June 12, 2016 ~~ Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary
June 12, 2016 ~~ Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary
Street— —Beverly— Beverly—978978-922922-0113 253 Cabot Street 672 Hale Street Street— —Beverly Farms— Farms—978978-927927-0069 111 New Balch Street Street— —North Beverly— Beverly—978978-922922-5542 PRAY FOR VOCATIONS Saturday Vigil Saturday Vigil Saturday Vigil Sunday Morn. Sunday Morn. Sunday Morn. Sunday Morn. Sunday Noon Sunday Eve. The Sunday 4:00 Mass 4:00 Mass 5:30 Mass 7:00 Mass 8:15 Mass 9:30 Mass 10:45 Mass 12:00 Mass 5:00 Mass Mass Schedule. at St. John the Evangelist Church at St. Mary Star of the Sea Church at St. Margaret Church at St. Mary Star of the Sea Church at St. John the Evangelist Church at St. Margaret Church at St. Mary Star of the Sea Church at St. John the Evangelist Church at St. Mary Star of the Sea Church June 12, 2016 ~~ Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016 St. Mary Star of The Sea Parish, St. Margaret Parish, St. John The Evangelist Parish Rev. Mark A. Mahoney, Pastor Rev. Karlo J. Hocurscak, Parochial Vicar Deacon Michael Joens, Deacon Jonathan Jones David Bearse, Director for Evangeliza*on - evangeliza*on@beverlycatholic.com Chris*ne O’Brien, K-8 Religious Educa*on Director - beverlyreled@gmail.com Stephanie O’Connell, Coordinator for Confirma*on & Youth Minister - beverlyyouthministry@gmail.com Parish Collabora ve Offices ~ 552 Cabot Street ~ Beverly MA 01915 E-Mail: office@beverlycatholic.com Website: www.beverlycatholic.com Bap sms/Bap smal Catechesis Marriage Bap*sms take place monthly at each of the Catholic Collabora*ve Parishes. Bap*smal Catechesis is mandatory for first *me parents. Pre-Registra*on is required at each Parish. Engaged couples are advised to call the Rectory at least six months prior to their wedding date. Par*cipa*on in a Marriage Prepara*on Program is required. COLLABORATIVE PARISHES OF BEVERLY MASS and CONFESSION SCHEDULE ST. MARY STAR OF THE SEA CHURCH 253 Cabot Street Beverly MA Telephone: 978-922-0113 Mass: Monday thru Saturday: 7:00 AM Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:00 AM—10:45 AM—5:00 PM Confessions: Saturday 2:30-3:15PM Lower Church or by Appointment St. Mary School 13 Chapman Street ~ Beverly 978-927-3259/www.smsbeverly.com ST. MARGARET CHURCH 672 Hale Street Beverly Farms MA Telephone: 978-927-0069 Mass: Saturday: 5:30PM Sunday: 9:30 AM Confessions: Saturday 5:00PM to 5:20PM or by appointment The Saints Academy Opens September 2016 www.saintsacademy.org ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST CHURCH 111 New Balch Street N. Beverly MA Telephone: 978-922-5542 Mass: Monday thru Saturday: 9:00AM (excluding Thursday) Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:15 AM—12:00AM Confessions : Saturday 3:15PM to 3:45PM or by appointment St. John the Evangelist School 111 New Balch Street ~ Beverly 978-922-0048/www.sjsbeverly.org The Church exists to evangelize, to share the Good News with all people. We come together as Collaborative Parishes, grounded and united in our love of Jesus Christ, to better identify and utilize our gifts, given by God, for our individual and communal calling in the New Evangelization. As a Collaborative of Parishes, we are committed to maintain the unique identities and meet the individual needs of the three parishes in the city of Beverly, while working together and sharing resources to better proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ! 2 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016 PARISH COLLABORATIVE INFORMATION SUMMERTIME SUNDAY 5:00PM MASS: A gentle reminder that for the months of: Beverly Pax Christi will hold their monthly meeting next Tuesday, June 14th at The House of Peace, 1 High Street, Ipswich from 5:30PM to 7:30PM. This is our annual meeting at The House of Peace and will begin with a pot luck supper followed by discussions on our hopes for strategies toward a just, peaceful world. Members will be contacted for their contributions for the supper. Contact Karen at 978-524-0029 with any questions. JULY and AUGUST The 5:00PM Sunday evening Mass moves from St. Mary’s Church to St. John The Evangelist Church. St. John’s provides us with