Coledale Seaside Times - Coledale Public School


Coledale Seaside Times - Coledale Public School
Coledale Seaside
Coledale Public School
Thursday 28th April 2016
Week 1 Term 2
We would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which Coledale Public School is situated. We pay our
respects to the Dharawal people and to elders past, present and the future.
Important Dates
These are our upcoming events for the next couple of weeks. Be sure to check out our website for more events.
Coming Events
Term 2 Week 2
- Monday 2 May Coding Scope IT
- Monday 2 May Assembly 2.30pm Cola
- Wednesday 4 May Year 6 Talking Tactics
Parent night 6-8pm
- Friday 6 May Small Schools Athletics Carnival
for K-6 at Beaton Park
Term 2 Week 3
- Monday 9 May Coding Scope IT
- Tuesday 10 May P&C Meeting 6pm
- Tuesday 10 May NAPLAN Year 3 & 5
- Wednesday 11 May NAPLAN Year 3 & 5
- Thursday 12 May NAPLAN Year 3 & 5
- Friday 13 May TOM Training 8am
- Friday 13 May NAPLAN catch up for any
Future Dates:
- Friday 20 May District Cross Country
- Thursday 26 May 3-6 Excursion to Bulli HS to watch ‘The Wiz’
- Sunday 19 June P&C Family Soccer day
- Friday 1 July Grandparent’s Day and Olympathon
- Wednesday 7 December – Friday 9 December
3-6 School Camp to Mogo
Things requiring your attention –
If you have missed a note please check out our school website.
- Term 2 Coding Program – notes and money due.
- Athletics carnival note by Thursday 5/5.
- Years 3-6 return note for Wiz performance at Bulli HS.
Please Note:
Canteen commences next week – orders in by Wednesday
School Banking – bank books should be dropped to the office
before school on Monday mornings.
Principal’s Report
What a fabulous start to the term we have had– everybody appears relaxed and very engaged in their learning.
Preparations are well underway for our Athletics Carnival to be held next Friday. It will be an early start as
students need to be at school by 8.20 as buses will be leaving at 8.30.Please ensure notes have been returned
prior to Friday. Also remember that if you will be taking your child from the carnival we do require you to sign
them out.
For parents with ‘Gifted’ students in Years 2-6 be sure to read about Tournament of Minds below, you may just
like to nominate them. Year 4 parents be sure to read about Opportunity Class Placement applications below.
Many thanks to Michelle Morrison for all her hard work as our P&C Uniform Coordinator for the past few years.
Happy Mother’s Day to all our Mums and Grandmothers for Sunday 8 May.
Kind regards
Tanya Potter
699 Lawrence Hargrave Drive, Coledale NSW 2515
P: (02) 4267 1885
F: (02) 4268 143 8
Congratulations Coledale -Chloe Saxby Day
Our SRC Mufti Fundraising day for Chloe Saxby was a huge success and it made me so proud to be leading such a
wonderful school as Coledale. The funds raised were truly amazing and I know were very much appreciated by
the Saxby family. Thanks to Ms. Gould and the many parents and students who pitched in to assist with the bbq.
For those of you that may have missed the Sunrise article you will find it at
The following is a paragraph of a letter I received from Nyree Saxby following our event –
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of the beautiful, caring students, staff and parents at Coledale
Public School for raising $1,716.15 in support of “Saving Chloe Saxby”. I was in absolute awe of the student’s
compassion by taking it upon themselves to “give up something for the week” in order to be able to contribute to
today’s Rainbow for Research mufti day. Both parents and teachers are doing an amazing job raising these
children with such empathy from such a young age. Your generosity and support is truly appreciated
We will try and keep our community updated on Chloe’s progress as the year progresses.
Anzac Day
Many thanks to all the students who represented our school at the Dawn Service. Special thanks to our readers –
Phoebe, Cate and Hadin and also our Captains Lily and Matthew for laying the wreath. Thankyou to Ms. Gould for
also training and leading the choir.
Next year we will aim to have many more of our students actively representing as it has been a very positive
activity and one that fully supports our PBL value of showing respect.
Tournament of minds (TOM) is a problem solving challenge-based program for Gifted Students, in which students
work in teams to create solutions to open-ended challenges with complex criteria.
ToM teams consist of seven students from years 2 -6 with not more than two students from any one year level.
These teams must perform two types of challenge. The Spontaneous Challenge requires teams to demonstrate
their creative, collaborative, and innovative thinking strategies to give a unique response within a short
timeframe. Long term challenges are completed over a six week period. Teams must present their solution in a
ten minute dramatic format to a public audience on Regional Tournament day which this year is Sunday 21
August at UOW. Students must commit to being available on this day.
In 2016 Coledale PS will enter one team in this competition. To determine who our students are that will
represent our school in this competition we have decided to hold some Challenge sessions on a Friday morning
from 8-9am on 13/5, 20/5, 27/5, 3/6, 10/6 and 17/6. Teachers are currently looking at who they would like to
nominate as participants. We would also like to offer the opportunity for parents to nominate their children as
well. We realise some students do have ‘hidden talents’ so we appreciate parents input as well. If you feel your
child would be suited please write a short letter explaining why you think your child should be chosen to
participate in the challenge’s sessions. Outline their skills and behaviours that make them suited for this ‘Gifted’
program. Please send these to Mrs Potter by 3pm Friday 6 May. Ms. Gould, our TOM coordinator is happy to
have a number of students gain experience from her Challenge sessions.
