DECEMBER 17, 2011 Commencement Welcome Welcome, Families and Friends he lUP community extends a warm welcome to the families and friends of a very distinguished graduating class. Over the past several years, the class members have worked and studied and are now ready to begin a new chapter in their lives. For some, this will mean a job and the responsibilities of a family. For others, it will mean graduate or professional school. Whatever course their future takes, we hope that our r''v' graduates will look back on their years here as having prepared them to meet and deal with the challenges that life P will present. In today's ceremonies, we recognize nearly one thousand undergraduate and graduate students for their academic si •-1 achievement. The university joins parents, spouses, relatives, and friends in congratulating the graduates on their accomplishments and in wishing for them the happiness of a productive life, the respect of their fellow human beings, and the love of their families. Best of luck and congratulations. Welcome, Graduates, to the lUP Alumni Association elcome to the lUP Alumni Association. Did you know you are now a member? Once you've been a student at lUR you'll always be a part of the family As a graduate of Indiana University of Pennsylvania, you're automatically a member of the lUP Alumni Association. There are no dues to pay, no rules or regulations to follow. The Alumni Association brings alumni together in regions across the nation, providing opportunities for networking with fellow graduates. You also have the opportunity to enjoy benefits such as good deals on auto SB and homeowner's insurance, recognition of the many accomplishments of our alumni, and a number ofonline networking tools to keep you connected. Visit alumni to learn about all of the benefits, programs, and services provided to you as an alumnus/alumna oflUP Commencement—December 2011 COMMENCEMENT PRESIDENT Vice presidents, Deans, and Chairpersons President's Cabinet department Chairs David J. Werner, interim President Germain R Kline, Chairperson, Accounting GaryJ, Dean, Chairperson, Adultand Community Gerald W, intemann. Provost and Vice President for Indiana University of Pennsylvania Academic Affairs Education ... Cornelius Wooten, Vice President for Administration and Finance Saturday, the „ . Andrew W Gillham, Chairperson, Art Frank Condino, Chairperson, Athletics Carl s. Luciano, Chairperson, Biology Rhonda H. Luckey, Vice President for Student Affairs James I Begany, vice President for Enroltment Management and communications William D. Speidel, Associate Vice President for Seventeenthof December, Two Thousand and Eleven Recipients of Master's and Doctoral Degrees Development , _ Research ,^ . Timothy RMack, Dean, School of Graduate Studies and Fisher Auditorium, TenO'clock . Barbara J, Moore. Director, institutional Research, Planning, andAssessment Recipients of Bachelor's and Associate Degrees Michael J. Powers, interim Director of Communications Robin A. Gorman, Executive Assistant to the President Kovalchick Complex, and Administrative Chief ofStaff One O'clock Deans Yaw A. Asamoah, Dean, College of Humanities and The Star-spangled Banner 0say! can you see, by the dawn's early light What sobroad proudly we hail' the twilight' <last ;Ut gleaming, i Whose strines anddhratohf , O'er the ramnarK u,q J, And the rockets' red giarc^he ^ perilous fight, streaming Robenc cZToean. Eberly College of Business and A. SS:.Smorco,,egeo, Education and Educational Technology Michael J. Hood, Dean, Collep of Fine Ats Deanne L. Snavely, Dean, College of Natural Sciences Ma "E,Snrtenr. Dean, college 0, Health and Terry Appolonia, Dean, George R. Long, Chairperson, Chemistry Mark J. Piwinsky Chairperson, Communications Media William w, Oblitey,Chairperson, Computer Science Claire J. Dandeneau, Chairperson, Counseling Elizabeth A. Kincade, Chairperson, Counseling and Psychological Services Randy L. Martin, Chairperson, Criminology Albert S.Wutsch, Director, Academy of Culinary Ad;s Melvin A. Jenkins, Chairperson, Developmental Studies Nicholas Karatjas, Chairperson, Economics Lynanne Black, Chairperson, Educational and School Psychology David M. Piper, Chairperson, Employment and Labor Relations Gian S. Pagnucci, Chairperson, English Ibrahim J.Affaneh, Chairperson, Finance and Legal Studies Susan S. Dahlheimer, Chairperson, Food and Nutrition Sean M, McDaniel. Chairperson, Foreign Languages John E.Benhart, Chairperson, Geography and Regional Planning Steven A. Hovan, Chairperson, Geoscience Elaine A, Blair, Chairperson, Health and Physical Education Human services Luis J. Gonzalez, Dean, Libraries Catherine M. Dugan,Chairperson, Advising and Testing phillip D. Neusius, Chairperson, Anthropology p.rnnu^ Richard J. Muth, Director, Northpointe Camp R. Scott Moore, Chairperson, History Thomas Van Dyke,Chairperson, Hospitality Management Fredalene B. Bowers. Chairperson, Human Development and Environmental Studies Randy L. Jesick, Chairperson, Journalism Sandra L. Janicki, Chairperson, Library/Media Resources Ramesh G. Soni, Chairperson, Management Parimal S. Bhagat, Chairperson, Marketing Francisco E. Alarcon, Chairperson, Mathematics and the home of the brave. Alma Mater To our noble Alma Mater's name And lives 0herbeyond anew allegiance That aday pledge Lieutenant Colonel DavidA. Meyer, Chairperson, Military Science Pankaj, Chairperson, MiS/Decision sciences John E. Stamp, Chairperson, Music Elizabeth A. Palmer, Chairperson, Nursing and Allied Health Professions Mary MacLeod, Chairperson, philosophy Devki N. Talwar, Chairperson, Physics John F Sitton, Chairperson, Political Science Sue A. Rieg, Chairperson, Professional Studies in Education Raymond R Pavloski, Chairperson, Psychology Stuart Chandler, Chairperson, Religious Studies Refrain: Sf0 Lon H. Ferguson, Chairperson, Safety Sciences D. Alex Heckert, Chairperson, Sociology Becky A. Knickelbein, Chairperson, Special Education and Clinical Services Linda M. Hall, Chairperson, Student Affairs in Higher Education LeAnnWilkie, Chairperson, Technology Support and Training Brian R. Jones, Chairperson, Theater and Dance Karen S. Rivosecchi, Chairperson, Vocational Personnel t i ' ' Lynn Botelho, Keynote Speaker To tlie DegreeRecipients, ynn Botelho is lUP's 2011-2012 University Professor, an honor that ssiiSSs;current monopranh her aging in seventeent'h^anri p' England titled Thp ao tfe A Message from president Werner century Her work on in 1999, she organized an internat^ conference, "The Worlds of England and New England, . speakers, which drew more than fifty more including Pulitzer Prize winners, than 250 people. The conferenc j-gguited produced a collection of ®^^^^^'.;,j[iersvill6 in a team-taught class betwee University of Pennsylvania an nlinked both sets of students cont^^ herteachiEXwir'^'®"'^Pa«on flings forShli archival with these scholars and post- an assistant professor o f a s thirteen articles or assays, i Classroom. promoted to the rank nf „ lUP's Robert ECon. u clirectly into the She also serves as acore ° '"ternationafe'xecuft^ 0 studies arid was P^fessor several in the field enabled lUP students to inference b"oS"'^®^20io'T4 ^Qpferenc® chat^room conversations. ^ Dr. Botelho has published and the English Poor Law, 1 first ever extended study ^ her essays, "Old Age in Sev Europe," which appears m Age, was a Book of the German. In 2000, she co-e Ageing in Britain since essays that are the first lives of aging women °SnS^® national Today may not seem nearly asimportant to you as it does to the family members and ^O," th '^'^^turV i^jstofY^ in op^ ^ oi ^Quecti '^e(^ \oo^ uni^® he In addition to her being Professor, Dr. Botelho wa university with the listing Award for Research History Department witn ^ for Outstanding Service i . %y Fac t^y servi^^.