for two years under thb fkreo sun of old Mex- head sunk deep on his breast turned his horso's nose toward the distant mounico ho was remarkably fair, and thon hia blue eyes had a frank expression about tains, on whoso summits the lost beams of them which was for different from tho the waning moon still lingered.—H. A. erer suspicious glance which characterized •Webster in Yale Courant. the men uf that quaint country. He wore Esngllali Parochial Accounts, 1607. the usual dress of men of bis occupation, Many of tho entries, which are in i loose blue flannel shirt and corduroy trousers tucked in at tho top of his heavy splendid btato of preservation, are exceedboots, a red handkerchief knotted carelessly ingly quaint and amusing For Instance, around his nock and huge Mexican sputa there is ono'for one umbrelloe, £1 8a 8d.," evidently procured for the minister dangling from hia liocls. be used as a shelter when officiating at Juanlta had been standing In the little to fanorals in wet wcatherl Another entry opening on tho opposito si do of tho house reads: "For a pair of bellows for Thunder, and had not seen him until bo was almost Gd." A ono runB: "For destroybeside her, BO that It appeared to her as if ing Jock curious on tho steeple, lls. 8d." he must have suddenly sprung from Moth Tho entriesDaws relating to tho relief of tho er Earth. poor oro singularly funny and include: Hording had seen nor about the samo "Paid to a eicke man and sending him Instant she hod seen him, and as he doffed away, 4B. ;" "Paid for keeping the wenoh him wide sombrero and asked lu imperfect with tho lame hand, 17s. Od.;11 "Paid for 8panlsh to see the don unconsciously his & shift for Levy Skldmore'a boy, 2s.;" poise quickened. Juanita was really A "ditto for ye euro of ye Widder Wlnokel't very beautiful Mexican girl, by far tho finger, 6s." most beautiful crenturo lie hnd seen durTho overseer's matrimonial entries ore ing the whole course of his stay in that dismally arid country, and tho expression also peculiar. For Instance: "Exponses of taking William Shrlra and marrying on the girl'sfnco flattered him nob a little. Still he hod almost forgotten her when he him, the ring, &o., £1 14B. 2d.," and "gavo Jnmcs Morton of Thnmo to marry had finished bargaining with her father for provisions for hiniBclf end hia men, Robekak Burkctt £3 18s. Gd.; a llconse, parson's fee and the dork's fee, £2 4s. 6d. which ho did at last succeed in getting only by tho payment of a fabulous Bum, expenses taking John Neighbour, 5B. 8d.. and when ho turned and saw liur standing also marrying him to Ellzh. Phillips, £8 where ho had left her ho started and ISs. Cd.; a bill for Rebekah Burkett's wedirould have Bpoken had he not felt tho ding being kept at Rlohard Wright's, at piercing little black oyes of Don Jnso fas- Spring-gardens, £1 lls. 4d."—Buok'i tened upon htm. As It was, tho old man Archaeological Society. detected the start and ordered his daughIn Soath Africa there Is a great demand ter hastily into the house. for donkeys, as thoy are proof against oilEver slnot that time Juanita'B thought* mate, plague and flies. had been in d i n oonfllot with one another, Give tho Children a Drink your called Graln-O. Tt In a delicious, appetizing, nourishing food drink to take the place oi Druggist coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all for a generous 'ho liavo used It becau&o when properly pre10 CENT pared tastes like the finest coffee but la free TRIAL SIZE. from alt its injurious properties, Graln-O aids dlgcatlou and strengthens tho norvea, I U not a stimulant but a health builder, and eoatains no cocaine, children, as well as adults, can drink It with mercury or any other grunt benefit. Costa about }i as much Injurious drug*. I t ii quickly absorbed. coIToe. 15 and 25c. Gives Ballet a t once. CATARRH lift Cream Balm It opens And cleanse* . SYfflS™. COLD 'N HEAD Heals and Protect* (lieCOLD fileiubroae. Iteau.rta t*io Soniea of Tiuto and Smell. Full SIM 60C; Trial ptse too.! a t DruagtatB or by mall. SOsY uilOTlimvTw WwMtttrewt,New York. "Women lovo a clear, healthy complexion. Pure blood makes k. Burdock Blood Blttar* makes pure blood. SAVER MEDICAL CO. 49 and 51 Marion St., N. X. more r;-s ' re . pii.e, the ttir, I Inn-jr An.l bail - the sor . i,h from row that Thy hi-art is ihinc, all fear. And yd. Grieve null (;rii;vv not, (jrieve not, <ieiir dear SAVHR LIVER PILLS 3 5 CENTS. NEARLY FIFTY-EIGHT YEARS OLD ! ! ! ! heart: heart! 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Recognizing its value to those who desire all the news of the State and Nation, the publishers of" The Iron Era" (your own favorite home paper) has entered nto an alliance with "The New York Weekly Tribune" which enables them lo furnish both papers at the trifling cost of $1.25 per year. Every farmer and every villager owes to himself, to his family, and to the community in which he lives a cordial support of his local newspaper, as it works constantly and untiringly for his interests in every way, brings to his home all the news and happenings of his neighborhood, the doings of his friends, the condition and prospects for different crops, the prices in home markets, and, n fact, is a weekly visitor which should be found in every wide-awake, progressive family. Just think of it! Both of these papers for on'y Si.25 a year. Send all subscriptions to THE IRON ERA, Dover, N. 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S . not 3 dear g^. heart, dear • y » STOVES, RANGES, FURNACES, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iroi Roofing, Zinc, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Pumps, &c. T H E GORTON House-Heating Steam Geneartor a specialty -=—/J r 50 YEARS' IMPROVEMENTS IN FARMING," Independent. NEW YORK, CHANGE OF FORM. REDUCTION m PRICE. Semi-Centennial Year. THB INDEPENDENT u i p h u l r a Ito FUtletta Y u r by cbuntlnt l u form to that ol a Mil«zinc, and by reducing it* a n n u l lobtcrlptloi price from $3.00 to Is.oo; alngle copies Iron ten to five cents. It will maintain IU rtpaUtlon as the Leadlni Weekly Newspaper ol the World. f THE INDEPENDENT in iU new form will print 3,6fO pages of reading matter per War ataaalto subscribers of fl.00. uhilt the prominent magazines, which stllforflK) " year, print only about 1,000 pages. Th» •ubscriim- to THE INDEPENDENT gets SI per (•«!(. more of equally good reading matter at one-haff the costl Only $2.00 per year, or at that rate for any part of a year, THE INDEPENDENT. 130 Fulton St., N . Y. BO YEARSEXPERIENCE 1'ulilishcd by the NEW;YOKK TK1DU?;E. Second Edition. 32 Pages, 18 by \2'/£ Inches. A KCIICKII review of the advances nnil improvements made in the leading branched of farm industry (luring the lant h.'iircctitiirv. .Special articles liy the best nj;ricu). Kind wrllxrii, on topics which they hnvr made Ihdr lift niutly. I Jut in of old fashioned implc. merlin. A va»t itmt'iiiit ol practical inlorma TRADE MARK* DESIONS CopvRtaHT* 4 C Anyono londtng m sketch and description mjj Qotckw uoertaiti onr opinion free w&etber M\ Inrontlon lsprobablr nntentable. Oomrannlcs tloiisitrlatljroonodeottal H a n d b o omrannlcs kftrtJ •"ntfroo. ffldSi snnerfor%«nrln| nfsterjtJ 1'iitcnt. iitcnt. ukon itirouih Mann 4 Co.ttra tclai notice, ti wllhout llh vlsrue fptclai vlisrue, In the i Scientific Hmerican. A hftnaiomelr UlontmtM we«klr. I*reeat I*re drculatlon of any Bclontlflo Jonrniu. Ten 1 1 w w "t d *" A wiliiaM*! n,ld lo lartncrn who desire jowj A h four month*. #L Boldbj-all neww to ftllmitlale pimluclion and profit. I'Mrr.mnly inlereMliiK and Inatnictivc. rtw.D.0. ewM ONLY 16 QTS. A COPY, BY MAIL SUBSCRIBE; FOB THE ERA, $1 PER THE ERA, UOVUR, N. J. YEAR. ffeml your ordrr lo VOL. XXI] J)OVER7MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1899. Truthful Advertising will Always Sell Honest goods. c firit name "AMOS'* and No, "73" before enter IE store. Get off carat Plftai tit. A luonntrou. atoclc 'thing that'B to IJC furniture, carpets, and B i o v e s e c r .nir4»LTei.i»yourii tochooseifroni—prices the lowest known—caayYermVatnai' mtnt to *ult yountU—and a clean-up saJe Jjke thiaia March J 1/we're not the vlace fur you to know, 'tie titrange I * —A -wonder to tljoimandu—the way we liave been BclUnir the country'! flntst, lovelicat weaves—pricci arc not merely low-they're DfoenonieIOO-foot 0oor ofcarpeti. Can you ask niore§j|[[_ Cailor Suit.. •••SDou) Daps Spring Exhibits in Ladies' and Misses' Tailored Suits that have delighted hundreds of critical eyes. An assortment of the elite of the Spring modes never surpassed in rich variety of novel beauty. Here are some chosen values of the highest excellence in make and style, ultracorrect in every detail. Spring Tailored Suits—4 styles to choose from—Eton Jackets, tight fitting coats,_fly front coats, 6-button box coats, all made in the latest circular-shaped skirts, in black, navy, cheviots and extremely handsome mixtures, tailored and finished to -I vf Q £ perfection, any size 32 to 44, value 17.50, at A n t . C/O ~ —In Oak—nally . a7Bc.table. Q Q - W A I 48—whit. 94 f f / O endncTed. enameled, brats bran _*«.-..A -~A r««.+^-«^ rail at head and foot—ttrf chaste pattern.. Spring Tailored Suits—Ladies' All-Taffeta Lined Suits, two styles to choose from, fly front jackets or tight fitting coats, made with latest circular skirts, but-on trimmed. These suits are the perfection of style, fit and finish, and are easily •] Q Q £ worth 25.00 XO.oO C | OR"Solidoalc. * • •*^"fancy ebap* top prencli lcg»—• | StfO table. Spring Tailored Suits—An exceptionally good lot of Allwool Cheviot Suits,, black or blue, and All-wool Venetian Mixtures, with new shape jackets, taffeta lined, skirts latest shapes, and fine percaline lined, any size 32 to 44, well Q Ckf\ worth 12.95 tf.yi/ C I S I R - T h l l •olid Oak Butt-fancy inapt $ 1 0 . 0 0 mirror, iwell front top drawer*, , . ,i, aM combination wash itancf, 3 drawer. sttop, Bpla.l.erb»ck-a*38.00.nitrlgntly. p, ^xi—'—J D n M M A a more thaa told their own n Spring Tailored Suits—Ladies' Cheviot Suits, made of an extra quality of All-wool cheviot serge, black, blue, nobby, fiy front jacket, all taffeta lined, skirt percaline lined, 1 Q £}K any size 32 to 44, worth 15.00 *tv.*/*/ 'OWHSHIP AND BOROUGH ELECTIONS. iuch team to be used also for city work under :be direction of the Street Commissioner, and hat stalls be iltted up in tbe engine house for CITY COVNCIZ. WANTS MORE LIGHT the horses, and also comfortable quarters for BESVLT FAVORABLE TO REPVBX.ICAKS OK TUB WHOLE. a driver, who would be required to sleep in VEFOIl'E DECIDING. he engine house at night Even Kandolpu Townautp Eleots a Reitoard of Sngrlnoera M a k e W e i g h t y Third—That a dozen rubber coats be bought publican T o w n s h i p Comraltteemau, lleoommendatlong — PropoBalB F o r to be distributed by the Chief among the Cleric and Assessor—Port Orum borGarbage Disposal Received—Conn- truck and engine companies. o u g h A l s o Eleots R e p u b l i c a n OJHollmon Raynor. Carhart and s t u m p f Fourth—Tbat tbe Uamewell ilre alarm oluls, B a r r i n g Overseer—One DemoWant P a y For F e b r u a r y . D e s p l t c system be adopted. crat and T w o Republican F r e e h o l d To go bad; to tbe beginning, the matter of Agreement w i t h Muyor-FInauoe the proposed new fire houses on Morris Btreet ers Elected, L e a v i n g Board a Tie a s Committee A p p r o v e s T l i e l r B i l l s , ill and Prospect street bill was referred to at P r e s e n t — ( ( C i t i z e n s ' " T i c k e t s Too-Reports, eto., e t c . tbe Fire, Lamp and Water Committee; the Bleated In Several Horuughg. The Intestinal troubles that have for Borne second recommendation, concerning the purThe result of the township and borough [me past been threatening Vigilant Engine chase of a team of horses for the truck, took Company No. 3 with disruption received an the same course; the proposed purchase of a lections held in Morris county on Tuesday ilring before the " City Council" at the reg- ozen rubber coats was referred to the same was, on the whole, favorable to the Hepubular monthly meeting of tbat body on Mon- committee with power; the matter of tbe lcan party, even Randolph township, always day nigbt, when the warring factions in tbat Gamewell fire alarm system was referred considered safely Democratic by a majority company looked horns over a recommenda- back to the Board of Engineers with instruc- t from 80 to 120, returning a Republican ion contained in the report of tbe Board of ions to report on the probable cost of install- Township Committeeman, Assessor and 3lerk, while Fort Orara borough, which Engineers of the Fire Department to the effect ing an automatic fire alarm system, orsome years has been in tbe habit of elect.bat action be deferred In the matter of the Tbe report of the Board of Engineers also wnflrmation by the City Council of the re- told of the election of John Howell as a mem- ing a quosi-populistic set of officials, like Ranlection to membership in Vittilant Engine ber of Engine Company No 1, and of tun dolph township, turned over a new leaf and Company of Daniel Dehler, who some years resignation from Vigilant Engine Company lected a straight Republican ticket, with ;be single exception of assessor, which office ago was expelled from that company. 2 of John Davis, and Council confirmed :ll to George Flartey, whole political heresies While it ma; not be flattering onctlv, r till ;he election of tbe former and accepted the 'ere offset by bis personal popularity. the fact needs be stated that the Dehler inci- -esignation of tbe latter. Only three Freeholders were elected, namedent wns provocative of more interest, as To promote the efficiency of the police de- ly, one each in Rockaway township, where to was evidenced by th& largo attendance- partment it was decided to have Chief Hagan Thomas H. Hoagland was accorded the honor standing room In the council chamber being on duty at noon and continue until mid- f a re-election without opposition; in Mootit a premium—than other matters of far ight, when he will be relieved by Officer ille township, where John H. Miiledge over;reater importance that have engaged the McElroy, who will continue on duty from came, with 22 votes to the good, the opposiattention of the "City Council" during the midnight till noon. ion, which was made up of regular Demo?aat two years. There was quite a game of The regular monthly report of Chief of crats and a Bmall coterie of disgruntled Renit, Chief James B. Mellck defending the olice Hagan told of seven arrests and tl5.60 ublicans, and fn Morris township, where -eport of tbe Board of Engineers, while In fines and costs paid out of a total of 130.90 harles R. Whitehead was re-elected by a Ubarlos Mohler, as spokesman for the Dehler Imposed. majority ot 44. contingent, urged that the "reinstatement," The report ot Recorder Gage was substanas he put it, of tbe redoubtable "Dan" be Ae a result the board remains a tie, but the ally a repetition of Chief Hagan's report. confirmed instanter. Proposals for the collection and disposal of election of additional freeholders in May will The Dehler Bide led OH with a letter, which ;arbage were received at these prices : James n all likelihood disturb the political equilib'ity Clerk Baker read, in which it was 1. Cooper, 11,4-1-1.44 ; B . C. Kewklrk, tl,500; rium of tbe board. stated, in Bubetance, that It was tbe desire of An exceptionally good run was made by . B. Palmer, f 1,090; A. E. Force, (1,905. the signers tbat Debtor's " reinstatement" be motion of Councilman Lyon the proposals Thomas O. Bassett, Republican candidate for confirmed, he being "equal to. if not the beet were referred to tbe Finance Committee. be office of assessor ia Randolph totrnship. fireman in Dover and of great help to tbe de Tbe report of City Treasurer John K. Cook His majority was 89. For a novice in politics partment." There were twenty-four names ollows : tb's Is a run to be proud of. signed to this lbtter, all in one handwriting, The result in detail follows: CITY FUND. tbe llab leading off with the same ot Mayor BEOE1FTS. BOONTON TOWNSHIP. Fiersou and ending with Harry Case's. In Balance on hand as per last report. ,f 5,841.08 In Boonton the entire Republican ticket ;he ensuing discussion Idohler had the first C. B Ouge, fines and costs t 715 'as elected with the exception of tbe justice •ord. lureka Fire Hose Co 10.50 Charles DaHart 75 >f the peace, George C. Kyte being elected " I understand," he said, "that It is asked C, H. Bennett, Receiver of ver Augustus Kopp. The tabulated result that tbe reinstatement of Dehler be not conTaxes 2,800.(10 was as follows: 06 00 'med on account of its being illegal. It is W. H. Baker, show license 15.50 TOWNSHIP OtEBK. not necenary to go into the detailB of Deh- C B. Gage, fines and costs C. H. Bennett, Receiver of Gilbert D. Crane, R 287 ler's expulsion, all we aak Is that you decide Taxes.... 807.05 William C. Balmon, D 158 the matter according to our by-laws." $3,714.45 WAS DEHLER LEGALLY REINSTATED ? With so much by way of preliminary, Total »6,055.53 Mobler proceeded t o read article 27, section DISBURSEMENTS. 2, as follows: Streets and highways 1437.03 " S m 2. Any member or members who Fire department... 40200 lave incurred fines ot* penalties under tbe Police 54.40 ing laws, or bave forfeited his or their Miscellaneous! 09 07 arsbip, and having reasonable excuse Poor 809 to offer, shall have tbe privilege to appeal to Officers and salaries....' 876.00 the clemenoy of tbe Company, when the "1,920.05 lajoricy of the member) present, entitled to vite, at a meeting, shall have power to Bal. on hand. $0,120.48 remit any fines or penalties, or pardon any FREE DELIVERIES.. SCHOOL FUND. offence he or they shall bave committed, ft being understood that no member or memRECEirm • MAIL ORDERS FILLED ON DAY OF RECEIPT. bers Interested be entitled to a vote." Balance as per last report $10,170.10 Article 30, section I,'1 Mohler continued, B. 8. Peters, EM. Clerk " provides that where there may be any irent) I 8.00 ilsagreement as to the Intent of any by- O. H. Bennett, Receiver of Taxes 1,129.73 law, a majority shall decide, if two-thirds of H. Bennett, do. 2 3.10 the members are present Now, at the meet11,405 S3 ing at which Dehler was reinstated we had Total M1.&75.93 27 members in good standing present, and at the final vote 15 voted for reinstatement and DI8BUBSEUSNTB. voted not to reinstate," Teachers'salaries 11,41000 1062S "Mr. Mohler, why do you object to de- Rent 2380 ferring action until the legality of Dehler'B Waterrent Incidentals 86.05 reinstatement be ascertained 1" asked Chair- Bonds and interest 1,24000 Repairs 12888 iill MARCH 1, when I will move into my NEW AND COMMODIOUS man Raynor. Furniture 15006 3TOREon the corner of Blackwell and Warren streets, I will hare each day a "Our objection is this," rejoined Moiler; Books and stationery 159.15 SPECIAL SALE AT BARGAIN PRICES. 84575 as our noble chief 1B with the minority, Coal In my new store I will carry the biggest line in ladies and children's cloaks and Janitors'salaries 128.00 0 113,777.54 apes. The goods, being an entirely new stock, will be of the latest designs re feel that he may not treat us justly in this matter." "broughnut and I will sell them at prices closely approach first cost. «7,7983I) Chief Mellck neit had his innings. He Bal. on hand. The OPENING of my new store will take place on Saturday, March 4, and on nd from that day till Saturday, March 11, I will have special sales at prices took the ground that inasmuch as Dehler had The monthly report ot Charles H. Bennett, vhich should induce all my old patrons and the people of Dover generally to been expelled he was out of tbe company Receiver of Taxes, follows: altogether and could only get back in tbe CITS' FUND. 'isit my new store. . „ . . , . , , , - , , , j manner prescribed for the admission of new BECKIPIS. My goods will be entirely new, especially in the line ol ladies cloaks and capes. members. And even it it were merely a Polltaxes f 41.00 matter of restoring to membership one who County taxes 7IU.25 had been disciplined by the company for an Cltytoxes 1,213.84 273.98 offense the by-laws required such offending Water tax light tax 823.08 member to ask for clemency, "and he never Electric Total — $3,014.55 iked for • anything." Continuing, Chief SCHOOL FUND. MellckssJd: » ; »JS.oo Korker, n a n o n n r finish, saddle. Mat, Band-rubbed pollih. Modes of the Season—An elegant assortment of the most desirable styles and Fabrics, Suits, Gowns, CosIftti tumes, 25.00 to *• * O . In over 10,000 homes—ua. P o r t l a n d K a n g e s 5 . t c h e a (Or perfect bakin« o.n«uutB-.turdy i,una- not an Improvement lacking. A i t u y judge of range, and •ee. We've other raogef, too—all warranted. "tit Domestic" fcwHlB Machine—light running, neveJ dlsappolnts-sold hert, cash or on credit. No Agents or Branch Stores Anywhere. Amos H. Van Horn, Ltd. 7 2 Market St., N l LOW PRICES-EASx" TERMS. J fj " P l m l e St-> Note fir»t name "Amos." • Newark, M.J. Telephone 680. Ooods delivered Free t o any part ol S U t e . CAHFARB PAID TO OUT-OF-TOWN BDYEK8. 707 to 721 Broad Street and 8 Cedar Street, NEWARK, N. J. A. Frivate Delivery Wagon Sent on Btqotrt. REMOVAL SALE E. COHEN. EECEIFTB. N. B.—Until March 1 at my old stand on Sussex street, near the canal bridge, "Two months ago an amendment was proDogtax ; f 8.00 After that date, corner Blackwell and Warren streets. posed to our by law>, which amendment, State school tax 29353 under our rules, had to He over for one month. That amendment, when i t was put to a vote, was defeated. I t wa3 intended to meet this case and when it was voted down we supposed the matter was settled. At the next meeting they came forward with this resolu tion to reinstate Dehler and as no one. was notified except those favorable to such action It was adopted. Kovr I take the ground tbat an expelled member can't be reinstated by a resolution of the kind passed at tbat meeting.' •I have just received a nice line of Ladies' Button and Lace Chairman Raynor—" Why can't this matter be referred to the City Attorney 1 I don't Dongola Shoes, latest style, prices $1.00, $1.30, $u6o per pair. see how the man can be confirmed unless bis confirmation is recommended by the Board No better can be found for the money. of Engineers." Our Children's and Misses' Fine Shoes 45c, 65c, 85c, 95c Mr. Mohler—** I don't see myself how that SIES OT fifffll LUPUS! KILLGORE'S XX Cough Syrup Will cure all kinds of COUGHS and COLDS. The best thing made. TRY IT.. Killgore'sCorner Drugstore —^^ — Morris County Mortgage and Realty Company <IN0ORPOIlA,TED UHDEB THK LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW JBBflED CAPITAL Offloee^Kooma 1 and2MorrisOOUDTT Savings Bank Building ' ' * ' 436.0O0 MftRRISTOWNi mviv«v»** • NEW _ v $1,00, are surpassed by none. Youths' and Boys' Fine Shoes $1,00, $1.10, $1.15, $1.50 ;xtra for the money. Our Men's Fine Shoes $1.30, $i.6o, $2.00, $2.50 speak for themselves. We will save money for any who wish to buy shoes. Come and see our stock before you purchase and we will satisfy you ith price, quality and style. Ladies' and Men's Winter Slippers will be closed out at cost. Great bargains can be found every day at our BARGAIN COUNTER. _ AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS can be done, but " Councilman Carbart—" I would ask that ;he section relating to the admission of new members be read." The section in question was accordingly read. Among other things, it provides tbat candidates for membership shall bo passed upon by aa investigating committee and when thiB olauBe was read Chief Mellck said And this wasn't done," an observation which brought Mohler to the fore again with the remark: I don't dispute that at all. But that section relates to new members; wo claim that it has nothing to do with the reinstatement of Mr. Dehler." The discussion, of which only the salient parts are here given, was at this juncture cut rhort b y a motion by Councilman Carbar tbat the recommendation of tbe committee be concurred In, which motion passed without dissent, whereupon the Dehler contingent sallied fortU41ookIng glum, while the anttDehler crowd sallied forth In a state of great elation. To promote the efficiency ot the Fire Department the Board of Engineers recommended tbat the firo engines be placed in suitabl quarters on Horris street hill and on Prospect street hill, and tbat a jumper be house with each engine, the locating of the respective lire englno stations to be loft to the discretion of tbo Fire, Lamp and Water committee. [Second—That a good team of horses be SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS purchased to be used for hauling tbe truck JOHN A. LYON OPPOSITE BANK, DOVER, NEW JERSEY JERSEY Titles Examined. Loans negotiated on Mortgages on Real Estate. Acts as agent in the purchase and sale o( Reai *»»»•• . D i r , c t 0 Valuations appraised by Committees ol the Board o, Direcio Restaurant. Mrs, Thomas Hicks ba§ now opened 0 restaurant at the store forrnoriy occupied by Mrs. Ctambro, at No. 9 Dlckeraon street, opposite Wrouu, B. IXIDHOM, President' Wnuuu." W. durum, Vic. PreaWent and Oouns«l Dolanare, Lackawannn and Western depot. Amcsnm L. nrraw, Becretorr and Treasurer mu>l MEALS ot all hours ; also board by day or WlUard W. OuBor John H. Capauck v | bB gudmon Augustus L. Hereto p»i,l rtovoro wuuawu. mdk. "* Owlet E.Hob|e ESTABLISHED 1880 GEORGE E. VOORHEES, MORRISTOWN, N. J. Hardware and Iron Merchant NO. 17 Crane's majority 129 TOWNSHIP COHUOTEE. Jam's H. Hopler. R William Goldsworthy, D Hopler's majority 293 158 131 CONSTABLE. Ellsworth E. Eanouse, R William GoldBWOrtby, D . Kanouse's majority 290 160 140 JUSTICE OF THK FXACX. George C. Kyte, D AugustusKopp, R . . . Kjte's majority 211 183 79 stmvuYons OF HIGHWAYS. Richard H. Richards, R Nathan L. Brigg, R ohn Husk, D Daniel C. Burdge, D 298 294 148 153 Richards majority Brigg's majority 145 141 00UHIS8I0NEB8 OF APPEALS. heodore Hlnglelb, R Daniel PheJan, D . . Ringlelb's majority 290 161 .145 CHESTER TOWNSHIP. In Chester township the total vote was 264. The Democrats, as usual, carried the whole ticket. The vote follows: TOWNSHIP OLKBK. George E. Conover, D Alvin C. Martinis, R 1B3 80 Conover's majority. 102 TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE. ElthelbertC. Blaiure, D Harry W. Cyphers, K Blazure's majority COMMISSIONER OF APPEALS. John A. Fritte, D Charles E, Tippett, R Fritts's majority City school tax 073 50 JUSTICE OF TBE PEACE. Tuition fees, Rockaway tw'p 100 40 Philip C. Tawger, D " Randolph " 23.40 $1,402.88 George H. Howell, R 183 78 104 177 m 91 ...188 VX CONSTABLES. Paid City Treasurer Cook.. $4,017.88 John Cbeepman, D The followiog bills were ordered paid : Robert Van Over, R COHPOBATIOK FAT BOLL. W. J . Jennings Peter Freyberger Edward Braxton William Birmingham William Gustin Richard Cleave Fred. Oliver Eugene Force...... H. C. Newkirk D i d S $48 00 8000 2700 17 00' 168S 14 88 074 .4120 SO 00 ^ J ^ Cbeepman's majority 177 85 93 OVERSEER OF TUB POOH, AmosC. Woolverton, D. Charles B. Case, R 160 95 Woolverton's majority 65 HANOVER TOWNSHIP. The total vote was 431. TOWNSHIP OLEBE. W . W . Hill 1819 New YorkNoizleCompany. 6000 David A. Hooping, R 238 M. J'.Helni 3500 WillardL. Mills,T> lofl O. W. Bowlby 0000 James Hagan 0190 Hopping's majority 42 George McElroy 50 00 TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE. W. H. Byram 81534 Livingston Petty, R 344 H. 8. Peters BOO 249 J.H.Grimm 8 00 Thomas J Davis, R 171 C. F. Hollander 800 John Brnderick, D 172 Eugene Buchanan 800 Francis Bloodgood, D C. W. Blako 1000 Petry's majority ^3 O.B.Gage 6800 Davls's " 77 O T. ("lark S250 P. 8 . Hann 55 00 COMMISSIONER OF APPKAL8. John Donohue .6 00 Joseph Bastedo, R 248 Jos. V. Baker 4542 109 Thomas Treganown 300 Stephen H. Card, D N. R.W11C0X 520 Bostedo's majority 79 J. E . Cook 7500 SURVEYORS OF HIGHWAYS. James Boll 1007 George A. Romaine, R 249 Andrew Roderer, jr 80 80 24!) James H. Neighbour 05 10 George M. Tuttlo, R 170 Glllen &8on 2000 William H. Ellis, D 170 C.H.Bennett 70 10 John E. Baird, D F . F . Birch 2550 Romanic's majority..'. 79 Dover Water Company. 753 75 Tuttle's " 71) A bill of $40.10, being tbe amount of tb Samuel J. Benjamin, William T, Webb and costs in the Bowlby appeal cases, was on moDaniel L. Osbora were elected justices of the tion referred to the city attorney. Three bills of 137.50 each, for salaries foi peace. the month of February, alleged to be du JEFFEK8ON TOWNSHIP. Councilmen Raynor, Carbart and Stumpf, The total vote was 230. respectively, wero approved by tbo Finance TOWNBDIP OUEItK. Committee, but were not orderod paid, befn withheld in accordance with the agreement, A. J. Frets, R Charles McCormick, D as interpreted by the Councilman named, between the City Council and the Mayor, i Freti's majority consequence of which tbe mandamus suil TOWNBHIP COMMITTEE, was discontinued. Moses H. Spencer, R Charles Monks, R John Tro-lney, V ISilacato Yoar n o w e u w i t h C'usoarots. Moses B. Flcbter, D Gandy Cathartic, onre consLipatlon fororor. Mo.t&j. If a 0.0. fell, druggists rotund, money, Continued on fifth page. 185 100 55 152 120 137 98 THE FIELD OF SCIENCE EXPLOITED. LEGISLATURE ABOUT TO [ADJOURM. Two Brooklyn Bridges i-:. w. \ A MKLAXtiE Ol' &V1EXT1FIV FACTS stnl Million ;il N XE.XT WEEK MAY UK THE J..I-W. II THU Jti:SUl.T. k. il ih at a cost ol over fifteen million dollars eacli might have been built with ^ IS SAH>. tit' Hi-the sum that has been paid by T H E PRUDENTIAL in claims since its ^ •XUv Tropical Y n i i k o e - l u t u r e K lonpsiy l"i ill*- issuing lit hullf ns. u-lnrli h.i'J j-wwilJy imn-ased tla <Hb«a-TlioAluiMluuiii-Biiruliiir Fur- £ = organization. Claims paid, over $34,000,000. •Npt IIH.-r- <>f ihf Million. The commute, uiuie-Fulllutf Barometer m* a CUUHO by hearing arguof Death-Klectrlelty tut u ity-IVoduct formatory, fur in |.M inn <*f which Institution -Hull llfiiirluud on Street Cara-1'olMakes the food more delicious and wholesome $:i2;..(tt'O if afk*'<). Senator Johnson (noli Motied Sptftffli-.Jfli>«ne»e r i a n t Marasion to crllicifco the -work of the vel H. ntuis'ttlon whit li hits had charge of [Special CorreBPonfltnce.] work, llf snid tlitit the great trouTuat true acclimatisation of the wbite uiuu Trenton, March 15.—Unless there are ble had been that il was next to lmMl urn m r;!y inquire into the "IIIGHEit VltlTIClSM." u the tropics Is impossible, with rare excepBDine unexpected developments' In mat- lOMlMe to ascertain anything very deflmlitimi i>! p r i s o n s of weak —ltnl ters legislative within the ni-xt few days ilte conaerninn the reformatory or the Dr. Wuodrnfr IMht-uhisufc Ur, Vmltnoa, tions, ia stated b j It JfcC. Ward, of Harvard to upset the programme now outlined progress of the commission. The people University, to be a mutter on which 1 si KMcniiK t h e time for W h o , Jle Says, Is Ail ltlfcht. the one hundred and twenty-third ces- of the state, he paid, were appalled at i iifln-t'H tti I'M-Mine m cm tiers of t h e ities «re agreed. The chief factors of danger The Rev. Or. Charles B. Woodruff spoke a sion of the legislature will bring itf af- .he amount nore^pary to finish this in•;H tiers' ruth i im-nt fund. are tbe combination of heat with humidity fair* to a clo^e about the end of next stitution, which will be fully $1,000,000. Ht-nntc Mi— I'i r m i t s circuit courts In few words ou Sunday evrniiig concerning aud the prevalent diftcasea. Much may be week. Thursday is talked of as the (lay John R. Thomas. lh*? architect who pre- •ascs "f nppt-M ti> iipjiolnt n commis- the interest taken in a speech made by I>rmost desired for the final round up of pared the originnl plim for the Institu- sion t o review jiMstrd of damages for Uailnion at the New York MethodlHt Preach- done to mitigate tbe«« evils by hygienic measthe la\vin_king machine, but it te mure tion, stated that at no time had the un- •at improvements. ers' meeting on the previous Monday, about ures, care in drink, the use of cereals instead than likely that the leRiPluf >rs will not derstanding been that the cost or com- -M-iiiiii' JiT— Makes; t h e fee for sheriffs which so many things were written in the of meats, ami well regulated exercise. Tbe get the work ahead of them out of the pleting: the reformatory would be less !