nuusbrief van die hugo lambrechts musieksentrum


nuusbrief van die hugo lambrechts musieksentrum
Die jaar 2013 het teen ‘n geweldige tempo begin en reeds in Februarie is die aktiwiteite van
die Hugo Lambrechts-Trust met ‘n baie suksesvolle konsert bekendgestel. ‘n Belangrike aspek
van die aand was die bekendstelling van ADOPT-A-MUZO wat ‘n paar jaar gelede begin is en
konstante blootstelling vereis. For those of you who don’t know about the project, please visit and support a very worthy cause.
Die leerlinggetal het die jaar weer gegroei en Annien Shaw is aangestel om te help met die groot
vraag na vioolonderrig. Annien is ook ‘n oud-leerling van die Sentrum en die getal onderwysers
wat oud-leerlinge was, trek nou by sewe! Ons hoop dat sy baie gelukkig by die Sentrum sal
Nog ‘n prestasie van die personeel is dat Liam Burden gekeur is om aan die Unisa Nasionale
Blaserskompetisie deel te neem. Die kompetisie begin op 27 Junie in Pretoria en ‘n oud-leerder
Myles Roberts sal ook sy slag wys.
Yvonne-Marie Brand (trompet-onderwyseres) het ons aan die einde van Junie gegroet. Sy het
‘n aanstelling as lektrise aan die Musiekfakulteit van NWU in Potchestroom aanvaar. Ons wens
haar sterkte toe met haar nuwe uitdagings en hoop dat sy sal kom kuier as sy in die Kaap kom.
Behalwe vir die Sentrumdag en ander konserte waar al die leerlinge opgetree het, was dit ook
aangenaam om oudisies vir ons jaarlikse Concertofees wat in Augustus plaasvind, aan te bied.
Prof. Hubert van der Spuy is genooi om as eksterne beoordelaar op te tree en daar is na 59
talentvolle leerlinge van oor die hele land geluister. Die standaard was uitsonderlik hoog en
dit is jammer dat mens nie twee konserte kan hou nie. Dis dalk iets wat ons in die toekoms kan
Ons Ontwikkelingsprojekte het ook uitgebrei en twee nuwe groepe het deel van die inisiatief
geword. Laerskool Matroosbergweg se 15 leerlinge kom Woensdag-oggende na die Sentrum
om vioolonderrig te ontvang. Die John Pama-groep het plek gemaak vir die Mkhayiseli-groep
wat ook onderrig in strykinstrumente ontvang.
All these things are only possible with the excellent support of our committed staff. Everyone at
the Centre contributes more hours than is required and they need to be thanked for their loyalty
and enthusiasm. If you read through the articles you will see that we can also be very proud of
many pupils who excelled during the past six months. I would also like to thank all parents for
their support and can assure them of a very exciting six months to come.
Dit is reeds ‘n jaar dat Meneer Hartshorne ons ontval het. Ons huldig sy nagedagtenis en dink
met deernis aan sy familie in hierdie tyd.
I hope all the pupils who are taking part in festivals during the holidays will come back inspired
and ready for more challenges.
Remember if you dream it, you can achieve it.
Leonore Ehlers
Strings Refresher Course
Glitz, Glamour and Good Music 2
Franschhoek Mountain Chamber
Music Workshop
Royal Concertgebouw orchestra
Windworx Fanfare
Rust en Vrede
Eksamen uitslae
ATKV se handevat-projek
Stellenbosch Kamermusiekfees 6
6th National Horn Simposium
Bly op Hoogte
Symphony Orchestra
New Staff
Hou iemand warm hierdie winter 8
Junior Symphony Orchestra
Artscape National Youth Music
SAMRO Hubert van der Spuy
Nasionale Musiekkompetisie
Kunstekaap Jeugmusiekfees
Cape Town Eisteddfod
Saying Goodbye
Strykers Orkeskamp
Senior Strings at Extravaganza
of Classics Benefit Concert
Sentrum Opedag
Exam flaws
Strings Refresher Course
On Tuesday 26 March the string department held their 3rd
annual Refreshers Course. This brought great excitement to
teachers of the string community, as this is always a day where
they refresh their teaching techniques and exchange methods
and ideas.
The day started with a lecture by Louis van der Watt (lecturer in
violin at Stellenbosch University) on topics about “die aanleer
van die stokgreep”, “die klein jakkalsies wat die wingerd
verniel”, as well as scales, fingerings, presentation, etc.
Marina Louw (viola teacher at Beau Soleil) then did a lecture
on Kato Havas’ approach on violin teaching. This created a
buzz amongst the teachers and she really had all of us on the
tip of our chairs.
We had a third lecture from Marian Lewin (cellist), who showed
us some DVDs on master classes with the Masters. Even when
the projector failed to work, everybody gathered around a
laptop and our eyes were glued to the inspirational material.
The last and ultimate session of the day touched on tips from
these Master Musicians.
We finished the day with a cheese and wine, before everyone
headed home inspired and refreshed. It was really good to have
such insightful lectures to give us new methods to use with our
Glitz, Glamour
and Good Music…
performed by Berlin Philharmonic and Worldrenowned soloists in our own A14...
