LocSec Lowdown


LocSec Lowdown
The Newsletter of Plains and Peaks Mensa, Southern Colorado
LocSec Lowdown
Hello, fellow Plains & Peaksters!
Spring is here – which means Rent-AMike and I better get on the ball and get
ready to be even busier than usual! Bee
School, checking on our own bees, dogs
shedding (increased vacuuming!), gardening to start, Mensa activities and CultureQuest – just to name a few activities
coming up! And, our bee swarming season will start toward the end of April,
which means we need to get the swarm
gear gathered up! Mike has promised me
my own “bee vacuum” this year, which is
great, but I need him to make me some
extra bee buckets, too. Ones with very
secure lids, so if I have to haul them in
the Explorer, the bees can’t escape!!
As is sometimes the case here in Colorado, we had to cancel a March event due
to the weather. Games Night at Coopers’
fell during the latest blizzard, so we’ve
rescheduled it for April. So, if your schedule didn’t accommodate that date in
March, here’s a second chance! The
Coopers are great hosts and we’re certain to have a ball playing games and
Also in April, a visit to Colorado Springs’
newest museum, the National Museum
of WWII Aviation History. Mensan Jenny
B visited it earlier this year and her husband Jose stated that he learned more
Volume 30, Issue 3
about WWII during that visit than he’d
learned in school! The museum has numerous displays and as part of the tour,
we’ll get to see their restoration area.
Jenny B said she loved the Corsair that
was there for maintenance– and it’s my
favorite plane, too! Hope it’s still there
so I can see it, too! You can pre-register
for the tour on line at their web-site (and
I’ve already got my ticket!!) After the
tour, keeping with an aviation theme, we
can stop by Solo’s (The Airplane Restaurant) for lunch!
if you have any ideas about that!
That’s about all for now … as always,
huge thanks and kudos to Betsy, our Editor and Windy, our Webmistress! Thanks
also to Connor, who “cooks the books”
for us; Jenny, our Second VP; Sean, our
Gifted Youth Program Coordinator; and
Al, past Pres and all-around good guy!
Also in April – ExComm Meeting and
Breakfast, Trivia Night, Give In To Beer
Pressure, Jack Quinn’s, Kimball’s, MidMonth Happy Hour, Ultimate Saturday
Supper, and, as mentioned before,
Games Night! With this great line-up of
events, surely there’s something you can
attend and join in on our great Mensa
camaraderie! (Insert that great line here:
And stop calling me Shirley!)
With summer coming fast, if you know of
a good restaurant or bar with a nice patio, please let me know. I’d like to schedule the ExComm events to take advantage of great Colorado sunny days
and patronize those locations! Just drop
me an e-mail with your suggestions!
Again … Putting out a feeler here …
would you be interesting in a Plains &
Peaks Summer Picnic? Let me know and
In This Issue
What’s Up In Our Region…...........2
Plains and Peaks Officers…...........2
Plains & Peaks Patter....……..........3
Welcome & Farewell....................3
Tanzanian Safari…….…………...4 & 5
April Events………………..……..……...6
April Calendar…………………..….......7
April 2013
Page 2
What’s Up In Our Region
Peggy Pannke-Smith
Regional Vice Chair
Heartland Region 7
Please send your announcements and photos
of Region 7 happenings to
I’d love to hear from you!
Contact me at RVC7@us.mensa.org.
Send in your ballot today! Details on all the candidates are in this
month’s Mensa Bulletin. If you’d like my opinion on any of the other
national candidates, please contact me personally at
RVC7@us.mensa.org. Once again, here’s the info sent to me by our
two candidates for RVC-7:
Plains and Peaks Mensa Officers
GREG KONTZ is highly qualified with experience locally (as Area Coordinator, he increased membership in his area of North Dakota with
testing at the best per capita ratio nationally), regionally (learned the
ropes as my Assistant RVC), nationally (presented leadership workshops at the Annual Gathering); and internationally (one of 3 American Mensans chosen to present leadership workshop at European
Mensan Annual Gathering in Prague). Greg is currently Local Secretary for North Dakota Mensa and has won the prestigious Dr. Salny
Sandy Halby (LocSec/President)
6066 Del Rey Dr., COS 80918
JAKE WINSHIP is an up-and-coming member, finishing his term as
Local Secretary for Mid-America Mensa one of our region’s largest
groups. He is an actuary with a concentration in health benefit systems. He’s worked in the insurance industry in Virginia, Connecticut
and Dallas-Fort Worth before returning to Kansas City and has been a
fast pitch softball umpire, a sports editor and a collegiate wrestler.
