March 2015 - CCSA Western Cape Provincial
March 2015 - CCSA Western Cape Provincial
DIE PIKKEWYNTJIE TAFELBAAI NUUSBRIEF – MAART 2015 1 „n Gedagte vir jou Die Bybel is die wieg waarin Christus neergelê word. (Martin Luther) 2 In Hierdie Uitgawe Ons kamp by Klipkrans 4&6 Lief en Leed 7 Verjaarsdae 7 Huweliksherdenkings 7 Toekennings 8 Fotogallery 9,10 & 11 Ons Resep 12 Uit die Stoel 13 - 19 Ons Soek/Verkoop 20 Toekomstige Saamtrekke 21 Volgende Saamtrek 22 Komitee 23 3 ONS KAMP BY KLIPKRANS „n Splinternuwe kampplek!!! Klipkrans is geleë so ongeveer 10 km buitekant Worcester op die Villiersdorp pad. Dit is geleë in „n privaat wildsplaas aan die oewer van die Breederivier, waar die kleinwild gedurende die nag tussen die karavane beweeg en gras vreet. Staanplekke is lekker groot en bedek met „n lekker dik grasmat, maar ongelukkig ietwat aan die ongelyk kant. Die ablusieblok is baie mooi en word gereeld skoon gemaak. Ligte is egter „n groot probleem . „n Eerlikheidswinkel bestaan waar jy noodsaaklike items kan kry en die geld sommer in „n blik gooi. Vrydag, 13 Maart 2015 Die lede het deur die loop van die dag gearriveer en teen inskrywingstyd was ons „n groep van 17 karavane en tente ( ja, as gevolg van die afstand het die Pienaars in „n tent gekamp). 13 lede,1 besoeker vanaf Disa-streek en 3 gaste het die saamtrek bygewoon. Die Saamtrekbeamptes was Paul en Sandy Muir en Riaan en Jacoline Ferreira. Vir die eerste keer het ons „n JuniorSaamtrekbeampte gehad en Nicola Ferrreira het die kinders by die saamtrek besig gehou. Saterdag, 14 Maart 2015 Die hele Saterdag het die manne probeer vis vang, maar net soos die Stormers was hulle poging onsuksesvol. Weens die feit dat ons Voorsitter afwesig was het die gebruiklike Komiteevergadering nie plaasgevind nie. Dit was werklik baie warm en sommige van die lede het dit nodig gevind om in die rivier af te koel. Colin het sommer sy opblaas matras gebruik om in die water te gaan afkoel. Teen 1 uur is „n paar petangue wedstryde afgehandel en daarna het die manne gaan rugby kyk by Riaan se karavaan. Die rivier se vlak het sommer gestyg na die Stormers uitslag. Teen die aand het die manne almal potjies saam met „n “buddy” gemaak. Paul en Sandy het die lede getrakteer op „n Ierse manier met Ierse musiek waarop Sandy die lede geleer het hoe om te dans. 4 Sondag, 15 Februarie 2015 Die Oggendgodsdiens was gelei deur Schalk Pienaar wie „n boodskap van „n tweede kans met die lede gedeel het. In die afwesigheid van Magriet het Nico die Voorsittersvergadering gelei. Hy het die besoeker en gaste verwelkom: Besoeker: Vic & Jacki Benn van Disa; Gaste: Anthony & Petro Molnar met Lorna Bredenhahn ( Suster van Nico Vercueil); Niekie & Bonnie Heydenrych; Andre & Lourika Opperman. Sandy Muir was die Boetemeester en sy het elke karavaan behoorlik bygekom met al die boetes. Die Slapvis is aan Hannah Hugo toegeken vir al haar manewales in die storte. Die Petrollootjie is gewen deur Tony en Lona Piscopo en die Imali is gewen deur André en Rita Ferreira. 4 Lede het „n ekstra nag oorgebly.Die res het egter opgepak en huiswaarts gekeer. Sinopses Die oorsig van die park is in die begin gegee. Die gradering vir die park is soos hieronder uiteengesit. CCSA Tafelbaai Park and Facilities Rating Date: 13 to 15 March 2015 Park Name: Klipkrans Was this a good choice of park for this time of the year? Yes Please rate this park using the following criterion: Sites Ablution 1) Unacceptable: Facilities and services are unacceptable. The facilities and services require major improvements to bring the resort up to standard. 5 Security Leisure activities 5% 5% No Value for Money Overall Rating 2) Basic: Definitely requires additional improvements to the facilities and services before reaching an acceptable standard. 3) Good: A good and acceptable quality in the overall standard. Minor improvements may still be needed to the facilities and services on offer. 