October 26, 2014 - Our Lady of Lourdes
October 26, 2014 - Our Lady of Lourdes
Sunday, October 26, 2014 Page 2 Altar Server Assignments Masses For The Week Monday, October 27th 6:45 Sr. Mary Joyce 8:30 Matthew Picone 8 PM William Kingston Your friends at the Life Center Barbara & Wray Vassallo Marie Desiderio Tuesday, October 28th 6:45 Kenneth McGill Family 8:30 In Thanksgiving 8PM Int. Clementia & Martin Carrigy- Liz & Fred Wednesday, October 29th 6:45 Elna Routier 8:30 Joey Bernstein 8PM Yolande Malebranche Thursday, October 30th 6:45 Angela & Sherman Glass 8:30 Mary Williams 8PM Joseph Bernstein Gisel Routier Giretti Family Madia Francois Family Peter Kearns Mary & Barry Champney Friday, October 31st 6:45 John Citrano 8:30 Int. Anna B. Sabino 8PM Int. Emanuel Cacicia Roy Citrano Family Peter & Evelyn Regan Saturday, November 1st, All Saints Day 6:45 Caroline Midy Brothers & Sisters 8:30 Maximino Jr. & Romeo Alerta Lynn Johnson 5PM Souls in Purgatory 5:15 Souls in Purgatory Monday, October 27 8 pm Tuesday, October 28 8 pm - Joseph Giglio Wednesday, October 29 8 pm - Daniel Tomic Thursday, October 30 8 pm – Alexander Zapata Friday, October 31 8 pm - Brendan O’Keefe Saturday, November 1 5 pm - Cameron Russo Laura Glynn Sunday, November 2 7:30 am - Keith Irving 9:00 am - Brendan O’Keefe 10:30 am- Alexander Zapata Gabriel Zapata 12:00 noon - Joshua Michael 1:30 pm - Stephen Martinez In Thanksgiving for a Special Intention received from Mike & Joan Rail The Sanctuary Candle in the Chapel has been donated for For a Special Intention The Sanctuary Candle in the Church has been donated for A Special Intention Peter O'Keefe Mary Glynn Peter O’Keefe Joseph Giglio Matthew Russo Please pray for the repose of the souls of Gigi Laudonio Lisa Formoto Angela A. Guarnotta Thomas F. Sabal Josephine LiCausi Sunday, November 2nd, All Souls Day 7:30 Souls in Purgatory 9:00 Souls in Purgatory 10:30 Souls in Purgatory 12:00 Souls in Purgatory 1:30 Souls in Purgatory The Bread and Wine have been donated this week Gabriel Zapata Rest in peace Lector Schedule Friday, 10/31 - 8:00 PM – Jean Cooper Saturday, 11/1 - 6:45 AM – Joselyn Mirabal - 8:30 AM – Dan Donahue Saturday, 11/1 - 5:00 PM – Maria-Laetitia Woolley Sunday, 11/2 Please don’t forget to pick up your 2015 Lectionary Workbook in the Rectory.” - 7:30 AM – Al Hans - 9:00 AM – Mary Champney - 10:30 AM – Jeanne Virzera and Jim Dolan - 12:00 PM – Efren Bacani - 1:30 PM – Vincent Gatto Our Lady of Lourdes Page 3 Dear Friends: Our annual Parish Dinner Dance last weekend was a great and happy success. Not only because it raised necessary funds for Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, but also because it truly celebrated our community. People, young and older, all came together to dance, to eat, to laugh, and to enjoy being part of our parish family. And while I love seeing people at Mass, it's a nice and different experience to party with them. No major event, like this Country Western Night happens without months and months of preparation. I am deeply grateful to so many great volunteers for their tireless efforts to make our night together a success. On behalf of our entire parish I want to thank those most responsible. Let begin with our Chair Couple, Vincent and Darlene DiCicco. These are totally dedicated parishioners who give 110% to make the annual dinner dance a joyous and uplifting time. I know that their work was sometimes frustrating, but they never gave up. Never gave less than their very best. The worked cooperatively with an outstanding volunteer committee who outdid themselves. These good and generous souls included: Jean Abela, Joseph and Alice Bonarrigo, Kathy Carlsen, Ken and Lisa Catalano, Joan Donovan, Elizabeth Dorso, Joseph and Diane Esposito, Theresa Jennings, Maryanne and Kelly Kildare, Ann McCarthy, Vincent and Ellen Ricciuti, Patricia and Jose Salmeron and Family, Carol Santoro, Ed and Maureen Tepper, and Camille Yorio. Additional thanks must be paid to the members of our Parish Staff who worked with the Planning