Newsletter - BAADER Food Processing Machinery
Newsletter - BAADER Food Processing Machinery
PNewsletter o u lt ry FROM LINCO & BAADER - W W W . lincofood . com www . baader . com G row wi t h B A A D E R L I N C O Solution flexibility pays off In a world of growing populations and a higher amount of people with the possibility of purchasing meat, the demand for animal protein will increase greatly in the coming decade. According to various forecasts, poultry will be the preferred animal protein. In BAADER LINCO we see it as one of our main targets to help our customers achieve the best possible profitability and efficiency. With this in mind, focus is on solutions that can be used to grow with the demands in the years to come and to measure and monitor the processes from live bird to packed product. We help you to know the incoming product and minimize the giveaway through the subsequent processes. At BAADER LINCO we know our customer needs to be flexible and therefore we design your solution to fit your reality with shifting flock variations and shifting market demands. I P E Atl anta Read more inside: J an u ar y 2 0 1 2 Case: Holambra is growing with BAADER LINCO in Brazil 2-3 ClassifEYE - Better than the human eye 4-5 Evisceration solution 6 New Eviscerator model 218 7 Cases: Venezuela 8-9 InLine Packing Grader 10-11 FlexPacking System 12-13 Maxiload - Live bird handling system14 Maxiload Down Under 15 Maxiload for turkeys 15 X-ray bone detection 16 Spare Parts 17 First Processing HFS 2010 18-19 20 Best fit for raw input The first step is to know your raw material. In order to find the best fit for the raw input, BAADER LINCO offers various inline weighing, weigh transfer and vision quality classification solution. See for yourselves inside the magazine, how ClassifEYE can help you collect valuable data for production planning4-5 Venezuela Poultry processing in Venezuela is growing and BAADER LINCO is pleased to serve both new and old customers 8-9 Information is power BAADER LINCO Advanced Processing Solution implies production management based on real time information collected automatically or manually on the shop floor. FlexPacking System and InLine Packing Grader are two new solutions to optimize the back-end product flow 10-13 Member of the BAADER GROUP Poultry newsletter www . linco f ood . co m / www . baader . co m Hola m bra is growing wi t h B A A D E R L I N C O in B ra z il Raising production, yield and quality Holambra is currently slaughtering up to 80,000 chickens per day, with a product mix of 25% whole chicken and 75% cutup. The company employs 600 people distributed on the slaughterhouse, the feed mill, the hatchery and the administration. Holambra has also built more than eighty farms in 10 municipalities of São Paulo and service providers which carry rations of live chicken and slaughtered poultry, providing indirect employment to more than 200 people. Today Holambra is a national reference in the production of grains, fruits, flowers and especially in the processing of chicken meat. With revenues exceeding 300 million dollars per year, the company continues to invest in new technologies, new ideas, new equipment and solutions in industrial automation. Based on this philosophy, it is possible to increase production implementing modern processing techniques and to reduce the final production costs, whilst adding value to the final product. The beginning of the partnership Through this story of success and entrepreneurship Holambra has always sought new alternatives for improving processes and new technologies, and in 1992 LINCO Food Systems and Holambra began a great and successful partnership. ‘’That year, LINCO brought one sample of an ACP-6000 cut-up line to a poultry show in Brazil. It was later offered to Venzuela on Guyana Holambra very favorable terms and Suriname we started our friendship Fr. Guiana and partner- ma Columbia or Brazil Peru Bolivia Paraguay Argentina 2 Chile ship” says Mr. Erico Pozzer, Industrial Director of the company. He continues: “after several negotiations, we were convinced that the best thing to do was having the automatic evisceration line and the automatic cut-up machine in our plant. So, in 1993, we set up a committee, composed of directors, managers and advisers to visit the industries and different plants where it was possible to see this equipment running in the Netherlands and Denmark. After evaluating the technology and costs of each one, we concluded that The Holambra case: The Cooperative AgroIndustrial Holambra is located in the city of Holambra, São Paulo State, Brazil and it is part of the old Holambra Agricultural Cooperative, founded in 1960, when the first producers and farmers came from the Netherlands. At that time, the production was based on cultures of rice, corn, soybeans and flowers, but only some time later they began to produce chicken meat and LINCO, by its modernity, robustness and versatility, would be highly recommended”. This was the beginning of LINCO equipment in Brazil. 