Country Overview - The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
Country Overview - The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
PARAGUAY : FORMAL PRESENTATION R-PP July 2014, Lima Perú Content 1. Country overview. 2. Early national activities on REDD+ 3. RPP preparation and proposal overview 1. COUNTRY OVERVIEW. Country Overview (1/4) • The Republic of Paraguay (Tetã Paraguái land locked country in central South America. • Área: 406.752 km2 • Population: 6.2M hab 41.2% in rural area. • 17 departmental governments and 225 municipal governments. Country Overview (2/4) • Highly dependent on exports of commodities • Soy and beef aprox. half of GDP • Western “Chaco” region • 60% of the national territory • 3% of the population • 84.3% forest cover. • Eastern region • 40% of the country • 97% of the population • 15.69% forest cover. Country Overview (3/4) • Diverse culture • Mixture of traditional Spanish culture with native Guaraní culture (the dominant ethnic group in the area). • Two official languages: • Spanish and Guaraní – 1992 Constitution • Guarani the first indigenous language achieving the status of official state language in the Americas. Country Overview (4/4) • High deforestation in the Upper Parana Atlantic Forest • Expansion of the agricultural frontier (1960-70) • Intense settlement, logging, and extensive agriculture • As a result, highly degraded remnants, reduced natural resources basis, and loss of biodiversity 2. EARLY NATIONAL ACTIVITIES ON REDD+ 2000 INGEI finished UNREDD sign Institutional arrangements for the implementation National Climate Change Policy presented 2012 – 2014 IPOs Information Process for UNREDD SCN finished 2011 2008 Pilot country request for UN REDD FCPF 2009 - 2010 2. REDD + in Paraguay a building process since 2008 ... (1/2) Early preparation activities: IFN Pilot Phase National Mitigation Startegy National Development Plan With the implementation of the FCPF, the process of preparation of REDD + already started will strengthen and consolidate, facilitating the participation of new players that enable the country build strategies to reduce deforestation and forest degradation. Active participation of stakeholders for joint actions to prepare for REDD + from 2011 through UNREDD since 2011 (2/2) 2012 2012 2013 National Activities 2011 – 2014 2013 2013 2014 3. OVERVIEW OF THE RPP PREPARATION PROCESS The RPP process as a public policy tool for sustainable development (1/23) Is consisten with: • National Development Plan 2014 – 2030 strategic objetives: Combine poverty reduction, social development and environmental sustainability, Combine inclusive economic growth with environmental sustainability, promoting diversity, climate change mitigation. • National Envionrmental Policy • National Forestry Policy • National Climate Change Policy RPP Overview (2/23) Component 1: Organisation and consultation • 1a. National mechanisms for the preparation • 1b. Initial exchange of information and dialogue with key stakeholder groups • 1c. Process of consultation and participation 1a REDD+ coordination platform to ensure all sectors participation (3/23 ) The REDD + process requires all sectors participation and a efficient platform to facilitate the decision-making for the implementation of activities 1b - A complex Collective construction of RPP (4/23) 24.09.13 13.03.14 •National Information Sesion •UNDP FMT •1ª. Preparatory Sesion RPP FCPF 03.04.14 04.04.14 • 2ª y 3ª . Work Sesions for the 1st draft to be presented 07.04.14 25.04.14 09.06.14 1st. Draft presented for TAP evaluation • 4ª. Work session to improve the RPP • Final version presented for evaluation 1C Building national capacities for coordination and multisectoral solutions (5/23) • Builds on lessons learned from PNC UNREDD and to supplement existing activities of preparing the country to participate in the REDD + mechanism. • A participatory approach to public, private, civil society, indigenous peoples, small farmers, women and youth groups through regional and national platforms as spaces for dialogue and exchange of knowledge, is proposed • It will focus on strengthening national capacities and building strategic alliances. 1C An open participation Scheme for REDD+ preparation process (6/23) Private Sector Local Government Youth Women Academia REDD+ Campesinos Goverment NGO IPO 1c Information, Participation and consultation key instruments to ensure an inclusive REDD + process (7/23) 1. 2. 3. 4. Guidelines Federation for SelfDetermination of Indigenous Peoples (FAPI) for the implementation of the Joint National Program on Indigenous Territories (UNREDD). Protocol for a consultation process will apply Consent and Indigenous Peoples of Paraguay. Guidelines on free prior and informed of the overall program will UNREDD and Legal complement to UNREDD Programme Guidelines on Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC). International Law and Jurisprudence confirming the requirement of FPIC. 1C Phases of the Consultation and Participation Plan (8/23) • Phase 1: ensure relevant and PHASE 3: National Consultation Full para el logro del consentimiento Phase 2: Pilot Test and validation of PCP (process of consultation and participation PHASE 1: Dissemination of information, training and design consultation. effective information to a wide range of stakeholders in order that they are informed and have the ability to understand and work on REDD + issues. • Phase 2: Consultation activities will focus on options for REDD + strategy and sectoral activities with stakeholders. • Phase 3: taking into account the experience of the phases 1 and 2 a validated framework will be apply for consultation and participation . Having to apply specific laws and procedures when involving indigenous peoples and communities. Component 2: REDD + strategy preparation (9/23) 2a. Evaluation of the use of land, causing changes in land use, forest law, policy and management. 