Committee to make it all work out so well. I want to thank Parish Business Manager John Brosnan and Parish Secretary Carol Milton for their immense help in making the dance a success. Thanks as well to the Knights of Columbus at Our Lady of the Island Council # 6911 for their huge and active support. The servers on the night of the dinner dance were volunteers from the Our Lady of Lourdes Altar Servers, The Our Lady of Lourdes Teen Club, as well as students from Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Rose's Religious Education programs, and students from Farmingdale High School. These kids were outstanding: hard-working, polite, and a joy to have with us. If you were involved in any way, thank you! And please keep in mind that we hope hat next year's event can be even bigger and better. It will held to celebrate three important anniversaries in 2015: -The 60th anniversary of the founding of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish -The 30 anniversary of the building of our Parish Church. -And the 50th anniversary of the ordination of our own much-loved Father Tony Heinlein. Plan on being with us. It will be a night to remember. Have a beautiful week. In the Love of Christ, Msgr. Jim Lisante Pastor Page 4 Sunday, October 26, 2014 Our Parish depends solely on your generosity to meet each week’s expenses. Our regular Sunday collections account for more than 60% of our operating budget. Your continued support, especially during these difficult economic times, is both needed and appreciated. Last week you donated $ 16,377.56 Thank you! Let us continue to pray for peace. Let us also pray for all those serving in the military. With special care we pray especially for: Christopher B. Afetian - Sgt USMC, Sgt. Kevin L. Blieka U.S. Army, Sgt. Brian Andrew Dayman US Army, PFC Joseph DiCicco Army, Commander Christopher DeMay - Navy , Nicholas R. DoLieto - Marine Corps, A1C Timothy Erkens USAF, Capt. Michael Ferrari, USMC, Spencer French, 1st Lieutenant, US Army, Airman Steven Freund-USAF, SRA Senior Airman Robert J. Gerry - Air Force,Spec. Steven Gianatiempo - US Army, Brandon Goodwin, Petty Off., 2nd Class, USCG, Stefanie Goodwin, Petty Off., 3rd Class, USN, Kenny Greening -PFC-Army, Capt. Michael Hanna- US Army, Chaplain Major Timothy Hirten, USAF, Maj. Luke Holian USMC, 1st Lt. Josef Kaplan- US Army, SPC Justin Lansford -US Army, Sgt. Todd J. Lobraico USAF, Major Michael Edward Loconsolo, US Army, Pvt Matthew Macario - US Army, Garrett Macchio A1C, Air force, Jason Moritz - Sgt. USAF, Pvt 1st Class Joshua Nichols - US Army, Lt. Col. Thomas O’Connor, US Army, Spc. Manuel E. Palmer US Army, Cpt. David Paolillo USAF, Cpt. Kathleen Paolillo USAF, L. CPL Michael E. Porfidio - USMC, PFC Dominique R. Quiban, USMC Capt. Joseph Shultz, L CPL Eric Vazquez USMC, US Army, Spec. Zachary Small - US Army, US Army Sgt. Michael Stephney If you know a Service Member that you would like to add to this list please contact the rectory 516-541-3270 Please include name, rank and branch of service. Prayers for the Sick Baby James Bass, Baby Steven Marshall Antosek & Family, Beatrice Barber, Rudolph Berndlmaier, Joseph Bernstein, Celeste Biggs, Vivian Blum, Charlotte BreretonEd Burch, Kevin Burch, Carol Castellano, Al Cavalli, Jason Connor-Costabile, Patricia David, Angelo DeCosimo, Angela DePolo-Huges, Jane M. Depraida, Lenore & Susan DeSantis, Jean Desroches, Mrs. Devotier, Emily Rose Di Marino, Theresa Dimitri, May Donnelly, Jerry D'Onofrio, Barbara Donovan, Peggy Fabrzio, Connie Fennessey, Kathi Finnegan, Melissa Firmes-Ray, Peggy Folan, Donna Fredericks, Wilfred Furlong, Sal Foti, Pedro Galvez, Justin Gibbons, Bill Goodman, Elizabeth Gould, Carolyn Guerra, Hart Family, Carol & Russ Hayward, Michael Heinlein, Gasper Ingui, Mary Jalaf, Jesus Jupio, Brian Scott Kaminky, June Kuligowski, Steven Ladicci, Lynn Laine, Sandra Laub, Philip Leifer, Elaine Lentini, Barbara Libardi, Vanessa Linn, John Lynch, Joe Madison, Sr., Maltese Family, Noel Martinez, Robert E. Mason, Margaret Massey, Gina