pastor`s corner - St. Thomas More
pastor`s corner - St. Thomas More
PASTOR’S CORNER LA VOZ DEL PASTOR The Gospel of John proclaims throughout Eastertime. In today’s Gospel (John 21:1-19), Jesus appears to the apostles for the third time after his resurrection; and, even prepares a breakfast for them. [While they had finished breakfast] Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves him. Up on each response, Jesus challenges Peter to feed and to tend to the sheep. Jesus then foretells of Peter’s fate and presents the disciples with the familiar call, “Follow me.” Here are some reflection questions: · How did today’s passage challenge you? · Why do you think Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved him? · How did Jesus’ final call (“Follow me”) differ from his first call of Peter? · If you were Peter, how would the encounter in the Gospel according John shape your ministry, your evangelization; and your mission of preaching the gospel? ‘Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.’ What does Jesus want from us according to St. Paul (1 Corinthians 11:1)? Jesus tells us that if we do something good to the least of our fellow Christians, it's as though we have done it to Him personally (Matthew 25:40). That is why we love, give, and support charitable projects. That is why we use every opportunity we have to do good for others. A HUGE thank you to Dr. and Mrs. Ben Warner, STM school, the KC council 3910, and all of you for support of Wheel Chair Mission Drive. Your love and donations bring freedom to many Veterans. God bless you! God bless our Veterans! And, God bless America. Fr. Hai El Evangelio de Juan se proclama durante toda la pascua. En el Evangelio de hoy (Juan 21: 1-19), Jesús se aparece a los apóstoles por tercera vez después de su resurrección; e incluso les prepara el desayuno. [Mientras comían el desayuno] Jesús le pregunta 3 veces a Pedro si lo ama. En cada respuesta, Jesús desafía a Pedro a alimentar y a atender a las ovejas. Entonces Jesús predice el destino de Pedro y les presenta a los discípulos la llamada familiar de, "Sígueme." Aquí hay algunas preguntas para la reflexión: • ¿Cómo te desafío el pasaje de hoy? • ¿Por qué crees que Jesús le preguntó tres veces a Pedro si lo amaba? • ¿Cómo esta llamada final de Jesús (“Sígueme") se diferencia de la primera llamada que le hiciera a Pedro? • Si usted fuera Pedro, ¿cómo sería este encuentro narrado en el Evangelio según San Juan? qué forma tomaría su ministerio? su evangelización; y su misión de predicar el Evangelio? Sean Imitadores de mí, así como yo lo soy de Cristo. "¿Qué quiere Jesús de nosotros de acuerdo a San Pablo (1 Corintios 11: 1)? Jesús nos dice que si hacemos algo bueno por el menor de nuestros hermanos cristianos, es como si lo hiciéramos por él personalmente (Mateo 25:40). Es por eso que amamos, damos, y apoyamos proyectos de caridad. Es por eso que utilizamos todas las oportunidades que tenemos que hacer el bien a los demás. Un enorme gracias al doctor y la señora Ben Warner, a la escuela STM, al consejo KC 3910, y a todos ustedes por el apoyo a la Misión Sillas de ruedas. Su amor y sus donaciones brindan libertad a muchos veteranos. ¡Dios les bendiga! Dios bendiga a nuestros veteranos! Y, Dios bendiga a Los Estados Unidos de América. Fr. Hai Come Spend time with Jesus. Our Chapel is open 24/7 so that you may get away from the busyness of Houston and spend some quiet time reflecting and praying. Vengan a pasar tiempo con Jesus. Nuestra Capilla esta abierta 24 horas al día para que tomen un tiempo fuera del trafico de la vida diaria. For information on Eucharistic Adoration | Para información sobre Adoración Eucarística : Questions / Preguntas? Contact the volunteers group by e-mail at or call/text 832-869-7483, 832-869-7488 If you are interested in joining the Adoration team, please send an email with your contact information, Thank you. ST. THOMAS MORE CHURCH HOUSTON, TEXAS April 10, 2016 Community Corner Welcome to the Parish Sunday/ Domingo If you and your family are new to our neighborhood and wish to become members of the St. Thomas More Family, we invite you to come by the parish office to register or by visiting our web page at Baptism Information Next Baptism Preparation Class (English): April 16, 2016 Adult Educaon Building, St Peter Room; 8:45am-12:00pm Monday /Lunes Tuesday/ Martes Marriage Preparations Engaged couples please contact the parish office 713-729-0221 for more information at least 6 months to a year ahead