05/22/16 - St. Joseph`s Parish


05/22/16 - St. Joseph`s Parish
Office Hours
Parish Phone – 269-6635
Parish Website – http:\\www.stjosephskp.org
Monday, Tuesday,
9:00 AM to 12:00 noon,
1:00 to 4:00 PM
9:00 AM to 12:00 noon,
l:00 to 5:00 PM
9:00 AM to 12:00 noon
9:00 AM to 12:00 noon
l:00 to 5:00 PM
9:00 AM to 1:30 PM
Mass Intentions
May 23, 2016
Monday, May 23
7:00 Michael Famiglietti - Denise Rendinone
8:45 Daniel P. Cunningham - Tom and
Marianne Cunningham and Family
Tuesday, May 24
7:00 Joseph King - Ken and Denise Boss
8:45 Dorothy Maack - The Cotter Family
Emergency calls may be made at any time.
Parish Regional School – Holy Family Regional
School is located at 2 Indian Head Road, Commack, NY.
It offers a Catholic Education for Nursery School
through Eighth Grade. For more information, please
Phone – 543-0202
Website – www.holyfamilyregional.com
To schedule a tour of the School please contact
Wednesday, May 25
7:00 John Quinlan - The Shea’s
8:45 Stephen Goepfert - His Family
Thursday, May 26
7:00 Rosaria Tabone - The Tabone Family
8:45 Ralph Albergo - Grace Marie and
Friday, May 27
We Celebrate
Celebrate The
the Sacraments
The Sacrament of Baptism
Registration: Parents are asked to register at the Parish
Center at least a month before the date of Baptism.
Preparation: The Pre-Baptism program is held in the
school at 7:30 PM on the third Tuesday of every month.
Ceremony: Baptism is celebrated on the first, second
and fourth Sunday of the month at 1:30 PM.
The Sacrament of Matrimony
Arrangements for weddings should be made at least
eight months prior to the date of marriage.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
In the Nazareth Chapel in the Parish Center on:
Saturday: 4:00 to 4:45 PM
Eve of Holy Days and of First Fridays: 4:00 to 4:45 PM
The Sacrament of the Sick
Arrangements for sacraments and visitation of the sick in
the home or hospital are arranged through the Parish
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
The RCIA is the current form of instruction for those who
wish to join the Catholic Church. If you have never been
baptized, confirmed or received First Holy Communion,
or are a member of another Christian Church and wish to
become a member of the Catholic Church, contact the
Parish Center at 269-6635.
7:00 John Razickas - Mary Razickas and
8:45 Fr. Edward C. Fitzpatrick
Saturday, May 28
8:45 Walter Wojcik - His Wife, Marie and
5PM Michael J. Raleigh - Mr. and Mrs.
James Ruggiero and Family
6:15 George Catalano - Barbara and Frank
Sunday, May 29
7:30 Frank J. and Frances A. Lule
9:00 Donna Genna-Kash - Mom, Dad and
10:30 For Mass Guild Members
11:00 Maurice Fafard - Clark and Nancy
12:00 For All Our Parishioners
5PM Sadie Catanese - Diane and Ray
From the Desk of Fr. Seán
A Blessing for Trinity Sunday
May God the Creator
care for you all
and keep you faithful and true
to your holy calling.
May God the Son
save you from all evil of sin;
may He be the Way that you go,
the Truth that you follow,
and the Life that you lead!
May the Holy Spirit
keep you in love
and in grace!
May the strength and blessing
of God the Creator,
Redeemer and Holy Spirit be with you this day
and forever.
Blessed Theresa Gerhardinger, Foundress ~ School Sisters of Notre Dame
Stewardship Is Our Way Of Life
Second Collection
Next week’s second collection will be
for Facility Maintenance. Thank you for
your support.
Parish Stewardship
General Collection
Facility Maintenance
Parish Events
St. Joseph’s Lucky Bucks
St. Joseph’s Lucky Bucks tickets are
being sold in the Parish Center
during normal business hours.
Tickets cost $1.00 each. A winner will be chosen
every three months and will win half the amount
that is collected. New tickets will be sold on
April 4, 2016.
VIRTUS Training
Thank you to all those who volunteer in the
various ministries at St. Joseph’s Church.