4) Excellent: A very good quality in the overall standard of the park. No improvements are necessary to the facilities and services on offer. 5) Outstanding: Outstanding quality where the resort has exceeded the expectations of the visitor by going beyond the call of duty. Comments and or Recommendations: 23.50% 5% 11.75% 17.50 11.75 11.75 47.00% 35.00% 37.50% 47.50% 36.25% 53.25% 23.50% 55% 34.00% 30% 47.00% 35.00% 5% 11.75% 5% 1) Entrance road in certain areas needs attention. 2) A couple of lights around the park. 3) A few more taps around the park. 4) A few more drums around the park. 5) Steps to ablution or even just a railing. Flies were bad and some spray before the time. 6) A couple of sites needs a bit of levelling. 6 Lief en Leed Elaine Smeda Steph Finlayson Nico Pietersen Pierre de Jongh Daar is die hele maand oor hierdie persone gerapporteer. Baie sterkte aan elkeen. Lief : Luan het R500 se boeke gewen by Geluk aan Bobby en Hannah wie verloof geraak het. VERJAARSDAE APRIL 2015 02 April – Lucia Eyberg 14 April – Jack Brand 03 April – Hannah Hugo 05 April – Peter Stroebel 7 TOEKENNINGS Petrollootjie Boetemeester Lona en Tony Piscopo Sandy Muir Saamtrekbeamptes Slapvis-Toekenning Nicola,Jacoline & Riaan Ferreira en Paul & Sandy Muir Hannah Hugo Wenners van Imali-trekking Die Manne wat probeer visvang het Rita & André Ferreira Josh Benn, Yanos Molnar en Dean Benn 8 FOTOGALLERY 9 10 11 Ons Maandelikse Resep Beesvleis en Macaroni Bestanddele 500g beesvleis, in blokkies gesny olie 2 uie, gekap ¾ koppie blatjang ½ koppie Worcestersous 1½ koppie rou macaroni sout en peper knippie koljander 1 koppie cheddarkaas, gerasper Metode Plaas olie in drukkoker, en braai vleis en uie saam. Voeg 1 koppie water by. Sit deksel op, en laat dit kook vir 20 minute. Haal deksel af, en voeg res van die bestanddele, behalwe die kaas, by. Laat dit deurkook met deksel op. Plaas in 'n oondbak. Strooi kaas oor. Rooster in oond tot kaas gesmelt is. 12 UIT DIE VOORSITSTER SE STOEL Dag sê Tafelbaailede Die Bruwer‟s het die saamtrek te Klipkrans misgeloop weens „n troue in die famillie. Soos gesien uit die foto‟s wat geneem was en die WhatsApp boodskappe wat gestuur was om my jaloers te maak, lyk dit asof die lede die saamtrek te Klipkrans baie geniet het. Ek sien op die fotos dat daar „n paar waaghalsige dames in „n roeiboot op die rivier was en „n paar manne het die rivier op „n opblaasmatras aangedurf. Alhoewel ons die saamtrek te Leentjiesklip saam met Boland terdeë geniet het, was ek en Danie in die gees saam met julle. 13 Lede van Tafelbaai, 3 gaste, (die Molnar, Heydenrych en Opperman families) en „n Besoeker van Disa (Vic & Jacki Benn) het die saamtrek bygewoon. Baie dankie aan die Saamtrekbeamptes van die naweek, die Muir en Ferreira families. Dit was ook die eerste keer dat „n Junior-Saamtrekbeampteplaatjie uitgegee was sedert die ontstaan van KSA Tafelbaai. Baie geluk Nicola Ferreira en dankie vir jou harde werk. Die saamtrekbeamptes het die lede omtrent besig gehou oor die naweek met al die verrigtinge rondom St Patrick‟s Day – dit was net groen waar jy gekyk het. Klipkrans was een van ons “nuwe” parke vir die jaar en ongelukkig was daar „n bietjie negatiewe kommentaar soos byvoorbeeld die toestand van die pad vanaf die hoofpad na die park, te min ligte, te min waterkrane en baie vlieë. Daar moet egter in gedagte gehou word dat dit „n wildspark is en waar daar diere is, sal daar vlieë wees (gelukkig was daar nie muskiete nie!!). Dit was natuurlik ook baie warm oor die naweek. Een van ons lede het „n bietjie teëspoed gehad – André het oor een van die spreiers in die donkerte geval en „n lelike snyplek opgedoen. Nico Vercueil het bogenoemde kommentaar en ook „n paar ander dinge, met die park-eienaar, Esther Griessel, opgeneem. Ten spyte van die negatiewe kommentaar was die parkgradering onder die lede egter baie goed (sien parkgradering elders in die Nuusbrief). Kom laat ons