Stars in Georgia - December 2015 - Mercedes
Stars in Georgia - December 2015 - Mercedes
Stars in Georgia Mercedes-Benz Club of America Peachtree Section Volume 36 Number 6 2015-2016 Upcoming Events Dec 5 – Holiday Luncheon – This year’s luncheon will be held at the Chattahoochee Country Club in Gainesville, GA. Come and enjoy the company of your fellow members and support the Marine Corp “Toys for Tots”. See article in this issue. Jan 16 – My Mercedes and Bimmer Place Tech Event – Attend this technical event to learn more about maintaining your older Mercedes-Benz. See article in this issue. Jan 23 – Peachtree Section Board Meeting – Please contact President Doug Geganto for location if you wish to attend. Feb 13 – Misty Mountain Model Railroad Museum – Bring the family to this hidden gem in Blairsville. See article in this issue. Feb 20 – Perma Finish Technical Event – Learn more about this protective finish for your Mercedes-Benz. See article in this issue. December, 2015 – NEXT EVENT – Holiday Luncheon Saturday, December 5, 2015, 11:30 a.m. I by Ernie and Barbara Smallman III, Event Planners f you received the Stars In Georgia and realize that the deadline for registering for this event has passed, do not panic and open a can of sardines or try to digest that stale beef jerky left in your glove box from the most recent road rally in which you participated. Instead call the event planner Ernie Smallman (cell phone 404-275-1419) as he can add you reservation at the last minute. Why pass up tenderloin steak and Alaskan Salmon and receiving a membership memento that you may have earned plus win a valuable door prize. Please remember to bring an unwrapped toy for the Marine Corp Toys for Tots program. This year’s Holiday Luncheon will be at the Chattahoochee Country Club is located at 3000 Club Drive, Gainesville, GA overlooking scenic Lake Lanier. The club phone number is 770-536-4461. Mar 5 – Gone with Wind Museum – Visit this unique museum in Jonesboro, GA. See article in this issue. Mar 11-13 – Amelia Island – Save the Date. Watch for more details in the next issue. See article in this issue. Mar 21 – Chick-fil-A Behind the Scenes – Every wonder how this organization tics? Wander no more and enjoy some of Truitt Cathy’s car collection. See article in this issue. Apr 16 – Peachtree Section Board Meeting – Please contact President Doug Geganto for location if you wish to attend. July 16 – Peachtree Section Board Meeting – Please contact President Doug Geganto for location if you wish to attend. Oct 1 – Peachtree Section Board Meeting – Please contact President Doug Geganto for location if you wish to attend. MBCA Peachtree Section Sponsored Event View Through The Star by Doug Geganto, Section President A <HDULQ5HÀHFWLRQ s we bring 2015 to a close, I can say with a great deal of pride that this has been a stressful and challenging year considering the resignation and loss of our president Charles Burrage in May. But despite this we have had a fantastic year! Our event planners have done a wonderful job continued on page 2 -2- View Through The Star 2015 continued from page 1 scheduling and organizing a variety of activities throughout 2015 with an increased number of participants at each one. I truly hope that you were able to attend one or more of our activities. But if you haven’t, stay tuned for the upcoming events LQ0DQ\RIRXU¿UVWTXDUWHUHYHQWVDUHKLJKOLJKWHGLQWKLV newsletter so be sure to check out the schedule on the website Our annual Holiday luncheon is scheduled for Saturday December 5th at the fabulous Chattahoochee Country Club in Gainesville, GA. You won’t want to miss this annual event. Registration details are in this newsletter. I’m looking forward WRVHHLQJPDQ\ROGIULHQGVPHHWLQJVRPHQHZRQHVDQG¿UVW timers at the luncheon. Don’t forget to bring an unwrapped toy for the Marine Corps Toys for Tots drive. Looking to 2016 7KHQHZO\HOHFWHGRI¿FHUVDQGERDUGPHPEHUVEHJDQZRUNLQJ on a list of changes and improvements related to the operation of the Peachtree Section. One of the most important is the inclusion of a succession plan to our By-Laws. We discovered after reviewing our current By-Laws that there was no inclusion IRUVXFFHVVLRQLQWKHHYHQWDQRI¿FHULVQRWDEOHWRFRPSOHWH their term. A committee is working on putting these changes together and we’ll have a report to the membership as we ¿QDOL]HWKHP There are several other ideas being considered and, of course, it is my plan to keep everyone updated on the progress we are making. As a side note all of our Board meetings are open for members to