^ent'^ pgpa' friends who have come to watch you graduate. You may even wonder why you have togo through this ceremony—after you've spent years working on the degree you're receiving. Wasn't that enough? This commencement ceremony puts the finishing touch on your lUP experience. Itmarl<s a passage and recognizes your success. Celebrating your graduation is like celebrating your birthday: Just as you move from one age to the next, today you move from one phase of yourlife to the next You'll be surprised atwhat you'll take along with you. Some things you think you'll always remember, you may soon forget. What will stay in your memory longest may be aparticular faculty member. Years from now, you may still recall alecture that person gave or a comment he orshe wrote on one ofyour papers. David J. Werner is the interim Ican predict these memories with confidence, not just because I've been where you are today, but because Iread alumni magazines. Isee the letters and reminiscences that president of lUP. He began serving in the role August 1, graduates contribute. Sometimes, they refer in detail to lectures that wem given fifty or sixty 2010. years ago. imagine! Werner is chancellor Even though you may have absorbed the contents ofmyriad textbooks or performed any emeritus of the 13,300-student Southern number of laboratory experiments, it is the human interaction you'll likely carry with you— perhaps as long as you live. While faculty members have been teaching you their subjects, they've also been teaching you how to look at the world HenryAdams wrote, "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." Congratulations on your achievement. Enjoy today, and enjoy your memories. 2002. emeritus and professor Illinois University Edwardsville. Before his seven-year tenure as chancellor, he served as the institution's provost for a decade and dean of its School of Business for twelve years. After his retirement as David Werner Interim President cliancellor, he spent a semester as a visiting researcher in human resources and public policy development at Ryukoku University in Kyoto, Japan. During 2005-2006, he served as interim president of Mansfield University of Pennsylvania and in 2007- 2008 as interim provost of lUR He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering from St, Louis Universityand both a Master of Science degree and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management Science from Northwestern University Governing and Advisory boards Indiana University of Pennsylvania I THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE System of Higher education Since its creation on July 1,1983, the Susan S. Delaney Vice Chair, Indiana Education has developed a reputation for service, achievement, and vision. Strong student demand for the academic offerings at the fourteen public universities in the Jonathan B. Mack, Secretary, Indiana James C. Miller, Treasurer, Indiana Mark A. Holman, Alexandria, Va. Colleen M. Kopp, Harrisburg head count enrollment to nearly 120,000 for 2011-2012 The State System universities are working to fulfill their potential as one The Honorable Samuel H. Smith, Punxsutawney infrastructures in the commonwealth. John C. Cavanaugh, ex-officio, Harrisburg State System of Higher Education board of lUP Alumni Association board of Directors The Honorable James Wansacz '94, President, Old Forge of the largest human resource development levels and the Robert £• provide special challenges ac^d^^'I'ctio'^ jps grov^th. The variety and q .^ersi^V'^wgloP are characteristic of a lUR close, one-to-one within the teaching sense of community Indiana University of a" easily''"'^ ' "^"fcregon^P^sburghandthe^^y^lg Acad6mic off ..nnshiP^^ . stror^^ q^\c, an equal opportunity/afr'^f ng^ce^ employer committed to e diversity Carolyn R Snyder, Kittanning Mary Esther Van Shura, Pittsburgh Gealy W. Wallwork, Indiana Michael A. Staub '80, Vice President, Camp Hill GuidoM.Pichini, Chair Sandra M. KoeppI Barsotti '87, Secretary, Pittsburgh Matthew H. Konetschni '95, M'98, Treasurer, Alexandria, Va. Phillip D. Carrai '83, Vienna, Va. Marie A. Conley Lammando, Vice Chair Aaron A. Walton, Vice Chair Leonard B. Altieri III The Honorable Matthew E. Baker The Honorable Thomas W. corbett Thomas E. Costello '88, West Chester Sandra J. Diefenderfer '67, Great Falls, Va. Micah Johnson '85, Scottsdale, Ariz. The Honorable Michael K. Hanna Stephanie E. Lambidakis '81, Potomac, Md. Florence J. Mauchant M'85, New York Rebecca Pounds '01, Pittsburgh The Honorable David Reed '00, Indiana Ryan Renz '05, Indiana Ronald G. Henry Elaine Sheetz '71, Great Falls, Va. Jennifer G. Branstetter, designee for Kenneth M. Jann Bonnie L, Keener Jonathan B. Mack Joseph RMcGinn C. R. Pennoni The Honorable Jeffrey E. Piccola Harold C. Shields Ronald i Tomalis, secretai^ of Education The Honorable John TYudichak Chancellor John C. Cavanaugh at all Andrew S. Longacre, Danielsville Governors Governor Corbett Sarah C Darling js David Osikowicz, Chair, Punxsutawney Pennsylvania State System of Higher State System is evidenced by the growth in Honors INDIANA University of Pennsylvania Council of Trustees Pamela Sledge-Coley '97, Katy Texas Suzanne M.Teele '82, Pittsburgh . -5= Program—Recipients of Master's and doctoral degrees REMARKS BY THE PROVOST AND VICE PRESIDENT FOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Fisher Auditorium, Ten O'clock David Werner, interim President, Presiding Prologue Friends Gerald intemann from WaterMusic s^Procession to the Cathedral" fromlo« Kevin Eisensmith,' condu^ Qf Handel "Ijeanloseph^ Rondeau" Trumpet Voluntary" Jeremiah ClarKe "Triumphal March" from Aida and Friends Giuseppe Verdi tS Vanri Ferguson, Mansa Youngs, Nicholas Regme"^ ^^"^^^o"'"s.BrianaDeibler tMembersofHoodlebuRBras<;(iiiDc , ^Brass (lUP Faculty) Students'Marshals:., CONFERRING OF DEGREES David Osikowicz Chairperson, lUP Council ofTrustees Dean Mack MASTER'S DEGREES P^niel john^f'^ Welcome MASTER OF FINE ARTS DOCTOR OF Education Doctor OF philosophy President Werner DOCTOR OF PSYCHOLOGY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION GREETINGS Sarah salit^nski R°nne, Pennsytenia'' '™®"^'s°pl,nary Fine Arts/Dance Arts Dual Major Ryan Renz '05 ^ . r.- . Member, lUP Alumni Association Board of Directors CLOSING REMARKS '^flection Tk Timothy Mack Provost intemann Trombones: tChr^.tlan n ' Grand Marshal: Studies and research President Werner The Processional tMpmh REMARKS BY THE DEAN, SCHOOL OF GRADUATE President Werner ALMA mater* _ Ms. salitrynski CUESTS ' wr.::^"LECT,oN Bethlehem, PwnX'nia •keynote speech "Alleluia-.. tRHJDE .Ludwig von Beethoven "Ode to Joy" v.,, READER Hilliary Creely, Assistant Dean for Research, School of Graduate Studies and Research studies nri Guests' Please remain seated until the platform party and faculty have recessed. Once fhe'y havfrecessed, please exit the auditorium quickly •Graduates, guests, and faculty members are requested to join in the singing. ^^""Botelho, 2011.2012 Un 'Musical iMTcn. THE RECESSIONAL Department of History w Werner invites all graduates and guests to a reception in the Blue Room, John Sutton Halt immediately following the ceremony. , • f .-.i'/vV: ' .'-' '••''.••i' I . •' i ' #• 'i, ^ ' V'/^.VV <4 t -J' ,•/' -t. • • ' ^ School of Graduate Studies and Research Timothy p. Mack Dean Casey Kathleen Hartman Community Counseling Nicholas Joseph Holdzkom Geograpfiy Master OF arts August 5, 2011 Yi-Hsiu Huang Adult and Community Education Hani Hamad Afmashaqbeh Qamari Jaamour Maria AleksandrovnaAnanyeva Adult and Community Education Michael Patrick Jones Employment and Lator Relations Raphael Kalu Bitya Adult and Community Education Valerie Ellen Blum Adult and community Education Vanessa L. Britton Community Counseling Sean Patrick Carev Music English Adult and Community Education April M, Karlheim Community Counseling Ashley Elizabeth Kasardo Clinical Psychology Brenton Shawn Kelly Adult and community Education Hyun Mee Kim English Matiik Jody Lynn Cramer Sociology Employment and Labor Relations William B. craver Adult and community Education Emma M. Sechrist Eniployment and Labor Relations Susie Ann Sheiness Employment and Labor Relations Susan YahrSoltis Adult and Community Education Matthew David Spangler Adult and Community Education Marissa j. Stewart Employment and Labor Relations ^chaei Wayne Taylor ^dult and community Education Applied Archaeology A^rnimothyvescov, Jessie Rae Truitt Adult and community Education tand Community Education Gregory E.DIppeii Music Jacob David Dulick ""ym-^nt and Labor Relations Education ^^^^K.Moximchaik and Labor Re,ati„„3 Jennifer Nielsen '^^ommunltvEducation E-^Ployment and Labor Relations Mane Oliver [Roberto, Faith '^"'"'""nity counseling History Danielle CEvanosk, Christina Lea nr S.'fl'^ePeterik E-^Ployment^?