“Exploring Classical Music with the Berlin Philharmonic”
Students can now look forward to a Digital Concert Hall Performance of the Berlin
Philharmonic on Tuesday 30 July from 17:00 – 19:00in A14.
Hugo Lambrechts was one of 500 schools selected world-wide to receive a free
online pass for the Digital Concert Hall. This initiative was made possible by a
partnership with Berlin Philharmonic and the Deutsche Bank; a wonderful worldwide investment in music education. These concerts will broaden our musical
horizons. We can select performances from an archive of concerts and even stream
them live in action on stage.
Some of our students have already experienced listening to Berlin Philharmonic
perform Symphony no 1 by Beethoven during our Symphony Orchestra Weekend
this term. Students gathered around a laptop screen with score in hand, to listen to
the work they were performing.
Remember to give your name to your teacher should you wish to attend this
auspicious event!
Franschhoek Mountain
Chamber Music Workshop
sun. By 5 o clock Tarren had introduced me to the WHOLE camp!!
Rozay Appollis (flute), Shana Liberty (clarinet), Tarren Pedro
(bassoon) and I shared a dorm room (Hugo Woodwind clan… lol) and
there was laughter from the time we opened our eyes till we closed
them. I also had an Alexander Technique Session with Angela Paynter
to help me with my posture. This technique is used to teach people to
stop using unnecessary levels of muscular and mental tension during
their everyday activities. It really helped me.
The 23rd annual Chamber Music Workshop offered musically gifted
young pupils a week of intensive training in the scenic Franschhoek.
Music students aged 11 to matric applied for this unique experience the only one of its kind in South Africa.
The concerts were exciting and the talent astounding!! I without
ANY doubt encourage you to join. The feeling of togetherness is just
awesome. - Andrea Salomo (16)
Students received professional and highly personalised instruction
to encourage and develop their talent, to improve their prowess as
collaborative musicians, and to achieve progress in a self-enriching
and fulfilling way.
Wow! What a camp! I was privileged to go to Franschhoek through
a full bursary. I felt uncertain as this would be my first experience
attending and I did not know what to expect. As I got to know
everyone better, I started to feel more at ease and comfortable.
The coaching staff’s approach was, as always, to provide structured,
intensive work sessions over a 7-day period with an emphasis on
tangible results and improvement. Participants have at least two
coached rehearsals per day, plus orchestral sessions and other topics
of interest. One evening was devoted to an informal “in-house”
concert of solo works, followed by the hilarious and much loved
“cabaret” devised by the students; another found you testing your
wits in a friendly music quiz with sumptuous prizes!
The first three days were very difficult for me because of the fact that
my lips are not used to four and a half hours of rehearsals every day!
I really learned much... from how to take better care of your instrument
to interpretation and 30 seconds of high notes every day! Our coaches,
Mrs Becky Stelzner, Elsabé Pretorius and Mr Juan Muñoz seemed
very strict, but turned out to be very nice. My favourite piece was Jazz
Et La Java. Mrs Stelzner even made us dance to the piece…which we
found hilarious! But it helped us to understand the character of the
piece better.
The professional staff, chosen from South Africa’s top chamber
musicians and soloists, gave an opening concert for the public and
coached throughout the week. The workshop culminated in two
concerts by the students, of chamber works learned during their stay.
I enjoyed every minute of the camp and can’t wait for the next one!
- Shana Liberty (15)
This year’s staff included pianist Mariel Illusorio, violinist/conductor
Juan Muñoz, violinists Farida Bacharova, Lucia Di Blasio Scott and
Marina Louw, cellists Barbara Kennedy, Angela Paynter (who is also
an Alexander Technique Practitioner) and Nigel Fish, clarinettist
Becky Steltzner, flautist Elsabé Pretorius, and Stuart Scott, Head of
Music at Bishops Prep, as the brass coach.
I had an amazing time! The flute coach was really nice to me and she
inspired me by showing how much there was to learn about music.
The ensemble works that I played were very challenging but after
much hard work and effort we finally got the chance to perform
them at a public concert. It is an experience that I will never forget.
- Rozay Appollis (14)
This is what some students had to say:
You hear the name “Franschhoek Camp” and what comes to mind?
(Besides camp fires and FUN!!) Let me tell you: Family and Good
Music. What a privilege it was to attend the 23rd Franschhoek Camp.
Tarren Pedro (16) on some of the coaches:
Mariel: She is a fantastic pianist. She loves what she does and
her musicality, skill and experience is unbelievable. The way she
interprets music is breathtaking and she is a wonderful coach.
Elsabé: Although she was ill on the camp, it never stopped her from
helping and motivating us. She taught us to lighten up, dance to the
music and most importantly, have fun!
Farida: She is a born Russian! (Lol) She is a perfectionist in all
elements of music (well, aren’t all musicians like that?) She is a
wonderful coach!
Craig and Bronwyn: They were our house parents. They were
awesome and made us feel right at home. They mostly played chess
and other board games.
