Annual Report 2011 - Santa Barbara Zoo


Annual Report 2011 - Santa Barbara Zoo
2011 Annual Report
break many records and attract an amazing amount of local, national, and even international media
coverage. In the area of attendance records, the Zoo welcomed almost 480,000 visitors for the year
and set new monthly highs for July and December.
Besides great weather, which always helps, we had loads of animal news and the arrival of our new
performing dinosaur, Duncan. Thanks to the generosity of the Duncan family, our new dinosaur
What an incredible year! Even with the slow recovery of the economy, the Zoo managed to
thrilled Zoo visitors with the story “How to Train Your Dinosaur” and always took time after
performances to pose with guests for pictures.
From the “surprise” birth of Daniel the giraffe in January to the arrival of Michael, our new sixyear-old male giraffe in December, the year was filled with animal births and wonderful stories
about caring for our animals. Daniel’s story quickly went international following video coverage
by the Associated Press; the arrival of our second litter of six Asian small-clawed otters captured
its share of regional media; and Lucky the penguin and his custom-designed Teva shoe attracted
media attention for half the year!
The essential ingredient to this success is the incredible team of professional staff and
volunteers that work tirelessly to provide inspiring, educational, and fun experiences for our
guests and the highest quality of care for our animals. Outside the perimeter fence at 500
Niños Drive, the Zoo continues to be an active contributor to and partner in conservation
programs for Channel Island foxes, California condors, and species of special concern in the
Los Padres National Forest.
Throughout the year, Zoo staff and volunteers continued to plan and raise money for the Discovery
Pavilion education building. The 9,500 square foot project will expand our programs for children
while creating our first regular programmed education activities for adults. It will also provide guests
with a view into the Zoo’s animal kitchen and the ability to observe the preparation of diets--a brandnew opportunity. By the end of 2011, the staff and volunteers had secured $6 million against the
projected cost of $7.5 million. With construction scheduled to begin in September 2012, you know
what that fundraising team will be doing in the months ahead!
Thank you for your support this past year. The Zoo is as good as it is because of the generosity and
patronage of our donors and members. We hope you are excited about the progress we have made
and will join us in making 2012 another year of growth at the Zoo.
Rich Block, CEO
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Chip Turner, Board President
All condors in California are trapped twice a year for blood lead
level tests. GPS and VHF transmitters are checked (replaced if
required) and a general health check is performed. If necessary,
birds are treated at veterinary hospitals for lead poisoning. Bird
keeper Mike Houlihan releases condor 374 back into the wild
after its exam.v | Carol Hunsperger, courtesy of USFWS
the coast, to the vast open skies of Southern California, staff from the Santa Barbara Zoo have kept
busy this year with local conservation efforts! The Santa Barbara Zoo conservation department grew
this year to include two new full time positions – a conservation and research coordinator and a
California condor nest technician. With this additional help for the team the Zoo has been better
able to collaborate with our conservation partners, contribute resources to active conservation
efforts, and develop new conservation opportunities.
Up in the Los Padres National Forest our team has been busy helping the U.S. Forest Service with
amphibian sampling in the Santa Ynez watershed, which is within the range of both the endangered
arroyo toad and the threatened red-legged frog. Our sampling efforts contribute both to monitor the
tion & resera
From the small pools of the Los Padres National Forest, to the remote Channel Islands off
population of these rare species and to assist with management decisions regarding road closures
and posting appropriate signage around sensitive habitat.
Although island fox populations faced a precipitous decline in the 1990s they
have shown a steady recovery over the years thanks to the collaborative efforts
of many organizations. The Santa Barbara Zoo has been an active contributor
to these recovery efforts through the years, teaming up specifically with the U.S.
National Park Service’s recovery efforts. This year we contributed over 450 field
work hours to help with population monitoring, health checks, vaccinations,
radio collaring, and other tasks necessary for the recovering population.
2011 marks the fifth consecutive year of the California Condor Nest Guarding
Program! The program is a collaborative effort to monitor individual condor
nests and determine what factors were associated with the high nest failure in the
wild Southern California population. It continues to be a huge success, and over
time we have seen nesting success greatly increase thanks to nest guarding and
management efforts. The data that have been collected from this program are
being analyzed to describe condor nesting trends, reproductive effort, parenting
behaviors, and other information valuable to promoting the recovery of this
incredible species in the wild.
Conservation Days. With this program zoo staff are encouraged to participate in
local conservation efforts. This year we helped with habitat restoration by planting
native plants and restoring the natural habitat at the scenic coastal wetland, Coal
Oil Point Reserve. Our crew worked with trail maintenance and fire safety at two
active California condor research stations. Other events included beach clean ups,
plant restoration at the Andree Clark Bird Refuge, and more!
The conservation department would like to thank you all for your support as we look forward to
another great year!
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Top to bottom: Julia McHugh, USFS Photo by Ria Boner, Santa Barbara Zoo
Lastly, our zoo team has helped various organizations by participating in
It takes a lot of work to run a zoo! More than
1000 people (employees and volunteers)
contribute to the smooth operation of the
“world’s most beautiful zoo.” The commitment
to animal care and core values is central to the
zoo’s success. | Sheri Horiszny
Any year that begins and ends with giraffe miracles, is bound to be memorable, and that’s exactly what
happened in 2011.
On the morning of January 9, Animal Care Staff entered the giraffe barn to find an unexpected calf on the
floor. Cold and unable to stand due to the slippery cement, the calf needed assistance to make his start in the
world. (This assistance came from veterinarians from San Francisco to Los Angeles, and even a local goat!)
Once strong enough to stand, the 5’9” calf quickly figured out how to nurse, however his mother would not
let him. Fortunately, he figured out how to drink from a bottle just as quickly, and our staff began bottlefeeding him every few hours for the next several months. Daniel nearly doubled his height, and increased his
weight by over 500% by the end of the year.
Our second giraffe miracle of 2011 arrived via trailer on December 12 after two and a half years of requests, emails,
conference calls, trips to Washington D.C., and one fortuitous breakfast meeting in West Virginia. Michael made
the four day trip from Quebec, and immediately proved the wait had been well worth it. A 16-foot, 2,200 pound
gentle giant, he integrated into the herd easily, and even patiently shares a feeder with little Daniel. His presence
should ensure more giraffe calves in our future, and this time we will not be caught by surprise.
In between giraffes, the year continued to be eventful. Five otter pups, which were born at the zoo in August
2010, were old enough to enter “the big pool” at the start of 2011. The level of activity in the exhibit was a
delight to staff and visitors alike. Little did we know that another litter, this time of six pups, was already in the
works! By summer, 13 otters were tumbling, swimming, running (and then sleeping in a pile) all over the exhibit.
and planning, our new penguin filtration system was built and on line. The pool has never looked
cleaner or clearer. A special penguin rejoined the flock and enjoyed the improved water quality:
Lucky, wearing a special shoe developed by our friends at Teva, got his first chance to live like a
normal penguin. After a year of medical treatment and shoe-testing we were able to address some of
Exciting things were also happening in a pool just up the path. After one-and-a-half years of work
the conformity issues in his right foot.
Our beloved elephants turned 40 this year, having spent 39 of those years at the Zoo. Both
Sujatha and Little Mac showed that old elephants can learn new “tricks”, as our wonderful staff
trained them to stand calmly in their veterinary stall, to wear “bracelets” for tethers or GPS units,
and to allow regular blood draws. All staff furthered their training skills and showed off their
accomplishments during Training Demos every other week where all were encouraged to watch a
training session with a different animal in the collection.
During late August/early September it became clear that everyone wants
to be at the Zoo. To our delight, a wild, juvenile bald eagle appeared in the
eucalyptus trees above the condor exhibit. As it gained strength by snacking on
wild cormorants, it also explored more and more of the Zoo, and our initial
enthusiasm for our wild visitor began to wane. The hunting potential of this bird
required many animals to be managed inside for safety, and dawn to dusk watches
were put in place at the flamingo yard where the flamingos were nesting. After
several days, a party tent was erected over the otter exhibit to allow the large otter
family group to be safely outside, and we began the process of getting a permit to
trap and relocate the eagle. After two thrilling weeks, the eagle was safely trapped
and relocated to Lake Shasta. No collection animals were lost or injured, and the
eagle’s presence did not prevent the subsequent hatching of our first flamingo
chicks in four years!
The Zoo welcomed several new or returning species throughout the year,
including a three-banded armadillo, black swans, bar-headed geese, frilled dragons,
green iguanas, and a panther chameleon. We also traded male snow leopards with
the San Diego Zoo to facilitate breeding in that population. We did not end up
with the breeding pair, but our new male gets along so well with our female that
they now can be on exhibit together.
in our Zoo family, and to consistently provide professional growth opportunities
for our staff. Conferences were attended, training consultants were brought in,
and much was learned this year. We are also finding that having fun and engaging in a little healthy
competition are incredibly valuable as well. This year we held our first ever Enrichment Contest,
leading to some highly creative pumpkin enrichment items and some very stimulated animals
(including humans!). The carnivores in the collection also benefited from a Turkey Toss addition to
our usual Pumpkin Smash on Thanksgiving Day this year. The lions, leopards and vultures were, not
surprisingly, much more interested in receiving a whole Zacky Farms turkey than another pumpkin!
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Top to bottom: Sheri Horiszny, Rashun Drayton, Sheri Horiszny
We strive to continuously improve the level of care we provide for the animals
Conservation Education Programs
Spring Zoo Camp
10 days
Summer Zoo Camp
10 weeks
Winter Zoo Camp
10 days
Summer Zoo Camp Scholarships
1 week
Zoo Snooze
49 programs
School Group Admissions
378 field trips
Zoo4U Scholarship Admissions
46 field trips
quality of our core programs while adding exciting new interpretive and training elements.
Conservation Education Programming
We began 2011 by developing a standardized curriculum framework for the Zoo Camp program,
ensuring that all new Zoo Camp programming is tied to the California Standards, is age appropriate,
and provides novel experiences for returning campers. The new curriculum was well received by
campers and staff alike in this year’s spring, winter, and award-winning summer Zoo Camps.
In 2011, the Zoo Snooze program grew even more! We refined our schedules and curriculum
allowing us to better accommodate large overnight groups.
Taking on larger groups allowed us to
provide this unique experience to 26% more guests than last yearin the same number of programs.
In 2011, the Conservation Education Department focused on continuing to improve the
Some of our largest overnights in the past year have been our open-registration
family overnights. This year, these overnights filled to capacity and we had more
demand than we could accommodate. The Family Snooze program was so
successful that we started receiving 2012 requests before the end of the year.
On-Grounds Programming
We welcomed the first full-time on-grounds programming coordinator with
addition of Desiree Rogers to the team in 2011. Desiree took on the challenging
task of creating a new interpretive program at the animal exhibits. To date,
she has now been joined by 13 part-time instructors and around 20 volunteer
Desiree also took over the management of the giraffe deck feeding experience.
With help from the education team, she overhauled the staff development and
training process. This effort was so successful that, in 2011, the Zoo was able to:
have the deck open 354 days; provide over 34,000 outstanding experiences for
guests; and exceed income projections by over 100%.
The education team expanded the educational experiences at our popular
special events such as Boo at the Zoo and Princess Day. We also expanded our
participation in International Vulture Awareness Day withover 2,500 guests
participating in vulture-themed interactive activities and keeper talks.
This year the Santa Barbara Zoo hosted its 3rd Annual Science Day at the Zoo.
This fun and educational event provides teachers and families with standardstremendous growth in teacher and community participation in 2011 with 73 teachers attending the
event; an increase of 33% over the previous year. In addition to the curriculum booths designed and
staffed by the Zoo, eight community partners presented science activities. This number has grown
SB Zoo Staff
from four community partners in 2009 and seven community partners in 2010.
