opening of Savings account is not covered under the grant assistance
opening of Savings account is not covered under the grant assistance
lqo <rSqpft3i<Trftqftdris*at gmaurared<fumr cqc qrmt Rr, errc i.24, * ariio, qffics, di'dr(Td), gcdtftr: +91 22-26530084 dicrqlcf +-dir: +91 22-26528141 {*cr : National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development micro Credit Innovations Department Head Office: Plot No.24, 'G'Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai4oo 051 400 051 ffic Teli+g1 22 26530084 . Fax: +9'l 22 2652 8141 E-mail: . Website: : tlrf / Promotional Ref.No. NB. MCID / Circular wo.2l"V mClD- Grant Dormant SHG(Policv) 2s/ 20L4 /2OI4-t5 04 December 2OI4 The Chairmanf Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer All Scheduled Commercial Banks / Regional Rural Banks / State Cooperative Banks Dear Sir Incentive Scheme for Tracking and Revival of Dormant SHGs Please refer to our circular Ref. No. NB. MCID / H-1005/ Promotional Grant Dormant SHG(Policy) / 2Ot3-14 dated 29 November 20L3 (Circular no. 251IMCIDL6/20t3) detailing the scheme of providing grant assistance to banks which take up the work of tracking and revival of dormant SHGs, which is operative upto 31 March 20t4. 2. On a review of the scheme, it has been decided to extend the operative"^ period of the scheme up to 31 March 20t6 subject to following revisions. Revival of dormant SHGs which are having outstanding loan account with the banks which is NPA for 6 months or more only is covered under the grant assistance scheme. ii. to be credit linked but becoming dormant before /after opening of Savings account is not covered under the grant assistance SHGs which are yet scheme. iii. Similarly, SHGs which are unable to avail repeat/renewal of loan, due to the reasons of dormancy, after clearing the outstanding bank loans is also not covered under the scheme. iv. The revised scheme of grant assistance would help the banks in reducing NPAs in SHG loan portfolio. v. Revival of dormancy in an SHG [of the type (i) detailed above] for which SHPI grant assistance has been availed by the bank previously, would be ilSqqra>> ud srclstdl Taking Rural India >> Fonrard considered subject to a lapse of minimum period of 03 years from the closure of the SHPI project. Needless to add, that SHPI project should have been implemented satisfactorily. Similar condition is applicable in case of receipt of SHPI grant assistance from any other agency also. Banks seeking grant assistance for revival of dormant SHGs have to submit declaration regarding receipt of SHPI grant assistance from NABARD/any other agency for the SHGs proposed to be revived, date of closure of SHPI project and other relevant details. 3. There is no other change in the terms and conditions bf the scheme contained in Circular No.25VmClD dated 29 November 4. as 2013. The details of the revised incentive scheme along with application forms (annexure I to lV) enclosed. Please acknowledge receipt of this circular. Yours faithfully Chief General Manager Encl : As above. gr$qqr<a>>qd qprsfldl Taking Rural India >> Fonrard Annexure I Incentive Scheme for tracking and revival of dormant SHGs L Why the scheme The phenomenal growth of SHG - Bank Linkage Programme (SHG-BLP) has brought with it issues like inactive groups and dormancy in SHG functioning. Most of the SHG formation activities have been supported under specific project with defined project periods. Lack of support by promoting agencies / individuals after the project period has often led to dormancy and inactirieness in these SHGs supported. While, there are no explicit data to indicate how many SHGs are dormant, sample studies have mapped the extent