May - Beth Am Shalom


May - Beth Am Shalom
The Shofar
Beth Am Shalom - A Reform Jewish Congregation
A New Beginning . . . to an Old Tradition
Message from Rabbi
“There is a time…
…for everything, a time for every experience under a heaven” (Kohelet—Eccl.
3:1). There is a time to worry about and keep up with events in Israel. Stabbing
attacks are an almost daily occurrence and the bus bombing in Talpiot that
injured 22 people last month was reminiscent of the Second Intifada in the early
2000’s. Hamas terrorists have returned to tunnel building to smuggle weapons
and commit murder in Israel. Sadly, until Israel and the Palestinians can forge a
peace, we must spend a lot of time worrying about Israel’s well being.
May 2016
Nisan - Iyar 5776
Volume 9, Issue 11
Kohelet, however, teaches us that there must be balance. There must also be a
time to celebrate Israel. The best way, of course, is to visit our ancient
homeland and see its ancient history come alive and its modernity and vibrant
cultures. We can also celebrate Israel here at home.
We had an opportunity in April at the Grunin Theater on the OCC campus. With
Jewish Federation of Ocean County and area congregations, BAS cosponsored a
Stand with Israel event called Israel Beyond the Headlines. It was well named as
we enjoyed a series of stirring and fascinating videos about the nonpolitical
aspects of Israel from businesses where Jews, Muslims and Christians, Israelis
and Palestinians work side-by-side, to its amazing technological innovations of
which most people the world over know (but few know that Israel created) to its
achievements in medicine, including the most sophisticated advances in
prosthetic limbs.
Check out our
Thus, we can permit our admiration and celebration of Israel and her people to
inspire our greater attention and support. We will have two more opportunities
What’s Inside:
Rabbi ................................... 1
Worship Services .................2
Cantor ...................................3
President ............................ 4
Religious School .................5
Tzedakah ........................
Indeed, this last example reminds us that Plato was right; “necessity is the
mother of invention.” So often, even when celebrating an Israeli contribution, it
reminds us of why Israelis have such a need to innovate in a particular field. The
politics and violence are often close to Israel’s achievements; they exist side-byside, one often bleeding into the next.
Refuah Shleima ....................8
Yahrzeit ............................... 9
Memorials ........................... 10
Sponsors ...................... 17-18
Calendar........................... 19
Yom Ha’atzmaut—Israel’s Independence Day: Join us on May 15th as the Jewish
community celebrates Israel’s 68 years as a sovereign nation at Blue Claws
Stadium for a game but much more. We can feel doubly proud as we sing
America’s national anthem AND Israel’s. There will be Arts and Crafts, Judaica
for sale, kosher food and more. The Jewish Federation of Ocean County is
spearheading this event: go on-line to or call 732363-0530 to purchase tickets. I hope to see many of us there. We can all depart
the Temple after the Annual Meeting and Religious School for a fun and inspiring
day to celebrate Israel.
Yom Yerushalayim—Jerusalem Day: On June 5th we are cosponsoring a concert
by the popular Jewish group, Safam. Temple Beth Or is hosting us at 2:00 PM at
their synagogue, 200 Van Zile Road in Brick—just a few miles east of our place.
You can buy your tickets from our Temple office.
“There is a time for everything, a time for every experience under a heaven.”
There is a time to be anxious for and even grieve with Israel and a time to
celebrate Israel. I urge each and every one of us to attend and enjoy these
events. May they increase our pride of and love for Israel and inspire us to visit,
know more and always support the People and Nation of Israel, for there is never
a time when we should not support Israel.
Rabbi Steve
The Shofar / Volume 9, Issue 11 / Page 2
Sunday, May 1
1:30PM Yom Hashoah Service
Friday, May 20
7:30PM Erev Shabbat Service
Shabbat Emor
We are collecting food
for the pantry at
Jesus is Lord
in Lakewood
Please use the bins
in the foyer
Sunday, May 1, 2016
“Yom Hashoah Program”
Sunday, May 15, 2016
“Annual Congregational
Jewish Heritage Night
At the Blue Claws
(see Pg 6)
Friday, May 6
6:00PM Pot Luck Shabbat Dinner
7:00PM Erev Shabbat Family Service
With Grade 3 and the
R.S. Award Ceremony
Shabbat Acharei Mot
Lev. 18:1030
Haftarah: Ezekiel 22:6-19
Lev. 21:1-24:23
Haftarah: Ezekiel 44:15-31
Saturday, May 21
10:00AM Morning Shabbat Service &
Bat Mitzvah of Madyson Lakatos
Friday, May 27
7:30PM Erev Shabbat Service &
Friday, May 13
7:30PM Erev Shabbat Service
Shabbat Kedoshim
Lev. 19:1-20:27
Haftarah: Amos 9:7-15
Saturday, May 14
10:00AM Morning Shabbat Service
And Bat Mitzvah of Rebecca Witkin
Shabbat Behar
Lev. 25:1-26:2
Haftarah: Jeremiah 32:6-27
Friday, June 3
7:00PM Erev Shabbat Family Service
Shabbat Bechukotai
Lev. 26:3-17:34
Haftarah: Jeremiah 16:19-17:14
See Pg. 15
Dear Friends:
You may recall that one of our members submitted a very meaningful piece about why membership in a
synagogue is so important to him. In that vein, I am happy to include another piece from another member.