® English Justin L. Bleggi Criminology Employment and Labor ^;?aelj,watterson Community Counseling F- Wollam Music Woods f^Ployment and Labor Relations December 16,2011 PPlied Archaeology .r.r"""-"Relations Kayia Jennie Menear Sociology Kristin Elizabeth Swanton Obinna Collins Ezeife Applied Archaeology Business Administration Paul James Sykes Employment and Labor Relations Apoorva Gurumurthy Tyona S. Henderson Margaret A. Nevrton Criminology Public Affairs Jessica Louise Himes Kristy Lynn Notestine Sociology Arthur J. Thompson David Kitzinger Criminology Business Administration Jason Matthew Olear Heather Leigh Tropiano Clinical Psychology Thomas Heinrich Werner Leiwen Business Administration Cynthia Aguiiar Psychology English Engfe'*^MAInowa,si, Business Administration Joshua Scot Pawlowski Monique L.veney Meng-Chieh Lin Employment and Labor Relations Community Counseling Business Administration Beth Anne Porter Donna Marie Wagner Employment and Labor Relations Venkata Subhash Marineni Julie C. Cash Clinical Psychology Jan Michael Cass gelations Employment and Labo KirkF. Cekada Julian Lavahan Holland Criminology Art Kristin Lorraine Hravnak Ashley a. cewensky Julianna Priola Thomas R.wahlund Steffi Susan Matthew Community Counseling Clinical Psychology Business Administration Nkechinyere N. Iheukwumere Krista Marie Wallover Seth E. Mazary Public Affairs David J. Raymond Criminology Employment and Labor Relations Business Administration Patrice Monique Johnson Lynn Marie Rice History Chelsey Elizabeth Ward Criminology Hua Meng Business Administration Gayle Patricia Richardson Community Counseling Thomas Alan Waychoff Employment and Labor Relations Jennifer Rose Michalak Business Administration Doug E. Ritchey Christopher Joseph wellinger Employment and Labor Relations Business Administration Adult and Community Education Young-Ken Choi Mark J, Jones English Criminology Brenda leeCoxe Michele M.Jubon Community couns Dorothy A, Craig sociology Jonathan CDale Employment and uaDo peiatioi^^ Teak Lament Denard gigtions Employment and l-ao Lisa M. Dugas Applied Archaeology Shaun Robert Kelly Criminology Lori Roles Joshua Marshall Williams Adult and Community Education Criminology Brent Lee Kensey Kaitlyn R. Sagely Employment and Labor Relations Bethany Leigh Williams Crow Community Counseling Jessica Lynne Neese Gregory AnthonyKress Joseph A. Santos Criminology Lindsay Jo Wilson Criminology Benjamin Lloyd Francis Reinke Business Administration Daniel Michael Senkow Criminology Meghan Rose Wise Criminology Thomas Michael Theis Business Administration Adam L.Shaffer History Daniel Ian Yaffe Alex Michael Tramposch Adult and Community Education Business Administration Kate A. Zamboni Music Sheng-Lung Tsai Community counseling Dawn Marie Smidga Adult and Community Education Master OF Business Employment and Labor Relations Adult and communityEducation David James Kroskie Applied Archaeology Rogna EriKsen Richard D. Kutz Community coui Clinical Psychology Emily Renee Labnola . Chris Felts Criminology Employment and Labor Relations LOUIS James Fisher Julie Mane Learn Criminology Corey Brandon FoX Criminology Melissa Ann counse ling community Michael sna^es^ear^^'glicati" Clinical Psychology Hilary Rose Lewis History Fatima Louise Lowry Criminology Michael R. Lute Clinical Psychology Kein 2. McClendon Yuhua Giio English I mclsey M Criminology Dzambolat Mrikaev Employment and Labor Relations Applied Archaeology ^|,„g Business Administration Employment and Labor Relations pducaliO^ Adult and community E Adult and comm ^OTtmunity Education Adult and Community Education Criminology Katie Ruth Hoffer Mane Adams " ^""^"lunity Education Pinkerton Alison E. Bernat Criminology community Counseling English Heather Mane Heenan Employment and Labor Relations Sociology Cassandra Lynn Hoak Employment and Labor Relations Jennifer n. Dean Business Administration Adult and community Education Drew William Brunprd Seth T, Mitchell Manssa Dauleno Rashmi Diwakar English Community Counseling [?a«C.McGlnnis Employment and Labor Relations XIaokun Sun Amy Beth Brumbaugh Eniployment and Labor Relations Heidi Joycressley Adam M. McGraw Adult and Community Education David c. Reed Daniel and Jerome sprumontEducation Adult Community History Daria Jo Bane Rebecca Rose Hahn Community Counseling Employment and Labor Relations Sociology English FmN Andrew R. Pujol Employment and Labor Relations Marcell McKay Spohn Hiromi Kobata Amanda Jane Chura Karen E. Pizarchik Adult and Community Education PublicAffairs Michael a. Bater Ashleigh Nannerte Pirone History Sociology jared Mathew Slodowick Jonathan A. Smiley Adult and Community Education Rachel L Smith Sociology Elizabeth Eleni Solomonides public Affairs MichaelRaymond Sprowles Applied Archaeology Divya Nandan Business Administration Business Administration Business Administration Eric A, Williamson Business Administration Administration August 5, 2011 Nathan Edward Alston Business Administration Natalie Elizabeth Cawley Business Administration Shun-Fu Chang Business Administration December 16. 2011 Nikhil Bhimani Business Administration SidOalingesha B.j. Business Administration Alexandra Mane Buckman Business Administration Michael Stephen Cartney Business Administration Hsiang-Shu Chang Business Administration James A. Clayton Business Administration Pavan Balaji Davala Business Administration Thomas R. Mitchell Business Administration Adam Michael Kostewicz Elementary Education Marisa Lynn Morales Master OF Education Business Administration August 5, 2011 Deanna M. Kruse Monisha Sreenivasa Murthy AlyssaN.AieiiQ Business Administration Joshua M. Muscatello Business Administration Erik Colton Detwiler Business Administration Srinivas Garlapati Jeffrey M.Paich Business Administration Noelle s. vilella Literacy Courtney Ann Kunceiman Korinne M. Ankerbrand Educational psychology Nicole R. Barton Master's in Education Janice L. Livingston Business Keri A. Marshall Damian Michael Blum Master's in Education Matthew Polons Charlene M. Byrd Literacy Business Administration Literacy Business Administration LoicAmin Rahmouni Stephen D. Carney Master's in Education Stephen M. Hajduk Business Administration Master's in Education Business Administration Sunil Reddy Misty D, Davin Master's in Education Robert j.Howell Business Administration Master's in Education Business Administration Raj Shama Ghatage Business Administration Aditi Ssntosh Gupta Business Administration Jason Huntsman Business Administration Jennifer Lynn jakubcak Business Administration |mman Singh Jebarai Business Administration Tejash Narendra Patel Business Administration John S. Ri220 Christina Marie White Master's in Education Megan A. Kulish School Counseling Lawrence 8. Bengough Safety Sciences Cong Xu Holly D. McCausland Literacy Kathryn C.Young Brian Richard Minick Literacy Health and Physical Education Anna zacheri Master's in Education Jacquelyn Musillo Health and Physical Education James Lee Campbell December 16, 2011 Andrew R Nutter Business Pratiksha Patel Educational psychology Kyle Lee Bellinger School Counseling LyndsayKay BIystone Heather l.Edmonds Allison Rose Pupo JungY. Colen Business Administration Ankit M. Ladwa SSJSSS Master's in Educat Julie Reges Jon M, Flynn Educational Psychology ^eganj.Frycklund Muca«'"'';®^ssman tducational Psychology BusinessAS't'ration Jacquelyn Michele Curtis Health and Physical Education "taster's in Education «™;;^VAnnGasparro B''ianH,whitco Administration Mathematics Matthew S, cation Of Exceptional Persons Business Administration Elementary and Middle School Literacy Literacy SusanneVFtnk El^^iy Patricia Hartord Master's in Educat °fanna j. Henry '"asters In Education _ Heather Lynn Reo ^^^leScMO"' Elementary and M Mathematics Mary Jayne Edwards School counseling Scott J. Elliott Health and Physical Education Meghan Judith Enwin Laura J. tion Master's in Educat Elementary and Middle school Mathematics Deanna M. Rulnicl< Shannon Lynn Fennell Literacy Mathematics julie Ann SidoricK school counseling Heather Joyce Masters in Education School counseling Carey A. Stevenson Literacy Douglas William Francart School Counseling Morgan Alysse Gaetano Health and physical