The Shofar - Beth Am Shalom


The Shofar - Beth Am Shalom
The Shofar
Beth Am Shalom - A Reform Jewish Congregation
A New Beginning . . . to an Old Tradition
Message from Rabbi
When can international diplomacy go so awry and yet be so right? For an
answer, read on.
Dr. Jonathan D. Sarna (Professor of American Jewish History at Brandies
University) was interviewed on National Public Radio about the flap over Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress. My former teacher
described the U.S.—Israeli relationship as a “marriage.” We are having, Sarna
said, “lover’s quarrel.” Relations will return to normal, he assured listeners.
I think Dr. Sarna is correct. Moreover, I find it instructive that so many
breaches of diplomatic etiquette still add up to the right conclusion. A review:
April 2015
Nisan – Iyar 5775
Volume 8, Issue 10
Check out our
What’s Inside:
Rabbi ................................... 1
Worship Services .................2
Cantor ...................................3
President ............................ 4
Religious School .................4
Tzedakah ........................
Refuah Shleima ....................8
Yahrzeit ............................... 9
Memorials ........................... 10
Sponsors ...................... 13-14
Calendar........................... 15
Speaker John Boehner invites Israel’s Prime Minister to address a joint session
of Congress with nary a word to the White House. Prime Minister Netanyahu
accepts, again without diplomats consulting or coordinating. And the timing!
Two weeks before elections in Israel—that’s when our Speaker invites this head
of state to our capitol? Bibi doesn’t tactfully bow out? And his topic! He comes
to tell our government and the American people that President Obama and
Secretary Kerry are naive and they are negotiating a “bad deal” with Iran’s
leaders… (more on the timing) while they are engaged in those very
negotiations! These faux pas fail every test of diplomatic protocol, both modern
and ancient. The Psalmist instructs Israel not to render evil to a nation at peace
with it (Ps. 7:4-6). Can it be that the Prime Minister of the Jewish state is given
and accepts so grand a stage to meddle in our President’s conduct of foreign
policy while he is at that very moment so engaged? In fact, God instructs the
Israelites on their journey through other nations, that we may buy and sell with
them but must not meddle in their affairs (Deut. 2:5-6, 19, 28).
Israel’s past, present and (it seems) future Prime Minister was not the only one
meddling in our President’s foreign policy work. The very junior Senator Tom
Cotton, who has probably not learned his way around D.C. let alone the
complexities of foreign policy, writes a letter to Iran’s leaders. 47 of his fellow
Republican Senators sign it, and it inform them that any deal will last only as
long as Obama’s Presidency.
I do not say “so what?” lightly in the face of these diplomatic blunders.
Diplomatic protocol exists for a reason. It helps nations interact and
communicate clearly through established channels and customs, so that there
are no misunderstandings and surprises. Not a few misunderstandings and
surprises have led to wars. Yet, here, all these breaches of protocol were right—
right because the invitation, the speech and even the letter were all about
denying Iran nuclear weapons. That goal is first and foremost. Simply put,
there are good reasons we try to keep guns out of the hands of the criminally
insane. There are good reasons we must keep nuclear weapons out of the
hands of Iran’s leaders.
Without denigrating the Iranian People, with whom I have no complaint, we
know the kind of government under which they endure: theocratic, brutal,
extreme, secretive and unpredictable are just a few adjectives that describe it.
Their leaders often declare their goal to destroy the State of Israel, and I cannot
think of a reason not to take them at their word. While promising a nuclear
holocaust, they also deny the one earlier this century. In addition, they have
made no secret of their desire to be the undisputed Muslim power in the world.
Which Middle Eastern nation will want the bomb next? Tom Lehrer will need to
add more verses to his song, “Who’s Next” [to get the bomb.]
