Midwest Note-Book, v. 3, no. 2


Midwest Note-Book, v. 3, no. 2
The Publication of the Midwest Chapter of the
Music Library Association
Yumber 2
ZSSN 1063-5327
September 1994
M m w m ~ P T E mms
Allie Wise Goudy. Program Chair
The Midwest Chapter meeting,
which takes place 27-29 October in
Blmmington. Illinois, is chock-full Of
interestine sessions and plenty
. . of
opportunity for professionalexchange (and
h a v i n ~a eood time too!). Now is the time
t o start making your plans to attend.
- -
Thursday afternmn (27 October), our first
regular scsston wtll be a delightful "New
Music Cafe," featuring the music of local
Etwmtngron-Normaiarea composersin an
informal setting.
We will have an
opportunity t o visit a t a reception that
followsat Jumers. On Friday morning, we
will be treated t o a talk by the president of
Illinois Weskyan University, Dr. Minor
. who will describe some of his
experiences as an amateur music collector.
Some of Dr. Myers's collection will be on
display during the reception a t IWU's
Shecan Library on Friday evening. Friday
morning's session will coneludewith s talk
by stephen Gossard and KimLloydon the
Circus Collection a t Illinois State
After our chapter luncheon and
business meeting, the Friday afternoon
session will reflect themes that seem to be
frequent topics of discussion whenever
music librarians get together. The first of
these. 'Two Hats. One Head,' is being
presented jointly by the Public Services
and Cataloging committees. The session
will explore the various types of split
positions that music librarians may
encounter, their pros and cons, and how
they affect job performance. Panelists will
offer their own (often diverse) points of
Copyright is another hotly
debated topic, and chapter members will
have theopportunity to hear from our own
aonna Boetteher, who ischair of the MLA
Legislation Committee
During the
session, panel memberswill present general
summaries of copyright legislation and
recent developments. There will be an
opportunity for questions, so bring vours.
You can even contact Bonna in advance if
you h a w a burning issue that needs t o be
with entertainment that will feature our
chapter member Ann-Marie Rigler in an
organ recital. This will be followed by a
reception hasted by the Shecan Library in
the library.
T o insure that we can deal with
the stress brought on by split positionsand thorny copyright issues (to say
nothing o i crowded cnapter meetings!),
Saturday's first session will present Dr.
Paul Salmon, s professor of clinical
psychology a t the University of Louisville,
in a workshop focusingon the physical and
psychological effects of stress on music
librarians. Dr. Salmon, who is a practicing
organist as well as a psychologist, has
presented many such workshops for
musiciansand published extensivelv in the
performance stress field. You may be most
familiar with his recent book, co-authored
by R. G. Meycr. Nota from the Qrocn
Rmm: Cnninr d h Stand Anxiety in
Musical P e r f m a n e e .
Finally, Bob Acker will offer us
hisfirst-hand experiencewith inter-active
~ s ~ e e k important
l l ~
will be
assistance with keeping current with this
new technology.
As I was finalizing this program,
I was struck again by the difficulty of
fitting all of the excellent programming
ideas into our short meeting time. And
these were only a few of the wonderful
suggestions that were presented for our
meeting! Thisis just another indication of
the enthusiasm of this vital chapter of
Iwould like t o thankBob Delvin,
Kim Lloyd, and Rick Jones for their
assistance with the program, as well as all
those who have planned programs and are
participating in the individual sessions. I
think the program will be well worth your
while, so plan t o attend the 1994 Annual
Meeting of the Midwest Chapter of MLA.
M m m NOTI?-BOOK (ISSN 10635327) is published three limes a year, in
May, September, and January, by and
for the membership of the Midwest
Chapter of the Music Library
Association. Subscription is by
membership in thc Chapter
$5.00 per year) or by payment of a
subscription fee of $5.00 .
per year.
Membership dues or subscription
payments should be sent to: Linda
iianig, Sccretary-Treasurer, Midwesr
Chapter, MLA. Music Collection, UWM
Librarv. P. 0. Box 604. Milwaukee.
wiscozkin 53201. MIDWESI. NUTEBOOK is edited by H~chardE. Jones.
Submissions of articles and other #ternsof
interest are welcomed a t 3427 Scarlet
Maole Court. South Bend. Indiana 46628
(cm'ail at RJONE~@VMA.CC.ND.EDU).
The Midwest Chapter of the Music
Library Association is a tax-exempt,
nonprofit organization.
