Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Seeking Fellowship in Faith, Solidarity in Service, Excellence in Education Pastor Rev. David Whorton Associate Pastor Rev. Vivian Ben Lima Weekday Mass Mon-Sat: 8:15 AM Weekend Mass Saturday Vigil: 5 PM Sunday: 7:15 AM, 9 AM, 11 AM & 5 PM Reconciliation Saturday: 3:45-4:45 PM or by appointment Parish Center Mon-Thurs: 8 AM - 8 PM Friday: 8 AM - 7 PM Sat & Sun: 8:30 AM - 7 PM 20870 Ventura Blvd. Woodland Hills 91364 (818) 340-6020 St. Mel Parish 20870 Ventura Boulevard Woodland Hills, CA 91364 340-6020 Parish Staff Pastor Fr. David Whorton, x1014 Associate Fr. Vivian Ben Lima, x1016 Deacon Jerry Cellner, x1017 Director of Administration Rosemary McLarty, x1019 Director of Faith Formation & Evangelization Dr. Ross Porter, x1013 Pastoral Ministry Brian Conroy, x1018 Elementary School Principal Mary Beth Lutz, 340-1924 Preschool Director Claudia Powell, 340-3180 Religious Education Coordinator Gina Lopez, x1022 Confirmation Coordinator Ella Sciarra, x1015 Director of Music Ministry Francesco Alleruzzo, x1028 Liturgy Coordinator Kerry Edwards, x1025 Website Administrator Joann Barros, x1026 Secretary/Bookkeeper Arlene Connors, x1012 Parish Center phone (818) 340-6020 Fax (818) 340-0261 Parish Center Hours Monday—Thursday 8:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 8:30 a.m.—7:00 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:45—4:45 p.m. Or by Appointment To Become a Registered Parishioner at St. Mel call (818) 340-6020, ext. 1012 or register online via our website: Parish Service Pastoral Council/Frank Donner Finance Council/James Hallissy Justice & Peace Council/Stephen Gruenfelder School Council/ Liturgical Ministries Altar Servers/Kerry Edwards Altar Society/Catherine Ghaffari (Linens) Church Environment/Kerry Edwards Eucharistic Ministers/Kerry Edwards Greeters for Sunday Liturgies/Margherita Aufmuth Lectors/Cindy Pardi Liturgy Committee/Kerry Edwards MultiMedia Ministry/Francesco Alleruzzo Music Ministry/Francesco Alleruzzo Sacristans/Kerry Edwards Ushers/Bob Aufmuth Personal Growth/Spritual Development/Sacraments for Adults RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) & Adult Confirmation/ Dr. Ross Porter JustFaith/Anselm & Pia Varni JustFaith/Richard & Cindy Pardi Book Club/Tom Mackel Men’s Group/Joe Sukitch Partners in Prayer/Susie Screbant Rosary Ministry & Eucharist Adoration Coordinator/Mitos Bitong Theresians/Margie Treichler Women at the Well/Lynn Findling Saturday Women’s Circle/Cindy Pardi Children and Youth Baptism Preparation/Lisa Feliciano Teen Confirmation/Ella Sciarra RCIY (Rite of Christian Initiation of Youth)/Ages 11-14 Religious Education PreK-8 Sunday Preschool/Ages 3-5 during 9 a.m. Mass Children’s Sunday Mass Dismissal Vacation Bible School/Gina Lopez Monday Morning Moms/Sr. Marie Paul Grech Ministry of Moms Sharing/Lourdes Curley/Virginia Dooley Caring Ministries Ministry to the Sick & Homebound/Ella Sciarra Motion Picture Hospital Older Adult Services and Intervention Ann McGlinn-Work Bereavement Ministry/Funeral Planning/Grief Support Group Ella Sciarra Outreach The Brown Bag Bunch/Nancy Gruenfelder The Hot Lunch Bunch/Nancy Gruenfelder Detention Ministry/Robert Gerrity St. Vincent de Paul/Kent Gairdner St. Vincent de Paul (pick up) 340-6020, x3022 621-5799 269-0858 340-6020 340-6020, x1025 398-7403 340-6020, x1025 340-6020, x1025 222-1303 346-6257 340-6020, x1025 340-6020, ext. 1028 340-6020, x1028 340-6020, x1025 222-1303 340-6020, x1013 346-8874 346-6257 (805)432-7707 225-1546 348-8386 710-9888 805-210-5792 348-4756 346-6257 340-6020, x1020 340-6020, x1015 340-6020, x1022 (805) 279-4045 (310) 367-7320 340-6020, x1015 340-5100 340-6020, x1015 703-6522 703-6522 888-1066 884-2291 (800) 974-3571 Respect Life Activities Pregnancy Counseling Center Angels Way Maternity Home/Betty Breneman 895-2500 346-2229 Hospitality/Social Adult Club/Irene Strauss Coffee & Donuts/Monica Matthews 344-3333 992-5208 Archdiocesan Service Worldwide Marriage Encounter/Russ & Jeanine Walker Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women/Mati Goodman Safeguarding the Children/Pat Andre (805) 648-4244 591-3035 340-6020, x1022 