
Office Hours
Mass Intentions
July 27, 2015
Parish Phone – 269-6635
Parish Website – http:\\www.stjosephskp.org
Monday, Tuesday,
9:00 AM to 12:00 noon,
1:00 to 4:00 PM
9:00 AM to 12:00 noon,
l:00 to 5:00 PM
9:00 AM to 12:00 noon
9:00 AM to 12:00 noon
l:00 to 5:00 PM
9:00 AM to 1:30 PM
Emergency calls may be made at any time.
Parish Regional School – Holy Family Regional
School is located at 2 Indian Head Road, Commack, NY.
It offers a Catholic Education for Nursery School
through Eighth Grade. For more information contact
Anthony Giordano, Principal at:
Phone – 543-0202
Website – www.holyfamilyregional.com
To schedule a tour of the School please contact
Celebrate The
the Sacraments
We Celebrate
The Sacrament of Baptism
Registration: Parents are asked to register at the Parish
Center at least a month before the date of Baptism.
Preparation: The Pre-Baptism program is held in the
school at 7:30 PM on the third Tuesday of every month.
Ceremony: Baptism is celebrated on the first, second
and fourth Sunday of the month at 1:30 PM.
The Sacrament of Matrimony
Arrangements for weddings should be made at least
eight months prior to the date of marriage.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
In the Nazareth Chapel in the Parish Center on:
Saturday: 4:00 to 4:45 PM
Eve of Holy Days and of First Fridays: 4:00 to 4:45 PM
The Sacrament of the Sick
Arrangements for sacraments and visitation of the sick in
the home or hospital are arranged through the Parish
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
The RCIA is the current form of instruction for those who
wish to join the Catholic Church. If you have never been
baptized, confirmed or received First Holy Communion,
or are a member of another Christian Church and wish to
become a member of the Catholic Church, contact the
Parish Center at 269-6635.
Monday, July 27
7:00 Mary Eichholtz - The Manning-Seitz
8:45 Donald Blydenburgh - Carol Schubert
Tuesday, July 28
7:00 Angus Kennedy - Doug and Arlene
8:45 Beverly Bienemann - Allison and
Maureen Egan
Wednesday, July 29
7:00 Edward Fitzsimons - The Barbou Family
8:45 Frank Jaen - Ann Pancovcin
Thursday, July 30
7:00 Rose Nappi - Fran Pipolo
8:45 Shirley Cuff - Bingo Workers
Friday, July 31
7:00 Denise McGuire - Hugh and Elaine
8:45 Briana Grace LaRocco - Ann Marie
Saturday, August 1
8:45 Cornelius Kelly - The Cotter Family
5PM Shirley Cuff - Robert Hertz
6:15 Clara Grilli - Her Family
Sunday, August 2
Special Intention - Love, Mommy
Lucille Gasparrini - Her Family
Purgatorial Mass
For Mass Guild Members
Matthew Dennihy - Marian and Anthony
12:00 For All Our Parishioners
5PM Arthur Pfister - Peter, Ann Marie and
Jason McDonnell
From the Desk of Fr. Seán
The Parish Community of St. Joseph’s mourns with the families and friends of
Amy Grabina, Lauren Baruch, Brittney Schulman and Stephanie Belli.
May the God of all peace and consolation soothe the hearts of all who grieve.
Stewardship Is Our Way Of Life
Special Collection for Persecuted Christians
The number of persecuted Christians in the world has topped a staggering 100 million according to a recent
report from Open Doors USA, an organization that assists persecuted Christians. Paying homage recently to the
courage of the Apostles and that of the first Christian community, Pope Francis referenced the ‘‘atrocious, inhuman and incomprehensible persecutions, sadly present in many parts of the world today, often under the silent
gaze of all’’.
Bishop Murphy urges us to reach out and protect these victims who are suffering who are so often the targets of violence and murder, along with other ethnic
and religious minorities. To that end, a special collection will be taken up in our
parish the weekend of August 1-2, 2015 to assist those who are suffering
religious persecution in Syria and Iraq and wherever needed.
