Il Centro - Co.As.It


Il Centro - Co.As.It
Co.As.It Italian Resource Centre Newsletter
189 Faraday Street, Carlton Vic 3053 Tel: 9349 9018 Fax: 9349 9091, email: Vol.22, Issue 2,
April, 2014
FOR 2014
Open 10.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.)
1st March
17th May
16th August
8th November
Opening hours :
Tues 9.00am- 8.45pm*
Wed 9.00 pm- 5.00
Thurs 9am-5pm
Fri 9am-5pm
Note: Late night opening on
Tuesday applies only during the
school term, and not during the
Appunti :
Co.As.It Resource Centre staff proactively seek out new
culturally and educationally appropriate resources which are
vital in supporting current educational initiatives. Please
contact us regarding any material you have knowledge of
which can be purchased, translated and or adapted to match
current trends. As such, we will ensure there is no shortage of
material not only now but for the future.
A reminder that there are several major events, in Italy, in
Melbourne and internationally which may be of interest to you
and your students this term. They are:
Italian Masterpieces from Spain’s Royal Court
Museo del Prada
16th May 2014 – 31st August, 2014
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Il Giro D’Italia
Beginning in Belfast on 9th May, 2014, this 3450 km race will
end in Trieste on 1st June and transverse several regions of
Italy. This event can be easily followed via internet and SBS
will broadcast and live stream each stage. This event
provides an authentic insight into the country (further details
The FIFA World Cup 2014
This edition of “Il Centro” is
published by Co.As.It
Italian Resource Centre,
Carlton and is compiled by
Rose Patti.
Advertising of products and
services is not necessarily
endorsed by Co.As.It.
This event is scheduled to be held in Brazil from
12th June to 13th July, 2014
(See April 2006 I Mondiali di Calcio Edition of Orizzonti for
Gondola Facts!
A gondola is the most exciting way to see Venice.
Length : 36 feet (11 metres)
Width : 5 feet (1.5 metres)
Weight : 1350 pounds (614 kg)
Cost : equal to a luxury car
In the 16th century there were ten thousand gondolas in
Venice, today there are fewer than five hundred.
Source : This is Venice, by Mirolslav Sasek, Macmillan, 200?
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22 Issue 2
Italian Film Study Units
This registration form becomes a Tax Invoice upon receipt of payment
Please photocopy and keep for your records
COASIT ABN 85 005 596 485
Contact Teacher Name:
School telephone:
School fax:
Teacher’s Email address:
These units, including grammar and comprehension activities were developed by Co.As.It. Italian Language
Assistants as part of their work requirement, under the direction of Co.As.It Staff. They are offered to schools as
written by the assistants. Teachers should assess their suitability for use in their own classes.
Includes over 40 film study units, for both classic, contemporary and documentary Italian films
20 sigarette
Basilicata coast to coast
Bello, onesto, emigrato
Benvenuti al nord
Benvenuti al sud
Carnevale di Viareggio
Caterina va in città
Che ne sarà di noi
Due partite
Generazione 1000 euro
I cento passi
Il padre e lo straniero
Il più bel giorno della mia vita
Quando sei nato non poi più
Io, l’altro
Johnny Stecchino
La dolce vita
La familglia
Ladri di biciclette
L’estate di Martino
My name is Tanino
Notte prima degli esami
Notte prima degli esami, oggi
Pane e tulipani
Pranzo di ferragosto
La siciliana ribelle
Forever Vespa
Renzo e Lucia
Rosso come il cielo
Salvatore, questa è la vita
Scialla! (Stai sereno)
They’re a weird mob
Tre metri sopro il cielo
Un altro mondo
Volevo i pantaloni
La scuola è finita
Italy : love it or leave it
Cost : $33.00 (incl. GST) subscriber price
$88.00 (incl.GST) non-subscriber price
Postage : $7.00
Payment can be made by Electronic Funds Transfer, cheque or credit card.