Education Maggie A. Giel Bhumika Malhotra safety sciences Sport Science Evelyn Ann Carpenter Safety sciences Justin Owen McCallister William swingle Master's in Educ tnlin f [iwafri Master's in Edu School Counseling Lisa Allison Melnick Speech-Language Pathology Master's in Education Jacquelyne Chantry Sport Science Safety Sciences Sarah A. Pack Thomas Vincent Christman Roy J. Orbin Elementary and Middle School Eric Neal Montgomery Courtney Egon Murray Safety Sciences Safety Sciences Denise Marie Coppinger Safety Sciences Amanda L. Neary Safety Sciences Mathematics Charles Adriaan Pienaar Health and Physical Education Chad Ryan Daisley Kara Sue Polka Literacy Safety Sciences Robyn Jo Dincher Sheena Nicole Rapp Safety Sciences Chnstopher Quinn Safety Sciences Sarah Raneri Applied Mathematics Business Megan Grace Rowles School Counseling Danielle Marie Sefchok School Counseling Ashlea Brooke Smith School Counseling Shane T. Stitt Health and Physical Education Robert James varholak William Edwards Duffell Safety Sciences Christopher C. Dunlap Safety Sciences Yvonne Lynn Eaglehouse Sport Science Nicolas Michael Reed Safety Sciences Tawanda Lynn Roberts Nursing Robert A. Rodgers Physics Joseph Rupp Matthew Bryant Eckstine Safety Sciences Safety Sciences Adam M. Frederick Randy L. Sadler Safety Sciences Safety sciences Business James Chris Fultz Erica Mane ware School Counseling Cynthia Wolfel Samantha Chantel Heilman Safety Sciences Michael Philip Carpenter Sport science Safety Sciences Lora L. Schraufnagei Safety Sciences Marjone A. Gates Nicholas James Scull Safety Sciences Sport Science Albert Gilgallon Safety Sciences Chemistry Business Business "C'tional Psychology ^lissa Anne Joyce Kevin Hugh O'Donnell Educational Psychology School counseling Kayla Lynn Griffith Administration Dustin Richard Lyons Melissa D. Miller School Counseling Business Administration AnushJayadevaraieurs usiness Administration Francis Kwantwi-Barima Literacy Karyl Ann Riper ^i^8ilM.aG.Kere Victor Marcellis Brundage Mark J. Krizanik Sport Science Ann Margaret Zedek Marlee Elizabeth Morden Nicole Lynn Mickey Educational Psychology Leah Supik Safety Sciences Garrett G. Keliar Sport science Sport science Educational Psychology Business Administration Serena L. Bond Kathleen Marie iszkula Biology Wesley Louis Burket Geography Lauren Bianco Megan Rose Filler Bawa Awumbila Alicia Ann Heinbaugh Safety sciences Literacy Educational Psychology Stephanie M.sudina Sport Science Safety Sciences Khsten jean Literacy Joshua Gross Sport Science Master's in Educatio Business Administration Ryan Kirsch Geography Jamison Leigh Drab Business Administration Safety Sciences Natalie Maria Kuczma Silky N. Shah L, Stevenson Jason Allen Antill Health and Physical Education Business Administration Business Administration Kelly L, innocent School Counseling Liana Rita Webster BrandnynnDelledonne Anthonys, jones Business Administration Kathanne M. McCutcheon MASTER OF SCIENCE Health and Physical Education Educational Psychology Literacy Heather Rebecca Horn Mathematics August 5, 2011 Literacy Literacy Educational Psychology Bnttany A.Vignero Educational Psychology Kelly Lynn Zulick School Counseling Phillip Robert Sharrow DOCTORATES AND DISSERTATIONS Shaina D. Smith Sport Science Jeremy jon Hay Chemistry Steven R Smith James Edward Lieb Safety Sciences Stephanie Fournet Spillane Safety Sciences Catherine Elizabeth Squires Sport Science Scott Shane Stanfill Sport Science Katie Eberle stryl<er Safety Sciences Carl Wayne Thayer Safety Sciences Paul Glenn vanAuken Safety Sciences Nicole Lynn Waligora Sport Science Billy K. Walker Safety Sciences Geography Christopher James Livengood Geography Stephanie Marie Lucas Sport Science Yutai Ma Hannah Joy Brewer Dissertation: An Examination of the Effectiveness of an Eight-Month Health Master OF Fine Arts August 5, 2011 and Fitness Based Preschool Curriculum Curriculum and Instruction August 5, 2011 John Taylor Burrus Randys. Baker Thesis: Mass Self Consumption Michael R. Madden Physics Kayla Jo McGee Biology Bifei Cao Thesis: Transference Art December 16, 2011 Michael D. Romagano Thesis: Push Play Art Courtney l. Neiderhiser Safety Sciences Brenda j.Pearce Nursing Pnyaveenadharan Piiiai Sport Science Joan M. Ponzurick Nursing Michele L. Crytzer University Partnership: Collaboration. Professionalism, and instructional Dissertation: The Effectof High FidelityHome Health Simulations on Nursing Practice Students' Clinical Performance Curriculum and Instruction TheirSkills in Collaboration to Workwith Regular Education Classroom Kimberiy Everhart Dissertation: The impact of Hybrid instructional Models on Game Performance Outcomes of Middle School Physical Education Students Teachers Curriculum and instruction Donna L. Hopstetter Dissertation: Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Speech-Language Therapists Regarding Administration and Leadership Studies Jodie A. Prey Stephanie Lynn ivory Dissertation: Third- through Eighth-Grade Teachers'Perceptions of the Effectiveness of web-Based Reading Programs Dissertation; Exploring the Relationship between College Student Leadership Experiences and the Practice of Effective Leadership Behaviors Administration and Leadership Studies Curriculum and instruction Ronald John Grevera Dissertation; A Historical Case Study of Teacher and Principal Perceptions of Howard Stephen Lessel Timothy Sean Murphy Geography Dissertation: Gettingto the PDS Core, Cultivating the Fruitof a School Administration and Leadership studies Applied Mathematics Shengming Zhang Physics DOCTOR OF Education Dissertation; The Change Process: AStudy of theMove toBlock Scheduling Education Specialist Certificate August 5, 2011 Katherine Barbour Santoro School Psychology December 16, 2011 Megan M, Michkofsky School Psychology in Five Pennsylvania High Schools Teacher Collaboration Related to the Transformation of a Traditional 6-8 Junior High School to a Team-Based MiddleSchool Administration and Leadership studies Administration and Leadership studies Donna M, Messner Anthony Paul Grieco Dissertation: Exploring the Early Field Experience to Examine the impact on Dissertation: TheEvolution of a ProfessionalPath for Secondary special Education Teachers since the inception of No ChildLeftBehind:A Pre-service Teacher Development Administration and Leadership Studies Qualitative Portrait Administration and Leadership Studies Jesse A. Haight Theodore George pappas Dissertation; A Mixed-Methods Study:RaisingStudent Achievement through Dissertation: A Case Studyof General George Gordon Meade:A Leadership Perspectivethrough the Lens of Good Work Curriculum and instruction the Lens of Hope and Collective Efficacy Administration and Leadership Studies Elizabeth K. Kalu Helen Mana Province Nursing Raquel a. Rugani Certificate of Recognition Sport Science December I6, 2011 Von Anthony Scheivert Safety Sciences Sport Science Bryan John Schiren Jodi Ann Sponchiado Dissertation: preparation, perceptions, andProfessional Paths: AMixedMethods Study ofEast Stroudsburg University's Elementary Education ProfessionalDevelopmentSchool Beginning Teachers Robin Lee Lutcher Michael J.Blankendaal Dissertation: Teachers'Perceptions on the impact of Blogs andWikis Joann E.Thistlethwaite Dissertation: Nontraditional Nursing Students'Perceived Ability to Form Caring Relationships Karen Louise Valcheff Administration and Leadership Studies Dissertation: Closing the Achievement Gap: The Use and Effectiveness ot Research-Based Practices in Middle Schools Curriculum and Instruction Arlene Shorter Young preamas,vancise Dissertation' AComparative Study ofFirst Time international College Students' Level ofAnxiety in Relationship toAwareness ofTheir MicheleAnnevarner Nursing Vac Wang Applied Mathematics . „ Learning-Style Preferences Administration and Leadership Studies Adams M. Mohammed Dissertation: An Assessment of the Impact of Functional Literacy initiatives for Women Groups toward Sustainable Livelihoods In the Savelugu/ Nanton District of Ghana Curriculum and instruction December 16, 2011 Michael James Pendred II Michelle Lee Amodei Dissertation: implementation of "TurningPoints 2000" Recommendations: A Suivey of Midwestern Middle Level Teachers' Beliefs and Practice Administration and Leadership