A Chilly Penguins Membership Form
A Chilly Penguins Membership Form
CUSTOMER NUMBER.................. EXPIRY............................................ Chilly Penguins Welcome to Chilly Penguins, a club for children 6 – 12 years old. It is held every Saturday morning here at the Ice Rink. There’s plenty to get involved with, such as ice hockey, team games, competitions, basic skating tuition and ice discos, all for the cost of only £4.50, inclusive of skate hire and you can join for just £10.00 for a whole years membership. All you need to do is fill in the application form below and return with £10.00 joining fee to the ticketing desk and your membership will be up and running immediately. Each week, just come in and give your name at the ticketing desk before purchasing your ticket and you will receive your membership discount. First Name: _________________________________________________________ Surname: ___________________________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parents/Guardians Name: _________________________________________________________ Parents/Guardians Tel. No: _____________________________ Parents/Guardians Email Address: ______________________________________ We have lots of activities planned over the coming months and we would like your permission for the following: Photographs Photographs will be used for advertising and marketing purposes to promote the Chilly Penguins sessions. I do/do not consent for photographs to be taken of my child during any Chilly Penguins Session (please circle where appropriate). Face painting I do/do not consent for my child to participate in face painting at any chilly penguins session (please circle where appropriate). Food and Drink I do/do not consent for food or drink to be given to my child during any chilly penguins session (please circle where appropriate). I do consent for my child to have food and drink during the session apart from (name the food(s) or drink(s) the child is forbidden to have): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Print _________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ______________________________________ Date ___________________________________ I do not want to be kept up to date about session information, new shows and exclusive offers If you have any enquiries regarding Chilly Penguins please contact a member of our Ice Rink Team on 0845 146 1460 (calls cost 2p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge) *Children under the age of 8 will need to be accompanied by an adult (ratios apply).