Please deposit charge into the following account & please quote: FILM CD
Account Name: Co.As.It. Italian Assistance Association
BSB: 633-000 Account: 107 090 409
Please photocopy this form for your records and forward a copy of receipt of EFT payment by email or fax
Rose Patti Email: or Fax:
9349 9091
2. CHEQUE made payable to Co.As.It Resource Centre and mailed to Co.As.It, 189 Faraday Street,
Carlton, Victoria 3053
3. CREDIT CARD – contact 9349 9018 for details.
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22 Issue 2
This Order Form is also a Tax Invoice for GST purposes
Co.As.It Italian Assistance Association
ABN 85 005 596 485
Postal Address:
Please print clearly the email addresses to which correspondence is to be sent.
(This is our main form of communication).
Please use reverse if required.
Cost : $110.00 (incl. GST)
Payment can be made by Electronic Funds Transfer, cheque or credit card.
Please deposit charge into the following account & please quote: SUBSCRIPTIONS
Account Name: Co.As.It. Italian Assistance Association
BSB: 633-000 Account: 107 090 409
Please photocopy this form for your records and forward a copy of receipt of EFT payment by
email or fax to:
Rose Patti Email: or Fax:
9349 9091
CHEQUE made payable to Co.As.It Resource Centre and mailed to Co.As.It,
189 Faraday Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2
School Subscription Conditions for Co.As.It. Italian
Resource Centre
I, the undersigned, hereby apply for subscription of Co.As.It. Italian Resource Centre Library for the person/s
named above.
Whilst a subscriber of the Library I agree to:
Take responsibility for all items issued on the subscription card until returned to the library and discharged by library
Accept responsibility for the choice of library materials if intended for applicants under 18 years.
Pay replacement and processing costs for any item/s lost, destroyed or damaged by any cause while on loan, except
such damage as is caused by reasonable and fair use.
Notify the Library Staff immediately if the subscription card is lost.
Pay the cost of any fine incurred for overdue materials.
Use borrowed materials only for educational purposes within the above named school, and not for profit.
Failure to comply with these conditions may result in the suspension of access or borrowing privileges.
I have read and understood the borrowing conditions and agree to abide by them.
Emails are our main form of communication. Include all relevant emails
including individual teachers and / or personal addresses.
Library Opening Hours 2014
9.00 am until 8.45 pm*
9.00 am until 5.00 pm
9.00 am until 5.00 pm
9.00 am until 5.00 pm
*Late night opening on Tuesday evening does not apply during the school holiday period.
CO.AS.IT Italian Language, Culture and Heritage Department
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2
Staff led programs are only available on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Self –Guided Tours are available on Thursday and Friday
Museo Italiano is closed on Monday
Education programs and resources
The Museo Italiano Melbourne explores the themes of migration and settlement, diversity, identity, language,
culture and community life. An education kit including student activities at different levels (beginners, intermediate
and advanced) based on the permanent exhibition are available for teachers to download from the website:
The following Education Programs for Museo Italiano Melbourne will be offered:
La storia in valigia- Exploring Italian migrant stories
Staff led program for Years 5-10
A student centered program about the stories of Italian migrants and their contribution to Australia. The workshop
explores the themes within the exhibition at Museo Italiano through a series of objects, photographs and
information about Italian migrants.
The workshop will cater for all levels of comprehension and can be facilitated in Italian and/or bilingually. The
workshop will be followed by a visit to Museo Italiano exhibition. Students are encouraged to complete museum
activities in Italian, which will be available for teachers to download and bring on the day of the excursion from the
Museo Italiano- Introductory talk for Advanced level of Italian
Staff led program for Years 11- 12 (VCE)
An introductory talk of the permanent exhibition presented in Italian with a focus on the contribution and identity of
Italians in Victoria. This session will be followed by a visit to Museo Italiano exhibition. Students are encouraged
to complete museum activities in Italian, which will be available for teachers to download and bring on the day of
the excursion from the website:
Museo Italiano-Self Guided school group visits
Teachers can organize self-guided visits to the Museo Italiano exhibition and can download the museum selfguided activities from the Education kit available from the website: There is no cost
for self-guided visits to the museum, however, bookings are essential.
Education kit- Refer to website
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2
The education kit for Museo Italiano includes teacher notes, Tuning in, Museum visit and Post visit language
activities at the beginners, intermediate and advanced levels that link to LOTE (Italian) and other domains:
Humanities- History; Personal Learning, Civics and Citizenship, Communication; Thinking Processes and ICT.
