In this issue TRANS
In this issue TRANS
AUGUST 2015 In this issue Page 2 Mag ek praat? Page 4 Acacia nuustak Page 6 Christi's Column Page 10 Ekukanya, Tembalihle, Ekuphumuleni Page 13 Rosestad nuus Page 17 Warm Words from Witfield Page 19 Teresa’s Tale Page 24 Palms Pret! Page 27 BIRTHDAYS TRANS-50 VERENIGING 011 823 2651 2 MAG EK PRAAT? Jare gelede by my vorige werk, was ek betrokke by die beplanning van ’n nuwe vleuel wat ons wou oprig vir die behandeling van vroue alkoholiste en ander afhanklikhede. Die argitek en ek het die aanvanklike beplanning gedoen en toe die voorlopige planne gereed was, het ek voorgestel dat al die personeel daarna kon kyk en kommentaar lewer. Hy was nie regtig baie entoesiasties oor die feit dat die personeel wat byna net uit vroue bestaan het, sy werk kritiseer nie. Ons het nie te min voortgegaan. Die verpleegpersoneel het baie praktiese voorstelle gemaak en die onderhoudspersoneel het gekyk na dinge soos lugvloei deur die gebou. Een van ons skoonmakers, Sophie Molopo, vra toe: “Waar gaan ons die besems, mops en stofsuiers bêre?” Die argitek en ek het na mekaar gekyk en besef dat ons nie daaraan gedink het nie. Wat sou gebeur as Sophie stilgebly het? Sy kon redeneer dat sy as ’n skoonmaker nie ’n sê het met so ’n duur projek nie. Sy kon besluit het om stil te bly en gekyk het hoe ons die saak gaan hanteer as ons agterkom dat daar nie stoorplek is vir die skoonmaak toerusting nie. Die teenoorgestelde is ook waar wanneer ’n kollega met niks tevrede is nie. Party personeellede hou net aan met kla en ’n mens wonder hoekom hulle nog aanhou werk by dieselfde werk. Word ek nie toegelaat om te kla nie? Jy kan beslis, maar wanneer jy ’n klagte het, moet jy ook met ’n voorstel kom van jou siening oor hoe die oplossing vir jou klagte lyk. Trans-50 oorweeg dit om ’n nuwe versorgingseenheid by Witfield Park te bou. ’n Navorser is gevra om onderhoude met die personeel te voer oor hoe die huidige fasiliteite verbeter kan word. Die personeellede het ’n lys gemaak van wat vir hulle belangrik is, om die werksplek meer effektief te maak. Die voorstelle laat ’n mens se oë behoorlik oopgaan. Al die voorstelle is baie prakties. Dit is belangrik om met die bestuur te praat as jy besorg is oor iets, of as iets onduidelik is of as jy iets onder die bestuur se aandag wil bring. Dit sal sommer baie van die sinnelose besprekings stop sit. Ek het ’n kollega gehad wat baie verstrooid was en hy het ons selde gegroet in die oggend. Ons het in die gesig gevat gevoel. Ons het gedink dat hy nie vir ons omgee nie en ongeskik was. Toe ons hom vertel hoe ons hom ervaar het, was hy verras en het gesê dat hy altyd diep in gedagte was en ons net nie raakgesien het nie. Daarna het hy moeite gedoen om ons te groet. Ons het dieselfde ervarings by die werk waar ons tot ons eie gevolgtrekkings kom en ons eie persepsies het. Kom ons praat met mekaar en kry die feite, suiwer die lug en weet dat ons die reg het om te praat. (Kyk gerus na ons waarde oor Oop Kommunikasie) John Wilkinson 2 3 DO I HAVE A VOICE? Many years ago at my previous job, I was involved with the planning of a new wing that we intended to build for the treatment of female alcoholics and other dependencies. The architect and I did the initial plans and when they were ready I proposed that we ask the staff to comment. He was not really enthusiastic about the all female staff who could perhaps criticize his plans. Nevertheless we went ahead. The nursing staff had very practical suggestions and the maintenance staff were looking at things such as air flow through the building. Then one of our cleaners, Sophie Molapo, asked: “Where are we going to put the brooms, the mops and the vacuum cleaner?” The architect and I looked at each other and realized that we have omitted this storage space. What if Sophie decided to keep quiet? She could have reasoned that as a cleaner she has no say in this expensive project. She could have decided just to keep quiet and see how we deal with the fact when we discover that there is no storage space for the cleaning utensils. The opposite is of course when a colleague is never happy with anything. Some staff members are always complaining and you wonder why they keep working at the same company? Am I not allowed to complain? Yes you are allowed, but if you do have a complaint, come along with a proposal based on your view of how you see the solution to your complaint. Trans-50 is contemplating to build a new frail facility at Witfield Park. A researcher was requested to conduct interviews with the staff to hear how they could improve the current facilities. The staff members made a list of what they thought would be essential to have to create an effective place to work. Their proposal was a real eye opener and very practical. It is important to talk to management when you do have a concern, if something is not clear to you or if you want to bring an issue to management’s attention. This will stop many meaningless discussions. I had a colleague who was very absent minded and seldom greeted us in the morning. We felt offended. We thought that he did not really care about us and that he was rude. When we told him how we experienced him, he was surprised and told us that as he was always deep in thought, he just did not notice us. Since then he made an effort to greet us. We have similar experiences at work where we come to our own conclusions and have our own perceptions. Let’s talk to each other and get the facts, clear the air and know you have the right to talk. (Feel free to check out our Values on Open Communication) John Wilkinson 3 4 Acacia nuustak Nashua het ons gebruik om hulle Blou Bank Advertensie veldtog in Kimberley te loods. Die advertensie is in Galeshewe straat, Kimberley aangebring. Dit sal daar wees vir ongeveer 6 maande. Baie