air conditioning for our summer Sunday evening Liturgy. BEGINS SUNDAY JULY 3—AUGUST 28, 2016 SAVE THE DATE!!! ~~ Reunion Weekend and Special Celebrations As we transition to The Saints Academy in September we pause to celebrate the historic legacy of two wonderful schools which have left an indelible mark in the lives of thousands of families these many years. Please join our St. John and St. Mary Schools’ Communities for: St. John’s All School Reunion “Culminating 60 Years of SJS” Saturday, June 11th 4:00 pm Liturgy 5:00 pm Alumni / Parent of Alumni Reception School Tours, Memorabilia, Special Displays Hosted by St. John’s School Community St. Mary’s All School Reunion “Culminating 90+ Years of SMS" Sunday, June 12th 10:45 am Liturgy 11:45 am Alumni / Parent of Alumni Reception School Tours, Memorabilia, Special Displays Hosted by St. Mary’s School Community ***Youth Ministry Calendar*** The seasons are changing and the Youth Ministry is preparing for our Summer Events! In a world where following Christ is counter-cultural, we strive to connect our teens with the living God and encourage them to act in the world as a witness to Christ and His teachings! In a particular way, we would like to welcome all of our newly Confirmed students to join us and be a part of the new generation of passionate Catholics...who know how to have fun! Contact beverlyyouthministry.@gmail.com. High School SUN. 6:00-8:00PM JUNE 12th Youth Ministry Night 25th Footebros Canoe Trip! 10:30-2:00pm *Permission Slip Needed *Deadline to sign up: June 15th JULY 10th Trip to Maronite Monastery and Quabbin Reservoir! All Day * Permission Slip Needed * Deadline to sign up: July 1st 24th Youth Ministry Night AUGUST 7th Youth Ministry Night 19th Campfire Night! Location TBA 6:30-9 Middle School THURS. 6:30-8:00pm JUNE 16th Youth Ministry Night 25th Footebros Canoe Trip! 10:30-2:00pm *Permission Slip Needed * Deadline to sign up: June 15th JULY 10th Trip to Maronite Monastery and Quabbin Reservoir! All Day * Permission Slip Needed * Deadline to sign up: July 1st 28th Youth Ministry Night AUGUST 11th Youth Ministry Night 19th Campfire Night! Location TBA 6:30-9 3 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016 ST. MARY STAR OF THE SEA PARISH MASS INTENTIONS St. Mary Star of The Sea June 5, 2016 7:00AM ~ Saturday, June 11: John & Margaret Bateman Weekly Offertory: $8,675.00 10:45AM ~ Sunday, June 12: Months Mind Mass John W. Carr COLLECTIONS: 7:00AM ~ Friday, June 17: George DeMarco June 12: Weekly Offertory / Monthly Parish Collection 7:00AM ~ Saturday, June 18: Paul Meyer June 19: Weekly Offertory Kindly remember in your prayers the inten*ons in our PARISH PRAYER BOOK, the deceased members of our parish, all who have asked for our prayers and for those who have no one to pray for them. HYMNS ~ June 12, 2016 PROCESSIONAL: #28 Blessed by Your Sacrifice OFFERTORY: #561 Praise My Soul the King of Heaven ANTIPHON: There is one thing I ask of the Lord, only this do I seek: to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. RECESSIONAL: #423 I Sing the Mighty Power of God Special prayers are requested for the repose of the soul of: EITHNE O’BRIEN who recently passed away. Please pray for PAUL CATANIA In whose memory the Sanctuary Light was donated. Find out what is going on at our Collaborative Parishes. See: BeverlyCatholic.com DAILY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION St. Mary Star of The Sea Parish is open from 7:30am-7:30pm, Monday to Friday to worship our Lord, ask his forgiveness, and just “be together.” Hundreds have come for an hour or two, or a minute or two. Each of those moments brings great joy to the adorer and to our Lord. There are so many graces to be received and peace to those who visit with the Lord. It is Registra on me again. Registra*on forms have been mailed out to previously enrolled families. If you did not receive one or will be registering for Religious Educa*on classes for the first *me you may obtain a form by going to beverlycatholic.com and then to Faith Forma*on to download the form for your Parish. All registra ons are due by June 30. This allows *me for books/supplies and Catechists to be in place by the start of classes. Please note: First