a professional future full of options
a professional future full of options
Innova nº6 / February 2007 La Salle · Engineering, Architecture and Management THE REACTIVATION OF THE ICT SECTOR: a professional future full of options EDITORIAL OUR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Miquel Àngel Barrabeig General Manager of La Salle Ramon Llull University Last November at a talk at the Palau Robert, the case of Technology, architecture, urban planning and construction industrial engineer Albina Ruiz and her project for a “Healthy are major agents of social and economic transformation, City” was presented as an example of social transformation and as a university we cannot fail to acknowledge them. in deeply disadvantaged settings. We are used to large engineering projects arising from the As architects and engineers, we are often faced with the quest for military applications, but we also know that these questions of what and how. We assess projects from the same applications are useful for spreading knowledge and standpoint of realising them: what has to be done and how enhancing welfare, and they end up influencing our every- to do it. day environment and transforming society. We should be aware that these steps do not take place spontaneously. There have to be active desires to find the useful ICTs and housing or urban development are omnipresent, and it will fall on us to transfer the knowledge following certain parameters applications of the knowledge developed and to transfer the results of research to society. ICTs and housing or urban development are omnipresent, and it will be our responsability to transfer the knowledge Today I would like to suggest to you the question of why. Or following parameters of sustainability, promoting justice better yet, the question for what, and not just as a theoreti- and solidarity, improving health and increasing equal cal reflection but as an operative question to be included as opportunities. an integral part of the project. The study, the research, the transfer motivated from their purpose and their ethics, which By putting together subjects that are students examine in ultimately are our social responsibility. their end-of-programme projects, we realise to what extent we have been sensitive and are able to put our social respon- The “Healthy City” project provides us with several interest- sibility into action. ing parameters: the setting of marginalisation, engineering the recycling process, involving the university in training, It is imperative that we keep striving to achieve these goals. ecology and sustainability, improving social conditions. How many of these parameters could we include in our actions? INNOVA La Salle - Engineering, Architecture and Management Management Council: President: Miquel Àngel Barrabeig Vice President: Joan Camps Secretary: Fèlix Riera Editorial Board: Xavier Vilasís, Joaquim Girbau, Juan Pérez, Joan Claudi Socoró, M. Pilar Torner, Josep Miquel Piqué, Carmen Alcalde, Isidro Batlle Editing and Production Team: Editor-in-chief: Fèlix Riera Publishing Manager: August Climent Innova La Salle Publisher: La Salle Engineering and Architecture www.salle.url.edu Contributors: Georgina Rosàs, Coque Claret, Elisabet Golobardes, Sira Coll, Josep Maria Ribes, David Badia, Oscar García, J. Andrés Fernández, Ricard Garriga. Design and Production: BPMO Edigrup Caballero 79, 7a 08014 Barcelona Tel. 933 637 840 Fax 934 108 415 E-mail: bpmo-bcn@bpmo.es www.grupobpmo.com NOTE: Both management and the editorial and production team do not necessarily share the ideas expressed in this magazine. Likewise, neither they nor the authors accept any responsibility for either proper or improper use of the information contained herein. Legal Register: B-1585-2003 ISSN: 1696-022X 3 CONTENTS ¬ Editorial 3 ¬ Opinion 6 ¬ Special feature 7 The Reactivation of the ICT Sector: A Professional Future Full of Options ¬ News 10 ¬ Engineering 16 Yesterday… and today of videogames Technology to help Engineering faculties and the European Higher Education Area ¬ Architecture 27 La Balsa: A Restaurant Built Inside a Former Reservoir Greenhouses for Sustainable Housing ¬ Management 33 Professional Moral Ethics The European Short Sea Shipping School European School of Short Sea Shipping Paul Whiteway, International Sales Manager of UKTI ¬ Tech news 43 ¬ Innovation and Research 47 La Salle Technology Transfer Interview with Manuel Campo Vidal, journalist ¬ Entrepreneurs 52 w La Salle Business Angels School ¬ Getting to Know La Salle 55 w Meetings with representatives of the main political groups ¬ Culture and Leisure 56 w Bilbao: An Eclectic, Nuanced City w Constant Evolution w A Sarrià-Sant Gervasi: Les Cotxeres w Architectural Guide to Mataró ¬ Calendar and Internet 61 Opinion EUROPEAN CONVERGENCE: WHERE DO WE STAND? Elisabet Golobardes i Ribé Director of the La Salle Higher Technical School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science - Ramon Llull University In June 1999, the ministers of education of 19 European coun- working on earning AQU (Quality Assurance Agency) accredi- tries signed the Bologna Declaration marking the start of a tation. Likewise, some of the current post-degree programmes process of reflection and action aimed at adapting university are already recognised by the International Assembly for Col- degrees to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The legiate Business Education (IACBE) and the Latin American goal consisted of achieving a high quality European educational Council of Business Administration Schools (CLADEA), and system that would foster economic growth, international com- accreditation processes have already got underway with petitiveness and social cohesion through lifelong education and The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business training of citizens, and through their mobility. Seen thus, this (AACSB international). Additionally, La Salle has applied process of European convergence is a huge opportunity! for accreditation from the European Quality Improvement The three main pillars of this process seek transparency in System (EQUIS-EFMD). La Salle’s Universitat Ramon Llull learning, the structure of the programmes and quality. Where was recently granted the distinction of ECTS Label (reference do we stand? 29467-IC-1-2005-ES-ERASMUS_ECTSL) and the distinction of Diplomat Supplement Label (reference 29467-IC-1-2005- The EHEA organises studies into two cycles – degree and post-degree – and three cycles – bachelor, master and doctorate – ES-ERASMUS_ECTSDS) from the European Commission. It should be pointed out that only two Spanish universities and a total of twenty European universities have had the honour of this distinction. Organisation. And here is where the controversy comes! The EHEA organises studies into two levels – degree and post- Learning. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) allows degree – and three cycles, bachelor’s, master’s and doctor- the work students must do to acquire the knowledge, capaci- ate. The degree studies (180-240 ECTS) would achieve aca- ties and skills needed to pass the subjects in their curriculum demic and professional training for students that would pre- to be measured. Sixty ECTSs are regarded as equivalent to the pare them to either join the European workforce or go on to volume of work of one student during one academic year. The pursue graduate studies. Graduate studies are second-level goal of this systems is to facilitate student mobility by using a studies and include what in Spain is now known as the second credit system that is common to the entire EHEA. However, and third cycles (master’s and doctorates). Master’s degrees this yardstick of student work has led to a deeper reflection (60-120 ECTS) would offer advanced training and doctorates on learning, that is, on how to focus on students’ efforts – and (previously 300 ECTS) would focus on training researchers. how to achieve it – instead of focusing on the teachers’ efforts. We at universities, professional associations and the like have In the field of engineering, and more specifically at our school, spent many years making studies and drafting reports and this student-centred focus has always been present, albeit at white papers, while the governmental institutions have failed times implicitly (classroom teaching, problem-solving, labo- to define themselves in this new scenario. On the contrary, we ratories, group work, tutoring sessions, presentations of final have to start proposing and implementing master’s and doc- projects, etc.). Thus, our work consists of making the way this toral programmes without knowing what degree studies there is evaluated more explicit and/or improving it in accordance will be, or how long they will take. And the worst thing in the with the ECTS, not to mention becoming more aware of where world of engineering is who grants and at what level the profes- we are and where we want to go. sional competencies and attributions. It is clear that we at the Quality. The demand for quality teaching is now taken for universities are offering solutions and routes that always ben- granted. What may well become worrying is the fact that this efit students, but what is worrying is that a great opportunity quality; being hindered by excessive bureaucracy. At the same like Bologna may just become a currency to barter interests. time, we must be aware of the appropriateness of the crite- As for La Salle Engineering, just as we have always done, we ria used to evaluate quality. Nevertheless, it will end up being continue to focus on degrees linked to Information and Com- a cultural habit and a demand from society itself, just as it munication Technologies and their management, at both the is in other countries such as the United States. Still, here at degree and post-degree level. We are well prepared, all we La Salle Engineering and Architecture, part of the faculty is need now is the legal framework... x Innova La Salle SPECIAL The Reactivation of the ICT Sector: a professional future full of options The new technologies sector is recovering after a crisis in the first few years of the decade. With the new scenario, a new realm of possibilities is opening up in a revitalised field that needs professionals. Rosa García, President of Microsoft Ibérica, and Josep Maria Vilà, General Manager of Indra – the heads of two benchmark companies in this field – analyse the current situation. By Ivan Giménez Photos: Marc Guillen and Microsoft We can now say that ICT companies have recovered from the burst in the technology bubble in 2001. It is once again a sector with good prospects for growth. “Companies emerged from this stage with lessons learned that today are the basis of any organisation that wants to start up, grow and survive in the market,” claims Rosa García. Josep Maria Vilà addes that “ICTs are reactivated because the economy is reactivated; when there is recovery, companies are encouraged to invest in fields like technology.” The head of Indra also adds that “it is a cycle. In addition to investment and business euphoria, there is also more consumption, and all these factors Rosa García, president of Microsoft Ibérica end up driving this recovery.” One of the main advantages of the ICT sector is the job stability it offers The recovery got underway in 2005, according to data from AETIC (abbreviation for the Spain Association of Electronics, Information Technology and Telecommunications Companies), when there was an 8.9% growth in software-related companies. Another highly positive factor is that companies are deciding to invest in information technologies. We should also Josep Maria Vilà, managing director of Indra bear in mind that the companies that Innova La Salle ESPECIAL explains that “the demand for jobs that Rosa García ¬ She has over 20 years’ experience in the world of information technologies. She joined Microsoft in 1991 as Technical Support Manager. Four years later she became Manager of Strategic Corporate Projects at the company headquarters in Redmond. In 2000 she took on a new challenge as General Corporate Manager of Sales and Marketing with Microsoft Partners. there might be in a sector showing this type of growth is clear.” To Josep Maria Vilà, “the demand is especially high in certain specialities, and we have not yet peaked out.” The head of Microsoft Ibérica further defines the situation by claiming that “despite these positive trends, we are also experiencing a situation in which there are specialised jobs that cannot be covered because students just leaving university do not have the proper training.” When asked what should be done to resolve this situation, she have survived the crisis are stronger. the European average, which stood at explains that her company has started As Josep Maria Vilà points out, “in 3.1%. The forecasts for 2007 indicate the Employ Plan. In conjunction with crises, the weaker companies disap- that Spain will grow around 4.5%, com- several different Spanish universities, pear, and the best-prepared ones pared to its other European partners at the goal is to include a series of curricu- come out stronger.” around 2.9%. lum items in the last few years of bach- These positive forecasts can be trans- elor’s degree programmes, as well as in The domestic market lated into an increase in the demand master’s and doctorate programmes. Catalonia is one of the leading com- for workers in the sector. Rosa García The aim is to ensure that new graduates munities in Spain in terms of the use of Internet (around 50% of households), and its investment in R&D is 20% higher than the Spanish average, according to data from the National Statistical Institute. According to Rosa García, “when talking about R&D, we have to focus on developing applications and solutions as one of the crucial factors in the sector.” She further specifies that “Catalan ICT companies can play a key role in developing applications and solutions for SMEs.” It is worth pointing out that Catalonia is home to one-third of all the companies in Spain that distribute new products. Likewise, the General Manager of Indra states that “the Western economy is more or less up-to-date, but in Spain we lag further behind in information technologies compared to the European average, and for this reason we have further to go.” Looking ahead to the future According to a study conducted by the European Information Technologies Observatory (EITO), the ICT market in Spain grew 5.2% in 2006. This figure means that the increase was higher than Innova La Salle ESPECIAL have the training needed to cover such points, from 46% to 36%, 4,000 new specific jobs. Despite this lack, García jobs could be created in the field of acknowledges that “young people are a information technologies.” group that fit particularly well into this sector.” And she adds that “it is very important that both universities and leading businesses in the sector include the new technologies into the curriculum in all the different stages of education in order to foster students’ training and empowerment.” The sector is fully recovered from the 2001 crisis, and the companies will be stronger when handling future situations of instability The General Manager of Indra explains that some of the specialists that are Main appeal most in demand are “experts in busi- The branch of information technolo- ness productivity tools, as there are ever gies is quite broad and constantly more organisations interested in taking evolving. It should be borne in mind advantage of the development of ICTs.” that in recent years technology has When talking about job creation, the shifted from being a world closed to spectre of piracy comes into play. The all but a few, to permeating all the use of illegal products in the ICT sector areas of citizens’ daily lives. As Indra’s means that many jobs cannot be cre- General Manager explains its, “it is a ated. Rosa García claims that “if the highly innovative sector. You are very illegal software rate would fall by ten unlikely to be doing the same thing many years in a row because technology changes and the environment changes.” Vilà continues by claiming that “all these elements make it a world that is especially appealing for Josep Maria Vilà ¬ He holds a doctorate in Industrial Engineering and a bachelor’s in Computer Science from the UPC. Currently, in addition to serving as General Manager of Indra, he is also Vice President of AETIC (Spanish Association of Electronics, Information Technology and Telecommunications Companies). He has previously served as managing director of Eritel, general manager of the Barcelona ’92 Olympic Games, manager of Unisys in Catalonia, and manager of Organisation and Computing at Enher. restless people. Likewise, there are many opportunities for business inno- Innova La Salle vation.” The head of the Spanish mul- 60% of the companies plan to increase tinational concludes by stating that “it their staff in the course of this year. is a sector that is experiencing steep With regard to the controversial issue growth all over the world. The ceiling of including women in this field, Josep has not yet been reached in the ability Maria Vilà speaks out clearly. “Tradi- to innovate in society.” tionally it has been a men’s world, but To Rosa García’s mind, “now skilful this has started to change: now 30% technicians are needed to perform a of students finishing their degrees are large number of jobs in a wide variety women, and this proportion is also of disciplines and specialities, ranging reflected in the business world. This is from ICTs applied to large companies a figure that is only going to rise in the to the development of products that fit forthcoming years.” into the palm of the hand and technolo- According to the president of Microsoft gies that make life easier for the handi- Ibérica, “the influx of women in this capped. As a result, the range of oppor- workforce has taken place relatively tunities is incredible.” recently, but it is rising steeply.” How- What is more, another appeal worth ever, she bemoans the fact that “Span- keeping in mind is that it is a sector ish women still lag behind women in with a high degree of job stability. the rest of Europe or the United States, According to data published by AETIC, mainly because of the structure of our 86% of the contracts in the field of ICTs society. Yet it is also something that in Spain are permanent, and more than society itself is trying to change”. x NEWS 2006 APROP WORKSHOPS, TECHNOLOGY AND SPORTS The main subject of the 2006 APROP workshops was technology applied to sports performance. This event was presented at a press conference on 18th October 2006 with the presence of the world champion swimmer, David Meca, at the recently refurbished facilities of the La Salle Sports Club. Fèlix Riera, president of the steering committee of the workshops, opened up the press conference ushering in the 2006 APROP workshops by recalling the philosophy of these gatherings: “Our mission is to serve society.” To this end, he reminded the audience that La Salle has always served as a platform for dialogue between the working world and the university. In addition, it also has “a firm commitment to the busi- the peninsula across to the Balearic ery or stimulation that our muscles ness sector and to ongoing technologi- Islands without the guidance appa- need. Likewise, the company Mammut cal change.” ratus that we had.” For the swimmer, presented a victim locator in the case The next speaker was Abel Gangolells, nowadays “the link between sports and of mountain avalanches, with a preci- technical director of 2006 APROP, who technology is fundamental for achiev- sion of plus or minus ten centimetres. focused more on the subject of sports ing sound performance in training.” He Visitors could also see products aimed and technology. He recalled that La explained that technical advancements at top competitions, such as Robotic Salle has been dealing with the issue enabled him to be in constant contact Eye software by Mundoentrenador, a of the business world and top-level with his trainer, who lives in the United system used by first division football competition with its MBA in Sports States. And he concluded by claiming clubs to get information on a match, Management. He also pointed out the that “this merger has evolved quite a and which allows trainers to make differences between this year’s edition bit in recent years and is not going to extremely accurate tactical and techni- and more conventional shows: “Here stop now.” cal assessments. companies can show their products in Then a demonstration began of the The last products that could be exam- a realistic situation,” clearly alluding to different products that could be found ined at this event presenting the APROP the fact that the event was held at the at the workshops. First, Meca himself workshops include a system for reading La Salle Sports Club and the guest enti- unveiled the Vivo system by the com- body composition (muscle mass, fat, ties were able to hold demonstrations in pany, Life Fitness. This is a software water, etc.) from the company Tanita, a real sports setting. system that manages users’ activities and finally, wrist computers from the After that, David Meca remarked on at a given sports centre down to the company Suunto, which adapt to ath- the importance of technology when last detail. For example, training pro- letes’ needs, ranging from simple pulse helping athletes in any situation: “I grammes are custom-designed, and counters to speed and distance moni- wouldn’t have been able to swim from users can constantly monitor the parts