attend, observe and offer their input. If you plan to attend a board meeting please give me a “heads up” so we can include you for lunch. The dates for board meetings are published in the Calendar of Events on page one of this newsletter. I have said many times that this is your club and that the board’s charge is to listen to the membership, grow the PHPEHUVKLS RSHUDWH WKH 6HFWLRQ LQ D ¿VFDOO\ UHVSRQVLEOH manner, and plan a variety of activities for the membership. If you have a suggestion or an idea for an event please forward your suggestion to our Vice President, JoAnne Taylor so she can see where she can schedule it on the calendar. If you have another concern please feel free to contact me directly by phone at (404) 754-9955 or by at As we get further into 2016, I am hoping to have an open membership meeting at our annual Member’s Appreciation luncheon in June. We’ll give you an update on the State of the Section and offer the membership an opportunity to interact GLUHFWO\ZLWKWKHRI¿FHUVDQGFRPPLWWHHFKDLUV0RUHGHWDLOV will follow. So as the year comes to a close and the Holidays descend upon us, Karen and I wish to extend to everyone a most joyous holiday season. We look forward to seeing you sometime in 2016. It is my honor to serve the Peachtree Section. Doug Welcome New Peachtree Section Members by Daryl K. Williams, Membership Director Please join me in welcoming the 14 new MBCA Peachtree Section Members! T Garry Bennett Richard Boggs Jan Bremer Philip Browning Diane Cherry Clarence Clark Jerry Edwards Ella Harris Marlene Monreau John Prise John Salman Wayne Schrader Dan Simpson Jonna Wilks o you new members, I look forward to meeting you all at one of the club’s many events. Those events include driving, socializing and technical/restoration themes. Take a look elsewhere in this newsletter to see what is upcoming and join other members for a good time and a chance to make new friends. Jean and I have made many new friends during our years in the club and to me that is the most important EHQH¿W RI PHPEHUVKLS ,Q DGGLWLRQ FKHFN RXW WKHVH DGGHG EHQH¿WVWKDWPDNH\RXUPHPEHUVKLSYDOXDEOH ' A discount of $500, when you buy your next new Mercedes-Benz vehicle after 12 consecutive months of Club membership ' 10-20% off parts and service from many dealers ' 15% off parts from the Mercedes-Benz Classic Center in Irvine, CA. ' Worldwide rental savings from Avis® and Hertz®. ' Visa Platinum Rewards Card (customize the Card with a photo of your car) ' A subscription to our award-winning magazine, The Star® ' )UHHFODVVL¿HGVLQ7KH6WDU® and online ' Free advice from some of the world’s most experienced Mercedes-Benz owners and enthusiasts at ' Unique apparel, accessories, gear and gifts from our expanded Club Store ' Member-only access to unique drives, rallies and special events ' 3OXV«UDIÀHVWULSVWR*HUPDQ\DQGPRUH ' The Peachtree Section’s newsletter, Stars In Georgia will come to you six times per year Please join me in thanking the Peachtree members that our new members credited for their decision to join. z John Parish z Marie Penn z Doug Geganto z Airstream z Mercedes-Benz Dealers IMPORTANT NOTICE: Changes and/or additions may occur between issues, so please check our website at KWWSZZZPEFDSHDFKWUHHRUJ to insure you have the latest information. -3- tor for this enhanced level of awareness with this visit and the support given to the Mercedes-Benz Club of America Peachtree Section. Article by: Germany Greer RBM of Alpharetta – 345 McFarland Parkway Alpharetta GA 30004 Operating Hours: Sales:0RQ)ULDP±SP6DWDP± SP6XQ&ORVHG Service and Parts:0RQ)ULDP±SP6DWDP ±SP6XQ&ORVHG Interview with Scott Petherbridge, Service Director RBM of Alpharetta is the only full service luxury car dealer in Forsyth County. They opened their doors in October of 2007. RBM is family with more than 30 years of experienced service staff to expertly service your Mercedes-Benz. RBM of Alpharetta has owned and operated this award winning dealership receiving the Best of the Best Award by Mercedes-Benz, and the Edmunds .com 5-star Dealer Award in 2014, to name a few. This demonstrates the professional skills and provides a personal experience that is pleasurable and hassle free. Their Sales professionals work one-on-one to provide your needs and desires in a Mercedes-Ben whether you are working within a budget or going all in for the Mercedes-Benz of your dreams. Their award winning Service team consists of over 30 parts DQG 0DVWHU &HUWL¿HG WHFKQLFLDQV SURYLGLQJ \RX WKH KLJKHVW level of customer service. They offer the Mercedes-Benz Price Match. They