Chronicle Week 7A, Term 3 - Wagga Wagga Christian College


Chronicle Week 7A, Term 3 - Wagga Wagga Christian College
401 Kooringal Road
Locked Bag 7
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
Wagga Wagga Christian College
Phone 6923 8888
Excursion Mobile 0427 817 897
OOSH Mobile 0429 303 951
Fax 6923 8800
Week 7A 30.8.2016
Huge congratulations to Judith, Vicky and all of our Preschool staff
who have received feedback from the NSW Early Childhood Education
and Care Directorate following the recent Preschool assessment. The
team received the top rating of “Exceeding Expectations with
National Quality Framework”. The summary stated,
“Your service is commended on its achievements in providing quality outcomes for children. In particular
collaborative partnerships with families and children and strong service management demonstrates the
commitment to quality by the approved provider, staff and educators. It is recommended that management and
educators continue to reflect on current practice to maintain the quality outcomes evident during the
assessment and rating process.”
This is the highest award a service can receive. Way to go team…a huge effort in the midst of considerable
change, and in the first year of operation too. We are so delighted for you all – and of course for all the children
cared for by our service.
Last Saturday saw a large group of intrepid students, staff and parents invest the
day on a 40km walk around Wagga. Our second ‘Talking with Our Feet’
event to fundraise and raise awareness was a stand out success. It was
inspiring to see students walking out of the fog early in the morning, enjoying the
view in the middle of the day and pushing hard to make it home at the end of the
day. You can catch a series of interviews with students as they progressed in the
walk on 101.9 Wagga’s Life FM on Thursday from 5-6pm. You can still sponsor
those who gave up time and got sore feet and blisters. Contact the College
Office if you would like to contribute to Jacobs Well or Destiny House, .
The HSC Showcase of major works last week was a hit. We were inspired by a variety of musical and
drama performances and also super impressed with the quality of Art and Design and
Technology works. It’s a huge encouragement to those of us who have had the privilege of
walking with our emerging adults to see them take on challenges and produce works that they
can be proud of. I am struck by the goodness of our creator God who has gifted us with a
creative spirit. Even those of us who feel lacking in the creative and practical arts can be
inspired in what we see in others, and indeed if we look objectively at our lives, can see
opportunities for and examples of creativity. Acknowledging God as the giver of all good gifts
and seeking to honour Him in our creative and practical pursuits is appropriate and
beneficial. It takes pride out and replaces it with gratefulness and service. I love the way we continue to
seek to grow each other.
Book Week was a smash hit. Lots of renewed interest in reading.
Lots of new books to read. Lots of great images to capture at the Book
Week parade. Nice one!!! Thanks to all who made this possible.
Congratulations to our ‘Tournament of Minds’ teams who
competed over the weekend. Our secondary Language and
Literature team became regional champions. The other teams
performed with enthusiasm and dedication. Thanks to staff and parents
and other students who supported the students.
A group of Board, staff and current student leaders interviewed prospective key 2017 student leaders last week.
We were deeply touched by the genuine, self-effacing, heartfelt desire of these fine young people to “give
back” to the College and provide opportunity for others to grow their leadership skills through joining the
groups. We are enjoying a very healthy leadership culture and we can each encourage our young people
to be part of the wider process later this term. Our key leaders need to have demonstrable Christin Faith. It’s a
key part of who we are. You should be able to be confident that staff, key student leaders and board members all
share a common vision for the College and can further this with one mind. I want you to know that we are also
very committed to providing opportunities for all students to experience a genuine leadership experience and to
feel valued in all sorts of ways.
We enjoyed the company of the Watoto Children’s choir last week. Preschool to Year 6 were blessed with a
concert and then had the Watoto children join them in class for a while. In the evening the Salvation Army used
our MPC facilities for a fantastic concert by Watoto. It was a blessing!
Congratulations to Year 11 student, Josef Winkler, who has been selected to join an adventure and
survival training activity with Australian Army Cadet Corp to be held at Mt Bogong.
Last week I mentioned Lili Callander and The Pulse Youth Conference that is coming up next week. May I urge
you to encourage your young people to plan their lives so that they can participate and benefit from this excellent
opportunity? See page 9 for the details of the conference. “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips;
meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will
be prosperous and successful.” Joshua 1:8
Have a great week.
Hugh MacCallum, Principal
The College is seeking applicants for Junior School
Coordinator (Preschool to Year 4) commencing in
2017. The role description is available on our College
Applications close Monday 5th
September. Role Description
Interested in Walking?
