The Bulletin-18092015001~JHBIS_Combined


The Bulletin-18092015001~JHBIS_Combined
18 September 2015
Uitgawe - Issue 51
Gratis - Free
Hendrico is grateful
Little Hendrico Ackerman’s
family is overjoyed by the
generous support received in
their efforts to raise money
for his cochlear implants.
In front are Gary Glen
(uncle) with his daughter
Hay-Lee and son Preston
and Hendrico and his father
Hannes. At the back are
Lelani Glen (aunt) and
Wiekie Ackerman with
Danielle. Read the Ackerman
family’s open letter of thanks
on page 3.
• Mom sentenced
• Cupcake Angels
• Tee off with
any nuisance.
The municipality is however not
accepting any hazardous or health care
waste on any of the disposal sites,” he
Kubheka said every person who enters
the landfill must stop at the gate and
declare what type of waste is intended
to be disposed of and is recorded in
the access control register. “People
are not allowed to take pictures as they
are contravening our bylaws as no one
shall enter the site for any purpose
other than the disposal of refuse
(section 19 (3)),” Kubheka concluded.
- Arisja Misselhorn
Schools prohibit game
After The Bulletin’s article last week
regarding the Charlie Charlie game
played at schools and the dangers
thereof, many concerned teachers and
parents contacted The Bulletin.
In one case the game was even being
played among children as young as those
in the Grade R class.
Some schools prohibited the game and
had pastors or youth leaders speak to
18 September 2015
Mom sentenced
A Secunda resident was appalled to
find a trailer load of slaughtered animal
remains on the Secunda dumping site
last week Monday.
The woman went to the dumping site
to dispose of garden refuse when she
saw the bulk of fat, bones and entrails.
The resident photographed the waste
and asked The Bulletin if the dumping
of such waste is legal. According to
Bheki Kubheka, Senior Manager in the
office of the Govan Mbeki Municipal
Manager and also acting Head of
Communications and Marketing, the
disposal of food waste, such as bones,
originating from butcheries and such
is classified as general waste and is
permitted on municipal sites.
“This type of waste is covered and
disposed of safely in order to prevent
pupils about this game regarding its
possible dangers.
“The children must realise what this
game is really about and how serious the
effects can be,” said one of the teachers
at a local high school.
Some people also made appointments
with local Christian counsellors after
learning that their children had played
the game. - Jana Oosthuizen.
It had cost Riah Motlalani (39) only
R150 to abort her baby.
This was apparently a discounted rate.
Motlalani had found the abortionist’s
contact details on a flyer that was being
distributed in the Secunda CBD at the
time. Motlalani was sentenced last
Thursday in the Evander Regional Court
to five years’ imprisonment on a charge
of murder. Although her intention was
to abort the baby boy in 2013, she was
charged with murder as she had already
been 39 weeks pregnant at the time of the
botched abortion. According to the presentence report read in court by a social
worker, Motlalani was in a relationship
when she fell pregnant. When she
informed her boyfriend of the pregnancy,
he claimed that he was married and
already had a family. He refused to offer
any assistance of support for the child.
Motlalani dialled the contact number in
the advertisement and was told to pay
R300 for an abortion. She was unable
to raise so much money and so the
abortionist settled for R150. She was
given two pills. The baby boy was born
alive at about 03:00 the next morning.
She then placed him inside a plastic
bag and travelled from her home in
eMbalenhle to Secunda as soon as it
was light. She then went to relatives in
Secunda and from there to the Secunda
rubbish dump where she dumped her
baby. Someone at the rubbish dump
discovered the baby inside the bag and
contacted the police.
Motlalani was arrested and remained
in custody throughout the length of her
Regional Magistrate Charmaine la
Marque sent Motlalani last Thursday to
be incarcerated at Bethal Prison. - Jana
She was trapped in an extreme physical
and mentally abusive relationship, when
she found out she was pregnant.
She opted for an abortion as she felt she
had no other way out, a 42-year old
local woman confessed. She agreed to
speak to The Bulletin on condition that
she remains anonymous. No one in her
family or among her friends knows about
her abortion of more than a decade ago.
“I am rather skilled at distancing myself
from traumatic events. But yes, I do
remember the exact date and now that I
have hit menopause, I find myself often
thinking about what could have been.
I ponder on what my daughter would
have looked like. I believe that at the
time I had made the right decision, even
though I believe abortion is the act of
killing a baby. There was just no way
that I could bring the child into a world
ruled by her father.” After she managed
to escape from this man’s clutches, she
saw the abuse he bestowed upon his
new girlfriend with whom he fathered
two more children. He later managed to
have the children legally removed from
their mother’s custody. “I am relieved
that this did not happen to me, but if I
had fallen pregnant with someone else’s
child, I would not have had the abortion.
I am still unmarried and have no one for
whom to care or love – perhaps I am
being punished for what I had done so
long ago?” She had the abortion done
at Bethal Hospital. “It was a horrendous
experience. I was forced to dump the
foetus myself and did not receive any
counselling afterwards.”
She advises other women to reconsider
having an abortion. “Do not let it become
just an easy way out of an uncomfortable
situation, but I cannot judge. I suppose
the merits of every individual situation
are different.”
The scars remain
18 September 2015
Hendrico in 7de hemel
Dit het waarlik jare geneem om genoeg
geld in te samel, maar uiteindelik het
Hendrico Ackerman (7) van Secunda nou
koglea-inplantings in albei ore.
Die tweede aparaat is verlede Vrydag (11
September) in sy linkeroor geplant en sal
binnekort aangeskakel word.
Hendrico het ‘n jaar gelede vir die eerste
keer klank gehoor ná ’n koglea-inplanting
aan sy regteroor.
Dié eerste aparaat is op 2 September 2014 by
die Eduplex-sentrum vir gehoorgestremdes
vir die eerste keer aangeskakel.
Die klank was stelselmatig harder gestel
namate hy daaraan gewoond geraak het.
Hendrico wat tot onlangs toe nog ‘n
leerling van Laerskool Goedehoop was,
het die koglea-inplanting dringend benodig
sodat hy in ’n gewone hoofstroomskool
kan aanbly en met die werk kan volhou.
Dit is baie belangrik vir gehoorgestremde
kinders om voor die ouderdom van sewe
’n koglea-inplanting te ondergaan sodat
hul klank, spraak en taal genoegsaam kan
Volgens sy ma, Wiekie, het Hendrico
swaargekry om by te hou in die gewone
skool en sal hy vir nou eers tuisonderig
moet kry.
“Hendrico het danksy die eerste inplanting
reeds baie werk opgevang, maar daar is
nog heelwat om in te haal voor hy weer
hoofstroomonderig sal kan kry.”
Hendrico se spraak het ná die eerste
inplanting reeds met rasseskrede verbeter
en is dié borrellende seuntjie se gebabbel
nou baie makliker verstaanbaar.
Hy ontvang steeds spraakterapie om hom
daarmee te help.
“Dit gaan goed met my,” vertel hy
“Maar my kop is nog seer.”
Hendrico was byna twee jaar oud toe hy
met bilaterale ernstige tot uitermatige
gediagnoseer is.
Hy het deur die jare geleer om lippe
en gebare te lees en het oorfone gedra
waarmee hy sowat 60% gehoor gehad
Danksy die gemeenskap se oop harte en
beursies is meer as R600 000 oor sowat
drie jaar ge-in om die inplantings te
Hieroor sê sy ouers, Hannes en
Wiekie Ackerman, hulle is ontsaglik
dankbaar. Hulle is nie lede van ’n
mediesefonds nie.
“Ons is verstom oor die
ondersteuning wat ons gemeenskap,
en selfs bekendes soos die sanger
Simeon Hamman, aan ons bewys
het,” vertel Wiekie.
Hulle het ‘n opebrief geskryf om
Hendrico Ackerman (7) het pas sy
almal wat hulle bygestaan het te
tweede koglea-inplanting gekry.
bedank. - Arisja Misselhorn.