Studies Dmoram^'rhuri Dissertation: Arra/n/ng aSTARS 3Rating in Keystone STARS Programs. Child care Preschool Teachers' Perceptions ofQuality Appiied Mathematics Basil Douglas Martin Dissertation:-A Survey o/'Sfuc/enf, Staff, and Faculty Perceptions of Thirteen Pennsylvania State Owned Libraries using the LibOUAL+ Protocol Administration and Leadership Studies Nursing Nursing Regarding theAcquisition ofTwenty-First Century Skills in the Classrooms for the Future Classroom: A study of TwoPennsylvania High Schools Curriculum and instruction Whitney M. Wesley Biology Case Study in Kenya curriculum and Instruction Administration and Leadership studies Chemistry Benjamin Jacob Tost Dissertation; Educational and Community issues Affecting Academic Achievement ofMassai students with visual impairments: A Qualitative Curriculum and instruction John Pfeiffer, Jr. Dissertation The Effects ofYear-Round School onStudents with 1earning Disabilities Administration and Leadership Studies Brian J, Slamecka Dissertation. ACross-Case Study ofthe Impact oforganizational ctianse througti the Diffusion of the Classrooms for the Future initiative Administration and Leadership studies Therese L.Rossman Jean Patricia Harvey Dissertation: The impact of the Family Development Credentldllng Program on School Readiness: Outcomes in Family Support Administration and Leadership Studies David A.Voipe Dissertation: English Composition I:An Effective Predictor ofPersistpnrp and^ Retention at aCommunity College stence Administration and Leadership Studies Mai A. Hassan Dissertation: Unheard Voices: Narratives of Developing TESOL Professiona s in a Graduate Discourse Community August 5,2011 . Dissertation: Blue Ribbon Sentencing: Judicial Decision-Making and Situa . Chad Donald Sherman Ibrahim Ashour Dissertation: The Relationship ofPre-sen/ice Education Majors' Multiple Intelligence Learning Styles toTheir Level ofDigital Literacy Dissertation: Parenting Styles and Criminal involvement: ATest of Baumrind's Typology Dissertation: Finding Point Balance: The Functions of Writing in identifying Roza Niazbaevna Kazakbaeva Dissertation: The Role of English in Kyrgyz immigrants'Acculturation English Processes inthe United States English Gail Ann Bondi EngS^^ Writing Students in aLarge Scale English Writing - English^^S/i/r/ey/\nn Grau. Gail Godwin, andAlice Walker Jennifer Marie Holcomb Wells sertation: Millennials Strike Back: Students'Reports of Knowledge Chad Eric Littleton Engllh^^'^"^' fgnt '^^enty-First CenturyAddiction: User Generated Communications Media and Instructional Technology Dissertation: L2 Writing in the Li Composition Course:AModel for Administration and Leadership studies 'mpact of Cultural Dimensions and the Coherence Ohio Multimedia instruction on the Achievement of Educational EngS""^srteSSe™ 'hab Mousa Freiz Genre,n Nineteenth Christine D. Pristash Fotlc- Qf David Ray Golden Jessica L. Haggerty Dissertation: Mentoring Relationships and Student Empowerment: A Phenomenological Study ofFour Women's Experiences Dissertation: Women Who Kill: Performing Feminist Resistance in Twentieth CenturyAmerican Multiethnic Women's Literature English Sarah Adele Henderson Lee Dissertation: Claiming Their Right to Write: Linguistically and Culturally Pursuit byveryAt-Risk Students: Examining Admlnktrof'^'"^^"' Leadingstudies to Degree Completion ^ministration and Leadership ^hgiish o^S/nis Hybncy/fy from aPluralistic perspective in Selected Multiethnic American Fiction and Criticism Diverse Learnersacross a Secondary Curriculum English Kimberli A.Huster Dissertation: Suspended between Languages: Stories from theBiliterate Lives of Hmong Generation 15 University Women English Douglas S. Knepp Communications Media and instructional Technology Ethel Roliston Manan Elaine Yoder D,ssS"«^=sanZeidanin Karl FRoeper Rachel Adams Goertel Dissertation: The Pragmatic Use ofDiscourse Markers in the Unplanned Speech of university English Language Learners Gwendolyn J. Heckmann Traditional rrad/f/ona/ andAlternative and Alternative Gonceptj^ ^'^^''^.f^gfter. '^entity in Novels by Julian Barnes, Angela Kristen Marie Getchell Heather Anne Workinger l-iighe^Edi^^^^^'^' ^ 'Ac/ws/ng Models Relating to Student Outcomes in Administration and Leadership Studies Anna Faktorovich Literacies, and Their Acquisition of the English Language English English Po//c/es Governing theDeclaration ofAcademic /Awareness among Thai EFL Readers and Wn Investigating the Lives ofSix Female Second Language Learners. Their Commir?"^^^ Learning Environment 'cations MediaOn/;ne and Instructional Technology Korakote Natiladdanon Thlfn^ English Dissertation: international MailOrder Brides:A Narrative inquiry English Bradley Earl Wiggins Diane Susan Understanding McMahon the Influence of Capitalism on One Group ^nunSTenDissertafen: Elizabeth C. Rafferty Duncan English Ana Maria Wetzl EngliSi ^ ^'"gL/;sr/c Tolerance YouTube'^^^Aesfftef/c Expectations as Expenenc Leadership amongAfrican-American Female Administrators within Dissertation: Examining StudentFeedback in Writing Assessment: Validation inquiry ina Writing Placement Program English ^ ofFeedback in Two Fanfiction Writing Groups Matthew McKeague Lea j. Delcoco-Fridley Public HigherEducation Administration and Leadership Studies in Joseph Conrad's Geopolitical Peripheries Online Political Communication communications Media and instructional Technology Shu-Fen Cheng English'^^''^^ Dissertation: Revising the View of the Southern Father: Fighting the Father- Dissertation: Effectiveness of ivianA/ell and Schmitfs compliance-Gaining Wan-li Chen Dissertation:A Phenomenological Study of perceptions of Identityand Barbara Cadden Taylor Mark T.King Experience on a Regional Haitham Mahmoud Abdullah Talafha s^rtation: Ghosts. Madness, and Dementia: The Failure of the Global Dissertation: Dynamics under the Silence: Exploration of the English Dissertation: Puerto Rican Radical: The Effects of Neoliberalism on the Life and work of Martin Espada English June Pickett Dowdy So Yeon Kim Campus EQuilibrium among aWorking Mother's Life Challenges English ADescriptive Michele P. Bratina Dissertation: Latino Attitudes toward Violence: The Effect of Americanization Edward J, Carvalho Sandra L. Stanko Leah Michelle Chambers forPedagogy to Servethe Purposesof Liberation inSyria English Criminology Criminology Abeer Abduiaziz Al-Sarrani Dissertation:A RhetoricalCritiqueof Teacher Supen/ision and the Potential Criminology Identities Hussein A. Kaream Hussein Alhawamdeh Administration and Leadership Studies Jason D. Spraitz Jennifer L, Muck Andrew Shawn Andermatt Dissertation: A Toxic Discourse: Contaminated Hometown committees in Selected U.S Ecocatastrophe Prose 1970-2005 English Satisfaction Communications Media and instructional Technology English Doctor of Philosophy Dissertation: Older Home l^ealth Registered Nurses: Work perceptions and December 16, 2011 , and Literate- Literacy Identity^ Palti-y to Be Caesar~- Postcolonial intimations in English Dissertation: Recreation Center Participation and Its Relationship to Academic Success Administration and Leadership Studies Graduation honors Gregory Michael Koehle Dissertation: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis of ttie state Collese Nuisance Property Ordinance and an Assessment of Rental Property Doctor OF psychology Managers asPlace Manager/intimate Handler ofOffender Criminology August 5, 2011 George D, Konetes Dissertation: The Effects ofDiabetes. Hypertension, and Hypercholesterolemia on the Severity ofTraumatic Brain injury Rachel R. Andaloro Communications Media and instructional Teciinology Clinical Psychology Erica Rae Barnes Josh Lederman Dissertation: Critical Thirdspace Pfienomenologyas aFramework for Validating College Composition Placement Dissertation: Psychotic-Like Experiences and Age at First Use ofCannaois - a NonclinicalSample Clinical Psychology English Martin M, Pino Richard Dirk Matson Dissertation: Effects of Exposure to Objectified images of Males and Femaleson College Males'SexualSelf-Esteem Clinical Psychology Administration and Leadership studies Alicia H.Puskar Hayat Messekher Dissertation: investigating the Relationship between the Cognitive and Affective Components of Empathy and Frontal Lobe Functioning