October 18, 2015 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Today’s Readings Saturday, October 17 5:00 Mass for the People Sunday, October 18 7:15 Nenita Mojica Basa 9:00 Flora Valle 11:00 Moises Rauda 5:00 Maria Carolina Leano Monday, October 19 8:15 Ella Guarneri Tuesday, October 20 8:15 Mario Sahagun Arcibal, Sr. Wednesday, October 21 8:15 Helen Kilfoyle Thursday, October 22 8:15 Trinidad Gomez Friday, October 23 8:15 Mark Colombano Saturday, October 24 8:15 Trinidad Villorgco First Reading — My servant shall justify many, and their guilt he shall bear (Isaiah 53:10-11). Psalm — Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you (Psalm 33). Second Reading — Let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace for timely help (Hebrews 4:14-16). Gospel — Whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all (Mark 10:35-45 [42-45]). Readings for the Week Monday: Tuesday: Rom 4:20-25; Lk 1:69-75; Lk 12:13-21 Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Rom 6:12-18; Ps 124:1b-8; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Rom 6:19-23; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Rom 7:18-25a; Ps 119:66, 68, 76-77, 93-94; Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Rom 8:1-11; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 13:1-9 Sunday: Jer 31:7-9; Ps 126:1-6; Heb 5:1-6; Mk 10:46-52 Prayer for Priests 10/18 Rev. Francis Mendoza 10/19 Rev. Cesar R. Bejarano, O.F.M. 10/20 Rev. Ramiro Sanchez Chan, C.S. 10/21 Rev. Paul Raftery, O.P. 10/22 Rev. Msgr. Steven B. Zak 10/23 Rev. Thomas Schweitzer 10/24 Rev. Michael Stechmann, O.A.R. Pray for Our Beloved Deceased In your Masses and prayers during the week please remember the repose of the souls of our deceased parishioners. . Bereavement Support at St. Mel The Group meets every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the elementary school faculty lounge. All are welcome. Email: or call Ella Sciarra at (818) 340-6030, ext. 1015, email, Did you know? Ask Your Kids Open-Ended QuesƟons Communication is key for making sure you are up to date with your kids’ lives – as they grow older and you can’t be with them every step of the way. One way to keep communication healthy is to ask your kids openended questions. Some kids don’t open up and spill every detail, so you have to consider how to phrase questions that draw them in and allow them to share their thoughts and experiences. When you do ask openended questions, make sure you are patient in waiting for the answers. For a copy of the complete VIRTUS® article email: Bible Study Program You are invited to join the Sisters of Notre Dame for a weekly Bible study session called Lectio Divina, facilitated by Sister Mary Regina Robbins. Stop by on Tuesday evenings in October from 7:00 to 8:00 PM at 1776 Hendrix Avenue, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. Committing oneself to the daily practice of reading and praying the Word of God has a transformative impact on us. Supplementary to other Bible studies, these weekly sessions will provide the atmosphere, community support, selected scripture texts and guidance to pray scripture (beginning with John’s Gospel) as a way to commune with God and grow in Christian virtue. For more information and to RSVP, contact Sister Marie Paul Grech at Worldwide Marriage Encounter Your love as husband and wife is a gift to one another as well as a gift from God. Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend to receive the tools needed to make the most of this precious gift. Deepen your communication, strengthen your relationship, rekindle your romance -and renew your sacrament by attending the next WWME weekend Nov 14-15 at St. Jude in Westlake Village or Nov 20-22 at the Best Western Canoga Park. Contact Jeanine and Russ Walker at 805-648-4244 or go online at We help make good marriages better. Reflections on Sacred Scripture Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time (BTW, There are Thirty-Four Sundays in Ordinary Time) Lord Have Mercy As Catholics we have a long habit of focusing almost exclusively on the divinity of Jesus. We rightly understand him to be