Knightly Informer April newsletter
Knightly Informer April newsletter
The Knightly Informer Volume 12 Number 8 De La Salle North Catholic High School Principal's Message SAVE THE DATES 4/19-4/21 AKWANTU. Junior April 2013 April 2013 Retreat. Camp Howard. 4/25 Changing Destinies Luncheon. Dear De La Salle North Catholic family: 4/26 Beverage House Catastrophe. As you read this note, we have but nine weeks of school remaining. And a calendar jammed up with activities and deadlines and ceremonies. It’s what happens at every school every year’s end. There is both a lot to do and a lot to experience. School Talent Show. 7-10pm. Auditorium. 4/26 END OF 5TH TERM 5/1 Parent Advisory Council meeting. Final meeting for this academic year. 5:30-7pm. Library. 5/3 Senior Retreat 5/10 Founder’s Day of Service. All students attend: NO CIP. 5/11 3rd Annual Community Dinner (fundraiser for Class of 2013. Cafetorium. 4-7:30pm. See flyer inside for details. 5/17-18 District Track Meet @Catlin Gabel 5/18 Spring Prom. 8-11pm. See flyer inside for details. 5/22 Knight Life Awards. 7pm. Auditorium. 5/23-24 State Track Meet @U of O April is Alcohol and Drug Awareness Month Around here, April carries a special meaning for juniors. In a scant week, the Class of 2014 will step into its Akwantu weekend, one of the most meaningful few days students here encounter. It is a time when juniors examine their relationship with God and with each other. Shortly after the Akwantu weekend, juniors go on college campus visits throughout the Portland area, and a few go north to Seattle University. The juniors are but nine weeks from senior status, an occasion marked in early May when the Class of 2014 receives the torch from the Class of 2013. For seniors, they are feeling the gravitational tug of the next big thing – college. As they move through these remaining weeks, they encounter a series of ritual passages: the Senior Retreat, St. La Salle Day, the CIP Luncheon and Senior Reception, the Prom, College Sweatshirt Day, Senior Exams, Presentation, Baccalaureate and Graduation. I am especially pleased that the threshold to their last May together is the Senior Retreat, a moment for them to reflect on and gather up the experiences of their time together and, ultimately, make sacred their remaining days at De La Salle North Catholic. For all of us, we are seeing the bend in the road ahead, where this year turns in to 2013-2014. In this second week of the Easter season, please keep your beloved school embraced in your prayers as – for a bit of time – we live a dual life: embrace and cajole and exhort our current students, and then imagine and create and plan for our future students. Live, Jesus, in our hearts . . . forever! Blessings on you and your family, Tim Joy Principal 2 Knightly Informer Counselors Corner By parents Paul Stretch, LCSW and Alicia Richards, LCSW THE ANTI-DRUG Of all the topics that are difficult to talk to our teens about, alcohol and drugs are near the top of the list. The issue is not IF our kids are exposed to drugs and teen drinking but WHEN. We know alcohol and drugs are prevalent in teen circles – by age 16, 60 % of males have tried alcohol and 62% of females; around one third of 10th graders have used pot in the last 12 months. We could turn a blind eye to our students’ use of substances or we could tackle this issue head on. As always, when communicating with our teen about an important matter, it is essential to find the right time to talk – perhaps it is when the parent and teen are in the car (captive audience!) or at those moments when your child just seems more open (unpredictable as these moments are). We want to let our kids know that their safety and health are important to us and that we are interested how they think about using alcohol and other drugs. By entering into a conversation with our youth, we are inviting dialogue – not lecturing. In the dialogue process, we have the opportunity to state our opinions and expectations regarding drugs and alcohol as well as hearing where our kids’ heads are around this issue, so we can truly communicate with each other. Sharing information with your child ( , your values about drug and alcohol use and negative experiences which people in your family have had involving drugs or alcohol can be helpful starting points for conversations. Students Against Driving Drunk has created a contract for parents and youth which calls upon the teen to call a parent if they are impaired and has adults agreeing to pick up the child, no questions asked. April 2013 We parents have more sway than we imagine with our kids. A Roper poll stated that 76 % of youth said parents were a leading influence in their decision about whether to drink. Maybe the commercial was right – Parents can be the Anti-Drug! Potluck in the Park This event happens each Sunday at 3pm in O’Bryant Square in downtown Portland rain or shine. De La Salle North provided volunteers from Ms. Polly Waibel’s junior religion classes who were on hand to serve the needy on April 7th. Please join in appreciation to these students for their generous spirits: Nylaul Beng, Cortnee Grice, Lauren