Ackerman family appreciates help
We want to begin this letter by saying
thank you to everyone involved with
Hendrico’s cochlear implant.
It was a long and arduous journey, but
every step was worth it. We met wonderful
people, and existing friendships were
forged much stronger.
Hendrico went for his second cochlear
implant on Friday 11 September.
Although the journey for most is over,
Hendrico’s journey is just starting as
there is still a huge gap in speech and oral
functionality that has to be caught up. It
will go much quicker with the aid of the
second implant. Thank you to everyone
Dié poolhond
is op
gevind en is
tans in die
DBV se sorg.
Sy eienaars
kan die DBV
skakel by 017
632 2654.
Dié Amerikaanse veghond is
op Secunda gevind en is by die
Hoëveldrif DBV. Sy eienaars kan
017 632 2654 skakel.
Dié worshond is
op Secunda gevind
en is tans in die
Hoëveldrif DBV se
sorg. Sy eienaars
kan die DBV
skakel by 017 632
for the support - whether it was financial
or with advice. I am 100% sure that if
Hendrico understood all the issues that
was involved, he would have had a lot
to say on how thankful he is. All of you
made it possible for him to have a better
chance at life. And no words can begin
to explain how truly grateful we are.
To Hendrico’s uncle , Gary Glen: again
I have to say that without your help and
effort, none of this would have been
To our entire family and all our friends
who helped and supported us and who
are still supporting us in our time of
need: a very heart felt Thank You.
And we love you dearly!
To Johan Rosslee and his team: a huge
thank you for your generosity. A Big
Thank You to Ruan, owner of Ocean
Basket for his generous contributions, as
well as Alishia van Deventer who works
for Starburst Promotions and Simeon
Hamman - thank you for the benefits
that came from your Christmas hit Dis
Thank you also to the staff at the Ear
Institute of Pretoria who have become
part of our family in this time.
Your help was truly world class, as well
as that of the staff at the Zuid Afrikaanse
Hospital. Thank you to the members
of Care Card who worked hard to help
us with the fund raising and who also
played a huge roll to aid us. The three
ladies that worked especially hard were
Leentjie van Tonder, Liesl Posthumus
and Sonette van Rensburg. Thank you
to the Secunda Round Table for hosting
a golf day to raise so much money for
Hendrico’s first implant.
Thank you, Arisja Misselhorn (editor
of The Bulletin) for helping us over
the past three years to create so much
awareness and letting the people see that
we need help.
And then the rest of the community:
Thank you all for your support.
This is an awesome town. If there
is anyone that I have not mentioned,
please forgive me.
It is not out of arrogance or ignorance,
but this is an emotional time and we
have a huge amount of plans to make
and things to think about.
Thank you all.
Hannes and Wiekie Ackerman.
18 September 2015
Winner’s log
Log Position
Log Posisie
Annelene Isabel Naidoo
Manda Schoeman
Sharon Coetzer
Magda Meyer
Sandra Horiro
Marius de Wet
Serekha Ravjee
Nathan Precent
Lee-ann Fourie
Sash Hansraj
The Ostrich
Necromancy is defined as
“The supposed practice of
communicating with the dead,
especially in order to predict the
According to mythology, a
consecrated athame must be
placed in the centre of a circle
with the circumference bordered
in letters and numbers. The spirits
of the dead are then called upon to
answer questions and the athame
is spun around. This ceremonial
blade turns, with its point to
identify a number or letter each
time its rotation stops.
We don’t use a consecrated
athame, you might say. No, we
have become shrewder in our
approach in condoning “spinthe-bottle” and other such like
The reading of palms, tea leaves
in a teacup, playing occult games
with an Ouija board and the
fortune telling through mediums.
The perils of performing these
Wie is ons:
Redaksie/ Editorial - 017 631 1903
Arisja Misselhorn
083 780 0060
Aart Reedijk
082 457 3646
Jana Oosthuizen
076 354 9966
Puzzle 44 of 52
This is the 44th of the 52 Fiendish Sudoku Puzzles for our R10
000 prize.
Submit your answers as quick as possible to earn your
position as the number “uno” solver of the week. The address
for your entries is Please
ensure that your entry incudes your name, address, email and
telephone number. We will have to disqualify your entry if this
information is not supplied with your entry. No appologies will
be accepted.
The prizes are as follows: 1st place: R10 000. Second prize
a meal voucher from Eish!! Restaurant at Lake Umuzi worth
R500. Third prize by Secunda Framers at Lake Umuzi worth
R350. Fourth prize by Trichardt Bottle Store is a bottle of J
C Le Roux sparkling wine.
kinds of “innocent games” are
well documented and ought to
start ringing alarm bells when
confronted with the reality of your
teens engaging in such customs.
Let’s hide it, could be the first
reaction. It is just a phase and
will disappear in the long run. Oh
well, it is the “buzz” and all their
peers are playing. Nothing has
happened so far and it is doubtful
that it ever will. My children
won’t play such games because
they’re just too wonderful, wellbehaved and have a Christian
This was the predictable
reaction from parents, teachers
and principals when asked if
they had any knowledge of these
occult based practises in their
homes and schools. Were these
answers given to protect the
child, the family and the school’s
reputation? It is certainly easier
to use the “Ostrich or the three
monkeys” approach then to admit
that this is reality.
The perplexity, the potential—
God’s own crucible was not for
― Johnny Worthen, Beatrysel
Ontbyt oor die kole
Enige maaltyd kan oor die
kole gemaak word as jy
regtig van braai hou. En
in daardie geval, woon
sommer die Biltong en
Braaifees op 24 September
oor die kole
30 ml (2 e) olyfolie
1 kg boerewors
1kg spek
1 groot ui, fyn gekap
3 knoffelhuisies, fyn gekap
’n hand vol rosa tamaties,
middeldeur gesny (klein
1 blikkie tamatie- en uiesous
1 pakkie sampioene
‘n handvol oreganum
1 halwe groensoetrissie
1 halwe blok cheddar kaas
Sny die wors in skyfies,
spek in stukkies, uie in
skywe, sampioene fyn,
Bemarking / Marketing - 017 631 1845
Helena Oberholzer
082 561 8566
groensoetrissie in blokkies
en tamaties middeldeur.
Skuif matige kole eenkant
toe met ‘n rooster bo-op
of selfs bakstene aan die
Plaas ‘n plat braaipan wat
die hitte kan hanteer op
die rooster bo-oor die kole
of dan goed-gebalanseer
oor die bakstene aan
weerskante en giet die olie
in die pan.
P O Box 4092, Secunda, 2302
Waar druk ons:
Bulletin word deur Paarl Coldset Printers gedruk.
Bulletin is printed by Paarl Coldset Printers
Elzabie Boshoff
073 275 8976
Amori Booysen
079 499 8880
Finansies / Finances
Elmarie van Huyssteen
017 634 8312
Classifieds & Smalls - 017 631 1845
Adres / Address:
Kiewietstraat 1
Banking details:
The Bulletin
Absa RBB Commercial Secunda
Branch code: 637256
Account number: 408 499 2285
Checque /Current account
Braai die knoffel, uie,
soetrissie, sampioene en
tamaties saam.
Haal die mengsel uit en
plaas in ‘n bak.
Braai nou die wors sowel
as die spek.
Gooi die uie-mengsel weer
by wanneer die vleis gaar
Meng die oreganum in en
gooi die blikkie tamatieen uiesmoor oor en meng
goed deur.
Die bogenoemde moet
nou plat versprei word oor
die braaipan. Maak ses
gaaitjies tussen die vleis op
verskillende plekke.
Breek nou in elke gaaitjie
‘n eier. Strooi gerasperde
kaas bo-oor en maak toe
met foelie. Gee die eiers
redelik tyd om gaar te word
volgens voorkeur van hoe
hard die eier moet wees.
Maak seker die kole is nie
te warm nie anders brand
die ontbyt onder.
