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Meadows of Brushy Creek Meadows of Brushy Creek June 2009 Official Publication of Meadows of Brushy Creek HOA 2009 Brushy Creek Backyard BBQ Cook-Off Results Mark Your Calendar! Monthly HOA Meetings: Meetings are scheduled for the 4th Tuesday of every month. - June 23rd, 2009 Grand Champion Red, White & Que, Head Cook Richard Middleton Reserve Grand Champion Callendar Cookers, Head Cook Mel Callendar * Meetings are subject to change or cancellation due to holidays and/or board member availability. People’s Choice Competition Prize Money Team NameHead Cook 1) George’s Jungle George Campbell $2,860 Cash 2) Peachcreek Smokers Thomas Motal 3) Bad Boyz BBQ Sean Leschber 4) Six Pack Smokers Randall Tomanetz 5) Chicken Leg Brothers Charles Scoggins 6) Double Czech’ed Cookers Glen Chervenka 7) Horns Up Tailgaters Trevor Ogden 8) Not A Saladbar Phillip Salazar 9) 3 Pigs N A Poke Ed Talley 10)Rub The One Your With Kyle Wickham( MUD Community Center Events: JUNE 2 5 8-12 8 8 8 8 13-21 15 15 15 17 19 23 26 Championship Brisket Team NameHead CookPrize Money 1) Runnin’ Buddyz Travis Jez $350 Cash 2) Red, White & Que Richard Middleton $250 Cash 3) Sloppy Seconds John Christopher $150 Cash 4) Chicken Leg Brothers Charles Scoggins 5) Peachcreek Smokers Thomas Motal 6) Rub The One Your With Kyle Wickham 7) B & D Cookers Bob Barton 8) Panhandle Porkers Tim Tregellas 9) Bad Boyz BBQ Sean Leschber 10)Six Pack Smokers Randall Tomanetz Swim Conditioning begins 5th Grade Promotion Party Cooking Baking Camp /1st week Camp Foxtail Volleyball Camp First Day of Camp Foxtail Biggest Loser Couples Challenge Summer pool hours in effect Scuba Course Adult Volleyball Registration Adult Basketball Registration First Day of Splash Camp Baton Twirling Skills Class Daddy Daughter Dance Wii Bowling League Teen Guitar Hero Tournament Go Paperless Pork Spare Ribs Team NameHead CookPrize Money 1) B & D Cookers Bob Barton $350 Cash 2) Red, White & Que Richard Middleton $250 Cash (Continued on Page 3) Copyright © 2009 Peel, Inc. Volume 2, Issue 6 Sign up to receive Meadows of Brushy Creek in your inbox. Visit PEELinc.com for details. Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowner's Association Newsletter - June 2009 Meadows of Brushy Creek Disclaimers HOA contact info HOA Board Members Term Expires Bob Grahl, Chairman of the Board.......................... 09/2009 bob@meadowshoa.com Mel Callender, President........................................... 09/2010 mel@meadowshoa.com Christian Soeffker, Tresurer...................................... 09/2009 christian@meadowshoa.com Mike Baranowski, Director....................................... 09/2010 mike@meadowshoa.com Anna Huckabee, Director.......................................... 09/2010 anna@meadowshoa.com NEWSLETTER EDITOR Mike Baranowski.................... newsletter@meadowshoa.com NEWSLETTER PUBLISHER Peel, Inc..........................www.PEELinc.com, 512-263-9181 Advertising..........advertising@PEELinc.com, 512-263-9181 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (Deed restriction violations and general information) Debra Johnson Goodwin Management, Inc. 11149 Research Blvd, Suite 100 Austin, Texas 78759 Office (512) 502-7043 Cell (512) 745-1511 Fax (512) 346-4873 HOA Web Site At no time will any source be allowed to use the Meadows of Brushy Creek HOA Newsletter contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from the Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowner's Association and Peel, Inc. The information in the newsletter is exclusively for the private use of Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowner's Association residents only. Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above. www.meadowshoa.com Important Numbers CITY OF ROUND ROCK Round Rock Refuse������������������������������������������ 512-255-4980 Williamson County (main line�������������������������� 512-943-1300 Williamson County Sheriff (non-emergency).....512-943-1300 Sam Bass Fire Department (non-emergency)......512-255-0100 Animal Control (domestic pets and stray livestock...................512-943-1389 Poison Contrl���������������������������������������������������� 800-POISON For Emergencies�������������������������������������������������������������� 9-1-1 Non-Emergencies.............................................................3-1-1 Community, Healthy, Mental Services.............................2-1-1 Don't Want to wait for the mail? Receive the Meadows of Brushy Creek Newsletter in your inbox. Sign up online at www.PEELinc.com Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowners Association Newsletter - June 2009 Copyright © 2009 Peel, Inc. Meadows of Brushy Creek Backyard BBQ Cook-off Results - (Continued from Cover Page) 3) Triple R BBQ 4) Freebird BBQ 5) Callendar Cookers 6) Panhandle Porkers 7) Eat Crow 8) The Stupidintendents 9) Runnin’ Buddyz 10)Team Bryant BBQ Ryan Lockhart Mike Provance Mel Callendar Tim Tregellas Danny Crow Rosco Stermer Travis Jez Pete Bryant $150 Cash NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE Chicken Team NameHead CookPrize Money 1) Family Affair Tim Lint $350 Cash 2) Callendar Cookers Mel Callendar $250 Cash 3) Rub The One Your With Kyle Wickham $150 Cash 4) Six Pack Smokers Randall Tomanetz 5) Silverado Smokehouse Chris Hunt 6) Ol’ Smokey & The Bandits Bobby Hepner 7) Peachcreek Smokers Thomas Motal 8) KountryBoyz Kookers Paul Ready 9) Triple R BBQ Ryan Lockhart 10)C & B Southwest Chuck McCrory Advertising Info (Continued on Page 4) Lessons For Life Private and group classes starting weekly! •Small Classes •Convenient Locations •Indoor and Outdoor Pools Please support the businesses that advertise in the Meadows of Brushy Creek HOA Newsletter. Their advertising dollars make it possible for all Meadows of Brushy Creek residents to receive the monthly newsletter at no charge. No homeowners association funds are used to produce or mail the newsletters. If you would like to support the newsletter by advertising, please contact our sales office at 512-263-9181 or advertising@PEELinc. com. The advertising deadline is the 10th of each month for the following month's newsletter. REGIST E TODAY R ! Aqua-Tots Swim Schools (512) 336-8687 www.aqua-tots.com One of America’s Top 25 ROOFING CONTRACTORS A U S T I N • F O R T W O R T H • D A L L A S ½Ì Ì>i ÀÃà ÜÌ ÞÕÀ L}}iÃÌ ÛiÃÌiÌt > Ì`>Þ vÀ > vÀii L}>Ì Ã«iVÌ 512-246-0024 Ü Ü Ü° ÃÌ °V Copyright © 2009 Peel, Inc. laim C l i a H nce a t s i s As Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowner's Association Newsletter - June 2009 Meadows of Brushy Creek Backyard BBQ Cook-off Results - (Continued from Page 3) Cook’s Choice Team NameHead Cook 1) Peachcreek Smokers Thomas Motal 2) B & D Cookers Bob Barton 3) Rub The One Your With Kyle Wickham 4) Bad Boyz BBQ Sean Leschber 5) Eat Crow Danny Crow 6) Ol’ Smokey & The BanditsBobby Hepner 7) Horns Up Tailgaters Trevor Ogden 8) 3 Pigs And A Poke Ed Talley 9) Triple R BBQ Ryan Lockhart 10)Not A Saladbar Phillip Salazar Cooks’s ChoicePrize Money Salmon $350 Cash Baby Back Ribs $250 Cash T-Bone $150 Cash Shrimp Stuffed Jalapenos Shrimp Pork Tenderloin Rack of Lamb Salmon Baby Back Ribs Jackpot Beans Team NameHead CookPrize Money 1) The Stupidintendents Rosco Stermer $200 Cash 2) Sloppy Seconds John Christopher $40 Cash 3) Horns Up Tailgaters Trevor Ogden $20 Cash 4) Six Pack Smokers Randall Tomanetz 5) Peachcreek Smokers Thomas Motal 6) Bad Boyz BBQ Sean Leschber 7) Callendar Cookers Mel Callendar 8) Double Czech’ed CookersGlen Chervenka 9) Travis Jez 10)Ol’ Smokey & The Bandits Bobby Hepner What Is Recyclable? Recyclable items that are accepted: newspaper, magazines, white office paper, aluminum, steel and tin cans, milk jugs, clear and colored plastic bottles (please remove any caps or lids off the plastic bottles). Thanks for recycling! Classified Ads Business classifieds (offering a service or product line for profit) are $50, limit 40 words, please contact Peel, Inc. Sales Office @ 512-263-9181 or advertising@ PEELinc.com. #ENTRAL4EXAS,ARGEST2EPLASTER0LASTER2ENOVATION#OMPANY VE N LUSI 3HEE C X % 4EC OR BLE CAT B E 0 !PPLI 2ESIDENTIAL #OMMERCIAL 'UNITE3HOTCRETE n &INANCING!VAILABLE n )NSTALL,ATEST$ESIGNS n &REE%STIMATES n !DDA7ATERFALL n #ONCRETE$ECKS 0ATIOS-ORE "REATHE.EW,IFE)NTO9OUR0OOL "EFORE , /VEOCALLY 7OR R /WN THO ED F%X 0OO PERI LS ENC E !FTER #ALL4ODAYFORA&2%%%VALUATION%STIMATE Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowners Association Newsletter - June 2009 6IEW/UR/NLINE'ALLERY WWWCENTEXPLASTERCOM Copyright © 2009 Peel, Inc. Meadows of Brushy Creek June Events at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Paintings by Chrissie Forbes June 6 through 28 Wildflowers and wildlife in colorful oils and acrylics at the McDermott Learning Center. National Trail Days Saturday, June 6 Scott B. Fleenor will sign the new Plants of Central Texas Wetlands and Invertebrates of Texas, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the store. First Day of Summer Sale Saturday and Sunday, June 13 and 14 Discounts on door mats, bird feeders and patio furniture for outdoor living at the store. Summer Sales & Clearances Saturday and Sunday, June 27 and 28 Drastic reductions—up to 75 percent--on gifts, apparel, seasonal items in the store Great Hills Baptist Church Summer Activities Vacation Bible School | June 15-19 Going Beyond - Women’s Conference with Priscilla Shirer | June 26-27 Patriotic Celebration - Both Sunday Services June 28 Children’s Fine Art Workshop | July 6-10 Veggie Tales Day Camp | July 27-31 Middle / High School Camps at Baylor University | July 27-31 Celebrate Recovery | Mondays, 7 pm, 2nd floor of building A 512.260.2261 • www.sapientiamontessori.com 1220 Cottonwood Creek Trail (CR185), Cedar Park, TX 78613 Open Year Round Mon. - Fri. • 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Regular Sunday Schedule: 9:30 & 11 am Bible Life Groups for all ages Enrolling children ages 18 months - 6 years for 2009-2010 9:30 am Celebration - Connection Worship Choir & Orchestra “The child, in the process of development, has unlimited possibilities – the future rests on our ability to cultivate this potential” - Maria Montessori 11:00 am Life - Connection Worship Band • Unmatched academic & character foundation • Individual & group lessons for children to learn at their own pace and strengthen social skills • Well over 100 years of family and staff experience • Specialized environments which build sensorymotor skills, social skills, high self-esteem, and instill habits of concentration & inner security, through carefully planned activities • Wide variety of after-school and unique enrichment programs A branch of Cedar Park Montessori and Pflugerville Montessori Schools Copyright © 2009 Peel, Inc. 10500 Jollyville Road . Austin, TX . 78759 10500 Jollyville Road . Austin, TX . 