All volunteers must receive VIRTUS Training in order to continue in your ministry. If
you have not already attended training, we
will be conducting the next VIRTUS Training Session on:
4:00 PM
In the Nazareth Chapel
It is necessary for you to pre-register for the
session at www.VIRTUSonline.org in order
to attend. In addition, please call the Parish Center to let us know you will be attending. If you have any questions, please call
Cathy Cotter at 269-6635 ext. 219.
A Novena of nine Masses are being offered
for all the fathers and grandfathers, living
and deceased, whose names are received.
Father’s Day envelopes (if a card is not
needed) are available in Church today for
all wishing to avail of this opportunity to
remember their fathers and grandfathers
in this special way. If you need a Father’s
Day Card, please stop in at the Parish
A Spring Concert featuring
Handel’s Messiah
Selections from Part 2 and 3
The great oratorio covers Christ’s passion,
resurrection, and glorification in heaven.
Presented by:
St. Joseph’s Chamber Choir and Soloists
Sunday, June 12, 2016
3:00 PM
St. Joseph’s Church
Diocesan Pilgrimage to the
Basilica of the National Shrine
of the Immaculate Conception
As part of the celebration of this Jubilee
Year of Mercy, please consider participating in the Diocesan Pilgrimage to the
Basilica of the National Shrine of the
Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC.
The date of the pilgrimage is Saturday,
September 24, 2016.
St. Joseph’s Church will be providing
transportation to and from the Basilica.
There will be a fee for the bus depending
on the number of attendees. Please contact
Cathy Cotter at the Parish Center (2696635 ext. 219) for more information on
this wonderful event and reserve a seat on
the bus. Please join us!
St. Joseph’s
Parish Family Celebration
Next Sunday ~ May 29, 2016
11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Outdoor Field Mass: 11:00 AM
(please bring a lawn chair)
Food Stations Open: 12:30 PM
An Opportunity
for You and Your Family
to come join in a day of fun,
food, rides, games, and more
Admission Tickets are available at the Parish Center
during office hours on weekdays and on the weekend.
(5 - 15 years old)
$ 7.00
$ 5.00
Day of Picnic:
(5 - 15 years old)
Children under 5
St. Joseph’s
Children’s and Teen Choirs
‘‘Let Freedom Ring’’
A delightful and entertaining
program featuring our talented youth.
Showtime begins at 2:00 PM
in Travis Hall.
Dessert Table
We will have a sharing dessert table
available for you to enjoy. We would like to
invite all families to bring a dessert to be
shared by everyone.
Rain or Shine...it will be a great day.
Please Bring your Lawn Chairs, Tables, Tents, and
Picnic Baskets...
Prize and Cash Raffle Tickets... Take a chance to
win one of the great raffle prizes during the day.
Spring Raffle 2016
Limited Tickets
Only 300 Tickets will be Sold
$10,000 Grand Prize
9 Additional Cash Prizes
Come to the Parish Center
to purchase your
Spring 2016 Raffle Ticket
Raffle to be drawn at the Parish Family
Celebration, Sunday May 29 th
Parish Events
Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus
is hosting a
No knowledge of bridge is necessary!!
Friday, June 3rd at 7:00 PM
Christ The King Family Center – Lower Level
Indian Head Road – Commack
Ticket $10.00
Please join us for an evening of fun & prizes
Including a Chinese Auction
Light refreshments will be served.
No tickets will be sold at the door.
For more information & tickets call:
Louise – (631) 499-4379
Mary – (631) 543-9460
World Apostolate of Fatima
With the approval of Bishop Murphy the
Rockville Centre Diocese Division of The
World Apostolate of Fatima is sponsoring the
Fatima Centennial US Tour for Peace. This
U.S. tour of the historic International Pilgrim
Virgin Statue of Fatima is to commemorate the
Fatima Centenary in 2017, visiting more than
100 U.S. dioceses in all 50 states.
The dates for our Long Island Diocese are as
Tuesday, May 24th
St. Matthew’s Church, Dix Hills
9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Wednesday, May 25th
St. Agnes Cathedral, Rockville Centre
9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Thursday, May 26th
Basilica of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Shrine of Our Lady of the Island, Manorville
4:00 PM to 9:00 PM
For information regarding this Tour for Peace,
please contact Debbie Taglialatela at 874-4138
or email dtag55@optonline.net.