The different genres of music that was played... Amazing! It ranged
from Vivaldi (4 Seasons... Impressive, hey), Dubois and Loeffler to
fun jazzy pieces and even an item on bagpipes! We only had 5 days
to get these pieces up to standard and what a challenge that was. You
have to get the character perfect (and your notes!) and the enjoyment
came naturally. I could actually participate in the camp this time
without injuries! (I know hey... what an accomplishment).
At our arrival we saw new faces, old ones and just to be on the soil
of FH makes you smile because you get the warmth and it wasn’t the
Royal Concertgebouw
Orchestra Concert
extraordinary and what an exciting and technically demanding piece
for the orchestra! However, it was played with such prolific ease and
beauty. Something that really impressed was how the string players in
all the sections moved their bows in perfect unison.
Many of our staff members attended the concert of the Royal
Concertgebouw Orchestra from Amsterdam on the 9th of March in
the Artscape Opera House. This concert was part of their SA tour
in celebration of their 125th anniversary. The tour was hosted by
the KZN Philharmonic orchestra who also celebrates their 30th
anniversary this year and the idea of inviting RCO was due to the
vision the CEO, Bongani Thembe, had some years ago.
We also experienced beautiful flute, oboe, clarinet and other
solos. Janine Jansen performed Tchaikovsky’s violin concerto.
Her performing style was most enjoyable. It was energetic, highly
expressive, very sensitive, creative, and of course brilliant with
admirable technique. The use of the bow was so incredible that
one could often hear sounds that reminded one of other orchestral
instruments. It all made sense why she has become the world’s latest
music sensation.
RCO was conducted by the incredible Charles du Toit and featured
the world’s latest violin star, Janine Jansen who was described by
many as the 21st century’s Anne-Sophie Mutter.
As professional musicians, we would always analyse a performance,
following all technical and musical aspects. This time, we were raised
above that level where we found ourselves just wanting to close our
eyes and listen to the music. However this was still very difficult as
our curiosity got the better of us to try and see how she does it all.
This was and would stay one of the biggest events of 2013 in Cape
Town. The opera house was packed to capacity with people from all
walks of life, standards and professions, including the former Miss
South Africa Joanne Strauss!
In the second half of the concert the RCO played Symphony No 1 by J
Brahms which was yet another lofty musical experience. This concert
is certainly unforgettable and we would highly recommend concert
opportunities like these that only come around once in a lifetime to
all our young aspiring musicians.
The concert opened with the Overture Cyrano de Bergerac by the
Dutch composer, Johan Wagenaar. From the very first notes, it was
clear that we were about to experience something outstanding and
Michaela Alexander het die beker vir die Hoogste Prestasie Senior
Saxofoon ontvang en Jean Botha (fagot) die beker vir die Hoogste
Prestasie Senior Dubbelriet.
Ons studente het weereens bewys dat HL baie hoë standaarde handhaaf.
Die goeie gehalte onderrig wat die leerders ontvang, blyk duidelik
as mens kyk met hoeveel van die Stellenbosch-Eisteddfodbekers die
Sentrumstudente weggestap het.
Die Junior Rapportryerskorpsprys vir Orkesblaasinstrumente
Hoogste Senior Prestasie is aan Danielle Rossouw toegeken, asook
die Stellenbosch-Kunswedstryd Geldprys.
In die Junior-afdeling het die volgende studente by die
pryswennerskonsert gespeel en /of bekers ontvang. Keon Müller het
die beker vir die Beste Junior Klarinetspeler asook die beker vir die
Beste Junior-prestasie ontvang en het by die pryswennerskonsert
In die Harp-afdeling het Lisa Britz op die pryswennerskonsert gespeel
asook die beker ontvang vir die beste Harp-prestasie. Danielle
Salies het die beker vir die Beste Prestasie Senior Violis, asook ‘n
kontantprys ontvang.
Liam Slabbert (fagot) het die beker vir die Beste Junior-dubbelrietspeler ontvang.
Baie geluk aan julle almal!
Op die foto hierbo van links agter: Liam Slabbert, Danielle Rossouw,
Michaela Alexander en Jean Botha. Voor: Danielle Salies, Keon
Müller en Lisa Britz.
Danielle Rossouw het by die Senior Pryswennerskonsert opgetree. Sy
het met die beker vir die Beste Prestasie Senior Klarinet weggestap.
Windworx Fanfare
On Saturday 11 May the 3rd Windworx Fanfare took place at
the Hugo Lambrechts Music Centre. It was a first experience
for most of our visitors setting foot on Hugo Lambrechts
Our passages were buzzing with orchestra members from
Durbanville, Bellville, Tygerberg, Wynberg, Rondebosch,
Beau Soleil, to name but a few, and CPWE.
Participating from HL were the Beginner, Junior and Concert
Wind orchestras. The afternoon programme included a
formal performance in the auditorium, adjudicated by Prof.
Corvin Matei and Mr Faan Malan, followed by an informal
performance in the garden, while everybody could also
satisfy their stomachs at a variety of food and confectionary
Our Centre orchestras did very well and received the
following results: Beginner Winds – merit, Junior Winds –
highest honours, and the Concert Winds – honours.