of dormancy in certain cases. Further, various stakeholders have also voiced the need to chalk out a suitable approach to address the issue of revival of these dormant SHGs. 2 Indicators of SHG leveldormancy The factors suggestive of inactiveness are; irregular conduct of SHG level meetings, low attendance in meetings, irregular savings by members, nonoperation of savings account with the bank, arrears in writing of the books of accounts, client drop outs, defaults by members in repayment of loans availed from groups' corpus/bank loans availed through the group etc. 3 Reasons for SHG Dormancy in SHG could be due to lack of affinity/homogeneity of members forming the SHG, domination of the group by a few members leading to other members becoming inactive or disinclined, non-rotation of leadership, conflict among members, lack of managerial capacity of members, non-receipt of loan requested by members, non-availability of bank linkages and consequent lack of motivation to continue. leveldormancy The real reason for these could be due to inadequate nurturing, hand holding by the SHG promoting institution (SHPI), SHPI withdrawing from the area without alternate arrangement, closure of SHPI project before groups' sustainability, memberS dropping out of the group due to migration, marriage, ill health, death etc. 4 Approach Approach to revival of dormant SHGs would be a bank-led initiative so as to ensure continuance of banking support to dormant SHGs, after the revival. For the purpose of coverage under the incentive scheme, revival of groups which are dormant with outstanding NPA loan of 06 months or more with the banks only are considered. r$qqna>>qd qtusrt Taking Rural lndia >> Forward Dormancy could be due to SHGs not following the "Panchasutras" with lrregular meetings or no meetings, low attendance in the meetings, no regular savings by the members, dormancy in bank operations, arrears in writing of the books of accounts, significant defaults by members in repayment of, loans availed from groups' corpus/bank loans availed through the group, or even embezzlement of loans by group members/ leaders etc. For the purposes of quantification of the foregoing parameters of dormancy, the following is suggested: (a) - lrregular meetings not even once in every month for the last 6 months, (b) No meetings in the last 6 months or more (c) low attendance in the meetings average attendance of members in group meetings less-than 25%, (d) no regular savings less than 25% of members saving regularly, (e) dormancy in savings bank operations - no operation ( credit or debit other than crediting of periodic - - interest or debiting of service charges) in S/B account of SHG in the last 6 months - more than 6 months. (f) arrears in writing of the books of accounts 5 / Some essentials steps in the Bank branches need to first track dormant SHGs in its books (savings credit linked) and their area of operation. revival plan of Bank branches need to identify branch wise village-wise number of dormant SHGs ( indicating the key reason for dormancy) / dormant SHGs Banks may identify the dormant SHGs in its books and engage the services of either the SHPI which has promoted the SHGs, or other quality NGOs that could serve as a Business facilitator, leaders of wellfunctioning SHGs or its own BC with adequate knowledge of the subject for revival of the dormant SHGs. Besides revival of dormant SHGs in its own books, banks can also plan for revival of dormant SHGs in books of other banks. In which case, bank would facilitate repayment of outstanding NPA loan account, by the group with the earlier bank, revive the group, sanction and disburse fresh loan from the bank itself. 