Configuring Wonderware`s Modbus Plus for the PCI


Configuring Wonderware`s Modbus Plus for the PCI
Configuring Wonderware's Modbus Plus for the PCI-85 Card in Windows 2000 Professional
Tech Note 276
Configuring Wonderware's Modbus Plus for the PCI-85 Card
in Windows 2000 Professional
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Topic#: t001064
C reated: September 2002
This Tech Note outlines Setting up a PCI-85 card with WinConX.
Setting Up a PCI-85 Card with WinConX
1. Install the PCI-85 card.
The Found New Hardware dialog box opens:
2. Locate and install the driver.
3. Start the MBX Driver Configuration utility from the WinConX folder.
The MBX Driver Configuration dialog box opens:
4. Select the Device Configuration tab.
5. Click the New button.
6. Select the device type.
Configuring Wonderware's Modbus Plus for the PCI-85 Card in Windows 2000 Professional
Select a Network Node for your new PCI-85 Card
Make sure that the network node we have selected is not already been used by another PCL or
card on this Modbus Plus network.
7. Run the MBX Demo utility from the WinConX folder to make sure we have configured the
card correctly.
There are two selections of interest. They are B and C.
Selecting C will display the following information:
The key items to note in this display are the Device Status and Node Address.
Make sure that the Device Status is On-Line and Node Address is set to the correct node
8. Press any key on the keyboard to return to the MBX Demo selection menu.
Selecting B will display this information:
Configuring Wonderware's Modbus Plus for the PCI-85 Card in Windows 2000 Professional
The items noted in this display show what is currently on our Modbus Plus network.
The I on the display represents our PCI-85 card and the U represent a PLC/device on our
Modbus Plus network.
Based on this display, our PCI-85 card currently has a node address of 1 and a PLC/device with
a node address of 3.
9. Close the MBX Demo utility after verifying the PCI-85 card has been configured properly.
Setting-Up Wonderware's Modbus Plus I/O Server
10. Start the Wonderware Modbus Plus I/O Server.
Make sure that Wonderware's Modbus Plus I/O Server, Version 7,5,x,x or better, is installed.
11. Select Configure/Adapter Card Setting.
The MBPLUS Adapter Card Settings dialog box opens:
12. Select Adapter Number. This is based on the configuration in WinConX. In this case, the
adapter number was set at 0.
13. Select OK on the MBPLUS Adapter Card Settings dialog box.
The MBPLUS dialog box opens:
Configuring Wonderware's Modbus Plus for the PCI-85 Card in Windows 2000 Professional
14. Click Yes to restart your computer.
15. Start Wonderware's Modbus Plus I/O Server.
16. Select Configure/Topic Definition.
17. Click New to create a new topic.
18. In the Topic Name field type in the name Quantum. (Any name can be entered.)
19. Click the drop-down arrow next to the Adapter Card Name field, and select the the newly
created adapter card name.
20. For Slave Type, select 6 Digit. 6 Digit is select because we will be polling data from a PLC
device that will support 6 digit addressing. Example: a Quantum PLC.
21. In the Slave Path field, type in Our PLC device has a node address of 3.
22. Click OK when finished.
Configuring Wonderware's Modbus Plus for the PCI-85 Card in Windows 2000 Professional
Testing Connection to PLC/Device
To quickly test to make sure our Wonderware Modbus Plus I/O server is configured correctly, we
need to use WWClient.
23. Select Programs/FactorySuite/Common/WWClient.
24. Select Connection/Create.
The Create Connection dialog box opens:
25. Select the Connection Type of DDE or IOT (a.k.a., SuiteLink).
26. Click in the Node field and type Localhost as the node name.
27. Click in the Application field and type in mbplus.
28. Click in the Topic field and type in Quantum. Quantum is the topic created earlier.
29. Click Create, then Done.
After creating a connection with WWClient, check the Wonderware Modbus Plus I/O server. It
should look similar to the following dialog box.
30. Ensure the Status is GOOD.
Polling Data From The PLC Device
Configuring Wonderware's Modbus Plus for the PCI-85 Card in Windows 2000 Professional
31. Click in the Item field on WWClient.
The Item dialog box opens:
32. Click in the Item field and enter the address 400001. We know this address exists on our
PLC device.
33. Click the AdviseEx button.
34. Click Done when finished.
The Wonderware Client dialog box opens:
The column with 0x00c0 indicates we are receiving good data.
I. Bui
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Configuring Wonderware's Modbus Plus for the PCI-85 Card in Windows 2000 Professional
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