The Italian language activities in the Education Kit cover a range of themes such as, la vita quotidiana -il
divertimento- lo sport- il lavoro- i bambini. The kit also includes
pictures and information on museum objects and key historical images.
Bookings for Museo Italiano Melbourne Education Programs
School groups must be booked into the Museo Italiano for both staff-led programs or self-guided visits.
For queries and bookings, please contact Maria Brancolino by email or telephone
on 9349-9019 between 9am-5pm (Tuesdays – Wednesday) Information is also available at
The Museo Italiano is open for self-guided school group visits from Tuesday- Friday at the following
times: 10am, 11am, 12 midday, 1pm & 2pm. Cost-NIL.
Staff led programs are available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays ONLY. Times can be negotiable.
Cost of sessions: $66 (up to 30 students) or $33 (1-10 students)
All bookings will be confirmed by email. A registration/tax invoice form with booking details will be
emailed to the school/teacher.
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2
Al telefono
Italy has the highest number of mobile phones per capita in all of Europe? Over 147 per cent of the population has a mobile
phone- this means there are more mobile phones in use than people in Italy! By comparison, Australian mobile phone
usage is at 93 per cent of the population. Gli Italiani certainly like to chat and send text messages!
Here is a list of useful telephone vocabulary:
Pronto! (literally means “I’m ready”)
Chi parla?
Who is speaking?
Sono io. / Sono Anna.
It’s me. / It’s Anna.
il cellulare / il telefonino
the mobile phone
il SMS
the SMS
mandare un SMS a….
to send a SMS to….
la suoneria
the ringtone
telefonare a….
to telephone….
To ask for someone’s phone number you say: “Qual è il tuo numero di telefono?”
(What is your phone number?)
To respond you could say: ”Il mio numero di telefono è… “
Another interesting difference is that when Italians say their phone number, they don’t always say them
number by number. Rather they sometimes say them in groups of two.
6873 4665
sessantotto settantatre quarantasei sessantacinque
And when there is a zero in the group of two:
0452 78 39 75
zero Quattro cinquantadue settantotto trentanove
From: Formula Italiano 1 : Pearson Australia, Port Melbourne, Victoria, 2011
Italians often just say Pronto? when they answer
the phone. When calling an office or a business,
the person answering will often say the name
of the office or business without saying pronto.
When calling within Italy we need to use the city’s dialing code, which includes a zero (for
example 02 for Milan, 06 for Rome).
Mobile phone numbers do not begin with a zero (for example 333 475 1367).
The international dialing code for Italy is 0039
From : Arrivederci 1 : corso multimediale di italiano per Stranieri, Federica Colombo et al, Edizioni Edilingua; Rome,
Italy; 2011
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2
Role plays from “Language in Context”
From : Pane e Fantasia, R-8 Italian Curriculum, Education Department of South Australia; South Australia;
Pronto, chi parla? (Telephone. Adult / child. Informal / formal.)
Drin! Drin!
Signora Bianchi :
Signora Bianchi :
Signora Bianchi:
Signora Bianchi:
Pronto, sono la signora Bianchi, chi parla?
Sono Joe.
Ciao Joe.
Buon giorno signora Bianchi.
C’è la mamma?
No, non c’è. È uscita.
Che peccato! Beh, ciao Joe.
Arrivederla signora.
Telephone. Child / child. Informal
From : Pane e Fantasia, R-8 Italian Curriculum, Education Department of South Australia, South Australia, 1982
John :
Luca :
Luca :
John :
John :
Pronto, chi parla?
Sono John.
Ciao John, sono Luca.
Sai, ho una bicicletta nuova!
Ah sì, di che colore è?
È rossa e bianca. È bellissima!
Ha il campanello come la mia?
Si! Ha il campanello, e anche lo specchietto.
Benissimo! Allora andiamo a fare un giro insieme.
Buon idea! Andiamo al parco.
Quale parco?
Quello vicino alla scuola.
Va bene, ci vediamo lì!