dankie Nashua Net hierdie enkele een advertensie kos hulle R380 000.00. Tanya Sinden ‘n student van Potchefstroom Universiteit het vir die 2de keer op 22 Mei 2015 die “ Night of the Stars” fondsinsameling projek gehou. Al die fondse wat op hierdie aand ingesamel is, is aan Acacia Park geskenk. Baie dankie aan die Sinden gesin wat “soos een man” saam gewerk het om dit moontlik te maak. Die bedrag wat Acacia ontvang het was R14 060-00 4 5 Acacia nuustak Eerstehulp opleiding—Life Health Skills - baie dankie. In April het van ons personeel weer Eerstehulp opleiding ondergaan. Kyk net hoe aandagtig word hier geluister BAIE GELUK ! Kagisho Desmond Manzane is die 1ste Trans-50 werknemer van die jaar. Kagisho ons almal is vreeslik baie trots op jou. Die personeel van Acacia Park en Feedem Pitseng het baie mooi gesing vir Kagisho en Bettie 5 6 Christi's Column EXPERIENCING THE MULTI-SENSORY ROOM WITH A RESIDENT WHO EXHIBITS CHALLENGING BEHAVIOUR: R500 WINNER! With the previous newsletter I requested staff to share their experiences with residents who exhibited challenging behaviour and how they responded to the multi-sensory room. Congratulations to Fichardt Park who had eleven entries. It was evident from all the entries that many of the Fichardt Park staff are making use of the sensory room and are becoming aware of the positive effect it can have on a resident’s mood (and on them). Dankie vir julle inskrywings – julle het dit moeilik gemaak om ʼn wenner te kies. Ongelukkig is daar nie prysgeld vir die tweede en derde plek nie maar ons moet ook vir Innocentia Tshongweni (2de plek) en Meriam Mokhutle (3de plek) geluk wens met hulle suksesvolle sessies met die inwoners by Fichardt Park! CONGRATULATIONS to Martha Shuping who is the winner of the R500 prize money! Here is Martha’s letter: “Een dag was Mev. X baie aggressief en het sy geweier om poeding te eet of tee te drink. Ek het haar toe na die snoezelen kamer gevat. Toe sy daar ingaan het ek die flikkerligte aangesit. Sy het rustig geword en na dit gekyk en gesê dat dit mooi is. Ek het die hond (speelding) by haar neergesit. Sy het gelag en gesê: “pasop dat hy jou nie byt nie”. Ons het saam gelag en sy het vergeet dat sy ongelukkig / aggressief was. Ek het toe ook die vistenk aangesit en sy het gesê dat dit haar laat dink aan die see. Sy het kalm geword en was rustig vir die res van die aand. Baie dankie vir die snoezelen kamer”. Congratulations Martha, keep up the good work and sessions with the residents. MUSIC AND THE POSITIVE EFFECT ON OLDER PERSONS At the lifestyle workshop we were privileged to have Sylvia Birkhead share her experience with us on the positive effects music has on any person including our residents. Think about it for a moment – if you are feeling down or depressed and you hear your favourite song playing, what do you do? Do you become more depressed or do you start tapping your feet and singing along? Although we all have different tastes in music, the fact is that music evokes emotions from all of us. It can heighten our spirits, it can make as think about our childhood or remind us of someone who has passed on. Just as love, music is also a universal language. Although different cultures have different types of music, music is experienced or “felt” no matter what language you speak. Think about our National Anthem and how it unified all South Africans when it was sung during the Rugby World cup of 1995! A lot of research has been done on the positive effects of music. This includes residents who have Alzheimer’s disease. Anyone, irrespective of age or culture can benefit from music. The following image shows how each part of the brain is involved in processing music. 6 7 Christi's Column Music is one of the few activities that involves all aspects of the brain. Music has the ability to improve learning and memory but can also assist with coordination. Here are a few benefits associated with music that we can use to assist our residents: Music can assist to manage pain: Listening to music can reduce chronic pain such as osteoarthritis as well as depression according to the UK-based Journal of Advanced Nursing. More and more physicians and hospitals make use of music to decrease pain after surgery. Music can give the person a sense of control and also releases endorphins that makes a person “feel good”. Music with a slower tempo causes a person to relax, which in turn could slow breathing and heartrate. A daily dose of a person’s favourite music can speed up their recovery after a stroke. According to research in Finland, people who listened to their favourite music a few hours each day not only improved their verbal memory but also their attention span. If you suffer from chronic headaches or migraine, try listening to gentle music! Epilepsy / seizures: A study done in 2014 revealed that listening to Mozart (Sonata for two pianos in D major) reduced seizures (fits) and their occurrence in children. 