2006 Manasota Mensa, serving the Bradenton, Sarasota
2006 Manasota Mensa, serving the Bradenton, Sarasota
APRIL 2006 Volume 17, Number 4 © 2006 Manasota Mensa, serving the Bradenton, Sarasota, Venice and Port Charlotte areas, Florida April 9 is Pet Owners’ Independence Day The Cheshire Cat (detail above) by Larry Dowdall, an “Outsider” painter, apparently is happy to let us pet owners have our little harmless misconceptions about who owns whom. The 24”x36” painting is oil on corrugated cardboard. You Work for Uncle Sam Till May Income Tax Facts That May Surprise Did you know that according to studies done by various organizations such as The Urban Institute, the Congressional Budget Office and the Tax Foundation, that: —The average person works until mid May just to pay all of their taxes. —More than one third of filers will pay nothing or get a bonus from the IRS due to refundable credits for lower income families. —2% of the population, with income above $200,000/year, will pay 40% of the total income tax bill. --Those making between $100,000/year and $200,000/year will pay an additional 22% of the total income tax bill. --In other words, nearly 2/3rds of the total income tax bill is paid for by those families making more than $I00,000 per year! --70% of Americans with incomes below $50,000 will pay only 10% of the total tax burden. --When you die, the IRS can take up to 55% of your estate depending on how your estate is structured. --That the highest top marginal tax rate was 94% in 1944, and the lowest top marginal tax rate since 1932 was today’s 35%. Manasota Email and Discussion Web Site Available Our group has established a free email and discussion site for the use of members and their friends. The purpose of the site is to provide a means of instant communication among our members. The site is unmoderated, meaning anyone can join and post without approval by the site owner. If there are violations of group terms of service, like personal attacks, foul language, or other unacceptable material, the site will be converted to a moderated site. To join, send an email to ManasotaMensa-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. To visit the site’s home page, go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ManasotaMensa Edgar Coudal, Site Owner 2 The 4M Ruth’s Ramblings--By Ruth Danielle, Local Secretary Check Your Label: Renewal Time! WARNING: CHECK your label on this newsletter. If it says 2005 on the top line, this will be your last issue unless you renew. Renewing now means you won’t miss anything. If you’ve lost your renewal information, or if you were contemplating waiting until June hoping we would call you with a reminder, I would suggest that calling me now for assistance would be a better approach (685-0680). The Executive Committee has convinced me that our group does not have to have a community service project. Obviously, anyone who has any interest in volunteering has a plethora of opportunities in this community. And, of course, it’s not easy to find two or more Mensans who want to do the same thing at the same time… …except for Rummikub. Since that’s the case, we are checking into holding a public Rummikub tournament in May. To prepare you might want to come to Rummikub night at Nancy’s or invite some of us over to “practice” Rummikub. AS YOUR Local Secretary, I receive a copy of the “Mensa Research Journal.” The Fall ‘05 issue has six articles on ADD/ADHD. I’ve finally finished it (you already know by now that I’m a slow reader) and would be happy to pass it along to whoever else wants to read it. I must say that I’ve been quite surprised at member reluctance to have their profile in The 4M. Reading each other’s bios was always one of the major treats in other Mensa groups I’ve belonged to. Please don’t be shy; go to the website (www.manasota.us.mensa.org) and take a few minutes to fill out the form. If you’re lucky it might even cause you some thought or give you some new ideas. Or if you don’t have internet, just give Jim Kitchell a call (359-9067), and he’ll mail you a copy of the form to be completed.. This month I probably don’t have to draw your attention to April Fools Day or perhaps not even to St. George’s Day on April 22. However, you might not be aware of A Drop of Water is a Grain of Gold Day, which is celebrated in Turkey on the 7th, or Finnish Language Day on the 9th, in Finland of course. (Aside: of course — tota kai — or however it’s spelled — is the only Finnish word I remember. When I was in Helsinki, I went to a Mensa evening where the president of that group was moving from board to board playing chess against four or five players. He would move to the next board, make his play, and the opponent would exclaim “Tota kai!” accompanied by the heel of the hand to the forehead.) Back to the U.S., I was surprised to learn that Secretary’s Day (the 26th) has morphed into Administrative Professionals Day; I’m not going to celebrate that one! But I’m looking forward to National Dark Sky Week, April 22-30. I’m not sure what that is or why we celebrate it for a whole week, but I’m looking forward