The College walking group will set off again from the
College by 9am
Wednesday. Please contact
Heidi in the Office or Tracey on
0419 118 202 for details.
Give thanks for:
 Safety and
personal growth
on our excursions
and ‘Talking With Our Feet’ fundraiser
 The development of faithful excellence
 Our wonderful students and their hearts to bless
 The exceptional feedback about our Preschool
 An excellent parenting course and those who
invested time in attending it
 A wonderful book week
 An excellent HSC showcase night
Pray for:
 Great Bible reading habits
 Continued safety on excursions
 The student leadership process
 Past student, Tyra Wilkins, who is recovering after
a significant operation
Aug 31
Yr 11/12 Art ArtExpress Excursion, 10am
Aug 31
K-Yr 12 Formal Assembly, 12:30-1:30pm
Aug 31
Author Visit, Jacqueline Harvey
Sept 1
Musical Groups to Wagga Eisteddfod
Sept 1-2
CSSA State Basketball Gala Day
Sept 2
Choral Groups to Wagga Eisteddfod
Sept 2
Yr 4 Choir to Wagga Eisteddfod
Sept 2
Father’s Day Stall
Sept 3-4
Finley Cattle Show
Sept 4
Father’s Day
Sept 7
Open Girls Hockey Game, 3:35pm
Sept 7-9
Yrs 5 & 6 Canberra Excursion
Sept 8
Yr 7 Immunisation
Sept 9
Yr 8 Medieval Day
Sept 12
Open Girls Hockey Game, 3:35pm
Sept 12-13 Parent Teacher Interviews
Sept 13
CIS Primary Athletics
Sept 14
Open Girls Hockey Game, 3:35pm
Sept 15
Junior School Assembly, 2:30pm, MPC
Sept 15
Preschool 2017 Information Session, 5:30pm
Sept 15-22 Yr 11 Exams
Sept 16
Poetry Slam at Kooringal High School
Sept 16- 22 Melbourne Show - Cattle Team
Sept 19
Open Girls Hockey Game, 3:35pm
Sept 20-22 Yr 5-8 Maths Camp
Sept 21
CIS Secondary Athletics
Sept 23
Yr 12 Final Assembly & Activities
Sept 23
Term 3 Ends
Oct 10
Term 4 Begins
Oct 12
Yr 9 Australian War Memorial Excursion
Oct 13
Kindergarten Excursion
Oct 13-14 Yr 3 Borambola Excursion
Oct 19-21 Yr 4 Dubbo Excursion
Oct 26
Kindergarten 2017 Play Day
Nov 9
Kindergarten 2017 Play Day
Nov 16
Yr 7 2017 Orientation Day
Nov 23
Kindergarten 2017 Orientation Day
Nov 30-Dec 2
Yr 10 Camp - Canberra
A few weeks ago I included a table that outlined the benefits of reading. We are so fortunate to
live in a country where books are readily available and children are taught and encouraged to
read. Not only that, but they have the opportunity to expand and develop their skills further.
Book Week is an opportunity for us to focus on books and reading. As part of this
celebration the students from Stage 3 enjoyed meeting with author Katrina Nannestad. She
spoke to the students about how she writes and develops her ideas and characters. In the
afternoon Katrina ran a special writing session and helped the students to explore how they
develop a character. This week, as an added bonus, we have the privilege of welcoming another
author, Jacqueline Harvey, who will be speaking to the students from Kindergarten to Year 6.
Next week Stage 3 head to Canberra and spend three days exploring our nation’s capital.
Please remember that all medication is due to the College Office by Thursday 1
September. The students need to be at school by 6:45am ready to depart by 7am. They
will need to have with them a packed lunch and either a slice or biscuits to contribute for
morning and afternoon teas while they are away. It is going to be an amazing time away
and I know the students are looking forward to it. Please talk to your child’s teacher, or to
Miss James, if you have any last minute questions or concerns.
On Friday 9 September Year 8 students will be involved in Medieval Day. They are preparing their group
assessment items and researching the people and characteristics of the time. It is definitely one of the highlights
of the year and the students enjoy the opportunity to be creative. The students will not be involved in normal
classes, however, they will go to I-XL in period 5.
Congratulations to Mrs Chapman and the students involved in ‘Tournament of
Minds’ who competed with other regional schools on Sunday. Each team was
required to develop a creative solution to a problem and present their ideas clearly to
a group of judges. The process of preparing a solution is incredibly hard work and
extremely challenging as students need to work together, negotiate and plan without
the input of teachers and adults. I am always amazed at what they manage to come
up with and how talented our students are. The teams did extremely well with the
Secondary group (Years 7-10) being awarded first place in their division and
progressing to the next level of the competition. This means travelling to Sydney and compete against teams from
around the state on September 11.