tors and route plotters via GPS. x of the body that have been given the best workout and those that need more attention. It is useful for both an elite athlete like David Meca and anyone who would like to schedule their weekly fitness sessions. Other products and technologies presented include the electrical muscle stimulator by the company Compex, which provides extremely accurate information on the parameters of recov- 10 Innova La Salle NEWS LA SALLE CONSOLIDATES ITS DESIGN FOR A UNIVERSITY CAMPUS The design for the La Salle campus in Barcelona has come to a close with the purchase of a new building. The new facilities are to house the La Salle Innovation Park and incubators for tech companies. La Salle is an institution with over one hundred years of history. La Salle, a founding member of the Universitat Ramon Llull, has made an exchange with the Barcelona town hall, consisting of the purchase a new building, which marks the close of the last phase in the expansion and consolidation of the university campus, a project that got underway in 1903 and has grown successfully until today. The campus now has a total of more than 50,000 square metres, and it has invested four years in this stage of the expansion. The new building, measuring 16,500 m2, will not only allow the institution to have more space for classrooms and laboratories, it also helps to consolidate its concept of campus and open new types of services, such as physical spaces for incubating new tech businesses. The construction, which began last September, will take place over the next two years, and much of the new facility, also located in the Bonanova district, will be operative by the end of 2007. THE PROJECT IN M2 University area Business Area La Salle Innovation Park Technology Transfer Incubators > 25,000 m2 A campus specialising in innovation on campus and take advantage of its The remodelling and improvements of facilities, the building will house the the centre will allow La Salle to have space for incubators for entrepreneurs. a new building which will house the Department of Technology Transfer. This department provides technological solutions generated at the university to companies. The building will also house > 10,000 m2 the La Salle Innovation Park, which is Sports Area > 6,000 m 2 ence and Technology Parks in Catalo- Residential Area > 4,000 m 2 Services Area TOTAL Innova La Salle > 5,000 m > 50,000 m 2 2 currently leading the Network of Sci- The new building will house the Department of Technology Transfer and the La Salle Innovation Park nia (abbreviated XPCAT) and has one This new central building, connected to of the most dynamic tech springboards the others via a large public square, will in Catalonia (in five years it has cre- also contain the remaining central serv- ated more than 70 ICT companies and ices, management and administration. received more than 12 million euros in This latest expansion also includes an aid and subsidies). Precisely to ensure expansion in green areas, parking and that these new companies can grow sports facilities. x 11 NEWS THE UNIBA NETWORK IS CREATED LA SALLE JOINS THE PROMOTIONAL COUNCIL FOR ‘BARCELONA SCIENCE 2007’ This is the first intra-university network of Business Angels in Catalonia. The General Manager of La Salle, Miquel Àngel Barrabeig, and Jordi Hereu, mayor of Barcelona, signed the agreement last December. Last September, the UniBa Network, “aims to bring together all the compa- an innovative project undertaken by nies emerging from the technological La Salle and four other universities springboards of Catalan universities was created. The previous agreement which are seeking private capital inves- through which this platform emerged is tors, also known as Business Angels.” Both the La Salle Engineering and Archi- the joint agreement between the UAB, With its launch, the UniBa Network tecture university centre and the La Salle the UB, the UPC, the UdG and the La aims to be a benchmark model of Innovation Park are now members of the Salle Innovation Park. The project also Business Angel Networks on a Europe- Promotional Council for Barcelona Sci- received sponsorship from 22@Barce- wide scale, promoting the growth of ence 2007. Last December, the General lona and the “La Caixa” savings bank. new companies within universities by Manager of La Salle, Miquel Àngel Bar- According to the project coordinator, offering financial support, advice and rabeig, and Jordi Hereu, mayor of Bar- Daniel Borrero, the UniBa Network mentoring. celona, signed the document in which La Salle joined the Promotional Council of this initiative, which aims to promote scientific and technological knowledge throughout 2007. More than 250 institutions and personalities were also invited to participate in this initiative being promoted by the Barcelona Town Hall. NEW MASTER’S IN SPORTS COMPANY MANAGEMENT La Salle, the Catalan Sports Council and the Union of Sports Federations signed an agreement for La Salle to teach master’s courses in Sports Management to athletes at a 50% discount. 12 The agreement signed by the three year, students like Jordi Villacampa, institutions also includes two grants Rafael Jofresa, Ferran Martínez, Enric to be awarded to one male and one Masip, Jordi Sans, Xavier O’Callaghan female athlete depending on their and Manel Bosch decided to seek academic and athletic merits. business training that would enable This is a type of bridge course aimed them to redirect their careers while at lifelong training for profession- also turning them into sports man- als who have finished their sports agement experts, able to put their career and now choose to venture professional knowledge into practice into the business world. During the either in clubs, gyms or federations first edition of the master’s held last or by creating their own companies. Innova La Salle NEWS LA SALLE UNVEILS ITS TIES WITH MEXICO Last month the La Salle Innovation Park, with the support of SECARTYS (Spanish Association of Exporters of Electronics and Information Technology) organised a Technological and Business Innovation Bridge in Monterrey (Mexico). This link between the two communities aims to foster business nies, in this case Mexican ones, in Barcelona. The first frame- investment from Monterrey to Catalonia and vice-versa, as a work agreement was signed with the Institute of Innovation and strategic factor in development. Technology Transfer in Nuevo León. Likewise, the framework for One of the projects that was agreed upon during this “bridge” cooperation was defined through the signing of two operational falls within the Landing Programme, let by the La Salle Innova- agreements: one with the Institute of Technology and Higher tion Park, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and 22@Bar- Education in Monterrey (Monterrey TEC) and another with the celona, whose purpose is to promote the presence of compa- University of Monterrey (UDEM). PIONEERING AGREEMENT BETWEEN LA SALLE AND FRACTUS PROFESSIONAL GROWTH CONFERENCE This past academic year, La Salle’s Electromagnetism and Communications Research Group (GRECO) initiated a new cooperation agreement with the tech company Fractus for research in the field of multi-band antennas and miniature The event was cosponsored by the Alumni Association and the La Salle Innovation Park wireless and mobile telephone devices. This agreement is the first one in Spain in this field, in addition to being the first one Last September, La Salle International to involve two Catalan entities. Graduate School spearheaded Let’s Grow Up, a professional growth con- LA SALLE AND PERU’S ESAN BEGIN A MASTER’S PROGRAMME ference aimed at both working professionals and young people who have just joined the workforce. La Salle (Universitat Ramon Llull) and ESAN, the leading business school in Peru, have successfully launced a new master’s programme which requires occasional classroom sessions and is mainly offered through the LaSalleOnLine platform. This master’s in Managing Information Technologies will have an international sojourn in Barcelona. During their stay here, ESAN students will visit companies and other bodies in the sector that are currently at the cutting edge in the development of information and communication technologies (ICT). LA SALLE AT THE 3GSM WORLD CONGRESS Around a dozen speakers with links La Salle, in conjunction with Abertis Telecom, became the laboratory of DVB-H inter-operability at the 3GSM World Congress. to the worlds of business and human resources, along with head hunters, business angels and coaches, This is a laboratory through which a trial setting was offered in order to ensure inter- were the true stars of the conference, operability amongst all the providers of platforms and mobile receivers at the con- which was attended by over 100 par- gress. Companies like Thomson, SIDSA, Siemens and Nokia used these facilities, ticipants. All of them, both speak- which La Salle’s Department of Audiovisual Technologies made ers and audience alike, were able to available to participants both before and during the event. What is share a series of real case studies and more, this year, the Business Creation Area had an important pres- resolve doubts about anything related ence at this international mobile telephony event. A total of seven to decision-making within a profes- companies incubated at the La Salle Innovation Park were present sional career, always with the aim of at the 3GSM Congress. achieving maximum efficacy. Innova La Salle 13 NEWS INFORMATIVE WORKSHOPS ON CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGIES THE BASQUE CLIMBER JOSUNE BEREZIARTU AT LA SALLE La Salle and the Generalitat informed the four provincial capitals of Catalonia about new developments in this emerging sector. She attended the closing act of the 2006 Initiation and Technification Workshops ‘Women and Mountain Sports’. As part of the cooperation agreement that FEEC signed this year with La Salle GELS, in January the closing act of the 2006 Initiation and Technification Workshops Women and Mountain Sports was held. The event was also attended by Basque mountain climber Josune Bereziartu, who personally presented the screen- During February and march, La Salle and the Generalitat de Catalunya’s Secretariat of ing of 9th Maximum Degree of Women’s Telecommunications and the Information Society held a series of workshops to spread Mountain Climbing (the Walker-Grands the word about new developments in innovation applied to construction in the four Jorasses). provincial capitals in Catalina. The digital household, the regulatory framework of the sector, TDT, ICT and comprehensive building management were just some of the main topics discussed in this informative programme. Major speakers The initiative had speakers in from La Salle’s Area of Technological Innovation in Construction, from companies like Endesa and Schneider, and from other entities such as the COETTC (Official Association of Technical and Telecommunications Engineers of Catalonia) and FECEMINTE (Catalan Federation of Telecommunications Installation Entrepreneurs). LA SALLE LAUNCHES THE FIRST E-MBA FOR EXECUTIVES IN GIRONA The master’s includes a stay at Saint Mary’s College of California, and upon completion, participants will earn official recognition from La Salle and IALU. In January, La Salle, a founding member first graduating class of the Executive the International Association of Lasal- of the Universitat Ramon Llull, in con- MBA Programme. lian Universities (IALU). What is more, junction with the Girona-based training “Our business school has been operat- the master’s includes a two-week stay school, EGE, launched what will be the ing in Barcelona for twenty-three years, at Saint Mary’s College of California, and the trend is towards decentralising in San Francisco, through which the the academic programmes in order to business leaders will have the chance give executives living in other cities in to forge contacts with private investors Catalonia the chance to study,” explains and visit large international companies the coordinator of the master’s pro- such as Microsoft, Chevron Texaco, gramme, Ricard Cuerba. Sun Microsystems, Dolvyy, Delmonte, Genentech and Cisco Systems. 14 Recognition of the master’s The La Salle master’s school was also Once they finish the programme, the launched in Tarragona this academic students will earn official recognition year, and in Manresa the second gradu- from the Universitat Ramon Llull and ating class is already up and running. Innova La Salle NEWS LA SALLE INNOVATION PARK Through its Entrepreneurship Program, the park analysed 54 new projects over the course of 2006, created 23 new companies and landed more than 2 million euros in financing to help them grow. THE BRITISH CONSULATE AND LA SALLE EXPLORE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IN R&D The director of the La Salle Innovation Park and the president of the Network of Science and Technology Parks of Catalonia, Josep Piqué, concluded the conference with a talk on the status of innovation. Last January, the British Consulate General of Barcelona, in conjunction with the La Salle Innovation Park, held a bilateral workshop setting out the Global Partnership and Softlandings programmes developed by the UK Trade and Investment Ministry for foreign companies interested in working with and investing in innovation in the United Kingdom. The director of the La Salle Innovation Park and the president of the Network of Science and Technology Parks of Catalonia, Josep Piqué, concluded the conference with a talk on the status of innovation in Catalonia and the synergies that could be fostered with the United Kingdom. The year 2006 has been key for the La Salle Innovation Park, and according to the results from the past fiscal year, the park has managed to consolidate its focus on fostering the entrepreneurial spirit through its programme of technologically-based business creation. News at the Park Through its Entrepreneurship Program, the Park analysed 54 new projects over the course of 2006, created 23 new companies and landed more than 2 million euros in financing to help them grow. These figures are added to the previous ones, with a total result of more than 70 ICT companies created and a cumulative sum of 12 million euros in financing received. THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION FOSTERS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT THROUGH AN AGREEMENT WITH ICSA On Thursday, 30th November 2006, the La Salle Alumni Association signed an agreement with the human resources firm ICSA. The goal of this agreement is to fur- This human resources company will In terms of training, ICSA will also offer ther strengthen personal, professional also let La Salle alumni who are mem- two seminars per year on professional and economic relations between both bers of the association view its Report development-related subjects. institutions. ICSA is to cooperate with on Compensation online, as well as For its part, La Salle will offer ICSA staff and sponsor certain activities related to enter their data and receive a report on discounts for participating in the life- professional development at the Lasal- the market status in the professional long learning and customised training lian institution. position of their choice. programmes that the institution offers. Innova La Salle 15 ENGINEERING YESTERDAY AND TODAY In 2005, the national videogame industry moved to the top of the list of most profitable entertainment businesses, rising above the classic ones, like music or movies. In this respect, we need to be grateful to companies like Digital Legends Entertainment [8], Pryro Studios [9], Virtual Toys [10], Revistronic [11], Gaelco [12], Exelweiss [13] and many other companies in the sector who have been struggling for years to bring on the renaissance of the golden age of bits in this country, and which enterprising students with varied profiles from multimedia and computer science undertake with great success. By J. Andrés Fernández Munuera Dr. Oscar García Pañella* The success that we perceive or that In fact, we are talking about an industry From then on we have witnessed an we observe objectively based on the with more than 40 years of solid business unstoppable technological revolution contrastable numbers was already seen history on a large public scale. In the 50’s that has been especially intense in in the 80’s, when great companies like and 60’s, creativity reigned, but the media the last few years, which has required Dinamic, Topo, Erbe, Opera Soft or did not accompany it, and that is why the domestic video games to have a calcu- Made in Spain took us to a higher level. videogames were rather simple and had lation capacity similar to what military the characteristic black background with supercomputers used in the 90’s. We a few 2D elements in movement (see Fig. have gone from projecting polygons in 1). The screens at that time, cathode ray two colours to projecting real colour tubes or CRTs, as they are called, were with more than 30 million tonali- monochromic or with few colours, and the geometry was painted in a “wired” way, as it only showed edges and vertices and was never filled with colours. No doubt that is what made some spacetheme video games stand out. J. Andrés Fernández Munuera Dr. Óscar García Pañella 16 ENGINEERING ties, surround sound with eight speakers and processed in real time, specific graphics chipset that lets us enjoy photorealistic scenes, highly advanced artificial intelligence for the characters in stories that our computers recreate, and varied physical effects (rain storms, hyper realistic tornados, or incessant snowing, just to name a few), also calculated via hardware, thanks to the new PPUs (physics processing units). Programming these advances is not an easy task and requires specific training, as opposed to the self-education that reigned 20 years ago. Consequently, a bigger selection of degree studies is opening up every day and there are several degrees in multimedia (5 centres are offering university studies in multimedia in Catalunya, the La Salle engineering school among them), as well as master’s programs and research groups that are ever more involved in this area. 1 2 3 4 We are talking about an industry with more than 40 years of solid business history on a large public scale There have always been classes... and now in video games as well. Suppose we want to program a video game ourselves (to be realistic, that’s a bit utopian, but it’s worth it just to see what the basic ingredients are). The first thing we need to do is to put the computer aside and think, structure, create and design a good plot, a good script wtth an audiovisual narrative and style, as if we were making a film. In fact, the plot can condition the typology of the game, and therefore, the way it is programmed. Let us look at some of the Figure 1. Asteroids from the company Atari [14], Figure 2. FPS game Quake 4 [15], Figure 3. RPG Neverwinter Nights [16], Figure 4. MMORPG game World of Warcraft [17] most frequent types of games. Innova La Salle 17 ENGINEERING Figure 5. Fahrenheit game programmed in DirectX [19] 18 Shooters or FPSs (first person shooter) sometimes taking hours, days, or even with them a posteriori and obtain real are characterized by their scenes months in the case of persistent games profit in auctions on Internet. through which we travel while we solve (the world goes on, as we say, even if we small puzzles and find labyrinths with abandon the game). The process of creation various challenges, such as eliminating As for long-running-success games, Once we have identified the typologies, the enemy, finding keys to open certain one that stands out is the MMORPGs we go on to analyze the programming doors, activating complex mechanisms, (massive multiplayer online role-play- process itself, i.e., the work associated and above all avoiding being eliminated ing games), in which thousands or even with a production of this kind. We start by the rest. (see Fig. 2) In these kinds of millions of people from all over the world by selecting the API (application pro- games, the virtual camera is in the first- play via Internet, helping each other in gramming interface), or the render, of person mode, in other words, from the the same game (round). These are mas- the characters and the world in ques- in-game character’s point of view with a sive games in which our game character tion. Essentially there are two large field of vision similar to that of a human takes months to attain a certain level of libraries: the OpenGL (open graphics (60º - 90º). experience; thus we pamper and care library) [1] and DirectX [2]. The first A second class of games, which started for him, as if he were a pet. A monthly is known for its low cost, its easy pro- out as board games, is the one made fee must often be paid to play, and in the gramming, and for the fact that it is from RPGs (role playing games). It fictitious country where it takes place, open-source, although a counterargu- involves adventures where the priority the game has virtual money for busi- ment is that it only paints and does not is on the imagination and the ability to ness and trading. Some comparisons incorporate other features. The other find solutions. The action gets relegated have been made between the GNPs of library, whose code is owned by Micro- to second place and the focus is on these virtual countries and those of real soft [18], is becoming the main stand- teamwork (see Fig. 3). The situations countries, and people are known to exist ard (90% of the commercial games for that have to be solved are definitely