Congratulations to all! The day ended with an evening
concert where selected orchestras, as well as the Windworx
orchestra, entertained a packed auditorium. It was awesome
to hear the massed orchestras in such a wonderful acoustic!
After much excitement and a long day’s work, everybody
headed home. Thank you to all our parents and staff who
went the extra mile to help make this event successful.
Top studente betower by Rust en Vrede
Op Maandag 11 Maart het uitblinkers van die Sentrum op versoek van dr. Hubrecht Brody, ‘n Top Studente-konsert by die Rust en Vredegallery in Durbanville aangebied.
Die program het bestaan uit items deur Liza Britz (harp), Estée Adams, Danielle Salies en Lynn Rudolph (viool), Rozay Appollis (fluit), Emilio
February (marimba) Leslie Wu (klavier), Andrea Salomo (hobo), Carron Tremble (fagot) en is deur Danielle Rossouw op klarinet afgesluit.
Ten spyte van die feit dat ruimte uiters beperk was en daar ook nie werklik opwarmfasiliteite was nie, was dit nogsteeds ‘n wonderlike en
“nuwe” ervaring vir ons soliste. Elkeen van hulle het hulle baie goed van hul taak gekwyt en die gehoor verbaas met die uitmuntende spel.
Die amptelike begeleier vir die geleentheid, José Dias, het die soliste hoogs professioneel begelei en ook die items baie smaakvol aangekondig
en insiggewende inligting oor die verskillende werke, style ens. verskaf.
‘n Groot dankie aan veral die ouers van hierdie studente. Sonder julle ondersteuning en opofferings is dit nie alles moontlik nie.
Eksamen uitslae: eerste sessie
Altesame 31 Leerders van die Sentrum het vir die eerste sessie van
Unisa se Praktiese Musiekeksamens ingeskryf. Dertien kandidate
het hul eksamens met Lof geslaag en sewe leerders is vir hul
uitsonderlike prestasies op die EREROL geplaas:
Connor Southgate
Voorgraad 1 Viool
Caro Hill
Voorgraad 1 Viool
Pierre-Simon Rossouw Graad 1 Viool
Vitske van Zyl
Graad 1 Tjello
Jolandi Hanekom
Graad 4 Altviool 91%
Kaylen Lewis
Graad 7
Danielle Rossouw
Graad 7 Klarinet 93%
Only one student entered for this session and passed with distinction.
Congratulations to Andrea Salomo who passed with 87 % for oboe
Gr 5!
6th National Horn Symposium
Royal Schools
Daar was 11 inskrywings vir Royal Schools se praktiese eksamens.
Vyf kandidate het met lof en vier hoogste lof geslaag.
Baie geluk aan die volgende kandidate!
Liam Slabbert
Graad 2 Fagot
Jean Botha
Graad 4 Fagot
Gemma Hall
Graad 5 Hobo
Niel Theron
Graad 2 Fagot
The 6th National Horn Symposium was hosted by the HLMC Brass
Department from 21- 23 March. Thirty French horn players from all
over South Africa attended this event. The Windworx Symphonic
Wind Ensemble officially opened the symposium on the Thursday
On the Friday afternoon the programme started with a brief history
on the French Horn. This lecture set the tone for the next three days,
which consisted of ensemble rehearsals, lectures and concerts.
Baie geluk aan al die kandidate met hul uitstekende uitslae en dankie
aan die onderwysers vir hul deurlopende harde werk.
Die ATKV-Handevat is ‘n ontwikkelingsprojek wat op die
gemeenskap fokus en strewe om ‘n kultuur van medemenslikheid in
skole te vestig.
The tone was set for the Friday evening concert by SA composer,
Mr Allan Stephenson who presented a pre-concert talk on his work,
Miniature Horn Quartet, which was about to be premiered by the
Unicorns. The CPO Quartet combined forces with the Unicorns to
perform an octet, namely Hansel und Gretel: Prelude – Chorale by
E. Humperdinck. Other works performed at this highly successful
concert included Fantasie by F. Strauss, Trio for oboe, horn and
piano, op. 118 by C. Reinecke and Cinq Miniatures pour quatre cors
by J Koetsier.
Die oogmerk van die ATKV-Handevat is dat ‘n skool uit ‘n meer
bevoorregte gemeenskap ‘n opbouende projek aanpak, ten bate van
‘n skool uit ‘n minder bevoorregte gemeenskap. Op hierdie basis het
Hugo Lambrechts besluit om saam met Laerskool Rosendal aansoek
te doen om deel te word van ATKV-Handevat 2013.
The Saturday’s activities centred on the much anticipated Frippery
Competition. The Frippery ensembles are put together by drawing
names out of a hat. They then have limited time to learn a new
piece in order to perform it at the competition. The judges for the
competition were Renaldo Wales and Angus Pieterson.
ATKV se Handevat-projek
Die Laerskool Rosendal-Ontwikkelingsprogram is tesame met nege
ander skole van elders in die land gekeur om deel van die projek te
Die projek het ‘n aanvangskapitaal van R5 000 ontvang om
die projek ‘n hupstoot te gee.
