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Photo from
The Voice of Mensa in New Hampshire
Vol.31 Issue 11
June 2013
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The Fine Print
© 2013 by New Hampshire Mensa. Permission to reprint material without a separate copyright is granted to
other Mensa publications if the author, editor, and Momentum are credited and a copy of the publication is
sent to the editor.
Material for publication must be received by the first of the month preceding the cover date and will be
used at the Editor’s discretion.
Maximum length for the printed version of Momentum:
1,000 words.
Longer submissions may be considered for the electronic version of Momentum. All submissions are subject
to editing. Anonymous submissions will not be accepted. Submissions may be published anonymously or
under a pseudonym if the Editor determines that circumstances warrant it. All letters received by the editorial
staff will be considered for publication unless otherwise specified by the writer. Submission grants New
Hampshire Mensa permission to publish in any medium.
Opinions expressed are those of their authors and not those of Momentum or of Mensa, which holds no
Advertising rates: $30 full page, $15 half page, $8 quarter page/business card per issue prepaid. Short,
text only, noncommercial ads free to members on a space available basis. The Editor reserves the right to
reject advertisements.
Mensa is an international society in which the sole requirement for qualification for membership is a
score at or above the 98th percentile on any of a number of standard IQ tests. Mensa is a not­for­profit
organization whose main purpose is to serve as a means of communication and assembly for its members.
All inquires should be addressed to: American Mensa, Ltd., 1229 Corporate Drive West, Arlington, TX
MOMENTUM (ISSN 0279­2850) is the official publication of New Hampshire Mensa (030).
published monthly at 83 N Main Street, Boscawen, NH
It is
03303 and is distributed to members of New
Hampshire Mensa with the subscription cost of $6.75 included in the national dues. Out­of­chapter Mensa
subscriptions are $12.00 per year. Non­member subscriptions are $15.00 per year. Email subscriptions are
$6.00 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Concord, NH 03301.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Momentum, 83 North Main Street, Boscawen, NH 03303­
MomentuM logo by Matthew DeSmith
June 2013
Richard Conde
NH Mensa LocSec
15 hours, twenty minutes ( more or less).
That's the approximate length of day on June
21st, the summer solstice. And with that increased sunlight
comes increased daily temp's. Welcome to June. Last chance
for planting garden plants. Plenty of time for summer
romances. Time to bury the winter coat in the closet ( or just
plain bury it.) Get the A/C in the window, when it does get hot
you'll want it in place Three Days Ago. June also features
Father's Day (16th), and of course, the formal end of the school
calendar. Time to put the textbooks away, get out your other
reading, and head outside!
Things Mensans Do In The Summer
­­ Design new suntan lotion, test its SPF personally. Then try to
develop a good sunburn treatment.
­­ Plan to spend July 4 2014 at the AG in Boston!
­­ Finally fix snowblower, there wasn't time all winter...
­­ Drive across country, arrive in Ft Worth on July 2, hide in a
hotel there for a little while..
­­ Abandon Spring reading, make new list for summer reading.
( completely different reading..)
­­ Consider going to Patagonia to enjoy the long nights there
­­ Plant healthy, nutritious garden seeds. Snack on not­so­
healthy chips until tbey start growing..
­­ Build Solar Cooker out of cardboard and aluminum foil. Then
decide to just leave things in car window, it's easier and just as
June 2013
­­ Meditate intensely on feeling cooler during heat wave. Then
go install Air Conditioner and meditate about how long heat
wave can last.
­­ Play "Settlers of Catan", but add hexes for Ice Cream
producing lands.
­­ Go see Summer movies. Kind of like March movies, but way
­­ Practice singing "(I Don't Care) I Love It" in Spanish, just to
sound hotter
­­ Make Worldwide Conspiracy Plan to eliminate the mosquito!
Upcoming Testing Sessions
Tell Your Friends
Information on testing and prior evidence can be found at
Anyone 14 or older who wishes to take the Mensa Admissions Test should
pre­register with the respective proctor listed below, who can provide testing
site information. The test costs $40; a photo­ID is required.