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based, hands-on science curriculum and activities to use in their classrooms and at home. There was
More than 400 people volunteer for the
Tri-Counties’ most popular Halloween festival,
Boo at the Zoo. It’s a safe, fun, and traffic-free
place to trick-or-treat which supports the Zoo’s
mission: only candy made with sustainable
palm oil is distributed at this spook-tacular
event, saving acres of forest animals’ habitat.
of their time toward various successful Zoo events and ongoing volunteer opportunities. ZooTeens
assisting with spring, summer, and winter Zoo Camps were responsible for 57 percent of the
service hours. The ZooTeen program continues to provide local youth with opportunities to earn
community service hours, to gain work experience and to develop job skills.
Adult and youth volunteers continue to support the success of many Zoo events such as Princess
Day, Boo at the Zoo, International Vulture Awareness Day, and Celebracion de los Dignatarios
depends on the continued participation of adult and youth volunteers. Their assistance is
There were 844 active volunteers at the Zoo in 2011, who collectively donated 20,809 hours
conservatively valued at, $58,840!
Additional volunteer opportunities with Animal Care became available to individuals with a
negative TB test. These included assisting in the Animal Kitchen, scrubbing the penguin pool, and
weeding inside exhibits.
In conjunction with Channel Islands Restoration’s conservation efforts, Zoo
volunteers assisted with six native plant restoration projects along the Zoo’s border
with the Andree Clark Bird Refuge.
Number of Volunteers
Total Hours Contributed
Monetary Value
Breakdown of Volunteer Hours
Animal Care Aide
Animal Kitchen Aide
Animal Talkers (Interpretation)
Camp Preparation
Continuing Education
Counselor in Training
Maintenance/Grounds Keeping
Special Events
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Top to bottom: Sheri Horiszny, Rashun Drayton, Sheri Horiszny
Volunteer Programs 2011
Duncan the Dinosaur (sponsored
by the Duncan family), a one-ofa-kind educational ambassador
was unveiled at Members’
Night. Created by Hollywood
special effects studio the Chiodo
Brothers, and built by a long-time
Jim Henson Creature Workshop
alumnus, David Barrington Holt,
Duncan teaches kids about how
zookeepers care for animals at
the Zoo. | Tony Luna
combined donations of the Foster Feeders paid for the entire Zoo animal food bill. The following
list represents the deep level of commitment of the program’s supporters.
38 Years
Ms. Margaret Barrett
The Libbert Family
Penelope Prell Luce
Virginia Sloan
36 Years
Della Jean Elden
G. Mark Giles
35 Years
Candi & Kevin Simmons
34 Years
Josephine & Wolfgang Lauter
33 Years
Nancy & David Renshaw
30 Years
Lynn & Howard Hudson
Patricia J. Moran
29 Years
Peggy & Brooks Hollenbeck
26 Years
Nancy C. Jordan
25 Years
John Schmidhauser
24 Years
Patricia A. Brooks
Ms. Adrienne Doll
Mr. Arthur L. Shapiro
23 Years
Christina & Keith Berry
Janet & Charles Capps
Betty & George Rowley
22 Years
Mrs. Marjorie L. Bailey
Mrs. Vicki W. Baldwin
Jean M. Perloff, Esq.
21 Years
Mr. Gordon B. Crary
Richard & Connie Kennelly
Charlotte & Robert LaBerge
Edith & Raymond Ogella
Rory S. Rye
20 Years
Tracy & Loren Colahan
Rainbow School
19 Years
The Cheeryble Foundation
Mark Schildhauer & Joyce
Ms. Eleanor Thomas
18 Years
Alice Henry
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kistler
The Foster Feeder animal sponsorship program began in 1974. In 2011, the
17 Years
S & K Romofsky
Joyce L. Trevillian
Richard Vincent &
Vickie Ascolese
Sue & Bill Wagner
16 Years
Kathleen & Stephen Carmel
Patricia & James Dow
Joan & Les Esposito
Ms. Leslie Gilder
Judith A. Hogan
Janet & John McCann
Gisela & William McKeag
William A. Ponder
Mrs. Jeanne M. Pruitt
Arlene & William Radasky
Wanda Lee Rodgers
Margo & Daniel Sinclair
Mr. & Mrs. Charles G.
15 Years
Malinda Pennoyer Chouinard
Carol & Ralph Harman
Mimi Muraoka
Mr. Harris Seed
Premier Foster Feeders
Nancy & Tom Crawford
Finnegan (Channel Island fox)
Nancy (Humboldt penguin)
Tom (Humboldt penguin)
Peter & Pieter
Crawford van Meeuwen
Bob (Asian small-clawed otter)
Jillian (Asian small-clawed otter)
Nora & Michael Hurley
Fezziwig (Humboldt penguin)
Pendleton (Humboldt penguin)
Plum (Humboldt penguin)
Nancy McToldridge
Captain Jennie Flint (Humboldt
In memory of Jan Montgomery
Pee-Gloo (Humboldt penguin)
Terry C. Moore, Ph.D.
Ridley (giant anteater)
The Notley Foundation
Everett (snow leopard)
Charlotte & Ken Richardson
Goma (western lowland gorilla)
Sophia & Eleanor Storey
Pepe (three-banded armadillo)
Lucky (Humboldt penguin)
Joyce Trevilian
Samantha (amur leopard)
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The Dreier Family
Audrey (Masai giraffe)
Betty Lou (Masai giraffe)
Daniel (Masai giraffe)
Michael (Masai giraffe)
Bling (Humboldt penguin)
Chadster (Humboldt penguin)
Chadwick (African lion)
Gingerbread (African lion)
The Dreier Family &
The Wilson Family
Wilson (golden lion tamarin)
Midnight at the Oasis set a perfect
theme for the Zoo’s largest fundraiser.
Donations from Zoofari Ball are
designated specifically to support the
animals at the Zoo. | Rick Carter
Phoenix Society
The Santa Barbara Zoo extends heartfelt appreciation to these individuals who have
made provisions for the Zoo in their estate plans.
Jane Bearinger
Catherine Craig Bordé
Shirley S. & Harry J.
Helen J. Brown
Bob & Lynn Burtness
The Caleel Family
William Colville
Victoria & Joseph Conley
Bob & Desiree Covington
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Adrienne Doll
Richard A. Edick
Marjorie Ehlen
Elisabeth E. Elkin
Mr. & Mrs. T. L. Ellis
Mr. Richards K. Farnham
Mildred G. Federico
Richard & Esther
Denise & William Frazier
Lee L. Gilbert
Leslie & Alan Gilder
Knud Hansen
Judith Hogan
Marguerite Holman
Nora McNeely Hurley &
Michael Hurley
Elenore & Tom Hugunin
Julie C. Isabelle
Kelly Jensen
Frank Jordano
Barbara A. Joseph
The Kallman Family
Rose Karat
Ellen G. Keeter
Mr. & Mrs. William H.
Stephen H. &
Louise B. Komp
Ellen Gale & Bill Larson
Karen Lee
Mr. William Little
Rosemary Livingston
Larry & Jeanne Lovelace
Melinda & Dean Mars
Bill McBride
Pamela & Bryan McCabe
Ms. Esther Mlynek
Thea Mosca
Mr. William W. Murfey
Gary & Anna Nett
Gretchen D. Notley
Carol & Bob Olivera
George Ostertag
Susan Painter
Jane Vruwink Palmer
Mr. Harold A. Parma
Alma & Clifford Pearson
Diane L. Pearson
Mr. LeRoy A. Rayle
Peggy & John Russell
Mr. David A. Silvian
The Simpson Family
Dorothy B. Smith
Jay & Sally Smith & Family
Lynda & Bud Stuart
Wendy & Fred Tazartes
Norma Varden
Paul & Debra Vaughan
Jean & Davis von
Louise & Lionel Weiss
Lois & Otis Williams
Eleanor Cooper Wright
Individuals in italics are
The Society also has six
anonymous members.
13 Years
Betsy Davis
Martha E. Guggenmos &
Jessica Barene
Cynthia & Timothy Hansen
Mrs. Levée
Ellen & Robert Lilley
Carole Ryan
Beatrice T. Oshika
12 Years
Ms. Nancy Beebe
Fred Hartzell & Janet Wilson
Irene & Allan Hodgert
Heather C. Horton
Anna & Gary Nett
Yvonne & Andy Neumann
Margaret & Marvin Levine
Mrs. Lanette R. Perry
Ms. Christine Richards
11 Years
Colby Boss-Adamski
Carmela & Roland Jurgens
Katherine & John Lindgren
Charlotte & Kenneth Richardson
Ruth & Robert Roes
Grace H. Thomas
Daisy & Donn Tognazzini
Jean & Davis von Wittenburg
10 Years
Kelly & Blake Aaron
Tracy & Bradley Bowen
Jeanne & Joseph Bradbury
Joanna B. DiGiovanna
Jennifer & Jay Fortman
Michelle & Richard Fridell
Jean & Nat Hawthorne
Ms. June Kelley
Lynn & Paul Newton
John Pyle
7 Years
Emily & Duane Aasted
Cecelia & Kirk Borchardt
Judi Anderson
Mr. T. P. Dalzell
Loren DeVilbiss
Patricia & David Gibson
Gerald Jacobs & Christine Allen
Tessa Kaganoff
Diana & James Kennett
Ann Lippincott & Edward
The Notley Foundation
Sandy Schaller
Janet & Richard Stark
Colleen & James Sterne
Lynn Thalman
Grace H. Thomas
Samantha & Jeff Yim
6 Years
Carole Bailey
Kimberly & John Berweiler
Judy & Mark Blakely
Cherie Bonazzola
Julie Broughton & Barbara
Teri & Gary Champ
Teddy & Steve Cherman
Susan & Frank Consolo
Nancy & Thomas Crawford
Marci & Alfonso Delgado
Alice Henry
Barbara Howell
Nora & Michael Hurley
Sue & Ron Keller
Linda Lange
Dawn & Mark Luke
Sona MacMillan
Jodee & Jeff McKelvey
In memory of Jan Montgomery
Kristine & David Morris
Jane & Gary Olmstead
Grace Pacheco
Carol & Lawrence Reiche
Ruth & John Rowe
Beverlee & Mike Rudberg
Agnes & Peter Senn
Jane & Scott Smith
John A. Sonquist
Sonja & Alan Todd
Pat & Oren White
Connie & Danny Wynn
5 Years
David Anderson & Mary Heyden
Joann & Stan Benson
Jean & Stephen Crossland
Colleen Dennis
Jennifer Freeman
Angie & James Fullmer
Linda & Chris Grandov
Carol J. Hoffine
Sheila & Bill Holzer
Mary Large & Richard Johnson
Judy & Michael Kemp
Frances H. Kliza
Anita Lewis
Sherri Matsumiya
Nancy McToldridge
Christine Medina
Angela Moloney & Stuart
Alberto Kywi & Judi Morningstar
Joseph & Cynthia Prochot
Hildred Richart & Susan Wilson
Jan & Scott Sloane
Cassie & James Slockbower
Thomas Stanton
Ms. Eleanor Thomas
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9 Years
Linda Andrews & Sandy Smith
Kyrsten & Scot Beidelman
The Dreier Family
Dale & William Hromadka
M.L. Ingram
Judy & Michael Kemp
Mary & Robert Kintner
Shirley & James Kodak
Jeanne L. Kubes
Mary & Preston Lanning
Gregory & Ann Moore
Janet S. Pickthorn, M.D
Nancy & David Renshaw
8 Years
Ellen Ahlers
Barbara R. Bengry
Marjorie Boyle
Nancy Britton
Arleen Brooks
Helen Brown
Lorna Burckel
Ms. Lois G. Carwile
Lita & Edward Chelini
The Crawford Idema Family
Eva Cruickshank
Mikako & Darin Garard
Anna Gillespie
Kathryn Greene
Talia Jones
Pam Kane
Richard & Connie Kennelly
Sona MacMillan
Lynn & Terry Moore
Katherine Mottarella
Chris & Kathleen Royce
Janice & Michael Simmons
Wendy & Britt Stanley
Lynda & Bud Stuart
Ms. Eleanor Thomas
Don & Robin Van Buren
14 Years
Catherine & Brock Miller
Zoo Brew sold out for the
second year in a row! Zoo
Brew has become an important
fundraiser, targeting a
demographic that does not
frequently attend the Zoo.
