July 10, 2016 - Trinity Lutheran Freistadt
July 10, 2016 - Trinity Lutheran Freistadt
July 10, 2016 WELCOME GUESTS! We are glad you’re here! Here are a few things we thought you would like to know to help you feel at home with us today. When we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, we do so convinced that Jesus gives us His true body and blood for the forgiveness of our sins. Receiving the Lord’s Supper expresses not only fellowship with the Lord, but also agreement with the teachings of this congregation. Communicant members of LC-MS congregations are always welcome to commune with us. All other guests are kindly asked to speak with the pastor before the service. Thank you for respecting our position of love when it comes to this delicate matter. The offering is an opportunity for our members to support the Lord’s work at Trinity. As our guest, we ask only that you fill out the GUEST side of an attendance card and place that in the offering basket during this time. Restrooms are located in the large room adjacent to the sanctuary. Our ushers will be glad to point you in the proper direction. Hearing Assistance– This facility is equipped with a hearing assistance system. Please ask an Usher for a receiver. Children are always welcome to worship with us. However, for your convenience, a nursery is 1 available for parents with children 3 years old and younger. It is located on the office level in the childcare room on the right. The nursery is staffed during the 9:15am Bible Study hour & 10:45 am service. Parents may use this room during the 8:00 am service as well, being able to watch the service projected on the TV located in that room. In service to Christ, PASTOR CARL LEHENBAUER PASTOR JOSHUA RUSERT While it’s true that school is out for summer, we assure you that a great deal of activity continues in Trinity’s Early Childhood Center. Eating fun treats, playing in a boat, helping “Grandpa Buzzie” with the garden & chores, going for walks, and learning to be “budding artists” are just a few of the things that Trinity’s dedicated Early Childhood staff do with the children God has given them to watch while mom and dad are away at work. We praise God for this amazing ministry and all who work in the Early Childhood Center for they truly love the children placed in their care! 2 This Week at Trinity Weekly Church Bulletin SATURDAY (7/9) 7:00 AM– Men’s Bible Study 2:00 PM– Kreienbrink/Froehling Wedding 5:00 PM– Traditional Worship/C WORSHIP ASSISTANT/ USHER/ACOLYTE/NURSERY SCHEDULE SUNDAY (7/10) 8:00 AM– Traditional Worship 9:15 AM– Foundations Answers in Genesis 10:45 AM– Praise Service/C July 9-10 5:00 PM– Tim Schoessow/Team #1/Worship Assistant 8:00 AM– Tim Schoessow/Team #5/Worship Assistant 10:45 AM– Phil Mireles/Team #3/Worship Assistant Organist: Esther Boehlke (5:00 & 8:00) Nursery– Diane Klug (9:15) Holly Boehlke (10:45) MONDAY (7/11) July 16 & 17 5:00 PM– Neal Degner/Team #1/Worship Assistant 8:00 AM– Lou Giza/Team #5/Worship Assistant 10:45 AM– Craig Knueppel/Team #3/Worship Assistant Organist: Marlene Forshee (5:00 & 8:00) Nursery– Lisa Komenda (9:15) Amy Bruss (10:45) TUESDAY (7/12) 7:30 AM– Men’s Bible Study 6:00-8:00 PM-TNT Movie Night WEDNESDAY (7/13) Birthdays 10th– Cheryl Buchholz, Madeline Jones, Robert Lemke, McKenna Stern, Nicholas Wolf, Conrad Noffke 11th– Daniel Radue, Jason Stroebel, Amar Wilson 12th– Lois Hilgendorf, Elaine Kraft, Mackenzie Noffke 13th– Lisa Ainsworth, Bradley Kropp, Kendra McCormick 14th– Patti Frohmader, Myrta Hackbarth, Kyle Holtz, Annie Mueller 15th– Tom Callan, Kurt Janetzke, Kathryn Kanack, Lynne Stern, Lynda Sterna, Harold Suelflow, Crystal Welter, Alex Espino 16th-Gene Ladendorf, Larry Wilfert, Mark Ziegler Anniversaries 10th– Mike & Stephanie Reich 11th–Gabriel & Kelsey Metzger 12th–Krista & Nick Bull, Kathy & David Price, Brad & Amy Kay, Zach & Amanda Eschenburg 13th– Dan & Maralea DeDecker, Paul & Karola Mraz, Ken & Elaine Riemer 14th– None 15th– Richard & Patti Frohmader, Scott & Barbara Zimmermann, Chris & Kristi Weber 16th– Robert & Amy Gierach THURSDAY (7/14) 12:00 PM– Lunch Hour Bible Study FRIDAY (7/15) SATURDAY (7/16) 7:00 AM– Men’s Bible Study 5:00 PM– Traditional Worship/C SUNDAY (7/17) 8:00 AM– Traditional Worship/C 9:15 AM– Foundations Answers in Genesis 10:45 AM– Praise Service FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR are placed to the glory of God by Nina Kreienbrink and David Froehling who were married on Saturday. JUNE 2016 MEMBERSHIP CHANGES Baptisms Deaths Laila Mary Steffen 6/5/16 Deborah Krueger 6/22/16 SUMMER HOURS FOR THE SCHOOL & CHURCH OFFICE Monday –Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm JULY FOOD BARREL ITEMS: Pasta & meals in a box; canned soups The July newsletter from Rev. David & Rachel Baker, the missionaries that Trinity supports, can be found in the Gathering Room. To support the Baker family, please use the envelope included on the newsletter to make a monetary donation to their mission efforts. Thank you! 3 SCRIP ORDERS DUE BY JULY 10th Parish Staff Senior Pastor Rev. Carl W. Lehenbauer Associate Pastor Rev. Joshua D. Rusert Vicar Aaron Mol Principal Mr. Roger Tessendorf Director of Discipleship Mr. Richard Adams Director of Music Mrs. Marlene Forshee Lay Minister Mr. Gene Kreienbrink I.T. Mr. Joshua Hunholz Ministry Coordinator Mrs. Cindy Mollwitz Director of Athletics Mr. John Saleska School Secretary Ms. Nancy Dittloff Office Manager Mrs. Lori Scheck Business Manager Mr. Brian Axtman Financial Director Mr. Daniel DeDecker Maintenance Mr. Erick Granke Early Childhood Director Mrs. Catrina Kagerbauer Pre-school Mrs. Stacy Gehrke Kindergarten Mrs. Cindy Putnam 1st Grade Mrs. Susan Ernst 2nd Grade Mrs. Kathy Adams 3rd Grade Mrs. Sarah Knuth 4th Grade Mrs. Nichol Kreger 5th-8th Grade Ms. Rebecca Jahr 5th - 8th Grade Mr. Robert Anderson 5th-8th Science Mrs. Vicki Mokros Art Teacher Mr. Joshua Janetzke Support Teacher Mrs. Terry Schoessow Lunch Program Mrs. Eunice Szpiszar Mr. Daniel Szpiszar Attendance Last Week July 2-4 5:00 PM– 90 8:00 AM– 155 10:45 AM– 108 10:00 AM- 520 Total: 873 GROWING IN HIS WORD BIBLE STUDIES Sunday at 9:15am Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis (Art and Science Room) Beginning June 5th Foundations of the Lutheran Faith (Gathering Room) Beginning June 5th Monday at 6:00pm- (Young Adult Women) On hiatus for the summer Tuesday at 7:30am– (Men’s Bible Study) 2nd Samuel– Gathering Room Thursday at 12:00pm Things They Didn’t Teach You in Sunday School- Conference Room Saturday at 7:00am- (Men’s Bible Study) Promised Land- Music Room Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:6 Thank You, Lord, for Your peace that passes all understanding, so that we can be calm in the midst of our storms. Thank You for daily protection. Thank You for bringing purpose and new meaning into our lives. Serving You, Lord is never a task but a fulfillment, it feels so good to serve You our Master, for without You we are nothing. Knowing You are always good, we raise up…..Amen. Nina Kreienbrink & David Froehling (who were married on Saturday) Young adults and their chaperones (traveling to New Orleans for the Youth Gathering) Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23 God, I humbly ask of You to help me focus on Truth instead of the trial. Help me to give thanks instead of giving into fear. Help me to choose joy instead of anger. Help me to trust in Your power instead of my plan. Above all, may I elevate Your name instead of my own. May Thy will be done in the lives of all, especially… Amen. David & Rachel Baker serving in Mongolia; Rev. David & Shelee Warner serving in Spain Our military, serving our country abroad: Sarah Geidel (Reserves), Mark Liedtke (Special Ops), Akan Udoeyop (serving in Iraq), Rebecca Guild (serving in Hawaii), James Hauser (serving in North Carolina), Madison Kessel Lyon serving in Kuwait Jan Bruskewitz, Howard Sager, Earl Hilgendorf, Mark Jaeger, Lloyd Tupper, Kathleen, Aaron Kagerbauer, Peter Kelm and all others on our hearts who need the power of Your physical and spiritual healing. Vickie Hoffmann (placed in hospice) JULY’S PRAYER: Couples struggling with infertility Dear Lord, the pain of infertility is so deep. All of our lives, we dream of being a parent, of raising children with loving hearts to do Your will on this earth. Month after month when that dream does not come true, it so painful, Lord. We feel like our dreams die each month with empty arms. Please guide us to trust in Your plan for us. We desperately need You in our lives. Thank You for all the blessings we do have, knowing through You all things are possible. Amen. Email: prayers@trinityfreistadt.com Prayer Request Form: www.trinityfreistadt.com Telephone Prayer Chain: 262-242-2045 4 JULY 23 & 30, 2016 Following the 5:00 service Held in Trinity’s Sanctuary Join Vicar Aaron for a two week study on how and when to bring the Gospel into every day conversations. Synopsis: As Christians, we sometimes take for granted the importance of speaking the Gospel to other Christians. We think the Gospel is for the unchurched and other Christians don't need to hear it because they already know it. However, Paul tells us that we need to be speaking Jesus into every conversation with our brothers and sisters in Christ. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, to all of the people who donated cakes, food, and flowers to the picnic on the 4th of July. A special thank you to all of the volunteer workers who gave of their time to work in the kitchen. The LWML appreciates you! Raising the Walls - Building a Habitat Home Saturday, July 16th, from 11:00am-1:00pm we will be raising walls at the Thrivent Builds with Habitat for Humanity handicap accessible home at 170 N Park Street in Port Washington. We would love for you to come out, help raise a wall and learn more about what Habitat for Humanity is doing in Ozaukee County. The first wall will go up at 11:00am. Come early July 16th and help prep the walls for the event. The regular work days on the house will be Wednesday’s and Saturday’s weather permitting from 9 am – 3pm. If you would like to help build the walls we are raising or would like to come out on one of our other work days, please contact our volunteer coordinator Judy Allen at jallen.habitat@gmail.com. You will also have an opportunity to learn how you can help Habitat for Humanity Ozaukee by sponsoring 2X4’s and 2X6’s, other building materials, or by simply making a monetary donation. Lunch will be provided by the Ozaukee County Chapter of Thrivent Financial and the Chapter will also match the first $1000 of donations raised from the event. RSVP’s are appreciated but are not necessary to Diana at 262-375-0309 or Diana@eggold.com. Thank you again for helping us make a difference in the lives of others in Ozaukee County. Nursery attendants are an important part of Trinity’s ministry and we are looking for individuals who would be willing to serve their Lord and church family in this capacity. Volunteers are scheduled no more than 6 times a year serving every other month. T3 (Trinity Time Together) needs two volunteers from 9:15-10:30 a.m. and one volunteer is needed for the 10:45 a.m. service. If you have volunteered in the past and would be willing to continue or if you would like more information on serving in the nursery please call Carol Boehlke at 262.242.4862. As a consideration, if you use the nursery we ask that you would perhaps return the favor by volunteering your time so other parents can take advantage of Bible study and worship. THANK YOU! 5 TRINITY TO HAVE INFORMATION BOOTH AT COUNTY FAIR Trinity is participating with the other LCMS churches in Ozaukee County in having an information booth at the Ozaukee County Fair, August 3-7. Along with First Immanuel-Cedarburg, St. Paul-Grafton, and Beautiful Savior-Mequon, Trinity needs volunteers to take a two hour shift between 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on any day of the fair. It's easy and it's fun - a great way to meet people and represent our church in the community. You can sign up as an individual or in pairs. Even whole families can sign up. To sign up, visit Trinity's website and click on the announcement under "News and Events" that says OZAUKEE COUNTY FAIR BOOTH FOR LCMS CHURCHES. If you have further questions, contact Rick Adams at radams@trinityfreistadt.com, or call/text him at 414-801-6690. Auditions for singers to participate in the 2016-'17 season of the Lutheran A Cappella Choir of Milwaukee will be held on: Wednesday, July 13th, from 7:00-8:30pm; Wednesday, August 10th, from 7:00-8:30pm; and Saturday, August 13th from 10:00-11:30am. These auditions will be held at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, 1615 Wauwatosa Ave., Wauwatosa. Previous choral experience is required and singers of all faiths are welcome to audition. For more information on audition requirements or to schedule an audition appointment, send an email to David Mohr at director@lutheranacappella.org. Interested singers not able to make these dates may send an email to director@lutheranacappella.org to schedule another mutually convenient audition time. The Lutheran A Cappella Choir of Milwaukee, now in its 80th season, is a volunteer group of Christian singers that employs the finest sacred music from all centuries to convey the message of our Triune God. More information is available at www.lutheranacappella.org. We are also on Facebook at www.facebook.com/#!/LACofMKE Contact: David Mohr Tel: 414-774-1775 Email: director@lutheranacappella.org 6 Trinity Lutheran– Freistadt Church, School and Child Care 10729 W. Freistadt Road, Mequon, WI 53097 Church & School: 262-242-2045 Website: trinityfreistadt.com Email: trinity@trinityfreistadt.com
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July 3, 2016 - Trinity Lutheran Freistadt
8:00 AM– Traditional Worship
9:15 AM– Foundations
Answers in Genesis
10:45 AM– Praise Service/C