the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, God himself revealed among us. And so we assume he was allknowing (omniscient), and all-powerful (omnipotent) as we understand God to be. This means we also assume Jesus was far beyond or above us in his humanity, perhaps a kind of “superman.” But the Church’s clear and consistent proclamation of the Gospel includes, in addition to his divinity, acknowledgement of the full humanity of Jesus of Nazareth. While he is the Holy One of God, the Christ, he is also our brother in his humanity. This truth is highlighted today in our readings as we hear the passage from Isaiah about the Suffering Servant, the one who can justify many by his suffering. Suffering is a human condition, not divine. It is precisely in his vulnerable humanity that Jesus carries out the will of the Father who sent him. We also find Jesus’ humanity expressed in the Gospel today from Saint Mark. Not only can he suffer, but Jesus also acknowledges that the favor asked of him by his apostles, James and John, the sons of Zebedee, is not his to give – not within his power. He has been called to be fully human, to become the servant of all, even to become the slave of all. Just as with James and John, Jesus struggles to be understood among us today. The Sons of Zebedee had missed the point – it’s not about “getting what we want” when we pray or ask Jesus, it is about following Jesus so closely that we come to share in his calling, to become fully human as he did and be at the service of one another and of all humanity. To do this requires help – we are totally dependent on the grace of God. But we have access to his grace in the person of Jesus who understands what it is to be one of us. We can, as the Letter to the Hebrews says, “confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy. As human beings, we all need Mercy! It is precisely in our own weak and vulnerable humanity that we too carry out the will of God in our lives – not as super-humans. Stepping up to Eucharist today, approaching the throne of grace, we can say with confidence, “Lord I am not worthy…say but the word and I shall be healed.” Brian Conroy, Pastoral Ministry The Guadalupe Center Needs Committed Volunteers The Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry needs help at the front desk to assist clients getting groceries, and also in the stocking and organizing of the food. The pantry is open 9 am-12 noon, M-F. The Angels’ Corner Thrift Store needs assistance helping with receiving, sorting and organizing various items, cashiering, and general sales people. The store is open 9 am-1 pm, M-F. Tutors are needed for the after school tutoring program. Available openings: 3 pm-5:30 pm, M-Th. Training will be provided in all these positions, and speaking Spanish is a plus! Please call Skip Wrightson at 818340-2050, extension 29, if you are interested. October 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 Adoration 9 am - 9 pm Benediction 9 pm Men’s Group 8:45 am Parish Center Women’s Group 8:45 am Serenity House Blessing of the Animals 10:30 am Activity Center Lawn Portrait Sessions 10:00 am - 6:00 pm 4 5 Angel’s Way Bake Sale Monday Morning Moms 8:30 am Serenity House Adult Ed. Hour 10 am Library “Habits that lead to Happiness: Generosity” Portrait Sessions 10:00 am- 6:00 pm Teen Confirmation 3:00 pm-6:15 pm Activity Center 7:00 pm Baptism Prep Class Parish Center 11 12 Baptisms 1:00 pm Columbus Day Saints Among Us 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm Room 200 Monday Morning Moms 8:30 am Serenity House 6 RCIA 7:00 pm Parish Center “Intro to the Old Testament” 7 8 9 Theresians 10 am Serenity House 10 Women Waiting on Wisdom 9:00 am Serenity House Virtus Training Initial Class 6 pm Parish Center Bereavement Support 7:00 pm Faculty Lounge 13 RCIA 7:00 pm Parish Center “Intro to the New Testament” 14 15 16 M.O.M.S. 10 am Parish Center Men’s Group 8:45 am Parish Center Teen Confirmation Year 1 Retreat 9:00 am - 6 pm Activity Center Bereavement Support 7:00 pm Faculty Lounge Teen Confirmation 3:00 pm -6:15 pm Activity Center Adult Club 9:30 am Activity Center 18 19 20 21 Baptisms 1:00 pm Monday Morning Moms 8:30 am Serenity