Local brewery, The Brewhouse,
crafted this year’s signature
beer in honor of the Zoo’s new
giraffe: Daniel’s Long Neck
Lager. | Chris Miller
Chief Executive Officer
Zoo Director
Chief Financial Officer
Director of Human Resources
Executive Assistant
Administrative Coordinator
Accounting Specialist
Animal Care & Health
Sheri Horiszny
Director of Animal Programs
Julie Barnes Veterinarian
Sam Dover Veterinarian
Michele Green
Curator: Mammals
James Traverse
Curator: Ectotherms & Birds
Rachel Ritchason
Assit.Curator of Birds & Records
Wendy Anderson
Senior Keeper
Trent Barnhart
Commissary Coordinator
& Nutritionist
Elizabeth Beem
Lacey Byrnes
Senior Keeper
Miguel Carbajal
Maria V. de Cordero Keeeper
Food Prep Technician
Nilda Cordero
C. Scott Daugherty Apprentice Keeper
Senior Keeper
Jenna Duarte
Senior Keeper
J. Wes Hardin
Mark Heully
Michael Houlihan
Senior Keeper
Carol Hunsperger
Apprentice Keeper
Carley Jennings
Animal Care Coordinator: Ectotherms
Lindsay Koch
K. Damian Lechner Keeper
Senior Keeper
Heather Leith
Kathleen McMahon Keeper
Lauren Perry
Senior Keeper
Samantha Ratti
Maria Rodriguez Salazar Food Prep Technician
Elephants Manager
Elizabeth Wilson
Julie Yuhas
Veterinary Assistant
Conservation & Research
Estelle Sandhaus
Assistant Director of
Conservation & Research
Conservation & Research Coordinator
Ria Boner
CA Condor Nest Technician
Molly Astell
Elaine Mah Best
Joseph Corazza
Jennifer Haake
Duff Kennedy
Julie Mino
Director of Development
Annual Giving Officer
Development Specialist
Foundation and Corporate
Relations Officer
Special Events Officer
Facilities & Horticulture
Abel Landeros
Director of Facilities & Horticulture
Brian McDonald
Assistant Director of
Facilities & Horticulture
John Aldana
Maintenance Technician
Maintenance Technician
Armando Alvarez
Arthur Alvarez
Project Coordinator
Benjamin Cabrera Maintenance Coordinator
Isac Contreras SantillanMaintenance Technician: Landscaping
Antonio Coria
Maintenance Technician: Landscaping
Maintenance Technician
Hugo Florez William Johnston
Maintenance Technician: Landscaping
Jose Rueda
Maintenance: Welder
Thomas Russell
Maintenance Technician: Landscaping
Eduardo Sanchez
Maintenance Technician
Jose Silva
Maintenance Technician: Landscaping
Maintenance Technician: Landscaping
Daniel U. Villalta
Richard Block
Nancy McToldridge
Carol Bedford
Corinne Santini
Colleen Dennis
Adriana Hernandez
Catie Olsen
Anne Ray Christina Silva
Food services
Christopher Gambler Director of Food Services
Food Services Supervisor
Aram Freeman
Guest services
David Velazquez
Director of Guest Services
Melinda Ackles-Hodge Guest Services Associate
Patricia Madrigal-WollumAdmissions Supervisor
Rides Supervisor
Barton Spaulding
Dean Noble
Kimberly Roberson
Felicia Dillon
Victoria Madrigal
Sarah Varsik
Director of Marketing
Asst. Dir. of Marketing: Membership
Marketing Events Associate
Membership Coordinator
Marketing Specialist
Ross Reed Beardsley Director of Retail Operations
Retail Coordinator
Carlos Rea
Safety & security
Christopher Briggs Director of Safety & Security
Safety & Security Coordinator
Matthew Hlinka Conservation Education
Security Guard
Tiffany Musgrove
Director of Conservation Education Mark Presley
Assistant Director of
Katherine Holder
Conservation Education
Education Coordinator:
Jessica Kam
Volunteer Programs
Desiree Rogers
Education Coordinator:
Visitor Experience
Chip Turner, President
Harry Gelles, Vice President
M. Barry Semler, Vice President
Clas Lensander, Treasurer
Leigh Cashman, Secretary
Fred Benko
Sharon Bradford
Thomas Caleel
Mindy Denson
Ginni Dreier
Patricia Griffin
Sharon Jones
Carol Kallman
Robin Kopeikin
Kelly Jensen
Glenn Miller, M.D.
David Prichard
Amy Pryor
John Russell
Mark Singer
Yul Vanek
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2011 Board of Directors
El Dia del Nino, still going strong for over
20 years, is a one-of-a-kind multicultural
event reaching subsequent generations.
Princess Day, which raises awareness for frog
conservation, grows in attendance year after
year. Both events are as locally rooted as the
brown pelican, which can be seen at the Zoo
and all around Santa Barbara. | John Pyle
2011 and 2010
statement of financial position
December 31
Current assets:
Cash, cash equivalents and investments
Other Current Assets
Non-current assets:
Bequests and pledges receivable
Property, equipment and collections, net
18,029,000 18,335,000
Total Assets
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable and Liabilities
Long term liabilities:
Benefit payable - long term
Total Liabilities
Net Assets:
$19,307,000 $19,520,000
Designated Endowment
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
● Park Operations & Maintenance
● Retail & Concessions
● General and Administration
● Public Relations and Fundraising
● Membership & Educational Activities
The information above is summarized from the 2011 audited financial statements.
A copy of the 2011 audit report is available upon request.
20 11 A NNUAL RE PO R T • 1 9
● Park Admissions
● Retail & Concessions
● Membership & Educational Activities
● Restricted Donations Used
● Contributions
● Special Events
● Interest and Dividends
● Other Income
our mission
The Santa Barbara
Zoo is dedicated to
the preservation,
conservation, and
enhancement of the
natural world and its
living treasures through
education, research, and
Wendy Campbell,
Colleen Dennis
Carol Bedford, Richard
Block, Chip Turner, Sheri
Horiszny, Jessica Kam,
Elaine Mah Best, Desiree
Rogers, Estelle Sandhaus
Design: Barbara Zerbe
Cover Photo: Lucky the
penguin garnered quite
a bit of media attention
this year with his customfitted shoe, made by
Santa Barbara-based Teva.
The malformed bones in
one of Lucky’s feet created
health problems, but the
“bootie that saved his
booty” made it possible
for him to walk, jump, and
swim like the rest of his
penguin pals at the Zoo.
| Tony Luna
500 Niños Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93103
(805) 962-5339 •
The Santa Barbara Zoo is
accredited by the Association
of Zoos and Aquariums
(AZA). AZA-accredited zoos
and aquariums are helping
to preserve thousands
of animals regionally
and around the world
through unequaled wildlife
conservation programs.
Printed on recycled paper
Bob & Jillian, that prolific pair of Asian small-clawed
otters, produced another large litter this year: who says
13 otters aren’t “otterly” delightful? Last year’s offspring,
now big sisters and brothers, learned parenting skills and
helped teach the little ones to swim. | Sheri Horiszny
As a private, nonprofit organization, the Zoo relies on contributions
from individuals, organizations, corporations, and foundations to maintain and improve the Zoo’s
exhibits, facilities, and programs as well as to support the general operations.
Thank you to the following caring and philanthropic supporters for their generosity in 2011.
The estate of Frank Jordano
$100,000 to $499,999
The Dreier Family
$10,000 to $49,000
Elizabeth Bixby Janeway
Sharon & David Bradford
Mrs. Shelby C. Bowen
Desiree & Robert Covington
The Crawford Family
Deckers Outdoor Corporation
The Gelles Family
Elizabeth & Steven Green
Maurine & Preston Hotchkis
Sharon & Christopher Jones
In memory of Jan Montgomery
The Outhwaite Foundation
The estate of Alma & Clifford
Henry W. Bull
Business First Bank
The Caleel Family
Lisa Carter & Lonnie
Leigh & Paul Cashman
The Cheeryble
The Chorlton Family
Malinda Pennoyer
CKE Restaurants, Inc.
Tina & Joseph Clark
Mr. T. P. Dalzell
Dancing Tides
Foundation, Inc.
Downing & Paul Denison
Rusty’s Pizza Parlors
Santa Barbara Foundation
Sue & Terry Schwartz
The Schow Foundation
Anne & Michael Towbes
Williams-Corbett Foundation
The Wood-Claeyssens Foundation
The Wrather Family Foundation
John Dixon
Dorothy Donnelley
Charitable Trust
Ruth & George Egan
Mr. Richard K. Farnham
Farr Visions
Harold & Diana Frank
Family Foundation
Frank Schipper
Construction Co.
Leslie Gilder & Alan
William & Charlene
Glikbarg Foundation
Goldman Sachs
Philanthropy Fund
Cary & Jason Gren
Patricia & Alan Griffin
Dayna & Robert Haupt
Judith A. Hogan
Joan & Robert Hollman
Cyndee Howard
Hub International
Nora McNeely Hurley &
Michael Hurley
Hutton Parker
Jensen-Magne Family
In memory of Jacob Jeter
Marjorie Jeter
Emily & Jason Johnson
Carol Kallman & Don
$1,000 to $9,999
Mrs. L. W. Alberts
Anatman Foundation
Christine H. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. J.W. Bailey
Bank of America
Carol & Robert Bedford
Bella Vista Designs
Barbara R. Bengry
Christina & Keith Berry
Marlys & Ron Boehm
Carter Block & Family
Edith & Sieg Borck
Mary Lou & Bill Brace
Brittingham Foundation
Brown Family Foundation
$50,000 to $99,999
Michael J. Connell Foundation
The Duncan Family
The Ann Jackson Family Foundation
Mericos Foundation
Volentine Family Foundation
Our Supporters
California Condor | Sheri Horiszny
($1,000 to $9,999 cont.)
Kayne Anderson Capital
Richard & Connie Kennelly
Sheryl & Brian King
June & Bill Kistler
Robin & Brian Kopeikin
The Lehrer Family
Patricia H. Levée
Peter Levine & Martha
Kim & Jim Lisi
Diana & Ralph MacFarlane
Blair & Daniel Malloy
Manchester Capital
Elizabeth & Robert Manger
Melinda & Dean Mars
Michele & Marty Martin
Dinah & John Mason
Nancy & Ted McToldridge
Glenn Miller, M.D.
Lisa & Eric Miller
Montecito Bank & Trust
Lynn & Terry Moore
Mosher Foundation
Anna & Gary Nett
Betsy & Charles Newman
The Notley Foundation
In memory of Henry W.
Patagonia, Inc.
Jean & Bernie Paulson
The Pepsi Bottling Group
John & Maria Pitcairn
William A. Ponder
Paulette & Arthur Posch
The Pryor Family
C. B. Ramsay Foundation
Lilya & Joel Reiss
Charlotte & Kenneth
Lady Leslie Ridley-Tree
Roberts Bros. Foundation
Nina & David Rocklin
Peggy & John Russell
Liz Saghi
Santa Barbara Bank & Trust
Santa Ynez Band of
Chumash Indians
The Schlinger Family
Herbert Schulte
Rudi Schulte Family
M. Barry Semler & Family
Austyn Shepherd
Bui & Herb Simon
Hideko & Mark Singer
Amy & Jim Sloan
Barbara & Wayne Smith
Nancy Smith
Bernard St. Croix
Mary Stettner
Missy & Eric Stoen
Mr. & Mrs. Storey
Robert K. & Barbara J.