Rojas, Feather George, Larry Kemp, Mike Fesser, Brandon Chadney, Quincy Sarpong, Cheyenne Hilliard, Taryn Jones, Sam Ballas, Harumi Sokau, Jessica Trinh, Henry Sissac, Vishal Narayan, Jayde Thomas, CJ Ughamba, Dayja Curry, Tina Myers, Lizzy Evans, DaeDae Johnson, John Rudolph, Darion Smalley, ChiShayla Kimmons, Anquette Collins-McKinney and Andrew Myers. —Courtesy of Ms. Polly Waibel, Religion LYM’s Upcoming Activities April 19th-21st -Akwantu (Junior Retreat) April 26th - Last BHC of the year! May 10th- Founder’s Day of Service May 18th-Prom Service opportunities in April include Habitat for Humanity, St. Francis Dining Hall, Rebuilding Together with Notre Dame Alumni Club. —Maddie Kettner, Lasallian Volunteer The Knightly Informer Publication of De La Salle North Catholic High School Portland, OR 97217 — 503-285-9385 Available online at: Submission deadline: Last Friday of the prior month. Send to April 2013 Knightly Informer Chemistry Corner —Brett ApRoberts, Chemistry Teacher Several students recently took a field trip to an engineering and manufacturing company. Bob Peterson, the owner of Allied Power Products in Beaverton, hosted several De La Salle student on a “spend a day.” Leigh Norris, Lewis Marshall, Nyilah Armstrachan, and Brandon Chadney, who are all interested in engineering and design spent the day exploring how the products Allied Power Products are produced. Allied Power produces metal models of bulldozers, dump trucks, cranes, and even airplanes like the new Boeing Dreamliner. The main part of their business is producing custom made industrial winches for use in construction cranes and hoists. The students learned about how computer aided design is used to design the products and the sales and marketing materials. They also learned how the finished products are customized and assembled for shipment to the customers. My mentor students also were privileged to have a guest speaker for a recent luncheon. Ms. Erdina Francillon from the Notre Dame Club of Portland came and spoke to the students about her college experience. She spoke passionately about her childhood growing up in Miami, Florida as a Haitian American. She shared how she was a good student but didn’t consider an elite school like Notre Dame until she was asked to apply for a summer program at the school her junior year. She encouraged the students to tell their unique stories when applying to colleges. She also let the them know that colleges needed students like them and the work ethic and strength of character they would bring to the universities. She challenged them to consider summer programs that might expose them to how colleges work and introduce them to the different courses of study. Thanks to Ms. Fancillon and The Notre Dame Club for the great lunch and presentation! History Corner —Edward Zupcic, Social Science Department The US History classes are about to enter the 20th Century! Students are working on Document Based Essays focused on the great debate between Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois. They are also studying the rise of urbanization, big business, the Robber-barons and all the labor challenges that came with Industrialization. 3 De La Salle North Catholic Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Please join us on Wednesday, May 1st, 2013 from 5:30-7:00pm. All parents/ guardians are welcome. We invite you to bring your voice and viewpoints to our conversation! A light dinner will be served. This is our last meeting for the 2012-13 school year. For more information and to RSVP, contact PAC Chair Dana Ingram by email, Volunteers needed for the Community Dinner! 1 or 2 more people to help with decorations Volunteers at Bounce House 4 total (two shifts) Volunteers to serve food. Still need 4 from 4:30-6pm and 5 from 6-7:30pm Need volunteers for clean-up committee Need greeters Need volunteers to help with children's activities Signup sheet will be at the front desk. — Courtesy of Micole Johnson, Senior Parent (Class of 2013 Fundraising) 4 Knightly Informer April 2013 Notes from the Business Office Financial Aid 2012-2013 It’s tax season once again. Financial Aid applications can be found at the front desk, or online at Choose the Admissions Tab and in the left column you will find the link to the online application. If you need help, please call 503.285.9385 x139 to make an appointment with the business office and we’ll help you complete the form. Tuition The final monthly tuition bills will be sent out mid-April and due May 1st. Please make sure to have ALL tuition and fees paid as soon as possible. Thank you for your prompt attention to this. SENIOR FAMILIES: Please remember that ALL tuition and fees must be paid and all textbooks, library books and sports uniforms must be returned prior to June 1st, 2012 in order for your student to receive their diploma on graduation day. Please contact 503.285.9385 x139 if you have any questions or concerns about meeting this deadline. Mealtime Lunch Accounts In response to parent request, we’ve upgraded our system to send out a weekly ‘Low Balance Alert’ when your student’s cafeteria account has less than $12 in