Mastrantoni, Peggy McGinnis, Colleen McGuire, Marie Molloy, Amparo Monsalve, Bill Moran, William Mossbrugger, Sandy Nyegaard, Barbara Oliveri, Florence O'Neill, Mary O'Neill, Adrianne Passaglia, Georgia Pettit, Vincent Pinto, Russell Pulvino, Marylynn Ressler, Jerry Rizzo, Lisa Roberts, Jill Rogan, Michael Ronan, Frank Roskowski, Donald Rubin, Ayden W. Sabino, William Slezak, Zina Smaowell, Bruna Soper, Eileen Soper, Jennifer Sparcino, Tammie Stanley, Ginny Stanton, Edward Steiger, Mary Sweeney-Lynaugh, Stella Thomson, Annemarie Tine, Thomas Tine, Jr., Larry Tomanelli, Donna Vollaro, John Vota, Vincent Whifield, Joey Wujick Our Lady of Lourdes Page 5 Parish Outreach “Food Pantry” As we look forward to and enjoy this beautiful Autumn season, it to remind us it’s that time of year when we realize Thanksgiving will be here before we know it! With the help of our good and generous parishioners, along with some wonderful organizations in our community, Outreach will begin accepting your holiday donations in preparation for Thanksgiving Food Baskets. Please take a look at our annual Thanksgiving Flyer posted in the bulletin for further details and listing of items needed to prepare holiday food baskets. In these challenging times when we see many families in need, your kindness for the less fortunate in our community has always been a great blessing, as together we can again provide the gift of a Happy Thanksgiving to those who come to our door. On behalf of all the families we serve, thank you for your continued support. Donations can be brought directly to Parish Outreach, or for your convenience, items may be placed in the usual baskets provided in the entrance of the church during weekend masses. Looking for Caring Men and Women EAC Network’s In-Home Caregiver Services is looking for caring men and women interested in helping caregivers of older adults in your local area. For more than 27 years, Senior Respite has been supporting family caregivers by offering them anywhere from 2 – 6 hours “off” each week. We introduce a companion to visit with their loved one, keeping them safe and engaging in activities. Companions can volunteer, or elect to receive a wage of $8.00 an hour. They will receive ongoing training, professional support and an opportunity for personal enrichment. If you are a caregiver or potential companion interested in more information or to register for training please call the Senior Respite Program at 516-539-0150, ext. 218. EAC Network is a not-for-profit human service agency. The Senior Respite Program is funded by the NYS Office of Aging, Project Independence and the Helen L. Morris Foundation. Parish Outreach hours are Monday thru Thursday 9:00am – 4:00pm “Ministry of Consolation” “We Care Blankets” Our parish is richly blessed to have gathered a wonderful group of volunteers who make up Our Lady of Lourdes “Ministry of Consolation” team. The most valuable gifts As our wonderful group of “Care Blanket” volunteers con- we can give are the gifts that come from the heart. The precious gifts of our time, love and compassion are espetinue to meet on Wednesday mornings from 10:00 cially needed during the time of the loss of a loved one. 11:30am at Parish Outreach, the gifts of their love, time and talent in crocheting and knitting beautiful blankets for Created to provide warmth, caring and personal attention seriously ill children is nothing less than a beautiful thing! to assist families in preparation for the funeral mass, this Since our group began in November 2009, the completed blanket count stands at 1,208 I’m sure in no time at all we will be adding to this amazing number. Thank you to our lovely group of ladies for all the good work you do to bring love and comfort to many children undergoing cancer care. Outreach is happy to accept donations of yarns, crochet hooks or knitting needles in support of this effort. If you are interested in joining our group please contact Parish Outreach at 516-541-1260. particular ministry can never have too many helping