6 Revival Plan (list of activities to be done by banklBclBFl NGO engaged by the Bank) The revival plan should interolio include among other things following activity. i. ii. identifying the key factors for dormancy, capacity building, convincing and hand holding inactive / dormant groups. of SHG members of iii. Depending on the reasons for dormancy, it should facilitate overcome the key constraints which interalia could include, tracking the SHG/ its members, conflict resolution, capacity building through counselling/training, facilitating group dynamics, ensuring bank linkage operations, restoration/renewal of credit facilities after revival. iv. regularising the loan account on clearance of NPA and renewal of credit facilities etc. v. Handholding the SHG and ensure minimum period that it follows "Punchsutras" for a release of new loan by the of one year after bank/release of lst instalment of incentive. Only few essentials requirements of the revival plan are illustrated above and this is not a standardised format for revival. n'r$qqna>>qd st?Tsri Taking Rural India >> Forurard 7 The following types of SHGs which slipped into dormancy owing to not following the basic tenets of SHGs or in geographies where specialised programmes are on- Exclusions (lneligible) 8 9 going aiming at universal coverage of SHGs, or SHG formation on a saturation mode may be excluded viz; a) SHG formed without ensuring affinity amongst its members / SHG formed with members not from the same neighbourhood b) Revival of SHGs where more than 50 % of its members are not keen or have joined other SHGs or dropped out c) Revival of SHGs in 150 WSHG districts and blocks where NRLM roll out is complete. dl Districts where other agencies have taken up revival of dormant SHGs. institutions for seeking the incentive. RRBs, and DCCBs (PACs) would be eligible for NABARD's grant incentive for revival of dormant groups. Commercial banks may assistance / submit proposals to NABARD Regional Office through their controlling offices. RRBs and DCCBs (including PACs) may zubmit proposals to NABARD Regional Office through their Head Office. NABARD NABARD would provide grant assistance for revival and credit linkage of dormant incentive Grant Assistance for SHGs at revival. However, the bank should not have received grant assistance from NABARD or any other agency for promotion of SHGs identified as dormant & considered for revival under the project in the last 3 years. The period of 3 years would be reckoned from the date of closure of the previous project. The bank has to submit a declaration in this regard. Commercial banks, Eligible the rate of Rs.3,000/= per SHG revived. Grant assistance would be released on completion of benchmark activity based on the recommendations of Project lmplementation & Monitoring Committee (PIMC) [specially constituted for the purpose consisting of the DDM/Representative of Regional office of NABARD, Bank branch representative and LDM wherever neededl. The release pattern for the incentive will be in 2 instalmerits as specified in the annexure ll. Application format and claim forms are specified in Annexure lll and lV. NABARD would support training interventions and incentivisation of the agency / BC/BF/ individual as envisaged under the scheme. NABARD would make payment of incentives to the bank as a back-ended incentive. The banks may utilise the incentive available from NABARD for payment to the agency / individual contracted for the task. 10 Operational period of the Sanctions/approvals for the proposals received upto 3L March 2015 will be considered on a selective basis. scheme nr$vr qKfi >> qei mel sri Taking Rural India >> Fonvard Annexure ll Grant assistance for