House RCIA 7:00 pm Parish Center “The Gospels” Book and Video Club 7:00 pm Parish Center 22 23 24 School Halloween Carnival 5 pm - 10 pm 9:00 am Women Waiting on Wisdom Serenity House Bereavement Support 7:00 pm Faculty Lounge School Halloween Carnival 3 pm - 10 pm 25 26 27 28 School Halloween Carnival 12 pm - 8 pm Adult Club 9:30 am Activity Center RCIA 7:00 pm Parish Center “Acts & Epistles” M.O.M.S. 10 am Parish Center Bereavement Support 7:00 pm Faculty Lounge 17 29 30 31 Life, Justice and Peace Corner Parish Life Respect Life Month reminds us that our Catholic faith extends beyond the walls of our church, broadening the meaning of faith into a challenge to transform that faith into good works, so that, as we are reminded in the book of James, our faith is not dead. St. Mel...Our Legacy But what does it mean to be pro-life? How do we maintain these values that we are taught in our Catholic community when we venture into a world that tries to stifle these beliefs? We are pro-life just as Jesus was. Through the Gospel, we journey with Jesus as He heals the distressed, the weak, the blind, the outcasts, the vulnerable. In these stories, we glimpse the work that Jesus has cut out for us – work that might not always be easy. Just as Jesus has shown us, to be pro-life means to be a voice for those who cannot defend themselves. These are people who are shut out from society through unjustified means that society promotes, although sadly these means have become taboo topics for peaceful conversation: abortion, euthanasia, the death penalty, mistreatment of workers, disregard for the poor. With great faith, we step out of our parish onto the streets where our views seem to become a minority. But this illusion of minority can fade when we work together to combat these injustices. And the best part is, there are already so many facets in our parish and community just waiting for our participation. And we cannot forget that Jesus and His mother Mary have given us the most powerful tool: prayer. Prayer can change the person who prays to see issues in a new light, to see their role in living the pro-life message. And it helps us to stay strong when our message is met with hostility. When we bring the truth of the dignity of life into our world, we do so not with a combative nature. Instead, we treat all with compassion in our peaceful message, one of hope and truth. Every life is worth protecting. We are reminded that we are pro-life when we hear the wise words of the elderly, the heartbeat of the unborn child; see the smile of those with disabilities, the outstretched hand of the poor. We are pro-life because we are their voice. They cannot do it on their own. --Yvonne Zimmerman Our Increased Offertory Program Commitment Sunday is this weekend at all Masses. We encourage all parishioners to complete and turn in your commitment card to the church. The Commitment Card contains information on how to plan your increased offertory gift to the church, and asks for your commitment over the next year. If you have any questions regarding this program, or how to give electronically, please contact the parish office. Mass of Remembrance on All Souls’ Day Monday, November 2, 2015– 7:00 p.m. All who wish to pray for those who have died are invited to a Mass of Remembrance on All Souls’ Day, Monday, November 2 at 7:00pm. We will honor those who have died during this past year, between November 1, 2014 and October 31, 2015, with a candle-lighting ceremony. For parishioners who have had a death of a family member in the past year and the funeral was not at St. Mel, if you will be attending the November 2 mass and would like to participate in the candle ceremony, please call Ella at the St. Mel Parish Office, (818)340-6020, x 1015 before October 30. Please give your name, address and phone number, the name of the deceased and the date of their death. If you received a letter from St. Mel regarding the November 2 Mass of Remembrance, you do not have to call the Parish Office. ALL ARE INVITED to come to support those who have had a death. They will be most grateful for your presence. St. Mel Halloween Haunt Carnival Friday, October 23, 5pm-10pm