Parish of St. John the Evangelist
Parish of St. John the Evangelist
Parish of St. John the Evangelist - St. Rocco 250 - 21st Street Brooklyn, NY 11215 216 - 27th Street Brooklyn, NY 11232 Parish Office at 250—21st Street Phone: 718-768-3751 Fax: 718-768-4689 Website: Mon. 9:30am-12pm & 1pm-6:30pm Tues. - Thurs. 9:30am-12pm & 1pm-7:30pm Friday 9:00am-3:00pm Sat. 9am-12pm Rev. Kenneth J. Grande, Pastor Saturday Vigil Mass: English 5:30 p.m. St. John the Evangelist Sunday Masses: English Spanish English 8:45 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:45 a.m. St. John the Evangelist St. John the Evangelist St. Rocco Church Mon.-Fri. Masses: English 8:30 a.m. St. John the Evangelist Friday Mass: Spanish 7:30 p.m. St. John the Evangelist Mass Intentions Saturday 5:30pm December 19 Rosemarie, Artie & Arty Milo Requested by Trzesinski Family Filomena Raucci Sunday 8:45am Requested by Raucci Family December 20 Joseph Lafata Requested by Joyce Lafata Pasquale & Filomena Carpenito Requested by Joyce Lafata Millie & Sal DeSena Requested by Sadie Ventura 10:00am En acción de gracias de Los Cursillistas De parte de Los Cursillistas Confessions/Confesiónes: Saturdays 4:30pm - 5:00pm Sábado a las 4:30pm - 5:00pm Marriages/Matrimonios Please arrange at least 6 months in advance. Por favor notificar al parroco 6 meses antes de la boda. Baptisms/Bautismos Please call the parish office for more information. Por favor, llame la oficina de la Parroquia por más información Veronica Zepeda De parte de Los Cursillistas José Antonio Rivera De parte de Esposa Carmen 11:45am Monday 8:30am Tuesday 8:30am All Members of Our Parish Family December 21 Matteo Family Requested by Sadie Ventura December 22 Marie Zyjack Requested by Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Quiles Compitello Family Requested by Sadie Ventura Wednesday December 23 8:30am Dorothy Reitz Requested by Children Bill Zucker (Birthday) Requested by Mom Ventura Family Requested by Sadie Ventura Victor Sciarrino Thursday 8:30am Requested by Family December 24 Tarno Family Requested by Family 7:30pm Friday 10:00am Saturday 5:30pm All Members of Our Parish Family December 25 All Members of Our Parish Family Todos Miembros de los Parroquia December 26 All Members of Our Parish Family Memorials for the Week of December 20th: Altar Bread & Wine - Carpenito, Caruso, Lafata, Scarpati & Yazzo Families Requested by Joyce Lafata Religious Education Classes Registration: Registration for our parish Religious Education Faith Formation Classes is now taking place in the parish office. Registration fee is $40.00 for the first child and $30.00 for each additional child of the same family. Please bring a copy of the child’s Baptismal Certificate and a copy of the Birth Certificate. Registración para las clases de Educación Religiosa: La inscripción para nuestras clases de Educación Religiosa, para la Formación de Fe, está teniendo lugar ahora en la oficina de nuestra parroquia. El costo de inscripción para un niño es de $ 40.00, y $30.00 por cada niño adicional de la misma familia. Por favor traiga una copia del Certificado de Bautismo del niño y una copia del acta de nacimiento. The 2016 Mass Book is Opened: We ask that you come to the rectory to reserve Masses for the year 2016 on Tuesday through Thursday only from 1:30 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. This will give us a better opportunity to serve your needs. Libro De Misa Del 2016: Ya está abierto el libro de las Misas para el año 2016. Los que quieren mandar celebrar una misa en el año 2016 pueden venir a la rectoria en las horas de oficina para reservar fecha y pagarla. Please pray for the sick of our parish: Liza & Lisette Ferreiro, Amanda Lara, Teresa Zapata, Gladys Alarcon, Ramon Gonzalez, Victoria Dubitsky, Alfredo Rivas, Jack Reitz, Carla Yanis Ramirez & Manuel Polanco Share The Gospel When Mary visited Elizabeth, they were both waiting for their babies to be born. Elizabeth's baby would grow up to be John the Baptist. Mary's baby would grow up to be Jesus our savior. Mary and Elizabeth were excited to see each other, not only because they loved each other, but also because they both loved God very much. It makes God happy when we love our relatives and friends, just like Mary and Elizabeth did. Mary couldn't wait to visit her much older cousin, Elizabeth, up in the hills of Judea. Both of them were expecting babies. Each of them knew that the birth of her child was a special event that could only happen because they trusted God. Your own mother trusted that God would give you life in this world. Both Mary and Elizabeth watched their children grow up to do good things. You can grow up to do good things too, if you trust in God. Prayer Dear Jesus, help me to trust you and to remember that you are the reason we celebrate Christmas. Something to Draw Draw a picture of your relatives visiting one another at Christmas. Mission for the Week You belong to a larger family than just the people in your home. See how many of your relatives you can name before you visit them at Christmas. When you do see them, wish them "Merry Christmas!" A Celebration