St. Joseph Vacation Bible
Music Camp
July 11 - 15, 2016!
Bible Camp For Children
Ages 4 - 7
Music Camp for Children
Ages 8 and older
9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
Registration Forms available online.
Volunteers are needed.
Please contact
the Religious Education Office
for more information.
Parish Events
Board ‘‘Walk’’ Your Way to Wellness
Health Professionals from St.
Catherine of Siena Medical Center
will be at Sunken Meadow Park
Boardwalk in Kings Park to promote
walking and provide screenings and
health information. Join us by the
main boardwalk entrance at 5:00 PM
on the following Tuesdays, June 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th.
Group walk to begin at 5:30 PM. Please call 870-3444
for more information.
Married Couples!
Looking for the perfect weekend? A
weekend that will bring a husband and
wife closer together? A WWME weekend
is exactly what you are looking for. At a
Worldwide Marriage Encounter, the
original and continually updated marriage
enrichment program, you get away from the distractions of everyday life and focus on each other. Enhance
your good marriage by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend!
The next weekend on Long Island is scheduled for
June 10th – 12th, 2016 at The Immaculate Conception
Seminary in Lloyd Harbor, NY. For more information
about the weekend or to apply, call 1-877-697-9963 or
visit our website at http://www.wwme.org.
10:00 AM TO 3:00 PM
Religion and Rock
Tune into ‘‘Religion and Rock’’ with
Msgr. Jim Vlaun on Sunday from
7:00 to 8:00 AM on WBAB 102.3 FM.
Next Sunday’s theme is ‘Remembering’. Don’t forget to tune in!
Cost is $30. Lunch will be Served ~ Mass will be celebrated. Please make check payable to St. Anthony of
Padua, R. C. Church. Drop off registration and check at
the Rectory Office – Att. A. Finley or mail to:
St. Anthony of Padua R. C. Church, 20 Cheshire Place,
East Northport, N Y 11731. You will receive confirmation.
If you do not receive it, call 261-1077 ext 208.
Please Note
Next Sunday, May 29th
there will be no
9:30 AM or 11:00 AM Mass
in Travis Hall.
However, the 11:00 AM Mass
will be held under the Tent.
Scripture Reflection
Trinity Sunday
When we come to worship, we usually
make the sign of the cross. The words
that accompany this holy action, ‘‘In
the name of the Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit,’’ remind us that there are three persons in
God. The feast of the Holy Trinity is a celebration of
the mystery of God as a family of love. We have not
been left in the dark in our struggle to attempt to
understand God. From what Jesus said and did
while on earth, we can grasp little pieces of the
innermost being of the mystery of God. Throughout
his life, Jesus was forever talking about God as his
Father, and he referred to himself as God’s only Son.
He explained also that his mission was to do the will
of the Father. Jesus introduces us to the Spirit whom
he talks about as being a real person, completely
different from himself and God the Father. The
Spirit’s job is to inspire people to continue in the
church the work begun by Jesus and draw everyone
into the love of God the Father.
This feast reminds us of a simple truth, which we
often forget – God’s plan is that we share in his life of
glory. By our baptism we are raised to a level at which
we become sharers in the family life of God. We are
born of God the Father, God the Son becomes our
brother, and the love of God is poured into our hearts
by the Holy Spirit. This revelation of his inner life of
three persons, in which we have a share, is one of
God’s greatest gifts to us and it is the model towards
which all of us should aim and strive.
Jesus reveals the mystery of the Trinity to us, not just
to let us know the truth about God, but also to know
the truth about ourselves – as to what is our origin,
where is our destiny and how we can arrive at that
final point. We only exist, and the world only exists,
because God gives life. He is the Father who looks
upon us as his children and is closer to us than we
are to ourselves. Everyday is a day to love the Father,
Son and Holy Spirit so we should strive to make the
Holy Trinity a more practical part of our lives. Love is
the binding force of the three persons of the Trinity;
so when we love we share in that community of love,
which is the living God.
This celebration of the abundance of God’s love is an
occasion for appreciating what God has done and
continues to do for us. It calls on us to respond to the
love of God, poured into our hearts by Christ and the
Holy Spirit, and invites us to look forward to the day
when we shall share in the glory of God, Father, Son
and Holy Spirit.
