April 8, 2012 - Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
April 8, 2012 - Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
ST. PETER’S CHURCH — A Roman Catholic Parish Community — Belleville 155 William Street Founded 1838 New Jersey 07109 Page Two April 8, 2012 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Jesus Christ is Risen! He is Truly Risen! Alleluia! Today we join our Mother the Church in celebrating with great joy the Resurrection of our Lord. After living though the Season of Lent, and meditated on the Lord’s Passion, suffering and death of her Lord during Holy Week, the Church is today bathe in glory as She celebrates the event which makes it possible for Her to exist and which She has never ceased to announce throughout the last two millenia. The joy of Easter will be celebrated for the next fifty days (till Pentecost Sunday – May 27th). And since the enormity of Easter Sunday cannot fit in one day, the Church celebrates the first eight days of Easter (called the Octave, spanning from today till next Sunday) as one long day of celebration. Easter Week will culminate in another celebration taking place next Sunday. As the Apostle Thomas urges us in the earliest liturgical document in existence, the Apostolic Constitutions, “After eight days [following the Feast of Easter] let there be another feast observed with honor, the eight day itself, on which he gave me, Thomas, who was hard of belief, full assurance, by showing me the print of the nails and the wound made in His side by the spear.” This instruction was re-iterated by Christ Himself to St. Faustina Kowalska when He asked her to promote the devotion to the Divine Mercy. It was Pope John Paul II who instituted this feast for the Universal Church in the year 2000. So it was seen as a sign from heaven that this great Pope left this world to go to the House of the Father on the Vigil of the Feast of Divine Mercy in 2005. This same pope was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI on Divine Mercy Sunday last year. The Holy Father aptly reminded us that the feast of Mercy is not a “party for devotees” but rather a very special refuge for sinners. Please plan on joining us for the Divine Mercy Holy Hour next Sunday from 2PM to 3PM in our Parish Church where we will pray the Divine Chaplet in Spanish and then in English, and will conclude with the Solemn Benediction. There is also another matter I would like to address here: it seems to me that we find it hard to celebrate. While attendance at Mass spikes during the Lenten Season and great crowds converge on our Churches during Holy Week, we easily go back to our regular routine as soon as Easter Sunday is over. This cannot be further away from the thought of the Church, who gives us these fifty days of celebrating after we lived through the forty days of Lent. It would be very appropriate, therefore, to seek to attend Mass during this coming week. With St. Paul, we would be able to poke death as he exclaims, “Death, where is your victory; O death, where is your sting?” (1 Cor 15:55). And like the early Christians we would greet one another with these powerful words, “He is truly risen, Alleluia.” I would also like to take this occasion to congratulate our brothers and sisters who were baptized during last night’s Easter Vigil and the young lady who was received into the Catholic Church from another Christian denomination. A special word of welcome to those who made the decision to seek baptism as adults. May they, together with the many young people and children who were baptized into Christ last night, continue to journey with us, and may be a light in the world’s darkness, which will draw many others to discover the love of the Father. May they also know of our joy to have them partake of the Holy Eucharist with us! A blessed Easter Season to all, Fr. Ivan Sciberras pastor@spbnj.org Page Three FINANCE 03-25-12 03-25-12 Weekly Collection Assessment Collection $ 5,469 $ 1,893 Due to early transmittal of today’s bulletin the collection amount for April 1 will be in the April 15th bulletin. Whenever possible, please use the corresponding envelopes for the different collections. Dropping in one check or cash equivalent for several different collections complicates the work of our moneycounters. Your understanding is greatly appreciated. PLEASE REMEMBER TO MAKE YOUR PLEDGE TO THE 2012 ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL. ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL 2012 as of 3-28-12 Goal: Pledges Received: Over (Under) Goal: Number of Donors: $31,138 $27,180 ($3,958) 126 MONTHLY HOLY HOUR We will have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament immediately following the 5:30 p.m. Mass on Saturday, April 14th in the Main Church. The Holy Hour will end with Benediction at 7:30 p.m. Perhaps you could plan on spending some time before the Blessed Sacrament and receive His Peace and Love into your heart. HOLY HOUR ON DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY APRIL 15 Please join us next Sunday for a Holy Hour which begins with the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament right after the Mass in Spanish. The Divine Mercy Chaplet will be prayed at 2 p.m. in Spanish and at 2:30 p.m. in English. It will conclude Benediction. at 3 p.m. with Solemn It’s not too late to make a gift to the 2012 Archbis hop’s A nnual Appeal. Your participation helps many, including those desperately in need. Please make a generous pledge today. Pledge envelopes can be found on the table in the back of church. Completed envelopes can be returned in the collection basket or dropped off at the Rectory. CONFIRMATION FOR ADULTS AND ADOLESCENTS There is an RCIA Inquiry Session on Thursday, April 12th at 8:00 PM in the rectory. At this meeting you can find our all about our process for adults and adolescents to receive the sacraments of Confirmation, First Eucharist or Baptism. If you have any question, you can call Fr. Mark at the Rectory. We are just forming a new class now that will begin meeting in May, but you have to attend an Inquiry Session before you can join the class. SERVICE CLUSTER This cluster works to bring the Gospel message to the world through actions centered on justice, peace and charity. For information on this cluster, call Deacon Bill Valladares at 973-667-1323. Page Four Saturday, April 7 8 pm Dorothy Goldrick (19th Anniversary) rq Pat Nichols Sunday, April 8 7:00 People of the Parish 8:30 Special Intentions of the Sauchelli Family rq Sauchelli Family 10:00 Kenneth DeRisi, rq Debbie DeRisi & Family 10:15 11:30 Flo & John Resciniti & Rose & Leo Marino rq Barbara & Frank Marino 1:00 Jesus Ferrer, rq Wife, Maria Monday, April 9 9:00 Robert Freitag, rq Freitag Family 7:00 Frank Bonito, rq Anna Maria Toppeta Tuesday, April 10 9:00 Deceased Members of the Serritella & Sorice Families, rq Mr. & Mrs. Sal Sorice Wednesday, April 11 9:00 Walter Michael Garis, rq Angie Paparazzo & Connie Canosa 7:00 Daniel Sullivan, rq Peggy & Dan Thursday, April 12 9:00 Lena Rossi, rq Arnold Rossi Friday, April 13 9:00 Faustino Rubia, rq Imelda Rubia 7:00 Gail Kolpin, rq Dennis Mulhearn Saturday, April 14 8:00 Elizabeth & Walter Heyl, rq James F. Begans 5:30 Val Nucci, Sr. (12th Anniversary), Wife & Sons Sunday, April 14 7:00 Jennie Orsogno, rq Daughters 8:30 People of the Parish 10:00 Paris Family, rq Grandaughter Angelica & Stefanelli Family 11:30 Helen & Bill Gilroy, rq Pat & Jim 1:00 Gertrudis Milanes, rq Israel & Nola Santo The CHURCH SANCTUARY LAMP will burn week beginning April 8th in loving memories of Samuel, Isabella & Rose Troiano at the request of their daughter and sister, Rose. The BLESSED MOTHER LAMP will burn week beginning April 8th memory of Nora Jordan at the request of Joan Holly. The SAINT JOSEPH LAMP will burn week beginning April 8th in memory of Jack Arata at the request of Debbie & Jackie Helfrich & Billy Spano. WORD CLUSTER This cluster helps our parish proclaim and teach the good news of Jesus Christ and forms Christian disciples. For information on this cluster, call Angie Stefanelli at 973-759-5252. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Mk 16:9-15 Sunday: Acts 4:32-35; Ps 118; 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31 RESOURCES FOR DAILY MASS READINGS www.usccb.org/bible/readings; www.LookingToSunday.com or google: Daily Catholic Readings COMMUNITY BUILDING CLUSTER A Prayer for Religious Liberty This cluster seeks to create a parish environment where people experience a sense of belonging and are encouraged to participate in the mission of Jesus. For information on this cluster, call Etelvina Llumpo at 973-4825306. The Catholic Home Missions Appeal works to support home mission dioceses in the United States by supporting seminarian formation in poor dioceses. Often home mission priests and lay ministers require special training to attend to the unique needs of their faith communities. Your support is necessary for the success of these and other projects. Please help strengthen the Church at home through your generosity to this appeal. Next Sunday’s second collection will assist the Catholic Home Mission Appeal. Blessed are you God and we praise you for the gift of freedom. This day, we pray especially for government leaders - the men and women elected or appointed as the stewards of our rights and the overseers of our needs. Grant them true discernment so that they may never stray from the duties with which we citizens have entrusted them - to uphold our religious freedom and care for our well-being. Give us the power to touch with your truth everything and everyone we meet. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Adapted from the USCCB Liturgy Guide Page Five Pray for these in our community who are ill among us: Maria Jose Afonso, Dolores Bowie, Frank Bradley, Robert Brinkerhoff, Angelo Calia, Josephine Calia, Jamie Canal, Jim Cataldo, Marie Cerreto, Nancy Corris, Janet Cubellis, Evelyn DiChiara, Frank Fasouletos, Arthur Hahner, Delaine Kurbyla, Felipe LaRiba, Fran Lombard, Barbara Mende, Karen Nielsen, Antonio Rosa, Cirilo Sison, Ana Salazar, Marie McConnon, Ana Challenger, Frank Mullery, Tony De Sent, Phil De Sent, Riley Hayes-Lopez, Florence Sansone, Margaret Steinhauser, and all people wishing to remain nameless. Let us also pray for those who have recently died especially Rev. Robert A. Antczak. WORSHIP CLUSTER This cluster helps our parish praise and worship God through liturgical celebrations. For more information on this cluster, call Betty Valladares at 973-667-1323. SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY LITURGIES There will be two special Masses celebrating milestone years for married couples. The Archbishop will celebrate Mass: April 29, 2012 for couples celebrating 50 or more years. June 3, 2012 for couples who are celebrating 5 and 25 years of marriage. Both liturgies are at the Cathedral Basilica and couples need to register with Sr. Vilma (973-751-2002) in order to receive certificates. ACTIVITIES IN THE AREA THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 835 invites you to their “ANNUAL TRICKY TRAY” on Saturday April 14- 6:30 pm at St. Peter’s School Auditorium, 152 William Street, Belleville. Entrance fee of $20 per person which includes one sheet of chances, coffee and dessert. For more information contact Grand Knight Joseph Downey at 862-220-1160 TASTE OF BELLEVILLE TICKETS NOW ON SALE Taste of Belleville 2012 tickets are now on sale at the circulation desk of the library. The event will take place at 6:30 pm on Friday, April 20. tickets are still just $20 to taste the specialty foods of Belleville’s best local area restaurants. Stop in at the Library at 221 Washington Ave. or call 973-450-3434 for information. EVERYONE IS INVITED to listen to the testimony of Stanley Villavicencio, on his personal encounter with Jesus of the Divine Mercy on April 9, 7- 9 PM at the Sacred Heart Church at 76 Broad St. Bloomfield, NJ Tel. 973 748 1800 or call Veron 973 748 5598 or 973 751 6851. [Stanley Villavicencio is Filipino lay man, his life testimony is declared authentic by Ricardo Cardinal Vidal and has been spreading God’s mercy throughout the world.] ST. PETER’S SCHOOL TRIMESTER TWO 2012 REPORT CARDS HONOR ROLL STUDENTS GRADE 4 Emmalis Diaz – First Honors Daniela Londano – Second Honors Matthew Perez – Second Honors David Navarro - Distinguished GRADE 5 Anjianie Perez – First Honors Dana Vo – Second Honors Andy Villamarin – Second Honors Mathew Munoz – Second Honors Allen Gomez – Second Honors GRADE 6 Lyonnel Eugene – First Honors Brian Neira – First Honors David Arthasseril - Second Honors Valentina Betancur – Second Honors GRADE 7 Mark Vintayen - Distinguished Faith Fifo – Distinguished Charlize-Krish Bulusan – First Honors Andrew Macatangay – First Honors Ivan Martinez – First Honors Alexis Guerra – Second Honors Adrian Klein – Second Honors Stephanie Narine – Second Honors Isaiha Torres – Second Honors GRADE 8 Taylor Elliott-Dolor – Distinguished Honors Joshua Talban – Distinguished Honors Bernard Barillo, Jr. – First Honors Victor Garay – First Honors Joseph Loaiza – Second Honors 2013 Mass Book – Opens Tuesday April 17 We continue to offer our parishioners the option of requesting Announced or Unannounced Masses. We do ask those who do not intend to attend the Masses that they are requesting to consider getting unannounced Masses. This will give more parishioners later in the year to request Masses for their loved ones, at which they will be present. A reminder that Unannounced Masses are celebrated by our priests when they are either away from the parish (e.g. on