July 20
Bill Alleman
Sept 21
Bill Alleman
Due to the advanced nature of deadlines there may be other testing dates
that did not make it to press in time for this issue. Please refer to the NH
Mensa website ( or contact the Testing Coordinator
(see inside back cover for contact information) for more up­to­date
June 2013
Happy Birthday to these June Babies!
Alexandra H Corwin
Mark W Frattarola
John E Hanson
Roy T Langenberg
Earle L Rich
Darlene F Alleman
Louis W Perich
Eric Postpischil
Rickey G Glover
Christine Bartlett
Ronald A Oplinus
Mark C Becker
Mensa Anniversasries
16 Years
Francis E Savard
11 Years
Jason M Brodsky
Lynne A Fox
8 Years
Joseph Tringali
7 Years
Donna L Daugherty
4 Years
Daniel Espinal
Sarah Racicot
29 Years!!
Deborah L Stone
28 Years!
Bryan K Foose
Arthur W Krueger
27 Years
Harold W Mahar
26 Years
Susan M S Faretra
25 Years
Roger D Theriault
23 Years
Peter P Campbell
20 Years
Allen Barbi
Data from American Mensa records as of 4/30/2013. Anniversaries
represent most recent uninterrupted length of membership. If you would
like to change the privacy releases on file, visit
and click on “Member Login” to log into the Members Only portion of the
site. Then click on “Profile Update” and “PDQ Update.” You may also call
the Member Services Department at 817­607­0060.
June 2013
ExComm Meeting Minutes
23, April 2013
by Mark Becker
In attendance: Richard Conde, Holly Green, Liz
Modesitt, Mark Becker, Tom Shiel, human,
Wayne Eddy (ExComm members). Elizabeth Becker, Ric
Werme, Sue Barnes, Jim Barnes, Cathy Segedy
Called to order: 7:57pm
NHM members: 328 as of 03/31/2013 ( 7 move­out, 5
renewing, 1 new, 1 move in )
Prospects: 6
Committee Reports:
1. Treasurer: We are still solvent. The 2013 RG is estimated
to come in at a loss of about $750. We still have not received
one bill for T­Shirts. The Treasurer has not received a copy of
the hotel bill, although the bill has been paid.
2. Public Relations: Position Open, no report.
3. Programming: Position Open, no report.
4. Young M: No Report.
5. Scholarship: Regional and national awards have not yet be
declared. Traditionally we wait until these are posted before
deciding on our local awards.
6. Membership: Position Open, no report.
7. Gifted Children: No Report.
8. Testing: Coordinator position open. Bill Alleman has a
testing session scheduled for May. Treasurer has received
receipts from a recent test by Claire.
RG Info: Cathy wanted to know if there were RG T­Shirts left,
and if the ad for discounted past shirts should be updated.
Holly didn’t feel there were enough to worry about, but would
look into it. There is still no volunteer to chair a 2014 RG. Liz
announced she would not be Kids Room Chair for next year.
June 2013
Old Business: 1. The AML has recognized human’s chosen
name, and adjusted membership information accordingly.
New Business: Liz is relocating to MA in June, and will be on
the ExComm there. Therefore May will be her last NH
ExComm meeting.
Adjourned: Wayne moved, Liz seconded
Adjourned without objection at 8:28pm.
cover clipart from: http://free­
Welcome Back to Mensa!
Sheridan Brown
Milli S Knudsen
Kathleen Maiorano
Robert W Zimrot
Welcome to NH Mensa
Catherine Albaugh Center Tuftonboro
June 2013
September 15 – September 19, 2013 The
Great Canadian Road Trip – Highlights of
the Canadian Rockies
Bridging the time between our RG in Lake Louise and our IBD
in Calgary is an unforgettable 5 day/4 night road trip along the
scenic Icefields Parkway. Mensans will spend 2 nights in
Jasper and 2 nights in Banff while enjoying incredible mountain
vistas, glacial lakes, waterfalls and a tour of the Athabasca
Glacier whose waters run off into 3 separate oceans: the
Pacific, the Atlantic and the Arctic. Visit our registration site at: or contact Vicki Herd
at or phone (403) 243­6144 for details.
