Newsletter Newsletter


Newsletter Newsletter
o u lt ry
W W W . baader . com
70 years of innovative food processing solutions
2014 is a special year to us. This year we are able to commemorate the 70th anniversary
of the founding of our company. When the Lindholst family first started the company in
1944 in humble premises in Denmark few would have predicted that it would end up being
part of an international and world leading manufacturing group, The BAADER Group.
Originally the Lindholst family made a commitment to make customer service their primary
focus, and this decision has undoubtedly been one of the keys to our longevity and success.
Another key to our success is our people. We have staff that has been with the company
over 40 years and their specialist knowledge and vast experience has been essential to our
We would like to express our gratitude to loyal customers who have contributed to the creation of our motto “grow with us” and the employees who have dedicated their professional
lives to the company’s continued growth.
j an u ar y 2 0 1 4
Message from CEO
Knowledge sharing in Turkey
Proper bird handling pays off
Breast Deboner 656
Skinner 625
Increase food safety
Poultry in Argentina
First class weighing
12- 13
B’Logic® Grading
B’Logic® Label Composer
Meet us here in 2014
Poultry newsletter
G row w i t h u s
Message from CEO
“2013 was a successful year for the BAADER Group. We have experienced a
profitable growth and we have been honoured with two prestigious Danish awards.
2013 was also a year of change for BAADER LINCO, and I am proud and humbled to become CEO for this organization that I have a profound respect for. I feel
extremely motivated to serve customers, board members and employees throughout
the world, and I look forward to seeing further innovation, market growth and employee commitment. 2014 will undoubtedly be a year full of new product releases,
exciting engineering challenges and close customer collaboration.”
- Andy Miller
“Our Grow with us slogan
has never been more relevant
“The Most Excellent ERP Project Of The Year 2013”
This award, presented by the Danish consulting company,
Herbert Nathan & Co, goes to a company that has distinguished itself by implementing an ERP project with excellence. For BAADER LINCO the new ERP system has improved
quality, validity and the speed at which we can gain insight
into data.
than now”
- Andy Miller, CEO
The Gazelle award is presented by the Danish newspaper
Børsen. The newspaper was founded in 1896 and focuses
primarily on business and financial topics. In order to be
selected as a Gazelle company the company needs to
show a continuous growth in revenues or gross profit over
the past four financial years, and it must have more than
doubled revenue or gross profit in the period. The award is
based on data from the Danish Commerce and Companies
Poultry newsletter
keep i ng t h e f i nger on t h e market p u l s e
Knowledge sharing in Turkey
In October 2013 we conducted a large-scale sales seminar
inviting sales personnel from around the world to share experiences and provide input for future market driven development.
The objective was bringing together BAADER LINCO people
working in “the field” and map the extensive knowledge they
have about their markets. During the seminar we were honoured with Mrs. Baader’s participation and clear interest in
following market tendencies closely.
Throughout this newsletter we will share some of the market
knowledge and processing experience that was highlighted
during the seminar.
Special thanks to As Piliç
The sales seminar was held at our customer and trusted partner As Piliç’s poultry plant and we would like to thank As Piliç
for opening the doors to the plant in Sakarya, Turkey.
Turkey is a fresh and air chilled market that places great demand on scalding and picking processes and the production
in Sakarya was perfect for studying first processing details
and sharing experiences across countries and continents.
Mr. Naci Kaplan & Mrs. Petra Baader
Poultry newsletter
Q u al i t y i s not an act , i t i s a h ab i t
Proper bird handling pays off
Focus on product handling in reception and first processing
can improve the meat quality significantly. Live bird handling
and first processing are particularly important processes to obtain a good end-product quality as injuries added to the birds
in these processes cannot be remedied.
sively forcing the bird by pulling legs downwards
• If not implementing CAS, our Breast Comforter can help
birds to relax and not flap the wings excessively from the
time of shackling to electrical stunning
The logic of animal welfare
To us it is pure logic that animal welfare and return on investment go hand-in-hand. Farmers take good care of their
chickens through correct incubation, feeding, lightning, immunization and final catching. So why compromise on animal
welfare in the poultry processing? Gentle live bird handling is
essential for maximized yield and end-product quality, and this
is eventually reflected on the bottom line. In BAADER LINCO
we have spent years developing equipment that takes live bird
welfare and gentle product handling into account.
