June - Temple of Aaron


June - Temple of Aaron
616 S. Mississippi River Blvd • St. Paul, MN 55116-1099
(651) 698-8874 • www.templeofaaron.org
Vol. 89 • No. 10
June 1, 2014
Thank You
Rabbi Alan
3 Sivan 5774
Thank You
Rabbi Alan Shavit-Lonstein
for Twelve Years of
Dedicated Service
Rabbi Shavit-Lonstein, wife Becky and children Noah,
Naveh and Naomi arrived in town the summer of 2002. He
began as our Assistant Rabbi, advanced to Rabbi and
concluded his work with us as Senior Rabbi.
Our community saw Rabbi Shavit-Lonstein grow and mature
in his craft concurrently with the maturation of his family as
they flourished. His installation in December 2002 signaled
the beginning of a positive relationship with our community.
All pulpit Rabbis are held to high standards and sustain
high levels of scrutiny. Rabbi Shavit-Lonstein exhibited a
high degree of professionalism and confidentiality
throughout his tenure. He loved teaching adults and
children. Rabbi Shavit-Lonstein used technology in many
forms to connect, teach and update people in the
synagogue and larger community. He thrived with the early
Shabbat morning study groups featuring Coffee & Rashi
graduating to Coffee & Exodus.
A visual highlight was his impersonation of Elvis at Purim
2004. He helped create the Dreidel Dash with the St. Paul
JCC which has grown to a large community event. Rabbi
enjoyed teaching our tenth graders and leading the
confirmation trip to Jewish New York. Many individuals
explored selecting Judaism as adults and attended his
extremely meaningful and successful conversion classes.
More recently he introduced cooking classes and trips to
the Minnesota Jewish Theatre. Both meshed with his quest
to provide more entry points for members to engage with
the Temple of Aaron. To better connect with Israel, Rabbi
recently invested more time with AIPAC locally and led two
trips to the national conference in Washington, D.C.
We thank Rabbi Shavit-Lonstein for his years of caring,
steadiness, and dedication to the Jewish people. We thank
him for helping create some memorable contemporary
second day services for Rosh Hashanah. We wish him the
best of luck as he continues his journey of life with his loving
family. May the Shavit-Lonsteins go from strength to strength!
From the Rabbi’s Desk . . .
Let’s Pray Ball
A Rabbi once gave me the advice that I
should rarely, if ever, talk about sports on
the bemah. It was his opinion that people
will naturally know that I have a passion
for sports, so I do not need to ever
actually use it in homiletics. This has
been incredibly difficult as a Bears and
White Sox fan because of the joy I take in
seeing the Vikings and Twins lose.
However, while I might mention sports
from the bemah, I rarely actually use
sports stories, examples, or analogies in
my sermons. But a few months ago I
couldn’t resist. I spoke about Shabbat
afternoons in Deerfield, Illinois where I
grew up. After Shabbat morning services
the kids would head over to the Chicago
Bulls workout facility (three minutes from
synagogue) and wait for autographs.
These were not just any Bulls
autographs, but rather the 1990s Bulls
autographs: Dennis Rodman, Steve Kerr,
and Bill Cartwright.
That was Shabbat for me. Sitting in
services until I was bored and then
leaving to run around the building,
followed by lunch and the Chicago Bulls.
While the Timberwolves or Twins do not
practice nearby, this summer Temple of
Aaron will start a game of our own. For
seven Saturdays (June and July) we are
hosting softball games at Horace Mann
Field in Highland. Mark Gulner and I have
drafted teams from those that signed up
in advance. After services and lunch at
synagogue, starting around 1:00 pm we
will have a friendly/competitive game of
This game actually represents a lot more
than mere softball; it is an opportunity for
the community to come together on
Shabbat and begin to build informal
relationships together. It’s a chance for
our youngest to play in the park together
and for families young and old to sit,
schmooze, and root each other on. It’s a
chance to build our “fan base” of
Regardless if you play softball or live in
Highland, we would love for you to join
us. These sorts of programs are for all
ages, demographics, and backgrounds.