September 19 – September 22, 2013 2013
Mensa International Board of Directors
Meeting in Calgary, Alberta
Join in the festivities as Mensa delegates from up to 50
countries meet in Calgary, Alberta, Canada for their annual
face­to­face business meeting. Non­delegates get to enjoy field
trips and IBD associated functions. Field trips to the Royal
Tyrell Museum of Palaeontology and Head­Smashed­In Buffalo
Jump will astound you. You can also channel your inner Mensa
cowboy/cowgirl at Ranchman’s Cookhouse and receive secret
agent training at the IBD’s Saturday evening gala. Visit our
registration site at or
contact Chris McKay at or phone (403) 243­
6144 for details.
June 2013
Especially if they don’t come back on in a very short time. If
you live in a city of any size you are in big trouble.
If you are lucky enough to be in a car the headlights still work,
but the traffic lights and street light do not. Can you get home
from where you are? It will be a challenge.
OK, you’re home. Of course the elevator doesn’t operate, but
you can walk up. Not 40 floors, I hope. You made it. No, none
of the utilities work – stove, refrigerator, TV, lights, etc. Surely
you have some candles. A can of food can be opened with a
short strong knife.
What happens tomorrow if the electricity doesn’t come on?
In some areas when lights go out looting starts. In 2 or 3 days
all the food stores will be bare. Will trucks come into the city?
Maybe, maybe not.
The first thing to do is fill up the bath tub with water. That is all
the drinking water you will have. It is from the residual in the
pipes above. Don’t flush the toilet.
Maybe you have a battery radio. One of those wind­up ones
would be better.
In 2 weeks thousands will have died of thirst and starvation.
Don’t go out. The city streets are dangerous. The only ones out
there have guns and are taking what they can for survival. You
should have one for your protection. You will need it.
The first thing the preppers (those who have been preparing for
this) will do is get out of town immediately. As the impact of the
June 2013
event sinks in so will many others who are not prepared. Don’t
count on your car. You will have to walk. Unless you have a
place to go stay where you are. Make do.
If the electricity does not come back on the city will slowly die.
The bigger the city the more horrific it will be. A jungle of
predators. You will have to decide to be either predator or prey.
Not a happy thought, Just realistic.
Why do I think the lights might go out? This is a financial
column. The insanity of the world financial markets is becoming
worse and worse. Banks and governments have created 300
stimulus bail­outs that are merely band aids on arterial
bleeding. When the money spigot dries up, as it will, there will
be chaos. In the next few years there will be a world financial
implosion that will destroy society as we know it today. One of
those effects will be loss of utilities.
Unless you are somewhat prepared you will be the prey. Your
Al Thomas' new book, "If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy It!", 3rd edition, has helped
thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple2­
stepmethod.The method made 10% during 2008. Read the first chapter at and
Discover why he's the man that Wall Street does not want you to know.
Copyright 2013 Williamsburg Investment Co. All rights reserved.
June 2013
September 13 – September 15, 2013
The Sound of Mensa RG in beautiful Lake Louise,
Mensa Calgary invites American Mensans to Canada's
Diamond in the Rockies for its 2013 Regional Gathering (RG).
The five­star Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise is offering
exceptionally attractive group rates (CAD $209 per night) over
a weekend and for three days before and after the RG. Enjoy
the fabulous mountain lake scenery, cool mountain air, and
Mensa­style hospitality along with intellectually challenging
programs and games. while playing with our Sound of Music
theme. Visit our registration site at or
contact Vicki Herd at or phone (403) 243­
6144 for details.
Our overstocks for NHRGs past are dwindling. Get yours
Contact Deb Stone (603­856­7055) if you'd like to
purchase one.
2011 Still available. In attractive colors that are great for
summer. With a Mediterranean theme for any season.
2010 Dark "lighthouse" tees to remind you of the seacoast, of
lighthouses, of casual meetings on the beach...
June 2013
Notes from National
WEEM Gone Wild
HalloWeeM 38
Hosted by Chicago Area Mensa
October 24­27, 2013
Get more details, book hotel, and register at:
Culture in Cowtown
American Mensa's 2013 Annual Gathering
Fort Worth, Texas
July 3­7, 2013
Facebook: Mensa2013AG
Between Science Fiction and Science!