7 8 Christi's Column Music can enhance intelligence and learning. Music such as Mozart and Baroque (with a 60 beats per minute pattern) activates the left and right brain. The simultaneous action of the brain maximizes learning as well as the retention of the information. Music used for learning and memory should not have a vocal component and should only be made up of instruments. Music can improve athletic performance as it motivates. When you find it difficult to exercise, try doing it whiles listening to music. You might find that you walk a little faster! Relaxing music is an easy way to decrease anxiety, blood pressure and respiratory rate and relaxes muscles. This in turn can assist people who have difficulty sleeping. Research has shown that listening to relaxing music 45 minutes before bedtime will assist with sleep. After a stressful day at work, try listening to your favourite music to reduce your stress. Music can relax tense muscles and helps to improve your emotions or mood. When you listen to upbeat tunes, your mood will automatically lift as music decreases the amount of cortisol in your body (stress-related hormone). We currently have a Music therapist, Karyn Stuart who is doing research at Panorama Palms on the effect care practitioners can have by just singing to residents while performing daily care routines. The results are truly amazing! If you know what songs the residents enjoy, try singing these - as it might brighten up your day as well as the residents’. Karyn will be visiting the centres during the year to do training on how we can apply this as part of our daily care. Who knows – we could soon have an amazing Trans-50 choir! LIFESTYLE AND CARE AUDITS Congratulations to all the centres on the audit results. There has been great improvement in both lifestyle and care especially with the care plans as well as the re-assessment thereof. Thank you for your hard work and for taking care of our residents with love and patience. LEEFSTYL EN CCM WERKSWINKELS Tydens hierdie jaar se werkswinkels het ons gesels oor praktiese uitdagings, musiek en die impak op ouer persone sowel as kommunikasie en konflik hantering. Elke oord het ook ʼn iPad gekry vir gebruik en dit vorm deel van die leefstylprogram. Selfs inwoners met dementia of Alzheimer se siekte kan die iPad gebruik. Ons hoop ook om ons verswakte inwoners in gereelde kontak te bring met hulle familie deur gebruik te maak van applikasies (apps) soos Face Time, Skype of ander sosiale platforms soos Facebook. Ons het dan ook ons Mev. Sosiale media gekroon. Marita van der Walt van Witfield Park het die prys losgeslaan vir die meeste inskrywings op ons Facebook blad. Sy het ʼn totaal van 8213 mense bereik. In die tweede plek was Panorama Palms en derde plek was Fichardt Park. Marita was dan ook die wenner van die noot-vir-noot speletjie. Baie geluk! 8 9 Christi's Column Onthou om ons Facebook blad te besoek en te hou van die blad. Please go to our Facebook page and click “like” at Trans-50 Association. LIFESTYLE WORKSHOP MS SOCIAL MEDIA NOOT VIR NOOT 9 10 Ekukanya, Tembalihle, Ekuphumuleni Junie maand is vir die personeel in Trans-50 ‘n hoogtepunt omdat almal wat deur die jaar hulle deel gedoen het op uitsonderlike wyse daarvoor beloon word. As ‘n werknemer van die maatskappy is ons bevoorreg om so ‘n goed ontwikkelde en regverdige prestasiebestuurstelsel in plek te hê. Hier by Jakaranda Park was ons as span ook almal bevoorreg om prestasiebonusse te kon ontvang! Ons span is hoewel klein, almal staatmakers en weer eens bewys dat as elkeen sy deel doen, ons daarin kan slaag om ons maatskappywaardes uit te leef en werklik te strewe na wêreldklasstandaarde. ‘n Spesiale woord van geluk aan Jan – onderhoudsbestuurder – wat die toekenning as toppresteerder van Jakaranda ontvang het en aan Gideon wat die top onderhoudsassistent was. Ons is baie trots op julle en sien uit na die jaar wat voorlê en al die wonderlike uitdagings wat ons as span gaan aanpak! Who could imagine that a seminar on depression could create such a feel good vibe! This was the case with the seminar that took place at Jakaranda Park on June the 19 th. Rae Labuschagne – Trans-50 Board member and well known Gerontologist – once again managed to captivate all the attendees and kept us on the edge of our seats for the entire presentation. Feedback from attendees were very positive and all were impressed with the level of training and development that takes place within Trans-50 and even more so that we are prepared to share these occasions with other persons in the industry – reaffirming our value of being leaders in our field. Our venue, the breakfast served, gifts for attendees and our excellent speaker, all contributed to do us proud and to confirm our service excellence. The Staff at Jakaranda Park are constantly challenged to increase our knowledge and improve our functioning. One way of doing this is through structured training, paid for by the company. This was again the case on the 4th of June 2015 when we – two maintenance assistants – attended a Health and Safety Representative course at Feletseng training centre. Amongst other interesting things learned, how to investigate an incident at the workplace, how to prevent accidents from happening and also different information signs and their colours, were the most informative. What made the course even more effective was the group discussion and robust debates between attendees where no one was spared. When the course ended, everyone felt that it was worthwile. Thanks to Trans-50 and most importantly Jakaranda Park management to make it possible for us to attend the course. Gideon &Lawrence 10 11 Ekukanya, Tembalihle, Ekuphumuleni HULDEBLYK AAN FRED MILES – BESTUURSKOMITEEVOORSITTER Fred Miles was verkies as voorsitter van die Bestuurskomitee van Jakaranda Park op 14 Oktober 2013 en het die portefeulje beklee tot met sy afsterwe op 14 Junie 2015 Ons het Fred leer ken as ‘n persoon wat altyd bereid was om die ekstra myl te loop vir sy medemens. Hy was toegewyd in wat hy gedoen het en het spontaan omgesien na inwoners wanneer hulle ‘n probleem gehad het of hulp nodig gehad het. As voorsitter van die Bestuurskomitee het Fred homself onderskei as ‘n persoon wat die belange van die inwoners en Trans-50 voorop gestel het. Hy het die vermoë gehad om sake op korttermyn maar ook langtermyn te antisipeer en betyds aanvaarbare voorstelle ter oplossing te maak. Fred het ook baie nou met die instandhoudingspan saamgewerk en het verskeie van die Oord se tuine ontwikkel en in stand gehou. Ek kan in alle opregtheid getuig dat Fred ‘n diep gelowige mens was wat nie skaam was om sy geloof met ander te deel