If you attend services at synagogue
earlier in the morning and want to walk
to the park with us, great; if not meet us
there and enjoy the growth of our
amazing community. I cannot promise an
appearance by Michael Jordan, but I can
promise a great opportunity for the
community to grow, relax and enjoy time
Play Ball!
Rabbi Fine
June 25th
July 17th
July 29-31st
Rabbi Jeremy Fine
651-698-8874 ext. 112
We display every 5 years and all
anniversaries of more than 50 years
‫מזל טוב‬
Liz & Adam Bell
Sarah & Daniel Kaye
Tiffany & David Goldman
Sandy & Steve Edelstein
Rachel & Michael Lewine
Barbara & Richard Daniels
Wendy & Tim Oskey
Janice & Gerald Gould
Gail & Gerry Frisch
Ina & Howard Pfefer
Rozita & Venianim Kanivetsky
Agnes & Roman Pilko
Helen & Ron Lifson
Elaine & Stuart Steinman
Carole & Leon Katzovitz
Barbara & Neil Gitlin
Arlene & Richard Cardozo
Suzanne & Howard Malmon
Linda & Leonard Schloff
Isabelle & Gerry Shear
Sima & Igor Blyakher
Louise & Jerry Segal
Zhanneta & Pyotr Cherner
Ellen & Senator Rudy Boschwitz
Phyllis & Sanford Brody
Norene & Everett Karon
Connie & Harry Katz
Helene & Hillard Ward
Bonnie & Al Abrahamson
Eleanor & Arnold Lapinsky
Bev & Sherm Kaminsky
Department of Informal Education
We had a great year within the Youth Department with programs for youth of all ages
3rd–12th grades. The new USY Board started off the year with leadership training.
The board Members are: Miri Taple, Hannah Saltzman, Brandon Bloom, Rachel
Bloom, Hannah Gilberstadt, Brandon Krisko, Rachel Feinstein and David Wilton.
Many USYers also chaired programs.
We had many new programs this year including: MLK Day of Service, Selichot Spray
Painting, USY Shabbat featuring an Elvis-impersonating hypnotist and Kadima on Ice.
Additionally, there were several regional conventions: Kinnus in Kansas City, Winter
Shabbaton in St. Louis, and Spring Shabbaton in Des Moines, Iowa where TUSYers
joined other USYers from EMTZA region for a weekend filled with community, praying,
creating everlasting friendships and fun activities.
The USY Play…
Mark Gulner
Director of Informal Education
& Marketing
651-698-8874 ext. 115
Jamie Oskey
The youth production of “Peter Pan” was an incredible success. Over 30 7th-12th
graders participated in the almost four month process and the hard work they put in
was indeed rewarded. Over 700 people attended the performances (one of the
largest turn outs in years). Students, parents and professional staff were all happy
with the process and the result. The play is a shining example of the dedication our
young people have to Temple of Aaron and we know this dedication will continue next
year as we continue the 50 year tradition of producing high-quality musicals at
Temple of Aaron.
We ended the year with Chapter Member Training at Herzl Camp for 8th-12th
graders. It was a great weekend with over 40 teens attending and participating in
many activities revolving around our theme, “All In.” The theme was developed to
teach the TUSYers to take what they learn at a convention or in school and apply it to
their Jewish Life. A big part of the weekend was dedicated to both elect a new TUSY
Chapter Executive Board as well as say thanks to our outgoing board and seniors for
all of their hard work over the past year.
We look forward to beginning the TiKone USY program next year. This new, two day
per week program hopes to meet the needs of every student in 8th-12th grade.
Experience includes; personal connection, challenges, personal growth, mentorship,
and education. This model will allow us to meet the modern students’ needs and
desires from social and educational perspectives while allowing for more students to
stay connected to Jewish/Synagogue life.
