The Official Newsletter of South Coast Mensa March, 2015


The Official Newsletter of South Coast Mensa March, 2015
The Official Newsletter of South Coast Mensa
© South Coast Mensa, 2015
Region 5
Chapter 365
March, 2015
The Mensa year ends on March 31st!
Will this be your last newsletter???
Have you renewed your membership???
March 8
March 14
March 17
March 20
March 29
Daylight Saving Time begins
Pi Day
St. Patrick’s Day
Spring begins
Palm Sunday
State Senator Trip Pittman to speak
at South Coast Mensa meeting
State Senator Trip Pittman promised to more than 500 people that he would work hard
to eliminate Alabama Department of Insurance unfair treatment of Mobile and Baldwin
counties. The picture was taken at a Homeowners Hurricane Insurance Initiative (HHII)sponsored public meeting at Foley First Baptist Church in 2008.
Eighty-one percent of the South Baldwin voters picked State Senator Trip Pittman (R) on
election day last year.
The multimedia news publication Yellowhammer recently named him one of the top ten
most powerful Republicans in the state.
Last month they listed him among ten potential gubernatorial candidates. They cited
one negative. “His refusal to take PAC money,” they wrote, “would make it more difficult to
round up the cash needed for a statewide run.” Hardly a negative to most voters.
A distinct conservative, Pitman opposes Common Core and says of global warming, "I
think it's something we need to be reasonable about."
He sponsored a law that requires drug testing of welfare recipients who have been
convicted of a drug crime within the previous five years. It offers drug rehabilitation before
cutting off benefits.
He also sponsored a bill that would extend Alabama’s territorial waters, relief from
federal regulations limiting snapper fishing.
In addition to Alabama-specific work, he’s been active in a movement by state
legislators around the nation who want to call a Constitutional Convention for the first time in
history. Moving in that direction, about 100 have met in Virginia and Indiana and base their
strategy on Article V of the US Constitution.
As a member of the Homeowners Hurricane Insurance Initiative, I consider his passage
of the Property Insurance Clarity Law one of his most significant accomplishments. For the first
time in history, the new law required that the Alabama Department of Insurance collect and
publish total premiums and claims by zip code. When they did, the data showed coastal losses
have been no higher than the rest of the state, contradicting the 2006 decision by the DOI to
treat Baldwin and Mobile counties radically different.
He and State Representative Joe Faust are now using the data to get the Department of
Insurance to change the speculative methods it used in 2006 when it changed how insurance is
priced on the coast.
Insurance lobbyists told dozens of members of HHII that the Clarity Bill would never
make it out of committee, and it didn’t the first two years it was in the legislative hopper. The
third year, Pittman agreed to sponsor and handle the bill, and it not only made it out of
committee, but passed both houses unanimously. His behind the scenes stories about how he
worked it are fun and instructive.
It will be stories like this -- about how the legislature really works -- that will be among the
topics I’ve asked him to share. “It’s like three dimensional chess,” he said of the legislature,
chess in which the rules for how the pieces move change without notice.
Here’s a few additional facts to prompt your fancy: the senator is a resident of the Eastern
Shore, has two daughters in their 20s, attends Fairhope United Methodist Church, started
Pittman Tractor Company while in his teens and built it into the successful enterprise it is today;
has a degree in business from the University of Alabama, served in the Army; and is an avid
outdoorsman, reader and golfer.
In the senate he serves on the powerful rules committee and others that deal with banking,
insurance, ethics, the state constitution, education, youth, taxes, and tourism.
Pittman, who loves to talk, will discuss these and whatever hot issues flare up in the
2015 Alabama legislative session. The session will still have two and a half months to run when
he joins us for Supper Friday, March 27.
Supper starts at 6:30 pm at the China Bowl restaurant near the Mobile Malls: 309 Bel Air
March Mensa Meeting
Speaker: Senator Trip Pittman
Friday, March 27
6:30 PM
Golden Bowl Restaurant
309 Bel Air Blvd.
Mobile, AL
Near Sears (Bel Air Mall) and Mobile Marriott Hotel
The Mensa year ends on March 31st. Have you renewed your membership? If not, please do
so. We don’t want to lose you and renewing before the end of this month makes you a
member in good standing. If you wait and renew in April, you will “start over” and be a “1 st
year” Mensan. Near the end of the newsletter is information about various ways to renew your
membership. It’s very easy. You just have to do it.