16 years later - still going strong In 1994, the cut-up and evisceration lines were installed and after almost 16 years of use they are still running with low rates of stops and minimum maintenance costs. Since then, the relationship between LINCO and Holambra has developed and we stand as major partners. Due to this project, LINCO gained a foothold in the Brazilian market as a benchmark company in machinery and started the first slaughterhouse with chicken processing activities in the 70s. The chicken slaughterhouse has been running since the 70s and today Holambra has a vertical production chain with headquarters, farms, hatcheries, farms integrating breeding and slaughtering of chickens, selling its products mainly within the São Paulo State. www . linco f ood . co m / www . baader . co m Poultry newsletter equipment for the poultry processing industry. Many years have passed and today, almost 20 years later, Holambra has decided to start studies to renew their equipment in search of higher yields, processing power and less use of labour as these are definitely the major challenges for all entrepreneurs in the chicken industry. This is due to high costs of labour and huge difficulties in keeping trained staff inside the slaughterhouse. Therefore, Holambra has once again proudly chosen LINCO as its major partner in order to help them meet these challenges. Increasing to 12,000 bph Today, Holambra’s slaughtering and processing capacity is up to 8,000 birds per hour with only one shift. However, with this new project, bold and visionary, in partnership with LINCO, the company plans to increase its capacity to slaughter and process up to 12,000 birds per hour, investing in a completely new automatic evisceration line including: automatic transfer machine, vent cutter, opener machine, cropper, neck breaker, whole birds unloader and specially including our newest Eviscerator model 218 that separates the internal giblet package from the carcass. It is noteworthy that Holambra will be the first company in Brazil to install the Eviscerator model 218. Advanced Processing Solution with increased capacity BAADER LINCO is increasing capacity of the APS without compromising the quality and yield. Holambra in Brazil is the first place in the world to get the updated APS solution. We expect a full release of the updated APS solution in 2012. computerized system to optimize the efficiency and yield of the cuts. Besides, Holambra has also invested in a breast deboning machine, model BA656. This new equipment is aimed at increasing the yield and quality of the final product, since the manual cutting and deboning will be replaced by automatic lines ensuring greater supply capacity (wings, legs and chest) and quality for both domestic and export markets. slaughtering and processing ability, which could reach 100,000 chickens per day in one shift, continuing with the utmost satisfaction with our partnership with LINCO” says Mr. Erico Pozzer. In addition, Holambra has invested in a complete line of automatic cutting, Proflex Compact model, equipped with the latest technology in by-pass devices and ‘’We are convinced that once again we have made the right decision to invest with LINCO and also agree on the choice within our product mix and our Confirming the credibility and mutual respect between LINCO and Holambra, the new investment will definitely contribute to the industry growth and development in Brazil, providing higher quality products and guaranteed customer satisfaction. The Poultry team of Holambra 3 Poultry newsletter www . linco f ood . co m / www . baader . co m A ss u re acc u ra t e and cons t an t q u ali t y m eas u re m en t ClassifEYE - Better than the human eye Better than the human eye The cameras are detecting for following defects: Front camera : - Broken wings - Skinflaws/Barking - Bruises - Feathers - One Leg Hangers Back camera : - Hockburn - Bruises - Feathers - Bile By introducing the 2nd generation of ClassifEYE - vision quality classification system, BAADER LINCO takes advanced production planning to a higher level. Valuable information is collected in-line for downstream use to optimize the following process and for upstream use to correct flaws in the previous processes. Knowing the incoming products is the key to successful production planning. ClassifEYE can be customized to suit any production of standard chickens to give a detailed overview of the quality by controlling up to 4 cameras (front, back, left side and right side). When combining this information with weighing data from an in-line weighing system or a weigh/transfer unit, the overview of the incoming products is complete. Side camera : - Bruises in wing pits Visual quality classification using cameras is better than the human eye. The classification is based on algoritms. Therefore the classification is uniform and the performance of the systems constant. Example from front camera as viewed in Live Statistic Downstream operation The quality information is collected and transferred automatically to a LINCOflex module. The products are then distributed to the subsequent processes where the production manager can choose what to do with the product based on a combination of weight and quality using either a pre-programmed set-up or the set-up can be edited on the fly. Software to follow your production Chicken inspector This is the live view of the cameras. It follows the