• transferring prisoners to s t a t e pris- papers of New York. Hespoke, iiuulistance, liealthy districts are high and dry. The three way before PrJdny. the 24th, which is .nan $800,000. Senator Johnson andiseases especially prevalent are Htimtroke, per mile, t h e minimum fee t? follows: at present generally accepted as the nounced taat the committee would on 23 cents o be :;:t for each prisoner. date of Bine die adjournment. All this, probably decide nn nn appropriation to "Tbe Methodist Preachers' meeting is malaria and yellow fever—the first chiefly Semite 40-i—IVnnits townships a n d or course, 1B Bpeculative, nothing ofllclal complete one wine, but that the work limilar to that held by tbe ministers of the uflueuced by tbe raius, the eecond related having1 been done in the matter. Tlie would have to be approved by the ffov. cities to improve roads under t h e state other denominations. It is held not in a ilso to soil (wmlitionH, aud the last Hading its road improvement a c t . resolution passed by the house sev- irnor. The committee then adjourned check in elevation. The upper limit of yelSenate 49—Makes it unlawful to newer church or public hall, but in what is called eral days ago fixing March 10 tor final to meet later in the week. iw fever is abiut H00 feet iu the United £= WRITE nto a n y stream nbove the point where the Board room of tho Missionary Society of adjournment was pigeonholed when It States, 2,;!00 feet iu Mexico, and 4,0U0 feet iu the Book Concern Building nt No. 150 Fifth reached the senate. It will remain ui Yesterday afternoon the senate com- any municipality obtains Its w a t e r supavenue It is composed of ministers of good Jamaica. ly. Its present resting place until all ar- mittee on judiciary gave a hearing on House 165—Makes it unlawful t o take itandiufiin tbe Methodst Episcopal Church, rangements are made, and a few daya the river pollution Mil in the senate Modern methods of obtaining gold trom before the lawmakers are ready to de- chamber. Vigorous arguments were fish by seine or fyke n e t in a n y w a t e r s who voluntarily attend. It is u meeting sulety JOHN F. UKYDEN, President. LESLIE D. WARD. Vice President. part U will likely be unearthed and urged in favor of the bill, while equally of the state buhvL-i'ii Juix- 10 a n d Nov. :1O, for ilii-cu&sioii and the corn|)aring of views. Low grade ores inakeavuIlablgaBupplyof the EDOAR B. WARD, ail V. Pres't and Counsel. P0RRE5T P. DRYDEN. Sec'y. amended, the date selected by the lead- itrong objections were presented to il. ppnftte 121—Chut pen tliu name of t h e It has no law making power, a o i uovcr :uetul almost beyond conception. Aa old ers being substituted for tbe one decid- Among those who favored It were forC. E. BALL, Esq., Superintendent, 7 Bank Building. Dover, N. J . .onR B r a n c h polite, K.inltnry und i m -passes any resolutions or does anything lake bed of Utah is a roara of limentoiie eight ed upon by the house. mer Governor Gonrgi1 T. Werts, who provement ('oniniiBslnn, the official tills toward fixing or unfixing tho Doctrine or rniiesby ten, and twenty to forty feet thick, drafted trie bill; Dr. William T. Hunt, if that resort, t o the Long Branch com- Discipline of thiB great denomination. Kioh and this, according to A. E. Outerbridge, jr., This week's session was to a certain Treasurer Swnln, Postmaster U. mission, member may express h's own opinion, hut he bas been estimated to contain $50,000,000,000 extent broken yesterday when the two W. Mahoney or Passmic, Percy Jackson WBB aloue is responsible for that opinion aud it in of gold. Tbe clay under Philadelphiahouses adjourned at noon so as to per- of Belleville and Colonel Charles W. OBITUARY. no way binds the cliureli or is thereby to be forty years ago calculated to hold mor» gold mit a majority of the members to at- Fuller of Bayonne. Their grounds were than had been obtained from California and tend the township elections held in their principally that legislative action on considered as the sentiment of the moat ing. JIII1DLKTON. respective counties. An effort was this very Important question was ImAny sp'uker who may have made a good Australia, clay hardly richer being now The remains of William B. Middleton, madfc to make up for lost time, how- mediately necessary and that delays effort may lie applauded, but applause 1B not profitably worked in California. ever, at the single session and also at were dangerous. Mayor Hinchcllffe, general manager of tbo Taylor Iron and always considered us approbnttou of the today's meeting. Monday night, too, Engineer Franklin Van Winkle, Assem- Steel Company, who died ou Wednesday of sentiment offered. So tkut anything that In tbe little taroace by which Goldsebmldt WOJ one of the busiest opening seBuions blyman "Wood McKee and George B. laat week after a n operation in Dr. Weir's of the year. A large number of billa Stinson of Paterson opposed the bill on Private Hospitul in New York, were brought; eruaniteB from this meeting has no effect obtainB a temperature of over 2000Q C the have been paused this week BO far, and the ground that there was no necessity to High Brldg*) last Friday. The funeral on the cburch, except aa tbe utterance fuel Is aluminum mixed with Iron rust, and many have been advanced along the for heedless legislation and contended took place on Saturday morning, services of individual opinion. Moreover, this is a this is ignited by a Bhellacked bead or the calendars aa far as possible. The leg- hat it would lie well for the legislature private meeting. It ts hold In a private room, aluminum (which is pulverized, of couree) iicK held at his late home and at tbe Heislature will not wind up Its business to go slow in the matter. The bill esowned t>y a business concern; its rules exfor the week until tomorrow afternoon abllshea u state sewerage commission formed Church. Iutei'" ent was nt Clinton, prossly forbid tbe entrance of any persons and perorile of barium, Into which a piece at the earliest, and there la a strong to prevent the pollution of the wattrs of N. J. Mr. Middleton left Hl«h Bridge on not properly members, and reporters are of magnesium wire is inserted. There is scarcely a metal known that ca-uot be reprospect that a night session may be the state and to create sewerage dis- Saturday, March i, for treatment in Dr. i'eiaUy barred. Hence it will be readily held tomorrow evening or the finishing tricts and district sewerage boards, duced in thin furnace. The containing vessel Weir's hosjjfal, and on Monday an operation fie n that ony report of such a meeting must touches to the week's work put on Friwaa performed. The operation over, thr may be of wood lined with sand, and the heat day morning. There was an interesting hearing on patient rallied und bis condition wan regarded be garbled and distorted. Indeed it is not can be regulated by varying the quintltj of the two building and loan association for a time an favorable, but .complication Bet saying too much to suggest that any person the mixture. The present might truly he called the bills before the senate committee on who thus would eater a private meeting, week ot hearings. The most important banks and Insurunce Monday. One of in aud he began t o sink rapidly till the end wbea bn ~BH excluded by its rules, would BO far thiB session was held on Monday these bills was introduced by Mr. Bell came on Thursday morning. His wife, who hardly bo the man to bo trusted to give a A German method of restoring the lumiuos ity of WelBbach goa mantles, which becomes afternoon In the comptroller's office, and the other by Senator Ketcham. The accompanied him to the liosptal, remained A superb gathering of clever fashionings from famous when the Joint committee on appropria- former gives the department of banking at Lin side till his death. Besides his wife, correct aud truthful version of the meeting. reduced after a time, consists in blowing a Tbe reports of Dr. Cadmoa's address ap- current of air through the mantle from the tions aat to hear the vlewB of thOBe in and Insurance control of these assocla-. three children survive him, Mr. MiddleUm foreign masters, the best known artists of t h e country's style quest of new or additional appropria- tfons, while the other allows them to was bom in Philadelphia September 17, lWtt. peared first in a New York tlnlly that belongs Inside while tbe lamp is burning. to n class commonly spoken of as " yellow tions. Representatives of several of the remain under the supervision of the decentres, together with scores of magnificent creations fresh various state departments and institu- partment of labor and statistics. J. W. He begun his carter with the Pbivnix Irou journalism,'* and for wbicb at least a great Instances ot sudden and fatal changes in tions were on hand to urge their claims. Hall of Elizabeth and Assemblyman Company, of Fhuenlxvllle, Pa., anil was after- allowance needs to be made. If any reader from our own great workrooms. E v e r y h o u r s o m e new The first speakers were Mrs. Horton Bell spoke in favor of the latter'a bill, wards connected with tbe Edge Moor Iron of that paper was careful to note, he would the condition of sick persons during a btoriii and Mrs. Yardley of the Oranges, repre- while C. A. Swift of Elizabeth opposed Works, of Edge Moor, uear Wilmington, see that the head liut-&,<wb!cu wore purely the must have been noticed by many. The Big and matchless gem is added to a magnificent cluster dissenting the State Federation of Wom- it. Del. Later he watt interested in the Peun invention of the editor, bore nn connection nificanceof this is pointed out by Dr. T. \V. played in a department radiant with prysmatic beauty, en's Clubs. They urged that an approIron Company, of Lancaster, Pa., aud was Burwood, who, on the un°xpected death of priation of $2,500 be made for traveling in the house Monday night the bill subsequently superintendent ot tbo Pennsyl- with the things which were said in the ad- au aged pntiftit after only a few hours of unflowers, foliage and exquisite artificial effects. libraries. This project was along the repealing the Dunn act relative to the vania Bolt and Nut Compauy, of Lebanon, dress. Tlie leaded head Hoes were enough to damage the reputation of any orthodox min- favorable symptom*), had bis attention called line of education, the traveling libraries admission uf atudentB to the examinabeing designed to provide reading mat- tion for attorney's license, also known Pa., and of the Allison Manufacturing Com- ister, while the sentiments of Dr. Cadmon to the fact that a btronggale had been raging ter to the residents of the smaller and as the five counselora1 act, was defeated pany, of Philadelphia. Ho became general were very simple indeed. Besides, the or- during the night, with a fait of barometric MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY AMD PROMPTLY FILLED. more out of the way places, where pub- by a vote of 29 to 25. Mr. Marks of manager of the Taylor Iron and Steel Com- dinary reporters of this kind do not under- pressure of nearly two iuchea. Dr. Burwood GOODS DELIVERED FREE. lic libraries were not available. Hudson made an earnest plea for the pany June 15, 18U0. stand religious or theological terms. For reflects that the baromet r'u extr^mo range poor young men who were obliged to iusUvnce, the papor accuses Dr. Cadmon of of fully two inches must mark a change of Dr. J. II. Buckley, president of the study nights (n order to prepare themattacking the ' inherency' of tho bible. Tbis about HO pounds per square foot in tbe MARKET AND HALSEY STS., managers of the State Village For Epi- selves for examination. He cited the STANHOPE. leptics, spoke in behalf or that recently case of Abraham Lincoln, who was la simple nonsense. The reporters had evi-weight of air reBting on. the earth's surface, NEWARK, N. j . . This is truly March weather, changing a l - dently heard tbe word ' inerraucy,' and hav- la the case of bis patient, the beart hid beaten established Institution. He asked for obliged to struggle to perfect himself $45,000 for the village, $25,000 of which to become a lawyer. Mr. Jones of E B - most every day. ing no idea of its meaning, thought it sounded strenuously for some weeks against tbe high Bum is to be used for the erection of Bex denounced the bill as being too flexThe light of the Are of the burning liuflil- like 'inherency'and BO tbe readers thought pressure, and the sudden removal of presauri two cottnges, $8,000 for the purchase of ble, making It possible for incompetent Ings a t Mt. Arlington recently was visible Dr. Cadmon must be a bad man to attack tbe had caused tbe action of tbe heart to be an adjoining farm, (12,000 for salaries men to become lawyers. greatly increased, with the result that a clol here. and running: expenses and (2,000 for wala ita cavities was gradually formed. He has A number of deaths have happened among ter and sewerage. Senator "W. M. Senator Braun of Poesalc wanted to known many similar cases, Be therefore a8' Johnson, chairman of the committee, amend the bill merging the Erie and us of late. There are generally three funerals, inherency' of the bible, whatever that serte that a large part of the sudden deaths then a cessation for a while. should mean. Besides, the reporter /ailed to expressed his doubt aa to whether the Northern railroads on Monday night by legislature had the powtr under the Inserting a clause providing that the John Grogan, a very peaceful and quiet distinguish between the statement of opinions recorded in tbe morning papers will be found NEWARK, X. J . to have followed a rapid fall of barometric preient law to grant the appropriation Erie company shall not Increase either trainsman on tbe Delaware, LacUawauna and held by others whom the speaker quoted and preisure, and tha*: this will explain many un d«ilr«<3. freight or passenger rates after the Western Railroad, was killed at Morris Plains those which were his own, of the Northern and Erie rall- on Tuesday night of this week. Hs waB pretty looked for fatalities that have puzzled even In behalf of the board of education merging " Dr. Cadmon is a young man only a few oads under the penalty of the forfeitmedical men. Otto Crouse presented the following ure of their charter, Mr. McDermott of well cut up, but the particulars we could not years past thirty. That is not a fault. For Large Auction Sales of ISO t o 250 head ot schedule of appropriations asked for: Hudson ascertain. one so young he is well read, and bos made a strongly opposed the amendManual training school at Bordentown ment on the ground that It was unfair It is currently reported that the newhigh place for himself. He ia doing a work Horses every Tuesday and Friday, Electro-chemistry, now iu its infancy (colored), $5,000, over last and that if such an amendment waa to rear's appropriation of $2,000; state be adopted it should he made general mangemeut of the Delaware, Lackawanna of a missionary character in the down town offers possibilities for the future that an and Western Railroad by Mr, Truesdale will portion of the city, unsurpassed by any other COMMENCING'EACH DAY AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. deaf mute school, $43,000, increase of apply to all roads. The amendment bounce all the Italian employees i n the em- minister. He is warm-hearted, generous, quite bewilderfnz. A late suggestion by Mr 51,000; state normal school, $45,000. In- and •hem Bales include Trotters, L'uwrs, Cods, Family, Saddle, Matched Pairs, Business, Farm, ExThomas Ewan 1B that by compressingBulphui ploy of that road * crease ot $3,000; for school libraries, $5,- was lost by a vote ot 5 to 13. true, religious in his experience and 1B doing dioxide and air into separate carbon tubei* press. Jerg»y Ctiunkn and Heavy Draught Horses, weiKuinft from 1,400 to 1,800 pounds. We will hold our large Rpriu^ &ale ot m>r 600 head of horsea on March S8. 99. 80 and 81. This will 600, same aa last year; for the Farnum The Washington park license bill ha The towu election passed oil very quietly. much good and needs no defense at my hands, dipping in sulphuric acid the two gases—the be a great opportunity for fanners mid city pu> >ple to get a horse or any description. mehool, $22,000, Increase of $1,000 for rebeen recommitted so thnt the amend- No officer- of Importance were elected except His udilress, as I learn from those who heard We alwa> ft Imvu for each Tuusday^ aud Friday's sale, from 40 to 51 head of second-hand city pairs; for industrial schools, $12,000,, the ment providing that applications tor II Towu Clerk and Town Committeeman P . it, bad uoue of tbe unorthodox sentiments former tbe familiar gas of burning sulphur horses tlmt are a little pavement Bore, suitable for f»rm use, wJifcli are sold very cheap. may be made to unite, forming sulphuric This Is thu ulieuprat place in the east to buy bnrses oL any description, and we Invite all Intending usual amount: for manual training cense might be made at any time during that have been attributed to it. Tho subject purchoners to call and look our mock over und we will convince them that wo can sell them £0 per IS. Ounderman got a largo majority over acid and at tbe same time yielding an electric •ohools, $33,000, no Increase; clerical the session of the court may be wiped cheaper than any other place In tbe east. We are not like a retail stable. We bare to close of discussion for some weeks a t tbe meeting current. Be believes tbe alluring prospect c cent Jeremiah Thomas for tbo latter olQce. ••rvlcea In state superintendent's office, out. these hon*-a out eacli week to muka room for fresh consignments, which are constantly arriving from western shippers. We K'VB all purchasers two days' trial on alt horsea, and If not as reprel«,600, Increase of f 1,500, this claim beHetnan A. Timbrell is having a covering has bean the various forms of the so-called obtaining electric energy as a by-product i u tbe large Senator McDermott has offered an purchase money cheerfully refunded. Parties living at a distance and cannot get hones baclc ing made because of the abolition of the amendment to Senator Pitney's juvenile built over the upper piazza of his store build * Higher Criticism.' It has been discussed a chemical factory will stimulate efforts to sented before tbe warrantee expires we vitil accept telegram or telephone message Tor same. office of superintendent of census, the actor bill, which gives the mayor or ing. I t will make a comfortable place to get by some of the ablest and most loyal men in overcome tbe difficulties in the way of mak HOY & FOX, Proprietors. work taelne done in the school super- other municipal officer the privilege of the eool breeze of the evening. the church, and while they muBt diBcuBS tbe ing Buch a process a success. intendent's ofllce; expenses of state granting a license or permit, but the JOS. S. HOV and JACOB SHULTS, Auctioneers. J . B. MOREHOUS, Salesman. Daniel L. Eest has purchased a fast pacer. ideas and make quotations from the works of board, I3.0W, increase from 12,000; whole matter was laid over so that the Daniel Less has also a gray flyer. all these critics, there has b&ea no sentiment teachers' institutes, $4,000. bill could be amended In order that It A water-pipe tliat will not burst at any Annie Comley, daughter of Henry J . uttered by any Methodist preacher that, put General Edward A. Campbell of New- will not Interfere with church festivals Cornier, of Amity, died last week. Her age in Its proper relations as spoken, would under- degree of cold Is made by enclosing within the usual iron pipe A much smaller pipe of ark asked for an appropriation of $30,000 or entertainments. The bill makes it a for the completion and equipment of the misdemeanor for any person having the was about 25 years. She bad been a sales- mine the dear old book or causB anyone to thin tin or letd. filled with au elastic material f i r s t regiment armory. Colonel E. c . care of a child under IB years to permit lady for Lord & Taylor, in New York, for a love It less. The foundation standeth sure. like rubber. If the water freezes its expanfitahl of Trenton, representing the re- the child to sing, dance or act in public number of years, but of late bad been em- * Heaven and earth may pass away but my sion compresses tho elas'ic inner pipe without ployed in 0'Noil's department store in that word shall not pass away.'" ctntly purchased home for disabled for gain. ,„, Invenfcbursting the outer one. a oraHoip" and yo •oldlers and sailors and their wives, The senate has passed the following city. She was a bright, blvacioua young UIDUUIU tuiu "How now you are swindled." Sonduu a rough •ketch or model of your asked tor $25,000, which, he ttatad, was bills: lady and had many friends and acquaint< invention or improvement and we will toll T h e Muirazmes. nec«asary for the completion of the The new chemical elements announced in Senate 143—Provides tor punishment ances. _--_____ Asticcs. yon free our opinion as to whether it £0 building. For the running expenses of persons who unlawfully obtain elecprobably patentable. Wo make a specialty t is a long time since The Forum has ««« 18flS were krypton, neon, metargon, polonium, of applications rejected ID other hands; •7,500 would answer, and after that $10,- tric power, heat or light. such an interesting list of Bubjecta as that ethBriou and nonlum—a remarkable list for Highest references furnished* HOW'B This i O00 a year would be necessary. RepreSenate 164—Amends act regulating ruoffered in tho March number, Hero arc some a Bingla year. senting the managers of the MorriB ral cemetery associations. MABION & BKABION We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for of them: " Diplomatic Pay and Clothes," by case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by PATENT SOLICITORS ft " Plains Hospital For the Insane, Senator Senate 114—For the government ot any Mark Twain; " I s Our Army Degenerate 1 ; Ball bearings have been little used on vjTjm aiechanfc&l Engineer*, Graduate! of tBB Hall's Catarrh Cure. Pitney said that $160,000 would be nee. cities of less than 12,000 Inhabitants. P. J . CHENEY & CO., Props , Toledo, O. by Col. Alexander S. Bacon; "The Futur heavy vehicles because it Is difficult to make I'olytechnlo School of Engineering. Bachelors In •BBary for the completion of the elabApplied Sciences. Laval University, Memben House 134—Amends the general borWe the undersigned, have known F. J . of Our Navy," by Capt. H. C. Taylor, of th« them endure the great pressure. A form of , m t c n t Law orate addition in course Qf construction. ough act of 1897. Association, American Water Worfct for tho last 15 years, and believn him . AsBOclution, Now England Water Works AIBDCT. The original bulldln_, he said, was in- House 135—Appropriates $500 for a Cheney F. Q. Surveyor! ABioclaUon, AMOO. Member c u t . perfectly honorable in all business transac- United States Battleship Indiana; "Life on ball bearing devised by Schuppiser has been feuded to accommodate 800 people, and monument to be erected to the memory tions and financially able to carry out any Other Worlds," by Prof. D, T. McDougal; tried on street cars in Zurich, at first unsuc- Bonlety of Civil Engineers. 11 What Shall We Do With the Philippines 1" cessfully, as in other experiroen s, but more ,_, ( WASHINGTON, D. O. of the New Jersey sailors who were obligations made by their firm. W K S T & TKUAX, Wholesale Druggists, by ex-Minister Charles Denby, and " A Los satisfactorily since balls to take up slda pres• • J MONTREAL, CAN. killed by the destruction of the Maine. 44 Toledo, O. Eden—Cuba," by Dr. Felix L. Oswald. Senate 40—Bequlres ten days' notice sure have been employed in addition to those .WALDINO, KlNNAN & MARVIN. to mortgageor by the mortgagee before Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O, Admiral Sampaon has written for the April carrying the weight. Iu their present form proceedings shall begin In chattel mortHall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, W. H. CAWLEY, 8n. W. II. CAWLEY Jn., acting directly upon the blood and mucous Century an illustrated article fully describ- tbe bearings have two rows ot sixteen #-inca gage foreclosures. GKO. V. VAN DERVEER. of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle, ing tho work of " The Atlantic Fleet in the balls each, and two rows of twenty-six Senate 189—Granting the state's con- surfaces Spanish War," and drawing its lessons. The ^-inch balls each. To distribute wear, the sent to the acquisition by the general Sold by all druggists Testimonials free, more important features nf this paper are bearings are arranged so that they can bo government of a tract ot land at New UOONTON. a plan sotting forth tbe character of tbe moved into four different positions. Some of Brunswick for a postofllce or governThe marriage of William MnNaily and blockade of Santiago Harbor; maps Bhowing the bearings have now beeu under test more ment building. Miss Kate Madden, both of Boon toil, wai perthe relative positions from day to day of than two years, Podoski reports, but much Senate 55—Increases from $300 to $700 . Successors to W. H . Cawley & Co, the annual appropriation to the State formed oa Thursday of lost week by tbe Rev. Corvera, Scbley aud Sampson*, and a series trouble was at first experienced with tbe Horticultural society. Conrad Scottuoefer. of bird's-eye plum nf the engagement of July bearings for the balls- For a few months Senate 142—Imposing a fine of $50 , The Young People's Society of Christian 3, showing too positions of the vcBaela at these have been made of Krupp's crucible SOLE AGENTS where factory owners and superintend- Endeavor of the Reformed Church held a different ntages of that light. In a foot-note for and bottlers of ents fail to make returns to the bureau special service last Sunday evening in mem the Admiral tells this good story: "Aswe steel, which is thought to have quite overI t is found that an of statistics within the prescribed time. ory of the late Hav. Dr. J . Clement Preuch, passed tba Teresa and Oquendo, a Spanish come the difficulty. In the house the following bills have of Newark. sailor was Been struggling in the water on average saving of 15 per cent of the total been passed: power has resulted on the tour electric railHe ? J 7 and Light Castings in Iron, Brass A barn belonging to Jeremiah H . Van the seaward afda of tbe Neir York. In re ways experimented on and as high as Ml per House 207—Provides for the removal sponsa to his calls for help, one of the crew and Phosphor Bronze, Forging* of every of ashes, garbage, etc., In first class Zlle, on the thoroughfare between Booaton seized the chaplain's reading desk, which was cent, oa one line, with 35 per cent, under tho and Butler, near tbe Butler reservoir, was stowed on the matn deck in the passage description, BOILERS, hlrizontal, tubcities between the hours of 8 p. m. and stowedthe ontwo the main the passage cabins,deck andiu which ha d a crbe- most favorable conditions. Iu every case a destroyed by fire last Saturday morning, tween " ' ^ " d "Pright. T H E EQUIPMENT 6 a. m. each day. It. As he did so, so he h cried id Four cowa, a yoke of oxen and a number of showing on It saving has been shown, even ou steep grades. OF IRON MfNES A SPECIALTY. House 179—Provides that In building young cattle were burned to death. Consid- grimly, 'Ctfug to tbe cross and you'll Sterilized breath is shown by Hubener, a The Spaniard followed instructi loan associations the withdrawal value erable grain, b a r and all the farming' imple- saved 1 ' The Follow the principle that Nature laya of a shareholder's accumulations ahal! saved" German bacteriologist, to be necessarytothe ments were burned. The origin of the fire is and was saved. down. 8tart in a t onco and purify your not he less than the sum of his install- unknown. OFFICE AND WORKS, surgeon and nurse during operations on open blood with that great specific, Hood's ments paid In. woundB. In his experiments he arranged House 202—Authorizes the fish and four dishes containing gelatine culture plates Sarsaparilla. It never disappoints. imooKsmiE. SUSSEX STREET, . DOVER. N. J. on an operating table. Thou, at a little Crip—'* Sixteen weeks of grip made mo gnme commissioners to issue certificates George ni^keraon, of Newark, spent Bunweak, but after all else failed Hood's Sur- to persons over 18 years of nge for the day with William H. Dlckerson. distance, he spoke for ten minutes, having sftpnrllla cured me. Later I overworked, collection of hinlfl und their nests and first rinsed bis mouth with a bacillus culture, G. A. Hulbert, of Colcman's Business Coland dyspepsia and canker Jri mouth and eggs for scientific purposes. and, In Bpeaklag, ac different times ho varied House 252—Amends act relative to lege, Is spending a week at his home near stomach bothered me. I took the Sarsapa-1 IdlotR and lunatics and gives chancellor this placo. rilla again and It completely restored me. I his tone of voice. In every ease, especially MBS, ELIZABETH FOWAM, Exeter, N. II. "Stevo" Guerln and George Scheuck cap. when he had Bpokaa in a loud voice, cultures and manufacturers of the beat turedl a pair ot flue coom tbo other day. R h e u m a t i s m — " Myself and a friend Urnvo MOD. Fall Building lots sold on monthly of the bacillus were obtained from the gelaboth suffered from severe attack a of rheuMoees Uiker intends moving an the Coombs' Victims bo stomach, liver and kidney trod tine plates, being most abundant on the matism. Hood's Sarsaparilla cured both. place near the Wolfe school house. payments. Houses to let. Thirty bios, as well as women, and all feel the roOF We would not be without it." Wsr. II. neareBt plates. In other exp^rimentfl tbe E. Hnugawout will move to A. Cochran's SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. sultB In loss of appetite, poisons la the blood, houee LEBTZB, 05 Leonard St., Fall River, Mnns. ou corner of Paradise Ituw. mouth waa covered with a layer of absorbent Telephone Cull 40 A, Ordnrn r acre farm for sale, good buildings, d up to H p.m backache, norvousness, headache and tired, H e a d a n d B a c k — " For one year palna cotton, when the plates remained Btorllo. In my back and head prevented my house- listless, run-down feeling. But there's no large orchard. W o r k i n g Mlirht a n a I>ny hold datfaa. I took Hood'sttanmpnrlllnand need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. Gard. In a romarkable collection of Japanese A OTIVE SOLICITOUS WANTED EVI-:HY am a well woman. I t also cured the grip Tho busIeBtand mightiest little thing thnt 11 Office In Baker Building, dwarfed plants lately exhibited by Mrs. nor, Itiaville, Ind. He says; " Electrift Bit' **• whom far '• Tho Story ot tim I'hllhipIuuB in our family." Mns. MAI-TIE HENDERSON, Mural Hntali'nri, cnmniiHsIoned by tho Uovern Ernest Hart to the Royal Botanic Society of , by are jtiBt the thing for a man when be IB ever was made is Dr. King's Now Life Pills. Cor.FIratand Franklin Ave.,Columbua,Ind. mout on Odlciul II 1st of Ian to the Wnr Department. Warren Street, Every pill is a sugar-coated globule of health, London, each specimen w a 8 n_td to be more I The book was written In army camjmat Hun Franall run down, and don't caro whether ho liv the Pacific with General Mi>rrltt,In t h e than a century old, and the tallwt tree waa i clBco.on or dfo. It did more to give mo now Btrongth that changes weakness into strength, listlesshuttpltnlH at Honolulu. In HcingKoD^, lathoAinerDover, N. J. ness into energy, brain fng into mental power. leas than IH Inches in heliiht, although having uian trouclica a t Manila, in U>u I n m a r s a t c a m p s and good appetite thnn anything I could tako. It'lBoilmpletocelrld ot a cough or 1 with Agulnahlo. on thodfek of the oiympln with I can now eat anjthlug and bavo a now lease They're wonderful in building up tho health. liroat trouble by Hale1. Honey o/Horc. 1 all the characteristics in miniature of tho Dewfiy, A nil in thu ronr of battle nt UIM fall of Only 25o per hoi. Sold by It. Killgore, Dover, an Hfo." Only f>0 cents, R, Killgoro'e drug Iraunil and Tar. Acli like m»Blc. Sold ] full-grown forest giant. Thia curious art of Miinltn. llonansa for nfwntn Hrimful of original and A. 1'. Green, Chester. nlutuiYH Uikim hy KoverntiU'Dl nbotoRrnjjliora on tree dwarfing is one- nf Japan's secrete. noort'BPllUrura liver Hli.tha non-lrrlUttng and fltore, Dover, and A, P, Grwm'a drug etoro. iu H|»)t, Lar^u hook. IA)\</ iirk't't). ]i\£ profits. rikc'i Toothache Drops ^a,e in one mlmiltj Fmtttlit paid. Credit ulv**a. Drop nllirnHhv un' only cithnrtlo to Uko with fiood'i Sftnaptrilla, Cheater. Every bottle guaranteed. A pun) malt extract—SeiU'a Bock. ofnclol w a r booka. Outfit fn>e. Address, P . T. Kecommeudod by uhysicians—Bella's Book. Barber, Boo'y, BUu* Insurance Uldg,k Chicago, POWDER i0^^i §= Newark. I i. The Prudential SS" i MARKET & HALSEY STS. SEVENTH ANNUAL SPRING OPENING OF MILLINERY. L. BAMBERGER & CO., BULL'S HEAD COMMISSION STABLES 495_and 497 BroadlStreet. THE LARGEST SALE STABLES ID NEW JERSEY PATENTS MiningMacMnery | PROMPTLY SECUREP MORRIS COUNTY Macbioe and Iron Co. AIR COMPRESSOBS. of highest efficiency. HOISTING ENGINES, duplex and reversible. Courage and Strength in Times ofDanger/' Dover steam Bouiing Works, the 'warning Between the lines. What is that warning} It is of the danger from the accumulation of badness in the blood, caused by the usual heavy thing of the Winter months, Spring is the clearing, cleansing time of the year; the forerunner of the brightness and beauty of glorious summer. PUMPING ENGINES, strong and economical. THE W. H. CAWLEY CO. CORNISH PUMPS, double or single. BALLENTINE'S the ghastly terror j of consumption HALES stares a HOMEY man in the GEARING AND PULLEYS, large and small. Jas. T. Eckhart Beers, Ales and Porters. RE0L E8TSTE BKD FIRE IKSUBflKCE. Soda and Mineral Waters. HOREHOUND face w h o neg- i AND lects a cold, j TAR SUBSCRIBE .; FOR THE ERA, $1 PER YEAR. THE IKON ERA. DOVER, N. J., MARCH 47. 