Looking back over the past Mensa year, our little group has done very well. I am grateful that
our three officers continue to serve our group well. Thank you Donna Workman, Dan Hanson,
and Trey Lemley. We’ve had excellent speakers at various restaurants and locations. Thanks,
Dan, for arranging such top notch meetings. Our only local Special Interest Group (SIG) is the
Second Saturday Meet to Eat (SSM2E), organized by Bunny Warsh. It is a thriving SIG. It’s a fun
time to . . . well, meet and eat. No speaker. Just good food and good conversation in a low key
setting. Many of our members still receive a printed, 12-page newsletter. A big thanks to Linda
Woerner for doing an outstanding job of getting that version of the newsletter sent out each
month. Al Warsh found a way to get our local website up and running after years of dormancy.
Many people learn about us by Googling Mensa to find local information. Trey Lemley started
a Facebook page for South Coast Mensa. That’s an excellent way to provide more information
to the curious and also a way for our members to stay in touch. Our proctors, Leslie CastroRosario and Bunny Warsh have increased our number of testing dates and secured a testing
location in both counties. This is a great way for our group to grow. There are about 85
scholarships given by Mensa and two of the winners were from Mobile. Thanks to the chair of
our Scholarship Committee, Chris Sayre, for being the lead judge. And last, but certainly not
least, a big thanks to Tommie Peterson for his beautiful photos each month. In the past year
our local group has been given spots on television, radio and newspapers. People are learning
that we exist!
I want to thank each of you that read and/or contribute to M-Port: our local newsletter. It
would be virtually empty without your continued support and contributions.
68 is our current membership total and has been the maximum membership that we’ve had
since the early 1980s when the South Mississippi and Florida panhandle members separated
from us to start their own local groups. I believe over the next twelve months we can surpass
that number of 68 members.
You are South Coast Mensa. Thank you for being a member!
February Mensa Meeting was Fantastic
Well, once again our Deputy LocSec, Dan Hanson, has outdone himself with a wonderful program in
a lovely restaurant. State Representative Adline Clarke was lovely, gracious, intelligent and
articulate. Her constituents are fortunate to have her representing them. It is good for her that she
is a "quick study." The learning curve in these jobs is HUGE. She has no husband, nor children; I can
only think of the sacrifices the families of our legislators make to have them serve and represent the
people of Alabama. I certainly came away with a new respect for them. The food was excellent;
the wait staff was courteous and efficient. Prices not bad. Dan brought some great guests. Would
have enjoyed sticking around awhile longer and chatting, but we all departed by 8:30 PM. I was
home in the bed asleep by 9 PM. Must have been something in the water. Thank you, Dan, for
setting up a truly marvelous evening for all of us. Those who missed it - oh well, what can I say?
Your loss - too bad. Maybe you'll have better luck making the next one.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on March 14 at IHOP! Take care, E. Bunny Warsh
Second Saturday Meet to Eat
We have just returned home from the February SSM2E at the Big Time Diner where we had a wonderful turn
out; beautiful weather, temps were a bit cold last night, but have warmed up nicely. We had a young male
server, who took care of us very nicely - once we established that he could not read minds; but we worked
around that deficit, anyway. The fried green tomatoes did not disappoint. If you like 1950s southern style
diner food, this is definitely the place. LOTS of good food, not too bad prices. Conversation among Ms - well,
what can I say? Hurricanes Camille, Frederick, and Katrina, military service, Indian reservations/government
health care, going to school on the GI bill, the Big Bang theory....... those who missed it missed a great time.
Mike was not there; but his girlfriend, Princess Natalie ruled the roost from the head of the table. Her new
haircut is quite becoming; bet it will be a lot cooler in the summer, too. People were dressed appropriately Bev wore a Mardi Gras blouse, Jean wore purple, Claude wore green; I wore red, white and blue for
President's Day and Princess Natalie wore a lovely red coat with flowers on it for Valentine Day. For the folks
not from this part of the world, not only was it Presidents' Day weekend and Valentine Day; it was also Mardi
Gras weekend. And the appropriate colors for Mardi Gras are purple, gold and green. Warthin's tumor is
out; VERY strange sensation putting a pierced earring into a completely NUMB ear lobe. First time since the
surgery. I do not recommend this for the faint hearted.
