May Good Tidings - St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church
May Good Tidings - St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church
The Newsletter of St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church Contemporary Worship Saturday 5:00 p.m. 7834 Eastern Ave. Baltimore, MD 21224 Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. 410-288-0537 410-284-0336 (fax) Sunday School 8:45 a.m. Vol. 84 Rev. Vicki L. Hamel, Pastor Valerie Adelung, Minister of Music MAY, 2012 No. 05 In a recent confirmation class we discussed God’s creation (broadly understood as all that exists, heaven and earth and all living creatures), and how to practice good stewardship to partner with God in sustaining it. Our conversation included ideas like recycling, sharing resources with people in need, locally and around the world, promoting peace to facilitate distribution of goods and to cultivate good relationships, caring for animals, and using our individual gifts and talents to better the world. We unpacked the meaning of St. Peter’s motto “Blessed to be a blessing,” and looked up the origin of the phrase—God’s promise to Abraham that through him all the families of the earth would be blessed. (Gen. 12:3) Something I read recently on formulating a personal mission statement reminded me of a statement by Frederick Buechner, a spiritual writer I admire. I read some of his books at a crossroads in my life when trying to discern God’s call, whether for ordained ministry or another vocation. Buechner offers this guidance in such discernment. “The kind of work God usually calls you to is the kind of work a) that you need most to do, and b) that the world most needs to have done….The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” I believe that advice pertains to us at all stages of life--in youth, in the midst of our working years, or in retirement. Furthermore, (a) and (b) above are not static, but can change over the course of our lives, depending upon the time and place. In pondering a direction and purpose for our lives, another author, Bob Buford, suggests some preliminary focus questions in his book Game Plan. These questions dovetail Buechner’s counsel above. Buford recommends these considerations: 1) What do I believe? 2) What is my passion? 3) What needs exist in the world that I would like to meet? 4) What are the “should haves” that arise when I reflect on my past? 5) How could my story and God’s larger story connect? The above discussion could be helpful in a corporate sense too, by substituting “St. Peter” for the individual pronouns. Towards what new and continuing ministries might God be nudging us as a congregation? Let’s all chew on that thought for awhile, and see where the Spirit leads us! ● To Lisa Christhilf, who was named ProStart Teacher of the Year in the state of Maryland. This honor is given to an outstanding teacher at a vocational/technical high school. Lisa teaches culinary arts at Western School of Technology and Environmental Sciences. ● To Ophelia Bartub, who was nominated for the National Honor Roll at Dundalk High School, and will be inducted in May. Ophelia is from Liberia and English is not her native language, so we commend this significant academic achievement. ● To Nicole Jansen, student at Parkville Middle School, who had two pieces of her art featured in a juried middle school exhibit sponsored by Baltimore County Public Schools' Office of Visual Arts. Her pieces chosen were an acrylic painting and a self-portrait in multi-media. ● To Sabrina Michaud, who won the First Place trophy in jazz and First Place points plaque at the Star Power Dance Competition in March. ● To Lindsey Rivera, who won the First Place trophy in tap and Second Place points plaque at the same competition. Both girls will compete in the World Competition in July in Ocean City. CHRIST IS RISEN! ALLELUIA! Pastor Vicki thanks the congregation for the many cards, best wishes, and kind words she received this Easter. What a pleasure it was to share in the joyous celebration of our Lord's resurrection with the faith community (and new extended family) at St. Peter! Bulletin and Flower Memorials Congregation members continue to sponsor bulletin and flower memorials in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special person. Weekly Flowers (either 2 altar vases or 1 large arrangement) - $25. Open Dates are May 27, June 3, June, 10, June 17, and June 24. Weekly Bulletins - $15 – Open Dates are: May 6, May 13, May 20, May 27, June 3, June 10, June 17, and June 24. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Our next Men’s Bible Study will be May 7th at 7:30 p.m. We are studying the Old Testament book of Jeremiah. His words brought to the people the will of God hundreds of years before Christ. All men are invited to join us. Tom Flink XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Prosper Yeakula 1506 Alconbury Street Baltimore, Md 21221 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX To Our St. Peter Family, Stephen, Kristen, Doug and I would like to thank each of you for your prayers and support during Kristen’s medical problems and surgeries. To all those who supported the fundraiser sponsored by Thrivent Chapter 30950, either by purchasing tickets, donating or getting auction items, you are a true blessing in our lives. Thank you our family…Love and peace, Doug & Lill Tomecek We would like to wish a Happy Mother’s day to all the women! It’s hard to believe the end of the school year is right around the corner and with that are summer vacations and relaxing times with family and friends. On that note we hope all our families remember that we do not take a vacation from God! We will be having the annual Sunday School/Church Picnic on Sunday, June 24th immediately following the 10:00 service. Save that date! More information will be forthcoming! We are in need of disciples for VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL. Please see Phyllis or Nancy for more information. All materials are provided. Many thanks to all the committed Sunday School teachers and leaders for their commitment to the children. Without all of you we could not run a Sunday School! Yours in Christ, Phyllis Schmitt & Nancy Hammond, Directors of Christian Education The Child Abuse Prevention Training Classes for volunteers will be held in May for all Board Members and congregational members. If you are involved in any children’s program, Sunday School, Vacation Bible Schools, Youth Group, Nursery, etc. it is mandatory that you take this class. A list of classes and times are shown below. For more information see Phyllis Schmitt or Nancy Hammond. Sunday, May 6th, 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, May 8th, 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 9th, 6:30 p.m. Here it is already May and the flowers have come and gone and the summer heat is upon us. At least we had a mild winter and the kids get out of school early – teachers love that! Starting off the first Saturday in May, May 5th, 11:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m., we will have our WELCA Spring Luncheon. Tickets will be $3. There will be a guest speaker (?), someone we all know and love at the luncheon. A short business meeting will be held with election of new officers. All ladies are welcome, you know we have a good time so join us. Also that weekend and the following, Mothers’ Day, the youth will have a bake table, crafts and gifts sale. Proceeds will go to their New Orleans trip. It is getting close and they are working very hard. The Annual Tea Party is May 19th, 12:00-2:30 p.m.. You know what a fun time we have and the food is excellent. All are invited to attend, women, children, friends and relatives. Cost of tickets and time will be in the bulletin. Look for it! On the 20th of May we will have a World Hunger Pot Luck Dinner here at 6:00 p.m. That means area Lutheran churches will be attending and we would like to have a nice representation as we all are the host church. This is on a Sunday evening – more to follow. It is good to see friends and neighbors from different churches come together and discuss our mutual problems and successes. Finally the 27th is Pentecost – 50 days after Easter already. Wear red. Confirmation is usually celebrated that day but we have no confirmands this year as all are first year students. Next year we will have a nice class to welcome to the Church. June brings our 2nd Annual Sunday School Picnic. It is the 24th at Merritt Park after the 10:00 a.m. service. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided and you can fill in your own extras. It was a great time last year, so you all come. Friends forever, Beverly Flohr Director of Fellowship Old Fashioned Afternoon Tea Party at St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church 7834 Eastern Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21224 May 19th 2012 12 Noon 'til 2:30 p.m. Bring that special tea cup from Aunt Mary or Grandma and have High Tea with us. We will be serving fresh brewed hot and cold tea With appetizers, finger sandwiches and Yummy Desserts Come join the fun..... There will be fancy tea and good food, and best of all....... Sharing the afternoon with each other. Tickets will be available