This one is a personal statement about what Shabbat means to him—and can mean to all of us.
Rabbi Steve
“Remember The Sabbath Day and Keep it Holy”
By Richard Eisenstein
When does Sabbath actually start? Sundown? When Sabbath Eve service starts? When it ends? After the
Oneg Shabbat? Okay it is a loaded question. It starts at a different time for everyone. It starts at a different
time for me from one week to the next. As I sit in our beautiful sanctuary with my closest friends, I fervently
pray for Adonai to make me whole again. The pressures and issues of the week have done their job and I am
worn and raw. I can’t wait to get to Beth Am Shalom because I find warmth and comfort within these walls.
As I sit with my friends and recite prayers, show respect for Adonai and ask for healing, I also focus on
others and their wellbeing.
I ask that all of us find a true Shabbat Shalom—a true peaceful and harmony-filled Sabbath. As we pray,
intoning praise and acknowledging those who came before… suddenly Sabbath begins!
My shoulders lose the weight that was pushing down on them. I’m not as tired but rather, calm and peaceful.
I am better able to begin dealing with it again on Monday. Even in the dead of winter, the warmth of my
friends and their love make this building a home. As Jacob cried out after his vision of the stairway to
Heaven: “How awesome is this place, and I did not know it!” And we uttered those words at Consecration:
“This is a Holy Place.” May we embrace these, our words! Please come home for the Sabbath; you presence
is a gift to us. We welcome all.
The Shofar / Volume 9, Issue 11 / Page 3
14th of Iyar (May 22)—Pesach Sheini – A Second Passover; A Second Chance
Parts of this article were taken from and
Did you know that a Second Passover holiday called, Pesach Sheni, (literally “Second
Passover) occurs on the 14th of Iyar, the second month on the Jewish calendar,
exactly one month after the official Passover that starts the 14th of Nisan, the first
month of the Jewish calendar that we celebrated last month
The holiday originates from the Torah in the Book of Numbers (Chapter 9, Parashat
Be’ha’a’lotecha) in the wake of Moses’ announcement that the Passover sacrifice can
only be eaten on a specific date and only by those who are ritually pure. These caveats
to performing the Passover sacrifice sparked anger amongst people in the nation who
had come in contact with the dead and were now considered impure and unable to
bring the offering. God responds to the nation by declaring that anyone who is unable
to bring the sacrifice – either due to ritual impurity or an inability to reach Jerusalem
(the site of offering) during Passover– can instead make the sacrifice on the 14th of
Iyar, a full month after Passover, and eat the paschal lamb with matzah and maror
(bitter herbs). As it is written, 'If any man of you or of your generations shall be
unclean by reason of a dead body, or be in a journey afar off, yet he shall keep the
Passover unto God in the second month on the fourteenth day at dusk they shall keep
it; they shall eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.' (Numbers 9:10-11). The
bringing of the Passover offering was considered so important that this is the only
instance of a Torah commandment in which an official "make-up day" is established to
ensure performance.
According to the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn (18801950), the significance of the Second Passover is that of second chances. He says that
it is never too late to rectify a past failing. Even if a person has failed to fulfill a certain
aspect of his or her mission in life because s/he has been "contaminated by death"
(i.e., in a state of disconnection from the Divine Source of Life) or "on a distant road"
from his people and God, there is always a Second Passover in which s/he can make
good on what s/he has missed out. The Second Passover thus represents the power of
teshuvah -- the power of return, or commonly defined as “repentance.”
Since the practice of bringing sacrifices has been discontinued since the destruction of
the Second Temple, today, Pesach Sheni (Second Passover, this year it falls on May
22) is celebrated only symbolically. Instead, it is now customary to eat a piece of
matzah on the holiday while certain prayers of supplication are omitted from the daily
prayer service to commemorate the joyous occasion from ancient times.