Live bird handling and shackling
• Full crates are not manipulated during the catching operation. Once full, they remain in the crate and an empty
crate is slid over the full crate thus reducing the injuries in
the catching process.
• Drawer design offers good foothold to birds and thereby
less injuries during transportation
• Large-size drawers enable a low-speed reception system
to feed a high-speed killing line – low speed improves bird
• Good ventilation during transportation and storage reduces stress
• No rough handling of live birds by dumping
• CAS stunning reduces stress and injuries during shackling
• Our foot pusher will ensure proper hanging without exces-
for optimum
Poultry newsletter
Optimized first processing
BAADER LINCO delivers prime first processing equipment.
We have experienced people with extensive regional knowledge that can design the optimum flow through stunning,
bleeding, scalding and picking – the very foundation to avoid
irreversible product damages. The equipment is efficient and
adjustable to fit the product being processed, e.g. individually
adjustable picking rows to ensure correct picking despite a
great variety of bird sizes.
First processing performance can be constantly monitored by
our vision quality classification system, the ClassifEYE®. In-line
collection of detected injuries can be used to take immediate
actions to improve first processing. The nature of the bruises indicates if caused by farm damages and violent live handling,
ineffective stunning, wrong picker adjustment, over-scalding
etc. Immediate corrective actions prevent further avoidable
downgrades and subsequent profit loss.
Examples of ClassifEYE® camera detections:
Feather detection caused
by improper scalding or
Wing injuries caused by
rough live-bird-handling
One-leg-hanger caused
by poor shackling
Breast bruises caused by
rough live-bird-handling
or during stunning
e x pert to e x pert
Effective stunning
Effective electrical stunning is essential for high meat quality
and yield performance. The best indication of correct electrical
stunning is the appearance of the stunned birds. Evaluate the
birds coming out of the stunner and going in to the knife:
• The neck should be arched with head held vertically
• No rhythmic breathing
• Rigidly extended legs
• No wing flapping
Tips to ensure continued effective stunning:
• Size of shackles must be appropriate for the size of bird (legs)
• Connection of the shackle line to the earth rail should be
• Where possible, all shackles should be filled so all birds
receive the same current in average
Avoid pre-stunning
Birds may suffer painful pre-stun electric shocks (usually through
the leading wing) at the entrance of the stunner. Pre-stun shocks
affect meat quality and profit negatively:
• Ensure that shackling and stunning area is properly
darkened and kept quiet to prevent birds from flapping wings
• Use a chicken comforter in full length from shackling to
stunner entrance to relax birds
• Ensure there are no sudden dips, turns or jolts in the
• Check the water level – birds should immerse to wing
base. BAADER LINCO stunners have automatic water
• Induce immediate unconsciousness with an adequate
Poultry newsletter
B A A D E R L I N C O , Inc .
North American trends
The outlook for the global poultry industry is improving in most
regions of the world, driven by better market balances, ongoing high competitive protein prices and lower grain costs.
The North American poultry industry continues to post strong
profitability, which is attributed to a combination of both supply and price discipline. In addition, supplies of competitive
proteins are tight, providing a good basis for solid pricing in
the poultry sector.
Further processed food
From a consumer´s perspective poultry meat is attractively
priced when compared to beef, pork and fish. The consumer
also has an ever expanding choice in poultry meat offerings:
Fresh, frozen and precooked products such as chicken fillets,
thigh meat, strips, wings etc. in all kinds of tastes.
Automated processing
A continuous improvement in the economy might lead to a
rise in labour costs and thus a derived increase in automated
processing equipment, e.g. deboning and skinning. BAADER
LINCO offers very competitive and unique solutions to help
our customers produce their products in the most efficient and
flexible way. We help our customers deal with ever higher
labor cost and availability concerns while also giving them
maximum flexibility as to which final products their customers demand. For our customers that are heavily investing in
deboning, BAADER LINCO has just recently introduced the
new High Speed 656 Deboning Machine and the 625 Skinning Machine on the US market. To learn more about this
equipment please turn to page 7 and 8 in this newsletter.
Focus on animal welfare
Increased health consciousness within the North American
population also tends towards a higher consumption of fresh
poultry products, and another tendency is an increased animal welfare consciousness that might soon be followed by
legislation on the protection on farmed animals at slaughter.