hands. Whether your interest be that of a Greeter, Lector or EM, please give some thought as to sharing your time and talents and being a part of this ministry’s call to love and care for one another. Thank you so much to our coordinator, Deacon Frank Gariboldi and all our volunteers for embracing this beautiful ministry. Please call Parish Outreach at 516-541-1260 if you would like to volunteer. Thank you for your consideration. Page 6 Sunday October 26, 2014 WE NEED YOUR HELP As Thanksgiving approaches, we ask all to be as generous as possible in contributing to our food pantry. We will be making Thanksgiving Food Baskets for many needy families in our parish. We will be assembling Baskets in the next coming weeks. Last year through your generosity, we were able to provide Thanksgiving baskets to more than 200 families from our parish and the immediate surrounding area. We are anticipating a greater demand this Thanksgiving, as the past year has seen a marked increase in families looking to us for assistance. Below is a shopping list of items we will be using to make up the baskets. We will begin accepting donations now through November 17th. May we ask you to inspect the expiration dates on intended donations? Please bring the items to the Food Pantry no later than Monday, Nov. 17th, since we will be distributing Thanksgiving Baskets the week of Nov. 17th. Parish Outreach hours are Monday - Thursday from 9am - 4pm. Please feel free to donate any or all of the items on the list to complete a basket. Please do not bring any perishable items including turkeys or hams at this early date, because we do not have the facilities to store them. Kindly consider a Gift Card in lieu of a turkey. However if you choose to donate a frozen turkey or ham, please bring them to the Outreach office only on the days of November 18th, (Tues), November 19th, (Wed) and November 20th (Thurs), when we will be distributing the Thanksgiving food baskets. Thank you for your continued kindness and generosity to our neighbors in need. Gift cards would be much appreciated as they provide for perishables items, as well as the supermarket receipts for free turkeys. This would be an excellent opportunity for Girl Scout Troops, Boy Scout Troops and Confirmation Candidates as a Christian Service Project, to participate in this much needed community effort. Thanksgiving List (EACH BASKET WILL CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS) 1 READYMADE PANCAKE MIX 1 STUFFING MIX 1 INSTANT POTATOES 1 CANNED YAMS 2 CANS OF VEGETABLES 1 CAN TURKEY GRAVY 1 CORNBREAD MIX HOT COCOA MIX 1 CANNED PUMPKIN EITHER A TURKEY OR HAM 1 PANCAKE SYRUP 1 CRANBERRY SAUCE 1 PREPARED TOMATO SAUCE 1 POUND MACARONI 2 MACARONI & CHEESE 1 APPLE SAUCE OR FRUIT SALAD 2 BOXES PUDDING OR JELLO 1 BROWNIE MIX 1 BOX POWERED MILK Thank you! Our Lady of Lourdes Page 7 THEOLOGY CLASS 7:30 - 9:00pm in the Church basement A Mass of Remembrance will be held on Sunday, November 2nd at the 12 noon Mass. On this day we remember those who have died within the past year. Msgr. James P. Lisante Celebrant All Saints Day falls on Saturday, November 1, 2014. While All Saints Day is normally a holy day of obligation, when it falls on a Saturday or a Monday, that obligation is abrogated in the United States and some other countries. Therefore, Catholics in such countries do not have to attend Mass on All Saints Day in 2014. For any of our parishioners who would like to attend: Mass for the holy day will be celebrated in the church. The Vigil 10/31 at 8:00 pm, the holy day 11/1 , 6:45 am & 8:30 am . Abstracts of each class are given out, so you can best follow the lectures Phone the rectory for more information. Next Class - Tuesday, Nov. 11th Subjects: 1. Church History 2. Church Dogma 3. Apologetics 4. Scripture Everyone Welcome! Books, videos & DVD’s for Loan Free of charge November 2 is All Souls Day, the day on which the Roman Catholic Church commemorates all of those who have died and are now in Purgatory, being cleansed of their venial sins and