revival of SHGs which are dormant with outstanding NPA loan account of 5 months or more with the bank Instalment Amount of grant Bench mark activity to be completed No assistance - Closure of existing NPA loan account by the group on full repayment months. & continue to be active for a minimum period of 1500=00 3 - Sanction and disbursement of new loan by the bank to the group (on disbursement of CC loan / term loan) on removing the dormancy. Minimum loan amount of Rs.50000/- per SHG 2 - One year after release of 1st instalment of grant support. - towards Handholding support, provided the loan account is regular and SHG following'Panchasutras'. nr*qrn*<>>trd strrsri Taking Rural India >> Fonvard 1,500=00 !"!-= H 0e o H { o ;Jt Z ::= .o=A a 'Al !t i -^ i-{il .o (2 r' , (D -a rI' (! F! - 0 '!r { i s.' 5!=' ,q qi o:-:= i Ep i-: := 1 :-al .i !t- H 3'l'. crq ?E r4 5V fr* v4 o tr-: rFo iX 3E 1s li llll|rr tiit+ rti- oq (A tD itt(! i I tt 1 0e-; r{, 'tgci(, .tra ;a I | Fi Ft ,+l p ; I^.- (r' laft l-i -i c.rl I L I lllol ill" itt(, tllA il ri E E o o Fl o o "3 ooQ Ho (Dlt iit rfO +rO 3 = (! 'j;iFg t+ltF rlr ,i- F! O sE lFo 7i :Eh x== E H:9 A '-lXa + i>C tl Fj=O f-= FAE E E:: g cF= ' Eos A:J ov :Li lv ,G - :+ -{ l+l w ?) F :a! w z o FF{ H T O 2 EN ,o il ll l I a-!9 I (D o X O C=z F5t l ilFl t- (D )a iJ ^= CEo q F=E z o i !+GG i11- t! = Em tr,.o o, i5l 'a. ;. 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(D- F! o- (D a ln TD a IT 5' o (-Dl .: J H P o + At H. n 4S u) A N) A .O A*v \_,J rJJ +EB. _, H (D= x' EFV (/,x 5 GVax ! h:E i5 - (UwAa). o n qlF i+ \)t .> \f (, -- z +l z '! 0q ril : o\ I ao- o =-t O 6 ll r_t o C) +L,_l Fl tD -o n Fl V) (D o +. *o -a (D I d U) (D aJ' ua ^H { - oa o tD CD .a O t-l ^Hx e. O {E +=' AO l A 8e :G o (D r+l -j -E (n lt:itD l t-- va g oii o (D 3E EA tr tD tD RF ?) CD =N 7 r- o .f tfE. CD ?+ vd - 6ts. 9D O- ir9 iv :: ea:|ir =!9 0 t-Dx g6 E ir' rD5 tD va 3g o0q (D /, R(n { *H uh H9 E|j.tD' 'l ot (D I F! (,b,J l H l{r rtl: ira t +A =C) H. .@11 *z Xn O= -+r f do- EE Y' (!,o 52 a0 lil =o) t \f o- vq oo oq rA- \J Y1 EF 6a 3cL +* €? der gq V* ae F* ;; o o =v -v* <. =d[ vd 5 f =i iE 3E s n' V:^' = EE, d' *= co qt ='ddu :r o.t z x= a a g oqE 0e E E =o= 61 ''. o- E!I -th ld : e_a : F = nX rt ;"' z9v $s d3 oic 8BoAi qd -g o (') 4 ;id oo st ,!9 oX =5I .lJ'= AX =/1 :+! L -o o- - *s+ Sl 54 ='ts O rl (! O (D (D u2 O ?) o (! (! Fl AA 0q r! z (, a (D O a o a (D Fl o Fl tt _l Y Fll (?l F -+s -*:: E6: o: E- t! d ca19=l =.O r , Ft o o o ? (! A f! tl oq s+ G d+ (! i o (D { - o o i tD o (D ll o (D u) !l OF Lr (D Rc) =o, -J =o_ .la e cr cr o) Eia t9^^ -a3 O'* r+ vt tt s) f) L- f, .+ ,.ireD ol= a-(1 q8 +- e.t ZE |i5 g -F srR <v oo o oil a-+ r :E oF X=.s <q 3 rl o+ ltD r! :t o) CIO v, -v: 8- $ 3 o := ;'= d ot $ d+ q13 eu o (D zt@ x o 3a 6 o = = 35 o € o o) r e qd + ';!e=' oD g.e. o5F T f = :t = d $iI 3ro E+ =^ o; 6 0 j; = E Fe a-'= = >rD 3E q3. F -o 33d3 c* H'= w8e LO .d =fi-o (lr s c,r lr; a 6 q -z -# s 5 =.: q ?y:-*-*9q st 0q gz g.z U =r r a rrt >w '-€ *H - >a =Q oJ+ J AJ (2 6q + J -.F a zp o {rg+q ?rR 3+r *!t rrffqftdrm ge*uroref,<fomr y€ilq arrafilq, errc d. 24, dirregraf dRtov, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development micro Credit Innovations Department S ddr, Head Office: Plot No.24,'G' Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai.4oo 051 siar (Td), gq€ - 400 051 tftr: +91 22-26530084 qrds: +91 22-26528141 {*cr : ,dqet Teli+g1 22 26530084 . Fax: +91 22 2652 8141 E-mail: . Website: ffic: f.