Please continue to pray for peace and if you are able, to support this special
collection to assist our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Parish Stewardship
General Collection
Parish Events
St. Joseph’s Lucky Bucks
St. Joseph’s Lucky Bucks
tickets are being sold in the
Parish Center during normal
business hours.
Tickets cost $1.00 each. A winner will be
chosen every three months and will win
half the amount that is collected. The
drawing will take place on the last day of
each quarter (except in December when
the winning ticket will be drawn before
Christmas). New tickets will be sold on
July 1st and October 1, 2015.
Music Ministry News
THANK YOU to all members of St. Joseph’s
Choirs for their devoted service providing
beautiful music for masses and other occasions
throughout the year. The choirs will be on
vacation during the month of August. They will
resume rehearsals in September and new
members are invited then to join our Music
Contact Deanna Muro, Director of Music at
269-6635 ext. 218 for more information and to
register for one of the choirs.
Rosary Society
Rosary Society will meet for Mass
and Rosary on Monday, August 3rd
at 1:00 PM in the Nazareth Chapel.
New members are welcome. No
obligations except prayer support to
each other.
Faith and Light Meeting
Friday, August 7th ~ 7:00 PM
Parish of the Holy Cross
95 Old Nichols Road, Nesconset
For information about this Faith-sharing group
for people with handicaps and their families
and caregivers, call Marcia Gaudet at 4399724.
Altar Server Training
Any child entering 4th grade or older who is
interested in becoming an Altar Server can
attend a training class.
Class is being offered from 5:30 PM to 7:00
PM in the Church on:
Monday, August 10th
Please email Diane Nally at
or call (631) 269-6635, ext.
244 to register or to receive
additional information. After
attending the training, new
Altar Servers will be put on
the September/October
Prayer for Peace
Lord Jesus Christ,
who are called the Prince of Peace,
Who are yourself our peace and
our reconciliation,
Who so often said ‘Peace to you’,
Grant us peace!
Make all men and women witnesses of truth,
justice and brotherly love.
Banish from their hearts whatever might
endanger peace.
Enlighten our rulers that they may
guarantee and defend the great gift
of peace.
May all peoples of the earth become as
brothers and sisters.
May longed-for peace blossom forth and reign
always over us all. AMEN
Mary, Queen of Peace, Pray for us!
(Pope Saint John XXIII)
Parish Events
Attention All High School Grads,
Parents and Grandparents
Our Teens are becoming Young
Adults-starting college with a lifetime
of opportunities in front of them.
There will be many choices that they
will make during the next 4 years.
Let’s help them to stay connected to
their faith while they are making those choices!
Let’s help our young people keep a faith connection
while they are in college. Many will be away from
home and out on their own. What better way to help
them stay grounded and give them a safe place to
meet new friends than through their University’s
Newman Center.
Newman Centers are Catholic ministry centers at
non-Catholic universities throughout the country.
These Centers provide pastoral services and ministries to their Catholic student population. Through
the Newman Connection, students are connected to
their Campus Minister and invited to join Catholic
Campus Ministry – this becomes their faith community away from home!
It’s simple to make that connection – the only
information that is required is the student’s first
and last name and the name of the college or
university they will be attending in September.
Then send this information to Marianne Sheridan,
Director for Youth Ministry at msheridan@drvc.org.
This information will be forwarded to the proper
Newman Center and your teen will be welcomed in
the fall when they arrive at their school. Let’s keep
our Young Church connected and committed to their
2015 Annual Catholic
Charismatic Conference
There is still time to come and join us at the 2015
Annual Catholic Charismatic Conference in
Scranton, Pennsylvania held at Scranton University. Conference dates are July 31st, August 1st and
2nd, 2015 ‘‘Father That They May be One’’ Jn. 17:21
(Theme for 2015).
A bus has been charted for the conference and will
be picking up all interested at Saint Cyril and
Methodius Parish in Deer Park and at Our Holy
Redeemer in Freeport. For Registration and transportation information call Anna Baciuska (516)
Scripture Reflection
17th Sunday In Ordinary Time
The miracle performed by Elisha
finds its perfect fulfillment in
Jesus’ feeding of the five thousand.
He opens His hands and satisfies
our deepest needs. In Him we form one body.