Miri Taple and Sydney
Roston at Play Practice
Brandon Krisko, Rachel Feinstein and Maya Strohm
NY Confirmation Trip Participants
Lilmod U’lilamed — “To Teach and to Learn”- Pirkei Avot
‫ללמד וללמד‬
This was an amazing year with lots of new programming for all ages and next year
proves to be even bigger and better. At this moment we have launched our new
Tikone USY program. This new two-day-per-week program hopes to meet the needs of
every student from 8th-12th grade. Focal points include: personal connection,
challenges, personal growth, mentorship, and education. This model will allow us to
meet the modern students’ needs and desires from social and educational
perspectives while allowing for more students to stay connected to Jewish/
Synagogue life. This program will help us achieve our goals of post B’nai Mitzvah
engagement, increased socialization and education, connect students with their
Jewish identity, strengthen curriculum through active learning and immersive Hebrew
and provide students with life skills.
We will also be shifting our My Baby & Me – through 1st grade programming to
Shabbat mornings from 9:00 am – 11:30 am. This program will include creative
educational experiences for our children and families as they immerse themselves in
Shabbat and holidays.
Joshua Fineblum
Director of Education
& Community Life
Both of these program changes will come about after many meetings and
conversations with families and leadership of the congregation in hoping to fulfill our
mission of creating lifelong learners beginning at the youngest ages. It is our hope to
evaluate the programs throughout the next year and continue to make
enhancements and improvements so that we have the best synagogue school and
youth department in the Twin Cities.
651-698-8874 ext. 103
Please do not hesitate to call me about education and programming throughout the
summer as we get ready for another exciting school year.
Get ready to
end the year
with this month’s
June 1
Last Day of Sunday School
9:00 am
(11:30 am ceremony)
June 6
Confirmation Dinner 6:30 pm
& Ceremony/Service 8:00 pm
June 7
Andrew Miller wins the Sylvia and
Joseph Bisnow Confirmation Award!
The Bisnow award was created in honor of the
Golden Wedding Anniversary of Sylvia and Joe
Bisnow and is given to a Confirmation student who
is dedicated to their Jewish Education, Community
Service, and steps up to help at both Temple of
Aaron and beyond.
This year’s recipient was Andrew Miller. His
dedication to his Jewish education, Temple of Aaron,
and the greater community are something that
should be recognized. As a USY board member as a
freshman, Andy helped the chapter grow as the
9th Grade Representative. He is also a tutor in our
school program and volunteers in the community
as well.
Mazal Tov to Andrew and his family on this award!
Tot Shabbat at 10:30 am
June 20
Prayers in PJs 5:45 pm
& Got Shabbat Dinner 6:30 pm
Scholarships for Jewish Students at U of M
The Lifson, Bronsztein and Shapira Scholarships have assisted many
students. You can find application information at 612-624-2324.
Dancers from Sovev Kinneret Region Joined Us to Honor Israel
Fun with the Geography of Israel at Our Celebration!
Israeli Flag Making
Sholom’s Food For Your Soul
Sholom’s unique event, “Food for Your
Soul,” a series of intimate dinner parties
throughout the Twin Cities, will take
place on June 19. Each party, which
benefits the work of Sholom, features a
special guest and delicious fare. One
special guest is Minneapolis’ own Rabbi
-turned-inventor, as seen on “Shark
Tank,” Rabbi Moshe Weiss. We hope
you will join us! For more information
and to purchase tickets online, go to
Temple of Aaron’s Baseball All-Star Weekend
July 13 Ron Blomberg— First MLB Designated Hitter
Sunday, July 13th
first MLB Designated Hitter and Yankee great Ron Blomberg.
10:30 AM an exclusive brunch and schmooze !
$40 includes brunch, photo, autograph, and Fan experience.
Children under 10 are $10. Need RSVP by July 3.
12PM join our family fun baseball experience!
$15 advance/$20 at door includes autograph, lunch, pictures,
and entrance to the fan extravaganza (waffle ball, speed pitch,
inflatable batting cage)!