The market is demanding focus on animal welfare in farming
and live bird handling.
BAADER LINCO is ready to meet the demand with our live bird
handling system, a complete integrated system that ensures
birds are loaded, transported and unloaded at the processing
plant in the most cost effective and efficient manner without
causing any stress or carcass injuries. This leads to maximized
yields and more A-grade product out the door while adhering
to the highest of animal welfare standards. The system can
optionally be equipped with our proprietary controlled atmosphere stunning system which has been developed with and
approved by major research institutes.
The name of our US section is now officially changed
from BAADER Johnson Food Equipment, Inc. to BAADER
LINCO, Inc. The name reflects our common identity but
US customer contacts, production facilities etc. remain
As a result of organizational changes, Mr. Oliver Hahn
has been appointed COO, Mrs. Karen Brady CFO and
Mr. Twan Winkelmolen VP Sales & Marketing.
Oliver Hahn, Karen Brady & Twan Winkelmolen
e x pert to e x pert
Promote your product
Poultry processors who make an effort to protect animal welfare
or the environment will have a marketing opportunity to tell their
story. A good medium for this could be the label information, for
example a QR code referring to a website, a presentation video,
etc. Our latest generation of label design software, the B’Logic®
Label Composer allows for inserting QR codes.
Poultry newsletter
E l i m i nate random i z i ng from front h alf debon i ng
Breast Deboner 656
Key benefits:
• Automatic tool adjustments for a customized deboning and optimized yield performance
• Handles both wing-on and wing-off front halves
• Produces single or butterfly fillets with tender-in or
• Recovers the back meat separately or attached to the
• Recovers the yagen or the wishbone from the carcass
• Real-time production monitoring and optimizing adjustments
Individual measurements
Wishbone cutting
Back scraping
Precise cutting
Traditionally breast deboning has been one of the most labourconsuming operations and manual deboning requires proper
training and workers´ compensation in order to ensure yield
and quality. The main difficulty in automating the deboning
process is the varied character of the process due to the natural variability of bird sizes and shapes.
sizes and avoids pulling the meat off the frame. The machine
produces an extensive list of breast meat products and can
furthermore be equipped to process whole or segmented wing
products. Processing 85 front halves per minute the amount
of operators needed is reduced from 31 to 10 compared to
manual deboning*.
The BAADER LINCO Front Half Deboner 656 represents an
intelligent deboning system that measures each front half in
order to adapt the deboning process to the individual product size. The result is high throughput, maximized yield and
product quality. Because of the automatic tool adjustment system the Deboning Machine handles a wide range of product
Production data from the Deboning Machine can be viewed
in real-time on the shop floor. This constant monitoring enables
our customers to overview production and correct it immediately if out of target – even during production.
* compared to a cone line running 36 cones/minute
Poultry newsletter
Note: Only released in North America
h i g h q u al i t y s k i nn i ng
Skinner 625
Key benefits:
Skinning roll, knife
and flapper roller
Drive belts
Drive sprockets for
conveyor belt
This machine is distinguished by its fast and flexible setup that
allows a gentle but effective skinning process without damage
to either the meat or the skin. When skin is removed in this
way, yield is maximized and so is profitability. Adjustments
are held to a minimum to keep machine operation simple. The
only adjustment is the gap between the knife and the skinning
roller, and the location of the pressure roller. Depending on the
product to be processed, different combinations of skinning
rollers and pressure rollers are required. These few and simple
adjustments allow the machine to skin multiple chicken products. During the skinning process the pressure roller will adjust
to the different product heights automatically. However, the
initial pressure roller height can be pre-adjusted to fit thicker
or thinner products.
Consistent, high quality skinning performance
Flexible set-ups allows for maximum yield or
maximum trim configurations
Simple to operate, disassemble and clean
No daily adjustments required
Robust design provides for low maintenance and
cost of ownership
Timing belt drive system
Controlled pressure and water consumption
The Poultry Skinner 625 is suitable for removing skin and undesired fat from fresh chicken breasts fillets (singles and butterflies), whole legs, drumsticks and thighs.
Cleaning the machine is an easy matter. The machine disassembles in an instant and all parts entering in direct contact
with meat can be removed without using tools.
This is indeed a machine that fully meets our aim to develop
machines that are simple, durable and effective.