atoning before entering fully into Heaven. At one time, Catholics flocked to their churches on All Souls Day, to offer prayers in memory of their friends and loved ones. These days, however, most All Souls Day Masses are poorly attended. Since praying for the dead is our Christian duty, it's sad to see how little attention is paid to All Souls Day. That's especially true since there is a special plenary indulgence that can be gained for the souls in Purgatory on All Souls Day. A plenary indulgence removes all temporal punishment for sin--and so, in effect, releases a soul from Purgatory. All you have to do is visit a church, recite one Our Father and the Creed, receive Communion, and pray one additional Our Father and one Hail Mary for the intentions of the Holy Father. The final requirement is that you take part in the Sacrament of Confession, but you can do that up to seven days before or afterward. Since most Catholic parishes offer Confession on Saturday, you can go to Confession this Saturday or next, and then fulfill the rest of the requirements on All Souls Day itself. The All Souls Day indulgence is a wonderful way to show your love for a friend or family member who has died. In less than an hour on All Souls Day, you can release a soul from Purgatory. Why not gain the indulgence for your loved one? Page 8 Sunday, October 26, 2014 Spiritual Adoption Program Seven Months Your adopted unborn child is now 14 to 17 inches long and weighs about 2 ½ to 3 lbs. All vital organs have formed. All further development is mainly in size. Beginning this month the baby uses four senses. His eyelids open and close and the eyes look around. The baby can hear, taste, touch, cough, yawn and hiccup. He now recognizes his own mother’s voice. His grip is even stronger now than it will be after his birth. The hair on his head is growing longer and the downy covering on the rest of his body is disappearing. During this time the baby will receive antibodies from his mother providing him immunity to a wide variety of diseases. Please remember to pray daily for your Spiritually Adopted Baby and the baby’s mother and father. During your earthly life this spiritually adopted child of yours will be known only to God but in the world to come it is hoped that you will meet the child whose life was spared by your prayers and spend eternal happiness with them. “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.” (Prayer of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen) Adoration & Rosary for Life Program The Diocesan Respect Life Office has asked us to unite in prayer and participate in this special program for life. During the month of October, we are asked to spend time before the Blessed Sacrament and pray the Rosary for the conversion of hearts and minds so that all might have reverence and respect for the God-given gift of life, from the moment of conception until natural death. 13th Annual Youth Respect Life Contest The Diocesan Respect Life Office is conducting the 13th Annual Youth Respect Life Contest. Students in grades 7 or 8 may register for Level One, and students in Grades 9-12 may enter Level Two. The theme for this year's contest is "Each of us is a Masterpiece of God's Creation." All students in the diocese, including those with special needs, are encouraged to enter this contest. The contest gives young Catholic women and men the opportunity to show through words, images and song, expressed in a way that is in harmony with our faith, how dear the gift of life is to them. Winners will receive monetary awards in support of their future education. Categories include: bookmark design, poetry, essay, photography, music, video clip design and pin-it/photomontage board. For guidelines, entry forms and more information go to: www.drvc.org and click on Ministries, then Respect Life Office and scroll down and click on 2015 Respect Life Contest. The entry deadline is January 26, 2015. Pro-lifers throughout Long Island are invited to take part in the national 40 Days for Life effort from