To our way of looking at things, today’s gospel has
a fascinating climax to a miracle story. Starting
off with five barley loaves and two fish, Jesus had
just fed thousands of hungry people. They were so
impressed they wanted to make him king. But
Jesus’ first thought was about the food that was
left over. He asked his disciples to see to it so
that nothing was wasted. His concern was all the
more significant as we must presume that He
could have fed twice as many if they were there.
His approach is a stark reminder to us in our time
that all God’s gifts are precious and must never
be wasted. Yet, living as we do in the age of the
disposable, we see enormous waste of food,
clothing, energy, paper, glass, metal, plastic and
of almost every resource that makes our lifestyle
possible. Our waste makes life impossible for
others. A less extravagant lifestyle on our part
could make life bearable for many.
We are aware of the waste but we ignore its most
obvious consequences, or rather, we think of them
as somebody else’s responsibility. But all human
beings are made to be caring stewards of God’s
creation rather than marauding exploiters of its
wealth. Human inventiveness is designed to
enhance the earth rather than to destroy it.
Followers of Jesus have a special responsibility in
this regard as He entrusts unto us not only material creation but Himself in the Eucharist. If we
fail to reverence His material gifts, we will
probably fail to reverence the donor. Reverence
for creation leads to reverence for the creator.
The reverse is also true. This story should make
us think about thanking God not only for our food
but for the many blessings and benefits that come
our way and which we take so much for granted.
Religion and Rock
Tune into ‘‘Religion and Rock’’ with
Msgr. Jim Vlaun on Sunday from 7:00
to 8:00 AM on WBAB 102.3 FM. Next
Sunday’s theme is ‘Adjusting In Life’. Don’t forget
to tune in!
Guild Mass Intentions
The following members will be included in the
Mass Guild Intentions at the 10:30 Mass beginning August 2nd, August 9th, August 16th and
August 23, 2015. (*indicates Mass is for the
Grace Millett
Adrienne Gatto’s
Grandson, Andrew G.*
Grace Ann Millett
Richard Pearse
Rosemarie Sollano
Dr. James J. McDonnell
Brendan Higgins *
James McDonnell
Francis McDonnell *
Barbara Ruschil
Ann Carney
Carmella Marino
Santa Matarazzo
A&B Prayer Group
Amie, Gabe and Eric Jaen
Marianne Espinosa
Ray Bruno
Knights of Columbus Council
Frances and Jim Raiti
Mary Ann McLean
Mary Ann McLean
The Lynch Family
The Lynch Family
The Lynch Family
Musical Moments in Kings Park 2015
Presented by
Kings Park Civic Association and Kings Park Chamber of Commerce
Musical Moments is Supported by our local Kings Park businesses
Russ Savatt Park
14 Main Street, Kings Park (Next to Ralph’s Italian Ices)
FREE ~ Weather Permitting ~ Bring Seating
Fridays -7:30PM
July 31 - Denise Given Band
Dance & Rock
August 7 - Soul Mantra (formerly Abraxas)
A Santana Tribute Band
August 14 - Stagecoach
Southern & Classic Rock, Country
August 21 - TW & The Hound Dogs
Chicago Blues & Early Rock ‘n Roll
August 28 - The Acoustix
Popular from the 60’s – today
‘‘Like Us’’ on FACEBOOK
Diane Tabone - 516-972-4979 or Christine Dabrowski - 631-269-6160
Musical Moments in Kings Park is made possible with funds from the
Decentralization Program, a re-grant program of the NYS Council of
the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the NYS
Legislature, and is administered by the Huntington Arts Council, Inc.
Pastoral Care
Religious Education
Minister to the Sick and Homebound
Office Hours
If you have a family member who is
homebound and would like to
receive the Eucharist, please call
the Parish Center at 269-6635 to
make arrangements.
If you or a loved one are in one
of our local hospitals, please
call the Parish Center so that a
Pastoral visit can be made.
Dignity of Life Issues
‘‘I wondered if my heart was big enough to love
an adopted child as I would my biological
child. There were also so many other variables
to consider. ...We felt we had no control, but
God reminded us again that He is always in
control and that we could trust in Him.’’