Guild Mass Intentions
The following members will be included in the
Mass Guild Intentions at the 10:30 Mass beginning May 29th, June 5th, June 12th and June 26,
2016. (*indicates Mass is for the living)
Alice Marano
Gerard Ziegler
Gerard Ziegler
Gerard Ziegler
Joan and Mark Smith*
Ernie Tiu
Robert Gann *
Gerard Ziegler
William Treco
Gary Wolff
Harvey McBride
Marie Blanda
Jack Rush
Bob Diamond on His 3rd
Anniversary in Heaven
Diane and Ken Wirth
Andy and Marguerite Forde
Phil and Marge McKeon
AOH Division 3
In Honor of Our 65th
Wedding Anniversary
Barbara and John Hannon
The Kirby and Bowman
Janet and Tom McCabe
Janet and Tom McCabe
Charlie and Helen Hofmayer
Joan and David Gibson
The Daly Family
The Daly Family
Carol and Family
Learn to be Tobacco Free
St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center and
Suffolk County Department of Health will host
a free smoking cessation program, beginning
Thursday, June 9th at 6:00 PM. This 6 week
program is open to the public and will be held
in the St. Catherine of Siena Nursing and
Rehabilitation Care Center, 52 Route 25A,
Smithtown., lower level Fr. Fred Hill Room.
For more information and to register, please
call (631) 870-3444.
Pastoral Care
Religious Education
Minister to the Sick and Homebound
Office Hours
If you have a family member who is
homebound and would like to
receive the Eucharist, please call
the Parish Center at 269-6635 to
make arrangements.
Monday ~ Wednesday
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Fridays ~ Closed
Additional Times Available by Request
If you or a loved one are in one
of our local hospitals, please
call the Parish Center so that
a Pastoral visit can be made.
Class Times
Dignity of Life Issues
1 – 6 Grade:
7th & 8th Grade:
5:00 to 6:00 PM
7:00 to 8:30 PM
‘‘Many assisted reproduction technologies also
cause the destruction of human life. This fact
is seldom explained to a couple before the
various procedures begin.’’
‘‘Infertility’’ www.goo.gl/Jdmuy3
ForYourMarriage.Org (an initiative of the USCCB)
First Grade Registration has begun for
children entering first grade in September.
Please call the office for information.
Holy Hour
Community Service
Holy Hour will be Friday, May 27 , from 9:30
to 10:30 AM in the Nazareth Chapel.
Sisters of St. Dominic
Homecoming Farm
Annual Garden Party
Friday, June 17, 2016
Dominican Village
565 Albany Avenue
6:00 – 8:00 PM
Helen Butler Hall
Amityville, NY 11701
An opportunity to learn about our
Mission, Supporters, and the
Partnership of Homecoming Farm and
The INN.
Delicious wine, beautiful appetizers,
raffles, live music and more!
$40 Donation per Guest
To register:
Info: Susan Mac Donald 516-643-5286
Anyone looking for community service hours,
please contact the School of Religion office.
Life Center of Long Island
To promote, encourage and foster public sentiment and respect for the dignity of human life.
Sonograms by a licensed physician.
Crisis Intervention Counseling.
Post Abortion Counseling.
Hope Alive Counseling.
Pregnancy Tests.
Emergency Shelter.
Information and guidance on employment,
housing and continuing education.
Baby items such as cribs, car seats, clothing,
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats.
Natural Family Planning Classes.
Abstinence Education.
Training for crisis pregnancy services.
(516) 798-9100
Remembering Loved Ones
Many parishioners have expressed an interest in
making a monetary donation to cover the cost of
flowers or the cost of bread and wine or Sanctuary
Lamp for a period of one week, usually in memory of
a loved one, living or deceased. If at any time you are
interested in making such a donation, please call the
Receptionist at the Parish Center (269-6635) or stop
in to make arrangements. An acknowledgement of
your offering will appear in the bulletin.