retreat) or when they concelebrate along with another priest. April 17 through May 2 are for in-person requests only with a LIMIT OF 4 MASSES PER PERSON. Mass intentions by phone or mail (with 4 Mass limit in effect) will be accepted beginning May 2nd. Additional Masses may be requested after May 14th. Page Six Saint Peter School forming the future with Purpose, Passion and Power! Visit us online at: www.stpeter-school.org From the Principal’s Desk Terra Nova testing has come to an end. Both teachers and students can breathe a sigh of relief and feel a sense of satisfaction knowing they did their best in every way. Thank you to all the parents who ensured that their children arrived to school on time. It is important for all students to arrive promptly in the morning everyday as this is an essential life lesson that we strongly support, teach and expect at St. Peter’s School. To gain honor roll status our students must not only attain appropriate grades but must be consistently on time and be present in school. Congratulations to those students who have earned honors this trimester. Catholic and private high schools and potential employers view regular attendance and being on time as determining factors when making acceptance and hiring decisions. These permanent records impact a child’s future. At St. Peter’s School we believe in the importance of educating the whole child. Despite what has been a mild winter, the school community is looking forward to spring and all the exciting events that the season will bring to the school. Class trips, an author visit ,the book fair and the traditional seventh grade ring ceremony are some of the activities that will usher in the season of spring. At the center of the spring season is a most important celebration-Easter. Easter eggs, Easter candy, and the Easter Bunny are some of the symbols of the season. But what about the real reason for the observance of Easter? We are reminded to keep Christ in Christmas but we must also remember to keep Jesus in Easter. Without Jesus there would be no Easter, no hope of a life after death. Spring, the season of rebirth, has arrived. Even our littlest angels, our preschoolers, are beginning to understand that new life begins in the springtime as they look for signs of new lifebutterflies, baby birds, flowers and trees in bloom. As part of religion lessons all classes have learned that the Easter cross is also a special symbol of our faith. It reminds all of us of Jesus and the new life He offers to all. Pope John Paul II said “Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song.” May the Risen Lord bless you and your families during this season of hope and renewal. Happy Easter! Alleluia! SAINT PETER’S THIS WEEK MONDAY, APRIL 9 SCHOOL CLOSED 12:00-1:00pm NA Support Group, Church Basement 7:00-9:00pm Bible Study Class, RMR 1 8:00-9:00pm Clase De Biblia, Casa de Retiros TUESDAY, APRIL 10 NO CCD CLASS SCHOOL CLOSED 7:30 pm Santa Faz of Turin, Capilla 7:30 pm John XXIII Meeting, Retreat House WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11 SCHOOL CLOSED 6:00 pm Rehearsal for Holy Thursday, Church 7:30-9 pm First Communion Class (Spanish), RMR 2 7:30-9 pm Confirmation Class (Spanish), RMR 1 7:30-9 pm RICA Class (Spanish), RMR 3 7:30 pm Neo-Catechumenal Way, Cafeteria 8pm Vietnamese Prayer Group, Retreat House Chapel THURSDAY, APRIL 12 SCHOOL CLOSED 7:30 pm Legion De Maria, RMR 3 8:00-9:30 pm RCIA Inquiry Session, RMR 2 FRIDAY, APRIL 13 SCHOOL CLOSED 12:00 pm NA Group, Church Basement 7:00 pm NA Support group, Church Basement SATURDAY, APRIL 14 9:00 am First Communion Class, School 9:00-11:30 am Knights of Columbus Tricky Tray, School Auditorium SUNDAY, APRIL 15 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY 8:30 - 9:45 am CCD Classes 10:00 am & 1pm Children Liturgy of the Word 10:00 am Formational Sessions, RMR 1 & 3 2:00 pm Virgen Peregrina, Church 2:00-3:00 pm Divine Mercy Holy Hour, Church Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is truly risen, Alleluia! St. Peter’s School- Registration Open for School Year 2012-2013 for Pre-K 3-4 (full day) till 8th grade. Contact St. Peter School’s Office for more information (7 AM to 4 PM) Tel: 973-759-3143 SECCIÓN HISPANA Rincón Parroquial Pascua es tiempo de risas y alegría. Tiempo de victoria. Después de un partido de fútbol, los triunfadores se abrazan, cantan y celebran con gran alegría y algazara la victoria. Los cristianos, el domingo de Pascua, día de la victoria sobre nuestro último enemigo, la muerte, tenemos motivos más que