~ ‘‘An Adoption Love Story’’, http://bit.ly/AdoptionLoveStory
USCCB 2014-15 Respect Life Program
Holy Hour
Holy Hour will be Friday, July 31st, from 9:30
to 10:30 AM in the Nazareth Chapel.
First Saturday’s Novena
Saturday, August 1st, the Catholic
Daughters are sponsoring the ‘‘First
Saturday’s Novena’’ to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. If you would like
to participate, the Novena will begin
immediately after the 8:45 AM Mass.
Life Center of Long Island
Monday ~ Wednesday
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Fridays ~ Closed
Additional Times Available by Request
Class Times
1st – 6th Grade:
7th Grade:
8th Grade:
4:45 to 5:45 PM
7:00 to 8:00 PM
Please See Calendar
First Grade Registration
Any child who will be entering first grade in September and wishes to be part of our Religious Education
Program should register.
If you are currently part of the Program and have a
child entering first grade, they still need to register
with us.
Please call our office for information. No payment is
due at this time.
Teachers and Substitutes Needed
Teachers for Grades 1 – 6, and Substitutes for Grades
1 – 8 are needed. Please call our office for more
information. You do not need to have a child in the
program to become part of our faith formation program. This is a great opportunity for College and High
School students looking for ongoing community service, and a wonderful experience for retirees!
To promote, encourage and foster public sentiment and respect for the dignity of human life.
(516) 798-9100
Community Service Activities
Available Here!
Anyone entering eighth grade or above in
September in need of community service,
please contact our office!
Remembering Loved Ones
Many parishioners have expressed an interest
in making a monetary donation to cover the
cost of flowers or the cost of bread and wine
or Sanctuary Lamp for a period of one week,
usually in memory of a loved one, living or
deceased. If at any time you are interested in
making such a donation, please call the
Receptionist at the Parish Center (269-6635)
or stop in to make arrangements. An acknowledge- ment of your offering will appear
in the bulletin.
Main Altar Flowers ............................$75.00 each
or two pieces for $125.00
Blessed Mother’s Altar Flowers ................. $75.00
St. Joseph’s Altar Flowers ........................ $40.00
Bread and Wine ....................................... $25.00
Sanctuary Lamp ...................................... $25.00
Respect Life Rose ..................................... $10.00
Sanctuary Lamp Memorial
The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this
week In Honor of Mark Smith’s 90th
Birthday from His Wife, Joan and
Bread and Wine Memorial
The Eucharistic Bread and Wine for
this week are In Loving Memory of
Clare Marano from Her Daughter,
Flower Memorial
The Flowers on St. Joseph’s Altar are
In Celebration of Mark Smith’s 90th
Birthday from His Wife and Family.
The Flowers on the Blessed Mother’s
Altar are In Loving Memory of Muriel
Collins from Her Family.
The Flowers on the Main Altar are In
Loving Memory of Rita Ann Gardner
on Her First Anniversary In Heaven.
With Love, Pat Rogers.