will meet any written estimate from an authorized Mercedes-Benz dealer using factory parts for your Mercedes-Benz, Smart Car or Sprinter Van. My Mercedes and Bimmer Place Technical Session Saturday, January 16, 2016 10:00 a.m. H by JoAnne Taylor, Event Planner ave an older Mercedes-Benz? This technical session will address the care of your OLDER Mercedes-Benz. My Story I was looking for a different car than the reliable but slightly boring Volvo I had driven for 16 years. Not really sure what I wanted, except that it had to be FUN! Luckily for me, a fellow Club member, Sandy Thomas, also wanted a FUN car…an SL55 AMG. Garage space demanded that he sell his beloved 1991 500 SL, which had been lovingly cared for and was a multi-award winning car. We’ve been friends for years, and ,GHFLGHGWREX\P\¿UVW0HUFHGHV%HQ]ZLWKWKHDVVXUDQFH that I was buying a well-maintained car. And, has it ever been the best decision I ever made! I made lots of new, interesting friends in the Club…and beyond. I can’t tell you how many times someone has approached me about the car, offering their Ford in trade and other funny stories. It’s by far the best accessory I’ve ever bought myself! Like everything else, the car requires care and maintenance. I’ve used the sponsor of our next Tech Session on January 16, My Mercedes and Bimmer Place, to advise me on the VPDUW WKLQJV WR ¿[ DV ZHOO DV WKH WKLQJV WR OLYH ZLWK 7KH\ are in high demand, but they always have time for questions, explanations, and re-addressing any problems that recur (hydraulics, anyone?). My Mercedes and Bimmer Place Technical Session Their Service and Parts Departments offers several commonly used service offerings with or without an appointment. Mercedes-Benz loaner vehicles are available. Main Services of A Service±DRQHDQGDKDOIKRXUVHUYLFHRUD%6HUYLFH±DWZRDQGDKDOIKRXUVHUYLFH Premier Express Service - accepts walk-in customers though the day. If you desire to make an appointment their team of technicians will work on your car together to deliver the quality workmanship your Mercedes-Benz deserves in half the time. Parts - Convenient service and parts department hours and after hours drop off and pick up available. Wheel and Dent Repair /HW¶VQRWIRUJHWWKH0HUFHGHV%HQ]&OXERI$PHULFDEHQH¿W of discounted service and sales incentives. Just present your membership card for service, parts, and accessories. A big thank you goes to Scott Petherbridge, Service Direc- Danny Brewer is a factory trained Mercedes Benz Technician with 19 years experience. He supervises all work performed in the shop and insists on the highest standards of service. Adrienne Patterson worked for several fortune 50 companies in management and marketing positions before starting this venture with Danny. 3OHDVHMRLQXVRQ6DWXUGD\-DQXDU\DWDPIRU an informative session you won’t want to miss. My Mercedes continued on page 5 -4- Need we say more? 678.825.6337 345 McFarland Pkwy Alpharetta,GA 30004 contin -5- PermaFinish Tech Session Saturday, February 20, 2016 My Mercedes and Bimmer Place continued from page 3 and Bimmer Place is located at 4345 Ga Hwy 400, Cumming, GA 30026. Registration will only be $5.00 per person, which includes lunch for all attendees. To register on-line: KWWSPVUHJFRP0\0HUFHGHVDQG%LPPHU or visit the Peach Page to register by mail. Please register by January 9, 2016. Questions? Please contact JoAnne Taylor by phone RUE\ E by Doug Geganto, Event Planner ver wanted to get the "right off the showroom look" RQ \RXU FDU V ¿QLVK RU SURWHFW \RXU QHZ FDU IURP WKH the ravages of weather and everyday driving corrosion? If so, you’ll want to learn about PermaFinish. What is PermaFinish? Misty Mountain Model Railroad Museum Saturday, February 13, 2016 1:30 p.m. O by Doug Geganto, Event Planner n February 13, 2016, you won't want to miss this fabulous museum. Here's an event for the entire family. Bring your children and grandchildren, as I’m sure they’ll love this model railroad display. This will be a nice ride through the mountains to Blairsville. This place is a hidden treasure. The huge model train museum/exhibit started out as three hobbyists' escape. It features a walk-through representation of the surrounding area including Brasstown Bald (Georgia's highest peak), Blairsville, Cleveland, Dahlonega, Gainesville, and parts of Atlanta. The tour includes a brief history of the model train and then a walk-through of the train exhibit. Our tour will begin at 1:30 p.m. so plan your arrival accordingly. The cost for this event is $5.00 per adult and $2.00 per child up to 16. Misty Mountain