Colloquium 2013
Fort Worth, Texas
July 2, 2013­
June 2013
In Memoriam
submitted by Dennis Higbee
New Hampshire Mensa member Denise Brown (nee Penkalski)
passed away the morning of April 18, 2013, after a year­long
battle with breast cancer. Denise presented at several Granite
Gatherings in the mid­ to late­ '00s, and was published in the
national bulletin. She was also active in Libertarian causes and
the Free State movement.
She was a resident of Grafton at the time of her passing. She
leaves behind her husband Joe, and three children, Kaelan,
Mina, and Siri, ages 6, 4, and 2. Denise was a unique person
with a strong spirit and a loving heart, and she'll be missed by
everyone who knew her.­
June 2013
A Sampling of Next Month’s Events*
Friday, 5 July 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, 13 July, 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, 14 July, 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday, 17 July 6:30 p.m.
Friday, 19 July, 6:00 p.m.
.Saturday, 20 July, 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, 21 July, 10:00 a.m.
Tuesday, 23 July, 7:30 p.m.
Friday, 26 July, 7:00 p.m.
Friday, 26 July, 6:00 p.m.
Friday, 26 July, 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, 28 July, 12:00 p.m.
Temperance League, Manchester, N.H.
Games Night, Londonderry, N.H.
2nd Sunday Brunch, N.H.
Brattleboro Games, VT
Winnipesupper, Tilton, N.H
Nashua Temperance, N.H.
Mad River Brunch, Campton, N.H.
FSM/ExComm, Bow, N.H.
M & I, Portsmouth, N.H.
Upper Valley Games, Hartford, VT
Concord Area Variable Event, N.H.
Casual Strategy Games, Merrimack, N.H.
*Events are subject to changes of date, time, location or even outright
cancellation, as life sometimes gets in the way. Don’t forget to refer
to next month’s Momentum for the most up­to­date information.
June 2013
 Bring food/drink to
 Restaurant Event
 Pets on Premises
$ Cost Involved
 Games Event
 Contact
 Directions
Private Home Event
Saturday, 1 June 6:00 p.m.
JB's Free Lunch
Hacienda del Rio Restaurant
Calling all M's....calling all M's......come enjoy the fab food, fab water, fab beer, fab food
taxes, fab tips, and fab prices (The basic concept of this event is that one of the attendees
receives a free dinner) at the Hacienda del Rio, 4 Taggart Dr, Nashua, 603­888­3353. Note:
fluency in Spanish not required. RSVP to Directions: From
Rt 3, go east on Spit Brook Rd, and north on D W Hwy.
Friday, 7 June, 7:00 p.m.
Temperance League
Milly’s Tavern
Temperance League meets each first Friday for the purpose of ridding the world of demon
rum, using the deceptively inefficient method of drinking it all (a great first event for new
members ­ really). Although good food and better conversation have often diverted us from
this noble goal, we have had some notable successes. While we allow some previous
transgressors a breather to contemplate the error of their ways, we descend on Millie’s
Tavern, 500 Commercial Street, Manchester, (625­4444)  R.S.V.P.
to Darlene at or 603­533­7375 by 3:00 p.m. to ensure sufficient seating.
From the north: Circle the rotary off I­293 exit 6, exiting right to cross the Amoskeag
Bridge toward downtown. Turn right on Canal at the end of the bridge, then take first right
on Commercial. Milly’s is ahead on the right under the Bridge Street overpass. From the
south: Right off I­293 exit 5, Granite Street. Left at first light onto Commercial St. Milly’s
is on the left under the Bridge Street overpass.
Saturday, 8 June, 6:30 p.m.
Games Night
DIFFERENT LOCATION THIS MONTH Londonderry Join us at Cathy’s home (125 Old
Derry Rd., Londonderry, N.H., 603 437 1337) for Games Night! All are welcome from
youngest to oldest, and friends are encouraged. We have lots of games, but we’d love to try
one that you would like to bring! Please bring a snack to share and the beverage of your
choice. We have cats, please don't let them out.  R.S.V.P. to Cathy at 603 437 1337. 