Straus Family Foundation
Louise Tighe
Melanie Trent
Joyce L. Trevillian
Betsy & Chip Turner
TWIW Insurance Services,
Janet & Susanne Uribe
Georgene Vairo
Peter & Pieter Crawfordvan Meeuwen
Christine & Yul Vanek
The Estate of Norma Varden
Dr. & Mrs. Harold L.
Susan & Bill Wagner
Alice Willfong
Fred Hartzell & Janet Wilson
Carlene & Scott Wilson &
Wilson Printing
John C. Woodward
Nancy & Scott Zacky
Beth & Jeff Bailey
Carole Bailey
Claire & Russell Bailinson
Lauren & Christopher Baker
Silvia & Emanuel Baker
Beverly & Don Baker
Brianna & Kenneth Balch
Sherri & Andrew Ball
Phoebe Ball
Shih & John Bancroft
Marielle & Eric Banducci
Bank of America Matching
Gifts Program
Amy & T. Greg Banks
Mari & Joshua Baptista
Renee & Carlos Barajas
Sharon Barker & Danna
Jill & Ted Barnes
Wini & Phil Barry
Jeannine & Vincent Barry
Susanne & Carroll
Veronica & Larry Basoco
Jesse Bates & Karstyn van
Kathryn & Paul Batten
Zea & Joe Bauer
Marcy & Matt Bazzani
Miss Ruth M. Beach
Catherine & Michael
Diane & James Beane
Donna & Jerry Beatty
Corrin & Michael Beaumont
Nancy & Robert Beaver
Marie & Elbert Beaver
Mr. & Mrs. J. William Beaver
Kimberlee & Tony Becerra
Francesca Becerra & Leila
Pauline & John Beck
Darrell W. & Kirsten
Kemp Becker
Debra & Theodore Beckman
Bedrock Building Supply
In loving memory of Peele
Kristin Beers & Bryan Bowe
Ed Behrman & Emma
Gina & Martin Bell
Kara & Chris Bellamy
Michelle & Andre Bellusci
Janet Bender
Rani & Carl Benedetti
Shannon & Mark Benedict
Shannon & Tim Benes
Asencion Benitez & Estela
Tatiana & Alec Benke
Hiroko & Fred Benko
Erin & John Bennett
Barbara & Leon Benon
Carol & Leslie Benson
Leland & Renee Bentley
Tina Berg & Erin Lindsey
Natalie & Scott Bernecker
Leslie & Phil Bernstein
Berni Bernstein
Mr. & Mrs. B. R. Bertrando
Kimberly & John Berweiler
June & Ron Betancourt
Rita & Brian Beynon
Jonathan Bieley &
Kathleen Jacobs
Pamela Bigelow
Timothy Bigelow &
Samara Canfied
Samantha & Helmuth Billy
Paula & Richard Bird
Jill & John Bishop
Hassan Kamal & Hanadi
Mary & John Blair
Karla & Anibal Blancarte
Laurel & Jake Bliss
Alex Bocanegra & Brianna
Catherine & Ronald
Kathleen & Peter Bohley
Emily & Joe Bohnett
Bea & Mortimer Andron
Holly & Sean Angel
Rocio & Gabriel Angeles
Sarah & Mel Angell
Linda & Andrew Antone
Dan Apostol & Jennie Abbott
Hilary & Jason Appel
Richard Arbagey
Mary & Robert Archer
Cynthia & David Ardell
Jennifer & Richard Arellanes
Ralph Armbruster & Meg
Craig Armin & Lori Moore
Linda & Jim Armstrong
Julie & Ed Armstrong
Karen & Vinny Arndt
The Arnesen Family
Janie & Jessica Arnold
Corliss & Richard Aron
Sandra & Jesus Arriaga
Maria & Jose Arroyo
Shana & Dave Arthurs
Alejandro Arvizo &
Marivel Luna
Shannon & David Ashamalla
Deborah & Jacob Atkinson
Deb Atwater & Martie Robles
Liza & Blu Atwood
Elizabeth Auchincloss
J. Gordon Auchincloss &
Belita Ong
Karmen & Clay Aurell
Lisa & James Aviana
Sarah Avila & Valorie Cole
Susan & Richard Ayling
Dr. Stanley Azen
Teresa & Naseem Aziz
Michelle & Emanuele
Cathy & Robert Babin
Howard Babus & Deborah
Lisa & Marcus Baertschi
Maggie & Frederic Bahnson
Carolyn & Chris Bailey
$100 to $999
4 L&L, Inc. DBA
Four Lads & A Lass
Kelly & Blake Aaron
Monique Abate & Yvette
Barbara & Steve Abbott
Suzanne & Neil Ablitt
Emily & Amir Abo-Shaeer
Amy & Ashkan Abtahi
Katherine & Hani
Patrick Adams & Courtney
Ashleigh Adams & Susan
Rebecca & Peter Adams
Tamara & Walid Afifi
Frank Aghdam &
Christian Duncan
Lucinda & Jaime Aguilar
Willa & Peter Aguilar
Ellen Ahlers
Heather & Glenn Ainsworth
Tara & David Akers
Amber & Andy Alexander
Cathy & Jerry Alexander
Linda & Earle Alldredge
Sarah & Bradley Allen
Matthew Almanza &
Cierra Torrez
Areij & Asaad Alnajjar
Ariana & Alfredo Alvarez
Cherie & Sal Alvarez
Martha & Paul Alvidrez
Eric Amador & Julie Chacko
Amgen Foundation
Laurie & Mack Amirpoor
Denni & Walt Anderson
Jane & Ken Anderson
Susie & Ron Anderson
Debra & Jack Anderson
Jill & Corey Anderson
Gina & Blake Andrews
Linda Andrews & Sandy
Meerkat | Nathan Cool
($100 to $999 cont.)
Timothy & Robin Bolger
Julie & Keith Bolton
Mr. Mark D. Bolts
Esther & Farfalla Borah
Cecelia & Kirk Borchardt
Peggy & Brian Borck
Matthew Bortolin &
Heather Morgan
The Bovine Bill Living Trust
Christina Bowman &
Carolyn Johnson
Jennifer & Jonathan Brace
Jeanne & Joseph Bradbury
Grace & Bob Bradley
Natasha & Sam Bradley
Georgina & Kenneth
Lori & Jim Brakka
Katarzyna & Barry Brand
Steve Schaefer & Debra
Melissa & Gary Braun
Angela Moloney & Stuart
Michele & Rob Brennan
Andriana Bretz & Leticia
Maryann & Gerard Brewer
Nicole & Rob Brians
Patricia & Michael Brians
Alissa & Matt Briggs
Maryanne & R. J. Brillhart
Sharon & Aaron Briner
Nancy Britton
Brenden & Shea Brockman
Patricia A. Brooks
Janet & Michael Brooks
Arleen Brooks
Angela & Casey Brooks
Kim Brooks
Jennifer & Nicolas Brooks
Jeff Brookshire & Erin Neil
Naomi & Glen Broomberg
Mr. & Mrs. Broughton
Jeff Brown & Brenda
Angela & David Brown
Helen J. Brown
Robert Bruce & Joan
Michelle & Jeff Bruner
Braden Brunick &
Keshaca Parker
Rosalyn & Gregg Bruno
Dr. Robert Bryant
Gay & Ernest Bryant
Adam Budniak & Caren
Amber & Bernie Bugarin
Tara & Valerie Bullock
Vaughn Bunch & Susan
Sonya & John Burkett
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P.
Heather & Matthew Burns
Nancy Burns & Amy
Erin & Chris Burns
Lynn & Bob Burtness
In memory of Adrian L. Bush
Cindy & Liz Bush
Melike & Bernard Bush
Elsie D. Bustamante
Brady Bustany & Sydney
Andrew Butcher &
Yvonne Juarez
Joseph Butler & Naomi
Jessica & Jim Buttimer
Sylvia Byers & Alice Laufer
Jeraldine & Michael Byrne
Druyan & Jana Byrne
Mindy Bystrom & Megan
Christina & Scott Cabeen
Erin Caird & Paul Monson
Dinah & Ricardo Calderon
Margaret & William Callahan
Jean & Richard Callanan
W. Diane Calvert
Robert Camp &
McCormick Templeman
Kyle & Lee Campbell
Helen Campbell
Natalie & Brian Campbell
Carrie & Phil Campbell
SriJuliati & Arthur
Julie & Robert Cannata
Mary & Louis Cannon
Becky & John Cantrell
Janet & Charles Capps
Lois & Todd Capps
Doris Capra
Sara & Steve Caputo
Berta Cardenas
Amanda & Johnny Cardenas
Julie Torrance & Linda
Timothy Cardy & Ronnie
Natalie & Hans Carlberg
Erica & Daniel Carleton
Michael Carley
Raya & Forest Carlisle
Heather & Tony Carlos
Kathleen & Stephen Carmel
Val & Mark Carney
Stacey Carr
Julia & Lee Carr
Kathleen & Robert Carson
Marlin Carter
Theresa Carter
Shirlie Carter
Shirley & John Carter
Monica & Dominick Caruso
Chauntelle J. Casanova-Droz
Craig & Laura Case
Louise & Tim Casey
J’lene Casey & Myrna
Saori & Andrew Casey
Leigh & Paul Cashman
Becky & Brian Cassady
Mary Castensen
Kristin & Ryan Castorino
Bethany & Anthony Catalde
Aria & John Catterson
Mr. Gordon B. Crary
Kim & Robert Crawford
Joanne & Craig Crawshaw
Jean & Stephen Crossland
Casey & Scott Crothers
Sandy & Patrick Crotteau
Eva Cruickshank
Jamie Culhane-Husain &
Iqbal Husain
Erin & Aaron Culp
Alea & Bob Cunningham
Stephine & William
Stacia & Jerry Cupit
Peige & Tom Curiale
Ms. Nancy Curtis
Dara & Austin Curtis
Corinne & Karen Curtis
Jenny Curzan
Sheila & Steve Cushman
Mr. Oswald J. Da Ros
Kathrine & William
Perry & Kim Dahm
Nadia & Iraj Daizadeh
Athena Dallas
Damitz, Brooks, Nightingale,
Turner, & Morrisset
Angela & Brian D’Amour
Lisa & Brent Daniels
Karen & Ed Dannemiller
Judy & Brian Darbyshire
David Dart & Erika Carter
Nicole & Jeff Darton
Tricia & Roger Davids
Betsy Davis
Margaret Jo Dawes &
Della Jean Elden
Shandi & Don Dawes
Lydia & Joseph Day
Adeline & Peter De Haan
Danielle & Hector De La Cruz
Monica & Anthony De Luca
Deborah & Bryan de Ponce
Sheba & Michael de Ponce
Suzanne Dean
John Dean
Danyelle & Gregory DeCarlo
Mary & Joe Del Bonis
Viviane & Timm Delaney
Marci & Alfonso Delgado
Graham Dell
Wendy & Robert Delozier
Anna & Casson Demmon
Elaine & Richard Denham
Stephanie & Jeff Denier
Phyllis & Scott Denison
Colleen Dennis
Sondra & David Denshaw
Mindy & Chris Denson
Brenda & Matthew Dentinger
Vince Deral & Deborah
Clar & Warren Dern
Jaymine & Mark Derscheid
Kirsten & Terry Deshler
Carmen Devine & Cathy
Selena & James Devine
Monica & Joseph DeVreese
Melissa & Kirby Dew
Joan & Robert Dewhirst
Donald T. Dick
Joanna B. DiGiovanna
David Fee & Denise Diller
Meg & Nick DiNapoli
Susan & Ray Dingman
Jeffrey Dinkin
Sarah Dobbs & Alison
Gabriela & Steve Dodson
Adrienne Doll
Molly Dolle & Family
Rosemary & Robert Doman
Victor Dominguez &
Claudia Gomez
Carrie & Patrick Donovan
Linda Donovan
Howard Dougharty & Lisa
Susan & Randy Douglas
Patricia & James Dow
Nancy & Bill Coglizer
Suzanne & Michael Cohen
Amy & Robert Coiteux
Roxanne & Daniel Coke
Victor Cole & Patricia Green
Tina & Doug Coleman
Debra & Brian
Kimberley & Devon Collins
Brooke & Whitney Collins
Gianna & Paul Colombo
Julia & James Colon
Sharen & Steve Comstock
Christy & Tom Condon
Conejo Valley Chapter
Donna & Tyler Conlin
Rachel & Ryan Connell
Daniel Arnold & Meghan
Diane & Don Connors
Alex & Lara Conrad
Susan & Frank Consolo
Ann & Christopher Conway
Delia & Brian Cook
Angela & Craig Cook
Joanna & Derik Cook
Melissa & Stephen Cook
Marni & Michael Cooney
Christie & Patrick Cooney
Trudy & Howard Cooperman
Richard & Carol Copelan
Steven Conejo & Allison
Mary & Stephen Cornelius
Deborah & Robert Corsaro
Chris Cortez & Kerri Acker
Maxine & Michael Costello
Gina & James Couch
Rosalba & Carlos Covarrubias
Patricia & Jeffrey Cowan
Dennis Cowgill &
Deborah Pichla
Cox Communications
Marissa & Joel Cox
Crane Country Day School
Jenean & Mark Cerami
Elizabeth & Michael
Mindy & Ted Champlin
Jill & Stephen Chan
Marjorie & Alger Chaney
Claudia & David
Margaret Chapman
James & Jill Chase
Annie & Jeanne Chase
Tori & Jeff Chasney
Silvia Sanchez & Sergio
Janet & Anthony Cheetham
Annie & George Cheng
Elizabeth & David
Teddy & Steve Cherman
Alana & Brian Chessmar
Carey Chico & Ellen Suen
Jason Chodorow & Jenny
Lynn & Andrew Chou
Marisia Chou
Raquel & Ben Chrestenson
Darcy & Dean Christal
Kaeley & Nate Christensen
Sylvia & Jason Christopher
Richard Chung & Rosa Choi
Ann & Jane Cinzori
Jose Cisneros &
Guadalupe Aguirre
Olivia Cisneros & Robert
Dina & Michael Clapinski
Deborah & Brad Clark
Mary & Richard Clark
Margot & Keith Clarke
Virginia & Nicholas Clay
Marie & Richard Cline
Linda & Fred Clough
Erin Clow & Peggy
Elizabeth & Kenneth Coates
Lisa Marie Coffey
Samantha & Eric Coghlan
Asain Elephant | John Pyle
($100 to $999 cont.)