1899. HYDRO , LiTHIA \ I CURES ALL j "HEADACHES: TRIAL SIZE. 10 CTS. BEAUTY IS DECAYING PRETTY WOMEN ARE GETTING SCARCE, SAYS A PAINTER. 0><-r«lu'l> ni"l Allilello.—Sarm W o men Vai1 lo 3 V o u p l w l 1 BlettOty iuid yeu Si^t-'in Not to Care F o r It. "Tho United Ktutra, in tho past 100 flrrit IUIB certainly produced a grujitur CIllLDltEN'S COLUMN. After dlni».T the talk run" upon the ;nln>s made by the new womun for tho allni and higher wanes Tho old doctor "DUTCH TEARS." listened In silence, awhilu and then said"I havo nothing to sny UN to woman's Old Cliemlat IVIIH About nn Interrights, but 1 havo an opinion as to tho eitlutf Ex lie r I men t. Way in which ehe should uryo them. X*t mo refill ono or two facts: It Is a gruat woiulor," mild unsold "Tho straw workers near Klorenco In ohemlst in his laboratory thu other day, Italy, lonm littlu tiiuo at;oBtrock for high- "wljy more faoya clu not niaku ehumicul trimunts ua un iimuruimuut. Uhy, 1 or pay. Tho suldlury was culled In by do things with tho common matoriulp their employers. When tho troops arrived In a railroad train, .they found hundreds of uvcryduy lifts which really soem to hiof women, young and old, 1Boated on the more lmigk'M to thu uninitiated thnn uny track, 'like nothing so much, sale! an1 eye- of tho wandura performed by IHUKIOIUUP of thu public stayo, witneSB, 'as a flock of cackling liens. "Tho crowd stood around laughing and "Now. thoro aro those curious little loklliKwith Italian delight In fun Tho bubblcB t>[ glass known variously AR engine drawing tho train stopped, then, 'Prlnco Rupert's drops' and as 'Dutch threatening to run over them, moved for- tenrs.' .Apparently thuy uro merely llttli* ward a foot or two. Tho women laughed globules of tflasB with elongated tails and calmly sut still. Tbo troops tvura tllon iuudu Uy hciiting; a email glnss rod In n drawn up la lino and pointed tnuir mus- flame and allowing (JIG uiultuii drops UJ kets at them. full into water. Afior thuy hnvo cooled "The women Bat immovable, good hu- you muy pound thu thick part with n mored, but resolute. They knew the order hnmjnw or lutiUet, yet you cannot breuk to lire would not boerivou. In the mid them. "Oil tho other hand, If you brenk a litthoy won their point simply by calm, good humored determination. Their Btrongth, tle piece oft tJieir tails or touch uny part us thuy wisely apprehended, lay in cheer- of them with a quurtz crystal they w(U ful porslBtonco in thoir demands. Tact, immetliiLtuly disappear into tho surround number of hnmlsomu women than wiy other civilian! country, but, unfortunntoI jiiico feminine beauty dunes ntutlscics. wclinvc no figures to compare on the sub jot, for nil that tho stnndnrd of bounty among our womon grows lower every year," saMo, New York portrait imlnlor whoMivork is known from ths Atlantic to tlio I'nciflo. "Tln.'ro«ro a number or reasons to be cited (is responsible for tho existence of this condition," be Baid. "One of the most potent roasons, 1 think, 1B tho absoluto Indifforcuceof tho nineteenth coutury and especially the American man to nbvsical perfoetlon In womankind. "Even 60 years ago thoy were vastly HCNSO and a gcntlo, courteous ing utinosnhoro. To tho person who douB more sensitive to Its Influonco and interost- common not know thu reason tho performance 1B bearing nro woman's weapons—and they «lln Its phases. Young folluwshalf aeon- have worked marvels Iu human history.1' mosb astonishing. tiiry luick r««l poetry, nourished romnntlo —Vouth's Companion. "And jet it la all very simple, I t la due dreams, worn thoir hair about their ears to whut la Known as surface cohesion. aud indited verses, in Imitation of Byron, Glnss when hvntad to a molten stuto has Olrla Slimmed l>} Men. to dark oyed Inez and golden haired Helen. Fairy forma, clustering ringlets, azuro There aro many girls who nro shunned naturally reached a very high tuinperaorba, etc., flitted through thoir dreams, by men, and for tbo most part tho fault turn, and when tho drops of multed glues uro allowed to fall iuto tho cold wutur the and tho woman whose appearance tallied lies with themselves. chuugo produces a strnsB all over ]D a measure with theso standards was Tho gh'l who nover exorcises hcrBelf to sudden reverenced ana adored as the ideal sweet- be agreeable unless sho can bave every- thn surfneo of tho drop which Is really torThi& stri ss, however, must bo conheart and wlfo. thing hor own wuy Is one of them, for rlflo. Bidured tie a wholo. "Ito (lid not care a rap whether Inez tbcro is nut a man allvowhowlll give way I t 1B very strong whon taken nil tocoulil read Greek or not or understood a in everything to a girl. gother, bub It is exactly as though a piece word of parliiLmontary law, but ho did de- Tbo girl who scolds is another typo. She of wry thin rubber was «trct«hial ovor the may be perfectly good temporal, but she light over her blushes, her 6Wan throat of thu glass. IT you punctured the and alabaster shoulders, and tho portrait bus commuted the Bcnlillng habit, and so surfura rubber, Us haste to resume its normal pnlntcrs of that day prove, boyond a she is left aionu to scold at her pleasure. condition would pull i t opt the gloss. Then thero In the girl with tho haughty dnubt, that she possessed most of theso "Suwliun you break off the tail of the charmB In an Ekbundanco we don't see anymanner and cold Btaro. No man dares to drop or cut through the film ot vary hjirU niaUo lovo to hor, becauso thero Is nothing longer. glass with a oryetnl its ondeavors emldimly "Nowadays tho girl who Gets out to rule whatever to lovo in her. So the girl BCOWIS to roRimio its normal condition result In at what sho cujwiders their bad taste, utIn society by virtue of a iovoly face Us own dufitruotion, and It breaks up Into and figure is apt to flnd herself queening terly Ignorant uf tho face that her own porticlos which are really finer than the Itover a very few masculine subjects. I foolish conduct is tho solo cause of tholr finest sand. don't know whether tho men or tho wom- neglect. I t seems like n wonderful -performen arc to blame for this chungo, but cer- Another girl without a lover is the but It Is u no more wonderful pertain it is that nomatterif sho be as subtly painfully shy mukluu, Sho Imcs to see ance, formance than many others which nny men at a distance but tho moment they graceful as Cleopatra, as fair as Hulea of youngster could perform if ho would study Troy, sho will bave no swains adoring hor draw nonr she drives them bock with emthe simplest forms of chemical acfor those glftB of nature alone. What tbe barrassment. They retire simply out of even modern inuu now admires Is a lively- miss, pity, seeing hep distress and uwkward tion."—Boston Herald. whoKe tonguo rattles as brisk a measure bushfulncss. An Ideal P o r t r a i t . as castanets, who has a spontaneous ready Last on the list comos the girl who alhue)], who cun. aiako golf balls slug ways has something smart-to say about A. dainty maid, demure und sliy, Wfth sweet, wide eyes and quiet mien. through the air, who is full of grit and go every ono sho sees, ridiculing pooplo in orWho ffently greets each passerby and Jokes, who Is not afraid to put a ciga- dor to bo considered clever, little knowing smile serene, rette between her lips, who is, in short, a how men Intensely dislike to hear her With Then sllpa away fast a s she can— Jolly good follow. If her feet aro small, pulling, everybody's character to pieces for Is thai Nan? her waist a enugclrcle, her eyes brlghtaxid their amusement.—Philadelphia Times. her clothes in tho height of fashion, she id . A little nun wfth folded palms 5 belle and easily pusses muster as a boauAnd pale locks lying aureole wise, IVoolnv In Lapland. "Whose Hpa are stiller than her eyes ty whoso cluim nobody disputes. All tho When tho young Laplander Is in love poetry and the novels of the day proclaim with a girl, ho and she run a race. Ho Is If aught alarms, "Whose robe 1B white as Baint'a may bo— Che supremacy of this little lady. The heavily handicapped, so that she may win Is that alie? novelists no longer bother to tell you if she chooses, and if she outruns htm' ho whether their horolnea ore fair or not; no- cannot propoeo again. Of course she Bufbody curcB. Heroines who have an influ- fers herself to bo overtaken if sho cares for ence, llko the chio women who rule In sobut the consent ot her parents must ciety, don't rest on any such laurels aa him, luxuriant troflsoB, snowy necks and pearly be obtained before sho con be married. Tho law of the land is very Btricton this teeth. Those were the weapons of women of another time, both in books and in real point, and in olden times tho man was subject to oupltnl punishment if he married life. Without tho consent of tho girl's parents. ''Today If a woman muBt nave ndmira. After a Laplander bas chosen a bride he tlon sho either goes In for athletics or sends her a present of a girdle, a ring and learning or Bho dresses her darling:, viva- a quantity of brandy. Be goes as far as cloua, little self up in Paris gorcns, and the door of her hut, but remains outside thua earns hor bslleship. Whother she until invited to enter, when a bumper of does this because Bbe prefers to be atbletlo brandy Is offered to the girl's father. If ho anil learned aud what not else to her old drinks It, It is a sign he consents to the power—beauty—or whether eho bas grasp- marriage, and tho young lover then promed at them as substitutes fox her lost and ises to glvo the girl some clothes and pays irretriovablo loveliness I don't vouch. It a sum of money down on the spot. This Is enough to say tbnt thoy are bound to ot course Is a remnant of marriage by Buillco ana every ono is apparently happy, purchnso, which in prlmltlvo times suoexcept the artists and sculptors, who find oeeded marriage by capture. it harder and harder every year to seoure Banns Are published once in Lapland, proper models. and the marriage ceremony Is very short. The bride wears her hair looso and has & "All these, however, are not the prime reuBouB for tbe decay of boauty. Men are gold band around her head. Her presents A meek St. Agtiea on her knees, and her dowry are generally reindeer, and philosophic and bave learned to estimate A amnfng- lily, fair and taU; mental over physical charm, chiefly be- she and her bridegroom remain with her A pearl. Do thoughts of her recall cause tho new woman has not much beau- parents for « year after marriage.—Ex- Such nHntles? • change ty lo offer. There is a notion prevalent If some poor poet her picture draff* among the gentler sox that it is. very foolWould these do? V a n i n ' i Hand. ish to waste time nourishing ner bodily It is certainly not true that small hands Just here, my door flying open, charms, that there are more important Suddenly sprang lns!de callings in thisworld. Having decided to aro bred by cholco descent, for in ono famHy heroine, rosy and breathless. underestimate this great gift, she is as ily tho hands of both women and men are Kissing me as sho cried: found different in sizo and in every other busy n» possible destroying it. Tbe individual womon of the "She Is doing It by overstudy for one quality',stretches and hardens her hand and thing. In payment for hor book learning people batters hor nails on her own account, so Bho Is contracting hor chest, extinguishing that months of care would not retrieve it* tho limpid light iu hor eyes and bleaching but doubtless her baby hand was much to cheeks. In payment for her tremen- tbo same us a rich woman's in hor own dous athletics sho Is growing horny palmed babyhood, English womon and with heavy muscles, ruining tho contours cana, with tholr blond hands, oreAmorlw her limbs, her complexion Is weather ed deliriously for this ono boauty admirtho beaten and her hnlr Is rough. In society darker ruces. But, at any rate, tobyEng™ overwhelms her strength with so many lish eyes there Is loveliness also in the line mines und pleasures nnd sunn extravagant hand that has clear browu color in placo 1 * food that sho Is the victim of gout, of white—a rare beauty, for the blond nerves, neuralgia and dyspepsia, and IU woman has usually the finer form of hand, hralth bas sapped her. color, spoiled hor but somewhat dark must havo boon tho »Bnro and aged hor bofore hor time. •'tendor Inward of tl)e hand" that plnycd To sum up my argument, I would con- on tho virginalB for Shakespeare.—Colelude that tho whole course of our olvlli- lier's Weekly. wtlon Is agnlnst the growth of feminine ™auty. Men no longer care tor It, and Welffbt of Newborn Child. women no longer nourish it. The typical If the cry Is loud and the breathing regAmerican girl, if she is pretty, has every ular, then tho child Is well. For, be It regeneration a shorter period of bloom. By tto time she 1B SO, when really «bo should membered, the average weight of a nowWin all the vital splendor of tlpo loveli- born child is only 7 pounds. And while ness, she is growing either very thin or •there are many splendidly developed perwry fat; her hair is getting dry, harsh fect human creatures who press down the J»a scant, her skin pale and wrinkled. In. scale to 11 anil oven IS pounds such exBll 7 ° !s fading, and by 40 sho is resign- cess Is exceedingly rare and thore are M many that are exquisite in their daintito appear like an old woman. ness, yet, fall to weigh more than 4 Her daughters naturally will enjoy a pdunrfs. But those, both alike, 1( healthy, mortcr ported of bloom and earlier suo- show a skin smooth and delicately mottled ™uib to tho blight that our elaborate when exposed to the air. Desh firm und •""Hern food, close, hot houses, sedentary elastlo to the touch, bones even, und "Mamma, we're having, while you write. ™y °f life and mental exertions invnri- arms and logs movingtho easily In their SOOK- The moat exciting snowball tight 1 ™'y bring. Thore may bo Bomo stern Julia H. Smith in New York And Harry saya and Rob and Roy «uiswho are qulto content to see our ets.—Dr. I plfiy as well as any boyi jTOliun s boauty take wings, but In tho Lodger. My Hcarf la gono—'twas round my neck— »»e run not higher education uorgolf I've torn my dress the leaatest speck Boxing a Drlde'l Ear. on'unploiiBhlps will repay tho Bweethonrts And lost the ribbon off niy hair. In Lithunulu, a provlneo of Russia, it is But, mother durllng, you'll not care, •ml wives of tho tutiun for tho loss of Hair 0 . 8 , B '° r i ° u s Sift, and the world Is go- ouraomnry that tho brine's oars should bo For ever since this day brffun the moat spier,aif'rous fun!" j°B to bo a colder and harder plnco to live boxed before tho ixwrrlago ceremony. No We've had —El3lc Hill In St. Nicholas in tor tho losaof tho pretty woman."— mattor how tender hearted the mother *tt«r in Cinolnnatl Commer may be, sho always makes it a point of Friday. buno. administering a hoarty smack to hor Washington wns married on y daughter in tho presencoof witnesses, ontt Queen Victoria won married on Frldny. More !mport«m T l m n ( 1 > e D , e , . m n k e r . a note is made of tho fact. The mother s Dcclnrntlon of Indopendmicu was signed lsa kind one, though tho oustom I ° B' " " «™ things that go toward obtain- intontion 1B bad. Tho reason for It is to pro- on Frldny. "f "»ntactory dreEMiinking Wo must not Itself Niipolcon Bonaparte was born on Fritoot tho bride should her marriage provo ' ,° .Bielit5 of tho cnrrlngo of a womun, an one. In that raiso sho will BUO day. an, ," " wonderful voice in tho hung for unhappy a divorce, and her plea will1 bo that sho Bnttlo of Bunker Hill vras fought on u swirl of her garments. A woman was forced Into tho marriage against her Friday. J ! " ? 1 ™ " "<=rshoulders forward brings Will, and on that score tho verdict of tho A merica was discovered on Friday. W i V " "B8l vo ct s wrlnMos in tho front of a Mayflower landed on Frldny. l ~ I , °' rounded effect uoross judge will bo Iu bor favor. ',,, " uck Battlo of Waterloo was fought on Fril and throws tho abdomen up and A Slory ot BInry Ijanili. 1 Bkln u '."1 , s 8 'ho dress skirt abort In front day. Mrs. Oomlon Clarke, who recently died t , ™ " , ''"traotlng from thu length of England, was fond of tolllnB how her BufitlllG was destroyed on Frldny. hoi,l v , o n t - I f '" w> lkl "B !<•» will in Latin teacher, Mary Lamb, Win 8 sister, Julius COCBOT wnfl assassinated on Frilhl n entertained her with a fellow pupil at dinaha, ™ buck, thu nhouldcrs uud ner When tho little party was seated at day. Shakespeare wus born on Friday. '""""« will take care of tliumsolvcs mid the table tho toiolior said.- "Iwv, rememKing Charles was huhcmlucl on Friday. ridny. erli,7n " m'Mmt position.—Mary Kntli- ber, wo all pick our bones. « Isn t conBnttlo of New Orleans was fought on k Lincoln was MsasiLaated o JJ™ "°wanl in Woman's Homo Couipun- lldared vulgar haw to pf) bone* SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. J THE STONEBRAKER CHEMICAL GO. BALTIMORE, MO. of tho polling places of Roxbury township, Joe McConnell ran nhead of bis ticket because he in a railroad man, and I bear he tvog tbe only Democrat elected in the township. Mind you, that may or may not be true, i dofl'c know anything about tbe official returns, as I write. It will be a sort of miracle in politics if it Is true Homebody thought be was goiug to put up a cheap job on our port Morris people by having printed on the bottom of tbe Democratic ballo'8 ; " Kt-Bolved, that next election be held at Lake End Hotel, Landing," and keepiug the tickets back until election morning. But they did HOC make it work. That resolution only bad 22 votes, while Joe McCoaneJJ gut 57 on the name ticket There are about 150 voters in Port Morris and only 17 at Landing who vote in this polling place. The citizen-* concluded that it was easier for the 17 to come here than it would be for tbe 150 to go to Lake End. Brakemau John GroR&n, of Jackson's train, as accidentally killed while in tbe discharge of his duty ou Tuesday night. D. J , 1'ORT MORRIS. Engineer Dlckerinati WBB on Monday released from quarantine, where he has been compelled to stay for a while back becawe one or bis children was unfortunate enough to catch the scarJet fever. Tbe doctors bave been able to e n flue the disease to the two houses where it originated, and the scarlet fever scare Is over. It is eaid tbat Mr. Totten's boarding bouse at Mt. Arlington waft destroyed by fire ou Stturday night. Doubtless your correspondent in that town will Bend you the part ou- 3 COMFOJOTNG AYOEDS TO WOMEN. The Surgical Choir a n d i t s Tortures M a y b© Avoided b y W o m e n "Who Heed Mrs, P i n k h a m ' e A d v i c e . Woman's modesty is natural; i t is charming. To many women a full statement of their troubles to a male physician Is almost impossible. The whole truth maybe told to Mrs. Pinkhom becauso t h e is a. woman, and her advice is freely offered to all women sufferers. Mrs. O. E. LADD, of litth and N Sts., Galveston, Texas, whose letter is printed below, "was completely discouraged wheu fihe first wrote to Wrs. Pink' ham. Here is what ahe Bays ^DKAitMita.PjNiaiAjki:—I wrote to you some time ago, telling you of nay ills, but now I write to thank you for the good your remedies j have done me. I have used I two bottles of Lydia B. ' Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, three packages ot Sanative Wash, and one box of Liver Pills, and to-day I call myself a well woman. I buffered with backache, conHtant headache, whites, sick stomach, no appetite, could no1 sleep, and was very nervous. Al time of menstruation was in terrible pain. Your medicine is worth its weight In gold. I nei can say enough In praise of it. I I recommended i t to xatiny friends, all suffering* women would try it, more happy homes and healthy women. I thank you for the change your medicine has made in me. Millions Given A w a y . It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of ono concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy und suffering. The proprietors of Dr. King'n New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of tbU great medicine; and have the eat's faction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, H oarseness and all the diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by It Call ou Uobert Killgore, Dover, aud A. [Q.-H. P. Green, Cbeater, N. J., DruggistH, and get Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound aad Mrs. Pinkham'0 advice, have Fireman Morris Parks died about 1 o'clock H trial bottle free. Regular size, 6O0, and {} p. in. on Thursday. HB WUS about litl years Evitry bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. saved thousands of women from hospital operations. The lives of women are hard; whether a t home with a ceaseless round of doold. Interment at Hackettstown, mestic duties or working at some regular employment, their dally tasks malte I eee by the Independent of lunt week tbat constant war on health. If all women understood themselves fully and knew Jotiu A. Quick, of Newb-n, died ou tbat same GERMAN VALLEY. how exactly and soothingly hydia E. Piakham's Vegetable Compound acts rtty. Mr. Quick used to live in Ktauuope Mica L'&zie Hiuce, of ttteplienaburg, Is vis- on the female organs, there would be less suffering. bOine 3 ears ugo, but ho found that wbil^one iting her aunt, Mrs Down, this week. tinsmith might maku a fair living in that MiS4 Dora Sharp ppent Monday at Hack- LydaG.Plok&am^Ve^etatleCompoundiaV/otnaa'sBeme^forWotnaa'illls town two were likely to starve to deuihiniii etlstown. bo thought Stauhope wus a good towu to Throngh the agency of Elmer E. Beams the umlgrato from, so ho moved to Newton, where THE MORRIS COUNTY he succeeded in establishing a hardware aud loas on A. P. Down's bam and contents was -atiffactorlly Bettled last we-k. The policy tiuamithiiig busiuesa eecoud to none in the was held in tbe Standard Insurance Comcounty o7 Bussex, He bad a talent for hard work, was honest and industrious, and John pany, of New Jersey. AUTOMATIC ACETYLENE Hfl'-ry Todd in t-uffering from rheumatism. A. Quk-k'B wui d was as good as bis bond. H.« John Kaurlght, of East Orange, is enjoyingMORRISTOWN, N. J. leiveaa widow and one --on to mourn his loss, tie was iiot the only man who owed a good a Bbort vacation with bis mother in town. We extend our hearty congratulations to I N C O R P O R A T E D MARCH 8 d , J 8 T 4 . dtal of hlu &ucce&8 in life 10 the intelligent Elmpr E Beams who has had tbe degree of 0 r-oporation of bis wife. Many of 5 our tittin- A. M. conTe'red upon him by the UuivirPrwM»nt—HBNKY W. MIIMEK. bopo readers will remymter him. sity of Chicago. Vice PreHidi*»-t—AUKFLIUS B. R U L U It 3B said by somebody who must have fig' Tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. hflcretary-Treastirer— U. T. H U L L . ured ic out, I presume, that ic costs tbe p* oyle Stephens, about two miles from this place, —UAHAQBRB— of theso United States annually »2£>,000 000 Henry W . Miller Hrary C. Pltnej was burned to tbe ground on Huuday while be born. $300 OlNt.DlX) to be mariierl, 175,- thpy 'were spending the day with Mrs. AurellUB B. Hull Philip H. Huffman Chan Y. Hwan, M. D . Pnul Rfverp OUOO . OO for getting burifd and (1,425,000,UOU Stephens father. Mr Hyde, of thlB place I t John Ttiacaher Euueue B. Burke fur getting drunk t Land o' Goshen 1 How is a mystery how tbe fire orginated. When Guy Klnton. them for statistics I first discovered It was under Buch headway Statement January I, 1899. And now everybody except your railroad ti-at nothing could be done, Tbe neighbors readers niay skip the uext paragraph. worked with a will, but were able to save RESOURCES. 1 see American railroada are talking about only two or three articles of furniture. LnanR nn Bonds and MortgBg*... $ 879,000.00 adopting thu Euglidu syutem of ilgbta for Mrs. S. B. Park is enjoying a short visit Slix*ta and Bouds, par value nigbtBignals Ttiu difference will be the »ub «7»l,000 87WI00O with her parents a t Ma pie wood. milutian of the green light fur safety, iuBtttad Lnans o n Collateral D.tfciO (JO Chnrles Down, of Harkettstnwn, spent of our white, and a yellow light for caution, Rval H'state, B a n k i n g House a n d Monday in town «ith his son, A. P. Down. Lot. 75O00OO the red llgbt signal of danger to remain as Christopher Hildebrant will on Thursday F rnlture and Fixtures CIKJMOO before. It is a question whether tbe game is l n t e r w t Accrued ' 1U.748K4 worth the caudle, in other words whether the move from tbe Hager farm to a place near Rents, e t o . . d u e VIISOO additloual safety which American rain* ads Fuirmouut, ashlli Bank KI.SOI;9 The "Criterion" SAVINGS BANK GAS GENERATOR will get will pay for the changing of the switchligbts. We have bad very few acuiGratu-O ffrlqgp Relief dente from mistaking a white llgbt for a to tbe coffee drinker. Coffee drinking 1B a green one. As an offset to all tula, however, tt-bit tbat is universally indulged fa and 1 bee by the papera that a committee of way almost as universally injurious Have you up railroad men are com lug over from Eng- tried GjviiuO? <t tsalmo&t llkecoffeebuttbe laud to have a look at our automatiocoupl ru, effects are just the opposite. Coffee upsets siuce parliament seems determined to comptl the stomach, ruins tbe digestion, affects the tUeiu to put automatic couplers ou their cure. heart and disturb* tbe whole nervous system. Grain-0 tones up the stomach, aids digesSo that what we lose in gltuss we art) likely to tion and strengthens tbe serves. There is gain in couplers. uotbiug but nourishment in Grain-G, It can't Tbe BritUh railroad people growl a good deal about the expense, but they mi| ht aa be otherwise. IS and 25c. per package. Well do it with a good grace, for they will bave to come to it eventually. Tbe Delaware, Lackawanna and Western WBB the first American railroad tbat I know of to equip ft'l their cars, engines and cabooses with automatic couplers. It must; Bave been an expensive undertaking, but ttiey have survived it. Their employes don't He awake nights and worry about where their pay is 0 unlng from for tbe nexo mouth Paymaster titroug comes around with his red car lilted with gold or its equiviltmt as regularly as before thu change of couplers. A tip to our Engllah railroad friends, though. Let their committee examine tbe various kinds of automatic couplers we make In the United States and when they have decided which is the simplest aud best, adopt that out>, no matter whether it creates another monopoly or not. A monopoly iu automatic couplers 1B a good tiling, for tbe car repairer as well as for the maker, and comes heap haody for tbe railroad company—like tbt> Webtiugbouse air brake, for instance. How iu tbe world could we get aloug without it ? Juat keep your eye open and see If tbe Delaware, Lackawauna aud Western won't be the first railroad iu America to havo all its cars and equlnurd with air brakes. All Manhattan Inland, on which the city of New York is built, was bought irum the ludiuna by some speculative Dutchman for tbe modest Bum uf t'M. Today it is worth £4 UOiJ,0Ou(0OO. Pretty good speculation, wasn't it. Do you ties any tbfug wron* in the transaction ? Would any uf your readers refuse a cbauce like tuat if it were thrown at ibem ? A SINGLE BAIL RAILROAD. Cannon Hand 05,27a25 Makes gits only as you use it. No LIABILITIES. heat. No smoke. Safe, Cleanly, and Due Depositors .' #1,770,23145 cheaper than kerosene. Int erf at tn be Credited Depositors January 1,1HW! 29.80435 A line addressed to us will bring you any desired information regarding it, or tl.Sdl 08H 80 l(HS03 5 a call from our representative if re- Surplus quested. Interest is declared and paid in January and Julv of each yenr from the proflts of tne previous B(X months' business. Deposits made on or before tbe 3d day of January, Apri', July and October, draw interest from the 1st day of the Baidjnonths respectively. CHESTER. BANKING HOURS. Mrs, Rumbolt and daughter are guests of From 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. daily, except Satur, Miss Dawsoa. day. Saturdays fmm 9 a. m. to 12 m. (noon)' DOVER, N. 4 . Mr. Collie, of Morristown, was the guest of and from 7 to v p. m D. N. Smith and family lafit week. Mrs. J . D. Budrl Is spending a few days with Mrs. Anna Evans, of Brooklyn. F, N. Jenkins, of Washington, spent Sunday with L. P. Green. Emory Parks went to tbe hospital at Flainfle)d on Monday to bave a tumor removed Dr Ellis Hedges spent Sunday with his mother. James Ingall is the guest of his grandfather. Fred Dickerson Is tbe guest of bis aunt, Mrs. Frank Hugh son. Mrs P. M. ' hamberlln spent Sunday with John Langa'aftand daughter, of Washington. Mrs. Lottie 8c udder, of Dover, spent Saturday with her parents. Freeholder Gillfn, of Dover, was the guest of R. Carl lie, on Saturday. P. M. Chamberlln spent Sunday with Chae. Weber, of Hackettetown. Miss Fannie Reward, of the Hackettstown Institute, spent Sunday «t her home. Tbe Rev. Mr. Hnughtelln will remain with utt another year and continue bis studies at Drew. Tbe Young Peoplu's Society of Christian E deavor of the Preebj terlau Church expect to hold an entertainment in Music Hall about the 28th in»t. Nixr. The descent Is certain from w e a k lungs, lingeringcoughs, throat troubles OT An English inventor, named Bebr, bas bronchial built a ruilrotid ou wbich trains run at a nffectioni tpeed of IU0 miles au hour and frequently uf through bleed* t*ru or time miles a dluute. It la a eiitgleing lungs, to consumption. rail railroad at tbat, aud the inventor has If the f i r s t just formed a syndicate for constructing a stages are neghue ou bis new uystem between .Liverpool lected. Thousands of peoand Manchester. He calld ic " Tho Jjigbtututf ple who are now fa their graves would be Exprt-BS Kail way," Tbe trains ruu on a eiuglu alive add well to-day if tney had heeded rail set on a trestlew- rtc several fuetblghaud the first warnings of thoBe troubles which lead to consumption and death. electricity is ttiu motive power.