who play exclusively to better characters, PC use it), as it has diverse multimedia complicated and long in terms of time, obtain valuable objects and do business uses (sound management, peripher- Innova La Salle ENGINEERING als, net traffic, etc.) in addition to the As we already expressed at the begin- the programming of videogames due rendering process. ning of this article, we must not ignore to their optimal character of providing Once we have chosen the basic pro- the indispensable contribution of the results in real time (results calculated gramming library, we need to add on physical engine. This critical element, and shown at the same time). Still, we other elements, like the graphic inter- no longer a pipe dream, thanks to tech- must not forget two fundamental disci- face (widgets: menus, windows, text nological advances, provides the game plines, which are artificial intelligence, labels, buttons, scroll bars) or GUI with realism, as it simulates all the or AI (in some cases they are already (graphical user interface). The use physical phenomena offered through- talking about artificial life) and the com- of fewer or more of these elements out the adventure. To every cause we munications applications through LANs depends on each specific game and need to associate a plausible effect and through the Internet. As for AI, it the way we decide to display the infor- from a visual perspective that is not governs every one of the decisions made mation to the user (corporate image, full necessarily precise as to its fulfillment by the non-playing characters, who ana- screen, etc.) of implied physical theory – from the lyze the surroundings with information falling of a tree leaf, or a clay jug falling coming from virtual sensors (eyes, ears) to the ground, to the jugs breaking into and consequently make decisions. The a thousand pieces and the movement second type of technology lets various of each piece. Thanks to these kinds players, even from countries geographi- of libraries we are able to detect colli- cally very far from each other, partici- sions between objects and our ‘visual pate simultaneously in the same game surroundings’. (such as the case of a game of the A good example of a physical library is MMORPG type). The libraries that exist We need to point out two big classes of objects: the static, or immobile, and the dynamic, and therefore, clearly changing and mobile Newton [4], which integrates itself per- are diverse in this sense and even the If we have opted for using the OpenGL fectly to any graphics engine, as long as OS itself is provided with some possi- library, we need to have recourse to we start off by using the C and/or C++ bilities. For example, RakNet [5], which another set of functions for creating the programming languages, standard in uses the UDP (user datagram protocol), GUI (GLOW [21], GLUI [22, TOGL [23], or CeGUI [24], among them), whereas if we program with DirectX, we can use the vast set of controls it has as standard features. The next step is to put together the 3D scenes and characters corresponding to the design and development of the plot. These objects are modeled with specific tools like 3D Studio Max [25], Maya [26], Houdini [27], or Softimage XSI [28] and are later stored with a specific file format consensually established between the programmer and the artist and creator. Once the application models are loaded, we start putting them in particular locations in the virtual world. We need to highlight two large classes of objects: the static, or immobile (walls, trees, decorative elements), and the dynamic, and therefore, clearly changing and mobile (the game character him/herself and the non-playing Figure 6. GUI of the game The Movies [20] characters). Innova La Salle 19 ENGINEERING Figure 7. Billiard game using the library Newton [4] helps the games work thanks to a very high message transmission velocity, as these network engines are small and easy to use. Finally, we must not forget about sound, which in the case of DirectX is incorporated through the annex library DirectSound, compatible with any type of audio file. Other libraries exist, like OpenAL [6] and Fmod [7]. The ingredients are no doubt many, but they are always dependent on two fundamental keys. On one hand, imagination and creativity, as in the creation of a good script, can guarantee success regardless of the technological aspect. On the other hand, training in various disciplines in the field of multimedia such as algebra, physics, calculus, programming, design, usability, virtual reality, image and sound processing, is also important. Who said it was easy to make a video game? Still, it is indeed exciting and very, very motivating. *Audiovisual Technology Department of La Salle Universitat Ramon Llull 20 REFERENCES [1] OpenGL: http://www.opengl.org [2] DirectX: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/directx/default.mspx [3] CeGUI: http://www.cegui.org.uk [4] Newton: http://www.newtondynamics.com [5] RakNet: http://www.rakkarsoft.com [6] OpenAL: http://www.openal.org [7] FMod: http://www.fmod.org [8] Digital Legends Entertainment: http://www.digital-legends.com [9] Pyro Studios: http://www.pyrostudios.com [10] Virtual Toys: http://www.virtualtoys.net [11] Revistronic: http://www.revistronic.com [12] Gaelco: http://www.gaelco.es [13] Exelweiss: http://www.exelweiss.com [14] Asteroids: http://www.consoleclassix.com/gameinfo_asteroids_a26.html [15] Quake 4: http://www.quake4game.com [16] Neverwinter Nights: http://nwn.bioware.com [17] World Of Warcraft: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com [18] Microsoft: http://www.microsoft.com [19] Microsoft DirectX: http://www.microsoft.com/directx [20] The Movies: http://www.themoviesgame.com [21] GLOW: http://glow.sourceforge.net [22] GLUI: http://www.nigels.com/glt/glui [23] TOGL: http://togl.sourceforge.net [24] CeGUI: http://www.cegui.org.uk [25] 3D Studio Max: http://www.autodesk.com/3dsmax [26] Maya: http://www.autodesk.com/maya [27] Houdini: http://www.sidefx.com [28] SoftImage XSI: http://www.softimage.com Innova La Salle Engineering TECHNOLOGY TO HELP Technological Advances in various fields make life easier for the handicapped We see technological advances constantly appearing in various fields, like home automation (domotics) or information technologies. However, these applications often have a selling point that goes beyond what most people might think. They serve as help in the daily lives of thousands of handicapped people. By Iván Giménez Home automation applications to over- the multidisciplinary framework of La tion department of La Salle, explains, come obstacles, devices to provide Salle Technology Transfer, which is in “There are many types of advances for Internet access to the blind, or naviga- charge of the research and develop- the handicapped, like physical secu- tion systems for people with reduced ment of technologies in this sector. rity systems to improve accessibility, or mobility. This is a small sample in the The work of La Salle, as well as that tele-assistance systems, just to men- range of technological advances avail- of other institutions who are committed tion two.” able to the handicapped. New appli- to work in this field, like the Fundació As Batlle points out, the goal of these cations that make the lives of these ONCE (foundation for the blind), has applications is “to make life simpler for people a little bit easier are constantly as its goal to make sure that the digital the handicapped. Technology can make appearing. fracture concept does not affect these their daily lives easier or strengthen La Salle has seen the importance of this people. As Gemma Batlle, in charge their integration in the work force”. But field and is developing studies within of Technological Innovation in Edifica- not all the technology on the market is Innova La Salle 21 Engineering 22 set up in a way that is appropriate for dation (foundation for the blind), and mous and to better insert themselves use by these people. Many devices more specifically with their Centre for into the work force,” affirms Batlle. require adaptation that has yet to be Tiflotechnical Research, Development Nevertheless, the phenomenon is still developed. Supporting the adaptation and Application (CIDAT). The range of in an incipient phase in Spain. In other of these devices will make it possible to devices can be as basic as a simple parts of Europe, on the other hand, this guarantee greater equality for the hand- voice adapter, which is available on development is more advanced. icapped, at both the social and labour any computer on the market in the last levels. For this reason, research in this five years. This system makes it possi- Intelligent Surfers area is continual. ble to reproduce in audio any text that It is also necessary to mention that the comes onto the screen. This method work in the ICT field is not limited to Internet Access is simple and relatively economical, as technology for the blind. There are also One of the technological revolutions it is already a standard feature on the very interesting devices for people who of the 21st century has been the gen- machines sold in any establishment. have no mobility in their extremities. eralized use of Internet and other dig- There are also other more complex ital technology. This sector has a high and less economical ones, like the key- visual component and one of the com- boards adapted for Braille to make it munities most affected is that of the possible for the blind to write. Likewise, blind. Nevertheless, a very important it is possible to acquire device systems project has been set up to develop that translate the screen text to this systems that make it possible for these method of reading/writing for the blind. individuals to gain access to the net- The system changes the written text line work in equal conditions. by line as the person reads. There are The research work in this field goes by even printers that use this system of In this area, the so-called “intelligent the name: tiflotechnology. This field of writing to print out documents. surfers”, which make it possible to con- study is responsible for the adaptation These devices provide considerable trol a computer without having to use and accessibility of information and leisure to these individuals, as well as your hands, rather through orders given communication technologies for the opening the door for them to work out with head movements, stand out. blind. La Salle is working on various of their homes. “The research in this The intelligent surfer consists of two initiatives together with the ONCE Foun- field allows them to be more autono- devices: an infrared camera installed Home automation makes it possible to control practically any aspect of the home and to make the living space more comfortable for the handicapped Innova La Salle Engineering on the monitor (similar to a web cam) and a reflective point which is placed on the forehead of the user. On the screen, a keyboard is projected, thanks to special software. In this way, by moving his forehead, the user can give the necessary instructions and use the computer naturally, with the camera in charge of picking up his movements. A Friendly Environment Home automation is another of the terrains that offers the most possibilities. The aim is to make the handicapped person’s life more comfortable in his/ her own home. “Basically, it improves the autonomy of these people inside the home. The most common devices are computers with tactile screens that “Basically, it is improving the accessibil- nologies,” and adds, “the Administra- let people control elements like lights, ity to buildings for people with reduced tion is conscious of the fact that these heating, and appliances,” explains mobility,” Battle explains. kinds of innovations help these people Gemma Batlle. The obvious question is the follow- to become more autonomous and also There are also systems that make it ing: How much does it cost to install improve the quality of their lives.” possible to improve the handicapped these devices? According to Batlle, “It Nevertheless, we still have a long way to person’s mobility. For example, a tele- depends on the technology one wants go in this field, in Spain as well as in Cat- chair system makes it possible for a to install and on how the living space alunya. “As for immersion in the work person to move around to different was previously adapted. If it is a modern force, in other parts of Europe it is more parts of the house without needing any dwelling, the cost won’t be very high, advanced than here,” Gemma Batlle kind of assistance – a great solution for because buildings are now built with affirms, even though “in terms of lines daily situations like taking a shower or domotic innovations taken into account. of research and development of tech- going to the toilet. But if it is an old flat, it will be necessary nology we are at a level similar to that The touch-screen systems also let the to do installations that could be quite of the rest of the continent”. Regarding handicapped connect to communi- expensive.” Referring to the cost of all public assistance, Battle says, “In Spain cation networks (Internet, telephone, this technology, in general, the head the various administrations work jointly teleconference) or to enjoy the various Technological Innovation in Edification in initiatives with the European Union. leisure activity options (music CDs, department of La Salle explains, “Fortu- The work of foundations like ONCE, movies on DVD, etc.). nately there are many public subsidies with whom La Salle works intensely on It is also possible to improve a living and private foundations that help the systems related to domotics and home space with architectonic construction. handicapped gain access to these tech- improvement, is also important”. x TELE-ASSISTANCE The Law of Dependence recently came into effect and offers a window of assistance to the handicapped and to the elderly. Experts affirm that one of the services that will be most developed will be that of tele-assistance health care. It is an area where technological development has been strong, with locating devices that let a person who so chooses to be in permanent contact with health care or social services. Usually, it involves mechanisms that are worn, for example, on the wrist, as if they were wrist watches, or that hang from the neck. They use GSM and GPS technology to guarantee that a person who is in a dependent situation can feel safer and better attended. Innova La Salle 23 ENGINEERING Engineering Faculties and the European Higher Education Area The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) was born out of the intention to create an area of convergence of the different university degrees of the countries in the European Union. Various degree programs need to make the effort to adapt to the plans and the engineering faculties are among the most affected. By Iván Giménez Photos: Marc Guillen Although it is not an obligatory commit- Miquel Ramírez explains, “A change as of Telecommunications, he clarifies, “This ment of fulfillment, the members of the well thought-out as the EHEA ought to will also be positive, but it still needs a EU are adapting their degree programs to bring improvements, but, in fact, they final impulse that it is not being given with create a large European University area. should look more carefully at how the all the transparency necessary”. The established calendar talks about quality of learning can be maintained in Albano Sanchez-Ossorio, dean of the 2010 as the date by which the conver- four years”. According to Ferran Amago, Official College of Technical Engineer- gence should be complete. First of all, dean of the Official College (association) ing in Computer Science of Catalunya, the traditional structure of credits is being of Technical Engineers in Telecommuni- affirms, “Bologna will be good because changed. To make this convergence cations of Catalunya, “The EHEA is good it will make the profession much more possible, the European Credit Transfer for all university students, whether from specialized and will unify it”. As another System (ECTS) has been created, to be the scientific branch or from humanities. positive aspect, he adds, “professionals shared by all of the universities. It con- We believe that at the European level we will have greater professional mobility siders that the work of a student during needed a way of normalizing university throughout Europe”. Antonio Rodríguez, an academic year is the equivalent of 60 credits so that professionals could go to dean of the Official College (association) ECTS credits. Therefore, for example, a any European country”. And in the case of Engineering in Computer Science student could do part of his/her studies in France and finish them in Italy with no compatibility problems. Technical science degrees, specifically, will be divided into three stages: university degree, master’s and doctorate. The degree studies will last for three to four academic years (180-240 ETCs). The master’s will take one or two academic years (60-120 ETCs). Controversial Reform The implantation of this new university framework has not been exempt from controversy. There are degrees that remain seriously affected, such as Art History. As for Engineering, one of the areas that will be most radically changed is Telecommunications. As the dean of the Official College (association) of Graduate-Degree Engineers Antonio Rodríguez, dean of the Official College of Engineering in Computer Science of Catalunya in Telecommunications of Catalunya, 24 Innova La Salle ENGINEERING of Catalunya, says, as well, that, “The position of the College is favourable as long as the quality in higher education is guaranteed, but it is not something that can be discussed, as it is a reform that is already taking place”. He adds, “We will make it our responsibility to see that the new educational area doesn’t have a negative effect on professionals”. For Ramirez, “the main problem is in the engineering degrees that go from five to four years. Thus, the quality of the education cannot be the same if the time is reduced. This will mean a change in the concept we have had up to now of studies, like the master’s degrees”, the dean adds. “Now they introduce more practical aspects than theoretical ones, and that should change with the EHEA; it should Ferran Amago, dean of the College of Technical Engineers in Telecommunications of Catalunya become a sort of second degree; then we would come closer to what the image of what a graduate-degree engineer is. our School, we have always defended the like an MD and a nurse having the same The dean of the Official College (asso- principle that you need a more natural type of degree”. ciation) of Technical Engineers, Ferran approach.” And he adds, “We backed the Amago, believes that “there are subjects idea of a degree program of 180 credits, The Professional Reality that need to be clarified, like the definitive which adapted itself better to the needs It is clear that no matter how the EHEA of the business world, but in the end, the configuration evolves, what will indeed Ministry opted for the 240-credit model”. change is the way the profession is prac- Along these lines, Sanchez-Ossorio adds, tised. There are differences between “We are trying to get them to pay atten- Spain and other countries in Europe. tion to us; we complain that they will let A subject under debate is whether the technical engineering be set up as if it professional entitlement should be given were a basic university degree”. Mean- by the university or by the college (pro- while, Antonio Rodríguez recognizes, “It fessional association), as happens in number of credits or the recourse between is an opportunity to demand professional our country. For Ramírez, “The present the university degree and the master’s in attribution.” If the distinction between model is correct and other professions a specialization”. The various professional graduate-degree engineers and technical like MDs and lawyers follow it too, but a colleges (associations) throughout the engineers can disappear, then the ques- mixed solution could be found where the Spanish State have assisted the Ministry tion arises of if it will be necessary to have professional sector could give some type of Education to redefine the university two professional faculties. Ferran Amago of accreditation along the lines of what is degree programs adapted to the EHEA. is emphatic: “It will always make sense as given by the academic sector, or college For Miquel Ramírez, “Today the technol- long as technical engineers in telecommu- (professional association)”. For his part, ogies engineers find their work is beco- nications exist. What indeed we should do Ferran Amago maintains, “We put the ming more and more complicated and if is to start talking about unification in the stress on qualifications. We want those people are to leave the universities better form of a third association or to combine in our college to have specific training in prepared, the solution is not in reducing the two that there are”. For the dean of subjects important for society – subjects the number of credits”. He further adds, the Official College (association) of Gradu- like acoustics, or TDTV” (Digital Terres- “nor is the solution to make the students ate-Degree Engineers in Telecommunica- trial Television). very specialized. More and more students tions of Catalunya, “it would be like decaf- In the case of computer science engi- need a broader foundation of knowledge feinating the profession. If we make