16–19 March 2015
16–19 March 2015
PROGRAMMe 23 rd ANNUAL MEETING Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallographie D G K © SUB Göttingen; Pressestelle wiki • wikimedia.org/alcinoe 16–19 March 2015 www.dgk-conference.de Lesen und Wissen Kompetenz im Jahresabo ■ NR Mit wertvollem Begrüßungs-Geschenk Im Abonnement inbegriffen ist die jährlich erscheinende NR-CD-ROM mit allen Jahrgängen seit 2004! Der reguläre Bezugspreis beträgt jährlich € 186,zzgl. € 22,90 Versandkosten* Vorzugspreis jährlich € 168,- zzgl. € 22,90 Versandkosten* für Mitglieder VBIO (Verband Biologie, Biowissenschaften und Biomedizin in Deutschland e.V.); Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft und Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft; für Assistenten, Referendare Sonder-Vorzugspreis von jährlich € 152,zzgl. € 22,90 Versandkosten* für Mitglieder der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte Vorzugspreis von jährlich € 114,- zzgl. € 22,90 Versandkosten* für Studenten und Schüler (Nachweis bitte beilegen). Ihr Begrüßungs-Geschenk bei Bestelllung eines Jahresabonnements: Ein -Gutschein über Anstiftung zum Lesen € 30,–, den Sie bei www.buchoffizin.de gegen Bücher oder andere Medien einlösen können. Fordern Sie Probehefte an unter www.naturwissenschaftliche-rundschau.de Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart Birkenwaldstraße 44 | 70191 Stuttgart Telefon 0711 2582-353 | Telefax 0711 2582-390 www.wissenschaftliche-verlagsgesellschaft.de Alle Preise inklusive MwSt. [D], sofern nicht anders angegeben. *Lieferung innerhalb Deutschlands. General Information Organisation and Imprint ......................................................................................... 4 Welcome Note by the Conference Chair . ................................................................ 5 General Information Venue and Date, Conference Website, Registration, Payment/Confirmation of Payment, Accommodation ................................. 6 Cooperation with German Railways ............................................................. 7 Publishing of Abstracts, Poster Awards, Opening Hours, Internet, Restaurants nearby the conference venue . ................................................. 8 General Guidelines for Authors and Presenters ...................................................... 9 Exhibitors, Sponsors and Media Cooperation.......................................................... Floor Plan.................................................................................................................. Lunch Symposium..................................................................................................... Satellite Meeting ...................................................................................................... Lightning Session und Young Crystallographers Meeting ........................................ 10 11 12 13 14 Social and Cultural Programme . .............................................................................. 16 Programme Overview Monday, 16 March 2015 ............................................................................... Tuesday, 17 March 2015 ............................................................................... Wednesday, 18 March 2015 ......................................................................... Thursday, 19 March 2015 ............................................................................. 18 19 20 21 Scientific Programme Monday, 16 March 2015 ............................................................................... Tuesday, 17 March 2015 ............................................................................... Wednesday, 18 March 2015 ......................................................................... Thursday, 19 March 2015 ............................................................................. Posters Overview . ........................................................................................ 22 26 33 39 42 Posters . .................................................................................................................... 43 Index of Plenary Speakers, Presenting Authors and Chairs ..................................... 64 3 Organisation and Imprint Conference Organiser Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallographie (DGK) www.dgk-home.de Conference Chair Prof. Dr. Ralf Ficner Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Institute of Microbiology and Genetics Goldschmidtstraße 1–3 37077 Göttingen (DE) Local Organising Committee Francesca Fabbiani Ralf Ficner Karin Kühnel Werner F. Kuhs George Sheldrick Dietmar Stalke Conference Organisation Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH Felix Angermüller Carl-Pulfrich-Straße 1 07745 Jena (DE) Phone +49 3641 31 16-301 Fax +49 3641 31 16-243 felix.angermueller@conventus.de www.conventus.de Design/Layout Layout Print Circulation Editorial Deadline 4 www.krea.tif-design.de www.siblog.de 600 3 March 2015 Welcome Note by the Conference Chair Dear colleagues, It is a great pleasure to invite you on behalf of the local organizing committee to the 23rd Annual Conference of the Germany Crystallographic Society (DGK), which will take place at the Georg-August-University in Göttingen. The conference venue is the Geoscience Center located at the North Campus of the University. The scope of the 23rd DGK annual meeting is to cover all areas of crystallography including a focus on computational and theoretical crystallography. We are very glad that a number of renowned scientists, representing the different fields of crystallography, have accepted our invitation for a plenary lecture. The 23rd DGK annual meeting will comprise 18 microsymposia, six plenary lectures and two poster sessions. It is our intention to provide to all of you an inspiring scientific platform, and we especially encourage young scientists to participate in the conference and in the activities of the “young crystallographers”. I’m looking forward to your attendance Prof. Ralf Ficner Conference Chair 5 General Information Venue and Date (for GPS) Institute of Geoscience Georg-August University Göttingen Goldschmidtstraße 1–3 37077 Göttingen (DE) 16–19 March 2015 Conference Website www.dgk-conference.de Registration Please register online at www.dgk-conference.de. DGK-Member DGK Non-Member Student* Get Together, 16 March 2015 Social Evening, 18 March 2015 170 EUR 200 EUR 80 EUR 10 EUR 40 EUR *Confirmation required Payment/Confirmation of Payment An invoice or confirmation of registration will be sent to you via postal or electronic mail within 14 days after online or paper registration. This invoice is a valid invoice which may be submitted to the local tax and revenue office. All fees are due upon receipt of invoice/registration confirmation. Payment transfers must include participant’s name and invoice number. Payment is also accepted by credit card (Master/Eurocard, American Express, VISA). Should you transfer your invoice amount within 10 days before the start of the event, please present your transfer remittance slip at the check-in desk as proof of payment. Accommodation We have allocated a contingent of rooms at different hotels. Further information can be found on www.dgk-conference.de. Please note: Conventus GmbH acts as an intermediary party and assumes no liability for reservations made. Changes and cancellations have to be addressed to the respective hotel directly. 6 General Information Environment and Climate-Friendly Journey with Deutsche Bahn Return trip to events of Conventus from 99 EUR In cooperation with Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH and Deutsche Bahn you travel safely and conveniently to the 23rd Annual Conference of the Germany Crystallographic Society (DGK) in Göttingen. Your way to save the environment: Travel with 100% green power to your event with Deutsche Bahn long-distance services. We guarantee to get the energy you needed for your journey in Germany from 100% renewable sources. The price for your Event Ticket for a return trip* is: 2nd class EUR 99,- (for defined train connection) 1st class EUR 159,- (for defined train connection) 2nd class EUR 139,- (for all trains) 1st class EUR 199,- (for all trains) Our call centre is glad to inform you about the ticket price for international journeys. This special offer is valid for all events and congresses of Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH in 2015. To book call +49 (0)1806-31 11 53** and mention “Conventus” as reference. Please have your credit card ready when booking. Alternatively, you can also reserve your ticket online at www.bahn.de/Veranstaltungsticket. Your booking will be binding after Deutsche Bahn’s confirmation. Every time you purchase an Event Ticket with your BahnCard or bahn.bonus Card you can collect valuable bonus and status points. Redeem your bonus points by selecting attractive rewards such as free journeys or first-class upgrades. For more information go to www.bahn.de/bahn.bonus. Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH and Deutsche Bahn wish you a pleasant journey! * An advance booking of at least three days is required. Changes and reimbursement before the first day of validity are possible. Changes and reimbursement conditions at the time of the ticket booking according to Conditions of Carriage of the DB of Sparpreis fares. Changes and reimbursement are excluded from the first day of validity onwards. Passengers restrict themselves to a particular train and travel times. For a supplement of EUR 40 full flexible tickets are also available for domestic travels within Germany. ** The booking line is available from Monday to Saturday 0700 am to 10 00 pm. Calls will be charged at Euro 0.20 per call, from mobiles Euro 0.60 per call at maximum. *** Prices are subject to change. 7 General Information Publishing of abstracts All abstracts will be published in a printed supplement of the journal “Zeitschrift für Kristallographie”, Walter de Gruyter. The volume is available on demand via registration for 10 EUR. A digital abstract volume can be found in the conference bags. Poster awards (sponsored by Jena Bioscience & Zeitschrift für Kristallographie) The six best posters will be awarded. The award ceremony will be held during the social evening. The winners will be informed with a button on their posters. Opening hours Check In Media Check In Trade Exhibition Mon 16 March 1300 –2000 1300 –2000 1500 –2000 Tue 17 March 0800 –1900 0800 –1800 1000 –1730 Wed 18 March 0800 –1730 0800 –1800 1000 –1730 Thu 19 March 0800 –1300 0800 –1100 1000 –1100 Internet WLAN will be provided free of charge. Please find the access data onsite. Restaurants nearby the conference venue: Nordmensa Grisebachstraße 10 • 37077 Göttingen, Distance: 400 m Kaiserpalast – Chinese Restaurant An der Lutter 22 • 37075 Göttingen, Distance: 800 m Shopping Center with a range of fast food restaurants An der Lutter 22 • 37075 Göttingen, Distance: 800 m Restaurant “Alte Remise” Mittelstraße 3a • 37077 Göttingen, Distance: 1,2 km 8 General Guidelines for Authors and Presenters Submitting your presentation/technical information Please prepare your presentation in 4:3 aspect ratio. A presentation notebook with a PDF reader and MS Office PowerPoint 2007 will be provided. The use of personal notebooks is possible upon agreement. However, it may interrupt the flow of the programme in the lecture hall. Please provide an adapter for VGA if necessary. A notebook, presenter and laser pointer are available at the speaker’s podium in the lecture hall. A technical supervisor will help you. Speakers preparation Please submit your presentation at the media check-in, no later than 90 minutes before the presentation begins. You may view and/or edit your presentation. For submission, please use a USB flash drive. Poster sessions Posters should be no larger than DIN A0 portrait format (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm) not laminated. Poster boards will be numbered. You will find your poster number in the programme book on page 43 ff. Poster authors with an even ID: - please be present in poster session I on Tuesday, 17 March please mount your poster on Monday, 16 March and remove it after poster session I at 1800. Poster authors with an uneven ID: - please be present in poster session II on Wednesday, 18 March - please mount your poster on Wednesday, 18 March at 1000 and remove it after poster session II at 1800. 