March 13, 2016 13 de Marzo 2016
March 13, 2016 13 de Marzo 2016
13 de Marzo 2016 March 13, 2016 Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma Fifth Sunday of Lent Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 215 East Tenth Street • Houston, Texas 77008-7025 Parish Office 713 864-2653 Fax 713 864-0761 Web Site: PARISH STAFF John Guzman Pastoral Assistant David Dwigans Business/Facilities Mgr Lupe Padilla Parish Secretary Dalia Mendoza Receptionist Maria Crouch Housekeeper Baldemar Gonzales Custodian Mary Gahr Director of Music Gonzalo Ramos Spanish Choir Karla Henriquez Bookkeeper Dan Schwieterman DRE Irene Chavez RE Admin Assistant Adriana Guzman Youth Minister Joseph Blanco Hispanic Minister Pastor William Oliver Deacons Gary Hilbig Rodolfo Cerda Juan F. Pareja MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:30 PM (English) Sunday 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM (English) 12:30 PM (Spanish) Weekdays: Tue - Fri 8:00 AM ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Wednesday 8:30 AM 7:00 PM RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:30 PM or by appointment © Seraphic Icons, “Trinity” icon, by Robert Lentz, OFM Courtesy of Trinity Stores, 800.699.4482 TODAY, March 13th: Knights of Columbus Blood Drive in the Parish Hall Wednesday, March 16th Adult Bible Study TALC #1 at 7:00pm Every Friday in March Stations of the Cross In the Church at 6:30pm HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE EASTER TRIDUUM, March 24th – 26th Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord’s Supper, March 24th 7:00 PM Bilingual Mass, with Washing of the Feet Good Friday, The Passion of the Lord and Veneration of the Cross, March 25th Church Open All Day 3:00 PM English Service & Visitation of the Lord’s Tomb 5:30 PM Live Stations of the Cross in Spanish, Outdoors 7:00 PM Spanish Service & Visitation of the Lord’s Tomb Great Vigil of Easter, Holy Saturday, March 26th 7:00 PM Bilingual Mass EASTER SUNDAY, March 27th 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM Masses in English 12:30 PM Mass in Spanish Pastor’s Chronicle/Crónica del Pastor In the gospel story, we have an encounter between Jesus, the Pharisees and scribes, and a sinful woman whom they have condemned to death. They brought the woman to Jesus looking for punishment. But Jesus responds with compassion and mercy. Tradition tells us that Jesus traced in the sand with his finger the sins of each one of them. What they would not admit to others Jesus showed them as known to God. He tells them, If there is one among them who has not sinned; let him be the first to cast a stone at her.” The Pharisees and scribes drift away [John. 8: 1 – 11]. In this story there is delicate balance between the justice of Jesus in not condoning the sin and his mercy in forgiving the sinner. The woman is bound by her past, guilty of sin, and condemned to death by her community for breaking the 6th Commandment “you shall not commit adultery.” Jesus lifts the burden of sin from her and tells her to begin her life anew. Here is the unique element: the woman never asks for forgiveness from Jesus. She simply stands before him silent. This is her plea for forgiveness---she offers no excuses or explanations for what she did, her silence is her act of contrition, Jesus in not interested in her guilt. He is only interested in forgiving her sin and setting her free. When we are guilty of sin, God looks for conversion, a change of heart; not excuses nor explanations. God wants us to repent because we trust in the gracious gift of mercy, not from fear of some future punishment. God looks to the future and asks us to do the same. Sins of the past should not weigh us down; as they have been forgiven, but also forgotten by God. In Psalm 51, we pray: “Have mercy on me, God in your goodness; in abundant compassion blot out my offense. Wash away all my guilt; from my sin cleanse me.” As we enter the final two weeks of Lent, I encourage you to take advantage of the Sacrament of Penance in preparation for the renewal of your Baptismal Promises on Easter. In this Sacrament we are offered God’s compassion, mercy