Continued on Page 11
The Shofar / Volume 8, Issue 10/ Page 2
Friday, Apr. 3
5:00PM Brief Minchah (Afternoon)
(No Oneg)
Friday, May 1
6:00PM Pot Luck Dinner
7:00PM Erev Shabbat Family Service
With Grade 3 & R.S. Awards
Shabbat Pesach
Shabbat Acherei Mot-Kedoshim
Exod. 12:37-42, 13:3-10
Haftarah: Isaiah 43:1-15
We are now collecting
food for the pantry at
Jesus is Lord
in Lakewood
Lev. 16:1-20:27
Haftarah: Amos 9:7-15
Friday, Apr. 10
10:00AM Passover / Yizkor Service
7:30PM Erev Shabbat Service
Friday, May 8
7:30PM Erev Shabbat Service w/Torah
Shabbat Emor
Shabbat Shemini I
Please use the bins
in the foyer
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Yom Hashoah Program
being held this year at
Cong. Ahavat Olam
in Howell
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Jewish Heritage Night
at the Blue Claws
(See Page 5 & flyers for
all the info)
Lev. 21:1-24:23
Haftarah: Ezekiel 44:15-31
Lev. 9:1-10:11
Haftarah: II Samuel 6:1-23
Saturday, May 9
10:00AM Morning Shabbat Service
and Bat Mitzvah of Breanna Durkas
Friday, Apr. 17
7:30PM Erev Shabbat Service
Shabbat Shemini II
Friday, May 15
7:30PM Erev Shabbat Service
Lev. 10:12-11:47
Haftarah: II Samuel 7:1-17
Shabbat Behar-Bechukotai
Saturday, Apr. 18
10:00AM Morning Shabbat Service
& Bar Mitzvah of Max Friedeman
Friday, Apr. 24
7:30PM Erev Shabbat Service with
Lev. 25:1-27:34
Haftarah: Jeremiah 16:19-17:14
Saturday, May 16
10:00AM Morning Shabbat Service
and Bar Mitzvah of Michael Lee
Friday, May 22
7:30PM Erev Shabbat Service with
Shabbat Tazria-Metzora
May 28, 2015
Annual Mahjongg/
Card/Game Party
Watch for further info on
this very popular event!
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Save this date! You
won’t want to miss our
temple fundraiser:
A Musical Concert
More info on this next
Shabbat Bemidbar
Lev. 12:1-15:33
Haftarah: II Kings 7:3-20
Num. 1:1-4:20
Haftarah: Hosea 2:1-22
As Many of you know, I am but one of the Membership Committee for
Temple. Jennifer Sachs, Max Schloff and I are seeking the assistance of
members from the various active adult communities throughout the area.
Our hope is that, as residents of these communities, you could reach any and
all Jewish residents seeking a spiritual home. We will provide you with newly
revised trifold brochures to aid you in this role.
Call me at 732-505-8204 if you are interested in helping us to grow our
temple “family”.
Pam Ligorski
The Shofar / Volume 8, Issue 10 / Page 3
On Teaching the Holocaust —The Educational Philosophy of the
International School for Holocaust Studies as told by Shulamit Imber, pedagogical director,
and other educators, including Yael Eaglstein-Benayoun and Shanie Lourie, at The International School for Holocaust
Studies, Yad Vashem, transcribed from a video on the Yad Vashem website,
This year Yom Hashoah, the day commemorating the victims of the Holocaust, corresponds to the English date of April 16.
The Holocaust is a trauma and the question for the teacher is: How do you teach the trauma without
traumatizing your students. If a teacher doesn’t have the philosophy and tools, he can be stuck. Here is
the applied model we developed at Yad Vashem of how to teach the Holocaust.
Rescuing the Individual from Anonymity—Six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust. People cannot
grasp this huge number. Therefore, we focus on individuals, families and communities that were lost in the
Pre-war life—Our approach to teaching the Holocaust is to start with the Jewish victim, because that’s
the essence of the Holocaust story. In order to do that, we start with life before the war. We’re trying to
understand their life before, the rich life they had, the culture. They had different political movements,
youth movements and sports clubs, and together with that we can give back the faces and names to the
victims. We also deal with topics that the students can relate to, for example: tradition versus modernity,
children rebelling against parents, and in that way, we want to present the Jews as living people.
Life in a World of Chaos —Focusing on everyday life during the Holocaust does not mean we avoid the
topic of death. People who lived through the Holocaust were in constant contact with death. People were
constantly confronted with the need and necessity to make very crucial decisions and every choice they
made essentially, was a bad choice. As the scholar Lawrence Langar said, they were living in a world of
“choiceless choices”. When teaching about daily life in the Holocaust, we present different dilemmas. For
example: Is it justifiable to send a young child outside of the ghetto to bring food for his family, when he’s
risking his life? The child is risking his life, not the adult. Is it right to give up your portion, your food
ration, which is very, very small, to purchase a prayerbook? What is more important? A lot of parents
were confronted with the question of should I send my child into hiding? Not knowing what’s happening to
him, not knowing what care he’s going to get, not even knowing if it was going to lead to saving his life.
We teach dilemmas for empathy, not for judgement. Teachers shouldn’t role-play with Holocaust
education. Students can’t put themselves in the extreme situations these people were in the Holocaust.
