principal`s reflection - Mount St Joseph Milperra
principal`s reflection - Mount St Joseph Milperra
21 February 2013 Issue No. 02 Mary MacKillop Speaks “Do all you can with the means at your disposal and calmly leave the rest to God.” (1891) PRINCIPAL’S REFLECTION "Lord, open my lips and my mouth shall declare your praise." Thursday 21 February—Friday 22 February NSW All Schools Triathlon Monday 25 February Year 11 and 12 Music Excursion—6.00pm Tuesday 26 February Blood Bank Mobile Unit at MSJ Year 11 Voc Ed Parent Meeting 7.00pm-9.00pm The Season of Lent, which leads us to the celebration of Holy Easter, is for the Church a most valuable and important liturgical time. Every day is a constant invitation into a loving relationship with God. Lent is a particular time of year where we can deepen that relationship. It is a time where we can seek to respond to God's initiative of loving us first. The action of reading God's Word, sharing each other's lives and the building of our relationships with each other, is the very living and breathing way of God being active in our lives and our world. All of these actions through God lead us to a new life, a transformed life, with a renewed heart as we have been promised. Let us pray that this Lent will help us reproduce in our lives the self-sacrificing love of Christ. Through our observance of Lent, help us to understand the meaning of your Son's death and resurrection, and teach us to reflect it in our lives. Thursday 28 February Year 12 Biology Excursion Friday 1 March School Photo Day Monday 4 March SCC Swimming Carnival Tuesday 5 March Year 11 Biology Excursion Year 10 Parent Information Meeting 7.00pm Wednesday 6 March Year 9 Science Excursion CGSSSA Touch Football Monday 10 March—Friday 15 March Fitzroy Week Opening School Mass On Ash Wednesday, 13 February, we gathered as a community to celebrate the beginning of our 54th academic year. It was a wonderful gathering of community where we were able to ask for the Lord’s blessing on all of our endeavours this year. My thanks go to to Fr Maurice Thompson PP and Fr Luca for celebrating the Mass with us. Fr Maurice challenged us this Lent to be a community and to see our faith in Christ as that which binds us together and makes us one. Fr Maurice adapted Aesop’s fable of the six sticks to demonstrate that there is strength in unity particularly when we are bound together by Christ. I thank Mr Nolan and Mr Mahoney for their preparation and assistance on the day. Thanks also to those involved in music ministry, Eucharistic ministry and ministry of the Word. I thank Mr Ghanem, Ms Innes and the Year 11 Entertainment VET students and Mr Hickey and the Hospitality VET students and all staff involved in the preparation and seamless organisation of the celebration. We are a school that expects our students to demonstrate exemplary behaviour and so congratulations to the students for their sincerity and reverence during the liturgy. Additionally I wish to thank Dr Mark Turkington Director of Catholic schools in the Southern Region, Mr Merv McCormack Senior Consultant of Catholic Secondary Schools in the Southern Region, my fellow Principals, Miss Lisa Harbrow Grove, Mrs Patricia Laidler, Ms Julie King and Mrs Lea De Angelis and the many parents who were able to join us. Pastoral Care UNIFORM SHOP HOURS Tuesdays 12 noon to 4.00pm Fridays 8.30am to 12.30pm Research tells us that one of the ways that we can help our young people with their studies is to build academic self-concept which assists by building resilience and connectedness. I hope all students, particularly Year 9 and Year 11, have been able to begin the term and feel that they have been successful in each of the subjects they have chosen or have now changed to subjects more suited to their abilities and future needs. It may be in straightforward aspects of your work such as: completing all your homework, it may be feeling that you understand the subject content or it may be having the maturity to ask questions of the teacher or your peers if you are unsure. The enemy of academic self-concept is “Mr/Miss I’m too cool for school” and parents can assist students by challenging this attitude whenever it appears. Annual Swimming Carnival ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL’S REPORT The Annual School Swimming Carnival was held this week and it was an outstanding success. All the students must be commended for the enthusiasm and energy they put into the day. Participation rates were extremely high which added greatly to the overall success of the carnival. I was impressed with the way each of our Houses rallied around each other and especially during the relay races and the ‘war cries’. Congratulations to the House Captains who encouraged their teams and led from the front. Well done to Penola (House Captain: Dominica Lovisa, House Sports Captain: Ana –Marie Bumbar), the eventual winners. Congratulations also to all the age champions and place recipients. It was great to see so many parents in attendance. Well done to all the staff for