Saturday October 24, 3pm-10pm Sunday, October 25, 12pm-8pm During this fantastic event, guests can enjoy great music, amazing food, spectacular rides, fun games, performances, and the super popular Take-A-Chance! This is one of St. Mel School's biggest fundraisers of the year. Please come and join in the fun! Raffle tickets are available for sale in the Parish Center. Parking for the weekend Masses will be limited. However, free parking will be available in the covered lot at 20750 Ventura Blvd. (corner of Kelvin and Ventura). Do not park in the lot to the east of the church, 20812 Ventura Blvd. For more information please contact: Brittney Van Velzer, Month of the Most Holy Rosary Join the Sisters of Notre Dame in celebration of Our Lady’s Month of the Most Holy Rosary with a Contemplative Rosary Experience! We will pray the Luminous Mysteries with scripture readings, meditation, music and song, icons and other sacred images of our Blessed Mother. This rosary was inspired by St. Pope John Paul’s apostolic letter on the rosary (Rosarium Virginis Mariae), and created by musician and composer Bob Hurd. All are welcome on Thursday, October 22, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. AND 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at Notre Dame Center (1776 Hendrix Avenue, Thousand Oaks CA 91360). The event will be facilitated by Sister Antoinette Marie Moon. For more information and to RSVP, contact Sr. Marie Paul Grech at St. Mel Book and Video Club The next meeting of the Book and Video Club will be held on Wednesday, October 21st, 7 pm, on the 2nd floor of the Parish Center. This month the Book and Video Club presents the film “St. Maria Goretti”. The film tells the inspiring and tragic story of the beloved Saint of modern youth, Maria Goretti. Born in 1890, in a small Italian town, she was the second of 6 children whose family worked as sharecroppers. Maria Goretti died defending her purity at the hands of a knife wielding attacker. St. Maria Goretti reveals a strong faith, great courage and profound charity. One of the most important aspects of her story is her forgiveness of her attacker ---and her concern for his eternal soul. Filmed in Italy, the movie captures the deep spirit of love and unity within the Goretti family. Led by Maria's parents, whose story is part of the plight of the poor laborers of the time, they struggled to survive in a swampy area rampant with malaria and poverty. Questions? Contact Tom Mackel at or (805) 432-7707. Local High School News Chaminade Family Spirit Night Chaminade Family Spirit Night is Friday, October 23rd, for middle school students and their families. This is a special evening of fun, food, fellowship and football beginning at 5:15pm with pre-game performances of our Eagle Regiment Band and cheerleaders and a light supper. Families will be treated to a preview of the football game and a presentation on our Athletic programs. Our Ambassadors will give families a tour of the campus, and will escort them to reserved seats in our stadium to be our guests for the football game against Bishop Amat. Please RSVP to the Admissions Office at (818) 347-8300 ext. 355 or via email to Trunk or Treat at Louisville High School Join us for a fun and safe Halloween Trunk or Treat on campus. There will be faculty and student cars decked out in all sorts of fun themes. Friday, October 30th from 4-6 pm, 22300 Mulholland Dr., Woodland Hills. No admission fee, costumes welcomed and encouraged. Notre Dame High School Veterans Day Mass Notre Dame High School is celebrating Mass on Veterans Day, Wednesday, November 11 – to honor former and current military servicemen and women. The invitation is extended to any military service men and women and family members who would like to come and celebrate the Eucharist in a special way. Mass will begin at 9:25 a.m. and be held in the campus gymnasium. Please RSVP to Reese Abbene in Campus Ministry to ensure enough seats and parking are available: or (818)933-3662 FRANKLINS HARDWARE 818-347-6800 A&S CAREGIVER SERVICES We Provide Affordable And Quality Care To The Elderly And Disabled. Experienced Caregivers Available 24/7 Insured And Bonded. 