Distribution: We pride ourselves in
delivering a Bulletin to each house
in Secunda,
Trichardt, Evander,
Bethal and Kriel. We also distribute
additional copies to several points
of business in Kinross, Ermelo,
Should you have a delivery enquiry
or complaint, send us an email
containing your name, contact
details and home address to admin@
Circulation: 21 000 copies weekly
All rights of reproduction of all reports, photographs, drawings and other materials are hereby expressively reserved in terms of section 12
(7) of the Copyright Act No 96 of 1978 and any
amendments thereof.
18 September 2015
Ondersteun Biltong & Braai Fees
by die fees
Hoërskool Secunda het seker van die bekendste
kunstenaars uit die Suid Afrikaanse musiek bedryf
genooi om tydens hulle Biltong en Braaifees op 24
September te kom optree.
Die wat gaan optree is: Thys die Bosveldklong, Ampie
du Preez, Dewald Wasserfall, Monique Steyn, Anthony
McGee, Renaldo Alberts en vir die jongspan die
immergewilde Tjiff en Tjaff.
Bogenoemde kunstenaars het geen bekendstelling
nodig nie, aangesien elkeen ’n ikoon in sy eie reg is.
Die kustenaars wat gaan optree is juis so uitgekies dat
daar vir elke besoeker wel ’n bekende treffer sal wees
wat hulle gaan geniet.
VLU-vroue leer
Lede van die Secunda VLU-tak het op
Donderdag, 3 September, vergader en Teresa
de Wet het vir lede ’n spesifieke verftegniek
gewys wat hulle gebruik het om yskasmagnete
of boekmerkies te maak.
Van die Secunda-tak se lede het in Augustus
die Mpumalanga VLU-kongres in Hazyview
bygewoon en Magda Schwab het ’n derde
plek vir haar blomme in die middelbare
afdeling behaal.
Belangstellendes is welkom om by dié VLUtak aan te sluit.
Vir meer inligting, skakel Erith Hall by 082
775 7065.
Rosa Black en Lenie Mynhardt verf by
die VLU se vergadering op Donderdag, 3
Magda Schwab van
Secunda VLU-tak het
’n derde plek by die
Mpumalanga Kongres
wat in Augustus in
Hazyview gehou is,
behaal in die blommeafdeling.
Ampie du Preez is op 24
September by die Biltong & Braai
Fees te sien.
Monique Steyn tree by die fees
18 September 2015
Angels make a difference
Sisters-in-law Fatima and Tina de
Ponte decided to bring Cupcakes
4 Kids with Cancer to Secunda.
This organisation will be at
Secunda Mall on Saturday, 26
September with their Cupcake
Angels selling beautiful and
delicious cupcakes for R10 each.
They will also accept donations
of more than R10.
The aim of this project is to raise
awareness about the early warning
signs of childhood cancer and to
raise funds for children who are
fighting cancer.
National Cupcake Day will be
celebrated nationally on this day
in 75 malls across South Africa.
Sandy Cipriano is the founder of
this non-profit organisation and
she said: “Our Cupcake Angels
are baking a difference.
“We have been able to help more
than 350 children and the funds
go towards paying for medical
bills, travelling costs, school fees,
birthday celebrations and other
day to day expenses for little ones
battling with cancer.”
Sandy and her team also visit the
children in hospitals.
National Cupcake Day is this
organisation’s main fund raising
event and the public are invited
to support them at Secunda Mall
on Saturday between 08:00 and
Fatima and Tina already baked
and collected more than 2 000
cupcakes and if there are any
cupcakes left on Saturday, it will
be donated to an orphanage or
children at hospitals in the region.
“All of us have family or friends
suffering from cancer. That is
why we wanted to get involved,”
said Fatima.
People who want to support this
organisation can contact Fatima
at 073 515 6106 or Tina at 072
339 5259.
Denise Möhr, Fatima de Ponte and Tina de Ponte with the
poster for Saturday’s cupcake event at Secunda Mall.
42 Vroue geniet hekel-dag
Vroue wat sit en hekel het Eish!!
Restaurant Saterdag volgepak toe hulle
’n hekel-byeenkoms daar gehou het.
Altesaam 42 vroue het saam gehekel en
van die vroue het selfs vanaf Boksburg,
Middelburg, Witbank, Kemptonpark,
Maya grows up in a hive with strict
rules, and has several conflicts with the
Queen's royal adviser. When she learns
the bees are about to fight with hornets,
she sets out to prevent a nasty battle.
For a chance to win two movie tickets
from Ster Kinekor, send the answer to
the following question along with your
name and contact details to admin@
Question: what type of insect is Maya?
Phalaborwa gekom.
Dié vroue reël een keer ’n maand so ’n
sosiale kuier- en hekel-sessie en hou dit
elke keer in ’n ander dorp.
Met hul volgende byeenkoms in Oktober
gaan hulle piekniek hou en hekel in
Boksburg. Annamarie Esterhuizen van
Altesaam 42 vroue het Saterdag by die Eish!!! Restaurant saam gekuier en gehekel.
¸ ˛
Fri,Sat: 9:30,11:45,14:00,17:15,19:45,22:00
Sun: 9:30,11:45,17:15,19:45
Mon,Wed: 9:30,11:45,14:00,17:15,19:45
Tue: 9:30,11:45,14:00,17:15,19:45,22:00
¸ ˛ Ç
Sun: 14:15
Thu: 9:00,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00
10-12 PG
¸ ˛ Ç
Fri,Sat: 10:00,12:15,15:00,17:45,20:15,22:30
Sun,Mon: 10:00,12:15,15:00,17:45,20:15
Tue: 10:00,12:15,15:00,17:45,20:15,22:30
Wed,Thu: 10:00,12:15,15:00,17:45,20:15
Sun: 14:00
Thu: 9:30,11:45,14:00,17:15
¸ ˛
¸ ˛
Fri,Sat: 9:30,12:15,14:30,17:15,19:45,22:00
Sun,Mon: 9:30,12:15,14:30,17:15,19:45
Tue: 9:30,12:15,14:30,17:15,19:45,22:00
Wed,Thu: 9:30,12:15,14:30,17:15,19:45
Thu: 9:25,12:00,14:40,17:20,20:00
7-9 PGDL
Thu: 9:05,11:45,14:30,17:15,20:00
Fri,Sat: 9:45,12:30,14:45,18:00,20:30,22:45
Sun,Mon: 9:45,12:30,14:45,18:00,20:30
Tue: 9:45,12:30,14:45,18:00,20:30,22:45
Wed: 9:45,12:30,14:45,18:00,20:30
Fri,Sat: 9:15,11:30,14:15,17:00,19:30,22:00
Sun: 9:15,11:30,17:00,19:30
Mon,Wed: 9:15,11:30,14:15,17:00,19:30
Tue: 9:15,11:30,14:15,17:00,19:30,22:00
Thu: 19:30
Fri,Sat: 9:45,12:00,14:45,17:30,20:00,22:15
Sun,Mon: 9:45,12:00,14:45,17:30,20:00
Tue: 9:45,12:00,14:45,17:30,20:00,22:15
Wed: 9:45,12:00,14:45,17:30,20:00
Follow us
Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.
˛ Ç
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Boksburg het ’n hekel-winkel by haar
huis en het later die hekel-groep van
Secunda ook betrek.
Sy het aanvanklik met net sewe vroue in
Boksburg begin.
Lizette Marsh van Secunda het gehelp
om die byeenkoms op Secunda te reël.
18 September 2015
R100 week pass
Enter these
challenges in aid
of charity
Two big sporting events, as well
as a pool challenge, are taking
place at Lake Umuzi on Saturday
3 October. Money raised by entry
fees will go to institutions and
projects aimed at helping children.
Mountain bikes around
the Lake
A mountain bike race around the lake
will start at 7:30 on Saturday morning
with the “Around the Lake” Charity Lap
Race for children under the age of 12.
They will be expected to complete one
lap around the lake.