their work and support on the day. Special thanks to Ms Craft and the PDHPE staff for the preparation and organisation of the day. Further reports and results will appear in the next newsletter. School Attendance High Achievers Award Ceremony The MSJ community was able to come together on 21 February for the High Achievers Award Ceremony for the 2012 HSC. In addition we were able to present a large number of the class of 2012 with a Certificate for their efforts in achieving ATAR’s of 90 or above and in particular, warmly congratulate, the Dux of the School for 2012, Lauren Meola with an ATAR of 97.75. I thank Mr Ray for his organisation of the Assembly and the many parents who were able to celebrate such a special event. Parents will be receiving a pamphlet from the Catholic Education Office Sydney entitled: ‘Compulsory School Attendance: Information for Parents’. Could I ask parents to take the time to read this important document and I would like to highlight a few areas of this document to parents specifically around applications for student leave. In New South Wales, all children from six years of age are legally required to attend school until after they complete Year 10 and until they turn 17 Years of age. A Principal may grant certificates of exemption from the compulsory education requirements of the Education Act when it has been clearly demonstrated by the applicant that an exemption is in the students’ best interests in the short and long term and that alternatives to exemption have been considered. Parents should be aware that the School does not generally consider that absence from school, particularly in the senior years, is in the best interests of the students. Applications for Exemption forms may be collected by students from the Student Services Office. Mr Stephen Mahoney ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Electronic Communications A reminder from our last newsletter, that in keeping with our commitment to environmental sustainability, we will be producing an electronic version of the newsletter from the commencement of Term Two. Throughout Term One, the newsletter will be produced in both forms (paper and electronic). The electronic version will be sent to parents via email. PDF versions will be available on our website if that is your preferred mode of access. I ask parents/carers to please ensure that the school has up-to-date email addresses to ensure correct delivery of the e-Newsletter. (See insert) School Fees and Levies Hopefully you have received my letter about the school fees and levies for 2013. Fee statements should arrive in your letter box early next week. Fees and Levies set by the school are the Administration Levy (set to assist with operational costs) and the Subject and Resources fees (set to cover the cost of delivering a course). Tuition fees are approved by the Sydney Archdiocesan Catholic Schools Board for Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Sydney. Happy Birthday to Lisa Dao, Mareeva Raco, Carla Sacco, Anika Cavar, Vanessa El-Haddad, Katrina Kovacs, Michelle O’Young, Clara Hayfa, Alannah Georgiou, Brooklyn Tanovic, Serena Tran, Laura Frizza, Jennifer Vu, Dalal Yshac, Corina Field, Kristine Fong, Brooke Harvey, Kaitlyn Linnegar, Kristie Godfrey, Jasmine Roussel, Tina Lam, Sophie Pham, Emily Selwood, Caitlyn Van Woudenberg and Alisa Nehme. Ms Janine Kenney PRINCIPAL RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORDINATOR’S REPORT Ash Wednesday On Wednesday 13 February, MSJ held its Opening Mass to celebrate the commencement of the new academic year and the beginning of the season of Lent. During the Mass, students and staff received ashes as a sign of our commitment to self-denial and helping others in preparation for the great celebration of Easter. As always, the students entered into the reverence of the Mass, participating well. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Fr Maurice and Fr Luca for celebrating Mass and the staff and students who gave of their time and talents to ensure the success of the liturgy. Project Compassion Ash Wednesday also marks the start of our annual Lenten appeal. This year, the focus of Project Compassion is on opening doors into a better future for the world’s poorest communities. During Lent, students are encouraged to donate instead of spending money on a luxury item or something they may have given up. Thanks to Miss Kermode for the effort that has been put in to the preparation of the launch. Pope Benedict’s Resignation School Photos On 28 February, Pope Benedict XVI will resign from the Papacy. In a letter the Pope, 85, said his advanced age and the pace of change in the modern world had left him unable to “adequately fulfil the ministry entrusted to me”. The Vatican has indicated that a conclave to elect a successor would start sometime between 15 March and 20 March. More than 100 cardinals under the age of 80 will travel to Rome during this time, with many already consulting each other to develop a profile of the man who will continue to lead the Church. School Photos will be taken on Friday 1 March for ALL students. Upcoming Church Celebrations All students must have an individual photo taken for the purposes of school records and identification cards. 