Poultry newsletter
N ew B A A D E R L I N C O i n s pect i on s ol u t i on
Increase food safety
Note: To be released in 2014
How the 886 X-ray Machine learned to detect bones in
chicken fillets
Early in 2013 Rose Poultry A/S, Denmark, was contacted by BAADER
LINCO’s Development Director Uffe Thrane and asked if Rose would be
interested in having the new X-ray Machine model 886 on trial.
Key benefits:
• Consistent, high end-product quality
• Prevention of customer claims
• Fast and automatic calibration: 20 seconds once a
• Valuable feedback for upstream adjustment on deboning machinery
• Reduction in manual product handling and thus labour
• Hygienic design – no curtains in order to prevent
High volume production and increased food safety demands
generate a pronounced need for automatic bone detection in
the poultry business. Visual inspection is labour intensive and
often results in missed bones and thereby poor food safety.
The new BAADER LINCO X-ray Detection System allows our
customers to optimize both production speed and end-product
quality. The x-ray technology enables an effective and consistent bone detection: >99% of the poultry bone particles as
small as 2 mm in size (provided sufficient calcium content). The
X-ray 886 performs an automatic calibration on each machine
start. No stop or user interaction regarding any recalibration
is necessary to maintain the machine performance during one
shift of production (8-10h).
When detecting bones in the meat, the product is automatically rejected and sent to an operator who manually removes
the bone. For absolute food safety the product is re-scanned
before allowed to continue to further processing.
As Rose was already researching the market for new x-ray machines
it was soon agreed that BAADER LINCO was to install a machine
off-line in order to test the ability of the new x-ray machine to detect
bones in chicken fillets. It soon proved that bones intentionally placed
in bone-free fillets were easily detected. Fillets coming directly from
Rose Poultry’s automatic deboning line were then presented to the X-ray
Detection System. After having the BAADER LINCO team systematically
fine-tuning the software, the plant management of Rose Poultry A/S
and BAADER LINCO agreed in late summer 2013 that the machine
performance was so good that it could be installed in-line on one of
our two deboning lines. This gave Björn, Stephan and their team a
good opportunity to further fine-tune the machine in order to optimize
Today the machine practically complies with the objectives that we
initially set together with BAADER LINCO, and caused by its satisfying
performance, we are currently changing the set-up of the line where the
886 X-ray Machine is installed. We are now ready to continue with
the installation of a new belt grading system after the x-ray machine in
order to further test on the complete line. This will eventually change the
way we handle deboning of our fillets.
Contributing to developing new machinery together with BAADER LINCO has been both interesting and instructive and we are sure that the
final solution and layout for our trimming and bone detection section
will be finished before the end of the first half of 2014.
We give great credit to the BAADER LINCO team. They have been
working highly systematically and industriously and not least, the dialogue and follow-up have been very satisfying.
Torben Brandt Sørensen
Plant Manager, Rose Poultry A/S
Poultry newsletter
grow i ng toget h er w i t h s o y c h ú
Poultry in Argentina
Argentina is one of the South American countries that has experienced the greatest increase in production of poultry meat
over the past 10 years. Both domestic consumption and exportations have experienced growth. Argentina might traditionally be known for its exports of red meat, but in fact, today
poultry exports represent an equally large proportion of the
total exports.
The BAADER LINCO loyal customer, Frigorífico de Aves Soychú, is a good example of the development of the Argentine
poultry processing industry. The company was founded in
Gualeguay (Argentina) in 1962 by the Santangelo family and
the first plant originally processed 150 birds per hour.
In the 1970s the company initiated a continuous expansion
and modernization of production that continues today. Nowadays, the customer has two processing plants where weighing
and sorting is controlled by LINCOflex. The product portfolio
covers whole chickens and cut-up products. The export markets consist of 38 countries in South and Central America,
Africa, Europe and Asia.
In BAADER LINCO we have followed the customer closely in
this development process as our cooperation goes back more
than 30 years. When the customer started modernizing in the
1970s, we installed the first overhead weighing system (LINCO
tronic 0) at Soychú which was replaced by a new system 18
14 years ago we installed a belt weighing system for handling whole chickens and now requirements to the processor’s
production system have increased further up to 14,000 bph.