* The backing cough, spitting of blood, Jerry Simpson and some of bis Western weak lungs, and alt similar troubles of the craukflaro trying i M r beat to cump 1 tbo organs of breath injr, will surely lend to ra'imads ruunhig through their Stutea to haul consumption, if they are not already the pa seogeca und trelgtit at a rate tlxed by tbeir signs of It, Then there are the other indications of the approach of consumption, vurious iegitilutures. and they cry *' cnu- such aa night-sweats, emaciation, or wastBuioncplnBB moui'poiy," and "soullesscorpora-ing* away of flesh from bad nutrition, which, tions," until the peuple believe there muat bo if neglected, lead to certain death. Ninety-eight per cent, of all the cases of something in it. The truth in, tbat jmsstngor 1 rates urn lower ou the railroads ot tbf United weak lung's, bleeding* lungs, lingering and obstinate coughs, and other bronchial and Hutted than in any other country iti the throat diseases, which have been treated f wui Id. Tbo average rate in S3,14 ueuts a mile with Dr. Pierce a Golden Medical Discovhave been cored by i t Do not wait figaiiis-t 2:2U in England, 3.~5 m liulgtum, 2.1H) ery, until your throat trouble becomes serious. in Germany, 3 (ft in Australia and 8.3U in All bronchial and throat troubles are seriFiani-u. Iu tliu fruight Ituu we du better yet ous. The' time to hike the "Golden Medical Discovery" is right at the start. Wo lmul a ton for 0 V7 couta, Qortuavy Even if your throat trouble has been charge* 1.&2 ceuis; Belgium, 1,BU; Austria, neglected until it has been pronounced l.fiu; France, 1.5U; l£ugl*udt I U5. Hear, } e ulraonary disease or consumption, do not loud-mouthed huHlerx, and keep Btlli or build esitate to use the "Golden Medical Disa little rai-road of your own und got the Log- covery," for thousands of letters from the ialatme to fix your rates foiyuu if you are sufferers themselves, who are now well, bear evidence that the "Golden Medical incompetent to do it) yourselves. Discovery" will cure, even after good physicians have pronounced the disease pulEcctiou is over aud the country still lives. monary consumption, A. J. Draku Is Mayor-elect of Nuteong. The " I had been troubled with feroaeliUU for «vKeuublicunti tarried By ram tommhip," Susses tra! years,*'writes Mrs. Orlln O'Hnra, Box 114, Falls, Ottertali Co., Minn. " In the first couuty, by majorities ruuguig from '.M to til. Fergus place, I had sore throat. I doctored with differH giieat lor Jacob MuUouunll tot towusbJp ent physicians and took various medicines, but clerk. Tbo lowest, David J. Bedford, for got no relief. X raised from my throat a sticky substance like the white of an taa. Could not Commisslonc of Appeal. steep, aud had made up my mlna that I would Drakemau Tboma-t J. Reagan was etcr te 1 not live through the winter. I took Dr. Pierre's Medical Dfflcovenr and ' Favorite preCouiicllmun and Conductor Philip Qunn Golden scription * alternately, and In • few dnys began BIBO, In the boiuugb uf Nutcnug. Feuplu to nee that I m u better. I took eight bottles. I duu't turn up thoir noses a t railroad in on like have not felt as well In years aa since using they used W, you see. In this town, which 1B these medicines." Un fail able— Dr. PI tree's Pleasant Ftlltts for coaiUpftUoa tad biUoniaMt. g THE ACETYLENE LIGHTING CO.... FOR A SIX MONTHS' TERM Any or All Uepaitinenti, COLEMAN COLLCOL N e w a r k . N- 47. 898 B B O A D BTBEBT, A l i BUSINESS STUDIES. SHORTHAND AND TVPKWBITINO, ENQU8H BRANCAES, ETC. PAYMENTS ON EASY TERMS. IT IS WELL KNOWN that COLEMAN COLLEGE is tbe largest and best school, and by large odds the best equipped of its class iu tuts section of tbe country. Write or call for College Journal, and read what our graduates and others Bay of tbe school. Morris Orphans' Court. JANUARY TERM. 1809. la tbe matter of Asa S. Berry. Administrator of tliH estate tit George B"rry, deceased Kule to flmw cause why ibure Bbuld cot be a fale of lands. Asa S. B°rrr, AdmlulRtrator of Qeoroo Berry, late of the County of Morris, decfas»^l, having made and exhibited 10 tlilt Court, under oatb, a just and true account of tht) personal fBtate and dt-bts or Baid decvawd. aB fur as bo has hevn able to dlscov- r the same, uy wblch it apiwars that tbo personal estate of said deceased in Insufficient to pay all bis jUBtdebtu.find stating that said deceased tiled seized of lands, ten»mente. hereditaments and real estate, eltuato ta tho Couatr ot Bl^rrls, sad ' tbe aid of the Court in lh« 1 it in ordered by the Court, tliatall periotvreBted in the- l*Dds, lenenmita, lifrt-ditsinputs and real eatateof said dewaeed. do appear before tfap JudeeB of thla court, at Urn Court iluuse m Morrlstown, on Friday, thu firth duy or May. A, D. 1800. and Rhow cause. If any tht-y have. «liv BO much of the-said land**, tenement*, hereditaments and real estate of Haiti deceased should not be Bold as will be BufllcieDt 10 pay hfa debts. Airuocopy from the minutes, DAVID YOUKO, Surrogate. Dated, Februarr 10, iffiW. 14-fl w ELM Kit KINO. Proctor, Morrifitown. Ti O. HOBTOH, P*»nm»n ARE YOU COINS SOUTH K. H. TIPPBTT THOMAS BAXER Tippett & Baker SOCCESSORS TO HORAOX L. DU.VIMM Insurance and Real Estate, Low Rates and First Class Companies FROM THE NORTH? The Best Route to Travel IS FUOM NEW YORK TO NORFOLK, VA., OLD DOMINION STEAMERS. Tbe nmst eles-antiy fitted boate, flnpst state rooms and beet) mealB. Tht) rat*?, iu eluding racala acd state roouj-, la legs thau you can Cor. BLACKWBLL ana WARREN STREET.' travel by rail, and }ou get rid of the dust and cbuugiog cat's. If y«'U want to po south beyond Norf'-lk to S'tuthern Pines and Pinpbluff,*the winter Health Re-orts, or to Vuu«Uan, N. C , the Pennp^lvaiiia Colony bHrnlquuriej-B, Heoeblantl, N. U, tbB New England Colimy. Btattintll, On., tt>e Ohio ColoDy and headquarters nl the Unii>» Vett-ram Southern ^eit'emenls, vou 4'aii connect with tbo Hen In mid Air Line. F<ir infnrmation a- torotiS' f tr-vel art<in>s3 or any other ladies who wish to work W. L. GUILLAUOEt;, V. P. & T. M., New Ynrk. For Information as to fHrniinp or mineral lamia, water nowtra. imtmifuc tit ring hiien or winter rrsurts, rates <if htuirri, CHIC of c>C t«nt*a, & c . addiewj JoUN FATUICK, Clilet Inworking for 'is in spare time at home on ilustriul Aguut, S, A. L , PiueUiulT. Noitb. our cloihs. We offer you agootl chance Carolina. 14 low to make plenty of spending money easilv, in leisure hours. Sen* 12c tor cloth and full directions for work, and commence at once. Cloths sent anywhere. Address WIN005KBT CO. O5Q-C) Boston, Mans. •M y Mffr. Uept. Dover, New Jersey FARMERS' WIVES Dan Earn Lots of . C. VREKLAND Dentist Notice of Settlement. 14 Years' Experience Extracting a Specialty Notice is htveby given that the accounts of Susan E. Bench, late Gunrdian of James Malcolm Bnnsall and John Hnl«»y Bon will, minors, will be audited and titated by tbo Surrogate, aD(J reiwtcd for hettJenjent to tbe Orphans' Court of the County of Morris, on Friday, tbo seventh chv of April next. Dated March 'fit. 1SW>. NEAR BEBBY'B PABDWAKK BTORB &0VER. n. j . GUY MINTON *Nn FREDERICK R. BEACH, 15fi Executors of Susan K. Bench, deceased, THOS. FANNING SMITH & FANNING, For Rent. Masons and Builders DOVER. N . JOihtracts tor all kinds of work takou and all materials furnished. Practical oxporience Apply to la every branch of maBon wont. THOMAS-O'NEIL. noum-T ATONDID TO. Eight room house on Dickerson St. 15-1 m i, T. SMITH NEW the KUA diil u*>t |>ublibh the Index?* editorial in its entirety, but we supposed that the lines quote., contained " the gist of the article." We are of the same opinion BtiH, but FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1899. as we du not wish to be thought unfair we will publuk thu editorial paragraph us it apTHE DOVER PRINTING COMPANY learcj in tbe liulrx. Here it in: " We uotire that the Old Vets don't get a PUBLISHK11S AND PHOl'RIETOBS. u'dal uud extra pay such as the gushing and beuovoleutg. « p. (with other people's money) TEKM8 OK SUBSCKUTION INVA.HI- are about to give to the " Spanish war soldiers," whu were never iu any worse battle ABLV IX ADVANCE. tiian the attack upon AlgerV Embalmed Bee/J But what t-an the Old Vista of '01-65, do about One T e a r »l.O0 Blx Months f>O SUCCASUMNA. T h r o e Months SB rb. Carrie Smith gave a birthday party to her ilaughter Madalene on Saturday aftert l t y (jnunull t o Iteceivt.' ItK Coup »lu uooift The yuuug set all look forward to oract 1 Nnxt Tiiefiduy. this annual event with pleasatitanticipationh. Wfaenis tbe present "city" government U> Undertaker Jardtne was called to Tausaic utep down and out f is a question that baa on Tuesday last by the death of Mrs Jehiel been uppermost in the minds of the |*eople of Dilley, of Flanders. this town ever since the Court of Errors and The all important question in this village Appeals handed down its decision affirming now is: Will the new president of the Delathe judgment of the Supreme Court in toe ware, Lackawanua and Western Railroad (Juo Warratito case. Everybody Is on the give Buccasunna a depot and Sunday trains Our beautiful assortment of Boys' qui vive for that expected "writ of ouster," for this branch, the Baine as tbe main line! and Children's Clothing excels anyand there seems toliea good deal of mystifiThe annual town meeting passed off in Koxthing ever shown in the city. cation as to bow tbe deposition of the present hury without any surprises when the vote "city " government is to he brought about. 'as counted- Randolph, however, seemed, ALL THE NEWEST STYLES Yet the mode of procedure is quite plain to take;the whole bakery in this line, and is —INThe ERA, iu its story last week 011 the sub-launching out with a brand new record. ject of the decision of the Court of Krrore and The large pile of stones brought to ttieaideAppeals, told bow the .Supreme Court bad itig of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Westadjudged an follows : ern Railroad led many to suppose that at —AND— "That eaid ilefoulaut, 'the Mayor and last the company was preparing to build a City Counsel ot Dover,' hath and doth by new Btation. But closer investigation told that name and title usurp the litarty, tlwm that Foreman Kinney ot the rood re-" privilege and franchise of a body politic and pair force, was arranging to build a house. corporate upon and against the Stute of Now Who could get up the courage to ask the Jersey. "And it is further considered and adjudged new president for a depot ? that wild 'The Mayor and City Council of e congratulate the Editor of the ERA. on Dover' do not in the future, in any manner bis editorial on the trolley franchise question or matter, exercise or uttemnt to exi-rcine the. in the EIUL of March 4. We know of one Cor. Blackwell and Sussex Sts., liberty, privilege <tnd franchise of such body politic and corporate aforesaid," etc. man who on reading it, immediately subNow, the closing paragraph in ttie opinion scribed for the paper, and of Beveral in different parts of the eouuty, who have eared the of the Court of Errors and Appealu read : me for reference to this able article. " Let tbe iudgmeut of the Supreme Court 8OBVBY0B8 OF HIGHWAYS. be afurmed *' 73 While this opiniou was rendered on Mon- JjHt or Letters Uncalled for at the M. H. Sharp George 1. Mitchell 73 day, March 0, it was not filed with the SecDover Post Offlco. A. D. Budd « retary of State until Friday, March 10. Ten 62 DOVER, N. J., Mar. 17,1899. S. M. Rarick days from that date it will, under tbe rules James C. Beatty, Mrs. Elizabeth Evans, Sharp's majority 10 of the court, bo handed down to the Supreme A. W. Briant, Eugene A. Lawrence. Mitchell's majority W Court. This will be on March 20, and on fi Mamie Murtba, Wm. Moore (2), JUSTICE OP TIIB PEACE. A. Oavrin (8), March 21 (next Tuesday), a copy of the judg- Joseph Mitchell. P. W. Miller (3). (5 years). ment of the Supreme Court, affirmed by the D. It. Reeden, 11U To obtain any of the above letters please Charles H. Howell Court of Errors and Appeals, will be served Scattering 1 on the Mayor, each of the Councilman, and Bay advertised, and give date of list. XCbe Hvon E r a . BICYCLES SPRING The Victor, Monarch and Featherstone Lines. GOODS READY. BICYCLES AT $34.50, $25, $28, $32.50, $37, $40, AND $47.50. SPRING OVERCOATS $6.60 TO $12.00 HEN'S SPRING SUITS $6.00 TO $15.00 BICYCLE SUNDRIES. M. & W. Lamps 20th Century Lamps Ham's Diamond Lamp Bicycle Oil $M5 each 1.60 each 1.85 each 7C b o « l e Nickeled Bells Veder's Cyclometers V. S. Trip Cyclometers Cement, per tube Furnishings. H. W.John's Mfg. Co's. Ready-mixed Paints, made of pure linseed oil and the highest grade of pigments. A complete assortment of colors and shades carried in stock. Although the prices of white lead and linseed oil have advanced, we sell these ready-mixed paints at the same prices as formerly. TURNER & CO. v GEORGE MOCRAOKBN, P. M. tbe City Clerk. We have toJd what that Howell'u majority judgment adjudges, viz., "that they do not, CONSTABLES. MARRIED. in no manner or matter exercise or attempt W. F . Mooney to exercise the liberty, privilege and fran- BELL—FORSBERG.—At the Presbyterian R.H.Salmon manBe, in Boonton, on February 23, 1899, chise," etc., etc. Salmon's majority ; by tbe Kev. William H. Woolverton, Lewis After the service of the above, if any of tidward Bell, of Brooklyn, N. Y. t to Alma OVERSEER OF THH POOH. the officials should in any way disobey they A. Forsberg, of Boonton. Cuarles Glnsner would he guilty of contempt of court and W.B. Huff lined or imprisoned, or both, as the court Glasner's majority infgut determine. TOWNSHIP AND BOROUGH ELECTIONS. liurdick's Cyclometers. Foot Pumps Trouser Guards Toe Clips .69c each -3C pair • ?c pair EVERYTHING IN SUNDRIES AT EQUALLY LOW PRICES. MATS, CAPS DOVER, - NEW JERSEY. • «c each 79^ each 79c each 3^ each Garden Seeds. We buy the best quality of Garden seeds in bulk, fresh every season, and put them up ourselves in large packets to sell at Five Cents Each. Corn, Beans, Peas, Onion Sets, &c, also all kinds of garden tools. Poultry Netting. Galvanized Wire Fencing. Woven Wire Field Fencing. South Bend Plows. Wheel Barrows. Garden Barrows, &c. SHOES Our lines of shoes for the spring season, fur men, women and children, are now complete and ready for your inspection. particularly call your attention to our new shoe for ladies, a new line received this week, our We .wish to 115 SO 71 15 74 53 23 QUE£N QUAUITY $3.00 SHOE. They are made on lasts pearance. There is grace in the foot without sacrifice of cotr , . . the fine points of a high grade shoe—style, fit, comfort anJ durability—and all for Cont.inv*d fram fifth pmg: A P r e c i o u s Lot of Qulbblora. PREEBOLDBB. When the Morris Journal In a recent isBue made it known, somewhat gleefully, ft Thomas H. Hoagland David C. Berry Beamed to tbe ERA, that the agreement between Mayor Plerson and the members of the Hoagland's majority City Council (de facto), which resulted in the COMMISSIONER Of AFFKALS. withdrawal of the " salary" mandamus mit, Daniel Dlckerson was Invalid in one particula.r because of Its James Onstead alleged faulty wording, the ERA remarked Dlckerwra's majority. that, while we had on divers occasions crll! SUBTEYOBS OF UIQHWAYS. cised the members of the City Council for Walter Freeman various «ins of omission aud commission, we were loath to believe that they would take John 8. Dlckerson advantage of the fact that through inadver- William Tatty tence the wrong court was named in the writ- Isaac O. Kltcbell.....' ten agreement. We wish to take It all back. Freeman's majority An important part of that agreement, as it Dlckerson's majority BOROUGH OF NETCONG. MAVOH. 103 Abram J. Drake ThomasJ. CUft 90 Drake's majority 74 " $3.OO per pair. C COUNCILMEN. 240 Miller N. Mowder 237 Philip Quinn 3 Thomas Reggan Henry Sberence 344 Quinn's majority Reggan'a ' ' 244 COMMISSIONER OF ATFIALS. 243 242 W. C. Huyler George Boothney 2 Freeman Carter 2 Huyler's majority 224 SUBVKTOH OF HIOIIWATS. 850 Henry Astwick Augustus M. Jones 73 73 ...71 2 1 72 08 1 THE GEO.RICHARDS CO. Dover, New Jersey. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 3 was understood by Mayor Pterson, as well as Hooka to Read. Nlbelius to tbe Landing Hotel Company bj by the public generally, was that, in consider- Selah Bller deed dated Beptember 36, 1689, and recorded It would seem absurd for any Individual John Coi 08 ation of Mayor Fierson'a signing the salary in Morris County Record of Deeds, Book or corporation to select ono hundred booke IN CHANCERY OF NuW JEKSET. 05 Cox'a majority U-12, pages 80, &c.; thence (4) Southflftytwo warrants for the Councilman up to February as being necessary to every ODD who would degrees and thirty minutes wast along third CONSTABLES. 1, no more bills would be presented by them bo v?oil road. Wo learn that Stephen Leslie, Astwick's majority Between Doraatus L. Bryant, complainant, DOVER, K. J. line of last mentioned lot one hundred and Daniel Morgan 289 and the Westmoreland Hotel Company a very cultivated English crltlo, has Bold: for services as Councilineu. At the meeting CONSTABLES. and three-tenths feet to third corMatthews Tboodore P. King, William E. King and niaety-Bix 222 John H. Brltton of the* City Council (de facto) on Monday Aaron of same* and &lno the first corner, as in 05 "The beet book for uny man U that In Charles Hopler Caroline B. Bryant, defendants. PI, fa. for ner 245 which he takes moBt Interest; the suitabildeed from Nancy Rfggs to Landing Hotel night Councilmen Hayaor, Carhart and Qeorge Hull sale of mortgaged premises. Returnable to 225 Scattering Company, the first above mentioned; thence ity of a book depends upon the idiosynWay term, A. 1). 1SI». Stuniyf eachhadlnabillfor*37.50 for sal(5) north twelve definrees fifteen minutes west Britten's majority 03 crasy of the reader; -whichever book Morgan's majority M J. H. NEIGHBOUR, Solicitor. ary for the month of February. These bills seveoty-flve feet along the first line of last arouses his mind most and commands hli OVERSKKIl.OP THR POOR. 20 Hopler's majority By virtue of tho above Btated writ of fieri mentioned trace t o second corner of same; were approved by Councilman Ray nor and Lambert RUcer. 09 •ympathy most powerfully is la all probafacias iu my hands, I shall expose for sale at tbence (6) north eighty-eix degrees and thirty Cf.rhart, who compose a majority of the bility the best for him. Tako hold anyimblic vendue on the premises at Landlos, minutes west one hundred and twenty-three MADIBON. Finance Commltt«e,but were withheld when where. Bead what yon really like and and stx-tenthB feet, following the second line Morria County, N. J., on The election in Madison was on unusually not what some one telli you that you the rest of tho hills were -voted upon, aud were of the same to tbe place of beginning, conCHATHAM BOROUGH. taining nlnety-sU hundredth* of an acre, ought to like." WEDNESDAY, the llltli day of April afterwards passed over to City Clerk Baker. quiet one, the contest being betwren the Chatham borough had only one ticket In more or least but, after deducting sixteen However much Jefferson In the DecAnd now it is explained that the three Coun- regular Democratic organization and a the Meld. Frederick H. Lum was re-electod next, A. D. lbiW, between tbe hours of 12 m. hundredths of an acre, part of the are* pi ciJmen named understood the agreement to citizens' ticket. James P. Albright, who has Mayor for two years and Edward H. Taylor laration of Independence and Lincoln in and 5 o'clock p. m., that is to Bay a t 2 o'clock raid proposed new road as along lines mimbeen Mayor of tbe borough since its incorhis address at Gettysburg declared for in the afternoon of said day, all those tracts bets two and three, there remains eightymean that they were not to ask Mayor Pierand A. Philetus Konkle Councilmen for three or parcels of land and premises, situate, lyinc hundredths of a n acre, more or less. son to sign any more salary warrants for poration, beaded the citizens' ticket, while years each. William E. Geming was elected equality, thoro Is no reason why we should and bolnc in tho Township of Roxbury, in the aim to bring all into conformity to a given them, and not that they would waive all Edward A. Ieaacs, a New York lawyer, was Commissioner of Appeals for one year. Being tbe same premises conveyed to tbe County of Morris and Stato of New Jersey, standard at tho expense of what we coll Westmoreland Hotel Company by tbe Landclaim to salary after February 1. The three the Democratic nominee. Of the 021 voters, bounded and described as follows: individuality. The elective system of study THE FmST THACT—Beginning a t the third ing Hotel Company b y deed March 29,1697, bills approved by the Finance Committee on but 055 cast their ballots. The majorities for is growing In favor in educational InstituVOCALISTS. FLOEHAM PARE BOROUGH. and not yet recorded. corner of a tract of lanii couveyed by Axel Monday night, it seems, ore to be left as a the citizens' candidates were: Mayor, J. F. tions, and tho elective system of reading Dated March 13. 1800. Tbe election a t Florham Park borough reMbellus to the Landing Hotel Company must likewise be recognized as best, at Sig. Salvatore Stabile - . Baritone W. legacy to tbe " new-old " Couucil (which will Albright, 108; Councilmen, W. T. Brown, flDGAR L. DURUNG, Sheriff. by deed dated September 20, 1889, nnd resulted as follows: Mayor, Jcase S. Keys; loost aftor persons have come to yean of next week resume governmental functions in 100; n a r r e y H. Franco, 114; CommlBsIonor Chronicle and Bra p. 1123..40 corded in Morris County Cl»rk'» office in Councilmen, James White, George E. Pelcb, discretion.—Keystone. Miss Leila Trimble - • - Soprano BookU, IS of Deeds, pases 89, & c ; thence Dover) in tbe hope that that body, out of the of Appeals, Francis Kluien, 110. Aarou P. Condit, Caruot B. Meeker, C. F. north twelve degrees fifteen minutes west goodness of its collective heart, may order Miss Rabcile - . . . 1 Contralto being a continuation of tbe second line of Hopping, Lyman Fish. There was no opposAfrican warrants drawn in payment of the same. MONTVILLE TOWNSHIP. said tract of land seventy live feet to a coring ticket. The pygmies of Africa, says Captain AND OTHERS ner marked by a stake and heap ot stones' In Montville there was but one ticket, but Guy Burrows In hia "Land of the PygAt Brown's Hotel. Ledge wood, thence (2) north eighty-six degrees thirty It fa perhaps nob necessary to Btate that John H. Milledge, candidate for reflection mies," ore masters in the art of hunting. minutes west one hundred and twenty-three The largest organization of its kind in nothing in ths foregoing applies to Council- as Freeholder, was opposed by Walter A, They can kill evon elephants with their the world. A complete orchestra of feet eight Inches to a corner marked by a ROXBURY TOWNSHIP. man Lyon, who neither put in a bill, nor, as Young. Milledge was elected over Young by stake aud heap of Btones; thence (3) south six little bows and arrows, blinding the aniTOWNSHIP CLSRK. tho third member of the Finance Committee, a majority of S3 votes. ladies. A musical treat. Don't miss degrees forty-five minutes east one'hundred T. Varney Rarick. R HO malfirstfcyshooting at its eyes. Onoe ho and fourteen feet two inches to a corner approved tbe bills of bis colleagues. With !• blinded, they never leave him till he Henry C. Baldwin was elected clerk; John Charles I King, D this novelty. marked by a large stone with a drillhole; 140 fallB. him, an agreement is an agreement. Husk, township commltteeman; Henry Bott, tbenoa (4) north sixty-five degrees east BixtyThe harp used in this orchestra was Rarick's majority 8 A pjffiuy, I have no hesitation In soroae feet four inches to a corner marked by a But, aren't the others a precious lot of quib- commissioner of Appeals; William Husk and imported especially tor this organization ing, eats, as a rulo, twice as much as will large stone with a drill hole; thence (5) south TOWNSHIP COUMITTEE. Garret B. Jacobus, surveyora of highways blera I ti'irty-elgbt degrees eaBt one hundred and JohnTodd, R 120 •ufflce a full grown man. He will take a from Milan, Italy, at a cost of 62,000, and Elmer Speer, constable. fifty-two feet Beven inches to a corner on tho stalk containing about G O bananas, seat H. K. Solman.R 148 second line of said tract marked by a stone AnotJier I n s t r u c t i v e " L e a f . " JoBeph McConnell, D 153 himself, and oat thorn all at a meal—beartificially set in tbegrouud; thence IB) alorat at 1 o'clock p . m. « W p , 90 head o t horses will In The ERA last week gave an instructive leaf Frank I. Davis, D ]3» sides other food. Tbon he will lie and MOBBJS TOWNSHIP. stcond line north twelve degrees fifteen sold. AJ1 aelected b j mvself-m«te!ied town, groan throughout tho night until morning PRICES - - 35 and so cents said concerning trolleys out of the lesson book of The total vote was 402, cast as follows ; minutes west one hundred and twenty-nine draught and road hone»f U TeifTtormy, sal. McConnell'B majority 10 comes, when he 1B ready to repeat tho opfeet four inoh-s to the place of beginning, will Uke place next day. Montclair. The New York IWbune on MonTOWNSHIP COMHITTEEklAIf. Solman's " 9 eration. W. W. TRIMMER. containing thirty-six one hundredths acres Soeto coir on u l o ot Klll«oro'o Drag Store, and 219 day, in an editorial on street cars, gave an- Charles Y. Swan, R more or less. ' 0»n ba Mcnnd by telapBoc sunvEYons OF HIGHWAYS^ 179 other equally instructive leaf out of the lesson Charles B, Slater, D Vlrtvei of Frnlt Jnlee. Svlvester O. Baker, R ; 143 THE SECOND TiucT-Beglmilng at a stake books of Paris and Budapest, respectively, Pare grape juice, says an authority on 144 Swan's majority 40 Ellsha E. Reger, R and Btones oue hundred and eighty eight feet Augustus S. Bryant, D 140 foods, 1B Invaluable In either slokn&ss or / W e quote from the editorial: FBEEnOLDEB. on a course south thirty-seven degrees fifteen Irving Gardner, D.. • 141 health. In fevers tt Is both food and medi" I n Paris there isastreet car company. I t Charles R. Whltehead, K 16EIminutes west from tho southwest corner of tho 22 south abutment of tho road bridgo of tho has three hundred cars in use. I t payB the Joseph Van Dyke, D Baker's majority \ ...... 2 cine and Is more and more used by physi177 cians. Oranges and pineapples make a decanal and Delaware, Lackawanna and Westcity a royalty of $300 a year for each car, or Reger'a " " licious juice, but the small fruits are more ern Railroad a t Landing, New Jersey; thence Whitehead's majority 4$90,000 for all. It provides a scat for each JUSTICE OF TUK PBACK. (1) south Df ty-tbree degrees west two hundred valuable. Currants, used alone or mixed COUUISSIONEB o r APPEALS. and twenty-five feet to a stake: thence 121 passenger. I t provides lucloaod station Alfred Fanoher, R 14a with a third of raspberries, aro more so, Robert Hipeon, K 23 north twelve degrees west three hundred feet Thomas Minion, R .133 and the huckleberry and elderberry yield bouses and platforms for them at street to a stake and stones ; tbenco (81 north flftv101 products not to be despised. Blackberries, n o John W. Fanoher, D corners. I t gives free transfers from line to Charles H. Cole, D throo degree east two hundred and tvrontjPeter A. Hummer, D ]42 fluid or gardun, are valuable medlolnal Rlpson's majority line. I t payB expenses, pays good dividends ""O feet to a stake and stones in the south agents, and tho poorest cherry, uneatable John W. Fancber's majority 10 right of way line of tbe Delaware, Laoka. on its stock and divides its surplus profits 8UBVKY0BS OE HIGHWAYS. aa a fruit, becomes nectar when made Into wanna and Western Ballroad ; thenw (41 folCONSTABLES. . above the prescribed dividends with the city. James Dlckson, R 230 lowing the same about throe hundred feet to ' 139 a drink. 225 Eugene Coleman. D "What would the Metropolitan Traction Com- James Brant, R the place of beginning, wblch, after deduc™ William H. Rarick, D 142 Bishop EVOJM, D 174 Frank Advice, ing twenty-sovon hundred and flft pany aay to that ? The General Omnibus 143 Christopher Moody, D . . . . 17 Fred. Blaught, D "I'm.golng to a fanoy dress ball, and I Company of Paris gives a scat to every pasDavid Thomas, R 145 Dlcksou'B majority 60 Henry Llsh, R ortyetaht hunaredths acree : beiniStnl senger, pays a royalty of (400 a year on each 143 want to conceal my ago. What shall I same premises couveyed to the party o"tho ; . . . 144 wearf" Brant's majority 61 George Hills, R of its vehicles aud makes good profits. In flM part by deed from Axel W. Nibellus ESTATE OP MAROARBT FRITZ, DECEASED. George Force, R 142 "Witr a mask, madam."—Mew York JUSTICES OT TIIE PEACE. tbe German cities the street car companies O U R BOCKBEER,WHICH IS NOW READY dated Beptember 20 1880, and recorded in World 23 pay in royalties from & to 15 per cent, of their Robert W. Williams, R... Morri. County Clerk's ottico In Book TJ-13 on Purauaot to the oWar of tne SurroMte ot " " Thomas' majority y M DELIVERY YW5BREWEDIN NOVEMBER AND page 225 80, &c. The add party o[ the flrst part S^ i . " ' " " • t h , nude on the eliJnUi d«y ol gross receipts, and they aro profitable con- David Pioreon, R DIED. Hilts' •• :: A, D., one thousand eight hundred ail Edward Brastod, D 172 DECEMBER LAST. IT ISA PURE.WHOLESOME further grants, assigns and conveys to tho March, LAITY—At the home of his parents ID Luxcerns. In Budapest the underground* trolley, Charles W. Mattel, D nlnety-nlne, notice la hereby g S r a to all person 170 EXTRACT OF MALT AND HOPS THE EQUAL party of too second part, Its mcceasors aid hovln- cltlniB against the estate of Margaret emburg, from pneumonia, Henry Laity, which Hew York is now just introducing assigns forover, tho right and privilegeTnf WASHINGTON TOWNSBIP. aged 16 years. Williams'majority 58 . <Sot t h oO ooi imm' 'yy "' "' MM"rrta. "rrta. d»ceo«&.t» d»ceo«&. OF ANT HIGH PRICED MALT BEVERAGE ON laying a one inch pipe from the aboro <h l£2 with fear and trembling, has been in suec present t h u d n thh o r affirmation, i tto under In Washington townBhlp there was but om DICKERSON— At his home in Newark, on Plersou's majority 53 scribed promises to a small l k b fi THE MARKET, FAMILIES SUPPLIED & ful UPO for ten years in a for more rigorous ticket. The following were elected : Clerk, Thursday. March P, Charles F. Dickerson, OONBTABLBS, _THE SEITZ BREWINGCaH climate than ours, too. Tbe company gives aged 87 years, formerly of Mt. Olive. Hollowny W. DuDnrd ; Township Committee, y g water to the hotel or mberdwe 229 a seat to each passenger, in cars a t least as Maltby G. Tlerson, R barn or stable which may 1» SS !