Suppl. 1
EXCHANGE A P P L I C A T I O ~ s u p p ~ 2.
Midwest Note-Book, v. 3, no. 2
page 2
September 1994
Provided b y Bob Delvin, Chair, Local
Arrangements C o m m i t t u
The host institution for this
fall's annual meeting will be Illinois
Wcskyan University in Blwmington,
Illinois. The convention hotel will be
Jumcr's Chateau, 1601 Jumer Drive at
Veteran's Parkway (telephone 309-6622020). A hotel reservation card is
ineludedin this issue of MID=
The Thursday afternoon and
Saturday morning sessions will be held at
the convention hate!. The Friday
sessions and business luncheon will be
held on the campus of Illinois Weslcyan
University i n the newly remodeled
Manorial Student Center. Bus
transportation will be available t o move
conference attendees t o and from the
campus, however the local arrangements
commiltee requests that persons who will
be driving t o the meeting indicate on the
registration form whether they will be
willing t o provide car-pool rides between
meeting sites--about a ten-minute drive.
I f you have never visited a
Jumer Hotel before, you are i n for a real
treat! And even i f you have done so
before, you are still i n line for a special
experience since each hotel is uniquely
. .
decorated with lavish European antiques
and radtater an Old World elegance at
almost every turn--quiteout-of-context
t o the surrouhding Central lllinois
'flatscape." Jumer's Chateau boasts an
excellent and reasonably priced
restaurant and a cozy bar with live music
most evenings. plus a Friday night happy
hour with complimentary hors d'acuvres.
For the exercise conscious guest, there is
an indoor swimming pool, weight room,
saunas, and a game room. Therc is also
ample free parking and limousine service
to and from the Bloomington-Normal
Airport. Jumcr's Chateau is
conveniently located t o a wide variety of
restaurants, specialty shopping, and an
upscale department store. We trust that
i t will provide something for everyone.
The hotel convention room
rates for this year are $67.00 for a single
room and S76.M) for a double room. Any
additional persons are at $9.00 per
person per room. Use either the hotcl
reservation form included with the
WO1E-.OOR or call tollfree to 1-800-285-8637. I f placing mom
reservations by telephone, be sure t o
mention MLA. The cutoNdate t o
receive the convention rate is 5 October
so be sure to get your reservations
i n saon.
On the same page with the
hotel reservation form is the meeting
registration form. The fee this year is
$55.00. I t includes the opening night
reception with entertainment, the
chapter business luncheon, and
continental breakfasts on both Friday
and Saturday mornings.
L o u 1 P-am
The Thursday evening session
and reception this year is billed at a New
Mnsic a t . The comvositions of four
Bloomingtun-Normal cornpusers will be
featured in a performance b y facully
members of the Illinois wesicyan and
lllinois Stale University schools of music.
The composers will be present to
introduce their works and speak briefly
about their music.
The Friday morning session will
begin with a presentation b y Dr. Minor
Myers Jr., President of lllinois Wesleyan
University, on the joys or music
collecting. President Myers is a great
enthusiast of libraries and a collector of
some distinction. He is also an amateur
harpsichordist, and he will include a
premiere (7) performance of a hitherto
unpublished work by Charles Theodore
Pachelbel. Also on Friday morning,
Stephen Gossard and K i m Lloyd will
discuss the Illinois State University;~
extensive collection of circus
On Friday evening, we will
return to the I W U campus to hear an
organ recital b y chapter member Ann
Marie Rigler, third-place winner in the
1992 American Guild of Organists
National Young Artists Competition.
The organ is a 1984 Casavanl (2129)
located i n the Evelyn Chapel. There will
be a reception hosted b y the lllinois
Wesleyan University Library following
the recital; a display of musical artifacts
from the collection of President Minor
Myers will be available during this
Octtinl: There Imm Here (aWherever
Interstates 55
(connecting Chicago and St. Louis), 74
(connecting Davenport, Iowa, and
Cincinnati, Ohio), and 39lU.S.51 (a
major north-south route i n Illinois) all
converge i n Blwmington. Business 1-55
(Veterans Parkway) skirts the east side
of Elco.niagtos and serves as the
principal commercial "strip" (see map).
From 1-74,I-39,orU.S. 51, take -. .
Business 1-55 east and then south.