22 February: Feast of the Chair of St Peter – celebrating the Papacy and St Peter as the first Bishop of Rome 24 February: Second Sunday of Lent 1 March: Autumn Ember Day – a special day of prayer and penance marking the first Friday of the autumn season 3 March: Third Sunday of Lent Mr Chris Nolan RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORDINATOR PASTORAL CARE COORDINATOR’S REPORT Blue Awards Congratulations to the following students who received a Blue Award at last week’s school assembly. The Blue Award acknowledges students’ commitment to their studies and excellence in application. Year 7 2012 Kathryn Corpuz, Julie Dao, Mareeva Raco, Alexandra Stojanovska, Stephanie Stone, Whitney Xu. Year 8 2012 Karla Daniele, Jade Gaias, Tiana Ishac, Hannah Kellert, Lauren Lowe, Maria Mai, Courtney New, Joanne Nguyen, Isabella Zepina. Year 9 2012 Vanessa Abi-Esber, Virdha Abish, Raquel Ameneiro, Alison Bourne, Felicia Bruzzese, Josephine Elias, Emma Flynn, Rebecca Johnson, Brittany Ledwell, Montana Sedman, Jessica Vujevic. Year 10 2012 Erin Curran, Christine Fadly, Jessica Huynh, Mary Kouventaris, Jessica Massih, Tania Meli, Anne Nguyen, Paulina Przybylo, Simone Peris, Raquelle Wehbe, Claudia Zaccagnini. Year 11 2012 Ashleigh Andrade, Cynthia Calaitzopoulos, Josephine Canceri, Shelby Chew, Madeleine Costello, Koreen Cueto, Rachael Keith, Stephanie Lloyd, Katherine Lyle, Maria Marrapodi, Hayley New, Rachel Pais, Rebecca Peters, Matilda Rudd, Isabella Spagnolo, Claire Tidyman, Kimberly Tran, Anne Vu, Mary Vu. To receive this significant award a student must achieve the highest commendation from every teacher on their semester report in the areas of: effort, completion of work, conduct and independent work. Students in Years 7-12 have between seven and ten subjects, thus a student in Year 7 with ten subjects must have all 40 indicators of application to studies in the uppermost domain. On Monday this week students received an envelope from PixiFoto outlining the photo book options available for purchase. Should parents wish to order a package the envelope and money or credit card details must be brought to school on the day of the photos. Students hand the envelope to the photographer. All Year 12 students should be present on this Friday morning no later than 8.30am for their Year Photo. Year 12s are asked to assemble promptly on the oval. FAMILY PHOTOS – should parents wish their daughters to have a family photo an envelope may be obtained from Student Services. Family Photos will be taken at lunch time. Could I remind students that normal school rules apply on this day and, in particular, no make-up is to be worn, no jewellery other than that permitted and hair is to be neatly tied back. We would appreciate parental support of these expectations. Year 7 Vaccinations The first round of vaccinations will take place for Year 7 on Monday 4 March. A letter and information package has been sent home with the students. All 4 cards (HPV, dTpa, Hepatitis B and Varicella) should be returned to Student Services by Monday 25 February. Should you decide not to participate in the vaccination program or not require a particular vaccination the cards(s) should be crossed and student name and parent signature recorded on the card(s). Ms Lee Barham PASTORAL CARE COORDINATOR FORTHCOMING EXCURSIONS Parents and Caregivers are asked to ensure that permission envelopes are signed and returned to Student Services by the due date. Failure to return notes by the due date may mean that students will not be permitted to attend the excursion. DETAILS OF EXCURSION Year 7 Science Workbook Year 8 Visual Arts Excursion Year 9 Science Workbook Year 9 Science/Geography Excursion Year 9,10,11,12 Dance, Drama & Entertainment Year 10 Australian Geography Competition Year 10 Information Evening Year 11 Vocational Educational Information Evening Year 11 Elevate Education Year 11 Biology Excursion Year 12 Biology Excursion DATE OF EXCURSION 13-3-2013 PAYMENT & PERMSSION DUE BY 22-2-2013 5-3-2013 6-3-2013 22-2-2013 1-3-2013 5-6-2013 Overdue 2, 3 & 4 April 25-2-2013 5-3-2013 4-3-2013 26-2-2013 25-2-2013 5-3-2013 28-2-2013 Overdue 25-2-2013 22-2-2013 PROJECT COMPASSION Over the Lenten season, we are called to pray, fast, and give alms. At MSJ we call students and staff to engage with Project Compassion through Caritas through this season. Students donate small change that they may have spent on luxuries during Lent, and together we raise funds to help the good works of Caritas. Ditosa is one young girl that we will help. Ditosa, 12, lives in the village of Matuba in Mozambique. Her parents died of AIDS related illnesses some years ago, so Ditosa and her little sister, Fique, 7, are cared for by their grandmother and aunt who are both HIV positive and too weak to work. An extremely poor community, most of the houses are built of