Have a great week.
Heather Mansley
Middle School Coordinator
There seems to be some confusion in regards to charging the ASUS devices used by the
colleges students and staff. Please take note that the ASUS T100 Chi will only charge via the
charger that came with the device. Although the charger does have a USB port like many
other USB chargers and can also charge a smart phone (for example), you cannot use
another charger with the ASUS T100 Chi.
For the tech savvy among you, the ASUS charger can charge at 5V (the voltage your
iPhones and Androids charge at) as well as 9V (which is what the ASUS T100 Chi requires). Smart phone
chargers generally only charge at 5V, thus why they will NOT charge your ASUS T100 Chi.
IT Support, Wagga Wagga Christian College
Issue #7 of ‘Nailing the HSC’ for our Year 12 students is now available on the College website. Previous
issues can be found on the College website in the Senior School Menu/Assessment Handbooks.
Past Students Update
We are so proud of the way so many of our young
people go on to faithfulness in
all they do.
Kimberly Scriven (Class of
2009) has been studying in at
the Sydney Conservatorium of
Music and held her final
concert last week. We are so
proud of Kim and of the person
she is. Congratulations.
A case of school sores (Impetigo) has been reported
in the Junior School. Parents can find information
about common illnesses on the College website. The
‘Too Sick for School’ chart is provided by NSW
Health and includes health advice regarding school
In weeks 1 and 2 of Term 4 the College will be offering a workshop for
students who are struggling with exam and performance anxiety on how to
manage the fears and anxiety, and how to stay calm under exam pressure.
If you think your son or daughter could benefit from this free workshop (run
in school time for students in Years 7-12) could you show your interest by
contacting me on 6923 8888.
Stephanie Jarratt
College Counsellor
CSSA Primary State Athletics
Friday the 19th of August was another extremely successful
carnival for the College. Out of the 16 who attended the carnival,
6 students have qualified for the next stage at CIS on Wednesday
the 14th of September. We were blessed with perfect weather at
the carnival. Many students again achieved personal bests and
students results that can be seen on the College website (Cocurricular menu - Sport). Congratulations to Frankleen on
achieving age champion and breaking 2 records. Another whole
hearted thank you to the parents who attended on making the
day a big success.
Mr Blake Cunningham
Boys Open Soccer
On Tuesday 23rd August, the Boys Open
Soccer team played Kildare Catholic College.
We had better opportunities to score in the first
half, but it remained 0-0. Then KCC took an
early lead through a penalty shot, which we
eventually equalised. Then goals came in a
rush. They went ahead 1-2 then it was 2-2, 3-2,
and 3-3. And that is the way it ended. That is the
end of the competition for us. All of our boys were Year11 or younger, so we are
looking forward to next year already.
Coach, Mr David Ellis
Luke and Trent Anderson were delighted when they received a pair of signed boots from
South Sydney star Sam Burgess at the game they went to after winning a competition
recently. Proud boy moment!
Congratulations to Wagga representative basketball players, Pat Mecham-Hoare (under 16’s) and Jacob
Hector (under 18’s), on their recognition with the rep teams over the weekend. Both boys received the Coaches
Award for their team excellence. Great work guys.
Congratulations to our secondary students who
competed at the CSSA State Secondary Athletics
Carnival. The level of commitment was inspiring and
several students have proceeded on to the CIS carnival to be
held in several weeks last week. I was particularly proud of
the number of secondary students who took part in the
carnival. Well done team!
Congratulations to the Mountain Biking Team who
competed last Friday. The team did really well against 600
competitors from across NSW over the weekend.
Assisting in Communication
If you need to collect your children during the day for appointments, that cannot be made for
out of school hours, it is very helpful if you write a note in your child’s Student Diary, or a
note to the teacher (for Junior School students). Your child should be prepared and ready
to meet you in the College Office where you are able to sign them out in time for their
appointment. Please plan these appointments carefully so that your child is missing class
as little as possible.
Book Week last week was so much fun! We started off the week with a visit from author Katrina
Nannestad. After speaking with students in Years 3-6, Kate then spent time with some Year 5/6 students in
a writer’s workshop, and had a visit with Kindergarten.
On Wednesday morning we had the Book Parade. Everyone’s costumes looked amazing! Thank you to the
families who went to so much effort in this, and to Year 12 for joining in the fun.