eve- neers, the dean of technical engineers to be able, later on, to choose a specific rything equal from top to bottom, we are feels that with the equalization of degrees area to work in”. Amago points out, “From not doing the field a favour. It would be “professionals in the field will have With the EHEA, technical science degrees will be divided into three stages: university degree, master’s, and doctorate Innova La Salle 25 ENGINEERING tures should not destroy what the market demands”. And he adds that today companies “are asking for very flexible professionals who have a good command of English, and who know how to work in a team. We have seen that it is necessary to set up degree programs according to what the society demands”. Finally, there is a lot of talk about the link between university research and Albano Sànchez-Ossorio, dean of the Official College of Technical Engineering in Computer Science of Catalunya professional colleges (associations). Regarding this, Amago affirms, “We have supported the idea of having fulltime professors at universities to do homologated studies that will permit research. Our college has done applied them to work all over Europe. Until now, research”. Especially. And the dean of they had difficulties going abroad to work technical engineers continues, “We because their studies were not officially have been pioneers in digital stamps recognized, while those from outside of approval. This means that we have could come and do our work”. From eliminated paper projects: every centre his side, the dean of the Official College has a copy of the projects in computer (association) of Engineering in Computer format”. From his point of view, Ramí- Science of Catalunya explains, “The free rez maintains, “We are working more circulation of professionals is an oppor- in defense of the profession; we are tunity, not a threat. Besides, a window of not a research engine. Another issue specializations opens to master’s degrees is that we participate in a transitive that did not exist before”. way; in other words, the engineers that There is also discussion on whether participate are members of the college degree programs should emphasize a (association). x A WORLD OF MEN? A stereotype exists that engineering is a world of men, where the presence of a woman is rare. According to Ferran Amago, “A decade ago, women started losing their fear of engineering.” The dean of the College (association) of Technical Engineers in Telecommunications of Catalunya thinks that the problem of this field of study today is not that there are few women, rather that “there is not a critical mass of students; therefore, it is difficult to attract the female sector if engineering has few students.” “In telecommunications there is no discrimination specifically against women. They find the same difficulties as in any other profession,” explains Miquel Ramírez. He further affirms that his branch is one of the engineering branches most adapted to the feminine world and that the type of solutions needed adapt themselves well to female psychology.” For Ramírez, the key “is that we need to foment the promotion of women into management positions.” This lack of interest for these qualifications contrasts with professional reality. “The market is waiting for many more engineers,” concludes Amago. large number of credits or if each university should have a certain liberty when Miquel Ramírez, dean of the Official College of Graduate-Degree Engineers in Telecommunications of Catalunya According to the dean of the College (association) of Graduate-Degree Engineers in Telecommunications, the solution is not to simplify the degree programs configuring its own degree programs. The representative of the College (association) of Graduate-Degree Engineers appears firm: “We support a model that cannot be free. Universities cannot set up their own plans and then claim that there is a standard professional level; we cannot have twenty-four types of telecommunications engineers”. However, the dean of the College (association) of Technical Engineers believes, “The university training struc- 26 Innova La Salle Architecture La Balsa Restaurant, one of the most emblematic buildings in Barcelona A RESTAURANT BUILT INSIDE A FORMER RESERVOIR La Balsa (The Reservoir) is a welcoming, discreet yet innovative building which allows diners to eat placidly in a peaceful setting. Oscar Tusquets and Lluís Clotet won the 1979 FAD prize for architecture with the construction of the restaurant over a former watering reservoir while conserving the walls. By Javier Costa Photos: Lluís Bernat “A lovely, original wooden building with Its architectural shapes astonish visi- personality of one member of the family, large windows at the foot of Tibidabo, sur- tors due to the sense of warmth they Mercedes López de Lamadrid, a great rounded by wonderful terraces, flowers confer. From outside, its location is fan of gastronomy and connoisseur of and lush vegetation.” This is how La Balsa astonishing, as it seems to be nestled the restaurant industry. restaurant is described on its website, and inside a garden. A privileged setting the reality more than confirms it. Promoted by the Güell and López de The beginnings The planned location was unques- Lamadrid families, from its opening it In late 1977, upon the initiative of sev- tionably a very appealing site, yet it has been one of the most emblematic eral members of the Güell and López ran several risks due to the solitude and prestigious restaurants in Bar- de Lamadrid families, the first steps of the neighbourhood back then. An celona, as well as a meeting point for were taken towards constructing a “dif- original building had to be constructed personalities from the worlds of culture, ferent” kind of building devoted to the exclusively devoted to the restaurant politics and business. restaurant industry, located on a plot on that itself could attract future diners government Santa Isabel street in Barcelona’s Sant and would be fully integrated into the leaders, major artists and national and Gervasi neighbourhood. The project environment. international athletes have all flocked was forged over dual foundations. First, On the plot there was a large, ancient to the restaurant. Just a few illustri- there was an unused plot owned by the cistern, a 19th century reservoir, made ous names include the King of Spain, Güell family, which had a former re- of thick brick walls and masonry. The Adolfo Suárez, Oliver Stone, Gab- servoir that was now totally abandoned, new construction was built entirely rial García Márquez, Joan Miró and used in its day for watering an exten- inside it. “We felt bad about tearing it Ayrton Senna. sive country estate. The second was the down, and we tried to put the entire Nobel prize Innova La Salle winners, 27 Architecture 1979 FAD AWARD FOR BEST BUILDING The FAD prizes are awarded by the Foment de les Arts Decoratives (FAD) every June and are aimed at people, entities or institutions that by 1st February have submitted projects completed in the past year in Spain and Portugal. The prizes were founded in 1958 by architect Oriol Bohigas, and they are divided into four categories: architecture, interior design, outdoor spaces and ephemeral spaces. The award favours private subsidised housing. The structure of the building in a rocky-kitsch-Jujol style,” explains In the half-basement, beside the restau- Tusquets. He adds that “we had to put rant’s services area, there is a flat. This a grille on the entrance door. As we did dwelling is laid out around a courtyard not like the juxtaposition of orthogonal and has a private garden protected from crosspieces over the arch, we imagined sight and total independent. Óscar Tus- a web, complete with spider, to envelop quets was in constant contact with the the stretch of wall.” Güell family when choosing the décor and The garden was painstakingly designed. furnishings, both antique and modern. It was totally rebuilt, even the tiny On the upper floor, behind the reservoir’s batten earth clearing and the chestnut retaining wall, is the main hall built of trees extending until the pavement in wood, which houses the indoor dining room. The ceiling is high and features large crisscrossing beams. Many diners Close-up of one of the entrance doors and a sweeping view of the dining room compare the shape of main dining room with a Bengali hut. On either side it has building inside it and use the rest of a winter terrace that is uncovered at the land as a garden,” claims architect midday and a summer terrace that is Óscar Tusquets. protected from the sun with reeds and grape leaves. An outstanding outcome The owner of La Balsa, Carlos Güell, had no doubts when choosing the architects for the project. “We commissioned architects Óscar Tusquets and Lluís Clotet to design the project. Many The entire design, fitting within the geometry of the reservoir, came out very symmetrical reasons came into play regarding this decision. The first was Tusquets’ excel- “The entire design, fitting within the lent personal relationship with Antonio geometry of the reservoir, came out very López de Lamadrid, and the second symmetrical. There were no problems was the fact that the architects were during construction, except for the out- very enthused with the idea of respect- door staircase which, forced by the side ing the integrity of the entire reservoir entrance, had to be made freestanding structure, which we regarded as having a great deal of architectural value. The enthusiasm, efforts and imagination they put into the project from day one were also key factors.” The outcome was outstanding. “The building won the 1979 FAD prize for architecture. It was both original and appealing, functional and full of possibilities for use due to its two wonderful terraces, a large central indoor dining room covered with wood and with very high ceilings,” explains Güell. With initial capital of 24 million pesetas, the building was constructed and furnishings and equipment were purchased. 28 Innova La Salle Architecture The materials were very wisely chosen. “Even though they were very economical (pinewood on the ceiling, plywood for the furniture, simple ceramics in the flat, reeds to shade the plants) they strive to create a sense of familiar comfort that has nothing to do with the pretensions of architecture in the modern movement. We did not want to ‘instruct’ diners, rather we aimed to offer them LA BALSA RESTAURANT (1978-1979) Street Infanta Isabel, 4. Barcelona (1978-1979) Area: 464 m2 Budget: 145,000 € FAD Award of Architecture 1978-1979 Architect: Óscar Tusquets Blanca Assistant architect: Lluís Clotet Structure engineer: Jesús Jiménez Designer: Anna Bohigas. a warm, pleasant setting where they could enjoy themselves placidly,” com- Close-up of the building’s internal structure ments Óscar Tusquets. being we think there are still things to To decorate the dining room, fixed fur- be done here in our current premises nishings were designed and some ele- such as enclosing a terrace for use ments were recovered from the family’s in the winter and for smokers, and storage and household. expanding the kitchen and improving internal communications,” concludes front. Small fruit trees were planted in The future Carlos Güell. front of the shaded plant garden. In the Despite being almost 30 years old, this La Balsa has remained a benchmark private garden, there are three decidu- restaurant has not been rendered obso- in Barcelona, with its own style open to ous shade trees and shrubs that con- lete. Nevertheless, several reforms are society, Barcelona residents and cus- ceal the place from view, climbing on being planned, yet all on a small scale. tomers from around the world. Indeed, the walls and a stone ground covering “We often talk about future expansions many foreigners regard a stop at La instead of grass. outside our premises, but for the time Balsa as an annual tradition. x PROFILE OF ÓSCAR TUSQUETS Architect, designer, painter and writer, Óscar Tusquets Banca is the prototypical total artist and one of the most creative figures in modern-day Spain Born in Barcelona in 1941, he graduated as an architect from the Architecture College in Barcelona in 1965. A founding partner of the now-dissolved Studio Per, he made the vast majority of his projects with Lluís Clotet until 1984, including the Fullà house, the Regás house and its belvedere, the Pantelleria house and La Balsa restaurant. After several years of professional collaboration with architect Carlos Díaz, in 1987 they joined forces to develop their urban planning, architecture, interior design and architectural design projects in both Spain and in France, Holland, Germany and Japan. This studio was recently renamed Arquitectures Óscar Tusquets Blanca. Some of his most important works in recent years include: expansion and remodelling of the Palau de la Música in Barcelona; the Tusquets Pavilion in the Parc de la Villette, Paris; residential complex in Fukuoka, Japan; Caves Chandon in Sant Cugat Sesgarrigues, Barcelona; Alfredo Kraus Auditorium in Las Palmas; and the Daoiz y Velarde sports centre in Madrid. His current project include the new expansion of the Palau de la Innova La Salle Música and two hotels in Barcelona; the remodelling of several different exhibition halls in the Musée donis Arts Décoratifs in the Louvre, Paris; and a new neighbourhood in Vilanova (Barcelona). A founding partner of Bd Ediciones de Diseño, company he started working with this production as a furniture and object designer. Some of his pieces are in the collections of major museums, including the MOMA in New York and the Georges Pompidou in Paris. His awards include the National Design Award, the Golden Medal of Merit in Fine Arts, the insignia of Knight in the Ordre donis Arts et donis Lettres, and the Cross of Sant Jordi. He has also won two City of Barcelona prizes, several different FAD architecture awards and the Delta in Design, amongst others. In 1994 he showed his colours as an essayist with Més que discutible (Tusquets Editors). In 1998 he published Tot és comparable, and in 2000 Déu ho veu (both titles published by Editorial Anagrama). Recently he published Dalí i altres amics and Anna (RqueR Editorial). 29 ARCHITECTURE Their structure can be dismantled, they generate no waste and all their components can be recycled GREENHOUSES FOR SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE Anyone walking around the Vallès Architecture School may well be surprised by finding a curious structure right in the middle of the grass. It is an experimental module which professors at the La Salle Architecture School and others from the aforementioned school have been building for several months now. By Roger Segú Photos: Joan Morejón Taking as their point of departure the structure and materials commonly used to build greenhouses, this working team has developed a type of building that can be totally dismantled and requires no heavy machinery to build. To construct a house like this, all you need is to dig out the foundations, which do not require concrete, and assemble the metal pieces forming the skeleton. Covered with a polycarbonate skin, a material that is translucent and recyclable, the module can be ventilated and adapts seamlessly to the Mediterranean climate. What is more, it does not produce any waste matter, which turns it into a highly sustainable alternative. And Coque Claret (left), professor at the La Salle Architecture School and the Vallès Architecture school, and Daniel Calatayud, Associate Professor at the Vallès Architecture School the best thing of all: its cost is ten times less than a conventional structure. “Our slogan is: just what you wanted, with “Our slogan is: just what you wanted, with one less zero,” claims Claret name) is spearheaded by four profes- member of his who was an architect,” sors: Coque Claret, professor at the La explains Claret, “who developed a pro- Salle Architecture School and the Vallès posal appropriate for the case. How- Architecture school; Daniel Calatayud, ever, when the painter found out the Associate Professor at the Vallès Archi- high cost of building it, he realised that tecture School; architect and engineer he couldn’t afford it.” Jordina Vidal, professor at La Salle and Coincidentally, the artist was also an expert in behaviour and simulation; and acquaintance of Coque Claret’s, with one less zero,” claims Coque Claret. Sergi Cantos, also part of La Salle, who whom he discussed the problem. That The first part of the project on campus, is in charge of all the electronic engi- was when Claret mentioned to him the which right now is limited to a metallic neering involved. successful experiments by certain Euro- structure, will soon be covered and con- 30 pean architects – such as Lacaton & verted into a new space for research. The origin of the project Vassal and Philippe Barrière, for exam- The group of professionals that has The idea emerged as a solution to a ple – who had experimented with light- delivered the project, know as the Plat- specific problem. “An artist wanted weight materials, and Claret suggested form for Architecture and Sustainabil- to build a workshop on his estate and that he try it. Taking as a point of depar- ity (abbreviated PAuS after its Catalan commissioned the project to a family ture the structure of a greenhouse, the Innova La Salle ARCHITECTURE that one of the project’s main goals is they are constructed in series and can to ensure that the construction process be easily sourced. for this type of module is simple and doable by anyone with minimal experi- An expanding project ence in the field of DIY. According to Despite the fact that right now the proj- Claret, “one of the important condi- ect consists of nothing more than a tions was that the machinery we used metallic structure, it will gradually take could be handled by one or at most two shape and its interior will become func- people; we didn’t want anything to do tional. “An intermediate ceiling will be with cranes or large drilling machinery. built, and in the lower part twenty cubi- We wanted everything to be doable. cles will be installed where a very rigor- The goal was to always keep a do-it- ous comparison of building systems will yourself mindset. All the machinery be performed,” explains Claret. “Mean- we’ve used is stored in a little cabinet.” while, the upper part will be divided into In this way, the user himself can supply three areas to be used by students.” the labour, thus contributing to keep- One goal linked to the project is mea- ing down costs. suring the use of these spaces, with the To reach the point of designing a proj- constant target of sustainability. “The ect like this one, its promoters started only condition we place on all the build- cost of the workshop plummeted from from a multidisciplinary perspective, ing elements that come into play is that 150,000 euros to 15,000 euros, plus that is, an approach that took ele- they help the people who inhabit the the translucent skin gave the artist a ments from different fields in order space to behave more sustainably.” To luminosity that was an added boon for to achieve the most efficient results gather the scientific conclusions, all the his activities. in terms of sustainability and price. rooms will be used for the same pur- This is how the artist decided to embark To wit, the covering of the module is pose, while they will all have different on the project, and professors Claret made from a material commonly used construction systems. and Calatayud mobilised in no time. in industry, while the structure comes Right now, the research team is working Claret euphorically recalls the evolution from agriculture. This makes it even on developing the stand that will house of that first construction: “A time came easier to acquire the components, as the Ministry of Environment and Hous- when we needed some help. And who did we ask? Our students. The estate in question was located three or four kilometres from the campus, so we went to the university cafeteria to ask for volunteers. When the students saw that it was an opportunity to put into practice what they had learned in the faculty, they all wanted to participate and we had a queue.” In the end, that initial module was a success, to such an extent that it motivated its designers to reconsider it as an academic project. Architectural DIY Just like the first experience, the campus module was also built every step of the way with the voluntary help of students. This participation makes even more sense if we bear in mind Innova La Salle 31 ARCHITECTURE ing at the forthcoming edition of the Con- lems emerge and what has to be modi- strumat trade fair. The new module – a fied.” The different buildings, located second construction of the same kind next to each other on the grounds of the – will be a smaller version that will travel Vallès Architecture School, will measure all around Catalonia to attend trade fairs a total of 400 square metres. The module can be totally dismantled and requires no heavy machinery to be built 32 The importance of energy efficiency One of the top priorities of the PAuS project is research into energy efficiency. To Claret’s mind, the basic question to be answered is: How much change in model. “What we are doing is real energy is there behind every action counting the amount of energy needed related to sustainability. Afterward, it will related to the act of inhabiting a space? to make a building,” explains Calatayud, return to Sant Cugat where it will house “Many people think that constructing “and we know that the weight of buildings a platform where