The Survivors’ Return to Life—It isn’t obvious that after the Holocaust the survivors would return to
life. We would have expected that maybe they would be obsessed with revenge, but instead they found
the strength and chose to rebuild their lives and get an education, to contribute to society - and in that
way to rebuild what the Nazis tried to destroy. One of our ways to deal with this topic in class with our
students is bringing a survivor and listening to his story in person or watching a documentary where we
have stories of individual survivors, and through that we learn about their life before, during, and after the
To summarize, the Jewish victim is the center of our educational approach. We start with life before the
Holocaust, showing the Jew as a living person in society. Then we explore how they survived and lived in a
world of chaos, and we end with the survivors returning to life with strength and energy.
Murderers, bystanders, and rescuers —The Holocaust took place in western society, in the midst of
Europe, in the modern era at the hands of people who were living together for generations, who later
became murderers, bystanders and rescuers. Because of this humanistic, universal aspect of the
Holocaust, it should be relevant to every person in every society. From an educational point of view, we
start with the bystanders before we start with the perpetrators. The bystander represents the majority of
people during the Holocaust. Some of the people who are recognized by Yad Vashem as Righteous Among
the Nations, didn’t start off that way. Ultimately they were bystanders, but at some point they made a
choice. A good example is Jan Zabinski, he was the director of the zoo and he made a choice — to use the
cages of the animals to hide the Jews. He said: “I didn’t save their lives because they were Jewish, I saved
their lives because they were human beings. I simply fulfilled my human duty.”
When we deal with the perpetrators- the Germans and the people who helped them- we have to keep in
mind that these people performed the evils of most evils. But we also as educators have to ask ourselves
the question: Were they ordinary people, or were they some kind of monsters who emerged from
nowhere? Of course the answer would be that they were ordinary people… We also have as teachers to
keep in mind, and to remind our students, that we are not going to have a clear-cut answer to this huge
question: How is this humanly possible?
Cantor Forman
The Shofar / Volume 8, Issue 10 / Page 4
What a welcome sight -- spring has sprung. Welcome back to all of our Snow Birds. We hope you had an
enjoyable winter.
As we celebrate the Festival of Pesach, we are reminded that this is the Season of Our Liberation and
is not merely the Liberation from Egyptian bondage, but also our freedom to exercise our free will and to
be able to practice our Jewish faith without any restrictions.
This is the meaning of the highly significant passage in the Haggadah:
"In every generation a Jew should see himself as though he personally has been liberated
from Mitzrayim [Egypt]."
Let's not take our Jewish faith for granted and let's remember to promote Jewish causes. There is still
anti-Semitism, even in our own towns, local high school students in Jackson were recently reprimanded
for ignorant anti-Semitic comments. We have to cherish our freedom to be able to worship and study
Torah and we have to work together to preserve our Jewish community.
The Jewish children in Egypt received the proper Jewish education (under the most adverse conditions!),
and our whole Jewish people grew strong and numerous and we were able to be liberated from Egyptian
slavery. So let's continue to make Beth Am Shalom a place where our children can flourish and not only
receive a Jewish education, but learn Jewish values of strength and unity. We can grow strong as a
congregation. We are liberated, but let's remember why we were held as slaves and set our goals high
enough to meet the challenges and opportunities of these times.
I thank all those who tirelessly give of themselves and volunteer to help make Beth Am Shalom the
special place it is. I want to reach out to all of our members to become more involved with our
synagogue. Come and enjoy a Shabbat service, mingle with your fellow congregants during the Oneg,
join a club or volunteer to help. Let's cherish our freedom to worship and let’s worship together.
As I quoted previously, Rabbi Tarfon said "It is not for you to finish the work, yet you are not free to
avoid it".
On behalf of the Executive Committee and Board of Trustees, I want to wish all of you a happy and
healthy Passover.
Francine Gimpel, President
Cell Phone: (732) 551-4054
April Birthdays:
Yom Wholedit Samayach – Happy Birthday to:
Abigail Bell, 10 Iyar**Lindsay Boterus, 28 Adar II**Jacob Bussell, 28 Adar II
Jack Capecci, 26 Nisan**Jordan Craig, 8 Nisan**Caitlyn Eisenstein, 5 Iyar**Ruth Fossetta, 1 Iyar
Marissa Fox, 25 Nisan**Anthony Giudice, 15 Nisan**Jacob Lakatos, 5 Iyar**Paulina Manekas, 21 Nisan
Daniel Mopsick, 21 Nisan**Dana Shafranek, 27 Adar II**Ilana Vasslides, 7 Nisan
Jessica Wishnick, 26 Nisan**Rebecca Witkin, 4 Nisan**Julia Yuson, 2 Iyar**Evan Yuson, 6 Nisan
Mazel Tov to Max Friedeman and his family on his becoming Bar Mitzvah this month.