Respect Life Rose
This week’s Respect Life Rose is In
Loving Memory of Susan J. Argiento ~
Always In Our Hearts ~ from Her Loving
Please Remember In Your Prayers
Those Who Are Sick
Madeline Leonardi, Rosemary Carroll, David
Ryan, Irina Khubuluri, Stephen and Karen
Weber, Stephanie Smith, Yolanda Termini,
John Weber, Silvestri Triplets, Jane Erdmann,
Jackie Donohue, Helen McDowell, Thomas
Mooney, Anne Azzara, Michael Ryan, Jr.,
Frank Genna, Maxine Ryan, Robert Dowd,
Maryann Parisi, Roseann Prizzi, George Fox,
Joan Seviour, Michael DiPippo, Susan
Bennardo, Ron Hinton, Vincent Alfano, Susan
Riebe, Carl Mealie, Henry Cuff, Sydney and
Chris Termini, Jessica Wolin, Evan Wolin,
Patricia Spinoso, Sheila Snyder, Fr. Manly,
Eric Kobus, Laura Woodfield, Jennifer Russon
Conkling, James Lewis, Laura Gallagher,
Robert Shuster, Patricia Foley, Katherine
Ansbach, Robert Ansbach, Valerie Sette,
Frank Lonardo, Frances McDonnell, Patrick
Dugan, Lorraine Grippi, Catherine Healy,
Deacon Tom Reilly, Matthew DeGraw, Jessica
A., Adriana Jakoby, Deacon Terry Rasanen,
Brendan Higgins, Marion Mlodynia, Anthony
Ferrara, Sandi Ferrara, Michael Ferrara,
Theresa Ferrara, Brianna Ferrara, Bernadette
Cicero, Joan Blom, Bruce Blom, Gabriella
Richter, Steven Richter, Gail Torraca, Peter
Ferrara, Gerard Ferrara, Sharon Biasi, Toni
Ingenito, Denise Denling, Dorothy Shearman,
Deacon Terry Rasanen, Brady Hicks
Those Who Have Died
Joan Barry
Brittney Schulman
Lauren Baruch
Stephanie Belli
Amy Grabina
Maureen Kayser
Anna Skodacek
Please Remember In Your Prayers
Those In The Service
PV2 David Ahrens, Jr., US Army
LTC Aaron Allgeyer, US Airforce
PFC Kiersten Armstrong, US Army
Sgt. Michael J. Bang, US Army
CPO Louis Barani, US Navy
Lt. Timothy Barnikel, US Navy
Airman James Tyler Bartram, US Airforce
Ensign Barbara K. Beal, US Navy
A1C Byron S. Beal, US Airforce
Sgt. William Beisler, US Army
Cpl. Ken Boss, USMC
LCpl. Ronnie Brandafino, USMC
Airman Nicholas Buttgereit, 106th Air Rescue, Air Guard
1st Lt. James Byler, USMC
Cpl. Jesse Callahan, USMC
PFC Ryan Canedo, USMC
Sgt. Paul Canedo, USMC
Pvt. 1st Class Frank Capozzoli, III, USMC
PFC David Caulfield, US Army
Staff Sgt. Michael Cavezza, 82nd Airborne
1st Lt. Adam Cecil, 82nd Airborne
1st Lt. Robert Cilla, US Airforce
Cpl. Robert Conaghan, US Army
Specialist Jason Dennington, US Army
Sgt. Mark Dennington, US Army
Sgt. Patrick Doherty, US Army
PFC Chris Digangi, USMC
Staff Sgt. James T. Drew, US Army
LCpl. Peter Dudek, USMC
PFC Robert Elsmore, US Army
PFC Patrick. Fagan, USMC
Captain Michael Farrell, USMC
Lt. Lauren O’Neill Fleming, US Navy
Commander Edward Galvin, US Navy
Captain Peter Gerboth, US Army
Pvt. John Giacalone, US Army
Staff Sgt. Laura Ann Hagmeyer, US Airforce
LTC Jim Halloran, US Army
Col. Brian Hand, US Airforce
Captain Emily Harris, US Airforce
Sgt. Cory Holdorf, USMC
1st Lt. Brian Holleran, US Army
Major Sean Hood, US Army
LCDR Diane Howell, USNR
Lt. J.G. Michael Hyne, US Coast Guard
Major Lucian Icardi, US Army
LCpl. Michael Johanidesz, USMC
Pvt. Brendan Johnston, US Navy
Lt. Brian K. Johnston, US Airforce
Lt. Kevin W.F. Johnston, US Army
Col. Corey Keppler, US Airforce
Pvt. Daniel Kuhlmann, US Army
Lt. Keith M. Laffman, US Navy
Seaman Joseph Leahy, US Coast Guard
Commander Steve Marty, US Navy
Spc. Scott Michael Molloy, US Army
CWO2 Frank E. Marano, III, US Navy
T. Sgt. Michael R. Marotta, US Airforce
Ranger Brian McGuire, US Army
2nd Lt. Matthew F. Moore, US Army
Sgt. Donald Norton, US Army National Guard
Cpl. Robert A. O’Connell, USMC
Lt. Commander Patrick O’Reilly, US Navy
Lt. Timothy O’Reilly, US Navy
Cpl. August R. Oetting, III, USMC
Lt. Alexandra Ostebo, US Army
Admiral Thomas Ostebo, US Coast Guard
Captain Donald Pagel, Jr., USNR
LCpl. Cory Paradine, USMC
FM Henry J. Perez, US Navy
Captain Carl Petersen, US Navy
Col. Chris Reimer, US Army
Airman Dylan Revere, Airforce
Pvt. Joey Rinaldo, USMC
LCpl. Edward F. Salmon, IV, USMC
Captain Shaun Salmon, US Army