9 Exhibitors, Sponsors and Media Cooperation We would like to thank the following companies for their support: Premium Sponsor Rigaku Europe (Sevenoaks/GB) Lunch symposium Agilent Technologies Sales & Service GmbH & Co.KG (Waldbronn/DE) Sponsor lanyards and name badges DECTRIS Ltd. (Baden/CH) Sponsor conference bags Systat Software GmbH (Erkrath/DE) Sponsors poster awards Jena Bioscience GmbH (Jena/DE) Walter De Gruyter GmbH (Munich/DE) Sponsors Crystal Impact GbR (Bonn/DE) Röntgenlabor Dr. Ermrich (Reinheim/DE) Media cooperation Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau, Wissenschaftlichen Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart mbH Exhibitors Agilent Technologies Sales & Services GmbH (Waldbronn/DE) Analytik Jena AG (Jena/DE) AXO Dresden GmbH (Heidenau/DE) Bruker AXS GmbH (Karlsruhe/DE) DECTRIS Ltd. (Baden/CH) DE GRUYTER/Oldenbourg (Berlin/DE) EFG GmbH (Berlin/DE) Excillum AB (Kista/SE) FIZ Karlsruhe (Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen/DE) Huber Diffraktionstechnik GmbH & Co. KG (Rimsting/DE) INCOATEC GmbH (Geesthacht/DE) International Union of Crystallography (Chester/GB) MK Versuchsanlagen und Laborbedarf (Mücke/DE) Oxford Cryosystems Ltd. (Long Hanborough/GB) PANalytical GmbH (Kassel/DE) Rigaku Europe UK (Sevenoaks/GB) Rigaku Europe Germany (Ettlingen/DE) STOE & Cie GmbH (Darmstadt/DE) state at printing 10 17 16 2 Catering entrance 1 Media CheckIn entrance Check-In Poster 3 Lecture Hall A Incoatec GmbH Dectris Ltd 8 9 Excilium AB 7 FIZ Karlsruhe GmbH 6 17 16 15 14 Agilent Technologies Sales & Service GmbH & Co. KG 5 12 11 10 8 13 EFG GmbH 3 Catering 13 Verlag Walter de Gruyter GmbH MK Versuchsanlagen und Laborbedarf 2 7 14 4 International Union of Crystallography 1 6 5 4 15 DGK 2015 Booth plan 10 11 Lecture Hall B Analytik Jena AG Oxford Cryosystems Ltd Rigaku Europe Germany Rigaku Europe UK Stoe & Cie GmbH PANalytical GmbH Huber Diffraktionstechnik GmbH & Co. KG & AXO Dresden Bruker AXS GmbH 9 12 Poster Lecture Hall C Floor Plan state at printing 11 Lunch Symposium Tuesday, 17 March 2015, 1245–1345, Lecture Hall A Agilent Technologies (Waldbronn/DE) CrysAlisPro 38: Data quality, fast experimentation AutoChem 2.1 & StructureExplorer Mathias Meyer, Agilent Technologies Data quality critically relies on proper instrument calibration. Our new version 38 of CrysAlisPro features a new approach to calibration enhancing the instrument description and thus giving better data quality. Improved hard and software allow high speed data acquisition. Multi-threaded acquisition and reduction pipelines allow fast concurrent data reduction. The ‘What is this?’ tool gives chemical connectivity information in less than 1min. AutoChem 2.1 offers a fine tuned structure completion algorithm and integrates the latest structure solution and refinement tools. It also offers a new structure visualizer called ‘StructureExplorer’. It tightly links with the AutoChem 2.1 and the Agilent Olex2 program offering the user an easy handling of the structure from solution to report. Inscription is free but limited. Make sure you reserve your seat today. Lunch will be provided by Agilent. 12 Satellite Meeting Thursday, 19 March 2015, 1400 –1800 Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Tammannstrasse 4 RTG Methods Course on Macromolecular applications of SHELX Immediately after the DGK Meeting, there will be an “IRTG” Methods Course on macromolecular applications of SHELX” in the Inorganic Chemistry Institute (about 200 meters from the DGK Meeting). This course will take place on Thursday March 19th 2015 from 1400 –1800 at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Tammannstrasse 4, 37077 Göttingen. It is intended for Ph.D. students and postdocs with some crystallographic experience. It is independent of the DGK Meeting but it is hoped that some of the participants at the DGK will stay on for this course. There is no registration fee but those intending to come are requested to send an email to Dr. Hanna Steininger (hanna.steininger@chemie.uni-goettingen.de) giving name and affiliation so that we can make name badges and know how much coffee and tea to provide. This course will include talks and/or program demonstrations by George Sheldrick (experimental phasing with SHELXC/D/E), Isabel Usón (ab initio structure solution with ARCIMBOLDO), Fabio Dall’Antonia (hkl2map) and Tim Grüne (SHELXL refinement against X-ray and neutron data). Further details: http://shelx.uni-ac.gwdg.de/SHELX/workshops.php 13 Lightning Session and Young Crystallographers Meeting Lightning Talks of Young Crystallographers (MS4) Tuesday, 17 March 2015, 1030 –1230 The “Young Crystallographers” are happy to welcome you to the first Lightning Talks Session within the Annual DGK Meeting. Encouraged by the great success of this format during our first meeting in Bremen (September 2014, http://dgk-home.de/aks/ jkyc/meeting/), we are looking forward to more than twenty young crystallographers’ 5-minutes appetizer “Lightning Talks” (without discussion) to introduce their science. Each contribution is complemented by a poster that will be presented during the respective sessions. Get Together of the Young Crystallographers Wednesday, 18 March 2015, 1230 –1330 We would like to welcome all members and interested “young” crystallographers (students, PhD students, postdocs, ..., everybody without tenure) to join our 3rd Get Together on Wednesday, 18 March 2015, 1230 –1330 in Lecture Hall A. Our program will comprise both, a short summary of last year’s activities (esp. the Meeting in Bremen) as well as our ideas for the future. We will have elections of new chairs and enough time for general discussions on Young Crystallographers’ matters. Another highlight will be the granting of the “Lightning Talks” prizes. We will also welcome friends and sponsors from industry. Lunch, coffee/tea and soft drinks will be served. We are looking forward to welcome you! Best wishes, Julia and Oliver Chairs of the “Young Crystallographers” 14 Better measurements. Better confidence. Better world. Rigaku Innovative Technologies, the components division of Rigaku, specializes in retrofitting existing equipment as an economical alternative to total system replacement for virtually any scientific analytical instrument on the market. VariMax™ in housing used to produce an intense monochromatic X-ray beam MicroMAX® X-ray generator and VariMax™ Optic MicroMax® Power supply and controller monitors tube conditions and water supply conditions as well as having links for safety circuit MicroMAX® is available with an adjustable stand Replacement Optics: The next generation of high efficiency VariMax™ multilayer optics are designed for spectral purity, exemplary beamsize and minimal divergence. Optical selections include multilayer optics that can focus in one or two dimensions, bent crystals, channel cut crystals and Pyrolitc graphite. Replacement Sources: The new MicroMax003i™ X-ray Source is a standalone integrated source module built on an adjustable stand for easy alignment and integration into virtually any commercial or home lab. For added protection, optional safety switches and mechanical lock switches are available. Rigaku Innovative Technologies Solving the World's Most Challenging Problems Using the Technology of Today Contact: Dr. Paul Pennartz Email: paul.pennartz@rigaku.com Phone: +49 2403 15051 www.rigaku.com Social and Cultural Programme Welcome Reception Come together for drinks and snacks after the conference day to enjoy this evening. Allow yourself interesting conversations with colleagues, old friends, exhibitors and meet new acquaintances. Date Time Venue Fee Monday, 16 March 2015 1930 –2130 Industrial exhibition area 10 EUR City Tour: Gauß in Göttingen – Great moments of mathematics Even in his childhood, Carl Friedrich Gauß stood out because of his exceptional mathematical talent. In 1807 he became a professor for astronomy and the director of the observatory in Göttingen. Here he made groundbreaking contributions in the area of mathematics, astronomy, geodesy and physics. Although Gaus got lots of honourable reputations at other universities, he remained in Göttingen until his death. During this guided tour, all the locations of Gaus’ work and life will come alive. Date Time Fee Language Meeting- and End Point 16 © fotolia.com/CandyBox Images © wikimedia.org/gemeinfrei Tuesday, 17 March 2015 1400 –1630 15 EUR German Rathaushalle im Alten Rathaus • Markt 9 • 37073 Göttingen Social and Cultural Programme A walk through the underworld of Göttingen In Göttingen there are numerous lovely restored timbered houses. But even in the hidden parts of the town, the restoration of the historic centre is important. Some medieval vaulted cellars are already restored with great effort and experience. The cellars had been workplace and living area for traders, craftsmen and monks and also prisoners were locked up here. Some of the cellars, which are not accessible to the public, will be presented during the tour. Date Time Fee Language Meeting- and End Point Wednesday, 18 March 2015 1400 –1530 10 EUR German Rathaushalle im Alten Rathaus • Markt 9 • 37073 Göttingen Social Evening at Restaurant “Bullerjahn” The restaurant “Bullerjahn“ is located in the old town hall, built 740 years ago, in the heart of the historic city centre of Göttingen. With its comfortable and relaxing atmosphere it gives a perfect ambience for our social evening. For over 600 years visitors had been coming here to enjoy their meals in the centre of the urban life. Spend with us the evening in a place where history and modern life come together to enjoy the last evening of the conference with your colleagues. Date Time Fee Address © fotolia.com/L A Sonne30 © fotolia.com/L A Sonne30 Wednesday, 18 March 2014 2000 –2300 40 EUR Restaurant “Bullerjahn” • Markt 9 • 37073 Göttingen 17 Programme Overview • Monday, 16 March 2015 Lecture Hall B Lecture Hall C Room 16-5 Bitte unbedingt DIESE Bausteine verwenden wegen Formatierung!!!! VOR Arbeitsbegin: "Speichern unter" in eurem Ordner!! Lecture Hall A 10:00–13:00 DGK Board Meeting 14:15–14:30 Opening 14:30–15:30 Plenary lecture 1 Bo Iversen p. 22 Coffee and industrial exhibition 16:00–18:00 MS01 General Interest MS03 Challenges in macromolecular crystallography MS02 Material Science I p. 22 p. 23 p. 24 18:00–18:30 Special lecture laureate Max-von-Laue Award 2014 p. 25 18:30–19:30 DGK Ehrenabend p. 25 19:30–21:30 Welcome Reception p. 25 18 Programme Overview • Tuesday, 17 March 2015 Lecture Hall B Lecture Hall C Bitte unbedingt DIESE Bausteine verwenden wegen Formatier VOR Arbeitsbegin: "Speichern unter" in eurem Ordner! Lecture Hall A 09:00–10:00 Plenary lecture 2 Wayne Hendrickson p. 26 Coffee break and industrial exhibition 10:30–12:30 MS04 Young Crystallograhers Lightning Session MS06 Computational & Theoretical