78759 | www.ghbc.org | 512.343.7763 www.ghbc.org | 512.343.7763 Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowner's Association Newsletter - June 2009 Meadows of Brushy Creek Nature Watch, by Jim and Lynne Weber Send your nature-related questions to naturewatch@austin.rr.com and we’ll do our best to answer them. Caverns & Caves Millions of years ago, the great seas that stood over Texas deposited the makings of thick layers of limestone. As the land rose and the seas fell, eons of rainfall leached out hollows, deep pits, and underground streambeds, and over time, these deeply hidden worlds built a silent beauty. Today, Texas is riddled with over three thousand known caves and sinkholes, most of them in the Edwards Plateau region of central Texas. The most important factor in cave formation is the presence of carbon dioxide in water, the main source of which is found in the soil. Rains form a weak carbonic acid that drives the progressive process of dissolution, a process that is more common in limestone than in any other type of rock. Fractures in the limestone allow this weak acidic water to fill voids in the rock, and as the water flow eventually decreases and the water table recedes, caves may become dry or partially dry. Some of the carbon dioxide that was in the water is released into the cave atmosphere, causing the water to become less acidic, and the calcium carbonate dissolved in it begins to form tiny crystals or precipitate. Individual crystals build upon one another, and a steady drip from a cave ceiling can create a wide variety of cave formations. There are downward-building stalactites, upward-growing stalagmites, and if the two grow together they can form a column. Ribbons of stone can develop into shapes resembling draperies, curtains, soda straws, coral, pearls, and even strips of bacon! The unusual and ever-changing environment of a cave with its constant darkness, temperature, and relative humidity creates unique and interesting inhabitants. Scientists believe that many are relic species, isolated populations that were left to follow their own evolutionary path. (Continued on Page 7) N IO ON A C CR ED CO M M I ION AT IT SS WWW.ATFCU.ORG 512.302.5555 HOme eqUiTy lOAns 5.15 % APR* 5.35 % APR* 15 yeARs plus no closing costs** 10 yeARs 5.60 5.70 5.85 *** *** 1.31 4.39 % APR* 66 mOnTHs new or used APy **** $25,000 TO $74,999 1.51 % APy **** $75,000 TO $124,999 % % APR* 1.76 % APy **** $125,000 And AbOve minimum daily balance of $2000 required CeRTiFiCATe OF dePOsiT1 1.81 % APy **** 2.07 % APy **** 2.32 % APy **** 12 mOnTHs 24 mOnTHs 6 mOnTHs 1 regular - minimum deposit of $1000 required CeRTiFiCATe OF dePOsiT2 1.91 % APy **** 2.17 % APy **** Engage minds and hearts will follow. *** 72 mOnTHs mOney mARkeT % 2.42 % APy **** 12 mOnTHs 24 mOnTHs 6 mOnTHs 2 jumbo - minimum deposit of $95000 required 15 lOCATiOns FRee CHeCkinG 250+ FRee ATms Online bAnkinG exCellenT RATes You Can Join! At Primrose, you’ll discover a childhood education approach unlike any other. 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AddiTiOnAl nOn-sTAndARd Fees Will be THe ResPOnsibiliTy OF THe membeR. ***RATe APPlies TO 1sT lien COmmeRCiAl ReAl esTATe lOAns WiTH A lOAn TO vAlUe OF 80% OR less; COnsTRUCTiOn/develOPmenT lOAn RATes/TeRms mAy be diFFeRenT. nO PRe-PAymenT PenAlTy. ****AnnUAl PeRCenTAGe yield. PenAlTies FOR eARly WiTHdRAWAl mAy APPly. 1ReGUlAR - A minimUm dePOsiT OF $1000 is ReqUiRed. 