to finding out. However, my absolute favorite this month is on the 15th — no, not tax day, but National Rubber Eraser Day. 3 The 4M THE TENTH STORY--RVC 10 Report Tampa Bay RG May 26-29 NEXT month, May 26-29, Memorial Day weekend, means one of the best Regional Gatherings around! Tampa Bay Mensa is putting on “Sense and Mensability” that weekend, and I for one am ready for an RG. I won’t go into all the details here. You can find them all on the Region 10 website at region10.us.mensa.org and click on “upcoming region 10 events”. Recently a member of my local group wrote to the LocSec to complain that there weren’t any activities in his area. I got involved and made some suggestions about how to host an event. I suggested that he go to the national member directory and find his Mensa “neighbors” by typing in nearby zip codes and then contact them. He did that. I suggested that he schedule a meal get-together at a nearby restaurant. He did that. To shorten a long story, seven people had a great time at lunch and plan to get together again next month. The only reason I mention this is to remind all of us how easy it is to host an event on the calendar. It works! I haven’t seen many of you popping up on the Mensa Discussion Forums. They are great places to meet and discuss things, without even having to get out of the bathrobe! See you there! And if you don’t see a topic of interest to you, just like hosting an event, start one! Maggie Truelove, RVC 10 3333 Honeysuckle Lane Orlando, FL 32812 407-855-9078 truluvs@cfl.rr.com rvc10@cfl.rr.com rvc10@us.mensa.org Membership Changes Congratulations to new Mensan Max Herrera! Welcome to Mensans moving into our area: Mara Maunder returns to Bradenton from Connecticutt for the winter; Henry Vitan joins us in Palmetto from New York, and Alexander Clark moved to Osprey from Virginia. Reinstating members include Robert Forsyth of University Park; Marjorie Happiness is having your Acker of Bradenton; George A. Thoown box of crayons— mas of Sarasota; and Heather 64 colors! Zangara. Welcome to all! We now number 274! 4 The 4M THE OBSERVER - By Edgar F. Coudal End of the World II Well Said Western Union delivered its last telegram on Feb. 2, ending a 177-year-old run. It was done in by the long distance phone and more recently by Internet emails. No more splendid telegram stories like these two. Billy Rose was making a movie in Europe. Darryl Zanuck telegramed him a 4,000-word night letter, filled with questions about progress. Rose telegramed back: “Yes.” Zanuck responded, “Yes what” Rose: “Yes, sir.” George Bernard Shaw telegramed Winston Churchill: “Two tickets for opening of Candide left for you. Bring a friend if you have one.” Churchill cabled back: “Can’t come opening night. Will come second night, if you have one.” John Cassidy, in a piece on Malcolm Glazer’s purchase of the Manchester United soccer team, wrote: “In Britain, a crowded island where the cities and towns rub up against each other like rocks on an old stone wall . . .” Poor Baby \ Michael Weir, the U.S. figure skater who dresses like a swan and describes himself as “princessy.” panicked and minced around badly during his final skate, because he missed his bus to the arena which caused him to notice, “I couldn’t feel my aura. I was black inside.” Tim Dahlberg, sports columnist for the AP, commented, “Tonya Harding was tougher than this guy.” PC Blues Political Correctness is not only boring, but also depressing. Consider that once-proud Secretary’s Day (April 25) when the boss brought Gal Friday flowers and bon-bons and took her to some restaurant a cut above the Walgreen’s lunch counter and maybe even bought her a little [not too intimate, unless THAT was called for] gift, or sent her home an hour early, is now marked (I doubt “celebrated”) as “National Administrative Professionals Day,” as LocSec Ruth Danielle notes in her Page 4 column. Next we’ll have a union made up of Administrative Professionals, Sanitation Engineers (garbagemen), Stationary Engineers (janitors), and SubSurface Excavators (ditchdiggers). Iraq War Cost Comedy Central News Anchor Jon Stewart recently noted that the Iraq war had cost more than $250 billion, or $2,083 per each American taxpayer. He further noted that the $2,083 could have funded food and medicine for a number of children in impoverished third world nations, or could purchase an eightball and night with a fancy hooker, depending on the recipient of choice for the individual’s largesse. 