Children under 10 years of age are $5.
For more information contact
SusanTervola@templeofaaron.org or visit our website
Temple of Aaron’s Baseball All-Star Weekend
July 12 Ron Rabinovitz—Pen Pal of Jackie Robinson
July 13 Ron Blomberg— First MLB Designated Hitter
Shabbat Morning Saturday, July 12th
the fascinating story of Ron Rabinovitz
From the time Ron's father arranged for him to meet Jackie Robinson when he was 8 years old till Jackie's passing Ron and he
exchanged correspondence in a series of letters as well as personal meetings, including attending birthday parties, having
dinner together. An odd friendship if ever there was one; Ron being an 8 year old white Jewish boy from Sheboygan Wisconsin
and Jackie Robinson being the famous all-star ball player who broke the color barrier in baseball.
Sunday, July 13th
Meet the first MLB Designated Hitter and
Yankee great Ron Blomberg.
For more information contact SusanTervola@templeofaaron.org
or visit our website www.templeofaaron.org
Bat Mitzvah
Mara Chiat, daughter of Jan and Rick Chiat, will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah on June 13
and 14, 2014.
Mara is in seventh grade at Friendly Hills Middle School, where she participates in
soccer, basketball, student council and band (trumpet). She also enjoys softball,
tennis, biking, and vacationing on the North Shore of Lake Superior.
Mara is a member of Temple of Aaron Kadima.
Mara has designated the Jewish National Fund for her tzedaka contribution.
Oneg Shabbat and Kiddush refreshments will be sponsored by Mara’s parents, Jan
and Rick Chiat.
Mara Chiat
Temple of Aaron Hosted
Over 600 for Twin City Yom
Hashoah Commemoration
April 27
Rabbi Alan Shavit-Lonstein
coordinated a program featuring
powerful words from survivors and
stirring music from Buffalo High
School Concert Choir and member
Jenni Schwartz. JCRC operates this
annual program and continues to
expand participation by involving
multiple generations of survivors. The
Shofar blasts, Transfer of Memory
Exhibit in Capp Lounge, participation
of USY members, and candle lightings
by survivors provided chilling
moments making sure the story is
retold and retold for future
generations in the world community.
Sisterhood Conference in Texas Looks Forward
Two first time delegates (Chaya Zien and Amy Miller Stern), along with four seasoned
delegates (Roxanne Portnoy, Marcia Taple, Linda Eisenstadt and Gail Rosenberg)
from Temple of Aaron, recently attended the IntraContinental Region of Women’s
League for Conservative Judaism in Houston, Texas. The theme this year was, To
Boldly Go…
The delegates davened at one of the largest synagogues in the country, Congregation
Beth Yeshurun, home to approximately 2,500 families, and toured the Mollie and
Louis Kaplan Museum of Judaica at the Synagogue.
The delegates came back with some exciting programming ideas, such as learning a
new craft: making jeweled yads, as well as learning about tracing family roots through
genealogy and genetics. We were reminded about the importance of Women’s
League Torah Fund, which has raised over $90 million in 70 years and ensures the
future of Conservative Judaism through financial support of clergy.
We learned about managing the transitions in our lives and the importance of good
communication. We rapped late into the night on Sunday with Rabbi Stuart Federow
of Congregation Shaar Hashalom, author of Judaism and Christianity: A Contrast. The
following morning we studied Torah with Rabbi Ranon Teller of Congregation Brith
Shalom, who taught us two new tunes with his guitar and tranquil voice.
We learned that Houston has a vibrant Jewish community and we reunited with the
women in our region who we appropriately refer to as our friends—or Tejas. Feel free
to boldly ask one of the delegates to expound upon our conference experience.