^^> EASTOM.PA. and John Moore, R 226 Matthias Fleming; Commissioner of Appeals, thereon for use therein, tho pipe to bo fine BE those fa this city. I t pays large taxes Michael McCarthy, D mauon, within tne time so limited, will be forevff Frederick A. Apgor ; Surveyor of Highn-ays, under ground and sal, p r i v E i" to the city, maintains krgo insurance aud Patrick Prendergast, D Alfred C. Howell and John T. Tfaughrigbt d a i i S r ° r i i 6 r aouon "•»*"• •^ta"-tt" sick funds for its employes, pays large aums on. ba?n r»ta£ Datea the eighth day of March, A. D.. 1699. Plerson's majority 03 JuBtlces of the Feaco, John B. Read and AIyearly to reserve and reserve tax funds, for M o r r l s t o w n , N. J . JESSIE A. WOODHULL. Tint THIUD TKAOT, bounded and described Moore's majority 60 plious IUff; Constables, William Voort ,1 „ , ff AdnUnlstratrlr, Interest and for a sinking fund, and yet f. '?"?; " e B'"» ln 8 at the third coinerr of Is the largest Investor hi Heal Estate e th Jacob Wiscbim and Sbafer Selgler; Overseer OVEltSEEB Or THE POOR. of Horse about seven years old, sound, """ Dover, N. J. a tract of land land us us convoyed convoyed by by Nancy Rkrm makes 6 per cent yearly dividends on its y Rkrm Mortgagee la tho County, having approxict of Maltby O. Plemon, R 229 of the Poor, John J. Swa;£e. to Landing Hotel C S ? mateTy «900,000 of its funds loaned a t the stock. The secret of It h that its stock reprekind, weight eleven hundred pounds. to Landing Hotel Company b Freeman Husk, D 1C9 present tiroo on thta class of Becurlty, coversents nothing but honest capital actually InALONZO B. SEARING, Ing property of more than double tbat value. A handsome muff. Owner may Pierson's majority veBted and employed In the enterprise. The A Fluo CMmntii. recover same a t Justice of tlie '7-1 w Dover, N. J. water is left in the Danube." In that nowly founded Yankee toira ot It Invites Applications for this Class Peace Brown's Office, on Sussex MT. OLIVE. of Loans in Large or Small Sums. Southorn Finos, N C , thoro is a new elegam TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE. street, Dover, on paying cost of Expenses for Searches, etc.. Moderate hotel, the Plney Woods Inn. AKewYorkei John /!. Smith ....01 this notice. J O H N F WOOD. Wo W a n t t o b e F a i r . INTEREST, FIVE PER. CENT. Ira !C. Stephens ....03 is managing tho hotel und It Is crowded every Tbe Index lost week, commenting on tbe winter. Tne climate a t Southern Pines is r This Institution wilt also make loana on articlo in tho ERA of the week before in de- StepbonB majority just grand. Not too cold; not too warm but accepted collateral aeaurity, payable on de- Four rooms, garden, good well waler. TO LET. C O U U I S S I O N J I H OP APPEALS. mand or on. specified time, at current rate fence of tho volunteer!) who enlisted in the junt right. Take a run down there and w Five dollars per month. A cottago containing seven rooms, nicely . . . . 7 2 how you liko tho climate. I t costs but llttl , of interest. Spanish-American war, charged that the ERA Nelson Salmon ....60 Ilnlslied, water in kitchen, Also to lot, or AIONZO B. SEARING, nine minutes e unfairly quotod from tho hxdek, "leaving Theodore N. Bharpe HBNHY W, MILLER, President. na excursion tlckota can be had and Pinoy for Bale, three ottaor houses, all on Richard" . out tho gist of the articlo," I t Is true that * majority Id Woods Inn will inako you moderate raten. H. T. HULL, Becrttary and Treasurer. ' 7 - ' w. Randolph Avenue. ,JI6. 0AKER OPSRA SHERIFF'S SALE. MONDAY, MARCH 20. NEW YORk'S n 24 SUPERB ARTISTES 2 4 TUESDAY, MARCH 21st, THOS. O'NEIL SHOEMAKER Removed from Sussex Street to his new store on Black* well Street. Custom Made Shoes a specialty. Repair* ing neatly done. »:* NOTICE. M3&tfaE1iKS3S5SSa£ WANTED. FOR RENT. round. iU HAHH 17-tt Inquire F . V. BIROH. THE IKON ERA, DOVER, N. J., MARCH 17,1899. Stephen C. Betry, who has boeu very i] IK, L. A- W*N Jf£ THREATENED HTUJKE A VERTED. Itb pneumonia, is out again. Tuesday was pay day at tbe car shops aud Sunday T r a i n s t o b e R u n Over Time A r b i t r a t i o n Hesults In S e t t l e m e n t of Continued from first page. ou the Morris and Essex Division. Road IJpreafter. DlffloultleB. Spencer's majority will erect a new blacksmith Through conciliatory cuetliodi there was Commencing next Sunday, tbe nineteenth Uonk'i '• Entered »t the Pout Office at Dover, N. J., "hop OB East Blackwell street opp-silo their instant, Sunday trains will be run for thu settled on Monday afternoon, in one of the COMUIBSIONEH OP APPEALS. present location. , s ,econJ-cl»«» matter. accommodation of the public over tbe Morris mout important hutjinees concerns of this city, A. J. Cook, R 159 Carpenters are at work remodeling the „ aud Essex Division of the Lackawanna. Vi_ certain differences between employers and Daniel CsUagban, D 98 IX)CAL JOTTINGS. rior of Cbarla H. JJennott's stationery Morristown trains wjl) leave IS'ew York as employees, which, had they been allowed to Cook'» majority 61 run their usual course, would almost inevifollows : 7:30 a. m. for Washington, making SURVEYORS OF HIOHWAVB. TliBre are at present an unusually large store on Sussex street. Henry J. Misel and George W. Stickle, of all stops, arriving at that station 10:35 a. m. tably have resulted fn a prolonged labor ManningFlatt, B 159 number of cases o[ typhoid Cover in Newark. 10:15 a, m. for Dover, arriving at 12:20 p. m. struggle, with no eud of wriouB consequences. W. W. Wasbburn, R 101 Kockaimy, have gone to Old Point Comfort Edward Laughlin, of Port Oram, entered 12:00 m. for South Orange, arriving at 12:54 On February 7 there was organized in James Lilt, D m tor a week's pleasure trip. All Souls' Hospital at Morristown on Wed98 p. iu. 2:00 p. m. for Dovor, arriving a t 4:04 Dover among the umkillerf laborers employed Joseph P. Dunn, D Major O. L. Pruden, executive clerk at the P- m. 4:45 p. m. for Morrintown, arriving at ia tbe Richardson & Boynton Stove Works a nesday to lie treated for a tumor. Flatt's majority 61 Wateon Little, late proprietor of the White House, Washington, D. c , Is visiting ti:-0 p. in. 0:45 p. m. for South Orange, branch ot' the National Federation of Labor, Washburtfs majority 63 arriving at 7:38 p. m. 8:30 p. m. for Summit, uuder the name of Federal Laborers' Union, Central House, in Rookaway, has taken »:.. L. DIckerson aud family. COMBT ABLK8. The Kamilj. circle Social Club will bold trrivtag at 9:40 p. m. 10.15 p. in. for Dovor, No. 7,2U, William A. Ferrine, delegate of Charles Hopper, R. c'liarge at a Hotel In Krankliu furnace. 143 the National Iron Moulders' Union, being t~e JohnF. Wood, K 171 Tuere will be a " Birthdav " entortalnmeDt their BEcond annual masquerade ball In Date's jrivlng at 12:20 a. m. 162 To New York, trains will leave South organizer. Within a week or two after the Frank Hasan, R nt the First Baptist Church on TuBsday even- Hotel at Mt. Arlington to-night. Morris Utter, D 85 local organization was effected seven laborers The private car of the president of the Orange, 7:48 a. in., arriving on New York ing, March 21. Doors wide open to all. George Whittle, n Ill side at 8:40. 8 a. in, from Dover, arriving at who bad joined it were discharged. Among George Martinis, D 83 Northern Pacific Railroad is a t tbe Dover The Essex County Park Commission has car shops undergoing repairs. It is named 10:10 a. m. li :05 a. m. from Morrlstetrn the seven were tbe officers of the new organiHopper's majority 32 purchased the Waverly Pair Grounds from zation, and, as the men surmized that the arriving at 12:40 p. m. 1:05 p. in. from South the Yellowstone''and cost about *35,OO0. Wood's " 60 the Naw Jersey State Agricultural Society Orange, arriving at 2 p. m. 1:45 p. m. from men bod been discharged because of their Hazen'a " 51 H. Heimanis making extensive altarationi. tor »7n,000. Dover,.arriving at 8:60 p. in. 0:45 p m. from activity in behalf of then* union, tbe matter Too members of the Dover Lyceum uave to his store on Sussex Btreet, Mr. Heiman Summit,arrivingat 7:55p. in. 0:45 p. in. from WBA brought to tlie attention of the National MT. ARLINGTON. challenged the Port Oram Social and Llt- also intends to build an addition to his house Dover, arriving at 8:40 p.m. 7:35p. m. from Federation of Labor. There waa but one ticket in Mt Arlington on Gold street, which he will occupy this Washington, arriving at 10:40 p. m. wary Clubs to a serial of debates to take On Saturday last, Samuel (Scrapers, presi- borough, C. B. Cook waa elected Assessor; spring. place in a month. On the Boonton branch train No. 1)5, leav dent of the National Federation of Labor, James T. Lowe, Collector; Richard J. ChapThe Rev. W. H. Sbawgor will give his sec- ing Hew York a t 9.15 a. m., and arriving at John O. Bogert, labor editor of the New York lin and David J. Trundy, Councilmen, and Revival meeting have been beM each night ond talk on ••Ten Nights Iu a Barroom," Fhillipsburg 12:10, and returning leaving Evening Journal, and Ernefit Crosby, a Francis G. Himpler, Commissioner of toil week at th» First M. E. Churcb. Deacnn- with stereopticon illustrations, at tkn Uirst t-» Corbin, of Jersey City, has been conduct- BaptlstChurch next Sunday eveulug. Every- I'hillipsburg at 5:16 p. m., and arriving in member of the Social Reform Club, of New Appeals. Hew York at I p . i t . , will be run daily. These York City, to whlcb both Gompere and ing the meetings. body welcome. PEQUANHOC TOWNSHIP. Bogert also belong, came to Dover anJ, after trains will make all stops. Mrs. Scott FIchter. of Upper tongwood, TOWNSHIP OLEHX. hearing the Btory of the men, held a conferA hill has been introduced in the Legiswhllo doing some work near her house on lature providing tor the incorporation of the 395 ence with F. I), Richardson and Superin- Albert W. VanSann Shoot Tor a Tjvvlmg Cup. Friday of last week, stepped on some ice and township of East Orange as a city of tho 181 tendent Lynd, which resulted in a n appoint- Arteuius V. Zeliif, jr fell, breaking her leg. Frank Class had a handicap Bhoot yester- ment for another conference for Monday. second class. East Orange has a population Van Sann's majority 214 day at bis Lake Denmark Hotel, the prize Tiie Literary and Alumni .Association will of upwards of 30,000. On Monday President Gompera and Afr. COLLECTOR contested for being tbe handsome silver lov- Bogert, accompanied by Sarauul Prince, of hold its regular meetiog in the north Bide William L. McCue 287 " His Better Half » played to a Bmall house ing cup won by him recently at tbe shoot the National Cigar Makers' Union, after a Irving Titus.. school building this (Friday) evening. "An 285 in tho Baker Opera House on Wednesday. evening with Whittier" is to be the literary To say that all who attended were well satis- h«ld at Denville. Any one who is desirous of protracted conference with Mr. Richardson McCue's majority 2 placing this piece of silverware In hla collec- and Superintendent Lynd, succeeded in reachattraction. fled with toe play doesn't half tell it. I t was tion must needs now apply to Jacob Drake, TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE. ing an amicable settlement of tbe troubles Sheriff Henry M. Doremus has been chosen just one chunk of solid enjoyment. Horace Francisco 244 of Mt. Freedom. "Jake" brought bis eye and that had arisen. Mr. Richardson, Mr. to take charge of the Bpring election, In place 825 The Rev. Dr. Halloway will give a lecture nerve with him yesterday and as a result car- Compere Btatei to a representative of tbe Jesse Ward of Carl Lentz, chairman of the Republican on his trip to Bermuda at the regular meat- ind home the mug with a score of thirteen ERA, averred that he was not opposed to tbe Ward's majority Bl County Committee of Essex county, who reing of Morris Council, Mo. Ml, Hoyal Ar- out of fifteen, Tbe conditions of the shoot union and would not oppose it, but that reCOMMISSIONER OB* APPEAL8. slgnod temporarily. No better man could canum, on Monday evening, Marrh 20. It la were fifteen live birds per man at handicap cruiting for members must be dona outside Eugene Bailey 177 have been selected. earnestly desired that every member bo pres ises, the entrance being the price of the of working hours. He also agreed to give Richard T. Dudd 890 CHarles MoCormlck. of Central avenue.was ent. birds. Robert T. Smith actod as referee, to orders to the foreman that they must not use Budd's majority 222 arrested on Friday of last week on a charge Quarterly meeting services will be held at the entire satisfaction of tbe twelve contest* their influence either for or against the SURVEYORS O r HIGHWAYS. of BSiault and battery preferred by his wife. union; that the discharged men would be the Free Metkodlut Church on Friday, Satur- ants. The score follows ; Silas W. Matthew. 178 The warrant was served by Constable Blake. reinstated as Boon as vacancies occurred, and P. R. Casterlio yds. day and Bunday evenings and on Sunday 171 Bail was given in the amount of ttOO by MeHathaway, at) 3 0 3 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 0 1 1 0 0 — 1 1 that no one should bo discharged because he GarrettD. Smith 424 morning aud afternoon. The Rev. J. W, Drake, SO 3 3 1 1 1 U 1 1 S 0 0 2 S 2 1—18 was a member of the union. President C.H. Van Ness Uorraick for his appearance before the Grand 400 Tamblyn, District Elder, will have charge of C, Orr, SO 3S8310OSOW Jury. Gompers, for the union, agreed that no HUer, 29 10 11 01 O I w tbe services. Smith's majority 251 Baker, 38 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 3 0 2 1 0 2 3 — 9 efforts to obtain increased wages should be Tlie new borough of Florbam Park, which Van Ness's majority 227 Mls3 Josephine Corbin, the Deaconess, will J. Orr, 20 0 2 1 2 1 3 1 0 1 2 0 2 2 0 0—10 made for a t least a year and that It should was formed last week out of tbft northern JUSTICE o r THE PEACE. 29 OftlOlOOlOw Bpeakinthe First M. B. Church on Bunday O'Brien, rest entirely with the individual laborers James R.. Evans portion of Chatham township, contains eight {170 Decker, 27 1 1 1 2 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 — 1 0 morning on her experiences in tbe deaconess Hlnchman, 27 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 3 2 2 1 1 2 0 2 — 1 1 whether they join the uti.on or not. square miles. I t has fourteen miles of JobuDlannett 197 ork in whluh she has been engaged for Cook, 38 2 1 1 1 0 0 2 2 2 0 2 1 2 1 S 1 2 road, three of which are macadamized. Its President Fox, of the National Iron many years. The Kev. Dr. Woodruff will HDlIoran, 25 2 0 l 2 1 0 O 0 2 0 w Evan's majority 178 1 total population is 600, and number of votera MUUBOH, 29 2ll021O0O0w Moulders Union, was in Dover on Friday of preacb in the evening. 170. w—withdrew lost week. He conferred with the company on PORT ORAM. We would direct the attention of our JIIss E. & Batcheller, of Somervlllo. who that day and on Friday evening there was a In the borough of Fort Oram there was a readers to the new advertisement of Strauss' A Unique Attraction. wai elected State Regent of I.lie Daughters meeting of the local Iron Moldor's Union in Citizens' ticket and % Republican ticket. The of tho American Revolution, has sent in her itore, in Newark, which will be found on On Monday, March 20, Dover's citizens will the Baker Opera House, which President latter won. The total vote was 286. The resignation as regent of the General Freling- page 0 in this Issue. Typographically it la a be the recipients of a novel musical feast On Fox attended, and at which the impending tabulated result follows: hujBea Chapter. Mrs. Henry Hardwicke, a very taking advertisement, while tbe story that day New York's Famous Ladies Orches- labor troubles were dlscusaed. All's well AEBESSOR. granddaughter of General Frellughuysen, it tells wi'l doublets interest readers of tbe tra, an organization composed of celebrated that end'B well, and the ERA congratulates George H. Flartny,C MS was elected President, to succeed Miss BatchsololBte and renowned lady musicians, will both the company and itu employee* upon the Thomas B. Tone, R. 186 A meeting of citizens of Chester wilt be peaceful conclusion of what might hove reeller. give a most unique concert. Those who have Flartty'a majority 7 held on Saturday to appoint a committee to heard these famous instrumentalists in New sulted in a serious industrial disturbance. Johanna Kelly waa arrested on Saturday COLLECTOR. confer with President Truesdale, of the Dela- York will certainly not miss this opportunity of lost week by Constable Blnke on a charge Patrick O'Leary, C. 180 ware, Lackawanaa and Western Railroad, of listening to these charming girls once more, of larceny made by 8. R. BenDett. Mrs. Henry Collins, R 168 with a view to getting Mr. Truesdale to make and those who have not been so fortunate PKRSONAL MENTION. Kelly bos been in Mr. Bennett's employ as ColUnB'majority 23 the terminus of the Chester branch in the ought not miss the chance of seeing and hearhousekeeper and for some time articles of COBNOILMEN, town Itself, instead of where it now is. Mrs, James B. Mellck spent Sunday in ing the greatest female musical artistes of value have beeu disappearing. ' Kecorder Michael Mulligan, O. 128 Brooklyn. An announcement of a sain of horses by both continents. Gage died her bail at (200, awaiting the James H. Flartey, 0. 128 W. W. Trimmer will be foupd in another Miss Louise Williams spent Thursday in Andrew M. Ryan, R Tbe organization is most complete. Every 154 action of the Grand Jury. Edwards. Hance, R 160 column in this issue. Mr. Trimmer ia a well- instrument IB in the hands of a genius. The Morrlstown. The total amount of money in circulation known horse dealer and has held many a sale cello player 1B an Italian; the harpist, a Emmott Hopkins, of Boonton, was in Dover ~io Ryan's majority... on March 1, 1800, as given by Bradalrecl's, throughout the county. Prospective buyera native of Athens, Greece ; tlie trombonist an on Tuesday. Hanoe's majority.. wai $1,028,842,012, being (203 000,000 more will do well to attend tbis Bale, which will Austrian ; tbe first violin in the hands of an Charles Holler Is home from Willlamaport, 0OMHISB1ONEB O r APPEALS. than on the corresponding Hate last year. On take place at Brown's Hotel, Ledgewood, American; the drum, a Roumanian; tbe Long Island, Charles Pfelffer, C 140 the basis of a population of 76,600,000, the cirviola, an English girl; the'flute, an Amerinext Tuesday. George Parr, B 143 cnlBticm per capita is (25.57, a n increase of Misa Ella Fellis, of Dundee. N. Y., la visitcan ; the clarionets, Hungariaus ; cornet, a Considerable interest is manifested In the S I'-Mtt per capita as compared with the per > Parr's majority French Miss, and two violins in the hands of ing friends in Dover. capita circulation for the corresponding date . jvival services In the First M. E. Church a Russian and a Gterman girl, respectively, Miss Mary Wright, of New York, ia visit.'' and the meetings are well attended. The nearly all nations, excepting Spain, being RANDOLPH TOWNSHIP. of last year. ing Miss Mary Richards. meeting to-night (Friday) will be especially represented. The orchestra Is under the ex In' this township the normal Demooratio The Colonial Life Insurance Company Dr. Fred Decker Is recovering from a majority is about 125. Notwithstanding this fur young people. Miss Gorbla, the deaconess, perlonced direction of Marc Gelger, whose : evidently doesn't intend that its light shall severe attack of the grip. will assist Mrs. Woodruff In holding meetings fatne>s a conductor has been heralded by tbe the Republicans succeeded in electing their be bid under a bushel so far as Dover is conHarry Smith, of Avondale, visited Joseph candidates for the Township Committee, for women only on Tuesday, Wednesday and entire New York press. cerned. A handsome new sign, 25 feet long Duckworth on Saturday. Thursdays at 3 p. m. Township Clerk and Assessor. Thomas O. end tn-o and a half feet wide, WBB last week Tberepetroirefs not entirely classical.popuCharles Lockwood, of Pater-eon, visited BasMttled his ticket with the unparalleUed The young people of tlie First Baptist lar muslo receiving a fair share of the proplaced along tho front of No. 10 Blackwell | Republican majority of 60 votes. street, where the Colonial's main bratioh for Cburch on Tuesday evening called at tbe gramme. Tbe vocalists are all well known friends in town on Sunday. The tabulated result follows: Miss Martha Baker, of Hudson street, the Dover district is located, with Oscar home of their president, Mnt. John Andrews, In the world of song. Miss Ravellesang with TOWNBQIP OL8IIK. on TJnion street, giving her a very agreeable great success with the Italian Opera Com* spent Sunday at Arlington. Peer in charge.' James P. Cannata, R 208 surprise. To show their appreciation of her paay lost season. 8ig. Stabile, a baritone of Mrs. P. M. White, of Blackwell Btreet, The American Sch'ol Furniture Company Joseph B. Meeker, D 177 services they presented her with a beautiful high order, is an artist ot extraordinary spent Sunday at MorristowD. was on Monday Incorporated in Trenton with parlor lamp. Recitations, games, etc., mads power and always carries bis oudiences by Cannata's majority 81 Wade Darling, of Jersey City, spent Suna capital stock of 110,000,000, t o manufacture the evening pass pleasantly. ASSESSOR. itorm. Leila Trimble, a sweet and syma- day at the home of Herry 8. Peters. nil kinds of school and church furniture. The Thomas O. Bawett, R 240 The Senate on Wednesday took up the thetfo soprano, wafts her auditors into iccorporators are Samuel B, Lawrence, RobMias Charlotte Sedgeman, of Fairvlew Charles Coe, D 151 ert P. Barry, jr., John B. Surninerfleld, O. B. Assembly amendments to Senator Keteham's dreamlands of fancy and delight. Verily, a avenue, Is visiting friends in Sparta. musical treat is ia store. Volunteers' Compensation bill. Mr. Ketcham Baasett'a majority Spencer, Henry M. Havilahd, Henry C Miss Grace Clark, of New York city, spent COLUOTOR. Ererdsll, Arraitage Matthews and Leavltt J. said tint the amendments were of such a Bunday with her mother in this'city. ,.XT8 Isaac N. Cumback, R., Hunt, all of New York, and James C. Young character that a consultation with tho State's F i r e at Mt. A r l i n g t o n . Mrs. J. L. Seely, of Brooklyn, is the guest ..215 Donitns L. Cory, r,D.... financial officers would be necessary before nf Jersey City. K. F. Totten'H house and tbe adjolulng of Mrs. Albert Meafoy, of Randolph avenue. tbe Senate could dispose of them Intelligently. Cory's majority 37 "Resolved, that the United States has blacksmith shop at Mt. Arlington were deThe bill was laid over temporarily. Dennis Van Llew, of New York, visited TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE. stroyed by fire on last Saturday night. The more to fear from internal than from exA meeting of McDavit Post, O. A. K., was Ore, which occurred at about 8:40 o'clock, Dovor, wboro he formerly lived, on Monday. deorgeH. Wolfo, R 800 . tersal foes," was the subject of an interesting Deputy Revenue Collector Douglas, of Daniel B. Crater, D 184 debate at a meeting of the Dover Lyceum on held on Monday night, at which plans were was caused by a defective flue. Mr. Totten Monday night. W. O. Brown, Charles Cum- made for a big affair on March 27, which bad been at the nouBe during the afternoon Morristown, was a visitor In Dover WednesWolfe's majority ~10 miDB and Nicholas Praed argued the affirm- will be open to tbe public. Chaplain Me- and, as he found the chimney had filled up day. COMMISSIONER OF APPEALS. 100 Mrs. Thomas Bolitho haa removed from C l v l n McPoak, R ative, and Frank Brown, Oscar Boyd and L Cormick made an interesting address. There with snow and the grate was frozen, he 223 M. Smith, the negative. The decision was wore recitations by Obadlah Parker, and started a fire la tbe stove and then went out tbe brick block on Blackwell street to South Horace Baird, U rendered in favor of the affirmative Bide. Comrade Bryant, of Walnut Grove, was to attend to some business ia Mt. Arlington. Sussex street. Baird's majority 64 Upon bis return, well on towards evening, Theodore Cummins, W. Updy keend Augustus present and addressod the meeting. Miss Florence Loeaw, of Port Morris, boa SURVEYORS or HIGHWAYS. We would call the attention of our readers the flre in the atove appeared to be about been the guest ot Miss Lizzie Hedden during aac MoPeak, R Tmscott acted as judges. "V:--'171 out, so, after closing tbe draught, he left i t as John G. Dalrymple, B 172 The Supreme Court on Tuesday denied the to the new advertisement of the Cover It was. It Is surmised that the chimney be- tbe past week. Jesse Clark. Jr., D.. 231 application for a writ of eerttorari to review Boiler Works, showing ths construction of came overheated and this caused the fire. John Sandabl has secured a position In Charles O. Parsons, D 216 tk» contract made by Jersey City with Pat- their steam or hot water heater, one-half the The blacksmith shop, which adjoins the Cold Springs, N. Y., and left Dover for that Clark's majority 49 rick H. Flyun for a municipal water supply. casing being cut away to show tubes, etc. dwelling bouse, also caught fire and wasplace on Tuesday. Parson's majority 44 The Court held that the reasons given why .These beaters have stood t i e test of the late destroyed. Tbe property and furniture Mr. and Mrs. William "Whitford, of PaterJUSTICES o r THE PEACE. the contract should be set aside are without severe weather* to the entire satisfaction of insured for fa, 100. son, visited Mrs, Whitford'a mother, Mrs. Matthias M. VanBtten, B 166 merit. The requirements and specifications those having them in use. C. O. Boskiug Samuel D. Youngs, R 170 John Glbons, on Sunday. with reference to the bids were all reasonable represents this department of the Dover Jacob Rldner.R 102 Mr. and Mrs. William Richards, of NorD.Hudson Dalrymple, D . . . . 225 Flre nt .Lake D e n m a r k . and for the benefit of the city. The demand Boiler Works. wich, Conn,, visited Mr. and -Mrs. Albert JohnB. Blackwell, D 224 upon the bidders for a deposit of 1100,000 as Theodore S. Hart, of New Tork city, died E. P. Merritt, of Lake Denmark, baa susTheodore C. Fierson, O 222 Richards on Wednesday. a guarantee of good faith was not oppressive, ot .the home of his brother, Fred Hart, of alned seriouB losses through two fires which The Rev. and Mrs. Decker, of Decker town, Dalrymple'e majority 55 as the city's intended expenditure is 18,000,000. Essex street, this city, on Thursday morninBi •lave occurred in the past fortuight. On Blackwell'a majority 54 March 10. Mr. Hart waa in the 2Sth year of March 5, at mid-night, his barn' caught lire have been visiting their BOD, Dr. Fred. H. Pierson's majority 52 Under the act making a city of Summit, its age. He had been ill for some time and and' was totally destroyed, It was iDSured Decker, during the past week.CONSTABLES. tta flrat election tor city officials will be held Mrs. Rodney Howell, of Dutnont, IB vUituad been living in Dover with bis brother for (1,000, which,.however, does not cover Joseph Anson, R ........103 on the second Tuesday In April. The townthe loss, as the barti'Cbntalned a quantity of ng at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Powell, R 170 •blp officials will hold office until the Mon- during the winter. Hia wile aud one rhlld lachlnery and farming implements of value. A. Judson Coo, on Bergen street. John A. Lampoon, R 171 day following the election The particular survive him. The funeral services will he ElijahC. Burnett, D ...22a On March 8 tbo Merritt homestead was also held from his late residence In liorrlslana William P. McFherson Is now ticket agent John P. C. Brlant, D features of the new form of government are 223 totally destroyed by flre. This lire Is sup-at Briok Church, Orange, on the Delaware, James E. Chambers, D 314 " ' forth in an aot recently passed by the this evening. Interment will bo made at posed to have been caused by a defective flup. Lackawanna and Western Railroad. legislature. The law, It is eipeoted, will be Ainltyville, Long Wand. The house was insured for 12,800, which was Burnett's majority SI ratified by the votera a t the forthcoming Helen Johnson, aliaa Glover, who has been Far below its cost. Only a year ago Mr. Her. Briaut's majority Horace Kraft has left the employ of the •talon. If this ac6 should be rejected tho the guest of the Sheriff of Morris during the Chamber's majority 43 ritt had gone to great expanse in remodelling Richardson & Boynton stove works and has Incorporation will be under the law of 1807, winter, returned to her home among the old O V X B S U B or TUB poon. the house. About seven years ago Mr. Mer- accepted a position in New York city. "blch applies to cities having a population canal boats below the guard lock this week. Joseph AnsOn, R , 174 -itt's hotel was dostroyed by fire. »' less than 18.000. Mts3 Maude Downham, who has been makElijah C. Burnett, D 218 On Tuesday Helen managed togetdrunkaud ing an extended visit with Miss Bessie Simpwas arrested by Officer MoElroy. On WedBurnett's majority 44 The Board of Excise Commissioners at a nesday Recorder Gage ilxed the penalty at Killed on tlio Rnllson, will return to her home in Alexandria, 8 1»eial meeting on Monday night transferred ten days and ooBt, and Helen returned to John Qrogan, thirty years of age, a brake- Va., tomorrow. ROCKAWAY BOROUGH. we saloon license held by George W. Crane MorrlBtown. As tbe costs aro not in sight, man In tho employ of the Delaware, LackaIn Bockaway borough the following ticket Mrs. Edward I*. DJckenon and Bon Harry ™ a salobn on the corner of Warren and and the prisoner will have to remain at Mor- wanna and "Western Railroad, waa .fatally were last week*tbe guests of Major O. L. was elected, the opposition ticket being withDick,arson streets, to Edward Jones, heretoinjured while drilling freight cars at Morris for, manager of tbis Dover branch of the ristown until they are paid, It in probable Plains late on Tuesday night. Grogon bad Prutlon, assistant secretary to President Mo- drawn in the morning: Mayor, Simon J, Lowentbal: councilmen, Mablon H. HoagKlnley, in Washington. that this viait will last longer than tho pravt «ltz Brewing. Company j and the saloon just made up one train and was getting out land aud A. J. Hclllag; Justice of the Peace, OUB one, which was ninety dayB, Mrs. Myron H. Cook, of Piccatinny, has Edward 8. Arnold; commissioner of appeals, "conse held by Thomas J . Carr, for a saloon of the way of the locomotive, which was The postofflce at Wnldwlck, near Paterson backing down to couple the other train. He arrived homo after a week's sojourn in Mount Edward H. Todd. Thomas E. Hoagland was on SUS36I street, to Wllford A. Surnburger, lately manager of tbe Morris and Easel Ho- was entered early tat Friday morning by stepped on tbe other track and did not notice Vernon, N. Y. While there she attended a re-elected as Freeholder. tel, corner Warren and Dlckerson streets. thieves, who blew open tho safo and B"t that a train WOB approaching. Before he musicale given by her niece, Mrs. Harry « Is Mr. Jones's Intention to remodel tbe Btamps and cash to tbo amount of $250. Geo. lid get off the track ho was hit by tho DeForost Hunt. B0CKA.WAY TOWNSHIP. "ano suloon and make it a flrat-olaas cafe, Oughton, tho poatmastor, lives over his gro-locomotive and knocked dawn. Tho wheels TOWNSHIP M.KBK. with superior appointments. cery store. Ho m i awakened about 4 o'clock of the engine cut off both hia foet and one Special Sale. John Thomas, R by the explosion. Tho postmaster aroused arm was severed at tbe elbow. Grogan was Desirable building lots, 60x100, on the south John Finnegan, D 177 The Rev. Dr. Albert Erdman, pastor of his neighbors and they began a hunt for the taken to All Bouls' Hospital where ho diod side of Maple avenue, will be sold for tho low ™ South Btreet Proebvtwlan Cburch, MorThomas'majority 101 burglars. At Hohokus, two miles from Wednesday morning. His home was iu Stan- price of $200. For terms inquire of A, P. Hstown, last Bunday morning preached a COLLECTOR. McDavit. ^ ^ ^ ^ Wmon commemorative ot hia thirtieth anui- Waldwlck, they found tbo steel vault taken hope. George W. Earl 261) "rsary M pastor. Tbo following statistics from tbe safe. It had been pried opon and D. M. Rlghter. 