verby die negatiewe kyk en kyk of ons iets positiefs kan sien. Ons was die eerste KSA groep wat by Klipkrans gaan kamp het, so laat ons die Griessel familie (soos wat ons vir Piet le Roux van Watergat gehelp het om sy park op te bou) ook help om hulle park op te bou tot „n spogpark. Kerskamp – Ons Kerskamp sal hierdie jaar weer by Kuilsrivier Karavaanpark plaasvind. Ons het dit swart op wit gekry dat geen ander mense in die park toegelaat sal word nie. Die gedagte is dat daar weer gekyk gaan word na „n spitbraai met „n ander spyskaart. Aangesien dit „n gratis ete gaan wees, word slegs lede toegelaat. Gaste en Besoekers van ander streke sal ongelukkig nie die Kerskamp kan bywoon nie. Die kriteria is weer soos verlede jaar naamlik dat „n lid 6 kampe saam met Tafelbaai moet kamp om te kwalifiseer vir „n gratis ete. Indien nie, sal „n pro-rata prys uitgewerk word. 13 Om bogenoemde moontlik te maak, moet ons kyk na fondsinsamelings deur middel van koeklootjieverkope, bingo, pannekoek verkope, ensovoorts. Kom Saamtrekbeamptes, verras ons!! Indien daar nog idees is vir fondsinsamelings, praat gerus met my. Algemene Jaarvergadering (AGM) – Dit is nog vroeg in die jaar, maar die tyd gaan so vinnig verby en as jy jou oë uitvee is die AJV op ons. Die volgende komiteelede se twee-jaar tydperk verstryk in Augustus 2015 : Magriet Bruwer, Coenie Basson, Nico Vercueil, André Ferreira en Leonie Barnard. Almal is egter weer herkiesbaar, behalwe een, maar ons werk aan die persoon!! Danie Bruwer en Schalk Pienaar het nog een jaar om te dien. Indien daar iemand is wat dink hy/sy kan „n verskil maak, is julle meer as welkom om na vore te kom en „n Nominasievorm in te vul nader aan die tyd. Graag rig ek „n versoek dat julle as lede asseblief die komiteelede sal ondersteun in wat hulle doen – komiteewerk is „n ondankbare werk (alles in gratis en verniet) en elkeen van ons probeer ons uiterste bes om net ons beste te gee . As daar iets is wat pla of julle het „n idee om dinge te verbeter, kom bespreek dit met die komitee of sit dit op skrif tesame met „n motivering en ons bespreek dit op komiteevlak. Die Komitee is daar om toe te sien dat die Reëls en Regulasies van die KSA nagekom en toegepas word en insette van die lede is altyd meer as welkom. Konvensie 2015 – Sien uitslag hieronder ITEM 10 of the Convention Agenda (Requires 2/3 Majority) 10.1 NATIONAL COUNCIL PROPOSES THAT: The National Council shall consist of the President and Vice-President elected by Convention, National Councillors elected by the Annual Provincial Meetings of the Provinces, as well as additional Councillors appointed by the National Council. Incumbents shall be designated specific duties and responsibilities in accordance with portfolios currently managed by the National Council. Job descriptions of the specific duties and responsibilities for each portfolio will be detailed with a view to ensure suitable candidates are nominated. Should any National Councillor be found not to have executed his or her duties and responsibilities after due notice of such failure and have been afforded the opportunity to rectify the situation and meet what is required of their appointed portfolio, they will be requested to vacate their office on the National Council and referred back to the Region that elected him or her. National Council will, in accordance with the relevant decision taken at the 2014 Convention, make the necessary amendments and changes to all Clauses, Sub-Clauses and Bye-Laws of the Constitution affected by this proposal upon successful adoption. MOTIVATION The report on the outcome of the attendance at the Provincial Annual General Meetings by the President and Vice-President - submitted to this Convention indicate that there is overwhelming support for a restructuring of National Council. There is a huge amount of work to be done in the National Office and it is imperative that National Councillors assume