But the morning-after pill has.
But the morning-after pill has.
Now authorised in the European Union for access in pharmacy without prescription. Check availability for your country. But the morning-after pill has. when it matters most ellaOne® (30mg ulipristal acetate) is an oral emergency contraceptive intended to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or if your contraceptive method has failed. You should take ellaOne® as soon as possible after sex, and within a maximum of 5 days (120 hours). ellaOne® is a medicinal product. Always read the package leaflet carefully before taking ellaOne®. Health information within this booklet is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace discussions with healthcare professionals. All decisions regarding patient care must be made with a healthcare professional considering the unique characteristics of the patient. For internal use only. It is the responsibility of each partner to ensure that final educational material is in compliance with local regulations. ELA-WEBGP-0813-EU Introduction Jargon buster Babies are great. But you probably want to choose if and when to have a baby. Even if you have taken care with your contraception, accidents can happen to anyone. Emergency contraception is a back-up – a second chance to avoid unplanned pregnancy after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure. If you think you need emergency contraception – you need to act fast. This is because emergency contraception works in the days just after unprotected sex to prevent a pregnancy from starting. Emergency contraceptive pills stop an egg being released (ovulation). If you wait, it might be too late to take the morning-after pill because you have already ovulated. ellaOne® is an advanced morning-after pill. It is effective when it matters most and is now authorised in the European Union for access in pharmacy without prescription. Check availability for your country. Emergency contraception is also called: n The morning-after pill n The day-after pill n M orning-after contraception Unprotected sex can be when: n Y our contraceptive didn’t work properly (contraceptive failure). See page 13 for more on this n Y ou didn’t use any contraception This booklet will help you understand more about your body and emergency contraception, so you can make the choices that are right for you. READ ON TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT Me and my reproductive system Me and emergency contraception 2 4 13 Me and ellaOne® 20 Me and my pharmacist talking about ellaOne® 24 Me and my contraception in the future 25 Check you’ve understood the facts 28 When it matters most Top ten things you should know about oral emergency contraception and ellaOne® 1.If you’ve had unprotected sex, and it is not the right time in your life to have a baby, you are right to consider emergency contraception.PIL Unprotected sex, or contraceptive accidents can happen to anyone. 2.Act quickly. Emergency contraception is most effective when used as soon as possible and within 24 hours after unprotected sex.NHS EC, PIL 3.ellaOne® works by delaying egg release.PIL So, by the time an egg is released (ovulation) the sperm inside you are no longer capable Pallone of making you pregnant.FSRH, a 4.ellaOne® is the only morning-after pill that can prevent FSRH, SPC pregnancy even when you are about to ovulate – which is when your risk of getting pregnant is greatest. Brache, 5.ellaOne® is now authorised in the European Union for access in pharmacy without prescription. Check availability for your country. 6.ellaOne® is suitable for women of reproductive age and it is well tolerated.PIL, Glasier 7.ellaOne® is taken as one single tablet. It is for occasional PIL use and should not replace a regular contraceptive method. 8.If you want to have sex after using ellaOne®, use a barrier method of contraception until your next period. PIL It works by t it is too late pregnan are delaying or inhibiting egg release. If you for emergency contraception because it works to prevent the start ® of a pregnancy. So, you should not take ellaOne if you are 9.The morning-after pill does not cause abortion.NHS EC PIL already pregnant. 10. Always read the package leaflet before taking ellaOne . ® PIL 3 When it matters most Chapter 1: Me and my reproductive system The reproductive system, sometimes called the sexual organs, is the set of organs needed to make a baby, or reproduce.RCOG What does my reproductive system look like? Your reproductive system is made up of a vulva, vagina, cervix, womb, fallopian tubes, ovaries and breasts. Unlike men, most of your reproductive system is located inside the body. Ovary You have two ovaries. The ovaries produce an egg (ovum) each Fallopian tube An egg, released by your ovary, goes into your fallopian tube. The egg travels to your womb (uterus). If you have had unprotected sex, sperm can fuse with the egg. This is called fertilisation and usually happens in the month during the menstrual cycle. This is RCOG called ovulation. Cervix The entrance to your womb.RCOG fallopian tubes. RCOG Vagina The penis goes into the vagina during sex. In childbirth the baby comes out through the Womb This is where the fertilised egg implants and where the baby RCOG subsequently grows. Jargon vagina.RCOG buster Your repro ducti is the ve sys parts tem of yo enabl ur bo e you dy th to ha at ve a b aby 4 When it matters most Understanding the menstrual cycle The menstrual cycle is the process where an egg develops each month and the lining of your womb is prepared for possible pregnancy.RCOG The menstrual cycle is driven by body chemicals called hormones. A cycle is counted from the first day of bleeding (your period) to the first day of your next period.Aitken The rise and fall of hormonal levels during this time control the menstrual cycle. WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YOUR WOMB 4. If there is no pregnancy you have a period and the cycle Aitken starts again. 