Crystallography: Macromolecular structures MS05 Material Science II p. 26 p. 28 p. 29 Lunch break and industrial exhibition 12:45–13:45 12:45–13:45 12:45–13:45 Agilent Lunch Symposium Meeting AK18 Oberflächen und Grenzflächen Meeting AK1 Biologische Strukturen p. 30 14:00–15:40 MS07 Inorganic Structural Chemistry I MS09 Hot new structures of biological macromolecules MS08 Material Science III p. 30 p. 31 p. 31 15:40–17:45 Poster session I p. 43 17:45–18:45 Plenary lecture 3 Andrew Goodwin p. 32 18:45–20:30 Member Assembly 19 Programme Overview • Wednesday, 18 March 2015 Lecture Hall B Lecture Hall C Bitte unbedingt DIESE Bausteine verwenden wegen Formatierung!!!! VOR Arbeitsbegin: "Speichern unter" in eurem Ordner!! Lecture Hall A 09:00–10:00 Plenary lecture 4 Alessia Bacchi p. 33 Coffee break and industrial exhibition 10:30–12:30 MS10 Computational & Theoretical Crystallography: Diffraction versus wave function? MS11 Spectroscopy I p. 33 MS12 Protein function and regulation p. 34 p. 35 Lunch break and industrial exhibition 12:30–13:30 12:30–13:30 Get Together of the Young Crystallographers Meeting AK6 Molekülstrukturen p. 35 14:00–15:40 MS13 Inorganic Structural Chemistry II MS14 Structural chemistry at extreme conditions p. 36 MS 15 Structures of small biologically active molecules and protein-inhibitor complexes p. 36 p. 37 15:40–17:45 Poster session II p. 51 17:45–18:45 Plenary lecture Chrystele Sanloup p. 38 20:00–23:00 Social Evening at Restaurant "Bullerjahn" p. 17 20 Programme Overview • Thursday, 19 March 2015 Lecture Hall B Lecture Hall C Bitte unbedingt DIESE Bausteine verwenden wegen Formatier VOR Arbeitsbegin: "Speichern unter" in eurem Ordner! Lecture Hall A 09:00–10:00 Plenary lecture Oliver Einsle p. 39 Coffee break and industrial exhibition 10:30–12:30 MS16 Material Science IV MS17 Spectroscopy II p. 39 MS18 Protein-nucleic acid complexes p. 40 p. 41 12:30–13:00 Closing p. 42 21 Scientific Programme • Monday, 16 March 2015 1000 –1300 Room 16-5 DGK Board Meeting 1415–1430 Lecture Hall C Opening 1430 –1530 Lecture Hall C P1 Chair Plenary lecture 1 1600 –1800 Lecture Hall A Chair MS01 – General Interest 1600 MS01-T01 Invairom based point charges – a rapid way to the electrostatic potential Claudia M. Wandtke (Göttingen/DE), Jens Luebben Birger Dittrich (Hamburg/DE) 1620 MS01-T02 Extension of empirical force fields to extreme conditions Detlef W. M. Hofmann (Pula/IT) 1640 MS01-T03 Deuterium disturbs the molecular arrangement in the solid state Anna Kupka, Klaus Merz (Bochum/DE) 1700 MS01-T04 Ultrafast dynamical study using time-resolved laue diffraction Sreevidya Thekku Veedu (Hamburg/DE) Marc Messerschmidt (San Francisco, CA/US), Robert Henning Vukica Srajer, Irina Kosheleva (Chicago, IL/US) Simone Techert (Hamburg/DE) 1720 MS01-T05 Three-dimensional solutions of the Helmholtz equation Georgi Shpenkov (Warsaw/PL) 1740 MS01-T06 Current status of the liquid-metal-jet x-ray source technology Emil Espes, Björn A. M. Hansson, Oscar Hemberg Mikael Otendal, Tomi Tuohimaa, Per Takman (Kista/SE) 22 Materials Crystallography Bo Iversen (Aarhus/DK) Birger Dittrich (Hamburg/DE) Christian Lehmann (Mülheim/DE) Scientific Programme • Monday, 16 March 2015 1600 –1800 Lecture Hall B Chair MS02 – Material Science I 1600 MS02-T01 1620 MS02-T02 1640 MS02-T03 1700 MS02-T04 1720 MS02-T05 1740 MS02-T06 The Cu(2+)-mineral callaghanite Cu2Mg2(CO3)(OH)6·2H2O: a new candidate for quantum phase transitions at low pressure Stefan Lebernegg (Dresden/DE), Alexander Tsirlin (Tallinn/EE) Oleg Janson (Vienna/AT), Yurii Prots, Helge Rosner (Dresden/DE) Susan Schorr (Berlin/DE) Structural changes of In- and Na-doped MnWO4 and their magnetic behaviours SoHyun Park, Ulf Gattermann, David Behal (München/DE) Studying behavior of polar nanoregions in (Ca,Sr)xBa1-xNb2O6 relaxor ferroelectric Chandra Shekhar Pandey, Jürgen Schreuer (Bochum/DE) Manfred Burianek, Manfred Mühlberg (Cologne/DE) New insights into the atomistic origin of chemically-enhanced response functions of (1-x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3-xBaTiO3 Kaustuv Datta, Matthias Göbbels Reinhard B. Neder (Erlangen/DE) Boriana Mihailova (Hamburg/DE) Investigation of the high temperature behavior of the pyroxenes LiMGe2O6 (M = Cr, V) Gwilherm Nenert, Masahiko Isobe Natalia Dadivanyan (Almelo/NL) Ferroelectricty of Phenazine- chloranilic acid at its incommensurate and commensurate Phases Leila Noohinejad, Sander van Smaalen, Swastik Mondal Andreas Schönleber, Alexander Woelfel, Sk Imran Ali Somnath Dey (Bayreuth/DE) 23 Scientific Programme • Monday, 16 March 2015 1600 –1800 Lecture Hall C Chair 1600 MS03-T01 1620 MS03-T02 1640 MS03-T03 1700 MS03-T04 1720 MS03-T05 24 MS03 – Challenges in macromolecular crystallography Karin Kühnel (Göttingen/DE) In vivo grown protein crystals – new targets for serial crystallography Lars Redecke (Lübeck/DE), Marco Klinge (Lübeck, Hamburg/DE) Robert Schönherr (Lübeck/DE), Karol Nass (Heidelberg/DE) Finn Lübber, Janine Mia Rudolph, Svenja Schneegans, Krystian Fita (Lübeck/DE), Cornelius Gati Gleb Bourenkov (Hamburg/DE), Dirk Rehders (Lübeck/DE) Dominik Oberthür (Hamburg/DE) Björn Philip Sommer (Hamburg, Tübingen/DE) José M. Martinez-Costas (Santiago de Compostela/ES) Thomas S. Schneider, Henry N. Chapman (Hamburg/DE) Michael Duszenko (Tübingen/DE), Kunio Hirata (Hyogo/JP) Rainer Duden (Lübeck/DE), Christian Betzel (Hamburg/DE) Sample environment developments for serial crystallography experiments Leonard Chavas, Henry Chapman, Sasa Bajt (Hamburg/DE) Synchrotron based fragment screening at the HZB Franziska Huschmann (Berlin, Marburg/DE) Ronald Förster (Berlin/DE), Andreas Heine (Marburg/DE) Michael Hellmig (Berlin/DE), Gerhard Klebe (Marburg/DE) Jana Linnik, Piotr Malecki (Berlin/DE) Nedyalka Radeva (Marburg/DE), Martin Röwer (Berlin/DE) Johannes Schiebel (Marburg/DE), Karine Sparta Michael Steffien, Monika Ühlein, Piotr Wilk, Manfred Weiss Uwe Mueller (Berlin/DE) Phasing a PH domain via caesium Wolfgang Kölmel, Caroline Kisker (Würzburg/DE) Overcoming challenges in macromolecular crystallography data acquisition with HPC detectors Marcus Müller (Baden/CH) Scientific Programme • Monday, 16 March 2015 1740 MS03-T06 Automated high-throughput diffraction data collection at the European Synchrotron Facility David von Stetten (Grenoble/FR) 1800 –1830 Lecture Hall C Special lecture laureate Max-von-Laue Award 2014 1830 –1930 Lecture Hall C DGK Ehrenabend 1930 –2130 Foyer Welcome Reception Crystallography of functional materials – in operand investigation of strain mechanisms in actuators Manuel Hinterstein (Karlsruhe/DE) Verleihung der Carl-Hermann Medaille, der Kleber-Gedenkmünze und des Max-von-Laue-Preises 25 Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 17 March 2015 0900 –1000 Lecture Hall C P2 Chair Plenary lecture 2 Optimization of Anomalous Diffraction Analysis for Biomolecules Wayne Hendrickson (New York, NY/US) George Sheldrick (Göttingen/DE) 1030 –1230 Lecture Hall A Chairs 1030 MS04-T01 1035 MS04-T02 1040 MS04-T03 1045 MS04-T04 1050 MS04-T05 1055 MS04-T06 Anisotropic Displacement Parameters from Dispersion-Corrected DFT and their Experimental Validation by X-ray Diffraction Ai Wang (Aachen/DE) 1100 MS04-T07 Isoreticular solvo- and polymorphs – cu(I) in a Stable Bimetallic coordination network Friedrich Steuber (Aachen/DE) 26 MS04 – Young Crystallograhers Lightning Session Julia Dshemuchadse (Ann Arbor, MI/US) Oliver Pecher (Cambridge/GB) Epitaxial growth of pulsed laser deposited Ge-Sb-Te thin films on (111) oriented substrates Erik Thelander (Leipzig/DE) Real time structural dynamics and entropy insights into the early unfolding kinetics of ubiquitin – rapid mixing micro-channel based time-resolved small angle X-ray scattering at synchrotrons Rohit Jain (Göttingen/DE) Hexanuclear Metallacryptates – Cu(α-amino-carboxylate)2 as Building Units for Self Assembly Kevin Lamberts (Aachen/DE) Biochemical and structural studies on reaction mechanism of the acetyl-CoA synthesis Yulia Dendra (Berlin/DE) Crystallization kinetics of zeolite Li-A(BW) in dependence of the aluminosilicate educt and the reaction temperature and time Daria Zeibig (Hannover/DE) Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 17 March 2015 1105 MS04-T08 1110 MS04-T09 1115 MS04-T10 1120 MS04-T11 1125 1135 MS04-T12 1140 MS04-T13 1145 MS04-T14 1150 MS04-T15 1155 MS04-T16 1200 MS04-T17 Do we know the pyroelectric coefficient of Barium Titanate? Hartmut Stöcker (Freiberg/DE) CO Dehydrogenase II – digging channels for small molecules Lilith Domnik (Berlin/DE) Identifying new inorganic Na-ion conductors using data-mining and geometric crystallography – the Voronoi-Dirichlet approach Falk Meutzner (Freiberg/DE) Synthesis and local structure of CuxZn2-xTiO4 spinel unveiled by Raman spectroscopy Man He (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Break High resolution polarized Raman scattering study on multiferroic MnWO4 Fabian Ziegler (Göttingen/DE) New Mn23Pt12Ga11 phase, synthesis, crystal structure and its complex phase reaction scheme Bayardulam Jamiyansuren (Dresden/DE) Structural chemistry of the SrO-CuO-As2O5 ternary system: crystal structure of Sr2Cu7(AsO4)6 Sabrina Gerger (Wien/AT) Crystal branching phenomena in natural and gel grown calcites Felix Wiethoff (Bochum/DE) Structure and Dynamics of Substituted η3-Cycloheptatrienide-Pd Complexes Christian Jandl (Garching b. München/DE) Synthesis, X-Ray Structure, Infrared study and anti-corrosion activity of 1,6‐diammoniumhexandihydrogenodiphosphate dihydrate Asmaa Zaraq (Casablanca/MA) 27 Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 17 March 2015 1205 MS04-T18 1210 MS04-T19 1215 MS04-T20 1220 MS04-T21 1225 MS04-T22 1030 –1230 Lecture Hall B Chair 1030 MS05-T01 1050 MS05-T02 28 High resolution structure of apo-furin reveals competitive and allosteric inhibitor mechanisms Sven O. Dahms (Jena/DE) From square-planar to octahedral – crystal structures of cycloplati nated primary amines in octahedral coordinati on William Raven (Aachen/DE) Symmetry-mode analysis of the commensurately modulated superstructure of tetragonal tungsten bronze KMnCrF6 Christina Drahten (Grenoble/FR) Spinophilin restricts Neurexin signaling to protect from excessive seeding of new active zones Jan H. Driller (Berlin/DE) Crystallographic analysis of the ClpP1/2 heterocomplex from listeria monocytogenes Marie-Theres Vielberg (Garching/DE) MS05 – Material Science II Robert Dinnebier (Stuttgart/DE) Pushing the detection limit of in-situ PDF – highly diluted nanoparticles in organic solvents Mirijam Zobel (Erlangen/DE), Simon A. J. Kimber (Grenoble/FR) Reinhard B. Neder (Erlangen/DE) Nanocrystalline composite ceramics synthesized by high pressure crystallization of amorphous materials Nico Alexander Gaida (Kiel, Hamburg/DE) Norimasa Nishiyama (Hamburg/DE), Astrid Holzheid Oliver Beermann (Kiel/DE) Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 17 March 2015 1110 MS05-T03 1130 MS05-T04 1150 MS05-T05 1210 MS05-T06 1030 –1230 Lecture Hall C Chair 1030 MS06-T01 1050 MS06-T02 1110 MS06-T03 1130 MS06-T04 Zinc phosphate nanoparticles for electrochemical energy storage systems Constantin Hoch, Sascha Harm (München/DE) Influence of habitat on texture – a systematic case study of sea urchin teeth Bernd Maier, Erika Griesshaber (München/DE) Franz Brümmer (Stuttgart/DE), Bernhard Ruthensteiner Wolfgang Schmahl (München/DE) A new method to derive Crystallite Size Distributions (CSD) from 2D X-ray diffraction data Sigmund Neher, Katrin Nützmann, Marwen Chaouachi Andrzej Falenty, Helmut Klein, Werner F. Kuhs (Göttingen/DE) Debye scattering formula – Still no valid alternatives after 100 years? Matteo Leoni (Trento/DE) MS06 – Computational & Theoretical Crystallography: Macromolecular structures Manfred Weiss (Berlin/DE) Solving macromolecular structures with shelxc/d/e George Sheldrick (Göttingen/DE) Macromolecular Phasing with ARCIMBOLDO – single workstation implementations and combination of partial solutions in reciprocal space Isabel Usón (Barcelona/ES) Recent crystallographic software developments at webapps.embl-hamburg.de Fabio Dall’Antonia, Thomas R. Schneider (Hamburg/DE) From data collection to ligand hits – XDSAPP and automated refinement pipeline Karine Sparta, Uwe Mueller, Manfred S. Weiss Monika Ühlein (Berlin/DE), Franziska Huschmann (Berlin, Marburg/DE) Johannes Schiebel, Andreas Heine, Gerhard Klebe (Marburg/DE) Udo Heinemann (Berlin/DE) 29 Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 17 March 2015 1150 MS06-T05 1210 MS06-T06 1245–1345 Lecture Hall A Enzyme mechanisms at ultrahigh resolution Stefan Lüdtke, Piotr Neumann, Danilo Meyer Anja Lehwess-Litzmann, Ralf Ficner, Kai Tittmann (Göttingen/DE) 1245–1345 Lecture Hall B Meeting AK18 Oberflächen und Grenzflächen 1245–1345 Lecture Hall C Meeting AK1 Biologische Strukturen 1400 –1540 Lecture Hall A Chair 1400 MS07-T01 1420 MS07-T02 1440 MS07-T03 1500 MS07-T04 1520 MS07-T05 MS07 – Inorganic Structural Chemistry I 30 Pseudo-crystallographic refinement of the E. coli ribosome structure against cryo-EM maps Piotr Neumann, Niels Fischer, Holger Stark, Ralf Ficner (Göttingen/DE) Agilent Lunch Symposium Tamara Đorđević (Vienna/AT) Enhanced methods of crystallization – the autothermal reaction, a case study of sodalite formation Josef-Christian Buhl (Hannover/DE) On the Concept of Hemilability – structural Insights into a Donor-Functionalized Iridium(I) NHC Motif and its impact on reactivity Alexander Pöthig (Garching b. München/DE) On the ambient pressure polymorph of K2Ca3Si3O10 – structural and spectroscopic characterization of an unusual mixed-anion silicate Daniela Schmidmair, Volker Kahlenberg, Lukas Perfler Martina Tribus, Johannes Hildebrandt (Innsbruck/AT) Daniel M. Többens (Berlin/DE) DSR- A tool for disorder modelling and refinement with SHELXL Daniel Kratzert, Ingo Krossing (Freiburg i Br./DE) The next level of single crystal software – APEX3 Holger Ott (Karlsruhe/DE), Charles Campana, Joerg Kaercher Bruce Noll, Michael Ruf (Madison, WI/US) Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 17 March 2015 1400 –1540 Lecture Hall B Chair 1400 MS08-T01 MS08 – Material Science III 1420 MS08-T02 1440 MS08-T03 1500 MS08-T04 1520 MS08-T05 1400 –1540 Lecture Hall C Chair 1400 MS09-T01 Investigation of sodium borohydride NaBH4 in different halide matrices (NaX) – hydrogen release reactions and new compositions of the type Na[BH4]xX(1-x), (X= Cl, Br, I) Zeina Assi, Claus H. Rüscher (Hannover/DE) Sander van Smaalen (Bayreuth/DE) Controlling defects in lithium aluminium intermetallics by hydrogenation Holger Kohlmann (Leipzig/DE) Christian Reichert (Saarbrücken/DE) A new crystal structure type for A-site ordered quadruple perovskites Martin Etter, Masahiko Isobe (Stuttgart/DE) Hiroya Sakurai (Tsukuba, Ibaraki/JP), Robert E. Dinnebier Hidenori Takagi (Stuttgart/DE) Formation and properties of Ice XVI – the lowest density crystalline form of ice produced by empting sII Ne hydrate Andrzej Falenty (Göttingen/DE), Thomas C. Hansen (Grenoble/FR) Werner F. Kuhs (Göttingen/DE) A story of anomalous thermal expansion – Nuremberg scissors, stacked columns and two-dimensional networks Tomce Runcevski, Robert E. Dinnebier (Stuttgart/DE) MS09 – Hot new structures of biological macromolecules Hermann Schindelin (Würzburg/DE) Insights into dynein motor function from crystal structures in two different nucleotide states Helgo Schmidt, Emma S. Gleave, Ruta Zalyte, Linas Urnavicius Andrew P. Carter (Cambridge/GB) 31 Scientific Programme • Tuesday, 17 March 2015 1420 MS09-T02 Crystal structure of the dynamin tetramer Thomas F. Reubold (Hannover/DE), Katja Faelber Nuria Plattner, York Posor, Katharina Branz (Berlin/DE) Ute Curth (Hannover/DE), Jeanette Schlegel (Berlin/DE) Roopsee Anand, Dietmar J. Manstein (Hannover/DE) Frank Noé, Volker Haucke, Oliver Daumke (Berlin/DE) Susanne Eschenburg (Hannover/DE) 1440 MS09-T03 1500 MS09-T04 1520 MS09-T05 1745–1845 Lecture Hall C P3 Chair Extreme longevity of a diiron(III)-peroxo intermediate in DOHH: an oxygenase involved in hypusination Zhenggang Han, Naoki Sakai, Lars Böttger, Sebastián Klinke Alfred X. Trautwein, Rolf Hilgenfeld (Lübeck/DE) 1845–2030 Lecture Hall C 32 Structural basis for organohalide respiration Martin Bommer (Berlin/DE), Cindy Kunze (Berlin, Jena/DE) Jochen Fesseler (Berlin/DE), Torsten Schubert Gabriele Diekert (Jena/DE), Holger Dobbek (Berlin/DE) Crystallographic study of 2’-5’-oligoadenylate synthase provides new insights into the function and activation of OAS/cGAS innate immune sensors Jan Lohöfener (Hannover/DE) Nicola Steinke (Hannover/DE; Oxford/GB), Penelope Kay-Fedorov Petra Baruch, Alexey Nikulin, Svetlana Tishchenko, Dietmar J. Manstein Roman Fedorov (Hannover/DE) Plenary lecture 3 Crystallography without crystals? Andrew Goodwin (Oxford/GB) Bo Iversen (Aarhus/DK) Member Assembly Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 18 March 2015 0900 –1000 Lecture Hall C P4 Chair Plenary lecture 4 1030 –1230 Lecture Hall A Chair 1030 MS10-T01 1050 MS10-T02 1110 MS10-T03 1130 MS10-T04 1150 MS10-T05 MS10 – Computational & Theoretical Crystallography: Diffraction versus wave function? Peter Luger (Berlin/DE) Trapping liquids into crystals Alessia Bacchi (Parma/IT) Francesca Fabbiani (Göttingen/DE) Experimental Charge Density Studies – improvements in data processing and refinement Regine Herbst-Irmer, Bendikt Niepötter, Lennard Krause Felix Engelhardt, Christian J. Schürmann Dietmar Stalke (Göttingen/DE) “EXAFS in 3 dimensions” with single-crystal x-ray diffraction on a zirconium compound Birger Dittrich (Hamburg/DE), Prinson P. Samuel (Göttingen/DE) Diffraction AND wavefunction – How the use of a wavefunction allows to get more out of experimental diffraction data? Simon Grabowsky (Bremen/DE), Magdalena Woinska (Warsaw/PL) Dylan Jayatilaka (Perth/AU) On an enhanced hirshfeld test Jens Luebben (Hamburg, Göttingen/DE) George M. Sheldrick (Göttingen/DE) Birger Dittrich (Hamburg, Göttingen/DE) Electron-density study of boron-carbide at 100 K Swastik Mondal, Elena Bykova Somnath Dey (Mülheim a. d. Ruhr/DE), Sk Imran Ali Natalia Dubrovinskaia, Leonid Dubrovinsky, Gleb Parakhonskiy Sander van Smaalen (Bayreuth/DE) 33 Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 18 March 2015 1210 MS10-T06 Investigating anharmonic thermal motion in glutathion using the Maximum-Entropy-Method (MEM) Christian B. Hübschle (Bayreuth/DE), Charlotte Ruhmlieb Birger Dittrich (Hamburg/DE), Sander van Smaalen (Bayreuth/DE) 1030 –1230 Lecture Hall B Chair 1030 MS11-T01 1050 MS11-T02 1110 MS11-T03 1130 MS11-T04 1150 MS11-T05 MS11 – Spectroscopy I 34 Georg Amthauer (Salzburg/AT) Local ordering of the atoms in intermetallic compounds: an experimental and theoretical approach Frank Haarmann (Aachen/DE) Structural studies of chalcocite Cu2S at low temperatures Ramil Gainov (Kazan/RU; Berlin/DE), Margarita Russina (Berlin/DE) Rinat Khassanov, Anatolii Nikolaev, Alexander Dooglav Ivan Penkov, Vera Klekovkina (Kazan/RU) Crystal structures and Li ion dynamics of Li3PO4-Li4SiO4 revisited by NMR Oliver Pecher, Steffen Emge (Cambridge/GB), Yue Deng Saiful Islam (Bath/GB), Christian Masquelier (Amiens/FR) Clare P. Grey (Cambridge/GB) Thermally induced increase of long range order in radiation damaged pyrochlore and titanite – Raman, NMR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction Peter Zietlow, Tobias Beirau (Hamburg/DE) Lee A. Groat (Vancouver/CA), Carsten Paulmann, Boriana Mihailova Ulrich Bismayer (Hamburg/DE) Pressure-induced spin collapse of octahedrally coordinated Fe3+ in andradite from experiment and theory Alexandra Friedrich, Björn Winkler Wolfgang Morgenroth (Frankfurt a. M./DE), Monika Koch-Müller Dieter Rhede (Potsdam/DE), Javier Ruiz-Fuertes (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Victor Milman (Cambridge/GB) Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 18 March 2015 1210 MS11-T06 The hydrogen defect in lithium niobate and lithium tantalite: a kinetics study Erik Mehner, Thomas Köhler, Juliane Hanzig, Günter Gärtner Hartmut Stöcker, Dirk C. Meyer (Freiberg/DE) 1030 –1230 Lecture Hall C Chair 1030 MS12-T01 1050 MS12-T02 1110 MS12-T03 1130 MS12-T04 1150 MS12-T05 1210 MS12-T06 1230 –1330 Lecture Hall A MS12 – Protein function and regulation Hartmut Niemann (Bielefeld/DE) You CAN teach an old dog new tricks – trypsin variants that catalyse peptide ligation Michael Schöpfel, Christoph Parthier, Sandra Liebscher Ariunkhur Shakhuukhen, Frank Bordusa Milton T. Stubbs (Halle a. d. Saale/DE) The crystal structure of FtsH from aquifex aeolicus – of disorded and C2-symmetric AAA rings Marina Vostrukhina, Elena Brunstein, Magdalena Schacherl Ulrich Baumann (Cologne/DE) Oligomeric assembly states of the AAA+ ATPases Reptin/Pontin for diverse macromolecular machines Kristina Lakomek, Gabriele Stoehr, Karl-Peter Hopfner (Munich/DE) CT441 from Chlamydia trachomatis – structural basis of proteolytic and chaperone activity Friedrich Kohlmann, Kensuke Shima, Rolf Hilgenfeld Werner Solbach, Jan Rupp, Guido Hansen (Lübeck/DE) Structural Insights into terpenoid biosynthesis Philipp Baer (Garching/DE), Patrick Rabe Jeroen S. Dickschat (Bonn/DE), Michael Groll (Garching/DE) Insights into enzymatic COx-transformations at true-atomic resolution Jochen Fesseler, Jae-Hun Jeoung, Holger Dobbek (Berlin/DE) Get Together of the Young Crystallographers 35 Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 18 March 2015 1230 –1330 Lecture Hall B Meeting AK6 Molekülverbindungen 1400 –1540 Lecture Hall A Chair 1400 MS13-T01 1420 MS13-T02 1440 MS13-T03 1500 MS13-T04 1520 MS13-T05 MS13 – Inorganic Structural Chemistry II 1400 –1540 Lecture Hall B Chair 1400 MS14-T01 MS14 – Structural chemistry at extreme conditions 36 Josef-Christian Buhl (Hannover/DE) More on common structural features in bcc and Ni2In Type Superstructures Carola J. Müller, Sven Lidin (Lund/SE) Crystal chemistry of the synthetic alluaudite-like arsenates Tamara Đorđević, Astrid Wittwer (Vienna/AT) Formation and crystal-chemical studies of mullite-type aluminum borate compounds Kristin Hoffmann, M. Mangir Murshed Michael Fischer (Bremen/DE), Thomas J. Hooper John V. Hanna (Coventry/GB), Oleksandr Dolotko (Garching/DE) Hartmut Schneider (Bremen, Cologne/DE), Thorsten M. Gesing Reinhard X. Fischer (Bremen/DE) Hydrogenation Properties of BiPd3 and Related Selenium Substituted Compounds André Götze, Holger Kohlmann (Leipzig/DE) Vacancy ordering in Fe3+ containing perovskite compounds and structure stabilizing factors Oliver Clemens (Darmstadt, Eggenstein Leopoldshafen/DE) Ulrich Bismayer (Hamburg/DE) A simple EoS for structural phase transitions Ross Angel (Padova/IT) Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 18 March 2015 1420 MS14-T02 Improving the quality of high-pressure structure refinements by implementing NPD anvils Ronald Miletich (Vienna/AT), David R. Allan, Mark Warren (Didcot/GB) Thomas Pippinger (Darmstadt/DE), Takehiko Yagi Tesuo Irifune (Matsuyama/JP) 1440 MS14-T03 1500 MS14-T04 1520 MS14-T05 1400 –1540 Lecture Hall C Chair 1400 MS15-T01 1420 MS15-T02 1440 MS15-T03 Pressure-induced phase transitions in the Wadsley-type bronze b-Li0.33V2O5 Andrzej Grzechnik (Aachen/DE), Yutaka Ueda (Tokyo/JP) Michael Hanfland (Grenoble/FR), Paul Hering, Vasily Potapkin Karen Friese (Jülich/DE) Urea at high pressures and high temperatures