m College Students Clinical Psychology English Elizabeth Joanne Mutzabaugh Heather A. Rehil Dissertation: Clinical usefulness and Common Profiles of the MMPl-2 Rf^ Child Custody Assessment Clinical Psychology Harmony B.Sullivan f Dissertation: "Hey Lady. You're Hot!" Emotional and Cognitive Effects or Erin Kate Nelsen -atin Honors Latin honors for first-time Gender-Based Street Harassment on women Administration Clinical Psychology Katharine j.Pantaleo Lauren ReneeSwenson Deviance in Restafrm^^' ^ Perspective ofEmployee Criminology Cynthia Ann Payne D.ser,at,on: Writing in the Workplace: Professional Writers'self-Reports Astensks denote non-Latin honors for ciate degree candidates as follows: December 16, 2011 , , iii(ely Dissertation: Falling through the Cracks: AProfile ofAdolescents l ^ Dissertation: Gossipmongers: interest in Gossip asa Function o Marcelene Maria Senese Mode ofTransmission Clinical Psychology s'-w/iff Rebecca a.Parker ^ Dissertation: The Effects of Physical Touch and Thermal wanvt Mary Stewart Interpersonal Trust Clinical Psychology averagp^^°fl^ next^t-n I Rrarii lat cumulative grade-point conclusion of the student's semester. Final honors for these Rrarfp point averages footedhave afterbeen finalcalculated. cumulative fn^^uP^ following: 4.:A;determined 3^B; 2^C. on the basis of the is William B. Vogler ciiploma indication of graduation. The transrr ? university and an official Humor in^th^Zfrkpl^e^^' ^ Contextual Understanding of ^ program officer^ ^'S^ccl and sealed by the proper authentic testimony to the °^^ernngofadegree. confor • grade-point average. Leanna Marie Barone Heidi Marie Dickey English Administration and Leadership studies The following have completed their first bachelor's degree program with a perfect 4.0 Stacey Marlene Coles honors are tentative and are , ^fnenderand BACHELOR'S DEGREE With High Honor, 3.50 to 3.74 Clinical Psychology Jennifer Lee Hambaugh AVERAGE With Highest Honor, 3.75 to4.00 With Honor, 3.25 to 3.49 to Receive Services after Peer Death EngSr English Cum Laude, 3.25 to 3.49 College Football Cody Raine Duckworth Nehal sadek sior s degree candidates as follows; Summa cum Laude, 3.75 to 4.00 Magna Cum Laude, 3.50 to 3.74 Dissertation: Unnecessary Roughness' Off-Field Aggression andCnmein Clinical Psychology 4.0 GRADE-POINT Bethany Anne Foley Stephanie Nicole Graham Nicole Marie Pelesky Kelsie Michelle Sinagra Alexsandra Mae Snyder Christina Lynn Steele Whitney Justine Weimer Program—Recipients of Bachelor's and Associate degrees Kovalchick Complex, one O'clock Keynote Speech David Werner, Interim President, Presiding Lynn Botelho, 2011-2012 University Professor, Department of History Prologue Conferring of Degrees cathedral" from Lohengrin Richard Wagner Chairperson, lUP Council of Trustees 'Sau"::::::: Provost Intemann The Processional "Triumphal March" from Aida verdi Hoodlebug Brass and Friends Michael Hood, Dean, College of Fine Arts Rnho']® tMembers of Hoodlebug Brass (lUP Faculty) Daniel Shiveiy winstead,JohnEngler,Ataollah Nahouraii, Robert Mutchnick John Mills, David Chambers Welcome Lieutenant Colonel David Meyer, Chairperson, Department of Military Science Alumni Association greetings ^yan Renz '05 ^ er, lup Alumni Association Board of Directors President Werner Closing Remarks National Anthem* P''Gsident Werner Sarah Salitrynski '^lma Mater* Ro:fp"anTa'Arts Dua, Salitrynski Reflection The Recessional David Coffey Campus Crusade for Christ to Joy" Introduction of Guests Grari Student Reflection Proc-'w Michelle laddie Biology/Pre-vetermary Major, Chemistry Minor Homer City, Pennsylvania Associate Vice President, Academic Administration seated until the platform party and faculty have recessed. 3nd faculty members are requested to join in the singing. ^ following the ceremony. Musical Interlude "Alleluia" Jacobus Gerald Intemann Ludwig von Beethoven 'Deader President Werner Sm;^c College of Business and information Technology Granting of Military commissions Grand Marshal- Rav/uwV''"'^ Dean, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Yaw A Dean, College of Health and Human Sen/ices A• College of Humanities and and Social Sciences Technology Oils, Interim Dean, College of Education Educational Trombones: tChristian Dickinson, Zack Karcher Tubas: tZach Collins, Briana Deibler Students' Marshals:!!^! Bachelor's Degrees Mnrf c Horns'^' S^anTeTKirlfe Column Marshals- President Werner David Osikowicz President foR suests to areception in the KovalcNck complex lobby Eberly College of Business and Information Technology Robert c. Camp Dean Beige Tassels Accounting Bachelor of Science Human Resource Management Bacheior of Science College of Education and educational technology A. Keith Dlls Interim Dean Phylip Thomas Crafton Suzanne Michele Francis * Heather Jean Hansen Stacey l. Harris Kara JoAnn Arndt * White Tassels Robin Carol Banyai Sarah Elizabeth Blair ** Tracy Louise inzinga Leanna Marie Barone *** Dominique Sade Bradley Charlie John Brady Malia Angela Tatsuko Ursida Jade Myl<el Brocious * International Business Bachelor of Science Kevin Scott Andrews Barreau Janay Sharron Bryant EmileeAnne Dolan *** Richard John Breymeier Jessica Elizabeth Brown-Bodkin Lauren Nicole Englar Lisa Diane Ewing ** Yung-Cheng lee * Caria J, Fester Thomas Nathaniel Light * Yaoxi Guo •**•* Yi-Hsin Liu Arianne C. Schad Wei-En Chang XiyuChen ** Daniel Scott Johnson Christopher Michael Kuhar Rongsheng Luo communications Media Bachelor of science e este N. Donatucci * Katrina Mane Murray Qiuyue Wang Business Education Bacheiorof science In Education Taryn Leigh Byrne * Christine Lynn Carlson * Haley Rae Clutter* Alicia L Contres* Amanda Lynn DeRuyter *** Heidi Marie Dickey *** Katlyn L.Durica *** Shannon Mary Guckert **" Marion Danielle Laurion '** Briana Renee Engiert ** Amy Lynn Lubatti **' S^fil^^Frechione Catherine Patricia McCann *** Nicole Irene Madison *** Kelsie Michelle Sinagra *** Rosemary a. Terak * Dwayne S. Martin Eric J. Miller Bachelor of Science in Education Light Blue Tassels Christopher Fatt Keat Lam Megan Noelle Matthews Qian Cao *** Elementary Education KatrinaAlex papantonakis * Kristie Lynn Rodgers ** Elyse Christine Shearer * Elizabeth jo Shumaker** ivianagement Information Systems J^^Lepree Rowan Bachelor of Science Michael Anthony Battestilli Zachary Alexander Davis William Christopher DiGilio AdriPn Spangler * Christina Lynn Steele *** Monica LynnTruitt '* Meghan Renee vogatsky ** Whitney Justine Weimer *** General Studies Associate of Arts Romin Patel * Jessica Allen * Mark Douglas Rawls, Jr. Timothy p Barnes * Matthew D. Claar»' Robert Kupniewski * Jason E. Swanson Chnstopher Scott Kilbury Philip James Kopczyk*** Alyson Leigh Naranjo ivianagement/ Benn Anthony Troutman Lucas Jon Master * Sarah Lynn Wagner' Business Technology Support Bachelor of Science Eric P Millheim Business/Accounting Associate of Arts Jennifer Lynn Mumau Finance Educate Entrepreneurship and Small Business Bachelor of Science John Aaron Lamplugh Jacklyn Marie Youra * Jennifer Lynn Mumau Krista Mane Shumaker *** Speech-Language Pathology Leander N. Toney jr. Management/General Michael Jeffrey Cramer Jeffrey Paul Fehnel jr. DeannaiynnCoposky** Ashley Lynn Gerhart * Nicole Elizabeth Giermanski Bachelor of Science 'Vlarl<eting Joshua M. Morford Bachelor of Science Yew Chuan Chew Stephen M. Navari Katelyn Mane Nowicki ** Aaron Paul Carlson ** Nathan Thomas Morrow Katrina Mane Murray Gage Jonathen Patchen Steven Nicholas Sabo Bachelor of Science In Education Raymond PFetger'»* Juliana Loree Naugle ** Joshua William pjper Nicole L, Pivirotto Cayla joy Poborsky Codey Alan Vargo ^ W\Qn>y hsh ,eeff near a - very coWH"' and Audiology Science Bachelor of Science Emily Lorraine Dunkel Matthew Dale Geisel Samuel Paul Goodman Daniel Scott Johnson General Studies Bachelor of Science Heather m. Dandy Chelsea Lynn Domski Taylor Ferguson Bachelor 0??