and forgiveness without any condemnation, just as surely as the woman in today’s gospel. Fr. Bill En el Evangelio tenemos un encuentro entre Jesús, los fariseos y los maestros de la ley, y una mujer pecadora a quien ellos condenaron a la muerte. Ellos se la trajeron a Jesús buscando un castigo. Pero, Jesús les responde con compasión y misericordia. La tradición nos dice que Jesús trazó en la arena con su dedo los pecados de cada uno de ellos. Lo que ellos no se lo admitían a otros, Jesús se les demostró que Dios conoce todo. Él les dice, “Aquel de ustedes que no tenga pecado, que le tire la primera piedra”. Los fariseos y los escribas comenzaron a irse [Juan 8: 1 – 11]. En esta parábola hay un delicado equilibrio entre la Justicia de Jesús en no condonar el pecado y en Su misericordia en perdonar el pecador. La mujer está obligada por su pasado, culpable de pecado, y condenada por su comunidad, a la pena de muerte, por haber violado el sexto mandamiento, “no cometerás adulterio”. Jesús levanta la carga del pecado de ella y le dice a ella que empiece su vida de nuevo. Aquí está el elemento único: la mujer jamás pidió perdón de Jesús. Ella simplemente esta parada delante de Jesús en silencio. Esto es su suplica por el perdón—ella no ofrece ningún pretexto o explicación por lo que ella hizo, su silencio fue su acta de contrición, Jesús no está interesado en su culpabilidad. Él sólo se interesa en perdonarle su pecado y librarla. Cuando somos culpables del pecado, Dios busca la conversión, un cambio de corazón, no pretextos o explicaciones. Dios desea nuestro arrepentimiento porque nosotros confiamos en la gracia de la misericordia, no del temor de algún castigo futuro. Dios mira hacia el futuro y nos pide que hagamos lo mismo. Los pecados del pasado no deben sobrecargarnos; ya que han sido perdonados, pero también han sido olvidados por Dios. En el salmo 51 rezamos, “Por Tu amor, oh Dios, ten compasión de mí; por Tu gran ternura, borra mis culpas. Lávame de mi maldad; límpiame de mi pecado.” Al entrar a las últimas dos semanas de Cuaresma, les animo que disfruten del Sacramento de la Penitencia en preparación de nuestra renovación de las Promesas Bautismales en la Pascua. En este Sacramento se nos ofrece la compasión, misericordia y perdón de Dios sin ninguna condenación, ciertamente como la mujer en el Evangelio de hoy. Padre Bill PRAYERREQUEST Monday: March 15 8:00 AM: Communion Service Tuesday: March 16 8:00 AM: Pedro Rivera † Wednesday: March 17 8:00 AM: Veronica Larson † Thursday: March 18 8:00 AM: Mary Helmcamp † Friday: March 19 8:00 AM: Rev. Richard M. Patrick † Saturday: March 20 5:30 PM: Michael Oliver † Sunday: March 21 8:30 AM: Rev. Joseph K. Kalladan 10:30 AM For the People 12:30 AM: Gene Mendoza SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Fourth Sunday of Lent; Girl Scout Sunday Monday: Ss. Perpetua and Felicity Tuesday: St. John of God Wednesday: St. Frances of Rome Friday: Abstinence PRAY FOR THOSE IN ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY Many parishioners have family or friends who are active in the military. Join us in supporting their families as we pray for their safe return: Robert Padilla, Michael Rodriguez, Randy Boyorquez, Harry & Rocio Slone, Adrian Rodriquez, Francisco G. Martinez, Mark Lubinski, Brett A. West, Christian Flores, John Mark Hamm, Jillian Dougherty, Dianne Keister, Major Michael Huerta, Michael Jones, Michael Katkoski, Luis Espinoza, Andrew Munoz, Leo (Leo Getz) Richardson, Eric Michael Wilganowski, Patrick Ryan Alban, Anthony Brian Garcia, Lt Colonel Christopher Goodyear, Anthony B. Garcia, Andrew Jackson Ortiz, Cody Anderson, Britney Mehl, Jordan Mehl, Esteban Guadalupe Reyes Monday: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62]; Ps 23:1-6; Jn 8:12-20 (or Jn 8:1-11 if Year A readings were used on Sunday) Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30 Wednesday: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Dn 3:52-56; Jn 8:31-42 Thursday: Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9: Jn 8:51-59 Friday: Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42 Saturday: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a