5 The 4M Books 2 on Pain Management: Heal, Don’t Medicate By Heidi Boudro (Reprinted from Wiscom, newsletter of Wisconsin Mensa) THE BEST books that I’ve found about chronic pain differ in approach but agree in basic premise: heal rather than medicate. Those who claim that pain can be treated only with drugs and surgery—despite all evidence that drugs and surgery do not resolve chronic pain-are unfamiliar with the research that shows that diet, nutrition, avoidance of toxins, sauna, and massage do resolve pain, often dramatically. The most comprehensive of recent books is Pain Free in 6 Weeks by Sherry A. Rogers, M.D. (Prestige Publishing, 2001). This book emphasizes the similarity of all kinds of pain and is organized by treatment, such as diets, supplements, sauna, and lifestyle change. “Pain is designed to facilitate healing,” Dr. Rogers writes. But healing is finite. “It has an end, as opposed to chronic inflammation that perpetuates the chemical messages of pain.” All chronic pain is inflammation and toxicity; the source of any individual’s inflammation and toxicity can be identified and resolved. She provides checklists of what to try and in what order, based on research (hundreds of references) and experience. NEAL Barnard, M.Do’s Foods That Fight Pain (Three Rivers Press, 1998), is a positive, encouraging book organized by type of pain (migraine, arthritis, back pain, kidney stones, etc.). An engaging summary of the research (hundreds of references) for each condition presents the foods shown most often to be triggers and the nutrition shown to help. Dr. Barnard also presents the pain-free foods (foods never associated with pain in any research study), aspects of diet that heal pain and disease, and information about diets that everyone could profit by being familiar with. These diets include Dr. Dean Ornish’s diet to reverse arteriosclerosis and the macrobiotic diet often used to treat cancer and chronic disease. 6 The 4M A Read on Finances—By Al Thomas Emotional Trading Burns Everyone THE SINGLE most expensive stock market trades are those made with emotions, but, of course, you are not an emotional trader, are you? Before you bought that stock or mutual fund, you did your research to be sure that what you were buying would return a good profit. You bought it and over time you look at it less and less. When you plunked down your hard earned money did you have any idea where you would sell it or where you might exit the trade should the stock go down instead of up? Have you made plans to protect those profits if it does go up? There were many geniuses in 1999 who bought a tech stock at $20 and saw it run to $200 only to come back down to $2. Those who had an exit strategy probably sold out as it turned over and dropped like a rock. They kept most of their profits as well as their original investment. What kept those BuyNholders in? It was emotion. They fell in love with the stock because they “knew” it was worth more and would “come back up”. Investing is a business. Never become emotionally attached to anything you buy. If you were in the buggy whip business in 1900 and saw the automobile putting the horse out to pasture you easily knew it was time to sell out. Once each month you should be checking to see if your various stocks are advancing as planned. Forget all those pretty research reports your broker sent you. Now you must not care anything about that company. What you care about now is your money. As long as the stock price is advancing you may continue your love affair, but when it starts down it is time for a divorce. This is where emotion becomes expensive. If you just bought it your ties are strong and you know if you sell you will have a loss. Never fall for that old broker’s adage that you don’t have a loss until you sell. Anyone who believes that will be eating cat food at retirement. WHEN YOU bought that new car you knew as soon as you drove it off the lot it would be worth 20 percent less than you paid for it. Twenty percent is a lot and more than most folks should be willing to risk when investing. Usually a good rule of thumb is 10%. When you drive that stock off the exchange floor your risk should be limited. You decide how much you are willing to lose if it goes down instead of up. If you do sell never look back. Fagedaboudit! In 80% of those sales when you do look back you will see you are way ahead in the money game. Do not allow an emotional attachment to keep you in any stock or fund. It will drain you both mentally and financially. Al Thomas' book, If It Doesn't Go Up, Don't Buy It! has helped thousands of people make money and keep their profits with his simple 2-step method. Read the first chapter at http://www.mutualfundmagic.com. 7 The 4M One Size Misfits All Procrustes and the FCAT This letter appeared in the Orlando Sentinel, was sent along by former Local Secretary June Brasgalla, and is reprinted with permission of the author. AND NOW for something completely different — an FCAT letter with ties to ancient Greece. As a high-school reading coach, I recently visited a ninth-grade world-history classroom to talk about strategies the kids used when reading nonfiction text. I also wanted to find out what they did when they “got stuck” in their reading. We were knee-deep in a discussion about vocabulary strategies when a hand shot up and “George” challenged me with the following question: “Mrs. Samuels, do you know the cool Greek story about the evil Procrustes?” I replied, “You mean the guy who had the one-size-fits-all bed and stretched or lopped off the legs of his guests who couldn’t conform to it, George?” “Yup.” George, beaming, then explained to the class that the high-stakes FCAT was just like Procrustes’ bed, because not