FC2(SW) Nicholas Scott, US Navy
Staff Sgt. Frank Segreto, US Airforce
PFC Rick Silecchio, US Army
1st Lt. Douglas M. Sparacio, US Airforce
LTC Jeffrey Starke, US Army
Airman Michael Strombelline, US Airforce
Commander Edward J. Sullivan, US Navy
Lt. Coleen Symanski, US Coast Guard
Pvt. 1st Class Michael Richard Theiss, US Army
Major John Tresler, NYANG
Lt. Commander Michael Tutoro, US Coast Guard
SRA Brendan Johnson, US Airforce
LCpl. Brian Weiyler, USMC
ET, SS Thomas Wiese, US Navy
Sr. Airman Matthew Winkeleer, US Airforce
LCpl. Tyler Winterfield, USMC
Spc. Daniel Wiwczar, National Guard
Please Note:
We are currently updating this list. Reviewing it would be appreciated. If you know anyone who no longer needs to be
on this list, please notify the Parish Center (269-6635) so that our list can remain current. Thank you.
Care Packages For Our Soldiers
Thanks to the generosity of the parishioners of St. Joseph’s and VFW Post 395 in Saint James, the Catholic
Daughters have shipped 196 boxes overseas to our very worthy servicemen and women. Your continued kindness
and support will be greatly appreciated as we strive to ship two (2) boxes a month.
If you have a friend or a loved one that might like to receive one of these care packages we’d love to hear from
you! Please drop off the name and address of the recipient at the Parish Center during office hours or you can
contact Denise at 499-0144. Let us know of any address changes.
Please send a Care Package to the following military personnel:
Referred By:____________________________________________________ Phone #: ________________________
Our Lady of Knock Garden of Remembrance
To commemorate St. Joseph’s 125th
Jubilee Year and to honor the unique
contributions of Irish Americans to
our Parish and the Kings Park Community, the Ancient Order of Hibernians of Division Three (Men, Ladies
and Juniors) have given a striking
statue of Our Lady of Knock - Queen
of Ireland, as a gift to the parish.
Surrounding this impressive statue is
a carefully crafted brick plaza and
adjoining benches. The brick pavers
that cover this plaza are being made
available for engraving. Those who
would like to participate might want
to honor the memory of a loved one, or
you might choose to add your family
name to the plaza as we celebrate this
special Jubilee Year.
The offering for each brick is $125.00 and a sample order form is shown on
the opposite page of this announcement. If interested, please feel free to call
the Parish Office with any questions you may have.
St. Joseph’s Church
59 Church Street
Kings Park, New York 11754
Our Lady of Knock Remembrance Garden
Purchaser’s Name:________________________________________________
NOTE: Maximum of 13 letters per line including spaces.
Lettering will be centered on Paver.
Layout A: For Memorializing
A Loved One
Centered Cross
2 Lines of Inscription
Layout B:
3 Lines of Inscription
For Office Use Only:
Donation: $125.00
Approved by Purchaser:_______________________________________________
VIRTUS Articles...
VIRTUS Articles
The word Virtus derives from Latin – it means valor,
moral strength and excellence. The Protecting God’s
Children program is the Virtus Program for protecting
children from child sexual abuse. From time to time we
will run articles that will highlight issues surrounding
protecting our children from sexual abuse.
Fostering Caring in Children
By Caitlin Bootsma
Consultant to the VIRTUS® Programs
This behavior shouldn’t be rewarded,
but rather a regular part of family
life—each family member pitching in to
help another.
Expand your children’s circle of concern:
Children should learn to care for more than
just the people who they know intimately.
This can include people who aren’t in their
social circle, people who have different cultural backgrounds and even people in foreign
In our achievement-based society, it is easy
to raise children to be successful and forget
that we must also raise them to be kind.