Sunday: Lk 19:28-40 (procession); Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Lk 22:14 — 23:56 [23:1-49] PRAYER LIST Please keep the following persons in your prayers: Miguel Perugache, Camile Nick & Gloria Herminia, Alexie Alcoser, Altagracia Flores, Dubelza C. Garcia, Sylvia G. Reyes, Blanche Perez, Refaela DeLeon, Jaclyn Aguirre, Mike Komkov, Janie Alcoser, Jonah Robert Reda, Terry Lee Smith, Laura LuLu Reyes, Joyce Waire, Dudley Richard, Yvonne Davila, Leo Munguia, Louis Freeh, Corina Pizzini, Ellie Perez, Sandra Martinez, Lorenzo Diaz, Virginia Zamarripa, Roberto Varela, Angela Perkins, Barbara Alban, Bettye Martinez, Joe B. Cortez, Mary Louise Flores, Griselda Ramirez, Lydia G. Moreno, Rosie Peradre, Martin Engquist, Josie Cobb, Albert Lee Cobb Sr., Katrina Cobb, Anthony Amy, Albert Reyes, Diana Underwood, Fabiola Cagibal, Sandra Gilliam, Hayzel Leonard., Armando Hinojosa, Mary Molina., Julio Anguiano, Connie Villarreal, June Carroll, Frank Girton, Nicholas Rowell, Arthur Lejia, Dee Hymel , Bernardo Perugache, J. D. Raburm, Marcia Reed, Mike Lester, Lorine Doby, Deacon Eddie, Dalia Leal Garza, Stephen Kelty, Sean Lucas, Edward Flores, Archie & Isabel Pizzini, David McGaffin, Amelia Jaramillo, Sharon Scott, David Stratton, Bill Rhea, Rosemary Adamo, Don Burke, Sherri Gallardo, Karen Honey, Petra Angeles, Santos Teodoro, Sadie Morales, Rebecca M. Pena, William J. Venable, Edwin Tintron, Alicia Parra, Juan Parra, Romeo Mancilla, Pauline Kubeczka, Mike Cegielski, Therea Salarm, David Garcia, Richard James, Gene Mendoza Please contact the Church Office with an update. Activities for Kids Easter Egg Hunt 12:00 PM & 2:00 PM Cupcake Walk 12:30 PM & 2:30 PM Photo with the Easter Bunny Model Train Display Fun with Crafts Altar Society Bake Sale After All Masses Saturday & Sunday Live Auction of Desserts 12:15 PM Breakfast & Lunch Free Drawings for Easter Hams 10:15 AM, 1:00 PM & 2:45 PM Sold by the Knights of Columbus 10:30 AM until 2:00 PM For more information, please call the Parish Office at (713) 864-2653 Ext 201 Actividades para Niños Búsqueda de huevos de Pascua 12:00 PM & 2:00 PM Caminata de pastelitos 12:30 PM & 2:30 PM ●Fotografía con el Conejo Pascual ●Exhibición de trenecitos de modelo ●Diversión con habilidades manuales Venta de Postres Sociedad del Altar Después de todas Las Misas Sábado y Domingo Subasta en vivo de postres 12:15 PM Domingo Los Caballeros de Colon Estarán Vendiendo Sorteos para jamones gratis 10:15 AM, 1:00 PM & 2:45 PM Desayuno y Almuerzo 10:30 AM hasta 2:00 PM Para más información por favor llame (713) 864-2653 Ext 201 For King & Country Album: Risen: Songs That Celebrate the Epic Film Song: Matter SMYRT IS COMING BACK!!! SMYRT IS COMING BACK!!! The SMYRT (ST. Mary’s Youth Retreat Team) will be hosting an overnight retreat at All Saints on SATURDAY April 16th starting at 8am and ending Sunday April 17th at 1PM. We are asking all Confirmation Students in C18 and C17 to attend. We are also inviting all youth from the ages 14 thru 17. We are asking for a $10.00 donation. Los jóvenes de SMYR serán los anfitriones de retiro en Todos Los Santos. El retiro será Sábado Abril 16 a las 8am y terminará Domingo 17 a la 1PM. Estamos pidiendo a los estudiantes de confirmación de C17 y C18 que participen. Los invitamos a todos los jóvenes de la de edad 14 años a 17. Le pedimos una donación de $10.00 dólares. Please pick up a permission slip from the back of the Church. Contact Adriana at 713-864-263, or Favor de levante un consentimiento en la parte posterior de la iglesia o contactar a Adriana al 713-864-263. for more information. If you would like to sign up to be a part of our Youth Ministry, go to and go to the Youth Group Tab. The sign up is at the bottom of the webpage. Si Gustaría registrarse para reunirse a nuestro ministerio Juveníl, vaya a y veáse parte interior de la pagina a la ficha de Grupo de Jovenes. Adi encontrará la Solicitad About The All Saints Staff Get to know a little bit more about some of our staff with these Facts. Get to Know our RE Admin. Assistant Irene Chavez WEDNESDAYS IN LENT Eucharistic Adoration 