January 12, 2014


January 12, 2014
Sunday January 12, 2014
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Masses For
The Week
Monday, January 13th
6:45 Adelaide Nojunas
8:30 Nicolis Baizano
8 PM Maureen T. Doherty
Tuesday, January 14th
6:45 Int. Myreen Burleson
8:30 Peter F. Kearns, Jr.
8PM Rose DiMuro
Lafata Family
M/M Stephen Ferranti
Burke Family
Lynn Johnson & Family
Wife & Children
Bernadette Driscoll
Wednesday, January 15th
6:45 Celenia Suyko
8:30 Julia Vurchio
8PM Florentia G. Llobrera
Maria Rodriguez
Thursday, January 16th
6:45 Thelma Dominguez
8:30 Thomas Steigler
8PM Micheline Brun
/M Henry Rodriguez
Theresa Driscoll
Friday, January 17th
6:45 Int. Fr. Anthony J. Heinlein Jane Depraida
8:30 Ronald Brindle
Alice & Bernard Hennelly
8PM Haydee Rosario
Saturday, January 18th
6:45 James Barbieri
8:30 Mary McMahon
5PM Sam Lanzarotta
5:15 Special Intention
Sunday, January 19th
7:30 Aida Leone
9:00 Int. Connie L. Sabino
10:30 Nicholas Lisante
12:00 William Walsh
1:30 Winnie Capote
Aunt Liz & Family
Bobrowski Family
Frank & Marie Porfidio
M/M Hartford
M/M J. Bonarrigo
Peggy & Leo
Busch Family
The Bread and Wine have been
donated this week
For a Special Intention
Altar Server
Monday, January 13
8 pm Tuesday, January 14
8 pm – Joseph Giglio
Wednesday, January 15
12 noon Laura Glynn
8 pm– Daniel Tomic
Mary Glynn
Thursday, January 16
8 pm – Alexander Zapata
Gabriel Zapata
Friday, January 17
8 pm - Brendan O’Keefe
Peter O'Keefe
Saturday, January 18
5 pm - Cameron Russo Matthew Russo
Sunday, January 19
7:30 am - Miguel Hutchinson
9:00 am - Brendan O’Keefe
10:30 am - Christopher Giglio
Alexander Zapata
12:00 noon Laura Glynn
Keith Irving
1:30 pm - Stephen Martinez
Peter O’Keefe
Joseph Giglio
Gabriel Zapata
Mary Glynn
Joshua Michael
Please pray for the repose of the souls of
James Barbieri
Michaelina Ifasi
Adelaide Nojunas
Charles J. Warburton
Rest in peace
Lector Schedule
Saturday, 1/18
- 5:00 PM – Marie-Laetitia Woolley
The Sanctuary Candle in the Chapel has
been donated for A Special Intention
The Sanctuary Candle in the Church
has been donated for A Special Intention
Sunday, 1/19
- 7:30 AM – Michelle Tine
- 9:00 AM – Sue Bouffier
- 10:30 AM – Lisa Jandovitz and Bob Kaliban
- 12:00 PM – Tom Varriale
- 1:30 PM – Jeanne Virzera
Our Lady of Lourdes
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Dear Friends,
Speak up for Life!
Wednesday, January 22nd, will mark another sad anniversary of Roe vs. Wade.
Whether you plan to travel to the March or not, this anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision should give us
pause to consider the meaning of life and death. Our
friends at Ascension Press have produced, in the past, a
wonderful primer on the subject. I’d like to share their
ideas with you here once again. There have been over
forty million babies whose lives ended in American abortions. It’s a choice that must trouble the conscience of
every Catholic Christian.
Q: I know abortion is wrong, but how can I explain to
others why it is wrong?
A: When discussing a moral issue (such as abortion),
there are two approaches you can take. The first approach
involves using moral principles that all people generally
accept – this is known as an appeal to the natural law. The
second is an appeal to revelation – that is, what God has
revealed to us in the Bible and Sacred Tradition and interpreted by the leading authority of the Church.