But having a second chance is not just a joyous occasion to remember from ancient
times, it is a joyous occasion even now. For not just on Second Passover, but every
day, we must remember that we have a second chance to get “it” right.
Happy Second Passover!
Cantor Forman
The Shofar / Volume 9, Issue 11 / Page 4
May is the month we celebrate Jewish American Heritage and the long history of
Jewish American achievements in and contributions to the United States of America.
Jewish people are always willing to contribute to the best of their ability and we see
constant evidence of this at Beth Am Shalom!
The achievements and contributions made by our own members to our beloved Beth
Am Shalom always overwhelm me. While I hope that I always am supportive, this
is the month for a special shout out to my fellow Board members, the volunteers
who give effortlessly to support Bingo and our other fund raisers, the Religious
School committee for never saying no and always being sure our youngest
members’ needs are fully met, our Sisterhood and the Men’s Club, our staff, and our
Rabbi and Cantor for helping Beth Am Shalom remain a house of peace, prayer and
of the people.
As you have all heard by now, Cantor Forman will be leaving us at the end of June.
We wish her only the best and are planning a special dinner, Shabbat Service and
Oneg for her on June 24, 2016. Please mark your calendars! There will be a special
catered dinner before services which we hope you will all attend. We will be
honoring Cantor Forman with a scrapbook and Journal. Please get any pictures or
other memorabilia you may have over to Beth Am Shalom for the scrapbook and
submit your copy for the Journal as soon as possible. I hope everyone will help sell
Journal ads because the proceeds from the Journal will go towards helping Beth Am
Shalom continue with its commitment to education and music.
While Cantor Forman will be greatly missed, I am excited to let you know that we interviewed a number
of Cantorial students at the Hebrew Union College. We were lucky enough to secure our first pick! More
on our newest staff member to follow but for now please know that we will continue to have a Cantor to
help teach bar/bat mitzvah students to read from the Torah, lead other life-cycle events, and work with the
Continue to check our website, like us on Facebook and read the weekly email
notices because new and exciting things are continually being scheduled.
Francine Gimpel, President
The Shofar / Volume 9, Issue 11 / Page 5
Rabbi’s Cell Phone: (732) 995-6853
May Birthdays:
Yom Wholedit Samayach – Happy Birthday to:
Sami Card, 13 Sivan**Breanna Durkas, 16 Sivan**Tori Friedman, 20 Iyar
Zoe Friedman, 18 Iyar**Isabel Krasner, 18 Iyar**Rebecca Sadowsky, 9 Sivan
Mazel Tov to Rebecca Witkin and Madyson Lakatos and their families on their
Bat Mitzvahs this month!
Sunday, May 22, will be the last day for Sunday classes. We will be having a BBQ and
outdoor games for everyone. Put this on your calendar for a good time!
Many thanks to those of you who continue to support our Religious School with your
generous donations.
Shelly Newman & Michelle Goldman
Religious School Co-Chairs
My name is Grace Yaeger and I will be a bat mitzvah in June. For my mitzvah project,
I decided to help an organization that the temple is involved with called the Interfaith
Hospitality Network.
I had the opportunity to serve dinner to a homeless family in need. While I was there,
I decided that I would like to do a fundraiser for the home. It was pointed out to me
that they didn’t have much entertainment in the evenings for adults or kids. There was
no working DVD player or kid shows.
In an effort to help make the house more comfortable and make the guests feel like
they’re at home, I decided to help raise funds for them to buy a DVD player and collect
DVDs. In the temple lobby, I placed two bins on the coffee table to collect new and
used DVDs for adults and children. Please go through your DVDs at home, and donate
whatever you have outgrown or do not watch any more. There is also an envelope if
you would like to make a monetary donation towards the purchase of a new DVD
Thank you!
The Shofar / Volume 9, Issue 11 / Page 6
Women of BAS Book Club
The next meeting of the Women of BAS Book Club will be held on
Wednesday, May 25th at 7:15PM
We will be discussing “The Light Between Oceans”
by M. L. Stedman
Jewish Heritage Night at the Blue Claws
Celebrating Israel’s 68th Birthday!
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Time: 1:05PM
Tickets: $10 per person
• Kosher Food
• Family Fun
• Make Havdalah Candles
• Kids will run with players on the field
• Arts & Crafts, Sand Art & other activities for kids of all ages!