Deborah Drechsler
Wendy & William Drewry
Jennifer Drury & Susanna
Devyn & Shawn Duex
Whitney & Tyler Duncan
Kelsey & Nicholas Duncan
Mrs. Ian N. Dundas
Keiko & Roger Dunham
Andrea & Charles Dunn
Amy & John Dunn
Rosemary & Kent Dunn
James & Paulette Dunphy
Kandi & Tom Durant
Dianne & Robert Duva
Leslie & Tom Dwyer
Lupe & James Dwyer
Katherine & Daniel Eades
Kelly & Leif Eason
Curt Edmonds & Michelle
Allyson & Mike Edwards
Linda & John Edwards
Carole Edwards & Carrie
Judy & Robert Egenolf
Vicki & Peter Ehlen
Marcia & Derrik Eichelberger
Monica & Richard Eiler
Kim Eisman
Serena El Senoussi &
Serhiy Petryshak
Della Jean Elden
Marcy & Todd Eliassen
Souheila & Ziad Elkurjie
Charlotte Ellen & Susan
Amy & John Elliott
Kathi & Ken Ellis
Larella & Gary Ellsworth
Donald & Carol Elsaesser
Christopher Elstner
Lindsay & Bryan Emmerson
Susanne & Andreas Engberg
Linda England
Jill & Kent Englert
Joyce & Edward Engs
Sandra Enos
Tara & Steve Enrico
Sally & Patrick Enthoven
Kendra & Jeff Epley
Monica & Seth Epstein
Debbie & Michael Epstein
Stella & Richard Erbes
JoBeth & Brice Erickson
Chris & Steve Errea
Roxanne & Risa Erskine
Josefina & Francisco Espinosa
Joan & Les Esposito
Julie & Adam Estabrook
Martha & Juan Estrada
Daniel Reynolds &
Amanda Evans
Patty & Sean Evans
Pam & John Evarone
Karen & Bill Evenden
Monique & Scott Evers
Velma Everton
Kaye & Alan Ewalt
Juliana & Jim Fabio
Joan & James Faith
William Faith
Shireen & Banco
Ronda & Todd Fallon
Miss Fatasha Fareed & Mr.
Justin Fareed
Jill & Terry Farrance
Sara & Graham Farrar
Janean Farwell
Mark Feild & Christine
Chris Feitel & Chong-Im Kim
Ben Feld & Rhonda
Carol & Douglas Fell
Vera & Charles Fenzi
Leza & Bruce Ferguson
Brooks Ferguson
Diana & Bryan Fernandez
Melissa & Stephen Ferrari
Patricia & David Gibson
Anwanur & Ryan Gielow
Pamela & Ines Gifford
Veronica & Gerardo Gil
Linda Giles & Jace Yoder
Anna Gillespie
Margaret & Bob Gin
Cara & Jeffrey Gin
Debi & Bob Gioia
Girl Scout Troop 60252
Tina & Daniel Gislimberti
Christie & John Glanville
Nancy & John Gnagy
Leon Gold
Ellen & David Goldstein
Mr. Golis
Erika & Leonard Gomez
Melissa & Jesus Gonzales
Eddie Gonzales
Diana & Ron Goodson
Natalie & Kevin Goodwin
Kristi & Adrian Gordnier
Shannon & Donald Gordon
Sarah & Michael Gould
Jean & Mathew Gradias
Linda Graham
Martha & Richard Graham
Stacy & William Graham
Amy & Andy Graham
Carlos Granados & Marie
Dolly & Andy Granatelli
Linda & Chris Grandov
Sondra & Curtis Graver
Dana & Dean Gravlich
Debra & Mitchell Gravo
Tim Gray
Joseph & Marilee Green
Geri & William Green
Christine & Eric Green
Gareth Greenaway &
Jennifer Waterman
Kathryn Greene
Anne & Jacob Greene
Nicole & Larame Greene
Sonia Greeno & David
Skercevic Ortega
Annette & Brian Gregory
Gloria & Paul Griffin
Emily & Mark Griffin
Ceri Griffiths
Jamie & Tim Griggs
Aurora & Rick Grimm
Robert Gronendyke
Emily Grossheider &
Ashley Antoon
Kristin & Annette Guerrero
Jeongsook & Brian Guevara
Martha E. Guggenmos &
Jessica Barene
Julie & Paul Gunderson
Annie & Ramon Gupta
Kate & Jon Gura
Emilie & Richalene Hacker
Stefani & Phillip Haddox
Negar & Darren Haley
Erin & Brad Haley
Teressa & Frank Hall
Despina & Herbert Hall
Wendy Hall
Lisa & Greg Hall
Cynthia & John Hall
Ms. Halperin & Mr. Bueschel
Sally & Mark Hamilton
Penny Hamilton & Patricia
Angela & David Hamilton
Cynthia & Ricci Hancock
Michelle & Shane Hanna
Monica & Peter Hansen
Christi & William Hansen
Patricia & Gary Hanson
John Hardie & Maria
Joe & Beverly Hardin
Paula & Michael Hardwick
Cindy & Mike Harford
Devon & Bruce Harger
Carol & Ralph Harman
Susan & Robert Harman
Sasha & Adam Harmstead
Irene & Richard Fulton
Renee & Jim Fuqua
Deborah & Stuart Fuss
Amy & Lenny Fuste
Martha & John Gabbert
Nikole & Marco Gabrielli
Apple & Daniel Gaffney
Lydia Galbraith
Emily & Matthew Gallagher
Rosile & Tim Galvez
Marla & Paul Gamberdella
Anne & Chris Gambler
Nina & Ron Gans
Enimia & Mike Garcia
The Garden Club of Santa
Leslie & William Gardiner
Dorothy Gardner
Amy & Sal Garofalo
Kathy Garwood & Abigail
Leora & Laszlo Gaspar
Darren Gasser & Janice
Van Slimming
Mary & Bob Gates
Diane Gaunt & Marilyn
Luisa & Robert Gayou
John & Bettina Gedney
Gemini Foundation
Diana & Anton Gengo
Toni & Anthony Gentry
Tammy & Carol George
Lynn & Edward George
Melody & Jason George
Jackie & Mark Gerber
Marilyn & Peter Germann
Pamela & Richard
Amorette & Jonathan Getty
Steven Adrian & Gina
Cori & Matt Gibb
Shelly & Taylor Gibbons
Elaine & Jerry Gibson
Deborah & Marion Gibson
Warren Gibson
Kim & Ray Ferrarin
Keith Ferries
Claire-Marie & Philip Ficsor
Elidia & Richard Fierro
James Finch
Stacey & Justin Fine
Jacklyn & Martin Finfrock
Doug Fischer & Robert
Sheetal & Sean Fisher
Ian Fisher & Michelle Montez
Roberta & Stan Fishman
Marcus Flathman &
Oksana Yakushko
Kelly & Kevin Flint
Gina & Nathan Flint
Casie & Hugo Flores
Trudy & Brian Flynn
Shelley & Rick Fogg
Crista & Scott Fooks
Eric & Carmen Ford
Rachel & Denis Ford
Bridget & Mark Foreman
David Young & Jill Forman
Stephanie & Stuart Forman
Marvin Forrest & Mary
Jean Vignone
David Fortson & Terra Basche
Erryn & Bryan Foster
Danielle & Michael Foster
Investments, Inc.
Janet & Michael Fourticq
Elizabeth & Greg Fowler
Cathleen & Rich Foye
Elissa & Paul Francis
Lylie Francis
Yvette & Richard Franklin
Barbara & Paul Franz
Melissa & Michael Franzen
Jody Freeman
Gary Frolenko Engineering
Fredric Fucci
Bob Fuladi & Nissy
Angie & James Fullmer
Inca Tern | John Pyle
($100 to $999 cont.)