nie. Fred sal altyd in ons gedagtes voortlewe. Ons dank aan ons Hemelse Vader vir die voorreg wat Hy ons gegun het om met Fred saam te kon stap op die laaste jare van sy lewenspad. Jakaranda Personeel Dit was ‘n groot voorreg om my PowerPoint “Skills” te kon opskerp. Ek was die enigste persoon wat die PowerPoint kursus bygewoon het, en daar kon individuele aandag aan my gegee word. Die kursus was baie interessant en ek kon baie rond speel met die program. Ek het geleer om “slideshows” te maak van foto’s en my eie “presentation” opgestel. Die dag is afgesluit met ‘n heerlike ete by die restaurant. Yulande This financial year started differently at Jakaranda Park in the sense that two staff members have been been working longer hours from 1 July. Marna, Lifestyle Manager, started with the company in 2007. The post was at that stage advertised as a half-day post. This also suited me as it gave me the opportunity to spend afternoons with my children which I am very grateful for. The post and responsibilities however developed in such a way that it was soon evident that the hours will have to be increased. I then started working full day twice a week. Finally with my youngest child in matric the opportunity presented itself to apply myself at Jakaranda on a full-time basis. Although this will bring about major changes in my personal life, I hope that it will benefit the company, residents and staff at Jakaranda Park. I am excited about the opportunities and possibilities that the increased hours will present me with. Another person who we will have the privilege to see more every week is Cynthia – our cleaner. Cynthia has been working two days a week but from this financial year she will be working three days a week. This will ensure that our beautiful facility can have an even better standard of hygiene and cleanliness! The entire team at Jakaranda Park is grateful and appreciative of the fact that the Board approved the increase of our staff capacity and that our colleagues at Head office supported us all the way in achieving this. 11 12 Ekukanya, Tembalihle, Ekuphumuleni Elke persoon wat in die beroepslewe staan, maar veral die wat in die bedryf is van ‘n diens lewer aan ander mense, weet dat dit noodsaaklik is om so nou en dan ‘n “time-out” te neem en mens se batterye te herlaai. Dit is veral effektief as ‘n mens dit as span saam kan doen want dan het ons soveel meer empatie met mekaar en help mekaar om weer energie te genereer vir die taak wat ons moet verrig. Die Bestuurspan by Jakaranda het dan ook onlangs aan die einde van ons finansiële jaar besluit dat dit ons goed sal doen om vir ‘n uur of twee weg te breek en in ‘n ontspanne atmosfeer te gesels. Ons het nabetragting gehou oor die jaar wat verby is en saamgesels oor die uitdagings wat ons vir die nuwe jaar voorsien. Die kuns van so ‘n wegbrekie lê egter ook daarin om die regte plek met die regte atmosfeer te kies. Ons is dan ook bevoorreg om so ‘n plekkie net ‘n blok van Jakaranda Park af te hê. Die Pretoria Gallery van die bekende kunstenaar Porchie leen hom perfek tot ‘n kwaliteit “venue”. Pragtige kuns en ‘n interessante geskenkwinkel skep die agtergrond vir die teetuin waar heerlike ligte etes bedien word. Met sagte agtergrondmusiek word ons gemoedere gekalmeer en voel dit mos sommer of die senuwee eindpunte in jou brein weer beter kontak maak. Nou moet ons net sorg dat ons ‘n plan beraam om ‘n spanbou by Porchie se Stellenbosch Gallery ook in te werk! (Almal mag maar seker droom né?) Alhoewel die winterkoue en ryp Jakaranda Park in ‘n wurggreep gehad het, het inwoners en personeelsake ons nie laat onderkry nie en sommer self die wêreld bietjie warm gemaak! Op Maandag 8 Junie het ons Noodontruiming geoefen en het die firma Mercfire weer vir ons ‘n branddemonstrasie kom gee. Wat egter die geleentheid nog beter gemaak het was dat personeel kon wys hoe om die vure te blus en dus weer eens getoon het dat die opleiding wat hulle ondergaan, die moeite werd en toepaslik is. Hoewel Mercfire gemeld het dat die ontruiming dalk effens vinniger kan geskied, moes hulle erken dat die fisiese beperkinge van inwoners in gedagte gehou moet word. Inwoners en personeel het egter ooreengekom dat ons volgende keer gaan verbeter op ons “rekord”. Jan van Rooyen 12 13 ROSESTAD NUUS Training on hearing aids was given to the staff by Claudia Van Rensburg a Audiologist. Different types of instruments were shown to them and a demonstration was given on the following: How to clean it. How to insert it. How to test the batteries. How to insert new batteries How to test when it is time for new batteries. The staff got the opportunity to practise inserting the hearing aids on some of the residents The staff went to play Tenpin Bowling as part of team building. It took place at the Casino in two groups as it was two shifts. The people with the highest points will be divided in two teams to play against each other in July to determine who the winners’ team will be. There was really a good spirit and everybody enjoyed it a lot. Chris Tissink and Marie Jacobs who are tallest and shortest in Fichardtpark Retirement Centre. 