Directions: Take I 93 to exit 5. Turn right if coming from the south, left if coming from the
north. You will be on Route 28. Follow it about 100 yards and turn left on the first road,
which is named Auburn Rd. although the sign is hard to see (Poor Boy's Restaurant is on the
corner). Go a mile or so, until you come to a 4 way stop. Turn left onto Old Derry Rd. We are
exactly 1 mile from there, on the left. Blue house with white trim. Number is over the door.
Bright blue metal roof. Stone retaining wall out front.There is also a 2nd dirt driveway to the
right of the house which hopefully won't have branches all over it. OK to park on street.
Busy road, be careful! If you forget to RSVP, it is still OK to come.
Sunday, 9 June, 10:30 a.m.
Second Sunday Brunch Bunch
Common Man, Tilt'n Diner
Belgian Waffles, mimosas, omelettes, hash browns. Sounds like the end of an RG, doesn't it?
Except without that glazed look. And, it's only the beginning! Join us on our monthly quest
for the perfect brunch. This month we visit The Common Man Tilt'n Diner, 61 Laconia Rd,
June 2013
Tilton, (286­2204)­diner. Places we've been (and
our ratings) and/or places we're going can be found at
We're kinda partial to staggering­distance establishments, being early on a Sunday and all, so
if you want us to hit somewhere you can fall into, let us know about your favorites Next
month: The Purple Finch Cafe.  R.S.V.P. to Darlene at 603­533­7375 or
for contingency plans by Saturday afternoon.  Directions: Rt. 93 to Exit 20. Left off of
ramp, right into parking lot just east of northbound ramp
Saturday, 15 June, 6:00 p.m.
Nashua Temperance
Shorty's Mexican Roadhouse
After a hiatus of over 3 years, we went back to a Mexican joint last July. There
was a goodly crowd on hand and although John Burns is currently running an event
at a Mexican place twice a month, this locale is different. I propose that we go back
to Shorty's Mexican Roadhouse (882­4070) 48 Gusabel Avenue this summer to see
if they are still worth our patronage. This family of local restaurants has a loyal
following, so we should not be disappointed. Next month: Peddler's Daughter.
RSVP to Jack Follansbee at 512­2320 or by Friday
evening. Directions: Make your own best way to Exit 6 off of the Everett Turnpike.
The restaurant is in the parking lot of the Nashua Mall, by Kohl's and the
Burlington Coat Factory. There is also a Bugaboo Creek in the parking lot, as
another landmark.
Sunday, 16 June, 10:00 a.m.
Sunday Brunch
Mad River Tavern
Come to Sunday brunch at the Mad River Tavern (, Rt49 Campton (726­
4290), easy to get to right off of I93 at exit 28. Eclectic menu, from traditional breakfast
items to appetizers, dinners, and sandwiches, reasonable prices. Come out and join us for
Sunday morning wake­up. RSVP to Bill at 238­7119, or
Directions: I93 to exit 28, turn east on Rt49, Waterville Rd. Tavern is on the left, about 3/4 of
a mile.
Tuesday, 18 June, 6:00 p.m.
Pre­FSM Dinner
Chen Yang Li
Fill your belly before heading to Deb Stone’s house to fold newsletters. Join us at Chen Yang
Li (, 520 South Street, Bow, N.H. , 603­228­8508), consistently
voted one of New Hampshire’s best Chinese restaurants.  Take I­93 to I­89 north. Take
exit 1 (Logging Hill Road). At the end of the exit, take a left and Chen Yang Li will be
immediately on your left.
Tuesday, 18 June, 7:30 p.m.
Deb Stone’s Residence
Join us at Deb Stone’s house (6 Fox Meadow Drive, Bow, N.H.) to fold, staple and mutilate
your copy of Momentum (and a few hundred others), and meet Mensans with a purpose.
Stick around for the monthly ExComm Meeting to watch sausage being made. Email agenda
items to either Rich Conde at or Deb Stone
( no later than 72 hours before the meeting.  R.S.V.P. not
required. Contact Deb Stone at 603­856­7055 or  From Route 93,
take the exit for Route 89. Take Exit 1, turning right off the exit onto Logging Hill Road.
Go 0.7 miles and take a right on Albin Road. Go 1 mile and turn right onto Fox Meadow
Drive. It’s the 3rd house on the right.