sobrados para saborear y celebrar vivazmente este gran acontecimiento. Los cristianos orientales, durante el tiempo de Pascua, archivan los saludos rutinarios y se abrazan mientras se dicen: “Cristo ha resucitado.” Y se responde: “Verdaderamente ha resucitado.” Hermosa costumbre que centra la vida en el corazón de nuestra fe. Cristo ha resucitado. Cristo vive. Aleluya! Esta es la gran noticia. No estará en la primera página del New York Times ni de ningún periódico, pero este grito de alegría resonará en todas las iglesias del mundo. Este gran acontecimiento, no visto por nadie, no estará tampoco en los canales principales de la televisión, pero alegrará muchos corazones. Esta victoria, ganada por uno, será compartida por los millones de seguidores de Jesús congregados en todas las Iglesias del mundo. Esta comunidad de San Pedro quiere celebrar gozosamente la victoria de Jesús y nuestra victoria y quiere proclamar la gran noticia: Cristo ha resucitado! Cristo vive. Aleluya! Hoy, me toca a mi anunciarlo, hermanos y hermanas, pero no soy el primero y no seré el último en ser testigo y dar testimonio de este gran milagro. Pascua es el triunfo del amor. Pascua es tiempo de alegría y esperanza. Pascua proclama que Dios existe y que está del lado de la vida y la bondad. Al devolver a Jesús a la vida, Dios revela su activa preocupación por nosotros y su compromiso con nuestra historia. Pascua significa para nosotros un nuevo nacimiento. "Por la gran misericordia de Dios hemos nacido a una nueva esperanza por la resurrección de Jesucristo de los muertos". No se llamen a engaño. Si Cristo no ha vuelto a la vida, olvídense de todo. Vayan a casa, enciendan la televisión y diviértanse con lo que más les haga cosquillas, sea lo que sea. No pierdan su tiempo aquí hablando de un Jesús que es mero recuerdo, pobre cuadro colgado de la pared. Pues no! nuestro Cristo está vivo! Más vivo que cualquiera de nosotros. Vivo para nosotros, para usted y para mi, vivo para lo que Pablo llama "renacer". Y nacer de nuevo significa que tenemos una nueva vida, vida que no tiene fin a pesar de todo. Les deseo Feliz Pascua! Hagamos Pascua. Hacer Pascua porque Cristo ha resucitado. Hacer Pascua porque somos amados por Jesús y vivos en Jesús. Aleluya. Aleluya. Feliz Pascua a todos. Page Seven LLAMADO ANUAL DEL ARZOBIZPO Considere hacer su donativo. Ayudenos a llegar y sobrepasar nuestra meta de $31,138. Hasta hora, hemos recibido $27,180 como promesas. El Llamado para las Misiones Católicas trabaja par apoyar a las diócesis misioneras en los Estados Unidos apoyando a las diócesis pobres en la formación seminaristas. Con frecuencia, los sacerdotes y los ministros laicos en las diócesis misioneras necesitan una capacitación especial para atender a las necesidades especiales el éxito de éstos y de otros proyectos. Por favor, ayuden a fortalecer la Iglesis en casa contribuyendo generosamente a este Llamado. HORAS SANTAS EN LA FIESTA DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA - Acompanenos en la Horas Santas el Sabado Abril 14 (6:30pm7:30pm) y Domingo Abril 15 (2PM-3PM) El Domingo, comienza con la Exposicion del Santisimo apenas termina la Misa Hispana. Rezamos la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia a las 2 p.m. en espanol y a las 2:30 p.m. en ingles. Terminamos con la Bendicion Sacramental a las 3 p.m. Fr. Mayhel Velásquez. Una Oración para la Libertad Religiosa Bendito seas Dios, y te alabamos por el regalo de la libertad. Este día rezamos especialmente por los lideres del gobierno – los hombres y mujeres electos o nombrados como administradores de nuestros derechos y supervisores de nuestras necesidades. Dales un verdadero discernimiento para que nunca se aparten de los cargos que nosotros los ciudadanos les hemos encomendado – para sostener la libertad religiosa y cuidar nuestro bienestar. Danos el poder de tocar con tu verdad todo y a todos con quien nos encontremos. Te pedimos esto en nombre de Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amen. REGISTRACION ESCUELA DE ST. PETER - Las matrículas para el año académico 2011-2012 de St. Peter School ya están abiertas. Hay cupos disponibles para jornada completa (8 a.m.-3 p.m.) para Pre-K3, Pre-K4, Kindergarten y para los grados 1-8. También hay servicio de guardería, Pre-Care (7-8 a.m.) y After-Care (3-6 p.m.). Para mayor información, por favor llame o visite nuestra escuela (973-759-3143). Si necesita asistencia en español, por favor pregunte por la Señora Aida González por la manana.
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