Jumer's Chateau is located along
Veteran's Parkway between College and
Vernon avenues: you cannot miss ill
Thc BlwmingtonNormal Airport is served by Transworld
Exoress.. ~ m e r i c a nEagle,
- . and Northwest
Airlines. Taxi fare is $5.00. Jumers,
however, provides complimentary
limousine service to and from the airport;
call the hotel 662-2020) when you arrive.
Rental cars are also available at the
isserved by Amtrack (the Chicago-St.
Louis route). Therc are several Amtrak
stops daily from either direction. Taxi
fare from the Amtrak station to Jumers
is approximately $7.00 and about $4.00
to the I W U campus.
W u r t b a (or Don't Blame the L o n 1
Anaopcmcots Committu)
The end of October i n central
lllinois is usually one of the most
pleasant times of the year. The weather
is generally lovely with comfortably
warm days (70s) and cool nights (40s).
Of course, it can get warmer or colder,
and rain is always a possibility, so come
prepared for all possibilities.
paloas dl!neaq os ale s ~ u a m a % u easaql
jo rsam ' r x j UI 'O~OSlem" lo ( r a u r o ~
dllenm) reruamnllsu! ~ a q l ! a ~ oa j~ q e ~ ! n s
%u!aq EE p?s!r~anpe slam asaqr !sza%ue>~e
snojamnu dq s r u a m a % u e u!~ ~paqs!lqnd
alam s'duos lelndod duem 'pueq
lJaJuo3 aql jo depdaq aq1 ul
lsom u! papnlm! osle sefi IuamnJlSU!
E ! ~ I JOJ J ! S " ~ pue ' d ~ e qe papnlau!
drlensn puea s.ernoS .uo!nn~lad
dluo aql aq dllelaua4 plnofi (loj
polls> j!) sllaq pue !uedm!t pue 'Ire re J!
'dl8~!n?dspasn alam sasselg 'uo!~slolo~
ppe plnom suloq jo E I ! B ~ pue spu!mpoofi
sseq aql op!no~d
Jaqro oqr pue
plnom seqnt jo puels a u o 'srau!le[J sseq
pue oxle qr!m %uole ' E ~ J ! ~ Ipue spuosas
ja qma puels u pue srs~!jjo s p u e ~ s
aalql JO %u!rs!suo~'aloa lau!lel3 r! punole
alqmssua % u ! d u e d m o ~ s!q
~ e il!nq esnos
'age3 qaea ul .s)uama%uelleleu!%!lo
jo uo!leam aqr pue ' s l u a m ! u s d w o ~ ~ e
l e l l r a q ~ ~joo uo!re~depe
'(s%uos lelndod l o j d l ~ s o m sluama%uelJ~
pueq paqsqqnd jo asn aql %u!pnl>u!
'qqel!ene peq aq sueam ianaleqm
dq sladeld s!q 01 stred luam!ueduro~~e
pap!ao~d esnos wpam leu!%!lo
pue saldrsja a % u e ap!m
e palano2
srs!olos IeJoh s.esnoS jo ai!olladaJ
aqr la41 uaas aneq aM
pueg esnos aqr u! dlruau!mo~d
~ e a d d essuos asoqm srasodmo~
1aq10 ale y l u m ~ 1 e 7q I pue 'dqalllm
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j 'r Lq uo!r~allo~
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dnayy aqL- pue ( q ~ e a gueltequeyy
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.'aSp!x anlg. %u!pnrau! '"ad umo s,ssnog
molj awe2 s%uaslelndod aql jo duem
'SuO!lwl?s 811a~sdo3qI ql!M SV
.aJooyy semoqL dq lelndod
apem saunl aqr uo d ~ ! ~ e a%u!merp
qs!JI/slO2S >ql Jo dflsolu am s%uos910~
a q ,~~ e a d d eosle (.lle3 JAOT ue!pu~.)