Many thanks to those of you who continue to support our Religious School with your generous donations.
Shelly Newman
Religious School Chair
The Shofar / Volume 8, Issue 10 / Page 5
The Men’s Club of Beth Am Shalom and the Blue Claws
are joining forces in a Temple fundraiser.
Purchase vouchers and choose from over 70 games this season –
many with promotional giveaways.
Vouchers can be redeemed for same day or
advance game tickets (your choice) at the Blue Claws box office or
may be redeemed by calling Kyle Volp at (732) 901-7000
Vouchers are $11.00 per ticket.
Please make your checks payable to: BAS Men’s Club
To purchase vouchers, contact:
Carl Nelson: or (732)929-0866
Marvin Wasserman: or (732)575-8539
At the Blue Claws
Sunday, April 26, 2015 at 1:05PM
(Gates open at 12:00PM)
“Israel Matters” presented by Stand with Israel
Kosher food
Autograph signing by NY Yankees Great, Ron Blomberg
Israel National Anthem
Parade on field
And more!
To purchase your voucher ($11), contact:
Carl Nelson: or (732)929-0866
Marvin Wasserman: or (732)575-8539
Please make checks payable to “BAS Men’s Club”
The Shofar / Volume 8, Issue 10 / Page 6
At our March meeting, Rabbi Gold asked if the Men’s Club would make a barbecue for
the Religious School. The vote was negative due to the fact the Religious School has
money in their treasury. The Men’s Club would consider helping with the labor but not
expend any of its money.
The April 19th meeting will have a guest speaker discussing the pros and cons
of "reverse mortgage." Is it for you? The program will include questions & answers.
We request that you call the office advising us of your intention attend. We welcome
Men’s Club members in addition to all members of Beth Am Shalom. Your notification
will help us plan of size of the meeting room. In the future, each meeting will have a
guest speaker on topics that will interest all.
We welcome non-members to the Men’s Club. Don't forget that new members of
Beth Am Shalom are entitled to join the Men's Club free of dues for the first year.
All meetings will be held on the third Sunday of each month, unless otherwise notified
of a change. All meetings will start at 9:15 with a free breakfast: bagels with all the
fixing’s, coffee, tea, or water. Regular business follows at 9:30am and ends at 11am.
Look forward to see y'all. Get the most out of temple by being involved.
Marvin Weiss, President
The Men’s Club’s main purpose is to help and assist Beth Am Shalom and to foster goodwill and friendship among its
members. Initial annual membership is free. Thereafter, dues are $30 per fiscal year which starts on July 1 and ends
on June 30 of the following year.
Mark the date for
Sisterhood’s Annual Mahjongg/Card/Game Party:
May28, 2015 from 12:30 – 4:30PM
(Details to follow)
Women of Beth Am Shalom
On Monday, March 16th, Rene Lomell came to the Women of BAS Book Club
meeting to share stories about her father, Bud Lomell who was one of the
WWII heroes described in Tom Brokaw's book, The Greatest Generation.
The Book Club’s next meeting is scheduled for April 9, 2015 at 7:15PM.
The book is: “Still Alice” by Lisa Genova
Lisa Gertner would like a volunteer to lead the April meeting
as she will be unavailable. Please contact her.