Main Altar Flowers ............................$75.00 each
or two pieces for $125.00
Blessed Mother’s Altar Flowers ................. $75.00
St. Joseph’s Altar Flowers ........................ $40.00
Bread and Wine ....................................... $25.00
Sanctuary Lamp ...................................... $25.00
Respect Life Rose ..................................... $10.00
Those Who Were Baptized
This past week the following child was
welcomed into the Church:
Jace Finnell
Sanctuary Lamp Memorial
The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this
week In Thanksgiving for the Priestly
Ordination of Fr. Seán Gann from
Deacon John and Ellen.
Bread and Wine Memorial
The Eucharistic Bread and Wine for
this week are In Loving Memory of
Mary Ellen Trodden on Her 4th Birthday in Heaven ~ Love, Mom and Dad ~
We Miss You So Much.
Flower Memorial
The Flowers on St Joseph’s Altar are
In Loving Memory of Rosaria Tabone
from The Tabone Family.
The Flowers on the Blessed Mother’s
Altar are In Loving Memory of Marie
Murphy from Her Loving Husband,
Wedding Banns
Please pray for the following couple
who is preparing for the Sacrament
of Matrimony: (*St. Joseph’s, K.P.)
Michael Cimino and Jessica Miller *
Please Remember In Your Prayers
Those Who Are Sick
Jane Przonek, Baby Abby Rose Iapoce, Maria
Magdalen, Mildred Ingram, Helen Williams,
Helen McDowell, Richard Belardo, Thomas
Mooney, Nuala Gillearn, Judy Natour, Nina
Finerman, Al Snolis, Anthony Ferrara, Sandi
Ferrara, Michael Ferrara, Theresa Ferrara,
Josephine Ferrara, Joseph Ferrara, Peter Ferrara,
Bernadette Cicero, Gabriella Richter, Steven
Richter, Sal Marinello Jr., Joan Blom, Sharon
Biasi, Toni Ingenito, Anne Bernardi, Brianna
Ferrara, Maryann Lerro, Fr. Manly, Pauline
McDonnell, Eric Kobus, Gabe, Jaen, Catherine
Healy, Victoria Rahn, Robert Schuster, Lena
Spongberg, Michael John Ryan, Leah Langsam,
Lorraine Grippi, Doris Terlaga, Michael Riordan,
Herbert Haubeil, Dora Goldring, Robert Vencak,
Jessica Allen, Dominick Laudato, Anna Sexton,
Dorothy Konopka, Loretta Commins, Marianne
Banks, Helen McDowell, Michael DiPippo, Frank
Genna, Anthony J. DiDonato, Joseph Montemurro,
Silvestri Triplets, Debbie Ferrante, Arlene
Caporaso, John DiPippo, Peter Villar, Vincent
Palmieri, Jessica Wolin, Evan Wolin, Maxine
Ryan, Lisa Sayas, Debbie Neri, John Weber,
Nicole Mallas, Henry Heedles, Phyllis Stabile,
George Mueller, Daniel Salmon, Arthur Paoloni,
Julie McDowell Scott, Thomas Mooney, Ann
Carey, Kathleen Evans, Caitlin Zambito, Scott
Frease, Susan Bennardo, Muriel Stoddard, Barbara Troiano, Kim Tortorella, Stephen Tucker,
Patrick Dugan, Michael Leili, Jr.