Nadine Rademacher, Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal Wolfgang Morgenroth, Björn Winkler (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Unveiling the transformation of α-cyclodextrin at high pressure: a combined X-ray diffraction and molecular dynamics study Rubén Granero-García (Göttingen/DE), Ben Corry (Canberra/AU) Francesca Fabbiani (Göttingen/DE) MS15 – Structures of small biologically active molecules and protein-inhibitor complexes Wolfgang Hoeffken (Ludwigshafen/DE) Invariom based Electron Density Studies of Sildenafil and Iso-Sildenafil, a comparison Peter Luger (Berlin/DE), Birger Dittrich (Hamburg/DE) Driving forces of co-crystallization – “in silico” vs experimental screening Liudmila Kuleshova, Detlef W. M. Hofmann (Pula/IT) Structural characterisation of novel potent inhibitors for treatment of TB infections Sandra Eltschkner (Würzburg/DE), Weixuan Yu (New York, NY/US) Annica Pschibul (Würzburg/DE), Peter Tonge (New York, NY/US) Caroline Kisker (Würzburg/DE) 37 Scientific Programme • Wednesday, 18 March 2015 1500 MS15-T04 1520 MS15-T05 1745–1845 Lecture Hall C P5 Chair Structure-based Design of Selective Ecto-5’-nucleotidase Inhibitors Jan Pippel, Karen Knapp (Leipzig/DE) Matthias Zebisch (Oxford/GB), Ali El-Tayeb Christa E. Müller (Bonn/DE), Norbert Sträter (Leipzig/DE) Crystallographic fragment screening – challenges, opportunities and lessons learned Andreas Heine, Johannes Schiebel, Nedyalka Radeva Alexander Metz (Marburg/DE) Franziska Huschmann (Marburg, Berlin/DE), Monika Ühlein Karine Sparta, Manfred Weiss, Uwe Mueller (Berlin/DE) Gerhard Klebe (Marburg/DE) Plenary lecture 5 Short-range order in silicate melts at high pressure Chrystele Sanloup (Paris/DE) Bo Iversen (Aarhus/DK) Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek 38 © SUB Göttingen, Pressestelle Wiki Scientific Programme • Thursday, 19 March 2015 0900 –1000 Lecture Hall C P6 Chair 1030 –1230 Lecture Hall A Chair 1030 MS16-T01 1050 MS16-T02 1110 MS16-T03 1130 MS16-T04 1150 MS16-T05 Plenary lecture 6 Life without Restraints – unusual metal centers in bioinorganic chemistry Oliver Einsle (Freiburg/DE) Ralf Ficner (Göttingen/DE) MS16 – Material Science IV Wolfgang Schmahl (München/DE) The polysulfates [SnO3n+1]2- – Where is the nd? – the first hexasulfate Rb2[S6O19] Lisa Verena Schindler, Mathias S. Wickleder (Oldenburg/DE) Oxidation behaviour of Zintl phases MTt, M=Sr, Ba; Tt=Si, Ge; under hydrogen pressure Henry Auer (Leipzig/DE), Patrick Wenderoth (Saarbrücken/DE) Holger Kohlmann (Leipzig/DE) Microstructural evolution of ferroelectric BiScO3-PbTiO3 throughout its morphotropic phase boundary Kaustuv Datta, Andreas Richter, Matthias Göbbels Reinhard Neder (Erlangen/DE) The high pressure structural phase transformation of coffinite, USiO4 studied by experimental and computational methods Johannes Bauer (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Sabrina Labs (Jülich/DE), Wolfgang Morgenroth (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Victor Milman (Cambridge/GB), Hildegard Curtius (Jülich/DE) Björn Winkler (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Multiferroic switching kinetics of MnWO4 and TbMnO3 Jeannis Leist (Göttingen/DE), Max Baum, Jonas Stein Tobias Cronert, Thomas Finger (Köln/DE), Karin Schmalzl Louis-Pierre Regnault (Grenoble/FR), Arno Hiess (Lund/SE) Petra Becker, Ladislav Bohaty (Cologne/DE), Götz Eckold (Göttingen/DE) Markus Braden (Cologne/DE) 39 Scientific Programme • Thursday, 19 March 2015 1210 MS16-T06 X-ray diffraction study of inhomogeneous deformations in α-quartz single crystal, impacted by a nanosecond electric pulse Hyeokmin Choe, Semen Gorfman, Michael Zilokowski Marco Vogt, Stefan Heidbrink (Siegen/DE), Peter Gaal (Berlin/DE) Wolfram Leitenberger (Potsdam/DE), Ullrich Pietsch (Siegen/DE) 1030 –1230 Lecture Hall B Chair 1030 MS17-T01 MS17 – Spectroscopy II 1050 MS17-T02 1110 MS17-T03 1130 MS17-T04 40 Michael Fechtelkord (Bochum/DE) High-pressure induced phase transition of MnWO4 studied by single crystal XRD and Raman spectroscopy Javier Ruiz-Fuertes, Alexandra Friedrich (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Oscar Gomis, Daniel Errandonea (Valencia, Spain/ES) Wolfgang Morgenroth (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Juan Angel Sans, David Santamaría-Pérez (Valencia/ES) Pressure-induced transformation processes in ferroelastic Pb3(Px As1-x)O4)2, x = 0 and 0.8 Boriana Mihailova (Hamburg/DE), Ross J. Angel (Padua/IT) Ulrich Bismayer (Hamburg/DE) Evaluation of structure proposals of modulated Ho2PdSi3 using diffraction anomalous fine structure Melanie Nentwich, Matthias Zschornak (Freiberg/DE) Carsten Richter (Freiberg, Hamburg/DE) Dmitri Novikov (Hamburg/DE), Dirk C. Meyer (Freiberg/DE) The site preferences of Al and Ga in (Al, Ga)-doped garnet-type Li7La3Zr2O12 as deduced from 27Al and 71Ga MAS NMR at ultrahigh magnetic fields Daniel Rettenwander (Salzburg/AT), Julia Langer Walter Schmidt (Graz/AT), Kris Harris (Hamilton/CA) Victor Terskikh (Ottawa/CA), Gillian Goward (Hamilton/CA) Martin Wilkening (Graz/AT), Georg Amthauer (Salzburg/AT) Scientific Programme • Thursday, 19 March 2015 1150 MS17-T05 1210 MS17-T06 Halogen bonds easily revealed with IR-Spectroscopy Vera Vasylyeva (Aachen/DE), Luca Catalano Susanta Nayak (Milan/IT), Carlo Nervi (Turin/IT) Giancarlo Terraneo, Pierangelo Metrangolo Giuseppe Resnati (Milan/IT) 1030 –1230 Lecture Hall C Chair 1030 MS18-T01 1050 MS18-T02 1110 MS18-T03 1130 MS18-T04 1150 MS18-T05 MS18 – Protein-nucleic acid complexes Investigation of the ultra-fast structural changes in metal-organic complexes – comparison spectroscopy and time-resolved XRD Dirk Raiser (Göttingen/DE), Sreevidya Thekku Veedu Darina Storozhuk (Hamburg/DE) Simone Techert (Hamburg, Göttingen/DE) Thomas Schneider (Hamburg/DE) Symportin 1 chaperones 5S RNP assembly during ribosome biogenesis Fabiola Rodriguez-Calvino, Satyavati Kharde, Allessandro Ori Klemens Wild, Martin Beck, Irmi Sinning (Heidelberg/DE) Structures of two bacterial resistance factors mediating tRNA-dependent aminoacylation of phosphatidylglycerol with lysine or alanine Joern Krausze, Stefanie Hebecker, Joachim Reichelt Jürgen Moser, Dirk Heinz (Braunschweig/DE) Crystal structures of GTP-bound eIF5B provide novel insight into the mechanisms of GTP-dependent conformational switching and GTP hydrolysis in translational GTPases Bernhard Kuhle, Ralf Ficner (Göttingen/DE) Structural studies of the GPN-loop GTPase Npa3 Jürgen Niesser, Andre Heuer, Dirk Kostrewa Roland Beckmann (Munich/DE), Patrick Cramer (Göttingen/DE) Short helical interaction modules in a novel spliceosomal subcomplex Alexander Ulrich, Tonio Schütze, Martin Seeger Markus C. Wahl (Berlin/DE) 41 Scientific Programme • Thursday, 19 March 2015 1210 MS18-T06 Quaternary structure of Prp19 provides mechanistic insight into the regulation of its ubiquitin ligation activity Tales Rocha de Moura, Jana Schmitzova, Csaba Kibedi Sina Mozaffari Jovin (Göttingen/DE), Mikhail Kachala Dmitri Svergun (Hamburg/DE), Reinhard Lührmann Vladimir Pena (Göttingen/DE) 1230 –1300 Lecture Hall C Closing Poster Overview Biostructures Computational & Theoretical Crystallography General Interest Inorganic structural chemistry Material Science Spectroscopy Structural chemistry at extreme conditions Lightning Session Posters (see page 43) (see page 45) (see page 46) (see page 47) (see page 51) (see page 58) (see page 60) (see page 61) Poster authors with an even ID: - please be present in poster session I on Tuesday, 17 March please mount your poster on Monday, 16 March and remove it after poster session I at 1800. Poster authors with an uneven ID: - please be present in poster session II on Wednesday, 18 March - please mount your poster on Wednesday, 18 March at 1000 and remove it after poster session II at 1800. 42 Poster Presentations Biostructures BIO-P01 Facilities for macromolecular crystallography at the HZB Manfred Weiss, Ronald Förster, Michael Hellmig, Franziska Huschmann Alexandra Kastner, Eric Kolibacz, Piotr Malecki, Martin Röwer Karine Sparta, Michael Steffien, Monika Ühlein, Piotr Wilk Uwe Mueller (Berlin/DE) BIO-P02 Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the ethylene receptor ETR1 from Arabidopsis thaliana Saravanan Panneerselvam, Jochen Mueller Dieckmann (Hamburg/DE) BIO-P03 Exploring the role of CooC2 in the maturation of Acetyl-CoA synthase Christina Wörmann, Jae-Hun Jeoung, Sebastian Goetzl Holger Dobbek (Berlin/DE) BIO-P04 Solving structures from the anaerobic degradation pathways Sina Weidenweber, Ulrike Demmer Eberhard Warkentin (Frankfurt a. M./DE), Tobias Weinert (Villigen/CH) Karola Schühle, Johann Heider (Marburg/DE), Simona Huwiler Claudia Loeffler, Matthias Boll (Freiburg/DE) Ulrich Ermler (Frankfurt a. M./DE) BIO-P05 Optimizing data collection in the home lab Severine Freisz (Karlsruhe/DE), Matthew Benning (Madison, WI/US) BIO-P06 Structural biology of the pseudomonas aeruginosa quinolone signaling system Florian Witzgall, Wulf Blankenfeldt (Braunschweig/DE) BIO-P07 Thermal stabilization of Polyhydroxybutyrate Bernd Michael Liebeck, Pavan Kumar Manvi, Thomas Vad Georg Roth (Aachen/DE) BIO-P08 Structural and mechanistic studies of RNA-ligating deoxyribozymes Almudena Ponce-Salvatierra, Vladimir Pena Claudia Höbartner (Göttingen/DE) 43 Poster Presentations BIO-P10 BIO-P11 BIO-P12 BIO-P13 BIO-P14 BIO-P15 BIO-P16 BIO-P17 BIO-P18 44 Introduction to a novel genome browser based on structure prediction by Phyre2 Joachim Reichelt, Juliane Poppe, Christian Feiler Wulf Blankenfeldt (Braunschweig/DE) Terminal Uridylyl Transferases (TUTases) – steps towards understanding pre-let-7 miRNA degradation Ankur Garg, Udo Heinemann (Berlin/DE) βαβββ-module-containing proteins in resistance and metabolism of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Monika Popp, Allegra Vit, Wulf Blankenfeldt (Braunschweig/DE) EMBL Beamlines for macromolecular crystallography at PETRA III Thomas Schneider, Gleb Bourenkov, Michele Cianci Johanna Kallio, Guillaume Pompidor, Stefan Fiedler (Hamburg/DE) On the electron density distrubution of a double zwitterionic dipeptide Charlotte Ruhmlieb, Birger Dittrich (Hamburg/DE) Human Prolidase Mutations – structural basis of enzymatic activity loss Piotr Wilk, Monika Ühlein, Holger Dobbek, Manfred Weiss Uwe Mueller (Berlin/DE) Purification and Crystallization of the SiiAB-Complex Peter Kirchweger, Sigrid Weiler, Claudia Egerer-Sieber Yves Muller (Erlangen/DE) Structural and functional characterization of invasin-like proteins Pooja Sadana, Rebecca Geyer, Petra Dersch Andrea Scrima (Braunschweig/DE) Native-like Photosystem II Superstructure at 2.44 Å resolution through detergent extraction from the protein crystal Martin Bommer, Julia Hellmich (Berlin/DE) Anja Burkhardt (Hamburg/DE), Mohamed Ibrahim (Berlin/DE) Jan Kern (Berkeley, CA/US), Alke Meents (Hamburg/DE) Frank Mueh (Linz/AT), Holger Dobbek, Athina Zouni (Berlin/DE) Poster Presentations BIO-P19 BIO-P20 BIO-P21 BIO-P22 BIO-P23 mtsslSuite – a PyMOL based toolkit for the integration of macromolecular crystallography and EPR long-range distance measurements Gregor Hagelueken, Dinar Abdullin, Olav Schiemann (Bonn/DE) Test experiments for future laue crystallography at PETRA III Philip Roedig, Anja Burkhardt, Pontus Fischer, Edgar Weckert Alke Meents (Hamburg/DE) The Crystallography Endstation at Beamline P11 at PETRA III Anja Burkhardt, Pontus Fischer, Dennis Göries, Jan Meyer Tim Pakendorf, Saravanan Panneerselvam, Bernd Reime Jan Röver, Nicolas Stübe, Martin Warmer, Alke Meents (Hamburg/DE) Same yet different – molecular basis of gabaa versus glycine receptor clustering through gephyrin