Our TOM team ( 7 students) will be chosen after the challenge sessions. These students will then be required to
develop their Challenge and compete on Sunday 21 August. More information about TOM can be found at
OC Class – Year 4
Students in Year 4 may wish to consider applying for a placement in a Year 5 Opportunity Class for 2017. Online
applications opened on Tuesday 26 April and close on Friday 13 May 2016. You will find more information by
visiting Late applications will not be accepted.
699 Lawrence Hargrave Drive, Coledale NSW 2515
P: (02) 4267 1885
F: (02) 4268 143 8
The Opportunity Placement test is scheduled for Wednesday 27 July 2016.
Homework Policy
Thank you to the many parents that have offered to be part of the Homework review committee. Mrs Goulder
will be in contact shortly with details.
ScopeIt - Coding
The students will commence their lessons on Monday. We would like the families that have not replied to do so
ASAP, so we can finalise the arrangements with ScopeIt after the two generous lessons funded by the P&C.
Assembly Change
Due to our coding lessons we have had to move our awards assembly each Monday to the afternoon. These will
now be held at 2.30pm under the COLA and 2pm in week 5 and 10 in the Library.
Athletics Carnival
Our small schools carnival will be held next Friday 6 May at Beaton Park. Students are asked to be at school by
8.20am so we can get the buses away by 8.30. Notes and money should all be in by Thursday. Parents and friends
are most welcome to attend the carnival. Remember our students ‘safety is paramount, especially when we visit
public arenas, so parents must sign students out if they wish to take them away from the age groups coordinator.
Written permission must be given if parents wish their children to leave with other adults. The canteen is out of
bounds for our students.
Let’s make this a day to once again fly the great Coledale community spirit and have lots of spectators come
along and cheer on the efforts of all our students. In case of inclement weather please tune into Wave FM or I98
for an update.
Touch Football
Best wishes to Lily and Matthew who will represent our school at the District Touch Football carnival on the
same day as our Athletics Carnival. They will spend a short time at our carnival before rushing off to fulfil their
representative duties.
District Cross Country Team– There is training each Tuesday & Thursday mornings at 8.30am for all members
who will represent our school on Friday 20 May.
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Our PBL lesson focus this week has been ‘safe play’. Students have been discussing and roleplaying safe ways to
play with one another including no physical contact and walking only around the play equipment area. Teachers
are looking in the playground to see students demonstrating this focus of safety.
Show Respect
Engaged in Learning
Act Responsibly
P&C Canteen News
Dear Parents and Carers
Canteen will resume in Week 2 of Term 2, on Thursday May 5th.
Uniform News
The new sports shirts have arrived so anyone needing a new sports shirt for their child, please place an order
through the office and they will be distributed to your child the next time the uniform shop is open. Hooded
699 Lawrence Hargrave Drive, Coledale NSW 2515
P: (02) 4267 1885
F: (02) 4268 143 8
jumpers will no longer be a special order. The uniform shop will stock a small number of hooded jumpers in each
size. Over the next couple of weeks, there will be a transition with the uniform shop as Heidi Emerson begins her
role as the uniform co-ordinator. This will mean that the uniform shop will no longer be open on Thursdays as
Heidi will be opening it on a Friday instead.
Thanks for your support over the last couple of years during my time as uniform co-ordinator.
Michelle Morrison
P&C Fundraising BBQ Update
Thanks to all the volunteers who helped out at the Markets BBQ on the weekend. Although it was a quiet event
this month, we still managed to take in about $940. This year, the first three markets have been run by volunteers
because they fell on awkward dates – public holidays and school holidays. BUT it’s back to business. The formal
roster for the rest of the year has been emailed out to all families and a copy will be put in the P&C noticeboard
this week. Please check when your family are rostered on. If you can’t make your shift then please organise a
swap and let Jen Pope know so she can adjust the roster. Call or text 0411 043839 or
Another Interesting article shared with Mrs Potter this week by a parent:
Did you see the Catalyst story on reducing Myopia in children this week?
In short, the Sydney Myopia study has found that Myopia rates have gone through the roof due to children spending
time indoors learning (light levels aren’t high enough to trigger chemical production in the brain that affects eye
development).. However Aussie kids are doing much better due to time spent outdoors in our bright sunlight. So the
Aussie sun isn’t all bad - we might be all developing skin cancer but at least we will see them!? Anyway, thought it was
a relevant additional benefits to the outdoor multi–purpose
699 Lawrence Hargrave Drive, Coledale NSW 2515
P: (02) 4267 1885
F: (02) 4268 143 8
We would like to thank IGA Thirroul for their ongoing donations of food/drinks which are greatly
Mrs Gay Cahill has dropped a couple of her art works in to the office to try and sell. If you are interested,
come and have a look. She has more like these at her home and you can call her on 4268 4163.
The Glass jar/Shells is $50 and the artwork is $60.
1st in with cash – they’re yours!
699 Lawrence Hargrave Drive, Coledale NSW 2515
P: (02) 4267 1885
F: (02) 4268 143 8
699 Lawrence Hargrave Drive, Coledale NSW 2515
P: (02) 4267 1885
F: (02) 4268 143 8
Could your child do with some help in Maths or English?
There’s nothing quite like one-on-one tutoring to boost confidence and improve
results. I’m an ex-teacher who’s been tutoring for the last 5 years, and I’ve seen
some great turn-arounds! I enjoy the challenge of making work fun, and I love
seeing the difference it can make.
Available after school in Thirroul library, or at your home (close-by suburbs).
Call Jane on 0422 961 355 and let’s get started.
699 Lawrence Hargrave Drive, Coledale NSW 2515
P: (02) 4267 1885
F: (02) 4268 143 8
699 Lawrence Hargrave Drive, Coledale NSW 2515
P: (02) 4267 1885
F: (02) 4268 143 8