Joanne & James Harrington
Julie & Russ Harris
Kassi Harris & Darlene
Rachel & Ron Harris
Chris & Sloane Harrison
Margie & Walter Harrison
Heidi & Steven Harwell
Hollanda & Scott Harwin
Betty & Stanley Hatch
Erin Havard
Linda & Jeff Havlik
Amy & John Hawkins
Jan Hawkins & Terri-jo
Terry & Chris Hawley
Jean & Nat Hawthorne
Naomi & Todd Hayashi
Darrell Hays
Hazel Heath Horton
Philanthropic Trust
Rose & Lawrence Hazzard
Rene & Chris Heard
Kelly & Joel Heath
Jennifer & Noel Bendle
Melody & Robert Hebert
Erika & Dan Heckman
Margie & Mike Hedrick
Leah & Erik Hellman
Melissa & Keith Helm
Alexis & Nels Henderson
Deirdre & Dylan Henderson
Malonie & John Hendricks
Alice Henry
Susan & James Henry
Elizabeth Hensgen
Alissa & Bill Herbert
Yolanda Heredia & Mary
Patricia & Dennis Herendeen
Mabel & Anthony
Saundra & Ernesto
Amie & Lena Herrera
Annie & Terry Herrick
Nakisa & Tom Herrick
Marley & David Herring
Jane & Chris Herthel
Elizabeth & Kevin Hess
Lalena & Robert Hester
Kathleen & Charles Hewitt
Michaeline & Nate Heydari
Ms. Karen Hickman
Janelle & Barry Hicks
Brian Hiefield & Beth Scott
Velanya & Brent Hill
Jim & Teri Hilton
Tara & Cody Hircock
Maureen & Lawrence Hixon
Joni & Robert Hoadley
Regine & Jack Hoag
Frank Hobmeier &
Rayleen Little
Eileen & Douglas Hogg
James & Maria Hogg
Julie Holden & Kelly Harvey
Kristina & Clay Holdren
Peggy & Brooks Hollenbeck
Barbara & J. J. Hollister
Kerry & Rich Hollowell
Beverly & Preston Holmes
Nycole & Michael Holwick
Sheila & Bill Holzer
Lynn & David Holzman
Marsha & Gregory Honnold
Gretchen & Jeff Horn
Sherie Hornback & Jessica
Terri & Mark Hoskins
Mitzi & Robert Housley
Carol & F.A. Howell
Dale & William Hromadka
Carolyn & Gordon Hubbard
Lynn & Howard Hudson
Lois Huff-Gonzales &
Tammy Cushman-Czabala
Linda & William Hughes
Heather & Ross Huhn
William Hunt & Hazel Stark
Sharon & LeRoy Hunt
Adrienne & Eric Kentor
Roberta & Tamir Keshen
Cathy & Omid Khaki
Emily & Tarik Khashoggi
Chelsea & Randy Khatami
Maria & Navid Kiaee
Krista & Kenneth Kieding
Julie & Yong Kim
Mary & Robert Kintner
Jo & Norman Kirk
John & John Kirkman
Karen & Brian Kirschner
Cindy & Eric Kittleson
June Colyear Kjaempe
Roger Kjensrud & Analise
Denise Klassen
Roger Klein & Victoria
Colby & Thomas Kline
Lisa & Matt Klonowski
Heather & Jeremy Knauer
Angelina & Justin Knothe
Matthew Kochlacs &
Sarah Schoonraad
Jolie & Marcus Kocmur
Margie & Josh Kohlhaas
Jessica & Raymond Kolbe
Shannon & William Koleff
Megan & Chris
Louise & Stephen Komp
John Korzelius & Jenifer Lass
Yulia & Vadim Kotlyar
Becky Kracke & Lucia
Stella & Clifford Kramer
Erin & Brent Kraus
Allan Krebs & Jayme Misfeldt
Alice & George Krebs
Joel Kreiner & Stina Hans
Adam Sjouold & D’Ann
Allan Kroeker
Productions, Inc.
Laura & David Kronen
Sylvia & Thomas Krueger
Jeanne L. Kubes
Jens-Uwe Kuhn & Gina
Jessica & PJ Kuipers
Barbara & Robert Kummer
Joyce & David Kurtz
Kendra & Christopher Kuske
Edward Gika & Lezlie Kussin
Jeff Kuyper & Holly Blackwell
Jeanne & Kenneth Kvale
Hayward Kwit
Alberto Kywi & Judi
Charlotte & Robert LaBerge
Wendy & Matt Labrie
Philip Lacert
Marilyn & John
Lori & Karma Lama
Stephanie & J. J. Lambert
Christopher Lancashire
Robert Land & Amber York
Kate & Erik Lande
Kim & Matt Lanford
Sharon & Moshe Lang
Mary Ann Lange
Linda Lange
Elinor & James Langer
Mary & Preston Lanning
Elisha & David Larsen
Jacquie & David Larsen
Daniel Laub & Nancy
Michele Lavin & Nikolette
Claudia Lawrence &
Nannette Dale
Deanna & John Lazarus
Christina Lea
Mary Ann & Gary Leal
Margaret & Glyn Learmonth
Sally & J. Link Leavens
Oliver Leclerco & Nathalie
Alma & Daniel Ledbetter
Lissa & Robert Lee
Wanda & Raymond Lee
Sharon & Christopher Jones
Michelle & Darby Jones
Shannon & Rick Jones
Ann & Geoff Jones
Katherine & Brian Jones
Kathleen Jones
Travis Jones & Lisa Carroll
Wendy & David Jones
Lorena Jones
Talia Jones
Gerd & Peter Jordano
Louisa Jane Judge
Jan & Richard Kahler
Paula & Thomas Kaiser
Jeniffer & Brett Kaiser
The Kallman Family
John Kamps & Louise Gainey
Lois Kaplan
Rochelle & Jerome Kaplan
Andrea & Arthur Karle
Sue & Ken Karleskint
Donnalyn & Elliott Karpeles
Janet & Robert Kates
Nicole & Jared Katz
Michelle Kaufman
Emily & Kent Kaufmann
Cory Kazzi & Lynnette
Dawn & King Keely
Chris Keiner
Joanne Kelly
Joyce & Ron Kelly
Jennifer & Mark Kelly
Paulmena & Michael Kelly
Cheryl & Kevin Kelly
Deanna & Bill Kemble
Judy & Michael Kemp
Bill Gumma & Jessica
Jennifer & Steve Kennedy
Lynnai Kennedy & Cecily
Maura & Rebecca Kennedy
Diana & James Kennett
Thomas Kenny & Susan
Katherine Hunter & Sarah
Kirsten & Chris Huntley
Bill Hurst & Amy Love
Trestina & Armando
Rosemary Icardo
Cynthia & Paul Idell
Claudia & Chris Inglehart
Injectable Therapy Services
Tracey & David Inman
Jessica & Michael Isaac
Jason Isaacs & Leise
Cindy & Donald Isley
Sheri Jackson
Carol & Robert Jackson
Kathleen & Moss Jacobs
Charmaine & Chris Jacobs
Gerald Jacobs & Christine
Julie Jacobsen
Meredith & Mark Jacobsen
Paul Janousek
Luci & Rich Janssen
David Jarvis
Marcie & Richard Jastrow
Ania & Andrew Jayich
Claudia Jean & Monica
Nancy & Barry Jenkins
Betty & Creties Jenkins
Judy & Craig Jennings
Laura & Chad Jensen
Perri & Raymond Johansen
Carol & Paul Johansen
Heather & Garret John
Kenneth Johnson & Rossa
Janet & Chris Johnson
Steve Johnson & Julie Allen
Karen & Berkeley Johnson
Carol Noel & Thomas
Brian Johnson & Erin Leifer
Clara & Craig Johnson
Carla & Alex Jonasson
White-handed Gibbon | Fritz Olenberger
($100 to $999 cont.)
Melissa L. Lee
Jennifer & David Lehr
Cristina & Gary Lemp
Lisa & Stephan Lenchner
Jean Leonard
Stacy & Steve Leonard
Maria & Gabriele Lesky
Jill & Neil Levinson
Monique & Larry Levy
John Lewis & Carrie Towbes
Stacy & Joseph Liddicote
Martha & Alec Lilburn
Ellen & Robert Lilley
Jenifer Russell & Matt Lim
Kate & Robert Lima
Monika & Bert Linau
Helen & John Lind
Buck Lindelof &
Catherine Rhew
Michael Lindesay
Katherine & John
Daniel Lindsey
Diane & Adam Lingle
Sharon & Alan Lipman
Carol Liss
Joey Liu & Aiting Tung
Reina & Patrick Lloyd-Butler
James Locher & Wendy
Edgar Lodge
Kathy & Don Logan
Kim & Michael Logie
Shen Loh
Carrie Lombardi & MariaJose Martirene
Lauren Severance & Judith
Michael Long & Kristen
Arcelia & Seth Long
Alice & Tremper Longman
Morena Loomis & Mario
Stefanie & Ruben Lopez
Rosalie Lopopolo
Cameron & John Lorenz
Ann Lorimer
Diana & Shea Lovan
Quicheeta & Petra Lowen
Mary Lou & Tony Lozano
Dorothy Lucas
Irina & Michael Ludkovski
Francie & Peter Lufkin
Casey Lufrano &
Christine Crandall
Dawn & Mark Luke
Christina & John Lund
Sarah & Paul Luoma
Leatrice Luria
Sandra Lynne
Mindy & Graham Lyons
Pamela & Daniel Macal
Amie Macbeth
Devon Gonzalez & Carol
Carole MacElhenny
Patricia & John MacFarlane
Marvin Mackey
Andra & Ronald Macleod
Sona MacMillan
Kate & Grant MacNaughton
Michelle & Dave Macomber
Elizabeth & Joseph MacPhee
Connie & Robert Maday
Victoria Madrigal
Kathryn & Rosie Magallanes
Marilyn Magid
Elziabeth & Mark Magid
Jo Ann & John Magistad
Lou & Wendy Magur
Ethan, Elaine, & Mike Best
Suzanne & Ken Maki
Alia & Brian Malchow
Katharine Mallin
Renee & Ricci Mancinelli
Cristina & Tony Mancuso
Susan & Steve Manseau
Mary Maranville
Stephanie & Steve Marasciullo
Soeren & Tanis Marble
Melinda & Jeffrey Mark
Sonya & Mickey Maroney
Ann & Matt Marquis
Stefan Marraccini &
Gabriella Cardi
Marilee & Lance Marsh
Victoria & John Marsh
Bev & Don Marsh
Patty & Mike Marshall
Randee & Kirk Martin
Maria & Jose Martinez
Marit & Eric Martinsen
Polly & Michael Martony
Nancy & Mike Martz
Teresa & Steven Mascagno
Randy Mason
Anne & Carl Masser
Daisy Mastroianni
Loriann & Frank
Leslie & Ray Mathiasen
Paris & Marcus Mathis
Jean & George Matthaei
Anne-Marie & James
Magdiel & Stephanie May
Kevin Mayhue & Kiran
Katherine Mays
Dana Mazzetti
McCafferty & Company
Productions Inc.
Jennifer McCallister
Mary Ellen & Dan
Janet & John McCann
Ingrid & Michael McCann
Dwight McCann & Marna
Kerry & Rory McCarthy
Laurie & Roger McCarty
Jill McCaskey
Alison & Kevin McCeney
Charles McClintock &
Carol Wilburn
Kathie & John McClure
Jenny & Drew McClure
Jeni & Kurt McClure
Tamara & Todd Montag
Katherine & Christian
Ruth & Alejandro Montero
Janice & Travis Moon
Gregory & Ann Moore
Ashley & Ryan Moore
Betty Moore & Chloe Conjer
Emma & Kevin Moore
Mark Moore & Carolyn
Donna Moorhead
Kathy & Assad Mora
Marielle & John Morais
Angelica Morales &
Guadalupe Duardo-Conjo
Eric Morda & Nicolette
Julie & Nicholas Morello
Stephen Morelos & Krista
Susan & Otto Moritz
Whitney & Alex Morones
Megan & Sean Morreale
Kimberly & Jack Morrison
Shirley & Tova Morrison
Susan & Ronald Morrow
Ann Mosich
Allison & Mike Mowers
Paula Mueller
Raychel & Malte Muenke
Elizabeth & Nicholas Munday
Kristina & Mike Munoz
Claire & Terry Munz
Mimi Muraoka
Mimi & Dennis Muraoka
Joan & William Murdoch
Kate & Dan Murphy
Kerry & Sean Murphy
Mike Musson & Amy
Heather & Ryan Myers
Kim & Mark Nabarro
Audry & Alan Nafziger
Richard Nakamura &
Dorothea Mueller
Robert Nakasone & Anna
Mary & Richard Nash
Eileen & William Nasif
Shelly & Chetan Nayak
Heather & William Neal
Kathy & Tom Neches
Mr. & Mrs. Mitch Nedick
Carol & John Nelson
Michael Nelson &
Michelle Murray
Bridget Nelson & Mary-K
Suzanne & Joel Nelson
Jane Nemcova & Ondrej
Sarah & Myron Nettinga
Susan & Max Neufeldt
New Day Marketing, Ltd.