In Argentina whole birds are often packed in boxes with 20
kg fixed weight and as the presented BAADER LINCO grader
solution offers both high throughput and precise batching, the
customer has chosen to continue many years of cooperation
by buying a new grader system able to handle 300 whole
birds per minute. The complete dual lane solution consists of:
• Feeding conveyors for bagged birds with moveable tables
for sealing units
• Flexfeeders with product sensors for controlling product
identification and ensuring high speed in-feed to the grader system
• Acceleration conveyors for correct spacing before weighing
Flighted loading conveyor
years ago. This latest installed system is still used in today’s
In-feed to high speed Flexfeeder
Poultry newsletter
Key benefits:
• Multiple product handling
• Easy operator loading – high speed grading
• Layout flexibility obtained by flexible feeding
• High operator comfort for more efficient packing
• Stable and durable construction
High accuracy weighing units
Distribution conveyor with double batching bin
Packaging supply conveyors
Packing tables
Product take-away conveyors
The grader system will handle small eviscerated birds in preprinted bags for export markets and at the same time big,
bagged birds for the domestic market. The existing overhead
system distributes the birds to the correct bagging operators,
after which the bagged birds are loaded into pockets on the
flighted conveyor. Based on the loading position a sensor records the product type. The Flexfeeder transfers the bagged
products to the grader system with the optimal space between
products in order to maximize throughput. The product identification captured by the sensors and the weight captured by the
dynamic weighing unit enable the system to batch products
into target weigh and count.
Collecting bins on whole bird grader
Poultry newsletter
G rad i ng po u ltr y part s
First class weighing
Key benefits:
• Highly accurate weighing
• High machine reliability ensured by robust design
and low maintenance
• Smooth and gentle product transfer to and from the
• Straight-forward and hygienic construction
• Dynamic calibration
This single-lane belt scale model 1800 was developed to meet
our customers´ increasing demand for highly reliable and
accurate weighing - even in challenging production environments.
ways be centered on the scale when running. The weighing
machine has an adjustment feature that makes it easy and
fast to position the belt correctly. It only takes a few seconds
to set it.
The high accuracy achieved on this belt scale is a combination of intelligent design and effective software solutions. High
accuracy weighing is essential for correct sorting, grading,
batching and packing. It reduces the economic impact of a
high give-away or repeatedly underweight packing. The
standard deviation is as low as 0.3 gram* meaning that 68%
of all weighing results for a specific item will be within the
average variation value of +/- 0.3 g. Put differently: Up to
99.7% of the products will be within a +/- 1 gram variation.
The product sensor is fully fixed and yet it is adjustable. In its
protectable bracket it cannot be pushed or turned out of position. Only by using a standard tool it can be height adjusted
to get the best possible detection of the products running on
the scale.
The size of the weighing plate is configurable ensuring maximum capacity given a specific product length. In fact, you
can easily replace the weighing plate depending on product
length and thus gain capacity. A small nose bar radius ensures
smooth and gentle product transfer to and from the weighing
machine in order to guarantee high capacity.
For accurate weighing and longer belt life, the belt must al12
Sensor positioning
Belt adjustment
Poultry newsletter
e x pert to e x pert
Recommended daily routine before production start
• Start up the weighing unit and wait a minute for it to stabilize
• Test that the tare weighings do not show abnomalies according to
calibrated off-set
• Run an item with known weight over the weighing unit and check
that the registered weight does not differ significantly (depends on
the specific weight type, water on belts, temperature differences or
other external factors)
• If any abnomalies are noticed the weighing unit should be inspected visually to see if anything is stuck or touching the unit. The belt
should also be checked to ensure that it is intact
• If the weighing unit is mechanically okay, a calibration should be
performed. B’Logic® Grading software shows the date and time
for the lastest conducted calibration and can indicate if weighing
problems are due to lacking calibration
• Keep daily or hourly records of weights to be able to document
weighing accuracy
The belt scale is especially developed for high risk areas. The open and straightforward construction with
few horizontal surfaces makes it easy to clean. The
particularly developed belt with an even and smooth
texture is easy to clean thoroughly and only 4 simple
steps are required to remove it:
1. Push up belt tension
2. Take out the reversing roll
3. Open top cover
4. Remove belt
* The standard deviation depends on in-feed, product
characteristics and enviromental impact
Poultry newsletter
new i nt u i t i ve grader s oftware
B’Logic® Grading
Key benefits:
• Complete real-time insight into grader production
• Highly configurable views to fit specific user requirements
• Aggregating batches from multiple lines reduces
• Easy and flexible job execution
The platform that our own developed and well-tested weighing algorithm represents is the basis for our newly released
and next generation of BAADER LINCO grader software,
B’Logic® Grading.
