,@+gP slhr`ffurFo,rsfu `rfi{cidtvrrt - Sa-Dhan
,@+gP slhr`ffurFo,rsfu `rfi{cidtvrrt - Sa-Dhan
slhr'ffurFo,rsfu ,@+gP qsxqrqrqdqfrrilrl qernar*aq: tft: {-tA National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Micro Credit Innovations Department Head Ofiice : BKC, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051 Tel. : +91 22 2653 0084 . Fax i +91 22 2652 8141 E-mail : mcid@nabard.org . Website : wwwnabard.org {ffi, srqr ($,ge{ - +oo osr +91 2226530084 . H :+91 2226528141 : mcid@nabard.org o Me www.nabard.org : Ref. No. NB.MclD/ Circular No.;p63 18 Decembe r / t 9A9 - /NGO-MFI (Policy)/201s-16 tc{S MCID-67/2015 2O!5 The Chief General Manager/ General Manager (OlC) All RegionalOffices The Director/t Director All Training Establishments NABARD Dear Sir NGO-MFl as Self Help Promotins Institution (SHPll It has been our constant endeavour to enlarge the gamut of Self Help Promoting institutions (SHPls) to cover all hues of micro finance practitioners as part of our strategy to increase the outreach of the SHG-Bank Linkage Programme. The key requirements for an effective SHPI remain strong local presence, appreciation of the needs of low income households and institutional capacities to mobilize, nurture and handhold SHGs. The NGO-MFI with their presence in the local rural geography, experience of working with poor and rapport with Banks are strategically positioned and can be our partners in promotion of Self-help Groups, their nurturing them and facilitating them with multiple credit linkages with Banks. 2. This scheme has accordingti U."n formulated to involve NGO-MF|s in the formation and nurturing of SHGs. The operational guidelines are given in Annexure L 3. The salient features of the guidelines are as follows:- a. The scheme will be implemented in priority states where there is dearth of good NGOSHPls. The rate of grant support to NGO-MF|s would be maximum Rs. 5,000/- per SHG. The item-wise expenditure and pattern of release is given in Annexure ll. The NGO-MFI will play the role of a facilitator in the promotion and nurturing of SHGs for credit linkage with banks. In other words the savings account and the loan account of the SHG will be in the books of the bank. d. The period of assistance will be four years with provision for extension, if there is a need, as per the extant guidelines. e. It is expected that NGO-MF|s would also be functioning as BC of a bank and therefore our support has been confined primarily to take care of pre-credit linkage expenditure and audit of SHG books. The post credit lihkage support handholding/ nurturing of SHGs is expected to be met out of the BC fee being received by them. f. Efforts should be made by Regional Offices to bring down the rates of interest, inclusive of the BC fee, charged by banks.to SHGs promoted under our project. b. 'rfi{cidtvrrt Taking Rural lndia >> Forward g. Expenditure incurred in this regard would be booked under "Expenditure from FIF A/c". Regional Offices are advised to give due publicity to the above guidelines at appropriate forums including discussing in SLBC/ DLCC meetings and also with network of NGOs, State level forum for SHGs, if any. Please acknowledge receipt. f: Chief General Manager Ehcl: As above Annex,ure I Guidelines for supporting NGO-MFls as Self Help Promoting Institutions (SHpts): 1.. The scheme will be implemented in priority states where there is dearth of good NGO- SHPls. 2. The Eligibility criteria for selection of NGo-MFt will be same as applicable to NGoSHPIS. 3. 4' . 5. 6. NGo-MFls with good ground level understanding of SHG concept, working with rural poor, good outreach and rapport with banks to be identified. Past partners, SHPIs which had availed our RFA / Capital Support assistance with a good track record and now functioning as NGO-MFls to be given preference. only those NGo-MFls who qualify for grant support as per the Institutional Appraisal of ROs would be eligible. The NGo-MFl are expected to play the role of a facilitator in promotion and nurturing of SHGs for credit linkage with banks. In other words the savings account and the loan account of the SHG will be held in the books of the bank. 7. Grant support up to Rs.5,000/- per sHG may be considered. The item-wise expenditure and pattern of release will be as per Annexure il. 8. The period of assistance will be upto 4 years with provision for extension as per the extant guidelines. 9' lt is expected that NGOs-MFls would also be functioning as BC of a bank and therefore our support has been confined primarily to take care of pre-credit linkage expenditure and audit of SHG books. The post credit linkage support handholding/ nurturing of sHGs is expected to be met out of the BC fee being received by them. 10. Efforts should be made,to.bring down the rates of interest, inclusive of the BC fee, charged by banks to SHGs promoted under our project. 11. Expenditure incurred in this regard would be booked under "Expenditure from FIF A/c". \ Annexure ll Item-wise gra nt assista nce: Items for grant assistance Sr. Max permissible grant per SHG ( Amount in Rs. ) No. 1, Pre-formation activities and training to staff. 2 Training to Group Lebders, SHG members 3 Monitoring and developing of MIS 700 4 Supply of Cash Box and books of accounts to 700 300 1500 SHGs / 5 Attending Group Meeting Support to 800 5 Animators / Bank facilitation Refresher trainings on accounting and audit of SHG books etc. 1000 Total 5000 The pattern of release of SlNo grrnt assistance: Particulars Percentage of sanctioned amount 1 Acceptance of terms and conditions of sanction 2 Groups being saving linked / opening of SB 10 20 accounts 3 On first credit Linkage with banks 30 5 On second credit linkage with bank 20 4 On annual audit of SHG books* 20 Total 100 * 5Toto be released after each year's audit. lt may not follow the chronological order above. as