• Please visit our Judaica Vendors
For reserved seating, more information and to order tickets,
Please call the Jewish Federation of Ocean County:
Or purchase tickets at:
/ Page
/Page 7
Lucille & Seymour Berger in loving
memory of her mother,
Francine Share
William Freiman in loving memory
of his 2nd wife, Joann Freiman
Sally & Bill Bassoff in loving memory
of her mother,
Belle Goldman Himmelstein
Claire Kramer in loving memory of
her father, Morris Ritzer
Helene Mandelbaum in loving
memory of her husband,
Arthur Mandelbaum
Lynn & Steven Kaban in loving
memory of her
mother, Miriam Radow
and her sister, Susan Broth
Frederick & Muriel Rosenfeld in
loving memory of her father,
Morris Miller
Rhoda & Arthur Pedowitz in loving
memory of her mother,
Dorothy Wachsman
Irene Strausberg in loving memory
of her husband, Arthur Strausberg
Irene Strausberg in loving memory
of her father Louis Silver
Irene Strausberg in loving memory
of her father-in-law,
Jack Strausberg
Susan & Lester Kostick in loving
memory of his mother,
Hannah Kostick
Dennis & Shelly Newman in loving
memory of his mother,
Frieda Newman
The Friedeman Family in loving
memory of
Salvatore Pergola
Alvin & Susan Rutsky in loving
memory of his mother, Ida Rutsky
Debbie & Steve Grayson & Family in
loving memory of Harold Light
Dorothy & Fischel Myers in loving
memory of his mother, Anna Myers
Francine Gimpel in loving memory of
her friend, Donald Thailer
Mona & Richard Beltram in loving
memory of her mother, Ann Blum
Fran Gimpel & Caren Bonadies in
honor of the 80th Birthday of
Irv Aronson
Francine Gimpel in loving memory
of her grandfather, Sidney Davis
Gloria & Len Kaminer in loving
memory of his sister,
Estelle Baimel
Gloria & Len Kaminer in loving
memory of his father,
Philip Kaminer
John & Holli Klapouchy in loving
memory of her father,
Joseph Panzer
Lynn & Steven Kaban in loving
memory of of her father,
Alexander Radow
Ben Goldberg in loving memory of
his mother, Regina Goldberg
Louise & Herb Wechter in loving
memory of her mother,
Kate Meyerberg
The Ligorski Family in loving memory
of Ariana Bernstein
The Ligorski Family in honor
of the marriage of
Joel & Ehle Blenner
Mike & Jacky Philips in honor
of the 60th Anniversary of
Joan & Marvin Weiss
Harriet Frankenberg in honor of
Jacky & Mike Philips
for all their kindness
The BAS Chavurah Group for the
Welfare of the Temple
Louise & Herb Wechter in loving
memory of her father,
Bert Meyerberg
Dorothy & Fischel Myers for the
continued good health & happiness in
their new home to
Roz & Bill Terzi
Lois & Howard Geschwind in
memory of her beloved mother,
Mollie Isaacs
Harriet Riesberg in loving memory
of her husband, Melvin Vienick
The Ligorski Family in loving memory
of Jessica Cohen
Art & Rhoda Pedowitz in loving
memory of his mother,
Betty Pedowitz
Tobie & Bill Berenter in loving memory
of Jessica Cohen
Milton Frey in loving memory of his
mother, Gertrude Frey
Joyce Gartenberg in loving memory
of her husband, Richard Gartenberg
Harriet & Marty Glassman in loving
memory of Jessica Cohen
Laurie & Ron Keats in loving memory
of Jessica Cohen
Sandy Yaskulka in loving memory
of Dominic Kulik
The Friedeman Family in loving
memory of Erich Friedeman
Gloria Safran in loving memory of
her mother, Shirley Forman
Sal & Teri Ribler in loving memory of
Jessica Cohen
Arnold & Phyllis Schlisserman &
Family in loving memory of
Harold Light
Rita Rudenstein & Daughters in loving
memory of Martin Rudenstein
Continued on Page 8
The Shofar / Volume 9, Issue 11 /Page 8
2015 - 2016
Donald Fink & Claire Aschner
Seymour & Lucille Berger
& Drukaroff
Rose Friedland
David Drukaroff in honor of their neighbors who remembered them
Purim Family
William & Dorothy Freiman
Wayne & Rose Friedland
Lois Geschwind
Francine Gimpel
Francine Gimpel
Hazel Gluck
Robert & Gloria Bernstein in
Ben Goldberg
The Ligorski Family
loving memory of her father,
& Roberta Krantz
Brian & Vallerie Magory
Morris Kirshen
& Judy Lefsky
Dennis & Shelly Newman
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Mako
Harold & Helene Wechsler
Mike & Jacky Philips
Lenore Turteltaub in loving
memory of Jessica Cohen
Lenore Turteltaub in honor of the
60th Anniversary of
Marvin & Joan Weiss
Harold & Helene Wechsler in
honor of theire Anniversary
May 15
BAS Men’s Club
Dyna-Temp Inc.