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2
Il linguaggio universale del cellulare
Tutti i giovani del mondo, per comunicare, usano questi segni.
sono felice
sono confuso
sono annoiato
ho il ciuffo nei capelli
ho gli occhiali
non capisco
mi piace
non è divertente
sono stupito
hum, sarà?!
sono senza parole
sono malato
ti mando un bacio
From : Benvenuti in italiano : corso modulare di linguaqio Italiano per ragazzi Volume 2, Marcello Silvestrini, Guerra Edizioni,
Il telefono…un mezzo rapidissimo per…
Chiedere un appuntamento con un medico
-Pronto? Signorina, telefono per prenedere un appuntamento con il dottore.
-Dica pure.
-Vorrei una visita oculistica per lunedì 17.
-Non è possibile. Il lunedì lo studio è chiuso.
-E la settimana prossima?
-Va bene sabato alle 12 e 30?
-Perfetto. Sabato a mezzogiorno e mezzo.
Chiedere un appuntamento ad un amico
-Pronto, Carlo? Sei libero martedì sera?
-No. Purtroppo martedì sera sono occupato.
-E, allora quando sei libero?
-Facciamo mercoledì dopo pranzo, alle sei e un quarto.
-D’accordo. Ci vediamo mercoledì alle sei e quindici.
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2
Accettare un appuntamento
-Si, va bene.
-Con molto piacere!
-D’accordo, siamo intesi.
-si, giovedì. All’una precisa!
Fissare un appuntamento
Benissimo. A che ora ci vediamo?
Mi passi a prendere tu?
Passo a prenderti io alle sette e dieci?
Vengo con l’autobus numero 22.
Torno con l’ultimo autobus.
Va bene. Ci vediamo alle venti davanti al cinema.
Rifiutare un appuntamento
Mi dispiace, ma domenica sera all 17 e 40 non sono libera.
Purtroppo non sono libera nemmeno la settiman prossima.
È impossibile! Devo uscire con i miei genitori. Peccato! Proprio non posso liberarmi.
È la mia terza settimana di lavoro.
Salutare e congedersi
Siamo d’accordo. Ci vediamo!
Va bene, a questa sera!
Alle ventuno preciso.
Ciao. Saluti!
A presto!
From : Benvenuti in Italiano : corso modulare di lingua Italian per ragazzi, Volume 2, Marcello Silvestrini et al, 2005Guerra
Who really invented the telephone, Antonio Meucci or Alexander Graham Bell?
There is a lot of controversy and intrigue surrounding the invention of the telephone. There have been
court cases, books and articles generated about the subject. Of course, Alexander Graham Bell is the
father of the telephone. After all it was his design that was first patented. However, he was not the first
inventor to come up with the idea of a telephone.
Antonio Meucci, an Italian immigrant, began developing the
in 1849. In 1871, he filed a caveat (an announcement of
telegraph. Due to hardships, Meucci could not renew his
telephone was overlooked until the United States House of
June 11, 2002, honouring Meucci's contributions and work.
design of a talking telegraph or telephone
an invention) for his design of a talking
caveat. His role in the invention of the
Representatives passed a Resolution on
From :
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2
Teatrino Italiano, Little Italian Theatre
By Luigia Cuttin et al, Long Bridge Publishing,
USA, 2013
A collection of ten plays with an Italian theme, intended
for use in theatre and language programs with primary and
middle years. The scripts are in English and Italian and can
be simplified, if necessary, for plays, recitals, school
performances and language learning. The Appendix
provides several templates that can be copied and used
during the plays. A great tool to encourgae reading and
speaking skills.
Lygon Street: si parla italiano,
Angelo Pricolo & Shannon Swan, Two Taps
Productions, Victoria, 2013
A raucous long lunch/group interview with veteran café,
delicatessen and restaurant owners of Carlton provides an
insight into the immigrant post-World War II scene of Lygon
Street, Carlton and into its emergence as a hub of Italian
culture. This 3 DVD box set includes rare footage of the
Lygon Street Festa circa 1978 / 79, when times were
simpler and less sophisticated.
Italian with English subtitles.
Italiamania: corso di lingua e cultura,
livello elementare, Katerin Katerinov et al,
Mondadori, Italy, 2009
Specifically designed for an international audience, this
kit consists of a textbook (including exercises) and 2 audio Cds.
Topics provide students with communicative language including
expressing gratitude, expressing possibility or necessity,
expressing gratitude etc. Texts are up-to-date, content interesting
formatting visually inviting. Covers A1 and A2 of European levels.