The Shofar
/ Volume
3, Iss5
The Shofar
/ Volume
8, Issue
10 //Page
Harriet Reisberg in loving memory
of Ilse & Paul Wolff
Myrna & Irwin Sachs in loving
memory of her father,
Israel Balous
Myrna & Irwin Sachs in loving
memory of his mother,
Lillie Sachs
The Sacks Family in loving memory
of Sidney Bauman
Lynn Silverman in loving memory of
her brother-in-law,
Alex Silverman
Francine Gimpel in loving memory
of her mother, Helen Hill
Howard & Lois Geschwind in loving
memory of her beloved father,
Harry Isaacs
Robert & Roberta Krantz in loving
memory of his mother,
Henrietta Krantz
Carl & Tama Nelson in loving
memory of his mother,
Marion Nelson
Helen & Harold Wechsler in loving
memory of her father, Max Leff
Norman Katz in loving memory of
his father, Louis Katz
Lois & Larry Benjamin in loving
memory of her mother, Lily Albert
Pearl Epstein in loving memory of
her sister, Jeannette Gilbert
Barbara Woldow in loving memory
of her father, Abraham Hendler
Marilyn Gilbert in loving memory of
her grandson, Scott Avella
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Gluck in loving
memory of his mother, Rose Gluck
Phyllis & Arnold Schlisserman in
loving memory of his mother,
Ida Schlisserman
Lynn & Steven Kaban in loving
memory of her mother,
Miriam Radow
Gloria Safran in loving memory of
her husband, Burton Safran
Rose & Sheldon Fialkoff in loving
memory of her mother,
Helen Farbman
Helen & Howard Koslow in loving
memory of her mother,
Ester Feldman
Helen & Howard Koslow in loving
memory of her brother,
Harold Feldman
Florence Markowitz in loving memory
of Ellen Shurak
Francine Gimpel in loving memory of
Ellen Shurak
Vallerie & Brian Magory in loving
memory of Lucena Yuson
Vallerie & Brian Magory wishes
a speedy recovery to
Richard Eisenstein
Hy & Judy Rabiner in loving memory
of her father, Monroe Saul
Mike & Jacky Philips in loving memory
of Ellen Shurak
Irene Strausberg in loving memory
of her mother-in-law,
Dorothy & Fischel Myers in loving
Fanny Zarodnick
memory of Ellen Shurak
Irene Strausberg in loving memory
of her mother, Sarah Silver
Pearl Epstein in loving memory of
her husband, Lawrence Epstein
Jerry & Corinne Ledbetter in loving
memory of Bernice Salowe
Francine Gimpel Sends Get Well
Wishes to Richard Eisenstein
The Klapouchy Family in loving
memory of Holli’s father,
Joseph Panzer
Mike & Jacky Philips send Get Well
Wishes to Harriet Frankenberg
David & Yvette Atkins his
grandmother, Pauline Krauss
Mike & Jacky Philips send Get Well
Wishes to Richard Eisenstein
Lucille & Seymour Berger in loving
memory of her mother,
Farncine Share
Helene Mandelbaum in loving
memory of her husband,
Arthur Mandelbaum
The Friedeman Family in loving
memory of Steven’s grandfather,
Erich Friedeman
Helene & Harold Wechsler in loving
memory of Rachel Postman
Helene & Harold Wechsler in loving
memory of Stanley Rubenstein
Maxine & Joel Albaum in loving
memory of Hugh Bleiweis
The Friedeman Family in loving
memory of Samantha’s grandfather,
Salvatore Pergola
Jacky & Mike Philips in honor of the
50th Anniversary of
Harriet & Murray Weinberg
Arlene Grasso in loving memory of
her husband, Joseph Grasso
Francine Gimpel in loving memory of
Sharon Pihonack
Gloria Safran in loving memory of
her mother, Shirley Forman
Francine Gimpel in loving memory of
Ellen Shurak
Al & Sue Rutsky in loving memory
of his father, Herman Rutsky
Judy & Yaacov Eisak in loving memory
of Lorraine Caris
Francine Gimpel in loving memory of
Gerry Diament
Mary Ann Pastino in loving memory
of Dustin Joseph Friedland
Diane Hyra in loving memory of
Lila Simms
Caren Bonadies in loving memory
of Gerry diament
Carol Steinmiller in loving memory of
Bernice Salowe
Continued on Pages 8 & 11
The Shofar / Volume 8, Issue 10 /Page 8
2014 – 2015
Drukaroff and
David Drukaroff in honor of their neighbors who remembered them
on Purim
Wayne & Rose Friedland
Sonya Wallace: “Mazel Tov
Sally & Bill Bassoff
on your new home” to
& Seymour Berger
Barbara Woldow in loving
Fran Gimpel
& Rose Friedland
memory of Frances Goldstein
Howard & Lois Geschwind
Francine Gimpel
Ben Goldberg
Dwight Halpern
Sonya Wallace & Family
Judy & Marty Lefsky
in loving memory of
Joan & Marvin Weiss in loving
Jacky & Mike Philips
Milton Itell
memory of the mother of
Marilyn & Jack Sabo
Eileen Reed
Max & Barbara Schloff
Sonya Wallace sends a Mazel Tov
Dollie Sussna
to Lois Pollinger on the marriage
Joan & Marvin Weiss in loving
of her grandson Jeffrey to Alison
memory of the grandmother of
Mark Eiger
William & Dorothy Freiman
Wayne & Rose Friedland
The Ligorski Family
Vallerie & Brian Magory
Dennis & Shelly Newman
Helene & Harold Wechsler
Joan & Marvin Weiss in loving
memory of Ellen Shurak
Mike & Jacky Philips: “Mazel Tov
on your new home” to
Mike & Jacky Philips
Delores Ackerman
Maxine Albaum
Andrea Avella
Lillian Bauman
Linda Bell
Phyllis Berger
Jeff Besougloff
Brandon Bravo
Tim Burkhardt
Scott Bussell
Karen Castor
Barbara Chester
Roy Craig Sr.