cameras online with live statistics on the screen. It detects grade A, grade B, empty shackles and defects (user defined grade names) and the view can be individually adjusted. Live Statistics - counting the detections 4 for different types of production; define in details which defects are accepted in which grade. The changes are made in a simple and intuitive user interface. Easy to adjust the grade set-up with a slider Grade set-up Is a grade A always a grade A? In the grade set-up it is possible to make and save programs with a descriptive text Statistics Overview of the daily production, a certain time interval (user defined) or historical data. The statistics can be exported to excel and LINCOflex. www . linco f ood . co m Upstream correction An increase in specific injuries indicates that something is wrong upstream. Through the Live Statistics software incorporated in ClassifEYE this can be detected even with production running. Action can be taken inmediately thereby improving the throughput quality of the production. The view of the Live Statistics can be individually adjusted to focus on the most important details at a specific moment which makes it possible to: -Monitor the amount of grade A, grade B and empty shackles - Count the types of defects - Get an overview of incomming product quality and adjust the grades parameters / www . baader . co m Simple to operate and easy to get started ClassifEYE is a simple effective tool to streamline the production. It is easy to install and provides the production managers with real time information which facilitates production management. Benefits at a glance - Better than the human eye - Know the excact quality of the incoming products for downstream operation - Correct flaws upstream - Small cameras and LED light - Easy to install and operate - Easy to clean – hygienic - Software updates and support online (internet) Historic data is saved and data can be tracked afterwards to create statistics on grades and defects. This means that it is possible to either correct a problem when it occurs even with production running or trace it afterwards. Also, data can be compared. Poultry newsletter Founded in 1932 by the late WP O’Kane, O’Kane Poultry (owend by Moy Park since August 2010) is a family business that strives to offer consumer value for money, whilst maintaining the highest standards of product quality and customer care. The fully integrated group operates a state of the art processing facility, feed mill, laboratory and two hatcheries and employs over 2000 people. The Group encompasses both chicken and turkey production and produces over 500 different product lines, ranging from traditional cooked chickens to more modern ready to eat convenience products, with emphasis on higher welfare, free range and organic chickens. O’Kane Poultry is a major supplier to both the retail and food service sector supplying branded and own-label products to blue-chip companies throughout the UK and Ireland. Step by step installation of ClassifEYE We have followed in the footsteps of the engineers implementing the new 2nd generation of ClassifEYE - vision quality classification at O’Kanes in Northern Ireland. Step two – Pulling cables Pulling the cables to the connection box for the Ethernet; each camera will have its own IP-address at the network. Facility The O’Kane Poultry Plant runs 9,300 birds per hour. The space between the chickens mean that ClassifEYE could be installed on a straight line. If the space between the birds are 8 inch or lower a 2,5 m nosedip is required. At O’Kane we installed the full version with 4 cameras detecting front, back, left side and right side. Step three – Setting up software Setting up a PC – In an office, a computer with the following software is installed: Chicken inspector, Grade set-up and Statistics. Step one – Mounting cameras The cameras are mounted to a beam added to the existing line above the chain. It may be necessary to add a small background. Step four – Getting started Running in – the system has to be loaded with material from the plant and learn to know the grades. It takes about 2 hours to adjust the system to detect the grades and for the user to get familiar with the software. Afterwards, the programs are easily fine-tuned if needed. 5 Poultry newsletter www . linco f ood . co m / www . baader . co m Firs t processing : eviscera t ion High speed evisceration solution Chickens from picking Vent Cut, Opener Evisceration Cropping, Inside/outside wash, final inspection EV chicken for Chilling Giblet harvesting (subprocess) The LINCO Evisceration solution offers a line speed of up to 12,000 birds per hour with a series of automatic processing machines performing precise opening cuts, clean evisceration and washing of the chickens. Our focus is to reduce crosscontamination and to deliver the right quality to the next process. Quality in all phases and carcass care are our guiding principals. Final Inspection/Neck Breaker 6 Cropping Machine www . linco f ood . co m / www . baader . co m Poultry newsletter Firs t processing : eviscera t ion New High Speed Eviscerator N E WS ! N E WS ! N E WS ! High speed evisceration The eviscerated birds are left clean and the liver