Using the first approach, begin with the idea that no one
has the right to take a life of an innocent person. (There is
universal agreement on this point.) Then discuss how the
baby is a separate human being, distinct from his or her
mother. Each child has his or her unique genetic identity,
heartbeat, brain waves, eyes, hands and feet, and so on; he
or she is not simply a “part” of the mother. Challenge others to consider whether our society is truly moving forward when it permits its young to be killed at will as a
matter of convenience. Acknowledge that while a woman
does have certain rights over her body, (just as a man
does); these rights are limited by the effect they have on
the rights of others. Point out that abortion directly involves at least two bodies; the body of the mother and that
of the baby. Contrary to the dictates of modern secular
feminism, the rights of the mother do not take precedence
over the rights of her unborn child. In abortion, the
child’s absolute right to life is radically denied.
You can then discuss God’s revelation of the issue. Point
out that the Bible views children as wondrous gifts of
God. The prophet Jeremiah makes it clear the Lord knows
each child from his or her first moments in the womb:
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you” (Jer. 1:5). Psalm
135 echoes Jeremiah’s words: “My frame was not hidden
from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately
wrought in the depths of the earth.” Note that the Catechism of the Catholic Church is unequivocal in its condemnation of abortion: “Human life must be respected
and protected absolutely from the moment of conception.
From the first moment of its existence, a human being
must be recognized as having the right of a person –
among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life”. Make clear that this teaching is not simply
a matter of Catholic Church opinion – it is an absolute
and divinely-revealed truth; it is unchangeable.
If you are told that you should not “impose your morality” on others, respond that you are not imposing anything
- God is. His laws exist. The fifth commandment is very
clear. “You shall not kill” (Ex 20:13). Then ask the person, “Do you really believe God is pleased that thousands
of His precious children are being brutally killed every
day, in which should be the safest place on earth – their
mother’s womb? It would be difficult for any rational person to answer “yes” to such a question, one which exposes abortion for the grave offense against God and humanity it truly is.
In His Love,
Msgr. Jim Lisante
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Sunday January 12, 2014
Our Parish depends solely on your generosity to meet each week’s expenses. Our regular Sunday collections account
for more than 60% of our operating budget. Your continued support, especially during these difficult economic times,
is both needed and appreciated.
Last week you donated $ 16,142.05
Let us continue to pray for
peace. Let us also pray for all
those serving in the military.
With special care we pray especially for:
Christopher B. Afetian - Sgt USMC, Pvt. Kevin L. Blieka U.S.
Army, Sgt. Brian Andrew Dayman, US Army, Commander
Christopher DeMay - Navy , Spc. Gregory Devaney -Army,
Nicholas R. DoLieto - Marine Corps, A1C Timothy Erkens
USAF, Capt. Michael Ferrari, USMC, Spencer French, 1st
Lieutenant, US Army, Airman Steven Freund-USAF, SRA Senior Airman Robert J. Gerry - Air Force,Spec. Steven Gianatiempo - US Army, Brandon Goodwin, Petty Off., 2nd Class,
USCG, Stefanie Goodwin, Petty Off., 3rd Class, USN, Kenny
Greening -PFC-Army, Capt. Michael Hanna- US Army, Chaplain Major Timothy Hirten, USAF, Maj. Luke Holian USMC,
Kristen Janoscak DOD-USAF, 1st Lt. Josef Kaplan- US Army,
SPC Justin Lansford -US Army, Sgt. Todd J. Lobraico USAF,
Major Michael Edward Loconsolo, US Army, Pvt Matthew
Macario - US Army, Jason Moritz - Sgt. USAF, Pvt 1st Class
Joshua Nichols - US Army, Lt. Col. Thomas O’Connor, US
Army, Lyle Oldmixon- Pvt. 1st Class – USMC, Spc. Manuel E.
Palmer US Army, Cpt. David Paolillo USAF, Cpt. Kathleen
Paolillo USAF, L. CPL Michael E. Porfidio - USMC, Capt.
Joseph Shultz, L CPL Eric Vazquez USMC, US Army, Spec.
Zachary Small - US Army, US Army Sgt. Michael Stephney
If you know a Service Member that you would like to
add to this list please contact the rectory 516-541-3270
Please include name, rank and branch of service.
Prayers for the Sick
Anzeal DePolo-Huges, Barbara Donova, Gloria Hartford, Carol & Russ Hayward, Robert E. Mason, Georgia
Pettit, Zina Smaowell, John Vota
Each week the parish happily accepts names for the bulletin sick list from family members and friends. The list
continues to grow and we are unable to know the status
of those on the list.