Even children recognize this trend, with
research demonstrating that 80% of children believe that their parents are more
concerned with them being successful or
happy than them being kind to others
(Making Caring Common Project).
Of course, children will learn some kindness
(hopefully!) from a loving environment and a
natural inclination to care for others. But by
following a few proactive steps laid out by
the Making Caring Common Project, we can
help to nurture this virtue.
Make caring for others a priority: Encourage children to balance their own needs and
desires with the needs of others.
Example: If a child wants to back out
on a commitment to a volunteer
activity or even social engagement,
ask them to consider whether they
will be letting others down.
Provide opportunities for kids to practice
caring and gratitude: To be caring, selfless
people, children need to make generosity a
habit. Through repetition, adults can help
make a caring attitude in children second
Example: If a younger sibling needs
help brushing their teeth or getting
seconds for dinner, offer an older
child the opportunity to be a mentor.
Example: Facilitate times when children can show generosity to the wider
community. This could include giving to
foreign missions, volunteering at a soup
kitchen or even just inviting a child
outside of their group of friends to a
birthday party.
Be a strong role model and mentor: We can’t
just teach children about the virtue of generosity—we have to practice it ourselves.
Example: Regularly volunteering at
Church or in the community will demonstrate that we don’t just talk about
caring for others, we actually do it.
Guide children to manage destructive feelings: Generosity is often quelled by feelings
such as anger, shame or jealousy.
Example: A child may have been hurt
in the past by being excluded from
social activities by his or her peers. As
a result of that hurt, they might be
tempted to strike back by excluding
others. By helping them examine their
feelings, hopefully they can be persuaded to rise to a higher standard
and treat others the way they want to
be treated.
Summer Basketball Camp
Sponsored By:
St. Joseph’s Summer Sports Program
A special reduced fee for St. Joseph’s parishioners has been arranged for
this summer by Fr. Seán at the William T. Rogers Middle School with the
All-American Basketball Camp under the direction of Gus Alfieri.
This will be a one-week session for boys and girls from Grades 3 through 11 (as
of September 2015) Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 3:50 PM, from August 3rd to
August 7th.
(Free early morning drop-off is also available)
The camp’s special offer is open to all Parish CYO team participants, children of
parishioners, residents of Kings Park school district, as well as those children
from Kings Park who attend Holy Family Regional School.
Registration is on a first come, first served basis.
For further information, please contact Camp Director Gus Alfieri at
(631) 265-7142, or email him at aalf@optonline.net.
July 26 – August 8, 2015
Parish Calendar
Palm Sunday
July 26
July 27
July 28
July 29
July 30
July 31
August 1
Rm 107
Rm 106
Rm 106
Dancers 7PM
Alpha Series
Course 7PM CR
Rm 106
Alpha Series
Course 7PM CR
Rm 106
St. Joseph’s
Ensemble 6PM
Series Course
Music Group
7:30PM CH
of the
Blessed Sacrament
in the
Nazareth Chapel
9:30 to 10:30 AM
AA 7:30PM
Rm 107
NA 8PM Rm 106
CYO ~~ Ball Fields 1,2 & 4 8:00 AM – 8:30 PM
St. Martha
August 2
Rm 107
August 3
August 4
August 5
Rm 106
Rosary Makers
9:30AM TH
Rm 106
Rm 106
Dancers 7PM
AA 7:30PM
Rm 107
St. Ignatius of Loyola
August 6
August 7
St. Alphonsus Liguori
August 8
Rm 106
NA 8PM Rm 106
Alpha Series
Course 7PM CR
of the
Blessed Sacrament
in the
Nazareth Chapel
9:30 to 12:00 Noon
CYO ~~ Ball Fields 1,2 & 4 8:00 AM – 8:30 PM
St. John Vianney
The Transfiguration of
the Lord
St. Dominic
Please call the Parish Center with schedule changes.
Key for location of activities: TH = Travis Hall, CH = Church, PC = Parish Center, NC = Nazareth Chapel, LH = Lighthouse
SC = School Chapel, CR = Centennial Room and Room Numbers are for classrooms in the School of Religion Building