quality and the lung removal are on a very high level after the giblet packs have been successfully removed by our patented High Speed Eviscerator model 218 - up to 12,000 birds per hour. A specially formed spoon is modelled upon the shape of the bird cavity. In a single action, it picks up the pack for clean, safe and complete removal. Separated from the chicken, the whole pack can continue to inspection and giblet harvesting. Eviscerator spoon Transfer of giblet pack The Eviscerator model 218 makes sure to separate the giblet pack from the chicken and transfer the pack for veterinary inspection. Open design and flexible With the Eviscerator model 218, LINCO takes the well known open design and flexibility to a higher level: - Easy access for cleaning and maintenance - Easy handling of large variations in weight and size in flocks - Easy to adjust to best performance based on bird size between flocks Giblet pack High quality evisceration The Eviscerator model 218 delivers the right quality to the sub-processes by removing the giblet pack in an efficient and safe way without compromising the quality of the chicken. The Eviscerator model 218 offers the following features at a glance: -High liver quality -High lung removal - Very clean bird after evisceration - Intact rib cage - Reduced faecal contamination Giblets after harvesting Transfer of giblet pack to further processing 7 Poultry newsletter www . linco f ood . co m / www . baader . co m Ma t adero D el C a m po is growing wi t h B A A D E R L I N C O New Level of Automation In the city of Cojedes in the Tinaquillo province we find Matadero Del Campo C.A, one of the leading poultry processors in Venezuela. BAADER LINCO is happy to assist Matadero Del Campo C.A with the newest investment which is an upgrade of the entire plant to run 9,000 birds per hour. The installation is made in an existing building and the purpose of the planning is to reduce downtime. The planning is done in close cooperation between Matadero Del Campo C.A and BAADER LINCO and we expect to reduce the downtime to an absolute minimum. After the installation, the plant will be equipped with all new equipment and the latest technology from BAADER LINCO and in addition feature a new 8 level of automation with the ProFlex Premium Cut-Up System. The solution features the following new technologies from BAADER LINCO: -HFS 2010 Stunner - Eviscerator model 218 - Improved water chillers - LINCOFlex Grading System www . linco f ood . co m / www . baader . co m Poultry newsletter N ew P rocessing P lan t f or A li m en t aci ó n B alanceada C . A . Optimized for Further Processing Alimentacion Balanceada C. A. called AliBal is located in the city of Cagua in the state of Aragua. Aragua is the 6th biggest state in Venezuela when it comes to population. The main city is Maracay and close to this, in the valley of Aragua, we find Cagua. The AliBal group is one of the fastest growing companies in the food industry in Venezuela and lately they have chosen BAADER LINCO to supply their new chicken processing plant running 9,000 birds per hour. The design of the plant is made in close cooperation between AliBal and BAADER LINCO with focus on the final products. The major part of the products produced on the new plant is transferred to the new further processing plant recently constructed by AliBal. Therefore the processing plant is optimized to this purpose. The new plant features some of the latest technology from BAADER LINCO and is the first complete APS solution in Venezuela. The plant is equipped with 2 Breast Deboners model 656, thigh and drumstick deboning with machines from our partner Steen FPM and with 6 LINCOFlex High Speed Belt graders where every final product is classified and sorted out. BAADER LINCO is honored by the trust shown by AliBal to be a partner in this project. Mis P olli t os First ProFlex Premium in Venezuela In Los Teques only a short drive from Caracas we find the cut-up and deboning plant of Mis Pollitos equipped with BAADER LINCO equipment and running 6,000 birds per hour. Mis Pollitos is the first customer in Venezuela to purchase the automatic ProFlex Premium Cut-Up. Mis Pollitos is a partner for BAADER LINCO in the developing project of the semi-automatic rehanging to cut-up. We are happy that Mis Pollitos has accepted to team up with us in the developing project which we expect to finalize in the first quarter of 2012. The chilled eviscerated chickens that Mis Pollitos receives from other suppliers are rehung on a ProFlex Premium Cut-Up line which features in-line weighing, by-pass and selective drop off parts. Some of the parts are transferred to deboning and deskinning. The chicken parts end as a mix of deboned parts and undeboned parts which are graded and batched on LINCOFlex Belt Graders with product identification as a feature. 