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM Fact 1: Favorite Food Paella Fact 2: Favorite Movie Ben Hur FRIDAYS IN LENT Stations of the Cross 6:30 PM in English 7:15 PM in Spanish LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE Tuesday, March 8th at 7:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Visiting Priests will be available for Confessions MIERCOLES DURANTE CUARESMA Adoración Eucarística 8:30 AM a 7:00 PM Fact 3: Best & Worst Subject in School Favorite: Scie nce Worst: Math rse! I would be a nu Fact 4: A Career you would be doing if you weren’t working for the parish VIERNES DURANTE CUARESMA Estaciones de la Cruz 6:30 PM en inglés 7:15 PM en español SERVICIO PENITENCIAL DE CUARESMAL Martes, 8 de marzo a las 7:00 PM Sacramento de Reconciliación Sacerdotes Visitantes estarán disponibles COME AND SEE MERCY: An Evening of Prayer, Reflection, and Dialogue Come join us on Monday, March 21st in the All Saints Church. Fr. Martin Iott OP, Prior at Holy Rosary will lead us in prayer and reflection on what mercy looks like during this Year of Mercy. This is open to the all. Prayer will begin promptly at 7PM in the Chapel. Our focus will be on Pope Francis’s call to abolish the death penalty, and how this is a great act of mercy. Come with your hearts and minds open to expanding mercy. You will leave with questions and answers. Resources will be available before and after the hour for those wishing to understand and learn more about this holy work to ending capital punishment. The Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement and the North Texas Faith Outreach Director of the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (TCADP) members will be available to answer further questions. Join us this Friday and every Friday through Lent for the traditional fish fry sponsored by the Guadalupana Association! We will start serving at 5:00 p.m. and end at 7:00 p.m. Come early, enjoy a delicious plate of fried fish with two sides and visit with friends and fellow parishioners. After dining, you can attend the Stations of the Cross in English at 6:30 p.m. or take a plate home after the Stations of the Cross. Venga este viernes y todos los viernes de la cuaresma para la tradicional cena de pescado frito patrocinado por la Asociación Guadalupana. Empezamos a servir a las 5 p.m. y terminamos a las 7:00 p.m. Vengan temprano, compren su cena de pescado calientito con dos acompañantes, convivan con sus amistades y miembros de la parroquia. Después de cenar, pueden asistir al vía cruces en español a las 7:15 p.m. Grocery Request for February The St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry at All Saints Church requests donations of the following items for the month of March: Rice or Dried Beans Thank you for your continued support. The Food Pantry is open Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM and the first Saturday of each month 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM EASTER DINNERS SPONSORED BY ALL SAINTS FOOD PANTRY Groceries needed to make a complete Easter Dinner will be donated this year to approximately 135 families who are clients of the All Saints St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. If you want to sponsor a family in need, please take one of our grocery bags home with you today, fill it with the grocery items listed on the bag, and return it no later than March 20th. Volunteers from the St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry will be distributing the bags after Mass today, at the table in front of the altar. • 4 to 6 Potatoes • Package of bread mix • 2 to 3 cans of green vegetables • Box of cake or brownie mix • 1 to 2 cans of fruit • $15 Gift Card for meat (please include receipt for Gift Card) • Box of pasta or rice mix Cada año La Dispensa de Alimentos le ayuda a familias. Este año se requieren alimentos para completar 135 unidades de alimentos para familias quienes son nuestros clientes de nuestra Dispensa de San Vicente de Pablo de la Iglesia de Todos los Santos. Si desea patrocinar una familia en necesita, por favor de llevar una de nuestras bolsas con usted hoy y llénela con alimentos anotados sobre la