is located at 16 Misty Mountain Lane (off Town Creek 6FKRRO5G%ODLUVYLOOH*HRUJLD After visiting the museum we’ll enjoy an early dinner at a local Blairsville restaurant. To register on-line at KWWSPVUHJFRP0LVW\0RXQWDLQ or visit the Peach Page to register by mail. Please register by February 11, 2016. Questions? Please call Doug Geganto at (404) 754-9955 or by e-mail at PermaFinish Formula XV9 Chemical ProcessSM is NOT a wax or coating! It is a one-time state-of-the-art chemical SURFHVVXVHGWRSURWHFWDQGHQKDQFH\RXUYHKLFOH V¿QLVKWR "better-than-new!" The process involves professionally applying a proprietary chemical formula to the surface of the paint. This unique formula creates a reaction with the resins in the paint polymers causing it to bond with the paint and become a new type of "super paint" that is 30% harder, yet PRUHÀH[LEOHWKDQEHIRUH7KLVXOWUDVKLQ\QHZVXUIDFHLVORQJ lasting and impermeable, protected from the harmful solvents in acid rain, bird droppings, exhaust gases, etc. and creates a surface that is more resistant to oxidation, scratches and chipping. The experts at PermaFinish will host this tech session to show you how well their product works on a new or older Mercedes-Benz. Our session is scheduled on February 20, 2016 and will beJLQDW$0DWWKHLUKHDGTXDUWHUVORFDWHGDW2DNbrook Parkway - Suite 530 - Norcross, GA 30093. Oakbrook Parkway runs between Jimmy Carter Blvd and Indian Trail URDGRII,+HUH¶VDOLQNWRWKHORFDWLRQ PermaFinish location There will be no charge for the session, but there will be a $5.00 fee per person to offset lunch from Jimmy Johns. Here are the choices for lunch. Please select your lunch when you register. 1. JIMMY JOHN'S #1 PEPE® - Real applewood smoked ham and provolone cheese garnished with lettuce, tomato, and mayo. 2. JIMMY JOHN'S #2 BIG JOHN® - Medium rare choice roast beef, topped with yummy mayo, lettuce, and tomato. continued on page 6 -6- PermaFinish Tech Session continued from page 5 3. JIMMY JOHN'S #3 TOTALLY TUNA® - Fresh housemade tuna, mixed with celery, onions, and our tasty sauce, then topped with cucumber, lettuce, and tomato. 4. JIMMY JOHN'S #4 TURKEY TOM® - Fresh sliced turkey breast, topped with lettuce, tomato and mayo. (The original) 5. JIMMY JOHN'S #5 VITO® - The original Italian sub with genoa salami, provolone, capicola, onion, lettuce, tomato & a real tasty Italian vinaigrette. (Hot peppers by request) 6. JIMMY JOHN'S #6 VEGETARIAN - Layers of provolone cheese separated by real avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato, and mayo. To register on-line at KWWSPVUHJFRP3HUPD)LQLVK or visit the Peach Page to register by mail. Please register by February 13, 2016. Questions? Please call Doug Geganto at (404) 754-9955 or by e-mail at December Gone With Wind Spring Spectacular Saturday, March 5, 2016 10:30 a.m. P by Jean Williams, Event Planner ut March 5, 2016, on your calendar for a look at life in the time of Gone With The Wind. We will meet at DPDWWKHRoad to Tara Museum in Historic Jonesboro. We will enjoy a tour and the gift shop there. Then we will arrive at Stately Oaks, just a short distance from there for a gourmet lunch catered by Gina's Bistro complete with a VWRU\WHOOHUDWDP After lunch we will tour the lovely Stately Oaks Plantation. The Greek Revival home was built LQ DQG LQFOXGHV the original log kitchen used on the property, a well house, a tenant house, the last one room school house used in Clayton county and Judy's Country store. Look for more details and registration information in the next Stars in Georgia. What is PermaFinish? ? PermaFinish is a one ee-time treatment that p protects an automobile’s finish for a J JXDUDQWHHG G six years, y completep ly eliminating the need for waxing! g!! UP TO SIX YEARS! S! RESTORE & PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT AGAINST: T: AFLG RDLQ ŏ SWRQH CKLSV ŏ SFUDWFKHV ŏ TUHH SDS ŏ %LUG 'URSSLQJV ŏ AJLQJ PDLQW ODNEURRN PDUNZD\ ŏ SXLWH ŏ NRUFURVV GA ŏ ŏ ZZZSHUPDILQLVKRUJ -7- RBM of Atlanta - Sandy Springs φ New State-of-the-Art Showroom and φ Complete Service Menu Service Facilities φ Competitive Prices φ Same convenient location in φ Factory Parts Sandy Springs φ Factory Trained and Certified φ Great Selection of New and Technicians Pre-owned vehicles φ Home to over 735 years of Classic Car φ Convenient service options, including experience, waiting to help you Express Service and Star Mobile Introducing the All-New 2015 Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG & Brand-New 2016 GT AMG® Introducing the All-New 2015 Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG® Introducing the Brand New 2016 Mercedes-Benz GT AMG® Coming soon, Spring 2015. Pre-production model shown with optional and non-US equipment. Coming soon, Spring 2015. Pre-production model shown with optional and non-US equipment. Take 15% off your next repair or parts and accessories purchase at RBM of Atlanta - Sandy Springs Excludes specials, tires, and certain menu items. Offer good thru 12/31/2015 on one service visit per member. Discount available to Club Members only & you must show Club ID at time of use. 7640 Roswell Road, Atlanta, GA 30350 | 770-390-0700 | &KLFN¿O$® Backstage Tour Monday, March 21, 2016 1:00 p.m. by Doug Geganto, Event Planner H DYH \RX HYHU ZRQGHUHG DERXW KRZ &KLFN¿O$® has been so successful in the fast food market or wanted to learn more about its iconic founder, Truitt Cathy? This twohour back stage tour will answer most of your questions. The &KLFN¿O$®+RPH2I¿FH%DFNVWDJH7RXULVDZDONLQJJXLGHG cultural tour. The central focus is S. Truett Cathy, Founder of &KLFN¿O$®. Throughout the tour, you will get to experience RXUPRVWYDOXHGFRPSDQ\DVVHWVRXUKRVSLWDEOHSHRSOHGHOLcious food, the infectious "Eat Mor Chikin®" Cows, and our unique story. begin promptly at their scheduled start time. Please plan to arrive 15 minutes prior to your tour time to allow for checkLQ DW WKH &KLFN¿O$® security entrance. Please be advised that they are unable to provide early admittance or waiting accommodations more than 15 minutes prior to the tour. If you arrive after the start of your tour time, you will need to UHVFKHGXOHDV&KLFN¿O$® will not allow you in to catch up to the group. :KHW\RXUDSSHWLWHDERXWZK\&KLFN¿O$® continues to lead in the fast food industry with a tasting of this cultural tour! /HDUQ WKH KLVWRU\ RI WKH &KLFN¿O$® founder, Truett Cathy, and the core values of the company with a visit to the History Museum. We’ll also view selected cars from the private colOHFWLRQRI¿QHDXWRPRELOHVDVVHPEOHGE\7UXLWW&DWK\ The complete tour is only scheduled on Mondays but it proYLGHVDQLQGHSWKUHYLHZRI&KLFN¿O$®‘s history and a view of their innovations in the “Hatch Center” we may even meet some of the “Cows”. We are tentatively scheduling the tour IRU0RQGD\0DUFKEHJLQQLQJDW307RXUWLPHV 7KH &KLFN¿O$® +RPH 2I¿FH LV ORFDWHG DW %XI¿QJWRQ Road, Atlanta, GA 30349:KHQ\RXFKHFNLQDWWKH&KLFN¿O A® security entrance, you will receive a pass for your car and further directions on parking and entering the tour entrance. continued on page 9 -9- &KLFN¿O$® continued from page 8 Cost for the tour is $20.00 per person, but the club will subsidize $10.00 per person so you will only need to pay $10.00 per person. After the tour we’ll head over to the original Dwarf House on 461 N Central Ave Hapeville, GA 30354 for lunch. There is a limit of 20 persons for the tour, so register early as once we reach full capacity registration will be closed. To register on-line at KWWSPVUHJFRP&KLFN¿O$7RXU or visit the Peach Page to register by mail. Please register by March 13, 2016. Questions? Please call Doug Geganto at (404) 754-9955 or by e-mail at Defensive Driving H by Geri Whaley-Ewers, Event Planner eartfelt thanks from the MBCA-Peachtree Section to Mary Alice and Frank Cozza for holding a great Defensive Driving class at Bud’s Benz, on September 12th, 2015 and to Jim Roberts and Mason Beale, as well, who traveled from Alabama to help Mary Alice and Frank with their valuable expertise. All of the participants learned a lot from the instructors and had fun practicing the various techniques acquired during the day. 7KHIROORZLQJ&OXEPHPEHUVDWWHQGHGWKHHYHQW'DU\ODQG Jean Williams, Ernie and Barbara Smallman, Oliver Ewers © Germany Greer and Geri Whaley-Ewers, Germany Greer, Diana and Jim Quinn, Rohn Dubler, Eric Jacobs and Mary Shanahan, David Fischer, James Robert, and Mason Beale. Your participation and your enthusiasm were highly appreciated. To Germany Greer, a lot of thanks for taking pictures of the members in action!!! continued on page 10 -10- Defensive Driving continued from page 9 Also, sincere thanks to David Latham, owner of Bud’s Benz, for providing the ideal facility for the course and to Sandy Latham, Dana, Jerry, Chris, Kim and Judy for their hospitality and support throughout the day. Last, but not least, many thanks to Phil Howard, President of Howard Wrecker Service in Mableton, for supplying the cones for the course. © Germany Greer © Germany Greer ZZZP\PHUFHGHVSODFHFRP Stars in Georgia is the official Newsletter of the Peachtree Section, Mercedes-Benz Club of America. Publication months are