9 Poultry newsletter www . linco f ood . co m / www . baader . co m O p t i m i z e y o u r logis t ics Rethinking poultry grading and packing Poultry processors are constantly facing the changing consumer demands which again means that a poultry processor typically has a big range of products and needs to be flexible at short notice. With this in mind, BAADER LINCO has rethought the traditional grading solutions to be able to support the challenges of the modern poultry processor. Flexibility, throughput and meat quality are all essential factors to take into consideration when designing a modern grading and packing solution. The foundation of every grading system is the weighing input. Our latest generation of dynamic scales is characterized by high performance ensured by our unique Tara 10 principle compensating for sticky parts to the conveyor belt during normal poultry production. The newly developed units such as the dynamic scale and new hygienic conveyors are concepts integrated in our new FlexPacking System and InLine Packing Grader. Both systems are developed in close cooperation with our customers. BAADER LINCO seeks to meet customer demands by using simple techniques to achieve far-sighted, flexible grading and packing solutions which can easily be custom fitted. www . linco f ood . co m / www . baader . co m Poultry newsletter InLine Packing Grader The InLine Packing Grader breaks with the traditional way of packing by centralizing the packing operation and making the introduction of the packing material more efficient by having a single point of infeed for trays. The breaking point is the high utilization of packing operators. The work flow is fluid and equally distributed among operators. Information is power ProLogix provides a complete Production Management Software. It is a modular system that can be expanded and maintained easily by upgrades. - Pace control for high and continuous throughput. Speed is no longer decided by the packing operator but by the system. - Operator comfort by centralizing the packing function directly in front of the operator. - Reduced product and material handling for better hygiene and simplified packing functions. The system controls the activity around the Packing Grader and extracts valuable production information. • Real-time production reports to be acted upon immediately • Visualize line performance directly on shop-floor • Registrer down-time or product deviations • Yield analysis • Packing instructions directly on shop-floor • Identify bottlenecks in production • Real-time monitoring and control of dynamic weighing and packing • Set-up of packing jobs • Service tools for maintenance and troubleshooting. Improving your business results is an ongoing process. You plan, you act to achieve the planned goals, you check and you react on the feedback. ProLogix helps you achieve your goals. 11 Poultry newsletter www . linco f ood . co m O p t i m i z e y o u r logis t ics FlexPacking System 12 / www . baader . co m www . linco f ood . co m / www . baader . co m Poultry newsletter FlexPacking System BAADER LINCO strives to integrate automation and flexibility in this grading solution. Hereby we help our customers meet requirements for small and ever-changing batches for more individual end-products. Ergonomics Each packing station brings the products direct to the operators so the reaching length is reduced and the lifting is minimized. Individual height adjustable packing platforms are an option. Flexibility The grader can handle a wide range of products and offers a smooth product flow: - Packing to both tray and bulk on the same grader - Packing to weight, number or weight/number - Packing mixed products on the same grader e.g. legs, drumsticks, quarters and whole legs Hygiene - Open constructions - Welded connection points – weldings on the outside -Foldable side rails - Easy to change belts - Reducing the manual product handling to a minimum means better hygiene. Food Safety Reducing the manual product handling to a minimum means better hygiene. 13 Pgradually oultr y n efrom ws t t e r www . linco f ood . co m e tunnel increases 5l toe50%, eating a very gentle stunning process. The Make www . baader . co the m / most of t The Maxiload modules rds remain fully stunned until they have passed Mmachine, A X I L Omeaning A D L I that V E they B I are R DnotH A N D L I N G S Y S T E M e killing stable, making them ea xposed to any further handling after being aded into the Maxiload crates at the farms. ensuring ample airflow The design also facilita Animal welfare is good business l dumping from modules is totally avoided. omplete process control ue to a unique conveyor design, the patented AS system can be adjusted to meet the quired rate of birds per hour. High-precision as sensors are placed throughout the tunnel, nding data to a computer, which controls e entire system. All stunning parameters can Easy loading & unloading of modules e adjusted to suit variations with at thetruck reception or fork lift oint, due to line speed changes or change bird sizes. With the installation of the LINCO Maxi-load Live Bird handling system, your company’s live bird handling process is streamlined, and you will see increased live bird quality, significant hygiene improvements, and reduced labour and transportation costs. The system, capable of handling up to 10 crates per minute, features the unique tress-free shackling egardless of the shackling method used, the unned birds ensure a stress-free process for e birds as well as the shackling staff. Bird Ensuring welfare and saving money amage is