{rd c\ rT --vq 7 7 ffiqwd qia m;c ('$aFr$(qilffi)zoi4-1s n]TftI|€fr- t2014 qf{rd d. o4 f4qrJqr 2t1* 3{s"IeT/ mitl tri*rfrl tr€q qrrtrmrfr 3Tfufirtl ssfi sgqtrrd drFti;+ f+.. I al-+q rJr$q $n i u;q rril+.ft f*. Bq ftfaq 4+a Eqq q{ fdaifr 29 r6q *' FqTt qf{rd 6.6.qa63rSflva-1006/ ffieffifr qie st{fac (rs(-rrff FffiyzO13_14 (ry t'.251n5q63699_16t2013) Twt- 2013 EF-r rfr S*t +f srEa-a E6rftn dd *r Bfiur f4rn rrqr qT d frB-q sri eil{rdr r{6t fit tfurr sil-r grcena q'r +rf *.rd S. ,dEaf ar5ur 2. mt ffi gs dr+ar *' sffeil rrdfr 6) t ffifud:ienerd'* iqria, +5 ffrq fuqr rrqr 3{etrd 31 Hrd'2016 t f+. gs dtffir fr qfadrild drcr. f ssrfi aur sre t 3ftr fr sa qr6 3derfl Ts$ 3Tfu+.' grdfu f :rf,fn sri qa g*'H, r€ amu s+ri sorqar s{6i * g+cr+ra * R('3qara s6r*Ir ql'rf,I * 3iildt-d enfrfr fr;qr drc'rrt i. Bf, €*f * il+t ffi aq d iil6 -5 f+'ur erqr t dfsd d qqa srfrr drtri *' qK ftB.q d "K'$, rt 3qe;r-f, Tr6rftrr frffir'*. 3iilrtf, qnfrfr 16 frur dr(rrTr. ii. tQ vqo iii. F* v*rq, lasi *rfl-qat s{6 Gfr FBqat fi cse t fdRT {ur qrca +ri I aur *' ffiasry m{i d, qad rfr t, r€ $*'aup *t c*rqr rRI fr g+tfr *-{i * ErE efr 3qqr;r qtffiTT * 3iildtd ?nfrfr ilfi'fs-ff drcrll. 16r+ar ,ffiffi;flH*. iv. €lfffud ryda s6r*Tr €ffi{r q"r rteq ffi ei &r* s{i qlAtrtffi frr 3;-f,ffi $rffi fr 6fr d;fr eg T6f{dr qr{dTr Tdrqiil H{6 {ur t. v. T* fr t+t qonr ('s('EfuT€ 3r1ara s6r.t.rr sT iqqbr *-{i * Erq frM.q FT{i Fdrqar wq.6t * g+cem ( Effd (i) * sq*rrt; w fr-.rr fr;zn arurn Eerff qs('rrftG qfsatrdr GiE 6ti *'Erq ma t *q dra ES +r sqq fia gfi df T6 tr6fr *I 3rrd!*fiTr Gndt srq rff t ffr ('s("Efun$ qRdsar d Fdtqlt sq t qffi t ('s('EfuTr$ 3r{-da {r6r.ffir qrud sri 6 mretfud A;qr arff d. q66} fr sff zrfr erd drrr d"fi. RBq sri wrqar {r{d * Tdc.q.r Fg 3TTd;t-d s6rqcTr *t Hia s{A ET-d Smt +l rwlf{d'H{i q6reFT s{6i * g;rs'em E drqr6/ frffi grfl ('ffi $ qrcd ('s('urfuTr$ qq|f, Tr6rdraT, q?trnaar ciE dfi *r dTts gilT 3i;-q ffid Rrrur t drt d' dqqr flfr dt"fi. 3. ffrifr 29 aEr*t 2013 *'qftrd *i.zst lltrftT€d f +.r$ srq qRtrfd r€t fs-q- "rqr AfCa gs zf+ar fr H. 4. €?iffud m-cqEd q}rf,I +'r fuqtur 3nida q* 5. qns{ Tv+r Ts fi qrF t slfa r*rra firr4. 6P T@ T6rsdrfr dilrtfi : wf66. r*qqR?>>Td rrtelgri Taking Rural lndia >> Fonirard (%trqer I t tv) ddrd t. erff f' NB.MCID/ / Promotional Grant Dormant SHG (Policyl / IOI -LS of date Copy together with enclosures forwarded for information and necessary action to: 7. The Secretary to the Government of lndia, Ministry of Finance, Department of Financial Services, Banking Division, Jeevan Deep Building, Parliament Street, New Delhi 110 001. 2. The Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs, Jeevan Deep Building, Parliament Street, New Delhi 110 001. 3. The Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Rural Development, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi 110 001. 4' The Director, National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM), Ministry 5. The Secretary to the Government of lndia, Ministry of Agriculture, Krishi Bhavan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi 110 001. 6. The Chief General Manager, R.P.C.D, RBl, Central Office, 1-0th Floor, Central Building, p.B No. 10014, Mumbai - 400 001. 7. The Chairman, tndian Banks Association, Stadium House,6th Floor, Block 3, Veer Nariman Road, Mumbai - 400 020. 8. The Chief General Manager/General Manager/Officer-in-Charge, NABARD, Regional Office/Sub of Rural Development, Government of India, 6th Floor, Hotel Samrat Kautilya Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi- LLOO2L Office. 9. The chief General Manager, NABARD, All Ho Departments, Mumbai. 10. The Principal, College of Agricultural Banking, pune. 11. The Director, Bankers' Institute of Rural Development (society), Lucknow. 12. The olc, Bankers' Institute of Rural Deveropment, Mangalore/Bolpur. 13. The EA to Chairman, NABARD, HO, Mumbai 14. The EAs to DMDs, NABARD, HO, Mumbai. f+ ==) (K Roy) Asst. General Manager