Temple of Aaron Hosts Free
Concert June 11 at 7:30
The St Paul JCC Symphony and the
Twin Cities Jewish Chorale Present Di
Naye Hagode. This program will tell
the story of courage during the 1943
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
USCJ Helps Us
Temple of Aaron supports our national association (USCJ has over 600 member
Conservative Synagogues in North America ). We are proud to be one of the 24
national shuls to have 900 or more members. We pay USCJ dues for each member.
Please support this effort. USCJ helps us with youth programs, leadership training,
clergy searches, and education/youth position searches. Please tell your unaffiliated
friends to explore the exciting and meaningful services/programs at the Temple of
Mazal Tov to our 2014 Confirmands!
Minnie Arnold: Sam and Tracy Arnold
Annie Balto: Ron and Karen Balto
Davita Blyakher: Felix and Marianna Blyakher
Ilana Blyakher: Felix and Marianna Blyakher
Hannah Burbul: Jason and Eden Burbul
Lauren Goldberger: Jay and Esther Goldberger
Marisa Goldberger: Jay and Esther Goldberger
Ean Katz: David and Michelle Katz
Ian Leventhal: Jim and Nan Leventhal
Andrew Miller: Marc and Chelle Miller
Elizabeth Sivriver: Regina Sivriver
Emilee Skadron: Tom and Teri Skadron
Register Today
Shavuot Begins
June 3, 2014
We start the holiday at 7:00 pm
Tuesday with five skilled teachers and
cheesecake. See back cover for details.
We have a 7:30 am service on June 4
followed by the annual Blintz Bletter
Brunch endowed in memory of Edward
and Esther Tilsen.
Remember to register your children for
next year to get tuition discounts.
Encourage friends and non-members
to try our school and receive one month
FREE tuition (restrictions apply)
Questions: Susie Haim
651-698-8874 ext 100
We have a 9:00 am service with Yizkor
on June 5 followed by Kiddush endowed
by the David A. Berg Family Fund. The
Marvin and Ossie Perlman Endowment
will add bemah flowers for visual
Shavuot recalls when Moses
encountered God on Mount Sinai, wrote
down what he was told and presented
the Torah in 1289 B.C.E. The words in
the Torah contain 304,805 letters, and
some experts teach all wisdom in the
universe is hidden in these letters.
Moses was a good teacher and prophet.
The Torah is often called the 5 Books of
Moses. The Torah is one part of the
Bible. The other two parts are Prophets
and Holy Writings.
Thank You Todah Rabah
‫תודה רבה‬
Thank you (todah rabah) to those listed below who supported our
Yahrzeit Fund in memory of loved ones with donations of $10 or more
April 2014
Our deep and sincere
sympathy to the families
of the following members
who have passed away
Arnold Frishberg
Dr. Ernest Goodman
Joseph Rosenzweig
Becker, Jane & Terry
Benjohar, Albert
Berke, Beryl
Binkin, Vladimir
Calmenson, Beverly
Chacon, Jeanne
Cherner, Zhanneta
Chulok, Mikhail
Devitt, Lois & Sherman
Edelstein, Rebecca
Edelstein, Sandy & Steve
Eisenstadt, Larry & Linda
Firestone, Ed
Fridman, Alla
Ganopolskiy, Adel
Garbuz, Khaye
Geller, Rosie & Loren
Gleeman, Harriet
Godes, Barb & Steve
Goldberg, Shirley
Goldman, Lynn & Howard
Grobovsky, Nancy & Rick
Grunbaum, Eleanor
Gurstelle, Alice
Hirschhorn, Gerry & Inge
Kanivetsky, Rozita
Kaplan, Burleigh
Kaplan, Harvey & Sue
Kaplan, Rick & Jane
Klein, Marion & E. Gary
Alexander & Bella
Kushnir, Rozaliya
Leyderman, Roman
Mack, Ellen & Tom Bates
Novick, Harvey & Bonnie
Pfleiderer, Bill & Adrianne
Phillips, Jan & Janet
Rein, Mynde
Rutzick, Sandy & Jim
A Memorial Plaque Has Been
Displayed For
Sam Ackos
Help Those Who Need
Food Shelf Every Week
Help us make progress in the statewide fight against hunger. Support
our food shelf! You can leave food at
the synagogue. You can use our
website and make an online donation. You can mail a check to chair
person Harriet Levy and she will mail
a card for a celebration, get well or
Nisan 5774
‫תודה רבה‬
. . . to Betty Agranoff, Burt Katz and
Anita Ernst for adhering labels to
1,000 May Aaronions to keep
members fully informed on programs
and religious services.