The Book Fair ran all week and was a huge success, with sales of both Scholastic and Koorong items earning
free books for our Library.
Finally, K-6 students are looking forward to meeting author Jacqueline Harvey on Wednesday afternoon.
Jacqueline is the author of the best-selling Clementine Rose and Alice-Miranda book series, which have been
flying off the Library shelves!
What a fun and exciting celebration of the joy of reading. Sincere thanks to everyone who helped make the
week a success.
Mrs Justine Lodge, Teacher Librarian
St Andrew’s Kids’ Club
Cross St, Wagga Wagga
5:30 – 7:30pm, Fridays in school term.
Call St Aidans: 02 6925 0522
Wagga Baptist Church Boys Brigade
Boys Brigade is for boys aged 7-12.
Its intention is to allow boys the
opportunity to grow in true Christian
manliness. Share in experiences
such as craft, devotions, walks and
lots of games. Tuesday nights from
6 to 7:30pm. For more information
please email Attention Timothy
Bacon. We are also looking for leaders that could help
in this role who meet the requirements from the
church. If you are able to help, please speak with
Timothy Bacon.
Wagga Wagga Evangelical Church (WWEC)
401 Kooringal Road
Youth Church on Sundays during the service
where youth in Years 6-8 spend time digging into
the bible and thinking of how to live out what they
Inspire Church Play Time
555 Kooringal Road
Play Time meets in the Inspire Church Café area and
is for parents, carers and babies. There’s coffee,
munchies, special events and friendships to form.
This is a free program every Wednesday 10am to
11:30am (except school holidays).
Church of Christ ‘Chat and Play’
62 Heath St, Turvey Park
10am - 12pm Wednesday mornings during School
St Aidan’s Playtime
62 Coleman St (Church Hall)
Every Wednesday (school terms)
10-11:45am. Children from birth to
school age can enjoy singing, stories, craft and
playtime. Cost is $2/child or $5/family. Morning tea
provided for adults. Please bring a piece of fruit for
your child to share. Phone Megan on 6923 0370.
Wagga Salvation Army Mainly Music
188 Edward St
Monday 10am - 12pm; $5/family.
Morning Tea provided. For enquiries
phone 6921 7895.
Mainly Music is a fun and educational music program
for children aged birth to 5 years and their carer.
Church of Christ Youth Group
62 Heath St, Turvey Park
Fridays from 7:30 – 9:30pm, Cost: $2
In Term 3 we are running the Youth Alpha
course. Come and have a conversation about
life, Jesus, and what is truth.
Youth Alpha Invitation Video
See Mr Gilmour for more information.
St Andrew’s Youth Group ‘SAYGE’
11 Cross St
Fridays (school terms) 7:30-9:30pm
This term we’ll be hearing what the Bible says about
some of your questions
for God. Please bring a
gold coin for supper.
Contact: Jon Blyth
0422 176 650
St Paul’s Anglican Church
Cnr Fernleigh Rd & Mitchelmore St
South Wagga Anglican Church Youth
Sundays 5.00pm -7.00pm
Cost $4.00 (for dinner)
Contact Caz on 0412 487 884
Inspire Church Wagga (ACC)
555 Kooringal Road
Inspire Youth is for you if you are
in Years 6 - 12. We meet every
Friday night from 6pm to 8:30pm.
Find us on facebook for more
Wagga Baptist Church
156 Tarcutta St
Crossover Youth Group
Fridays at 7 to 9pm during school
Pulse Youth Conference - 9 & 10 September
See your Youth Leader for more info or visit
the facebook event page.
The 'Healthy Digital Diet' is
an event being held in Wagga
on Tuesday 20th September.
Presenters Dr Philip Tam and
Dr Rose Cantali will present strategies to get your
family's life back from the screens and everything you
wanted to know about social media, gaming and
internet addiction.
There are two sessions being held: 5pm-5:30pm, and
6:15pm-6:45pm. Venue is the International Hotel (2
Lake Albert Road). Childminding is available. This is a
free event. To Register follow this link:https://…/1FAIpQLScUtVPtaA-i0Fmu3…/
Registrations close Sunday 11th September.
Wagga Junior Tennis - Season 2016/2017
Saturday morning Inter-Club Junior Competition
commences 8:30am Saturday 15th October.
Registration Day - Saturday 3rd September, 9am to
12 midday.
Phone Howard Hocking 6922 3212 or Andrew Phillips
0403 081 463 for further information.