experiments will be a sustainable building means install- can be divided by four and the energy per held on different systems of renewable ing a solar panel,” explains the profes- tonne can be cut in half, while the lifes- energy available on the market. sor, “and that’s absurd, because often pan of a building can be lengthened from But that is not all: a third module is energy waste comes from use.” 50 to 500 or even 1,000 years.” planned for next year. It is part of a joint Claret is confident that the future holds Thus, it is quite probable that in the venture that is just getting underway a revolution along these lines. “A rigo- not-too-distant future, the need to lower with IKEA, which shall be in charge of rous study off energy expenditures energy costs in both the construction furnishing it inside. “The idea is to ask associated construction and the use of homes will end up prov- several students to live there for a few material used nowadays will lead to ing right people who, like the promot- months in order to measure their con- major changes in our sector.” ers of the PAuS project, have decided sumption. In this way we can get on-the- In this sense, Spain’s commitments to the to pursue a recyclable, efficient type of ground information about what prob- Kyoto Protocol do nothing but foster this building. x with each Innova La Salle MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONAL MORAL ETHICS In this article, we will examine professional ethics from the specific standpoint of professionals such as engineers, architects, lawyers, business people and doctors. We will examine the case in which a person decides for himself or herself and holds the sole responsibility for this decision. By: Dr Joaquim Riera Tuebols Introduction The etymology of the word ‘ethics’ derives from the Greek ethike, which in turn derives from the word ethos (character, a learned way of being). Ethics is the realm of philosophy whose goal is to reflect on human beings’ moral conduct, which leads to the development of theories that help us to understand and explain this conduct, that is, why something is considered good or not, and what is the underpinning of what is good. Ethos, in its philosophical sense, thus consists of a unitary way of being or an individual way of life that is appropriate for or in line with the times. Likewise, etymologically speaking, the term ‘morality’ comes from the Latin mores and is used to categorise intentional human actions as moral or immoral, good or bad. Ethical behaviour signals a division between what is acceptable and what is unacceptable, between licit and illicit behaviour Dr Joaquim Riera Tuebols, author of this article perspective of good.” The terms ‘ethics’ iour signals a division between what is and ‘morality’ are nouns referring to a type acceptable and what is unacceptable, of knowledge, while ‘ethical’ and ‘moral’ between licit and illicit behaviour. are adjectives describing actions. Ethical behaviour is valid for everyone There are different types of ethics. In and is not the exclusive domain of pro- Depending on its Greek (ethos) or Latin this article, we will examine professional fessionals. However, they are the ones (morale) roots, we say either ‘ethics’ or ethics, that is, the specific case of pro- that mainly find themselves in situations ‘morality’, and it is defined as the field that fessionals such as engineers, architects, in which they have to take a decision or examines moral actions. lawyers, business people and doctors. We action that is either right or wrong, regard- According to the dictionary, professional will examine the case in which a person less of the religious motives affecting soci- ethics is “the set of moral principles and decides for himself or herself and when s/ ety, that is, others. norms that regulate human activities in he can decide alone without the influence Even though the decision may always professionals.” of other higher strata that might condition depend on the person himself or herself, According to the dictionary of ethical ter- the decision. That is, this person holds professionals can be free. They may either minology, it is “the realm of philosophy the sole responsibility for the decision. act alone (autonomously) or as a profes- that examines moral actions, that is, the Ethics is a general concept that encom- sional within the context of a company. moral actions of humans viewed from the passes all human activities. Ethical behav- However, as ethics is a broad, general Innova La Salle 33 MANAGEMENT concept, when talking about professionals would lose their ability to govern human certain comments and conclusions can actions. clearly be applied to other cases that are A host of international gatherings have not exclusively related to professionals. been held on this subject. Many dec- In terms of responsibilities, both decla- Before entering into further detail, we shall larations on ethics have emerged from rations state that this includes everyone briefly examine the concept of business these gatherings (especially on eco- from shareholders to actors. Businesses (business ethics) because, as mentioned nomics, in which ethics plays a key must perform their activities in order above, a significant number of profession- role in the field itself and in the profes- to improve the lives of their customers, als must take their decisions within the sionals involved). The declarations with workers and shareholders, sharing the context of a company. In a company, eco- the most sweeping implications are the welfare they have created with all of these nomics no doubt plays an important role ones from Davos and Caus. Their con- stakeholders. in decision-making, and as a result, eco- clusions reiterate that companies not In one of his books on ethics, Hans Kung, nomic and sociological ethics will, too. only have to generate earnings but also a widely renowned theologian, devotes human relations, or integrity. have obligations. paragraphs to businesses’ obligations to Business, professionals and economics Both declarations mention behaving workers, customers, suppliers, financiers Ethics is distinguished from econom- legally and following national and inter- of the community and owners, with spe- ics, from the theoretical philosophical national rules, and they highlight the fact cial emphasis on the workers. disciplines, by its practical scientific that “beyond the law, that is, in business We must try to create jobs that improve nature, in the sense that it is limited not decisions themselves, it is necessary to workers’ to revealing but to listing the impera- achieve the spirit of trust.” The issue of on honest negotiations in the event tives of human beings’ moral conduct. the need to avoid illegal operations or of conflict, promote the placement of As a result, ethics is the first among all decisions shall also be examined. the different qualified people into the the practical sciences, philosophical or It is possible to establish certain funda- most useful jobs within the economy. otherwise. This is due to the fact that mental values that are universally valid, All together we must bear in mind our even though the others may have their such as: obligations with respect to information, own principles and purposes, they must ¬ Justice, that is, just, honourable, law- health and lifelong training. We must all be subjected to ethics to describe purposes that transcend all of them and judge them. Thus, if medicine, politics, 34 ¬ Righteousness, that is, credibility in all abiding behaviour,. ¬ Respect, that is, reciprocity in relationships with others. engineering and economics prescribed ¬ Stewardship, as humans are merely the something that ethics rejected, they administrators of natural resources. living conditions, embark be especially sensitive to problems of unemployment derived from erroneous financial decisions, factors that if well interpreted can help companies run more smoothly. Innova La Salle MANAGEMENT We have spoken briefly about businesses Ethics because, as mentioned, there are many professionals working and collaborating at centres or companies. They must take into account the values and purposes of the company when taking professional Ethics in Practice General Ethics decisions. That is, they must weight up two types of ethics: their personal decisions along with decisions based on business ethics. In the realm of work, autonomous professionals must weigh up their responsibilities in each specific case. Thus, Individual Ethics Family Ethics Social Ethics International Ethics Economic Ethics Professional Ethics Medical Ethics Ethics for Journalism Ethics for Education doctors, engineers, lawyers and architects must take their own decisions that may affect third parties. They are faced with making this type of decision every single day. It is very important for them to bear in mind this kind of responsibility in their overall activities. Sometimes they have to sacrifice happiness to honour the real truth, that is, General Ethics to do things well even though it comes at their own cost. They have to do their jobs well, as they should be done, regardless of the happiness that this ity put steadfastly and honourably both formance and quality of work for the ben- decision brings, even though a job well- at the service of others and to one’s own efit of society. Otherwise, both the profes- done always produces happiness or benefit with the dignity worthy of human sion and professionals themselves would satisfaction in the person doing it. beings. And even though in a strict sense become solely a means of profit, which the word defines people with a univer- would entail their moral degradation. Professional ethics, decisions sity degree, in a broader sense it can be All professions come with both respon- Even though ethical decisions are an indi- applied to steady, remunerated jobs and sibilities and sacrifices. Thus, of all the vidual matter (we have said that there are trades performed with professionalism, cases, let us focus on the doctor who two facets: that of an autonomous pro- vocation and competency in order to has be available to see patients at night fessional and the other of a professional ensure the success of the job. as well, or the engineer who has serious inside a company), professionals must bear in mind or add the circumstances set by the business ethics mentioned above when making their final decision. The professional has a moral obligation that is based on an objective value, yet whose core lies in the most private and responsibilities towards the work he or The professional must have the following three essential values: intellectual capacity, moral capacity and physical capacity loftiest part of everyone: our own reason- she is supervising. However, despite the travails and difficulties, the true professional gets deep satisfaction from a duty that has been properly fulfilled. The professional must have the following essential values: ¬ Intellectual capacity ing. Thus, moral obligation is autonomous. The professional’s ethical response or ¬ Moral capacity It must be an honest act that is part of a decision to any question facing him or her ¬ Physical capacity person’s human conduct, and it must be must always be cautious and fair. based on tolerance and the trend towards By virtue of their profession, professionals These are minimum values understood unity, that is, on solidarity and cohesion occupy a place in society that gives them in the most modern sense, of honesty, amongst the different strata in society. both duties and obligations. The ultimate responsibility and mental and physical Now that the word ‘ethics’ has been purpose of the professional’s work is the health, all of which enable professionals defined, let us define the word ‘profes- common good, so that the training they to satisfactorily and effectively perform the sion’ (professional) as the personal activ- need to work is always aimed at better per- job entrusted to them. Innova La Salle 35 MANAGEMENT fessional activities, this will give them both confidence and prestige, which after all are positive factors that will benefit them at work. These professionals are the ones that survive in times of harsh competition. Conclusions Based on what we have summarised above, we can reach the following conclusions: ¬ It is impossible to build a truly democratic society with solely technical, skilful people, because this society has to be founded on In order to take decisions that are ethi- During the execution phase, the following values such as autonomy, solidarity cally and technically appropriate, pro- must be done: and moral ethics, which inevitably fessionals must first weigh the following ¬ Periodically monitoring and controlling make up the rational conscience of factors, according to Adela Cortina and the method and conditions, along with Emilio Martínez : the materials being used. ¬ The activity and the problem at hand. ¬ The goal that gives this activity its meaning. ¬ In exceptional cases, rectifying the pro- a moral and ethical education in cess, if needed, due to unforeseen cir- the broadest sense of the word cumstances. ¬ The values, principles and attitudes that need to be developed. ¬ Data on the current situation and the institutions. ¬ A good professional per se needs ‘moral’. ¬ In the end, inspecting the finished ¬ They must have responsible, techni- product and, if needed, making addi- cal training in line with the charac- tional corrections. teristics of the job, including in the consequences derived from the differ- case of companies what we have ent alternatives, along with the values Having listed these factors, we now reach of the civic morality of the society in the final aspect to be taken into account ¬ The professional must always comply which we operate and the economic in one’s professional duties, which are with the specific moral ethical aspects factor. All of these have to be taken schematically as follows: that should characterise every spe- into serious consideration, as we live ¬ Appropriate technical training for the cific case. in societies that strive to fulfil ideals of characteristics of the case. called ‘business ethics’. ¬ The professional must base his or her freedom, justice, equality, peace and ¬ Confidentiality. work on a working method as well as protecting nature. ¬ Acting with an established morality. the norms applicable for each spe- ¬ Not defending unfair causes that cific job. In certain cases, for exam- To these aforementioned values, I would may arise. ple, in medicine, engineering and add: ¬ Not providing low quality services. construction, complying with hygiene ¬ Studying the technical and envi- ¬ Not providing false information. and safety regulations is extremely ¬ Trying to foster association amongst important. ronmental characteristics to be resolved. practitioners of the speciality. ¬ Studying the available means. ¬ Choosing the appropriate machinery and instrumentation. For true professionals, an honest, wellWhen professionals show honest con- done job will always provide benefits duct both inside and outside their pro- and satisfaction. x ¬ Choosing the best personnel and helpers. ¬ Constantly monitoring the work to ensure that the design is realised. And depending on the results, taking the decision, indicating the method to the followed and the conditions of execution: 36 BIBLIOGRAPHY ¬ Hans Kung. - A Global Ethic for Global Politics and Economics. - Oxford University Press - 1998 ¬ G.E. Moore. - Ethics. - Home University Press ¬ G. E. Moore. - Ética. - Ediciones Encuentro – 2001. ¬ J. M. Esquirol. - Tecnología ética y futuro. - Ed. Desclee – 2001. ¬ Rene Simon. - Moral. - Ed. Herder -1999. ¬ A.Cortina - J. Conill. - Ética de las profesiones. - Ed. EVD – 2000. Innova La Salle MANAGEMENT The European Short Sea Shipping School promotes a sustainable model of logistics SHORT SEA SHIPPING, A TRANSPORT ALTERNATIVE Promoting environmentally sustainable models of development is one of the major concerns of advanced societies in the 21st century. Short distance maritime transport, also known as Short Sea Shipping (SSS) offers a logistical model that is environmentally-friendly and allows costs to be lowered compared to other systems such as highway transport. By Iván Giménez Photos: Joan Morejón lower costs. “There are companies that choose this system and manage to reduce logistics costs between 20% and 30%.” The school was founded in Barcelona, the busiest port in the western Mediterranean. Eduard Rodés explains the origins of the project as follows: “The idea emerged in 2004 with the courses that we hold aimed at operators in conjunction with Grimaldi Napoli and Grandi Navi Veloci (the two Italian shipowners participating). Based on that, and rightly so, we saw that we had the chance of training future operators.” Eduard Rodés, director of the European Short Sea Shipping School La Salle began to participate in this project in 2005, and it is one of the pioneering schools in offering this type of course The European Short Sea Shipping flows of developed countries. “Short sea School, whose headquarters are in Bar- shipping is a real alternative due to its celona, in charge of with promoting this cost, timeframe and operativity,” claims system of logistics. It was created with Rodés. a clearly international scope by people Short sea shipping can be defined as from fourteen different countries. It aims maritime cargo transport system over Apart from the two Italian companies to be a space where key knowledge for short distances. What is more, as the and the port of Barcelona, the port the economic development of the wes- director of the school explains, “it is authorities of Genoa and Civitavecchia tern Mediterranean is conveyed. cargo transport where shipping by sea (Rome’s port) are also participating. “The school was founded with the basic is an option but not an obligation.” For The centre also has a clearly interna- idea of facilitating a change in culture, example, a lorry can leave Spain and tional scope as fourteen different coun- such as the assumption that people travel to Italy by motorway, but it also tries participate: Germany, Belgium, accustomed to transporting by highway has the choice of shipping by sea. the United Kingdom, Denmark, Spain, will do it by sea,” explains the director The advantages of this system are clear. Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, of the school, Eduard Rodés. Maritime First, it is environmentally-friendly, a Holland, Poland, Portugal and Sweden. cargo transport is key for the economic hot topic nowadays. Secondly, it helps La Salle is participating in this pro- Innova La Salle 37 MANAGEMENT Firma Trade Gothic bold cond 9/10 ONBOARD TRAINING Another of the unique features of the Short Sea Shipping School is that much of the training takes place aboard four ferry-type ships that are totally fitted out for the job: Eurostar Barcelona Length: 211.94 metres Width: 25 metres Passengers: 1,300 Holds up to 150 cars Displacement: 26,995 tonnes Eurostar Roma Length: 173.7 metres Width: 28.7 metres Passengers: 1,400 Holds up to 100 cars Displacement: 23,933 tonnes Fantastic Length: 188,22 metres Width: 28 metres Passengers: 2,033 Holds up to 760 cars Displacement: 26,995 tonnes Suprema Length: 211.5 metres Width: 30.4 metres Passengers: 3,000 Holds up to 1000 cars Displacement: 50,000 tonnes ject as well. “We began to participate However, the centre has six of its own in 2005, and it’s one of the pionee- values that clearly distinguish the phi- ring schools in offering this type of losophy behind its actions. They have course,” says Rodés. He also highlig- been given Latin names to give them a hts how the course in which La Salle more universal, timeless sense. participates “stands out as a quality First is imaginatio, “which refers to feature in its training options.” Spe- creativity, to doing things differently,” cifically, these courses are part of the explains the director. Secondly is dia- training that is provided within the logus, which “highlights the interperso- Master’s in Supply Chain Manage- nal relationships forged in the world of ment and Technology. logistics as well as the fact that people work together to find different solu- Cross-disciplinary training tions.” After that is libertas, which can The European Short Sea Shipping be translated as self-determination. School offers three types of courses that encompass the entire range of needs in this sector. As the director of the school explains, “we plan three different types of courses: one for operators (Gloss), another for graduate students studying the field of logistics (Avtoritas) and the last one designed for people with professional training the field of logistics (Numina).” Pro-European values Besides the purely technical training, the European Short Sea Shipping School aims to convey a series of values as well. As Eduard Rodés explains it, “generally speaking we uphold the same principles as the European Union, and especially the European Commission, on sustainable logistics.” 