. . . to Sandy Aaron, Richard Strimling
and Jan Phillips for continuing to
provide high-quality guided tours for
local churches and schools who are
interested in the Jewish religion. A
special thank you to Larry Eisenstadt
for leading a tour without notice.
. . . to Marlene and Harold Hill, Howard
Gleeman, Janet and John Day and
Imelda and Daniel Blashack for
making donations to the yahrzeit fund
in memory of Dorothy Burton and the
high quality work she performed
operating our manual yahrzeit system
and later coordinating the shift to the
computerized method.
Rutzick, Steven & Barbara
Sanders, Fern & David
Sanderson, Anne Rae
Shneur, Revekka
Simkovich, Raisa
Skadron, Nancy
Smith, Dede & David
Smith, Norman & Ethel
Tilsen, Robert & Sandy
Tilsner, William & Ryv
Toushin, Sally & David
Unowsky, David
Upin, Alan
Usem, Arnold & Harriet
Vigodorvich, Leopold
Weisberg, Morton & Ruth
Zaretsky, Karolina
Zats, Betty & Babe
Where Do You See
Yourself in 75 Years?
Make Advance Plans
to Save Family Pressure
Schedule a private
15-minute meeting
with Executive
Director Ken
Agranoff (651-6988874, ext 106).
Look at cemetery
maps, review
location options,
Ken Agranoff
and learn about
payment choices. We designed a policy
decades ago where members and
non-members can make cemetery
reservations. This policy enables
families to reserve multiple graves and
be together for eternity. Please note
the current policy welcomes mixed
faith members to select graves.
SIVAN BANNER: In memory of Donald
Miller by parents Lillian and Sam R.
Miller. Entitled “Ten Commandments” (Ben Shahn design). The
banner depicts the Ten Commandments, which were given in Sivan.
Sisterhood News
Gift Shop – Large variety of new yads are available. Sign up for our many registries.
Support Sisterhood and Temple by finding all of your Judaica needs at The Temple of
Aaron Sisterhood Gift Shop. There are items for Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, weddings,
graduations, confirmations and any other special occasion. Inventory is constantly
changing and if you can’t get to the Gift Shop during regular hours, arrangements can
be made for you at other times (call Marcia Taple at 651-688-3030). Not sure what
to purchase for that special someone? Gift Shop gift cards are always available. We
also have a Bar/Bat Mitzvah and Bridal Registries to make your shopping easy. For
more info, call the Gift Shop (651-699-9192). Hours: Sunday 9–Noon; Tuesday 10am
–2pm; Wednesday 10am–1pm and 6pm – 8pm.
Sisterhood Knits - Thursday, June 26 and Thursday, July 24, 6:30pm. Join other
knitters at Temple in the Temple Library. All levels encouraged to attend; bring your
own needles and yarn. Other crafters welcome – feel free to crochet, bead or crossstitch and bring your own materials. Questions, call Marjorie Daniels (612-724-3377).
Food Shelf – We are now associating with Francis Basket Food Shelf, under the
umbrella of Neighborhood House, which is the only food shelf in Highland Park.
Sisterhood, along with Temple of Aaron’s Social Justice Committee, are working to fill
our bins at Temple with donated food. If you would prefer a monetary donation, send
your check, payable to Temple of Aaron Food Shelf, to Harriet Levy, 1826 Merlot
Curve, Eagan, MN 55122. Questions, call Harriet (651-454-6829). Feel free to check
out this local food shelf at www.neighb.org/food_shelf.