For this month, join us at my favorite digs - IHOP in Tillman's Corner - March 14, 11:00 AM. Looking forward
to seeing you there. Everybody want to wear green in honor of St. Pat's Day? You know the drill - RSVP by 9
PM, on Friday the 13th, so we know how large a table to request. 251/776-6657
Take care, all. E. Bunny Warsh Next Month: Stevie’s Kitchen
Saturday, March 14, 11:00 AM
IHOP in Tillman’s Corner
4375 Rangeline Road, Mobile, AL 36619
Monthly Supper Meetings will Alternate between
Counties and Friday and Saturday Nights
From Assistant LocSec, Dan Hanson
The South Coast Mensa Executive Committee opened a round house discussion of the
monthly supper meetings. Should they be on Friday or Saturday nights? Where should they be
Committee members then brought the question up in the regular monthly supper meeting
and M-Port.
Most people prefer evening meetings. Some preferred Fridays, some Saturdays. So the
current decision is to try to alternate meetings, between Fridays and Saturdays. We will also
alternate between Mobile and Baldwin counties.
We are still looking for restaurants that are somewhat central, close to the Causeway,
rather than in the far ends of the counties. Though Foley is great for many Baldwin Mensans,
it’s a long drive for Mobilians. The malls in Mobile are a long drive for Gulf Shores and Bay
Minette members. The downtown Mobile and Daphne-areas may be ideal, but finding
restaurants that will give us a private, quiet room on Friday or Saturday nights . . . for free . . .
remains a challenge.
Anyone know someone who can pull some strings?
Scholarship Committee
In February, the South Coast Mensa Scholarship Committee reviewed 17 essays
from the Mobile/Baldwin area and scored each using seven criteria. Thanks to
Chris Sayre for heading the committee. Others on the committee were Gary
Kubina and guest judge, Jim Clarke. Thanks to the committee for their time and
Treasurer’s Report from Trey Lemley
January 31, 2015 balance: $1226.20
News from the Recruiting Front:
Hello All!!! We have now survived this year’s Mardi Gras season!!! Now we are wishing
for warmer days....
We were unable to complete Bunny's certification on February, so we are really asking
you to pass the word around and help her complete this in March!!! The March testing
session will be:
Saturday, March 28, 2015, at 10:00 AM. Please be there at least 15 minutes
Moorer Spring Hill Library
Mobile Public Library - Moorer Branch
4 McGregor Ave S
Mobile, AL 36608
Please, contact me for more information about the session. Also note that the April
session is on April 4 (only one week after!!) in Baldwin County.
We only need one prospect to attend so Bunny can facilitate the session and complete
that requirement!!!
This month testing is at the end of the month, so we all have time to recruit someone.
We all want our chapter to become stronger and this is one of the events that will help
that effort.
We are counting on you!!!!
Leslie Castro - Rosario
South Coast Mensa and the Media
South Coast Mensa has recently had lots of attention from the media. We have
appeared on TV, radio, and newspapers. Thanks to everyone who is talking up
Mensa, sharing with your friends, and contacting the media. Collectively, we are
an awesome organization. More and more people are becoming aware of us.
Let’s continue tooting our horn and making the area aware of us. For many years,
our membership has peaked at 68 members. I believe we will soon go well
beyond that number! G. K.
Should Mensa Sponsor a Debate?
From Assistant LocSec, Dan Hanson
A few months ago I asked whether Mensa should sponsor a debate. The basic idea is
that South Coast Mensa should have a slightly higher profile amongst the many public
conversations that go on around the bay area.
The short answer, to date, has been, No.
Maybe a symposium instead.
Rather than trying to manage the rules of a formal debate, the same object -- a higher
profile -- could be accomplished with a symposium that encouraged varying views on a topic. A
consensus formed around the idea of exploring the possibility further. Typically, consensus
involved about five or six people, the minority of extroverts in the club.