specific responsibilities on the National Council in order to spread the workload. There is no way the Club will be able to further its aims and objectives unless everyone on the National Council takes responsibility for their appointed portfolios. It is pointless having people elected to National Council who, besides their Provincial responsibilities, do not have a specific responsibility on the National Council. – Carried 14 10.2 NATIONAL COUNCIL PROPOSES THAT: To elect a member in good standing to serve on the Executive Committee for that Province and who shall be known as the National Councillor, who shall be elected for a 3 (three) year term of office. Nominations for the position/s of the National Councillor shall be submitted to the Provincial Executive Committee timeously in order to be included in the Agenda for the Provincial Annual General Meeting, which nominations must be accompanied by a short citation of the nominee giving an account of his character and activities in the Club. Should the Provincial Meeting be unable to elect a member to serve on the National Council, they shall appoint a member in good standing to serve as Chairman on the Executive Committee for that Province and who shall be known as the Provincial Councillor who shall be appointed on an annual basis. The nominee need not necessarily be a member of the Executive Committee of the Province nor will the appointed Provincial Councillor be required to attend National Council meetings. The appointed Provincial Councillor will have the same Provincial duties and responsibilities as those of an elected National Councillor and will be the link person between the Province and National Council. A National Councillor on the National Council will be charged with liaison between the National Office and those Provinces who have appointed Provincial Councillors. The appointed Provincial Councillor will look after the Province until the Province can find a suitable candidate to elect as the National Councillor for that Province. National Council will, in accordance with the relevant decision taken at the 2014 Convention, make the necessary amendments and changes to all Clauses, Sub-Clauses and Bye-Laws of the Constitution affected by this proposal upon successful adoption. MOTIVATION Again there has been overwhelming support for a restructuring of Provincial Meetings. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find people who are prepared to serve as a National Councillor at both Provincial and National level. There are already Provinces experiencing this difficulty and it is hoped that this proposal will afford these Provinces the opportunity of continuing to function as properly constituted bodies in the way that best suits their particular circumstances. – Carried 10.3 EASTERN CAPE PROVINCIAL PROPOSES THAT The member who runs a Province/Area is no longer called a National Councillor but will be known as the Provincial Councillor (as in the past) of a specific Province/ Area. If such a person is not available to chair meetings of a Province/Area then one of the Regional Chairpersons will chair the meeting. See Clause 3.13.3 of the Constitution – Carried 10.4 EASTERN CAPE PROVINCIAL PROPOSES THAT A Provincial Councillor shall not serve on a Regional Committee during his or her term of Office as Provincial Councillor for his or her Province/Area. MOTIVATION The decision to allow a person serving on any Regional Committee and at the same time on a permanent basis as Provincial Committee is definitely not in the best interest of our Club and its members as it could cause unnecessary unhappiness amongst the Regions as it could lead to a possible conflict of responsibilities as the Provincial Councillor needs to be neutral/unbiased at all times when it comes to decision making. – Not Carried 15 10.5 EASTERNS REGION PROPOSES THAT The decision taken at Convention Previously that no member