13 14 ROSESTAD NUUS “A WELL-OILED ORGANISATION” I recently had the privilege of taking a potential client, who is the director of a Human Resources Consultancy, on a tour of the Centre. When he left, his words to me were, ”I can see that this is a well-oiled organisation.” Later that evening I thought about his comment, reflected back on the nineteen years that I have been with Trans-50, and felt a sense of gratitude. The news is always full of reports of employees protesting for better working conditions and companies faced with no alternative but to implement retrenchments. How many organisations value and invest in their employees like Trans-50 does, paying performance bonuses, thirteenth cheques, corporate wear allowances, and offer an Employee Assistance Programme, provide training, and grant annual salary increases over and above the CPI? It is said that any organisation is as good as its leader(s), and it is for them that I dedicate this verse: 1Timothy 2:1-2 (NLT) I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. It was Fichardtpark’s neighbourhood birthday celebration and they invited us to have a stall, so we decided to sell “Vetkoek”, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cold drinks, and cake, etc. It was a very cold winters Saturday morning but we were very happy about it because we were the only stall selling hot beverages. We were very busy and our 100 “Vetkoeke” were sold out within an hour and fifteen minutes. We also had fun on the playground which brought back good memories of our childhood days. 14 15 ROSESTAD NUUS FROM THE CARE PRACTITIONERS The Management of Trans-50 Fichardtpark Retirement Centre introduced multipurpose chairs as an effort to improve person centred care. These chairs are used for multi-purposes, i.e. for restraining patients during the serving of meals and providing more space in the dining hall when doing lifestyle activities. On 1 July 2015 one of our colleges a Care Practioner received a message from her daughter’s crèche that her daughter got burned while at school. The child was admitted to Pelonomi with burns to her abdomen and legs. The child underwent a skin graft operation and is doing much better after all our prayers. Nontuluzelo Mosuoa On 8 July 2015 our college Joane Mosale from Fichardtpark Retirement Centre was woken up by the noise of a door being smashed. By the Grace of God she woke in time to raise alarm and the burglars were frightened away. This hasn’t been a very good experience, but luckily they were safe. It was overlapping day and staff were busy with internal training when the fire alarm suddenly sounded. Immediately it was quiet in the training hall and then the staff realised it was the fire alarm. They went to the main indication fire panel to locate the area. The fire was traced to the frail care area and residents were evacuated. Roll call was done. The total operation was done in four minutes. Staff then got opportunity to damp the fire with the fire extinguishers to get the feeling of handling them. Recognition was given to staff for good attendance during the last two months. We celebrated this with tasty pizza and Coke. This was a big surprise for all the staff. We all voted to have pizza every month BUT then we must first prove ourselves as we did in the last two months. Come on colleagues we can do it! Yummy for the next pizza! 15 16 ROSESTAD NUUS We had our nurses’ celebrations. Mardia gave a PowerPoint presentation about the development of nursing and the first nurses. Each staff member was issued with the nurses’ pledge and received a carrier for the candle light that they could also use afterwards during load shedding. Afterwards we all enjoyed cold drinks and cake. We held a street market as part of our efforts to reach out to the broader community. There were various interesting stalls. Feedem Pitseng sold sausage rolls and trifle and the “Bak and Brou” team of Fichardtpark sold pancakes. Our “Dit and Dit” shop also sold clothes. The dreams to tick off an item on their bucket lists were reached by some of our residents. They got the opportunity to go on motorbike rides with Chris. Even some of the frail care residents went on a ride. They were in seventh heaven and all wanted photos as proof for their children because they said that their children would not believe them. Hanlie was dressed as a clown and entertained the children and stopped some of the cars to attend the market. What a wonderful day! 16 17 Warm Words from Witfield Recently the Witfield Park team had the opportunity of doing Customer Centricity Program, presented by Ané Carelsen from REDS Learning Solutions. Ané has presented previous sessions and is a familiar face at Trans 50f and Witfield Park. This training corresponds well with the Trans 50 Values. We were once again reminded on how to and how not to deal with our residents and their relatives. The session included a great deal of interaction by individual team members and gave us time to reflect on our relationship with every resident. Fire Protection Association of Southern Africa recently presented a training session on effective fire-fighting at Witfield Park. Each employee received an attendance certificate. During April the Lifestyle Department hosted another seminar on Laughter Therapy. The presenter was Janine Grobler, CEO of Laughter South Africa. The seminar was attended by some 70 persons, including visitors from other retirement homes on the East Rand. From the pictures it is clear that our Witfield Park team enjoyed the contents thoroughly and laughed their hearts out. Even our residents, Rocky Stone and Sheila Kibby amongst others, attended the event and had a ball of a time! 17 18 Warm Words from Witfield Ons wil graag die Witfield Park Instandhoudingspan aan julle bekend stel. Die sewe manne sorg dat ons terrein altyd netjies versorg is en alles in werkende toestand is. Geen moeite is ooit vir hul te veel nie en hul is gereeld besig om een of ander vertrek te ontruim en na ‘n ander te verskuif. Die inwoners het ook groot waardering vir hierdie toegewyde span. Alwyn Els is die Eiendom- en Instandhoudingbestuurder en Solly Ledwaba is reeds vir bykans 30 jaar die drywer. Solly is voorwaar een van die veiligste bestuurders op die pad en almal voel altyd veilig in sy voertuig. Gert Els is die nuweling in die span en die instandhoudingtoesighouer. Gert is ook ons rekenaar- en kameraspesialis en sonder hom is ons heeltemal verlore! Thomas Lehungwane en Ben Maepa is