1. This diagram shows the lining of the womb. At the beginning of your menstrual cycle it breaks down and you Aitken have a period. 0 days Luteal phase Follicular phase 2. The follicular phase describes the maturation of eggs Aitken The in the ovary. eggs grow in follicles. Aitken By the end of the follicular phase one egg is ready to pop out of its follicle; ovulation.Aitken 28 days Ovulation You cannot tell when you will ovulate 3. The luteal phase is Aitken after ovulation. The popped follicle (now called a corpus luteum) produces progesterone and oestrogen to thicken the womb lining getting it ready for Most women’s cycles are between 15 and 45 days, although the average Chiazze is 28 days. pregnancy. Aitken What’s happening to your hormones? The menstrual cycle is controlled by a complex interaction of hormones.RCOG In each cycle, rising levels of hormones cause the ovary to develop an egg and release it (ovulation).Aitken The womb lining also starts to thicken. 5 When it matters most ovulation? What is Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovaries.RCOG A woman is born with all her eggs. Once you start your periods, one egg (occasionally two) develops and is released during each menstrual cycle.Aitken After ovulation, the egg lives for approximately 24 hours.Pallone Once the egg is released from the ovary it travels down the fallopian tube towards the womb. Fertilisation happens if a man’s sperm meets and fuses with the egg.RCOG Sperm can survive in the fallopian tubes for up to five days after sex.Pallone ONS P TAM 2U0NT If the egg is not fertilised, the egg is reabsorbed into the body. Hormone levels fall, and the womb lining comes away and leaves the body as a period.RCOG, Aitken CO PREGNANT NOT PREG NANT A woman cannot get pregnant if ovulation does not occur. Oral em ergency contrac eption works b ovula y delaying tion. ella SP or sto C, WH ppi O LNG 6 ng When it matters most There is a risk of conception throughout your cycle In theory, during the average woman’s menstrual cycle there are six days when sex can result in pregnancy. This conception risk period, also called ‘fertile window’ is the five days before egg release (ovulation), plus the day of egg release.Wilcox 00 You are at risk of conception during: The 5 days before egg release... ...and the day of egg release 1 2 3 4 5 6 You are at risk of conception if you have unprotected sex in the 5 days before ovulation because sperm can live for about 5 days, and can be waiting in the fallopian tubes, ready to fertilise your egg.Pallone An egg only lives for 24 hours.Pallone The highest risk of pregnancy is when ovulation happens shortly after unprotected sex. Sperm viability declines in the days after sex. This means that the risk of conception is highest when ovulation happens during the first three days following unprotected sex.Wilcox 95 7 Wordy Birdy Womens Health Illustrations 3131 14 Oct 2013 When it matters most Fig 3 S/S When is this conception risk period? You have no way of knowing when your fertile window is - and it can be at a different time every month.Wilcox 00 Don’t ta a chanc ke e This means that you are at risk of pregnancy almost throughout the whole of your menstrual cycle.Wilcox 00 n Y ou might not ovulate on the same day of your cycle from one month to the otherWilcox 00 n W omen with a regular cycle can be in their fertile window any time from day 6 to day 21Wilcox 00 n W omen with an irregular cycle can be in their fertile window from day 8-28Wilcox 00 Sperm live for about 5 days after unprotected sex Ther e is n o saf cycle e tim when e in unpr otect you can h your a ed se certa x and ve in no be t to g et pr egna nt Day 6 The egg lives for 24 hours after release. Fertilisation can happen up until day 6 after unprotected sex. 8 When it matters most How and when does a pregnancy start? When a single sperm fuses with an egg it is called fertilisation.RCOG Pregnancy starts several days after fertilisation Pregnancy does not begin until the fertilised egg has implanted in the womb, after having travelled through the fallopian tube.Gold When women have unprotected intercourse, they are not immediately pregnant. Pregnancy can only occur when the fertilised egg implants in the womb.Gold This occurs 6 to 12 days after ovulation.Wilcox 99 So if you’ve just had unprotected sex or contraceptive failure, no pregnancy will start until at least the 6th day. 3. As the fertilised egg moves along the fallopian tube it divides 2. Fertilisation when the egg and sperm fuse Day 1 4. Pregnancy begins when the fertilised egg implants in the womb Day 4 Day 2 Day 3 Day 0 Day 6-12 1. An egg is released during ovulation Embryo Signs of pregnancyNHS pregnancy n L ate period n T iredness n F eeling sick (nausea) n B reast tenderness or soreness n B eing sick (vomiting) n N eeding to pee (urinate) more often If you think you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test and/or visit your doctor. If you are pregnant it is too late for emergency contraception because it works to prevent the start of a pregnancy. 