Francine Gimpel
Heritage Monument
Dr. & Mrs. Morris Ligorski
Vallerie & Brian Magory
Newman Associates
Salvin & Teri Ribler
Silver Bay Car Wash
William & Dorothy Freiman
The Friedland Family
Dwight Halpern
The Ligorski Family
Brian & Vallerie Magory
Dennis & Shelly Newman
Marilyn & Jack Sabo
Max & Barbara Schloff
Dollie Sussna
Delores Ackerman
Rachel Bain
Bill Bassoff
Lillian Bauman
Randi Bell
Wayne Birkenthal
Bella Blankfield
Michele Braff
Brandon Bravo
Tim Burkhardt
Bracha Caine
Lynn Schnitzer Cardinale
Karen Castor
Barbara Chester
B.J. Christian
Elliot Cohen
John Corsaro
Bill Davis
Claire Drapkin
Brooke Ducey
Dov Eisak
Judy Eisak
Marcia Eisenstein
Helene Eskind
Trish Frankenberg
Charlotte Freedman
Steven Friedeman
Edna Friedman
Shawn Friedman
Sara Gaona
David Garcia
Marilyn Gilbert
Linda Gillick
Michael Gillick
Caryn Habermann
Walter Jackowski
Mark Kaban
Steven Katz
Louis Kayne
Steve Kayne
Tyler Keats
Richard Koch
Rayna Kravetz
Lauren Leonard
Rose Levine
Linda Millet
Marie Morgadonna
Ava Nebbia
Carl Nelson
Lynn Palin
Joseph Ranoff
Robin Ratliff
Wendy Rubenstein
Myrna Sachs
Michael Sapara
Sigmund Schwartz
Yosh Stern
Donna Strassman
Wallace Strauss
Burt Tenner
Manny Topal
David Vienick
Alexandra Warren
Michelle Watkison
Alan Zbik
The Shofar / Volume 9, Issue 11/Page 9
May 6
Ann Blum
Neal Cohen
Regina Goldberg
Mack Haspiel
Mollie Isaacs
Dorothy Lesson
Kate Meyerberg
Irving Padgursky
Ivan Rosenzweig
Betty Singer
John Jacob Turteltaub
Bernard Wechsler
May 20
Philip Deutch
Murray Feldman
James Fossetta
Jeannette Franklin
Max Goldstein
Mollie Goldstein
Ian Neil Komar
Nina Michowski
Jessie Savrick
Ida Seidenberg
Robert Tolchin
Spencer Wallace
Noel Yaskulka
May 13
Steven Abrams
Eva Atkins
Lottie Balous
Deborah Friedland
Adrienne Goldfarb
Celia Leff
Sherwin Lesson
Bertha Levine
Sid Levy
Irving Lifschitz
Harry Mandelbaum
Sarah Morris
Sylvia Pergola
Charles Rachmiel
Alexander Radow
Blanka Strauss
Leonard Wallace
Rebecca Wechsler
Betty Woldow
May 27
Joseph Albert
Heskel Brisman
Mollie Fassler
Barry Frankenberg
Elaine Gaines
Morris Grossman
Barbara Kaplan
Edward Komar
Max Meyer
Frances Mitchell
Pauline Moss
Joe Scarrino
Leon Sickel
Jesse Steinberg
Arthur Yohalem
When observing a Yahrzeit, please check the Kaddish list to be sure your loved one’s name is included. If omitted, please
inform Rabbi Gold so he can add it to the list. The Kaddish list is displayed on the Yahrzeit Wall.
The Shofar / Volume 9, Issue 11 /Page 10
Beth Olam Cemetery
Located at 1235 Highway 70 in Lakewood
A perpetual care memorial park with
ground level grave markers only.
For information and availability, contact:
Sonya Wallace – (732)323-8722 or
Temple Office – (732)363-2800
* * * * * * * * * *
Toms River Jewish Cemetery
Whitty Road, Toms River
Section One reserved for Jewish decedents,
with traditional upright grave markers.
Section Two reserved for non-Jewish
decedents, with ground level grave markers
Section Three reserved for Jewish decedents,
with ground level grave markers only.