February, April, June, August, October, and December. Publication deadline for material VXEPLVVLRQLVWKH¿UVWGD\RIWKHPRQWK preceding the month of publication. All material for publication should be sent to Diana Quinn, Editor, 442 Chowning Place, NW, Marietta, GA 30064-1404, phone 4345 GA Hwy. 400 Cumming, GA. 30028 -11- 2015 Concours d’ Elegance W by Teri and Craig Bierman, Event Planners hat a wonderful day, plenty of sunshine, lots of friends and...beautiful Mercedes-Benz automobiles on display for all to enjoy. This year our annual “Peachtree Section” classic was held at the Georgia Racing Hall of Fame in Dawsonville Georgia on Saturday September 19th. The venue was well received by our club; it had plenty of display area for our cars, ample shade, refreshments and the hospitality of the GRHOF organization. The catered luncheon was enjoyed inside the atrium of the Hall of Fame with plenty of seating, delicious food, fellowship and air conditioning. Thank you to all who showed their vehicles, those who volunteered their time to set-up and work the event and certainly “thanks” to all those new members who came out and joined us. We look forward to another great success in the Fall of 2016 and our planning has already begun. CONCOURS 2015 WINNER Car Owner Year Model CONCOURS CLASS BEST OF SHOW PEOPLE'S CHOICE 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Wise Hodnett )HUJXVRQ Brown Hodnett Avery Robert 0D[ Darwin Robert 1979 1955 1977 1955 450SEL 190SL 6/ 300D 190sl 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Hodgman Williams 5LPHU Jonathan Jean $GDP 1993 1994 500E E320 Cabriolet &( 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place *HJDQWR %LHUPDQ (LVHQKDUGW 'RXJODV 7HUL %LOO 6/ 6/ 6/ 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Quinn Bennett -RKQVRQ Diana Gary %RE 2007 2003 CLS550 SL500 6/ 1st Place 2nd Place Taylor Petiot Ken JP 1991 2006 560SL S65 W124 SHOW CLASS STREET EARLY MODERN STREET LATE MODERN ORDINAIRE © Germany Greer Feature W124 Class © Germany Greer Jean and Daryl Williams with Concours Chair Teri Beirman photos continued on page 12 © Germany Greer Concours Class -12- Concours 2015 continued from page 11 © Germany Greer T EURO Auto Festival Greenville, South Carolina October 16-17, 2015 he EURO Auto Festival celebrated its 20th anniversary this year. It is a place for car enthusiasts to gather at the largest European-only automotive festival in the country. Some of Peachtree members enjoying the day and even some of Peachtree Section members won awards. Bill Faison won ¿UVWSODFHLQKLVFODVVDQG=DFKDU\-RKQVRQVHFRQGSODFHLQ the modern category with his 2002 CLK55 AMG Cabrio. JP and Nina Petiot with daughters Eva and Patty © Germany Greer © Germany Greer Zachary Johnson's 2002 CLK55 AMG Cabrio Georgia Racing Hall of Fame photos continued on page 13 ASK YOUR CAR CARE PROFESSIONAL ABOUT ON YOUR NEXT OIL CHANGE PERFORMANCE ENGINE OILS -13- EURO Fest continued from page 12 Peachtree Section, MBCA 2I¿FHUVDQG%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUV and Leadership Support Members Stars in Georgia is the newsletter of the Peachtree Section, Mercedes-Benz Club of America, Inc. Peachtree Section Newsletter Editor/Webmaster: Diana Quinn, e-mail President: Doug Geganto, e-mail Vice-President: JoAnne Taylor, e-mail Secretary: Ernest Smallman, III, e-mail Treasurer: Dan Marlowe, e-mail Directors: Germany Greer Advertising Director: Roger McKissick (Past President), e-mail Membership Director: Daryl Williams, e-mail GZLOOL#DROFRP Harold Wilson (Past President), e-mail Dick Browne, e-mail Steve Chapman, e-mail Germany Greer, e-mail Bruce Gorsak, email © Germany Greer Mark and Shiela Richey TERMS OF PARTICIPATION This agreement pertains to driving events of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America, Inc (MBCA) in which I desire to participate, whether as a driver, SDVVHQJHURI¿FLDOYROXQWHHURUWRDWWHQGDVDVSHFWDWRURUYLVLWRU,QFRQVLGHUDWLRQIRUSHUPLWWLQJPHWRSDUWLFLSDWHLQRUREVHUYHGULYLQJHYHQWVZKLFK may consist of time trials, autocross, acceleration runs, defensive driving, road rally and/or tours or to attend the event as a spectator or visitor, I NQRZLQJO\DQGYROXQWDULO\DJUHHDVIROORZV ,&(57,)<81'(567$1'$1'$*5((WKDWLI,DPGULYLQJDSDVVHQJHURURWKHUZLVHSDUWLFLSDWLQJLQWKHHYHQWV a. The vehicle I am driving or in which I am a passenger in the events is insured with at least $100,000.00 per person bodily injury and property damage insurance that will be in effect for the entire duration of the events b. Any participant violating the competition and event rules may be expelled from the event and forfeit all competition privileges. 2. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE that excessive consumption of alcohol or possession or consumption of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited. 3. I HEREBY GRANT TO MBCA and the event organizer the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use and publish photographs and video images RIPHRULQZKLFK,PD\DSSHDUIRUHGLWRULDOWUDGHDGYHUWLVLQJDQGDQ\RWKHUERQD¿GHSXUSRVHVLQDQ\PDQQHUDQGPHGLXP,KHUHE\UHOHDVH MBCA, the event organizer, the photographer and videographer from all claims and liability relating thereto. 4. MBCA cannot be held liable for cancellation, delays or other lack of performance with respect to the event under any “force majeure” circumstances (including, but not limited to, wars, riots, insurrection, terrorism, acts of god, strikes or labor stoppages). 5. I authorize and consent to treatment, hospitalization and other care rendered to me in the event of my illness, injury or other emergent circumstances that may occur while participating in the event and assume full responsibility to pay for all costs and expenses for any such treatment, hospitalization and care (therefore agreeing to hold harmless and indemnify MBCA and the event organizers therefore). HAVING READ THIS TERMS OF PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT, I HEREBY BIND MYSELF AND PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES, HEIRS AND NEXT OF KIN BY THIS AGREEMENT. -14- 2015 Peachtree, Carolinas, Central Georgia Fall Tour I Hilton Head Island Concours d’Elegance and Car Club Jamboree October 31- November 1 by Jim Mitchell and Richard King, Event Planners t was a near perfect weekend for fall leaf watching fans, pleasant temperatures, spectacular tree colors and a delightful setting at the Gazebo of Richard and Donna King. 35 MBCA members enjoyed some twisty roads and special highlights on the tour route including a stopover at Whitewater Falls in Transylvania County, North Carolina. This county is home to over 270 named waterfalls and Whitewater is the KLJKHVWDQ\ZKHUHHDVWRIWKH5RFN\0RXQWDLQV,WWRWDOV feet in the upper plus lower sections. Another very interesting stop along our 90-mile drive was The Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute near Rosman, NC. It has a long history dating back to the 1960s when it was built as a tracking station for U.S. manned and unmanned space vehicles and during the Cold War served the U.S. as a means to spy on what Russia was putting into space. Among the space viewing instruments on the property are several large radio telescopes that "hear" into the far reaches of space as well as optical telescopes that can be available to the public on the second Friday of each month. We were allowed an informal guided tour of the main visitors building which included a meteorite gallery that had both Moon and Mars rocks on display among lots of other interesting NASA memorabilia. It is located on Neil Armstrong Road. 7KH¿QDOVWRSRYHUZDVDW*RUJHV6WDWH3DUN6DSSKLUH1& It is in an area considered a temperate rain forest due to a yearly average of over 90 inches of rain (and a record 113 inches in 2012) and features several waterfalls as well as panoramic views of Lake Jocassee. This 7,500-acre park is home to over 125 rare plant species, many of which are normally only found in tropical climates. H by Daryl K Williams, Event Planner ilton Head Island is a beautiful place to visit any time of year, so when we have the chance to combine a trip to this wonderful destination with one of the top car shows in the country it is truly a great time. This was the third year that this event was held at the Port Royal golf course, which provided a wonderful venue for the cars displayed. The Hilton Head Chamber of Commerce could not have planned better weather for the two days of the car shows. Saturday night 22 people from the Peachtree Section of MBCA met at the Old Oyster Factory for dinner. Our semiprivate area gave us a wonderful view of the marsh with some VSHFLDO HQWHUWDLQPHQW SURYLGHG E\ WKH SRRU ¿VKHUPDQ ZKR backed his truck and trailer off the side of the boat ramp. We were pleased to have Mike Marsh with us from the Mississippi 6HFWLRQWKHQLJKWEHIRUHKLVDZDUGZLQQLQJ6(ZDVRQ WKHVKRZ¿HOG 2Q 6XQGD\ WKH VKRZ ¿HOG RI RYHU FDUV RQ WKH IDLUZD\ was spectacular. A number of the car owners dressed in period clothing adding an interesting fashion show to the excellent car show. The people’s choice was a 1939 Mercedes-Benz 540K Special Roadster and the Best in Show was a 1933 Chrysler Custom Imperial Phaeton. Why not mark November 5 & November 6, 2016 on your calendar and join us for the next Hilton Head Concours d’Elegance? 