Suitable for senior students.
Italian for children, third edition (book and CDs)
Catherine Bruzzone, McGraw Hill, New York, 2003
This program is fun and effective for junior students and includes a course
book, activity book and Cds.
Topics include greetings, family, school, colours, the zoo,
picnics and birthdays. Texts are simple and well-illustrated and include the
cartoon character “Super Gatto.” Another
great feature is the variety of games presented.
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2
Il Giro d’Italia: Tour of Italy
The 2014 Giro d'Italia will begin in Belfast as part of three days of action on both sides of the Irish
border. The cross-border start to one of cycling's three Grand Tour events will be held over three stages
taking place 10-12 May, 2014. The stages will involve routes through Belfast, Armagh and Dublin.
Giro d’Italia 2014: percorso e tappe della corsa rosa
The Giro d'Italia (Tour of Italy) is an annual bicycle race held in Italy with occasional excursions into
other countries. The race started in 1909 to increase sales of La Gazzetta dello Sport and has been
held annually, except during the two world wars. The race distance lengthened and more foreigners
competed as the race gained prominence and popularity.
With the Tour de France and Vuelta a Espana the Giro is a Grand Tour. The Giro is usually in late May
and early June and while there are three route changes each year the format stays the same, with at
least two time trials, the Alps, including the Dolomites, and the finish in Milan. There are usually 21 daylong segments (stages) over 23 days, with two rest days.
Riders compete by recording the lowest overall time over the complete distance. The rider with the
lowest time wears a pink jersey. There are other contests: the points classification for sprinters, the
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2
mountains classification for the climbers, young rider classification for riders under 25, and the
classification for teams. The 2013 race was won by Vincenzo Nibali.
1908–1909: The idea and first race
The idea of a race around Italy was suggested when La Gazzetta dello Sport editor Tullio Morgagni sent
a telegram to the paper's owner, Emilio Costamagna, and its cycling editor, Armando Cougnet. La
Gazzetta's rival, Corriere della Sera was planning a race of its own, after achieving success with a car
race. Morgagni decided to hold a race before Corriere della Sera's but it lacked the money. However,
after the success La Gazzetta and Costamagna went ahead.[ Their bike race was announced on August
7, 1908 in the first page of that day's edition of La Gazzetta dello Sport
The organizers needed 25,000 lire. Primo Bongrani, an accountant at the Cassa di Risparmio and friend
of the organizers, toured Italy asking for donations. He collected enough money to cover the operating
costs. Prizes came from a casino in San Remo after Francesco Sghirla, a former Gazzetta employee,
encouraged it to contribute. Even Corriere, La Gazzetta's rival, gave 3,000 lire to the race's fund.
On 13 May 1909 at 2:53 am 127 riders set off from Piazza Loreto in Milan. The race was split into eight
stages covering 2,448 km (1,521 miles). A total of 49 riders finished, with Italian Luigi Ganna winning.
Ganna won three individual stages and the overall race. He won 5,325 lire as first prize; the last rider
received 300 lire. That compared to the salary of the Giro's director, who received 150 lire a month.
1910–1924: Italian domination
Until 1950, the winners were of Italian descent. The 1909 Giro was such a success that the organizers
added two stages and 500 km (311 miles). It had a new point distribution to determine the leader; the
stage winner received one point, second place two points, and so on until the 51st and later finishers,
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2
who received 51. The first non-Italian stage winner, Jean-Baptiste Dortignacq, came in 1910; he won
the second stage. Carlo Galetti led from stage two until the finish.
The 1911 Giro was the first to start and finish not in Milan but in Rome – to celebrate Italy's 50th
anniversary of unification. The 1911 edition also saw the first foreigner to lead, Lucien Petit-Breton, and
the first repeat winner, Carlo Galetti.