may stand on two committees at one time be upheld MOTIVATION Passed regional decisions at Conventions should be upheld by management - Carried 10.6 NATIONAL COUNCIL PROPOSES THAT: Clause 3.9.2 of the Constitution be amended to read as follows: A National Convention shall be held on a Provincial basis and shall consist of the appointed Provincial Councillor and a Delegate from each Chartered Regional Committee within that province, all of whom shall have full voting powers. The elected Secretary and Treasurer for the respective Provinces and one (1) Representative of the Secretariat shall be in attendance without voting rights. MOTIVATION Currently the way this clause is read the elected Provincial Secretary and Treasurer have full voting rights at a National Convention which is in effect unconstitutional. The proposal has also made provision for the proposed change in the management structure at Provincial level. - Carried 10.7 NATIONAL COUNCIL PROPOSES THAT: A member who has resigned and subsequently withdraws their resignation before the end of the financial year in which the resignation took place shall be re-instated as a full member without payment of any additional subscription or joining fee, Should a member withdraw their resignation after the end of the financial year in which the resignation took place, re-instatement shall only per permitted upon payment of all outstanding subscriptions. Re-instatement of full membership is conditional upon all issues affecting the member‟s status being successfully resolved. MOTIVATION Clause 13.4 of the Constitution states that the liability of a member shall be limited to the amount of his unpaid subscriptions. It therefore stands to reason that a member‟s subscription is valid until the end of the financial year in which it has been paid. The withdrawal of such member‟s resignation before the end of the financial year will therefore not incur any further subscription payment for the remainder of the financial year. Re-instatement of full membership is conditional on all outstanding issues affecting the member e.g. disciplinary matters. There have been instances in which members have resigned from the CCSA before the conclusion of disciplinary enquiries only for them the re-join when it is felt that there would be no further consequences from such enquiries. This is grossly unfair on members who have had to face disciplinary enquiries and subjected to the consequences thereof. - Carried 16 10.8 SUNSHINE COAST REGION PROPOSES THAT: To re-instate a full National “Working” Convention on a fixed rotational basis with Convention at Provincial level (typically every 3 years) starting from 2016. MOTIVATION During the past few years where Convention has been held on a Provincial Level this has proven to be cost effective and efficient specifically for resolving issues or submission of proposals which were self-explanatory or required minimum debate before voting on such. In actual fact we believe that some of these proposals could have been implemented under the mandate of National Council‟s responsibilities without going to Convention for a vote and could have received mere ratification at such Conventions held at Provincial level. However during the past two years we also believe that there have been a number of proposals that were either misinterpreted, were not explained fully or correctly or motivated in enough detail at the Convention – which has become the responsibility of the National councillor chairing the Convention at Provincial Level – with a result that certain of these proposals, which have or would have had significant bearing on the future of the CCSA have been rejected in the simple vote or did not receive the appropriate vote with / for associated supporting proposals. The implication thereof is that current management has become stagnant and restricted in performance of their duties and any