Die twee skole moet saamwerk om die aanvangskapitaal
te vermeerder en moet ook die
projek gebruik om die minderbevoorregte gemeenskap te dien
en op te hef.
Ons is baie trots op die feit dat
HL gekeur is om aan hierdie
inisiatief deel te neem en vertrou
dat die leerlinge en ouers van die
Sentrum en Laerskool Rosendal
die projek sal ondersteun.
The Symposium was concluded with a Mass Blast and a braai. A BIG
thank you to all who participated and supported the event!
Bly Op Hoogte
Stellenbosch Internasionale
Kamermusiekfees 2013
Het u al die School Communicator geïnstalleer?
Doen dit sommer nou!
Alle belangrike gebeurtenisse by Hugo Lambrechts sal voortaan op
hierdie wyse aan u gekommunikeer word.
Baie geluk aan die volgende kandidate wat beurse ontvang het om
in Julie die Stellenbosch Internasionale Kamermusiekfees by te
woon: Chanson Hoffman (trompet), Lincoln Jansen (tromboon),
Zoë Adonis, Lynn Rudolph en Abigail Graham (viool), asook Tarren
Pedro (fagot).
School Communicator is ‘n eenvoudige sagtewareprogram wat al die
jongste skolenuus direk aan u rekenaar of foon stuur. Laai dit van die
internet af by:
Ons jaarlikese orkestekonsert het Saterdag 8 Junie plaasgevind en ‘n stampvol ouditorium het duidelik die konsert van begin tot einde terdeë
geniet! Geluk aan elke orkes en dirigent wat nie net goed geklink het nie, maar ook goed vertoon het op die verhoog.
Welcoming new staff to our
Symphony Orchestra
There are very few schools in South Africa which are privileged to
have a symphony orchestra with the standard HL enjoys. The SO was
a dream of Mr Leon Hartshorne, our late principal, which we can
enhance further with the full cooperation of all involved.
Hugo Lambrechts welcomes Annien Shaw (violin-viola teacher),
Henrike Kovatz (Double bass teacher) and Dane Coetzee (cello
Annien Shaw
(violin/viola teacher)
The first half of 2013 has been jammed pack for the Hugo Lambrechts
Symphony Orchestra with concerts in February, April and June. In
February the HLSO performed in a concert for the launch of the
Hugo Lambrechts Music Trust. In this concert a very well-received
rendition of Jean Sibelius’ Finlandia was performed alongside the
second movement of Allan Stephenson’s Oboe Concerto, performed
by Andrea Salomo, and Julius Weissenborn’s Two Pieces: Arioso and
Humoresque for bassoon, performed by Tarren Pedro. Both students
are also full-time members of the HLSO.
Annien has recently joined
Hugo Lambrechts as a parttime string teacher. She is
from Bellville and a past
pupil of Hugo Lambrechts
Music Centre.
The Symphony Orchestra concert, which was held on 28 April, was
a massive undertaking for our orchestra and was received with great
acclaim. First on the programme was Palladio by Karl Jenkins. For
this work the HLSO was joined by the Intermediate String Orchestra
which was a great way to expose the younger HL students to orchestral
playing, and I think they thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Next on
the programme was the Oboe Concerto by the local South African
composer, Allan Stephenson, performed by our very own Mrs Carin
Bam. It is no easy task putting together an entire concerto, not to
mention performing it with the composer in the audience, but Mr
Stephenson was kind enough to attend our rehearsals and assist us
with rehearsing and understanding his composition.
She completed her studies
in BMus and MMus in
chamber music (cum laude)
at Stellenbosch.
She has travelled with the
Hugo Lambrechts Symphony
Orchestra to Germany and
the Czech Republic and with
the KZNPO to Germany and
the United Kingdom. More
recently she travelled to Canada and Spain with the World Orchestra
and toured the United States with the Cape Town Philharmonic
The concert concluded with the Symphony No. 1 in C major Op.
21 by Ludwig van Beethoven. This early romantic work tests the
agility and technical proficiency of all the members in the orchestra,
including the conductor. The orchestra worked extremely hard to
manage a work of this magnitude. Well done to you all! Presenting
a concert programme of this nature is a task that is undertaken by
professional orchestras, so as a student orchestra the HLSO has
accomplished a tour de force. “’Taking into consideration the varied
level of technical skills of the young players, one is indeed impressed
by the quality of work that is produced by the Hugo Lambrechts
staff and commitment of the students. A beautiful future awaits this
orchestra,” Ronnie S Samaai, the well-known and inspired music
mentor, remarked afterwards (Andre Coetzee - http://www.artlink. – 13/06/2013).
Her most valuable music experience is studying with Jan Repko at
the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester.
When asked what the most pinnacle point of her musical career
has been thus far, she said that it was leading the Stellenbosch
University String Quartet that won the ATKV ensemble category and
prize for Best South African Composition. The quartet went on two
international tours and was privileged to have master classes in both
Switzerland and Holland.