mud bricks and there is no sewerage system. Two years ago a water pump was installed in the village, so Ditosa no longer has to walk two kilometres to collect water. Many children in this area have lost one or both of their parents to AIDS. In Mozambique, an estimated 11.5 percent of adults live with HIV (Source: UNICEF 2009). With a generation missing and many grandparents struggling to provide for grandchildren, in 2007 Caritas Chokwe coordinated the Matuba Children’s Centre and Caritas Australia supplied the funding. Here, children learn about computers, carpentry and handicrafts; receive help with homework; grow vegetables to eat and sell, learn about health, nutrition and hygiene, plus they are provided with antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) to help manage HIV/AIDS. a gift and gives purpose to life. Afterwards, the student leaders worked in small groups and discussed challenging questions pertaining to why faith matters in our world today. Cardinal Pell then addressed the school leaders and commended them on what they had shared and the strength of their religious convictions. He challenged them to be faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church in the face of trials in our modern world. I would like to acknowledge and thank Josephine and Lara for their participation in the evening. Both girls represented the school with great enthusiasm and a willingness to learn and share their ideas with others. Ms Jacqueline Simpson YOUTH MINISTRY COORDINATOR LIONS YOUTH OF THE YEAR On Saturday 9 February, our School Captain, Josephine Canceri, competed in the local judging of the 2013 Lions Youth of the Year competition. Josephine competed against a student from Georges River Grammar School and the judges said that both students were of a very high standard. The judging involved a 40 minute interview, followed by the answering of two impromptu questions and a five minute prepared speech. Josephine was successful in winning the local judging and she will now go onto represent the Yagoona Lions Club at the regional judging on 9 March at Bankstown Trotting Club. Congratulations Josephine on your success in the first phase of the competition and all the best as you progress further. With our support, Matuba Children’s Centre opens doors for children and young people; they find hope for the future and a safe place where they can grow. “The love that I have for my own children is the love that I have for these children too,” said Elvira Mabundi, Centre Mr Michael Bellamy HSIE (SOCIAL SCIENCES) COORDINATOR Coordinator. Thank you for your support of Project Compassion this year. Miss Amy Kermode SOCIAL JUSTICE COORDINATOR CARDINAL’S PENTECOST CONSULTATION EVENING On 7 February, Mr Nolan (REC) and I accompanied our school leaders, Josephine Canceri and Lara Vaccaro, to the Cardinal’s Pentecost Consultation Evening. Each year at Pentecost, Cardinal Pell releases a statement to the youth of Sydney on different matters that challenge individuals in our contemporary society. This year’s theme was ‘Why Faith Matters’. The evening provided the Cardinal an opportunity to meet with student leaders from Catholic Schools across the Sydney Archdiocese and gain their perspective on the issue. Christian Ellis, a guest speaker, opened the evening with an inspiring anecdote about his personal experience of conversion into the Catholic faith. He addressed the students in the context of the theme and essentially argued that faith is New parents to the school who are also ex-students are invited to register with ALESA (our ex-students’ association) if they haven’t already done so. To submit your details including postal address and/or email address, please email Sr Kathleen Price at YEAR 12 HISTORY EXTENSION EXCURSION After Term Four had concluded at the end of last year, the Year 11 History Extension students took time out of the beginning of their holidays for an excursion to the State Library. Eleven students and Mr Page met in the Library coffee shop before embarking on an orientation that was both thorough and useful. We received insights into using the Library’s vast online resources, as well as a tour of the Library and a run down on how to use its more traditional resources. The tour was very helpful in giving students a path forward with regards to studying for their History Project, due later in the year. All in all, it was a wonderful start to the holidays! Mr Page HISTORY TEACHER DESIGNTECH EXHIBITION It was with great pleasure that Ms Tonitto and I attended the opening of the DesignTECH exhibition at the Powerhouse Museum on Friday 15 February. This exhibition showcases 22 of the best Major Design Projects from over 2000 HSC candidates. MSJ 2012 graduate Stephanie MacIntosh was one of the students who were chosen to exhibit their work. Students in Design and Technology spend a large part of their HSC year designing and producing a solution to a problem. This problem is one that the students have identified themselves through the use of extensive problem solving and