Il Giro D’Italia Route 2014
1 venerdì, maggio 9
Belfast (IE) → Belfast(IE)
2 sabato, maggio 10
Belfast (IE) → Belfast (IE)
map |
3 domenica, maggio 11
Armagh (IE) → Dublin(IE)
R lunedì, maggio 12
Rest day
4 martedì, maggio 13
Giovinazzo → Bari
5 mercoledì, maggio 14
Taranto → Viggiano
| map |
6 giovedì, maggio 15
Sassano → Montecassino
7 venerdì, maggio 16
Frosinone → Foligno
| map |
8 sabato, maggio 17
Foligno → Montecopiolo
map |
9 domenica, maggio 18
Lugo → Sestola
map |
R lunedì, maggio 19
Rest day
10 martedì, maggio 20
Modena → Salsomaggiore
| map |
11 mercoledì, maggio 21
Correggio → Savona
| map |
12 giovedì, maggio 22
Barbaresco → Barolo
| map |
13 venerdì, maggio 23
Fossano → Rivarolo Canavese
21.7 km
218 km
187 km
121 km
200 km
247 km
214 km
174 km
174 km
184 km
249 km
46.4 km
158 km
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2
| map |
14 sabato, maggio 24
Agliè → Oropa
15 domenica, maggio 25
Valdengo → Montecampione
map |
R lunedì, maggio 26
Rest day
16 martedì, maggio 27
Ponte di Legno → Val Martello
| map |
17 mercoledì, maggio 28
Sarnonico → Vittorio Veneto
| map |
18 giovedì, maggio 29
Belluno → Rifugo Panarotta
map |
19 venerdì, maggio 30
Bassano del Grappa → Monte Grappa
map |
20 sabato, maggio 31
Maniago → Monte Zoncolan
| map |
21 domenica, giugno 1
Gemona → Trieste
map |
Total Distance
copyright (c) 2005 - 2014
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2
Tax Invoice
Co.As.It. Italian Assistance Association
Italian Resource Centre
ABN 85 005 596 485
(Postal Address) Level 1, 189 Faraday Street,
Carlton, 3053
Tel:( 03) 9349 9022
Fax:(03) 9349 9091
Contact Person :___________________________________________________
Name of School : _________________________________________________
School Postal Address : _____________________________________________
Telephone : ___________________Email :_____________________________
Tick each CD Pack Title required clearly & specify number of copies required at $5.00 each.
For Non Subscribers cost is $22.00 each :
Story Book Titles included
CD Pack Title
Ecco Pinocchio
Pinocchio CD:
C’era una volta La festa di Pollicino
Il sole e vento
Giacco e il fagiolo
La gallinella rossa
Alla festa
Buona Pasqua CD: La colomba
Buon Natale CD:
Andiamo in Italia
La sorpresa
Fra Martino
L’albero di Natale
Il presepio
La Befana
Il piccolo capitano
Sulla neve
La macchinetta rossa
Mangia, mangia
Il mio fratellino
Il pappagallo
Sogni d’oro
Aiuto! Un topo
Songs / Canzoni / Plays / Recite
La famiglia CD :
Divertiamoci CD:
Total cost of CDs $
Plus $6.00 Postage $6.00
Total cost $
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Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2
The following is a free advertisement which does not imply any endorsement by Co.As.It.
Teachers should make their own enquiries regarding suitability.
La Comica Variety Productions
Melbourne’s funniest Italian show performers...
Your students will love ...
La Festa
This year Mario and his Nonno spend the day at La Festa Italiana being held at their
local park. Mario will participate in a Scopa card game, a soccer match with Del Piero, an
unforgettable Carnevale experience and a cruise in the latest Ferrari. But will Mario win
his very own Vespa in the Italian raffle? Another fun filled comedy show with wonderful
characters and audience participation.
Still on offer in 2014 :
Le Vacanze : Primary and Secondary
Ristorante Mangiabanane : Primary and Secondary
Un’avventura Romana : Primary
For Bookings and more information
Contact :James Liotta
Phone : 0409 932 014
Email : jliotta@telstra.come completed by
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2
6pm on Sunday 27 Saturday evening 26
Spectacular Spettacolo Shows For 2014!
“Time Warp Part 1 and 2” may be finished, but Spectacular Spettacolo will be back in 2014 with the
final part of the trilogy (for the final year), “Part 3 – Vacanze Romane”. These shows are relevant
for students Prep – 6 and are from our very popular “Time Warp” series (more information on our
shows including sample songs are available on our website at
The shows have been written by Lea and Corrado Porcaro. Corrado has been teaching Italian for
almost 30 years in the Primary sector, as well as having developed many programs for the
Department of Education over the years. Many teachers already use resources that he has created
in their classrooms. Corrado knows the curriculum like the back of his hand and he has written these
shows knowing what teachers (and students) not only need, but want. This is why we have had 100%
positive feedback so far!