prevented, and eliminating the use electrical stunning also prevents blood spots nd other meat damage. As the birds do not Modules are easy to load on the truck using forklift ap their wings, the system also greatly reduces e formation of dust at the shackling station. ON THE ROAD Less damage to birds during catching because of the easy access to the big crates Hydraulic roof – se LINCO Maxiload plasticWhen crate,the thetruck larg-is read est plastic crate available the market. theonload is fixed by a h Each crate can handle 85 160 in kgjust (de-10 seco the - load pending on bird size). The system has which may come loose destackers and restackers, and all crate The roof also pr and module handling is driver. now automated rain or the heat so one fork lift operator can handle allof the full modules from the truck and all clean modules back to the truck. Saved $ 300.000 The Maxiload system s on transport costs comp transport systems; day long run, that amounts One LINCO custom than $ 300,000 in switching to a Max Optimized airflow through the drawers Exellent ventilation on the truck during transportation = maximum loads all year round BI G CR ATE S & S TR O NG M O DU L E S Controlled Atmosphere Stunning - the chicken is falling asleep as the amount of oxygen in the body reduces = No stress in hanging section for bird nor worker No pushing and pulling of full crates because of the module system where the crates are filled from the bottom Big crates make it possible to hang from both sides of the conveyor. CO2 concentration ranges from 5% – 50% Investment w hich pays off Automatic or manual catching AT THE FARM Washed/disinfected modules return to farm Washing/disinfection of modules and crates separately and together < Easy access to module - loading crates from bottom Stressless hanging in lighted room of CAS stunned birds > 14 Stressless hanging AT THE PLANT www . linco f ood . co m / www . baader . co m Poultry newsletter L I V E B I R D H A N D L I N G S Y S T E M a t R ed L ea Maxiload moves Down Under Red Lea Chickens was founded by John Velcich in 1957 and is still based around the family home in Blacktown, Sydney, Australia. The Red Lea empire now processes 25 million birds per year, employing over 1000 staff and has 42 of their own retail outlets in Sydney and the surrounding towns. As one of the pioneering innovators of food processing technology, Red Lea Chickens has installed the very latest high speed LINCO processing equipment in their Blacktown processing plant. Not only will the plant now be capable of processing 12,000 birds per hour with a live bird size variation spreading from 1.6 kgs to over 4 kgs, but the plant will have the very latest technology in live bird handling systems. Red Lea is the first processor in the Australasian Region to install the Maxiload Live Bird System. The LINCO Maxiload Live Bird System will increase live bird quality; provide significant hygiene improvements and reduce labour and transportation costs. Red Lea has always been very conscious of the animal welfare aspect of processing poultry and the new Maxiload system, which incorporates Loading and destacking of modules on Maxiload CAS - Controlled Atmosphere Stunning the latest technology in Controlled Atmosphere Gas Stunning, will provide the plant with the best quality live birds at the most efficient cost structure. M A X I L O A D L I V E B I R D H A N D L I N G S Y S T E M f or t u rke y s Big birds, big advantages The destination is Codlea, Romania, approx. 200 km north of Bukarest. The plant is Galli Gallo, the biggest turkey processing plant in Romania which is equipped with a complete LINCO solution including Maxiload - Live Bird Handling System with CAS stunning. In general, the Maxiload system for turkeys features the same advantages as the Maxiload for chicken, but naturally designed with the size and weight of the large birds in mind. As some modern turkey plants are processing birds from 5 to 23 kg live weight, the LINCO turkey Turkey modules with equipment is doors for easy load- constructed to ing handle all sizes of birds. From Farm to Processing Plant The turkeys are easily and quickly loaded into the Maxiload modules at the farm and transported to the processing plant. The crates for turkeys are supplied with a door in front as an option suited for automatic catching machines. By using automatic catching, the turkey will maintain constant feet contact with the crate and thereby the turkey remains calm and the stress level in the bird will be reduced. Once in the drawer at the farm, no operator needs to handle the turkey until it is completely stunned. Suspending the turkey then becomes a simple operation of guiding the feet into the shackle without lifting the heavy bird. Controlled Atmosphere Stunning The Maxiload system provides the lowest consumption of CO2 on the market. Blood spots are virtually eliminated in breast meat, wings and thighs thereby giving a higher yield on the bird as less trimming needed. is Maxiload benefits for Turkeys: - Labour saving -Improved animal welfare ergonomics - Improved meat quality and Stressless birds The turkeys processed at Galli Gallo come from farms in the area or can be picked up as far away as in Slovakia or Hungary. All transport and handling are stressing factors, but at Galli Gallo transportation of the turkeys with the Maxiload system combined with a high focus on the live bird storage area with correct illumination, temperature and classical music played for the birds have all together increased the factories´ yield. 