Next up will be the Charity Lap Race
for cyclists between the ages of 13 and
16 years, who must complete the lap
The next race will be for women from
age 17 years and older, followed by
a mens race. The men will have to
complete the lap three times.
Race entries open at 12:00 on Friday, 2
October, at Eish!!
4x4 Rat Race
The 4x4 Rat Race competition opens
for entries at 08:00 at Eish!! that
This promises to be a fun-filled day of
obstacles and activities for the entire
family. Entry fee is R80 per vehicle.
The best 4x4 driver wins R1 000.
Second prize is R750 and the third
place wins R500.
Participants also get free access to the
Beer Fest at Eish!!.
For more information, phone Rikus
Radley on 082 852 8654.
Stay in the longest and win
Do you want to win a splash pool worth
more than R45 000?
Then enter the Aqua Zone Swimming
Pool Challenge. The contestant who
stays in the splash pool on the deck at
Eish!! the longest will win the pool.
Contestants will enter the pool at 16:00
on 2 October and must remain in the
water until they are disqualified. The last
remaining contestant will be the winner.
The challenge begins with securing your
spot in the tub. To be a contender, you
must bring backup sponsorship of R10
000 which will be donated to charity.
So get your company, organisation or
institution involved and raise the money.
The rules are simple.
You must be between the ages of 25 and
Your body temperature will be
monitored by Langamed personnel. If
your vital signs deteriorate or you are in
danger in any way, you will be removed
from the competition.
Contestants will be allowed a 10 minute
bathroom break every four hours. If you
are not back in the pool before your time
runs out, you will be disqualified.
If you fall asleep, you will be
disqualified. Your family and friends
may support you by bringing you food,
keeping you hydrated, keeping you
company and cheering you on. The pool
challenge will continue throughout the
night. At least you will have plenty of
entertainment as the October Beer Fest
at Eish!! will be in full swing on 2 and
3 October. All entrants will be rewarded
with gift vouchers from Timber City.
For more information and to enter,
contact Andrea at AquaZone on 087 233
Must I pay entrance fee every time
I want to visit the festival?
No. If you buy an armband for
R100 you can have access to all the
activities for the entire week.
What else do I get for the R100?
The armband automatically gives
you 25% discount on entry fees to all
shows during week long festival.
The R100 arm band also covers
your daily entrance to the AquaZone
Waterpark and the Carnival Square
playground for kids.
What will the R100 be used for?
All the money raised by each arm
band will go to charity. Whether you
are an adult or child, you will benefit
from this week pass –just make sure
that you do not lose the arm band.
Graceland Braai Day
Rina Hugo
20 Sept
09:00. Rina Hugo en Johan van Rensburg
besoek die N.G. Kerk op Evander op die
hoek van Bologna en Lavelstraat. Toegang
is gratis, die deurkollekte gaan egter vir die
CSO (Christelike Seemans Organisasie)
en Hugo gaan van haar CDs en boekies
na afloop van die diens verkoop. Vir meer
inligting, skakel die kerkkantoor by 017
632 2954 of skakel Joey Weber by 081
577 9944.
Biltong & Braaifees
24 Sept
Biltong- en Braaifees by Hoërskool
Secunda. Daar gaan allerlei vermaak
en uitstallings wees, heerlike vleis
ook kunstenaars. Toegang: R50 vir
volwassenes en R10 vir kinders. Lees op
bladsy 5 meer oor watter bekendes hier te
sien sal wees.
Iemas 4x4 fun
24 Sept
The Iemas 4x4 Family Fun Day is
partnering this year with Hoërskool
Secunda and Goudveld Slaghuis Biltong
& Braai Fees. Various local suppliers will
be showcasing their products including
4x4 Mega World, Autoboyz, A&E
Outdoor, Tiger Wheel & Tyre, Tint Africa,
Vostech and many more! Over and above
the 10 obstacles to challenge on our 4x4
obstacle course built by the Secunda 4x4
Club, all the local dealerships, including
Audi Centre; Eastvaal Motors; Highveld
Nissan; Pinnacle Auto; Richie Landrover;
Secunda Toyota; Tri-Sec Autohaus;
United Motors and Westvaal Secunda
will be displaying their unique SUV’s
and LDV’s on the day. Entrance fees at
Hoërskool Secunda is R50 for adults &
R10 for children under 18 years.
18 September 2015
24 Sept
10:00 to 18:00. Heritage Braai Family
Fun Day at Graceland in the parking area
and poolside.
Evander Braai Day
24 Sept
Evander Unicor Club is celebrating
National Braai day. Fires will be ready
from 11:00. Cost is R90 per person
which includes a braai pack, paptert and
salad. There will also be music and other
festivities. For more information, phone
017 632 4489.
24 Sept
09:00-14:00. Dag van gebed by Graceland
in die
Almal is welkom en van
die sprekers sluit in
en pastoor Joe
Zambië. Vir meer
Linda Lubbe by 078
188 5271 of Irene
Prinsloo by 079 881
Cupcakes @ Mall
26 Sept
Secunda Mall will be selling cupcakes.
Cupcakes 4 Kids with Cancer will be
hosting South Africa’s 4th National
Cupcake Day at 70 malls across the
country – including Secunda Mall.
For only a R10 donation you can receive a
delicious cupcake made with love...
Gerrie Pretorius
2 Oct
20:30. Violet Online is showing in the
Basement Theatre @ Lake Umuzi., starring
Lynita Crofford.
Violet, who certainly isn’t a shrinking
one, makes it so. Recently divorced, she
into the world of cyber
dating, Scrabble sex, a
midlife Brazilian
sex in hotels,
colour barrier,
struggles with
real time sex with
virtual strangers.
Violet lives and learns,
advice and confesses all
in a delightfully unselfconscious way.
Violet Online is based on blog posts by
a well-known, anonymous blogger. Age
restriction of 16 year. Tickets are R150
each and are available at Secunda Picture
Framers. tel: 017 634 8312
Eish!! Beerfest
October Beer Fest at Eish!! Patrons will
have a choice of known beer brands and
local craft beers, while enjoying live
performances from a variety of talented
musicians, such as the trio of Lochner
de Kock, Richard van der Westhuizen
and Andrew Roos, Philippe Abliovi and
Wistful Whisper. This is also the place
to be if you want to follow the progress
of contestants in the Swimming Pool
Bok van Blerk
3 Okt
26 Sept
Gerrie Pretorius tree op by Zylite in Kriel
om 18:00. R100 pp. Bel 082 896 9602 /
082 710 6934 vir besprekings
Violet Online
22 - 28
Marietjie Skool bied weer hul jaarlikse
Lentemark by die skool aan. Die mark sal
daagliks vanaf 09:00 tot 19:00 oop wees
en uitstallers van regoor Suid-Afrika gaan
hul produkte uitstal.
Daar is ook verskeie nuwe uitstallers
vanjaar. Van die produkte wat by
die mark uitgestal gaan word sluit in
skilderye, badbederfies, tuingereedskap,
borduurwerk, handsakke, fotoplakboeke
speelgoed, houtmeubels, juwele, boeke,
vleis, leerwerk en glassware.
Daar gaan ook ’n teetuin wees wat
wegneemetes gaan verkoop.
Vir meer inligting, skakel die skool by
017 631 1474.
Free cholesterol tests 29 & 30
10:00-15:00. Free five minute blood
pressure and cholesterol screening test at
Mediclinic Highveld for September Heart
and Stroke Awareness Month. For more
information, contact the hospital at 017
638 8294.
20:00. Bok van Blerk tree in die
Graceland Arena op. Kaartjies is
beskikbaar teen R100 per
by Computicket. Hy
bemark sy CD
Steek die vure
aan. Dié CD
spog met treffers
van Melk en
Heuning en nog
vele meer. Hy sal
die aand CD’s verkoop.