Julia & Peter Newendorp
Scott Newhall & Pauline
Adrienne & Jeff Newman
Christina & Mark Newman
Lynn & Paul Newton
Margie & Brad Newton
Cori & Mindy Newton
Elizabeth & Robert Nguyen
Marianne & John Nicholas
Duane Nichols & Holly
Claude & Joyce Nichols
Kathy & David Nicolson
Margaret & Robert Niehaus
Terri & Anthony Nisich
Amy & Chris Noddings
Patricia & Franck Noel
Ronelle Garcia-Villegas &
Priscilla Nomeland
Melinda & Scott Nordeng
Virginia & Robert Norris
Kathleen Norton & Erin
Miriam & John Notehelfer
Pamela & Jon Nothwang
The Notley Foundation
Caroline & Domingo Nunez
Daniel Meisel & Tone Kearns
Michele & Mark Meisenbach
Marcelo Mejia-Perez &
Rosa Martinez
Barbara & Joseph Mendelson
Dave Mendro & Patrice
Ryan Mercy
Joyce Merek
James Merrick & Elizabeth
Barbara K. Merritt
Golda & Chad Messer
Barbara & James Metcalf
Daylene & Bret Meuschke
Elizabeth & Paul Meyer
Judith & Wesley Meyer
Marge Meyer
Mimi Michaels
Betsy & Brooke Michaud
Microsoft Matching Gifts
Kristen & Matt Miglionico
Celia & Peter Miko
Shirley & Laurence Miller
Robert Miller
Laura & Eric Miller
Larson Miller
Jennifer & Chris Miller
Jenni & Jonathan Miller
Teri & Herb Miller
Teri & Carmen Miller
Ashley & Jason Miller
Karen & Mike Miller
Molly & Jeffrey Millman
Drucilla & Michael Mills
Barbara & Harold Mishkin
Lara & Robert Mislang
Stacey & Colter Mitchell
Meredith & Dawn Mock
Khasy & Nathan Modisette
Christina & Shereef
Renato Moiso & Lisa Mills
Alyosha Molnar & Tanya
Gale Moltzen
Lindsay & Gabe McCool
Don McCorkell
Jennifer & Patrick McCoy
Kim & Michael McCrary
Sue & Daniel McCue
Suzanne & Robert
Lauren & Patrick McDermott
Rachel & Kevin McDonald
Sally McDonald & Hope
Kristine & Jim McElroy
Sarah & John McFadden
John & Nichole McGinley
Julie & Steve McGovern
Marilyn & Terrance
Phyllis & Daniel McGrath
Laura & Brian McIver
Elaine & Ken McKaba
Patrick McKenna & Diana
Andrea & Dylan McKenna
Darcie McKnight &
Cristina Silva
Devon McLennan
Kathleen & Marilyn
Roberta McMorrow &
Shelly Pinolli
Erin & Thomas McNerney
Dianna McNutt & Mike
Doris & Gregory McPhee
Deborah & Michael
Cheryl McTavish &
Michelle Lewis
Kristin & Brian McWilliams
Jill & Shane Means
Elizabeth Meczka
Brandon Medhurst &
Susan Schulte
Christine Medina
Daneen & Sergio Medina
Stephanie & Gabe Medina
Lois Mehaffey
Daniel Meisel & Amy Wendel
African Lion | Joseph Ferrini
($100 to $999 cont.)
Jennifer & William Oakley
Douglas O’Brien & Shirley
Suzana & Jorge Ochoa
Bethany O’Donnell
Leilani & Sean O’Keeffe
Donald Oldt
Gretchen & Fritz Olenberger
Jane & Gary Olmstead
Patricia Olson
Kari & John Olson
Jennifer & Yasashi Ono
Kelsey O’Reilly & Edith
Ellen Lehrer Orlando &
Tom Orlando
Julia McHugh Orlosky &
Scott Orlosky
Susan Orman
Celina & Javier Ornelas
Gail & Jeff Ornstein
Liz & Rod Orr
Nancy & Walter Orso
Lisa & Joseph Ortega
Diane Ortmann & Trisha
Danielle & Martin Osborn
Kris & David O’Shaughnessy
Beatrice T. Oshika
Sandy & Jerry Oshinsky
Sharon & Jon Otsuki
The Overall Family
Lucia & Joe Overgaag
Shelbi & Peter Overland
Wendy Overnack
Angela & Gale Pace
Deanne & John Pace
Grace Pacheco
Pacific Life Foundation
Christine & John Pack
Tisha & Juan Padilla
The Palace Grill
Lisa & Stephen Palmer
Jodi & Alan Pancratz
Sameer Pandya & Emilie
Katrina & Chris Pankau
Harold Pany & Endang
Mary & David Panzer
Carolyn & Eugenia Pappas
Jose Paredes & Jamie Morgan
Ken Park & Caroline
Nancy Parker
Donna & Larry Parks
Barbara Smith & Hannah
Susan & John Pate
Kathlyn & Bill Paxton
Karen & Carl Payatt
Renee & Thomas Payn
Jany & Dick Pearson
Jesse Peck & Anne Gabbert
Joanna & Robert Pelino
Tricia & Phillip Pennestri
Karyn & Cary Penniman
Shannon & Richard Peralta
Anna & Rafael Perez
Karla & Jesus Perez
Cristina & Dale Perizzolo
Mariela & Mitch Perkins
Sierra & Joyce Perkins
Jean M. Perloff, Esq.
Lanette & Michael Perry
William Peters & Lauren
Karen & Martin Peterson
Hank Peterson & Susanne
Jenna & Michael Peterson
Andrea & Nelson Pfister
Linda & Robert Philbin
Erinn & Mark Phillips
Jacqueline & Geoffrey
Angelle & Tyler Pilkington
Ellen & John Pillsbury
Luanne & John Pirie
Brad Pirman & Courtney
Shirley & Kilburn Roby
Bess & Brad Rochlitzer
Dana Rock
Kara & Jonathan Rocque
Julia & JB Rodgers
Kellee & Andy Roesel
Rogers Family Foundation
Kyra & Anthony Rogers
Theresa Rohter & Andrea
Mary & Joe Rojas
Maricela & Pablo Rojas
Lucille & Richard Rojas
Amanda & Thomas
Nicole & Mark Romasanta
Jo & Hector Romero
Consuelo & Manuel Romero
Amanda & Eric Romo
Sharon & Steve Rook
Cody Root
Tom Ropelewski & Leslie
Jane & Zachary Rosenberg
Mary & Andy Rosenberger
Elizabeth & Kyle Ross
Barbara Rossenblum
Adrienne & Rick Rothschild
Ruth & John Rowe
Justin Rowe & Amy
Betty & George Rowley
Chris & Kathleen Royce
Sheri & Shie Rozow
Elissa Rubin & Gary
Gerry & Bobbie Rubin
Jordanna & Gideon Rubin
Beverlee & Mike Rudberg
Sarah & Robert Rudd
John Ruffin
Jose Ruiz & Angelica Luna
Marianne & Paul Ruiz
Runestrand Hardwood
Flooring Co.
Nancy Russell
Kat & Hashim Russell
Drs. Robert & Andria Ruth
Sue & Steve Ruthven
Carole Ryan
Terry Ryken
Janet & Mike Sackett
Tawney & Mike Safran
Chrystall & Michael Sahlman
Katrina & John Salas
Susan & Bard Salcido
Shannon & Andrew Saleh
Salon Elite
Teddi Sanchez
Judith Sandez & Meghan
Veronica Sandoval
Korlynne & Tony Sandoval
Gwen & Andrew Santer
Kym Sargent
Richard Sartor
Maggie & Christian Saunders
Don Savella
Forrest Sawyer & Amy Atkins
Ann & James Scarborough
Mary & Sam Scarbrough
Thomas Schares & EvaMarie Illmeier
Johan Scharin & Pamela Mays
Joan & Tom Schaumberg
Karen & Chris Schlobohm
John Schmidhauser
Tricia & Jason Schmidt
Kent Schmidt & Nancy
Mike Schmidtchen
Amy & Nicholas Schneider
Jane & Brian Schnier
Chris Scholl & Andrea Grove
Anne & Robert Schowe
Abe Schryer
Joannelle & Larry Schubert
Julie & Martin Schuetz
Tippy & Eric Schulte
Lynda & Mark Schwartz
Jennifer Schwarz
Sara Schwarzberg & April
Pam & Capp Raisin
Gwyneth & Chris Ramirez
Annamarie & Mark Ramos
Barbara & Frank Randall
Kelly & Jeff Ransdell
Ruth & Rick Ransom
Charlotte & Ishu Rao
Shirley & Peter Raven
John Ray & Marcy Hernandez
Constanze Rayhrer &
Connie Heredia
Matthew Read & Ginnie
Frank & Jaquelin Reed
Emily & Chris Reed
Carol & Lawrence Reiche
Erin & Tom Rendulic
Nancy & David Renshaw
Jeanne & Byron Reynolds
Lundy & Fredric Reynolds
Valerie & AJ Rice
Debralee & Terry Richardson
Marsi & Patrick Richardson
Hildred Richart & Susan
Barbara & Paul Richert
Andrea & Nathan Ridgell
Jasmine & Anton Riley
Rita & Richard Rink
Ms. Mary Beth Riordan
Lauren & John Ripa
Danielle & Jake Ripley
Natalie & Tobin Risner
Hilary Rizor
Monica & Roger Robarge
Heather & Doug Robbins
Susan & Stephen Robeck
Doug & Karen Roberts
Kathryn & Jeremy Roberts
Jill & Donn Roberts
Judy & Brian Robertson
Linda & Thorn Robertson
Robbie Jacobs & Shelly
Susan & Jason Robinson
Gena & Brian Robinson
Jillian Pirozzi
Hanne Pitcock
Harriet Pitman
Yolanda Piziali
Louise & Brian Platt
Carol & Kevin Platt
Brandy & Chris Plummer
Theodore Plute & Larry
Morgan & Brian Points
Pamela Polan
Chantel Polizzi
Carrie & Jeff Pollack
Jan & Reilly Pollard
Alma Polos
Margaret P. Polsky
Valentina & Anna Polunets
Bea Ponce & Laura Williams
Marty Poole
Charles Potter & Laura
Leigh & Randy Potts
Wendy & Nahrin Powell
Jessica & Abe Powell
Becky & Joe Poyer
Moony & Mike Price
Cristina & David Prichard
Joseph & Cynthia Prochot
Mrs. Jeanne M. Pruitt
The Pryor Family
Omari Pryor & Chastity
Shannon Pugh
Stephanie & Robert Purdy
Kirsten & Cary Quashen
Michelle Quirke & Philip
Allison & Alfonso Quiroz
Judy & Brian Rackohn
Arlene & William Radasky
Brooke & David Raffetto
William Rafter
Athena Roebuck &
Pauline Regsdale
Zach Raibley
Rainbow School
Tortoise | John Pyle
($100 to $999 cont.)