The new software is built upon an innovative dashboard that
allows for highly intuitive data presentation and user interface. The dashboard can be monitored on an office PC or
directly on the shop floor. It can be configured to fit specific
user requirements and to highlight important key performance
figures, e.g. give-away, speed and throughput. When a particular grader process should be monitored, the software user
can choose to see details in a subdivided dashboard.
New features on our B’Logic® Grading software are:
• Multiple grader view on the dashboard with key performance figures that allows for prompt reaction in case of
inefficient production
• Multi-grading having more lines feeding one gate in order
to reduce overall give-away
• Job controlled production guiding the correct amount of
products to subsequent in-line processes
Grader production jobs can easily be created, started, finished, archived or reprioritized in the job management part
of the grader software. It has been of great importance to
us that our software reflects the ever-changing conditions that
our customers face every day. Therefore all details for the selected and already running jobs objects to possible changes
are presented in a pop-up box so they can easily be modified
by the user. The production monitoring is highly configurable
in order to adapt to specific user requirements.
B’Logic® Grading interfaces to our B’Logic® Label Composer
which is our label set-up software, meaning that the user can
easily select the label to be used for a specific grader job. In
the report view the user can find a list of printed labels which
can be re-printed if necessary – and he can choose to print
them on another label printer if the previously chosen printer
is not available anymore.
The software has a reporting feature in order to provide exact
and fast production reports on specific grader production or
performances, production time periods, product types, production events etc. Reports consist of both table and graphical
views and the user has the option to print all reports.
Poultry newsletter
s i mpl i c i t y i n label de s i gn
B’Logic® Label Composer
Key benefits:
• Fast and flexible label creation
• Multiple label purposes and minimized
label maintenance
• New standards for fast printing
• Easy label search function
Our newly released B’Logic® Label Composer is an officelocated software specifically designed to create labels to the
food industry. The result is extremely user-friendly label design
software that focuses on avoiding repeated label designs and
laborious creation procedures.
When creating a new label the user works directly on a canvas which means that he will see the exact design of the label
as it will be printed on the label printer.
An intelligent data link function allows the user to insert variable information on the label. The software is installed with
predefined links which draw the correct information from the
system, e.g. product name, traceability code etc. This unique
feature reduces the use of static text and ensures that the same
label can be used for multiple products and customers. Thus
the creation of new labels and the maintenance of existing
labels are highly simplified.
Print speed is critical to reduce errors and unproductive waiting time. BAADER LINCO has developed a direct printer driver to obtain optimal printing speed without queuing labels.
Label queuing is often the main cause for incorrect labelling
of the products.
The label software has a built-in barcode generator and a variety of barcode types can be composed and inserted directly
when creating a new label. The B’Logic® Label Composer also
offers the possibility to add QR codes to the label - a unique
promotion and information tool to be used by the poultry processor or the distribution channel: Reference to a website,
presentation videos, cooking recipes, traceability etc.
W W W . baader . com
S h ow s aro u nd t h e world
Meet us here in 2014
Polagratech, Poland
28 - 30 September
IPPE, Atlanta
28 - 30 January
CFIA, France
11-13 February
Agroprodmash, Moscow
6 - 10 October
VIV Europe, Utrecht
20-22 May
VIV, China
23-25 September
Gulfood Dubai
23 - 27 February
Saudi Agriculture
8 - 11 September
FoodTec, Brazil
5-7 August
Poultry India, India
26-28 November
VIV, India
23-25 April
Avícola, Argentina
13-15 May
DK-8380 Trige • Denmark Tel +45 86 23 14 55 • Fax +45 86 23 14 44 •
Illustrations and dimensions are approximate and not binding. Subject to design changes
in the interest of technical progress. Actual scope of supply is specified in our quotations
and order confirmations and may differ from descriptions and photos in this leaflet.
For the illustration of technical details the safety devices and protection mechanisms are
partly not shown in operative condition. When operating the machine, all corresponding
devices and instructions referring to the safety of the machine must be utilized and/or
observed. (Protective panels and safety guards removed for photograph)

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