3 Okt
Secunda Tafelronde 231 en De Necker
Optometrist bied ’n gholfdag aan ten
bate van Yolandi Vorster. Yolandi het ’n
lewensbedreigende oogsiekte wat sig in
haar regter-oog geëis het. Die gholfdag
vind by Walkerpark-gholfklub plaas en
daar is groot pryse op die spel. Vir meer
inligting, skakel Walkerpark by 074 259
3 Okt
10:00. Kansa bied ’n Cuppa vir Kansa
Vroue-tee aan by Hoërskool Evander
Hotelskool. Kaartjies kos R60 en jy kry
’n Cuppa-koffiebeker en goeie vermaak.
Daar gaan ook gelukkige trekking wees.
Vir meer inligting, skakel Ansie by 083
605 9385.
18 September 2015
Lochner de Kock
4 Okt
11:00. Lochner De Kock kook-en-kuier
by EISH!! @Lake Umuzi Waterfront. Hy
bied sy Cordon Boer-vertoning aan..
Love and Prozac
6 Oct
20:30. Love and Prozac is on at the
Basement Theatre @ Lake Umuzi.
A hysterical comedy of the horrors of
dating in your thirties, directed by the
Emmy Nominated John Trengove (The
Epicene Butcher) and starring Sonia
Esgueira, one of SA’s
funniest comedians.1
actress, 13 sidesplitting characters
- From Sea Point
trophy wives and
sleazy sugar daddies
to speed dating. Indian
Portuguese mothers, trance parties and
sangomas. Whether your status is single,
married, divorced or “complicated” it
gives you a funny glimpse into just how far
we will go to find “The One”. Tickets are
R 150 and is available at Secunda Picture
Framers. There is an age restriction of 18.
Matric dress contest
7 Oct
The Bulletin is hosting the Matric Farewell
Dress pageant in the Basement Theatre
Charlize Berg will be the entertainer. This
is an evening of glamour and glitz with
spectacular dresses, jewellery from Ralph
Jacob and amazing prizes for the winner.
Herman Lensing kook
8 Okt
11:00. Kom geniet ‘n vroue-oggend vol
geure in die Basement-teater @Lake
Herman Lensing van Kokkedoor-faam en
kosredakteur van die tydskrif Sarie gaan
drie somersoppe en brode demonstreer en
porsies van hierdie disse gaan ook vir elke
vrou voorgesit word. Dié resepte verskyn
ook in Herman se nuutste kookboek
Nog ‘n Voorskoot / In my kitchen wat hy
vandeesweek bekendgestel het. Die boek
sal dié dag ook teen R295 te koop wees.
Kaartjies is R100 elk. Bespreek jou
kaartjies vandag nog – daar is net ‘n
beperkte aantal plekke beskikbaar.
Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Secunda
Prenteramers, tel: 017 634 8312
8 Okt
18:30. Nog ‘n Voorskoot en Lipstiek
debuteer in die Basement-teater@ Lake
Umuzi. In dié teaterstuk raak Herman
Lensing, Sarie-tydskrif se kosredakteur,
en Marinda Engelbrecht van Kokkedoorfaam, opgeklits en nostalgies, dis
kosstories op, demonstreer, gaan leen
by Martin Versfeld en andere en raak
filosofies oor kos, draai met ‘n ompaadjie
by warmgloede en ander toestande, meng
‘n paar boererate in en laat alles rustig
prut. Bowenal moedig hulle jou aan om
met jou kos te speel. Kom smul aan die
sop van die lewe. Kaartjies kos R150 elk
en is beskikbaar by Secunda Prenteramers.
Gaste kan ook ‘n geskenkpakkie verwag.
Bel 017 634 8312 om jou plek te bespreek.
Whisky tasting
8 Oct
18:30. An exclusive whisky tasting
experience awaits whisky connoisseurs at
Upstairs @ Eish!! that night. The Chivas
Brothers Group will have a splendid
whisky selection ranging from pot-stilled
Irish whisky to unique single malt. There
are only 30 tickets available for this
exquisite event. Book yours now at Eish!!
to avoid disappointment.
Naked Girls Reading
9 Oct
Boesies Conference Venue will be an
intimate theatre for the first Naked Girls
Reading event. Naked Girls Reading is
a nude literary salon that takes place in
twenty cities around the world and on
five different continents. At each event, a
small cast of beautiful ladies removes their
clothing (yes, all of it) and reads personal
selections to an adoring audience. Tickets
@ R 290.00 (Includes Cheese & Wine).
Available @ Secunda Picture Framers
Saturday 10 October: a potjiekos
ompetition on the shore of Lake
Umuzi. Chef Nic van Wyk and Marinda
Engelbrecht of Kokkedoor fame will be
judging and the winning team will win R5
000. The lawn area between the Makoro
Function Venue and Boesies Restaurant
will be transformed into a piazza or
market place for delicacies, wine tasting
and leisure time. Buy a festival wine
glass for R30 for your visit to the various
tasting tables. There will be a variety of
potjiekos, as well as freshly prepared al
fresco meals from various food stalls. If
you are more of a brandy drinker, you will
enjoy the brandy tasting by Distell.
Dieter Uken and Philippe Abliovi will
provide live entertainment. An art
exhibition can be viewed in the Makoro.
Between 15:00 and 17:00 Ralph Jacob
Jewellers will launch the Lianie May
Jewellery line and also host their Online
Website countdown. South African Idol
Adriette is also performing live.
Wyn-iniTuin under
17:00. Tickets
each and will
eight course
meal prepared
by chef Nic van Wyk, live entertainment
by Andriette who will also be releasing her
latest CD, Dieter Uken, String Therapy
(the band of Joshua Na Die Reën) and
Philippe Abliovi. With each course served,
wine to compliment the specific dish will
be served.
Sunday 11 October: The food market,
wine tasting and art exhibition will
continue. Sunday lunch by Nic van Wyk
will be available at R150 per person for
a three course meal. This event begins at
11:00 at Boesies Restaurant. For more
information about, booking and tickets to
the Wyn-ini-Tuin events, contact Bes van
der Westhuizen on 076 990 4460 or send
an email to
Liewe Heksie
15 Okt
09:00 en 11:00. Liewe Heksie en die
Tuindwergie kom Secunda toe. Hulle tree
by Laerskool Secunda op en kaartjies kos
R50 per kleuter (2-6 jaar).
Vir meer inligting, skakel 017 634 7036
Daniele Pascal @ Val
18 Oct
Bekende kunstenaars 29 Okt
Radio Kragbron bied weer ‘n skittervertoning aan by Graceland Casino.
Die kunstenaars wat die verhoog gaan
betree sluit in Nuweling Ernie Bates met
sy treffer soos “Ek En Jy.”, JJ Stephens
in verskeie genres soos Country, pop,
Afrikaans en selfs rock en blues, die
sangsensasie Jennifer Zamudio en
Nicholis Louw. Kaartjies teen R100 by
Computicket. Deure open om 18:00 en
die vertoning begin 19:00.
12:00 Acclaimed actor and playwright, Dr
Daniele Pascal is multi-platinum selling
and recording artist. She is also considered
one of South Africa's most celebrated Die Campbells
30 Okt
This Ambassador
18:30 vir 19:00. Die Campbells tree by
of the French
die Rondekerk op.
Kaartjies kos R100 per persoon en daar
is renowned
sal vetkoeke die aand van die konsert
for the music
verkoop word. Vir meer inligting, skakel
die kerkkantoor by 017 631 3470.
Piaf, Jacques
31 Okt
unique style and classic joie de vivre are Rondekerk. Daar sal vermaak vir almal
quintessentially Parisian and synonymous wees, van kunstenaars tot kindervermaak
with the spirit of romance of the French cafe asook ’n verskeidenheid kos en produkte
song. In 60 minutes Daniele takes you on te koop.
a romantic musical journey, interspersed
6 Nov
with anecdotes from her illustrious career. Min Shaw
Her repertoire features English and French
interpretations of well-known French 18:30 vir 19:00. Min Shaw tree op by
songs by Edith Piaf, Cole Porter, Charles Garden Terrace Kwekery in Secunda.