He’s taught religious education in Texas and Kansas and also has coserved as a gifted youth coordinator for Mid-America Mensa.
Connor Baker (Treasurer)
259 County Road 31
Florissant, CO 80816
(719) 646-2660
June 14-16 faRGo – our Regional Gathering in Fargo ND!
July 2 Colloquium in Ft. Worth “Between Science Fiction and Science”
$69 includes lunch
July 3-7 Culture in Cow Town Annual Gathering ag2013.us.mensa.org
Registration $140; Sheraton Hotel is $99 per night +fees.
Looking for new Editor(s) for this newsletter and program currently
being run by Jim & Kerin Bunstock. For more information:
jim@bunstock@gmail.com or kerin.bunstock@gmail.com
Click http://www.facebook.com/groups/HeartlandMensaRegion7 or
log onto your Facebook page, search for “Mensa Region 7” and share
ideas, events, etc. or We have over 180 very interesting members
with new members joining us every week!
Jennifer Browning (2nd Vice Pres. for Membership)
2034 Devon St, COS 80909
Sean McCormick (Gifted Children’s Coordinator)
4220 Ruby Dr.
Colorado Springs, CO 80918-5058
(719) 651-6706
Betsy Ogan (PlainsPeaking Editor)
1061 Hummingbird Ct, COS 80921
Windy Haddad (Webmaster)
1465 Stella Dr. COS 80921
Al Ackerson (Past President)
5102 Galley Road, #430AW, COS 80915
Page 3
Volume 30, Issue 3
Plains & Peaks Patter
Welcome & Farewell
This is the winning team from the Colorado Trivia Contest at the
March Give In To Beer Pressure. That’s Sean, RC, Vera and Loree!
Team Cork recovered from a poor start to best Team Limerick and
Team Tipperary.
David Castell, who moved here from Rhode Island. Hello, David!
Jane Cosper, who is from Virginia. Welcome, Jane!
Eric Burton, who is from Monument, but preferencing into our group.
Good to see you!
Javan Ridge, a new Mensan. Welcome to Mensa and the Plains &
Peaks Mensa group.
Emily Astor, Gary Frenzel, and Jonathan Grosstein, all rejoining our
group. Hello, again to all of you!
Membership Anniversaries
If you have an announcement or news item, please forward it to
PlainsPeaking Editor Betsy Ogan (bogan54@aol.com) for inclusion in
PlainsPeaking! And, don’t forget, you can advertise your business in
PlainsPeaking. The current rates are: business card size $6, quarter
page $10, half page $25 and full page $50.
Jan Caffey
Art Cartwright
Merete Conley
Alfred Affleck Conner
Jeffrey D Cowley
Nancy L Freeman
Ronald E Hall
Alvin Lee King IV
William J Kubida Esq
Rick A Laurenzi
Montgomery A Lee
Mark Maynard
Marykatherine Moran
Jarvis D Ryals MD
David Rudd
Mark Kevin Sarlo PE
Stephen Jerome Sicinski
Deborah Rohrmann Smith
Freda A Thompson
Join Plains & Peaks Mensa on Facebook! See photos of recent activities and meetings and get to know some of your fellow Mensans via
this popular social site! It’s a “closed” group so you have to ask to
join. Search FB for “Plains & Peaks Mensa.”
Buzztime® Trivia Winners! At Tuesday Trivia in February, Al Ackerson
was 93rd nation-wide, George Cooper was 95th and our location at TGI
Friday’s, which was represented by Mensans Sandy and Mike Halby,
Al Ackerson, Chris and George Cooper, took 60th nation-wide! Way to
go, Trivia players!!
Blogs and Websites: If you have a blog or website that you think
might interest other Mensans, send the link to Betsy at bogan54@aol.com so she can put it here.
E-mail and Electronic Newsletter: If you’re receiving this via “snail
mail,” consider changing your preferences to electronic newsletter
and correspondence. It’s easy! Either go to the American Mensa
web-site or contact American Mensa to change your preferences!
Get Published! If you’d like to contribute to the PlainsPeaking newsletter, submit your article, poem, photo, puzzle, photo, whatever to
Betsy at bogan54@aol.com .