Unless objections erupt from the remaining 90 percent of us, then, conversation will
proceed, and the next primary question probably centers on the topic. What in the world
subject would be interesting enough to draw a crowd and vigorously enhance the South Coast
Suggestions will be taken by email, phone, snail-mail or at club suppers.
No rush. Sometimes in the next year or two should be fine.
Keep our numbers up as temperatures dip
Unpredictable and inclement weather can make hosting winter test sessions a
challenge, but that doesn't keep eager applicants from signing up. To compensate for
slower winter testing, we're offering potential new members a free review of prior
evidence through March 31. Remember, 80 percent of applicants who submit qualifying
test scores end up joining.
If you have friends and family who have taken the LSAT or the GMAT or have scores
from another accepted intelligence test, now is a great time for them to consider joining
Mensa. Visit to find out more about this offer.
Monthly Report from RVC 5, Baker Ring
Back on Groundhog Day, Punxsutawney Phil predicted 6 more weeks of winter. We’re almost there!
Spring is about ready to be sprung and many Mensans will be coming out of hibernation and attending
local group events. Hope that you are one of them.
There are some other officer changes to report. The new Loc Sec for Mensa of Eastern North Carolina is
William Potter and their new Asst. Loc Sec is Darcy Harris. Mensa in Georgia’s new Loc Sec is
Catherine T Waguespack and the new Asst. Loc Sec is Zarya Steele. Memphis Mensa has elected James
Lord as Loc Sec and Andre Gibson as Asst. Loc Sec. Thank you to each of you for stepping up to lead
your local group.
It’s not too late to register your CultureQuest® teams. You can register and get more information at: Registration is open until March 31 and
the contest is April 26. If your group hasn’t put together a team in the past, this may be the time to do it.
Typically, there are over 100 teams participating in this trivia challenge.
You can still register for the American Mensa Annual Gathering, July 1-5 in Louisville. Programs and
tours are online at: Tours have something for everyone; including baseball,
cars, horses and libations. There will be Meet and Greets and speakers on just about every imaginable
subject. The Foundation hosts the Colloquium, “Brain Health: Research, Challenges and Breakthroughs”
on June 30 as well as a golf outing on July 2. They will also hold programs for children and teens. If you
haven’t been to an AG before, this would be a good one to begin with.
Don’t forget to register for the Carolinah RG, “Cinco de Mensa”, May 1-3. For information you can
check out their website: Click on the RG ribbon in the upper right
hand corner. The rate is $70 if you register before April 11. First timers get a $5 discount. There will be
attendees from throughout Region 5 as well as from other parts of the country.
Don’t forget that until March 31, prospective members can submit their scores from previously taken tests
and they will be reviewed for free. All they have to do is submit the application, their qualifying test
scores and include the code FPEFM2015 to redeem this offer. Find out more at: Now is the time to encourage your friends and family to send in those
scores and join Mensa.
If you haven’t renewed your membership yet, what are you waiting for? All annual memberships expire
March 31. This is an election year, and if you aren’t a member, you can’t vote. All national offices are
contested and there are a number of referenda to vote on.
I wish to thank Region 5 Scholarship Chair, Bertie Clarke, as well as each local group Scholarship Chair.
I would also like to thank the readers who have assisted them since January 15. Serving as a scholarship
reader is an important role in Mensa. The Foundation can’t give out scholarships without you.
Question of the Month
Mensans have a lot to say, so I’d like to hear your thoughts on the
question of the month. Send the editor an email or a snail mail with your
answer to the Question of the Month. Please include your first and last
name to be printed with your response.
February Question of the Month:
What are you listening to? (Think music, books on tape, news
programs, nature sounds, conversations with family and friends, overheard
conversations, etc.)
Well, several things.... I like to do affirmations in the morning. I deal with
stress situations daily at work and they help me stay centered. I also listen
to audio self-improvement trainings (better communication skills, assertive
communication, dealing with conflict in the work place, etc.). I have a
large playlist on my iPhone and iPod while my go-to spot is 99.9 FM on the
Leslie Castro-Rosario
February’s Question of the Month was all about listening. The March
Question of the Month is all about watching. Here’s the March Question of
the Month:
What are you watching? (TV, videos, movies, news, sports,
weather, YouTube videos, plays, grandkids in the park, birds in
the back yard, etc.)