Bill Davis
Roslyn Davis
Mildred Drukaroff
Brooke Ducey
Dov Eisak
Richard Eisenstein
Trish Frankenberg
Charlotte Freedman
Shawn Friedman
Lane Galloway
Leonard Gibel
Marilyn Gibel
Marilyn Gilbert
Linda Gillick
Michael Gillick
Alan Goodman
Jessica Guber
Caryn Habermann
Walter Jackowski
Mark Kaban
Stacey Kalb
Rob Kalp
Steve Kayne
Tyler Keats
Barry Koopersmith
Claire Kramer
Rayna Kravetz
Marty Lefsky
Rose Levine
Linda Lutkiewicz
Ira Matthews
Linda Millet
Rosemarie Moore
Marie Morgadonna
Judy Nadler
Ava Nebbia
Lynn Palin
Nikhil Patten
Rubie Puritz
Robin Ratliff
Wendy Rubenstein
Ron Salsbury
Sigmund Schwartz
Roz Terzi
Donald Thailer
Joyce Tirandola
Deanne Tolchin
Melody Triano
David Vienick
Alexandra Warren
Michelle Watkison
Barbara Woldow
Lilyan Wolf
The Shofar / Volume 8, Issue 10 /Page 9
April 17
April 3
Fannie Deutch
Barbara Gelbein
Joseph Grasso
Belle Goldman Himmelstein
Nathan Moss
Sarah Padgursky
Irving Pukel
Morris Ritzer
Herman Rutsky
Georgette Sayah
Francine Share
Susan Broth
Emil Frankenberg
Richard Gartenberg
Regina Goldberg
Mollie Isaacs
Hannah Kostick
Dorothy Lesson
Abraham Levy
Morris Lustgarten
Frieda Newman
Irving Padgursky
Ida Rutskly
Nathan Sacks
Leonard Silber
Louis Silver
Arthur Strausberg
Jack Strausberg
Jesse Vertun
George Weinberg
April 10
Martha Baker
Max Baker
Joann Freiman
Morris Kirshen
Faye Meyers
Anna Myers
Miriam Radow
Martin Rudenstein
Abraham Sasson
Joel Schnitzer
Sally Wiener
April 24
Eva Atkins
Lottie Balous
Alexandra Ganezer
Samuel Kushner
Celia Leff
Bertha Levine
Arthur Mandelbaum
Sylvia Pergola
Walter Silberg
Blanka Strauss
Leonard Wallace
Rebecca Wechsler
Ada Weiss
When observing a Yahrzeit, please check the Kaddish list to be sure your loved one’s name is included. If omitted, please
inform Rabbi Gold so he can add it to the list. The Kaddish list is displayed on the Yahrzeit Wall.
The Shofar / Volume 8, Issue 10 /Page 10
Beth Olam Cemetery
Located at 1235 Highway 70 in Lakewood
A perpetual care memorial park with
ground level grave markers only.
For information and availability, contact:
Sonya Wallace – (732)323-8722 or
Temple Office – (732)363-2800
* * * * * * * * * *
Toms River Jewish Cemetery
Whitty Road, Toms River
Section One reserved for Jewish decedents,
with traditional upright grave markers.
Section Two reserved for non-Jewish
decedents, with ground level grave markers
Section Three reserved for Jewish decedents,
with ground level grave markers only.
For information and availability, contact:
Michael Philips – (732)323-0012 or
Temple Office – (732)363-2800
When Tragedy Strikes
Tragedy often comes suddenly and
unannounced, therefore, it is wise to plan for
the eventuality when death touches us. We
want to be there for you, and accordingly, we
have prepared this emergency guideline,
which we hope you will save:
If a loved one becomes seriously ill
and is taken to the hospital, please
call Rabbi Gold at his temple office.
If the situation is grave, do not
hesitate to call Rabbi Gold at his
home: (848)222-4912.
If the Rabbi is unavailable, we do
have contingency plans. Please call a
Temple Officer or Committee
Chairperson listed below:
The Rabbi, Cantor, Officers and
Members of the Congregation
extend their heartfelt sympathy
to . . .