Many times the petitioned person themselves ask that
their names be removed informing that they have long
since healed and they no longer require the prayers.
To address this, our Parish has RENEWED the bulletin sick list for the new year. This will reduce the large
number of names and allow for the list to be reorganized.
If you wish a name to be added to the list or continued,
simply call the rectory or email the parish at
If you know of anyone who, because of age or infirmity,
can’t come to Church for sacraments, please phone the
Rectory and leave their name, address & telephone number, so a Priest or Eucharistic Minister can visit them.
Our Lady of Lourdes
Page 5
Parish Outreach
“Food Pantry”
Thank you always to the generous people of our faith
community who continue to support our parish food pantry. Because you care we can come to the aid of many of
our neighbors in need. As you know, Parish Outreach
helps families every day with the basic human need of
good food. As we begin a brand new year, please continue to be as generous as you can throughout these winter months. Thank you for all the good you do!
The following items are most in need on an everyday basis. On behalf of the needy in our parish community, may
God bless you for all the good you do!
Canned Fruit
Pancake Mix
Pancake Syrup
Pasta Sauce
Can Vegetables
Peanut Butter Instant Potatoes
Coffee or Tea
Powdered Milk
Macaroni & Cheese
Jell-O/ Pudding
Parish Outreach hours are Mon.-Thurs., 9am to 4:pm
Give Us This Day is a monthly publication from Liturgical Press created to help sustain your personal
prayer practices with daily prayer for Morning and
Evening, prayers and readings for Mass each day,
along with a reflection on the Scriptures, and a daily
profile of a saintly witness.
Liturgical Press has given us free sample copies to
distribute to parishioners who are interested in this
new publication. When you're trying to figure out
what to get for someone, think about Give Us This
Day. They make a nice gift. They also come in large
For every subscription established by a parishioner, our parish earns $5.00 in credit toward
purchases from Liturgical Press! If you're interested in free copy, please stop by the rectory.
To earn that credit for Our Lady of Lourdes Church,
please use the promotion code TDBR5131 when
you subscribe online at www.giveusthisday.org or
call toll-free 888-259-8470.
“Ministry of Consolation”
“We Care Blankets”
Our parish is richly blessed to have gathered a wonderful
group of volunteers who make up Our Lady of Lourdes
“Ministry of Consolation” team. The most valuable gifts
we can give are the gifts that come from the heart. The
precious gifts of our time, love and compassion are especially needed during the time of the loss of a loved one.
Our “Care Blankets” group of volunteers continues to
meet on Wednesday mornings from 10:00am to 11:30am,
in Room 4, right next door to Parish Outreach. Since our
group began in November 2009, a total of 1,015 gorgeous hand-made colorful blankets have been lovingly
created. Thank you so much for the care, time and talent
that goes into every beautiful creation, each a special gift
for a very special child undergoing cancer care.
Created to provide warmth, caring and personal attention
to assist families in preparation for the funeral mass, this
particular ministry can never have too many helping
hands. Whether your interest be that of a Greeter, Lector
or EM, please give some thought as to sharing your time
and talents and being a part
of this ministry’s call to love and care for one another.
We are happy to accept contributions of yarns, crochet
hooks or knitting needles. If you would be interested in
joining please give Parish Outreach a call at (516) 5411260. The more the merrier!
Thank you so much to our coordinator, Deacon Frank
Gariboldi and all our volunteers for embracing this beautiful ministry. Please call Parish Outreach at 516-5411260 if you would like to volunteer. Thank you for your
Page 6
Sunday January 12, 2014
Massapequa Park, NY
Music Ministry (St. Cecilia fund)
J. C. Laws – Director of Music & Liturgy Coordinator
The Christmas Eve Mass at 5:00pm including the concert at 4:30pm, plus Msgr. Lisante’s
Homily has been recorded by Garrett Recording Studios.
As a Music Ministry fund raiser , we are selling cd copies of the recording for $15 per cd.
Your purchase will help support the Music Ministry in hiring musicians for Christmas & Easter
Masses, plus our regular running cost of buying sheet music, copying, organ insurance, piano
tuning etc. We are also looking at buying a new piano in the near future.