200 President Truesdalo and other officials of "we given for the thirty years of hla pnR-emptied of about $50. No further trace o ' tbe Delaware, Lackawnmm aud Western A Wheelman's Earl's majority Oil "rate: Added to the church on confession the burglars was discovered. Railroad Company stopped in Dover on Sat- tool bag Isn't complete without a bottle of TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE. « faith, T50 i by letter, 012, a yearly average urday on tbair way to Hobokon nnd made a Dr.Thomas'EclectrioOil. HealscutB, bruises, 01 Thomas Heslln 213 tntir of inspection of tbe depot, the yard and io. Tho bonevolont oontrlbutlons aggrestings, strains. Monarch over pain. Sprluo; Millinery Opon In u, Anthony Z. Vanderbilt 104 th" ciir Btaops. Great Improvement*i are exgated SM3.788; contributions tor church ant Mlafl F. V. Weir, with Barton & Scott, wil ISSteu from tho new president and it would Aaron Alatthews 37 congregational oxponsej, 8,270,701, a total ol To Curo Constipation Forever* Heslln's majority , wo.,489. Between 400anil 500 children have havo her opening display of spring mlllln 'not be a S Idea for the Board of Trade, to Take Cuscorots Candy Cathartic. 10a or £50, ,fer with him. Tho early bird catches tho If C. O* Oi toll to Citx6,iiTiiggiMiM wJund non*?' Continued on fourth page. 'TO ba Ptlz el l, and Dr. Erdman has ofllciatcd ory (Saturday, March 35, No, S3 East Black con worm « H3 marriages and 760 funorala well street, Dover. Iron Bra. TOWNSHIP 4HD BOROUGH ELECTlOfiS. 5 HAT SEASON//. The time to purchase Hats is at the beginning of the season. This is the beginning of the Spring Season and you are confronted with the latest styles—Dunlap, Youman, Spellman, Howard, Melville Special and all the newest things in Alpine and Crush Hats. Have you seen the new Square Crown Derbys. It's the coming hat at popular prices, $2.00. Pierson & Co. Opp. t h e Bank, DOVBf'S \M\M GIOtDlGTS DOVER, N. J . ARE YOU LOOKING AROUND? Then come and see Our stock of Bicycles. Remington, Eagle, Crescent and Imperial. We can suit you both as to price and quality. See our $60.00 Chainless, Guaranteed equal to any make. S. H. BERRY HARDWARE CO., TELEPHONE CALL 8 B, DOVER, N. J . SLAUGHTER SALE The bottom to be knocked right out of prices. We must close out our winter stock of clothing before taking inventory. Now is the time to buy, Don't wait but come at once. This sale is going to be the biggest special sale of clothing ever offered in Dover. We quote a few prices. Can you beat them ? $18.00 15.00 13.00 10.00 8.00 Suits now Suits now Suits now Suits now Suits now $15.00 12.50 10.00 8.00 6.00 $18 Overcoats now $.5.00 15 Overcoats now 12.50 12 Overcoats now 10.00 10 Overcoats now 8.00 All Silk Lined Overcoats former price $16 now $12. An All Wool Overcoat for Children's Clothing, all $7. Special Fine Chinchilla marked down, they must go, Ulster $18 now $15. A regardless of price. rare bargain. In our GENTS' FURNISHINGS DEPARTMENT goods have all been cut in price, with the same knife that cut our prices in clothing. C. N. P0LA5KY, The Cash Clothier and Gents' Furnisher 11 EAST BLACKWELL STREET, DOVER. N. J . > To inspect our fine stock of Carpetings for the Spring Season. Our lines are very extensive and we are prepared to show you goods that will compare with the best in the country for beauty, quality, and, above all, price. FURNITURE The best that money 'can buy we have right here, with the different grades on hand. From the cheapest to the best we feel confident that the wants of all can be satisfied. We are • anxious to show you our stock before you purchase elsewhere. HENRY J. MISEL, No. B East Blackwell Street. Dover. N. J . BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK EGOS, from CHOICE FOWLS. $i per s e t t i n g of 13. $1.75 for 2 6 . Leave orders at Lyon's Store or address T. P . SMITH, Dover. Dover Lumber Co. Blackwell Street, Dover, N. J. DEALERS IN BUILDING MATERIALS OF ALL KINDS. Lumber, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, etc.. Bracket and Scroll Sawing NOTICE. Tho annual meeting of tho Stockholders of the Hibornitt Miue Hail road Company will be done to order. Best Lehigh and Scranbeld on Monday, April 3rd, 1801), at IS o'clock ton Coal. Split and Block Wood. Blue Stone, Brick, Lime, Plaster, Cement, noon at tlio company's ofllce, Dovur, N. J. J, "WESLEY PULLMAN, Philadelphia, March 13,1390. Secretary, Tile Drain Pipe, etc. •=— TELEPHONE NO. 30. After Mutiame Caodekriahad t»eeu silenced t of any in climbing the bill and was MADAME CAKDELARIA VILLANUEYA. Bowie was taken out of the Alamo and en wi'ukoiu'd by tho defection of some burned on a rutie fuupral p y e . She was not iiiudreflij of volunteers, bad teen massacred. A squad of Mexican soldiers tri-:ifitbt)nert early iu the day by the LAST SURVIVOR OFTUK HAfTI.E OF we re placed over her, aud hitiT one of the Though San Juan Fort Had Fall- [Verity-first infautry from Pearson's TlltC ALAStO UVAJ>. Mexican geuerald came ia and wit udrew k'coud brigade. Tine regiment had been lhem. Her life hud been Bpared because uf en, the Battle Went On. Jetorliet. by General Kent to nscist fio ivnt* tho MON! lutcrpstfnarivoirinii ier nationality. iiawkine, but owing to the crowded Iu Tcsnu-Uoru In lTKr>,Hlio TJvecl When tbe Mexican army returned uftor road hod not got into position in time to "HEBE WE ABE! HERE WE STAY I" cliurga with tho Sixth and Sixteenth. to he 11 :i Yvnrti Old-Slit* " a * itn the fall of the Alamo many Mt'xifJiu wouit'ji «bo had asstnted the Texam were put ai Wltnt'cs of tin* MHhhniTeOnK'it'H by However, it lost tinder tbe fire at the Santii Anim-Iiiferf*tltiir Sketch ol hard labor by the Mexican soldiers as punHo-»« «be Victor* Faced SpnnUb He- reek and also in ascending the hill ishment and Madame Caudelaria was among Her Cnretir. aert***—Short Range For th* *!»v- lose upon the heels of the other regithem. •lrf «n 8KB Jnao Creat—Fearvon'a ments. ThoEiiA, iuitfi issue of February 1", Inripfly She did great service to the city in nursing Meanwhile what of the crest eonthInfantry Carried tbe Line Forward west of tbo biockhoneo, the region noted tbe deiith or Madame Candelarin Vil tbe poor during tbe smallpox ei iitomics durBeyond All Otbera. lanuova, the ]a»i survivor of tbe Alamo. lug the administrations of Mayor French end taiab teouiB to have been most easy for Antonio paper we it-publish the Mayor LyonB, going out among the patient* [Copyright, 1898, by the Autnor.l ttack by tbe Spuuiards? Kent'a Second From a Sun An Excellent Combination. extends! e'ory of the lifosnddeath mid nursing them day urnl night. XL brigade, under Pearson, as before stated, subjoined The pKiisui t motliotl nnd aindame Cauddatfa was probably in her lAH J O A N bad orders to rest its left upon a green jf this most inU-noting woman. Ifccta of tin1 wfll Wnmvn remedy, palmy flays tiie beat rook of Mexican dihhes SVKUP O F I'v.H, mumifflttturrd by ihe IblockliooEO bad knoll on tho Earae ridge with a blockTexan. She had cooked Mexican suppers I fallen, but tbeonse GOO yards south. With tbat PearCALIKOKSIA 1'KI Svuui' CO., illuslrnie Madame L'aniMcrUi Villanueva, the uioBt I killing of Amer- ;ati's orders stopped. When this bri- nterestiiip woman in Texas from fl historic for many prominent men, among them Uen tho value of obtainintr tlK'lKiuitl Inxuprinciples of plants ltnown to he I icuLB did not gurft!, cnusieting of the Second and standpoint, tbe lust survicor of the batt'e of Stanley, John Twonip, H. D. AdaniB and tive laxative ami pri'seiumgI stop. Less tbau Tenth, crossed tbe creek, thefirehadtbe Alanio, perhaps the oldest woman ID the ithers- In thin way fibe made miirh inoiipy. mediciinilly them in tlic* fnrin most rt'iYt'.sIiiii/rtotlie \ 500 yards beyond boroowbat abated. Still the battle was world, and the p|>otiHir and foster inoilierof but the was of a charitable nature aud HIK* Uiste mill nucepttthlu t o Ihu system. Jt distributed it among the p"or. Jit, upon bigb ronriuR on tbe right and men were drop- twenty-t«*n orphan children, die*l a t 2;20 is ilif one ptsrfi'ut stri*n(jt1ii'niii(r l»xuelevations, to tbe ping all urouud. Wikoff was lying dead o'clock yesterday afternoon (February 10). During her life sbe raised and carrd for tivi*. ek'unsiiiL-- the svstfin cmH*tuul(,v. linf,' eulils, lu'inlnches nnd fevers right and to tbe in tbe bed of the At ream. In order to The deceased had been ill alwut teu days twent\-two orphau children. A numlcr of t( l; l -,i»yvi'l |>rmn»lltv «"d cJiabHuK " left, (be Span- nrivaucu it was necessary to break the Death was due to old age. She died at the years agoartiild was taken before the vmi- Btoowreomt; hnbltuiil cimMipuUon pi-riards still held lino into columns of fours. The water home of her daughter, Mrs. Francisco Flores nissioners court in this city. It was reported mancntU'. Its ni-rfcut frt-cdoTn from on. At this time waa two to three feet deep and the Paclieo,fit-lift South Concho street. that tbe child hod been ill treated and thrown •very objcciioniibie qunlity «i»<l s " » part of tbo Third, banks lined with thick brush. Entering The residence is a wooden cottage and pre- out iuto tbo street The commi-sioners court jtuuL'e, mid its acting " " the Uwlm-Vh, Ninth and Tenth he field, tbe column was fltrnck by a 'jitsan unpretentious homelike appearaue*1. summoned Madame Candelaria and asked liver Jintl bowels, wit hunt wcnKcnnifr cavalry a n d heavy t\ra, but it swept on, pnssiug San There ore two largo trooa in the front yard. her what Bhe would charge to care for thp or irrititting- them, make it the ulenl rongb riders Jonn blockhouse ou the left of Wikoff'fl There are five robins in the house. child. She answered: "Nothing; I will laxative. in the. pi-otie.ssof mitnttttuiturtutf Hfrs J were on tho ridge and Hawkins' troops, driving tbe SpanMadame Candelaria lost couL-iousness twen- take her on my own responsibility. Ail I nsk usGcl. :is thuy are pleiiwnit to the dae north of tbe blockhouse, 'where iards from hill to hill to thuir trenohoa ty-four liourB Iwfore she passed a*voy. Jus' ia papers uf adoption." Thu pa|>ers wert- are to8te.bat tli«'inedHMii:tl qiuilitit's of tin: made outniul ebe was given all ttie care of a there was a house with ontbuildings over the creet. Taking position on the before she became unconscious 6he ea'dremedy uiv nbtiiim-il from seinui ami •ad trenches, all ased by tbe SpaniardB jresl nt n dintanco varying form 400 to Why is it that God punishes me and doet- mother by the charitable woniau. That child otlier uromutiu pliints. by si IUCIIUKI tor cover. TJie oavflirymeu eay that 1,000 yards from tbe advanced Spanish uot take me away when I suffer so t I have Is now s grown "wotuaa aod momus the loss known to the CAJAPOUKJA VW Sviii'i1 lomotime after they reached this point, trenches and butteries, the brigade held •ever done any one any harm and lmv< of Madame Candelaria OB though slie had Co. only. In order to tfut its lienelK'Hil eifects and to avoid itnitutions. pk'iise whicb wasknowD to them as San Juan out against a terribleflre. Themen lay tlways tried to do good. I wish Ood would been her own mother. remember the full nnnienf theCnnipany Bouse, they heard heavy firing at tbe down under tbe shelter of tbo crest and abe mo." When the " forty-niners" came through printed on the front of every piieUnjre. Mookbonse, This led them to suppose fired steariiij. not having time to in- These were her InKt words Sau Antoulo on their way to the California that tbe blockhouse bad not yet fallen reucb. "When file died yesterdur afternoon she WBF gold fluids ihe duceuBed gave money to a CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. when they renched the creEt of the The experience of Pearson ia an ex- urrounded by her immediate family and uumber who werestrauded. BAN FIIANCISCO. CAL. ILLK. KY. MEW YORK, N. Y. ridge. However, tbe infantry enid that ample of the complications tbat may elatlvca. Until three years ago she retained alt her iv all Dnii'cisiH.—Price 50c. per bottle. they fired from the captured blookboDBe imp til a subordinate to anticipate his faculties. Then she lost ber eye-sight. She Madame Candelaria wi»s the trother o' and vicinity upon tbe retreating Span- chief. After the brigade tmci established our children: Candelaria VfHanueva, San bad been visited by thousands of people iards and at their second linu. Many itself on. the front line, to tbe left of tiago Villanueva, Anmdo Villanueva an< native TexanB aB well as tourists. She would gallant fellows of Wikoff's and Haw- tbe captured blockhouBo, one of Kent's Mr«. Francsca Paehpo, Mrs. Vaeheo end have from one to twtnty-five visitors a day. kins' brigades fell after tbe blocMioneo aids enme up with an order to Penrson Santiago Villanueva survive. Tuere are Mauy people received valuable information ROCKAWAY, N. J. wa> in tbe posseBElon of the Americans. to make tbe vory move ho bad already • grandchildren: James ViJIanueva, from ber regarding the title of lands in Bexar Among these was Lieutenant Ord of curried out DuriDg the day Kent bad **arla Villanueva, Mru, Melchora Colderon. county. Hawkins' stuff, who broke away from odifled his original orders to Pearson. who lives at Chihuahua, Mexico, aud Aniado Madame fandelarla received a pension of his leader in order to go in with tbe If is of conreo impossible to dopiot Villanueva. twelve dollars per month from the State of men of hiBOwn regiment, the Sixteenth. the condition of tbe troops in the line An soon as announcement of her death wnn Texas as a recognition of her services to the Ord'a conduct that day was heroic, bis when night closed in. Words fail to excommonwealth death most tragio. When tho brigade press it. The heat was awfnl; tbe men made a perfect stream of callers passed Into woe at the creek, deploying for the at- wore soaked through and through; they the little home. tack, he had said by way of encourage- bad had no fuod since mo ruing and DO The body waa exposed to view in the front INDIAN FIRE WALKERS, ment, "Yon can take it in 80 minutes." prepared meal then and bad none tbat room of the five-room cottage. It reposed on Major Porse of the FirBt cavalry, who nigbt, excepting in a few cases where a stretcher draped in white, as watt every The Practice Still JSximtm In IVtrtu of tkc Kukt. went forward with bis battalion after packs were brought up from the bed of tblug el&e in tha roum. TUu remains were It xaay Interest Btndenta of folkloro to tbe capture of "Kettle" hill, wns also the creek on the ehonldere of already gowned in a 8t. Fianci* scapular shroud, learn that there was a fire walking cerekilled. wornout soldiers. Thegronjid waa very brown in color, with white lace about the mony at Benares tho other dny which has Deck aud aleeves, and futiu ribncms a t the Tbe infantry reformed lines' at tbe hard, being composed ia eomo places of waist. givon riso to a good ttwit uf disousslou in blockbonra and took position to resiEt a calcareous rock. There waa no grumThe Indiun Press. There scums to bo DO Mr. Santiago Villanueva, who lives atSlfi doubt H3 to the liuni3Sty aud suci:e_3 of the counter attack, which a little later was Matamoras street, was her sou and her wain performuuee, but, na a corruspomleut threatened from tbe Spaniards in front. Bupport in extreme old nge. X-a=teveuing he points out, flro walking Is much more Tbe blockhouse was a brick building, spoke In bigh terms of bfs deceased mother, commonly practiced than is supposed. Ho loopboled, with trenches on each flauk himself witnessed three ceremonies of tbo of ber charities and traits. He mid: «nd in front. West of it, toward SantiIn 1693 I was offered a fabulous sum to kind between 1883 end 1880 in Mauritius, ago, tbe ground falls into a deep depres•where bo believes thoy are of annual occur' take my mother to the Atlanta Exposition to renco. The performers were natives from sion. Six hundred yards westward, on show Itw a» tlit) only remaining survivor of Madras. The mothod waa exactly oa dobotb sides of tbe main road to Santiago, tho battle of tbo Alamo. I t was not tbe first sorlbod by Mr. Lang. the Spanish had strong works. On the offer of the kWl I Had to refuse." American right and left of this depresAccording to this eyewitness, a priest Ten years ago a committee of old citizens led off, working himself into a state of sion the heights are abrupt, and pos. cession of these was essential to the called on Madame Caudelaria and promised frenzy and then walking a distance of holding of the blockhonse as well as of 'hen she il.eU to ace that a monument was about 40 feet over livo embers, but "in "Kettle" hill, because tbe heights on erected over her grave. Most of them art such a manner that nolthor foot was long Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Wart In contact with them." Several others— Hardware Cutlery tbe American rlgbt of the blockhouse now dead, on one occasion two little boys—followed Glassware Woodenware itself are higher than "Kettle" hill. Deputy County Clerk Juan B&rrera mid the priest's example and were afterward Paints Oils last evening: As eoon as the cavalry took posseEsion flogged to drivo away Bins that had not Lamps Kerosene Oil Madame Candelaria was with our family succumbed to the fire walking—which BAN JUAN BATTLEFIELD. of "Kettle" bill, as already described, many of tbo soldiers had roshod for bling, no depression of spirits, only de- from 1830 to 1830. I was a baby then aud wows hard. No amount offloggingdid Oilcloths Carpets the priest any good. He had to be dipped she was my nurse. She told my pareutB tbat ward to the west crest and opened with termination to hold on, and a wish for Matting Feathers their carbines npon the Spaniards support, although, while they did not she was in the Alamo battle and that Bow if In the sea to bring him to his senses. Tha correspondent holds by the natural aro'and the heights in front. Majors know it, thero waa none to give them, died in her arm-, oliu wild that stie helped ALSO nBALBR IH of tho "phenomenon." He and captains got their battalions and All the infantry and cavalry were on wash and prepare the dead for burial and explanation examined tho inou's foot and says troops together and wi th a cheer oharged the front line and tbe only help to be that Santa Anna burned them afterward. carefully that they were cot burned, but were *'ai forward. Two troops of the Third cav> looked for was tbe coming of Law ton When I was a lad I frequently saw a wooden hard as iron owing to a lifelong exposure •try, led by Major Weasels, Captains down tbo £1 Oaney road to threaten tho monument upon which wa« 1inscribed: ' Here without boots." That ia all very well, Morton, Hnnter and Morgan, dashed Spaniards on tbe unprotected aide of ile the heroes of the Alamo. This monument but the hardest feet would surely bo affectTin Roofing, Plumbing and all stood about ivtiere thetit.JojuyWa Catholic ed at tho end of Borne 15 steps over a floor kinds of job work promptly attend straight for the building known as tbe Santiago. of flro. And the flro walkors don't hurry. Church now ittamU." San Jnan Bouse. Tbe Ninth and Tenth ed to. Law ton moved op. it's true, bnt not cavalry, with part ol tbe rough riders, until after midnight and then nnseen by Madame Candelaria will be buried today, •earned to strike for the honse, bnt tbe Spaniards, until he reached their The funeral will be liuM from the residence, Hannah More'* Wedding Dar. Tlie celibacy of Hannah More, the Engowing to obstructions the line became pickets, about 600 yards from the right 410 South Coucho street, at 9 a. in. and at nixed. On this charge there were some of the cavalry line on the crest, as be- D;80 high mass will be said at San Fernando lish writer, which gara her so muoh time casualties. Captain fifgolow aud Lion- fore staled. There he halted, and gent Cathedral, The remains will then be taken to bond the powers of her mind to the interests of humanity* has always been a tenant BobertB of tbe Tenth were wonnd- back to Sbufter for renewal of orders. to San Fernando cemetery. of surprise and discussion. A ed in charging down from "Kettle" hill Galls ior support for the troops in- The honorary pall bearers will be Gen. W. subject writer, relates this circumstance): "Sho into the swale, and Captain McCoy trenched on, the San Juan ridge had, of H. Young, Capt. Sara C. Bennett, Capt. Wil- waa early engaged to be married to a genwas wounded in ascending the ridge. course, reached Shatter at v&rions times liam UcMaster, Capt. J. A. McCormlck, Capt. tloman of family and fortune. Tho wedCaptain O'Noil, of the rough riders, was during tbe afternoon aud evening of the Juan Garza and James Cullfuiora. ding day was fixed. Tho bride and her killed. Soon after reaching tbe bonse let, and be told Law ton tbat as things The active pall bearers will be Jnan Subira, party moved off gayly to the church whore the ceremony was to bo performed, only ilajor Weasels and Captain Hnnter of stood the qnickest way to get in position Garcia, Lino Bancht-z, Antoulu tofindthat tho lorer was not there. 'Tho the Third were hit. The fall of Major in aid of Wheeler's line waa to counter- Martiano iUvaS) Capt, Morril Poor, Capt. Andreas laggard comes late/ thought the attendVessels left tbe command of tbe regi- march to the crossroads Eonthwest of J21 ants. They miscalculated; he came not Ksttaatei ChPerfully Qiveo. ment in the boudfl of Captain Morton. Canoy and come back to £1 Foso, tfaenco Coy. at all. A horseman rode up to the church aranteed. Troopo I and B, under Bonghton and to San Jaau ridge. I t has beeu a long time Bince the announce- door and handed a lotter to Miss More. Dngan, coming up from San Jnan block .Nothing definite lias yet been made ment of a death ia Wan Antonio has recalled With melancholy apologies tbe faithless house, joined, aud Morton pushed for- the gtreugth of tbe Span so many historic facts, With the death of •wain told her that ho could not 'tako tho ward 205 yards to tbe crest of tbe ridge. lords on San Juan ridge. Tbe garrison Madflme Candelaria the last voice is silenced responsibility'of making her his bride. FOR SALE. Tbe Ninth and part of tbe rongb riders of Santiago is placed at 10,000 before of those who eiperifiicrti that awful massacre, Atthofiomo time he offered any pecuniary TdNew Jersey Iron Mining Comwany offers were off to the right of tbat point, and the mnch talked of Fando's col a ma the fall of tho Alamo, on March U, 18311, when remuneration in his power. for sale the property known aa "THE ALFREU 4 Captain Galbrailb, with Lieutenant reached there. It would have been pos- San Antonio was besieged by tbe Mexicans 'Whether tbe lady fainted or only HOW," situated on tbs tUrrot mad front Dover to and convenleiit of ac-vu from.factor Berkeley and two troops of the First sible to have sent half tbe garrison or under Gen. Santa Anna, and 182 brave souls, pouted la not mentioned^ but her relatives P-rtOrain, and mine ID both ptacen, Tho property coast Ms followed tho business up with such IPB otvalry, was also there. Haven blocks or double dweliinvB, wltli outmore from the main trenohea to San a park of them sick and wounded, were killed promptness and spirit that tho 'dastard nf kltchena, well Ruppiltd wMi cistern watrrcnllwtvd slate ronfB,tioc! larjje pnrd^n lots attached. Tho Sixth cavalry had kept in tonch Juan ridge after it was apparent that by a force of several thousand. In love' raudo a settlement upon tbe from Propprty offered at a price wkluh will yields, rewith the infantry all the way up the (bo Americans were to at tuck there in Fourteen years ago, there being a dispute Blighted lady forjSlOD ayeor tor Ufa."— turn of WKiit per cent, after pajinir repairs, tnxes EiohangG. and Insurance. Address, hill to San Joan blockhouEe, and, reach- force. Why it was not done only tbe over the age of Madame Caudelaria, her rela,_ .. L- O. BIERWIRTH, lag tbe crest, was on tbe left of tbe Spanish generals can explain. A Frenob tives sent for the certificates of her birth. BAUD TO COMBAT. Tenth. Thna the cavalry bad a strong officer in the Spanish servica told one of This article has since been lost, but i t establine npon the highest part of the ridge his countrymen in the Third cavalry lished ber age in the handwriting of a Cathoextending from the Santiago road north tbat tbe Spaniards wera amazed at tho lic priest. She was bora at Fret-idio de Rio THE EVIDENCES OF OUR SENSES—WHAT DOWANTED. VER PEOPLK SAY IS PIIETTY GOOD ward toward tbe El Oaney road, ready persistency of tho Americans in push- Grande, Mexico, In. 1785, and died in Man Y women, each with an infant or joung PltOOr FOR DOVER CITIZENS. to form connection with Luwton's left, ing forward against San Jnan ridge in Antonio, Tox , at the remarkable age of 113 child, altuatlons lii the couutry (fienerui •ooording to plan. Theee troops imme- the face of tbe pitiless fire which waa years ond ii mouths. When we see i t ourBclvce, boU3ew(»rk, plain cuokinK, eto) Small wngcB diately began intrenching, some using poured a t them nt tbe crossing and ^xiwoted. Apply Slate Cbarltfpa Ai i AMHWJWhen our otrn ears hear It. It is probable that Bhe . was tbe oldest atlon, 105 East Xwouty-BeconU Street, New tin plates and fingers, and others, es- while QEocuding tbe slopes. He also Eaid woman In tbe United States, if uot in the AVhen our neighbors tell It. Y«rk City. pecially the Tenth cavalry, tools brought tbat when tbe Spanish troops were entire world. Our friends endorse it. along on their hacks. The right of the driven over the crest of tbe ridge tho No better evidence can be bad. Her father's name was Antonio Castauon, Postal Information. line was under lire from a blockhouse men in their second line bad to hold and her mother's Francjsca Ramirez, the It's not what people say in Mains. A. U, AHRJVAL, Of UAlLa. off toward the El Caney road. Parker their fire for fear of killing friends, and father being Spanish, the mother Mexican. Or distant niuttringa from California. fl^4-New York direct. took his guns np the hill, nnd, nnder tbat that resulted iu demoralizing them Her maiden name was Andrea Caetanon. No deceiving echoes here. 7:a8-Eaaton, PhlllipBburg, Hackettatown, Stantbe direction of cavalry oilicers, UEod qnito as much as tboso driven out of the Dover talk about Dover people, hope, Mt ArllnRton, Port Oram and all At the age of three years sho removed with them with good effect. It was believed front trenches were demoralized by be* Piihllcoplnlou published for tbe publlogood. points on the Sussex Railroad. her parents to Laredo, Tex., and at the age •t the time that tlia Spaniards were ing compelled to beat n retreat; hentse 8.-ij-Cheater, Succaflunua, Iron/««utl Lake DenThere is no proof like home proof. ready for a conntor attack. The Ninth there could be no attempt at a coun- of about 25 years came t o San Antonio, mark. testimony at tbe back of overy box of caTAlry on tbo right of tho line, being ter obargo, joffc a t tbe time when it where from an historic standpoint ber career Homo 0:10~N6w York and -way. Doan'u Kidney Fills. has beeu in some respects uupnralleled ia the onlyono battaliou strong, asked for help would bo moro effective—that ie, at the 0:20—New Yor,k, Patoraon, BooatoD, Eastern from tho infantry, and finally Kunt sent very moment of American success. It is entire world, considering that she was a Can you believe your neighbors? and Western States. Read this Statement mode by a citizen; to itB assistance some of tbe blockhouse woll known to fightiug men that the g:a5—Pennsylvania and «!1 points on the Hfafa Mr. George H. Alpaugh, of Succaaunna, When Madame Candelaria first came to Bridge Branch K. R, Tictorg—namely, the Thirteenth infan- very moment of snocc&s and high exulabout one roilo west of town, says: P. U. try. tation is Hie most dangerous for tbe as- San Antonio there were but a few scattered farmer, " I suffered so much from kidney trouble 1:87—All polnta from Blnshamton east, connec abode bouses. She lived to aeu it grow to a sanlting column. Strength is exhausted As San Jnan blockhonse was situated tion with Sussex R. R. city of 65,000 souls, and to note many Im,- last harvest that I thought several times I mtiBtglveup. I ea*d t o my wife this last l.-fi9--New York, Newark ond Morriatown. on (he crest of the bridge no advance in tbe effort to take a position, but once portaut modes in the manuer of living. spring that I dreaded the time of year to •J:44—Same points as 7:28 A. u, was made by Wikofl's and Hawkins' the vktoiH have tinio to get breath and The deceased claimed that only aBliorttlme come when 2 must again go Into the harvest 3:27— Hlbernla, Marcolla Uouat Hope i troops. They intresoued tbo lisa from come to n full realization tbat the posi before U the battle of tbe Alnmo Bbo saw Santa field, but I was fortunate enough to find a Roc.tcn.way. the San Jnnn rond, tho Sixth cavalry tion is thuirs thoy will die in their Anna, the Mexican general, come Into the city remedy like Doan'a Kidney Pills, which not V08—New York and way; Chester, SuccftBumia tracks boforo giving it up. Every moposition, southward, rising for this work disguise. She said tbat bo drove a mule only relieved the bacbacbu but strengthened and Ironla. tho Krag Jorgensen bayonet, whioh is ment that tbe Spaniards delayed ooun- fa my buck. I was troubled with kidney comwas apparently selling bay, whilegeUic simply a very heavy knife with a blade ter attack on San Juan ridge made the and plaint for tbe last ted years and suffered so *• M. his plans of tbe boMlo mapped out. I t wi American! mo muab stronger. U, a MAILS CLOSE, about an inch and a half wide. Hawher Idea that he did the work himself, not severely at times with paiu across my loins 7:1&—Now York and way; also Eastern State kins' brigade, wblch bad lost thebeavl GEORGE L. KILMER. wlehing to entrust so Important a duty to any tbat it was Impossible to gat about and attend BULLETS SANTDEATH" J.WRIGHT BRUEN Stoves, Ranoss m Healers anfl Scraaton eoai ftJ BB5-G87STRAUSS, Broad street—21 West Part street, NEWARK, N. J. i An Important Double Event * ACRAND_SPRINC_OPENINC ..CREAT INTRODUCTORY SALE.. t for less money than any other stofre in Newark. To properly celebrate and introduce this policy we have inaugurated a wonderful Bargain Feast which we have decided would be rightly named Our Great Introductory Sale. A sale in which our own and otlier people's previous efforts will be cast in the shade. You will find this a sale differing greatly from otlier sales—when you consider this i s n o t a clearing sale of odds and ends, broken lots or unseasonable merchandise. But a great offering a t s p e o i a l p r i c e s of all new, bright, choice and fashionable goods. We will introduce the sale at the opening of a season when other houses are figuring on making profits. We are counting on making many new friends. Every wise woman will undoubtedly take advantage of this great opportunity when she reads of our many great offerings. jj FREE! of his aides. Beantjr la Hlood Deep. She always contended that James Bowie, Clean blood means a clean skin. No Los Angeles and tli<* Pnolflo Const nnd Return. beauty without it. Cascarcts, Candy Cathartho famous scour, died of pneumonia tbe dny tic clean your blood and keen it clean, by Special excursion from points In Penneyl before the battle of ihe Alamo. She had stirring up tbe Jazy liver and driving all im- 'anta, Maryland, District of Columbia, VIr nursed him and after the massacre w(th the purities from the body. Begin to-dny to banish pimples, boile, blotch en, blackmails, jinla, Wrat Virginia, Ohio, New York and dead and dying all around ber she fell upon and thai sickly bilious complexion by tnliing New Jersey, on tho occasion of the National his body and entered heartrending pleas to CaacaretH,—beauty for ten cents. All drug- Educational Association meeting at Los An- tho Mexican Boldlera not to take his body, exgists, .satisfaction guaranteed. 