The Itell Family on the loss of
Milton Itell
The Salowe Family on the loss
of Bernice Salowe
Stan Lechner & Family on the
loss of Ellen Shurak
The Philips Family on the loss
of Sharon Pihonack
The Yuson Family on the loss of
Lucena Yuson
Memorializing Our
Loved Ones
Temple has different ways for you to keep
alive the memory of your loved ones.
Large Tile.........................$10,000
Medium Tile..........................5000
Small Tile.............................2500
Large Plaque.......................$1250
Sanctuary Seat ......................500
Honorial/Memorial ....................250
PATIO PAVER .............................150
TREE OF LIFE LEAF......................125
Francine Gimpel..................... (732)657-7120
Bill Mullis .............................. (732)276-7483
Vallerie Magory..................... (732)295-1150
Cemetery Committee:
Sonya Wallace ...................... (732)323-8722
Mike Philips........................... (732)323-0012
Please contact the
Temple Office:
( 732)363-2800 or
The Shofar / Volume 8, Issue 10 /Page 11
cont’d from Page 1
Some will argue that the principle of mutually assured destruction will temper Iran’s behavior,
so we need not worry about its rhetoric. Oh, but I do worry. We are not here talking about
the good old Cold War Days. As despicable as Soviet regimes were, their leaders operated
with calculated reason. Not so with Iranian governments. Religious extremists are not shy
about sacrificing themselves and their own people to exterminate the infidel. Today, we
witness Iranian militias battling ISIS—not because they wish to help U.S. efforts or because
they hate extremists, it is because they hate Sunnis. In fact, they are committing atrocities
against Sunni Muslim non-combatants. Finally, we must not forget that as a State Sponsor of
Terrorism, they have been Hezbollah’s patron for decades.
While some argue that Netanyahu is pushing us into another war, I would argue that he is
sounding an alarm that our government should heed and act upon. As he said, the alternative
to a bad deal is not war; the alternative is a better deal! If Iran’s leaders will not accept a
better deal, then we should walk away and add sanctions. I hardly wish to add to the suffering
of ordinary Iranians, but since sanctions brought Iran to the table before, additional ones will
bring them rushing back, since I doubt they want to risk a revolution. They will be happy to
sacrifice Iranian lives, but not their hold on power.
So, when can international diplomacy go so awry and yet be so right? When it is to deny
nuclear weapons to Iran.
Rabbi Steve
cont'd from page 8
Lynn & Steve Kaban in loving
memory of her sister,
Susan Broth
Fern Frankenberg and
Sondra & Joe Ranoff in loving
memory of Ellen Shurak
Fern Frankenberg and
Sondra & Joe Ranoff send Get
Well Wishes to Richard Eisenstein
Fern Frankenberg and
Sondra & Joe Ranoff say Mazel
Tov to Mike & Jacky Philips on
moving into their new home
Fern Frankenberg and
Sondra & Joe Ranoff say Mazel
Tov to Fran Gimpel on moving
into hernew home
Joan & Marvin Weiss in honor of
their Anniversary
March 24
Alvin & Susan Rutsky in honor
of their Anniversary
April 15
An anonymous donation in
appreciation for making the
Friday night services so special
Pearl Epstein congratulates
Lois Pollinger on the marriage
of her grandson
Jeffrey Greenberg to Alison
Joyce Himelman congratulates
Lois Pollinger on the marriage
of her grandson
Jeffrey Greenberg to Alison
Lenore & Dick Turteltaub in loving
memory of his mother,
Dora Bloom Turteltaub
Lenore & Dick Turteltaub in loving
memory of her mother,
Mollie Lehman Huckman
The Shofar / Volume 8, Issue 10 /Page 12
Trees in Israel
Beth Am Shalom is now selling trees in Israel through the
Jewish National Fund.
Do you have a simcha such as births, birthdays, engagements, weddings,
bar/bat mitzvahs or anniversaries that you wish to honor,
and/or a death that you want to memorialize?
The cost is $18.00 per tree.
You can purchase individual trees, a ring of trees (3),
a circle of trees (5), or an orchard of trees (10).
Please contact Fran Gimpel, 732-657-7120
and give her the name of the honoree or decedent, and the name and address
where to send the acknowledgement.
(Donations to this program will be listed on the Tzedakh Page)
In an effort to make it easier for you to help make the office run more efficiently, we request that the form
below be used when making a donation. Please fill it out and mail or drop it off at Temple, along
with your check. Thank you for your cooperation.