September 24th through November 2nd. In addition to 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion in America, please join the prayer vigil outside of the Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Hempstead – 540 Fulton Avenue (Hempstead Tpke) between the hours of 7AM and 7PM during these 40 days. Please spread the word to others about this important lifesaving effort. You CAN make a difference! All who want to join this prayerful, peaceful, and powerful campaign to end abortion are welcome! For information call Regina Carbonaro 516-795-7568. Page 9 Our Lady of Lourdes St. Kilian's in Farmingdale is hosting an OctoberFest in November!! Please join us for our 4th Annual KilianFest!! Date: Saturday, November 8th Time: 7 to 11pm, Place: St. Kilian Auditorium, 50 Cherry Street, Farmingdale Price: $40 per person. Includes choice of 6 entrees, salad, bread, all the beer, wine and soda you can drink, coffee/tea, dessert. Live Music provided by The Electric Dudes!!! Lots of Raffle Prizes!!! RSVP by Nov. 3rd. Checks can be mailed to St. Kilian Rectory, 485 Conklin Street, Farmingdale, NY 11735. Attn.: Patti Starkie. Any questions call 516-971-0905. Hope you can join us for a fun night out!! COFFEE SOCIAL Sunday, November 9th 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Everyone welcome! (Helpers needed:phone rectory) For our Coffee Social, also for our CYO. If you’d like to help in either of these Parish activites phone Fr. Heinlein @541-3270 or John Chester @799-5640 for the CYO or Margie Corradina @518-0669 for the Coffee Social St. Christopher’s Elementary School Looking for alumni to help celebrate the 100th Anniversary of our Parish Email us at:info@stchrisbaldwin.org or contact Jaime Riecker Selover at St. Christopher’s Rectory516-223-0723 All Souls Novena Nov. 2nd To have your deceased relatives included in our All Souls Novena, please return the envelopes before the Novena begins on Nov. 2nd Look for All Souls Envelopes in the back of the Church World Youth Day – Krakow Poland July 24-August 2, 2016 Join the Diocese of Rockville Centre on this amazing pilgrimage. Please join us on October 22, 2014 at 7:30 in St. Agnes Parish Center to hear more about this pilgrimage! 206 Tours will be on hand to address any questions or concerns you may have. Please rsvp to Marianne Sheridan, Director for Youth Ministry at msheridan@drvc.org no later than October 21. CYO BASKETBALL Phone Rectory, ask for Fr. Tony 516-541-3270 Or phone John Chester @ 516-799-5640 Get on the waiting list for next season Travel for Boys Clinic for Boys & Girls IS IT TIME FOR YOU TO CONSIDER A DEGREE IN SOCIAL WORK? Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service offers an exciting Graduate Social Work Program (MSW Degree) at Molloy College’s Rockville Centre campus, Fordham’s Lincoln Center campus and Online. Information session will be held at the Molloy campus (Casey Center, Room 014) on Monday evening, October 20th at 6:00pm. For more information, please contact Agnes Mitchell at 516-323-3883, amitchell@molloy.edu. Page 10 Sunday, October 26, 2014 Our Lady of Lourdes Page 11 Page 12 Sunday, October 26, 2014 Our Lady of Lourdes Page 13 1st & 3rd THURSDAY EVENINGS, 7:30 PM IN THE PARISH CENTER ROOM 16 We have recently changed our MOSJ meeting days to the first and third Thursday’s of the month. Next Meeting: October 23rd (Due to the special meeting for Ushers on Oct. 16th, we have moved our meeting to the 23rd. ) CATHOLIC CHARITIES Commodities Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) provides a free monthly food package (worth up to $65) to low-income, eligible seniors (60 years and older). U.S. citizenship is not required to participate in CSFP. Office locations are in Freeport and Wyandanch; there are also 97 mobile locations in Nassau and Suffolk counties. Call 516-623-4568 or 631-491-4166 Are you or someone you know having family or interpersonal problems due to drinking ALCOHOL and/or using DRUGS? CATHOLIC CHARITIES / Talbot House, a Chemical Dependence Crisis