Aznavour, Jacques Brel, Michel Legrand, Kaartjies kos R100 per persoon en sluit
Nana Mouskouri, songs from her albums ’n ete in. Die opbrengs gaan aan bejaardes
and her own compositions, as well as Les en minderbevoorregtes. Vir meer
chant des Alisees (kinders van die wind) . inligting, skakel Marieta by 082 320 4184
She will enchant and entertain you at Val of Eweleen by 071 687 9331 of Hannelie
on 18 October. This is a Sunday luncheon by 079 686 2246.
concert which starts at 12:00. Tickets are
R300 each and include lunch.You have to
book in advance to avoid disappointment.
Send an email to
make reservations. For more information, N.G. Gemeente Bethal-Noord hou
hulle jaarlikse Pastoriemark vanaf 1
phone Rita or André on 082 550 5540.
Leadership Summit
23 - 24
The Global Leadership Summit is being
held at the Kruik Auditorium.
It takes place from 15:00 to 21:00 on
Friday and from 09:00 to 16:00 on
Saturday. Tickets are R300 each.
For more information, visit the website or phone 012
665 4688.
Annual Poker Run
24 Okt
2nd Annual Poker run hosted by Secunda
Riders MCC. Registration at Our Place,
Trichardt. Contact Tom on 082 379 0641,
Willem on 082 662 019 or Johnny on 082
567 3320. Find Secunda Riders MCC on
tot 4 Desember. Enige persoon wat
kunstige, unieke artikels of smaaklike
tuisgemaakte produkte maak, is
welkom om aansoek te doen om by die
mark te kom uitstal.
Voorleggings van voorbeelde van
artikels of produkte vir keuring
moet nie later as 30 Oktober die
organiseerders bereik nie. Die
finale inskrywingsvorms en fooie se
afsnydatum is 13 November. Beperkte
uitstalruimte is beskikbaar daarom
moet uitstallers nie te lank neem om
navrae of aansoek te doen nie.
Belangstellendes kan vir Marita
Oosthuizen kontak by 082-2913558
of, asook
vir Ella Louw by 072 548 1329
Vanessa Goosen wat 16 jaar in ’n
tronk in Thailand deurgebring
het, is een van die sprekers by die
gebedsdag op 24 September.
’n Gebedsgroep op Secunda bied
op Donderdag, 24 September (op
Erfenisdag) ’n dag van gebed in die
parkeergebied van Graceland aan.
Linda Lubbe, leier van die
gebedsgroep glo God het haar
opdrag gegee om so ’n gebedsdag
te reël.
Dit gaan vir die groep oor die
Koningkryk van God en dat mense
dié dag moet gebruik om God te
Enige iemand is welkom om dié
dag by te woon en daar gaan ook
spesiale sprekers wees.
Vanessa Goosen wat 16 jaar
tronkstraf in Thailand uitgedien
het ná sy met dwelms betrap is toe
’n vriend haar gevra het om boeke
vanaf Thailand na Suid-Afrika terug
te bring, gaan haar getuienis gee.
Sy is ook die skrywer van die boek
Pastoor Joe Kahokola van Zambië
is ook een van die sprekers asook
Shakinah Mulder, ’n Moslem-vrou
wat tot bekering gekom het.
Diveteam, ’n musiekgroep van
Kriel, gaan die aanbidding lei.
Die gebedsdag begin om 09:00 en
sal tot 14:00 duur.
Mense wat dit gaan bywoon kan
komberse en stoele saamneem as
hulle wil.
“Ons wil die Here se aangesig
soek,” het Irene Prinsloo, een van
die organiseerders, gesê.
Vir meer inligting, skakel Linda by
078 188 5271 or Irene by 079 881
18 September 2015
Enroll for Theology degree
The Reformed Church Secunda
(Gereformeerde Kerk Secunda) will
from January 2016 enable students who
wishes to obtain the B.Th. qualification
in Theology through DOCENDA NPC.
The RC Secunda will function as an
Open Distance Learning Centre for the
North-West University (NWU). This
means that it is now possible to register
for a qualification in theology (B.Th.)
while you continue with your current
Docenda is a Latin word which expresses
the importance of study. And this is
precisely what this coarse intends. There
are many devout Christians in South
Africa who would like to proclaim the
Word of God among the people yet
lack sufficient knowledge nor have the
means to acquire the necessary training.
Docenda serves as an Open Learning
Centre of the NWU, and can support
students in completing a part-time
distance B.Th. qualification.
This has the following advantages:
• You continue in your current occupation
and receive an income while working
towards a qualification in Theology.
• You study in your own home instead of
having to move to a campus.
• It is cost-effective.
If you are passionate about proclaiming
the Word of God so as to make a
difference in people’s lives, then contact
Docenda and make your dream come
You will need a Senior Certificate which
complies with the minimum statutory
matriculation requirements for admission
to a Bachelor’s Degree and an APS score
of 24 or higher as indicated by the NWU.
The minimum study period is three years
and the maximum six years. Deserving
students can apply for bursaries from
The classes and evaluation of
assignments are conducted by NWU
staff at the Centre. Study material is
available electronically and/or in hard
copy. Examinations are conducted at
the Centre. The examination papers are
drawn up by the staff at the Potchefstroom
Campus and they also evaluate the
answers. This guarantees consistence in
the outcomes and quality of training.
You have to register before the end of
September and can contact Rev Casper
Breed at 082 654 1814 (casperbreed@ for more information
and Application Forms.
Egpaar vier
49 jaar saam
Corrie en Betina Grobler het op
Donderdag, 3 September, hul 49ste
huweliksherdenking by The Yardt op
Trichardt gevier.
Grobler het spesiaal ’n ete vir sy vrou
gereël as verrassing en daar was blomme
en vonkelwyn.
Die egpaar het vir jare as sendelinge
gewerk en die hele Suid-Afrika deurgereis
asook Angola, Zambië, Lesotho en
Swaziland. Hulle het mekaar ook op die
sendingveld ontmoet. “Ek noem dit die
jubeljaar, want ons gaan nou in ons 50ste
jaar in en ons het vanjaar afgetree,” het
hy gesê. Die egpaar woon al vir sowat ’n
jaar op Trichardt en hoop om tot hul dood
deel te wees van Trichardt. “Ons bly
lekker hier, hier is wonderlike mense.”
Hul geheim vir ’n suksesvolle huwelik is
liefde en respek vir God.
“As ’n mens sondig, maak ons God
seer en ons wil Hom nie seermaak nie,”
het Grobler gesê. “Jesus se lewe was
onbaatsugtig en lydsaam, ons probeer Sy
voorbeeld volg.
“Ons is gevoelig oor hoe God voel oor
dinge en Hy het ons die Bybel gegee
as riglyn.” Hy en sy vrou probeer om
jaarliks die Bybel saam deur te lees en
hulle het dit al verskeie kere deurgelees.
Betina maak graag klere en het al die
rokke in haar kas self gemaak.
Corrie stel belang in fotografie en die
egpaar stap graag.
Corrie en Betina Grobler vier op
Donderdag, 3 September hul 49ste
Lede van die Evander-seniorburgerklub het op Donderdag, 3 September,
dié klub se 33ste verjaarsdag gevier en Marie Pretorius het spesiaal ’n koek
gebak vir dié geleentheid. Lede het dit gevier met ’n gesellige braai by die ou
Evanderklub. Dié klub vergader elke tweede week. Vir meer inligting, skakel
Martie Hendriksz by 084 529 7165.
Clarice bemoedig vroue
Clarice Pieterse en haar ma, Elserina
Pieterse, het vroue bemoedig Saterdag
by die Kruik-gemeente se vroue-oggend
naamlik Blikkies en Pêrels.
Clarice het ’n sangbediening en is ook
’n motiveringsspreker. Sy het met vroue
gepraat oor hul waarde en het gesê soms
is dit moeilik vir vroue om hulself oop te
maak en die pêrels binnekant te ontdek.