it. When you receive this email, please send in a payment to prepay for your student’s meals. Cash and checks are accepted at the front desk. Credit or debit cards can be processed in the business office or called in to Sandi Mottau at 503.285.9385 x139. —Jill Stanclift, Director of Finance April 2013 Knightly Informer CONTRACT FOR LIFE A Foundation for Trust and Caring This contract is designed to facilitate communication between young people and their parents about potentially destructive decisions related to alcohol, drugs, peer pressure and behavior. The issues facing young people today are often too difficult to address alone. Effective parent child communication is critically important in helping young adults make healthy decisions. Young Person I recognize that there are many potentially destructive decisions I face every day and commit to you that I will do everything in my power to avoid making decisions that will jeopardize my health, my safety and overall well being, or your trust in me. I understand the dangers associated with the use of alcohol and drugs and the destructive behaviors often associated with impairment. By signing below, I pledge my best effort to remain alcohol and drug free, I agree that I will never drive under the influence of either, or accept a ride from someone who is impaired, and I will always wear a seat belt. Finally, I agree to call you if I am ever in a situation that threatens my safety and to communicate with you regularly about issues of importance to us both. ____________________________________________ Young Person Parent (or Caring Adult) I am committed to you, and to your health and safety. By signing below, I pledge to do everything in my power to understand and communicate with you about the many difficult and potentially destructive decisions you face. Further I agree to provide for you safe, sober transportation home if you are ever in a situation that threatens your safety and to defer discussion about that situation until a time when we can both discuss the issues in a calm and caring manner. I also pledge to you that I will not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, I will always seek safe, sober transportation home, and I will always remember to wear a seatbelt. ____________________________________________ Parent/Caring Adult ____________________________________________ Date and Time 5 6 Knightly Informer April 2013 April 2013 Knightly Informer 7 8 Knightly Informer April 2013 College Fairs Portland Spring College Fair will be held Sunday, April 21, 12:00 – 3:00pm, at the University of Portland – Chiles Center. Over 100 colleges from across the country will be participating in the program. This is an excellent opportunity for students/parents to find out more information about majors, scholarships, and financial aid. Register in advance at There will be no onsite registration, so it is important for participants to pre -register. The Pacific Northwest Jesuit Excellence College Tour (JET) will be held Monday, April 29, 6- 7:30pm, at Jesuit High School. This is an opportunity for juniors to get information on many Jesuit colleges. Some of those colleges are: Creighton University, Gonzaga University, Loyola Marymount University, Loyola Chicago University, Loyola New Orleans University, Marquette University, Santa Clara University, Seattle University, University of San Francisco, and Xavier University. Summer Opportunities for Juniors: Essay Contest open to all students 2013 High School Essay Contest with prize amounts of $500, $350, $250. The Oregon State Bar’s New Lawyers Division is sponsoring the contest for students grades 9 – 12. This year’s topic is about the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution and Case Law. Deadline to apply is May 9. The first, second and third place essays will be chosen based on the following: (1) Each essay must reflect the student’s writing and original thinking. (2) Each student must thoroughly, thoughtfully and persuasively explain his or her argument. (3) Each essay must be organized and typed using appropriate grammar, spelling and punctuation. Details are available on the Oregon State Bar’s New Lawyers Division website. essaycontest.html Two juniors from De La Salle will have the opportunity to participate in a college planning and exploration program to be held at Fairfield University (Connecticut) on July 7 - 13. The program is free except for a $200 commitment fee to insure that the students follow through. Minimum gpa to apply is 3.25. Applications are available in the Counseling Office. Return the completed application to Mrs. Ward by April 24. Selected students will be notified by April 30. St. Mary’s College of California Summer Institute “Talk Back to Socrates!” – for rising high school seniors. Session 1: July 28 – August 4 or Session 2: August 4 – August 11. Students engage great books in seminar discussion, laboratory and field work, and tutorial analysis. Each week-long session also includes a day trip to cultural offerings in the San Francisco Bay area. Application deadline is July 1. The following link will take you to the Institute website, and