creative thinking skills. Stephanie, who is a surf lifesaver observed the problems that occurred with body boarders who struggled with constantly losing their fins out in the surf and surfers with arthritis who struggled to get their fins on. With these problems in mind, Stephanie designed and produced the Flipsock, an ankle-high neoprene sock with a polyurethane fin. The sock sits across the heal and easily slips on to the foot. Stephanie has obtained a provisional patent for her prototype and hopes to one day have her design commercially produced. Stephanie is to be congratulated on her hard work and perseverance on a very challenging design project. The DesignTECH exhibition is running until 12 May 2013, I encourage you to take a look at some truly outstanding projects. GIFTED & TALENTED – UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG LEARNING LABS – JANUARY 2013 Mount St Joseph Milperra was fortunate to have a number of students accepted to attend the University of Wollongong Learning Labs held on the 17th & 18th of January in 2013. Learning Labs, an academic enrichment program for students in years 7 -10, offered students innovative and challenging workshops that covered a range of academic fields. This was a wonderful opportunity for our students to engage in higher order thinking and socialise with like-minded peers in a university setting. Rebecca Saleme, Jorji Simpson, Whitney Xu (Year 8), Kim Cao, Nicole El-Aswad, Alyne Gollon, Lauren Lowe, Veronica Zaccagnini (Year 9), Brittany Ledwell, Casey Moore (Year 10) participated in a variety of workshops. 1. Crimes against people and property: What’s involved in proving someone guilty? On the first day of the two-day workshop the students learnt about criminal law and the elements of a crime. On day 2, the focus was property law, ‘larceny’ and what is required to find someone guilty of committing ‘larceny’. The workshop was pitched at a high level, however the Professor ensured all students were engaged in the learning and discussions. It gave students an insight into criminal law and what would be in store for them if they chose to study criminology at university. 2. Segments, joints and muscles: Investigating how we move? This workshop was based on investigating how humans move. The participants performed three experiments and had the opportunity to visit a neural control of movement lab and use the same technology that was used by the makers of Shrek. A favourite experiment involved wearing prism glasses that shift eyesight 50 degrees to the left. The students, wearing these glasses, attempted to walk carrying items - there were many spills and laughs. 3. Energy, climate change and your chaotic world. During this workshop the students studied the Earth’s climate system and the Earth’s atmosphere. They learnt that our climate can behave in chaotic ways and that we have a great responsibility to look after our environment to ensure a sustainable future. 4. DIY GMOs - Exploring Genetic Engineering. In this workshop students learnt about different types of DNA and how to chemically extract a single gene from a chromosome. They also explored the ethics of biotechnology, genetic engineering and cloning. Using a laboratory used by third-year biotechnology students, they conducted an experiment where they inserted a gene called green fluorescent protein into the DNA of E. Coli bacteria which made the bacteria glow fluorescent green when exposed to UV light. Ms Munro DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY TEACHER Overall the students found the learning labs very challenging, extremely stimulating and informative. It was an invaluable experience for our students, who appeared to have had lots of fun. Mrs Jennifer Edwards GIFTED & TALENTED FACILITATOR DUKE OF EDINBURGH AWARD – SILVER EXPEDITION THE SPORT REPORT Open Cricket Report Our first game of the season saw MSJ verse Casimir. MSJ won the toss and elected to bowl. The team took 6 wickets including an outstanding catch from Louise Aggar and wickets to both Prue Roebuck and Chloe Devlin. Casimir finished the innings with 50 runs. MSJ's batting innings started with the top order crumbling, losing 3 quick wickets. A win looked out of reach for the MSJ team until Prue Roebuck added 20 runs to our total. Laura Towell managed to defend against the fast Casimir bowlers and remain in for the entire innings. Congratulations to the team who managed to hang on to take victory. The final score was Casimir 6/50 and MSJ 6/67. For the Duke of Edinburgh silver expedition Cassandra Castro, Ashleigh Daus, Abby Andrews, Tegan Henderson, Tayla Campedelli, Ebony Taulaga, Alexa Callaghan, Ana-Marie Bumbar and I, along with Miss Cuda and Mrs Cornforth set out from Mt Victoria in anticipation of hiking to Blackheath. The hike was over 3 days, the last day we would all agree was the most difficult. There were many highlights as well as hardships. Injury was common as we were hiking through dense bush with many logs and vines which tripped the majority of us. We came across huge biting flies