Communion Prepara*on is a two year program beginning in grade 1. So be sure to register now. Please call the Beverly Catholic Collaborative Office at 978922-0113 if you wish to sign up of a specific time slot. BOSTON CATHOLIC APPEAL 2016— Your support is the most effective way our parish community can join together in the Church’s universal work to care for our neighbors. If you have yet to participate, please visit www.bostoncatholicappeal.org or pick up a pledge form available in the back of the church. Amoris Laetitia - 4 part series with Fr. Karlo and David Bearse Please join us for a 4 part series on Pope Francis' recent Post-Synodal Exhortation "The Joy of Love." We will be meeting on Monday nights from 7-8pm at the Conference Room in the Collaborative Offices (St. John's Rectory) June 13 ~~ June 20 ~~ June 27 To register please contact David Bearse at evangelization@beverlycatholic.com or 978-922-0113. 4 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016 ST. MARGARET PARISH Mass Intentions Sunday, June 12: 9:30AM Mary Helen Goodall Sunday, June 19: 9:30AM Edward J. Murray St. Margaret Parish June 5, 2016: Weekly Offertory: $1,927.00 Special prayers are requested for the repose of the soul of: DAVID J. KEIGHLY who recently passed away. COLLECTIONS: June 12: Weekly Offertory / Monthly Parish Collection June 19: Weekly Offertory CALENDAR 2016 Sunday, June 12 8:40AM Youth Choir Practice in our choir loft. 9:30AM Mass. Sunday, June 19 8:40AM Summer Youth Choir Practice in our choir loft. 9:30AM Mass. June 11/12 Lector Extraordinary Minister 5:30PM Ralph Drinkwater Tony Slabacheski Altar Servers Jacob Lai Nathan Lai June 18/19 Lector Extraordinary Minister 5:30PM Kathy Garlin Ralph Drinkwater Altar Servers Sophie Gannon Jordyn Parisi 9:30AM Ali Kearney Rob Cerundolo Debra Coddington Finn Deeley Riley Deeley Amy McCaffrey 9:30AM Ralph Coluntino Peter Coluntino Joe Manzi Matthew Green Summer Youth Choir Starts Sunday, June 19th. This choir is open to students who as of Fall 2016 will be in Grades 1 through 12 and enjoy singing. Alum & college bound students welcome! Practice is held at 8:40AM on Sunday in our choir loft and followed by the 9:30AM Mass. In the spirit of love and joy we welcome the Following new babies to our Parish Community. William Victor Balentine Baptized at St. Margaret Parish Sunday, June 5, 2016 It is Registra on me again. Registra*on forms have been mailed out to previously enrolled families. If you did not receive one or will be registering for Religious Educa*on classes for the first *me you may obtain a form by going to beverlycatholic.com and then to Faith Forma*on to download the form for your Parish. All registra ons are due by June 30. This allows *me for books/supplies and Catechists to be in place by the start of classes. Please note: First Communion Prepara*on is a two year program beginning in grade 1. So be sure to register now. The Saint Margaret Parish Family is truly grateful to our Youth Choir for sharing their voices to lead us in song at 9:30AM Mass. We appreciate the commitment of their parents as well for bringing students to practice each Sunday morning. CHOIR MEMBERS: Jack Clark, Olivia Doherty, Molly Follette, Laetitia West, Kaylee Campbell, Clara & Grant Eastin, Lindsey & Sophie Gannon, Julia Germond, Caroline Kerney, Reese Kwiatek, Molly & Sarah Spiridigliozzi. SPECIAL THANKS: Myriam Cyr, Francine Fialkowski, Mary Murray, & Cathie & Rich for assisting with our Youth Choir. Amoris Laetitia - 4 part series with Fr. Karlo and David Bearse Please join us for a 4 part series on Pope Francis' recent Post-Synodal Exhortation "The Joy of Love." We will be meeting on Monday nights from 7-8pm at the Conference Room in the Collaborative Offices (St. John's Rectory) June 13 ~~ June 20 ~~ June 27 To register please contact David Bearse at evangelization@beverlycatholic.com or 978-922-0113. 