For information and availability, contact:
David Sosis – (732)244-4212 or
Temple Office – (732)363-2800
When Tragedy Strikes
Tragedy often comes suddenly and
unannounced, therefore, it is wise to plan for
the eventuality when death touches us. We
want to be there for you, and accordingly, we
have prepared this emergency guideline,
which we hope you will save:
If a loved one becomes seriously ill
and is taken to the hospital, please
call Rabbi Gold at his temple office.
If the situation is grave, do not
hesitate to call Rabbi Gold at his
home: (848)222-4912.
If the Rabbi is unavailable, we do
have contingency plans. Please call a
Temple Officer or Committee
Chairperson listed below:
The Rabbi, Cantor, Officers and
Members of the Congregation
extend their heartfelt sympathy
to . . .
Richard Eisenstein & Family on
the loss of his cousin,
Ira Shepard
The Family of
Irv Serkin
Dorothy Septoff on the
loss of her husband,
Irwin Septoff
Francine Gimple on the loss
of her good friend,
Donald Thailer
Tina Ferrara & Family on the
loss of her father,
Murray Miller
Memorializing Our
Loved Ones
Temple has different ways for you to keep
alive the memory of your loved ones.
Large Tile.........................$10,000
Medium Tile..........................5000
Small Tile.............................2500
Large Plaque.......................$1250
Sanctuary Seat ......................500
Honorial/Memorial ....................250
PATIO PAVER .............................150
TREE OF LIFE LEAF......................125
Francine Gimpel..................... (732)657-7120
Bill Mullis .............................. (732)276-7483
Vallerie Magory..................... (732)295-1150
Cemetery Committee:
Sonya Wallace ...................... (732)323-8722
David Sosis.......................... (732)244-4212
Please contact the
Temple Office:
( 732)363-2800 or
The Shofar / Volume 9, Issue 11 /Page 11
Our Purim Project was a tremendous success!
Thanks to our Purim Project Team, our youngest members who decorated
the bags and to the following Beth Am Shalom members who contributed
to help make sure each member received a gift of good will!
Sally & Bill Bassoff
Harvey & Janet Diamond Family
Mildred Drukaroff
Yacov & Judy Eisak Family
Richard & Barbara Eisenstein Family
Sheldon & Rose Fialkoff
Donald Fink & Claire Aschner
The Fox Family
Milton Frey
Surat & Rebecca Frey Family
Steven & Samantha Friedeman Family
The Friedland Family
Howard & Lois Geschwind
Francine Gimpel
Frank & Melanie Giudice Family
Jack & Hannah Greenstein
Howard & Michele Harris
Joyce Gartenberg
The Kalichstein Family
Bob & Bobbi Krantz
Michael & Anna Krasner Family
Morris & Pam Ligorski Family
Brian & Vallerie Magory
Demetrios & Audra Manekas Family
Marilyn Gilbert
Dennis & Shelly Newman
Arthur & Rhoda Pedowitz
Mike & Jscky Philips
Joe & Sondra Ranoff
Patricia Reeves
Sal & Teri Ribler
Rochelle Rosenberg
Rita Rudenstein
Jack & Marilyn Sabo
Bill & Roz Terzi
Keith & Jennifer Sacks Family
Max & Barbara Schloff
Lenore Turteltaub
Sonya Wallace
Barbara Woldow
Robert & Robin Yaeger
Alan & Cynthia Zbik
BAS Men’s Club
BAS Religious School
Cantor Alisa Forman
Rabbi Stephen Gold
Several Anonymous Donors
Jerusalem Day Concert
June 5, 2016
Adult: $25
Child: $10
Temple Beth Or, 200 Van Zile Rd, Brick
Tickets must be purchased by May 25th from any of these participating partners:
Beth Am Shalom, Lakewood 732-363-2800
Congregation Ahavat Olam, Howell 732-719-3500
Congregation B’nai Israel, Toms River 732-349-1244
Jewish Community Center of Long Beach Island, Spray Beach 609-492-4090
Jewish Federation of Ocean County 732-363-0530
Monmouth Reform Temple, Tinton Falls 732-747-9365
Temple Beth Or, Brick 732-458-4700
The Shofar / Volume 9, Issue 11 /Page 12
Come play with us!
Thursday, May 26, 2016
12:30PM – 4:30PM
$25.00 per person
Registration & payment due in full by may 19, 2016
For more information, please call:
(732) 349-8885
(732) 833-6744
Please make checks payable to:
BAS Sisterhood
1235 Highway 70
Lakewood, NJ 08701
The Shofar / Volume 9, Issue 11 /Page 13
THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2016
12:30-4:30 p.m.