iamloj aq1 q%noqr~e
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slam alaql r e suo!i~aps~ a l q B !dosm
se a1am amql leqr pu!j aa par!~dlnrs e a I
'uo!laalto> aql ql!m %u!q~aaul
pus ' e n b ~ v . ~ ~'aurv
a p 'qvzoha <!ISOL
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osla srs!olos s . s s n o ~ .uo!loa,loa
aql u! q m a g d m v dq lnoj pue U!naN
tlaqlaqrg dq ~Buoran!) jo s ~ u a m a % u e ~ ~ e
ale alaqL . q ~ e daqt %u!pea~
dlfiorleu srasodwo~ueJ!lawv pUlj
am a n q pus ' u o m m o ~osle aram s%uos
Ile jo s r u a w a 4 u e ~ l v 'IapueH r e d l ~ e a
se pue !u!mnd se ulapom se ~ l a r a d m o ~
6q s y ~ o f ale
i alaql pus 'asan03 jo
'11afi se sreadde l a u ' d e ~'(L) lauarseyy
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~ ~pounoo
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s ~ a s a d m oeiado
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leJ!sse[J dlrsow s e a smel8oJd paru!ld
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uo!ss!m s.esnoS q~!m'dukdaaq u~
.%u!lqa!? allarsg s e a
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A P ~ Wa!~o!~ewpue (91-6061) I ~ X
e!u!%i!~aJam pueq aql q~!m isa%oolaql
palnor oqm om1 aqL .soue~dosdllsom
' S J ~ ~ U ! S~ I J O Jrnaqe sameu ~ d n l d
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pueq ap!nord 01 padoldma uaaq psq I E ~ I
slraaur aqr al!qm '%o!s!~d~nssdem amos
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' d ~ e l q !pueg
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uo!l~allo=aqi 10 d a n ~ n sB jo ~11"s"
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saq>Jem s.esnoS se lsnl 'sq~ofilofelu aql
or saloJwa se pasn
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d re raqorao 82 uo
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00:s re 11~1s
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u! pals!^ s! II ~uor%u!mwleumo~umop
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aDuass!euag ue?!mmy jo ydmaxa
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~ p a p n ~ u !aq I[!*
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oue!d aql JO suo!s!naJ laH 'S~JUaJaJUOJ
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q ~ l n q ~ b a bu sa n~ slque!d
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-au!ld!as!p pua ' d l l a d o ~ dlenl~al!>ru!
pue rq%!~ddo~
'sa!io1rKm paIe1aJ
-J!snu 'J!mW pue s q i m q l is!u!mg
'sue!J!snm leuo!~~!juoupue leuo!lJ!j
apUlXl! SlS?J?lU! qJJeaSll JaH
.%u!I~?uI2661 aq1 $8
s a u a q pue 'aq%!iddo~soap!^ no raded
R p a ~ u x a i dpUe %~!l?oyylanuuy E66i
aq1 la lamed .vlyy xny. ua uo paeadde
seq a q s 'aan!mmo3 uo!~e~s!'dal
V'IW aq1 jo i!eqa se % u ! ~ a oEle
s! euuoa .sale o p o l o ~ l u a a ~~ gU ! I M O ~
~ oq ~01 iaqotao sz dq paa!aJal aq
lsnw slollaq
'%U!IJJW [enuoe aq1
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bq l u x aq dam 1011eqaql !XOOII- LON
m ~ c n jonanss! s!q1 u!'aiaq*ala
srmdde alon >nod a~!Jal~!%al
JOJ lolleq
y .mol=q ieadde (ma41 dq pazlddns)
s?lep!pue= o a iq1
~ jo snqder%o!g
'lqB!i& u a q d a ~ spue raq~zxoog'1
euuoa :Jaldeqa aql jo IJarg-r!eqj/J!eq3
-aa!A se uo!~!md a q JOJ
~ solep!pum om1
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Jaldeq3 lSa*P!Iy ogL
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a ~d~ors!q
i!aql pua
sluama%ue,ae aql Xpnls 01 dleJq!g esnos
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Midwest Note-Book, v. 3. no. 2
Stephen's main research
interest is film music: he has given
presentations on film music at MLA
(1987. 1989. and 1994). MLA-Midwest
Chapter (1988). and the International
Film Music Conference (1991 and 1994).
He is co-author of K s p i n g Smre: Film
Music 1980-1PB8(Scarecrow. 1991) and
compiler of A Pmtiminary Directory of
Film Music C o U s t i c n s in t h e United
S t a t m (Societ y for t he Preservation of
Film Music. 1991). He has also published
articles and reviews on the subiect and is
presently record review editor of THE
CUE SHEET (iournal
of the Society for
the Prcrervation of Film MUSIC).