of the wedding. INTERESTED IN JOINING THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? This process is known as the Rite of Chris1an Ini1a1on of Adults (RCIA). It begins with informal ques1on and answer sessions. Inquiry sessions are held on Sunday mornings, 9:30am-11am and Wednesday evenings, 7:30-9:00 p.m. For more informa1on contact Deacon John Krugh on Sunday or call the church office, 713-729-0221. Wednesday/ Miercoles Thursday/ Jueves Friday/ Viernes Saturday/ Sabado ANOINTING OF THE SICK This Sacrament is offered bilingual on Saturdays after the 8:00am Sunday/ Domingo Nursery The nursery is available during the 9am Mass for newborns to 4 years. There is no charge nor reservations needed. El Rincon de la Comunidad Bienvenidos a Nuestra Parroquia Si usted y su familia son nuevos en el vecindario y desean ser miembros de nuestra Familia de Santo Tomas Moro los invitamos a registrarse en la oficina de la parroquia o visitando nuestra página web Información de bautismos Próxima Clase para preparación Bautismal será el 16 de Abril del 2016 en El Salón Prinster de 9:45am-1:00pm. Para mas información, favor de llamar a la oficina de Educación Religiosa. Unción de los enfermos El sacramento de Unción de los Enfermos se ofrece todos los sábados después de la misa de 8 am. BENDICIONES PARA TRES AÑOS Y CELERBACION DE QUINCE AÑOS Para que su hijo/hija reciba una Bendicion o quince años debe registrarlo en la Oficina del Catecismo o para mayor información contáctese al 713-729-3435. 04-10-2016 7:30am __ 9:00am Parishioners 11:00am † Nannie Tardo 1:00pm † Dominga Quixan 5:00pm Members of KOC 7:00pm STM Priest 04-11-2016 6:30am † David Lammlein 5:30pm † James O’Neal 04-12-2016 6:30am † For Vocations 5:30pm † Charles Westley Moore, Sr. 04-13-2016 6:30am __ 5:30pm Luz Gabriela Martinez Chica 04-14-2016 6:30am † Wanda Poche 5:30pm Kate Garcia & Family 04-15-2016 6:30am † Marcial & Virginia Castro 8:15am __ 5:30pm † Leonisia Marquez 04-16-2016 8:00am Parishioners 5:00pm † Hannah Chenoweth 04-17-2016 7:30am † Fr. Hai Dang- Special Intention 9:00am Tim Mueller- Birthday 11:00am † Guillermo A. Ilagan 1:00pm † Efrain Salazar Guajardo 5:00pm † Olga Silva de Planas 7:00pm † Marcial Villegas FOR MASS INTENTONS PLEASE COME BY THE PARISH OFFICE. PARA INTENCIONES DE LA MISA FAVOR DE PASAR POR LA OFICINA PARROQUIAL. Josephine LeDay James Swanson Therese Flaherty Marie Jo Swanson Latondra Banks James Murphy Deanna Murphy Gregoria Barrera Irvin Schueler Angela Gannucci Edgar Sharp Dorothy Marak Alfonso Gutierrez Maria Ruiz Evangelina Corrales Jose Asuncion Romero Martha Reyes Grace Riley Alicia Vagas Vincent Graceffa FrankIe B. Mandola Kate Garcia Marc Bialas Harris Family Grace Riley Yvonne Mayberry Orlando Medina OREMOS POR NUESTROS SOLDADOS SFC Paul Bergman Megan Godsey Sgt. Billy Janca Mike McIntosh Charles U. Oparnozie Col. David Eselund Traci Godsey TSgt Bradley Louis Ebenezer E. Ohaegbulem LCDR Russell Thiem PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR THE SAFE RETURN OF AUSTIN TICE TO HIS FAMILY. Favor de continuar orando por Auntin Tice para su pronto regreso a casa con su familia. THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER TERCER DOMINGO DE PASCUA The ministry of instuted acolyte is appointed to assist the deacon and serve the priest in the celebra1on of the liturgy. You will be seeing an increase in the use of acolytes at STM. You will recognize them when they are in the sanctuary wearing an alb. The following men are currently ins1tuted acolytes for STM: Ben Warner Joseph Louis Mike Wark Mark Glaser Mike Mengis Steve Mueller George Dolson MaK Lenz Roger Morris Chris Moras Jerry Scroggins Jr. Rick Walden Gary Rabalais Troy Webb Steve Shrout Dennis Clifford Jack Ferguson If you would like more informa1on about this ministry, you make ask Fr. Hai or Deacon John Krugh or call the rectory office. Third Sunday of Easter Jesus appears to the disciples for a third 1me a>er his Resurrec1on and shares a meal with them. .John 21:1-14 Sunday Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41; Ps 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11-12, 13; Rv 5:11-14; Jn 21:1-19 or 21:1-14 Reading for the week Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday Acts 7:51—8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, and 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-5, 6-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Friday Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday Acts 9:31-42; Ps 