Vikram Babu Kasaragod (Würzburg/DE) Hans Michael Maric (Copenhagen/DK), Torben Johann Hausrat, Matthias Kneussel (Hamburg/DE), Kristian Strømgaard Hermann Schindelin (Würzburg/DE) Expression, purification and crystallisation of MKK7 Patrik Wolle, S. Mayer-Wrangowski, D. Rauh (Dortmund/DE) Computational & Theoretical Crystallography CTC-P01 PDF-refinement of crystalline & nanocrystalline Bi2WO6 Michael Teck (Bremen/DE), Henrike K. Grossmann Tim Grieb (Bremen/DE), Thomas Hartmann (Darmstadt/DE) Lutz Mädler, Thorsten M. Gesing (Bremen/DE) CTC-P02 An Empirical Correction for Low Energy Contamination of X-ray Data Lennard Krause, Regine Herbst-Irmer, Dietmar Stalke (Göttingen/DE) CTC-P03 TDS – a first step towards an experimental correction Benedikt Niepötter, Regine Herbst-Irmer, Dietmar Stalke (Göttingen/DE) CTC-P04 Charge Density Investigations on Low Valent Silicon Containing Compounds Dietmar Stalke (Göttingen/DE) 45 Poster Presentations CTC-P05 CTC-P06 Validation of charge density refinement strategies Felix Engelhardt, Lennard Krause, Benedikt Niepötter Regine Herbst-Irmer, Dietmar Stalke (Göttingen/DE) Data Collection Strategies for High Resolution Datasets Christian Joseph Schürmann, Felix Engelhardt Regine Herbst-Irmer, Dietmar Stalke (Göttingen/DE) General Interest GIN-P01 Kinetics of ferroelastic domain switching in SrTiO3 by pulsed electric fields Götz Eckold, Jakob Sidoruk, Jeannis Leist, Holger Gibhardt Oleg Sobolev (Göttingen/DE), Bachir Ouladiaff (Grenoble/FR) GIN-P02 Light-Atom Structures – absolute configuration determination and beyond Jürgen Graf (Geesthacht/DE), Michael Ruf Bruce Noll (Madison, WI/US), Severine Freisz, Alexander Gerisch Holger Ott (Karlsruhe/DE), Birger Dittrich (Göttingen/DE) Carsten Michaelsen (Geesthacht/DE) GIN-P03 Synthesis, crystal structures, hydrogen bonds studies and DFT calculation of new quinoline derivatives Benyza Nabil, Messai Amel, Zouchoune Bachir (Khenchela/DZ) GIN-P04 Sulfur as hydrogen bond acceptor within the ADA/DAD synthon in cocrystals of 6-methyl-2-thiouracil Wilhelm Maximilian Hützler, Ernst Egert (Frankfurt a. M./DE) GIN-P05 Time-resolved X-ray diffraction reveals the hidden mechanism of high electromechanical activity in Sr0.5Ba0.5Nb2O6 uniaxial ferroelectric Semen Gorfman, Hyeokmin Choe (Siegen/DE) Vladimir Shvartsman (Essen/DE), Jan Dec (Katowice/PL) Michael Ziolkowski, Ullrich Pietsch (Siegen/DE) GIN-P06 Fexofenadinhydrochlorid – ein Antihistaminikum der dritten Generation Jürgen Brüning, Martin U. Schmidt (Frankfurt a. M./DE) 46 Poster Presentations GIN-P07 High-resolution crystallographic investigations of organometallic compounds Darina Storozhuk (Hamburg/DE), Simone Techert (Hamburg, Gottingen/DE) Dirk Raiser (Gottingen/DE) Inorganic structural chemistry ISC-P02 Synthesis experiments on zeotype framework host substitution: Lithium ABW type materials and stable by-products Philip Törber, J.-Ch. Buhl (Hannover/DE) ISC-P03 Zeolite crystallization experiments under insertion of laboratory ware waste material Tamara Miranda Busche, Andrea Hartmann, Valeriy Petrov Josef-Christian Buhl (Hannover/DE), Katrin Rübner Matthias Lindemann (Berlin/DE) ISC-P04 Growth of M:TiO2±δ (M = Ni, Fe, Co, Mn, Nb) single crystals by means of induction skull-melting Matthias Paun, Martin Lerch (Berlin/DE) ISC-P05 Growth of Luminescent Zirconia-based single crystals by means of induction skull-melting Matthias Paun, Eva Heppke, Martin Lerch (Berlin/DE) ISC-P06 Neutron scattering investigations on mechanochemically prepared CZTS Anna Ritscher, Martin Lerch (Berlin/DE) Oleksandr Dolotko (Garching b. München/DE) ISC-P07 Evaluation of amorphous, turbostratic and crystalline carbon membranes in the focus of bio-ethanol steam reforming Alexander Schulz (Hannover/DE), Yanshuo Li (Dalian/CN) Jürgen Caro (Hannover/DE) ISC-P08 SrBa2(NH2)6 – a new ternary amide from ammonothermal synthesis Jan Hertrampf (Stuttgart/DE), Nicolas S. A. Alt Eberhard Schlücker (Erlangen/DE), Rainer Niewa (Stuttgart/DE) 47 Poster Presentations ISC-P09 ISC-P10 ISC-P11 ISC-P12 ISC-P13 ISC-P14 ISC-P15 ISC-P16 ISC-P17 48 Single crystal growth of Mn-doped melilites Manfred Burianek, Hanna Lührs, Reinhard X. Fischer (Bremen/DE) High-Temperature Transformation from 1T- to 3R-LixTiS2 – observed in situ with Neutron Diffraction Dennis Wiedemann, Suliman Nakhal (Berlin/DE) Anatoliy Senyshyn (München/DE), Thomas Bredow (Bonn/DE) Martin Lerch (Berlin/DE) Intra-cage oxidation and reaction kinetics of nitrite-sodalite to nitrate-sodalite Malik Sehovic, Lars Robben, Thorsten M. Gesing (Bremen/DE) The defect scheelite-type Europium(III) Ortho-Oxidomolybdate(VI) Eu0.667[MoO4] Tanja Schustereit, Thomas Schleid, Ingo Hartenbach (Stuttgart/DE) Structural Distortion in the Compounds (A3N) As (A = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) Dominik Stoiber, Rainer Niewa (Stuttgart/DE) Silicates and Phosphates with complex hydrogen bonds – studies with neutron single crystal diffraction Martin Meven (Aachen, Jülich/DE), G. Diego Gatta (Milan/IT) Cs2Eu[Nb6Cl18] – a Sixteen valence electron cluster compound Dirk Zimmermann, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) Single Crystals of Matlockite-Type YbHCl Daniel Rudolph, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) UPTe, ThPTe and U2PTe2O – actinide Pnictide Chalcogenides with Diphosphide Anions Karoline Stolze, Anna Isaeva, Ulrich Schwarz, Thomas Doert (Dresden/DE) Poster Presentations ISC-P18 ISC-P19 ISC-P20 ISC-P21 ISC-P22 ISC-P23 ISC-P24 ISC-P25 ISC-P26 Synthesis, Crystal Chemistry and Electronic Structure of new mixed Strontium Trielides Carolin Meyer, Katharina Köhler, Caroline Röhr (Freiburg/DE) Composition dependent transitions from cubic to tetragonal in Li7+xTexI1—xN2 Christoph Ney, Rainer Niewa (Stuttgart/DE) Crystal Structure of the Cerium(III) Sulfide Chloride Thioarsenate(III) Ce5S4Cl[AsS3]2 Florian Ledderboge, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) [Mg(H2O)6]2Cl2[B12Cl12] – the first mixed-anionic Dodecachloro-closo-Dodecaborate Hydrate Fabian Maximilian Kleeberg, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) Structural Investigations on CsAlD4 by Time-of-Flight Neutron Powder Diffraction and DFT calculations Thomas Bernert, Daniel Krech Michael Felderhoff (Mülheim a. d. Ruhr/DE) Winfried Kockelmann (Didcot/GB), Terry J. Frankcombe (Canberra/AU) Claudia Weidenthaler (Mülheim a. d. Ruhr/DE) Synthesis, crystal structures, hydrogen bonds studies and DFT calculation of new complexe based on Ni+II Benyza Nabil, Amel Messai (Khenchela/DZ) New alkaline-earth mercurides AHg6-xMx (A=Ca, Sr, Ba; M = Sn, Ga, In, Zn, Cd) Marco Wendorff, Michael Schwarz, Caroline Röhr (Freiburg/DE) Formation and structural characterization of the first basic tin(II)-fluoride, Sn9F13O(OH)3 ∙ 2H2O. Hans Reuter, Elena Uglova, Martin Reichelt (Osnabrück/DE) Accurate structural parameters of the tin(II) halides from well-resolved, low-temperature single crystal data Hans Reuter, Martin Reichelt (Osnabrück/DE) 49 Poster Presentations ISC-P27 ISC-P28 ISC-P29 ISC-P30 ISC-P31 ISC-P32 ISC-P33 ISC-P34 ISC-P35 50 [iPrSnI2(pyNO)3][SnI3] · CHCl3 – an organic-inorganic mixed-valence tin(IV)-tin(II) compound Hans Reuter, Daniel Schwarte, Martin Reichelt (Osnabrück/DE) Synthesis and Structural Characterization of the Europium(II,III) Oxide Ortho-Oxoaluminate Eu3O[AlO4] Monika Eva Bohem, Olaf Reckeweg, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) Serendipitous Formation of Cesium Mercury(II) Selenide Cs2Hg3Se4 as high-pressure Phase Ronja Stromsky, Lucas W. Zimmermann, Ingo Hartenbach Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) The new Dysprosium(III) Oxide Selenide Dy2OSe2 Adrian Harald Geyer, Christian M. Schurz, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) Y2S[SiO4] – a new yttrium sulfide ortho-oxosilicate Marcel Eberle, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) Crystal structure and phase transition of BaCaBO3F Manfred Burianek, Carolin Niekamp, Michael Teck, Iris Spieß (Bremen/DE) Olaf Medenbach (Bochum/DE), Lennart A. Fischer Paul E. Wolff (Hannover/DE), Johannes Neumann (Oldenburg/DE) Reinhard X. Fischer (Bremen/DE) Thermal expansion, bulk and atomistic Debye-temperatures of |Na8I2|[AlSiO4]6 determined by temperature-dependent neutron TOF and X-ray scattering. Lars Robben (Bremen/DE), Isaac Abrahams (London/GB) Thorsten M. Gesing (Bremen/DE) Impossible h…h contacts in published Carboxylic Acid and Carboxylic Acid complex structures Carl Schwalbe (Cambridge/GB) Crystal structure of the luminescent oxonitridosilicates BaLa3Si5O2N9:Ce3+ and La3-xBaxSi6N11-xOx:Ce3+ (x ≈ 0.1) Lukas Neudert, Dajana Durach (Munich/DE), Oliver Oeckler (Leipzig/DE) Wolfgang Schnick (Munich/DE) Poster Presentations ISC-P36 ISC-P37 A new Nitride Selenide Chloride of Lanthanum – La4NSe3Cl3 Markus Foltin, Monika Meyer, Falk Lissner, Thomas Schleid (Stuttgart/DE) Synthesis and structure of two new crystalline silicic acids: H-Carletonite, H32Si64O144 and Hydrated H-Apophyllite, H16Si16O40 • 8 H2O Bernd Marler (Bochum/DE) Material Science MSC-P01 Halogengold(I)-Amine complexes and their oxidation products Cindy Döring, Peter G. Jones (Braunschweig/DE) MSC-P02 Solvothermal synthesis, structure, and properties of new dioxorhenium(V) compound with aromatic amines Andrzej Kochel (Wrocław/PL) MSC-P03 Towards a crystal undulator Jürgen Härtwig, Simon H. Connell (Johannesburg/ZA) Dazmen Mavunda (Johannesburg, Pretoria/ZA) Thu Nhi Tran Thi (Johannesburg/ZA), Werner Lauth (Mainz/DE) MSC-P04 Formation of Ni(II) Oxime-Bridged Basket-Like complexes and their structural aspects Malgorzata Holynska (Marburg/DE) MSC-P05 Structural complexity of th compounds built from Tellurite Polyhedra and MO42-(M = S6+/W6+/Mo6+) Tetrahedra Bin Xiao, Evgeny Alekseev (Jülich/DE) MSC-P06 MSC-P07 Thermal expansion behaviors of three alkali metal asenotungstates Pei Zhao, M. Mangir Murshed (Bremen/DE) Ashfia Huq (Oak Ridge, TN/US), Evgeny V. Alekseev (Jülich, Aachen/DE) Thorsten M. Gesing (Bremen/DE) Structural investigations of CH3NH3PbI3 Alexandra Franz, Daniel Toebbens, Susan Schorr (Berlin/DE) 51 Poster Presentations MSC-P09 MSC-P10 MSC-P11 MSC-P12 MSC-P13 MSC-P14 MSC-P15 MSC-P16 MSC-P17 52 Thermal expansion anomaly in lithium tungsten bronzes Md. Shahidur Rahman, M. Mangir Murshed Michael Fischer (Bremen/DE), Ashfia Huq (Tennessee/US) Thorsten. M. Gesing (Bremen/DE) Tow Modifications of Tin(II) Bromide Pierre Eckold, Werner Hügel, Rainer Niewa (Stuttgart/DE) The imidosulfates Na2(NHSO3), K2(NHSO3) and BaNa2(NHSO3)2 Vanessa Zimmermann, Mathias Wickleder (Oldenburg/DE) Structural characterization of Cu2ZnSn(S1-xSex)4 – a comparative study Galina Gurieva (Berlin/DE), Mirjana Dimitrievska (Barcelona/ES) R. Gunder (Berlin/DE), H Xie (Barcelona/ES), S. Zander (Berlin/DE) V. Izquierdo-Roca, A. Pérez-Rodríguez, E. Saucedo (Barcelona/ES) Susan Schorr (Berlin/DE) Microstructural Analysis of Cu2ZnSnSe4 Thin Films by Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction René Gunder, Susan Schorr (Berlin/DE), Simón López Mariño Moisés Espíndola Rodríguez, Edgardo Saucedo (Barcelona/ES) Synthesis and structural characterization of off-stoichiometric kesterite type selenide compound semiconductor Cu2ZnSnSe4 (CZTSe) Laura Elisa Valle Rios, Galina Gurieva, Daniel Többens Susan Schorr (Berlin/DE) Phase content and structural analysis by WDX and X-ray diffraction of off-stoichiometric Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) Kai Neldner, Susan Schorr, Daniel Többens Galina Gurieva (Berlin/DE) Further insight into U/Th metaphosphate crystal chemistry and effect of Nd3+ incorporation into U4+ metaphosphate Na Yu, Evgeny Alekseev (Jülich/DE) Tunable k2 phase transition