Our shows are not only dynamic, fun, engaging, interactive and contain fresh, new, popular songs
relevant for the students of today, they also cover different areas of Italy as well as topics that
relate back to the current curriculum. For example, in “Part 3 – Vacanze Romane”, our heroine,
Claudia, returns to Italy and each place she visits, we have a song that relates back to what the
students are learning. Every booking will also include the fantastic teachers’ pack which contains over
a semester’s worth of material (including loads of lesson plans with fun ideas on how to introduce the
language used throughout the show either before or after the students have seen it), the lyrics to
all the songs sung throughout the show and a copy of the CD. The pack has also been put together
by Corrado. Feedback from teachers in regards to this pack has been extraordinary!
For all booking enquiries, you can do one of the following:
log onto our website at and fill in the booking
form on the ‘contact us’ page
- email Lea at
- call Lea on 0432 388 032
I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Please keep an eye on the website or join our mailing list
for special offers throughout the year.
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2
Make a Scene Theatre Arts Education
Commedia dell’Arte Workshops and Performances
cover maschere (masks), tipi fisi (stock characters) and
place this important Italian theatre style in a cultural and
historical context.
This program is a great way to consolidate or introduce a unit
on Commedia dell’Arte or Carnevale.
It is suitable and adaptable for primary (prep) to VCE students of Italian
and/or Drama.
Rosa Campagnaro (Director) is a qualified teacher and together with Fabio Motta (Actor) has trained in
Commedia dell’Arte in Venice, Italy.
Contact :
Rosa Campagnaro (Director)
Phone : (03) 9495 1980
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2
Italian Dance Workshops
Vince Di Mitro and his team have been educating and entertaining school communities across
Australia since 1989 with their accessible blend of practical activities, high energy and humour.
In our workshops, students learn traditional or contemporary Italian dances in which we infuse our own
creative moves. All our lessons are specially designed to cater for students in each year level. We are
committed to providing your school with a cultural, educational and fun experience for all ages P-12.
Contact Vince at Performing Arts Workshop for bookings or a copy of our brochure.
Contact : Vince Di Mitro
Performing Arts Workshops
PO Box 2250 St Kilda West 3182
Phone : 03 9525 5550 / Fax : 03 9525 5996
Mobile : 0419 335 556
Email :
presents a new production for
Sleeping Beauty
Carrousel Theatre would like to advise Italian Language Teachers of their bilingual puppetry
performances specifically tailored for Primary and Secondary students.
For more information visit :
Telephone : (03) 9376 5527
Email :
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2
From the company that produced “PINOCCHIO “, “IL
Original Musical Theatre show. Suitable for P – 6
Bilingual (Italian/English) Dialogue and Songs
& FROLICS Presents the exotic tale of:
Prepare for take-off…! Hop on a magic carpet and fly away to a place of mystery and
enchantment. Join the adventure, and dream of Genie with our fun, contemporary version of
“ALADDIN” and his magic lamp.
WORKSHEETS & CD AVAILABLEAVAILABLE: Terms 2, 3 & 4 (till 28/11), 2014
FABLES & FROLICS Tel: 0411 588 967
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2
A Cultural Interactive Experience
An engaging & Innovative story using street dance & theatre to reflect a young man’s
journey in a new country...Australia!
Note : Ciao is touring in 2014
Confirmed venues and dates are :
12 July 2014 – The Potato Shed, Geelong
19 July 2014 – Knox Community Arts Centre, Knox
26 July 2014 – Italian Social Club, Shepparton
6th September 2014 – Karralyka Centre, Ringwood
EPR Productions is a u n iq u e co m p an y sp ecialisin g i n t h em ed d an ce an d t h eat r e p r esen t at io n s w it h a
u n iq u e sen se o f q u alit y an d visio n .