Stephen is co-Iistowncr of FILMUS-L (a
LISTSERV discusston list devoted to film
S t e ~ h s nhas also published
articleson other topics in the MOUG
MANAGEMENT. The International
Dictanary d O p r a . and
Encyclopedia ol Library and Information
Science. Hc is a i s a a member of the
editortal board of MUSIC REFERENCE
T h e membership year starts
and ends with the ending of the Annual
Business .Meeting of the chapter. Only
chaptcr members-in-good standing (is..
those who have paid their dues) are
elieible to vote in chapter elections and
receive the chapter publication.
dues have not risen for years despite an
ever-increasingexpense ro the chapter
for the publication and distribution Of
publications and the cost o f other
chapter activities.
A form in included with this
issue for renewing your membership and
. a.v i -n n199J-95 dues. Dues can be paid
by mail. using this form. o r paid at
registration a t the meeting. Don't let
your mcmbership in this vital
organization lapse. The Yidwcst
Chapter of Y L A wants you! (And if you
know of someone r h o has allowed his or
her membership to lapse. now is the rime
t o get after that person ro rejoin the
paae 5
September 1994
I am pleasecd t o announce that the Music Library Association Board of Directors
has again agreid to support the Midwest Chapter ~ i b r a r i a "Exchange Program for the
1991-95 war. In the May issue of Midwest N o t e - B w k Allie Goudy. rcported
on last "ear's
awards. which went to Holly Borne (Butler Cniversity). Lew Bowling (University of
. . and Laura Gayle Green (University of Missouri--Kansas City).
.. Reports lrom
the participants indicated that the program was a real success. These reports helped
convience the MLA Board of the value this .program
has for the ContifluinE education of
music librarians in the Midwest Chapter.
T h e application guidelines and an application form are part of this issue of
Midwest Note-Book Rick Jones o r I will be happy to answer any questions you might have
about the program. I encourage all chaptcr members t o apply.
Also in this issue of Midwest Note-Book you will find all the details of our annual
meeting in BloomingtaniSormal. Bob Delvin has done an outstanding job with laczl
arrangcmenrr. and the program is varied and exciting. I look forward lo seeing you all ar
the end of October. L'ntil then. enjoy the fall!
Leslie Troutman. Chapter Chair
BIoomington/NormaI Access Map
27-29 OCTOBER 1994
--- Preliminary Program ==
Thursdav, 27 October
12:00 NOON
5:00 P.M.
1:30 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Chapter Committee meetings
Publications Committee (business meeting)
Cataloging Committee
Membership Committee
Public Services Committee
Freservation Cormittee
By-Laws Committee (business meeting)
5:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.
Dinner on your own
7:00 P.M. - 10:30 P.M.
"New Music CafB"
Bloomington-Normal Area Composers
Reception follows
Fridav, 28 October
7:00 A.M. - 8:00 A.M.
8:00 A.M.
8:15 A.M.
9:00 A.M.
Chapter Executive Committee meeting
Buses leave Jumer's Chateau
Illinois Wesleyan University Student Center
9:15 A.M.
Dr. Susan Stroyan, Director,
Illinois Wesleyan University Library
Dr. Robert Kvam, Director,
Illinois Wesleyan University School of Music
9:15 A.M. - 10:15 A.M.
"The Joy of Music Collecting"
Dr. Minor Myers, President,
Illinois Wesleyan University
Note-Book, v. 3, no. 2
September 1994
p a ~ e7
== Preliminary Program, Friday, 28 October, continued
10:15 A.M. - 10:30 A.M.
10:30 A.M. - 12:OO NOON
"The Illinois State University Circus Collection"
Stephen Gossard and Kim Lloyd,
Milner Library, Illinois State University
12:OO NOON - 2:00 P.M.
2:15 P.M.
Luncheon and Business Meeting
3:45 P.M.
"Two Hats on One Head: Split Positions and Music Librarians"
(Co-sponsored by the Public Services and Cataloging committees)
Moderators: Lew Bowling (University of Kentucky) and
Mary Huismann (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater)
Linda Hartig (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Anna Sylvester (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Bsnne J. Boeictcher (Bowifng Green State University)
Beth Christensen (St. Olaf College)
3:45 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.
4:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.
"Shades of Gray: A Practical Discussion on Copyright Issues
and Concerns"
Eonna J. Boettcher (Bowling Green State University)
Laura Gayle Green (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Anna Sylvester (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
5:15 P.M.
Buses return to Jumer's Chateau
5:30 P.M. - 7:30 P.M.
Dinner on your own
7:45 P.M.
Buses leave for Illinois State University
8:00 P.M.