2b. REDD + strategy options 2c. REDD + Framework for implementation 2.d Social and environmental impacts evaluation (SESA) for the preparation and implementation of REDD + 2a Deforestation and Degradation Drivers (10/23 ) Factores Económicos Factores Políticos e Institucionales Factores Técnicos CAUSAS SUBYACENTES Factores Demográficos Factores Culturales The soybean and livestock sectors are drivers of historical deforestation in the eastern and western region respectively, as well as the consumption of firewood. 2B INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (11/23) REDD+ Strategic Options a way to move forward (12/23) Strategic Options Descriptions Economic analysis Stages of development and simulation to 2030 strategies REDD + by region by source and mitigation measure Financial mechanisms Study on the implementation of a REDD + Fund for resource management mechanisms (forest fund, environmental...) Innovative Private sources of funding / public Analysis of the Legal regulations for carbon certificates / (REDD) Reduction options reforestation program for energy production and its impact on the use of biomass and consequent impact on CO2 emissions afforestation and reforestation reduction program for poverty REDD+ Strategic Options a way to move forward (13/23) Strategic Options Descriptions Institutional strengthening for compliance associated with REDD + Incentive scheme on good farming practices and livestock, Agricultural and livestock certifications and market access sector Factory farming schemes and potential incentives Support to medium and small farming systems including agroforestry PSA/REDD tradable permits market compensation Testing measures Pilot Region West Pilot Region East Proposal of legal frameworks for implementation of selected measures Social and carbon forest certification Land use planning. Legal framework Strengthening environmental governance and forest control deforestation and application of sanctions. Proposal for improvement of management in the national system of protected areas and their buffer zones 2c. REDD+ relevant Actors involment, a key issue for the implemention framework (14/23) • The REDD + strategy is design and will be implemented in the context of the priorities of national development. These priorities are manifested in the context of climate change in key areas likewise : Institutions to address climate change, Role of Environmental particularly forests in the mitigation of the effects of climate change, International commitments on climate change signed by the State and respect for the rights of forest-dependent people. 2C REDD+ implementation framework to comply with the national development priorities (15/23) • The institutions that will be involved initially are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Secretary of Environment (SEAM) as environmental authority and focal point of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and will the process. National Forestry Institute(INFONA) : as authority for the implementation of forest legislation. Planning and Development Secretariat (STP) as a national body in charge of the National Development Plan. Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) as the national body responsible for agricultural policy. Ministry of Finance (MoF): body responsible for the national economy. Paraguayan Indigenous Institute (INDI) politicas publicas para pueblos indigenas. Federation for the Self-Determination of Indigenous Peoples (FAPI) red de asociaciones indigenas con miembros en ambas regiones del país. NGO Association of Paraguay (POJOAJU) brings together organizations of civil society. In the process of developing the strategy others stakeholders: will be involve such as farmers' organizations, Unions of Production, Financial sector and the Private sector organization of women and youth. 2.d SESA (16/23) • During the process the environmental, social and cultural priorities arising will be taking into account by SESA Group that will follow the procedures and mechanisms of intersectoral coordination that are defined in a participatory and inclusive manner. It will articulate with the Grupo Tecnico of the Coordination Structure Tecnichal group REDD+ Operative Unit SESA Group The participatory process of this stage of "due diligence" will consider the analytical work of the actors work for which criteria analysis for the SESA including free consultation, consent, including indigenous communities, peasants women, young and old decisions doubts and concerns and community safeguards for convenience territories and peoples 2d SESA Design and implementation process (17/23) Key Stakeholders Safeguards Design Implementation Work Plan Consultation Proposal Development Validation Work shop SESA Group Constitution Draft the SESA Proposal Studies Options Consultation Carry out relevant studies Formulation ESMF 3. Reference Level (18/23) Up date the national forest definition for REDD+ Develop a less detailed reference level based on historical trend Develop benchmarks for the two regions and departments