Stephen Schweitzer &
Judith Bennett
Natasha & Sean Scott
Natasha & Thomas Scrivener
Jacquelyn & Chris Seaberg
Suzan & James Searcy
Joan Seaton
Mr. Harris W. Seed
Nancy & Stuart Segal
Lupe Segura & Leticia Manzo
Anna Selvaggio
Angelyn & John Semenza
Monica & Robert Senn
Karin Senneff
Guest Services
Amy & Matthew Shack
Megan & Vijay Sharma
Louise & Larry Sharp
Heather & David Shea
Kathy & Linda Sheaffer
Lisa & Michael Sheehy
Nancy & Mike Sheldon
Lynn Shepard
Gerry B. Shepherd
Sandra & Michael Shields
Eric Shiflett & Lisa Horner
Cara & Chris Shiflett
Audrey & Bob Short
Robertson Short
Jef & Benjamin Short
Michelle & John Shultz
Stephanie & Alfred Shuman
Christina & Jason Sibley
Gerry & Jan Sieben
Norma Siever & Ruby
Amanda & Paul Simic
Janice & Michael Simmons
Candi & Kevin Simmons
Bui & Herb Simon
Dorlon & Dylan Simonds
Margo & Daniel Sinclair
Reta & Don Singer
Margaret & Scott Slater
Baron Peters & Ban
Slieman Haidar
Virginia Sloan
Jan & Scott Sloane
Ronna & Burt Slutske
Jessica & Kelly Smith
Taylor Smith & Kimberly
Sarah & Aaron Smith
Caron & Gregory Smith
Ian Smith
Indra Smith
Dominique & Ray Smith
Eva & Samuel Smith
Bridget & Ross Cathie
Tisa & James Smitley
Debbie & Barry Snyder
Debbie & Greg Snyder
Nancy Snyder
Barry & Zoraida Snyder
Mark Soler & Maryejo del
Marion Soltz & Cara Wimer
In loving memory of Linda
Denise & Nathaniel Sommer
John A. Sonquist
Catherine Sorensen
Shannon Sorensen &
Charlotte Archibald
Elaine & Norman Sorg
Suzanne & Janette Sosothikul
Wendy & Jonathan Sotelo
Melissa & Scott Spear
Andrea & Mark Speciale
Randy Spengler & Kaari
Stacey & Ryan Spilborghs
Katie & Tony Spore
Bev Spring
Kim & Gino Stabile
Dwight Staggs & Melissa
Mary & Jon Standlee
Thomas Stanton
Isabelle & Emmanuel Stapf
Janet & Richard Stark
Alicia & Wesley Tiffany
Robin & Bruce Tiffney
Anita Tillemans
Sonja & Alan Todd
Jennifer & Dustin Todd
Daisy & Donn Tognazzini
Gina Tolleson
Rosalyn & Tyler Tomblin
Jacqueline & Jason Toole
Cambria & Pablo Torres
Therese & Tom Touchette
Ryan Tourtillott & Juliette
The Towbes Group
Carrie Towbes & John Lewis
Cameron Toyne & Nancy
Rachel & Eric Trautwein
Jenise & Troy Tremblay
Melinda & Ryan Trembly
Maralee & Jeffrey Trexler
Tri-County Produce Co.
Karen & Patrick Tsutsumida
Maki & Hiroyasu Tsuzuki
Yolanda & Dexter Tuazon
Tricia & Gregory Tucker
Alvis Tucker & Beedy Linnea
Lori & Christian Tudor
Patricia & Tyler Tugwell
Eva & Jason Turenchalk
Caroline Turner &
Jennifer Dixon
Turpin Family Charitable
Mary & John Tynan
Karin Ucer
Eloise Unander
Annika & Leonard Unander
United Way of Santa Barbara
Melissa & Vincent Uribe
Jill & James Vaccaro
Molora & Kenneth Vadnais
Courtney & Jose Valdez
Melecia & Ruben Valdez
Dianne & Alexander Van
Don & Robin Van Buren
Thomas Van De Veire &
Lisa Williams
Alice Van de Water
John Van Donge & Kerry
Tara & Matt Van Dyk
Dru Van Hengel
Peggy & Joseph Van Hook
Mallory & Anthony Van
Dianna & Erik Van
Iris & Chris Van Wyk
Virginia & Thomas
Dana Vandermey
Janet Vanepps
Virginia & Sander Vanocur
Susan & Erik Vasquez
Eva & Israel Vega
Melissa Velasco & Jane Miller
Ventura Directional Drilling
Dorreen & Joe Hall
Donna & Gregory Venzor
Constance Verkaik
Megan & Matt Vernon
Michael Viettone Civil
Annie & Sergio Villa
Sandra & Gilbert Villarreal
Richard Vincent & Vickie
Scott Vincent
Nicole & Armando Visitacion
Rod Tiangco & Lisa Vitale
Donna & Jason Vollmer
Heather & Josh Volz
Jean & Davis von Wittenburg
Joanna & Jan Marco Von
Jillian & Eric Voyles
Lynne & John Vrablik
Sarah-Sue & Jonathan
Betsy & John Waggoner
Sue & Bill Wagner
Nancy & Reid Wagner
Susan & Tom Talbott
Christine & Matt Talent
Nicole & Richard Tanner
Jen & Kris Tarbet
Brenda & Bruce Tarr
James Loren & Elizabeth
Ken Taub & Susan Bahary
Lynn & Allen Taylor
Candace & Robert Taylor
Teri Taylor
Allison & James Taylor
Candace & Wayne Teal
Julie & Robert Teel
Leah & Robert Temkin
Neil Temple & Jenea Yost
Leora & Michael Terebessy
Karen & Rochelle Terry
Elizabeth & Michael Terry
Nina Terzian
Lynn Thalman
Elizabeth & Ashish Thapliyal
Molly & Jon Thatcher
David Theurer & Linda
Nancy & Brian Thibeault
Lori Thiel
Charity & David Thoman
Eleanor Thomas
Amanda Thomas
Mary & Tom Thomas
Stephanie & Simon Thomas
Lynn & Jason Thomas
Dove Bunkin-Thomas &
Mark Thomas
Marquerite & Steve Thomas
Grace H. Thomas
Jocelyn & Kevin Thomas
Melanie & Michael Thomas
Connie & Charles Thompson
Sachiko & David Thompson
Douglas Thomson &
Ragan O’Reilly
Cora & R. Cameron Thorne
Amanda & Chris Thorpe
Carolyn Thresher
Laurie & Donald Starks
Starr International USA, Inc.
Jessica Steele
Julie Steele & Rob Hazard
Mary & Ronald Steele
Scott Stefan & Debbie
Kathy & Rosa Steiner
Michael Steinman &
Kathleen Quinn
Kacie & Adam Stemple
Kim & Dave Stephenson
Rachel & Eric Stern
Mark Stevens & Janice
Jill & Ron Stevens
Sharon & Matthew Stevens
Diane & Norman Stewart
John Stineman & Kiyomi
Linda & Clark Stirling
Carol & Doug Stolz
Laurie & Christopher Stone
Stephanie & Chandler Stone
Karen & Jeffrey Stone
Daniel Stonecipher
Barbara & Marlo Stoops
Dsara & Joe Storment
Chris Straus
Rita & Denise Stribling
Lynda & Bud Stuart
Heather & Tom Sturgess
Paula & Shawn Stussy
Doreen & Daniel Suchman
Diane & Selby Sullivan
Patrice Surmeier
Karen & Lloyd Suzuki
Sandra Svoboda
Brandy & Ed Sweeney
Mara & Daniel Sweeney
Susan & John Sweetland
Karl Sweitzer
Laurel & Tom Sykes
Darcy & William Sylvester
Sally & Everett Sylvia
Tonya & Mike Szele
Thank you to the following
thoughtful and generous
supporters for pledging
multi-year commitments
in 2011.
Sharon & David Bradford
The Crawford Family
$100,000 to $499,000
The Duncan Family
The Ann Jackson Family
$50,000 to $99,999
Desiree & Bob Covington
Mericos Foundation
Rusty’s Pizza Parlors
Williams-Corbett Foundation
$5,000 to $49,000
Carter Block & Family
The Chorlton Family
Patricia & Alan Griffin
Morgan & Nicholas Magne
Nancy & Ted McToldridge
Peggy & John Russell
M. Barry Semler & Family
Camdyn Vanek & Family
($100 to $999 cont.)
Donna Waite
Mercedes & Daniel Wall
Colin Wallace & Sharon
Maureen & Kevin Wallace
Ms. Feran & Mr. Wallace
Sharon Wallace
Bettine & Lawrence Wallin
Walpole & Co., LLP
Melissa & Gus Walston
Christy Walters Kolva
Qi Wang & Si Gau
Marilyn & James Wankum
Pam & Mark Ward
Helen & Paul Warmath
Mr. & Mrs. James Warren
Silvia Wasjutin & Gabriela
Jennifer & David Watkins
Leslie & Tom Watson
Amy & Anthony Watts
Alexis & Michael Weaver
Jamie Weaver & Carlena
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas N.
Serena & Ron Weddle
Kathern & Alvin Weise
Beverly & Paul Weiss
Brooke & Jim Welch
Ann Wellman
Barbara & Jack Wells
Vanessa & Seth Wells
Lynn & Richard Wells
Steve & Ann Welton
Brigitte & Alain Welty
Jeannie & Bryce Wendel
Patty & Corey Wendt
Elizabeth & Steven Wenke
Lorraine & Jonathan Werner
Melinda & Tim Werner
Elenor & Eric Wernicke
Debbie & Brian Wessel
Sarah & Matthew West
Rachel & Nathan West
Alyssa & David West
Kelly & Jesse Wheeler
Elizabeth A. Whitney
Amber & Shawn Whitney
Mary Pat & Matt Whitney
Amity & Chris Wicks
Lynne & Karl Widiner
Barbara Won & Wolf Wigo
Janet & John Wilczak
Joanna & Cooper Williams
Douglas Williams & Sylvia
Mary Willis
Liz Wilson
Amanda & Jeremy Wilson
Andrea & Edward Wimpee
Jack Wintringham
Lynn Wise & Emily Bajwa
Ambershawn & Aaron
Candice & Adam Wittkins
Brynn & Sep Wolf
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wolf
Lesley & Bill Wolf
Susan & Gregory Wolfe
Marcia & James Wolfe
Jason Womack & Krista
Carol & David Wood
Rebecca & John Wood
Michael Woodard & Pam
Cassandra Woods
Donna & Mike Woods
Linda & Joe Woolfolk
Kathy Worland
Becca & Dean Wrench
Lori & Billy Wrenn
Margaret & Gordon Wright
Clifford R. Wright, Jr.
Deborah & Edmund
Linda & Fred Wudl
Clifford & Crystal Wyatt
Derik Wyckoff & Zoe
Connie & Danny Wynn
Kate & Mike Yamasaki
Alma & George Yamazaki
Fritzie & Bob Yamin
Curtis Yarborough &
Deloris Nicholson
Robin & Jason Yardi
Suzanne & Benedict Yaspelkis
Michelle & Leonard Yee
Daniel Yomtobian
Myra & Kyle Yonemura
Joan & Steven Young
Megan & Jon Young
Elizabeth & Jeffrey Young
Jenna & William Young
Kelly & Yolanda Yturralde
Xinwen Yu & Yiyue Qin
Elizabeth Hanning-Yu &
Hyun Yu
Patrick Yue & Dawn Farber
Joan & Gerry Zacher
Rosalyn Zakheim & Gayle
Deann & Milton Zampelli
Bonnie & Brian Zant
Adam Zaragoza & Danisha
Angelica & Francisco Zavala
Amal & Hani Zeini
Iva & Craig Zeman
Leslie & Robert Zemeckis
Adena & James Zender
Mr. & Mrs. K. R. Ziegler
Nancy & Joe Ziliotto
Kim & Daniel
Heidi & Jonathan Ziskind
This list includes cash donors
who contributed $100+ in