Please consider buying a cd. You get to have our beloved pastors Christmas homily, and all of
our Christmas music for just the cost of a pizza!!!
I would like to support the Music Ministry at Our Lady of Lourdes Roman Catholic Church
Please return form & payment to J. C. Laws anytime or mail form to:
Our Lady of Lourdes
ATTN: J. C. Laws
855 Carmans Road
Massapequa Park, NY 11762
I would like _____ cd’s and am enclosing $_____($15 each copy)
Address ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Phone Number:_______________________________________________________________________
**Please make check out to Our Lady of Lourdes with St. Cecilia Fund in the Memo.**
Sunday January 12, 2014
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Our Lady of Lourdes
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Luca Anthony Bruno
Ivan Ralph Janvier
Sofia Marie Restrepo
Madison Rose Barrera
Joseph Thomas Finlay
London Anthony Travis Nelson
Angel Victoria Pierre-Gilles
Dylan James Foster
Colin Stephen Veltre
Jackson Robert Goldstein
Tyler Mason Dunn
Luke Joseph Marezi
7:30 - 9:00pm in the Church basement
Abstracts of each class are given out, so you
can best follow the lectures
Phone the rectory for more information.
Next Class - Tuesday, January 21st
1. Church History
2. Church Dogma
3. Apologetics
4. Scripture
Everyone Welcome!
Books, videos & DVD’s for Loan
Free of charge
At this class, the amazing,
“The Star of Bethlehem” will be shown
Level 8
Our date for the Sacrament of Confirmation is March 27, 2014 at 4pm. All
requirements for Confirmation must be
handed in by January 28th. Confirmation Interviews will
be done on February 5th.
Phone Rectory, ask for Fr. Tony
Or phone John Chester @ 516-799-5640
Get on the waiting list for next season
Travel for Boys
Clinic for Boys & Girls
Note: Now accepting clinic athletes
Do you know someone who is hurting from
an abortion?
The Life Center of Long Island invites you to attend our
next Rachel’s Vineyard Healing Retreat on the weekend of February 21-23, 2014. It begins Friday evening
and concludes Sunday afternoon. This retreat is conducted in English and Spanish.
For more information contact: Deacon Joe McNicholas at
(516)445-3927 or e-mail: rvr@lifecenterli.org
Communication is strictly confidential.
To learn more about Rachel’s Vineyard look online at:
www.rachelsvineyard.org or call 1-877-HOPE-4-ME
Any teen who is interested in going on the
"Right to Life March 2014", please contact: Fr.
Next Meetings:
January 16th & 30th
Sunday January 12, 2014
Page 9
41st Annual March for Life
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
On January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court decided that the Constitution of the United States did not include
the protection of the unborn child. Since then more than a million and a half unborn infants have lost their lives by abortion each year in the United States.
The Massapequa Park Respect for Life Committee will again join in the MARCH FOR LIFE in Washington, D.C. on
Wednesday, January 22, 2014. The MARCH FOR LIFE is the collective effort of grassroots pro-life Americans to assure that our state and federal laws shall protect the right to life of each human in existence at fertilization. An important
step is adoption of a Mandatory Human Life Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Such an amendment
would be simple and require that individuals and society provide protection for the right to life of each human in existence at fertilization. It would require that State laws conform to the Constitution and provide the same protection for
every human being from the moment of conception without regard to age, health or condition of dependence. For more
information visit www.marchforlife.org
Please join us in this effort. The bus will leave at 5am and return at approximately 11pm on the same day. Please reserve early. Suggested Donation: $6.00 for students
$12.00 for adults
Special rates for families
Come free - but come! Permission slips are required of all teenagers who are not accompanied by their parents.
Sign up sheets are located in the vestibules of the Church and Chapel. For reservations, please call:
Regina Carbonaro 516-795-7568
Carol Milton 516-541-3270
Sandy Nolan 516-694-5208
Email: regina.carbonaro@gmail.com
Face the Truth Pro-Life Event January 19, 2014
Please join the Long Island Coalition for Life for the Roe v Wade Anniversary Memorial Face the Truth event on Sunday, January 19, 2014 from 1:30pm to 3:00pm on the sidewalk in front of the Nassau University Medical Center (2201
Hempstead Tpke, East Meadow). This peaceful public witness is held at the hospital where hundreds of abortions are
committed each year. Abortion killed more than 7000 babies of Nassau and Suffolk mothers in 2010 and hurts thousands
more touched by those abortions. Signs will be provided. LICL 631-243-1435 info@prolifeLI.org
Our Lady of Lourdes
Page 10
Diocesan One Day Retreat for College Students
(Ages 19 – 22)
Home for the Holidays … but still feel you need
a break?