9 When it matters most CONTRACEPTION AND MENSTRUAL CYCLE MYTHS There are a number of birth control methods that are highly effective in preventing pregnancy. There is also a lot of misinformation about how the reproductive system works, how to use birth control, as well as some methods that simply do not work. Below are some common myths regarding menstrual cycle, sex and contraception COMMON BELIEF 10 TRUE OR FALSE EXPLANATION Ovulation happens in the middle of the cycle around day 14 False The timing of ovulation is very unpredictable.Wilcox Only 10% of women ovulate on day 14 of their cycle. Wilcox Ovulation can happen any time from day 1121 if your cycle is regular, and up to day 28 if your cycle is irregular.Wilcox The timing of ovulation can also vary from cycle-to-cycle, making it impossible to know when it will happen.Wilcox This means risk of conception exists on almost every day of your cycle. If my cycle is regular then ovulation will always happen in the middle of it False The timing of ovulation is unpredictable and varies from cycle-to-cycle, even if the length of your menstrual cycle is regular.Wilcox Regular cycles exist (unless on a contraceptive pill) False Most women are not as regular as we would think. They can be regular for a number of cycles in a row, but then have a cycle that is much shorter or longer. A woman never knows in advance if her current cycle will be longer or shorter than normal. When you use a hormonal contraceptive pill your cycles are regular (provided you take them correctly). I cannot get pregnant in the beginning or at the end of my cycle False Because the timing of ovulation is unpredictable and sperm can stay viable for up to 5 days in your fallopian tubes,Wilcox, Pallone the risk of conception from unprotected intercourse exists on almost every day of your cycle.Wilcox When it matters most COMMON BELIEF 11 TRUE OR FALSE EXPLANATION Pregnancy starts directly after unprotected sex False Pregnancy does not begin immediately after unprotected sex. Pregnancy starts when the fertilised egg implants in the womb,Gold which normally happens 6-12 days after fertilisation.Wilcox 99 This means you are not pregnant until at least the 6th day after unprotected sex. Unprotected sex happens very rarely False If you have had unprotected sex and you do not want to become pregnant, you might be angry with yourself, for not taking more care. But don’t be too hard on yourself - you are not alone. Many women (about 30%) had unprotected sex at least once over the last year.BVA,2012 This is not to say that you should not take good contraceptive care, but accidents happen, so don’t think you are the only one. I cannot get pregnant as long as sex takes place outside my fertile window True This is obviously true, but you cannot calculate with certainty when your fertile window will be. This is because the timing of ovulation is variable and unpredictable.Wilcox If you think that your fertile window will always be around day 14 of your cycle, you are incorrect – your fertile time could be earlier or later. If you want to prevent pregnancy you should not have unprotected sex at any time during your cycle. I’m breastfeeding so I can’t get pregnant False While breastfeeding tends to postpone ovulation, this is not a guarantee. Ovulation can occur even when a woman is breastfeeding. If you are breastfeeding you should preferably use condoms if you wish to avoid pregnancy. You can’t get pregnant if the woman doesn’t have an orgasm False Fertilisation occurs when a sperm from the man fuses with an egg from the woman.RCOG While the man must ejaculate to release sperm, it is not necessary for the woman to have an orgasm to release an egg. A woman of childbearing age releases an egg each month as part of her regular menstrual cycle. This occurs whether or not the woman has an orgasm. When it matters most COMMON BELIEF 12 TRUE OR FALSE EXPLANATION I don’t need contraception because we only have sex during the ‘safe’ time. You’re only fertile one day a month False During the average woman’s menstrual cycle there are six days when sex can result in pregnancy: the five days before egg release (ovulation), plus the day of egg release.Wilcox 00 The timing of ovulation can also differ from cycle to cycle.Wilcox Therefore, pinpointing the time of ovulation is almost impossible. This means the risk of conception from unprotected sex exists on almost every day of your cycle. I won’t get pregnant if we have sex standing up or if the woman is on top False Some people believe that having sex in certain positions, such as standing up, will force the sperm out of the woman’s vagina. However sexual positions have no effect on whether or not fertilisation occurs. When a man ejaculates, the sperm are deposited well into the vagina. The sperm will begin to move up through the cervix immediately after ejaculation. I won’t get pregnant if my partner pulls out before he ejaculates False Pulling out before the man ejaculates, known as withdrawal, is not a foolproof method of contraception.Trussell The fluid a man releases prior to ejaculation can already contain sperm. Also, a man may simply not withdraw in time. I won’t get pregnant because this is my first time having sex False A woman can get pregnant any time ovulation occurs, even if she’s never had sex before. I won’t get