die verwers wie gereeld sorg dat ‘n woonstel binne ‘n ommesientjie gereed is vir nuwe intrekkers. Erick Ndlovu en Daniel Soiasa is die algemene assistente wie se hande vir byna niks verkeerd staan nie en hul herstel alles sommer vinnig (Ben was ongelukkig afwesig toe die foto geneem is) . The Witfield Park team recently had a team building event, where they joined the Croquet Club for a game. Although it was a cold, over casted morning, fun and laughter filled the air. The residents had their hands full to teach the staff the game (without cheating too much!). Afterwards all enjoyed hot dogs and cold drinks in the hall. Every year during June the Witfield Park Team celebrates Thanksgiving with a sermon and breakfast. Teresa Barnard assisted us in handing out the Certificates of Achievement for the Witfield Park team. Jeanette Roos (receptionist) was the Top Performer for 2015 and Busisiwe Nkosi the Witfield Park Top Care Giver of the Year. Khabonina Masina was the Master of Ceremonies and numerous other employees participated in the program. Daniel Soiasa delivered the message and Alicia Ngibe assisted him with the scripture reading. A prayer was done by Caryl Misselbrook and the Witfield Park Choir entertained the guests with their singing. A few of the Trans-50 National Office members joined us for the event and John Wilkinson shared a few words of encouragement. We are grateful that we could experience another successful year at Witfield Park and we experience the grace of God every day. 18 19 Teresa’s Tale - TOP PERFORMERS "I don't think anything is unrealistic if you believe you can do it." Mike Ditka, Professional Football Coach. Congratulations to our Trans-50 employees who achieved their performance goals during 2014 – 2015! Your willingness to go the extra mile; your commitment to our residents, your colleagues and the organisation is an example to each and every one of us. We are proud that you are members of the Trans-50 team! Top Manager of the Year: Marna Maré (Centre Manager at Jakaranda Park) Here are the names of employees who received performance bonuses, ranked in accordance with each Centre. The top performers of each Centre are highlighted below: ACACIA : CARLA FOURIE & WILMA NIEMAND – TOP PERFORMERS CHRISTA PRETORIUS ELIZABETH LEKHOBO HELEN FERREIRA SHANNON MZENZI PATRICIA KALE LIZ KRUGER DENIS SKILPAD BELLA MATHABATHE MAUREEN FISHER BEATRICE JULIUS YOLANDE MITTON EMMA MPINGA VENESSA PAMPIER MARIE PHILLIPS ZENDA MCANDA HERMAN JACOBS AUDREY GORDON MEISIE MILLER SHAFIEKA JACOBS EUNICE PHANDLE KOEKIE DAVIDS MIETA MALEHO NELLY MOCHWARO ANNA KOK LAURIK TERBLANCHE DOMINICA DENGEZI CHRIS KAPU ELIAS BLOM JOHANNA WESSELS GLORIA SEMAUSHU REECE VAN COLLER JOYCE JOHANNES JEANICE SWARTZ MIETA KRUGER LA CLèMENCE : KARIN JACOBS – TOP PERFORMER SHEREEN SAMPSON HEIDI GROBLER ANNE MATTHEWS ENNA PAPIER CAROLINA APPOLIS OLGA MSOPHI SUSANNA CHRISTIANS KAREN BARNES WINIFRED WILLIAMS SUSAN DE VILLIERS YVONNE ADONIS BERNADINE CORNELIUS ALVEAN CAROLUS SANDRA BAARTMAN SANDY ERASMUS KARIN FRANSMAN 19 20 Teresa’s Tale - TOP PERFORMERS WITFIELD : JEANETTE ROOS – TOP PERFORMER MARITA VAN DER WALT ALWYN ELS MARIE KIRSTEN PETRO PIETERSE BUSISIWE NKOSI ELSA STEYN LORRAINE HLONGWANE MARIE BRONKHORST MAGDA JOUBERT CARYL MISSELBROOK VERONICA ZIBAYA ELIZABETH PHAHLAMOHLAKA VERONICA MOGOBOYA FRANCINA PHUKUBYE MBALI MNGWEVU EVELYN DINGALIBALA JEANETTE PHOOKO ERICK NDLOVU ROSINA SENOSHA DOREEN MALGAS SOLLY LEDWABA KHANYISILE SHABANGU DANIEL SOAISA BERNICE KOKOTELA THOMAS LEHUNGWANE GUGULETHU MAEBELA DEW VAN ZYL BEN MAEPA THANDI MPANZA ELIZABETH ZWANE DOLLY LOUW KHABONINA MASINA SIBONGILE RADEBE GOODWELL SABANI YOLISA NGXIYA PRINCESS TSHABALALA ELIZE JANSE V RENSBURG FICHARDT : CHRIS TISSINK – TOP PERFORMER LORNA STUART JAFTA MOKHOTHU JOANNA MOSALA INNOCENTIA TSHONGWENI ROBERT RATELING LIZZIE SEBITSO CASTALINA GANS HANLIE VISSER MIRRIAM MOTSEKI JEMINA GATRI IVY RODA MARTHA SHUPING ELLEN MADITO SELINA MOLIFI CYNTHIA MOKWENA LINDIWE JWILI MERIAM MOKHUTLE DANIEL DIRADITSILE ANNIE PHAKOE NOMPENDULO MOLOSI LUCY TSHABALALA LIESBET NOMIYAYI FLORA MOQABOLANE JOYCE BAHUMI HILDA CHECHANE JOYCE MOGOTSI ANSIE OLIVIER TRANS-50 NASIONAAL : MIENIE APPELCRYN – TOP PERFORMER ELLA BOTHA RENEE DE KLERK JOEY LOURENS BETSIE SLABBER 20 21 Teresa’s Tale - TOP PERFORMERS PANORAMA : SHAUN FABRICIUS – TOP PERFORMER MILA BAM ZAKIE ISAACS MATTY WALSH ANNEMARIE HEYDENRYCH ROLAND GEORGE MARIA CRONJE DESIREE MOSS NOBUNTU SIGCAU JAMES CLOETE GERALDINE LONGMAN HOPE DASSIE GRIFFIN BEUKES CHRISTELLE VAN NOORDWYK HELEN MC FARLANE JACK DE JAGER FALDELAH DAMONS ELIZABETH LOTTERING BABE TRIEGAARDT JUSTINE SNYDERS MONICA VAN NIEKERK ALIDA ARENDS KITTA FRONEMAN SANDRA JOSEPHS SYLVIA ABRAHAMS ALIDA VAN DER BANK TESSA TITUS MICHELLE RUTGERS ANNA-MARIA BOOYSEN JOLENE CARDOZA NAOMI PAULSEN TANIA HAMANN BARBARA KLEINHANS HESTER CLOETE JULIA HERCULES AUDREY JONKERS BONITA ROSS LUCINDA BARENDS LEANDE THYSSEN GADIJA PETERS LESLEY MARTIN SOPHIA VAN WYK SYLVIA SISUSA WILLA WILLEMSE PRISCILLA BENJAMIN MARTHA BOSTANDER YOLANDA CARNOW ESSIE CHRISTIANS DAVINE SADAN ANGIE VAN WYK ELSIE HOYO CHRISZELDA MESSIAS FRANSINA CLOETE MARILYN FRANCIS FIELLA MAKIE SELENA ISAACS MARLYNE PHILLIPS MELINDA BESTER JULIANA WILDSCHUT BRENDA MALGAS DELORES GOLIATH ANNATJIE BUYS MAGDALENE LOMBARD HARIET GOLIATH JAKARANDA : JAN VAN ROOYEN – TOP PERFORMER MARNA MARé GIDEON MOGAPI LAWRENCE KGOAHLA YULANDE BEZUIDENHOUT 21 22 Teresa’s Tale - TOP PERFORMERS TOP CARE PRACTITIONER / MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT NOMINEES EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR 2015: KAGISHO MANZANE – MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT (ACACIA PARK) WITFIELD PARK NOMINATION: BUSISIWE NKOSI – CARE PRACTITIONER PANORAMA PALMS NOMINATION: MILA BAM – CARE PRACTITIONER FICHARDT PARK