15 Poultry newsletter www . linco f ood . co m / www . baader . co m - f or C h icken B reas t S ingle Fille t s & B u t t er f lies X-Ray Bone Detection Improved cost of ownership BAADER LINCO is proud to present the 2nd generation of x-ray bone detection with improved cost of ownership. We expect to start the launching process in 2012. The X-Ray Bone Detection model 886 detects bones and foreign objects like stones, glass and metal in chicken breast single fillets or butterflies and can be positioned in line with the Breast Deboner model 656 or manual deboning lines. Real time defects reporting The advantages of the X-Ray Bone Detection model 886 are the high performance in bone detection and the real-time defect reporting. The real time reporting can be used to maintain the optimum cutting path performance of Breast Deboner model 656. Features X-Ray Bone Detection model 886 has high X-Ray safety and improved tube lifetime due to low energy system and it is equipped with a Touch Screen interface for production and service. 16 The X-Ray Bone Detection model 886 is supplied with an adapted discharge conveyor to deflect the detected fillets for subsequent trimming as part of the system. Benefits: • Image quality: max. 0,15mm resolution=1pixel (2mm bone = 12 pixels) • Low cost of ownership due to substantially improved durability of X-Ray tube • Hygienic design with good accessibility for cleaning and maintenance due to C-frame design • Quick release and dismantling of the belt • High image quality and high level of image analysis due to improved signal to noise ratio • High X-Ray safety • Low energy system • Robust and reliable construction • Hygienic water-cooled system - no air exchange • User friendly controls via touch screen www . linco f ood . co m / www . baader . co m Poultry newsletter A f t er sales and service Spare part sales Together, the BAADER Group and LINCO Food Systems are a global organization committed to quality and partnership. This includes our support and expertise on spare parts. We manage the spare parts sales for the poultry business from Denmark, in cooperation with our dedicated representatives and distributors close to our customers. Although our product line and the companies have grown considerably, our spare parts are still designed and manufactured at our facilities in Holland, USA, Germany and Denmark, using the same high quality and skilled manpower. The BAADER Group and LINCO Food Systems are constantly improving our spare parts service, and we know that availability of spare parts play an important role at any plant. Therefore, we value speedy delivery of spare parts, high quality and professional advice for the benefit of your business. In case of an emergency, spare parts can be provided within short time. Our spare parts logistics are able to provide parts from our central stores worldwide: • Re-fill of normal wear and tear parts, which are used for preventive maintenance • Emergency parts – which are needed in case of break down We know the importance of spare parts, and that future business requires a proactive handling. Our main areas are: • Recommended spare parts • Technical clarification • Follow-up on spare parts quotations • Quoting spare parts based on field technicians’ reports • Proactive quoting of spare parts Excellence in supplying and handling of spare parts! Meet us here in 2012 VIV Russia, Moscow 17 - 19 May Polagratech, Poland 8 - 11 October IPE, Atlanta 24 - 26 January CFIA, France 13 - 15 March Aprogromesh, Moscow 8 - 12 October EuroTier, Germany 13 - 16 November VIV China, Beijing 23 - 25 September Gulfood Dubai 29 - 22 February Saudi Agriculture 23 - 26 September VIV India 22 - 24 February MERCOAGRO, Brazil 18 - 20 September AVEC & Cerdos, Argentina 11 - 13 July SAPA-AVI, AFRICA 29 - 31 May 17 Poultry newsletter www . linco f ood . co m / www . baader . co m Firs t processing : f ro m L ive bird t o picking Are you reaching your full potential? Do you recognize any of these common problems? - Blood spots and bruised wings - Broken bones - Remaining feathers - Skin damage Live bird reception - Correct lairage, time and conditions BAADER LINCO is your partner in finding the optimum solution in first processing. Based on individual customer requirements BAADER LINCO analyses each step throughout the process. Controlled Atmosphere Stunning (CAS) - Is CAS an option? - Lairage - Space in reception - End product requirement Hanging -Illumination -Ergonomics - Bird stress Electrical Stunning -Time -Frequency -Voltage Killi - Choice of killi We know First Processing Carcass Care® Carcass care means careful and responsible processing of every single bird, making sure that no flaws occur which could influence subsequent processing. How to make the perfect setup • In order to create the perfect setup, there is a list of parameters you must control to get the best relation