38 Innova La Salle MANAGEMENT “This is the desire to do things as we think they should be done.” Opus refers to “the work involved in developing this type of project.” The fifth value is fides, which can be translated as “commitment and involvement in defending the environment by promoting this type of logistics.” And last but not least is sapienta, “the school’s ambition to spread knowledge and ideas amongst the future logistics leaders.” The idea of creating a school emerged in 2004, when courses were being held on this subject in Barcelona European aid In addition to the involvement of different port authorities, shipowners and Eduard Rodés explains that “we petitio- Polo Programme. They invited us to institutions such as La Salle, the Euro- ned the European Commission for aid travel to a conference in Nantes on this pean Short Sea Shipping School recei- in order to broaden our scope.” He also type of initiative and present our school ved a very strong impetus from the recalls that, “the Marco Polo Programme to different European companies.” European Commission when getting set gave us aid within the section called For the time being, with this aid, the up: one million euros in aid was granted Common Learning Actions.” What is European Short Sea Shipping School as part of the Marco Polo Programme, more, he explains that “the Commission is beginning to set sail to provide the European initiatives within the field of has said that it is one of the most interes- sector with tools that will be key to its transport and logistics. ting projects in the history of the Marco future growth. x Innova La Salle 39 MANAGEMENT The United Kingdom may be a platform for expanding a business around Europe INTERVIEW WITH PAUL WHITEWAY The United Kingdom is the fourth-ranked country in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in terms of investment in R&D. Over time, numerous foreign companies have found this country to be the ideal place for setting up and expanding their businesses. Paul Whiteway, International Sales Manager of UKTI, tells us about the main reasons why the United Kingdom is such an attractive market for foreign investors. By Anna Cabanillas Photos: Marc Guillen Why is the United Kingdom the build. Finally, there are cultural fac- country is the quest for a new market European destination that offers tors: the United Kingdom is a familiar where you can sell your products and foreign companies the most business culture for North Americans, Cana- services. For a non-European coun- opportunities? dians and Australians, as well as for try, the United Kingdom can be a There are many reasons explaining their businesses. platform for expanding their activities around Europe, in addition to in the this phenomenon. First, the United Kingdom has a highly flexible econ- What opportunities does the United English market. This is the case, for omy which is very open to foreign Kingdom offer companies? example, with the United States. For a investment, not to mention labour Normally the main reason for set- European country, such as Spain, the laws that are flexible and attractive for ting up a business outside one’s own advantage of setting up in a market investors. We also have a very important R&D sector that works closely with our universities and the more than 100 science parks in England. Furthermore, eight of the 50 leading universities in the world are located in the United Kingdom, including the top two in the sciences, Oxford and Cambridge. Plus we shouldn’t UKTI’s focus is on companies that have cutting-edge technology because the goal is to foster more value added in the economy forget that London is a huge financial capital and thus a market where financing for projects can be landed. English also helps us a great deal, as the majority of business people speak it and relations are thus easier to 40 Innova La Salle MANAGEMENT like the United Kingdom is that you such as Japan, South Korea, Australia, hotel chains that belong to Spanish have an audience of more than 60 France, Germany and India as well. companies and many opportunities million people with a clear tendency for them in the hotel industry. But in And what can you say about Spain? Spain we are trying to look for com- To us, Spain is a relatively new panies that are more involved in high What countries are you most market. There is already some Span- technology, as our focus is on com- interesting in attracting? ish investment in the United Kingdom, panies that have cutting-edge tech- The majority of investment in the United for example in infrastructure. Fer- nology, because the idea is to foster Kingdom, one-third of it, comes from rovial just bought the British Airport more added value in the economy. the United States, but there are other Authority, which includes Heathrow markets that are very important for us, and Gatwick airports. There are also towards consumption. How is the added value fostered? The new technologies and management methods are very important for creating more added value and for promoting competitiveness within the economy. The British government has a macroeconomic vision. What it wants to do is convince local companies to improve their activities and technologies, and to do this they need to be more competitive. In Britain there is no protectionist policy against foreign investors because competitiveness provides many chances to give more added value to the economy. This is very positive for consumers, as they have more options when buying PAUL WHITEWAY International Sales Manager at UK Trade and Investment (UKTI), an investment group. Whiteway belongs to the diplomatic service and has extensive experience in managing trade teams in government diplomatic missions around the world. He leads the three sales teams, each focused on different sectors, which are devoted to managing the investment projects coming from the main foreign markets in the United States, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. He also leads the Global Entrepreneurs Programme, the goal of which is to promote an enterprising image of the United Kingdom in order to attract an increasing number of entrepreneurs interested in developing their intellectual property in the United Kingdom. Innova La Salle 41 MANAGEMENT before, but they are Toyotas, Nissans, Peugeots, etc. In Britain it is quite commonplace to hear people say that we don’t have an automotive industry, but that’s not true. We have one, but it is an industry that depends on foreign investment, and one that provides many jobs in our country. What advantages does the Global Partner Ship programme offer? The Global Partner Ship programme offers the chance to set up associations between foreign and Britain companies in the field of high-tech. The team offers the possibility of drafting a report for any customer interested in the British companies within their sector that best meet their criteria. However, certain conditions must be met. To start with, products and services, and it’s also good the technology must be cutting-edge for the country’s economic growth. and innovative, as the programme is related to the transfer of knowledge. What are the technological sectors The programme began three years ago that you are most interested in? and we are in the process of reshaping IT, for example, as the majority of it, as we want there to be a more direct projects come from this sector. The connection between the customers and financial sector is also very important, the issue of research and development as there are many companies that are in the United Kingdom. How would you assess La Salle’s The technology must be cutting-edge and innovative, as the programme is related to the transfer of knowledge efforts with seminars like this one? Very positively. This event is excellent for us, as we try to connect with top universities and companies that might be able to invest in the United Kingdom, and this seminar is the ideal chance to meet an audience with 42 setting up in London in order to benefit these interests. The event has taken from it. Biotechnology is also extremely place in a highly professional setting, powerful, even though it is fairly new. and this is the type of event we like We are also quite interested in the working at. This seminar’s message to automotive sector, which is unique. In companies is that working with other the United Kingdom, car manufactur- countries offers them the chance of ing depends almost entirely on foreign growing more quickly, and in our opin- direct investment, as the British auto- ion, the United Kingdom is precisely motive industry was nationalised over the country that offers Catalan and thirty years ago. Now we manufacture Spanish companies the most fruitful the same total number of vehicles as possibilities for expansion. x Innova La Salle TECH NEWS Apple reinvents the telephone with iPhone Panasonic presents the largest plasma television in the world Apple has released the iPhone, a combination of three products: a revolutionary mobile phone, an iPod with fingertip controls and a device for communicating via Internet and email with browser capabilities. The largest plasma television in the world is now on the market thanks to Panasonic. This manufacturer has stunned consumers with the size of the gradated panoramic 103-inch screen, with a complete FHD resolution of 1,920 – 1,080 pixels. It measures 2.5 by 1.5 metres. It offers extremely intense, realistic images thanks to the 5,000:1 contrast ratio and the equivalent to 4,096 levels of gradation. The screen’s connectivity offers a flexible yet powerful solution thanks to the variety of optional plugins available. As for its features, measurements and image definition, the 103-inch plasma The iPhone has a large multi-touch screen which allows users to control the apparatus with just a touch of their fingers. The TV is a product that meets the needs all types of high definition contexts, and of professional public screenings, both it opens doors to the world of dynamic as a fixed installation and as rental for digital communication. TDT and hard drive in a single device Technological convergence is one of the signs of our times. iPhone includes a two mega-pixel camera and a photograph management application. It is also a four-band GSM telephone Devices that manage to merge more than DTB-HR1 you can pick up more than 600 that uses edge wireless technologies and one function and help make our house television and radio channels, and it also WiFi for data networks. The apparatus also a type of museum of household appli- has the capability of recording your favour- comes with Google Maps to help users to ances are becoming increasingly popular. ite programmes on its hard drive, which is position themselves, find traffic informa- Sunsech commercialises a device that is available in 80 tion and get addresses. Everything with simultaneously a Terrestrial Digital Tel- GB and 160 the unique iPhone fingertip screen. evision receiver and a hard drive. With the GB versions. Samsung focuses on multifunctional mp3 players The Korean company surprises consumers yet again with its new players, the YP-T9 and YP-T9B models, which stand out for their huge memory and Bluetooth connection. They are characterised by being totally and OGG, ASF, AVI, MPEG-4, RMVB and sets without the need for an additional multifunctional, because they allow you WMV formats, and games using Flash adaptor. These new players have a 1.8- to download songs and listen to the can also be run. The only difference inch screen and USB 2.0. They include radio, watch videos and look at photo- between the YP-T9 and YP-T9B models 260,000 colours, four GB of memory graphs, play videogames and other func- is that the latter includes Bluetooth, and a battery that lets you play up to 30 tions. These models support MPs, WMA which allows users to use wireless head- hours of music and six hours of video. Innova La Salle 43 TECH NEWS Olympus is commercialising housings for underwater digital photography Jabra frees your hands For the most intrepid digital photographers, Olympus continues to offer the widest range of waterproof housing models up to a depth of 40 metres. Jabra has unveiled its new hands-free headset model using Bluetooth technology. These housings are manufac- offer conversion lenses adapt- tured in high quality polycar- able for underwater photo- bonate and they protect the graphs with the highest quality It is called the cameras inside the water and and maximum detail. Olympus Jabra BT 160, against shocks outside the water. offers a wide variety of housing and it is avail- The design of the housings allows all models, adaptable to all types of cam- able with 33 the functions of the camera to be con- eras made by this manufacturer and in different trolled, both zoom and flash. They also a variety of colours. changeable covers. But inter- if you want to personalise the Forcet: Top-performing microcomputers A powerful computer in the least space possible. That’s Forcet’s idea. Thanks to its compact shape, the The device supports all types of the most Forcet mini-PC, based on the Shuttle modern, high-speed components, such platform, fits inconspicuously into any as one- two- or even four-nucleus proc- environment. This computer occupies essors, DDR2 memory, Serial ATA2 3-GB less than one-third the space of a tra- hard drives, state-of-the-art PCI-Express ditional desktop PC and it fits in any graphics cards, and the like. Forcet offers corner of the house. Plus, it is easily computers from the Xtreme, Advance, mistaken for a stereo because of its Media-center and Basic series according design and colours. to each user’s needs and requirements. Toshiba releases the new HD-XA2 The DVD pioneers take their high definition players to the second generation. design of your headset, you can do so via the company’s website. The device can be adapted to any user’s style, and it is equipped with a rechargeable internal battery. Its price is not a penny over 50 euros. Casio now has the slimmest digital camera on the market Casio has unveiled the EXILIM® Hi-Zoom EX-V7 7.2 mega-pixel digital camera. This late-model digital camera is the slimmest in the world and features a 7x optic zoom lens. The manufacture decided to release a camera that could fit easily into a shirt pocket or a small 44 In addition to including three high qual- faithful to the aforementioned stand- handbag. Some brands had managed ity audio decoders such as Dolby Dig- ards, and boast optimal video signals. to develop very compact cameras, but ital Plus, Dolby True HD (5.1) and DTS The device has an Ethernet connector, this reduction in size also reduced the HD, it is the first new-generation optical which when enabled will allow contents features. Casio has managed to solve player that has HDMI version 3.1 ports and updates to be downloaded via the this problem by offering users the best to achieve reproductions that are truly web. The feature differentiating this photographs in the smallest space pos- player compared to the previous sible thanks to its 7x cutting-edge opti- ones is the Silicon Optix Reon- cal zoom lens. The camera includes VX chipset that offers four-field CCD mechanical technology and elimi- HQV (Hollywood quality video) nates blurry photos thanks to its DSP technology. anti-vibration function. Innova La Salle TECH NEWS HD DVD in the Xbox 360 Photoshop will be available for free online On 1st March, Microsoft launched the new HD DVD player for the Xbox 360 console. According to a press release issued by Microsoft, the recommended retail price of the player is 199.99 euros, with the Universal Xbox 360 remote control included. The device offers resolution that is six times better than a DVD, and it comes with a catalogue of over 100 films produced by the major studios such as Universal, Paramount Pictures and Warner Bros. The HD DVD player was sold out in its releases in the United Kingdom, France and Germany 23rd March: PlayStation 3 arrives Adobe has announced that Photoshop, the most popular image programme in the world, will be available on Internet for free mid-year. With this new launch, Adobe is striving to enhance its competitiveness in view of Google’s expansion on the web. According to Adobe’s CEO, Bruce PlayStation 3 reached Europe, on 23rd March, but it is less compatible with the old games than in the rest of the world. Chizen, this new launch is part of a new strategy The release of Play- which aims to provide more free services Station 3 in Europe online. With this new launch, Adobe is was delayed, but ever trying to compete with companies that since 23rd March we offer other servers, such as Google. The have been able to service aims to make a profit through find it in shops only advertising. in the advanced ver- Just like the majority of Microsoft’s sion. This means that projects, the Adobe business is mainly the PS3 will be less based on software packages that are compatible with the installed on the computer’s hard drive. games from the former PlayStation 2 than the other PS3s that were sold in the United The only disadvantage of these new free States and Japan. In the European version of the console, the compatibility with the old services is that they can only be used games will be assumed by the software, whereas in the US and Japanese versions the with an Internet hook-up. compatibility comes from a specific chip designed specifically with this purpose in mind. Apple’s iTV, available since mid-March The American IT group Apple launched its wireless iTV device. In March, which allows videos downloaded from the computer to be transferred to and seen on TV. Parrot’s Photo Viewer with Bluetooth Parrot’s Photo Viewer is a digital framework for displaying photographs. Some of its features include that its 7-inch size, brightness sensors to adjust to the Apple iTV, also called Apple TV, is equipped with a 40 giga- light in the room, and both vertical and byte hard drive that can hold up to 50 hours of video, 9,000 horizontal picture displays. It receives songs, 25,000 photographs or a combination of these con- the photos with Bluetooth from any tents that can be downloaded on a computer. The price is device, including computers, cameras set at 289 euros. or mobile phones. It is the only way of The CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs, presented the Apple iTV prototype last January at the downloading photos onto this device, MacWorld trade fair in San Francisco. and it allows 500 images to be stored. Innova La Salle 45 TECH NEWS Glassview Zaapa 3D goggles Now that TFT screens have become so popular with televisions, there is a new personalised vogue in the most revolutionary goggles on the market, Zaapa, which has unveiled its new Glassview with the real feeling of a 34-inch TFT screen located two metres away. The goggles are connected to the video outlet, but if you prefer total independence you can use AC/DC chargers or batteries. The new Glassview goggles allow you to attain the maximum privacy and watch the TV, listen to music or play a videogame without being disturbed and without The Optimus 103 keyboard is unveiled at CeBIT After a wait of over a year, the revolutionary keyboard is finally being commercialised. disturbing anyone else. With Glassview goggles, you can play with the console in bed and feel the risk thanks to its stereo surround sound, in addition to watching films on DVD and seeing them firsthand while your family is watching another TV programme. Transform your Nokia 7710 into a powerful GPS with the TomTom solution The Russian company Art Lebedev has been on the market for some time now with products featuring innovative design Nokia has announced the release of a new sales package that includes the Nokia 7710 multimedia terminal and the GPS solution by TomTom. and high quality. Finally, after much time This package, which includes maps of dia features turn it into a complete, func- OLED technology is going to be commer- Spain and Portugal, and a holder for tional smartphone which allows for mul- cialised at a price of 1,490 euros per unit. the car, is the perfect solution for people tiple image and voice applications. The This price is understandable because we seeking a portable navigation system Nokia 7710 terminal only operates under are talking about 103 OLED screens with that is integrated, efficient, affordable GSM/GPRS/EGPRS 900/1800/1900 net- 32x32 pixels corresponding to each key. and has free hook-up, along with all the works. OLED (organic LED) technology will soon and talk throughout the entire high-tech blog universe, the keyboard based on state-of-the-art features of a multimedia enter our homes in the guise of super-flat mobile device. screens. They are devices that need no With its panoramic touchscreen (699x feedback, which makes them very prom- 320 pixels) with more than 65,000col- ising thanks to the energy and space sav- ours, the Nokia 7710 provides excellent ings involved. Through this new technol- viewing of 3D maps, which ensures the ogy, each of the keys on the Optimus 103 utmost comfort when driving. Its multime- keyboard can be personalised. Blu:sens presents G14, the first mp3 player with WiFi and Bluetooth Blu:sens, a manufacturer specialising in cutting-edge consumer electronics, presented the G14, its revolution mp3 player with WiFi and Bluetooth. 46 This is the first device of its kind that not only allows total It has 54 Mbps WiFi con- wireless connection between devices, but also with Internet. nectivity – with a range of 80 This innovative product, a step ahead of the competition and metres in open space – and Blue- made totally in Spain, has capacities of one and two GB of tooth 2.0 EDF long-distance – more than flash memory. 