and on the last day a two metre snake which sent Mrs Cornforth running back down the mountain. Whilst hiking we got to see a variety of wildlife, sit by and even have a shower under waterfalls, take turns at leading the group and have lunch by the lookout the first day and the creek the next. Unlike the practice expedition we were able to swim when we got to camp which impressed us all and gave us the motivation to get to camp as early as possible. We camped in the valley both nights and on the last day climbed an eighth of Mount Everest to get out of the valley and reach the top. I’ve never seen a group of people so happy to see a half sign when we reached half way and this gave us the determination to reach the fire trails at the top. This expedition gave us all the opportunity to learn things about each other and revise and further our knowledge of skills such as taking bearings, reading a map and working as a team unit. Even when we were at breaking point everyone pushed themselves, the heat and time restraint didn’t hold us back. Dana Karnold YEAR 11 STUDENT Round 2 MSJ vs Holy Spirit MSJ were unstoppable against the Holy Spirit team from Lakemba. The team was sent into bat first after losing the toss. The team went from strength to strength with impressive innings from Madison Bradford, Prudence Rosebuck and Chloe Devlin. MSJ finished with 3/94. The teams bowling efforts were equally impressive, with 7 wickets falling, Maddison Bradford taking 3 individual wickets. Special mention goes to Louise Aggar who made her debut as wicket keeper and to her fielding team who supported her in her role.. The final Holy Spirit score was 7/40. Ms Craft Junior Volleyball Holy Spirit College defeated MSJ (25-21, 20-25, 15-11) The second game of the competition was played on 14 February. The girls had a better understanding of the game and were ready to put all they learnt from last week into practice. Holly Spirit College put up a good fight and ended the first set with a win. We came back, winning the second set and then only lost the last set by two. Excellent job girls, some of your serving skills have improved. Keep it up. Ms Cuda Senior Girls Touch Football Our first game of the season was boiling hot with most of the talk being centered around how to keep our drinks cool during the game. We got off to a bit of a slow start, as the girls were getting used to playing together. After some discussion about attacking strategies we were able to create some gaps in the defense allowing us to score two great tries. It wasn’t enough however, with the score ending up 8-2. Game two started with the girls being more confident in attack and using more communication when defending. It was an extremely tough game reaching 10-0 before time was called but in great spirit the MSJ team played on embracing the opportunity to gain more experience and practice some of our attacking strategies. Special mention to Briony Rippon for being such a trooper, hope the broken arm heals quickly! Looking forward to a great season. Ms Duncan SCHOOL BAGS ARE NOW IN STOCK AT THE UNIFORM SHOP Shop Hours: Tuesdays (12 noon—4.00pm) Fridays (8.30am—12.30pm) JJAMM EXPERIENCE 2013 Starting on 9 February, Josephine and I were privileged to participate in the JJAMM Retreat with over 38 school leaders from all over Australia and New Zealand. JJAMM stands for Joseph, Fr Julian Tenison Woods and Mary MacKillop, all whom have relevance to the foundation of the Sisters of St Joseph, the founders of our school. Our JJAMM journey began at Mary MacKillop Place, North Sydney where we stayed overnight. Accompanied by Sr Jan Barnett rsj, Ms Chapman and Ms Barham, Josephine and I started our retreat by listening to the history of JJAMM through the founders’ voices. We had time to gather and pray around Mary’s share with tomb together, and were also taken on a tour of the Muesum, where we were able to learn and discuss Mary MacKillop, Julian and Joseph’s lives and the influences they had on society both then and now. The day concluded with Mass at the Mary MacKillop Chapel, where Josephine and I stated what we felt it meant to be a Josephite leader. “ A Josephite leader is a person of action and integrity who aims to lead by example, guided by their faith, and in the spirit of Mary MacKillop, Fr Julian Tenison Woods and St Joseph .” The next part of our journey took us to Kincumber on the Central Coast. During the three and a half days, we worked long hours, usually waking up for breakfast at around 7.00am and then having sessions to 10.30pm. The focus on each day varied, an emphasis was put on what it meant for all of us as students in Josephite schools to be leaders and how we can make a change and overall benefit the wider community. Josephine and I, along with the assistance of Ms Barham, had an opportunity to design a poster which visually represented our school values along with designing a shield that represents our school. These both are going to be displayed on the SRC Notice Board. Josephine and I presented our Peru Day video from 2012 