°'' "ucation Jt Sarah Michelle Trovato ** '-'Jcy Kreutzman g^i'sons"" ^""^sptional KjVstle Michelle Gregory Dantel William Whall Horvath Justin Thomas Manning Christopher Maynard Wilson few Joseph Mathe*" atnck T. Morgan Carlton John Painter eryn Lee Semego Kathleen stotler-* 'aneiie A®'"'"ownover * Jenna toM, Shaffer* "^^^ethshaw** rvi*r» College of Fine Arts Michael J. Hood College of Health and human Services Health and Physical Mary e. Swinker Dean Education Interim Dean Brown Tassels Bachelor of Science in Education Green Tassels, •Maroon Tassels and Art Education Kasey Shaffer Davidson ** Cody Thomas Knight*** Apricot Tassels Bachelor of Science in Lauren E. Montague ** Kyle Taylor Nale* Education Nicole Marie Pelesky*'* Alicia Renae Pollock *** Athletic Training Bachelor of science Julie Anna Baroni * Ashley Kathleen Evanick Roxanne Nicole Hotaling *** GinaAnnVigliotti * Emily Annward * Dana PaigeWeakland ** • Kathryn Marie Lind - Nicole Marie Woerner Art studio Hospitality Management Bachelor of Fine Arts Bachelor of Science Jonathan Nicholas Burtnett Kenneth David Baker ii Robert Michael irvin Benjamin Dominic Cavallaro Art/Studio Carrie Ann Cogley Shannon Nicole Cummins** Michael Joseph Grance Rachel Lauren Holtgraver ** Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts Chelsea M. Berrett Derek Daniel Habe Misha A. Hudson SpencerThomas Hindman ChristinaLynn Mesko ** Kelsey Sharell Lingle Anesha L Minnis Patricia KayMoyer** Interdisciplinary FineArts/ Gabriel Ortiz ** Dance Arts Rachael Michelle Herbert Daniel Kevin Horan, Jr. Brian Thomas Jackson Bachelor of Arts Emily Kafh^^^ent* Sarah lynne Salitrynski *' Kiel Peck * Gr4a R^^ Phillips Music Joshua Ah®" ^^^bert Bachelor of Arts Music Education Bachelor of Science in Education Music Performance Bachelor of Fine Arts Laura Lynn Kanouff * Stephen Ross KimPrough Kayla Lynn Kirsch ** Bryan Reese Koup Brian Patrick Dolan Kevin D.Woods Michael Anthony Johnson Nyaka Suhir Johnson airS-" Matthew Vincent Lanyon Daniel Joseph McPherson Manuel D. Pedraza Stephanie Lynn Racht George L.AIberti Gregory HarrisVogler *** Sammantha Jo schreffler Alicia Renee Berasi ** Theater Joshua Robert Shope Adam Charles Short Johnathan Edward Byron Randall William Frye *** Bachelor of Arts Amanda Jane Olmstead * AndrewThomasAustin Stephanie Lynn Beatty ** Andrew Vincent Gorenz *** Jason Edward Goyda " Michael George Hanrahan Mane Elizabeth Hattman Melissa s. Kaim Christopher Robert Leidhecker Benjamin Nathaniel Savory Whitney Justine Weimer *** Jacob Andrew Shaffer GarrettJosephwaletzki Deirdre Steph^ l^argarettf Brady Christianna Jean Ward * MAnpfi^'^ Bumford p^'^olasF r '^^'^celliere*** Jn<r^ . '§3nko Eryn Felice Withers Rebekah Kayie woods Brandon Ryan Wright Family and consumer Alina Pikalyuk Bachelor of science in Britley Nicole Raabe* sallyLynn Rice*** Michael Steven Rotigel * Brittany Sue Scott*** Sciences Education Education Melinda Joan Borgnis Kayla Megan Shriane Trisha Lynn Brubaker * Leah Christine Ferringer' Alexsandra Mae Snyder*** Baindu LuciaSquire Andrea Lorraine Stoddard *** Allyssa Sue Myers ** Amanda Ashton Pepley Lauren Nicole Ruddock HeatherAnne Ryan Megan Ann Ward ** Maureen Anne wesner *** Melissa Ann Wilson • Fashion Merchandising Bachelor of Science LindseyAlise Brewbaker Chelsea Tesei Bronstein * Megan Renae Cross * Chelsea Elizabeth Faber Newton Jamel Anderson jennelle Christine Metzer Cherisse Desiree' Harris Chelsea ChristineKristen MichelleMyers Nicas ro SarahLynne Salitrynski** Melissa Ann Schmalzried * Erica Roth Skinner **• Willis Reginald Spencer, Jr. Gregory Harris Vogler Daniel Robert Wolfe ^yier Roh'®V Faith * Meag^t Greene Heffernan- Nuclear Medicine Technology Bachelor of science Aerevpii Louis John Ribariv** Kayla Beth Stockwell ** Lea Mane Baran ** Mary Ellen Patrick RussS''?.DuBois* Elliot F|,^,^^'aouck CaitlinAnne Bovell jhanaYolanda Jones Kelly Nicole Laysears Danielle Roniece Lews Wil|ia^^,^;;lene Coles Nathan Frederick Repp Interior Design Bachelor of Science Alicia N. Haines * Jeremy Michael Mcciaine" Christopher Ryan Poet ** Megan Elizabeth Tataliba SharonClarissa walker Matthew Aaron wireman Edward Tomas Zaiewski chminology/Pre-Law Bachelor of Arts Joseph Daniel Occhiogrosso Jamie Marie Showman Teresa M. Brownlee Linda Herrera ** Douglas Alan Hitchens Ian Matthew Lawson Justin Lawrence Murray Alexandra Paige Elizabeth Pjlle Lauren Alexandra Polokoff Alyssa Marie Weaver Jacqueline Louise Gajewski ** College of Humanities and Social Sciences Nursing Bachelor of Science Natalie Avraham Kayla Ashley Bishop Ashley Elaine Capitosti Nancy Marie D'Agostino Shentao Dai EmilyArlene Edmiston * ikechukwu Nnamcli Egbukwu Laina Marie Frantz Physical Education and Sport/Sport Administration Bachelor of Science Yaw A. Asamoah Justin Robert Bak Dean Craig M, Burgess White Tassels Michael A. Finley Andre Marcell Henderson Jr ; Geoffrey Allan isacoff X Ashley Nicole Joseph FrankJoseph Sirolli ** Shamusv, Thompson Safety Sciences Asian Studies Parminder Kaur* Ashley Chnstina Pruger * Megan Elizabeth Sweeney Sarah A. Blough Bachelor ofArts Trevor Michael jones * Christopher L. Mical Becky Ann Sifinski Economics Bachelor of Science bachelor of Arts ^aron Glenn Lance Steven William Soroko * Kraig Joseph Wicklund "l^^g-Cheng Lee * Rachel Jean Woods Eric Russell Zarzeczny * Wilding Ulysses wiltoms Nutrition/Dietetics Bachelor of Science |conomi(;s/pre.Law ^^-^helorofArts Michael Robert Dorben Adrienne Helen Mahoney * Jessica A. Marshall Jason c Paronish * Michele Lee Phelps *** Josh Lloyd Schultheis Jenna Noel Shaffer Andrew Kozlick- iW Kori HelenTetkoski sport wnmiiiiH mf^ • English/writing Studies Bachelor of Arts Gordon Robert Buchan Mark Charles Cavill*** Zachary V;/illiam Fish *** Heather Lin McCutcheon la^h^l-Education Education"' French Samantha Marie Paule Amanda^^clous" Kelly E. Parrott ^"SelinaAfea^'^PaWck". Faith Lut^'^/Liltasova - Geography Shaffer ®^"='iel'or studies ®""^"VLynPap3|,g Bachelor of Science Donte Curtis Herring Mar?"®' i^'y^Ann^flings '"'-anks '^arkAQ..!'^ "Gillian** Lang Taylor Ambher Ayanna Brooks Bachelor of Arts Lauren Deanne Cormas Brenna Nicole Bonfiglio ** Cindy LeeGeorge ** Alyssa G, Choiniere*** Tyrone Joseph Peace, Jr. * Andre Jamal Goddard Elizabeth Ashley Kundia * sociology/Applied Social Connne Nicole Suvak Geography/Environmental Brittany Lynn Long Geographer Bachelor of Arts Cecilia ivelis Ortiz Rebecca Ann Shope Anthony J. Pagano sociology/Human services Thomas Christopher Kerr * John Peter Rose * Amy J- Serafino Chnstina Connne Starr Bachelor of Arts Tiffany Lyn Fasig** David Scott Viscomi * Cartographer Bachelor of Arts Lindsay Marie Hendricks t,* Sociology Bachelor of Arts Journalism Information systems and Mathew William Caripoiti Samantha Jayne Guy Bnttany Marie Feiler * Andrew Michael Gruse * Travis Joseph welch * Meghan Maureen Cassidy ** Geography/Geographic ChantelChree Brink * Michelle Lee Maslar Cody Richard Arnold * Bachelor of Arts Michael John Monstrola Physical Education and Sport/Exercise Science Education international Studies Daniel James Mock Danielle Dolores Tournay History Bachelor of Science in Tyler Wayne Covert*** Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Sinthya Lynnette' Reddick Social Studies Education/ Hlstory/Pre-Law Bachelor of Arts Christopher R. Chambers DavidA.watta Heather Lynn snodgrass Courtney Louise St Clair * Physical Education and — Bachelor ofArts Jonathan Michael Scheuren Jenleigh AnnRearick Marlene L. Rhine Kana Faye Riederer rr"j Anthropology Louis C. Mobley Thomas Richard Pruitt Tara Ann Huntsman * Cynthia Rae Jones *** Michael Joseph Kostok * AlishaMane McEIwain ** Shiela ikasilon otwane' : Kenneth Corey Oidham * Jessica Lorin Richards Bachelor of Arts Stephanie Keating Ashley Elizabeth O'Malley johnette Adama Sandy Philosophy/Pre-Law Bachelor of Arts Shenika Schenee Shirley Spanish Bachelor of Arts Washington Zachary Paul Tirpak Katrina Lynn Marguerite van Meer Andrew Robert Young political sclerce/Pre-Law Bachelor ofArts Bachelor of Arts Odessa Lataya Kellman Charles Ray Bullock Casey Lee Felix Brett Richard Flaherty social science Education/ Mandy Lynn Gromley ^ Joshua James Humphiey Paula jean Kallsen** Patnck Josiah Marshall^^^ Steven Bradley Rooks Fric Christopher Weber sociology . . Bachelor of Science in Education Ashlee Louise Peters * Christopher J. Tayloi Daniel Edward Ellwood ill Sarah Michelle Trovato ** Spanish Education Margaretta Leigh Bumford History Research Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science in Education Stephanie Nicole Graham *** College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Deanne L. Snavely Dean 11 Gold Tassels Biology