starting Saturday April 28th.... price $10.00 We have only 90 tickets to sell. SORRY.....No Tickets at the Door. Cosponsored by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans East Baltimore County Chapter 30950 Proceeds to support: St. Peter – National Youth Gathering Bread for the World Navajo Evan Lutheran Mission For Advance Tickets and/or For More Information Call: Doris Huber 410-285-1831 Lill Tomecek 410-686-9270 Who do you see in an apron more often than not? Who fearlessly cooks and serves fabulous meals without ever knowing exactly how many people might show up? Who readily volunteers to host and feed groups for events ranging from a Thrivent dinner, installation or retirement service, a meeting with the bishop, a potluck raising funds for World Hunger, to monthly luncheons and dinners for the hungry in the neighborhood? It's no mystery that Beverly Flohr is the woman behind St. Peter's legendary hospitality. She serves on the Board as director of fellowship, and as we well know, fellowship for us always includes food! Beverly honed her culinary skills in various venues before taking charge of the kitchen at church some 20 years ago, albeit reluctantly at first. She had previously worked in school cafeterias, at Sparrows Point Country Club, and at Essex Community College as assistant to the president. In that capacity she directed hospitality for functions of all sizes--ranging from just a few people to a hundred participants. You may see her often in the kitchen, but Beverly is hard at work all over the church, and mostly behind the scenes. She does plenty of cleaning when she notices something that requires attention (including scrubbing and waxing the fellowship hall floor), shows up when someone's needed to let a group into the church, planned, organized and initiated the two Saturday monthly meals that now draw regulars who wouldn't miss them, wheeled and dealed with Weis grocery store for food donations which she picks up herself, arranges for clothing donations and distribution, coordinates kitchen helpers and dessert bakers, and more. No one quite knows where she finds the stamina for all that she does; some of us decades younger are in awe of this lady who hardly ever sits still (except in worship!) Speaking of worship, Beverly customarily attends services on both Saturday AND Sunday, serves as a lector, and leads the opening worship for the Sunday School every week in the chapel. She unflinchingly steps up to the plate when a public prayer is required, and it's quite apparent that she really knows her Bible. Active in WELCA, Beverly has served on its board in the past, is in one of the circles that meets for Bible study and discussion, and enjoys doing crafts with the Monday night group. Since Beverly speaks her mind without mincing words, she can be intimidating to some. But make no mistake, underneath the surface of her occasionally gruff and abrupt manner lies a heart of gold a mile wide. Compassion flows through her veins, and her bright blue eyes radiate kindness. Those who are sick, homebound, or recovering from surgery are likely to get a card or even a full meal from Beverly; she has her quiet ways of taking people under her wing and making sure they know they're cared for no matter their situation, no matter how far away they've moved. So this month we take the opportunity to lift up and give thanks for Beverly, tireless servant of God, and express our love for her, the woman "whose giving knows no ending." (LBW #408) Relay For Life is a life-changing event that gives everyone in communities across the globe a chance to celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against the disease. On June 8-9, 2012 the Youth Group of St. Peter Lutheran Church will be sponsoring a team at Relay for Life. We will camp out at Essex Community College and take turns walking or running around a track. Because cancer never sleeps, the Relay is overnight and 12 hours in length. Relayers do not have to walk all night, but each team is asked to have a representative on the track at all times during the event. Members of the congregation, and friends and family are all invited to be a part of this event. You could participate as a team member, or join in for any of the ceremonies or contests listed below. Food, games and activities provide not only entertainment but fundraising opportunities throughout the event. Activities include: · Opening Ceremony · Survivor’s Lap · Luminaria Ceremony At sundown, lunimaria will be lit in memory of or in honor of loved ones and friends who have had cancer. · Hope Lodge Lap Hope Lodge offers cancer patients and their