NOMINATION: ERIKA TITI – CARE PRACTITIONER JAKARANDA PARK NOMINATION: GIDEON MOGAPI – MAINTENANCE ASSISTENT LA CLEMENCE NOMINATION: KARIN FRANSMAN – CARE PRACTITIONER 22 23 Teresa’s Tale - TOP PERFORMERS MOTIVERINGS BRIEF VAN CHRISTA PRETORIUS OORD BESTUURDER ACACIA PARK Dit is met groot vreugde en baie trots dat ek hierdie motivering vandag skryf. Ek het Kagisho in Mei 2010 leer ken toe ek by Acacia Park as Oord Bestuurder begin het. Op daardie stadium was hy 'n tuinier wat sy werk gedoen het soos dit vir hom gegee is. Soms het ek die gevoel gekry dat hy gefrustreerd is met sy posisie want hy het graag die onderhoudspan gehelp as daar geleentheid was. Hy het gereeld sy CV ingegee vir ander werk, aangesien hy 'n gesin het om te onderhou en op sy salaris toe, was dit skaars haalbaar. Sy vrou het gedurende die tyd 'n werk in Johannesburg gekry en in dieselfde tyd is sy oudste kind hoërskool toe. Hierdie ouer paar het dus apart gewoon en werk om in hul gesin se behoeftes te voorsien, wat bewonderenswaardig is. In April 2014 het 'n Onderhoud Assistent posisie beskikbaar geraak, en toe die interne advertensie geplaas is, het ek dit goed gedink om Kagisho te vra of hy sou belang stel om aansoek te doen. Na 'n gesprek in my kantoor het hy die geleentheid met albei hande aangegryp. Hy was die enigste interne aansoek en het 'n goeie onderhoud gehad. Die 6 maande probasie tydperk het 'n ander sy van Kagisho gewys. Kagisho gaan steeds voort om sy mede kollegas te help die stoele pak in die saal vir funksies en kerk sonder dat hy gevra hoef te word. Ook sou mens vir Kagisho vroegoggend voor werk (hulle is al 6 uur by die werk) steeds kry waar hy sy kollegas help om die sproeiers aan te sit en water te lei. Op 1 November 2014 is Kagisho permanent in die posisie van Onderhoud Assistent aangestel. Kagisho is leergierig en baie hardwerkend en lewer 'n diens van onskatbare waarde vir die oord. Tesame met sy vrolike geaardheid en gewilligheid is hy bemind onder die inwoners sowel as die personeel. In April 2015 bars die bom by Acacia Park. Die onderhoudsbestuurder bedank, die ander onderhoud assistent is met 2 weke verlof wat nie omgekeer kon word nie, en ek, die Oord Bestuurder word geopereer vir 'n senuwee wat in my laer rug vasgedruk word. Voor ek met siekverlof is, het ek met die hele onderhoudspan gepraat en gevra dat hulle asb. in hierdie moeilike tyd elke dag net hul beste moet doen want dit sal goed genoeg wees vir my. Kagisho was dus alleen as onderhoudsman op die oord en was in bevel en het ook toegesien dat die 3 tuiniers elke dag hul werk doen. Terselfdertyd is dit Oudit tyd!!!! Elke dag se werk in die klagteboek is stiptelik afgehandel voor 4 uur elke dag. Groter werke is deur ons kontrakteurs, Revamp CC gedoen. Kagisho het gedurende elke besige dag ook nog tyd saam met Carla spandeer om te sorg dat die Health en Safety goed wat uitstaande was a.g.v. my afwesigheid, reggemaak word. Die afspraak vir die diens van die brandblussers, krane ens., was reeds gereël vir Meimaand want dit is wanneer dit verval het. Kagisho het saam met die firma se mense geloop en seker gemaak, elke brandblusser, brandslang en brandkraan word gediens!! Hy het gesorg dat daar agter Wag 'n Bietjie 'n brandpad gesny word om die risiko vir brande te verminder. Alle ekstra werk en take wat vir hom gegee is, is met 'n glimlag gedoen en nooit het hy gekla nie. Wanneer hy dan 4 uur vanmiddag huis toe gaan is dit steeds met 'n warm glimlag. Kagisho het in 'n baie moeilike tyd in moeilike omstandighede karakter gewys deurdat hy baie meer gedoen het as wat van hom verwag is. Bewys dat hy gelukkig is waar hy is en trots is op sy werk. Hy het bewys dat hy lojaal en betroubaar is, vir ons gewys dat Acacia Park op hom kan staatmaak in alle omstandighede. Kagisho is vir my die verteenwoordiging van: "ARBEID ADEL!!!" Hy het 'n werk-trots wat definitief erkenning verdien. Hy is alreeds 'n wenner deur wie en wat hy is en dit is met groot vrymoedigheid dat ek hom aanbeveel. Kagisho, jy is Acacia Park se trots. Vriendelike groete Christa Pretorius 23 24 PALMs PRET ! The Value Custodians, Hope Dassie and Mila Bam, as well as Sr Willemse & Sr Moss organized a special Nurse’s day for our staff. They created an intimate atmosphere by lighting candles in the room and place chairs in a circle format. The planning of the programme was a big secret. The morning’s purpose was to pamper the staff by giving them a foot massage. All of the staff also received a gift parcel. The content was donations that the value custodians got from companies like Durbell, Canon and Vitamed. Die Instandhouding span en Jack… speel Gholf Die Instandhoudingsmanne, ons bestuurder Shaun Fabricius asook Jack de Jager (by Tuisversorging) het gegaan op ʼn spanbou en besluit op ʼn gholf dag. Ons het elkeen ʼn emmer vol balle moes slaan en het ons gate uit geniet. Die een wat die bal die verste geslaan het, is beloon met ʼn ekstra koeldrank. Na die tyd het ons saam uitgeëet en lekker gesels. Die manne sien uit na hul volgende spanbou. Dankie vir Panorama Palms bestuur en Trans-50. Karyn Stuart is an HPCSA-registered music therapist with an interest in care and dignity of the elderly, especially those with Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. She has conducted a small research study at our village exploring the impact that caregiver singing has on the elderly person with Dementia, during their morning care routines. Nine staff members underwent training on 15 April 2015 in therapeutic singing. Christi Louw and Sylvia Birkhead also attended a part of the training. These nine staff members were paired with one elderly resident who has been diagnosed with Dementia. The researcher observed and filmed the first morning care routines: one ‘usual’ one. Although this kind of research study exploring Caregiver Singing has been conducted overseas, this will be the first time it will be undertaken in South Africa. We are hopeful that it will have a meaningful impact on the fields of Elderly Care and Dementia Care in South Africa. 