Words with Friends and Scrabble® Players: If you need more games
to get your Words with Friends or Scrabble® fix, look Sandy up on
Facebook (Sandra Lynn Halby) and start a game with her!
Harry Leonard
William G Ebersohl
Taylor S Lynch
Jessica Senia
Julie Armstrong
Eric Burton
Lisa Bartilotta
Vera A Cartwright
David Nordstrom
Steven E Boggs
Diana M Bayette
William Kirkley
April 10
April 18
April 20
April 20
April 21
April 21
April 22
April 22
April 23
April 28
April 29
April 29
NOTE: If your birthday isn’t here, it’s probably because that information is marked “non-releasable” on our rosters. To check your
personal information release status, please contact American Mensa
(1-800-66-MENSA) or visit www.us.mensa.org and under Member
Resources, select the PDQ section.
Page 4
Tanzanian Safari
by Betsy Ogan
My husband, Andrew, and I
recently returned from an
eight-day National Geographic safari to the Ngorongoro
Conservation Area, including
the Ngorongoro Crater and
Lake Manyara, and the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania.
Picnicking near a hippo pond
Everything about this trip was top notch. The two experts who traveled
with us the entire trip, Dr. Amy Dickman, an Oxford Fellow who heads
the Ruaha Carnivore Project http://RuahaCarnivoreProject.com/ and Jo
Anderson, an ex-pat Brit who has transitioned from leading Kilimanjaro
expeditions to managing National Geographic safaris were knowledgeable and personable. Amy led three lectures on carnivores; one taught
us how to tell a lion’s age by the color of it’s nose. (Yes, I know. Who
wants to get close enough to a lion to see it’s nose color!)
We also were joined for two days by Louise Leakey, granddaughter of
Mary and Louis Leakey who discovered the first fossilized Proconsul
skull, an extinct ape now believed to be ancestral to humans. Louise not only gave us a
presentation of her grandparent’s work but also gave us
personal insights into her own
upbringing which involved digging side-by-side with her
grandmother. Louise now does
similar work at Turkana Basin,
next day, she came with us to
the exact site in Olduvai Gorge
Louise Leakey at Olduvai
where the historic fossil was
We had three Toyota
Land Rovers with pop-up
roofs driven by very
competent men who
also were experts at
spotting and identifying
wildlife. We had chosen
this particular tour because of the wildebeest
migration and the end of
the rainy season. This
gave us a wonderful
chance to see hundreds
Up close and personal to a lion
of thousands of animals
along with their babies in a lush green environment. My vision of Africa was dry, brown, and stifling hot. It was hot but not oppressive. And
all the foliage was in full bloom. It was quite beautiful.
I added 46 new birds to my life list
including tawny and long-crested
eagles, bateleurs, helmeted guineafowls, this superb starling and a
secretary bird.
Copyright Bogan Photography
One afternoon was spent at a Masai Boma (village). Our expert there
was the Chief’s son. He explained their diet, some of their special occasions, and their way of life. We tasted goat roasted over a fire which
is very delicious. Goat is cooked for special occasions only. Their main
diet is cow’s milk fortified with cow’s blood; they eat no fruits or vegetables and rarely meat.
Copyright Bogan Photography
Kitchen and living area of Masai hut
Copyright Bogan Photography
We even had the opportunity to
watch a brand new baby wildebeest
learn to stand up, walk, and then run
along side it’s mother back to the herd.
Lodges were extremely plush. One sat
on the edge of the Ngorongoro Crater
rim. One was a
coffee plantation.
And one was a
tented camp. This
was our bedroom.
BUT, we were
right in the middle
of the wildlife and had to have a
dusk to dawn armed escort: a
Masai Warrior with spear!
Volume 30, Issue 3
Page 5
We saw 32 different animals including the elusive black rhino,
hippos with babies,
Copyright Bogan Photography
Copyright Bogan Photography
the Masai giraffe,
Copyright Bogan Photography
Copyright Bogan Photography
Cheetah cubs,
Copyright Bogan Photography
and some of the 1.5 million migrating wildebeests.