in chain polymers [Pd(acacCN)2Ag]X (X = BF4, ClO4) Qianqian Guo, Ulli Englert (Aachen/DE) Poster Presentations MSC-P18 MSC-P19 MSC-P20 MSC-P21 MSC-P22 MSC-P23 MSC-P24 MSC-P25 MSC-P26 Investigation of the phase transition of CsGaSe2 by high-temperature in situ X-ray powder diffraction Daniel Friedrich (Regensburg/DE), Marc Schlosser Arno Pfitzner (Regensburg/DE) (La,Pr)PO4 – a model system for ceramic radioactive waste matrices Antje Hirsch, Andreas Neumann Charlotte Schausten (Aachen/DE), Anja Thust (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Lars Peters, Georg Roth (Aachen/DE) Flux growth of triphylite – lithiophilite, Li(Fe,Mn)PO4 single crystals Peter Schmid-Beurmann, Joshua Sibbing Jan Thiäner (Münster/DE), Werner Lottermoser (Salzburg/AT) Synthesis and structural investigation of the layered sulfido metalates A2x[M2-xS2] (A=K, Rb, Cs; M=Fe, Co; x=0.4, 0.5) Michael Schwarz, Pirmin Stüble, Jan Kägi, Caroline Röhr (Freiburg/DE) Demixing of multinary metallic liquids during electrocrystallisation - synthesis and crystal structure of CsIn12 Constantin Hoch, Frank Tambornino, Sabine Hübner (München/DE) The New Kappa-Diffractometer at Beamline P24 (Chemical Crystallography, PEX-E, Desy) Carsten Paulmann, Andreas Berghäuser, Dennis Ropers (Hamburg/DE), Ulrich Bismayer (Hamburg/DE) Thermal Analysis and Crystal Chemistry of important AFM – phase solid solutions in CAC cement stones Stefan Stöber, Herbert Pöllmann (Halle a. d. Saale/DE) Structural, spectroscopic and compαutational studies on Li2Ca2Si2O7 Volker Kahlenberg, Emanuele Brunello, Clivia Hejny, Hannes Krüger Daniela Schmidmair, Martina Tribus (Innsbruck/AT) Daniel M. Többens (Berlin/DE) Impedance spectroscopy of mullite type Bi2Fe4O9 and Bi2Al4O9 and their interface reactions at 800°C Florian Kiesel, Claus Rüscher (Hannover/DE) 53 Poster Presentations MSC-P27 MSC-P28 MSC-P29 Microstructural analysis of CuInSe2 thin films by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction Julien Marquardt, Susan Schorr, Stephan Brunken (Berlin/DE) MSC-P30 MSC-P31 MSC-P32 MSC-P33 MSC-P34 MSC-P35 Crystallisation of 11 Å-tobermorite from industrial waste materials Denise Fregin, Andrea Hartmann Josef-Christian Buhl (Hannover/DE) 54 Spin and orbital disordering in the hole-doped system Pr1−xCaxVO3 Manfred Reehuis (Berlin/DE), Clemens Ulrich (Sydney/AU) Paula M. Abdala, Phil Pattison (Grenoble/FR), Jun Fujioka Shigeki Miyasaka, Yoshinori Tokura (Tokyo/JP) Bernhard Keimer (Stuttgart/DE) Experimental studies in boundary systems – low calcian magnesites Ulf-Niklas Berninger (München, Toulouse/FR), Guntram Jordan Michael Lindner (München/DE), Eric H. Oelkers (Toulouse/FR) Alexander Reul (München/DE), Jacques Schott (Toulouse/FR) Characterization of Lithium Niobate Sol-Gel Thin Films with embedded Crystalline Particles Doreen Eger Passos, Diana Karsch, Hartmut Stöcker Erik Mehner (Freiberg/DE), Ute Bergmann, Dirk Spitzner (Dresden/DE) Dirk C. Meyer (Freiberg/DE) Experimental determination of transformation textures in various semiconductor materials Nina Pukallus, Helmut Klein, Heidrun Sowa (Göttingen/DE) The different water contents of LDH-type structure – monosulfate Stefan Stöber, Herbert Pöllmann (Halle/DE) Joining forces – combination of IR spectroscopy and DFT calculations to study the adsorption of carbon monoxide in Na-exchanged chabazites Montserrat Rodríguez Delgado, Carlos Otero Areán Clara Oliver Duran (Palma/ES), Michael Fischer (Bremen/DE) Influence of electric field and domain structure on the low-temperature Raman spectra of SrTiO3 Holger Gibhardt, Jeannis Leist, Götz Eckold (Göttingen/DE) Poster Presentations MSC-P37 MSC-P38 MSC-P39 MSC-P40 MSC-P41 MSC-P42 MSC-P43 Investigations of the solid state of protected aminoacids in presence of dicyclohexylamine Kevin Pappert, Carsten Schauerte, Uwe Schmitz Klaus Merz (Bochum/DE) Unusual reduction route to a novel MnIII-polymer with a tetraazaadamantane-like ligand as linker Dejan Premužić, Małgorzata Hołyńska (Marburg/DE) Influence of H/D exchange on the crystallization process of oxalyl dihydrazide Viktoria Grasmik (Bochum/DE), Roman Zabatyuk (Kharkiv/UA) Klaus Merz (Bochum/DE) Unusual Raman signals in multiferroic Bi2Mn4O10 M. Mangir Murshed (Bremen/DE), Fabian Ziegler, Holger Gibhardt Götz Eckold (Göttingen/DE), Thorsten M. Gesing (Bremen/DE) Fast XRD studies with pink beam at the Extreme Conditions Beamline P02.2 at PETRA III Wolfgang Morgenroth (Frankfurt/DE) Hanns-Peter Liermann (Hamburg/DE), Björn Winkler (Frankfurt/DE) In situ Grazing Incidence Diffraction in electrochemical catalysis: from theory to experiment (Part II) Michael Scherzer, Frank Girgsdies, Matthias Friedrich Elias Frei, Robert Schlögl (Berlin/DE) Chemical Modification of x and Exchange of M in MxV2O5 and MxFePO4 Jessica Bauer, Guido Kickelbick, Robert Haberkorn (Saarbrücken/DE) 55 Poster Presentations MSC-P44 MSC-P45 KMC-2, a versatile diffraction and XAS beamline at BESSY II Daniel Többens, Stefan Zander, Susan Schorr (Berlin/DE) MSC-P46 MSC-P47 MSC-P48 MSC-P49 MSC-P50 MSC-P51 MSC-P52 A new low-cost method to take and store Laue patterns Werner Lottermoser (Salzburg/AT) 56 Influence of substitution and nanostructures on the thermoelectric properties of disordered tellurides Stefan Maier (Munich/DE), Felix Fahrnbauer (Leipzig/DE) Thorsten Schröder, Nadja Giesbrecht (Munich/DE) Markus Nentwig (Munich, Leipzig/DE) G. Jeffrey Snyder (Pasadena, CA/US), Oliver Oeckler (Leipzig/DE) Crystallography and crystal chemistry of alkaline earth chloroacetates and their hydrates Ronny Kaden, Herbert Pöllmann (Halle/DE) Crystallographic investigations of ball-milled gold supported on α-Fe2O3 Seyma Ortatatli, Sarah Immohr Claudia Weidenthaler (Mülheim a. d. Ruhr/DE) Synthesis and characterization of monophase, polycrystalline erbium calcium oxoborate (ErCa4O(BO3)3) for single-crystal growth by Czochralski Konrad Mielke, Jens Götze, Margitta Hengst (Freiberg/DE) Modulation, twinning and crystal structures of Λ–Co(sepulchrate) trinitrate at low temperatures Somnath Dey, Andreas Schönleber, Sander van Smaalen (Bayreuth/DE) Finn Krebs Larsen (Aarhus/DK) Crystal structures, magnetic properties and electrochemical properties as anode electrode in sodium-ion batteries of chromium (III)-based phosphates α- and β-Na2Ni2Cr(PO4)3 Rachid Essehli, Mohammed Ait Haddouch, Ilias Belharouak, Said benmoktar (Casablanca/MA) Synthesis, structural and corrosion inhibition properties of Phenylhydrazine dihydrogenophosphate Aziz Kheireddine, Malika Tridane, Said Benmokhtar Youness Abboud, Said Belaaoua (Casablanca/MA) Poster Presentations MSC-P53 MSC-P54 MSC-P55 MSC-P56 MSC-P57 MSC-P58 MSC-P59 MSC-P60 The structure of the common limestone corrosion product thecotrichite Nanna Wahlberg (Aarhus/DK), Robert E. Dinnebier Andrea Fischer, Gerhard Eggert (Stuttgart/DE) Light diffraction experiments with micron-sized models of 3D-crystals Johannes Birkenstock, Mike Bülters, Reinhard X. Fischer (Bremen/DE) Ti-Substituted BaFe12O19 Single Crystal Growth and Characterization Sandra Nemrava (Stuttgart/DE), Denis A. Vinnik (Chelyabinsk/RU) Dmitry A. Zherebtsov (Chelyabinsk, Moscow/RU) Lubov S. Mashkovtseva (Chelyabinsk/RU) Anna S. Semisalova (Moscow/RU) Nikolai S. Perov (Moscow, Kaliningrad/RU) Igor V. Krivtsov (Chelyabinsk/RU), Ludmila I. Isaenko (Novosibirsk/RU) Gennady G. Mikhailov (Chelyabinsk/RU), Rainer Niewa (Stuttgart/DE) Electrostatic potential and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Zwitterionic Compound – 6-methyl-2-oxo-3-[1(ureidoiminio)ethyl]-2H-pyran-4-olate monohydrate Abdelkader CHOUAIH, Nadia BENHALIMA, Rachida RAHMANI, Nourdine Boukabcha, Fodil HAMZAOUI (Mostaganem/DZ) Molecular and solid-state structure of 5-(5-nitro furan-2-ylmethylen), 3-N-(2-methoxy phenyl),2-N’-(2-methoxyphenyl) imino thiazolidin-4-one Rachida RAHMANI, Abdelkader CHOUAIH Fodil HAMZAOUI (Mostaganem/DZ) The anisotropy of the thermal expansion of Mg-, Fe-, and Co-olivines Peter Schmid-Beurmann, Herbert Kroll Alexander Sell (Münster/DE), Armin Kirfel (Bonn/DE) Peter Adelmann, Horst Pentinghaus (Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen/DE) Change of modulation in relaxor ferroelectric Ca0.28Ba0.72Nb2O6 (CBN28) on quenching Heribert Graetsch (Bochum/DE) Structural distortion of biogenic aragonite in Ranella Olerea mollusc shell layers Salim Ouhenia (Béjaia/DZ), Daniel Chateigner (Caen/FR) 57 Poster Presentations MSC-P61 MSC-P62 MSC-P63 MSC-P64 MSC-P66 The role of Ca in Al-, Li- and [4]B-bearing tourmalines Andreas Ertl, Ekkehart Tillmanns, Gerald Giester (Wien/AT) Growth, structural and magnetic characterization of Al-substituted barium hexaferrite single crystals Sandra Nemrava (Stuttgart/DE), Denis A. Vinnik, Dmitry A. Zherebtsov Lubov S. Mashkovtseva (Chelyabinsk/RU), Markus Bischoff (Stuttgart/DE) Nikolai S. Perov (Moscow, Kaliningrad/RU) Anna S. Semisalova (Moscow/RU), Igor V. Krivtsov (Chelyabinsk/RU) Ludmila I. Isaenko (Novosibirsk/RU) Gennady G. Mikhailov (Chelyabinsk/RU), Rainer Niewa (Stuttgart/DE) Accurate determination of structural characteristics TiNI-based shape memory alloys Boris Kodess, Paul Kodess, Juriy Chumlakov (Moscow/RU) PDF and Rietveld Analysis of Disordered Rock-Salt-Type Li2VO2F as Li-ion cathode material Murat Yavuz (Karlsruhe, Darmstadt/DE) Inma Peral (Barcelona/ES), Michael Knapp, Ruiyong Chen (Karlsruhe/DE) Helmut Ehrenberg (Karlsruhe, Darmstadt/DE) Investigating the annealing behaviour of Eifel sanidine Johannes Kähn, Daniel Többens, Manfred Reehuis Susan Schorr (Berlin/DE) Spectroscopy SPE-P01 Sarcosine and betaine crystals on cooling – structural motifs unstable at high pressure become stable at low temperatures Eugene Kapustin, Vasily Minkov, Elena Boldyreva (Novosibirsk/RU) SPE-P02 Nanoparticle precursor into polycrystalline Bi2Fe4O9: temperature-dependent in-situ investigations by X-ray diffraction, Raman and Mössbauer spectroscopy Andrea Kirsch, M. Mangir Murshed, Ariane Friedemann (Bremen/DE) Piotr Gaczynski, Klaus-Dieter Becker (Braunschweig/DE) Thorsten M. Gesing (Bremen/DE) 58 Poster Presentations SPE-P03 Temperature-dependent X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy of |Na8(MnO4)2|[AlSiO4]6 Hilke Petersen, Lars Robben, Thorsten M. Gesing (Bremen/DE) SPE-P04 First Experiments with the New Multiplex-system at the Three-Axes-Spectrometer PUMA Götz Eckold, Oleg Sobolev, Ron Hoffmann (Göttingen/DE) SPE-P05 NMR spectroscopy on magnetically aligned powder samples Alexander Korthaus, Bernhard Mausolf Frank Haarmann (Aachen/DE) SPE-P06 Determination of local atomic arrangements in Ba(M1-xM’x)4 with (M,M’ = Al, Ga, In) using quantum mechanical calculations and solid-state-NMR-spectroscopy. Volker Peters, Bernhard Mausolf, Frank Haarmann (Aachen/DE) SPE-P07 Time-dependent XPS studies on Li0.4WO3 bronze stored at different conditions Niels Lefeld, Andreas Schaefer, M. Mangir Murshed Md. Shahidur Rahman, Marcus Bäumer Thorsten M. Gesing (Bremen/DE) SPE-P08 Of substitution and doping – spatial and electronic structure in iron pnictides Michael Merz, Peter Schweiss, Peter Nagel, Meng-Jie Huang Robert Eder, Thomas Wolf, Hilbert von Loehneysen Stefan Schuppler (Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen/DE) SPE-P09 Infrared spectroscopy as a complementary tool for the structure analysis of hydrous layer silicates Bernd Marler, Sandra Grabowski, Hermann Gies (Bochum/DE) Structural chemistry at extreme conditions SCE-P01 Trigonal bipyramidal coordination of Zn2+ in Zn(NH3)2F2 and Zn(NH3)3F2 Theresia Richter (Stuttgart/DE) Nicolas S. A. Alt (Stuttgart, Erlangen/DE) Eberhard Schlücker (Erlangen/DE), Rainer Niewa (Stuttgart/DE) 59 Poster Presentations SCE-P02 SCE-P03 SCE-P04 SCE-P05 SCE-P06 SCE-P07 SCE-P08 60 TEV - a tool for the determination and visualization of the thermal expansion tensor from diffraction data Volker Kahlenberg, Thomas Langreiter (Innsbruck/AT) Crystalline hydrates of an amphiphilic ionic liquid and its influence on drug polymorphism Sofiane Saouane, Francesca Fabbiani (Göttingen/DE) Effects of missing data on single-crystal refinement of organic structures at high pressure Julian Holstein, Rubén Granero-García Francesca Fabbiani (Göttingen/DE) Structural transformations of the silica clathrate chibaite Katharina Scheidl, Ronald Miletich (Vienna/AT) Takehiko Yagi (Tokyo/JP), Koichi Momma (Tsukuba/JP) Melamine at high pressures and high temperatures Nadine Rademacher, Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal Wolfgang Morgenroth, Björn Winkler (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Shock-wave treatment of kaolinite under extreme conditions Thomas Schlothauer, Kevin Keller, Brendler Erica Heide Gerhard, Edwin Kroke (Freiberg/DE) Structural Properties of Nickel Dimethylglyoxime at High Pressure. Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction and DFT Studies Zakharov Boris (Novosibirsk/RU), Ian Bruce-Smith (Edinburgh/GB) Boris Zakharov (Novosibirsk/RU), Jernej Stare (Ljubljana/SI) Elena Boldyreva (Novosibirsk/RU), Colin Pulham (Edinburgh/GB) Poster Presentations Lightning Session Posters LIG-P01 Biochemical and structural studies on reaction mechanism of the acetyl-CoA synthesis Yulia Dendra, Sebastian Götzl, Jae-Hun Jeoung, Holger Dobbek (Berlin/DE) LIG-P02 Epitaxial growth of pulsed laser deposited Ge-Sb-Te thin films on (111) oriented substrates Erik Thelander, Ulrich Ross, Jürgen W Gerlach, Andriy Lotnyk Bernd Rauschenbach (Leipzig/DE) LIG-P03 Real time structural dynamics and entropy insights into the early unfolding kinetics of ubiquitin – rapid mixing micro-channel based time-resolved small angle X-ray scattering at synchrotrons Rohit Jain, Marcel Petri, Sissi Sonnenkalb, Stefan Becker Christian Griesinger (Göttingen/DE), Andreas Menzel (Villigen/CH) Thomas P Burg (Göttingen/DE), Simone Techert (Hamburg, Göttingen/DE) LIG-P04 Hexanuclear Metallacryptates – Cu(α-amino-carboxylate)2 as Building Units for Self Assembly Kevin Lamberts, Ulli Englert (Aachen/DE) LIG-P05 Crystallization kinetics of zeolite Li-A(BW) in dependence of the aluminosilicate educt and the reaction temperature and time Daria Zeibig, Joseph-Christian Buhl (Hannover/DE) LIG-P06 Anisotropic Displacement Parameters from Dispersion-Corrected DFT and their Experimental Validation by X-ray Diffraction Ai Wang, Ulli Englert (Aachen/DE) LIG-P07 Isoreticular Solvo- and Polymorphs – Cu(I) in a Stable Bimetallic Coordination Network Friedrich Steuber, Ulli Englert (Aachen/DE) LIG-P08 Do we know the Pyroelectric Coefficient of Barium Titanate? Hartmut Stöcker, Bianca Störr, Sven Jachalke, Erik Mehner Juliane Hanzig, Maximilian Sonntag, Robert Schmid Tilmann Leisegang, Dirk C. Meyer (Freiberg/DE) 61 Poster Presentations LIG-P09 LIG-P10 LIG-P11 LIG-P12 LIG-P13 LIG-P14 LIG-P15 LIG-P16 LIG-P17 62 CO Dehydrogenase II – Digging channels for small molecules Lilith Domnik, Jae-Hun Jeoung, Jochen Fesseler Holger Dobbek (Berlin/DE) Identifying new inorganic Na-ion conductors using data-mining and geometric crystallography – the Voronoi-Dirichlet approach Falk Meutzner, Tina Nestler, Münchgesang Wolfram (Freiberg/DE) Natalya A. Kabanova (Samara/RU), Tilmann Leisegang (Freiberg/DE) Vladislav A. Blatov (Samara/RU), Dirk C. Meyer (Freiberg/DE) Synthesis and local structure of CuxZn2-xTiO4 spinel unveiled by Raman spectroscopy Man He, Javier Ruiz-Fuertes, Thomas Bernert Bjoern Winkler (Frankfurt a. M./DE), Victor L. Vinograd (Jülich/DE) High resolution polarized Raman scattering study on multiferroic MnWO4 Fabian Ziegler, Holger Gibhardt, Jeannis Leist (Göttingen/DE) Petra Becker, Ladislav Bohatý (Cologne/DE), Götz Eckold (Göttingen/DE) New Mn23Pt12Ga11 phase, synthesis, crystal structure and its complex phase reaction scheme Bayardulam Jamiyansuren, Wilder Carrillo-Cabrera, Guido Kreiner Claudia Felser (Dresden/DE) Structural chemistry of the SrO-CuO-As2O5 ternary system: crystal structure of Sr2Cu7(AsO4)6 Sabrina Gerger, Tamara Djordjevic (Wien/AT) Crystal branching phenomena in natural and gel grown calcites Felix Wiethoff, Jürgen Schreuer (Bochum/DE) Structure and dynamics of substituted η3-Cycloheptatrienide-Pd complexes Christian Jandl, Alexander Pöthig (Garching b. München/DE) Synthesis, X-Ray Structure, Infrared study and anti-corrosion activity of 1,6‐diammoniumhexandihydrogenodiphosphate dihydrate Asmaa Zarao, Aziz Kheireddine, Abdeslam El Bouari Said Belaaouad (Casablanca/MA) Poster Presentations LIG-P18 LIG-P19 LIG-P20 LIG-P21 LIG-P22 High resolution structure of apo-furin reveals competitive and allosteric inhibitor mechanisms Sven O. Dahms, Manuel E. Than (Jena/DE) From square-planar to octahedral – crystal structures of cycloplati nated primary amines in octahedral coordinati on William Raven, Irmgard Kalf, Ulli Englert (Aachen/DE) Symmetry-mode analysis of the commensurately modulated superstructure of tetragonal tungsten bronze KMnCrF6 Christina DRATHEN (Grenoble/FR) Spinophilin restricts Neurexin signaling to protect from excessive seeding of new active zones Jan H. Driller, Karzan GH. Muhammad, Suneel Reddy, Ulises Rey Mathias A. Böhme, Christina Hollmann, Niraja Ramesh, Harald Depner Janine Lützkendorf, Tanja Matkovic, Dominique Bergeron Christine Quentin, Jan Schmoranzer (Berlin/DE) Fabian Goettfert (Göttingen/DE), Mathew Holt (Leuven/BE) Markus C. Wahl (Berlin/DE), Stefan W. Hell (Göttingen/DE) Alexander Walter, Bernhard Loll, Stephan J. Sigrist (Berlin/DE) Crystallographic analysis of the ClpP1/2 heterocomplex from Listeria monocytogenes Marie-Theres Vielberg, Maria Dahmen, Stephan A. Sieber Michael Groll (Garching/DE) 63 Index of Plenary Speakers, Presenting Authors and Chairs A Ait Haddouch, M. Alekseev, E. Amthauer, G. Angel, R. Assi, Z. Auer, H. B Bacchi, A. Baer, P. Bauer, Je. Bauer, Jo. Baumann, U. Bernert, T. Berninger, U. Birkenstock, J. Bismayer, U. Bohem, M. E. Boldyreva, E. Bommer, M. Boris, Z. Brüning, J. Buhl, J.-C. Burianek, M. Burkhardt, A. Busche, T. C Chavas, L. Choe, H. Chouaih, A. Clemens, O. 56 51, 52 34, 40 36 31 39 33 35 55 39 35 49, 62 54 57 34, 36, 40, 53 50 58, 60 32, 44 60 46 30, 36, 47, 54 23, 48, 50 44, 45 47 24 40, 46 57 36 D Dahms, S. O. Dall’Antonia, F. Datta, K. Dendra, Y. Dinnebier, R. Dittrich, B. Doert, T. Domnik, L. Đorđević, T. Döring, C. Drahten, C. Driller, J. H. Dshemuchadse, J. 28, 63 29 23, 39 26, 61 28 22, 33, 34, 37, 44, 46 48 27, 62 30, 36 51 28 28, 63 26 E Eberle, M. Eckold, P. Eckold, G. Eger Passos, D. Einsle, O. Eltschkner, S. 50 52 39, 46, 54, 55, 59, 62 54 39 37 64 Engelhardt, F. Ertl, A. Eschenburg, S. Espes, E. Etter, M. F Fabbiani, F. Falenty, A. Fechtelkord, M. Fedorov, R. Fesseler, J. Ficner, R. Fischer, M. Foltin, M. Franz, A. Fregin, D. Freisz, S. Friedrich, A. Friedrich, D. G Gaida, N. A. Gainov, R. Garg, A. Gerger, S. Geyer, A. H. Gibhardt, H. Goodwin, A. Gorfman, S. Götze, A. Grabowsky, S. Graetsch, H. Graf, J. Granero-García, R. Grasmik, V. Grzechnik, A. Gunder, R. Guo, Q. Gurieva, G. H Haarmann, F. Hagelueken, G. Hansen, G. Harm, S. Härtwig, J. He, M. Heine, A. Hendrickson, W. Herbst-Irmer, R. Hertrampf, J. Hilgenfeld, R. Hirsch, A. Hoeffken, W. 33, 46 58 32 22 31 33, 37, 60 29, 31 40 32 32, 35, 62 30, 39, 41 36, 52, 54 51 51 54 43, 46 34, 40 53 28 34 44 27, 62 50 46, 54, 55, 62 32 40, 46 36 33 57 46 37, 60 55 37 52 52 52 34, 59 45 35 29 51 27, 62 24, 29, 38 26 33, 45, 46 47 32, 35 53 37 Index of Plenary Speakers, Presenting Authors and Chairs Hoffmann, K. Hofmann, D. W. M. Holstein, J. Holynska, M. Hübschle, C. B. Huschmann, F. Hützler, W. I Iversen, B. J Jain, R. Jamiyansuren, B. Jandl, C. Jordan, G. 36 22, 37 60 51 34 24, 29, 38, 43 46 22, 32, 38 26, 61 27, 62 27, 62 54 K Kaden, R. Kahlenberg, V. Kähn, J. Kasaragod, V. Kheireddine, A. Kirchweger, P. Kirsch, A. Kleeberg, F. M. Kochel, A. Kodess, B. Kohlmann, H. Kölmel, W. Korthaus, A. Kratzert, D. Krause, L. Krausze, J. Kuhle, B. Kühnel, K. Kuleshova, L. Kupka, A. 56 30, 53, 60 58 45 56, 62 44 58 49 51 58 31, 36, 39 24 59 30 33, 45, 46 41 41 24 37 22 L Lakomek, K. Lamberts, K. Lebernegg, S. Ledderboge, F. Lefeld, N. Lehmann, C. Leist, J. Leoni, M. Liebeck, B. Lottermoser, W. Luebben, J. Luger, P. 35 26, 61 23 49 59 22 39, 46, 54, 62 29 43 53, 56 22, 33 33, 37 M Maier, B. Maier, S. Marler, B. Marquardt, J. Mehner, E. Merz, M. Meutzner, F. Meven, M. Meyer, C. Mielke, K. Mihailova, B. Miletich, R. Mondal, S. Morgenroth, W. Müller, M. Müller, C. J. Murshed, M. 29 56 51, 59 54 35, 54, 61 59 27, 62 48 49 56 23, 34, 40 37, 60 23, 33 34, 37, 39, 40, 55, 60 24 36 36, 51, 52, 55, 58, 59 N Nabil, B. Neher, S. Neldner, K. Nemrava, S. Nenert, G. Nentwich, M. Neudert, L. Neumann, P. Ney, C. Niemann, H. Niepötter, B. Niesser, J. Noohinejad, L. 46, 49 29 52 57, 58 23 40 50 30 49 35 45, 46 41 23 O OrtatatliI, S. Ott, H. Ouhenia, S. 56 30, 46 57 P Pandey, C. S. Panneerselvam, S. Pappert, K. Park, S. Paulmann, C. Paun, M. Pecher, O. Peters, V. Petersen, H. Pippel, J. Ponce-Salvatierra, A. Popp, M. Poppe, J. Pöthig, A. Premužić, D. Pukallus, N. 23 43, 45 55 23 34, 53 47 26, 34 59 59 38 43 44 44 30, 62 55 54 65 Index of Plenary Speakers, Presenting Authors and Chairs R Rademacher, N. Rahman, M. S. Rahmani, R. Raiser, D. Raven, W. Redecke, L. Reehuis, M. Rettenwander, D. Reuter, H. Richter, T. Ritscher, A. Robben, L. Rocha de Moura, T. Rodriguez-Calvino, F. Roedig, P. Röhr, C. Rudolph, D. Ruhmlieb, C. Ruiz-Fuertes, J. Runcevski, T. Rüscher, C. 37, 60 52, 59 57 41, 47 28, 63 24 54, 58 40 49, 50 59 47 48, 50, 59 42 41 45 49, 53 48 34, 44 34, 40, 62 31 53 S Sadana, P. Sanloup, C. Saouane, S. Scheidl, K. Scherzer, M. Schindelin, H. Schindler, L. Schleid, T. Schlothauer, T. Schmahl, W. Schmid-Beurmann, P. Schmidmair, D. Schmidt, H. Schneider, T. Schönleber, A. Schorr, S. Schulz, A. Schürmann, C. Schustereit, T. Schwalbe, C. Schwarz, M. Sehovic, M. Sheldrick, G. Shpenkov, G. van Smaalen, S. Sparta, K. von Stetten, D. Stalke, D. Steuber, F. Stöber, S. Stöcker, H. Stoiber, D. 44 38 60 60 55 31, 45 39 48, 49, 50, 51 60 29, 39 53, 57 30, 53 31 41, 44 56 23, 51, 52, 54, 56, 58 47 46 48 50 49, 53 48 26, 29 22 23, 31, 33, 34, 56 24, 29, 38, 43 25 33, 45, 46 26, 61 53, 54 27, 35, 54, 61 48 66 Storozhuk, D. Stubbs, M. T. T Tambornino, F. Teck, M. Thekku Veedu, S. Thelander, E. Tittmann, K. Többens, D. Törber, P. U Ulrich, A. Usón, I. V Valle Rios, L. Vasylyeva, V. Vielberg, M.-T. W Wandtke, C. M. Wang, A. Weidenweber, S. Weiss, M. Wiedemann, D. Wiethoff, F. Wilk, P. Witzgall, F. Wolle, P. Wörmann, C. 41, 47 35 53 45, 50 22, 41 26, 61 30 52, 56, 58 47 41 29 52 41 28, 63 22 26, 61 43 24, 29, 38, 43, 44 48 27, 62 24, 43, 44 43 45 43 X Xiao, B. 51 Y Yavuz, M. 58 Z Zaraq, A. Zeibig, D. Zhao, P. Ziegler, F. Zietlow, P. Zimmermann, D. Zimmermann, V. Zobel, M. 27 26, 61 51 27, 55, 62 34 48 52 28 24th D G K ANNUAL MEETING of the German Crystallographic Society (DGK) 14–17 March 2016 STUTTGART Topics Crystallography throughout the sciences in theory and practice Advances in crystal chemistry 100 years after Debye-Scherrer: Modern powder diffraction Liquid crystals and their applications Conference Chairs Prof. Dr. Robert E. Dinnebier Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research Heisenbergstraße 1 70569 Stuttgart Prof. Dr. Thomas Schleid Institute for Inorganic Chemistry University Stuttgart Pfaffenwaldring 55 70569 Stuttgart www.dgk-conference.de © Quelle: Universität Stuttgart © Carmen Müller (MPI-FKF)/Stuttgarter Luftbild Elsäßer GmbH
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