Organ Recital (Evelya Chapel)
Dr. Ann-Marie Rigler
9:15 P.M. - 10:30 P.M. Reception (Sheean ~ibrary)
hosted by the Sheean Library with
display of musical artifacts from the collection of
Dr. Minor Myers
10:45 P.M.
Buses return to Jumer's Chateau
Midwest Note-Book.v. 3, no. 2
September 1994
== Preliminary Program, continued =
Saturday, 29 October
8:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M.
Users Group meetings
8:00 A.M.
"A Workshop on Stress and Time Management for Music Librarians"
9:00 A.M.
9:00 A.M.
Officers and Committee Chairs meeting
11:OO A.M.
Paul Salmon, Ph. D.
Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology,
University of Louisville
Richard E. Jones (University of Notre Dame), moderator
11:15 A.M.
12:00 NOON
"Music Interactive Multimedia: Keeping Current"
Robert Acker (DePaul University)
page 8
Midwmt Note-Book,
v. 3, no. 2
September 1994
Chapter Chair : Leslie Troutman (University of Illinois); Past-Chair : Allie Goudy (Western Illinois University);
Secretary-Treasurer : Linda Hartig (University ofWisconsin-Milwaukee); Nevslctter Editor : Richard E. Jones
(University of Notre Dame)
S t d r Committee: Bonna Boettcher (Bowling Green State University), Jean Geil (University of Illinois), chair,
Marty Jenkins (Wright State University). Sue Stancu (Indiana University), Steven Sundell (University 01WisconsinMadison).
B v h n Gmaittci: Beth Christensen (St. Olaf College), ehair. Allie Goudy (Western lllinois University). Jack Knapp (Oberlin
College Conservatory), Stephen Wright (Northern Illinois University).
C.1~ n i m i t t e e :Paul ~ a u t h i n( ~ n i v e m i 01
t ~ Cincinnati). Grace ~ i l z g e r a l d(University of lowa), Lynn Gulliekson
(University of Wisconsin-Madison), Mary Huismann (University of Wisconsin-Whilewater), chair, Ruth lnman
(University of Illinois at Chicago), Mark Scharff (Washington Universily). Anna Sylvester (University of MissouriKansas City).
p Cammittsc: Anita Beater (Minneapolis Public Library), Linda Hartig (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), chair,
Sue Staneu (Indiana University).
Paul Cauthen (University of Cincinnati), Lynn Gullickson (University of Wisconsin-Madison), chair, Charles
Reynolds (University of Michigan).
Committee: Anita Realer (Minneapolis Public Library), Marlena Frackawski (Indiana University). Karen Little
(University of Louisville), Steven Sundell (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Therese Zoski (Southern lllinois
Universitv at Carbondale).,. chair
PrLlir S u v k a Colamiltee: Kathleen Ahromeit (Oberltn College Conxrvatory), Robert Acker (UePaul University). Ronna
R ~ t t c h ~ r i R ~ ~ I ~ n g t i r c e n S l a t r U n i v.e. r s i t y l Dornc(RutIcrUniversity).l.ewtsBowlinz(UniversityofKentucky),
chair, ~ e t christensen
(St. Olaf College), ~ o b e i ~t e l v i "(Illinois Wesleyan Uoiversity). Linda ~ a r t i (~niversit;ol
Wisconsin-Madison), Eunice Schroeder (Lawrence University).
F.LLiutLu pe;ry Rratcher (Northern Kentucky University), Grace Fitzgerald (University of lowa), Laura Gayle Green
(University of Missouri-Kansas City), Patricia Legg (Flint Pvblic Library), Anna Sylveaer (University of MissouriKansas City), Stephen Wright (Northern Illinois University), chair.
page 9
H i ~ h l i p h t sof t h e 1894 A n n u a t M e e t i n g in
Btoornington, I t t i n o i s
--- P r r l i m i n a r y P r o g r a m for the M e e t i n g
--- R a r i r t r a t i o n a n d HoteZ R e s e r v a t i o n f o r m s
--- " H i s F a i r e s t FZowsr: T h e M u s i c for VocaZ SoZoist:
and B a n d in the J o h n P h i t i p S o u s a L i b r a r y at the
U n i v e r s i t y of IZZinois"
--- A n r c o u n c e m e n t of C a n d i d a t e s for C h a p t e r Chair-Etect/Vice-Chair
a n d Their Biographies
ELmction BaZZot
--- I n f o r m a t i o n of t h e Excrhange P r o g r a m a n d A p p l i c a t i o n F o r m
M r n m CHAPTW ~ I L A
The MusicLibrary Association Board ofDirectors will again fund an exchange program for music librarians in the Midwest Chapter during
. .
