sudoku - Platinum KOSH Newspaper


sudoku - Platinum KOSH Newspaper
06 June 2014,
11 Marais Street,
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Fax: 011 252 6669,
p 15
Mathys Roets buys the first Casual Day sticker!
Musician and performer Mathys Roets showed his support for Casual Day by
buying the first sticker from Casual Day staffer Tristan Steytler in Centurion
on Saturday (31 May).
Mathys Roets was one of the exhibitors at the Disability Drive & Thrive Expo
- where he was demonstrating the off-road wheelchair he is manufacturing in
South Africa. He was one of many exhibitors who are challenging the limitations of living with a disability.
Roets was injured in a motorbike accident in 2009 and is now a paraplegic.
However, he lives life to the full and said, “In the past I often felt insecure,
particularly when I was in a difficult situation or if I had to handle a crisis. Now
that I am confronted daily with a difficult situation, it is good to know that I did
not give up hope.”
The Casual Day campaign for 2014 was launched in May; but Casual Day
is on Friday 5 September this year. “NGOs and companies that participate
should start planning their campaign now, because Casual Day is not only a
day; it is a project that we work on all year.
This year we are working especially hard since it is our 20th anniversary
and everyone will be planning something special,” project leader Celeste
Vinassa said.
Casual Day is South Africa’s most successful fundraising project for persons
with disabilities – and the amount raised for last year has climbed to R24.8
million. Sponsored by The Edcon Group, Casual Day is the flagship project
of the National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities in South Africa
(NCPPDSA), which this year celebrates 75 years of service to the community of persons with disabilities.
The funds are raised as a result of a R10 donation for a Casual Day sticker.
The theme for this year is ‘Bring out the Bling!’ Casual Day provides the
country with the opportunity to show their solidarity with persons with disabilities, at the same time enjoying teambuilding and camaraderie with their
fellow participants. It gives South Africans the opportunity to be creative and
have fun while contributing to the betterment of society. It is community spirit
in action.
For more info:
Musician and performer Mathys Roets showed his support for Casual Day by buying the first sticker from Casual Day staffer Tristan Steytler. Mathys’s donation went to the Casual Day campaign
Curamus Association for the Security Force Disabled. Curamus kicked off its 2014 Casual Day campaign at the Disability Drive and Thrive Expo held at the Swartkop Airforce Base last weekend.
Artikel deur Angelique
Roberts (Ratelspan)
Al ooit gesukkel om ‘n verlengkoord
se prop te vervang of ‘n venster in te
sit? Dit klink soos baie moeite, maar
eintlik is dit pret! Pak die bul by die
horings. Op ons kommandokamp
moes ons Ratelspan werk met
elektrisiteit, ligte vervang, werk met
‘n gasblaasvlam, sweis en vele
meer. Om ‘n Voortrekker te wees, is
groot pret! Vir enige navrae skakel
vir Tannie Susan Huyser by 082
783 6993. Op die foto is Janiel van
Niekerk, Johann Meyer, Angelique
Roberts, Bianca Roberts en in die
agtergrond Ruan Meyer en Eugene
Artikel deur Martionette
Booyse (Ratelspan)
Ons Voortrekkers van Magalieskruin
het gekamp in die berge by
Kgaswane. Ons Verkenners (gr8 tot
12) het bietjie vir die Penkoppe en
Drawwertjies (grR tot Gr7) gewys
hoe om te dans. Ons noem dit die
aapdans (“Monkey Dance”) en word
op die kampe gebruik om op koue
oggende wakker en warm te word en
sommer net om bietjie mal te gaan.
Op die foto dans ons die aapdans en
is van links na regs Dirk van Rooyen,
Angelique Roberts, Ghijon de Kock,
Casper Smit en Bianca Roberts.
Stuur ‘n epos aan magalieskruin@ of sms 082 783 6993
Artikel deur Martionette
Booyse (Ratelspan)
Op ‘n dag in April is ons Pretoria
toe vir die Voortrekker Avontuurdag.
Eers was ons eintlik moeg en nie so
lus nie, maar daar aangekom het
die entoesiasme ons gegryp. Ons is
in verskillende spanne in dieselfde
groep gesit en dit het die dag eintlik lekker gemaak. Ons was nie so
ernstig nie en het baie pret gehad.