Her musical role model is David Oistrakh and if she could perform
in any hall in the world, it would be the Royal Concertgebauw in
Now as preparations get underway for our Concerto Festival we must
keep our enthusiasm alive and we rely on your continued support in
preparation to produce a well-oiled performance. We look forward to
a fantastic remainder of 2013 with the HLSO.
She enjoys dabbling in dress design, wrapping presents and says she
secretly plays the electric bass and has a love-hate relationship with
A performance that rates highly in her memory is listening to the
Manchester Camerata for the first time. She explains, “I think it was
the first time in my life that the word blending made sense. It was
like watching a school of fish swim and suddenly change direction
without effort or collision. The whole orchestra sounded like one
instrument with neither a beginning nor an end. It was breath-taking
in its simplicity.”
Concertofees 2013
Die jaarlikse Concertofees vind vanjaar op Sondag 25 Augustus om
18h00 in die Ouditorium plaas.
Die program sluit onder meer werke van Shostakovich, Ravel, Binge,
Monti, Stephenson, Bruch en Saint-Saëns in, om maar net ‘n paar te
noem. Daar was 59 inskrywings en nasionale oudisies het oor twee
dae plaasgevind. Veertien talentvolle jong musikante is gekeur om
aan hierdie glansgeleentheid deel te neem.
Her advice to our students is: “Practise your scales - they come in
handy when you least expect it.”
Die Sentrum word vanjaar verteenwoordig deur Wilhelm Schlünz
(alt-saxofoon), Emilio February (slagwerk) en Caron Tremble
(fagot). Oud-leerling Jeffrey Armstrong (viool) het ook sy oudisie
Die ander plaaslike soliste is Minkuym Kim (klavier), Naomi
Fokkens en Cara Paulse (viool), S’bongile Mntambo (sang),
Annerike du Plessis en Roelof Temmingh (klavier). Twee soliste
van Johannesburg nl Wilmien Janse van Rensburg (viool) en Iman
Bulbulia (klavier) sal ook die aand optree asook die pianiste Landi
Schaap en Lezanti van Sittert) van Pretoria.
Daar heers groot opgewondenheid onder die lede van die
Simfonieorkes en repetisies begin reeds vroeg in die derde kwartaal.
Baie geluk aan elkeen. Dit beloof om ‘n onvergeetlike aand te wees.
Bespreek vroeg en kom ondersteun gerus hierdie jong musici.
Kontak die kantoor vir meer inligting en kaartjies by 021 939 9105.
Junior Symphony Orchestra
takes the stage
the adjudicator.
On Saturday 27 April the orchestra performed at the Stellenbosch
Eisteddfodd. There was a very big and appreciative audience, and
again the students played well, receiving an A+ for their performance.
During the second term the Beginner Wind Orchestra and Young
Strings combined forces to form a Junior Symphony Orchestra. This
orchestra had stacks of fun and exciting performances.
The hard work of the orchestra was brought to a highlight at the
Parklands College West Coast Orchestra Festival on 7 May. Orchestras
from Parklands College, Elkanah House and Hugo Lambrechts
participated in the festival. The marimba bands of Parklands College
and Elkanah House played in-between the setting up for the different
orchestras. The Beginner Wind Orchestra and Young Strings played
solo performances followed by the Junior Symphony Orchestra
performing Pomp and Circumstance March by E Elgar. The concert
was concluded with a massed orchestra, with all the students from
the three schools performing Chariots of fire by Vangelis as well as
Imagine by John Lennon. We are looking forward to the festival of
next year!
The first performance was on 23 April at Sans Souci Girls’ High
School’s annual FACETS festival. (FACETS is a Festival of Arts,
Culture, Economics and Technology)
The afternoon had a very exciting start as eight students were
transported with the Centre’s new bus to Sans Souci. A fun-filled
drive with an entertaining driver made all the nerves disappear
quickly! Although the school hall was very cold and the stage small,
the students played well and receivedvery positive comments from
Artscape National Youth
Music Competition 2013
Saying goodbye….
This Competition will take place from1 – 5 October at the Artscape
Theatre. After national auditions, 24 students were chosen to
participate. Congratulations and best wishes to the following
successful Centre students.
Yvonné-Marie Brand tjoined the staff at HL in 2007 as a part-time
trumpet teacher. During this time she established herself as a teacher
who supported her students and the Centre with enthusiasm.
Miss Yvonne-Marié Brand
Her students excelled at
Eisteddfodau and external
exams and a highlight of her
time at the Centre was when
her student, Renaldo Wales
was chosen to participate in
the Artscape National Music
Emilio February (xylophone & marimba), Danielle Salies and Tineke
Wolfaardt (violin), Caron Tremble (bassoon) and Danielle Rossouw
We are very proud of you!
SAMRO Hubert van
der Spuy Nasionale
Yvonné-Marie has many
achievements to her credit,
which most of us are not
even aware of. Over the past
six years she completed her
MMus as well as an MBA
degree, both at UCT.
Baie geluk aan die volgende kandidate wat suksesvol was behaal het
met hul oudisies om in September aan die SAMRO Hubert van der
Spuy Nasionale Musiekkompetisie deel te neem:
Esteé Adams en Alyssa Arendse (viool), Rozay Appollis, Zoë Parks
en Josh Southgate (fluit), Laura Bailie (klavier), Lisa Britz (harp),
Keon Müller en Theresa van der Merwe (klarinet).