everyone can fit its score requirements and the consequences of not passing it are life changing — you don’t get your high-school diploma even though you master all your classes and earn all your credits. I sat there with visions of an FCAT bed (or rack) dancing in my head. As far as I’m concerned, George doesn’t need to take the reading portion of the FCAT — his comprehension and critical thinking skills are quite masterful already. Using his Procrustean analogy, he showed his classmates that some of them test differently or think differently and can’t fit the FCAT mold no matter what we as teachers do to stretch or bend their minds. After this concept sank in, students wanted to know if the Florida legislators who set the educational mandates for the state had all taken — and passed — the 10th-grade FCAT reading and math components. If not, they offered to proctor its administration and would even cut them some slack on the science portion. And, a no-passing grade would mean they couldn’t be lawmakers. Or at the very least, they’d have to attend remedial math and/or reading classes. Wonder what would happen to the Procrustean FCAT then? Deborah Samuels New Smyrna Beach High School 8 The 4M A Prayer to the God of Atheists By Meredy Amyx Our Father, in whom I don’t believe, This is just in case. I’m not in a foxhole Exactly, But the thousand things are coming at me And I’m not so sure I like facing them Alone. So if you can deliver us from evil, Please do. If you can’t, it’s nobody’s fault. So don’t feel bad. While I’m at it, A few less temptations would help, Including the daily bread And other carbs. Oh, and I guess I should mention There are some things I did Willingly That I’m really sorry for now. Not that there’s any point in telling You Since there’s really nothing There. You know. In godspace. (Please don’t take this personally.) And I never wanted the power anyway, Much less the kingdom. You can have them. But if you could spare a little glory For my small heroics. . . Oh, well, never mind. Amen. This poem is reprinted with permission from Intelligencer, of San Francisco Regional Mensa, edited by David Kirby. Meredy Amyx, a Mensan for life and a former editor of various Mensa publications, is a member of a 4-M family since her husband and two sons are also members. 9 The 4M Table-Top Players Alert Discount on Gaming Magazine DO YOU LIKE board games, brainteasers and strategy? Introducing Knucklebones magazine - the table-top game publication for people who like to have fun and enjoy flexing their cranial muscles. The National Office of American Mensa has wangled deal that offers a half-price subscription: pay $14 instead of $27.95 when you subscribe. Six times a year you will receive a fresh and original publication that focuses on the hottest new board games as well as classic favorites, and is full of trivia, puzzles, strategy games, entertaining brainteasers, reviews, information, strategy and game history. Knucklebones offers diverse content sure to capture the attention and imagination of anyone who loves games - from the casual player to even the most passionate game enthusiast. To subscribe, have the code 501360 in hand and visit www.kbones.com http://www.kbones.com/ or call 800/331-0038, ext. 1. Governor’s Program Described Gifted Teen Classes on Florida Campuses TERRI TUMLIN, Manasota Mensa’s Gifted Children Coordinator, sends along a link to the state’s program for gifted and talented students in grades 8-12. Following is the introduction to the program on the linked page: “The purpose of the Governor’s Summer Program is to provide an opportunity for outstanding, gifted, and high-achieving students to participate in and use the resources of the universities and colleges in the State of Florida. “Institutions of higher education, public or private, submit proposals to provide day or residential, summer programs for gifted and high-achieving students entering grades 8-12. The goal is to use the academic strengths and unique instructional resources of the sponsoring institution to provide participating students with learning experiences not available in their secondary education programs. “Information about programs selected for the Governor’s Summer Program is sent to all 67 Florida school districts to encourage the participation of outstanding secondary students.” More information about the program including the offering at Manatee Community College is available at: http://www.firn.edu/doe/commhome/pdf/govsummr.pdf The file is also online at our group’s blog, whose eddress is: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ManasotaMensa/ 10 The 4M Game players at a recent gathering included (from left) Elizabeth Dexter, Linda Mason, Mara Maunder, Amy Menard, and John and Terri Tumlin. You, Your Sign, and Your Car: Aries For those born between March 21 and April 20 (Ed Note: Someone said, “You have everything else flying around in The 4M--member writtten articles, crosswords, anagrams, bridge, financial advice, unrhymed poetry,, book reviews. nutball Commie and Neanderthal positions, and those are just for starters. So