116:12-13, 1415, 16-17; Jn 6:60-69 Acts 13:14, 43-52; Ps 100:1-2, 3, 5; Sunday Rv 7:9, 14b-17; Jn 10:27-30 Monday Tercer Domingo de Pascua El Ministerio de acólito ins1tuido es nombrado para ayudar al Diácono y servir al sacerdote en la celebración de la liturgia. Verán un aumento en el uso de los acólitos en STM. Reconocerás cuando están en el santuario con un alba. Para mayor informacion sobre este ministerio puede hablar con el Padre Hai o llame al, 713-729-0221. Jesús aparece a los discípulos por tercera vez después de su resurrección y comparte una comida con ellos Juan 21:1-14 Domingo: Hechos 5:27-32, 40b-41; Salmo 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11-12, 13; Ap 5:11-14; Jn 21:1-19 o 21:1-14 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Jesus waits for us in this Sacrament of Love “In the sacred Host, He is present, the true treasure, always waiting for us. Only by adoring this Presence do we learn how to receive Him properly.” Martes: Miercoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sabado: Domingo: YOUTH EUCAHRISTIC ADORATION Hechos 6:8-15; Salmo 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Hechos 7:51—8:1a; Salmo 31:3cd-4, 6, & 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Hechos 8:1b-8; Salmo 66:1-3a, 4-5, 6-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Hechos 8:26-40; Salmo 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Hechos 9:1-20; Salmo 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Hechos 9:31-42; Salmo 116:12-13, 1415, 16-17; Jn 6:60-69 Hechos 13:14, 43-52; Salmo 100:1-2, 3, 5; Ap 7:9, 14b-17; Jn 10:27-30 ADORACION EUCARISTICA PARA JOVENES MAY 18TH 2016 7pm—9pm, church Youth Don’t miss out on this beautiful experience! Jovenes no se pierdan esta bella experiencia! St. Thomas More ST. THOMAS MORE CHURCH HOUSTON, TEXAS STM – Altar Commi:ee 2016 We are in need of team of 2 ladies to volunteer to help clean the altar every Friday around 9:00am for two months out of the year. The months we need help with are January & July. It only takes about one hour are less to clean. It’s light cleaning such as, filling the holy water founts, new candles for the main altar and day chapel & etc. In other words se>ng up for the mass. Please call, Joyce Coles @ 713-774-2628. April 10, 2016 Religious Education De La Oficina de Catecisimo: “The Eucharist makes us feel the sweetness of what is heaven.” Pope Francis CCE FIRST EUCHARIST – IMPORTANT DATES English First Communions will be celebrated at the 5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass on Saturday, April 30. There will be 2 First Communion Masses in Spanish on Saturday, April 30, 2016: 10:30 a.m. for children whose last names begin with the letters A-M; Sunday evenings – Our Sunday evenings provide an excellent place to get involved, build rela1onships with kids and help them grow in their love for Christ. Our Sunday evening opportuni1es include leading worship, being an emcee, facilita1ng games, and leading/assis1ng in group discussion. Please Note: For the safety of our youth, there are a few Archdiocesan requirements for volunteers (and staff) working directly with children. These include: 1. Review and sign off on the Code of Conduct 2. Authoriza1on for background check 3. On-Line background check 4. Comple1on of Virtus Training If you have ques1ons or need assistance comple1ng these requirements, please contact Aida Gonzalez @ 713-729-3435 or Why not join this great and fun ministry? 12:30 p.m. for children whose last names begin with the letters N-Z. If you have any questions, please contact the Religious Education Office at 713-729-3435 “La Eucaristía nos hace sentir la dulzura de lo que es el cielo” Papa Francisco PRIMERAS COMUNIONES – FECHAS IMPORTANTES Las Primeras Comuniones en Español será el Sábado 30 de Abril. Habrá dos Misas, una a las 10:30 a.m. para los niños cuyos apellidos empiecen con las letras A a la M; 12:30 p.m. para los niños cuyos apellidos comiencen con las letras N a la Z. Las primeras Comuniones en Ingles serán en la Misa de las 5:00 pm el mismo día. Para cualquier pregunta por favor comuníquese a la Oficina de religión al 713-729-3435 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER TERCER DOMINGO DE PASCUA This week around STM…. STM Financial Stewardship for March, 2016 Sunday, 2:00 pm 6:30 pm Monday, 3:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm Tuesday, 9:30 am 3:00 pm Week Offering for 04/03/16 ...... $29,733.20 Online Giving ………………………………... $ 2,227.00 Total