Those Who Have Died
Dorothy Mathes, Sal Conigliaro
Joseph Trucchio, Elaine Butler
Ann McCormack, Nicholas Weber
Please Remember In Your Prayers
Those In The Service
LTC Aaron Allgeyer, US Airforce
PFC Kiersten Armstrong, US Army
Sgt. Michael J. Bang, US Army
CPO Louis Barani, US Navy
Lt. Timothy Barnikel, US Navy
Airman James Tyler Bartram, US Airforce
Ensign Barbara K. Beal, US Navy
A1C Byron S. Beal, US Airforce
Sgt. William Beisler, US Army
Cpl. Ken Boss, USMC
LCpl. Ronnie Brandafino, USMC
Airman Nicholas Buttgereit, 106th Air Rescue, Air Guard
1st Lt. James Byler, USMC
Cpl. Jesse Callahan, USMC
PFC Ryan Canedo, USMC
Sgt. Paul Canedo, USMC
Pvt. 1st Class Frank Capozzoli, III, USMC
PFC David Caulfield, US Army
Staff Sgt. Michael Cavezza, 82nd Airborne
1st Lt. Adam Cecil, 82nd Airborne
1st Lt. Robert Cilla, US Airforce
Cpl. Robert Conaghan, US Army
Pvt. Joseph Covello, USMC
Specialist Jason Dennington, US Army
Sgt. Mark Dennington, US Army
Sgt. Patrick Doherty, US Army
PFC Chris Digangi, USMC
Staff Sgt. James T. Drew, US Army
LCpl. Peter Dudek, USMC
PFC Robert Elsmore, US Army
PFC Patrick. Fagan, USMC
Captain Michael Farrell, USMC
PFC Steaven Flannery, US Army
Lt. Lauren O’Neill Fleming, US Navy
Commander Edward Galvin, US Navy
Captain Peter Gerboth, US Army
Pvt. John Giacalone, US Army
Staff Sgt. Laura Ann Hagmeyer, US Airforce
LTC Jim Halloran, US Army
Col. Brian Hand, US Airforce
Major Emily Harris, US Airforce
Sgt. Cory Holdorf, USMC
1st Lt. Brian Holleran, US Army
Major Sean Hood, US Army
LCDR Diane Howell, USNR
Lt. J.G. Michael Hyne, US Coast Guard
Major Lucian Icardi, US Army
LCpl. Michael Johanidesz, USMC
Pvt. Brendan Johnston, US Navy
Lt. Brian K. Johnston, US Airforce
Lt. Kevin W.F. Johnston, US Army
Col. Corey Keppler, US Airforce
Pvt. Daniel Kuhlmann, US Army
Lt. Keith M. Laffman, US Navy
Seaman Joseph Leahy, US Coast Guard
Commander Steve Marty, US Navy
Spc. Scott Michael Molloy, US Army
CWO2 Frank E. Marano, III, US Navy
T. Sgt. Michael R. Marotta, US Airforce
Ranger Brian McGuire, US Army
Sgt. Michelle Meyers, US Army
2nd Lt. Matthew F. Moore, US Army
CPO Cole Norman, US Navy Seals
Sgt. Donald Norton, US Army National Guard
Sgt. Robert A. O’Connell, USMC
Lt. Commander Patrick O’Reilly, US Navy
Lt. Timothy O’Reilly, US Navy
Cpl. August R. Oetting, III, USMC
Lt. Alexandra Ostebo, US Army
Lt. Denali Ostebo, US Army
Captain Donald Pagel, Jr., USNR
LCpl. Cory Paradine, USMC
FM Henry J. Perez, US Navy
Captain Carl Petersen, US Navy
Col. Chris Reimer, US Army
Airman Dylan Revere, Airforce
Pvt. Joey Rinaldo, USMC
LCpl. Edward F. Salmon, IV, USMC
Captain Shaun Salmon, US Army
FC2(SW) Nicholas Scott, US Navy
Staff Sgt. Frank Segreto, US Airforce
PFC Rick Silecchio, US Army
1st Lt. Douglas M. Sparacio, US Airforce
Lt. Christian Stanco, US Coast Guard
Captain Marc Stanco, US Airforce
LTC Jeffrey Starke, US Army
Airman Michael Strombelline, US Airforce
Commander Edward J. Sullivan, US Navy
Lt. Commander Colleen Symansky, US Coast Guard
Pvt. 1st Class Michael Richard Theiss, US Army
Commander Michael Tutoro, US Coast Guard
SRA Brendan Johnson, US Airforce
LCpl. Brian Weiyler, USMC
ET, SS Thomas Wiese, US Navy
Sr. Airman Matthew Winkeleer, US Airforce
Cpl. Tyler Winterfield, USMC
Spc. Daniel Wiwczar, National Guard
Please Note:
We are currently updating this list. Reviewing it would be appreciated. If you know anyone who
no longer needs to be on this list, please notify the Parish Center (269-6635) so that our list can
remain current. Thank you.
Altar Servers
If you are looking for a more meaningful experience at Mass,
become an altar server. It is a great way to learn more about
the Mass and to take an active role in the Church community.
Altar serving is a privilege and a very special responsibility.
It provides you the opportunity to become more
involved in your faith and the Church.
Altar servers learn responsibility and organization.
Altar serving is a great community service opportunity.
Anyone in 4th grade or older can become an altar server.