pregnant if I take a shower or bath right after sex, or if I urinate right after sex False Washing or urinating after sex will not stop sperm that have already entered the uterus through the cervix. When it matters most Chapter 2: Me and emergency contraception Is emergency contraception right for me? Emergency contraception prevents pregnancy after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure.FPA EC It has to be used as soon as possible.FPA EC If you’ve had unprotected sex within the last 5 days, and it is not the right time in your life to have a baby, you are right to consider emergency contraception.PIL n n Have you had unprotected sex? D id you forget to: n T ake your contraceptive pill? n Insert your contraceptive ring? n A pply your contraceptive patch? n n D id you forget to use any contraception? D id the condom slip off or break? n D id he fail to pull out in time? D id your diaphragm or cap slip or did you forget to use it? n W ere you forced to have sex without contraception? My emergency contraception options In Europe, there are two different emergency contraceptive options: n T ablet ‘the morning-after pill’ for oral use n Intrauterine device to be fitted in the womb 13 When it matters most The intrauterine device (IUD) which is suitable for emergency contraception is a Copper-T IUD Copper-T IUD is considered the most effective emergency contraceptive method and it provides an ongoing contraceptive solution.Cheng However in a situation where you need to act very quickly, IUD fitting takes time and involves an invasive and uncomfortable procedure.Glasier10 Copper-IUD can be fitted up to 120 hours (5 days) after unprotected sex.RPS advice However its use is restricted by its availability and the need to be inserted by a healthcare professional.Glasier10 If you ne ed the IU D for emergen cy contr a ception contact a doctor or family planning service u rgently. Oral emergency contraception (emergency contraception pills, ECPs) Emergency contraceptive pills are also called morning-after pills, because it is best to take them as soon as possible after unprotected sex.NHS EC There are two oral emergency contraceptives available n O ne containing levonorgestrel, which was first made available in 1999 n O ne containing ulipristal acetate (ellaOne®), which became available in 2009 The mechanism of action of oral emergency contraception is to postpone or inhibit ovulation, so that no egg is released.WHO LNG, ella SPC Depending on the country, oral emergency contraception may be available directly from your pharmacist, without a prescription. The dose is one single tablet to be taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex.NHS EC, ella SPC 1976 Copper IUDs first used for emergency contraceptionCleland 2012 14 1999 Levonorgestrel first available as emergency contraceptionHRA DOF ellaOne® offers an advanced emergency contraception and was specifically developed for emergency contraceptionDOF 2009 ellaOne® first available in the EUHRA DOF When it matters most SUMMARY OF THE TYPES OF EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION AVAILABLE IN EUROPE FORMAT ellaOne (30mg ulipristal acetate) ® Tabletella SPC Levonorgestrel (1.5mg) TabletFSRH Copper intrauterine device (IUD) A small T-shaped device that is fitted inside your womb by a doctorRCOG HOW EFFECTIVE IS IT? HOW CAN I GET IT? As soon as possible, and within 5 days (120 hours) after unprotected sex or ella SPC contraceptive failure Effective even when taken just before egg releaseella SPC when risk of pregnancy is Pharmacy or doctor’s prescription As soon as possible, and within 3 days (72 hours) after unprotected sex or FSRH contraceptive failure Effective but doesn’t work when taken just FSRH before egg release Pharmacy or doctor’s prescription As soon as possible, and within 5 days (120 hours) after unprotected sex or FSRH contraceptive failure Effective and has in addition the advantage of providing regular contraception as soon Cheng as it is in place Doctor’s prescription HOW QUICKLY MUST I ACT? highest If you are not sure which is right for you, ask a pharmacist or other healthcare professional. 15 When it matters most How do emergency contraception pills prevent pregnancy? Emergency contraceptive pills work by inhibiting or delaying ovulation (egg release).ella SPC, WHO LNG They work to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex by quickly postponing ovulation, if it has not already happened. This means that the sperm waiting in the fallopian tubes will be unable to meet an egg and fertilise it. This is similar to regular contraceptive pills, which also work by preventing egg release. Emergency contraceptive pills are not 100% effective.ella SPC This is because there is a chance that you may have already ovulated when you take an emergency contraceptive pill. Taking emergency contraceptive pills as soon as possible after unprotected sex gives the best chance of success.NHS EC s, the better The sooner you take emergency contraceptive pill n 16 SPC are not 100% effective Emergency contraceptive pills n fter pill that is still effective ellaOne® is the only morning-a e 2013 tSPC, FSRH, Brach when risk of pregnancy is highes n chance y contraception, the better the he sooner you take emergenc T NHS EC ncy lation and avoiding pregna of successfully postponing ovu When it matters most Sexually transmitted infections Emergency contraceptive pills do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases or infections.NHS EC If you have had unprotected sex you might have caught a sexually transmitted infection. If this might be the case, talk to your doctor, or another healthcare professional, about getting tested.PIL They can put your mind at rest, provide treatment and explain how you can avoid passing the infection on to other people whom you have sex with. Jargon buster infections? What are sexually transmitted and include: These are passed on through sex tal warts n Genital herpes n Geni HIV infection (AIDS) n Chlamydia B n Syphilis n Gonorrhea n Hepatitis Bedsider from these diseases. Only condoms can protect you n Emergency contraceptive pills will not protect you from pregnancy if you have further unprotected sex.NHS EC If you want to have sex after using an emergency contraceptive pill, use a barrier method of contraception until your next period. Myth buster Emergency contraceptive pills do not cause abortion. You might have heard that emergency contraceptive pills cause abortion. This is not true. Emergency contraceptive pills prevent pregnancy.FPA They act before pregnancy can occur. If you are already pregnant, emergency contraception will not stop your pregnancy. It will not cause an abortion.FPA 17 When it matters most Common myths about emergency contraception COMMON BELIEF 18 TRUE OR FALSE EXPLANATION Oral emergency contraception can only be used if you have a ‘contraceptive accident’ e.g. torn condom False Emergency contraception is for women who want to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. Unprotected sex can be through an accident, or not using any contraception at all. This not uncommon. Many women (about 30%) had unprotected sex at least once over the last year.BVA Oral emergency contraception is a ‘hormonal bomb’ that will ruin my cycles False For the last 10 years, dedicated emergency contraceptives have been available. The hormones contained in oral emergency contraception can alter your menstruation (period), during the cycle you take it. This means after intake your next period might be on time, or earlier, or later than normal. After this your cycle normally returns to its regular pattern. Oral emergency contraception is a ‘hormonal bomb’ that will make me sick False The morning-after pill was specifically designed and developed for emergency contraception. Emergency contraception is well tolerated; however like all medicines it can cause side effects, although not everyone gets them.WHO LNG, ellaOne SPC If you are sick (vomit) within 3 hours of taking an emergency contraception tablet, go back to a pharmacist and get another ellaOne® tablet to take.2,3 I cannot take oral emergency contraception twice in the same cycle True and False The aim of taking an emergency contraception pill is to delay or inhibit egg release until the sperm that are waiting in the fallopian tube are no longer capable of making you pregnant. It will delay ovulation for 5-6 days. If you have further unprotected sex during the same cycle your chances of postponing ovulation again are lower than when you took it the first time. It is possible to take emergency contraception twice in the same cycle, provided you are not already pregnant, but it is really much safer to think about a regular contraceptive method, because they are more effective in preventing pregnancy. In any case, you should get medical advice if you need emergency contraceptive twice in the same cycle. When it matters most COMMON BELIEF 19 TRUE OR FALSE EXPLANATION Oral emergency contraception is a sort of mini abortion False Emergency contraception works by inhibiting or delaying egg release.ella SPC, WHO LNG This means that the sperm that is waiting in the fallopian tube will no longer be capable of making you pregnant. This all happens before pregnancy can begin, which is 6-12 days after unprotected sex.Wilcox, Gold If you are pregnant, emergency contraception will not stop your pregnancy. Oral emergency contraception will have a negative effect on my fertility False Emergency contraception has no effect on future fertility.WHO LNG, ella SPC If you want to have sex after using emergency contraception, use a barrier method of contraception until your next period.NHS EC, ella SPC This is because your fertility can come back very quickly. I can use oral emergency contraception as my regular contraception False Emergency contraception is not a regular contraceptive.NHS EC, ella SPC After unprotected sex it is wise to use emergency contraception to prevent pregnancy. But emergency contraception is not 100% effective (because you may have already just ovulated when you took the emergency contraceptive pill). When it matters most Chapter 3: Me and ellaOne® What is ellaOne ? ® n e llaOne® is a morning-after pill, that can prevent a pregnancy after unprotected sex, or if your contraceptive method has failedPIL n e llaOne® is effective when it matters most because it can prevent a pregnancy even when you are about to ovulate – which is when your risk of getting pregnant is greatestSPC, FSRH, Brache 2013 n e llaOne® works by delaying egg release.PIL So, by the time an egg is released (ovulation) the sperm inside you are no longer capable of making you pregnantFSRH, Pallone n E ach tablet of ellaOne® contains 30 mg ulipristal acetatePIL n e llaOne® is easy to take – it is one tablet to be taken as soon as possiblePIL n e llaOne® should be taken as soon as possible, but no later than 5 days (120 hours) after