(The minimum donation for an acknowledgement card to be sent is $10.00)
Funds to which donations can be made are:
Rabbi Stanley & Myra Yedwab Adult Academy of Judaism, Merrill Pollinger Scholarship Fund,
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund, Cantor’s Discretionary/Music Fund, Building Fund, General Fund,
Oneg Shabbat, Religious School, Cemetery Beautification Fund, Honorial/Memorial, Yahrzeit,
Jr. or Sr. Youth Group, Prayer Book*
*Please note: while lesser donations are welcome, the cost of a Prayer Book is now $35.00 & large print is $45.00
Please accept the following donation(s) to the fund indicated below:
Please send acknowledgment card to:
Please send acknowledgment card to:
In memory of/in honor of/on the occasion of:
In memory of/in honor of/on the occasion of:
Fund: _____________________
Fund: __________________
The Shofar / Volume 8, Issue 10 / Page 13
Since 1978, the Bloomfield Family has managed
And operated funeral Chapels with traditional
Jewish values, dignity, care and respect.
Located in:
Lakewood • Ocean • Manalapan
L. Bloomfield Dir/Mgr. NJ Lic. #3357
A. Bloomfield Mgr./Dir. NJ Lic. #4074
The Toms River Jewish Cemetery on Whitty Road:
We would like to pave the driveway from the entrance
into the cemetery itself making it more accessible.
Beth Olam Memorial Park on Highway 70:
We have beautiful pillars at the entrance way that
have deteriorated through the years and are in need
of resurfacing. They are an important part of the
entrance to the cemetery as well as to the temple.
You may specify to which cemetery you would like to
donate, and also if you would like it to be in honor of
someone. Let’s all get together and make these
improvements in memory of our loved ones.
Contact the office with any questions:
(732) 363-2800
Beth Am Shalom Memorial Park
Toms River Jewish Cemetery
Cemetery Committee
The Shofar / Volume 8, Issue 10/ Page 14
By Invitation Only
Complete Party & Design Service
Invitations * Calligraphy * Centerpieces * Decorations
Balloons * Party & Wedding Favors * Sign-In Boards
Unique & Custom Giftware * All Business Printing
Tel. (732) 363-4754
Fax (732) 364-4441
Cell (732) 600-9897
Judie Singer
11 Cathedral Drive
Lakewood, NJ 08701
Meets the 3rd Thursday of every month at 1:00PM
For information call:
Jacky Philips at (732) 323-0012
Charlotte Ehrmann at (732) 349-2715
1235 Highway 70
Lakewood, NJ 08701
Religious School Calendar
Emergency number during school hours: (732) 551-4054
1235 Highway 70
Lakewood, NJ 08701
Ph: 732-363-2800
Fax: 732-363-7823
Religious School Cell: 732-551-4054
2007-2008 Religious School Calendar
2007-2008 Religious School Calendar
Wed. 4th: Erev Purim Service & Megilla
Sun. 8th: Purim Carnival at Temple Beth Or
Sun. 29th: Model Seder, L-3 & 6
Tue. 31st: Model Seder, 4 & 5, 7-9
Friday, 6th: 4th Grade Service
Rabbi Stephen D. Gold
Cantor Alisa T. Forman
Rabbi Stanley Yedwab, Rabbi Emeritus
Francine Gimpel, President
5, 7
Bill Mullis, Vice President
Vallerie Magory, 2nd VP
Joan Weiss, Financial VP
David Friedman, Treasurer
Rochelle Newman, Secretary
Barbara Hankins, Office Admin / Editor
Barbara & Henry Yuson, Webmasters
Glenn Nozek, Facebook
Check out our Website &
Facebook Page:
Tues. 21st: Israel Independence Celebration
Friday, 2nd: Family Service
Friday, 1st: 3rd Grade Service
Friday 29th: Confirmation
Last Sessions: Sunday, May 17th, Grades K-6
Tuesday, May 19th: Grades 7 & 8
* Grades K-3 will be participating in all family services. Although attendance
is not mandatory, it is a learning experience, enjoyable for the children, and
an honor to be called up to the Bima. Please help your children to have this
wonderful experience as often as possible.
Beth Am Shalom: Reform Jewish Congregation, Est. July 2007 by the
merger of Temple Beth Am and Temple Beth Shalom.
Member of the Jewish Federation of Ocean County and Union for Reform Judaism.
The Shofar is a monthly periodical. Annual Subscription cost for mailing is $35.
Issue Date: April 2015, Volume 8, Issue Number 10

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