10c, 26c, 50c. K»*los, Cal, In July, 1HU0, at reduced rates plaining that be had not died in battle, but Far particulars, address William Kelly, jr., bad died a natural death and was thereforo I Jest or All General Eastern PaesoDgpr Agent, 0., M, & entitled to a regular burial. to cleans© the system in a gentle and truly St. P.ft'y,881 Broadway, Now York. Whll" she was entreating nnd pleading one beneficial manner, when the Springtime of tho Mexican sold'era drew his bayonet, 1 toll 1 neea comes, use tbe true And perfect remedy, striking her on tbe chin aud the right wrist, ttyrup of Fig*. Buy tho genuine. Manufac if tho skin, horrible plague. Mostoverybody Tho scars of tho wounds mndu nt that tlm« tumt by tho CAKtarnhi Fig Syrup Co. only, filleted In ono way or another. Only OUP ohe will carry with tier to (tie gravo. It u &ftnti f.»r tale by all druggists, at 60 cents per Bttfe, uever fa-Ilug cure— Doaa'a Olutmont. ttald that tbe BaniQ bayonet went through At any drug store, 50 cento. Bowie1* boa>. FREE! 3 On Monday, March the soth, we will present free to j every purchaser a large and beautiful Hand Painted Porcej lain Nove'ty as a souvenir of the occasion. d I, ' TTTTTT'fTT T»TTTTTTTTTTTTTT**TT1 SCHIMMEL, I T T T T T T m i l H U n i IllflC ])EWITT R. HUMMER. MASON CONTRACTOR. Real Estate and Inmirance Agent. All kinds of Mason "Work and Jobbing OCBce over The Goo. Richard's Oo.'a Store promptly attended to. Office ond residouco DOVBB° R. J . -.2-1 y. 82 GUY STREET, f)R..R. A. BENNETT, QLIVERS. FREEMAN, CARPEMTEH AND BUILDER OOB. OOLD AHI> OBIBIKCI BTB. DOVER, H. J . I 81« 9 A.M. HODEB J 1 to 8 P. H, I 7 to 8 P. U. Plans and specifications made and contract* taken. Jobbing always jmrticuiarly uttemleti to. Orders lett a t the lirick Drug ytore ol SPECIAL attention given to DISEASES 0] WOMEN and CHILDREN, Mr. Wm. H, Goodale or at the post ulllce will be promptly attended to, Corner Uuion aud River Btrmtfl, Dover,ft.J . JOHN O'CONNEUU • p I E NEW JERSEY IRON MINING CO Practical Plumber, Tin ant1Offers for Bale UWrabfe /arming aud tlm ber lauds iu Morria Count v in lut« ot 5 ucm Sheet Iron Worker. and upwards aud several good building lot* Ora-m, JS. J . Steam and Hot Water Heat* in F u nAddress L. C. BDCKWUITH, See'y. log. "SffiSSS&Kr Dover, IN. J. •yy< i. ROSS, B ( ' After many weeks of impatient waiting and after a considcrablu outlay for carpenters, painters and decorators—with new arranged and enlarged departments—with shelves, counters and tables loaded to overflowing with all that is most < ' beautiful newest and most desirable of the productions of foreign and domestic looms and fashions. The most needed ( ' things for men, women and children's wear and use are here I ' for the Newark shoppers. We will find ourselves on Monday, March the 20th, and ( • tinriiiit the ensuing week, ready 10 greet all of our many old :UK1 new customers. Come and bring your friends. We take advantage of this occasion to call the attention of the shopping public to our betler facilities for doing business and our improved liberal and up-to-date methods—to make new promises to be fulfilled during the coming season namely —to refund your money willingly for any unsatisfactory purchase, to see that you are quickly served by courteous and pleasant salespeople, to deliver your purchase promptly and that every dollar spent in our store will be. well spent, that we will sell only reliable goods to all classes of people a n d £UGENE J. COOPER, ATTORNEY A T LAW AUD MiSTKB AMD BOLIOITOB IN CBANOEBY Office in the Tone Building, OVJIB J. A. LroK's STOKE, DOTXE, S. 1. BOVKR, N. J. ATTOUNKV AT LAW S0U0ITOB AND KASTBB IN CHAflOBRT . H, DECKER, M. D PHY8ICIAN AND SURGEON Offlce on Blaokwell street, opposite Metliodfet Episcopal Olmrch ( 8:30 to 10:80 A. « . Office houns-j 1:00 to 8.00 p. 11. (0:80 to 8:00 P. H. DOVEB, NEW JERSEY AND ROTARY PUBLIC. S t a n h o p e , . . . . N e w Joreov. QEO. 0. CUMMINS. M. D., BULOSWELJ, STRGST, HSAB WABIiSK MRS, SARAH E. DSHART FERNALD, M. D. DOVER, N, J. DeHart Homestead near Mt Free, dom, N. J. I 8:80 to 9:30 A. u. , 101 HOUBS < I to 8:30 P . M. Office hours, i lo 5 p. m. ( 7 to 8:30 P. M. P. O. address, Mt. Freedom, N. 1. Malarial DiBeases and Rheumatism receive 50-tf. special attention. THIS C O M S YOU il you wish to reduce the cost of your Life Insurance or desire to carry a policy for ihe PROTECTION JOHN DRUMMER'S vuA vmo and HAIR aurrma SALOON MANSION HOUSE, COB. BLAOKWKLL AND SDSSKC BTBEBTS, DOVER, N. J. The place has been entirely refitted in a neat manner. Ladles' and Children Hair Cutting a specialty. ol your lamily or estate, TBE BUILDING LOAN MUTUAL J_ J. VREELAND, CONTRACTOR, OAltPBHTXR AND BUnJ)BB. Newels. Build or built up. Btalr rails of all dfn.en- worked ready to put up. Maat«l». OBa issues policies on the Term, Whole Life Jtom KlttoRS. ArcUiteolural Wond Turning. Band mil or Limited Policy plan from $joo 10 Offloe u d giop, Biack<I3i utroot. $10,000 lhat are in immediate benefii DOVER, NEW JEH8EV. for lheir full lace value, ai rates thai will interest you. For information write MARTIN LUTHER COX, COOMY BUFERIMTBNDBm' OP P U B L I C B0H00L8 HBUTLDINQ LOAN MUTUAL Oracm—BLAOKWBLI, BT., DOVER, *• •• ..Hotras: 9 A. 11. to 12 M. every Saturday. Southern Jersoy, New York State and to to tny work. I often rolled and tosied iu bed elgn. all night and during; the day, if I sat for any length of time, itwus only with tbe greatest S:M-Hackettatown, WaBhin^ton and all points DOVER INSTITUTE OF offnrt that I could g e t up, Tho kidney on main lino, secretions contained stnllniont and of SJa-Port Oram, Mt Arlington Rn dftn poirta to traces of blood. I about made up my mind Baston. Lire Insurance Co. that l hud Brigbt's disease when hut spring I »:I8-Che8ter. Suecasunna and Ironla. rt'ttd in our Dover paper about DoanV Kid- 0:1B-MDrrlBtown, Newark and New York direct HOHE OFFICE, CAMDEN, N . J . . CONOUOTED BV ney Pills, Thefirstbox I took relieved nu< 10:D0~-Mine Hill direct. suillclontly togivn me icreat encouragement Q:15—Roekaway, Mt. Hope, MarctlU and HIFHABCIH R. FITIIIAK, Fmsldant. bornia. mid bofuro I had finished tho second box tin* JOBWJI H. OASKir-L, l,t Vloo President. pain had loft me altogether urnl tho kidney P. II. OFF secretlmia were normal. 1 recommend tuft 1:1G--New York and all polnta via Boonton, E. AiinLKn AiuismoNa, COUNSEL. y, •iM~Now York and wav. vnluuble remudv to anyone Burturinjr from JUnnv UEBVES, Beorotnry. GERMAN TAUGHT ACCORDING TO the Central Railroad of Now J):1O-A11 poi kidney tioublo." lersev (Htg ld Branch), and point* in THE BEST MEtaODS OP TSB DA? Pennavtvanla. Uoan's Kidney Pills for Role by all dealers Loseons Glvou Both Arternoon ond Evening. Prlc-o 6U mini, fllttiled by Fosier-MObimi Co, WH, M, FIUHEH, DJatHot Hu,,t CHARGES MODERATE liulrulo, N. Y., mile u^oiitH for tbe U. a. Hemember (be UAUIO Doou'd and take no aubstU Correspondence will, Iluildl,,,, Loan APPLY TO J|__• «.-Bo(!k»w«y u d Hl«h Dridne, Inn o GermanLanguage fiDSEBBDCH, p Branok Ofilco, Pierson Building, Dover, N. J . Asaociation members earneatlysoliei t e d ' ERNST NEUENDORFF, No. 18 BergcD Street, City THE IKON ERA, DOVER, N. J., MARCH 17, 1899. MOKUISTOWN. the military inertuRp bill will lie unfaalile (o thf government Colonel An entertuinmeut for the benefit of the }'it:<iuuri wan handed over to the civil OF NEW JER8EY. organ fund was held in tbe Baptist Church Recognized as a Leader of Repubticuitles for trial Four hundred ou Monday evening. The Rev, Dr. Noruiac Frl<l»>, .11 ur fii JO. Aatbracite cooi uaed exclusively, insuring eleven pet-sonn were drowned and gave areadlug. All IH <iuift lit Ilolhi :LIMI Manila, In the R3 vesselH luBt In the recent hurricane lican Opinion. cleo&liiieeB a n d comfort. Ricbard Greou and Charles l^tcher have l)iilipi>iiiy [Blnndi*. Ainerlcan troopa (n Queensland The hospital ship ReThe N*w York Tribune offer* to tbe public a beeu appointed t o clerkships in t h e Morris- *.•;'!•(; lunded at Negrus on March 4 and lief arrived iti Gibraltar It was an- newspaper which is absolutely representative of town poatoffice. Letcber was a member of '.;•)••• well rt'cf-ivfd TIKE TiliLE IB KKFUOT BOV. 20, 1898 it WUH reported In nounced In Washington that a satiBfac- the best opinlou of tbe Republican party on utl the Second Regiment New Jersey Volunteers ]><indnn that KUKHJU and Great Britain tory understanding a s to affairs In Sa- national tanutm. It in liigniBin}, atroup, comjjltUduring t h e Spanish-American W a r . hart readied un understanding over the moa had been reached by the three and patriotic. A number of Morristown women, wivea of 'lintsBc niiiwiiy luan contract. It is de- treaty iioivtrs—Oermany, Great Britain Tbe Dally Tribune its £10 u year. The Weekly, TBAINB LBAVE DOVER A S POIiLOWft President Me- 81, but can be obtained, la conjunction witb vanwell-known members of I. O- O. F., a r enii'l that Italy has Beized Ban-Moon bay and the United States For New York, Newark and Kinley, with a party of friendB, Htarted • Mr, Goschen, finst lord of the adcms local papers, on mure advantageous teruiu, about ' o apply for a charter t o organize a for Tiiomasville, Ga., to remain about The Semi-Weekly ta 92 & year. Elizabeth,at6:31, a.m.; 3:59 p. m lodge of Daughters of Rebecca, with forty tntralty, dlscuasetf the annual navy estl- two weeks President McKinley apnintc-a In the house of commona. An offlcharter members, For Philadelphia at 6:31, a. m.; uin) statement was llkwivlse made con- pointed Herbert Putnam of Boston li- A Newspaper and flagazine Both. Mary O'Connel), the middle-aged woman fceining British promises of support to brarian of congress——The army beef The SemLWeekly Tribune, j)rioted Tm*day« 2:59, p.m. who, while wulking on the Morris and Essex China against the aggressions The court of Inquiry continued the talcing of and Fridayn, Is one of tlie beat general uewMfuiiwru Railroad track, was struck by a passenger American soldiers on the transport testimony In Chicago—The final ses- iu tlie couutry tor a wide-awake farmer, profeis. For Long- Branch, Ocean Grove, train recently, died in All Sauls' Hospital on Sheridan landed at Malta and paraded Eion of the Delaware legislature ended eloaal man, merchant, manufacturer or mechanic. Asbury Park and points on New the selection of a BUcceBBor to It eaves tbo neoeaalty of buying other newspapers. Monday. hi-fore the island officials Rough without Senator Gray. Although'J. Edward Ad- It flupplumenttf admirably a local dally; many York and Long Branch Railroad, There are thirty entries in the billiard and .. -ather on the English channel caused dlcks gained three Democratic votes, he people take It is place of ouc, 2:59 p. m. pool tournament now in progress in the rooms the postponement of the trip of Queen fell five Bhort of election The Am- The agricultural page will eoiMin thiB year, in of Resolute Hook and Ladder Company No, Victoria to the south of France The iterdam avenue railroad bill m a y be addition to regular features, a weather review, For all stations to High Bridge pope's wound Is making satisfactory 1. Tbo tournameut will continue for three progress, but fresh alarmist reports amended by Its friends In order to se- many descriptions of the nctual results obtained at 6:31, a. m.; 2:50, p.m. weeks longer. Binall farnjB and other matters of particular use The preswere circulated in Rome The Liberal cure Its passage a t Albany For Lake Hopatcong at 8:35, Dr. Barker'iJ library and Burginal instru- candidate for parliament in the West ident of the Louisiana health board and to' gardeners, fruit-growers, fanutira, dairymen d Jive-stock raisers. a. m.; 2:59, 7:08, p. m. ments have been purchased by friends of Hiding of Yorkshire, Charles P. Trevel- the head of the health department of New Orleans were indicted for m a n Memorial Hospital and presented to that yan, was elected by an increased majorStories of the War with Spain. For all stations to Edison at institution. Dr. Barker has retired from ity The steamer Paris reached San slaughter In connection with yellow During each week the reader will llnd a column The cruiser Juan de Porto Rico The peace con- fever cases of last year active practice. of " Questions and Answers," letters from correa- 8:35 a. m.| 2:59 p. m. Chicago sailed from Newport News ference wlIJ meet at The Hague on May pondante In London and Paris; a page devoted to An attempt was made a t an early hour on For Rockaway at 6:55 9:25, General Caetellanos, last Spanish with the transport Meade to convey her Bcleuceond mechanics; liome interests and other Sunday morning to burglarize tho grocorv 18 to Cuba with her cargo of cash H a m store of Kara & Eichlein, fn Washington governor general of Cuba, has been ap- ilton S. "White, president of the Syra- things which intercut wouieu, including tlie " Trt- a. m.; 6:30, 739: p. m. pointed captain general of Madrid A cuse board of lire commissioners, died o Simahlne Society;" BOUIO good games of street, MorriBtown. Lewis Meeker, a private I hurricane in Australia gives rise to For Easton, Allentown and checkers; a Berlea of thrilling stories of actual exnfgfit watchman, whlia on his way home, j fears for a thmiHand men employed fn from his exertions a t a fire, where he periences in tlie war with Spain, written by Mauch Chunk at 6:31, a. m.; (8:59 passed the grocery store, and, glancing the pearl shelling fleet The United was partially overcome by smoke ldie'B and sailors; ami advance Information of to Easton); p. m. through tbe window, saw a man inside States government was recently sound- The president has appointed 201 second new enterprises of importance to manufacturers, bus'ly engaged sorting out articles and tieing ed by Italy In regard to the demand for lieu tenants in the regular army mechanics aud buslnesa uieu. Crown Prince Gustaf, regent of Norway them Into bundles Meeker's first impression i a port on San-Moon bay, China, and It and Sweden, v/as hooted, hissed and Harket Reports the Standard. RBTUHHIHG, was that i t was one of t h e employes, BO liewas replied that the United States-would pelted with snowballs on tho streets of Leave New York, foot liberty The market reports will be kept up to their prestapped on the window and said, "Good morn- adhere to its policy of disinterested neu- ChrlBtianla Mall advices from th«* ent higb standard. It is the Intention of The Street, at 6:00, a. m.; 4:40, p. m. trality -The army beef court of ining." The fellow inside, Instead of replying, east reported more victories for the Chidropped bis bundles aad dashed o u t of a rear quiry assembled in Chicago and spent nese rebels—^-Professor James Hoppins Trlbun* at all times to add to tbem whatever quotations will render them of greater value. The Leave New York, South Ferry, the day inspecting the processes in use doorway. Meeker pursued him, but failed resigned the chair of history of a r t In finest compliment paid to The Seml-W*rMy to overtake him,. The thief r a n within fifty at one of the big packing houses Sev- Yale School ot Fine Arts — Eleven Tribune Is the fact that It enjoys tlie eub&crlp- Whitehall St., at 4:3s, p. m. eral Important appointments of census IT. FLOATS. masked and armed men bound three feet of t h e police Btation and disappeared lu oflicials were made by ex-Governor employees of the Sayre and Athens tions of a large number of merchants, dairymen Leave Rockaway at 6:22, 8:24, the darkness. H e bad gained entrance Into Merrlam, the director. and farmers who disagree with its political BentlTraction company at Athens, N . Y., tB, but wlto Hut! its accurate market reports a. m.; 2:50, 6:55, p. m, the grocery etore b y bursting open a rear blew open the safes and stole $175. Saturday, Marvh 11, essential to the proper conduct of their buaJnesj. door. Leave Port Oram at 6:50, 9:20, The Grant, with 42 officers and 1,716 It is always safe to look at The Tribune befoie FLANUERS. W e d n e s d a y , March IB. BOCKAWAY, The members of the McEwan Brothers' men, under command of General LawGeneral Wheaton's division had a one b ys or sells country produce. Once a week a. m.; 6:22, 7:34, p. m. A very pleasant aud unuBually largely atGreat improvemente are being made at the Company, of Whippany, lost night gave a tbe la a special market article on one particular aharn encounter with the rebelB beton, reached Manila Reports of Herr tended meeting of the Woman's Mluslnnary Wbarton Mine at Upper Hibernta. where the diuner a t the Mansion House, in Morris town, Leave Lake Hopatcong at 6:20, tween Pateros and Tagulg. The town top . Society connected with the Presbyterian largest air compressor ever usad in any New to a number of guests to celebrate the decision Rose, the German consul a t Samoa, of Pasig w a s burned by the insurgents a. m.; 5:28, p. m. were made public Preparations are Pictorial Supplement. Church was held at the home of Mrs. Wil- Jersey mine is being put in position. A of the Circuit Court of the United HtateB being made a t Havana to make payIt IB reported that Spain's cabinet With Friday's number there Is an Uiiutrated liam Bartley last Thursday. series of water towers will also be built to District of New Jersey recently .mude, sus- mentfl to Cuban troops Leave High Bridge at 8:17, a. m.; Dissensions, has advised the queen regent to ratify Mrs. Ira Sanderson, of German Valley, supply water for a largo number of boilers. taining tbe company's pateuta for tbe manu- owing to the refusal of the premier to the peace treaty without waiting for ac- upplemeot, SO to St pages, prluted ou specially 6:29 p.m. was a visitor with her motber, Mrs. William Af r. Wharton intends to pump out the water facturing of pasteboard from oid newspapers recall to the cabinet Mr. Morlne, have tion by the corlea The Cuban military fine paper, full of delightful reading, enlivened ith from thirty to fifty half-tone or other pictures. 3. H. OIiHAUSBN, taken place in Newfoundland's ministry lembly adopted resolutions thanking L. Morgan, the latter part of the week. On and start up tbe Glendon mine* at Hibernia. Every reader admits that this Supplement Isequal Oen'l Bupt. Reports of an agreement regarding the United States for aid, refusing to ac- to a magazine In IU contents, and better than a Saturday she was joined by Mr. Sanderson, He will remove the concentrating plant to Itreatf with you whether you cnottuu H. P . BALDWIN, the Cerruttl case were confirmed The cept the $3,000,000 and appointing a com- magazine in being quicker to lay before Its readers nerve-killing tobacco habit. NO-TO-ll/ who remained until Sunday evening, when Upper Hibernia. romovuti tbo duilru for tobac o ' ' mittee to state the conclusions to PresiGen. Fan. Ant. pope'a health continues to Improve, but botli returned home. Wallace Dobbins, of Foundry street, is all tine, purifies tho Ltood, re dent McKinley I t was announced in perfectly fresh discussions of matters which are hie weakness still causes uneasiness u attracting attention. Sainp'e copies of Friday's The house occupied by Mrs. Caroline White smiles. He can now say papa's baby girl," •tarca lout manhood. ' the house of commons that no steps had Many Americans attended the Belamtlk issue will be sent free on application. The Sup. a KG! you 81 is being repaired. A new roof la one of the Mrs. A L. Denman visited relatives In Patt- d••bonltn.nen in Constantinople Mr. Cannon, chair- been taken for the appointment of a pleineot contains two pages of humor; a fascinat*nd pocket needed improvements that ia being made. erson on Sunday last. man of the house appropriations com- successor to Baron Herschell on t h eing letter from ex-attache, a gentleman who has book. (KOBIUS * EB8XX DIVISION,) mittee In the Fifty-fifth congress, made Joint high commission Mr, and Mrs. Fred Monro Marvin, of New- The body of Mrs. Edward Holden, formerly The Italian served at many of the great courts of the world, another statement reviewing the appro- minister of foreign affairs outlined I t a - ,mi who i peaks ol kings, emperors and noblemen Depot in Nor York, foot of Barclayfit.»wl ark, are visitors ab the home of Mr. Marvin's of Mt. Hope, was brought from Yonkers on The reichstag, by from actual knowledge; book revlewe; short parents, Mr. and Mrs James L Marvin, a t Saturday last and interred in the Catholic or(. priations and the legislation of congress ly's policy In China toot of Christopher St. The army beef court of inquiry spent o vote of 209 to 141, rejected the army stories; dramatic and musical criticisms; the fine the Homestead, cemetery In this place. another day in the Chicago atockyards, ncrease asked for by the German gov- work of great architect* and artlats; letters from PRINTERS' ODD TOOLS, Mis3 Bertha Apgar, of Dover, has been the Mr. and Mrs. Amos Pruden, of Morristown, DOVER TIME TABLE. witnessing the processes of canning e r n m e n t — Emlle Erckmanti, who, with abroad; talk on scientific subjects, new warships, guest of her cousins, the Misses Annie and' visited friends In Rockaway on Tuesday of gome Appliance* Wliloh Our Grout meat—-The senate at Albany refused M. Chatrian, wrote "Le Consorlt," ia etc.,; qotsBlp by pungent writers; and, in fact, the THAItfB ABBIVB ASD PKFJLBT FBOM. THIS Emma Wack, for a short visit. this week. to advance the unamended Amsterdam dead The condition of the pope's whole range of btgher topics In which Intelligent prnmlCatkerM Uwcd. STATION AS rOLLOWS ; Charles F. Dlckerson, of Newark, who avenue railroad bill passed by the as-health was reported to be satisfactory men and women are deeply Interested, and a pro- BAST BOUND Mrs. U. Egbert, of Den Wile, viilted friends A. M. Once In awhile otio hours n reference to President McKinley arrived a t f i o n or beautiful Illustrations. The Supplement Buffalo expram* 5:15 WEBT BOUND A. H formerly was a resident of Mt Olive, near o this borough on Friday and Saturday of the Bheopskln inking balls with which our sembly, and it was referred to a hostile Sentence was suspended Thomasville, in the plnelands of south- Is the cream of the wbole week's work In the OBwefio expreee* 0:10 Milk express 5:13 this village, passed away on Thursday Jast. last week great-grandfathers in tho printing trade committees 6:34 I Dover express 6;48 Milk expren Funeral services were held ia Newark at the Mrs. Jacobus, of Main street, Is visiting used to ink finclr for IDS, This Is about ths on Mrs. Margaret E. Cody, convicted of ern Georgia, where he will spend his Tribune office. Hack't'n oxp.* 7:10 Dover accom. 8,-13 Negotiations for recionly old tool of tho trade now in disuso attempting to blackmail George J. and brief vacation home of his brother, Joseph H. Dickerson, on relatives In Pine Brook for afewdaya. 8:10 Hack't'n mail 7:28 Easton mail Clubs. procity treaties with Germany and Helen M. Gould, and she was set free Sunday afternoon, and also a t the Freabyftpl* 8;03 Bing'ton mail* 0:39 Arthur Miller, of Bockaway, who is em- ith which the printers of today are fnAny reader who may flud It convenient to raise Waabington The hospital ahip Missouri brought France have been resumed by officiate Dover express 10:43 miliar. There arc others which wore moro Buffalo expreBB^ 8:22 t«rian Church at Bit. Olive on Monday morn- ployed in Brooklyn, was in our Borough on or loss used nt yiuious tlmca Unit have over 200 sick soldiers from Cuba to Sa- In Washington, with good prospects, it a rlub of subscribers for The Semi-Weekly Boston express 8:41 FhiHipaburgex* 10:48 ing. Interment waa made in the Union ceme- Wednesday packing bis housohold goods for dropped Considerable Important Tribune IB Invited ta do BO, and to send to tola Dover accom. 0:40 A scheme for the re-olection Is reported P.H. out and been forgotten. A couplo vannah tery at tbo latter place. Mr. Dickerson was shipment to Brooklyn, where he will mube of these have oomo to lightthrough an old of M. S, Quay as senator was proposed testimony was taken by the army beef office for sample copies, etc. Scranton e i p . * 11 MS Dover accom. 12:30 THE TRIBUNE. Dover ftocom. 11:30 Ka-ton express 1:58 thirty-seven years of age and resided In this his home henceforth. oataloguo that lias fallen Into the writer's by securing the passage ot a law bycourt of inquiry in Chicago. I t was deElmirm express* 2:19 vicinity until a few years ago, when he went William Morgan, of Flanders, on Sunday hands. Ono waa a short wooden galley, congress providing for the choice of veloped that all the canned roast beef P. M. Dover accom. 8:53 Dover acoom. 12:45 Eastern express E:08 to Newark. He bad been ill about one year visited relatives aud friends here and at Mid- open at one side and having clamps below, Benators by a plurality vote, instead of was bought on direct orders from General Eagan The senate Republican a majority, and holding a special seaBuffalo expreeB* 1:37 by means of which it might be attached to Bcrantou sip.* 6:34 dletowo. with pulmonary disease. Easton mftll 2:U caucus a t Albany made the civil servthe boxes of tho upper caso. Thus sup- aion of the Pennsylvania legislature express 6:25 Cut this out and return to ufl with ftl.OO and Oswego express* S;47 Dover The weather on Sunday afternoon was The Citizens' ticket, as it was nominated at ported, it waa three or four inches above The session of the Utah legislature end- ice bill a party measure. Senator Am1 Waauington spl* 6:40 we ]] send the following, postage prepaid: Dover aooom. 3;56 Hack't'n mail ?:18 phenomenal. There wasiightnlng and heavy the caucus held last Friday night, was elected the burfnee of tbe boxes, leaving room for ed without the election of a United bler bolted, and four other senators Dover acoom. 6:55 Phillipsburg occ. 6:03 Vermont Farm Journal 1 Year. thunder and a heavy shower was near but no on Tuesday. Tbe successful candidates were: the compositor to reach the typo without States senator There was no opposition I t was learned that were absent Buffalo expreaa* 6:23 Buffalo express* 8:33 rain fell in this place. Between five and six Mayor (for tbree years), Simon J. Lowntlial; disturbing tho galley. This form of galley the Rev. Dr. Henry Van Dyke would to the rapid transit bill a t & hearing on New York Weekly Tribune I Year. Dover aocom. 0:32 17. S. express* 6;55 s probably brought into use about the probably accept a chair of English lit- It given In Albany The deadlock in American Poultry Advocate I Year. PblUipstmrg ex.* 6:37 Dover accom. 10:38 o'clock a rainbow appeared In the eastern Councilmen (for two year?), Mahlon L. HoagMilk express* 8:17 Buffalo express* 10:59 sky, aud for some time after the lightning land and A. J Rollings ; Justice of the Peace, time that printers discovered it t o be a erature offered him by Princeton uni- the selection of a senator In Pennsylva- The Gentlewoman I Year. Easton accom. 8-44 Thtatrt train. 8:25 Mr. Kipling continues to im- nia continued, and Quay's friends a r e Edward L. Arnold; Commissioner of Appeals, nuisance to carry tho galley on tho cap versity and thunder continued. Milk u p r e a * 8:57 case. Tho old plan waa to lay tho caps and prove. He was told yesterday of the counting on Buccess in county contests Marion Harland's Cook Hook. An cuVing cf five dollars waa made on (for three years), Edward H. Todd. Tbe euaa small caps in tho four upper rows of thu death of his daughter Joseph In*. •The German embassador, Baron von Ten Nights In a Bar Room. •Via. Boonton Branch. Sunday by the Presbyterian Sunday school of f3,400 was voted for borough purposes. cap case and then to rest tho galley across Holleben, WBB the guest of President E l Monday, M«rch 13. Thomas H. Hoagland was elected Chosen the threo lower rows, into whloh there >vna to tbo Board of Home Missions. lot of Harvard at Cambrldge^ George Filipinos at Manila planned an attack W. Greene, mayor of "vVoonsocket, was seldom necessity for the compositor's hnnd John J, Drake, of Newark, waa a visitor Freeholder by 23 J majority. DOVER AND MORRISTOWN. on the American lines, but did not have WItliam Tuttle, of. Hanover, was fii Rock- to travel. Whilo tho propped up gnUey was the courage to carry out the plan. Prep- nominated by the Democrats for gov- This combination fills a family need. Two farm Leava with his brother, G. A. Drake, over Sunday. Arrive Laar* undoubtedly better than tho gulloy laid Axrlv. ernor of Rhode Island r t i s a n - papers for the tnen—Th» "Gentlewoman," an Mrs. T. E. Tharp is visiting friends in away on Friday of last week visiting friends across the cap case, the plan of placing tho arations for a n aggressive movement nounced by shipping men that ten Ideal paper for tbe ladleH-N. Y. Weekly Tribune [>ovflr. MorriBtown Morriatowil Porer and rolatlves. for all-Marion Harland'a Cook Book with S O O Newark. against the rebels continue General galley on a disused caso or on a bank ren4:80A. K . 5 : U P . M . 6:03 A . H . 6:34 A. M. freight steamships which left American pages aad 1,000 practical recipes for tbe wife, and 1 Maximo Gomez Issued a statement to and English ports upward of a month tbe book ** Ten Night* ID a Bar Room,' the great 6:46 " Mrs. Jehiel Dilley, daughter of Mr. and Peter Cook, of Denvllle, was in Rockaway dered It useless. 7:10 " 7:41 ' 8:12 " the Cuban people and army regarding ago and have not been heard from since est temperance novel of the age. A two cent 7:88 " Mrs. Marshal Love, who went to Paterson borough on Friday of last week. 7:57 " 8:98 • 0:10 '* A universal stereotype block was at one Btamp brings samples of papers and our great 8:41 " 9:12 " 10:15 ' 1O:4S " William Chamberlain, who was formerly a time in use, being mado with grooves that his Impeachment and deposition by theare probably lost last week to undergo a surgical operation, Ex-Co ngresam an clubbing list. Cuban assembly The people of San9:40 •< 10:10 « 11:53 ' 12:90 P. M. passed through the ordeal successfully, but clerk In tbe employ of H. D. & J. F. Tuttle, ran slantondioulurly, or un uuglo of about tiago de Cuba want the United States James J. Belden give a dinner for 11. 11:80 " 11:47 " 1:28 p. w 1:58 u waa taken ill the first of the week and passed of Rocbaway, spent Sunday in our borough 45 degrees to the base and Bide of thoto purchase San-Juan tiM and convert Speaker Heed a t the Hotel Manhattan, 12:45 P. v. 1:15 P . M . 