25 metres and transmission at 3000 Kbps. Its 2.4-inch LCD-TFT screen with 256,000 colours allows you to Its removable lithium battery allows for more than 20 hours enjoy DivX and SMV video files anywhere and in a panoramic of playing time, while its user menu with information on a format, while the built-in outside loudspeaker lets you share the graphic, user-friendly screen offers all the data on the file experience without any added headsets. being played. Innova La Salle INNOVATION AND RESEARCH La Salle puts the business world in touch with the university through its Technology Transfer programmes LA SALLE TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER La Salle Technology Transfer has been providing services to companies for over a decade now by developing RDI projects. This link is useful not only for the organisations but also for students, as they find it to be a fantastic gateway to the reality of the job market. Josep Maria Ribes, director of La Salle Technology Transfer, tells us the keys to the relationship between enterprise and university. By Iván Giménez Photos: Marc Guillen that the contact between university and enterprise is not as close as it could be.” The model of technology transfer in Spanish universities was traditionally based on a an organisation called the OTRI (abbreviation for the Catalan name of the Office of Transfer of Research Results). The main goal of this office was to provide assistance to university groups in order to secure contracts with the market. Thus, the OTRI’s goal was to fit the university output into the demands from enterprise. La Salle Technology Transfer has its own clearly differentiated model Some time back, La Salle decided to set technology transfer into motion using its own model. Ribes explains, “our model is based on formulas that allow us to adapt to our customers’ needs. It would most likely be difficult to implement these models without the flexibility that we have as a private organisation.” Delving in a little further, he adds that, “La Salle Technology Transfer is not based on a model that seeks to fit in We understand technology transfer as that the transfer of results in Spain has between the business world and the the job undertaken by the university to increased 20% since last year. This is university, rather a model of develop- transfer the new technologies to society quite a positive figure given that until ing and integrating services that allow and the business world. As Josep Maria 2003 only downward curves had been us to respond to the demand for RDI Ribes explains, it is an activity that is registered.” And he adds, “despite this projects with guarantees, and under currently on the rise. “Data published positive trend, we believe that there’s still the parameters of the demands of the recently by official organisations shows more work to be done. We often notice business market: quality, budget and Innova La Salle 47 INNOVATION AND RESEARCH controlled time. This is the model that issues that are in line with the reality help them join the job market later on.” lets us speak the same language as the of the market.” Ribes adds that “we are proud that La business world in order to thus foster to With regard to the contents of the Salle engineers are recognised in the the maximum the synergies between subjects, he specifies “the fact that market as fine professionals.” university and enterprise.” part of our faculty is in contact with With regard to the companies that are In order to achieve this, La Salle has the reality of the business world by linked to La Salle, they know that “they an extensive team of professionals developing projects makes it possi- have an ally who speaks their language who contribute to researching, devel- ble to ensure that the curricula are in and never loses sight of the constraints oping and integrating services, as well line with the needs of the market. In of their business, while also managing to programmes with a high technologi- develop projects with high added value. cal component like ours, knowledge This is demonstrated by the fact that the of these needs is vital.” links with our customers are becoming When talking about the benefits for more and more consolidated.” We believe that it is key to be based on a model of integrated solutions in which all the university stakeholders that might be needed can participate as to training. As Josep Maria Ribes the students, the director adds that projects enables them to be in touch Extensive experience and a broad-ranging portfolio of services with the market before finishing their La Salle Technology Transfer has been degrees. We view this as an additional, up and running since 1994. Currently, different sort of training that will clearly the team is more than 180 people “including them in developing real says, “approximately half of the professionals on the technology transfer team are business executives, project managers, technology experts or public financing or intellectual property managers, and they all have a clear business orientation as well as in-depth knowledge of the technology. Some of these professionals also work as engineering professors. The other half of the team are students from the third to fifth year, and thus many are already diploma-level engineers who are studying for a higher degree in engineering. Thus, the working teams are mixed, a combination of active professionals and people who are finishing their degrees.” The director of La Salle Technology Transfer summarises it like this: “We believe that it is key to be based on a model of integrated solutions in which all the university stakeholders that might be needed can participate.” The benefits of the La Salle Technology Transfer model are clear, and as Ribes claims, “they are interesting for both companies and students, who in addition to participating in the projects, benefit from dealing with 48 Innova La Salle INNOVATION AND RESEARCH In terms of the technologies that La Salle covers, they can be divided into four main clusters. The first is computer engineering and consulting, which includes the technologies that allow services and solutions to be developed with all types of languages. It also includes the data network and telematic technologies. The second cluster consists of audiovisual technologies, including technologies related to sound, image, digital television and interaction. Electronics and telecommunications engineering are the third major cluster, which encompasses everything related to hardware, firmware and communications. The last cluster is devoted to technology and sustainability applied to living spaces. Within each of the aforementioned strong. The director of La Salle Tech- innovation, as well as for its practical clusters are the different areas that are nology Transfer claims that “the pace component. As a result of many years devoted to specific disciplines, includ- of growth in the past four years has of activity, Ls Salle has a broad, select ing: acoustics, communications, IT, exceeded 25%, and we are still grow- portfolio of trainers. electronics, multimedia, signal process- ing now. This tells us that we’re on the Finally, spurred by the increasing ing, building technologies, education right track.” demand, La Salle has become a bench- technologies, Currently, La Salle Technology Transfer mark in organising congresses and usability and user-focused design. La offers a range of different services. The business events custom-designed for Salle Technology Transfer’s philoso- most noteworthy are projects linked to a wide variety of sectors. These activi- phy, according to Josep Maria Ribes, RDI, as they account for 80% of the ties are possible thanks to the university is to “always be on the lookout for new volume. These projects are often “key- campus’ facilities and services, as well technologies and create working groups in-hand”, despite the fact that other for- as a team of people devoted to compre- quickly and flexibly in order to continue mats are also possible. hensive congress management. offering companies innovation.” x television, telematics, A technology alert and innovation consultancy are also available, based on strategic alliances that allow for an indepth knowledge of the customer’s company, which in turn makes it possible to draft custom technological alert reports. In this case, the international network of La Salle universities around the world is a wellspring of information on technology and business trends on a global scale. The third type of service is training for companies, with the format and contents designed according to the customer’s needs. This high-performance A REALITY WITH ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT The status of university technology transfer in Spain shows room for improvement, even though activity has been stepped up in recent years. As Josep Maria Ribes explains, “a study published last year by the Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo shows that 80% of Spanish companies are unaware of what universities can do for them.” And he goes on by stating that “on the other hand, it should be taken into account that not all the companies that are aware of these possibilities actually put the universities to the test.” Spain’s position compared to Europe in terms of investment in RDI at universities by enterprise is not very favourable. The director of La Salle Technology Transfer says that “despite the fact that the situation in Spain needs improvement compared to Europe, the old continent is not the best point of comparison if you take into account other parts of the world. Perhaps we should not set our sights on Europe so much as take as our benchmark economies that have been focusing on research, development and innovation for some time now.” training stands out for its high level of Innova La Salle 49 INNOVATION AND RESEARCH “AN ENTREPRENEUR IS A DREAMER. BUT THEY ALSO NEED TO BE A BIT OF AN ADVENTURER AS WELL” Manuel Campo Vidal is a journalist, sociologist and technical engineer. He is currently the host of the programme Generación XXI which is broadcast on television stations in several regions in Spain. The programme aims to help entrepreneurs and innovators in their professions. He participated as a speaker at the La Salle Business School conference last year. By Belén Rodríguez Photo: Ángel Navarrete What is an entrepreneur? Are entrepreneurs born or made? going a profound change. Nowadays, An entrepreneur is a dreamer, a person There are born entrepreneurs and there many people think that creating a com- who does not resign himself to being are entrepreneurs that are made by pany is their only real chance of having a boxcar in life and wants to be the necessity. The latter are increasingly a decent, attractive job. engine. It’s very important that they common. the capacity to be enthusiastic and to Why? get others enthused, to get a project up We are forcing people to become entre- What are the characteristics that someone must have in order to devote themselves to entrepreneurship? and running and to create wealth for preneurs because the mechanisms for They must be hard-working, motivated himself, his family and his country. accessing the job market are under- and excited about what they do. They have the ability to create, and as a result must have a series of skills and a great deal of stamina in order to not give up when they come up against the first obstacle. What advice would you give an entrepreneur? First of all, they have to think carefully about the company they want to create and study the market, so that when there’s no margin for doubt they are able to overcome the people who are trying to stop them. This is why an entrepreneur is a dreamer, but they also need to be a bit of an adventurer. As a journalist, how did you end up in the business world? I have always been an entrepreneur, I have constantly been creating journalism businesses, consultancies or companies related to sociology. I thought that there was a need to audiovisually tell entrepreneurs’ stories, which is what I do through the different programmes I host. 50 Innova La Salle INNOVATION AND RESEARCH What attracts you the most about the phenomenon of entrepreneurship? evision programme that would provide People like Amancio Ortega, who forty What are your purposes? organisation that is highly sensitive to years ago – with no help whatsoever – To foster the entrepreneurial spirit, to creating businesses, creating wealth was able to create Inditex in La Coruña tell real stories, and especially to reach and in particular creating technology. and get it up and running. that conviction that our most immediate I think that these efforts are admirable environment – and the world itself – can and worth applauding, because there is be changed. nothing sadder than seeing hundreds You spearhead and host the Generació XXI contest. How did the idea of holding the contest arise? business people with support. I see it as an academic and cultural of students going through the Faculty ne’er-do-wells, but no programmes that Generació XXI is already being broadcast in different regions around Spain, but are there any plans to export it abroad? would foster the culture of work. That Germany, Italy and Chile have expressed was when I decided to create a tel- interest in the format. I was watching TV and I saw that there were contests for singers, dancers or What do you think about La Salle’s Business Angels School? of Business Administration and no one planting in them the seed of being able to create a company. “We are forcing people to become entrepreneurs because the mechanisms for accessing the job market are undergoing a profound change” You were a speaker at the conference held at this school. What was your mission? My job at the conference was to encourage Business Angels to participate. The Business Angel is a key figure and is of great help to those who are just getting started in this world. x Innova La Salle 51 ENTREPRENEURS 4TH la salle business angels school The Entrepreneurship Program at the La Salle Innovation Park organised the 4th Business Angels School last November. The goal was to tell Business Angels, private investors who are interested in entrepreneurial projects, about the tools that they have in order to be able to inject capital into innovative companies that someone would like to create. By Iván Giménez Photos: Joan Morejón 52 The 4th La Salle-CIDEM Business cal training involving analysing projects tions. “We had 45 people signed up, it Angels School was held between 31st and closing transactions, sharing expe- went way beyond our expectations, and October and 28th November 2006. The riences and knowledge, and fostering we had to close registration because we goal of these workshops was to give networks of private investors. had no more physical space to accom- companies, family office managers and The format chosen for the 4th Business modate them.” new private investors (business angels) Angels School included five workshops, Besides the success in terms of attend- high-level knowledge in order for them one each week, organised as follows: ance, Garriga also remarks that “we to successfully embark on a process introduction, analysis of real case studies, have become the benchmark school of direct investment in entrepreneurial working groups and active participation for business angels. This is the result companies that are not quoted on the resolving the practical case studies. of our background and especially the stock exchange. As Ricard Garriga, coordinator of the quality of both the speakers and the To achieve this, the La Salle Entrepre- Business Angels School and member of participants.” neurship Program planned this Busi- the Entrepreneurship Program, explains, ness Angels School as a way of foster- “the workshops were a joint initiative A new tack ing this type of investment, showing between CIDEM and La Salle.” He also The previous workshops had focused the potential business angels that they recalled that in 2005, “it went pretty well on analysing the international status of should stop being afraid of investing in and around thirty people signed up.” But business angels, with experts from the new entrepreneurs, promoting practi- this edition far outstripped all expecta- United States, France and the United Innova La Salle ENTREPRENEURS Kingdom, the most advanced coun- offering a more social vision of private tries in this area. The coordinator of investment. This module finished with the workshops explains that “although talks by two famous American business it was quite successful, it did not quite angels, Judith Iglehart, Vice President manage to gel, because there is a great of International Chapter Development deal of difference between these coun- and Operations at Keiretsu Forum, and tries and our reality here.” Tapan Monroe, CEO of Low & Econom- Nevertheless, Garriga adds that “in one ics Consulting Group. year people were much more aware and The module entitled Investment oppor- wanted to learn more about the figure tunities and analysis was devoted to of the business angel.” For this reason, finding investment opportunities on the latest edition focused on a more the market. “We explained which practical, domestic approach. “You can projects are appropriate and where to find the theory in books, but our main find them,” says Garriga. One interest- goal was to provide the tools needed to ing part was the importance of people professionalize this field. For this reason in this point. The two speakers were we chose speakers who could give a two private investors with longstanding more pragmatic vision of the situation,” careers: Jordi Robert i Ribes, Manager explains the La Salle supervisor. of Inversions Portals Mòbils, SL, and The profile of participants included both Francesc Robert i Ribes, Vice President new private investors and those who of La Seda. had already closed two or three trans- The coordinator of the Business Angels actions and were wondering whether or School explains that “the speakers not to venture into others. made it clear that there are many ways of valuating a company, but that the The workshops were a success, and the number of assistants far outstripped the organisers’ expectations most important thing is the people.” And he added that “a good idea with a mediocre entrepreneurial team may not be successful, but a mediocre idea with a good entrepreneurial team will most likely work.” The third module, Valuation of compa- The latest edition was organised into five nies and due diligence, dealt with how modules: Introduction to the market of to assess these emerging companies, private investment, Investment oppor- especially the ones with a high tech- tunities and analysis, Valuation of com- nological component, and with finan- panies and due diligence, Investment: cial and market due diligence. The legal and tax factors, and Monitoring speakers were Carles Trenchs, Head and the exit process. of Emprendedor XXI at “La Caixa”, and Eduard Mendiluce, Director of Desen- Developing the workshops volupament Immobiliari Port Aventura. The first workshop, Introduction to the The next workshop, called Investment: market of private investment, was an legal and tax factors, dealt with how to overview of the issue. It discussed the draft the new company’s bylaws. The figure of business angels, a network of speaker was Ignasi Costas, a founding private investors in Catalonia. In this member of Rousaud Costas i Duran. session, the general manager of Skype Ricard Garriga pointed out that “it is España spoke, as an example of an quite a complex issue because if clear entrepreneurial company that has been entry conditions are not set, the exit successful thanks to help from this type process will not be trivial.” of capital. Secondly, the journalist and The last module, Monitoring and the sociologist Manuel Campo Vidal spoke, exit process, dealt with how once a Innova La Salle Different points in the workshop 53 ENTREPRENEURS business angel has entered a company and helped to shape it, he leaves it in the hands of venture capital. This is called the ‘exit process’ and it comes when the investor wants back the money he has injected into the company. In this case, the speakers were Àngels Roqueta, General Manager of Suma Capital, and Marc Lloveras, CEO of Invertec. The main goal of the school was to professionalize the figure of the business angel Basically, our goal was to professionalize this world. As it is on the rise, we wanted to provide tools so that these THE UniBA NETWORK The UniBA Network aims to be a benchmark for private investors. Participants include La Salle and the four other most prominent Catalan universities: the University of Barcelona, the Polytechnic University of Barcelona, the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the University of Girona. The idea emerged at La Salle two years ago with the La Salle Investors’ Club, which sought private investors interested in highly innovative projects. Every month it organised a luncheon with 35 active business angels. Two or three innovative companies would come, and their entrepreneurs would present their projects. The investors would then study these projects to decide whether or not to invest. was clear that this made no sense, because investors were obliged to get in touch with all the institutions in order to study the projects coming from different networks. For this reason the decision was taken to create a single private investors network, which would bring together the leading Catalan university. Thus the UniBA Network was formed. From then on, a very heterogeneous group of private investors that analyses highly innovative and varied business plans was created.. It was seen that the network worked. As every university already had or was starting the process of creating their own network, it people could work successfully. 