how about an astrology column?” OK. You got it.) Aries on wheels has the enthusiasm of Toad of Toad Hall - they’re the road hogs of the Zodiac. Aries go nuts as easily as blinking and their positive qualities—assertiveness and enthusiasm—go into orbit if someone cuts them off. Some 90 per cent of road-rage cases are Aries. Aries man will be first out the car for a chat with “the other driver” but soon calms down if the culprit is an Aries woman. Aries woman will shamelessly try the “who me?” flutter of eyelashes and the other driver will melt. Or she may knee him the groin. Either way, she Happiness is an envelope wins. White van man is probably an Aries. containing a rebate check Vehicle: Preferably something with a you wrote away for gun turret. Failing that, a Hummer. months ago. Favorite Music: Ride of the Valkyries. Passenger Information: Take cover. 11 The 4M BRIDGE-By Keith Falkner, Senior Master, ACBL Bad Luck Implies Good Luck! South deals Both Vul North ♠A643 ♥Q852 ♦84 ♣A5 3 West ♠ K Q J 10 5 ♥♦ Q 10 7 5 2 ♣ J 10 7 East ♠987 ♥ A K 10 9 7 ♦J63 ♣Q6 South ♠2 ♥J643 ♦AK 9 ♣K9842 Bidding: Lead: South West 1♣ 1♠ 3♥ pass pass pass King of spades North DBL 4♥ pass East 2♠ DBL South’s opening and West’s overcall are natural. North’s Negative Double shows nine or more points and four hearts. When South bids three hearts, a mild stretch, North carries on to game. East, looking at five strong trumps and facing a partner with the strength to make a vulnerable overcall, doubles. Wouldn’t you double with East’s cards? Declarer realizes that East’s double must be based on strong trumps, and concludes that any attempt to draw trumps would bring a lot of trouble. It is easy to see five winners in aces and kings, so the trump suit must somehow bring in five more tricks, if South is to make the ten-trick contract. Declarer wins trick one with the ace of spades, trumps a spade in the South, cashes the ace and king of diamonds, ruffs a diamond in dummy, and ruffs another spade in hand. South’s king of clubs and North’s ace of clubs win the next two tricks, bringing declarer’s trick total to eight. These cards remain, with North on lead: 12 The 4M North ♠6 ♥Q85 ♦♣3 West ♠QJ ♥♦ Q 10 ♣J East ♠♥ A K 10 9 7 ♦♣ - South ♠♥J6 ♦ ♣984 Declarer needs two tricks. When North’s last spade is led, East has a problem with no solution. If East ruffs low, South wins a ninth trick with the jack or hearts, then leads a club which East trumps; East must then lead hearts and give North a tenth trick with the queen. If East ruffs the spade high, East’s forced heart leads give South a trick with the jack of hearts and North another trick with the queen. Either way, the doubled contract succeeds. When a double alerts you to horrible distribution in the trump suit, scramble as many tricks as possible early in the hand, then watch for opportunities to complete your contract when the trump-laden defender must lead trumps to your advantage. Big Brother Bobbie Has Eye on All WiredJanuary 2006 notes that automated cameras at downtown London intersections report trafffic violations so well that 13,000 arrests were made in one year. The cameras read the license numbers, alert cops when a stolen car is noted, and report traffic violations along with the plate numbers. The Brits like this so much that they are going to spend $43 million to install cameras on EVERY MAJOR ROAD and EVERY IMPORTANT INTERSECTION in the U.K. They will read 35 million plates a day. The bobbies expect that every stolen car will thus be recovered and every traffic violation noted and prosecuted, greatly increasing vehicular safety and traffic fine income. There go the rolling stops, five over, and blowing the light at 3 a.m. 13 The 4M Puzzlements To gain mention here as worthy of your M wallet card, EMAIL your answers to the puzzles by the 15th of the month to edgarc@aol.com or POSTAL mail to Edgar Coudal, 5452 Azure Way, Sarasota, 34242 or PHONE (941) 349-9329. Minimum Moves Metamorphose Maker Last month, we asked you to get from TENTS to HOUSE in SEVEN or fewer intermediate steps. One solution was TESTS, PESTS, POSTS, POUTS, ROUTS, ROUTE, ROUSE Getting it or shorter were Bill Arnold, Mark Broadus, Jack Combs, Dwight Gill, Carl Hammen, Barbara Horton. This month, get us from DRUNK to CRASH in 10 or fewer steps. Anagram Angst The four tough guys of books and film you were asked for last month were: MIKE HAMMER • SAM SPADE • DIRTY HARRY • COLUMBO Getting them were Arnold, Broadus, Ray Cole, Combs, Gill, Hammen, Horton, Sam Perkins, Frank Stevens This month, unscramble these three popular Florida garden plants HER STRONG FAN * FLING GARTERS * ARABS DID RIP FOE Cryptological Craziness Last month’s Cryptogram: I had a rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not pleased when I read the description: No good in a bed, but fine against a wall. Eleanor Roosevelt. Getting it were Broadus, Walt Brustlin, Reni Cohen, Cole, Combs, Gill, Hammen, Horton, Perkins, Stevens, Bonnie Vasquez Now, try this one: EWJ YL EYOADWE WVOXKHPS: WPBSMAPO AF ZYFFAGEH AL BYX CYP'S TPYJ JMWS BYX WVH SWETAPO WGYXS. QHLL KWMYPHB. 14 The 4M