March Mensa Anniversaries
March Birthdays
Reginald Thatcher
Allan Lameier
Al Warsh
George Kolb
Lynda Woerner
Morgan Zipperly
William Brooks
Sara Phillips
Dr. Marci Davis
Wilson Bullington
Tracy Whitehead
Donna Workman
Michael Gillion
Leon Maisel
Cmdr. Gary Gamble
Dawn Swickard
Linda Woerner
Gary Kubina
Maybe it’s because it’s the end of the Mensa year. (March 31. Have you
renewed your membership?) Maybe it’s because I just became a life member of
Mensa. Maybe it’s the changing of the seasons, but I’ve been reminiscing about
my Mensa experiences from days gone by. Several members come to mind
from 30+ years ago when I joined the group: Art and Klydell Keeney, Mo
Lanewala, Ruth and Jules Perot, Sam Steel, Collin McCray, Vic Stanton, Marci
Davis, and the list goes on. I’ve have such fond memories of these people.
Sadly, some of them are now deceased, but live on in my memories. Each one
made me feel welcomed and always had a kind word. I hope your membership
will nurture such good memories.
Now it’s time to share some of your favorite Mensa memories. Send your
Reminiscing and Memories to the editor to share in the newsletter.
Who Doesn’t Like a Good Math Joke?
From Michael Gillion
Actually it’s the “right” joke, but let’s not get picky. G.K.
New Senior's Exam
(Dan Hanson passed this one on. Good Luck!)
You only need 4 correct out of 10 questions to pass.
1) How long did the Hundred Years' War last?
2) Which country makes Panama hats?
3) From which animal do we get cat gut?
4) In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution?
5) What is a camel's hair brush made of?
6) The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal?
7) What was King George VI's first name?
8) What color is a purple finch?
9) Where are Chinese gooseberries from?
10) What is the color of the black box in a commercial airplane?
Remember, you need only 4 correct answers to pass.
Check your answers later in the newsletter
Remember the loonie bird (luna bird?) contest
Photos by Gary Kubina
You had to answer two questions correctly to win a prize and bragging rights! (The
bragging rights were the big prize.)
What is the species of bird shown above?
What night in January, 2015 was the photo of the moon taken? (One day either
way is acceptable.)
No one responded with the correct answers.
I thought the bird was a Red Headed woodpecker, but when I checked online, it
appears to be a Red Bellied Woodpecker based on the markings on the head. Can
anyone verify?
The full moon photo was taken on January 5. (4th – 6th were acceptable answers.)
Where is your favorite place to purchase a King Cake or two??
In our house we have tried several suppliers (Wal-Mart, Publix, Atlanta
Bread, local bakeries) and our all-time-never-fails option is Publix.
Especially for the price. We prefer the ones that are more similar to a
coffee cake thanPicture
a cake and
also there are several versions where the
major difference is more on the price side than on flavor.
by Tommie Peterson
Leslie Castro-Rosario
Pax Cakes
In some churches small buns called Pax cakes (symbolic of peace and goodwill) are given to the
congregation as they leave after a Palm Sunday service. These English pancakes are a break from Lenten
1 egg
1 Cup sour milk or buttermilk
2 Tablespoons salad oil
1/2 Cup whole wheat flour
1/2 Cup wheat germ
1/4 Cup white flour
1 Tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1. Beat the egg. Add and beat until smooth all the other ingredients.
2. Grease heated skillet or griddle. Pour batter from pitcher onto hot griddle in silver-dollar-sized
dollops. Turn pax cakes when bubbles show.
3. Fry on second side until brown. Sprinkle with powdered sugar or cinnamon/sugar mixture.
4. Makes 55-60 pax cakes.
Variation: Use 1 cup white flour, instead of combining whole wheat flour, wheat germ, and white flour.
Picture This!
Photos by Tommie Peterson
All photos are copyright protected and should not be reproduced without permission.
You may send the newsletter to friends in its entirety.
Oh, no! Not sunsets again! (2 excepted) Well, you were warned in the beginning,
and I will try to provide a story or two to go along.
I had to include this photo I took last week of a condo fire a block from my home. Look carefully on
the stairs coming down from the top floor and you can just make out the hat of the fireman who
emerged from the top condo just as the fire flashed. Our incredible Daphne firefighters insured that
no one was hurt and no other buildings caught fire despite very high winds.