EPR Pr o d u ct io n s is led b y a p assio n at e an d in sp ir in g Ar t ist ic Dir ect o r & Ch o r eo g r ap h er ,
Emilio Ela Rose
Em ilio Ela Ro se’s Cr ed en t ials in clu d e:
- Lat in Am er ican Dan ce Ch am p io n
- Pr o f essio n al Dan ce In st r u ct o r / Act o r /Pr esen t er
- Mu sician / Im p er so n at o r
- TV Pr esen t er o f Lat in Dan ce o n ‘Fu sio n Lat in a’ o n Ch an n el 31 Au st r alia w id e
Sin ce 1999, Em ilio Ela Ro se h as b een in vo lved in p r o d u cin g w o r ks o n St ag e & Th eat r e.
Em ilio ’s exp er ien ce ext en d s t o cu lt u r al d an cer s w h ich h e exp er ien ced t r ave llin g aro un d t h e w o r ld f r o m
co u n t r y t o co un t r y in clu d in g exp er ien cin g It aly an d it s d iver se r ich n ess in Dan ce f r o m d if f er en t p r o vin ces,
t h e exh ilar at in g Bal d u Mo u lin Ro u g e in Par is t o t h e m o st in sp ir at io n al an d en er g et ic lif e ch an g in g
m o m en t s livin g an d d an cin g w it h t h e st r eet kid s o f Lat in Am er ica.
CIAO - A Cultural Interactive Experience (Italian Theme)
In sp ir ed b y h is f am ilies st r u g g les & t r u e st o r ies, h e w an t ed t o sh ar e & celeb r at e t h eir jo u r n ey, ju st like
m an y o t h er s at t h eir t im e - n ew im m ig r an t s ar r ivin g in t h e 1950's f o r t h e f ir st t im e t o Au st r alia, u sin g h is
acco m p lish m en t s.
Hen ce Em ilio cr eat ed ‘CIAO’- A 90 m in u t e sh o w p r o d u ct io n A st o r y t o ld t h r o u gh d an ce & t h eat r e t o u r in g in
t h eat r es t h r o u g h o u t Vict o r ia in 2014.
CIAO Sh o w vid eo p r o m o : h t t p ://w w w .yo u t u b m /w at ch ?v= o 8SKQBB6Yd 8
CIAO Sh o w In t er view : h t t p ://w w w .yo u t u b m /w at ch ?v= p p 7d Uh n 3Dk8
CIAO - Education, Schools & Families Program
As p ar t o f t h is sh o w case, Em ilio h as also cr eat ed an ed u cat io n al p r o g r am f o r sch o o ls w h ich t alks ab o u t t h e
sh o w in clu d in g im m ig r an t s & t h eir st r u g g les w it h a n ew co un t r y, lan g uag e, f o o d , et c. Th e p r o g r am is a
f un , ed u cat io n al, in t er act ive p r esen t at io n & w o r ksh o p p ackag e. An in f o r m at ive p r o g r am w h er e st u d en t s
w ill en g ag e & p ar t icip at e in d an ce w o r ksh o p s & in a f in al Dan ce & Th eat r ical p er f o r m an ce
Tour Dates: TBC
Ideal for: Pr ep – Year 9
Duration: 2 h o u r Pr esen t at io n & Wo r ksh o p s f o r u p t o 100 st u d en t s
(1/2 d ays, Fu ll Days, Weekly p r o g r am s also availab le)
AusVELS Links: In t er p er so n al Develo p m en t ; Th e Ar t s; En g lish ; Lan g uag es; Hu m an it ies (Hist o r y)
General Capabilities: In t er cu lt u r al Un d er st an d in g
Artforms: St o r yt ellin g , Ch ar act er ,Im p r o visat io n
Key Themes: It alian Cult u r e, Par t icip at io n
0401 737 748
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2
Dance workshops for primary and secondary schools
A fun and dynamic way to introduce children to the joy of folk dancing
The workshop runs for 45-60 minutes and includes:
An introduction to the cultural and historical background of the
tarantella and the traditions of the South of Italy
Demonstration and explanation of the traditional percussive instruments and their origins.
Extensive use of Italian vocabulary
A demonstration of the dance by the teacher
Teaching of the basic steps and structure of the dance
Children will learn a simple and fun tarantella dance routine
Suitable for all ages, big or small groups.
For more information contact
Rosa Voto
0430 162 408
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 2

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