Training classes are offered at different times
throughout the year.
We are holding a training class for new altar servers on
Tuesday, May 24th
in the Church from 5:00 to 6:30 PM.
If you are interested in becoming an altar server,
please email or call Diane Nally in our School of Religion office.
Knights of Columbus
Council Food Drive
Saturday, June 4th & Sunday, June 5th
10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
In cooperation with St. Joseph’s Society of St. Vincent DePaul we invite
donations of canned and packaged foods. Items such as cereal, pasta, peanut
butter, jelly, soup, baby food, pancake mix, tea/coffee, detergents, juice boxes
toothpaste, etc. are always needed. Gift cards are always welcome. The need to
support the food pantry remains an ongoing one.
We will be collecting the donations at the Council Hall, 44 Church Street, on
Saturday, June 4th and Sunday, June 5th from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. If this
is not convenient, please call Bob Normandin (724-1410) or Charlie Herbert
(269-1118) to make alternate arrangements.
Summer Basketball Camp
Sponsored By:
St. Joseph’s Summer Sports Program
We are happy to announce that Our Lady of Mercy Academy in Syosset has agreed to
allow us to add the August 8th to August 12th week at their air-conditioned gymnasium so that we can honor our commitment to all those who want to attend camp.
Although the school district’s bond issue has eliminated the use of any Kings Park
facility, the special reduced fee for all St. Joseph’s parishioners will be honored for
all who attend the All-American Basketball Camp in Syosset under the direction of
Gus Alfieri.
The one-week session for boys and girls from Grades 3 through 11 (as of September
2016) Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 3:50 PM, from August 8th to August 12th.
(Free early morning drop-off is also available)
The camp’s special offer is open to all Parish CYO team participants, children of
parishioners, residents of Kings Park school district.
For further information, please contact Camp Director Gus Alfieri at
(631) 265-7142, or email him at aalf@optonline.net and a flyer will be sent to you.
May 22 – June 4, 2015
Parish Calendar
Palm Sunday
May 22
May 23
May 24
May 25
May 26
May 27
AA 10AM Rm 106
Chamber Choir
7:30PM CH
Rm 107
Eagle Scout
AA 10AM Rm 106
CDA, Jr.
6:30PM CR
NA 7PM Rm 106
Mother’s Club
9:30AM Rms
101, 103, 108
Children’s Choir
5:30PM CR
Teen Choir 7PM
7:30PM CR
St. Joseph’s
Ensemble 6PM
May 28
Rm 106
Ministry 7PM PC
Martha’s Hands
7PM Rm 103
of the
Blessed Sacrament
in the
Nazareth Chapel
9:30 to 10:30 AM
Kings Park Irish
Dancers 7PM Rm
AA 7:30PM
Rm 107
Music Group
7:30PM CH
NA 8PM Rm 106
CYO ~~ Ball Fields 1, 2 & 4 8:00 AM – 8:30 PM
St. Philip Neri
May 29
St. Joseph’s
Parish Family
May 30
AA 10AM Rm 106
NA 7PM Rm 106
11:00 AM
Center Open
9:00 to 10:30
Mother’s Club
9:30AM Rms
101, 103, 108
Children’s Choir
5:30PM CR
11:00 AM to
5:00 PM
Field Mass
May 31
Teen Choir 7PM
June 1
June 2
AA 10AM Rm 106 Chamber Choir
7:30PM CH
St. Joseph’s
Ensemble 6PM
June 4
Rm 106
Ministry 7PM PC
Kings Park Irish
Dancers 7PM Rm
AA 7:30PM
Rm 107
Parish Center
School of
June 3
Music Group
7:30PM CH
of the
Blessed Sacrament
in the
Nazareth Chapel
9:30 to 12:00 Noon
NA 8PM Rm 106
CYO ~~ Ball Fields 1, 2 & 4 8:00 AM – 8:30 PM
Visitation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Justin
The Most Sacred Heart
of Jesus
Immaculate Heart of
the Blessed Virgin
Please call the Parish Center with schedule changes.
Key for location of activities: TH = Travis Hall, CH = Church, PC = Parish Center, NC = Nazareth Chapel, LH = Lighthouse
SC = School Chapel, CR = Centennial Room and Room Numbers are for classrooms in the School of Religion Building

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