54 Assessments ment.” The coordinator of the Business networks focused on different types “The result was excellent,” claims Garriga. Angels School proceeded to analyse the of projects. Currently the one of most “In addition to professionalizing this world, situation with our neighbours on the active ones is the UniBa Network, we want these people to join the UniBA European continent: “Europe is more which specialises in innovative tech- (University Business Angels) Network.” conservative, and Spain is at the tail nology and biotechnology projects at As for the overall situation, he explains end. England and France are the most the university. With regard to Spain as that “the global point of reference is advanced, as they already have private a whole, the process of creating private Silicon Valley, where many companies investor networks.” investor networks is just getting under- are created. For that reason there is With regard to the situation in Cata- way, with models very similar to the extremely high level of private invest- lonia, there are some private investor Catalan ones. x Innova La Salle GETTING TO KNOW LA SALLE MEETINGS WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF THE MAIN POLITICAL PARTIES During the past election campaign, La students at the school is not necessar- Historically, roads, water channels, rail- Salle became a meeting point of the ily finding a job. This phase has already ways, electricity and the like have been different professional and business been passed. Now the main concern considered basic infrastructures. How- associations of La Salle Engineering, is professional development, either by ever, these are now the infrastructures in both the first and second cycles of being able to grow within large compa- of the 20th century. study. The association and the school nies with headquarters in Catalonia or The infrastructures of the 21st century served as hosts at a total of six gath- by creating our own companies. must include telecommunications as erings with the representatives of the The main concern is professional a key factor in competitiveness, and main political parties. development, either by being able in the near future, with the inclusion ICV attended with Lluís Postigo, CiU to grow within large companies with of telecommunications in the health- with Miquel Teixidó, PPC with Santiago headquarters in Catalonia or by crea- care and security sectors, they will Rodríguez, PSC with Jordi Valls and ERC ting our own companies. be equally if not more important than with Joan Puigcercós. From a constructive standpoint, our goal was to participate in developing the political parties’ action plans by contributing what we think you as alumni are asking of our representatives. We also had another goal: to strive to turn the La Salle Schools of Engineering and Architecture into a neutral meeting roads or electricity. The main concern is professional development, either by being able to grow within large companies headquartered in Catalonia or by creating our own companies point where the representatives of our The majority of political parties have begun to include this language in their discourses, and we are confident that after these gatherings this will become even more common. However, when will we have a clear and formally communicated policy on telecommunications infrastructure? When will we have a strategic telecommunications plan society, both professionals and politi- In order to accomplish this, we need for our country? And, above all, when cians, can discuss their proposals with telecommunications to be given a will specific actions be taken aimed at the security and trust provided by a set- prominent position as it is strategic developing ting that is politically neutral yet utterly both in the sense of developing our and telecommunications as both a ver- committed to the professional develop- current infrastructures as in attracting tical and horizontal sector at the same ment of students in the different degree companies from the sector that will level as those taken for the healthcare programmes offered at the school. also help to launch auxiliary compa- and aeronautics sectors, which, by the As an association, we believe that the nies and indirectly create thousands way, are hampered if they do not have main concern of our members and of jobs. the proper telecommunications? x Innova La Salle information technologies 55 CULTURE AND LEISURE BILBAO: AN ECLECTIC, NUANCED CITY The grey city. This is the cliché that weighed on Bilbao like a tonne of bricks until the Guggenheim was built. The museum has become the symbol of a revolution in urban planning. But this modern image can also become a reductionist vision of the capital of the region of Biscaia if we do not take into account another architectural gem: the old part of town. Text and images: Ivan Sànchez “Bilbao is getting more interesting by or this reason, one of the most interest- The vestiges of this ancient village can the day.” This sentence by author Pio ing routes for visitors consists of follow- be found in the old town, which you Baroja has once again become valid. ing the river from the old quarter to the can easily reach via one of the most While the energy crisis in the early most modern area. By doing so, we can advanced underground systems in 1980s left a desolate scene of indus- travel through the city’s entire history Europe. The stop leaves you at Una- trial ruins in its wake, the architectural from its mediaeval origins to its most muno square, where your first impres- transformation in the late 1990s has futuristic expressions. sion will be that you have left the city catapulted the city onto the interna- only to find yourself deposited in the tional scene. The old town most rustic of villages. A bust of the Its toponym comes from the term bi Bilbao was founded in 1300 by Diego writer and philosopher predominates albo, which in Basque means ‘two López de Haro, lord of Biscaia, who just a few metres away, on Ronda sides’. Indeed, the most populous city granted the category of village to what street. in the Basque Country spans both until then had been a small fishing and A stroll through the narrow streets of the banks of the Nerbion river. farming village. old quarter says everything: the shops have names like the old butcher’s, hat shop, grocer’s and ball’s, amongst others. Right at the heart of this quarter, where the city’s seven centuries of history is palpable, you can find the Santiago cathedral, a Gothic church built in the late 14th century featuring a large arched portal. The spot where the old town meets the river is scenic. A series of purely bourgeois-style houses with expansive windows seem to lean out over the water to catch a glimpse of it. Welcome to today’s Bilbao Following the Nerbion, you will reach the Uribiarte walkway designed by architect Santiago Calatrava. It is like a huge signal announcing that you are entering the most futuristic facet of Bilbao. If you leave it behind, you will enter Abandoibarra, the former industrial port which has now become the epicentre of this Basque city’s transformation. 56 Innova La Salle CULTURE AND LEISURE Futurism and modernity in calcareous stone, others curved and glass and titanium were computer- Your eyes will inexorably be lured by an twisted covered by a metallic titanium designed. The glass curtain walls imposing transatlantic steamer trapped skin. These volumes are combined with have been specially treated so that on the banks of the Nerbion. The Gug- glass curtain walls that make the entire the daylight does not harm the works genheim Museum, the masterpiece of structure transparent. of art inside, while the metallic panels American architect Frank O. Gehry, is Because of their mathematical com- covering much of the building like fish the unquestionable symbol of Bilbao’s plexity, the sinuous curves of stone, scales are titanium plates measuring urban revitalisation. Its 3,300 pieces of titanium make an outer covering in which light and shadow clash in an utterly anarchic battle. This scene is not a frozen image, rather it is full of dynamism, in which the undulating parts of the building twist in the process of gestating a vast heap. This apologi for chaos is completed by the curtain-shaped windows, which form a striking kaleidoscope. The Guggenheim Museum, the masterpiece of American architect Frank O. Gehry, is the unquestionable symbol of Bilbao’s urban revitalisation All these sensations are due to the fact that the building is composed of a series of interconnected volumes, some of them orthogonal and covered TENTH ANNIVERSARY This year the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao is celebrating its tenth anniversary. Since it was opened on 19th October 1997, more than nine million people have visited it. Throughout this decade, the works of Picasso, Andy Warhol, Eduardo Chillida, Alexander Calder, Willem de Kooning and Mark Rothko have been exhibited there. The events commemorating this anniversary include exhibitions by artists such as Pablo Palazuelo, Anselm Kiefer and Albrecht Dürer. Since October, the exhibition called Each in their own Taste has displayed a set of works commissioned to a group of emerging Basque artists just for the occasion. Innova La Salle 57 CULTURE AND LEISURE a mere one millimetre thick, a mate- flower from which a warm, cosy light from the outside by their stone cladding. rial that it easy to maintain and is quite emanates to fill the space. In contrast, there are nine more halls durable. The terrace, which can be reached that feature a unique irregularity and are The main entrance to the museum is from the atrium and boasts views of identifiable from the outside by their tita- reached via Iparraguirre street, one of the river and the water garden, is cov- nium cladding. the main streets in the city that cuts ered by a canopy resting on a single The largest works fit inside a gallery through Bilbao on the diagonal, in an stone pillar which serves a twofold measuring 30 metres wide by 130 attempt to extend the city centre right function: protection and aesthetics. A metres long, which is totally devoid of down to the very door of the museum. broad ramp of stairs that sets out from columns and has a floor covering that By a broad staircase going down – a the rear façade goes up to a sculptural is especially made to withstand heavy somewhat uncommon design on insti- tower that was designed to absorb traffic and the weight of the works it tutional buildings – you can reach the and integrate the Salvi bridge into the showcases. x museum lobby, which thus resolves the architectural complex. difference in height between the river The three stories of galleries in the build- and the street level. It also makes it pos- ing are arranged around this central sible for a building measuring 24,000 atrium and are connected via curved square metres of surface area and over walkways, glass lifts and towers of stair- 50 metres tall not to exceed the height cases, like a metaphorical city. The of the structures around it. walkways that go up the inside walls are like vertical motorways, and the plaster 58 Inside curves crowning the atrium seem like Once you have gone through the lobby the nerves of this giant. and entered the exhibition space, you The building has a total of 11,000 will find yourself in an atrium, one of the square metres of exhibition space dis- most characteristic features of Gehry’s tributed into 19 galleries. Ten of them are designs. This lofty space is crowned orthogonal in shape and more classical by a skylight in the guise of a metallic in appearance, and they are identifiable EUSKALDUNA PALACE The Euskalduna Palace of Congresses, designed by architects Federico Soriano and Dolores Palacios, was built using naval technology. It symbolises the last ship built in the former Euskalduna shipyards. The building occupies 53,000 square metres, and it features an auditorium with 2,164 seats and the largest stage in Spain and the second largest in Europe (measuring 1,770 square metres). Montserrat Caballé said that it was the most wonderful hall she had ever sung in. Innova La Salle CULTURE AND LEISURE CONSTANT EVOLUTION The 3GSM World Congress brought together the main manufacturers and operators in mobile telephony in Barcelona. Right now, integrating interactive multimedia services is these companies’ main challenge By Abel Sierra Until now the talk about integrating The operators want each text message Video also raises high hopes. Telefónica interactive and multimedia services sent to cost the same as current short is developing video sharing, a hybrid in a mobile telephone has been more messages, although they are studying option between traditional calls and like a wish than a reality. At this edition the possibility of offering a flat rate and video calls, it is allows you to begin a of the 3GSM World Congress, which reaching an agreement with Messenger, voice conversation took place in Barcelona, it became in which computers and mobile phones images, if one of the users wants to clear that many of the companies in can share contacts and exchange show the other something (while keep- the sector have unveiled projects that instant messages. ing up hands-free conversations), and achieve this goal and will shortly be on the market. This is the case of Messenger for mobiles, which is about to be commercialised. Telefónica and Vodafone are preparing to launch on the Spanish market an alternative to this and then shift to then later go back to a voice call. For Messenger for mobiles will begin to be commercialised in the near future instant messaging programme, called the time being, the terminals that can support video sharing are the ones that have the most features on the market, while the sms 2.0 can be used on any terminal that can support Java, which now includes the majority. sms 2.0, which is especially targeted Finger-tip technology towards young people, the group that The Japanese multinational Toshiba Nokia keeps innovating uses it the most from both computers has achieved fingerprint recognition on For its part, Nokia has decided to focus and mobile phones. mobile telephony, and it has included on GPS and has introduced this posi- Nokia and Motorola have also launched this is a safety feature in its new Portégé tioning system into both its upcoming models that include a keyboard on their G500 and Portégé G900 models. There cutting-edge terminal for business terminals in order to use sms 2.0, which is no doubt that this was one of the most people, the I90 Communicator, works as a messaging system in which outstanding novelties presented at the the specific Nokia 6110 Navigator. users can see whether their contacts congress. Toshiba has chosen Windows Both devices will come with the Nokia have the mobiles on and are available Mobile as its programming platform for maps application which allows you or busy. The system of communication these two new devices, which offer syn- to plan routes, pinpoint restaurants, is the usual sms or short text message. chronisation between laptops and tel- check travel guides or check the One of the problems when commercial- ephones in aspects such as e-mail and weather forecasts. ising this product is the fare system. lists of contacts, amongst others. What is more, the company is also and focusing on the use of Internet in its mobile devices, with improved options for email in its terminals and voice over IP, the foundation of its three new Eseries models. The Finnish manufacturer was also the focal point when it unveiled its new N77 model, which includes live TV and is added – albeit in a smaller model – to model N92 launched in 2005 with an integrated antenna for mobile DVB-H television signal technology. x 59 CULTURE AND LEISURE Books ‘A SARRIÀ-SANT GERVASI: LES COTXERES’ Early in 2005, the Sarrià-Sant Gervasi de Sarrià by J. A. Coderch. Based on headquarters of the Barcelona chapter this exhibition, the book A Sarrià-Sant of the Official Architects’ Association Gervasi: Les Cotxeres was published. of Catalonia (Col·legi d’Arquitectes de This book is the culmination of the efforts Catalunya) organised an exhibition undertaken over the years and recalls on the row of houses in Les Cotxeres the value of an architect who produced affordable works with international repercussions and has become a reference point for many architects until today. What makes this book interesting is that it does not just compile information about the Les Cotxeres de Sarrià project, rather it also includes texts from lectures, conversations and reflections dating from the time of the project and about J.A. Coderch in general. Each of them gives his vision of the The authors of the book are Federico importance of Coderch’s works in gene- Correa, Carles Rochs and Josep M. ral, and of this particular work, both Rovira, and the editors are Julio Garnica when it was constructed and how it has and Josep Maldonado. fared over time. La Salle Architecture presents a guide to the architecture of Mataró The project originated from a study by students about the architecture in their town. The faculty noted the quality of the study and suggested that a series of guides be co-written by students and Magda Mària, director of the project. The architectural guide, called ‘Guia d’Arquitectura de Mataró’, was produced with economic support from the Generalitat de Catalunya’s Department of Education. Two previous projects published by the La Salle Architecture School include the guides to L’Hospitalet de Llobregat and Campdevànol. All three share a desire to educate and get the most of architecture from Catalan towns, regardless of how many inhabitants they have. 60 Innova La Salle CALENDAR INTERNET ‘Metges Catalans a l’exili’ Construmat 2007 Useful websites In its 15th edition Construmat will continue being faithful to its innovative policy in the areas of public housing, avant-garde architecture and sustainable construction. This time it will also include new activities and spaces to The exhibition entitled ‘Metges Catalans promote communication in the sector a l’exili’ (Catalan doctors in exile), spon- and generate opinions that help to find ¬ www.asfes.org/article61.html sored by the Official Doctors’ Association solutions for the future. Arquitectes Sense Fronteres (Architects of Barcelona (Col·legi Official de Metges It will feature a new edition of APTM (this Without Borders) is a non-governmental de Barcelona) aims to pay homage to, time, however, its discourse will revolve organisation for development (NGOD). and reclaim the historical memory of, the around This university professors who were obliged to housing), as well as Casa Barcelona, professionals in the field of construc- flee from the country to achieve a new where you can see the outcome of the tion that voluntarily work in cooperation professional position after the Civil War. work of a group of prestigious architects projects in the fields of archaeology, The exhibition focuses on the study by and leading manufacturers in the sector. urban planning, infrastructures, build- professors in the Faculty of Medicine at The International Construction Fair, ing and the environment. You can find the University of Barcelona, and through organised by Fira de Barcelona, will be information on its activities and projects materials rescued from the past, it shows held at the Montjuïc and Gran Via trade on the website. the degree of professionalism of these fair grounds. Until 19th May 2007. multi-habitats: multipurpose association primarily includes doctors and the irreparable loss that their exile meant to our country. At the Col·legi Official de Metges de Barcelona, Pg. de la Bonanova, 47 – Sarrià Sant Gervasi. Until 21st May 2007. ‘Offjectes. Concepts i dissenys per a un canvi de segle’ ¬ www.sidmar.es This is a website devoted to spreading Nowadays, emerging objects follow new studies and services in the field of ocea- models of experimentation which are nographic engineering, which helps often remote from enterprise and insti- you to get an idea of and enjoy this tutions, and design is revealed to be a ‘Leonardo, geni curiós’ transversal act. The exhibition entitled With the exhibition entitled (Leonardo, closer to nature. On this page you can ‘Offjectes. Concepts i dissenys per a Curious Genius) the Museu Marítim de learn about this engineering speciality un canvi de segle’, (Offjects. Concepts Barcelona is aiming to show the public and find out about the main disciplines and Designs for a Change in Century) Leonardo da Vinci’s Atlantic Codex. This and aspects making it up. aims to be a tool for discovering items, is an important compilation of drawings creators and ways of doing things in the and projects by the Renaissance genius post-Olympic generation in the realm of gathered together after his death. What object design in our country. is more, the show also displays a total The show gathers together 104 items of 23 models of the machines that da from 70 different designers, a jumble of Vinci designed. all types of objects ranging from house- The models exhibited include works ¬ www.rrhhmagazine.com hold items and furnishings to lights and of military art – like a rescue bridge, RrhhMagazine is an online medium rugs, toys for adults, installations, etc. a wooden cannon and a tank – as well specialising in information aimed at At the Museu de les Arts Aplicades as models for architecture and instru- furthering knowledge about human – Museu de les ments for measurement and hydraulic resources and business management. Arts Decoratives, engineering. The website is an integrated working Av. Diagonal, 686, The exhibition, which opened on 15th tool that is comprehensive, user-friendly Les Corts. Until March of this year, will be open to the and effective, which human resources 15th April 2007. public until 2nd September. professionals can use on a daily basis. Innova La Salle academic discipline in a different way, 61