3:25 ' 8:53 '• 2:44 " 3:15 " 4:41 ' The brick work on the Flchter block has block. Tho block was damped in thethe famous battleground Into a park New York. away. Thn remains were brought to her late SKIS " (39 Main St. WILniNOTON, VT. 8:55 " Thuradny, March id. 4:88 " 6:53 ' I 6:25 " -The Allan line steamer Castilian, borne on Tuesday and tbe funeral services wen completed and tbe carpenters are rush- grooves and WAS readily brought to any « 5:65 " 8:36 " 6:60 ' The Spanish cabinet decided to ratify position. Such a block answered very woll 7 18 '* from Portland, Me., to Liverpool by ing their work as fast as possib'e BO as to get were held ou Thursday afternoon. Inter6:32 " 7:01 " 7:82 ' 8*3 " the treaty of peace as soon as the cortes NOTICE. on hand presses, but) when stenui cylinder 8:« " B:10 " 10:08 ' 10«( " ment was made a t Pleasant Hill cemetery. the inside work done on the first floor to give presses came into use It proved too unre- way of Halifax, is ashore at Gannet won dissolved-—Joseph H, Choate, roclt, near Yarmouth, N. S. Services 2K»A.H. 2:20 A. 11 Mrs. Dilley is survived by her husband and tbe concern a chance to start work. liable, allowing tho pages to slip, and BO It were- held In Rome to commemorate the United States emlmssador to Great ESTATE OF SUSAN E BEACH, DECEASED. Britain, made a speech a t the dinner of five children, John and William, of Newark; Hamford Miller, of Rockaway, on Friday ras discu.i'dcd. Pursuant to the order of the Surrogate of the pope's recovery and his coronation^— M A V E N E W YORK F O R DOVER of fitorrts, made on the ttteoty-sereuU] day the Misses Sadie and Laura, and Eddie, a and Saturday of last we>k visited Peapack, The Bhcopsfoot Is a tool unknown in The British steamer Osweatry was the united chambers of commerce in County At3;15», 4:00,6O), 7:10, 8K»», 8:50, 6:30*, of February A. ' . one thouBand eight hundred and young SOD of about six years of age, all of where he ia preparing to establish himself in many modern pressrooms, and in another wrecked in Dunlough bay, on the coast London Further demonstrations In-' ninety-Dine, notice Is hereby given t o all persons 10:10, a. m . : 12:00 m . l:00», 900, 3 ; ao, 4;0O', claims against the estate of Susan B. 4:30, 5:10*, 5 ^ 0 , 6K», 7KW», 8:80», *8Q, »:8O*, homo. .Much Byaipatby 1B felt tbe milling business. Ho will remove hia generation wo muy expect that tho shoot- of Ireland. The crew escaped Mrs. dicatlngr General Gomez's popularity having Beach, late of the County of Morris, deceased, to Ing ntlck will also huvo disappeared. Oth- Robert Keeley, the actress, died In Lon- were held a t Havana family tbere on April 1, General "Whea- proaont tho somo, under oath or affirmation, trt the for toe bereaved family. er tools, though altered und improved la subscribers, on or before tfte twuuty-seveutlx day •Via, Boonton Branch. ton's division had another encounter The adMra. W. J. Auchterlonle, who Is at the A. L. Deoman, of Rockaway, made a busi- various ways, seem mostly to hold thoir don In her ninety-third year with the rebels near Paalg, Inflicting of November next, being nine months from the Homestead for some weeks, has been visiting 36S trip to the city on Saturday of last week. own in spite of tho many nddltlons bolug ministration will not change Its plans heavy loss on the Insurgents and c a p - date of Bald order; and any creditor neglecting to bring In and exhibit his or her claim, under oath Mrs. Lodi Smith, of Middletown, visited made to tho list. —Printer and Bookmaker. in Cuba because of the assembly's ac- turing many prisoners with frfeuda at Newark for several days. CHESTER BRANCH. John Sher- or affirmation, within the time so limited, will on tion in regard to Gomez The naval forever barred ofhlsorheractioa therefor against The "resolution" on the Union ticket of Dover on Thursday of last week. aonroaAsT. attache of the French embassy a t man is seriously til from pneumonia on the executors. Hoittpr a n a tieiviffli Uite*. Mrs. Frank Stickle, of Main street, visited board the Paris a t St. Pierre, MartiMt. Olive township has created considerable Dated tlie tirenty-seveDtli day of February A. D. Cheater, 6:15,7:43 a. m.; WOO. 4:1b t>. m A pnssago in POUO'H "111ml" ("Ohancloa Washington paid a high tribute to the nique A boiler explosion on the Brit190. comment and as a Btudy in phraseology de- Dover on Thursday of last week. Horton, 6:21, 7:49 a. m.; 13:08,4:23 p . 111.. Classics") hus stirred my Intellectual curi- efficiency of the navy of the United GUY MINTON, Tbe Liondalo Bleach, Prictand Dye Works osity nnd proves that ono touch of ritual States, which now. ranks second among ish cruiser Terrible killed one man and Ironla, 6:25, 7:IM a. m.; 13:18, 438 p. m. eervesa p'ace here. It read: FREDERICK H. BEACH, Suooaannna,6:30,; 12:18.4:33i m. A bill t o raise m TCiecutora. Resolved, That the Township Committee ibipped three car loads of goods on Friday of makes tho antiquo world kin. Tho an- the great powers of the "world In naval injured several others KenvU, 11:33. 7:69 a. m.; 12:32 4:37 p. m. pay the snowbilig out of surpius money now last week. This ia thelargpstslnglesbipment olenfc Jews wore- great upon "wishing of construction Senator Frye took ex- the flashpoint ot American oils was deJnMtion, 6:38. 8:04 a. m.; 12:37,4:48 p. m. on hand, with the privolege of borrowing the that has been sent out since tbe erection of hands," with tho aeremonlal laws of ception to the views of Representative feated in the house of commons Port Oram, 6:40, 8:07 a. m.; 12:80, 4 52 p.m. money until the surplus ia available. this plant at Rockaway. I t is hoped that which ono tractate- of tho Talmud largely Cannon In regard to the Nicaragua ca- Much strong testimony against the beef Ar. Dover* 6:46,8:29 a, m.; 13:85, 6:00 p. m. AH the writer is ignorant of the fraroer of they will Btill further increase their business busies Itself, This "laving of hands" is nal project and defended the course of furnished to the army waa given beat this place, so that they will flud it necea the resolution, no personal criticism 1B sary to increase the capacity of tnelr plant, regarded with such veneration by thethe senate Preparations have been fore the court of Inquiry in Chicago. The court adjourned to meet in Omaha intended. Dover, 9:85 a. m.; 2:24,5:28, 6:43 p. m. and, perhaps, put up a plant to manrfacture rabbins tlmfc they crystallized Its impera- made to prevent trouble a t the final Governor Roosevelt refused Port Oram, 9:40 a. m.; 8:29,5:34,6:48 p. m. Mrs N. M. Rarlck, who has been visiting their own goods, which would be a great tiveness by stumping it with a seal a s of session of the Delaware legislature to- today Junction, 9:43 «. m.: 2:33,5:37, 6:50 p. m. Mosaic sanctity. Living In such an day for the election of a United States to commute the sentence -of Mrs. Place ,.,„.. with friends in New York, Hobokcn and benefit to thiB borough. ' Kenvli, 9:49 a. m.; 2:97 5:13. 6:54 p. m. -The LauterVjach amendment to the David T. "Watson, a DemoDover for several weeks, returned to% her Frank Tuttle vifdted friendB at Middletown atmosphere and trained from childhood to senator rJuoOMUnna, 9:65a.m.; 2:41 5:47,6:57 p.m. .' _ , , ohorlsh this specific rito as indigenous in crat, of counsel to Senator Quay, de- Fallows Amsterdam avenue bill was r e borne at ttifg place the early part of the week. on Sunday. Ironla, 10K13 a. m.; 2:46, 5:52 7:02 p. m. An independent ticket was put in tno field Judaism, I felt some amazement when I clined an appointment by Governor ported favorably to the New York senHorton, 10:08 a, m.; 3:51. 5:55,7:05 p. to. W, L. Morgan was given a surprise by a agaiusttbe "citizens" ticket that was nomi- rend page 105 of above: Stone as supreme court Judge Gov- ate. The assembly passed the Astoria Ar. Comtor, 10.16 a. m.,-3:59,0:00,7:10 p.m. number of his friends last Friday evening. nated Friday night. It was withdrawn, ernor Roosevelt expressed his confi- Light, Heat and Power company bill Now pruy to Jovo whut Greece demundsj Tbe Hackettstown Hxprees Btops a t Port A most delightful time was passed in the on- however, before the polls opened on Tuesday dence in the passage of the Amsterdam -The Investigation of the alleged Oram going east at 7:93 a. m.; gouv wait at Fray in ditup elleneB and with purest hands. joymant or gamBs and music, the latter con- morning on account of a Bcurrilous circular 7:21 n. m. Buckley adds a note which displays a avenue bill in Us unamended form'—• bribery charges a t Harrlsburg was consisting of selections on the organ, violin and- that was circulated on Mouduy night. Pastors o/ many churches in New "York tinued by a legislative committee. The wido outlook: "This Is ono of tho most mandolin. Those present, beside the ,host ancient superstitious respecting prayer, referred In their sermons to the attempt voting for senator was unchanged Belnjc " I t . " and hostess, were the Misses Annie and Emma and QUO founded as muoh in nature aa into usurp Amsterdam avenue) Tht Governor EUshu Dyer was renominated Wack, Lillie Seals, Grace Walton, Minnie He was a small red-beaded boy Rev. Dr. Henry Van Dyke made a state- by the Republicans of Rhode Island, tradition."—Xotesuud Queries.Hodgson, Alice jiird, Jennie Barret, Mrs. ment to his congregation a t the Brick •with the remainder of the state ticket With freckles round his eyes; Bird, and Master Arthur Bird and Messrs. There was considerable damage Presbyterian church, In New York city, The eyes were brimming o'er with joy, Killed by a Put'iu. John Bird.t tfred Howell, John and Fred about his acceptance of the new chair done by a tornado near Birmingham, TO An author, having waited in vulu for a The freckles every size. barret, Garner Seals, C. E. A. Walton, Ala. The British steamship Brator of English literature a t Princeton check for un accepted puutn, wrote the ediChaMcs Wack, Charles McLaughllu. Will, Hiss Henrietta Wechsler of Brooklyn, itranded oft* Cape Henry life saving To Kamuol RoRors, Eliza Rogers, Jessie Aker Though oft the teacher's rule he felt, tor mildly inquiring about it. Tho editor who disappeared on Wednesday last, ilutlon John Hpffer of Buffalo fell tu 1G e o r ?o Heddeu and Silas Miller, of (Ayres) and Wtlllara A . Aker (Ayres). And heard himself called "clown," replied; Jhia place, Mrs. Ira Handeram. Mr. E. and Y virtue of a n order of t h e Court of has been found In a private hospital in Into Q pan of boiling sap In the sugar No better notured boy o'er dwelt DEAH Slll-Tho magnzinu isaenil. I t could Manhattan Chancery of New Jersey, made o a the MM Lydla Frace, of German Valley, and Rudyard Kipling's con- bush of Dana Green in Bennington, N. not atnnd ovurything. It puaacd peacefully (OLD POINT COMFORT) $\, and was so badly scalded that he day of tho dnto hereof, in a cause wherein Mlaa Bertha Apgar, of Dover. Refreshments dition continued to improve The Within his native town. away, with your ppom on the front pngo. The 1 l6n Mary A n n Drinkwater is cumplaiuant, aud (ileti F r a n k A. Vanderllp, assistant ionade, cake, ice-cream and confectionsheriff, who ia a man of homo litornry ability, news that the kaiser will see the yacht you a n d others a r e defendants, y o u a r e reAnd so his schoolmates used to fag ery were Berved. AND races a t Cowes next July Is interpreted secretary of the treasury, after Beveral quired to appear and plead, tlemxr or answer is now writing ita obituary. The blow is a sad Mrs. Lanco, of Bartley, who has been ill at This bov of little wit; to mean that Germany and Britain are weeks' serious illness a t his home In to complainant's bill on or before the nineone. but we hupa to got dninagea out of you, h, fj? omB , of herdaugnter, Mrs. George Hand, Chicago, has returned to Washington teenth day of April noxt or the said biU will At games of " hide and seek," and "tag," — A t l a n t a Constitution. reconciled. la improving. CAHO XYNN. -Orders were Issued for the muster be tuken as confessed against you Taenday t Blaroli 14* They alwaya made him " It." Tlie Baid bill is Hied t o foreclose a certain General Wheaton's division attacked out of the First Texas a t Galveston mortgage, dated February eleventh, 1>89, and the second Louisiana a t Savannah. Although he oft rebelled at heart, and captured the city of Fasig Acupon certain premises i n t h e Township of which are most attractive aing to a Rome newspaper, the'Ital- Both regiments a r e now at Havana, but Cn*«tor, Aiorris County, New Jersey, made And felt inclined to quit, points at this time. ian minister to China has been recalled will be brought to this country as soon by James Thomas nnd Mary E Tliomas his He never did, but learned the art as transports ore available. The Sixth The faction supporting General Go- company, volunteer signal corps, now wife to Mary Ann Drinkwater, t h e said complainant. Of always being " It." nmz In Cuba is said to be growing It at Augusta, Ga,, has been ordered m u s And you, Eliza Rogers, are made a party EXPRESS STEAMSHIPS is believed that the vote on the report tered out defendant, because you a r e one of tbe heirs Throughout his youth he W e it all, of the committee In the relchstag on at-iaw of Jano Lewis (nee Tiiomas), deceased, Nor o'er complained a bit; OF T H E and own or claim t o own a n undivided intergts, t Is Rod H o t 1'rom tlio Gun Although, for either great or Btnall, est in the said uiortKueod premises; nnd Vou, One diiitressin O n e ooff the t h moBb balmoBt d i t i choking i ghwith I Drying IVepai'fltlons Was tbe ball that bit 6 . B. Steadman, of Samuel Rogers, a r e made a purty defendant, J° Bee a child almoBt ch 'Tia grievous being "It." imply dovelop dry catarrh; they dry up the Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. I t earned became you are tho husband uf the said Eliza ^fadflil whooping-cough. Give « child ^fadflil h OoSgh i g rtyrnp, Dr. Bull'n secretions which adhere to the membrane horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped for Rogers a n d may bL>oome entitled t o a n estate typ,the when he'd grown to bo a man, courttsy in said mortgaged premises; and !f d aana a re- Yet PEBFOHICDAILY BEUV1CE. ™ !U1 f cpulmonary pulmonary remedy, and decompose, causing a far more BOHOUB 20 years. Then Bucklan'a Arnica Palvo cured by HoBouiBtfinea used to Bit om a nfc m a nfc you, Jessie Aker (Ayres), are made a party n wl11 once, once, the thecoughing coughing troahlo than the ordinary form of catarrh. him. Cures Cutn, Brutees, Burns Boils, Fcl- dofendant because you are one of t h e helrsw And think about when tie began w ll1111 W' reocou lless frequently, frtl •W' rere-ocour Avoid all drying Inhalants and UBO that vrhlch ens, Corns, Skin Eruptious, Best File cure at-law of Jane Lewis (uoo Thomas), deceased, ™S>'? a d To practice being " It." a few days, the sufferer will be and own or claim to own a u undivided Inter- Through tickets returning from cleanses, soothes and beala Ely's Cream an eartli. 25 ct«. a box. Cure guaranteed. est S™r.ely cured. No other remedy in tbe said mortgaged premises; a n d yon, y can Aud for tbe lesson he waa glad, Washington by rail or water. Balm is such a remedy nnd will cure catarrh Sold by Ft. Klllgore, Dover, and A. P Green, William A Alter (Ayres), are made a party """"tof BO man many cures. ures dufendant because you a r e the husband of tho For it had taught him grit; or cold lu the head easily and pleasantly. Cheater, druggists. said Jessie Aher (Ayres) a n d m a y become enAud fortuue, friends and till he had, A trial slzo will be mailed for 10 cents, large titled to au estate by courtesy i n said mortFor full information apply to He traced to beiug *• 16."—Field. for fiO conte. All druggists keep it. E'y Don't Tobacco Spit and Hmoko Your Mfe Annj. gaged premises. Drotherfl, 50 Warren street, Now York. Every Pkunlly Dated February IStli, ISM. To quit toUocoo eunlly und forever, bo mutf riuunuii., Pnlntnblo, Potent, Tnsus Good. Do D A V I D K. BNOVKH, notlo. full or lite, nurvo and vlnor. tulto No-ToBliould have ita household medicine chest, anil Uooo. Nuvor BlckQii, Wimkon. or Qrlno, We, 25c, Wo. Solicitor for Complainant. Buu, the (vniidoMvurltur, tlmltnaltim nculi men the fin.t bottlu in it should bo Dr. Wood's ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Nn-To-IInn for fifty Hants. Pier a6, North River, New York. fltrotiff. All druufflBta, EOo or»I. Ourooimrau- Post ofllce nridrefti: Guariintood tobacuo hnbit cure, makes weak teed Dooldot untl sumplo froo. Address No. SoU Main H t r c t , Orange, New Jersey. Norway Pino Syrup, nature's remedy for nen Btrone, blood pure. 600,81. All druggist* Sterling Remedy o a , Chicago or Now York. 14-iw upea W hooping-Cough .quickly. coughs and colttn. Jwf oc «« ^.nn'ouTplwsa^t t?titlu.. Ago, purity, strength—Soitz's Dock. NKWS OF THE "WEEK. NEW YORK TRIBUNE. | CENTRAL RAILROAD The chances are nine in ten that the office boy will bring a cake of Ivory Soap if sent for "a cake of good soap." But be sure-of it. Each cake of Ivory Soap is stamped "Ivory." D., L. & W. RAILROAD. A BIQ CLUB. fllllotSi. Regular Cost $4.00 F.FH Journal, V J In cuapry of New Jersey. B UNINTERRUPTED PASSENGER SERVICE FORT MONROE WASHINGTON WHOOPING COUGH COUG OLD DOMINION LINE Dr.Bulls D Cough Syrup OLD DOPION STE0®S!1IP G(l W. L. GDILL4UDEB, THE IRON ERA, DOVER. N. J.. MARCH 17, 1899. .ml lute that night when all was quiet in he villugo filie Imtl vrupt noiselessly Into ho little chapel, uml, kneeling before the Wh»tT Bndtime come it^nin for m a t hue worn image of tho holy uiothcri had Well, wlmt i-iiru I for Unit V iriiyou, with tears stmiming: down her It muy bo I'm nul weury ytl ' liL'uks, that tihu would ilircct htr and help Of till my play nrnl chut; IT to forgot. But tar up among tho hilla It muy be I would like to Hluy n the grvut nitiKf Unit overlook! San Hur« ut my duUily "H \an.-v. Jarlos thu prospector was standing alone, Vtt, ISIIR-U 'tia Indium;, I'll depart AH Iiup^iy UB tun IH>. whistling softly to himself and gazing J into the wide- plain at his feet. Some And let nje wliiHpur in j uur fear littlo disdmee In-hind him his companions Why I'm iirtjuu-fil t.. n o .oy eleeping, and »n u flat rock which anMont Leva uro nt-vi-r ready when Vertid for a tubU> WJIIIU ono had overturnTUulr Wnltimt i-tyim-H, you know. Hut, ua for me, IIH kmt; us 1'vu ed tho coffeepot, and n (lurk oozy stream My pillow 'ui-nth my l.Liid as slowly running down the elde. Ono Yon')] never find nm bitting u p if the men moved a littlo iohlaaleep. When 1 Bluiuld be lu bed. Harding started uml looked around a t him. Then us the moon roso slowly above Yvr when 1 wbaob it witti my flat, Tu muku It Bun nf j-ult, tho peakB behind him ho turned, knocked And lit) facu downward, thun I uee the Bfihofl from hie pipe, wrapped hluisell Itlori! HfurB 1.11m (.'IIAV aloft. p In Ms blankets and without moT& ado And e w r j Htur that lien tin rein was deeping soundly. Holds lots «.f wumlrciiiB lliin^s. Nearly a wwk passed and th.0 feeling of Like big i>nrinlc» mid »ircunu« restlessness which foT a time had poKfiessod And Bnimalaund kiiigB. Jimnitn had nearly beon forgotten when .And some arc filled with brownlea bold. again Harding rodolnto San CurloB. Poor Who prnnk with nmin and might; little Juonital All her attempts to forget Auotlier'H filled with [icfk-n-booa, iiiu hud bocn in vain then, for as eho saw Who iiH'k'U Ittio nil nititit. _iim come into tho plaza her heart gave a Bo why Hhuulil I iiiultr to alt great bound for joy, and ehoflushedunDown Kluiru, a tjlcupylirad, fl'hon I can HW tln*t> wondrous thiogB der her ollvo skl» to the tips of her dainty Whene'ur I go to Viod? fingers. The flush suited her dark fnoe —John Kendrick Boiifa in Wuuinu'a Hom« and heightened Its beauty, thought Hording, as, dismounting, he asked if Don JoBe wore In. As luck would havo it, he hud gone over to BOO a friend, and the two full JTJANITA. into convcrmitlou. She wus shy at first, but the evident earn of her companion The little town of San Carlos la so much finally Bet her last fear at rest, and when like most othiT littlo Mexican towns that iho old don did return they parted tho best it hardly needs any cnreful lii'scrliitlon. if friends and with aa understanding that Lying as It does in the heart of that vast ihey were to meet again down by the old wilderness of old Mexico, a tiny patch of eil hidden away In the little ravine outgreen on tho fnco of the sun scorched eido the town. After an hour's talk with earth, It seems hislgnlfleant to a degree, her father Hurtling again left tho house, and naturally It is not down on the map and, swinpi KR- hUnsolt into tho saddle, rode —such towns rarely aro. Its few fields, carelessly out toward tho bill a. bravely struggling ugnliifit tho heat and A milo or GO from the town he mad© a drought, aro but spursoly watered by a lit- slight change in tho direction ho was taktle oreek which flows from a ravine close lug, and so little by little headed for th« by and which seems to disappear into the thirsty earth a fow hundred yards further ravine. Just as the eun went down Hording on. San Carlos itself is composod murely of a few gray ndubu houses clustered to- reached the well, and after turning his pony to nibble tho juicy blades of grass gether around a gtjuaro littlo plaza and theremimiitsof what hnd once been a tidy which grew around it threw himself down to wait. Ho bud boon there perhaps two ohHpol, built hundreds of jeara before by the old Spanish fathers, ami still stand- or three hours when tho bushes were parted gently and Juanlta came toward him. ing, a crumbling, tinio worn monument Sho had Blipjied away, she Eoid, while her to their memory, father and Pedro eat smoking and had All through the burning daytime the had promised, but Bhe must place BocniB ahnostdoserteil, and tho florce OQIUOOSBIIO hurry, for tho time was and her abtropical sun sails on its way overhead in sence would bo noticed.short Little by little undlBputod supremacy. Tho littlo plnza ig questions and promptings she told always empty and tho In ten EG heat rising between all her brief life history, of Pedro, of In wavy lines fmm tho ground makes tho himfather's wishes, and lastly of her own objecte round about danco to one's eyes. her new for him, and when fit laBt she Even the host of dogs bas vanished and couldlove Bay no ehe etood looking up to ' the place boars tho appearance of a verita- him, her eyesmore full of the love she had just ble Tillage of the dead, so still and quiet confessed, until he took her In his anus Is It and kissed her. But In the evening, when a t last tho In tho same Instant they *wore startled •an has gone and only tho brilliant color by a Bound behind them. Jose, his In the sky remains, and when tho breezes face pale with fury, BtoodDon scowling at begin to come down from tho distant them. Chokingly he ordered tho girl away, mountains, then it presents quite a differ- and when she was gone he turned to Hordent aspect. Around the open doors of the ing. "Curse youl"hosaid. "YouBhall adobe houses lounge the male inhabitants pay for this—Santa Maria, du Amerlof San Carlos, for tho most part lazily onno!" and disappeared as quickly as he puffing their long, fragrant clgaretoa or hod come. gathered in little knots discussing tho latThere was no mistaking that, and the est bit of news, though how news ever roaches San Carlos is a mystery Indeed. young follow knew that if he Btayod where . Above an open lire in front of each hut he was his life would not be worth the Bwlngs a substantial Iron kettle lu which waiting. Bis first fear was for Juanita. the evening maul of stowed tunas has al- Loosening his revolvers In his belt, he ready begun to simmer, and around these mounted his pony and rode slowly toward fires hover the women, looking for tho San Carlos. Some moments hod passed most part as 111 kept as tho men. Dirty In this way, and ho hod almost reached little naked children sprawl around on tho the mouth of the ravine, when he saw ft beaten clay of which tbo floor of tho plaza figure coming swiftly toward him. An is composed and dirtier dogs romp and Instant later ho recognized Juanita. The poor child wai almost exhausted from tumble over them. Yet primitive aa was the littlo town running. Go!" she sobbed. "They are going here Juanlta had lived all the happy 18 "Go! follow you, Don Jose and Pedro. They jean of her Ufa, and right hero sho was to trill kill if you stay. Ah, no, not contented to stay until eho should bo laid now," ehoyou cried, as Harding held out his away besldo her Bleeping grandfathers and arms to nor, "they will find me here with great-grandfathers in tho little graveyard you, and then"—and then as the impulse beside tho chapel, for eho loved tho dear seized her she flung herself into his arms old plaoe, and—possibly because ahe knew nothing of tho great world beyond—aho and sobbed as If hor heart would break. She had not been a moment too soon, never even thought of leaving i t Then, too, there was another and. etill stronger tor even as ho spoke the sound of galloping hoofs reached them, as riding furiously reason—her father, old Don Joso, had promisod her to the eon of his oldest and their two- pursuers dashed into the ravine. With ono arm supporting the trembling dearest friend, who hod fought with him years before In the war with the hated girl Hardiug coolly uusllpped his revolver Americanos and who bad been wounded and waited. The Mexicans were within In the battle of Cerro Gordo before tho fa- 80 yards beforo they saw him, and then as they opened, flro with their uncertain aim mous old City of Mexico itself. Now, cretly, this was just what tho young peo- he slowly raised bis own weapon and ple had dasinxL Pedro and Juanita hod pressed tho trigger. With a bitter ourse grown up together from childhood- They on hla Hps one of the men pitched forward had been constant companions, and wore from the saddle and fell to the ground. they not tho handsomest couple la the Ono more shot came from the remaining whole broad valley? Had not Juanlta all man beforo the revolver spoko again, and her father's lands as her dowry, which, Harding heard a smothered ory at his etde united to thoso which Pedro owned, would as the riderless horse plunged past hbu make them tho largest landowners In the and vanished, up tho ravlno. Then ho put Tillage? It wan oortninly a most desirable up his revolver and turned again to TWEtqhi and the two old men congratulated Juanlta. She waa strangely quiet aa she gazed up each other as old men will who havo soon, their fondost hopes fulfilled, and emptied Into his face and smiled. A qulokly many a sparkling cup to tho health of Pe- spreading ntnln over her fair young breast told him the reason at a glanoo. That last dro and his fair yuiuig bride. bullet of Don Jose's had found a mark, Bat now Juanlta was sorely troubled. Everything hod gone along smoothly as and as the shouts of alarm reached thorn ever until one day something had hap- from the village, whither the horse had pened which bid fair to upset all their gone, the light faded slowly from Ju&nlta'i plans for the future. On a certain bright eyes and they closed forever. For some momenta Harding did not morning there hod ridden up to tho door of her fathor'B hut one of a band of Amer- move; then he laid her gently down beneath a lonely little willow, kissed once icans who were prospecting in the gray biountalni that lay away over to tho west. tho fair, bloodless lips and, mounting hl6 pony, rodo out of tho ravine past the dead Be was a flue looking young fellow, and for a man who had boon prospecting for bodies of the two MoxicatiB, and with hii two years under the florce sun of old Mex- head sunk deep on his breast turned hii ico he woe remarkably fair, and then his horso's noso toward the distant mounblue eyea had a frauk expression about tains, on whoso summits tho last beams ol them which was far different from the the waning moon still lingered.—B. ' ever suspicious glance which characterized Wobster In Yale Couront the men of that quaint country. He wore P a r o c h i a l Accottnta* 1607. the usual dross of men of his occupation, Many of the entries, which are in a loose blue flannel Bbirt and corduroy trousers tucked In at tho top of his heavy splendid state of preservation, are excoed< hoots, ared handkerchief knotted carelessly iugly quaint andamuBlng For instance, •round his nook and huge Mexican spurs thoro Is ono "for one nmbrelloe, £ 1 8a. 8d.," evidently procured tor the minister dangling from his heels. a shelter when officiating a t Juanita had boon Btandlng in the little to be usedInaawot weather! Anothor entry opening on tho opposite sido of tho house funerals rends:'' For a pair of bellows for Thunder, and had not seen him until ho was almost 6d." A curious ono runs; "For destroy' betide her, so that it appeared to her as If ing Jack Daws on steeple, 11s. 8dL" ha must have sudden! y sprung from Moth The entries relating tho to tho relief of thf •r Earth. poor are singularly fanny lnolude Harding had seen her about the same "Paid t o a Blcko man andand sending him fnitant sho had soon him, and as he doffed away, 4 B , ; " "Paid for kocplng tho wen oh Ids wide sombrero and asked in imperfect with the lama Imnd, 17s. Cd.;" "Paid foi Spanish to see the don unconsciously his a shift for Levy Skidmore's boy, fli,;" pulse quickened. Juanita was really a "ditto for y e euro of ye Wlddor Wlnokelr very beautiful Mexican girl, by far the most beautiful creature ho had seen, dur- flngcr. 6»." Tho ovorsoor'a matrimonial entries a i ing the wholo course of his stay in that dismally arid country, and the expression also peoullor. For lnBtanoo: "Expenses of taking WlUlnm Sbrlm and marrrtug on the girl'sfaooflattered him not a little. fittll he had almost forgotten her when he him, tho ring, & a , £1 14B. Bd.," and "gave James Morton of Thamo to marry had finished bargaining with her tathei for provisions for himself and his men, Robekah Burkott £3 18s. 6d.; a license, which he did at lost succeed in getting parson's foe and. tho clerk's foe, £ 9 4a. Od. only by tho payment of a fabulous sum, expenses taking John Neighbour, 6B. 8d.. and, when he turned and saw bar standing also marrying him to Ellzh. Phillips, £ 9 when be bad! loft bar ho started and 18a. M,; a bill for Robekah Burkett's wedwould have spoken bad ho not felt tbo ding being kept at Richard Wright's, alr piercing littlo black oyes of Don Joso fas- Spring-gardens, £1 11B. 4d.''—Buok tened upon htm. As it was, tho old man Arohmologloal Society. detected the start and ordered his daughIn South Africa there la a great demand ter hastily into the house. for don hoys, as they ore proof against oilEvor since that time Juanita's thought! ta*t«, plague and U.aa. bad beenlndiMoonniotwlth oneanoth*4 THE MAGIC for a generous • o CENT TRIAL SIZE. Fig's Cream Balm | SjWEi[ TONIC PURIFIES PILLOW. CATARRH G l v o t h e Children a D r i n k called Graln-O. It Is a delicious, appetizing, nourishing food drink to take the place coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked by who have used it because when properly p. v pared tastes lllto the finest coffee but is free from all its Injurious properties. Grain-C aids digestion and Btrongthens tho nerves. 1 it not a stimulant but a health builder, ant children, as well as adults, can drink it n i t groat benefit Costs about % as much a coffee. Id and S6c. contains DO cocaine, mercury or any ether Injurious dniff. His quickly absorbed. 01?ca Relief at once. 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