unprotected sex or contraceptive failurePIL n e llaOne® is for women of reproductive ageSPC n e llaOne® is suitable any time during your cycleSPC ellaOne ® is now a in the uthorised Europ ean U for ac nion ce witho ss in phar macy ut pre script Chec i k ava ilabili on. your ty for coun try. d sex After unprotecte ng iti sperm are wa for an egg to be released ® egg ellaOne delays e ovary release from th erm until after the sp FSRH, Pallone have died 20 ellaOne ® is eff ec most SPCtive when . , FSRH, it m Brac atter he 20 s 13 No o ther emer contr gen ac effec eption pi cy ll is a tive a s t preg nanc preventin y as e g llaOn ® e . SPC When it matters most What ellaOne is not... ® NOT a regular contraceptive methodPIL You should not use ellaOne® as a regular method of contraception.PIL The emergency contraceptive pill is a backup method for preventing pregnancy and should only be used occasionally.PIL NOT a contraceptive for future intercoursePIL If you have unprotected sex again after taking ellaOne®, it will not stop you from becoming pregnant. You should use a barrier method, such as condoms, every time you have sex until your next period. If you are currently taking the contraceptive pill, continue to use it as usual, starting the day after taking ellaOne®. Be sure to use condoms every time you have sex until your next period. NOT used to cause abortionNHS EC ellaOne® works by delaying egg release.PIL If you are pregnant it is too late for emergency contraception because it works to prevent the start of a pregnancy. So, you should not take ellaOne® if you are already pregnant. ellaOne® does not affect your fertilitySPC If you want to have sex after using ellaOne®, use a barrier method of contraception until your next period.ella SPC This is because your fertility can come back very quickly. Who is ellaOne not suitable (contraindicated) for? ® when it matters most You should not use ellaOne® if: n ou are allergic to ulipristal acetate or any of the other ingredients in Y ellaOne®. (Ingredients are listed in the pack leaflet – ask a pharmacist if you are unsure)PIL Can I take ellaOne if I am breastfeeding my baby?PIL ® Do not breastfeed your baby for one week after taking ellaOne®. During this week you should express your breast milk to stimulate and maintain milk production. Throw away the milk you express. 21 When it matters most What to know when taking ellaOne® ellaOne® is easy to take – it is one single tablet. You can take ellaOne® with some water as soon as possible and no later than 120 hours (5 days) after you have had unprotected sex.PIL Sometimes women decide to take ellaOne® in the pharmacy when they buy it. It’s fine to take it either before, during or after a meal.PIL If you are sick (vomit) within 3 hours of taking an ellaOne® tablet, go back to a pharmacist and get another ellaOne® tablet to take as soon as possible.PIL ellaOne® is well tolerated Like all medicines, it can cause side effects, although not everyone gets them.PIL The most commonly reported side effects were headache, nausea (feeling sick), abdominal pain and painful periods.PIL These are also possible signs of pregnancy. If you miss your period or your period is lighter or heavier than normal, and you experience such symptoms after taking ellaOne®, you should do a pregnancy test.PIL If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.PIL How do I know if it worked? You will know that ellaOne® has worked when your next period starts. After taking ellaOne®, most women have a normal period at the expected time. But some may have their period later or earlier than normal.PIL If your period is more than 7 days late, or is unusually light or unusually heavy, or if you have any doubt about being pregnant, do a pregnancy test.PIL Sex after ellaOne ® After using ellaOne®, if you want to have sex, always use a reliable barrier contraceptive method such as condoms until your next period, even if you use a regular contraceptive pill.PIL 22 If you don’t use b contr arrie acep r tion a fter t aking ellaOne ® until your next you c peri an be come od, preg nant When it matters most The contraceptive pill and ellaOne ® STARTING THE CONTRACEPTIVE PILL CONTINUING TO TAKE THE CONTRACEPTIVE PILL If you wish to start a regular method of contraception after using ellaOne®, you can do so but you should also use condoms until your next period ellaOne® may make regular hormonal contraceptives, like pills and patches, temporarily less effective. If you are currently taking hormonal contraception, continue to use it as usual after taking ellaOne®, but be sure to use condoms every time you have sex until your next period ALWAYS USE A RELIABLE BARRIER CONTRACEPTIVE, LIKE CONDOMS, UNTIL YOUR NEXT PERIOD Pregnancy registry If you have accidentally taken ellaOne® during pregnancy, or have become pregnant despite having taken ellaOne®, HRA Pharma (the licence holder of ellaOne®) is interested in receiving more information about your pregnancy. Information is anonymous to preserve your confidentiality. You can report information at www.hra-pregnancyregistry.com, or ask your doctor to do it for you. You are strongly advised to contact your doctor as early as possible during your pregnancy. What medicines or health conditions should I tell my pharmacist about before taking ellaOne ?PIL ® 23 n L iver disease. ellaOne® is not recommended for women with severe liver disease n S evere asthma n C ertain medicines used to treat epilepsy (phenytoin, fosphenytoine, phenobarbital, primidone, carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine) n C ertain medicines used to treat HIV infection (ritonavir, efavirenz, nevirapine) n C ertain medicines used to treat bacterial infections (for example rifampicin, rifabutine) n H erbal remedies containing St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) used for depression or anxiety n e llaOne® should not be used together with emergency contraceptives containing levonorgestrel When it matters most Chapter 4: Me and my pharmacist talking about ellaOne® Getting ellaOne® should be simple and fuss-free. The pharmacist may ask you a few questions, just to check ellaOne® is suitable for you. There’s no need to feel embarrassed. Remember pharmacy staff deal with all kinds of sensitive situations everyday – it’s their job to make this experience as stress-free as they can for you. Rosa’s ellaOne® story when it mattered most I had just started college. I had been Plan what you are going to say with Paulo for a while. When his condom came off I was really worried that I’d get pregnant. I knew I wasn’t ready to have Here are some ideas: a baby. I had read about emergency contraception on the internet. I thought it would be easier to go to a pharmacist than get an appointment “ I’d like the emergency contraceptive pill please. ” with the doctor. When I went in I was nervous, but the pharmacist was really nice. There were a few questions, but the whole experience was friendly and “ I’ve had a contraceptive mishap and I’d like the morning-after pill please. fuss-free. I went to a café and read the leaflet in the pack. Then I took ellaOne® and went to my next lecture. It felt like a weight was off my mind. ” Bella’s ellaOne® story “ Can I talk to someone about emergency contraception? when it mattered most ” After my second baby our family was complete. On my 40th birthday my “ husband organised a surprise party. It I’d like the day-after pill please. ” was a great night. Next day I realised I’d forgotten to take a couple of my usual contraceptive pills that week and we’d had sex after the party. I asked my sister what to do. She told me to get the morning-after pill from a pharmacist. After a short discussion I bought ellaOne®. While Take somebody with you if it makes you feel more comfortable. I was there I bought some condoms just in case. Getting ellaOne® was very The main thing to remember is to act fast. Go to a pharmacy as soon as you can. 24 straightforward. When it matters most Chapter 5: Me and my contraception in the future The emergency contraceptive pill is not a regular method of contraception. After using the emergency contraceptive pill it makes good sense to think about what regular contraceptive you are going to use. If you have had a problem with your usual contraceptive method, this might be a good time to consider a change of contraception, so you get a method that suits you better. Jargon buster Contr ac also c eption is alled birth contr ol You have lots of contraceptive choices: barrier methods, hormonal contraceptive methods, IUD and sterilisation. Some methods are shown below.Bedsider METHOD WHAT IS IT? EFFORT BARRIER METHODS Male condom Female condom Cap and diaphragm Sponge 25 Forms a barrier that stops sperm (and sexually transmitted diseases) getting into your body Use every time you have sex Forms a barrier that stops sperm (and sexually transmitted diseases) getting into your body Use every time you have sex Round latex or silicon domes that block the cervix. Need to be used with spermicide A round piece of white plastic foam that blocks the cervix and releases spermicide Put in every time you have sex (but can be done hours ahead of time) Put in every time you have sex (but can be done hours ahead of time) When it matters most METHOD WHAT IS IT? EFFORT ‘The Pill’ Hormone tablets. If you wish to start or continue using hormonal contraception, you can do so after using ellaOne®, however, you should be advised to use a reliable barrier method until the next menstrual period, see page 23 Once a day, everyday Ring Small bendable hormonal ring that goes in the vagina Ring in. Wait 3 weeks. Ring out. Wait 1 week. Repeat Patch A thin hormonal ‘sticker’ Patch changed once a week Contraceptive implant A small rod inserted in the upper arm which releases hormones Quick insertion and lasts for up to 3 years Contraceptive injection An injection of a contraceptive hormone One injection every three months Intrauterine device A T-shaped device that is inserted in the womb. Two types: hormonal or copper It’s inserted once and lasts between 3 and 10 years depending on the type HORMONAL METHODS METHOD WHAT IS IT? EFFORT Spermicides Creams, films, foams, gels and suppositories that are inserted into the vagina. Work best with other barrier methods Have to apply it every time you have sex Sterilisation Men or women can have the tubes that carry sperm or eggs closed or blocked Only required once SPERMICIDES AND STERILISATION Some of these methods may have medical contraindications. For comprehensive information on contraceptive methods, talk to a healthcare professional. Remember that only condoms protect you from sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.Bedsider Other methods of contraception do not offer any protection. If you are worried about sexually transmitted infections, talk to a healthcare professional. There are also several other “natural methods” such