We Have
Gary Rosenthal,
Michael Aram &
many other
vendors and
from Israel.
Can’t Think of
What to Buy?
We Offer Gift Cards!
Support Your Sisterhood Gift Shop
Support Your Synagogue
Habitat for Humanity Build/Lunch – Thursday, Aug. 7, 8:30am – 4:00pm, 63 Hatch
Ave., St. Paul (N. of 94). Sisterhood is sponsoring lunch that day. To help with the
lunch, call Alexandria Ganzel (651-490-7684). If interested in helping with the build,
contact Brian Zaidman (651-452-8751).
Sunday 9:00 - Noon
Tuesday 10:00 - 2:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 1:00
& 6:00 - 8:00
Book Club – Love to read and discuss books? We need you!!! We are looking for a
new chair for this club. Find a friend to co-chair with you! Feel free to check out
Women’s League for Conservative Judaism’s Orpah – Women’s League book club for ideas. If interested, call Roxanne Portnoy (651-690-2232).
By Appointment Call:
Marcia Taple / 651-688-3030
Women’s Shelter Donations – Needed: new, unopened toiletries and cosmetics to be
donated to local women’s shelters and the homeless. Clean out your toiletry
collections from hotel visits!! Drop off your donations in the Temple Gift Shop. Help
out our local community and give someone a lift with these easy, inexpensive
donations. Questions, call Gail Rosenberg (651-452-3383).
Building Fund Cards - Send a beautiful card for any occasion and they are only a
phone call away – no hassles. Pick up the phone and show someone you care by
sending one of these lovely cards. All funds raised by the use of these cards go
directly to benefit our beautiful building. To purchase our cards, call Sis Goren (651686-0425) or Susan Kushner (651-454-8336). For billing questions, call Betty
Agranoff (651-698-8275).
Torah Fund – Still accepting donations for Torah Fund. The Torah Fund campaign
supports: The Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, the Ziegler School of
Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles and The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in
Jerusalem. Please give generously. The theme for this year’s Torah Fund Pin is
Mishpachah – Family. You will receive the 5774 pin as a gift in recognition of a
donation of at least $180. Check out Torah Fund cards in the Gift Shop - $5/card.
Questions, contact Mary Lerman (651-644-7388) or visit the Gift Shop to donate and
see this year’s beautiful pin.
Women’s League Convention – July 17–
20, 2014 at the Hanover Marriott in
Whippany, NJ. Theme: Balancing the
sacred and the everyday. Workshops,
speakers, new Board installation,
networking, study sessions and more.
Why attend? Because we care about our
Sisterhood family and want it to be the
best it can be. Our Sisterhood President,
Roxanne Portnoy, will be attending.
Membership Renewal – Watch your
mailbox for your Sisterhood Renewal
letter and renew ASAP to save us the
expense of sending out reminders.
Questions, contact Alexandria Ganzel
Social Justice - Opinions from aVolunteer Committee
This page provides room for updates and views from a committee within the Temple community.
Help Build a Home in August
Temple of Aaron members are working with eight other St. Paul
congregations and Habitat for Humanity to build a home in St. Paul.
We need you to join us as we help to create a better community.
Here’s a brief overview:
• Dates are Aug 4-15, 2014 (M-F)
(TOA will not participate on Tisha B’Av, Aug. 5)
• Site Address: 63 Hatch Ave, St. Paul
• New, single family home (weeks 5 & 6 of 10 weeks of build)
• Work is from 8:30-4pm each day
• 15-18 volunteers needed each day
• Volunteers must be 16 years or older (one adult supervisor per four youth)
Even if you are unable to volunteer your time, you can make a personal
contribution to support our efforts, you may send a check to the Temple of
Aaron with Habitat on the memo line.
Sign-up forms are available electronically on the TOA website and paper
forms are available at the TOA office.