caregivers a free, temporary place to stay when their best hope for effective treatment is in another city. Donations to support the residents are acted during this lap. · Duct Tape & Newspaper Fashion Show Lap · Team Banner Contest · Ms. Relay 2012 Contest A contest for men, dressed as a woman. Whoever garners the most votes (money) in 10 minutes will be crowned Ms. Relay. · Fight Back Lap/Closing Ceremony For additional information please contact Mary Flohr, telephone 410-949-0590. May 2012 Frank Albanese Marge Ard Richard Ard Mike Barnes Davis Barkley Anna Bowler Margaux Chrystal Lynn Clark Lois Cole Chris Copeland Jan Albert-Elliott Keith Fewster John Harris Jim Hayes Nancy Hayes Fred Heim Jaykobb Hill Michael Hipchen Craig Jones Peter Kantorsky Mandy Kent John King Robin Kisselstein Betty Knight Dawn Kulczycki Dolores Lynch Ed Lynch Marilyn Lynch Eadie Mehring Pr. Carl Myers Laura Pharr Michael Redmond Betty Riden Lou Robl Hellenlee Sands Wayne Sautter Bill Schehlein Marie Schehlein Garnet Stevens Robert Tankersley William Tankersley Kristen Tomecek Stephen Tomecek Shonda Waybright Denise Heath-Winter Jaxon Yeagy Also pray for those persons listed on the next page, who are in assisted living or nursing facilities and are no longer able to come and worship with us. All of the above persons should be lifted in prayer by members of St. Peter twice a day. If you would like to participate, just begin praying! If you have anyone you would like to add to the Prayer Chain, please fill out a “Remember in Prayer” slip in the pew rack, or call the church office, 410-288-0537. Please sign your name as the person requesting prayers in case there is a follow-up. WE’RE PRAYING FOR YOU Several of our members are residents of local nursing home/retirement communities. In Christian love we should keep them in our prayers, and also maintain contact with them as we are able. If you should find time and find it in your heart, please send a card or call the following members of our congregation: Hedi Devine Augsburg Lutheran Village 6825 Campfield Rd, Apt 10-G Baltimore, MD 21207-4634 Ethel Donnan Riverview Care Center 1 Eastern Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21221 John Harris Heavenly Home 22 Chandelle Rd Baltimore MD 21220 Lois Cole Riverview Care Center 1 Eastern Avenue, Rm 613 Baltimore, MD 21221 June Issue May 11th, 2012 MAY BIRTHDAYS 05-02 05-10 05-10 05-16 05-17 05-17 05-22 05-23 05-27 Robert Weber, III Marie Gellert Nancy Murphy Robin Kisselstein Lisa Christhilf John Hartman Judy Kerns Dolores Lynch Chad Russell The very Happiest of Birthdays to those “active” adults members of our church family listed here. This listing is provided so “Greetings”, “Best Wishes”, and other expressions of love may be shared. If you find an “active” adult member’s name missing, it simply means that our church records are incomplete. We will be happy to add that information as you give it to the Church Office, 410-288-0537 Our birthday list also includes the children of our Sunday School. MAY 2012 WORSHIP ASSISTANTS & CANTORS: Mary Campbell 1-617-529-4149 6 -- (WA) Lillian Tomecek (C) Patricia Hipchen 13 -- (WA) Jan Jones (C) Susan Neumeister 20 -- (WA) Angela Carpenter (C) Valerie Adelung 27 -- (WA) Lillian Tomecek (C) Patricia Hipchen GREETERS: Lorraine Ward 410-288-1013 6 -- Mary Flohr 13 -- Robert Weber 20 -- Robin Goodwin 27 -- Patricia Yarrington ACOLYTES & CRUCIFERS: Mary Campbell 1-617-529-4149 6 -- (A) Adrianna Kinsella (C) Courtney Russell 13 -- (A) Brian Bischell (C) Gabrielle Weiser 20 -- (A) Gavin Mooney (C) Nicole Jansen 27 -- (A) Sabrina Michaud (C) Tracy Michaud LECTORS: Mary Campbell 1-617-529-4149 6 -- Bunny Robl 13 -- Marie Gellert 20 -- Beverly Flohr 27 -- Vivian Bold NURSERY ASSISTANTS: Mary Campbell 1-617-529-4149 6 -- Tracy Russell 13 -- Donna Barnhart 20 -- Phyllis Schmitt 27 -- Deborah, Melissa Miller ALTAR GUILD: Marie Gellert 410-288-4278 6 -- Frank & Mildred Albanese, Margaret Krug 13 -- Beverly Flohr, June Grap 20 -- Marie Gellert 27 -- Bunny Robl, Jordan & Gabrielle Weiser COMMUNION ASSISTANTS: Mary Campbell 1-617-529-4149 6 -- Marie Gellert 13 -- Jean Jansen 20 -- Vivian Bold 27 -- Bunny Robl HOST/HOSTESS: Linda Heath 410-282-1731 6 -- Nancy Hammond, Phyllis Schmitt 13 -- Phil Rutledge, Steve Carpenter, Jason Adelung 20 -- Bea Thomas, Robin Goodwin 27 -- Chuck Sistek, Shirley Hisker, Joan Sarzynski If you would like to serve your Lord through any of these ministries, please call the person listed next to the ministry title. Note: Anyone interested in becoming a Host or Hostess, we need you! See Linda Heath
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