bolsa, y regrésela no más tarde del 20 de marzo. Voluntarios de la Dispensa de Alimentos de Todos los Santos estarán distribuyendo las bolsas hoy después de la Santa Misa en frente del Altar. OFFERTORY COLLECTION REPORT For the Week Ended Sunday, 03/06/2016 Week Actual Budget Variance Weekly Offer12,281.66 11,149.18 1,132.48 ing Electronic Of2,665.00 2,665.00 0.00 fering Building Imp 910.00 1,100.00 (190.00) Fund TOTAL 15,856.66 14,914.18 942.48 For the 36 Weeks Ended Sunday, 03/06/2016 Year- to-Date Actual Budget Variance Weekly Offer396,285.96 403,529.55 (7,243.59) ing Electronic Of48,015.00 48,015.00 0.00 fering Building Imp 9,180.95 9,900.00 (719.05) Fund TOTAL 453,481.91 461,444.55 (7,962.64) Operation Rice Bowl 1.00 Faith Formation 16.00 Catholic Relief Services 701.00 Easter Flowers 407.52 Join the All Saints 10:30 choir If you are interested in joining or would like to find out more information about joining the choir, please contact Mary Gahr at or call at 713-864-2653 or come to a practice and check it out. Rehearsals are held in the Music room of the St. Vincent de Paul Building on Thursdays from 7-9 Come join the adult choir as we worship and enhance the liturgy! The choir is made up of volunteers over the age of 16, who are dedicated, committed to serving, and are fun-loving. All levels of singing are welcome from beginner to advanced. The choir sings every Sunday from September-June at 10:30 masses and they also sing on Christmas Eve, Holy Week,Confirmation, and other special events held throughout the year. Do you play an instrument? If you play an instrument of any type and would like to share your talents, please join the music ministry. ALTAR SOCIETY NEWS Please remember that we have our annual Palm Sunday Bake Sale on Saturday, March 19 and Sunday, March 20. Everyone is urged to bake a cake, cupcakes, cookies or a pie. You can also bring Easter baskets with candy eggs or other items that the children would enjoy. You are welcome to bring more than one thing. Everyone in the parish is invited to participate in this sale. Just bring your items to the Parish Hall on Saturday after 3 or Sunday morning. Thank you for your participation in the event. TALC ANNOUNCES SPECIAL CLOSING DATES All Saints Third Age Learning Center (TALC) is announcing the following dates the senior program will close to observe Spring Break and Holy Week. TALC will close Monday through Friday, March 14 through March 18 for Spring Break and will resume its regular schedule on Monday, March 21 at 9 a.m. In observance of Holy Week, TALC will close on Holy Thursday, March 24 and on Good Friday, March 25. TALC will reopen for a full schedule of activities on Monday, March 28. REMINDER: Please remember to bring small bells to ring during the Gloria at the Easter Vigil Mass. STAFF E-MAILS Bill Oliver, Pastor Gary Hilbig, Deacon Joseph Blanco, Hispanic Minister David V. Dwigans, Business/Facilities Mgr Lupe Padilla, Parish Secretary Dalia Mendoza, Receptionist Mary Gahr, Music Director Gonzalo Ramos, Spanish Choir Karla Henriquez, Bookkeeper Dan Schwieterman, DRE Adriana Guzman, Youth Ministry Irene Chavez, RE Admininstrative Assistant John Guzman, Pastoral Assistant BULLETIN INQUIRIES: Like us on Facebook! allsaintshouston Follow us on Twitter! @AllSaintsHTX PASTORAL COUNCIL Charles Adams Chairperson Duane Bradley Esteban Caro Christopher Cola Charla Macicek Stephanie Sullivan Paul Taverna For more information about or Parish, Ministries, and much more, go to Follow us on Instagram! @AllSaintsHTX Don’t forget when you check in or take a picture at All Saints, use the Hash tag... CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS All Saints Church #515139 215 E. 10th Street Houston, TX 77008 TELEPHONE 713 864-2653 CONTACT PERSON Joseph Blanco EMAIL: SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat DC Windows 10 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday 10:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION March 13, 2016 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 13 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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