June 2013
Wednesday, 19 June, 6:30­9:30 pm
Games Night Brattleboro, VT
Top of the Hill Grill
Monthly "Third Wednesday" Games Night. Join us for Board Games at the Top of The Hill
Grill, 632 Putney Road Brattleboro, VT 05301. We’ll be in the shelter building (most of the
location is outside). All are welcome (non­ Mensans as well!) at this monthly Third
Wednesday event. Bring a game and find a player, or just bring yourself and find a game.
RSVP to Susan Misnick, 802­365­7891, just show up! You may
also call or text Tim Slate at 802­380­5012 if you have difficulty finding the place.
Friday, 21 June, 7:00 p.m.
Green Ginger
WinnipeSupper resurrected AGAIN! By a fan of Frankenstein! A recent transplant to NH's
lovely Lakes Region, I am taking over for last host, Walter. The Green Ginger is a proven
venue with excellent food, exotic drinks, and affordable pricing. Please join us, call Tamsan
Tharin to RSVP at 677­7244.  Directions: (75 Laconia Rd, Tilton, NH. 603­286­9989) I­
93 to exit 20, take left onto Rt 3. Restaurant on immediate right in Shaw's Market shopping
Friday, 21 June, 8:00 p.m.
Ugly Fox Lounge
Summer Solstice Party
Please join us for our 26th annual June 3rd Friday gathering, still going strong for
over a quarter of a century! There will be food, music, games, conversation and
more. All that's missing is you! This year, the event coincides with the Summer
Solstice, and so we will honor that event, with many thanks to Larry and Harriet
Cuthbert who hosted a similar event for many years before us. We hope you will
help us celebrate! Please bring your favorite beverage and a snack to share. If the
weather cooperates, there will be a cookout the following day. Questions? Call 508­
Directions:42 Monroe St., Shrewsbury, MA 01545; Phone: 508­
ugly­fox (508­845­9369). From the east: Mass Pike to Rt. 9 in Framingham, Rt. 9
west to Rt. 140 North. Left at light, left again at Kennilworth (see bright green
pedestrian crossing sign), * follow 0.2 miles to end, bear right onto Monroe Street.
We are the fifth house on the left, number 42. From the west: Mass Pike to I­290
East, exit 23 to Rt. 140 South, ** go through the traffic light at the center of town,
turn right onto Kennilworth (see bright green pedestrian crossing sign). Follow
from * above. From the north: Follow I­495 South to I­290 West. Take exit 23 to
Rt. 140 South. Follow from ** above.
Sunday, 23 June, 12­6 p.m.
Casual Strategy Games
Eric's Residence
We play an assortment of games suitable for friendly and serious play. New gamers
welcome; rules are taught before games. This event features a large selection of games that
are fun and attractive to Mensans. Pizza will be served, BYOBeverage. RSVP to confirm
that event is running (travel may cause cancellation). Eric Postpischil / 16 Woodhaven Circle
/ Merrimack, NH; 1­408­203­6956; Directions at <>.
Friday, 28 June, 7:00 p.m.
M & I(Menstel)
Great Buffet
M & I is currently meeting at Great (Oriental) Buffet (559­9880) in Newington, NH, on
Woodbury Ave. opposite the east side of the Fox Run Mall. Huge selection of Oriental, sushi
bar, American fare, for about $21 total per person (buffet $14), drink, tax, tip required.
June 2013
Benefits: all­you­can­eat good food, clean and attractive venue, low noise, comfortable group
seating, pleasant staff. Welcome are Mensa, Intertel and ISPE members, relatives, friends,
prospects from NH, ME, MA, or anywhere (traveling members most welcome). This is our
21st derivative year! Started in 1991 as the Intertel Northern New England Dinner. Let’s
solve the world’s problems or just share our unique community.  Please RSVP host Walter
Wakefield at (603) 436­7250.  Directions:From the south, take I95 to exit 4, onto Rt16/4
north. Take Exit 1, turn right off the ramp, go to 2nd light and turn left onto Woodbury Ave.
Look for the restaurant on the right, at the 2nd light, opposite the Fox Run Mall entrance.
From ME, take exit 5, onto Rt16 north, and follow above directions. From northern NH, take
Rt16 south, get off at exit 3 onto Woodbury Ave, turn left at the 2nd light.