Of Christmas Christmas Eve - Thursday - December 24, 2015 Bi-Lingual Mass (English/Spanish) at 7:30pm Christmas Day - Friday - December 25, 2015 Bi-Lingual Mass (English/Spanish) at 10:00am Una Celebración De La Navidad Nochebuena - El Jueves - Diciembre 24 del 2015 Misa Bilingüe (Inglés/Español) a las 7:30pm El Dia De Navidad - El Viernes - Diciembre 25 del 2015 Misa Bilingüe (Inglés/Español) a las 10:00am Solemnity Of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother Of God Solemnidad De Santa María, Madre De Dios Thursday - December 31, 2015 Mass In English - 5:30pm El Jueves - Diciembre 31 del 2015 Misa En Inglés a las 5:30pm Friday - January 1, 2016 Bi-Lingual Mass (English/Spanish) at 10:00am El Viernes - Enero 1 del 2016 Misa Bilingüe (Inglés/Español) a las 10:00am Todos estan invitado a las festividades de la Virgen de la Nube. 21 al 29 de Diciembre, a las 7:30pm, la Novena a la Virgen de la Nube; 30 de Diciembre, a las 7:30pm, cierre de la Novena con una Santa Misa y Serenata en la Iglesia de nuestra parroquia, San Juan Evangelista. El Viernes, 1 de Enero de 2016, una procesión a las 12:00pm comenzará desde el 429 la calle de 45th, entre 4th y 5th Avenidas, hasta la Iglesia de nuestra parroquia, San Juan Evangelista, donde se celebrara la Santa Misa, a las 2:00pm, con El Obispo Cisneros. "Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste." What was the rush? Why did Mary go so quickly to visit her cousins Elizabeth and Zechariah? It's hard to know exactly what her purpose was, but one thing is clear: Mary and Elizabeth shared a special connection. Perhaps Mary was anxious to be in the company of someone who could understand her unusual situation. At this point, Mary was newly pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit. The verses preceding today's reading tell us about the appearance of the Angel Gabriel and Mary's willingness to become the mother of the Messiah. Now, this child was already growing within her womb, but the whole thing was an incredible secret. Who would believe her? In whom could Mary confide the unbelievable events that had taken place? We know that at some point later, Joseph had a vision in a dream that allowed him to understand. But before that dream came, he was planning to part ways with Mary. It must have been during that difficult time that Mary went to see Elizabeth. And what joy that upon her arrival, Elizabeth immediately understood. "Blessed is the fruit of your womb," Elizabeth cried out. The same Holy Spirit who conceived Jesus in Mary's womb enlightened Elizabeth at this moment.What a consolation this must have been to Mary. This story reminds us of the importance of our own fellowship in the faith. Sharing our spiritual journey with other believers who are receptive to the Holy Spirit is meant to be a source of encouragement and strength. We are not supposed to be in this alone. As we worship and celebrate together with our faith community, may we share with each other the real joy of this sacred season. Christmas Flowers Many Thanks to those who have given their contributions toward the flowers the parish will use during the Christmas Season. If you have not already made an offering, please consider a contribution to the parish for the Christmas Flowers. Thank You. Flores de Navidad Muchas gracias a todos ustedes quienes dieron su contribución acerca de las Flores de Navidad para la parroquia que serán usadas durante la temporada de Navidad. Si usted no tiene preparada una ofrenda, por favor, concidere una contribución para la parroquia para las Flores de Navidad. Gracia. ¡Cantemos de alegría, el Señor está cerca! María toma su decisión, y con prisa va al encuentro de su prima Isabel y rinde tributo a ella y a su hijo en cuanto se saludan. María esperaba una afirmación de saber que Dios estaba con ella y la encontró en labios de su prima. "¡Bendita tú entre las mujeres y bendito el fruto de tu vientre!...Dichosa tú, que has creído, porque se cumplirá cuanto te fue anunciado de parte del Señor". Este encuentro le provoca gran alegría y canta de júbilo el Magníficat. En este himno de alegría alaba la confianza que Dios depósito en ella. Del cómo los poderosos son derribados y los pequeños enaltecidos. En estos últimos días de Adviento la liturgia nos invita a regocijarnos junto con María en la alegría del Niño que ya llega a darnos esperanza de un mundo mejor. Humildad y serenidad son urgentes en nuestra sociedad, reconocer que dependemos de Dios, que necesitamos su gracia en el mundo. El secreto de María fue que siempre confió en Dios, hoy ya no es secreto porque ella nos lo enseña para que pongamos manos a la obra y saber confiar. Miremos alrededor de nosotros y digámosle confiados a Jesús. "Señor, ya no quiero caer de nuevo, quiero caminar, deseo seguir en la lucha, llévame en tus manos, guíame y sigue mostrándome quien eres tú. Recuérdame que no estoy solo, deseo abrirte las puertas de mi corazón, que mis ojos vean los signos de tu amor en esta Navidad. Quiero anunciar la buena nueva de tu Nacimiento". Merry Christmas Feliz Navidad
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