between bleeding, scalding and picking. The best meat quality and yield require avoiding skin damage, cooked breast meat, melted fat or feathers left on the bird. 18 • LINCO knows the process. In every plant individual parameters, which may even vary between flocks, must be taken into consideration. • Our goals are: No injuries during the first processing, a maximum yield, welfare for both workers and birds and an optimization of production flow - This is what we call Carcass Care®. ing ing method www . baader . co m Poultry newsletter Each step throughout First Processing is crucial but cannot be evaluated separately. The close dialog between customer and BAADER LINCO will reveal important data about market situation, end consumer demands and internal logistics. It is an ongoing upstream and downstream evaluation based on the incoming data in order to offer a customized total solution. www . linco f ood . co m / Bleeding Scalding - Bleed out balanced with scalding process - Balance between time, temperature and end product caracteristics Picking Evisceration - Picking set-up according to - Bird size - Bird variation - Scalding - End product - Shackle type - etc. Highe r optim yield is ob t izing the pr ained by live b ocess ird to f pickin rom g LIVE BIRD RECEPTION FIRST PROCESSING UPSTREAM CUT-UP DEBONING CHILLING DOWNSTREAM BATCHING PACKAGING LIVE BIRD CATCHING AND TRANSPORTATION FINISHED PRODUCT 19 Member of the BAADER GROUP LINCO Food Systems A/S DK-8380 Trige Denmark Telephone: +45 86 23 14 55 Fax: +45 86 23 14 44 E-mail: BAADER - JOHNSON 2955 Fairfax Trafficway Kansas City Kansas 66 115, USA Telephone: +1 / 913621-3366 Fax: +1 /913 621-1729 E-mail: BAADER Nordischer Maschinenbau Rud. Baader GmbH+Co.KG, Geniner Strasse 249, D - 23560 Lübeck, Germany Telephone: +49 / 451 5302-0 Fax: +49 / 451 5302-492 E-mail: Keep the chickens calm during stunning with new developed High Frequency Stunner When redesigning the High Frequency Stunner, LINCO Food Systems A/S learned that the University of Bristol was working with the industry and EU on new regulations regarding the stunning process. Therefore it was natural for LINCO to team up with the University to design the best high frequency stunning solution for poultry processors. In all processes, LINCO is doing the utmost to preserve the inbound quality of the birds delivered. The most significant task is to avoid injuries to the bird which could have a negative influence on the quality of the finished product. With this starting point, LINCO recognizes the below important criteria for the stunning process: -The chickens are transferred to the Stunner in a smooth movement. -The stress level of the chickens is reduced to a minimum. Stress immediately prior to stunning will lead to a deterioration of the meat quality. -The chickens are calm when entering the stunning tub in order to obtain full contact with the water and hereby instant stunning. -Full contact with the water in the Stunner for 6-8 seconds to ensure effective stunning, until the chicken dies from bleeding after the Killing Machine. High Frequency Stunner 2010 The HFS 2010 ensures that the birds are guided into the machine by means of a height adjustable ramp which gently raises the head of the chicken and afterwards drops the head in the water to make fast contact with the water. Also, space around the birds has been created to minimize the risk of bird contact with live material. The depth of water in the tub is designed to have all birds stunned, despite of difference in size. When developing the HFS 2010, hygiene has been taken into consideration. Thus, all parts of the tub can be opened or removed in the cleaning process which means that bacteria, such as salmonella and campylobacter, will be eliminated during cleaning. At the same time, the design makes it possible to watch the birds during operation in order to facilitate a possible height correction by means of a hand pump mounted on one of the sides. Working with the scientific expertise It has been inspiring for the engineer in charge of the project to work in cooperation with the University of Bristol and to find the relevant expertise useful in the process when developing. More specific, the University of Bristol has assisted LINCO in the interpretation of the EU regulation and advised on optimal handling of the chickens in connection with the stunning process. The HFS 2010 has been developed according to EU regulation (EC No. 1099/2009). This regulation has been passed with the aim of improving the animal welfare in the killing process. Based on these guidelines, LINCO has developed a stunner which in an optimal way takes animal welfare, regulations and not least the meat quality into consideration. With the HFS 2010, the slaughterhouse will be able to: - Achieve the best possible animal welfare - Achieve the least possible stunning injuries The HFS 2010 has been on the market for about a year and was one of the news at the BAADER LINCO booth at the 2011 version of IPE in Atlanta. LINCO has great expectations for this product which has been well adopted by poultry processors and is implemented at processing plants around the world.
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