future progress in the management and survival of the CCSA is under threat of collapse. A formal working National Convention as proposed here will allow for healthy and democratic debate on critical issues and proposals and would facilitate and encourage the pooling of ideas which can lead to a modification of a proposal to improve it, and get it passed in its modified form, rather than be summarily rejected by simple vote because some small point in it is found to be unacceptable or misunderstood. The term “Working” Convention implies a structured and goal orientated Convention much in line with the current Convention held at Provincial level without any of the Friday Night Cocktail, Saturday Gala Dinner and other associated “party” costs to reduce costs to a minimum. – Not Carried 10.9 EASTERNS REGION PROPOSES THAT The President and Vice-President of CCSA only stand for 2 consecutive terms of office at any one time (2 terms of 3 years each). Also that they stand for office on different years so there is always continuity at the helm MOTIVATION It is felt that the Club needs new blood at the helm to keep it going forward. Even though the President and Vice-President are doing a fantastic job, it is always good to have new ideas to make our Club stronger, otherwise it just gets stale. – Not Carried 10.10 EASTERNS REGION PROPOSES THAT All Regions are given a chance to submit citations and nomination forms for somebody they feel should be on National Council for consideration for President or Vice-President or even just for National Council. A copy of the written citation and nomination forms should be circulated to all the Regions beforehand for perusal by the Regional Committees 17 MOTIVATION According to the Constitution, full written citations and nomination forms should be presented beforehand for any National Council members. As far as we know, this is not being done. If it is being done, our region has no knowledge of it. Also the Regions are not being given a chance to nominate to nominate or vote for National Council members or the President or Vice-President Positions. We only receive notification of decisions months after the time, when we receive the minutes from Head Office. - Carried ITEM 11 OF THE CONVENTION AGENDA (Requires 50% +1 Majority) 11.1 ALFRED COUNTY PROPOSES THAT A list of proposed National rally dates with possible alternative dates must be included in the 1s Convention Pack sent to Regions who shall submit the dates they have selected from this list with all other Convention Items required by the closing date. The final dates determined by majority selection will be sent with the final Convention Pack for approval at the Convention. This should no longer be decided on by National Council only. MOTIVATION It is felt that there is not enough inclusive decision making in determination of suitable National Rally dates. This has resulted in stacking of dates with sometimes up to 3 rallies in a 4 week period or extended periods of no rallies. Regions would like to be more informed and involved around the fixing of National Rally dates. - Carried 11.2 NATAL MIDLANDS PROPOSES THAT In a year when Rally SA is held (National Rally) that the number of normal National Rallies be reduced from 6 to 5. MOTIVATION Due to ever rising costs it is becoming more and more difficult to attract members to all rallies and adding a National Rally to the calendar for Rally SA adds to this cost. Further the additional National Rally results in rallies being too close to each other. Note that Regional Full House awards are determined by Regions and in a year of Rally SA this National rally could be excluded from a Full house award. – Not Carried 11.3 NATIONAL COUNCIL PROPOSES THAT: 1. National Council, on the recommendation of the Office Administration Portfolio Committee proposes that Subscription Fees for the period July 2015 to June 2016 be increased to R 300, 00 The Entry Fee be increased to R 100.00 as per the constitution. The Pro-rata subscription rates and allocation of Capitation, Travel Fund, and National Newsletter etc. remain unchanged from those ruling for the year ended 30 June 2015. 