2JUmbO - A minimUm dePOsiT OF $95000 is ReqUiRed. All APRs, APys And TeRms ARe sUbJeCT TO CHAnGe WiTHOUT nOTiCe. PleAse CAll FOR deTAils. THis CRediT UniOn is FedeRAlly insURed by THe nATiOnAl CRediT UniOn AdminisTRATiOn. PROOF APR* 15 yeARs AUTO lOAns 3.69 E % 6.10 % 10 yeARs 20 year amortization 5 yeARs O L I M PR O V 20 yeARs bUsiness lOAns % HO M D EN T AN SC Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowners Association Newsletter - June 2009 Educational Child Care For Infants through Private Kindergarten and After School Each Primrose School is privately owned and operated. Primrose Schools and The Leader in Educational Child Care are trademarks of Primrose School Franchising Company. ©2008 PSFC. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2009 Peel, Inc. Meadows of Brushy Creek Nature Watch - (Continued from Page 6) Those species truly adapted to caves have reduced eyes & pigment, slender bodies, and extra long legs, which allows the animal to spread itself over a larger surface area in such a food-poor environment. These extreme adaptations can be seen in many of central Texas’ threatened and endangered species such as cave salamanders, beetles, spiders, pseudoscorpions, and other cave invertebrates. While several species of bats inhabit Texas caves – almost 100 million in about a dozen caves – they routinely leave the caves in search of food and therefore show the least adaptation and restriction to these environments. While many central Texas caves are considered “wild” and are explored mainly by expert cavers, geologists and biologists, seven of these caves are considered “show” caves, or caves that have been developed enough to be enjoyed by the general public. Natural Bridge Caverns, located north of San Antonio, is the largest commercial cave in Texas, and full of draperies, curtains, stalagmites, and stalactites. Cascade Caverns in Boerne, otherwise known as the “Peep in the Deep”, has a 90-foot waterfall when conditions are wet. Wonder World Cave in San Marcos is the oldest commercial cave in Texas, where you can find ceilings full of fossils and directly view the waters of the Edwards aquifer as well as the underside of the Balcones fault line. Longhorn Caverns in Burnet was used for shelter by the Comanche Indians and for worship by a local church, and has large calcite crystals filling its walls. Inner Space Caverns in Georgetown features soda straw ceilings and an underground theater for educational programs. The Caverns of Sonora, a short drive from Sonora, was designated a National Natural Landmark in 1966, and is one of the most active caves in the world, with over 95% of its formations still growing. The Cave Without a Name, just northeast of Boerne, holds the state’s best examples of cave bacon, one of which is almost 22 feet long! As unique features of the land, caves are protected by Texas law, and benefit from the stewardship of cavers, cave owners, and the general public. Marvel at the formations (but don’t touch), seek to understand their origins, and remember, summer is the perfect time to get out of the Texas heat by heading down into a cave! MEADOWS OF BRUSHY CREEK FREE 512-670-9600 AUSTINSPARK.COM 16231 NORTH IH 35 JUST NORTH OF GRAND AVE PKWY ON 35 Park Package! With purchase of an entire park package Package Includes: * * * * * * * * * * Copyright © 2009 Peel, Inc. Pizza, Pasta, and Salad Buffet Video Game Arcade Go Karts Bumper Boats Mini Golf Lazer Tag Rock Walls Little Shot Tea Cups Rio Grande Train Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowner's Association Newsletter - June 2009 Peel, Inc. of Brushy Creek Meadows 311 Ranch Road 620 S. Ste 200 Lakeway, TX 78734-4775 www.PEELinc.com PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PEEL, INC. MB ADVERTISE HERE 512-263-9181 www.PEELinc.com Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowners Association Newsletter - June 2009 Copyright © 2009 Peel, Inc.