1939 Mercedes-Benz 540K There aren't many better ways to spend a weekend than in the Carolina Mountains with a group of special people who drive beautiful cars! Tour Master, Jim Mitchell 1933 Chrysler Imperial Phaeton -15- THE PEACH PAGE MY MERCEDES AND BIMMER PLACE TECHNICAL SESSION - SATURDAY, JAN. 16, 2016 - 10:00 A.M. 4345 Ga Hwy 400, Cumming, GA 30026 1DPHVRI0HPEHUV$WWHQGLQJ __________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Guests(s) Attending ___________________________________________________________________________ $GGUHVV _____________________________________________________________________________________________ &LW\6WDWH=LS ________________________________________ &KHFNLIWKLVLV\RXU¿UVW3HDFKWUHH6HFWLRQHYHQW ______ 3KRQH __________________________ (PDLO _____________________________________0HPEHUVKLS ___________ Total: $5.00 per attendee: #___________________ x $5.00 = $________________ Please Respond by: January 9, 2016. Please make checks payable to Peachtree Section, MBCA. Mail with Peach Page registration IRUPWRJoAnne Taylor 0LQHUV5XQ'DKORQHJD*$ MISTY MOUNTAIN MODEL RAILROAD MUSEUM - SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2016, 1:30 P.M. 16 Misty Mountain Lane, Blairsville, Georgia 30512 1DPHVRI0HPEHUV$WWHQGLQJ __________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Guests(s) Attending ___________________________________________________________________________ $GGUHVV _____________________________________________________________________________________________ &LW\6WDWH=LS ________________________________________ &KHFNLIWKLVLV\RXU¿UVW3HDFKWUHH6HFWLRQHYHQW ______ 3KRQH __________________________ (PDLO _____________________________________0HPEHUVKLS ___________ Total: $5.00 per Adults #___________________ x $5.00 = $________________ Total: $2.00 per Child #___________________ x $2.00 = $________________ Up to Age 16 $________________ TOTAL Please Respond by: February 11, 2016. Please make checks payable to Peachtree Section, MBCA. Mail with Peach Page UHJLVWUDWLRQIRUPWRDoug Geganto, 3211 Black Gum Ln, Gainesville GA 30504, phone (404) 754-9955, e-mail PERMAFINISH - SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2016, 10:30 A.M. 5555 Oakbrook Parkway - Suite 530 - Norcross, GA 30093 1DPHVRI0HPEHUV$WWHQGLQJ __________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Guests(s) Attending ___________________________________________________________________________ $GGUHVV _____________________________________________________________________________________________ &LW\6WDWH=LS ________________________________________ &KHFNLIWKLVLV\RXU¿UVW3HDFKWUHH6HFWLRQHYHQW ______ 3KRQH __________________________ (PDLO _____________________________________0HPEHUVKLS ___________ Total: $5.00 per attendee #_____________ x $5.00 = $__________________ Sandwich Choices, (Please indicate the number of each) _____ JIMMY JOHN'S #2 BIG JOHN® _____ JIMMY JOHN'S #3 TOTALLY TUNA® _____ JIMMY JOHN'S #1 PETE® TOM® _____ JIMMY JOHN'S #4 TURKEY _____ JIMMY JOHN'S #5 VITO® _____ JIMMY JOHN'S #6 VEGETARIAN Please Respond by: February 13, 2016. Please make checks payable to Peachtree Section, MBCA. Mail with Peach Page UHJLVWUDWLRQIRUPWRDoug Geganto, 3211 Black Gum Ln, Gainesville GA 30504, phone (404) 754-9955, e-mail CHICK-FIL-A BACK STAGE TOUR- MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2016, 1:00 P.M. %XI¿QJWRQ5RDG$WODQWD*$ 1DPHVRI0HPEHUV$WWHQGLQJ __________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Guests(s) Attending ___________________________________________________________________________ $GGUHVV _____________________________________________________________________________________________ &LW\6WDWH=LS ________________________________________ &KHFNLIWKLVLV\RXU¿UVW3HDFKWUHH6HFWLRQHYHQW ______ 3KRQH __________________________ (PDLO _____________________________________0HPEHUVKLS ___________ Total: $10.00 per attendee #_____________ x $10.00 = $__________________ Please Respond by: March 13, 2016. Please make checks payable to Peachtree Section, MBCA. Mail with Peach Page registration IRUPWRDoug Geganto, 3211 Black Gum Ln, Gainesville GA 30504, phone (404) 754-9955, e-mail Registration for MBCA Peachtree Events are subject to “Terms of Participation” (see Terms on Page 13) MBCA - Peachtree Section 442 Chowning PL NW Marietta, GA 30064
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