Center, located in Bohemia provides withdrawal and stabilization services on a voluntary basis to males and females over the age of 18, who are seeking to stop and/or withdraw from alcohol and/or other drug use. The medical and clinical staff at Talbot House will assess the kind of care the person needs, to begin his/her journey in recovery. For more information, please call: 631-5894144. Talbot House staff is available 24/7. Each call is confidential. Talbot House is a NO fee for service program. Mass Book Opens for January 1, 2015 to June 30, 2015 on WENESDAY, November 5, 2014 at 9am in the rectory. “Announced Mass” refers to a Mass for which there is a specific date and time. It is announced in the Bulletin and during the Prayer of the Faithful. The weekday Masses are 6:45am, 8:30am and 8pm Saturday is 6:45 and 8:30 am Saturday evening Vigil Masses are 5:00pm and 5:15 (in chapel) Sunday Masses are at 7:30, 9, 10:30am, 12:15 and 1:30pm Announced Masses are $15.00. There is an extra $5.00 for those desiring the leatherette folder. After Wednesday April 2nd, the Mass book will be open in the rectory during office hours. There will be a limit of “3” Masses, per person given out on the first day. Sunday Masses and Saturday Vigil will be limited to “2” per family, so that all parishioners will have an opportunity to get a “Sunday Mass”. Sunday, October 26, 2014 Page 14 Rest in Peace Bishop Paul Walsh, 77 R etired Bishop Paul H. Walsh, who served as an auxiliary bishop of the Rockville Centre diocese from 2003 until his retirement in 2012, died on Saturday, October 18. He was 77 years old. Bishop Murphy described Bishop Walsh as “a true pastor, a wise a kind and gentle shepherd to one and all.” father and Our Lady of Lourdes Page 15 Page 16 Sunday, October 26, 2014 Community News Our Lady of Lourdes Church 855 Carmans Road, Massapequa Park Friday $1800 in prizes at 7:30 PM Tuesday Golden Society, at 7:30 PM $2000 in Prizes w/Progressive Jackpot $2000 IN PRIZES - $850 GIANT JACKPOT Progressive Jackpot on Tuesdays Social Service Coordinator Position: If you are a caring, compassionate person who enjoys helping people, this job is for you. Organizational and computer skills a must. Part-time position at a senior citizen apartment complex located in Uniondale, sponsored by Catholic Charities. Salary plus medical benefits & 401k. Fax or email resume: Stanan Mgmt Corp., 33 Front St., Hempstead, NY 11550. Fax: 516-486-1896 or email to: stananrlty@aol.com. Substitute Teachers: Our Lady of Mercy School (520 South Oyster Bay Road, Hicksville, NY) would like to expand its list of substitute teachers. If you are or if you know someone who is Virtus trained and qualified to be a substitute teacher, please send that information along with references to jtoppin@olmshicks.org. Bishop McDonnell Alumnae Association Alumnae Reunion April 25, 2015 On Saturday, April 25, 2015 the Bishop McDonnell Alumnae Association will host its Annual Alumnae Reunion. The reunion will celebrate the special anniversary classes of 1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970. All 30s, 40s and early 50s classes are always welcome. The reunion will take place at Gargiulo’s Restaurant 2911 West 15th Street in Brooklyn, five minutes off the Belt Pkwy and one block from the D train. Spirituality For Singles The cost for this event is $90 per person which Monthly Singles Gathering includes coffee and wine on arrival and a buffet Saturday, Nov 1, 8:30PM, after the 7:30PM Mass dinner. Invitations will be mailed in January or you St. Aidan Parish, 510 Willis Ave., Williston Park, can register or ask questions by calling Rita MonaNY, 11596 ghan-Maloney at 718-857-2700 ext 2253 or rmaloOur Monthly gathering for singles; discussion, ney@blmhs.org. meditation, socialization. $5.00 donation - snacks, pizza and beverages will be served… This Gathering will feature as guest speaker noted author Rachel Devine Contact: Ray (516) 561-6994 or spiritualityforsingles@gmail.com
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