Look carefully at the shadow detail on the sandy beach area. Why does the shadow of the pole not
align properly?
Mobile Bay Bridge section of Interstate 10 taken from a boat.
As you might expect, when the sun sets into Mobile Bay, a great deal of steam is generated.
Photo of an exceptional sunset taken this January 6th.
Here's an unusual sight: a mullet in pursuit of a pelican!
In this shot you can see giant Sunspot AR2192 on the lower right area of the sun in this photo from
2014.10.06. It caused several X-Class (biggest of 3 categories) solar flares. The water splash was
caused by a pelican diving for his dinner, not from the solar flare.
This "shocking" photo from an evening last September shows downtown Mobile enjoying typical
summertime showers.
1) How long did the Hundred Years War last? 116 years 1337 - 1453
2) Which country makes Panama hats? Ecuador
3) From which animal do we get cat gut? Sheep and Horses
4) In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution? November
5) What is a camel's hair brush made of? Squirrel fur
6) The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal? Dogs
7) What was King George VI's first name? Albert
8) What color is a purple finch? Crimson
9) Where are Chinese gooseberries from? New Zealand
10) What is the color of the black box in a commercial airplane? Orange (of course)
Thanks, Dan, for making me feel like I need to be tested. G.K.
Time To Renew Your Mensa Membership
The Mensa membership year begins April 1 and ends March 31.
If you renew now, your membership will extend through March 31, 2016.
Annual dues are now $70.00 unless specified in a multi-year or life plan. Memberships for additional
Mensan family members are available for $47.00/membership and may only be purchased in single-year
increments. Additional Family Memberships do not include subscriptions to the Mensa Bulletin or to
Local Group newsletters. Additional family members must live in the same household as a primary
member and must be members of the same Local Group.
To renew online, go to You may also pay by check or money order by sending your
payment ($U.S.) to American Mensa, PO Box 916088, Fort Worth, Texas 76191-6088. Please include
your member number (found on the back of your Mensa Bulletin) with your payment. If you would like a
renewal bill mailed to you, please contact a Member Service Representative at 888/294-8035 ext. 199.
Dues rates
Membership dues rates are as follows:
Primary family member
Additional family member
Three-year membership
Five-year membership
Life membership
See schedule
2015 Life Dues rates
Life Dues will be assigned based on birth date on file with the National Office. If we do not have
birth date on file, we will request documentation in the form of a copy of your birth certificate,
passport or driver's license.
Current age
You pay:
Second Saturday Meet To Eat
Saturday, March 14, 11:00 AM
IHOP Tillman’s Corner, Mobile, AL
March Mensa Meeting
Friday, March 27, 6:30 PM
Golden Bowl, Mobile, AL
Assistant LocSec
Donna Workman
Dan Hanson
Trey Lemley
Facebook Manager
S. S. Meet To Eat
Leslie Castro-Rosario
Trey Lemley
Bunny Warsh
Mailing Coordinator
Web Master
Gary Kubina
1121 Wellington Ct. S.
Mobile, AL 36695
Lynda Woerner
Al Warsh
Opinions expressed in M-Port are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of any other
individual or of any official Mensa body.
Mensa is an international society in which the sole requirement for qualification for membership is a score at or
above the 98 percentile on any of a number of standardized intelligence tests. Mensa is a not-for-profit
organization whose main purpose is to serve as a means of communication and assembly for its members.
“Mensa’s purposes are to identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity; to encourage
research in the nature, characteristics, and uses of intelligence; and to provide a stimulating intellectual and social
environment for its members.”
All items for publication are subject to editing except those ordered to be printed by the Board of Directors, the
time and date of calendar entries, and those articles designated “print as is or not at all.”
Editing will consist of correcting spelling and grammar, modifying for space, appropriateness and clarity, and
determining if the material is in good taste.
Any submission that is edited will not have the general meaning changed unless approved by the author. If, after
negotiation, the editor and the author do not both approve the text, the submission will not be published.
1121 Wellington Ct. S.
Mobile, AL 36695
M-Port: The Official Newsletter of South Coast Mensa