Nursing in Care Process in Health
Nursing in Care Process in Health
Nursing in Care Process in Health Leo Pessini* * Ph.D., Theology/Bioethics. He has done studies in Clinical Pastoral Education and Bioethics at St Luke’s Medical Center. Professor of the Stricto sensu Programme in Bioethics (Master Degree and Ph.D.), São Camilo University Center, São Paulo. E-mail: Editorial São Camilo University Center, following its mission, launched in February 2012 the Professional Master’s Program in Nursing in Care Process in Health, which represents a landmark and legitimizes Camillians pioneering work in scientific technological development in the Nursing area, since undergraduate degree in Nursing completed 53 years of history. Obviously this program is allied to the tradition in bioethics education and is reinforced by the implementation of the master, doctorate and post-doctorate courses in Bioethics. The creation of a Professional Master’s program in Nursing emerges forcefully to generate its own care technologies with a focus on developing a Nursing Science as well as developing intellectual property and technological innovation in the care process. This themed and special issue is dedicated to “Nursing in the Care Process in Health”, which has a special meaning to São Camilo University Center because “care” means carefulness, regard, affection and devotion to people who need care when sick. Therefore, preparing skilled and compassionate professionals to care for the health of those who are sick in a mercantilist society in which there is a strong appeal to consume means transcending human essence and rescuing humanistic values such as solidarity, otherness, love of others, compassion; it means caring for others the same way we would like to be cared for, which raises the need to train competent, humane and critical professionals who are able to respond to the prerogatives of the demands of caring for the health-disease process that meets the Camillians expectations and values. Thus, the implementation of the Nursing Master program at São Camilo University Center meets the camillian mission to instill health professionals with a humanized look based on Saint Camillus de Lellis’ quote “more heart in those hands, brothers”. It is worthy noticing that the research areas that base the course come together to meet the prerogatives: Humanizing in the Health area; People Management and Care Process in the Nursing vision, which will raise and develop the scientific production with the development of the Nursing Science and encourage the policy of induction for scientific technological development. For each area, Research and Study Groups were established and registered at CNPq to encourage research in the concerned areas. This themed issue confirms another Camillians’ achievement in Brazil, while contemplating the ethical and humanistic aspects, since they believe that a more just and caring society, with less social inequities, is possible through small actions such as the everyday citizenship actions. We wish you all an enjoyable read of the selected topics of this edition and we share this achievement with all our readers. We would like to thank Professor Grazia Maria Guerra, scientific coordinator of this issue, for all the dedication and involvement in the construction process of this number. We also thank the authors for sending their scientific production. O Mundo da Saúde, São Paulo - 2013;37(4):XXX-XXX 375