21936 VENTURA AT TOPANGA PARISHIONER SINCE 1957 Tel: (818) 922-7533, (818) 651-2205 New Patients Welcome • Find Us on Youtube Email: Shamrock Plumbing Service inbow RaPools Hablamos Español Sewer Cleaning & Repair Specialists 24 Hr. Emergency Service Woodland Hills A SYMBOL OF TRUST Gates, Kingsley & Gates Praiswater Mortuary 6909 Canoga Blvd. Canoga Park, CA 91303 818-348-3354 FD 1066 348-1878 Your ad could be in this space! Lic. 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Buy One Super-Food Shake at Regular Price and Get 2nd one at 50% OFF 20929 VENTURA BLVD. #43 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91364 TEL: (747) 226-0804 VENTURA & DESOTO Cell 310-308-2471 Direct: 818-888-3531 Serving the SF Valley and the Westside “Best Results and my client's satisfaction are my Priority” Joanie Louis License # BRE01362422 (818) 876-3138 “It’s Not Just Your House, It’s Your Home” St. Mel Parent Alumni & Parishioner Louisville Alumni Crespi, Chaminade Parent Alumni Lic. #671960 Water Damage Repair • Acoustic Ceiling Spray Painting Acoustic Ceiling Removal • Drywall, Plaster, Stucco Repair Wallpaper Removal • Crown Moldings • Base Boards • Door Casing, Etc. 25 Years Experience • FREE ESTIMATES • Small Jobs Welcome 818.830.0133 Parishioner 818.899.9135 BASTIAN & PERROTT OSWALD MORTUARY Cremations Advance Planning Se habla español 519934 St Mel Church (B) Ed Perrott - FDR-1955 18728 Parthenia St., Northridge (818) 886-8600 FD# 1198 Jim’s Fallbrook Market Meat-Groceries-Produce Ice-Keg Beer FRESH FISH COUNTER 5947 Fallbrook 347-5525 Kageff Insurance Agency Insurance and Financial Services Agent Thomas Kageff Financial Home Auto Business Life Parishioner Lic# 0H47041 23901 Calabasas Rd, Ste 2092, Calabasas, CA 91302 Mobile: (818) 203-6565 • Office: (818) 284-6061 Registered Representative, Farmers Financial Solutions, LLC.30801 Agoura Road, Bldg 1, Agoura Hills, CA 91301-2054 Tel 818.584-0200 Member FINRA & SIPC For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 818.590.8847 CalBRE #947256 Magued Fadly, M.D. Interventional Pain Management Pain Relief Within One Week Removal of the Disc Without Surgery Platelet Rich Plasma and Stem Cell Injection Kyphoplasty for Vertebrae Fracture Minimally Invasive Procedures For Back and Neck Pain WEST HILLS OFFICE: 7325 Medical Center Dr., Suite 103, West Hills, CA 91307 “Making Dreams Come True, NEED AN ELECTRICIAN? ENCINO OFFICE: 16250 Ventura Blvd., Suite 165, Encino, CA 91436 One Home At A Time.” 818.225.0045 Rudy C’Dealva Lic 600983 Local Parishioner $ O 25 FF 818.533.1975 ACTIVE COPY SUPPORT LITIGATION COPY ❘ SCANNING/IMAGING ❘ PRINTING 21757 Devonshire Street Suite 4 Chatsworth, CA 91311 Tel: 818-998-2561 Fax: 818-998-2329 REALTOR® 818.469.0800 Founders Family Parishioner & Alumni BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY Home Services California Properties ©2015 An Independently owned and operated franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC CalBRE#01162943 TREE SERV ICE SAP A Firewood For Sale Lic. #998331 Jose Ruano 818-339-8134 LICENSED - BONDED - INSURED A S Caregivers LL AINTS • Errands • Live In/ • Meal Prep NEED A CAREGIVER? We Can Help Live Out • Personal Care 818.887.3810 805.388.2273 Caregiving With A Warm Heart Since 2001 LORENZEN ANGELENO JOHN TANCREDI MAJESTIC WEDDING & FILM VENUE Realtor Malibu Canyons Cell: (818) 231-6391 Office: (818) 449-7000 Calabasas Fax: (818) 313-6351 ® The Key To Your Future • BRE #01955430 6355 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Woodland Hills, CA 91367 Call For Your FREE Home Evaluation Today! 310.308.2471 Excellence since 1960 7654 Tampa Ave. • Reseda, CA 91335 818-888-7654 • Veronica Marquez FDR-2429 Catholic Funeral & Cremation Services Transfer Both Domestic & International New Location: 18558 Sherman Way, Reseda, CA 91335 (818) 343-4677 Se Habla Español FD-906 WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? Joseph P. Sciarra, D.D.S. Parishioner 224-2970 Dentistry For Children 22554 Ventura Bl., Ste. 102 Woodland Hills, CA 91364 519934 St Mel Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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