24 25 PALMs PRET ! We have been planning the Boeresport since last year. The value custodians, Hope Dassie and Mila Bam as well as the lifestyle assistant, Marie Cronje and other staff were super organised on the day of the event in order that we have a smoothly running program. At 13h00 Panorama Palms and Feedem had a march to the field. We had a Carnival theme in mind together with the Kaapse Klopse. Feedem fighters were also dressed for the occasion. The tent was fully packed with residents and some even had a special seating in the shadows of a tree. Some of the activities were the rolling of a tyre, “kruiwastoot” and “sakresies”. At one stage, the scores were very close, but Panorama Palms was the overall winner with 49 points against the 25 points of the Feedem Fighters. Our own residents also competed in an egg race. We were very happy to share this with our managing director, John Wilkinson. Trans-50 Top performer besoek Panorama Palms—Mila Bam 08h00 Ons maak gereed, trek kostuums aan en oefen ons liedjies 10h00 Ons beweeg na die hek en soos ons stap sing ons luidkeels. Toe Teresa en ons Top Performer vir Trans-50, Kagisho en sy vrou Bettie by die hek inry was ons gereed met ons lied, “Welcome to Cape Town”. Die uitdrukking op ons gaste se gesigte was duidelik- hul was verbaas en het nie die verwelkoming verwag nie. ‘n Erewag is by ontvangs gevorm, waar beide Kagisho en Bettie se name uitgeroep is en ons die ballonne vrygelaat het. Daarna is ons na die Versorgingsafdeling eetsaal in C1 en 2 waar daar ‘n “Break Dance” vertoning asook die Rieldans uitgevoer is. Teresa, Kagisho en Bettie het saam met ons personeel, wat soos die Kaapse Klopse gelyk het, gedans. Kagisho is ‘n baie beskeie persoon, maar hy lyk na ‘n mens waarmee mens graag sal saamwerk. 25 26 PALMs PRET ! Instandhouding- “Dis hoe Palms dit doen” - Garold Swigelaar Die instandhoudingspan van Panorama Palms het die “Top Performer” van Trans-50, Kagisho, baie welkom geheet. Hy is van Acacia Aftree-oord afkomstig (“ons Kimberley oord”). Die manne het vir hom op ‘n toer deur die oord geneem en daarna elkeen se stoorkamer gewys, asook gewys hoe ons dinge doen. Ons kon sien dat hy baie beïndruk was. Performers, celebrations and saying good byes We said goodbye to our colleagues, Kitta Froneman and Sr Helen McFarlane who both retired. We also had a performance party, celebrating Shaun Fabricius as our Top Performer, and Mila Bam as the Top Performer Caregiver for Trans-50 Panorama Palms. Trans-50, Panorama Palms Bestuur, inwoners en personeel Baie dankie vir al die jare se vriendelikheid, hulpvaardigheid en al die lekker lag. Hoofkantoor vir hul belangstelling en al die sms’e. Vir al my geskenke- dankie aan al die personeel vir al die partytjies. Ek waardeer alles opreg en sal baie verlang. Vriendelike groete Kitta Froneman Die Bestuurder- Panorama Palms Geagte mev Buys Ek was bedlêend tot 12 Junie in my eenheid en die optrede van Hope Dassie noop my om te skryf en u mee te deel dat haar vriendelike en behulpsame optrede maak my bedrus veel draagliker. Ek beleef dat sy ‘n passie vir haar werk het. Groete Die Uwe Mev Alice van Der Merwe To the Nursing Staff, caregivers, cleaning staff of C1 Frail Care. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who took care of our Mother & Grandmother (the late Susan Brander) . During her stay of 6 and a half years your care was exceptional. We cannot thank all of you enough for all your love and compassion shown towards her. May God Bless you all! From Children Laurence & Jean, Grandchildren, Marcelle & Darren 26 27 BIRTHDAYS ! SEPTEMBER 01 03 03 05 06 07 08 08 08 09 10 12 12 13 18 19 19 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 24 27 27 30 30 MIENIE LINDY ELSIE ROLAND BEATRICE ELIZABETH ESMERELDA TANIA MAUREEN EMMA JOANER BIANCA MATTY HERMAN FALDELAH YVONNE EUNICE HENRI DEW SOPHIA MERRIAM HESTER MIETA SANDY SELINA VERONICA ELIZE LORRAINE LAWRENCE ANSIE APPELCRYN JWILI HOYO GEORGE JULIUS LEKHOBO CHRISTIANS HAMANN FISHER MPINGA MOSALA LE GRANGE WALSH JACOBS DAMONS SELABE PHANDLE GROSS VAN ZYL VAN WYK MASOABI CLOETE KRUGER ERASMUS MOLIFI MOLEOFI JANSEN VAN RENSBURG HLONGWANE KGOAHLA OLIVIER HO FIC PAN PAN ACA ACA PAN PAN ACA ACA FIC LAC PAN ACA PAN ACA ACA HO WIT PAN FIC PAN ACA LAC FIC FIC WIT WIT JAK FIC OCTOBER 01 02 03 05 05 10 10 11 11 12 13 14 14 14 15 17 18 21 22 22 24 26 30 30 27 MERIAM HEIDI LUCINDA JUSTINE FRANCINA KHANYISILE NOMPENDULO BONITA SANDRA VIOLET RIAAN JULIANA ELIZABETH ERIKA ELLA LINAH CHRISTOFFEL MEISIE MACHELLE MARITA ELLEN SUSAN FIELLA ZAKIE MOKHUTLE GROBLER BARENDS SNYDERS PHUKUBYE SHABANGU MOLOSI ROSS BAARTMAN MATLOPELA SWANEPOEL WILDSCHUT ZWANE TITI BOTHA MAHLANGU KAPU MILLER JONKERS VAN DER WALT MADITO DE VILLIERS MAKIE ISAACS FIC LAC PAN PAN WIT WIT FIC PAN LAC HO ACA PAN WIT FIC HO WIT ACA ACA PAN WIT FIC LAC PAN PAN 28 BIRTHDAYS ! NOVEMBER 02 03 05 09 10 14 14 14 20 22 22 23 26 26 27 28 29 CHRISTEL CAROLINA ALIDA CARLA RUAN RENEE ROBERT EVELYN CHRISTI MYNIE ELIZABETH FRANSIE CATHERINE MARIE JOLENE MARTHA LORNA BASSON APPOLIS VAN DER BANK FOURIE DE WET WILKINSON RALETING DINGALIBALA LOUW MARCUS PHAHLAMOHLAKA VISSER FLEMMER KIRSTEN CARDOZA SHUPING STUART PAN LAC PAN ACA HO LAC FIC WIT HO PAN WIT WIT LAC WIT PAN FIC FIC DECEMBER 08 09 10 12 12 12 15 16 18 19 21 21 27 31 31 28 MARTHA ANNA-MARIA VANESSA GOODNESS RIAH KHABO JOYCE SELENA GAROLD MIRRIAM TESSA CHRIS JEMINA REECE JEANETTE LETSITSA DAVIDS PAMPIER MABASO MAINO MASINA MOGOTSI ISAACS SWIGELAAR MOTSEKI TITUS TISSINK GATRI VAN COLLER ROOS FIC ACA ACA WIT ACA WIT FIC PAN PAN FIC PAN FIC FIC ACA WIT