In order to attend, you must register your game by May 19th. The cost is $25
per person and includes a Kosher Chinese buffet lunch. Please make checks
payable to BAS SISTERHOOD.
Please indicate your game (e.g. Mahjong, Canasta, Bridge, etc.)
1. (Contact person and phone
Mail registration form along with
BAS Sisterhood
1235 Highway 70
Lakewood N. J. 08701
The Shofar / Volume 9, Issue 11 /Page 14
A Service of Remembrance
To Commemorate the Holocaust
Sunday, May 1, 2016
11:00 AM
Beth Am Shalom
1235 State Highway 70, Lakewood, New Jersey
The Third Generation Speaks
for the Survivors, and
all those who are not here to tell their stories.
Vera Nussenbaum’s z”l story as told by her grandsons,
Tom & Dan Ziv
Helina Sininsky’s story as told by her friend,
Samantha Gertner
Please join us on Sunday, May 1st at 11:00 AM as we
remember the Shoah and its victims, honor their memory,
and honor and comfort our survivors.
Co-Sponsored by:
Beth Am Shalom, Lakewood, New Jersey
Congregation Ahavat Olam, Howell, New Jersey
The Shofar / Volume 9, Issue 11 /Page 15
Cantor Alisa Forman will be leaving Beth Am Shalom at the end of June 2016. She has
always been so dedicated and such a vital part of our congregation. We will honor her with
a special Shabbat dinner, service and Oneg on Friday, June 24, 2016. So save that date!
We are putting together a special scrapbook of memories and journal of well wishes for
Cantor Alisa Forman. Please be a part of this special tribute to a special person!
Send or drop off all original artwork, pictures or other memorabilia you want included in
the scrapbook to Beth Am Shalom.
Send well wishes by purchasing space in the Journal. All funds raised will go to further
Beth Am Shalom’s commitment to music and the Religious School, two of Cantor
Forman’s passions.
Cantor Forman Journal Advertising Form
___ Back Cover $300 (1 available)
___ Inside Cover $250 (2 available)
___ Gold Page $250
___ Silver Page $200
___ White Page $100
___ Half Page $50
___ Quarter Page $30
___ Business Card $25
___ 1 line, typed in a 12 pt font $18
City ______________________________________________ State________
Telephone ___________________________ Email
___ Enclosed is my check in the amount of $ _____________
___ Bill my: ___ American Express ___ Discover ___ MasterCard ___ Visa
The Shofar / Volume 9, Issue 11/Page 16
Trees in Israel
Beth Am Shalom is now selling trees in Israel through the
Jewish National Fund.
Do you have a simcha such as births, birthdays, engagements, weddings,
bar/bat mitzvahs or anniversaries that you wish to honor,
and/or a death that you want to memorialize?
The cost is $18.00 per tree.
You can purchase individual trees, a ring of trees (3),
a circle of trees (5), or an orchard of trees (10).
Please contact Fran Gimpel, 732-657-7120
and give her the name of the honoree or decedent, and the name and address
where to send the acknowledgement.
(Donations to this program will be listed on the Tzedakh Page)
In an effort to make it easier for you to help make the office run more efficiently, we request that the form
below be used when making a donation. Please fill it out and mail or drop it off at Temple, along
with your check. Thank you for your cooperation.
(The minimum donation for an acknowledgement card to be sent is $10.00)
Funds to which donations can be made are:
Rabbi Stanley & Myra Yedwab Adult Academy of Judaism, Merrill Pollinger Scholarship Fund,
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund, Cantor’s Discretionary/Music Fund, Building Fund, General Fund,
Oneg Shabbat, Religious School, Cemetery Beautification Fund, Honorial/Memorial, Yahrzeit,
Jr. or Sr. Youth Group, Prayer Book*
*Please note: while lesser donations are welcome, the cost of a Prayer Book is now $35.00 & large print is $45.00
Please accept the following donation(s) to the fund indicated below:
Please send acknowledgment card to:
Please send acknowledgment card to:
In memory of/in honor of/on the occasion of:
In memory of/in honor of/on the occasion of:
Fund: _____________________
Fund: __________________
The Shofar / Volume 9, Issue 11/ Page 17
Meets the 3rd Thursday of
every month at 1:00PM
For information call:
Jacky or Mike Philips at
(732) 323-0012
The Toms River Jewish Cemetery on Whitty Road:
We would like to pave the driveway from the entrance
into the cemetery itself making it more accessible.