Ons saamwerk het vir ons ‘n wen op
die dag besorg! Voortrekkers is pret.
Kom kyk wat ons doen of sms Tannie Susan as jy belangstel by 082
7836993. Op die foto is ons span
besig om nuwe hoogtes te bereik.
Voortrekkers bo!
Teneke Botma het verlede naweek met die Mej.
Naartjie 2014 titel weggestap by die Magaliesberg
Sitrusfees. Sy is ‘n leerder by Laerskool
Rustenburg en ‘n model by Lizelle Jacobs van
Globe Modellook.
Banding together
to weather the
economic storm
Twee Kultuurleiers deur die
Boeremusiekklub van SA vereer.
Op die foto spog Steve Hofmeyr (links) en
Sakkie Kotze (regs) met hul oorkondes.
Rustenburg –Thursday, 29 May 2014, saw the official launch of the North West Business Hub at the
Rustenburg golf club. In essence, the Hub is a sponsored initiative aimed at creating synergy and better
business relations amongst companies based in the
Rustenburg area.
Confronted by trying times in the platinum-dependant province, businesses and small business owners alike can only benefit from the new North West
Business Hub as an essential tool that has grown
to a network of more than 60 businesses since its
For brainchild of Ben Malan, chief executive officer
of the San Group of Companies, the idea was born
in a time of need when many companies have commitments outside of the strike- troubled Rustenburg
area, such as Limpopo, Mpumalanga and the Northern Cape.
The North-West Business Hub is a non-profit organisation aimed at assisting all local affiliated members
with networking, a wider marketing reach and promoting business in the area by seeking out potential leads to new business prospects for all affiliated
members. The Hub will therefore act as the medium
Twee Kultuurleiers, Steve Hofmeyr (professionele
kunstenaar) en Sakkie Kotze (vrywillige kultuurwerker) is tydens die Boeremusiekklub van SuidAfrika se Mei byeenkoms wat in Pretoria gehou is,
Steve Hofmeyr en Sakkie Kotze bevorder die Afrikaanse taal en kultuur al vir baie jare op hul eie
unieke manier.
Steve Hofmeyr is ‘n baie suksesvolle liriekskrywer,
komponis, sanger, digter, TV-aanbieder en akteur
van formaat. Hy doen dit alles in Afrikaans. Hy het
al meer as 200 lirieke geskryf en gekomponeer en
meer as 25 Cd’s die lig laat sien.
Steve het as TV-akteur ook roem verwerf met “Agter Elke Man” (140 episodes), “7de Laan” (30 episodes), “Kampus” en “Dis Hoe dit is”. Hy is ook Afrikaanse skrywer en digter van formaat en het al ses
boeke geskryf en ‘n digbundel “Valkuns” publiseer.
Hy is in ‘n klas van sy eie en het al ikoonstatus
verwerf. Steve is ‘n baie groot liefhebber en ondersteuner van boeremusiek. Hy is tans Beskermheer
van die SA Boeremusiekklub. Hy het ook al ‘n
ATKV-toekenning vir sy bydrae tot die bevordering
van ons taal en kultuur gekry. Sy omgee-gesindheid teenoor mense wat swaarkry is deurgaans
baie opmerklik.
or administration centre of the initiative.
The Hub is not affiliated with anyone or any governance, membership is free of charge, no invoices or
quotations will be processed by the Hub and confidentiality has no bearing as trade secrets, rates and
costing will not be seen by any member.
Several business owners from the Rustenburg area
attended the inaugural meeting and the resounding
consensus was that the Hub is an ideal platform for
local businesses to work together and ensure future
prosperity for its affiliates.
One of the small business owners summarised the
effects of the strike on small companies such as his,
saying, “What’s happening in Rustenburg is especially worrying to me as an employer.
When you realise it’s no longer only you and your
family who depend on your company and the success you create, but also each employee’s family,
you tend to lie awake more often at night and work a
lot harder during the day.”
For more information on joining this free service,
contact the Business Hub directly on 071 659
0820 or send an email to