Full steam ahead for Iron Maidens as business mentor helps to
Full steam ahead for Iron Maidens as business mentor helps to
Case Study: October 2014. Full steam ahead for Iron Maidens as business mentor helps to smooth a pathway to growth Client: Iron Maidens, Sutherland Road, Longton. Iron Maidens Managing Director and business mentor Don Butterworth. Activity: Commercial and domestic laundry services Mentor: Don Butterworth Programme: Let’s Do Mentoring. A commercial and domestic laundry is building a bright future with the help of a business mentor. completely different environment. “I was matched up with Don and it has been a huge success. Don is a and marketing and general day to day operations – things which are treated as specialist disciplines in big business. Iron Maidens was founded by Sharon great sounding board for my ideas, I Bridgett in her home garage 15 years believe that sometimes you are so “As mentors we bring management ago after she was made redundant by close to your own business that you experience and will offer confidential a local council. cannot see what needs to be done advice to a business. The business expanded into a shop at Oakhill, Stoke-on-Trent, and forged and Don gives me that view from outside looking in. “A particular task at Iron Maidens was to help Sharon to segment the market a successful reputation as a domestic “Having a mentor has given me the so that she had a clear idea of who to laundry before Sharon decided to confidence to go out to other offer her commercial laundry services diversify into commercial services two businesses and say ‘yes, I am a to. years ago. businesswoman.’ Now that I have had With the help of Let's Do Mentoring's Don Butterworth, the business has thrived and now has seven this experience, I would like to think that I could mentor someone in the future.” employees working across two sites, With a background in business the Oakhill shop and a commercial development and marketing, Don has laundry in Longton. been able to help Sharon to identify “I decided to get a mentor as a result and sell in to new markets. “This has helped give Sharon the confidence to go out and sell her business – an area in which she shines.” Positive outcomes Business Practice: Sales and marketing strategy revamped. of talking to Adele Cope at.the “When I first looked at Iron Maidens I Assistance in growing the business.. Chamber of Commerce,” said saw the potential for the business to Sharon. “At the time, I was just grow,” said Don. “It was all about moving from only having the Oakhill finding the market for Iron Maidens. shop for domestic laundry to setting up a commercial laundry and this meant coming to terms with a Running a small business can be a lonely place, you are often responsible for the finances, sales If you would like to access mentoring or become a mentor contact the Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce Contact details: NSCCI, Commerce House, Festival Park, Stoke on Trent, ST1 5BE Tel: 01782 213 929 | Fax: 01782 202 448 | Email: johnthompson@nscci.co.uk Web: www.nscciprojectteam.co.uk Employment: Workforce increased from two to seven Prospects: Growth due to the identification of new sales prospects and markets.