to complete schedules for each session, to readings lists, class descriptions and application materials: Scholarship Opportunities The Nordstrom Scholarship is available online at It is open to all juniors. Based on school/community activities; community service; financial need; teacher recommendation; and GPA of 2.7 or above. Deadline to apply is May 1. Eighty scholarships ($10,000 each) will be awarded. —Mrs. Ward, College Counselor April 2013 Knightly Informer 9 Towards their Destinies THINK BEFORE YOU ACT: a short film by Ashlea Frison, Class of 2013 The DLG Viral Video Scholarship Contest™ sponsored by the Davis Law Group was created as a community service project to help educate the public on safe driving practices by awarding a scholarship to the film student or video production enthusiast who creates the best public service announcement video. Our own Ashlea Frison who is a Caldera Arts Program participant has submitted her film to this competition. The talented Ashlea explains her work in her artist statement. The film Think Before You Act gives a detailed example of how people can be easily persuaded to go against their will. The woman in the video starts off with the right idea, which is to wait until her weekend to party. She knew if she went with her friends she would be drinking, but instead of going with her conscious she convinces herself that she will be safe. When she arrives at the club with her friends she gets distracted by the fun and energetic crowd. She forgets about her responsibilities for she has now lost her focus. She ends up having too many drinks. Her friends notice this as they all arrive at their home. They advise her not to drive by offering her a ride home, a taxi, and to stay a night with them. She passes up all of these offers, because she feels she is well enough to drive. She drives home not understanding how drunk she really is and she shortly dies in a car crash on her way home. While she is unconscious she sees her children she will no longer be with and can no longer take care of. She wakes up and she realizes this was only a revelation. She is grateful and she takes her second chance cautiously. She makes the wise decision and passes up the opportunity to hang out with her friend. When she looks at her children she visualizes what could have happened and she knows now why it is impor- tant to think before you act. See her work at -before-you-act-vvsc. Leave comments as that counts towards the public judging. “Public voting will consist of views, comments, likes/dislikes, etc on the contestants unique webpage. Voting will end on May 1, 2013.” Ashlea’s work Who do I see was featured in the Fresh Film NW 2012. Check it out on People to People Student Ambassador B ound fo r Eu rop e Come and help support 5 local Portland students including De La Salle North junior (Class of 2014) Sequoia Patterson who were chosen to be Ambassadors for the US, as they embark on a trip to Europe to promote “Friendship and World Peace.” Join Sequoia and friends for a Pasta Dinner and Silent Auction. On Saturday April 27th 5:00pm to 8:00pm. Location is Odd Fellows Lodge, 4834 N Lombard, Portland, Oregon 97203. Tickets may be purchased at the door. Prices are $5 for Child, $10 for Teen, $15 for Adult and $25 for Couples. More information on People to People Ambassador Programs can be viewed on their website ( Heading for Down Under De La Salle North Catholic junior (Class of 2014) Mariah Agnew has been invited to spend a week this summer participating in Australia’s Down Under International Games. She would represent Oregon on the West Central Conference Volleyball Team. Mariah is looking for community support to pay her expected expenses of $5,000. This Australia trip would be a powerful experience for her future. She hopes attending the tournament will open the opportunity to be noticed by college coaches and attain scholarship offers. It is also Mariah’s goal to make it to the Olympics. If you would like to sponsor Mariah go to the website, click sponsor athlete and fill out the required parts. If you have further questions, you may call her or her mother Lana Agnew at 503-432-8772. De La Salle North Catholic High School 7528 North Fenwick Portland, OR 97217 DLSNC has need of the following items: The Clothes Closet can use some skirts and young ladies slacks in good condition and in the appropriate school colors. Have you upgraded to a tablet computer? Our IT department is looking for additional laptops for classroom cart and for loan to students. Do you have Spanish language books, especially easy readers? Our library needs to boost the Spanish collection. Your generous donations accepted at the front desk. And thanks! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Have some unused or outgrown items? Featured in this issue Spring Cleaning? Principal's Message (1) Counselors Corner (2) Teacher Reports/Family Groups(3) Business Office/Community News (4) Contract for Life/Prom Flyer (Insert) 3rd Annual Community Dinner Flyer(7) Upcoming Student Opportunities (8) Towards their Destinies (9) Like us
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