Copyright Bogan Photography
Copyright Bogan Photography
Page 6
April Events
Friday, April 5th, 5pm: Give Into Beer Pressure! Join us for the April
“Give In To Beer Pressure,” at Great Storm Brewery, 204 Mount View
Land #3 (just south of the intersection of Nevada Ave and Garden of
the Gods). Their web-site is: www.greatstormbrewing.com. We’ll
hoist a few, commiserate about our tough week at work and generally
have a good time! (Note – we’ll be visiting different
establishments each month for this event – so if
you’ve heard of a good brew-pub or happy hour bar in
the local area, please let Vera know. Vera can be
reached at 864-430-0126 or veraann22@yahoo.com.)
Saturday, April 6 , 9am: ExComm Meeting and Breakfast! Let’s meet
at the R&R Coffee in Black Forest at their new location, 11424 Black
Forest Road (right across the road from their old location). They have
an excellent breakfast menu, along with fresh-brewed coffee!! We’ll
talk a little business and all eat hearty breakfasts to get ready for the
weekend! All Mensa members and guests are invited to this event.
Thursday, April 11th, 8pm: RSVP for Games Night! Please RSVP for
Games Night by calling 719-418-6073 or emailing Chris at Shedonist@cooperplace.net.
Saturday, April 13th, 9:45am: Main
Monthly Meeting: National Museum
of WWII Aviation. Let’s visit one of
Colorado Springs’ newest museums
at 755 Aviation Way and take their
docent-guided tour. The National
Museum of WWII Aviation is ideally
stage here, as Colorado Springs has a
unique history of military support
and especially deep aviation roots.
The museum states its mission is: “To
provide unique education experiences that promote a deeper understanding of the historical importance
of American aviation in World War II
and its role in shaping the world we
live in today.” Sounds like our kind of
place! The tour starts at 10am, so please plan to get to the museum a
few minutes early. Also, you can pre-register and pay on-line at:
www.worldwariiaviation.org. The cost of this museum tour is: Adults
$10 ($8 prepaid); Seniors, retired/active duty $8 (6 prepaid).
Saturday, April 13th, 7:00 PM: Games Night! Chris and George Cooper
are hosting Games Night at their home, 1105 Bowstring Road, Monument. The Coopers have lots of games but, if you have a favorite,
please bring it. For those
who'd like to socialize but not
play games, a big-screen TV
and DVDs are available. Snacks
will be provided. Please bring
the beverage of your choice.
Please RSVP no later than
March 21st by calling 719-4186073 or emailing Chris at
Tuesday, April 16th, 7:30pm: Trivial
Pursuits! We’re playing Showdown, a 6
-stage trivia contest featuring a wide
variety of topics at TGIF’s, 7061 Commerce Center Drive (I-25 and
Woodman). Plus we’re drinking some adult beverages (if you want to)
and noshing on some pretty good food. The game starts at 8, but if
you want a game player you probably should get there earlier!
Friday, April 19th, 5pm: Mid-Month Happy Hour. Join us at the Adam's
Apple for a few convivial drinks. Last month we had 12 folks show up
to lift a glass with their Mensa friends. Adam's Apple, a Mensa-owned
establishment, is at 3302 Austin Bluffs Pky.
Sunday, April 21st, 4pm: Jack Quinn’s Irish Sessiun. Let’s meet up at
Jack Quinn’s and enjoy the traditional Irish music featured during their
Sunday Sessiun (Irish Jam Session) before heading around the corner
to Kimball’s for the movie. Jack Quinn’s is at 21 South Tejon.
Sunday, April 21st, 4:45 pm: Kimball’s Peak Three Movie! Join some of
your fellow Mensans at Kimball’s, which is a
downtown (Pikes Peak and Tejon) first run movie
theater showing “the very best of current independent and foreign films.” The plan is to meet
at 4:30, have a drink in Kimball’s full service bar,
select a movie to attend together, and then afterwards, have another drink and/or dinner and
discuss the movie. We’ll be taking a chance on
what Kimball’s is showing on this date - but you never know! Could be
the best movie you’ve ever seen!!
Thursday, April 25th, 8pm: RSVP for USS! Let Al know to save a place
for you at USS on Saturday. Contact Al at alackerson@msn.com or
phone 465-3747.
Saturday, April 27th, 6pm: Ultimate Saturday Supper! There are places where I wouldn't eat on a bet, but there are also places where you
can bet AND eat! This month we're off to the Post Time Off-Track
Betting Parlor at 3570 N. Academy Blvd (beside Wade's Pancake
House) where we can lay wagers on horse and dog races from around
the country AND order sandwiches from A Taste of Philly just a few
doors down. So, sharpen up your handicapping skills, whet your appetite for a great Philly cheese steak sandwich, and take a gamble!