Friday, 28 June, 6:00 p.m.
Concord Area Variable Event
Come join us for dinner and conversation! This month we will meet at the Red Apple Buffet,
161 Loudon Road, Concord, NH. The food is mostly Chinese, and some American/Italian,
too. Please call Marty (321­1346) or Jean (746­2274) to let us know if you are coming so we
will have an idea of how much room we will need. Directions: from Rt. 93, take Exit 14
(Loudon Road), toward the State offices (away from down town Concord). It's about 1.5
miles on the left. Turn left onto Rt.132/East Side Drive, and make a quick right to get in
their parking lot.
Friday, 28 June, 6:00­9:00 pm
Upper Valley Games Night, VT
Anyone and everyone is welcome! Bring a game and find a player, or bring
a player and find a game. Youʹre welcome to bring snacks to eat and/or
share. Go in the front door of the Aquatic Center and up the stairs (or
elevator), and you'll see us! Please note, we'll be having our Upper Valley
Game Night the fourth Friday of the month every month (at the same time
and place). Mark your calendars! The Upper Valley Aquatic Center is
located at: 100 Arboretum Lane, Hartford, VT 05047. For more information
or to RSVP, contact Angie at Directions:
From the South: On 91­N, take exit 11, White River Junction. Turn left off
the exit, follow Route 5 0.6 miles. Turn left onto Arboretum Lane. From the
North: On 91­S, take exit 11, White River Junction, turn right off the exit.
Follow Route 5 0.4 miles, turn left onto Arboretum Lane.
Saturday, 29 June, 6:00 p.m. JB's Free Lunch
$ Hacienda del Rio Restaurant
Calling all M's....calling all M's......come enjoy the fab food, fab water, fab beer, fab food
taxes, fab tips, and fab prices (The basic concept of this event is that one of the attendees
receives a free dinner) at the Hacienda del Rio, 4 Taggart Dr, Nashua, 603­888­3353.. Note:
fluency in Spanish not required. RSVP to Directions: From
Rt 3, go east on Spit Brook Rd, and north on D W Hwy.
June 2013
New Hampshire Mensa
Send all correspondence to: Officer Name
New Hampshire Mensa
P.O. Box 1474
Concord, NH 03302­1474
Local Secretary
Richard Conde
Assistant LocSec
Mark Becker
Recording Secy
Deb Stone
Wayne Eddy
Member at Large
Member at Large
Holly Green
Member at Large
Member at Large
Tom Shiel
Cathy Segedy
Calendar Editor
Sue Barnes
Eric Werme
Gifted Children
Fran Tishkevich
Young Mensa
Ragnar Kempf
Public Relations
Proctor Coord.
Mark Becker
Marty Capodice
Bill Alleman
Walter Wakefield
RG Chair
Holly Green
Greater Portland
Susan Flaherty
Near By Area Coordinators
American Mensa, Ltd.
Region 1 Vice Chair
Andrew Heffernan
NH SIGHT Coordinator
Deb Stone
Calendar Submission Guidelines
Mensa members are welcome to submit calendar listings to the Calendar Editor
( before the first of the month prior to the cover date. ♦ Event
hosts may petition the Executive Committee for funds to promote events via postcard to
members within a proximate geographic area. ♦ It is NH Mensa policy to avoid conflicts as
much as possible, but no conflicts are allowed to group­sponsored events. ♦ Mensans,
members of their household, and invited guests are always welcome at group­sponsored
events. ♦ Hosts of home­based events reserve the right to restrict attendance due to space or
other appropriate reasons. ♦ While our hosts endeavor to provide accurate directions,
attendees are well­advised to use their mapping medium of choice to determine their own best
routes. ♦ In addition to being proper etiquette, R.S.V.P.’ing makes logical sense; it helps the
host plan for the proper number of attendees and allows you to be kept abreast of any
changes or cancellations.
June 2013
83 N Main St.
Boscawen, NH 03303­1235
For more events, and the most up to date information, check our
online calendar at:
Calendar of Events
June 2013
J.B.'s Free
Games Night
Deadline for
July events
Mad River
J.B's Free
Games (23rd)
Upper Valley

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