She will be leaving us at the
end of June to take up the
position of Brass Lecurer at
the North West University in Potchefstroom. Her warm personality
and addictive laugh will be missed around the Centre. We wish her
all the best for the future and hope to see her back in Cape Town!
Ons wens julle baie sterkte toe met julle voorbereiding!
Kunstekaap Jeugmusiekfees
Baie geluk aan Emilio February (xilofoon) sowel as harp student,
Natanja Uys (viool) wat gekeur is om saam met 11 ander soliste
met die Kaapse Filharmoniese Orkes aan die 42ste Kunstekaap
Jeugmusiekfees deel te neem. Emilio gaan Vivaldi se Concerto No
12 in F majeur, wat verwerk is vir xilofoon speel, terwyl Natanja die
eerste beweging uit Rieding se viool Concertino in Ungarisher Weise
in A mineur, Op 21 gaan uitvoer.
Dit is met trots dat
ons kan noem dat ons
geliefde Sentrumhoof,
Hartshorne gedurende
die jaar met die
volgende toekennings
vereer is:
Op 11 Februarie tydens
‘n glansgeleentheid in
die Kaapse Stadsaal
is hy deur die WesKaapse
Kultuursake en Sport
benoem vir sy bydrae
tot die Uitvoerende
Kunste: Musiek.
Die konsert vind op 31 Augustus plaas in die Kunstekaap-teater.
Baie sterkte met die voorbereiding vir die konsert!
Cape Town Eisteddfod
Congratulations to the following students and orchestras who did
extremely well at the Cape Town Eisteddfod and received diplomas:
Lincoln Jansen (trombone), Laura Bailie (piano), Gemma Hall
(oboe), The Young Strings and Senior Strings.
Op 16 April tydens
‘n geleentheid in die
Tygerberg Natuurtuin, het hy ‘n toekenning ontvang van die Stad
Kaapstad, Subraad 3 vir uitsonderlike bydrae tot Kuns en Kultuur.
Vanweë sy bydrae tot die musiekbedryf, 26 jaar as hoof van die Hugo
Lambrechts Musieksentrum en sy rol as mentor vir vele musici, is ons
trots die erkenning wat hy ontvang het.
Hou iemand warm hierdie
Die Hugo Lambrechts Musieksentrum het tans vyf skole wat onderrig
ontvang by die Sentrum as deel van ons Ontwikkelingsprojek.
Dit het egter duidelik geword dat van die skole uiters swaar trek agv
die ekonomiese druk wat almal deesdae ervaar.
Die personeel het dit goed gedink om ‘n klerebank te begin by die
Sentrum om van ons leerlinge in hierdie skole te help.
Dus versoek ons dat enige bruikbare klere, veral skoolklere, warm
klere, ens wat geskenk kan word, by Me Saayman ingehandig word.
Komberse is ook welkom. Indien daar iewers ongebruikte instrumente
is, kan dit ook na die Sentrum gebring word.
Ons dank julle byvoorbaat vir julle ondersteuning!
Strykers Orkeskamp
30 April – 1 Mei 2013
Die Jong Strykers en Junior Strykorkes het van 30 April tot 1 Mei
by die Okkie Jooste- Kampterein in Jonkershoek buite Stellenbosch
gaan kamp. Die uitsig was ongelooflik mooi en die leerders het elke
oomblik van die natuurskoon geniet. Die orkeste het hard gewerk
om te verseker dat hulle goed voorbereid is vir hul optrede by die
Orkestekonsert vir Junie beplan.
Tussen al die harde werk en oefen was daar ook tyd om langs die
rivier te gaan stap, speletjies te speel en met vriende te kuier.
Ons wil graag vir Nestlé bedank vir hul borgskap. Daar was oorgenoeg
Milo om almal warm te hou, en die Milo en Cherio pap vir ontbyt was
omtrent ‘n treffer. Die ouers wat saamgegaan het om te help met die
voorbereiding van die kos en te help met toesighouding het hulle goed
van hul taak gekwyt.
Die kamp is afgesluit deur ‘n “konsert” waar albei die orkeste opgetree
Toe ons aankom by die kamp het ons ons bagasie na die kamers
geneem en saal toe gegaan om te gaan oefen. Dit was ‘n lekker
afleiding om daarna te gaan eet!
Ek het in die nag nog nooit soo baie sterre gesien nie!!! Ons het ook
die volgende dag in die berge gaan stap en dit was so lekker. Dit was
die lekkerste kamp OOIT! - Ethan Lawson (Gr 7)
The Young Strings Orchestra Camp near Stellenbosch was the BEST
BEST camp I ever had!!
The location in Jonkershoek really opened my senses to our beautiful
nature, fresh air, and mostly to my music. The awesomeness of the
majestic mountain, many trees and calm river, inspired me to play and
enjoy the orchestra even more than ever as the sweetness of the place
brought about a wonderful peacefulness amongst all us as orchestra
I now have even more friends in the orchestra, as we shared a lot in
common, especially nature, which my mom also inspired within me.