as withdrawal and fertility awareness methods (Ogino method, Billings and temperature method). These methods have been shown to be unreliable.Trussell 26 When it matters most Tips to avoid contraceptive accidents Contraceptive accidents can happen to anyone. Here are some tips to help you: n e prepared. Carry condoms or keep your sponge, diaphragm B or cap with you n n e careful when taking condoms out of the packet, especially around B nails and jewellery n Store condoms correctly so they don’t get too hot or damaged n Ensure that condoms are not past their use by date n n n 27 on’t use oil based lubricants with latex condoms, as they can D weaken them so they split se pill manufacturers’ apps, or use the reminder or calendar U function on your mobile telephone, to set up daily alerts to remind you to take your contraceptive pill nsure you follow the correct guidance if you miss a contraceptive E pill. See your pill pack leaflet ign up to telephone or SMS alerts provided free by some S contraceptive manufacturers n Set up a mobile reminder to take out and reinsert your vaginal ring n Set up a weekly mobile reminder to change your contraceptive patch n Set up a mobile reminder to have your next contraceptive injection n Don’t assume you will remember. Don’t take a chance When it matters most Chapter 6: Check you’ve understood the facts... …about ellaOne ® 1.ellaOne® is an effective morning-after pill, when it matters most because: It can prevent a pregnancy even when you are about to ovulate (release an egg) It puts you off sex It can replace your regular contraceptive 2.ellaOne® works by delaying egg release (ovulation). How does this prevent you getting pregnant? The sperm travel slower The sperm that are already waiting in your reproductive tract are no longer capable of making you pregnant The sperm live longer 3.You can get ellaOne® from A pharmacy with a doctor’s prescription only Specialist clinics Directly from a pharmacy 4.At what time in a woman’s life does it ‘matter most’ that she doesn’t get pregnant by accident? When she is young and not ready to be a mum When she already has children and doesn’t want any more It can matter most at any stage in her fertile life – there are no ‘rules’. Everyone is different 28 When it matters most Check you’ve understood the facts... …about avoiding pregnancy 5.Your best friend tells you she’s had sex without using any contraception the night before. She doesn’t want to become pregnant. What would you advise her? She’ll be OK – she probably won’t get pregnant She should do a pregnancy test She could get pregnant and needs to act fast and get the morning-after pill from a pharmacist 6.Three friends are talking about what ‘unprotected sex’ is. Who is right? Frieda says it is when you have sex without any contraception Julietta says it is when you have a contraceptive mishap (contraceptive failure) – for example a condom came off Anna says it is either of the above - sex without contraception, or contraceptive failure 7.Which of the following is true about ovulation (egg release)? It always happens on day 14 of the menstrual cycle It always happens in the middle of the menstrual cycle It can happen at any time in the menstrual cycle 8.Women sometimes get confused about the morning-after pill and abortion. Which of the following is a myth? The morning-after pill is totally different to abortion The morning-after pill causes abortion If you are pregnant it is too late for the morning-after pill because it works to prevent the start of a pregnancy 29 When it matters most Answers 1.ellaOne® is an effective morning-after pill, when it matters most, because it can prevent a pregnancy even when you are about to ovulate (release an egg). 2.ellaOne® delays ovulation so the sperm that are already waiting in your reproductive tract die before the egg is released. 3.You can get ellaOne® both with a doctor’s prescription and directly from a pharmacy without prescription. 4.It can matter most at any stage in her life – there are no ‘rules’. Everyone is different. 5.She could get pregnant and needs to act fast to get emergency contraception from the pharmacist. 6.Anna is right. Unprotected sex, is sex without contraception, or contraceptive failure. 7.Egg release (ovulation) can happen at any time in the menstrual cycle. 8.It is a myth that the morning-after pill causes abortion – it acts to prevent pregnancy. make and can n io t p e c cy contra emergen t u o b r: a e re Rememb avoid know mo for you. you can t , h I) Now you g S ri P (U re e es that a tercours ssible the choic on as po sexual in o d s e s t a c e n t io tracept ad unpro our u have h ency con rg e m n If yo e time in y g y in n s a u t y a b t n cy t pregna pregnan u can ge o y e im o safe t ncy here’s n r emerge n T fo k s a le d c al cy acist an menstru our pharm y o t o g st ust act fa n You m ption contrace 30 When it matters most ellaOne® emergency contraception is now available directly in a pharmacy without a prescription. But the morning-after pill has. 31 n e llaOne® has previously only been available with a doctor’s prescription, but now it is available for you to self-select directly in pharmacy n e llaOne® is a morning-after pill that can even prevent a pregnancy when you are about to ovulate – when it matters mostSPC, FSRH n A sk your pharmacist or other healthcare professional for more information or advice When it matters most
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