priority for the country with the greatest potential REDD +. Define in the medium-term baseline that includes adjustments based on new data and trend analysis of deforestation and degradation. Develop a baseline based on spatially explicit data and trends for the relevant geographical areas of the country. National Forest Definition Existing Data and capacities Collect and analyze new data Develop of scenarios Determine NRL 4a. NFMS (19/23) The NFMS of Paraguay aims at establishing a system to address domestic and international monitoring needs and international MRV reporting requirements for REDD+ activities. The NFMS • will also help in the monitoring of information on sustainable management of forests. The portal is its beta version is hosted on the web: where the user can find information related to national: maps of forest cover, forest types, maps and maps of protected areas forest areas under management 4a National Forest Inventory: key information for a strategic tool for the development of public policies (20/23) The methodology designed for the NFI proposal was the result of a series of workshops have been carried out and specific results are obtained as the determination of categories and subcategories for forest stratification map of forest cover and determination the structure of the measurement plots and the parameters to be relieved in the NFI. Currently. Pilot Phase is under implementation phase. 4b Safeguards System Roadmap (21/23) • From preparation to the implementation of PNC UNREDD there have been a series of national actions to build a roadmap for the implementation of a national system of safeguards, these actions result in: The inclusion of the Federation for SelfDetermination of Indigenous Peoples (FAPI) Guidelines for the implementation of the Joint National Program on Indian Territories. An agreement to carry out an analysis of land tenure, including indigenous territories and preparing a proposed plan for the delimitation and demarcation. 4 b. Safeguards System Roadmap.. (22/23) • Inclusion of a plan to design a mechanism for formalizing land rights. • An agreement to perform analysis of social, economic and environmental issues associated with the design and implementation of REDD + projects. • Includes a plan for policy analysis and national laws and international standards including those affecting indigenous peoples, and dealings with land rights. • Proposed mechanism for consultation and consent. 4 b Road map (23/23) 2013 on going Training of officials on the issue of Safeguards. 2011 – on going : Begin a national participatory process to review the laws and the legal framework to compare with international agreements 2013 on going Ensure coherence between national and international rules and laws with the standards of local government (eg organizational charts and departmental standards and district governments): review and adaptation processes. 2013 – on going Re-structuring and strengthening state institutions, especially the INDI 2011 – on going Establish teams and / or sectoral government agency enforcement powers and adequate safeguards (national and sub-national) resources - responsible for implementing safeguards and UN-REDD FAPI along with rules and legal obligations related (national and international) 4. BUDGET AND M&E 5. Budget 1/2 Components Component 1: Componente 2: Componente 3: Componente 4: Componente 6: Sub Components 1a Institucional 1b Dialogue 1c Participation and consultation 2a Evaluation 2b Strategy 2c Execution Framework 2d: SESA 3 Reference Levels 4ª Monitor System 4b Multiple Beneficts 6 Monitoring and evaluation framework TOTAL BY YEAR Cost Estimated (in thousands of US$) Sub TOTAL 2015 2016 2017 2018 280 130 395 50 305 40 245 30 1.225 250 170 125 105 70 470 170 145 120 445 55 345 35 265 380 1.200 75 115 75 35 300 95 130 660 170 120 150 200 160 80 55 40 60 30 20 10 20 325 355 910 410 20 20 20 20 80 Total By Component 1.945 2.205 355 1320 80 2.045 1.900 1.180 780 5.905 5.905 5. Contributors 2/2 Contributors Cost Estimated (in thousands of US$) Total 2015 2016 2017 2018 Government(*) 295 325 225 155 1.000 FCPF 645 1.575 955 625 3.800 UN REDD 565 0 0 0 565 Japan Bilateral Contribution (**) 540 0 0 0 540 2.045 1.900 1.180 780 5.905 Gran TOTAL (*) Government Counterpart in goods and services, human resources, edilicea structure, utilities (water, electricity, telephone, internet). Structures of the regional offices. mobility(**) Counterparty under the Forest Preservation Project: Provision of Equipment and Vehicles for regional offices INFONA A SEAM. 6. M&E monitor progress regarding the implementation of measures and the establishment of results (1/1) • Verify product quality and performance, and its proximity to the compliance standards established or to be established for both participatory and consultative processes. • Institutions and organizations listed in the Technical Group in component. 1a will have a role in monitoring and follow-up actions to be implemented by the Operations Unit and report progress to the Political Committee and also to the appropriate authorities. • Compliance with these standards also ensures consistency of national proposals to the requirements of relevant international processes and initiatives (UNFCCC, IPCC) and the acquisition of any international investment facilitates REDD + programs in Paraguay Abog. Stephanie Petta FCPF National Focal Point Secretaria del Ambiente Paraguay E mail:
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