When Teacher Zelda stated that it was time to go home, we all wanted
to stay. The overnight camp passed by too quickly because by the time
we had to leave, I already wanted to come back again. My mom had
to drag me home, with violin, suitcase and all….
HAD! - Maxine Carstens (Gr 5)
Senior Strings at
Extravaganza of Classics
Benefit Concert
Sentrum Opedag
Die Opedag het vanjaar op 15 Maart vir die eerste keer op ‘n Vrydag
in die Sentrum se netjiese tuine plaasgevind. Die dag was ‘n groot
sukses met ‘n verskeidenheid stalletjies, ‘n teetuin, facepainting en
‘n springkasteel vir die jongspan. Opwindende optredes deur al die
Sentrumorkeste sowel as ons Massa Ontwikkelingsorkes het gesorg
vir groot vermaak.
The Senior Strings Orchestra was invited to take part at an
Extravaganza of Classics Benefit Concert for Save a Child’s Heart,
an Israel based international humanitarian project.
Die. Hoërskool Bellville Simfoniese Blaasorkes was weer ons
gasorkes en het ons monde laat oophang met hul verbysterende talent.
The concert featured the world renowned pianist Dr Yossi Reshef,
as well as two local singers and a professional ballroom dancing
couple. This unique event brought a completely new audience to the
HL Auditorium - a big number of people from the Jewish community
in Cape Town and a lot of residents from the southern suburbs. The
foyer was decorated with orchids and the stage looked interesting
with many heart-shaped cushions spread out on the steps. There were
additional lights which created a very nice atmosphere.
Dan was daar ook van ons eie talent wat verrassend was. Ashleigh
Dreyer, ‘n lid van ons Junior Blaasorkes het ons verbaas met haar rol
in Purple Smoke.
Wonderlike pryse was weereens die dag op die spel! Die gehoorprys
is vir ‘n tweede keer verower deur die Konsert Blaasorkes en die
Junior Blaasorkes het vir die vierde opeenvolgende jaar die prys
gewen vir die meeste fondse ingesamel. Die Beginner Strykorkes en
Jong Strykers was gesamentlik tweede.
The evening started with a video presentation on the Save a Child’s
Heart Project in the foyer after which everyone moved inside the
Daar was ook ‘n magdom looitjie-trekkings met aanloklike pryseop
die spel. Dit het gewissel van geskenkbewyse van musiekwinkels,
tot T-hemde, koffiebekers en ongelooflike kortings op Sentrumfooie!
The concert opened with the SSO presenting a versatile 20-minute long
program which included the First movement from the Concerto for
Two Violins in d minor by J S Bach, with Lynn Rudolph and Danielle
Salies as soloists. That was followed by Paganini’s Variations on the
24th Caprice, L. Anderson’s Jazz Pizzicato and the famous Theme
from “Schindler’s List”. It was a delightful performance and the
audience was thrilled. We could feel the excitement in the hall based
on the warm applauses. Many of the guests stopped Mrs Vorster in
the foyer to express their appreciation for the young orchestra.
Maak seker dat jy nie volgende jaar dié feesdag misloop nie!
The evening continued with the Viennese Waltz danced by the
couple from the Enerchi Dance Studio, followed by another musical
extravaganza with two singers, the soprano Beverly Chiat and the
tenor Nichola Cenchele accompanied by the well-known Cape Town
pianist Albert Combrink.
The second half kicked off with the recital by Dr Yossi Reshef. He
also spoke briefly about each work before performing it. He had the
lights in the auditorium dimmed while a spot light followed him on
stage. This created a refreshingly, different atmosphere. Dr Reshef
masterfully performed works by Beethoven, Chopin, Dvořak and
It was an evening to remember and yet another occasion to be proud
of our Senior Strings and also our auditorium. The venue once again
astonished the visitors.
Exam flaws
We read them on the internet, in fact, we see it everywhere... and
believe me, we even experience them at Hugo Lambrechts! It
appears that after many attempts of teachers trying all different sorts
of explanations, encouragement, etc, etc….some of the students are
still not convinced why they should practice their scales.
With the result, that when faced with scales in the exam room, we
get the funniest renditions and it seems that some students might just
have a different or unique understanding... and then this is what we,
as teachers perceive:
Question: Play us G major scale, a 5th please.
Response: Sounding as if the student thought he/she could pick any
five notes, as long as it starts and ends on G!
Question: Now try the arpeggio of G major.
Response: You get to pick any other notes!
Question: Could you please play the chromatic scale starting on F?
Response: (and this was what the facial expression said…) This is
the one where I have to see how slow I can get my fingers in a knot
and then pretend that there’s a note stuck on the instrument!
Five good enough reasons to practice your scales...
- It could be the only marks you need to get that distinction you have
always wanted!
- Your finger agility improves and those challenging little nightmares
in your pieces and studies become a breeze.
- Your sound and breath control improves.
- Because your technique improves... playing becomes more fun!
- You could be featured in the next Libretto…if you DO NOT practice.