2. 3. 18 4. The allocation of membership fees would thus be as follows. Capitation fee R 140.00 Homestead News R 12.00 Provincial levy R 14.00 Travel fund R 4.00 Total Capitation to National Office R 170.00 Membership fee to Regions R 130.00 Total Membership fees R 300.00 MOTIVATION Based on the budget for the year ended 30 June 2016 that has been accepted by National Council there is a necessity to increase the Subscription fees for the ensuing year. It must also be noted that with lower membership numbers, Regions are struggling to make ends meet. Capitation paid to National Council will increase by R17.50 per member whereas Regions will receive an additional R27.50 per member. - Carried Baie dankie aan almal wat begin het om gebruik te maak van Die Pikkewyntjie Geklassifiseerd (Classified). Julle het regtig Schalk se hart blygemaak. Lekker lees – jammer die Nuusbrief is hierdie maand so lywig, maar daar is inligting wat belangrik is. Veilig ry en sien julle by Onrusrivier die naweek van 24-27 April 2015. Groete Magriet 19 Pikkewyntjie Geklassifiseerd (Classified) (Items te koop, te ruil of gesoek) TE KOOP DOMETIC YSKAS 180 liter Breedte: 60 cm en lengte is 120 cm Skakel: Jack Brand by 0825528724 Prys: R900,00 Afrox Saffire Portapak gas sweismasjien {Portable Gas Welding and Cutting kit} Soos nuut maar word nie tans gebruik nie.R7 600.00 [Nuut R14.000.00] Skakel Gideon 0827222928 of kontak hom by Heuning R30 Produkte van Aloe Ferox : Special 01/03/2015 tot 27/04/2015 – Omega 3 60tabs…..R64.00 Kontak Nico Vercueil by 0724578806 HERBAL LIFE GESONDHEIDSPRODUKTE Formula 1 Nutritional Smoothie Gourmet Tamato Soup Formula 1 Free from Soya,Lactose + Gluten Personalized Protein Powder - Plain Formula 1 Express Bar’s Fiber + Herb tablets Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex Lipobond tablets Formula 1 Sport Herbal Complex tablets Daar is nog baie meer produkte. Vir enige navrae en pryse - kontak Hannah Hugo by of 0824690217 GESOEK Baie klein “vanity” wasbakkie vir karavaan – verkieslik wit of vlekvryestaal. Skakel Gideon 0827222928 of kontak hom by 20 Tafelbaai Kampe 2015 Nasionaal / Streek Parke Parkfooie Saamtrek Beamptes Streek Onrusrivier R 125 PN indien meer as 10 anders R 190 PN Stroebel 22 - 24 Mei 2015 Nasionaal Imhoff R130 PN tarief bevestig Barnard 12 - 14 Junie 2015 Streek Oostewal R 45 PN tarief bevestig Basson & Pienaar 24 - 26 Julie 2015 Nasionaal Van Zyl's Rus Streek Kuilsrivier Nasionaal Ou Skip Streek Die Watergat Datum 24 - 27 April (Langnaweek) 2015 07 - 10 Augustus AGM (Langnaweek) 18 - 20 September 2015 09 -11 Oktober 2015 30 Oktober - 01 November 2015 27 - 29 November 2015 Nasionaal Streek R 380 Naweektarief Moet Ferreira - Vercueil bevestig word R95 onderhewig aan moontlike verhoging in Komitee tarief R150 PN onderhewig aan moontlike verhoging in Viljoen - Thiart tarief R 80 PPPN + R40 per kind per nag. Moet bevestig Muir word Snoektown Zandvlei Moet aangekondig word Kuilsrivier 21 R95 onderhewig aan moontlike verhoging in tarief Disa Komitee Ons Volgende Saamtrek Waar: Onrusrivier Datum: 24 tot 27 April 2015 Koste: R125.00 per nag Saamtrekfooi: R30.00 Saamtrekbeamptes: Peter & Jenny Stroebel en Bobby Prins & Hannah Hugo. 22 Die Komitee Voorsitter/Smous Magriet Bruwer 0832648588 Onder-Voorsitter/Tesourier/Fondsinsameling Danie Bruwer 0829371165 Sekretaris/Assistent Kerkbeampte Coenie Basson 0824665683 Hoofsaamtrekbeampte/ Boetemeester/Sosiaal Nico Vercueil 0724578806 Redakteur/ Sportbeampte Schalk Pienaar 0825765171 PRO/Skakelbeampte/ Ledewerwing Leonie Barnard 0832256322 Kerkdiens/Sondagskool Koördineerder André Ferreira 0725824735 23
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