1994-95. The ournose of this grant is t o offer a n opportunitvfor
music librarians t o exchanze information in ways not ~ o s s i b l ea t MLA meetines.
While chapter and national meetings provide very important and valuable opportunities for professional sharing and mentoring, these meetings
are brief and filled with many activities. T h e exchange could facilitate the developmcnt of a new expertise, reinvigorate a librarian in midcareer,
or help a new librarian gain basic and practical knowledge.
Funds can be requested for exchanges such as:
1. An exchange between two librarians who apply together.
2. A single music librarian who has identified a needs and wants to undertake an exchange but d m not know with whom. In this case,
the Librarian Exchange Program Committee will help identify an appropriate individual for t h e exchange.
3. A visit by one music librarian t o the facility of another--forexample, one librarian wishes t o learn a new skill from another librarian.
is not necessary or appropriate.
In this ease, a n
Eligibility requirements:
I. The exchange or visit must enhance the participating individuals' professional development in a demonstrable way.
2. Individuals must be members of the Midwest Chapter of the Music Library Association and the Music Library Association national
3. Applicants should include an indication that their institution(s) will support the exchange a t least t o the extent of allowing the
applicant t o take time t o complete the exchange.
4. Funding will not be awarded for collaboration on research activities.
Application procedures:
1. Each applicant or pair of applicants should submit a one-page proposal written in clear and straightforward language outlining what
the exchange or visit is intended t o accomptish. T h e rational should list the participants and purpose of the exchange o r the type of experience
desired. Describe needs clearly.
2. Each applicant o r pair of applicants should submit an estimate a n estimated budget covering travel, lodging, and meals. Although each
applications will be judged on its own merits, awards of more than three hundred dollars ($300.00) per person will generally not be granted.
Applicants should. however, apply for complete funding needed.
3. Applications should indicate dates of travel and length of stay for each participant.
4. Each participant should include a letter from the administrator(s) of the libraryllibraries involved indicating that the project, if funded,
will receive their support by way of released time, additional funding if needed, etc.
5. After the completion of the exchange, each participant will be required t o write a brief evaluation of hislher experience before
reimbursement is made.
For additional information, contact Leslie Troutman (217 244-4071; TROUTMAN@UIUC.EDU; F a x ] 217 244-0398) o r Richard Jones
Submit completed applications to:
Leslie Troutman
MLA Midwest Chapter Chair
University of Illinois
Music Library
2136 Musie Building
1114 West Nevada Street
Urbana, Illinois 61801
Deadline for applications:
Awards made bv:
Exchanges must be completed by
Reports due t o chapter chair by
4 November 1994
15 December 1994
1 April 1995
1 May 1995
Music Library Association
Midwest Chapter
Librarian Exchange Program 1994-1995
Application Form
1. Desicription (include purpose of exchange, individuals involved in exchange,
or des;cription of type of exchange desired, dates and length of visit(s):
2. Estimated budget:
Other (please explain):
3. Describe any support you are receiving from your institution, either in
time or money, toward this exchange:
You may use an additional sheet of paper if necessary.
Submit completed application to:
Leslie Troutman
MLA Midwest Chapter Chair
University of Illinois
Music Library
2136 Music Building
1114 West Nevada Street
Urbana, IL 61801
Room Reservation Form
Midwest Chapter, Music Library Assoication
October 27-29, 1994
Hail separately to: Jumer's Chateau, Reservation Dept.,
1601 Jusler Drive, Bloomington, IL 61704-0902. Deadline to
receive group rate is October 5, 1994.
October 26-29, 1994
Please 111ailthis card, or phone for reservations
Telephone (309) 662-2020
(800) AT KMER
Additional Persoo(s) 1.
Arrival Date
Gmup Alliliation
Double 1 2 Qucsn Size Beds. ...........
Jullior Suite ........................
....... ............ rates VaW
PLEASE CALL ~ ~ ~ 0 & 1 & 5 -RECE&
Depture Date
R w m Type
Single ............................
$67.00 0
Double I Qucm Si Bcd ..............
R*rervationheld until
6 PM willlout credit card
Cbsk Out 12 Noon
7% Sala Tax Applicnhlo
To All R a b Slmrm

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