Offertory ................................. $31,960.20 Weekend Budgeted Goal ................. $35,200.00 Difference......................... -3,239.80 Thank you for your continued generosity! ííGracias por su continua generosidad!! April 10 Spanish Baptism Young Disciples April 11 Scouting-Scout House PAM– Rectory Praise Worship, Church Danza Tonantzin, Servant Hall Apostleship of the Cross-AE-St. Paul Rm (Sp) April 12 Senior Citizen Bingo, Scout House Scouting– Scout House PAM-Rectory 5:30 pm STVP—AE—St. Paul 6:15 pm Confessions / Confesiones 7:00 pm Talleres de Oración y Vida –Youth Prayer Room ESL—School Convalidation (Spanish)– Youth Center St. Vincent de Paul, AE St. Paul Wednesday, April 13 3:00 pm Scouting-Scout House 6:15 pm Confessions / Confesiones 7:00 pm Our Mother of Perpetual Help Prayer Grp–Chapel R.C.I.A.(Spanish)-Youth Prayer Room Kof C, Prinster Hall 7:30pm Legion of Mary– AE-St. Paul Rm. Thursday, April 14 10:00am Craft Guild, DDens 3:00 pm Scouting– Scout House 6:00 pm Bill Ledbetter(Band Pract.)-Donovan’s Den 6:30 pm Gab. Project, Rectory 7:00 pm Combined Choir Practice—Church ESL—School 7:30 pm Apostleship of the Cross-AE St. Paul Rm (Eng) Word of Truth Bible Study-AE St.Peter Rm 11:00pm Precious Blood Group—Donovan’s Den Friday, April 15 2:00 pm Convalidation, Church 3:00 pm Scouting-Scout House 6:30 pm Overeaters Anon—AE St Peter 7:00 pm ACTS—AE—St. Paul Spanish Choir, AE—St. Mary Saturday, April 16 8:45 am English Baptisms Classes, AE 9:45 am Classes Bautismales, Prinster Hall 2:00 pm Wedding —Church Sunday, April 17 2:00 pm Spanish Baptism 6:30 pm Young Disciples ST. THOMAS MORE CHURCH HOUSTON, TEXAS Compulsive eating is an illness...but There is a Solution! "If, when you honestly want to, you cannot quit entirely, or when drinking*, you have little control over the amount you take, you are probably alcoholic**. If that be the case, you may be suffering from an illness which only a spiritual experience will conquer." (Big Book of AA, pg. 4) *compulsive eating **a compulsive eaterFor more information on compulsive eating and the 12-step program of recovery: Overeaters Anonymous will meet starting Friday July 31st @ 6.30 p.m. in the Adult Education Building adjacent to the parish office. Contact Sarah Tighe @ (832) 801 -3998 or email @ if you have any questions. ENTRENAMIENTO DE VIRTUS — Español “Manteniendo la Promesa Viva” aquí en Santo Tomas Moro el Sábado 23 de Abril 2016, 10am, Servant Hall ATENCION VOLUNTARIOS! Todos los que tomaron el Virtus hace 5 años y más necesitan tomar esta session, TENEMOS QUE ESTAR EN CONFORMIDAD CON LA ARQUIDIÓCESIS. Regístrese en línea: SOLAMENTE SE ACEPTARAN PERSONAS REGISTRADAS CON ANTICIPACION, GRACIAS MANTENIENDO LA PROMESA DE PROTEGER MEDICAL MISSION UPDATE: Next team mee1ng for anyone interested in mission will be April 24th from 3p to 5pm in Donovan’s Den. Mission dates are October 21 to 29, 2016 to San Salvador, El Salvador. Please prayerfully consider offering your 1me and talents to serve the poor. During this year of Mercy in par1cular, is a 1me to give back, show mercy, and live the gospel. For more informa1on call Chris1ne at 832-338-3002 or via email, April 10, 2016 OREN POR LAS VOCACIONES STreaMliners’- April 2016 April 21, Thursday - “Coushatta Casino” in Kinder, LA –“Day Trip” $15 pp (includes $10 free play) Coffee, Donuts & Hot Kolaches at 6:30am Bus leaves from the rear parking area in the back near Prinster Hall. The Knights of Columbus Council 3910: Our 19th annual golf tournament will be May 23 at the Quail Valley Golf Course in Missouri City. Block out the afternoon for fun, fellowship and golf. Prices are $125 per player and $500 for a team. For STM SENIOR CITIZENS 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month—Come and join us for some Bingo fun, Tuesday April 11th and Thursday April 25th in the Scout House at 9:30 am. For reservations call – Frances Landry @ 713-723-2035 ATTENTION: FOR POSTING ANNOUNCEMENTS PLEASE SEND COMPLETE INFORMATION TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE TO: DEADLINE FRIDAY 12:00 NOON May 22 – 28 – “Savannah Trip ( For more info call Joyce Coles – 713-774-2628 AVISO: PARA PUBLICAR SU ANUNCIO FAVOR DE ENVIAR SU INFORMACION COMPLETA DOS SEMANAS ANTES AL: ANTES DEL VIERNES al MEDIODIA Please patronize our advertisers. It is through their support that our bulletin is provided THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER TERCER DOMINGO DE PASCUA
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