which they all reacted remarkably too, all wishing they could be apart and host an exciting and greatly successful event like it, that supports the continuing work of the Sisters of St Joseph. Throughout the retreat we had opportunities to represent the students of MSJ, the SRC and to reflect and brainstorm initiatives for the year ahead, including JJAMM week and St Joseph’s Day, and how to continue the great emphasis our school has on social justice and environmental issues whilst hopefully being able to implement some new ideas for both. We can really see that as we are all in a Josephite school how important it is for students, teachers and families to support the Sisters of St Joseph in their ongoing work to meet the needs of those in our own communities and abroad. These organisations which have also been our House charities include: Good Grief, the Mary MacKillop Foundation, Josephite Community Aid, Josephite Women Counter Trafficking Project, Mary MacKillop Rural Services, Ethica and St Anthony’s special school all of whom operate from Sydney or NSW. They are fantastic Josephite organisations that we can support as students, ex-students and families to enrich our Josephite connections and support what it means to be Catholic Josephite people of action, hospitality, compassion, wisdom, acceptance and loyalty. We would like to thank Ms Kenney for allowing us this opportunity and Ms Barham for leaving her family and school to take this journey with us for five days so we were able to represent the MSJ community. Josephine and I arrived back home in a clear and motivated mindset. We both, along with our Vice-Captain, Sophie McGing, are excited for the year ahead and hope to work with the rest of the SRC, student body, teachers and staff to make this year a year of great success and satisfaction. Get on board and be people of action! “Be the change you want to see in 2-0-1-3” – SRC 2013. Lara Vaccaro SCHOOL SPORTS CAPTAIN VOCATION EDUCATION AT MSJ Through the study of Vocational Education courses at Mount St Joseph students are encouraged to complete not just the theoretical aspects of subjects but also to obtain skills, knowledge and practical experiences in specific industries. These courses allow students to complete modules from courses that they can study after school as well as allowing them to gain valuable practical experiences in companies through the work placement component of their courses. Students gain a national credential up to a Certificate III when they study these courses. The range of Vocational Education opportunities available at MSJ include those delivered at school like Business Services, Hospitality and Entertainment Industry as well as those delivered offsite by TAFE or other private providers. This year we have over 120 Year 11 and 12 students studying Vocational Education courses at school. Another nine students are studying TAFE Delivered Vocational Education and Training (TVET) including Animal Studies, Tourism, Photography and Hairdressing. Four students are studying Health Sevices Assistance, one at Bankstown Hospital and three at Southern Cross Catholic Vocational College. Many school based activities complement the experiences gained in class and the activities undertaken so far this year by Hospitality students include preparation and service for the Year 7 Parents Afternoon Tea and the 2012 High Achievers’ Morning Tea. Entertainment Industry students have set up for the High Achievers’ Assembly and coordinate the set-up of most school assemblies during the year. We are fortunate to have dedicated and highly skilled staff that have a combination of education and industry experience. Mrs Lattouf, Miss Dein, Mr Ghanem, Ms Innes and Mr Hickey are well recognized for their dedicated service to Vocational Education. Students in Year 12 also have the opportunity to complete their RSA and RCG qualifications though St Patrick’s Business College providing them valuable qualifications for part-time work. The value of these courses is highlighted by the Vocational Education logo which shows that Vocational Education creates many opportunities for students. We look forward to meeting the parents and caregivers of our new Vocational Education students at an Information Evening on 26 February 2013. MSJ OPEN DAY Saturday 23 March 2013 10am-2pm 12 Noon -Enrolment Information Session (Principal and Assistant Principal) Organised Tours of the school throughout the Day WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: A weekend for married couples. Take time out of your busy schedule, to invest in your most precious asset . . . Your Marriage! This is a unique opportunity to recharge your relationship batteries, refocus on each other and fall in love all over again! Weekend date: 15 – 17 March at Mt Carmel Retreat Centre, Varroville, NSW Bookings: Ardell & Bill Sharpe tel. 02 4283 3435 or Information: website Ms Sydenham POST COMPULSORY COORDINATOR UNIFORM SHOP HOURS Tuesdays: 12 noon—4.00pm Fridays: 8.30am—12.30pm
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