5 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016 ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST PARISH Parish Donation Update June 5, 2016 Saturday, June 11: 4:00PM Tony Callanan Weekly Offertory Parish Pay: Total: Sunday, June 12: 12:00PM Jerry & Rose Mascioli $5,428.00 858.00 $6,286.00 Saturday, June 18: 4:00PM Zmijewski & Flisak Families Sunday, June 19: 12:00PM Sr. Rae Ann O’Neill, MM June 12: Weekly Offertory / Monthly Parish Collection MASS CITIZENS FOR LIFE: June 19: Weekly Offertory Next weekend, FATHER’S DAY, following all the Masses, the Beverly Chapter of Massachusetts Citizens for Life will sponsor a rose drive. Volunteers from the chapter will be distributing a Rose for Life to anyone who supports and respects the Right to Life of all persons born and unborn. Find out what is going on at our Collaborative Parishes. See: BeverlyCatholic.com Young Adults - The Beverly Catholic Young Adult Ministry caters to young adults in their 20s and 30s. We have young adults from Beverly and surrounding areas participating in our programs. We exist to facilitate the growth and experience of an authentic faith life with other young adults in the parishes of Beverly, as well as to do God’s will by serving others in our lives and in the community. For more information please contact Jillian Reno, youngadults@beverlycatholic.com It is Registra on me again. Registra*on forms have been mailed out to previously enrolled families. If you did not receive one or will be registering for Religious Educa*on classes for the first *me you may obtain a form by going to beverlycatholic.com and then to Faith Forma*on to download the form for your Parish. All registra ons are due by June 30. This allows *me for books/supplies and Catechists to be in place by the start of classes. Please note: First Communion Prepara*on is a two year program beginning in grade 1. So be sure to register now. St. Mary’s Men’s Group – This group meets weekly on Saturday mornings at 8:00am in the Lower Church at St. Mary Star of the Sea. Coffee and refreshments are provided, with talks on selected topics by members. St. John’s Chapel Prayer Group – Prayer Meetings are held in The Chapel at the Collaborative Offices on Tuesday mornings directly following the 9:00am Mass and are coordinated by Jackie Proctor. Prayer, Rosary, readings and discussion take place in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. A special focus of this prayer group is praying for priests. Amoris Laetitia - 4 part series with Fr. Karlo and David Bearse Sunday Morning St. Mary’s Bible Discussion Group – The Bible Discussion Group uses a meditation booklet to start their sharing of thoughts on the readings of the Mass. No one is required to speak, but the members feel comfortable enough to consider together various situations of daily Christian living. Meeting time: Sundays at 9:15am in the Lower Church. Please join us for a 4 part series on Pope Francis' recent Post-Synodal Exhortation "The Joy of Love." We will be meeting on Monday nights from 7-8pm at the Conference Room in the Collaborative Offices (St. John's Rectory) June 13 ~~ June 20 ~~ June 27 Word of Life Prayer Group – This prayer group meets weekly on Thursday nights at 7:30pm in the St. Mary Star of the Sea Convent Chapel at 15 Chapman Street. All are welcome to join them for prayer, praise, and reflection! Joanne Wright, facilitator. To register please contact David Bearse at evangelization@beverlycatholic.com or 978-922-0113. 6 of wisdom from Pope Francis cal coverage of news and events throughout the archdiocese nal and International Church-related news is relating the teachings of the Church to current events elated articles by locally and nationally acclaimed authors about the Faith and Good Works of the archdiocese Words of wisdom from Pope Francis Full local coverage of news and events throughout the archdiocese & Doris Church-related news ■ National David and International ■ Analysis relating the teachings of the Church to current events 24 Hour Service ■ Faith related articles by locally and nationally acclaimed authors Weddings • Special Occasions • Funerals ■ Stories about theSt. Faith and Good Works of the archdiocese 87 Corning Beverly Heating + Air Conditioning ■ ■ Leonhards’ Greenhouse service617-779-3792 & Installations 978•922•4295Subscribe: Subscribe: 617-779-3792 Heidi Jalbert Gallo bscribe to“Your local neighborhood real estate agent!” Subscribe to he Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. 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