“Ons almal sit met seer, maar Jesus wil
hê ons moet oopmaak sodat ons pêrels
gesien kan word,” het sy gesê. Sy het
spesiaal ’n liedjie geskryf Mooiste Pêrel
en dit vir die vroue by die geleentheid
gesin. Volgens haar is Jesus is lief vir
almal en staan met ope arms en wag vir
mense om na Hom toe te hardloop.
Clarice Pieterse agter die klavier.
Secunda Tafelronde 231 het die laaste van die ware wat hulle met hul
Winter Knights-projek ingesamel het, aan die CMR geskenk. Hiér is Wikus
Claassens, Ruan van de Merwe en Carl van Staden van Secunda Tafelronde
231 saam met Naomi Ellis van die CMR met die klere en speelgoed wat
ingesamel is.
18 September 2015
082 561 8566
073 275 8976
Maalvleis & Wors R60 p/kg
Heel Skaap R50 p/kg
Heel Lam R65 p/kg
Agter & Voor 1/4 (Verwerk & vacuum
packed) R50 p/kg
Ontbeende Hoenderflattie R80 per flattie
Hamburger Patties R65 p/kg
Biltong & Droëwors R150 p/kg
Kookvleis R50 p/kg
BESTEL BY: 083 656 8106 / 079 499 8880
These Grade 3 pupils of T.P. Stratten Primary School took
part in the Eisteddfod competition and received diplomas for
their Afrikaans recitation. They are Mpilenhle Vilakazi, Theo
Fakude, Ophilile Silavela and Vimbai Chiyunga. With them
are their coaches Hester du Plessis and Elbé Labuschagne.
Neo Masufi, (Gr 7) from T.P. Stratten
Primary School, received a diploma
for his Afrikaans poetry piece in the
Eisteddfod Competition.
Dié leerlinge van Laerskool Goedehoop het in die Eisteddfod English
Speech and Drama-afdeling deelgeneem en 90-94% (bloulint) en 95100% (rooilint) behaal. Hulle het in die Solo Verse en Monologue
kategorieë presteer. Hulle is (voor) Tiaan de la Rey (bloulint), Soleil
van den Berg (bloulint), Jalyn Bulford (bloulint), Johnke Prinsloo
(bloulint) en Joshua van der Walt (bloulint). Agter is Eliska Smit
(bloulint), Ilardus van der Merwe (bloulint) en Janesca Alberts
These pupils from Secunda Christian Academy excelled in the local
Eisteddfod. In front are Precious Maluko (Afrikaans poem 94%),
Scelo Simelane (Afrikaans poem 92%), Declan Lowies (Afrikaans
poem 96%) and Nondumiso Motsweni (English poem 91%). At the
back are William Bok (Afrikaans poem 93%), Atlegang Moremi
(Afrikaans poem 92%), Larissa Cronjé (Afrikaan unprepared reading
90%), Amahle Jiyna (Bybel prosa 90%)), Rivoni Sithole (Afrikaans
poem 94%) and Shalom Joseph (Afrikaans poem 96%)
18 September 2015
Luanda Mthobeni (Gr 7) from T.P. Stratten Primary School,
received a diploma for his dramatised verse in the Eisteddfod
Competition. With him is his coach, Linda Oosthuizen.
Dié leerlinge van Laerskool
Eisteddfod English Speech and
Drama-afdeling deelgeneem
en 90-94% (bloulint) en
95-100% (rooilint) behaal.
Hulle is (voor) Caley Ellish
(bloulint), Ruan van der
Merwe (bloulint) en Elri
Jacobs (bloulint). Agter is
Cheri Rudolph (bloulint),
Michelle Jacobs (bloulint),
Sonél de la Rey (bloulint) en
Carla Stoltz (bloulint).
Secunda Christian Academy’s grade R English
Speech Chorus obtained 90% in the local
Eisteddfod. In front are Akhona Shongwe, Mikayla
Geldenhuys, Siyabonga Mlotshwa and Pierru
Meyer. In the middle are Khanyisa Mphuthi, Sihle
Sibeko, Mokebe Mdime and Judah Bridgens. At the
back is their chorus leader Kerry-Leigh Ullbricht.
Pierru Also obtained 95% for Afrikaans poetry and
Judah received 92% for English poetry.
Dié leerlinge van Laerskool Goedehoop
het in die Eisteddfod English Speech
en 90-94% (bloulint) en 95-100%
(rooilint) behaal. Hulle is (voor) Caley
Ellish (bloulint), Eliska Smit (bloulint)
en Elri Jacobs (bloulint). Agter is
Michelle Jacobs (bloulint), Sonél de la
Rey (rooilint) en Ruchelle van Heerden
Dié leerlinge van Laerskool
kategoriewenners in die plaaslike
Eisteddfod. Hulle is Tristan
Engelbrecht (gr 3 - 1ste
English poetry met `n 90%),
Armand Underhay (gr. 2
– 1ste in Poetry met 94%),
Franzelle Nortje (gr 2 – 1ste
in Poetry met 95%), Chana
Dunn (gr 5- Bybelprosa –
98% - Wenner en ook – Lees –
97% - Wenner), Keisha Dunn
(gr 7 – Bybelprosa – 97% Wenner), Estian Knoetze (gr
1 – Voordrag – 97% - Wenner)
en Franko Higgins (gr 7 –
Lees – 97% - wenner).
18 September 2015
Het jy die vermoë
om ‘n goeie
produk te verkoop?
Teen 10% Kommissie!
Stuur dan jou
CV aan
Brian Marais (gr 9)van Hoërskool
Oosterland het ‘n 2de plek verwerf
op die Mpumalanga-eindstryd van
die Radikale Redenaars op Saterdag
5 September by Hoërskool Generaal
Hertzog. Die prestasie bevestig dus sy
deelname aan die nasionale eindstryd
op 31 Oktober.
Zirk du Preez van Hoërskool Secunda
het verlede Saterdag eerste geëindig in
die Mpumalanga radikale redenaars se
eindstryd en sodoende gekwalifiseer hy
vir die Radikale Redenaars Nasionalekompetisie.
Dié leerlinge van
Laerskool Goedehoop
se eerste span van
die Bybelvasvra, het
’n sesde plek behaal
in die tweede rondte
van die nasionale
Bybelvasvrakompetisie. Altesaam
130 skole het aan
dié kompetisie
deelgeneem en dié
leerlinge gaan in
Oktober in die Kaap
deelneem. Hulle is
Cheri Rudolph, Luke
Bulford, Wian du Toit
en Cara Strydom.
2 Bedroom, 2 Bath
Duplex Apartments
Private patio
Leerlinge van Marietjie Skool het op Woensdag, 9 September Boomplantdag gevier
asook nasionale Skoonmaak-week wat deel uitmaak van die Eco Skole waarvan
Marietjie Skool deel is. Monteviro het die skool besoek en die 72ste boom in sewe
jaar by dié skool geplant en ook vir die kinders gewys hoe om ’n boom te plant.
With Single Lockup Garage
With Double Lockup Garage
Close to Sasol, Mall etc
Contact Hildegard
083 727 2037 / 017 631 2410
Ruchelle van Heerden en Elizia van
Heerden van Laerskool Goedehoop
het ’n sewende plek uit 17 skole behaal
by die Super 12 Algemene Kennis
Dano Sadie is een van Hoërskool
Oosterland se sterre. Hy het ‘n algehele
derde plek behaal vir juniors in die
kategorie English First Language,
tydens die SA Public Speaking-eindstryd
wat 29 Augustus by Laerskool Kragbron
gehou is.
18 September 2015
Highveld Park High offers a variety
Highveld Park High School has achieved
success on various levels during the year.
Three athletes were selected for the
Mpumalanga Athletics Championships
and Highveld Park High School also
won the Inter high Athletics meeting.
The pupils from this school are involved
in many extra-curricular activities and
the school offers a wide variety of sport
and cultural activities.