If you have questions, please contact Alexandria Ganzel:
Habitat for Humanity Home
63 Hatch Avenue St.
Paul, MN 55117
The Habitat home is located west of Interstate 35E and north of
downtown Saint Paul. The general location of the house is shown
on the map to the right.
FROM THE WEST: I-94 East to exit #241A toward Marion Street.
Take sharp left turn onto Marion Street. Continue onto
Pennsylvania Ave West. In 700 feet turn left onto Rice Street 0.7
miles. Turn right onto Hatch Ave.
FROM THE NORTH: 35E South to Maryland Ave E. Turn right 0.6
miles. Turn left onto Sylvan, 0.4 miles to right onto Hatch Ave
There is street parking available around the site. Please try, if at all possible, to car-pool to the site.
Also, please be sure to secure your vehicle and valuables when parking in this area.
Office Closed
6 pm Minyan
Office Closed
6 pm Minyan
Office Closed
6 pm Minyan
Office Closed
6 pm Minyan
Office Closed
6 pm Minyan
9 am Minyan
Men’s Club Breakfast
9 am Minyan
Men’s Club Breakfast
9 am Minyan
Men’s Club Breakfast
9 am Minyan
Men’s Club Breakfast
9 am Minyan
Men’s Club Breakfast
9 am Last Day Sunday School
6 pm Minyan
6 pm Minyan
6 pm Minyan
6 pm Minyan
6:30 pm USY Final banquet
7:30 pm Symphony Concert
7:30 am Shavuot Service
6 pm Minyan
6 pm Minyan
6:30 pm Talmud Class
6:30 pm Sisterhood Knits
7:30 pm Bible Class
6 pm Minyan
6:30 pm Talmud Class
7:00 pm Sholom Food for
Your Soul
7:30 pm Bible Class
6 pm Minyan
6:30 pm Talmud Class
7:30 pm Bible Class
9 am Shavuot Service &
6 pm Minyan
6:30 pm Talmud Class
7:30 pm Bible Class
8 am Coffee & Exodus
9 am Service
10:30 am Tot Shabbat
1 pm Softball
Candles: 8:45 pm
6:30 pm Service
Candles: 8:41 pm
5:45 Prayers in PJ’s
6:30 pm Got Shabbat
8pm Service
9 am Service, Speaker Ted Flaum
1 pm Softball
8 am Coffee & Exodus
9 am Service
1 pm Softball
8:00 pm Service Mara Chiat 8 am Coffee & Exodus
Bat Mitzvah
9 am Service Mara Chiat Bat
1 pm Softball
Candles: 8:41 pm
Candles: 8:37 pm
6:30 pm Confirmation
8:00 pm Service with
June 2014
For more information on these and other events and programs, please visit our website
6 pm Minyan
6:30 pm Temple of Aaron
Book Club
6:30 pm Sisterhood Board
6 pm Minyan
6 pm Minyan
7 pm Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Temple of Aaron Calendar of Events
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A 2C 32-0762
04-04-2014 10:06:40
Invite Friends & Families to Join Us
Friday, June 20, 2014
Celebrate Shabbat Together.
Prayers in PJs at 5:45 pm
Dinner at 6:30 pm
Services at 8:00 pm
Susie Haim, Administrative Assistant susiehaim@templeofaaron.org 651-698-8874 ext. 100
Tikkun Leil Shavuot
June 3rd at Temple of Aaron:
The Entire 5 Books of the
Torah In One ight!
7 pm - Arrival and Introduction
7:15-8 pm - Breakout Sessions
8-8:30 pm - Cheesecake
8:30 pm - Festival Maariv
8:45 pm - Final Book Together
Join educators Ernie Gulner, Joshua Fineblum, Larry Eisenstadt, Rabbi Fine,
and Rabbi Shavit-Lonstein for an in depth look at the entire Torah.
RSVP to Susan Tervola
651-698-8874 x 107 or susantervola@templeofaaron.org
Permit No. 1328
Twin Cities MN
616 S. Mississippi River Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55116-1099
Temple of Aaron Congregation

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