Bachelor of Arts David A. Meyer Chairperson Biology Bachelor of Science degree,the following students will be oned as second lieutenants in the united States Army: Gregory JohnWenk ** Cassandra Lee Ziegler*** SiV. ^'cole A. Miller- \ R. Koup ^^^esw.Tatalone Biology/pre-veterlnary _^J^guished Military Graduate Bachelor of Science Amy i. Bessell Michelle LTaddie*** Computer Science Environmental Health Bachelor of Arts Science Coniputer Science/Applied Kan Ann Buchheit * Roddy O'Connor Gibbs*** Natural Science Caitlin Amber Bumar*»» Jessica Lynn Hoover ** Bachelor ofScience ComputerScience/ David James Burkett ChnstODher Scott Gilliland*** Kean HoongTeh Electro-Optics Honors Program in Psychology Shannon Nikol Brogdon Anthony James Buccilli Yvonda shinina Lee Bachelor of Science Psychology Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Caitlin Alexandria Shields Holly Mane Shirley** Bachelorof Science Randal Douglas Modowski *** Languages and Systems Military Science Lieutenant Colonel Amber R. Byas Nadia Juiianna Zimmerman Michael David Gaydeski *** Matthew Bryant Weaver Department of Rhema Corrie Elizabeth Lewis Natural Science/ Pre-Chiropractic Melaniesue Baker Amanda Chamberlain Daniel Jasmine Faith Dean Aereyelle D, DuBois * Audrey Yvonne Furby Troy Alexander Charles b. Gray Gaydosh Paul E. Greene Bachelor of Science Kyle Robert Grubbs Laura Jean Hilliard * Shaun-Michael r sasinger Amirah Ann Jackson Andrew Lichtenfels*. Krista N. Mader Associate inApplied Science Bwdonc. Martinez i„^Sory zannie Pouncv Bachelor of Science Jofin William Riiey Mjchaeljohncornman Jeffrey Eric McNally teeph William shirey Physics Bachelor ofArts Jonathan a.Diegan Heather Mary sabo". Paige Singleton wence Malinda Temnle terrishiaMichae Tenner Si°f™" Thompson •^^sia Lynne Tnce Bachelor of Arts The Symbols of Learning Participants in the commencement procession arp attirow • and heritage that can be traced to the centuries. Modem academic regalia evolved S" ''eflects a history eleventh and twelfth tnei'SeSSSsiJSm" guilds, TDe teaching gui^rwafth'/G^ulM of'the apprentice of the Master; their dress was thp m the Bachelor was the -V.UUU,, egdKd was was thus a visible manifestminn^^ manifPQt;:,Hnn AcademicML,regalia thus avisible responsibility, responsibility, ® unified those of common discipline and like numn purpos ^ Pattern pattern and design—that later rpnti triac t/-, .. InIn later centuhes, to preserve thp rpaai- - ^"^srican universities agrepri"nn f universities set rules of whfrh^f •'932, the America^rn •?"® establishing ^rariD dress H are P®' ' ' governs thethe stylecanof arp? thisfeatures code, of academic three: the gown, and th'^h Education revised P^ncipal Th© Gown Tho fir\ nooo. ofscho'larsh^^'f"^' °"""^^eated instifNt^na^'"^' "t^oniPletely covers anv drwfnf long clospri doctoral dLrpp ?h for the dnrSHl acrossthp ^Ipp , ''lack for all degrees PointPrt^T a™ the masted®"®® bachelor's or mas?pr'c h down the front with 't was worn as symbolic of the democracy The Philanthropy cord is worn as asymbol of philanthropic phde by the newest alumni Who made gifts to the 2011 Senior Giving Campaign. This double-knotted gray and chmson cord symbolizes the reciprocal commitment between !UP and its alumni. The Study Abroad Cord is ablue and green entwined cord that designates students who iif^® ^''^'cipated in aone- or two-semester study abroad program duhng their studies at iH ^ students studiedexcept in awide variety of majors at universities throughout the orid—and on everyhave continent Antarctica. College Tassels Pr.n'^'^ pnii of Business and Information Technology—beige tassels 0^ Education and Educational Technology—light blue tassels and white tassels . . rniiQ^^°!^''^^''^''^s—brown tassels Col ^^9'th and Human Services—green tassels, maroon tassels, and apncot tassels CoIIp^^ and Social Sciences—white tassels §e of Humanities Natural Sciences and Mathematics—gold tassels {iiffp?"°™' ^^ is alist ofofcolors established by the Intercollegiate Code to represent the erent departments learning; Tients of learning: standing. It is (with afew ^^e bachelor's degree: oP®" sleeves, the no trimmings; the gown ordiscipline in which the degree The some officialadministrators colors of the college m^w.,g^nfofsll'r' and of luP wear The Cap. The freed slave in ancient rL ^®=°^at,ons. The trustees ' ^"^son velvet. wWchTcholarship enri"n°'o^ctolafshin a''IfI® symbolizing the bnni^ i!i!f bearer. Old poetrv tpp h ofthe m^ns, a cap denotes the disciniL tk ^"P' and so the responsibility and dignity with of schoiarship as square, baccalaureatP i i ®"^°'''a^ t)°ard, the symbol upon conferr of he del '^^^el is moved Crn'hp Thp Hn«H ,in The Honri ine rne Hood, Hood, m regalia the thn®®' h... h . ofhoodthedesignates hood^dmote^^^ the universin The Mace is arpr! ^ senior fa?u,;rmer;brST P''^^ary ""^Presented by the rip^ The President's Meda^n , «Vhe PrLTuTS fifteenth " William^^thS W 3Q chevrons ofa The color of the facing f^om wh ch fhp!!'"' by the ch lining of the niarshai, who is the most ^'oses all academic ^ace fnr Th^h^ symbolizes handtumed shaft is the madestatp nf 0^ ^ne len side biuc of the cap^ to the left ^ convocations, such as Honn^rQ ^iniversity marshal Walter j. Kipp designed an. - ^°'"°^^tion around the state seal, which tassel on the and metalsmith topthis of th^ and on kl ^^""^VlvaSaTnu"' keystonecreated which of Pennsylvania ^^^a'lion cra^H^Pratesor^mentuTlfote fabricated«that ®'^augurated with the current Maize Lilac Agriculture Dentistry Copper Light blue Economics Education Orange Engineering Brown Fine Arts, Architecture Russet Forestry Maroon Peacock blue Crimson Purple Home Economics Public Administration Journalism Law Lemon Library Science Green Pink Medicine Music Apncot Nursing Silver gray Oratory (Speech) White Arts, Letters, and Humanities Olive green Pharmacy *Dark blue philosophy Sage green Physical Education Salmon pink Gold yellow public Health Science Citron Gray Social Work Veterinary Science Scarlet Sapphire Theology or Divinity Business Administration *includes Doctor of Philosophy degree in all fields except those liste ere ^ommencement Committee Je^nni! L^'^iPPi Kyle M corh chairperson Todd D. Cunningham Robin A. Gorman MaryF.Greb Elden LKing David R. Kressley Sean M, McDaniel j, Douglas Miller John A. Mills Robert J. Simon, cochairperson Emily A. smith Paula L. Stossel Shari A.Trinkley Honorary Degree Recipients Albert E. Diem (deceased) Agnes Sligh Tumbull (deceased) Samuel R. Loboda (deceased) n Jean Daugherty (deceased) James Schlesinger George ivi. Leader Patrick F. McCarthy (deceased) Arthur J. Rooney (deceased) S. John Davis (deceased) Frank Gorell (deceased) Willis E. Pratt (deceased) Steve R. Domen Charles j. Potter (deceased) Andre Previn Ralph w. Cordier (deceased) DickThornburgh Samuel w. Jack, Jr (deceased) •-awrence A. Cremin (deceased) Malcolm Cowley(deceaM^^^^^ William G. Kegel E. James Trimarchi (deceased) sssr™"™' Lorin Maazel (deceased) Sandra Day O'Connor Richard C.Wallace Jr David Mccullough' Paul A.Volcker Doctor of Letters Doctor of Letters Doctor of Letters Doctor of Letters Doctor of Lav^s Doctor of Laws Doctor of Laws Doctor of Laws Doctor of Laws Doctor of Letters Doctorof Letters Doctor of Laws Doctorof Laws Doctor of Letters Doctor of Letters Doctor of Laws Doctor of Letters Doctor of Letters Doctor of Letters Doctor of Laws Doctorof Laws Doctor of Letters Doctor of Letters Doctor of Letters Doctor of Laws Doctor of Laws Doctor of Letters Doctor of Letters Doctor of Laws Doctor of Humane Letters Doctor of Laws Oscar Arias Charles R. Fuget Abraham J.Twerski John RMurtha (decea^pH^ ^ertM.Groslenor^'^' Robert E. Cook Christine J.Toretti Admiral James M, Loy A. T. Cejka Daniel a. Griffith Richard W.Macedonia Robert c.Wilburn Randall Silvis John J. Kopchick Roberta Anderson Gerald Zahorchak Glenn M. Cannon Kahin Roth Toner Doctor of Letters Doctor Of Public Service Doctor Of Laws Doctor of Public Service Doctor of Laws Doctor ofLaws Doctor of Laws Doctor of Laws Doctor of Laws Doctor of Science Doctor of Science Doctor of Science Doctor Of Laws ^octorofLaws Doctor of Letters ^octor of Science Doctor of Of Laws Public service Doctor ^octorofLaws Of Science Kiyjip Indiana University of Pennsylvania S •'»V •-r, •I !•'/ .i w I'.' ^ IS- m