These activities include athletics, chess,
boys’ and girls’ hockey, netball, cross
country, girls’ and boys’ soccer, a Glee
Club, a Gospel Choir and Band, Dance
classes, a drama group, a Green Cage
Environmental group and track and field
Highveld Park High School’s Glee
Group, Gospel Choir and Drama
Group presented a show on 11 and 12
September. They plan to host more
shows in the future.
For more information, contact the school
at 017 634 1119.
Highveld Park High School’s Glee Group.
Highveld Park High School’s Drama Group.
Highveld Park High School’s Gospel Choir.
Local pupils take part in Japan
Rachel van Tonder en Carla Vermaas
van Laerskool Trichardt is gekies vir die
o.12-hokkiespan van die Gert Sibandestreek.
Maretha Louwrens en Jana Rosslee
van Laerskool Trichardt is gekies vir die
o.10 Gert Sibande-hokkiespan.
Hoërskool Hoogenhout se Adriaan
Hamman het onlangs die Mpumalanga
o.19 Quads-gholfspan verteenwoordig
wat in ‘n toernooi gespeel het op
Huddlepark in Centurion.
Recently, Sasol’s flagship Osizweni
Science Centre flew the South African
flag when it presented and exhibited at
the Super Science High School 2015 at
Intex Osaka in Japan earlier this month.
South Africa participated in the
organised by the Japan Science and
Technology Agency (JST) for the first
time during the week of 3-7 August
2015, this is fitting since South Africa
celebrated National Science Week in
the very same week.
The Super Science High School,
Japan’s Super Science Fair, aims to
encourage students’ aspirations and
imbue them with a positive attitude
towards Science, while helping them
to develop their individuality and
scholastic prowess.
Four pupils from the Govan Mbeki
Municipal area – Sphesihle Mavuso,
Robinhood Takura, Zirk du Preez
and Johan Venter – were selected to
represent the country. Their research
projects focused on power generation
using organic waste.
Robinhood Takura and Sphesihle
Mavuso are grade 12 pupils from
Kiriyatswane Secondary School in
eMbalenhle enrolled in the Osizweni
Project A programme. Their research
topic was “Generating Electricity from
Organic Waste Water”. These learners
are currently obtaining distinctions in
both Mathematics and Science, and
there is an expectation that with the
support given to them by the Osizweni
Science Centre, they will maintain this
performance during the 2015 Grade
12 final examinations. Izak‘Zirk’du
Preez and Johan Venter’s presentation
was titled ‘“Recycled Products Capture
Waste Energy” they are Grade 9 pupils
from Hoërskool Secunda.
Sasol’s commitment to education
steered the positive change to the
communities around our operations
by the establishment of Osizweni
Education and Development Centre.
The centre provides training and
learning support in Mathematics and
Science for educators and pupils across
all ages
There are numerous other initiatives
Sasol embarks in to support education
for instance, Science laboratories
was recently donated to improve
Mathematics and Science at under
resourced schools in Mpumalanga
classrooms, facilitation of matriculation
revision, and developing mathematical
and life skills through chess.
The Osizweni Science Centre is grateful
to the Japan Science and Technology
Agency for covering the full costs of the
four days stay in Japan for the learners
and their leader, Dr Sello Rapule,
Education and Learning Manager, from
the centre. The delegation was treated
to a tour of research and development
facilities near Kyoto and returned to
South Africa on Saturday, 08 August
“These kinds of projects done by pupils
give hope for the future of science
research in our education system, and
will benefit the country at large. Such
talent has to be nurtured,” said Dr Sello
Rapule, Osizweni Science Centre.
Sphesihle Mavuso and Robinhood Takuro from Johan Venter and Zirk du Preez from Hoërskool Secunda
Kiriyatswane Secondary School were selected to represent were selected to represent South Africa at an international
science exhibition.
South Africa at an international science exhibition.
18 September 2015
Players are ready for new season
Sasol Cricket Club is gearing
up for the new cricket season.
Practice has begun in full force
and a warm up match was played
on Saturday between the two
Sasol teams.
The team is determined to remain
the Mpumalanga champions for
a next term.
The Bulletin will on a weekly
basis, introduce one of the local
cricket players to our readers
with interesting facts about their
cricket skills, such as batting
order, run rate and bowling
The team also welcomes new
members. Anyone wanting to
join the club, will benefit from
the following information:
Practice times: Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 18:00-19:00
Koekemoer 0727655443 or
Michael Hobkirk 0724277270
Club fees: R300 per year. R200
for school pupils and students
Sasol Recreational fees: Control
number for Sasol employees and
R420 for non-Sasol employees/
recreational members per year.
Students’ parents control number
is also excepted.
The Club’s first game will be
played on 3 October. Sasol 1 will
be facing Ermelo 1 in Ermelo as
part of the Gert Sibande Premier
Sasol 2 will have the home
advantage against eMbalenhle
in the Gert Sibande Promotional
A player bats on Saturday during a match between Sasol’s two cricket teams.
Members of Sasol Cricket Club are already practicing for the
new season.
Players of Sasol Cricket Club played a match to kick off the
season on Saturday.
Bok at golf
This October Graceland Country
Club invites all golfing enthusiasts to
a shotgun start, four ball, and golfing
challenge with South Africa’s very own
Bok van Blerk.
The one day golfing challenge will take
place on Saturday, 3 October.
The Graceland Country Club offers a
treat for the whole family on the day.
Dad can enjoy golfing with his friends
while mom relaxes in the spa and then
the whole family gets entertained by van
Blerk later in the evening.
All golfers are welcome to attend the
golf day and award function, and later
all family and friends are welcome to
the live show where Bok and his fellow
musicians will be performing.
For those wishing to take part in the
Bok vir Sport golfing challenge starting
at 11:00 in the morning, a four ball will
cost R3 400. This includes green fees,
half-way house refreshments, prize
giving, braai dinner meal and entrance
to Van Blerk’s live show in the Arena.
For the non-golfers, family and friends
wanting to attend the live show, buy
your tickets from Computicket at R100
per ticket. Visit www.computicket.
To enter the golf day, contact: 017 6201000 or e-mail:
Hoërskool Oranjegloed was chosen for the
Hoogenhout is ingesluit in die IPT Mpumalanga Titans U.12 Cricket Team.
Mpumlanga Gholf-span wat van 28
September tot 3 Oktober gaan deelneem
aan ‘n toernooi by Centurion Gholf
Nico van den Berg van
Donderdag, 10 September ’n
fondsinsamelingveldtog by Spur
in Secunda Mall gehou vir sy
onlangse toer om aan die Kadet
Wêreld Vrystyl-kampioenskap in
Bosnië deel te neem. Nico het 19de
in dié kampioenskap geëindig. Hy
het die bestuur en personeel van
Spur bedank asook die gemeenskap
wat hom ondersteun het.
Dolf Swanepoel, Juan Pretorius en FC
du Plessis van Hoërskool Hoogenhout
is ingesluit in die o.14-Bokkie
FR 13:00 - 21:00
School holidays open 09:00-20:00 MO - THU
Public Holidays 09:00 - 18:00
SAT 09:00 - 21:00
SUN 09:00 - 18:00
NATIE @ 072 124 9453
18 September 2015
We are just...
a mouse click away
Seuns geniet rugga
Die Rugga Kids-groep het Saterdag Laerskool Secunda besoek en
belangstellende jong rugbyspelers van enige skool tussen die ouderdomme
van 3-12 jaar oud kon deelneem.
Die koue het die jong rugbyspelertjies nie afgesit nie en hulle het laat loop met
die rugbybal.
Rugga Kids is ’n private buitemuurse aktiwiteit wat
by laerskole aangebied word.
Hul program is ontwikkel om vaardighede op ’n
prettige manier vir die kleintjies te leer en gee die
kind die geleentheid om sosiale vaardighede te leer
asook spanwerk. - Jana Oosthuizen.