Maybe it’s time for a time-out!
The following is a Poinsettia Plant Memorial which
did not reach us in time for the December 22nd
In Memory of Edna Laibach by
John Laibach & Family
Thank you to everyone who participated in our
Christmas Flower Memorials.
Have your deceased relatives and friends entrusted to
St. Joseph, “Patron of Departing Souls.”
“24 Hours With God”
Discover the “Power to Be”
It’s a New Year - Time to Recharge, Reconnect,
Dive In, Go Deep… and just “Be”.
Join us!
Thursday, January 9 @ 3pm – Friday, January 10
@ 3pm
$60 per person – includes meals
Maria Cantasano /Notre Dame and Vince Buzzeo/
St. Brigid’s are the Retreat Leaders
Seminary of The Immaculate Conception, Huntington
For more information, contact Marianne Sheridan,
diocesan director
At 516-678-5800, ext. 615
Or msheridan@drvc.org
You can download a registration form at
A “BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE” will be placed before our new St. Joseph statue. To have your loved
ones enrolled in this book and share in all the prayers,
works and masses offered each month by the Rosary
Society, complete the enrollment form below and return it to the rectory along with a $20.00 offering.
The offering is for one person or one couple or one
In return, you will receive a beautiful certificate commemorating your charity towards your loved one(s).
Just a reminder that
Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament
takes place in the Chapel at Our Lady of Lourdes
throughout the day, Monday through Friday from
9:45 am to 8 pm.
Enrollee Name(s)
Enrolled by:
Your name:
Phone Number:
We are very privileged and blessed to have a very
special Eucharistic Devotion in our Parish. We
thank the many people who have made the sacrifice
to come and spend some time with Our Lord present
in the Blessed Sacrament.
For those who have not yet been able to make this
visit to Our Eucharistic Lord for one reason or
another, please remember that it is
never too late to start.
Sunday January 12, 2014
Page 11
Community News
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
855 Carmans Road, Massapequa Park
Friday $1800 in prizes at 8:00 PM
Tuesday Golden Society, at 7:30 PM
$2000 in Prizes w/Progressive Jackpot
Progressive Jackpot on Tuesdays
Is proud to present SWINGTIME big band on
Sunday, February 9, 2014, 3 PM - 5:00 PM in the
church auditorium. The cost is $30 per ticket and
the price includes 2 hours of music and dancing, a
pasta and meatball dinner, soda, coffee, tea and dessert. Join us for a fun-filled afternoon of great music,
dancing and food! For more information, please call
the rectory (718)392-0011 during regular business
hours. If you are unable to pick up your tickets at the
rectory, they can be mailed to you.
Are you or someone you know having family or
interpersonal problems due to drinking
ALCOHOL and/or using DRUGS?
CATHOLIC CHARITIES / Talbot House, a Chemical
Dependence Crisis Center, located in Bohemia provides
withdrawal and stabilization services on a voluntary basis
to males and females over the age of 18, who are seeking
to stop and/or withdraw from alcohol and/or other drug
use. The medical and clinical staff at Talbot House will
assess the kind of care the person needs, to begin his/her
journey in recovery. For more information, please call:
631-589-4144. Talbot House staff is available 24/7. Each
call is confidential. Talbot House is a NO fee for service
program. The staff at Talbot House wishes everyone a
joyous holiday season.
In honor of the Hope House Ministries Endowment Fund,
Fr. Francis Pizzarelli, SMM and the entire Hope House
Ministries family, we are proud to extend to you a very
special invitation to attend The Twelfth Annual Endowment Fund Event.
Our dinner gathering will be held on Thursday, March
13th from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the beautiful Villa
Lombardi’s in Holbrook, New York. This year we are
proud to be honoring Richard and Mary Morrison of The
Morrison Family Foundation.
For ticket, journal and sponsor information, please call
Anne Hudlow at (540) 241-3577.”

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