Advance Notice: Friday, May 3rd, 5pm: Give Into Beer Pressure! Join
us for the May “Give Into Beer Pressure,” at someplace here in town!
As this calendar went to press, the location was still TBA! Watch your
e-mail for a location announcement. We’ll hoist a few, commiserate
about our tough week at work and generally have a good time! (Note
– we’ll be visiting different establishments each month for this event –
so if you’ve heard of a good brew-pub or happy hour bar in the local
area, please let Vera know. Vera can be reached at 864-430-0126 or
Advance Notice: Tuesday, May 7th, 6:30pm: ExComm Meeting and
Dinner! Let’s meet at the new Amanda’s Fonda at 8050 N. Academy
Blvd for a quick business meeting and then dinner and margaritas! For
a peek at the menu, check out: www.amandasfonda.com. All Mensa
members and guests are invited to this event.
5 PM
Give In To
Beer Pressure @
Great Storm
9 AM
ExComm Meeting
& Breakfast
R&R Coffee
8 PM
RSVP due for
Games Night
9:45 AM
National Museum
of WWII Aviation
7 PM
Games Night @
The Cooper’s
7 :30 PM
Trivial Pursuits
@ TGIF’s
4 PM
Jack Quinn’s
Irish Sessiun
4:45 PM
Kimball’s Peak 3
8 PM
RSVP due for
Ultimate Saturday
5 PM
Happy Hour
Adam’s Apple
6 PM
Post Time
Off Track
Betting Parlor
ARLINGTON, TX 76006-6103
Mensa® is an international organization made up of people who have
scored in the top 2% on standardized IQ tests. Mensa is non-profit and
has no political or religious affiliations. The purpose of Mensa is to serve
as a means of communication for its members and to foster intelligence.
PlainsPeaking is the official publication of Plains & Peaks Mensa (#808).
Mensa itself has no opinions; any opinions expressed in PlainsPeaking, if
not otherwise designated, are those of the individual contributor or of the
editor. The appearance of any paid advertisement, should such an unlikely
event occur, in PlainsPeaking does NOT imply any endorsement of products, services, or anything else mentioned in said ad by either Plains &
Peaks Mensa, PlainsPeaking, American Mensa, Ltd., or Mensa International.
Mensa® is registered at the U.S. Patent Office as the collective mark of an
international membership organization.
PlainsPeaking is published monthly by Plains and Peaks Mensa Editor, 1061
Hummingbird Ct, Colorado Springs, CO 80921-5696. All material within
is copyright©2010 by Plains & Peaks Mensa, except where otherwise indicated. Masthead photo copyrighted 2009 by Betsy Ogan. Subscriptions are
$6.00 (12 monthly issues) for non-Mensans and for Mensans who are not
members of the P&P local group. Single issues are available on a firstcome, first-served basis at no charge (but please include SASE).
Editorial Policy: We (deliriously) welcome your letters, articles, poems,
artwork, and puzzles. Items submitted to PlainsPeaking should be the
ORIGINAL work of the author, and should be emailed if possible. If
previously published, please include where and when. MS Word , RTF,
and plain text formats are especially encouraged for articles, JPG or GIF
for artwork. Equations should be typeset with MS Equation Editor. Typewritten work signed by the author and submitted by surface mail is also
welcome. Handwritten items may be accepted, but we cannot guarantee
accuracy in publication. The editor’s e-mail address is Bogan54@aol.com.
Please check with the editor about other acceptable media and formats.
Artwork will be reproduced as black and white or grayscale (drawings or
photographs). The Editor reserves the right to refuse to publish submitted
material and to edit as necessary.
Note to Contributors: By contributing material to Plains and Peaks Mensa, you are giving permission for your material to be published in both the
newsletter and the web-based newsletter archives. You MAY withhold
your name, email address, or any other address from the web-based version; simply request this from the Editor. Other Mensa publications may
reprint PlainsPeaking material if the author/artist and PlainsPeaking are
credited and the material is not individually copyrighted. Letters (and
letter-like emails) to the Editor will be considered for publication unless
the author specifically requests otherwise.
Note to Reprinting Editors: a courtesy copy indicating the material reprinted would be greatly appreciated. To: PlainsPeaking Editor, 1061 Hummingbird Ct, Colorado Springs, CO 80921-5696