Beth Olam Memorial Park on Highway 70:
We have beautiful pillars at the entrance way that
have deteriorated through the years and are in need
of resurfacing. They are an important part of the
entrance to the cemetery as well as to the temple.
You may specify to which cemetery you would like to
donate, and also if you would like it to be in honor of
someone. Let’s all get together and make these
improvements in memory of our loved ones.
Contact the office with any questions:
(732) 363-2800
Beth Olam Memorial Park
Toms River Jewish Cemetery
Cemetery Committee
The Shofar / Volume 9, Issue 11/ Page 18
By Invitation Only
Your ad could be here!
Complete Party & Design Service
Invitations * Calligraphy * Centerpieces * Decorations
Balloons * Party & Wedding Favors * Sign-In Boards
Unique & Custom Giftware * All Business Printing
Tel. (732) 363-4754
Fax (732) 364-4441
Cell (732) 600-9897
Judie Singer
11 Cathedral Drive
Lakewood, NJ 08701
There is an “After Hours” box alongside the front door if you need
to drop something off for the office when the building is closed.
1235 Highway 70
Lakewood, NJ 08701
1235 Highway 70
Lakewood, NJ 08701
Ph: 732-363-2800
Fax: 732-363-7823
Religious School Cell: 732-551-4054
Religious School Calendar
Emergency number during school hours: (732) 995-6853
27, 29
Rabbi Stephen D. Gold
Cantor Alisa T. Forman
Rabbi Stanley Yedwab, Rabbi Emeritus
Fri., 4th: Family Service with Grades 4 & 5
Sun. 13th, Purim Schpiel “Oy…klahoma”
Sun. 20th, Purim Parties Grades K-2
Tues. 22nd, Purim Parties Grades 3-8
Wed. 23rd, Erev Purim Service & Megillah
Fri., 1st: Family Service
Sun. 17th: Model Seder K-3
Tue. 19th: Model Seder 4&5, 6-8
Francine Gimpel, President
Rochelle Newman, Vice President
Fri., 6th: Family Service w/ Grade 3 & Awards
Vallerie Magory, 2nd VP
Joan Weiss, Financial VP
David Friedman, Treasurer
Jacqueline Philips, Secretary
Barbara Hankins, Office Admin
Barbara & Henry Yuson, Webmasters
Last Sessions: Sunday, May 22nd
Tuesday, May 24th
* Grades K-3 will be participating in all family services. Although attendance
is not mandatory, it is a learning experience, enjoyable for the children, and
an honor to be called up to the Bima. Please help your children to have this
wonderful experience as often as possible.
Glenn Nozek, Facebook
Check out our Website &
Facebook Page:
Beth Am Shalom: Reform Jewish Congregation,
Est. July 2007 by the merger of Temple Beth Am and Temple Beth Shalom.
Member of the Jewish Federation of Ocean County and Union for Reform Judaism.
The Shofar is a monthly periodical. Annual Subscription cost for mailing is $35.
Issue Date: May 2016, Volume 9, Issue Number 11
23 nisan
24 nisan
25 nisan
26 nisan
27 nisan
28 nisan
6:00 Bingo
30 nisan
29 nisan
6:00 Pot Luck Dinner
7:00 Erev Shabbat Family
Service with Grade 3
& Award Ceremony
9:30 R.S. Committee Mtg
Kibbitz Kafe
1:30 Yom Hashoah
Service & Program
1 iyar
2 iyar
3 iyar
4 iyar
Acharei Mot
5 iyar
6 iyar
7:30 Erev Shabbat
10:00 Morning Shabbat
Service & Bat Mitzvah of
Rebecca Witkin
6:00 Bingo
7 iyar
8 iyar
7:30 BOT Meeting
9 iyar
10 iyar
9:30 Men's Club Meeting
10:15 Annual Congregation
1:05PM Jewish Heritage
Day at the Blue Claws
6:00 Bingo
11 iyar
12 iyar
13 iyar
1:00 Chavurah Meeting
7:30 Erev Shabbat
10:00 Morning Shabbat
Service & Bat Mitzvah of
Madyson Lakatos
(note new time)
14 iyar
Last RS Sunday classes:
BBQ & outdoor games
15 iyar
16 iyar
17 iyar
Last Tuesday classes w/
outdoor games
6:00 Bingo
12:30 - 4:30
Annual Mahjongg/Card/
Game Party
19 iyar
20 iyar
7:30 Erev Shabbat
Service with
7:15 Book Club Meeting
18 iyar
21 iyar
22 iyar
23 iyar
6:00 Bingo

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